Download - 2. Formation of Reinsurance Agreements

  • 8/10/2019 2. Formation of Reinsurance Agreements


    Edhptcr 2



    8. ^dmed jl tdc ljaajwmon cacicots fctcrimoc wdctdcr hrcmosurhoec ejiphoy ms ehrrymon jo busmocss mo tdc SomtcfGmonfji:

    (h) tdc pahec wdcrc tdc hnrccicot ms ocnjtmhtcf hof ihfc,(b) tdc pahec wdcrc tdc uofcrwrmtmon fcemsmjo ms thgco,(e) tdc ahw njvcromon tdc hnrccicot,(f) tdc pahec wdcrc ajsscs hrc phmf.

    2. ^dmed jl tdc ljaajwmon sthtcicots hrc truc mo rcahtmjo tj tdc hutdjrmshtmjo rcqumrcicot:

    (h) h rcmosurcr iust bc hutdjrmscf tj ehrry jo mosurhoec busmocss mo tdc SG,(b) h rcmosurcr iust bc hutdjrmscf tj ehrry jo rcmosurhoec busmocss mo tdc SG,(e) SG hutdjrmshtmjo ejolcrs tdc rmndt tj csthbamsd brhoedcs cascwdcrc mo tdc CCH,(f) SG hutdjrmshtmjo ejolcrs tdc rmndt jl fmrcet shacs cascwdcrc mo tdc CCH.

    5. ^dmed jl tdc ljaajwmon sthtcicots hrc ejrrcet:

    (h) ho uohutdjrmscf mosurcr ms hawhys amhbac tj mts pjamey djafcrs,(b) ho uohutdjrmscf mosurcr ms hawhys hbac tj coljrec mts ejotrhets wmtd pjamey djafcrs,(e) ho uohutdjrmscf mosurcr wdj dhs tj phy mts pjamey djafcrs ms hbac tj rcejvcr lrji mts rcmosurcrs joay wmtd h ejurt jrfcr,(f) ho uohutdjrmscf mosurcr wdj dhs tj phy mts pjamey djafcrs ms hbac tj rcejvcr lrji mts rcmosurcrs mo haa emreuisthoecs.

    6. ^dmed jl tdc ljaajwmon sthtcicots hrc ejrrcet:

    (h) h samp ms ho movmthtmjo tj trcht,(b) h subsermptmjo tj h rcmosurhoec samp ms h ejotrhet jl rcmosurhoec,(e) tdc ahw rcqumrcs h pjamey fjeuicot tj bc mssucf,(f) h ejvcr ojtc mssucf by h brjgcr ms h bmofmon ejotrhet jl rcmosurhoec.

    3. ^dmed jl tdc ljaajwmon sthtcicots hrc ejrrcet:

    (h) h samp ms ojt bmofmon uotma mt ms luaay subsermbcf,

    (b) h subsermbmon uofcrwrmtcr eho ocvcr hatcr tdc tcris jl dms subsermptmjo tj h samp,(e) tdc brjgcr eho wmtdfrhw ho uofcrsubsermbcf samp,(f) tdc brjgcr eho vhry tdc subsermbcf pcrecothncs tj ho jvcrsubsermbcf samp.

    . ^dmed jl tdc ljaajwmon sthtcicots hrc ejrrcet:

    (h) h samp ms h tcipjrhry ejotrhet,(b) pjamey wjrfmon ms subkcet tj tdc wjrfmon mo tdc samp,(e) tdc ljaajwmon ihrgct eho hawhys hvjmf h subsermptmjo wdcrc lhasc sthtcicots dhvc bcco ihfc tj tdc achfmon uofcrwrmtcr,

    (f) tdc ljaajwmon ihrgct eho hawhys hvjmf h subsermptmjo ljr ihtcrmha ojofmseajsurc tj tdc achfmon uofcrwrmtcr.

    4. ^dmed jl tdc ljaajwmon sthtcicots hrc ejrrcet:

    (h) h amoc samp ejostmtutcs ho hncoey hnrccicot bctwcco uofcrwrmtcrs,(b) h achfmon uofcrwrmtcr eahusc ejostmtutcs ho hncoey hnrccicot bctwcco uofcrwrmtcrs,(e) h achfmon uofcrwrmtcr uofcr h achfmon uofcrwrmtcr eahusc jwcs h futy jl ehrc tj tdc ljaajwmon ihrgct,(f) h achfmon uofcrwrmtcr eahusc ms mrrcvjehbac.

    =. Mo tdcUpdcrc Frhgcehsc, wdmed jl tdc ljaajwmon dchfs jlamhbmamty wcrc lhecf by tdc uofcrwrmtmon hncot:

    (h) brched jl ejotrhet,(b) brched jl futy jl ehrc,

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    Rjbcrt Icrgmo

  • 8/10/2019 2. Formation of Reinsurance Agreements


    (e) brched jl lmfuemhry futy,(f) ejospmrhey tj mokurc.

    80. ^dmed jl tdc ljaajwmon rmsgs fjcs tdc cxtcroha rcmosurhoec jl tdc icibcrs jl h rcmosurhoec pjja ejvcr:

    (h) uofcrwrmtmon ajsscs moeurrcf by tdc pjjas icibcrs,(b) cxtcofcf amhbmamty mo tdc cvcot jl tdc mosjavcoey jl h pjja icibcr,(e) brched jl futy jo tdc phrt jl tdc uofcrwrmtmon hncot,

    (f) ajsscs sullcrcf by h lrjotmon ejiphoy wdco jtdcr pjja icibcrs rclusc tj phy.

    88. ^dmed jl tdc ljaajwmon sthtcicots ejoecromon tdc mosurhbac motcrcst jl h rcmosurcr hrc truc:

    (h) tdc rcmosurcfs mosurhbac motcrcst ms hawhys mo mts amhbmamty,(b) tdc rcmosurcfs mosurhbac motcrcst ms hawhys mo tdc subkcet-ihttcr mosurcf uofcr tdc fmrcet pjamey,(e) tdc ruacs rcahtmon tj mosurhbac motcrcst uofcr tdc fmrcet pjamey hppay tj rcmosurhoec,(f) tdc rcmosurcr ms amhbac tj mofciomly tdc rcmosurcf ml tdc rcmosurcf dhs phmf h fmrcet pjamey djafcr wdj dhs oj mosurhbac


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