Download - (2) Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Informazione, Università di Bologna (!) Semantic Technology Laboratory ISTC-CNR Fine-tuning triplication with Semion Andrea.

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  • (2) Dipartimento di Scienze dellInformazione, Universit di Bologna (!) Semantic Technology Laboratory ISTC-CNR Fine-tuning triplication with Semion Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese (1) [email protected] Aldo Gangemi (1) [email protected] Valentina Presutti (1) [email protected] Paolo Ciancarini (1,2) [email protected] Lisbon, October 15 2010
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  • Outline Motivations The transformation method The tool Conclusion and future work
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  • The Web of Data is fed by triplifiers, tools able to transform content to Linked Data The Web of Data is fed by triplifiers, tools able to transform content to Linked Data Triplifiers implement various methods typically based on bulk recipes which allow for no or limited customization of the process Triplifiers implement various methods typically based on bulk recipes which allow for no or limited customization of the process Lack of good practices for knowledge representation and organization Lack of good practices for knowledge representation and organization The transformation relies on predetermined implicit assumptions on the domain semantics of the non-RDF data source The transformation relies on predetermined implicit assumptions on the domain semantics of the non-RDF data source Motivations
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  • each table is a rdfs:Class each table record is an owl:Individual each table column is a rdf:Property A common recipe
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  • limited customization of the transformation process (e.g. a user cannot map a table to a property) difficulty in adopting good practices of knowledge reengineering and ontology design (e.g. ontology design patterns each table column to a rdf:Property limited exploitation of OWL expressivity for describing the domain Implications
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  • Some comparisons
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  • A meta-model for RDBs
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  • and for XML
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  • Example of transformation: DB Reengineering Refactoring to LMM
  • Slide 11 Daily Maximum Tempera"> Daily Maximum Temperature 38 Daily Minimum Temperature 12 Hourly Probability of Precipitation 27 Weather Type, Coverage, and Intensity Example XML"> Daily Maximum Tempera" title=" Daily Maximum Tempera">
  • Daily Maximum Temperature 38 Daily Minimum Temperature 12 Hourly Probability of Precipitation 27 Weather Type, Coverage, and Intensity Example XML
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  • Semion refactoring The refactoring allows to align a data set expressed with a specific vocabulary/ontology to another vocabulary/ontology is expressed as a set of rules expressed in SWRL rules realize recipes that can be saved (refactoring patterns)
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  • The Linguistic Meta-Model (LMM) LMM plays the role of a mediator ontology LMM allows a semiotic cognitive representation of knowledge based on the so-called semiotic triangle LMM allows a semiotic cognitive representation of knowledge based on the so-called semiotic triangle most knowledge representation schemata can be aligned to the semiotic triangle most knowledge representation schemata can be aligned to the semiotic triangle
  • Slide 14
  • The reengineering perspective
  • Slide 15
  • The refactoring perspective
  • Slide 16
  • Conclusion and future work