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Autores: Lebrero, M. P. (Coord.)

Quicios, M. P.

Moreno, A.

López, A.M.


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Con el presente trabajo se trata de aportar al ámbito de la educación social, en sus

diversos ámbitos, una información actualizada de los mismos, al mismo tiempo de

actualizar los materiales utilizados en la materia “Pedagogía de la Socialización”1

Para ello se han utilizado los descriptores “Socialización” y “Educación” en las bases de

datos españolas y “Socialization” and “Education” en las bases de datos

internacionales. La búsqueda se realizó en el campo TI (título) y, como se puede

apreciar, los descriptores se unieron con el operador booleano Y (en español) y AND

(en inglés). En total han sido 16 bases clasificadas como:

- Temáticas (ERA, ERIC, IBSS, PsycINFO, ProQuest Sociology, Social Services

Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts, Social Work Abstracts y REDINED).

- Multidisciplinares (Academic Search Premier, Dialnet, E-Journals ProQuest

Dissertations & Theses Database, ProQuest Research Library y Web of Science);

- Catálogos colectivos (REBIUN).

A continuación se confeccionó una BD en RefWorks para analizar mejor cada registro

individual, se procedió a la combinación de los resultados de búsqueda y se analizó la

información obtenida. En consecuencia, las etapas seguidas fueron las siguientes:

1ª Búsqueda sistemática

2ª Comprobación manual de los datos

3ª Análisis de los datos.

Los términos de la búsqueda se llevó a cabo durante los cursos 2011-2012, extrayendo

las referencias de la etapa entre enero de 2010 a junio de 2012. No obstante, dado

que superaban los nueve mil registros, hemos procedido a una simplificación en cinco

veces sucesivas, tanto en los títulos como en los abstracts –algunos excesivamente

amplios para este trabajo-.

A continuación presentamos la selección de REFERENCIAS CON ABSTRACTS reducidos

de cada uno de los temas y correspondientes a la etapa señalada. A continuación del

título del tema, se indica, entre paréntesis, el número de referencias encontradas; así,

en el tema 1 se encontraron 607 referencias en una primera búsqueda; 973 en el tema

2; 405 en el tema 3; 341 en el tema 4; 818 en el tema 5; 1.134 en el tema 6; 316 en el

tema 7; 166 en el tema 8; 2.132 en el tema 9 y, finalmente, 826 en el tema 10.

1 Lebrero y Quicios, 2011

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Para proceder a este trabajo se crearon carpetas para alojar cada uno de los diez

temas abordados. Son las siguientes:

1. Socialización y Educación (607) 2. Proceso de socialización (973) 3. La Institución escolar, contexto de socialización (405) 4. Otros agentes de socialización: los MCM (341) 5. La comunicación en el grupo social (818) 6. El grupo como factor socializador (1.134) 7. Técnicas grupales de socialización (316) 8. Medida de “lo social” (166) 9. La educación social para la convivencia y no violencia (2.132) 10. La socialización en la educación no formal e informal (826)

Del total encontrado, presentamos, a continuación la selección de referencias de cada

uno de ellos.

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1.1 TEMA 1: Socialización y Educación (607)

Abe, K. (2011). Analytical viewpoints for interaction in early child education: Toward the reconstruction of socialization. Kyoiku-Shakaigaku Kenkyu/The Journal of Educational Sociology, (88), 103-118.

Abstract: This paper attempts to investigate analytical viewpoints and frameworks for interaction in early child education. Early child education is situated between the stages of early socialization in a family and school education, and is linked with both stages.

Abraham, M. & Purkayastha, B. (2012). Making a difference: Linking research and action in practice, pedagogy, and policy for social justice: Introduction. Current Sociology, 60(2), 123-141. doi:10.1177/0011392111429215

Abstract: The origins and chronology of linking research and action are complex and cannot be attributed to any single discipline or any part of the world. People within and outside academe have linked research and action.

Agüero Contreras, F. (2011). Socio-cultural perspective, environmental education and socialization in the field: Innovating the curriculum. Espacio Abierto, 20(1), 25-49.

Abstract: This paper argues the validity of the socio-cultural perspective for analyzing transformations in the Cuban countryside. // ABSTRACT IN SPANISH: Argumenta la validez de la perspectiva sociocultural para analizar las transformaciones ocurridas en el campo cubano.

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Allan, J. (2010). The sociology of disability and the struggle for inclusive education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 31(5), 603-619. doi:10.1080/01425692.2010.500093

Abstract: This article charts the emergence of the sociology of disability and examines the areas of contestation. These have involved a series of erasures and absences - the removal of the body from debates on the social model of disability (…)

Alzate García, A. (2010). La enseñanza del "buen sufragio" y el aprendizaje de la política moderna: Pedagogía societaria en el régimen radical colombiano (1863-1878). Historia Crítica, (42), 182-203.

Abstract: El presente artículo explora la función pedagógica de un conjunto de sociabilidades modernas surgidas en los Estados Unidos de Colombia entre las décadas de 1860 y 1870. // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This article explores the pedagogic function of a group of modern social practices that arose in the United States of Colombia during the 1860s and 1870s.

Antikainen, A. (2010). Remarks on the sociology of education and adult education. International Sociological Association.

Abstract: While the sociology of education is a rather well-developed field, there are much fewer sociological studies on adult education and learning. In my paper, I make an attempt to describe the world map of the sociology of education & adult education.

Antolín De la Fuente, Á., Martín Pérez, G. & Barba Martín, J. J. (2012). El aprendizaje cooperativo para la mejora de la socialización y la educación a través del conflicto. La Peonza: Revista De Educación Física Para La Paz (7), 3-11.

Abstract: En el siglo XXI es necesario que la educación responda a las demandas de la sociedad, más aún cuando - cada vez más las relaciones se basan en el diálogo y no en la imposición.

Arnot, M., Brown, P., Coffey, A., David, M., Davies, L., James, D. Vincent, C. (2010). The sociology of disability and education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 31(5), 529-535. doi:10.1080/01425692.2010.500086

Assudani, R. H., Chinta, R., Manolis, C. & Burns, D. J. (2011). The effect of pedagogy on students' perceptions of the importance of ethics and social responsibility in business firms. Ethics & Behavior, 21(2), 103-117. doi:10.1080/10508422.2011.551467

Abstract: Ethics is increasingly viewed to be an important component of business education. However, assessment of the ethics component of business education has not received the same degree of examination as has assessment of the functional areas.

Austin, A. E. (2010). Sentipensante (Sensing/Thinking) pedagogy: Educating for wholeness, social justice, and liberation. Review of Higher Education, 33(2), 285-286.

Bakker, J. I. (. (2011). Mathematical sociological social psychology: Social influence network theory and the combining of small group network social structures with social psychological cognitive mechanisms. PsycCRITIQUES, 56(47). doi:10.1037/a0025662

Abstract: Reviews the book, "Social influence network theory: A sociological examination of small group dynamics" by Noah E. Friedkin and Eugene C. Johnsen (see record 2011-10984-000). This significant contribution to the study of small group dynamics, written by a sociologist and a mathematician, is divided into three sections.

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Bandalovic, G. (2010). Education in the context of transition: Contributions of the sociology of education. Revija Za Sociologiju, 40(2), 227-231.

Banerjee, M., Harrell, Z. A. & Johnson, D. J. (2011). Racial/Ethnic socialization and parental involvement in education as predictors of cognitive ability and achievement in African American children. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40(5), 595-605. doi:10.1007/s10964-010-9559-9

Abstract: Racial/ethnic socialization has not been studied in the context of other parenting behaviors such as parental involvement in education and its relationship to children's cognitive outcomes.

Bauer, U. (2011). Growing up in heterogeneous contexts of socialization. On the importance of a gender-equitable intercultural pedagogy. Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie Der Erziehung Und Socialisation/Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization, 31(2), 201-204.

Bekkers, R. & Wiepking, P. (2011). Who gives? A literature review of predictors of charitable giving part one: Religion, education, age and socialisation. Voluntary Sector Review, 2(3), 337-366. doi:10.1332/204080511X6087712

Abstract: This is the first of two papers in which we present a comprehensive review of the multidisciplinary academic literature on philanthropy, identifying the predictors of charitable giving by individuals and households.

Berne, A. L. & Trias, P. H. (2010). Social pedagogy: Between (alternative) criminal enforcement and therapeutic vision. Revista De Asistenta Sociala, 3, 157-170.

Abstract: The article describes the work in what is called "open environment" and the executions of alternative measures in Catalunya introducing the different programs in which these measures are structured.

Betito, J. H. (2012). Improving the well-being of Filipino homebound adults through religious involvement, education, and socialization: A grant proposal (M.S.W., California State University, Long Beach) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1011321642)

Abstract: Researchers have found that more religious support is related to the life satisfaction of older adults. Religion is even more significant in the lives of the current cohort of older adults than in the general population.

Bobish, G. (2011). Participation and pedagogy: Connecting the social web to ACRL learning outcomes. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 37(1), 54-63. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2010.10.007

Abstract: This article examines the connection between ACRL information literacy standards and constructivist pedagogy. This connection is used to support use of Web 2.0 tools for information literacy instruction.

Boden, D., a Daniel Boden, Borrego, M., a Maura Borrego, Newswander, L. K. & a Lynita KNewswander. (2011). Student socialization in interdisciplinary doctoral education. Higher Education, 62(6), 741-755. doi:10.1007/s10734-011-9415-1

Abstract: Interdisciplinary approaches are often seen as necessary for attacking the most critical challenges facing the world today, and doctoral students and their training programs are recognized as central to increasing interdisciplinary research capacity.

Braga, P. D. (2010).The ministers of national education (1936-1974). Sociology of a task. Revista Lusofona De Educacao, (16), 23.

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Abstract: Between 1936 and 1974, a timeframe corresponding to the largest part of the Estado Novo (New State), issues regarding education were under the rule of the ministry of National Education, which replaced the Ministry of Instruction in 1936.

Brosziewski, A. (2010). Cultural capital, bildung, and the self-description of the education system - theory of society's impulses for a self-critical sociology of education. Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie Der Erziehung Und Socialisation/Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization, 30(4), 360-374.

Abstract: In this contribution I assert that the sociology of education may improve its profile within the realm of educational research by considering Niklas Luhmann's theory of society.

Buzov, I. (2010). Education in the context of transition - contributions to the sociology of education. Sociologija i Prostor, 48(188), 505-510.

Caliman, G. (2011). Pedagogia social no Brasil: Evoluçao e perspectivas. Orientamenti Pedagogici: Rivista Internazionale Di Scienze Dell'Educazione, 58(345), 485-504.

Cammarota, J. (2011). From hopelessness to hope: Social justice pedagogy in urban education and youth development. Urban Education, 46(4), 828-844. doi:10.1177/0042085911399931

Abstract: This article reviews the social justice youth development (SJYD) model conceptualized to facilitate and enhance urban youth awareness of their personal potential, community responsibility, and broader humanity.

Caparrós i Gironés, P. (2010). El manual internacional routledge de sociología de la educación: The routledge international handbook of the sociology of education. NY: Ed. routledge, 2010, 439 pp. Revista De La Asociación De Sociología De La Educación (RASE), 3(2), 284-287.

Carrillo, I. (2010). [Collage] el llenguatge del documental: Una experiència formativa en pedagogia social. Papers d'Educació, (11).

Chamberlin, J. L. (2010). The cultural reproduction of architecture: Examining the roles of cultural capital and organizational habitus in the socialization of architectural education (Ph.D., University of Michigan). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (849294951)

Abstract: Compared to other professions in recent years, architecture has lagged woefully behind in attracting and retaining a diverse population, as typically defined by class, race and gender.

Chang, S., Anagnostopoulos, D. & Omae, H. (2011). The multidimensionality of multicultural service learning: The variable effects of social identity, context and pedagogy on pre-service teachers' learning. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27(7), 1078-1089. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2011.05.004

Abstract: Multicultural service learning (MSL) seeks to develop pre-service teachers' capacities and commitment to teach diverse student populations (…)

Cho, S. (2010). Politics of critical pedagogy and new social movements. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 42(3), 310-325. doi:10.1111/j.1469-5812.2008.00415.x

Abstract: The proponents of critical pedagogy criticize the earlier Neo-Marxist theories of education, arguing that they provide only a 'language of critique'.

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Chudy, S., Neumeister, P. & Andrysova, P. (2011). Student's possibilities on development a key competences - academic preparations of social pedagogy study program on Czech Republic. 2nd International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology 2011, 29 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.11.293

Abstract: Problem Statement: Education on academically board and development of key competences for praxis, in country of East Europe, is a serious problem on a process of designed study programs of social pedagogy (Chudy, 2009).

Clarke, S. (2010). Review of 'the routledge international handbook of the sociology of education'. Higher Education Research & Development, 29(6), 739-741. doi:10.1080/07294360.2010.514699

Abstract: Reviews the book, "The Routledge international handbook of the sociology of education" edited by Michael W. Apple et al. (2010). Notwithstanding the eclecticism of the sociology of education, the editors argue that there are seven key tasks in which critical analysis in education must engage.

Conchas, G. Q. & Vigil, J. D. (2010). Multiple marginality and urban education: Community and school socialization among low-income mexican-descent youth. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 15(1/2), 51.

Abstract: This article conceptualizes the crucial social and developmental features impacting Mexican-descent youth and adolescents in low-income communities in southern California.

Corsten, M. (2011). Karl Mannheim's sociology as political education. Kolner Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie Und Sozialpsychologie, 63(4), 676-682.

Cozarescu, M. (2010). Pedagogia sociala - un domeniu in evolutie in Romania. Revista De Asistenta Sociala (Social Work Review), 9(1), 148-157.

Abstract: This article is a general overview on the social work, its training and professionalizing in the European context and in Romania, as well as on the professionalizing process of the staff working in the social assistance services.

Cuhadar, E. & Dayton, B. (2011). The social psychology of identity and inter-group conflict: From theory to practice. International Studies Perspectives, 12(3), 273-293. doi:10.1111/j.1528-3585.2011.00433.x

Abstract: This paper reviews the seminal theories of social psychology which have guided scholarship on inter-group conflicts and describes how these theories have been used by conflict resolution practitioners (…)

Curaming, R. A. (2010). Bringing knowledge back In: Michael F. D. From social constructivism to social realism in the sociology of education. London and New York: Routledge. 237 pages. ISBN: 978-0-415-32121-1. Asian Journal of Social Science, 38(5), 823-825. doi:10.1163/156853110X522966

Davies, S. & Guppy, N. (2010). The schooled society: An introduction to the sociology of education. Second edition Oxford University Press.

Abstract: "The Schooled Society" examines how education has come to occupy a central place in society and how its function and form continue to evolve. Structured around the three core roles of modern schooling--selection, social organization (…)

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De Souza, J. & Marchi Junior, W. (2011). For a sociology of scientific production in the academic field of physical education in Brazil. Motriz-Revista De Educacao Fisica, 17(2), 349-360. doi:10.5016/1980-6574.2011v17n2p349

Abstract: In this article, we mean to show some fronts of assessment that can be opened to consider the formation and structure of the academic field of Physical Education in Brazil based on the Sociology of Science as incorporated in the work of Pierre Bourdieu.

Dei, G. J. S. (2011). Education and socialization in Ghana. Creative Education, 2(2), 96-105.

Abstract: Using West African case material this paper explores the place of local cultural/Indigenous knowledge in African schooling and education.

Delgado, M. (2011). Aprender en las calles: El espacio urbano como experiencia de socialización de los jóvenes. Cuadernos De Pedagogía; 2011, n.408, Enero; p.65-67.

Abstract: Se analiza el papel de la calle en la formación de los adolescentes. Se exponen algunas de las aportaciones de la sociología que en estos años ha estudiado en qué consiste y cómo se produce este aprendizaje en las sociedades occidentales modernas.

Díaz García, M. & García Molina, J. (2011). Enseñando pedagogía social a profanos: Propuesta metodológica para una formación profesionalizadora. In J. Lirio Castro, & E. Portal Martínez (Eds.), Educación social: Materiales y estrategias didácticas de apoyo para el título de grado (1st ed., pp. 37-46) Toledo: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de Talavera de la Reina, 2011.

Elboj Saso, C. (2011). Socialización preventiva de la violencia de género desde los centros educativos. Organización y Gestión Educativa: Revista Del Forum Europeo De Administradores De La Educación; 2011, n.3, Mayo y Junio; p.19-23.

Abstract: Se expone la importancia del papel de la educación en la lucha contra la violencia de género. Se explica la socialización preventiva de la violencia de género en los centros educativos (…)

Eriksson, L. (2011). Community development and social pedagogy: Traditions for understanding mobilization for collective self-development. Community Development Journal, 46(4), 403-420.

Abstract: In this article, I discuss the similarities and differences between the two traditions, community development and social pedagogy.

Feito Alonso, R., Fernández Enguita, M., García Gracia, M. I., García Lastra, M., Garreta Bochaca, J., Guerrero Serón, A. Feito Alonso, R. Sociología de la educación secundaría.

Abstract: Se parte de la premisa de desarrollar en el profesorado una mirada sociológica sobre los problemas educativos, de manera que pueda serles útil en su trabajo docente tanto dentro como fuera de las aulas o el centro escolar.

Feito Alonso, R., García Lastra, M. & Instituto de Formación del Profesorado, Investigación e Innovación Educativa. (2010). Sociología de la educación secundaria. Madrid; Barcelona: Ministerio de Educación, Secretaría General Técnica; Graó.

Ferguson, J., Collison, D., Power, D. & Stevenson, L. (2011). Accounting education, socialisation and the ethics of business. Business Ethics-a European Review, 20(1), 12-29. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8608.2010.01607.x

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Abstract: This study provides empirical evidence in relation to a growing body of literature concerned with the 'socialisation' effects of accounting and business education.

Ferry, M., McCaughtry, N. & Kulinna, P. H. (2011). Social and emotional pedagogy: Rhythm and junctures. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 30(1), 13-30.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine teachers' social and emotional knowledge of students and how it functioned within the wider context of their daily work lives.

Flecha, R. (2011). The dialogic sociology of education. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 21(1), 7-20. doi:10.1080/09620214.2011.543849

Abstract: Reproduction theories emphasised the idea that schools reproduce relations of oppression. Later, postmodernism has increased the language of impossibility by analysing all educational actions in terms of power relations.

Ford, J. C. (2011). Political socialization and citizenship education for queer youth (Ph.D., Emory University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (879759635)

Abstract: Although issues of political socialization, education for citizenship, and adolescent sexuality are of great importance in the current era, there has been little empirical research on the intersection of these three phenomena.

Gaia Assunçao, C. A. & Borges Guerra, R. (2012). Etnomatemática e pedagogia da alternância: Elo entre saber matemático e práticas sociais. Revista Latinoamericana De Etnomatemática, 5(1), 4-34.

Abstract: Este artigo traz para o cenário de debate, possíveis relações entre as concepções da Etnomatemática e da Educação do Campo, colocando o saber matemático e as práticas sociais como elo dessa relação, em locais diferenciados dos espaços urbanos (…) //ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This article brings to stage of debate, possible relations between the conceptions of Ethnomathematics and Education Field, putting the mathematical knowledge and social practices as a link of this relations hip in different local urban spaces (…)

Galiano Coronil, S. (2012). The school with no functions, criticism of the sociology of critical education. Revista Internacional De Sociologia, 70(2), 469-472.

Gallardo Vázquez, P. & Gallardo López, J. A. (2011). Pedagogía social. Sevilla: Wanceulen.

García Raga, L. & Sahuquillo Mateo, P. M. (2010). Fundamentos básicos de pedagogía social. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch.

García, A. Á. (2010). Pedagogía societaria en el régimen radical colombiano (1863-1878). La enseñanza del "buen sufragio" y el aprendizaje de la política moderna (Spanish). Historia Critica, (42), 182-203.

Abstract: This article explores the pedagogic function of a group of modern social practices that arose in the United States of Colombia during the 1860s and 1870s. // El presente artículo explora la función pedagógica de un conjunto de sociabilidades modernas surgidas en los Estados Unidos de Colombia entre las décadas de 1860 y 1870.

Gardner, S. K. (2010). Keeping up with the joneses: Socialization and culture in doctoral education at one striving institution. The Journal of Higher Education, 81(6), 658.

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Abstract: Institutional prestige is an inherent part of higher education in the U.S., resulting in rankings that often become the rationale for resource allocation.

Gharabaghi, K. & Groskleg, R. (2010). A social pedagogy approach to residential care: Balancing education and placement in the development of an innovative child welfare residential program in Ontario, Canada. Child Welfare, 89(2), 97-114.

Abstract: This paper chronicles the exploration and development of a residential program of the child welfare authority of Renfrew County in Ontario, Canada.

Gillies, V. (2011). Social and emotional pedagogies: Critiquing the new orthodoxy of emotion in classroom behaviour management. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 32(2), 185-202. doi:10.1080/01425692.2011.547305

Abstract: This paper examines new structured attempts to address and manage emotions in the classroom. Critical analysis focuses on the broad emotional literacy agenda operating within schools (…)

Giró Miranda, J. La escuela del siglo XXI: La educación en un tiempo de cambio social acelerado: XII conferencia de sociología de la educación: Logroño, 14 y 15 de septiembre de 2006.

Abstract: Se parte de que el siglo XXI viene marcado por los cambios políticos, sociales y económicos que repercuten en la educación. Se analiza esta situación y se aborda un modelo de escuela que se ajuste a la realidad de estos cambios.

Glawe, C. J. (2011). Handbook of the sociology of medical education. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 50(2), 195-196. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2010.11.014

Gómez Quintero, J. D., Martínez Puche, S., Sierra Sánchez, J. & Sotelo González, J. (2010). Pedagogía publicitaria para la integración social: Una experiencia de aprendizaje activo en el marco del EEES. Métodos de innovación docente aplicados a los estudios de ciencias de la comunicación (1st ed., pp. 333-347) Fragua.

González Ballesteros, T. (2011). Tribunales, sentencias judiciales y pedagogía social. Cuadernos De Periodistas: Revista De La Asociación De La Prensa De Madrid, (22), 120-126.

González, M. G., Marano, M. G., Bianco, C. & Carrera, M. C. (2011). Estado del arte de la educación jurídica a diez años del congreso nacional de sociología jurídica. Academia: Revista Sobre Enseñanza Del Derecho De Buenos Aires, 9(17), 175-218.

Gopaul, B. (2011). Distinction in doctoral education: Using bourdieu's tools to assess the socialization of doctoral students. Equity & Excellence in Education, 44(1), 10.

Abstract: This conceptual article uses the tools of Pierre Bourdieu (1977, 1986, 1990) to examine the socialization of doctoral students by suggesting that the processes of doctoral study highlight inequities among students (…)

Goza, B. K., Hunter, L., Shaw, J. M., Metevier, A. J., Raschke, L., Espinoza, E. Rothman, D. L. (2010). In Hunter L., Metevier A. (Eds.), Social science at the center for adaptive optics: Synergistic systems of program evaluation, applied research, educational assessment, and pedagogy.

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Abstract: This paper describes the interaction of four elements of social science as they have evolved in concert with the Center for Adaptive Optics Professional Development Program (CfAO PDP).

Green, A. (2010). Sociology and education: Issues in sociology of education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 31(1), 111-119.

Grunder, H. & Rosenthal, A. (2010). Sociology of education. An introduction with the help of empirical studies. Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie Der Erziehung Und Socialisation/Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization, 30(2), 211-214.

Grundmann, M., Hornei, I. & Ziegler, H. (2010). Education as capability? Outlines of a multi-perspective sociology of education. Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie Der Erziehung Und Socialisation/Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization, 30(4), 375-389.

Abstract: What is the relation between Bildung & enabling & between Bildung & human flourishing? These are central questions for our task of broadening the research agenda in the sociology of education.

Guichot-Reina, V. (2012). Una mirada crítica sobre la educación para la ciudadanía: Repensando la competencia social y ciudadana desde una pedagogía emancipadora. Revista De Ciencias De La Educación: Organo Del Instituto Calasanz De Ciencias De La Educación, (229), 63-86.

Hall, M. R. (2011). Being white, being good: White complicity, white moral responsibility and social justice pedagogy. Journal of Moral Education, 40(4), 537-539. doi:10.1080/03057240.2011.619337

Harrison, N. & Waller, R. (2010). We blame the parents! A response to 'cultural capital as an explanation of variation in participation in higher education' by John Noble and Peter Davies (British journal of sociology of education 30, no. 5). British Journal of Sociology of Education, 31(4), 471-482. doi:10.1080/01425692.2010.484922

Abstract: This paper offers a response to a recent article where the authors argue cultural capital is the only determinant of the propensity of young people to seek to enter higher education, dismissing other indicators such as social class.

Hernàndez i Dobon, F. J. (2010). La sociología de la educación de Johannes Kopp: Johannes kopp: Bildungssoziologie. Eine einführung anhand empirisch studien. Wiesbaden: VS verlag, 2009. Revista De La Asociación De Sociología De La Educación (RASE), 3(2), 292-294.

Hernández, B. R. (2010). Beyond differences: The sociology of education in Cuba. International Sociology, 25(2), 184-192. doi:10.1177/0268580909358149

Abstract: The essay presents an in-depth analysis of the institutionalization of the Sociology of Education in Cuba, ranging from a critical investigation of the discipline to its inclusion in the curriculum for teacher training in contemporary Cuba.

Hernàndez, F. J. (2010). Lecciones fundamentales de sociología de la educación. Revista De La Asociación De Sociología De La Educación (RASE), 3(1), 179-181.

HerrHigham, P. (2010). The diversity of social pedagogy in Europe, vol. VII: Studies in comparative sociao pedagogies and international social work and social policy. The British Journal of Social Work, 40(3), 1017-1018.

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Holden, G., Barker, K., Rosenberg, G., Kuppens, S. & Ferrell, L. W. (2011). The signature pedagogy of social work? An investigation of the evidence. Research on Social Work Practice, 21(3), 363-372. doi:10.1177/1049731510392061

Abstract: Objective: Many professions use some form of internship in professional education. Social work has utilized field instruction throughout much of its history.

Hroncova, J. (2010). Social pedagogy in the Slovak Republic in theory and practice - genesis and present state. New Educational Review, 22(3-4), 55-66.

Abstract: The history of social pedagogy in the Slovak Republic is much shorter compared to European social pedagogy. It started to develop only in the 1970s.

Hytten, K. (2011). Being white, being good: White complicity, white moral responsibility, and social justice pedagogy. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 45(3), 573-576. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9752.2011.00813.x

Ivanova, V. (2010). Approaching practical outputs of sociology of education. International Sociological Association.

Abstract: Practical output of sociology of education is important to determine its status inside the specter of educational studies.

Ivanova, K. (2010). Pierre Bourdieu - in arts, education and society. Reflection of Pierre Bourdieu, the sociological experience of Czech sociology. Sociologicky Casopis-Czech Sociological Review, 46(1), 168-172.

Jacob, M. (2010). Handbook of the sociology of education. Kolner Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie Und Sozialpsychologie, 62(3), 571-574.

Jensen, N. R. (2011). Jane Addams (1860-1935): Social work, social pedagogy and reform politics. European Journal of Social Work, 14(3), 441-443.

Joseph, C. (2012). Internationalizing the curriculum: Pedagogy for social justice. Current Sociology, 60(2), 239-257. doi:10.1177/0011392111429225

Abstract: This article examines the concept of internationalizing the curriculum in the context of Australian higher education. It draws on evidence from a research project driven by policy changes resulting from the diverse student demography.

Kaube, J. (2011). Sociology column education, school. Merkur-Deutsche Zeitschrift Fur Europaisches Denken, 65(11), 1054-1058.

Kayama, M. & Haight, W. (2012). Cultural sensitivity in the delivery of disability services to children: A case study of Japanese education and socialization. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(1), 266-275. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2011.10.023

Abstract: This ethnographic study examined beliefs about disability and related socialization and educational practices at a Japanese elementary school.

Kelly, M. (2010). Handbook of the sociology of medical education. Sociology of Health & Illness, 32(3), 507-508. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9566.2009.01236_5.x

Kornbeck, J. (2012). Learning to fly: Social pedagogy in a contemporary society. British Journal of Social Work, 42(2), 394-397. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcs016

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Kowtha, N. R. (2011). School-to-work transition and newcomer socialisation: The role of job-related education. Journal of Management & Organization, 17(6), 747-763.

Abstract: This study investigated the interactive effects of on-the-job training (OJT), co-worker support (CWS), and supervisor support (SS) with newcomer job-related education (JRE), on newcomer adjustment.

Kyriacou, C. (2012). Social pedagogy and working with children and young people: Where care and education meet. British Journal of Educational Studies, 60(1), 101-103. doi:10.1080/00071005.2012.660337

Kyriacou, C. & Uhlemann, A. (2011). Swiss student-teachers' views of social pedagogy. Pastoral Care in Education, 29(1), 25-33.

Abstract: In recent years a number of policy and practice initiatives concerning pastoral care in schools in England have led to schools increasingly being expected to take a leading role in addressing a widening range of concerns regarding the welfare, care and education of children (…) (Contains 1 table)

Lee, H. (2010). Impact of occupational socialization on the perspectives and practices of sport pedagogy doctoral students. (M.A., The University of Alabama) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (851871243)

Abstract: The theoretical framework of occupational socialization has been used to good effect to explain why preservice and inservice physical education (PE) teachers think and teach as they do..

Leibowitz, B., Bozalek, V., Carolissen, R., Nicholls, L., Rohleder, P. & Swartz, L. (2010). Bringing the social into pedagogy: Unsafe learning in an uncertain world. Teaching in Higher Education 15(2), 123-133. doi:10.1080/13562511003619953

Abstract: The paper describes a collaborative curriculum development project implemented over 3 years at 2 universities in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.

Llena Berne, A. & Trias, P. H. (2010). Pedagogia sociala, intre executarea penala (alternativa) siviziunea terapeutica. Revista De Asistenta Sociala (Social Work Review), 9(3), 157-170.

Abstract: The article describe the work in what is called "open environment" and the executions of alternative measures in Catalunya introducing the different programs in which these measures are structured.

López Sánchez, F. (2010). Desarrollo afectivo y social. Madrid: Pirámide.

Abstract: Desarrollo afectivo y social primer manual en castellano que estudia esta dimensión de la Psicología Evolutiva (3G (Bexpone una visión general y los últimos avances de la ciencia en el conocimiento del desarrollo afectivo y social desde una perspectiva temática y longitudinal (…)

Lopez, A. (2011). Political socialization through education as a form of state building and democratization. (M.A., The University of Texas at El Paso) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (873896337)

Abstract: The objective of this study is to observe the effect of political socialization through education as a tool for state building in three case studies. A background into the topics of political socialization and civic education is made.

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Lueders, C. (2011). Friendships, gangs and youth cultures. Peers as education and socialization entities. Zeitschrift Fur Erziehungswissenschaft, 14(4), 671-682.

Maitz, P. (2011). On explaining language shift: Sociology or social psychology of language? Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 30(2), 147-175.

Abstract: This study investigates the potentials and limits of sociolinguistic research on language shift. Starting from a position that the ultimate goal of the research must be to create a general theory of language shift of predictive power (…)

Martin Criado, E. (2010). La escuela sin funciones: Crítica de la sociología de la educación crítica. Barcelona: Edic. Bellaterra.

Martínez de Bringas, A. & Vila Merino, E. S. (2010). Ciudadanía, derechos sociales y educativos: Reflexiones para una pedagogía de los derechos humanos. Archivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas=Education Policy Analysis Archives, 18(18).

Abstract: Este artículo aborda la temática de los derechos humanos desde una triple óptica. En primer lugar, situando conceptualmente los derechos humanos en el marco de la globalización (…)// ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This article seeks to address human rights issues from a triple perspective. First, conceptually locating human rights in the context of globalization (…) // ABSTRACT EN PORTUGUÉS: Este artigo discute questões de direitos humanos a partir de uma tripla perspectiva.Em primeiro lugar, conceitualmente, colocando os direitos humanos no contexto da globalização (…)

Mathieu, G. & Williams-Jones, B. (2012). Managing conflicts of interest should begin with dialogue and education, not punitive measures comment on "toward a sociology of conflict of interest in medical research" by Sarah winch and Michael Sinnott. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 9(2), 221-222. doi:10.1007/s11673-012-9358-y

McArthur, J. (2010). Achieving social justice within and through higher education: The challenge for critical pedagogy. Teaching in Higher Education, 15(5), 493-504. doi:10.1080/13562517.2010.491906

Abstract: While the term critical pedagogy embraces a range of writers and literature, a common feature of all is a belief that education and society are intrinsically inter-related and that the fundamental purpose of education is to improve social justice.

McClellan, E. R. (2011). Socialization of undergraduate music education majors in a professional development partnership model. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, (190), 35-49.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine music teacher education training models and model attributes that create the most effective environment (…)

McGregor, S. L. T. (2011). Home economics in higher education: Pre-professional socialization. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 35(5), 560-568. doi:10.1111/j.1470-6431.2011.01025.x

Abstract: It is paramount that higher education programmes in home economics remain ever vigilant regarding how they are designed, because they socialize individuals into the profession (…)

McLoughlin, C. & Lee, M. J. W. (2010). Personalised and self regulated learning in the web 2.0 era: International exemplars of innovative pedagogy using social software. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(1), 28-43.

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Abstract: Research findings in recent years provide compelling evidence of the importance of encouraging student control over the learning process as a whole (…)

McVittie, C., McKinlay, A. & Sambaraju, R. (2011). Social psychology, religion and inter‐group relations: Hamas leaders' media talk about their vision for the future. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 21(6), 515-527. doi:10.1002/casp.1122

Abstract: This paper focuses on the relationship between Islam and the secular aspects of society which differentiate Islamic societies from other states.

Methodological problems of the present-day sociology of education: A roundtable. (2011). Russian Education and Society, 53(5), 61-74.

Abstract: An all-Russian conference on "Education and Society" was held on 22 October 2009 at the Academy of Labor and Social Relations, in the course of which roundtables were conducted with leading representatives of Russian sociological science.

Miller, P. J. & Society for Research in Child Development. (2012). How socialization happens on the ground: Narrative practices as alternate socializing pathways in taiwanesse and european-american families. Boston etc.: Wiley-Blackwell.

Mixed results from first UK pilot of social pedagogy. (2011). Community Care, (1869), 10-10.

Abstract: The article focuses on the results of a government-commissioned report from the Thomas Coram Research Unit, which indicated mixed results regarding the use of 48 social pedagogues in children's homes in Great Britain.

Molina Arboleda, F. H., Rubio, M. & Jairo Torres, J. (2011). Contextos de actuación de la educación y la pedagogía social. Plumilla Educativa, (8).

Abstract: El convenio universidad Católica Lumen Gentium de Cali y universidad Minuto de Dios-UNIMINUTO en el marco de la construcción de su modelo pedagógico en la facultad de educación (…) // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: The agreement Lumen Gentium Catholic University of Cali UNIMINUTO Minute of God in the context of the construction of their pedagogical model into the college of education (…)

Molina, F. (2010). Sociedad, familia y educación: XIV conferencia de sociología de la educación: Lleida, 17 y 18 de septiembre de 2009. Alzira: Germania.

Morrow, H. (2011). Integrating deliberative justice theory into social work policy pedagogy. Journal of Social Work Education, 47(3), 389-402. doi:10.5175/JSWE.2011.201000003

Abstract: Deliberation that upholds the social work values of justice and inclusion is an essential component of the policy-making process; yet most social welfare policy curricula focus instead on the goals of distributive justice.

Muntañola i Thornberg, J. & Muntañola, D. (2011). La sociología del espacio al encuentro de una arquitectura oculta en la educación. Revista De La Asociación De Sociología De La Educación (RASE), 4(2), 133-151.

Abstract: Este artículo pretende demostrar el lugar específico de la arquitectura y del urbanismo en la sociología de la cultura y en la sociología de la educación. Para ello, parte de treinta años de experiencias sobre la arquitectura y el urbanismo (…)

Nixon, H. L. (2010). Sport sociology, NASSS, and undergraduate education in the United States: A social network perspective for developing the field. Sociology of Sport Journal, 27(1), 76-88.

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Abstract: There has been no research about the prevalence of undergraduate sport sociology courses or about the links between NASSS and the institutions and faculty offering these courses. This article begins to fill this research gap.

Núñez, V. & Caride Gómez, J. A. (2010). La educación en tiempos de incertidumbre: Las apuestas de la pedagogía social. Barcelona: Gedisa.

Olbrecht, M. & Bornmann, L. (2010). Panel peer review of grant applications: What do we know from research in social psychology on judgment and decision-making in groups? Research Evaluation, 19(4), 293-304. doi:10.3152/095820210X12809191250762

Orr, A. J. (2011). Gendered capital: Childhood socialization and the "boy crisis" in education. Sex Roles, 65(3-4), 271-284. doi:10.1007/s11199-011-0016-3

Abstract: This study examined the effect of gender socialization on kindergarten grades using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study- Kindergarten Cohort. The sample consisted of 6,394 children (3,177 girls; 3,217 boys) from across the United States.

Ossa Martínez, Marco Antonio, de la. (2011). Sociología de la música: Relación con la educación musical. Música y Educación: Revista Internacional De Pedagogía Musical; 2011, v.XXIV, 3, n.87, Octubre; p.18-35.

Abstract: Se describe la relación existente entre música y sociedad, las funciones que ha tenido la música en las diferentes sociedades y la conexión que tiene con el consumo. Se realiza un análisis de la música en la actualidad (…)

Pascual Matesanz, R. M. (2011). Intervention in social pedagogy, areas and methodologies. Teoria De La Educacion, 23(1), 228-230.

Pedagogia social: Educaçao e trabalho na perspectiva da pedagogia social (2011). Sâo Paulo: Expressao e Arte Editora.

Pels, T. & de Ruyter, D. J. (2012). The influence of education and socialization on radicalization: An exploration of theoretical presumptions and empirical research. Child & Youth Care Forum, 41(3), 311-325. doi:10.1007/s10566-011-9155-5

Abstract: Research into radicalization does not pay much attention to education. This is remarkable and possibly misses an important influence on the process of radicalization.

Peters, S. J. (2010). The heterodoxy of student voice: Challenges to identity in the sociology of disability and education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 31(5), 591-602. doi:10.1080/01425692.2010.500092

Abstract: This article explores the contributions of students' voices in order to highlight some issues that have been central to disability studies - issues of identities, and their correlations to power, temporality, inclusivity (…)

Pfeifer Schaupp, U. (2011). Atención plena en pedagogía social: Bases, realización y resultados de un proyecto didáctico universitario. Fuentes: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias De La Educación, (11), 195-208.

Abstract: La Atención Plena gana cada vez más terreno en la medicina y la psicoterapia. Este texto se ocupa de su utilidad y de analizar si resulta posible implementar el concepto de la Atención Plena a la carrera universitaria en el ámbito de la Pedagogía Social. // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: Mindfulness is a topic of great interest and development in

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medicine and psychotherapy. The main purpose of this paper is the concept of mindfulness from the educational point of view in the field of Social Pedagogy.

Planella Rivera, J. & Martínez, Ó. (2010). Pedagogía y tecnología de la esperanza. La educación social y las nuevas formas tecnológicas de acompañamiento. Revista De Educación Social (11).

Abstract: El artículo que presentamos, fruto de un trabajo teoricopráctico, revisa las nuevas formas de exclusión en la sociedad de la información y elabora algunas hipótesis de reacción/uso/apropiación de las tecnologías por parte de los sujetos en situación de vulnerabilidad social, así como de los profesionales que trabajan con ellos.

Plouff, C. Socialization of undergraduate engineering students into work-related organizations and occupational roles through a cooperative education program. Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences (61770601; 200916356)

Abstract: This study investigated cooperative education as an organizational phenomenon using a qualitative approach. The objectives of this study were to (1)describe the experiences of students entering an organization through a cooperative education program; (2)describe the organizational processes used to introduce students into an organization and occupational roles through a work experience (…)

Potter, J. & Banaji, S. (2012). Social media and self-curatorship: Reflections on identity and pedagogy through blogging on a masters module. Comunicar, (38), 83-91. doi:10.3916/C38-2012-02-09

Abstract: The widespread uses of social media have been celebrated as a unique opportunity to redesign innovative learning environments that position students at the center of a participatory, multiliteracy and peer learning experience.

Power, D., Stevenson, L., Ferguson, J. & Collison, D. (2011). Accounting education, socialisation and the ethics of business. Business Ethics: A European Review, 20(1), 12-29. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8608.2010.01607.x

Abstract: This study provides empirical evidence in relation to a growing body of literature concerned with the 'socialisation' effects of accounting and business education.

Prosen, S. & Vitulic, H. S. (2010). Characteristics of students of primary-level teaching and social pedagogy. Socialna Pedagogika, 14(3), 327-346.

Abstract: The study tried to determine some of the characteristics of students opting for the study of primary-level teaching & social pedagogy.

Puddephatt, A. & Nelsen, R. W. (2010). The promise of a sociology degree in Canadian higher education. Canadian Review of Sociology-Revue Canadienne De Sociologie, 47(4), 405-430. doi:10.1111/j.1755-618X.2010.01245.x

Abstract: Des descriptions de programmes universitaires de cinquante-quatre departements de sociologie anglophones ont ete examinees afin de decouvrir les themes publicitaires (…)// ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: Program descriptions from 54 English-speaking sociology departments were analyzed to uncover promotional themes (…)

Quintanar Rioja, M., Blanco Laserna, L. & García Fernández, J. C. (2010). Educación de calle: Una experiencia de socialización en medio abierto. Educación y Futuro: Revista De Investigación Aplicada y Experiencias Educativas, (22), 129-148.

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Rata, E. (2010). Social realism, knowledge and the sociology of education: Coalitions of the mind. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 20(2), 171-178. doi:10.1080/09620214.2010.503060

Rata, E. (2010). A sociology "of" or a sociology "for" education? The New Zealand experience of the dilemma. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 20(2), 109-128.

Abstract: The sociology of education in New Zealand, as in other countries, is affected by the dilemma inherent to the discipline, namely: is it a sociology "of" education or a sociology "for" education? (Contains 3 notes)

Rehm, M. A. (2011). The art of citizenship: Suffrage literature as social pedagogy. (Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (888189724)

Abstract: The Art of Citizenship examines the largely forgotten literary tradition that emerged as part of the women's suffrage movement in the United States, exploring through these texts and their history the relationship between literature, pedagogy, and social change.

Richards, K. A. (2010). The role of induction assistance in the socialization of a beginning physical education teacher during curricular reform. (M.S., Purdue University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (748175729).

Abstract: Using occupational socialization theory (Lawson, 1986), this investigation sought to describe the socialization of Janet, an induction phase (Fessler & Christensen, 1992; Stroot & Ko, 2006; Zeichner & Gore, 1990) physical education teacher, into the teaching profession.

Richards, K. A. & Templin, T. J. (2011). Induction assistance and the socialization of a beginning physical education teacher. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 82(1), A51-A51.

Richards, K. A. & Templin, T. J. (2011). The influence of a state mandated induction assistance program on the socialization of a beginning physical education teacher. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 30(4), 340-357.

Abstract: Using occupational socialization theory, this investigation describes the socialization of Janet, an induction phase physical education (PE) teacher.

Rojas Hernández, B. (2010). Beyond differences: The sociology of education in Cuba. International Sociology, 25(2), 184-192. doi:10.1177/0268580909358149

Abstract: The essay presents an in-depth analysis of the institutionalization of the Sociology of Education in Cuba, ranging from a critical investigation of the discipline to its inclusión (…) // ABSTRACT IN FRENCH: L'essai présente une analyse approfondie de l'institutionnalisation de la sociologie de l'éducation a Cuba; il part d'une étude critique de la discipline et va jusqu'à son introduction (…)// ABSTRACT IN SPANISH: El texto presenta el análisis del proceso de institucionalización de la sociología de la educación en Cuba, profundizando desde una perspectiva crítica en las investigaciones más importantes asociadas a la disciplina, así como su inclusión en los planes de estudio (…)

Romero Monivas, J. (2010). The determinist image of technology in the textbooks of secondary education. A critical study from sociology of knowledge. Revista Española De Pedagogia, 68(247), 539-555.

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Abstract: Starting from an assumption within the sociology of knowledge that reality is built and reproduced socially from symbolic universes, especially language, this article tries to show what image of technology exists within the educational community (…)

Roundtable, A. (2011). Methodological problems of the present-day sociology of education. A roundtable. Russian Education and Society, 53(5), 61-74. doi:10.2753/RES1060-9393530505

Abstract: An all-Russian conference on "Education and Society" was held on 22-22 October 2009 at the Academy of Labor and Social Relations, in the course of which roundtables were conducted with leading representatives of Russian sociological science.

Ruggie, M. (2010). Handbook of the sociology of medical education. Contemporary Sociology-a Journal of Reviews, 39(5), 556-557. doi:10.1177/0094306110380384h

Sadio Ramos, S. (2011). Estamentos educativos y diferencias culturales del alumnado: Diseño de actividades para el fomento de la socialización (EEDCA). Coimbra: Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra.

Sage, K. D. & Baldwin, D. (2010). Social gating and pedagogy: Mechanisms for learning and implications for robotics. Neural Networks, 23(8-9), 1091-1098. doi:10.1016/j.neunet.2010.09.004

Abstract: It seems self-evident that human responsiveness to social input enhances learning, yet the details of the social forces at play are only beginning to come into focus.

Samuel, M. (2010). Searching for a "pedagogy of hope": Teacher education and the social sciences. Perspectives in Education, 28(1), 5-15.

Abstract: I analyse module outlines within a particular school of social sciences located in a faculty of education, and uncover the evolving systems of teaching social sciences in a teacher education curriculum.

Sánchez Lacasa, C. (2010). Incidencia del fenómeno bullying en los últimos cursos de educación primaria: Relación con el clima social familiar y los estilos de socialización parentales. Investigación en convivencia escolar: Variables relacionadas (1st ed., pp. 197-202) Grupo Editorial Universitario (GEU Editorial).

Sánchez Pérez, M. C. & Roblizo Colmenero, M. J. (2010). Metodología docente en los títulos de grado: La experiencia de sociología de la educación en el campus de Albacete. Evaluación de competencias en los nuevos grados. VI intercampus. Cuenca, 2010: Libro de actas (1st ed., pp. 162-166) Ciudad-Real: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica y Formación Permanente. Unidad de Innovación Educativa, 2010.

Abstract: En el curso 2009/2010 se implanta el Título de Grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil y en Educación Primaria en la E. U. de Magisterio de Albacete. En el nuevo Plan de Estudios, la asignatura Sociología de la Educación se imparte en el primer cuatrimestre (…)

Schippling, A. (2010). Sociology of education. Introduction to perspectives and problems. Zeitschrift Fur Erziehungswissenschaft, 13(3), 515-519.

Schlueter, S. (2011). Social pedagogy and herbartianism. Studies on historiographical context. Zeitschrift Fur Erziehungswissenschaft, 14(4), 691-700.

Sharan, Y. (2010). Cooperative learning for academic and social gains: Valued pedagogy, problematic practice. European Journal of Education, 45(2), 300-313.

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Abstract: A growing number of governments, seeking to modernise their country's education system, adapt cooperative learning (CL) as a major component of their educational policy.

Shim, S., Barber, B. L., Card, N. A., Xiao, J. J. & Serido, J. (2010). Financial socialization of first-year college students: The roles of parents, work, and education. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39(12), 1457-1470. doi:10.1007/s10964-009-9432-x

Abstract: This cross-sectional study tests a conceptual financial socialization process model, specifying four-levels that connect anticipatory socialization during adolescence to young adults' current financial learning (…)

Shockley, K. (2011). The complexity of developing properly trained education professionals for African American children: Exploring an African indigenous socialization process, 43(3), 379.

Abstract: African centered educationists view the problems that Black children are facing in schools as a part of the disenfranchisement and disorganization of the Black community at large.

Silva Sant'Ana, B. L. d. & Barros Silva Freire Andrade, D. (2010). O que mudar na educaçao?: Representaóes sociais de alunos de pedagogia analidas ao longo da formaáo inicial. Série Estudos. Periódico do Mestrado Em Educaçao Da UCDB, (29), 165-184.

Simon, A. (2012). The structure of schooling: Readings in the sociology of education. Educational Research & Evaluation, 18(3), 299-300. doi:10.1080/13803611.2011.643355

Abstract: The article reviews the book "The Structure of Schooling: Readings in the Sociology of Education," edited by Richard Arum, Irenee R. Beattie and Karly Ford.

Soler, P. (2011). Educación social: Biblioteca básica para el profesorado. Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona: Wolters Kluwer.

Spears, R. (2011). BJSP and the changing face of the group in social psychology. British Journal of Social Psychology, 50(3), 387-390. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8309.2011.02055.x

Abstract: I reflect on the contribution that BJSP has made to the conceptualization of the group within social psychology by highlighting two cases studies from the social identity tradition published in 1990.

Sriprakash, A. (2011). The contributions of Bernstein's sociology to education development research. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 32(4), 521-539.

Abstract: Global and national agendas to improve the "quality" of Education For All have brought focus to pedagogic processes in developing country contexts. (Contains 3 notes and 2 tables)

Stark, C. (2011). Learning to fly: Social pedagogy in a contemporary society. European Journal of Social Work, 14(3), 435-437.

Steckler, A., McLeroy, K. R., PhD, & Holtzman, D. (2010). Godfrey H. Hochbaum (1916-1999): From social psychology to health behavior and health education. American Journal of Public Health, 100(10), 1864.

Abstract: The HBM arose from his landmark study with the US Public Health Service in the early 1950s in which he examined factors associated with participation in tuberculosis screening programs.

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Sund, P. & Wickman, P. (2011). Socialization content in schools and education for sustainable development - I. A study of teachers' selective traditions. Environmental Education Research, 17(5), 599-624. doi:10.1080/13504622.2011.572156

Abstract: This article studies content issues by examining teachers' communicated socialization content.

Sund, P. & Wickman, P. (2011). Socialization content in schools and education for sustainable development - II. A study of students' apprehension of teachers' companion meanings in ESD. Environmental Education Research, 17(5), 625-649. doi:10.1080/13504622.2011.572157

Abstract: Subject content is always studied within an educational context. This context is constituted by the socialization content, which can be regarded as an educational content beyond the subject content.

Susi, J. D., II. (2010). Professional socialization in athletic training education and its impact on the development of excellent clinical instructors. (Ph.D., Michigan State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (815414173)

Abstract: Athletic training education program directors were asked to rank their on-campus approved clinical instructors on their ability to teach athletic training students (ATS).

Swartz, S. (2010). 'Moral ecology' and 'moral capital': Tools towards a sociology of moral education from a South African ethnography. Journal of Moral Education, 39(3), 305-327. doi:10.1080/03057240.2010.497611

Abstract: Research and pedagogy in the field of morality and moral education has long been dominated by philosophical and psychological disciplines.

Szabó, Z. P., Banga, C., Fülöp, É. & László, J. (2011). A csoportalapú érzelmek kutatása a szociálpszichológiában. Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle, 66(2), 361-380.

Abstract: Group-based emotions are experienced by individuals when they categorize themselves as group members and interpret events from the group’s perspective. In our review, we introduce two major paradigms (…)

Tajfel, H. (2010). Individuals and groups in social psychology. In T. Postmes, & N. R. Branscombe (Eds.), Rediscovering social identity. (pp. 65-73). New York, NY US: Psychology Press.

Abstract: This reprinted article originally appeared in the British Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, Vol 18(2), Jun 1979, pp. 183-190. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1980-27903-001) D. Taylor and R. Brown (see record 1980-27904-001) (…)

Talanov, S. L. (2012). The socialization of young people and the prospects of the development of higher education. Russian Education and Society, 54(2), 35-40. doi:10.2753/RES1060-9393540203

Abstract: Research on the values of Russian youth attending higher education institutions suggests that the trend toward a more individualistic and personal-success orientations is linked to increasingly antisocial and amoral attitudes.

Tedesco, J. C. (2010). Educar para la justicia social: Nuevos procesos de socialización, ciudadanía y educación en américa latina. Revista IIDH, (52), 231-2446.

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Tindale, R. S. & Posavac, E. J. (2011). The social psychology of stakeholder processes: Group processes and interpersonal relations. In M. M. Mark, S. I. Donaldson & B. Campbell (Eds.), Social psychology and evaluation. (pp. 188-209). New York, NY US: Guilford Press.

Abstract: (from the chapter) Tindale and Posavac focus on three broad areas of group research that may benefit program evaluators who work with groups of stakeholders.

Torres, V. & Zahl, S. B. (2011). On becoming a scholar: Socialization and development in doctoral education. Journal of College Student Development, 52(6), 761-763.

Vance, D. (2011). Review of 'towards a general theory of social psychology—Understanding human cruelty, human misery, and, perhaps, a remedy (a theory of the socialization process)'. Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 23(3), 272-273. doi:10.1080/15528030.2011.563227

Abstract: Reviews the book, "Towards a general theory of social psychology—Understanding human cruelty, human misery, and, perhaps, a remedy (a theory of the socialization process)" by Wendy Treynor (2009).

Vanderstraeten, R. (2010). Trivialization, socialization, and education. International Sociological Association.

Abstract: Sociologists employ the concept of socialization to analyze relationships between individual & society. This concept & that of education typically indicate that individuals have to interiorize the values, norms (…)

Vermeer, P. (2010). Religious education and socialization. Religious Education, 105(1), 103-116. doi:10.1080/00344080903472774

Abstract: This article considers Religious Education (RE) from the perspective of socialization theory. After clarifying the concept of socialization, an understanding of socialization processes (…)

Vieille-Grosjean, H. (2010). Socialisation and education practice in chad: Approach and questioning. Education Et Societes, (2), 161-175. doi:10.3917/es.026.0161

Abstract: In Africa, official education -- where in theory educational resources and educational demand and needs meet -- has since colonization always reproduced other school systems and, despite intentions and declarations (…)

Walter, G. (2011). Lectures on philosophy of history and social pedagogy (Frankfurt 1929/30). Religious Studies Review, 37(2), 121-121.

Wayne, J., Raskin, M. & Bogo, M. (2010). Field education as the signature pedagogy of social work education. Journal of Social Work Education, 46(3), 327-339. doi:10.5175/JSWE.2010.200900043

Abstract: In its EPAS, CSWE (2008) identifies field education as the signature pedagogy (Shulman, 2005b) of social work education. This article analyzes the field education-signature pedagogy fit.

Whitty, G. (2012). A life with the sociology of education. British Journal of Educational Studies, 60(1), 65-75. doi:10.1080/00071005.2011.650945

Williams, C. & Wilson, S. (2010). Pedagogies for social justice: Did Bernstein get it wrong? International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(4), 417-434. doi:10.1080/13603110802504911

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Abstract: This paper explores the often-touted incompatibility between 'intellectual rigour' and 'relevance' as this has manifested in Australian debates over Queensland's New Basics and 'productive pedagogies' (…)

Williams, J. (2012). Use and exchange value in mathematics education: Contemporary CHAT meets bourdieu's sociology. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 80(1-2), 57-72. doi:10.1007/s10649-011-9362-x

Abstract: Empirical work has shown how mathematics education exhibits certain tensions between its value as being practically useful to production and consumption on the one hand and in offering access to scarce resources on the other hand.

Wink, D. (2011). Lorenzo's oil as a vehicle for teaching chemistry content, processes of science, and sociology of science in a general education chemistry classroom. Journal of Chemical Education, 88(10), 1380-1384. doi:10.1021/ed101186n

Abstract: The film Lorenzo's Oil depicts the challenges faced by the parents of a child with adrenoleukodystrophy, a neurological disorder that, they were told, was certainly fatal.

Wiseman, A. W., Astiz, M. F., Fabrega, R. & Baker, D. P. (2011). Making citizens of the world: The political socialization of youth in formal mass education systems. Compare, 41(5), 561.

Abstract: Unique cross-national data on adolescents' civic skills, knowledge, and political attitudes are used to examine the democratic processes of modern mass schooling, effects of national political systems, and patterns of youth political socialization in 27 nations.

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1.2 TEMA 2: Proceso de socialización (973)

Abaied, J. L. (2010). Socialization of coping with peer victimization and negative emotionality: Interactive contributions to children's responses to stress and depressive symptoms. (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (875160660)

Abstract: This study examined the prospective, interactive contributions of parent socialization of coping and child negative emotionality to children's responses to peer aggression and depressive symptoms.

Abaied, J. L. & Rudolph, K. D. (2010). Contributions of maternal adult attachment to socialization of coping. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 27(5), 637-657. doi:10.1177/0265407510368966

Abstract: This research examined whether maternal adult attachment predicted coping suggestions mothers made to their children. A sample of 157 youth (M age = 12.42, SD = 1.20) and their maternal caregivers completed semi-structured interviews and questionnaires in a two-wave longitudinal study.

Abaied, J. L. & Rudolph, K. D. (2010). Mothers as a resource in times of stress: Interactive contributions of socialization of coping and stress to youth psychopathology. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 38(2), 273-89. doi:10.1007/s10802-009-9364-7

Abstract: This study examined the hypothesis that maternal socialization of coping would make a differential contribution to youth depression and externalizing psychopathology depending on youths' level of exposure to life stress.

Abney, D. M., Poor, L. L. & Reuther, K. J. (2011). Socialization of adult male cynomolgus macaques: Benefits vs. costs. American Journal of Primatology, 73, 41-41.

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Adams, V. N. (2011). Messages in the medium: The relationships among black media images, racial identity, body image, and the racial socialization of black youth. (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (878890942)

Abstract: Despite modest research relating racism and media (Tynes & Ward, 2009; Ward, 2004), how Black youth interpret negative stereotype images of Black people promulgated in the media as part of their racial identity (…)

Aikins, J. W., Simon, V. A. & Prinstein, M. J. (2010). Romantic partner selection and socialization of young adolescents' substance use and behavior problems. Journal of Adolescence, 33(6), 813-826. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2010.07.007

Abstract: This study examined romantic partner selection and socialization of substance use (cigarettes, alcohol) and behavior problems among a sample of 78 young adolescents (6th-8th graders) over eleven months.

Aldoney Ramirez, D. (2011). Socialization practices in low-income immigrants and their young children: A qualitative approach. (M.A., University of Maryland, College Park). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (881643943)

Abstract: Latinos are the largest ethnic group in the U.S., yet little is known about how these families socialize their children to function in the U.S.

Allison, P. & Von Wald, K. (2010). Exploring values and personal and social development: Learning through expeditions. Pastoral Care in Education, 28(3), 219-233.

Abstract: Travel and overseas experiences, particularly those involving some form of outdoor education, are regarded by many young people, parents, university admissions and employers as somehow beneficial to a young person's development.

Alzate García, A. (2010). La enseñanza del "buen sufragio" y el aprendizaje de la política moderna: Pedagogía societaria en el régimen radical colombiano (1863-1878). Historia Crítica (42), 182-203.

Abstract: El presente artículo explora la función pedagógica de un conjunto de sociabilidades modernas surgidas en los Estados Unidos de Colombia entre las décadas de 1860 y 1870. // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This article explores the pedagogic function of a group of modern social practices that arose in the United States of Colombia during the 1860s and 1870s.

Amores, S., Bezares, P., Perez de Eulate, J., Vivo, L., Cuomo, A., Patino, A., Acuna, S. (2010). [Television as agent of socialization. Influence of television on the construction of subjectivity in children and adolescents]. [La television como agente de socializacion. Influencia de la television en la construccion de la subjetividad en ninos y adolescentes.] Vertex (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 21(89), 5-17.

Abstract: In the human process of socialization the family (main agent in the first years) takes part together with friends, school and mass media, specially T.V., among others.

Arai, S., Ohtani, N. & Ohta, M. (2011). Importance of bringing dogs in contact with children during their socialization period for better behavior. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 73(6), 747-752. doi:10.1292/jvms.10-0445

Abstract: Much attention has been given to the role that dogs play in the social, physical, and psychological development of children. Furthermore, dogs are now playing a new important role in animal-assisted education (AAE).

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Autry, S. P. (2010). Racial socialization and racial identity construction of African American children regarding racial issues and prejudice. (Ed.D., California Lutheran University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (822780199)

Abstract: This qualitative action research study examined the coping practices of parents of African American children regarding the daily onslaught of racial discrimination and prejudice they face in rearing their children to be healthy (…)

Baker, J. K., Fenning, R. M. & Crnic, K. A. (2011). Emotion socialization by mothers and fathers: Coherence among behaviors and associations with parent attitudes and children's social competence. Social Development, 20(2), 412-430. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9507.2010.00585.x

Abstract: This study examined inter-relations among different types of parental emotion socialization behaviors in 88 mothers and 76 fathers (co-residing with participating mothers) of eight-year-old children.

Banerjee, M., Harrell, Z. A. T. & Johnson, D. J. (2011). Racial/Ethnic socialization and parental involvement in education as predictors of cognitive ability and achievement in African American children. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40(5), 595-605. doi:10.1007/s10964-010-9559-9

Abstract: Racial/ethnic socialization has not been studied in the context of other parenting behaviors such as parental involvement in education and its relationship to children's cognitive outcomes.

Barna, J. S. & Brott, P. E. (2011). How important is Personal/Social development to academic achievement? The elementary school counselor's perspective. Professional School Counseling, 14 (3), 242-249.

Abstract: This study explored elementary school counselors' perceptions of importance and implementation for state standards in support of academic achievement. (Contains 2 tables)

Beamon, K. K. (2010). Are sports overemphasized in the socialization process of African American males? A qualitative analysis of former collegiate athletes' perception of sport socialization. Journal of Black Studies, 41(2), 281-300. doi:10.1177/0021934709340873

Abstract: Scholars have noted that an elevated level of sports socialization in the family, neighborhood, and media exists within the African American community, creating an overrepresentation of African American males in certain sports.

Beets, M. W., Banda, J. A., Erwin, H. E. & Beighle, A. (2011). A pictorial view of the physical activity socialization of young adolescents outside of school. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 82(4), 769-778.

Abstract: Childhood obesity prevention has fallen short of anticipated impact. Therefore, intervention programs need to be redirected to other potential settings to increase youth Physical: activity.

Berbery, M. L. (2010). Predictors of white adoptive parents' cultural and racial socialization behaviors with their Asian adopted children. (M.S., University of Maryland, College Park) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (855819830)

Abstract: This study examined predictors of White adoptive parents' (N =200) cultural and racial socialization behaviors with their Asian adopted children.

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Bomberg, N. (2011). Human development committee discusses social security, health. Nation's Cities Weekly 34(36), 5.

Abstract: The Human Development Policy and Advocacy Steering Committee held its most recent meeting in Durham NC. Betty Taylor, councilor, Eugene OR, chaired the meeting, which was hosted by Durham Mayor Pro Tem Cora Cole-McFadden.

Braxton, J. M., Proper, E. & Bayer, A. E. (2011). Professors behaving badly: Faculty misconduct in graduate education Johns Hopkins University Press.

Abstract: A faculty member publishes an article without offering coauthorship to a graduate assistant who has made a substantial conceptual or methodological contribution to the article.

Brayfield, A. & Korintus, M. (2011). Early childhood socialization: Societal context and childrearing values in Hungary. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 9(3), 262-279.

Abstract: This article examines the socio-cultural context of early childhood socialization in Hungary. (Contains 4 notes and 8 tables)

Brisko, B. (2010). Personality development in socialization process: Theoretical background.

Abstract: Socialization is a continuous process that embraces the whole life. Socialization helps every individual to develop, fulfil potential, improve, thus becoming a full-fledged member in interrelationship with society.

Brokane, L. & Zaiceva, I. (2011). Socialization problems among hearing-impaired children at special primary school establishment. International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology 2010, 12, 362-370. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.02.045

Abstract: Problems associated with socialization of children who are hearing impaired in both special primary education institutions and the family are analyzed in this article.

Brown, C. M. (2011). Familial ethnic socialization, tribal identity, self-esteem, and academic success among Mohegan Indian adolescents. (Ph.D., Saint Louis University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (883987903)

Abstract: The purpose of the present study was twofold: (1) to test the model that, among American Indian adolescents, tribal identity and self-esteem (…) mediate the relationship between familial ethnic socialization and academic success; and (2) to examine the sources and practices of American Indian adolescents' ethnic-racial socialization.

Brown, C. M. & Ling, W. (2012). Ethnic-racial socialization has an indirect effect on self-esteem for Asian American emerging adults. Psychology, 3(1), 78-81.

Abstract: Although there has been recognition of the importance of examining the indirect effect of perceived parental ethnic-racial socialization on youths' psychosocial outcomes, few studies have done so.

Brown, C. L. (2011). Racial socialization and the academic self-esteem of African American adolescents: Racial private and public regard as mediators? (M.A., University of South Carolina) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (892712969)

Abstract: Though studies have indicated that racial socialization is associated with positive academic outcomes, the literature in this area has not yielded a consensus.

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Brown, D. L. & Tylka, T. L. (2011). Racial discrimination and resilience in African American young adults: Examining racial socialization as a moderator. Journal of Black Psychology, 37(3), 259-285. doi:10.1177/0095798410390689

Abstract: Research has indicated that racial discrimination places African Americans at risk for psychological distress, in which they experience low levels of well-being.

Brown, N. E. (2010). Predicting children's emotion regulation behaviors from maternal emotion socialization and vagal suppression. (M.S., the University of North Carolina at Greensboro) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (366382746)

Abstract: The relation between early maternal emotion socialization and children's emotion regulation behaviors were examined across a short-term longitudinal study.

Brown, T. L., Linver, M. R. & Evans, M. (2010). The role of gender in the racial and ethnic socialization of African American adolescents. Youth and Society, 41(3), 357-381. doi:10.1177/0044118X09333665

Abstract: Scholars in the field of African American family studies recognize the influence of gender on socialization.

Burk, W. J., van der Vorst, H., Kerr, M. & Stattin, H. (2012). Alcohol use and friendship dynamics: Selection and socialization in early-, middle-, and late-adolescent peer networks. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 73(1), 89-98.

Abstract: Objective: This study examined developmental trends of peer selection and socialization related to friends' alcohol use in early-, middle-, and late-adolescent peer networks, with the primary goal of identifying when these mechanisms emerge (…)

Burrola, K. S. (2012). Perceived racial discrimination and psychological distress among Asian American adolescents: Moderating roles of family racial socialization and nativity status. (Ph.D., Arizona State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1011476717)

Abstract: This dissertation used the risk and resilience framework to examine the associations between perceived racial discrimination, family racial socialization, nativity status, and psychological distress.

Butvilas, T. (2010). In Zukauskiene R. (Ed.), Self identification as the main part within bereaved children socialization.

Abstract: Regarding the context of globalization and various losses that people, especially children, experience, the socialization specific of children (age 7-11) who have experienced loss in the family was explored.

Bylund, C. L., Baxter, L. A., Imes, R. S. & Wolf, B. (2010). Parental rule socialization for preventive health and adolescent rule compliance. Family Relations, 59(1), 1-13. doi:10.1111/j.1741-3729.2009.00583.x

Abstract: This study examined family rules about nutrition, exercise, and sun protection in 164 parent-young adult children dyads.

Calderon-Tena, C. O., Knight, G. P. & Carlo, G. (2011). The socialization of prosocial behavioral tendencies among Mexican American adolescents: The role of familism values. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 17(1), 98-106. doi:10.1037/a0021825

Abstract: This study investigates the role of familism values in fostering socialization experiences that promote prosocial behavioral tendencies among Mexican American adolescents.

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Caliman, G. (2011). Pedagogia social no Brasil: Evoluçao e perspectivas. Orientamenti Pedagogici: Rivista Internazionale Di Scienze Dell'Educazione, 58(345), 485-504.

Camilli, G., Vargas, S., Ryan, S. & Barnett, W. S. (2010). Meta-analysis of the effects of early education interventions on cognitive and social development. Teachers College Record, 112(3), 579-620.

Abstract: Background/Context: There is much current interest in the impact of early childhood education programs on preschoolers and, in particular, on the magnitude of cognitive and affective gains.

Caparrós i Gironés, P. (2010). El manual internacional routledge de sociología de la educación: The routledge international handbook of the sociology of education. NY: Ed. routledge, 2010, 439 pp. Revista De La Asociación De Sociología De La Educación (RASE), 3(2), 284-287.

Carrillo, I. (2010). [Collage] el llenguatge del documental: Una experiència formativa en pedagogia social. Papers d'Educació, (11)

Cassano, M. C. & Zeman, J. L. (2010). Parental socialization of sadness regulation in middle childhood: The role of expectations and gender. Developmental Psychology, 46(5), 1214-1226. doi:10.1037/a0019851

Abstract: The authors of this study investigated mothers' and fathers' socialization of their children's sadness.

Chamberlin, J. L. (2010). The cultural reproduction of architecture: Examining the roles of cultural capital and organizational habitus in the socialization of architectural education. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: Compared to other professions in recent years, architecture has lagged woefully behind in attracting and retaining a diverse population, as typically defined by class, race and gender.

Chan, W. M. & Dicianno, B. E. (2011). Virtual socialization in adults with spina bifida. PM & R: The Journal of Injury, Function, and Rehabilitation, 3(3), 219-25.

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To use spina bifida (SB) as a model of chronic physical disability to study the associations of virtual socialization, friendships, and quality of life (QOL) in adults. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey.

Childhood socialization, 2d ed. (2010). Reference and Research Book News, 25(2), n/a.

Cho, S. H., Gutter, M., Kim, J. & Mauldin, T. (2012). The effect of socialization and information source on financial management behaviors among low- and moderate-income adults. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 40(4), 417.

Abstract: Previous studies on financial socialization have focused on adolescents or college students. This study examined the effect of financial socialization on the financial behaviors of adults aged 24-66 from low- and moderate-income households.

Christoforou, A. (2010). Social capital and human development: An empirical investigation across European countries. Journal of Institutional Economics, 6(2), 191-214. doi:10.1017/S1744137409990324

Abstract: In this paper, we offer an empirical investigation of the relationship between social capital and human development across European countries for the post-war period.

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Chua, H., Wong, A. K. W. & Shek, D. T. L. (2010). Social development in Hong Kong: Development issues identified by social development index (SDI). Social Indicators Research, 95(3), 535-551.

Abstract: Surviving the aftermaths of the Asian Financial Crisis and SARS in 2003, Hong Kong's economy has re-gained its momentum and its economic growth has been quite remarkable too in recent few years.

Cipriano, C. (2011). Parent educational involvement and student achievement: Disentangling parent socialization and child evocative effects across development. (Ph.D., Boston College) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (861342904)

Abstract: Longitudinal structural equation models of parent educational involvement (PEI) and student mathematics and literacy achievement were examined for 1364 students, followed from 54 months through 8th grade.

Cooper, S. M. & McLoyd, V. C. (2011). Racial barrier socialization and the well-being of African American adolescents: The moderating role of mother-adolescent relationship quality. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(4), 895-903. doi:10.1111/j.1532-7795.2011.00749.x

Abstract: Racial socialization has been suggested as an important factor in helping African American adolescents cope effectively with racism and discrimination.

Cooper, S. M. & Smalls, C. (2010). Culturally distinctive and academic socialization: Direct and interactive relationships with African American adolescents' academic adjustment. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39(2), 199-212. doi:10.1007/s10964-009-9404-1

Abstract: Theories of ethnic minority development have largely suggested that African American parents engage in a combination of practices that include culturally distinctive socialization as well as behaviors (…)

Cooper, H., Batts Allen, A., Patall, E. A. & Dent, A. L. (2010). Effects of full-day kindergarten on academic achievement and social development. Review of Educational Research, 80(1), 34-70.

Abstract: A meta-analysis found that attending full-day (or all-day) kindergarten had a positive association with academic achievement (compared to half-day kindergarten) (…)(Contains 7 notes and 6 tables)

Cortesero, R. (2010). Between rioting and the ghetto. What political socialization frameworks for youths from problem areas? Education Et Societes, (1), 65-81. doi:10.3917/es.025.0065

Abstract: The leisure time of youth from problem areas was developed by social activists towards raising class consciousness & transmitting a conflicting vision of the world.

Cortesero, R. (2010). The political socialization of youth beyond the decline of institution. Education Et Societes, (1), 7-16. doi:10.3917/es.025.0007

Abstract: This issue focuses on how youth preferences & judgments on civic sense & social contract are made in a context of changing socialization mechanisms.

Cortéséro, R. & Derouet, J. (2010). Institution and political socialization of youth. Education Et Sociétés, 1(25), 7-189.

Abstract: Comment se forment les préférences et les jugements des jeunes sur le lien civique et le contrat social alors que les mécanismes classiques de la transmission politique semblent s'épuiser?

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Craig, A. B. (2011). Young adults' coping strategies as associated with perceptions of their coping socialization experiences and their schemas about their parents. (Ph.D., North Carolina State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (879436564)

Abstract: Research on the development of coping is still in its infancy and has received only limited empirical attention despite numerous calls for its investigation (Kliewer, Sandler, & Wolchik, 1994; Compas, 1998; Power, 2004).

Csizmadia, A. (2011). The role of racial identification, social Acceptance/Rejection, social cognition, and racial socialization in multiracial youth's positive development. Sociology Compass, 5(11), 995-1004. doi:10.1111/j.1751-9020.2011.00418.x

Abstract: Deficit-based scholarship has suggested that multiracial youth are maladjusted due to racial identity confusion and social marginality.

Csizmadia, A. (2011). Teaching and learning guide for: The role of racial identification, social Acceptance/Rejection, social cognition, and racial socialization in multiracial youth's positive development. Sociology Compass, 5(12), 1082-1087. doi:10.1111/j.1751-9020.2011.00428.x

Abstract: Multiraciality has been garnering growing public and scholarly attention since 2000. For the first time in Census history, the 2000 U.S.

Cuxart, M. P., Simon, A. A. & Alcantud, P. M. (2010). Modelos de atracción de los y las adolescentes. Contribuciones desde la socialización preventiva de la violencia de género1/Modells to attract adolescents. Preventive socialization duties of gender violence. Pedagogia Social (17), 73-82.

Abstract: Gender violence is also in relationships among adolescent people. In 2007, more than 4000 Spanish girls under 20 reported their partners or ex-partners for gender violence.

Dagsland, A. H. B., Mykletun, R. & Einarsen, S. (2011). Apprentices' expectations and experiences in the socialisation process in their meeting with the hospitality industry. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 11(4), 395-415. doi:10.1080/15022250.2011.595598

Abstract: The hospitality industry has a young workforce with a rapid turnover and depends on good access to a new workforce. Hence, many young people have their first experience of paid employment in this industry.

Davis, K. & Nicaise, V. (2011). Teacher-student interactions: Four case studies of gender in physical education. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 46(2), 11-23.

Abstract: The aim of this study was to better understand gender interactions between teachers and students in high school physical education. Gender interactions were explored in relation to the theory of reflective practice. (Contains 7 tables)

Davis, S. & Wills, J. (2010). Adolescent gender ideology socialization: Direct and moderating effects of fathers' beliefs. Sociological Spectrum, 30(5), 580-604. doi:10.1080/02732173.2010.496106

Abstract: Previous research examining the intergenerational transmission of gender ideology focuses generally on the influence of mothers' beliefs. This article extends the understanding of gender ideology construction and transmission in two important ways.

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De Schweinitz, R. (2011). Raising racists: The socialization of white children in the Jim Crow south. The American Historical Review, 116(5), 1515.

Delforge, H. (2010). The horizons of socialization in the age of compulsory schooling: Words and representations of teenagers from various schools. Education Et Societes, (1), 35-50. doi:10.3917/es.025.0035

Abstract: The author focuses on the crisis of the school institution from students' experiences & remarks. The investigation took place in three Brussels schools of different intake & was based on individual & collective interviews.

DellaMattera, J. N. (2011). Perceptions of preservice early educators: How adults support preschoolers' social development. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 32(1), 26-38.

Abstract: Studies show that for preschool-age children, social skills can have a profound effect on, and be a predictor of, future societal success and school achievement. (Contains 2 figures and 5 tables)

Denessen, E., Hornstra, L. & van den Bergh, L. (2010). What is on our children's minds? An analysis of children's writings as reflections of group-specific socialisation practices. Educational Studies, 36(1), 73-84. doi:10.1080/03055690903148647

Abstract: In the present study it has been examined how children's creative writing tasks may contribute to teachers' understanding of children's values.

Dereli, E. & Akaroglu, E. G. (2011). Factors that affect psycho-social development of preschool children in terms of art activities: Family and teacher of variables. Online Submission.

Abstract: People living in a society need socialization. While maintaining social relations, they learn behaviors approved by the society. Through art education, which is applied in preschool education, planned studying habits, taking responsibilities (…) (Contains 3 tables)

Deth, J. W. v., Abendschon, S. & Vollmar, M. (2011). Children and politics: An empirical reassessment of early political socialization. Political Psychology, 32(1), 147-174. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9221.2010.00798.x

Abstract: Demands for the inclusion of children, the youngest citizens, in democratic decision making are increasing. Although there is an abundance of empirical research on the political orientations of adolescents, there is a paucity of research on younger children's orientations.

Devis Devis, J., Martos i Garcia, D. & Sparkes, A. C. (2010). Socialization and construction process of the professional identity of a physical educator in a prison. Revista De Psicologia Del Deporte, 19(1), 73-88.

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explore the construction of the professional identity of Alex (a pseudonym), a physical educator in charge of sport and physical activity in a Spanish prison.

Díaz García, M. & García Molina, J. (2011). Enseñando pedagogía social a profanos: Propuesta metodológica para una formación profesionalizadora. In J. Lirio Castro, & E. Portal Martínez (Eds.), Educación social: Materiales y estrategias didácticas de apoyo para el título de grado (1st ed., pp. 37-46) Toledo: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de Talavera de la Reina, 2011.

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Duek, C. (2010). Infancia, desarrollo y conocimiento: Los niños y niñas y su socialización. Revista Latinoamericana De Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, 8(2), 799-808.

Abstract: En el presente artículo abordo los diferentes contextos en los que los niños y niñas de seis a ocho años se desarrollan en la actualidad.. // ABSTRACT IN PORTUGUESE: No presente artigo abordo os diferentes contextos nos que os meninos e meninas de seis a oito anos se desenvolvem na actualidade. // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: In this article we approach the different contexts of development in which children from six to eight years old grow nowadays.

Duerden, M. D. & Witt, P. A. (2010). The impact of socialization on youth program outcomes: A social development model perspective. Leisure Sciences, 32(4), 299-317. doi:10.1080/01490400.2010.488189

Abstract: This study employs a mixed-methods design and a social development model (SDM) to examine the role of socialization processes within an international immersion program for adolescents.

Duffett, M. I. (2010). The relation between parental beliefs about negative emotions, coping socialization, and child anxiety in a nonclinical sample. (M.A., University of Windsor (Canada) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (869462087)

Abstract: The present study examined parents' maladaptive beliefs about anxiety and emotion-related parenting styles (emotion coaching and parental rejection of emotion) as they related to child anxiety and coping socialization.

DuRocher, K. (2011). Raising racists: The socialization of white children in the Jim Crow south, viii-viii, 237.

Abstract: White southerners recognized that the perpetuation of segregation required whites of all ages to uphold a strict social order - especially the young members of the next generation.

Eisenberg, N., Spinrad, T. L., Eggum, N. D., Silva, K. M., Reiser, M., Hofer, C., Michalik, N. (2010). Relations among maternal socialization, effortful control, and maladjustment in early childhood. Development and Psychopathology, 22(3), 507-525. doi:10.1017/S0954579410000246

Abstract: In a sample of 18-, 30-, and 42-month-olds, the relations among parenting, effortful control (EC), and maladjustment were examined. Parenting was assessed with mothers' reports and observations (…)

El Nokali, N. E., Bachman, H. J. & Votruba-Drzal, E. (2010). Parent involvement and children's academic and social development in elementary school. Child Development, 81(3), 988-1005.

Abstract: Data from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Study of Early Childcare and Youth Development (N = 1,364) were used to investigate children's trajectories of academic and social development across 1st, 3rd, and 5th grades.

Elmore, C. A. (2011). The influence of supportive parenting and racial socialization on internalizing and externalizing behaviors among African American youth (M.A., Loyola University Chicago) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (871117021)

Abstract: The current study examined the additive and interactive effects of racial socialization on internalizing and externalizing behaviors. One hundred and thirty-six youth

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(mean age = 11.49, SD = 1.71) in fourth through eighth grade and parents of children these ages (n = 150) from 3 three locations of a community (…)

English-Clarke, T. L. (2011). Things my family told me about math: African American youths' perception and use of racial and mathematical socialization messages. (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (877627307)

Abstract: In this dissertation, I used mixed methods to explore the relationships between racial and mathematical socialization messages and mathematical identity (…)

Evans, L. (2010). Professionals or technicians? Teacher preparation programs and occupational understandings. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 16(2), 183-205.

Abstract: Teacher preparation is a mechanism of occupational socialization, a process by which novice workers learn the norms and values of the occupation. (Contains 3 tables)

Fairbrother, G. P. (2011). Forging consensus for implementing youth socialization policy in northwest China. International Journal of Educational Development, 31(2), 179-186. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2010.08.001

Abstract: The goal of this article is to examine how the provincial education media in China play a role of forging consensus among local actors responsible for the implementation of new centrally-promulgated youth socialization policy.

Fang, R., Duffy, M. K. & Shaw, J. D. (2011). The organizational socialization process: Review and development of a social capital model. Journal of Management, 37(1), 127-152. doi:10.1177/0149206310384630

Abstract: The authors selectively review the literature on newcomer socialization in organizational settings and develop a social capital model of the organizational socialization process.

Feito Alonso, R., García Lastra, M. & Instituto de Formación del Profesorado, Investigación e Innovación Educativa. (2010). Sociología de la educación secundaria. Madrid; Barcelona: Ministerio de Educación, Secretaría General Técnica; Graó.

Fernández Riquelme, S. (2011). Social policy and human development: The new social question in the 21st century. Nómadas, 29(1) doi:10.5209/revULNOMA.2011.v29.n1.26756

Abstract: El desarrollo humano integral aparece como la nueva cuestión social del siglo XXI, trasunto de las "fracturas sociales" presentes en mundo globalizado, y que impele a redefinir la Política social en sus fundamentos teóricos y sus medios de acción.

Ferrera, M. J. (2011). The intersection of colonial mentality, family socialization, and ethnic identity formation among second generation Filipino American youth. (Ph.D., The University of Chicago) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (860309509)

Abstract: Purpose. There is much evidence that profoundly challenges the Asian model minority myth that portrays Asians as problem free. One of them is the high incidence of depression among Filipino Americans (…)

Ferrin, M., Robinson, C. B., Hadjiliadis, D. & Holsclaw, D. S. (2010). Internet technology use by adults for socialization: Impact of cf foundation infection control guidelines. Pediatric Pulmonology, 445-446.

Fisherman, S. (2011). Socialization agents influencing the religious identity of religious Israeli adolescents. Religious Education, 106(3), 272-298. doi:10.1080/00344087.2011.569653

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Abstract: Of all the dimensions of religiosity, where the Israeli religious adolescent is concerned, faith identity and religious behavior seem the most relevant.

Flecha Fernández, A., Melgar, P., Oliver, E. & Pulido, C. (2010). Socialización preventiva en las comunidades de aprendizaje. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado; 2010, n.67, Abril; p.89-100,

Abstract: Se examinan las características específicas de las Comunidades de Aprendizaje que pueden contribuir a la superación de la violencia de género.

Fraga, P. C. P. (2010). Urban crime, process of socialization and delinquency in Rio de Janeiro: Studies based on life stories. Estudios Sociologicos, Jan-Apr (82), 85-112.

Abstract: The objective of this article is to discuss the subjectification process in a number of individuals from the Prison System of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Francis, S. A. & Thorpe, R. J. (2010). Using the primary socialization theory to predict substance use and sexual risk behaviors between black and white adolescents. Substance use & Misuse, 45(13), 2113-2129. doi:10.3109/10826081003682248

Abstract: Using the Primary Socialization Theory (PST), we examined substance use and sexual risk-taking behaviors between Black (N = 1,464) and White (N = 3,946) adolescents in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, Wave 1, public use (Add Health).

Francis-Chizororo, M. (2010). Growing up without parents: Socialisation and gender relations in orphaned-child-headed households in rural Zimbabwe. Journal of Southern African Studies, 36(3), 711-727. doi:10.1080/03057070.2010.507578

Abstract: The most distressing consequences of the HIV/AIDS pandemic's impact on children has been the development of child-headed households (CHHs).

Friedlmeier, W. (2010). Cigdem kagitçibasi family, self, and human development across cultures: Theory and applications. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 41(2), 292-295. doi:10.1177/0022022110361224

Fukuda-Parr, S. (2011). Theory and policy in international development: Human development and capability approach and the millennium development goals. International Studies Review, 13(1), 122-132. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2486.2010.01003.x

Abstract: Theory has influenced policy in international development but the interaction has been a two-way process. While theories legitimated new policy, appraisal of policy and experience have given rise to theoretical insights.

Gaertner, A. E., Fite, P. J. & Colder, C. R. (2011). Moderating effect of intimate exchange on delinquent socialization processes. Journal of Early Adolescence, 31(2), 258-270. doi:10.1177/0272431610363159

Abstract: Research indicates peer socialization processes affect the development of problem behavior in childhood and adolescence; however moderating peer factors have not been readily examined.

Gaia Assunçao, C. A. & Borges Guerra, R. (2012). Etnomatemática e pedagogia da alternância: Elo entre saber matemático e práticas sociais. Revista Latinoamericana De Etnomatemática, 5(1), 4-34.

Abstract: Este artigo traz para o cenário de debate, possíveis relações entre as concepções da Etnomatemática e da Educação do Campo (…)// ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This article

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brings to stage of debate, possible relations between the conceptions of Ethnomathematics and Education Field (…)

Gairín Sallán, J. & Castro Ceacero, D. (2010). Desarrollo educativo al servicio del desarrollo social. Santiago de Chile: Fidecap.

Galera, C. J. (2010). Nuevo escenario de socialización del lenguaje: El chat y los adolescentes. Perspectivas De La Comunicación, 3(1), 6.

Abstract: Este trabajo es parte de un proyecto de investigación denominado “Las Nuevas Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación y sus efectos en el lenguaje escrito de los adolescentes”. //ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This paper is part of a research named “The New Technologies of Communication and its effects in the written language of teenagers”.

Gaona Pisonero, C., López de Ayala López, María Cruz, & Martínez Pastor, E. (2010). Comunicación y socialización de los adolescentes bajo la influencia de las nuevas tecnologías de la información. Comunicación y comportamiento en el ciberespacio: Actitudes y riesgos de los adolescentes (1st ed., pp. 63-96) Icaria.

Garcia, F. & Gracia, E. (2010). What is the optimum parental socialisation style in Spain? A study with children and adolescents aged 10-14 years. Infancia Y Aprendizaje, 33(3), 365-384.

Abstract: The aim of this research study was to analyse the optimum parental socialisation style in Spain as measured by the children's psychosocial adjustment.

Garcia-Sanchez, I. (2010). The politics of arabic language education: Moroccan immigrant children's language socialization into ethnic and religious identities. Linguistics and Education: An International Research Journal, 21(3), 171-196.

Abstract: This paper focuses on issues of reproduction and the manufacturing of national/ethnic and religious identities in the deterritorialized space of the Moroccan immigrant diaspora. (Contains 2 charts and 4 tables)

Garipov, Y. Z. & Nurulina, R. V. (2011). Tatarstan Moslem youth: Confessional socialization and value orientations. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, (8), 123-131.

Garner, P. W. (2012). Children's emotional responsiveness and sociomoral understanding and associations with mothers' and fathers' socialization practices. Infant Mental Health Journal, 33(1), 95-106. doi:10.1002/imhj.20339

Abstract: Sixty-two preschoolers (55% boys) were presented hypothetical dilemmas about moral transgressions. Responses were evaluated in terms of children's emotional responsiveness, prosocial motives, and readiness to intervene.

Gatto, J., Dambrun, M., Kerbrat, C. & De Oliveira, P. (2010). Prejudice in the police: On the processes underlying the effects of selection and group socialisation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40(2), 252-269. doi:10.1002/ejsp.617

Abstract: The principal aim of this study is to determine why police officers are generally found to be more prejudiced towards disadvantaged groups than are the standard population.

Gerry, D., Unrau, A. & Trainor, L. J. (2012). Active music classes in infancy enhance musical, communicative and social development. Developmental Science, 15(3), 398-407.

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Abstract: Previous studies suggest that musical training in children can positively affect various aspects of development. However, it remains unknown as to how early in development musical experience can have an effect (…)

Gidengil, E., O'Neill, B. & Young, L. (2010). Her mother's daughter? The influence of childhood socialization on women's political engagement. Journal of Women Politics & Policy, 31(4), 334-355. doi:10.1080/1554477X.2010.533590

Abstract: This analysis draws on data from a survey of women in English-speaking Canada to examine whether early exposure to politics in the home can counteract the effects of female socialization.

Giletta, M., Scholte, R. H. J., Burk, W. J., Engels, R. C. M. E., Larsen, J. K., Prinstein, M. J. & Ciairano, S. (2011). Similarity in depressive symptoms in adolescents' friendship dyads: Selection or socialization? Developmental Psychology, 47(6), 1804-1814. doi:10.1037/a0023872

Abstract: This study examined friendship selection and socialization as mechanisms explaining similarity in depressive symptoms in adolescent same-gender best friend dyads.

Goerres, A. & Tepe, M. S. (2011). Regime socialization, political ideology, family involvement and self-interest: The determinants of attitudes towards public childcare in unified Germany. Unpublished manuscript.

Abstract: This article investigates the dynamics of individual-level support for public childcare in unified Germany. In order to explain why people differ in their attitudes towards public childcare, we present a theoretical framework (…)

Goldberg, A. (2010). Children of Senegalese migrants living in Catalonia: An anthropological understanding of their processes of socialisation. Aibr-Revista De Antropologia Iberoamericana, 5(2), 319-356.

Abstract: This paper presents a case study based on the analysis of processes of socialization in a group of descendents of migrant families from Senegal with residence in Cataluna, Spain.

Gómez Quintero, J. D., Martínez Puche, S., Sierra Sánchez, J. & Sotelo González, J. (2010). Pedagogía publicitaria para la integración social: Una experiencia de aprendizaje activo en el marco del EEES. Métodos de innovación docente aplicados a los estudios de ciencias de la comunicación (1st ed., pp. 333-347) Fragua.

González Ballesteros, T. (2011). Tribunales, sentencias judiciales y pedagogía social. Cuadernos De Periodistas: Revista De La Asociación De La Prensa De Madrid, (22), 120-126.

González, M. G., Marano, M. G., Bianco, C. & Carrera, M. C. (2011). Estado del arte de la educación jurídica a diez años del congreso nacional de sociología jurídica. Academia: Revista Sobre Enseñanza Del Derecho De Buenos Aires, 9(17), 175-218.

Goodwin, N. P., Mrug, S., Borch, C. & Cillessen, A. H. N. (2012). Peer selection and socialization in adolescent depression: The role of school transitions. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41(3), 320-332. doi:10.1007/s10964-011-9723-x

Abstract: Previous studies have indicated homophily in depressive symptoms among adolescent friends, resulting from both peer selection and socialization processes.

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Gordon, H. R. & Taft, J. K. (2011). Rethinking youth political socialization: Teenage activists talk back. Youth & Society, 43(4), 1499-1527. doi:10.1177/0044118X10386087

Abstract: This article draws from the experiences and narratives of teenage activists throughout the Americas in order to add a needed dimension, that of peer political socialization, to the larger political and civic socialization literature.

Gracia Fuster, E., Fuentes, M. d. C. & García Pérez, J. F. (2010). Barrios de riesgo, estilos de socialización parental y problemas de conducta en adolescentes. Psychosocial Intervention, 19(3), 265-278.

Gregoire, M. (2010). La socialisation problematique et les troubles de comportement exteriorises chez des adolescents en milieu scolaire. (Ph.D., Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres (Canada) ProQuest Dissertations and (822670050)

Abstract: Ce travail de recherche s'intéresse aux interactions entre adolescents et plus particulièrement, au lien possible entre certains facteurs problématiques du contexte social des jeunes et l'expression des comportements extériorisés.

Gregory, A. M., Moffitt, T. E., Ambler, A., Arseneault, L., Houts, R. M. & Caspi, A. (2012). Maternal insomnia and children's family socialization environments. Sleep, 35(4), 579-582. doi:10.5665/sleep.1750

Abstract: Study Objectives: To examine concurrent associations between maternal insomnia and different aspects of the family socialization environment.

Grusec, J. E. (2011). Socialization processes in the family: Social and emotional development. Annual Review of Psychology, Vol 62, 62, 243-269. doi:10.1146/annurev.psych.121208.131650

Abstract: Children learn moral values and social conventions through a process of socialization, much of which involves parenting. The process is bidirectional (…)

Guichot-Reina, V. (2012). Una mirada crítica sobre la educación para la ciudadanía: Repensando la competencia social y ciudadana desde una pedagogía emancipadora. Revista De Ciencias De La Educación: Órgano Del Instituto Calasanz De Ciencias De La Educación (229), 63-86.

Guo, Z. & Cai, Y. (2011). Exploring the antecedents of compulsive buying tendency among adolescents in China and Thailand: A consumer socialization perspective. African Journal of Business Management, 5(24), 10198-10209.

Abstract: From a consumer socialization perspective, this study explored the influences of parent, peer and mass media on compulsive buying tendency of adolescents in China and Thailand respectively.

Hacin, M. L. (2010). Children of diplomats in (re)socialisation turbulences of migration. Dve Domovini-Two Homelands, (32), 33-50.

Abstract: Children of Diplomats in (Re)socialisation Turbulences of Migration (Continuous) temporary employment of diplomats abroad is a form of migration.

Hardy, S. A., Bhattacharjee, A., Reed, A. & Aquino, K. (2010). Moral identity and psychological distance: The case of adolescent parental socialization. Journal of Adolescence, 33(1), 111-123. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2009.04.008

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Abstract: A mediation model using a sample of 1059 adolescents (56% girls. M age = 16 02, SD = 137) tested relations between parenting, adolescent moral identity, and the formation of psychological distance towards others (…)

Hatoss, A., O'Neill, S. & Eacersall, D. (2012). Career choices: Linguistic and educational socialization of sudanese-background high-school students in Australia. Linguistics and Education: An International Research Journal, 23(1), 16-30.

Abstract: This research investigated the linguistic and educational socialization of Sudanese refugee-background youth in Australia. (Contains 2 figures and 5 tables)

Hattier, M. A. & Matson, J. L. (2012). An examination of the relationship between communication and socialization deficits in children with autism and PDD-NOS. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6(2), 871-880. doi:10.1016/j.rasd.2011.12.001

Abstract: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are characterized by pervasive impairments in repetitive behaviors or interests, communication, and socialization. As the onset of these features occurs at a very young age, early detection is of the utmost importance.

Havighurst, S. S., Wilson, K. R., Harley, A. E., Prior, M. R. & Kehoe, C. (2010). Tuning in to kids: Improving emotion socialization practices in parents of preschool children - findings from a community trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51(12), 1342-1350. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2010.02303.x

Abstract: Background: This study evaluated a new prevention and early intervention parenting program: Tuning in to Kids. The program aims to improve emotion socialization practices in parents of preschool children (…)

Hernàndez i Dobon, F. J. (2010). La sociología de la educación de Johannes Kopp: Johannes Kopp: Bildungssoziologie. Eine einführung anhand empirisch studien. Wiesbaden: VS verlag, 2009. Revista De La Asociación De Sociología De La Educación (RASE), 3(2), 292-294.

Hernàndez, F. J. (2010). Lecciones fundamentales de sociología de la educación. Revista De La Asociación De Sociología De La Educación (RASE), 3(1), 179-181.

Herrero, C., Martinez, R. & Villar, A. (2010). Multidimensional social evaluation: an application to the measurement of human development. Review of Income and Wealth, 56(3), 483-497. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4991.2009.00375.x

Abstract: This paper deals with the axiomatic derivation of social evaluation indices in a multidimensional context. The resulting evaluation formula is the geometric mean of the egalitarian equivalent values of the different characteristics under consideration.

Heuwinkel, L. & Bielefeld, W. (2011). Family, socialization and the future of children. Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie Der Erziehung Und Socialisation/Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization, 31(1), 95-96.

Hofer, C., Eisenberg, N. & Reiser, M. (2010). The role of socialization, effortful control, and ego resiliency in french adolescents' social functioning. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 20(3), 555-582. doi:10.1111/j.1532-7795.2010.00650.x

Abstract: The relations among effortful control, ego resiliency, socialization, and social functioning were examined with a sample of 182 French adolescents (14-20 years old). Adolescents, their parents, and/or teachers completed questionnaires on these constructs.

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Hoxha, D. (2010). Examining racial-ethnic socialization, ethnic identity development, and their psychological correlates in a sample of ethnically diverse youth (Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (756732578)

Abstract: Research on racial-ethnic socialization experiences among ethnically diverse youth from their perspective is limited.

Huang, C. (2011). Language socialization of affect in Mandarin parent-child conversation. Pragmatics, 21(4), 593-618.

Abstract: This study aimed to investigate language socialization of affect in Mandarin parent-child interaction.

Hung, C., Chiang, Y., Chang, H. & Yen, L. (2011). Path of socialization and cognitive factors' effects on adolescents' alcohol use in Taiwan. Addictive Behaviors, 36(8), 807-813. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2011.03.004

Abstract: Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the direct and indirect effects of alcohol-related socialization factors and cognitive factors on adolescent alcohol use in a country with a low prevalence of drinking.

Hunter, E. C., Katz, L. F., Shortt, J. W., Davis, B., Leve, C., Allen, N. B. & Sheeber, L. B. (2011). How do I feel about feelings? Emotion socialization in families of depressed and healthy adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 40(4), 428-441. doi:10.1007/s10964-010-9545-2

Abstract: Emotional and cognitive changes that occur during adolescence set the stage for the development of adaptive or maladaptive beliefs about emotions.

Iguchi, T. (2010). 'Sociology of care and support' and family studies: Focusing on studies on the socialization of care for the elderly. Kazoku Shakaigaku Kenkyu/Japanese Journal of Family Sociology, 22(2), 165-176.

Abstract: This paper attempts to summarize the recent tendency of the literature towards family caregiving and social support and to clarify an important research theme regarding the sociology of families.

Inada, N., Kamio, Y. & Koyama, T. (2010). Developmental chronology of preverbal social behaviors in infancy using the M-CHAT: Baseline for early detection of atypical social development. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 4(4), 605-611.

Abstract: This study aimed to identify the age of emergence and subsequent order of preverbal social behaviors, which have not yet been fully clarified. (Contains 2 figures and 4 tables)

Iruka, I. U., Burchinal, M. & Cai, K. (2010). Long-term effect of early relationships for African American children's academic and social development: An examination from kindergarten to fifth grade. Journal of Black Psychology, 36(2), 144-171.

Abstract: This study investigates the extent to which the quality of the relationships between African American children and their mothers and teachers in kindergarten predict academic and social development during elementary school years (…) (Contains 3 tables and 1 figure)

Jorgensen, B. L. & Savla, J. (2010). Financial literacy of young adults: The importance of parental socialization. Family Relations, 59(4), 465-478. doi:10.1111/j.1741-3729.2010.00616.x

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Abstract: This article tests a conceptual model of perceived parental influence on the financial literacy of young adults (…)

Juang, L. & Syed, M. (2010). Family cultural socialization practices and ethnic identity in college-going emerging adults. Journal of Adolescence, 33(3), 347-354. doi:10.1016/j.aclolescence.2009.11.008

Abstract: We examined how family cultural socialization related to the ethnic identity of Asian American, Latino, White, and Mixed-Ethnic emerging adults (N=225). Greater family cultural socialization was related to greater ethnic identity exploration and commitment.

Kang, Y. (2010). The role of religious socialization in Asian families for children's self-perceived early academic success and social competence. (Ph.D., Northeastern University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (305202811)

Abstract: This study examined the role of religious socialization in Asian American families between parental characteristics and children's self-perceived academic and social competence.

Kaplan, S. N. (2011). Developing membership in the gifted culture for gifted students in urban schools. Gifted Child Today, 34(1), 63-65.

Abstract: Basically, the socialization process is the means by which newly identified gifted students are helped to recognize why they are members of the gifted culture and what they are going to experience as members of this cultural group. (Contains 1 table)

Kayama, M. & Haight, W. (2012). Cultural sensitivity in the delivery of disability services to children: A case study of japanese education and socialization. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(1), 266-275. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2011.10.023

Abstract: This ethnographic study examined beliefs about disability and related socialization and educational practices at a Japanese elementary school. Disability is a universal issue affecting child welfare and educational systems around the world.

Kernen, M. & Singer, E. (2011). Peer relationships in early childhood education and care. New York: Routledge.

Khalbous, S. & Bouslama, H. (2012). Tobacco socialization and anti-tobacco ad effectiveness among children. Health Marketing Quarterly, 29(2), 97-116

Abstract: In order to prevent smoking onset among children, it is essential to know the process of smoking socialization and its various dimensions before being able to design any effective anti-tobacco advertisements.

Killen, M. & Smetana, J. G. (2010). Future directions: Social development in the context of social justice. Social Development, 19(3), 642-657.

Abstract: Many societies and cultures have become increasingly diverse and heterogeneous over the past decade. This diversity has a direct bearing on social justice in children's and adolescents' social development.

Kim, T. (2010). Sibling-implemented intervention for improving social interaction skills of young children who have difficulties with socialization. (Ed.D., University of Kansas) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (807434237)

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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to assess the potential of siblings as an important intervention agent by systematically teaching them appropriate social skills and strategies in order to improve the social interaction skills (…)

Kisselev, I. Y. & Smirnova, A. G. (2011). Russia's socialization in G8. process and result. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, (4), 58-66.

Kiuru, N., Burk, W. J., Laursen, B., Nurmi, J. & Salmela-Aro, K. (2012). Is depression contagious? A test of alternative peer socialization mechanisms of depressive symptoms in adolescent peer networks. Journal of Adolescent Health, 50(3), 250-255. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2011.06.013

Abstract: Purpose: This study examined the role of two different types of peer socialization (convergence, contagion) in adolescents' depression, adjusting for the effects of peer selection and deselection.

Kiuru, N., Burk, W. J., Laursen, B., Salmela-Aro, K. & Nurmi, J. (2010). Pressure to drink but not to smoke: Disentangling selection and socialization in adolescent peer networks and peer groups. Journal of Adolescence, 33(6), 801-812. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2010.07.006

Abstract: This paper examined the relative influence of selection and socialization on alcohol and tobacco use in adolescent peer networks and peer groups. The sample included 1419 Finnish secondary education students (…) from nine schools.

Kloosterman, R., Notten, N., Tolsma, J. & Kraaykamp, G. (2011). The effects of parental reading socialization and early school involvement on children's academic performance: A panel study of primary school pupils in the Netherlands. European Sociological Review, 27(3), 291-306. doi:10.1093/esr/jcq007

Abstract: This study examines the extent to which parental reading socialization and early school involvement account for performance differences between low-status and high-status children in successive primary school grades.

Kochanska, G., Woodard, J., Kim, S., Koenig, J. L., Yoon, J. E. & Barry, R. A. (2010). Positive socialization mechanisms in secure and insecure parent-child dyads: Two longitudinal studies. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51(9), 998-1009. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2010.02238.x

Abstract: Background: Implications of early attachment have been extensively studied, but little is known about its long-term indirect sequelae, where early security organization moderates future parent-child relationships, serving as a catalyst for adaptive and maladaptive processes

Koning, I. M., Engels, R. C. M. E., Verdurmen, J. E. E. & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2010). Alcohol-specific socialization practices and alcohol use in dutch early adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 33(1), 93-100. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2009.05.003

Abstract: The present study examined the associations of alcohol-specific socialization practices and heavy parental drinking with alcohol use in early adolescents Cross-sectional nationwide survey data from 2599 parent-adolescent (mean age = 12 16) dyads were used to conduct logistic regression analyses.

Kononova, A., Alhabash, S. & Cropp, F. (2011). The role of media in the process of socialization to American politics among international students. International Communication Gazette, 73(4), 302-321. doi:10.1177/1748048511398592

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Abstract: Mass media have been considered a powerful agent of political socialization, affecting political attitudes and behaviors of voters and non-voters.

Korzhenko, A. L. (2010). Youth subculture as an alternative form of socialization in youth. Voprosy Psikhologii, (2), 80.

Abstract: The findings of an empirical study aimed at discovering influence of youth subculture on the process of socialization in youth are described.

Koyama, T., Kamio, Y., Inada, N. & Inokuchi, E. (2011). Maternal age at childbirth and social development in infancy. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(1), 450-454.

Abstract: Difficulties in social communication are not necessarily observed only in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and there are many subclinical cases in the general populations. (Contains 2 tables)

Kubeka, A. M. (2010). Navigating adolescence: The experiences of African American and black South African youth and the role of racial identity and religious socialization. (Ph.D., The Ohio State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (757378220)

Abstract: Previous research has demonstrated the positive implications of racial identity and religious socialization on the developmental and behavioral well-being of African American youth.

Lauglo, J. (2011). Political socialization in the family and young people's educational achievement and ambition. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 32(1), 53-74.

Abstract: Using data from a large-scale survey of Norwegian youth, the study examines the relationships that the performance in key academic subjects and aiming for higher education have with political socialization at home. (Contains 3 tables and 3 figures)

Lebowitz, M. A. (2010). The socialist alternative: Real human development, 191.

Lefko-Everett, K. (2012). Leaving it to the children: Non-racialism, identity, socialisation and generational change in South Africa. Politikon, 39(1), 127-147. doi:10.1080/02589346.2012.656917

Abstract: Although a critical value of the anti-apartheid movement and within the democratic Constitution, there is a lack of national consensus on the meaning of non-racialism in South Africa (…)

Lesane-Brown, C. L., Brown, T. N., Tanner-Smith, E. E. & Bruce, M. A. (2010). Negotiating boundaries and bonds: Frequency of young children's socialization to their Ethnic/Racial heritage. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 41(3), 457-464. doi:10.1177/0022022109359688

Abstract: This study addressed intergroup differences in how often U. S. families socialized young children to their ethnic/racial heritage using nationally representative survey data gathered as part of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-1999 (ECLS-K).

Leung, C., Cheung, J., Lau, V. & Lam, C. (2011). Development of the preschool developmental assessment scale (PDAS) on children's social development. Research in Developmental Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 32 (6), 2511-2518.

Abstract: This paper aimed to describe the design and development of the social domain of the Preschool Developmental Assessment Scale (PDAS), which would be used for

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assessment of preschool children with different developmental disabilities. (Contains 1 figure and 2 tables)

Li, Y., Costanzo, P. R. & Putallaz, M. (2010). Maternal socialization goals, parenting styles, and social-emotional adjustment among Chinese and European American young adults: Testing a mediation model. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 171(4), 330-362. doi:10.1080/00221325.2010.505969

Abstract: The authors compared the associations among perceived maternal socialization goals (self-development, filial piety, and collectivism), perceived maternal parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, and training) (…)

Lindsay-Dennis, L. A. (2010). The influence of familial socialization and involvement on the multiple identities and the academic performance of African American adolescent girls (Ph.D., Georgia State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (577410409)

Abstract: Parental behaviors and socialization practices are among the most cited micro-level factors related to adolescents' performance in school.

Llorens, N., Barrio, G., Sánchez, A. & Suelves, J. M. (2011). Effects of socialization and family factors on adolescent excessive drinking in Spain. Prevention Science, 12(2), 150-161. doi:10.1007/s11121-010-0195-0

Abstract: Adolescent drinking has an important health and social impact in many countries. In Spain, this behavior often takes place in groups and in open areas (known as "botellon").

López Sánchez, F. (2010). Desarrollo afectivo y social. Madrid: Pirámide.

Abstract: Desarrollo afectivo y social primer manual en castellano que estudia esta dimensión de la Psicología Evolutiva 3G (…)

Lueders, C. (2011). Friendship, gangs and youth cultures. Peers as education and socialization entities. Zeitschrift Fur Erziehungswissenschaft, 14(4), 671-682.

Luksic Hacin, M. (2010). Children of diplomats in (re)socialisation turbulences of migration. Dve Domovini/Two Homelands, (32), 33-50.

Abstract: (Continuous) temporary employment of diplomats abroad is a form of migration. The article focuses on the population of children of diplomats and the question of the (re)socialisation processes they experience when moving abroad with their parents.

Lunkenheimer, E. S., Hollenstein, T., Wang, J. & Shields, A. M. (2012). Flexibility and attractors in context: Family emotion socialization patterns and children's emotion regulation in late childhood. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, 16(3), 269-91.

Abstract: Familial emotion socialization practices relate to children's emotion regulation (ER) skills in late childhood, however, we have more to learn about how the context and structure of these interactions relates to individual differences in children's ER.

Macha, H. (2011). Constructions of gender identity - contradictions of actual gender socialization processes. Gruppendynamik Und Organisationsberatung, 42(2), 105-124. doi:10.1007/s11612-011-0151-x

Abstract: I will first describe in four aspects a frame about gender socialization. Then I will study actual contradictions in the gender socialization of four international research areas.

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Mahabee-Gittens, E. M., Ding, L., Gordon, J. S. & Huang, B. (2010). Agreement between parents and youths on measures of antismoking socialization. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 19(2), 158-170. doi:10.1080/10678281003635022

Abstract: Background and Objectives: Despite the current literature on the importance of parental antismoking socialization messages, it is unclear if youths and parents agree on the content and frequency of such messages.

Malik, A., Sarwar, M. & Khan, N. (2010). Identification of the social development in early childhood in Pakistan. Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 7(6), 39-48.

Abstract: This study was conducted to identify the social development in early childhood years. It was delimited to eight private schools of Lahore City from the area of Faisal Town and Shadman. (Contains 4 tables)

Malti, T. & Buchmann, M. (2010). Socialization and individual antecedents of adolescents' and young adults' moral motivation. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39(2), 138-149. doi:10.1007/s10964-009-9400-5

Abstract: Socialization and individual differences were examined as antecedents of moral motivation in representative samples of 15-year-old adolescents (N = 1,258; 54% female) and 21-year-old young adults (N = 584; 53% female).

Marbury, J. Racial socialization of Biracial adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences (61673695; 200721733).

Abstract: The purpose in conducting this research was to develop grounded theory regarding the racial socialization process of Biracial adolescents who were the offspring of an African American father and a European American mother.

Marcotte, J. & Dion, A. (2011). Intersecting ideas between the development of self-identity in young adults and in the professional socialisation of police officers. Deviance Et Societe, 35(3), 439-449.

Abstract: This paper proposes a literature review which seeks to establish links between contemporary notions of young adults' identity development, namely, individualization, social identity and socio-professional insertion (…)

Marques, A. C. S. & Maia, R. C. M. (2010). Everyday conversation in the deliberative process: An analysis of communicative exchanges in discussion groups and their contributions to civic and political socialization. Journal of Communication, 60(4), 611-U244. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2010.01506.x

Abstract: This article aims to investigate the forms of interaction and communicative exchanges in discussion groups composed of beneficiaries of a Brazilian income transfer program (Bolsa-Familia Program) and how these forms contribute to the deliberative process.

Martin, F. (2011). Human development and the pursuit of the common good: Social psychology or Aristotelian virtue ethics? Journal of Business Ethics, 100, 89-98. doi:10.1007/s10551-011-1189-y

Abstract: Issue Title: Special issue on The Encyclical-letter 'Caritas in Veritate': Ethical Challenges for Business The encyclical proclaims the centrality

Martinez Arino, J. (2010). The identity socialization of children and youth in the Jewish communities of Barcelona. International Sociological Association.

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Abstract: The main aim of this communication is to present some of the principal elements of the educational field of the Jewish communities of Barcelona.

Martínez de Bringas, A. & Vila Merino, E. S. (2010). Ciudadanía, derechos sociales y educativos: Reflexiones para una pedagogía de los derechos humanos. Archivos Analíticos De Políticas Educativas=Education Policy Analysis Archives, 18(18).

Abstract: Este artículo aborda la temática de los derechos humanos desde una triple óptica. En primer lugar, situando conceptualmente los derechos humanos en el marco de la globalización y realizando una crítica a la concepción liberal de los mismos. // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This article seeks to address human rights issues from a triple perspective. First, conceptually locating human rights in the context of globalization and making a critique of the liberal conception of human rights. //ABSTRACT IN PORTUGUESE: Este artigo discute questões de direitos humanos a partir de uma tripla perspectiva. Em primeiro lugar, conceitualmente, colocando os direitos humanos no contexto da globalização e fazer uma crítica à concepção liberal deles.

Masyn, K. E., Henderson, C. E. & Greenbaum, P. E. (2010). Exploring the latent structures of psychological constructs in social development using the dimensional-categorical spectrum. Social Development, 19(3), 470-493.

Abstract: This paper provides an introduction to a recently developed conceptual framework--the dimensional-categorical spectrum--for utilizing general factor mixture models to explore the latent structures of psychological constructs.

Mcewan-Fujita, E. (2010). Ideology, affect, and socialization in language shift and revitalization: The experiences of adults learning Gaelic in the western isles of scotland. Language in Society, 39(1), 27-64. doi:10.1017/S0047404509990649

Abstract: The intertwined role of language ideologies and affect in language shift and revitalization can be understood by taking a language socialization perspective on local micro-level interaction between adult Gaelic learners and fluent Gaelic-English bilinguals.

McGill, R. K. Peer ethnic socialization: Prevalence, predictors, and outcomes among african-american adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts International, B: Sciences and Engineering (743063307; 201047801)

Abstract: The current study used a sample of 75 African-American adolescents to examine the role of peers as agents of ethnic socialization. Results indicated that peer ethnic socialization messages were prevalent among African-American youth (…)

Meece, D. & Soderman, A. K. (2010). Positive verbal environments: Setting the stage for young children's social development. Young Children, 65(5), 81-86.

Abstract: As social creatures, humans relate to one another in environments that are created through interactions with one another. Because these environments are created through one's communication and interaction, they may be called verbal environments.

Mercer, S. H. & DeRosier, M. E. (2010). Selection and socialization of internalizing problems in middle childhood. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29(9), 1031-1056. doi:10.1521/jscp.2010.29.9.1031

Abstract: This study investigated selection and socialization as contributors to homophily of internalizing problems during middle childhood Longitudinal social network analyses were conducted to determine the extent to which similarity on depression, loneliness (…)

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Metzger, I. W. (2011). Parenting profiles of academic and racial socialization: Associations with academic engagement and perception of academic ability of African American adolescents. (M.A., University of South Carolina) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (914410328)

Abstract: Studies have indicated that both academic and racial socialization are independently associated with African American student outcomes.

Miller, P. A., Kliewer, W. & Partch, J. (2010). Socialization of children's recall and use of strategies for coping with interparental conflict. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 19(4), 429-443. doi:10.1007/s10826-009-9314-6

Abstract: Using experimental, observational and interview-assessment methods, we examined relations among mother-child discussion skills and suggested strategies for coping with postdivorce interparental conflict in a conflict task (…)

Mize, J. & Pettit, G. S. (2010). The mother-child playgroup as socialisation context: A short-term longitudinal study of mother-child-peer relationship dynamics. Early Child Development and Care, 180(10), 1271-1284.

Abstract: This study employed mother-child playgroups as a context for examining mothers' supervision of child-peer interactions and children's adaptation to a new peer-group setting. (Contains 3 tables and 1 note)

Molina Arboleda, F. H., Rubio, M. & Jairo Torres, J. (2011). Contextos de actuación de la educación y la pedagogía social. Plumilla Educativa, (8).

Abstract: El convenio universidad Católica Lumen Gentium de Cali y universidad Minuto de Dios-UNIMINUTO en el marco de la construcción de su modelo pedagógico en la facultad de educación desde la perspectiva de la educación y la pedagogía social, han llevado a cabo una primera etapa de investigación (…)// ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: The agreement Lumen Gentium Catholic University of Cali UNIMINUTO Minute of God in the context of the construction of their pedagogical model into the college of education from the perspective of education and social pedagogy, have carried out an initial investigation phase (…)

Monahan, K. C., Lee, J. M. & Steinberg, L. (2011). Revisiting the impact of part-time work on adolescent adjustment: Distinguishing between selection and socialization using propensity score matching. Child Development, 82(1), 96-112. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2010.01543.x

Abstract: The impact of part-time employment on adolescent functioning remains unclear because most studies fail to adequately control for differential selection into the workplace.

Moore, K. W. (2011). The role of emotional competence in the relation between parental emotion socialization practices and childhood anxiety. (Ph.D., Tulane University School of Science and Engineering) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (923057682)

Abstract: This study focused on the way in which parents' emotion socialization practices and children's emotional competence may be related to childhood anxiety disorders.

Moua, M. Y. & Lamborn, S. D. (2010). Hmong American adolescents' perceptions of ethnic socialization practices. Journal of Adolescent Research, 25(3), 416-440. doi:10.1177/0743558410361369

Abstract: Guided by an ecological framework, this study explored ethnic socialization practices from the perspective of Southeast Asian American adolescents.

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Mueller, G. P. (2011). On the use of social clocks for the monitoring of multidimensional social development. Social Indicators Research, 102(1), 23-37.

Abstract: This article describes a new methodology for monitoring multidimensional social development using social clocks (…)

Muntañola i Thornberg, J. & Muntañola, D. (2011). La sociología del espacio al encuentro de una arquitectura oculta en la educación. Revista De La Asociación De Sociología De La Educación (RASE), 4(2), 133-151.

Abstract: ste artículo pretende demostrar el lugar específico de la arquitectura y del urbanismo en la sociología de la cultura y en la sociología de la educación.

Myers, K. K., Jahn, J. L. S., Gailliard, B. M. & Stoltzfus, K. (2011). Vocational anticipatory socialization (VAS): A communicative model of adolescents' interests in STEM. Management Communication Quarterly, 25(1), 87-120. doi:10.1177/0893318910377068

Abstract: Models of career development have focused on important vocational influences such as self-efficacy, exposure, and gender prescriptions but have glossed over the role of communication in socializing adolescents toward or from various careers.

Ndikintum, G. B. (2011). Early childhood socialization: Reflections of women as former orphans in two catholic orphanages in english-speaking Cameroon. (Ed.D., The George Washington University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (861039684)

Abstract: In this phenomenological study I investigated the effects of early childhood socialization in the orphanage on the educational decisions of adult African women.

Newland, R. P. & Crnic, K. A. (2011). Mother-child affect and emotion socialization processes across the late preschool period: Predictions of emerging behaviour problems. Infant and Child Development, 20(6), 371-388. doi:10.1002/icd.729

Abstract: The current study examined concurrent and longitudinal relations between maternal negative affective behaviour and child negative emotional expression in preschool age children with (n=96) or without (n=126) an early developmental risk, as well as the predictions of later behaviour problems.

Nichols, B. P. (2011). The impact of religiosity on the sexual socialization of emerging adults (M.S., East Carolina University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (918830787)

Abstract: The influence of religion within the socialization process as it pertains to sexuality was examined among 20 emerging adults aged 21-24, using qualitative research methods.

Nikolow, E. (2010). Interactional constructive process. On the systematic theory of socialization. Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie Der Erziehung Und Sozialisation, 30(2), 219-220.

No, S. (2011). Language socialization in two languages, schoolings, and cultures: A descriptive qualitative case study of Korean immigrant children. (Ph.D., The University of Iowa) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (894479260)

Abstract: This is a descriptive qualitative study that explored Korean and English learning for Korean transnational immigrant children living in the United States. The study design included qualitative methods.

Octobre, S. (2010). Gendered cultural socialization of children within the family. Cahiers Du Genre, 49, 55-76.

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Abstract: The article examines the way in which, within the family, the cultural universes of girls and boys are differentiated through processes of gendered assignment as well as through the strategies children implement themselves. // ABSTRACT IN FRENC: L'article s'intéresse à la manière dont, au sein de la famille, les univers culturels des filles et des garçons sont différenciés dans les processus dassignation sexuée ainsi que dans les stratégies mises en oeuvre par les enfants eux-mêmes.

Ojanen, T. & Little, T. D. (2010). Modeling contextual effects in developmental research: Linking theory and method in the study of social development. Social Development, 19(3), 437-446.

Abstract: This special section was inspired by the recent increased interest and methodological advances in the assessment of context-specificity in child and adolescent social development.

Oplatka, I. (2012). Towards a conceptualization of the early career stage of principalship: Current research, idiosyncrasies and future directions. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 15(2), 129-151.

Abstract: This review aims at providing a synthesis of the scholarship that has sought to expand the understanding of the early career stage of principalship by documenting the experiences (…)(Contains 1 table)

Oppenchaim, N. & Devaux, J. (2010). Socialization and inequality in daily mobility of french adolescents. International Sociological Association.

Abstract: Daily mobility plays a central role in the socialization of teenagers, allowing autonomy from parental supervision, the discovery of not yet familiar areas & the creation of social capital outside the place of residence (…)

Orr, A. J. (2011). Gendered capital: Childhood socialization and the "boy crisis" in education. Sex Roles, 65(3-4), 271-284. doi:10.1007/s11199-011-0016-3

Abstract: This study examined the effect of gender socialization on kindergarten grades using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study- Kindergarten Cohort. The sample consisted of 6,394 children (3,177 girls; 3,217 boys) from across the United States.

Ossa, M. A. d. l. (2011). Sociología de la música: Relación con la educación musical. Música y Educación: Revista Trimestral De Pedagogía Musical, 24(87), 18-35.

Ozcan, B. & Bjornskov, C. (2011). Social trust and human development. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 40(6), 753-762. doi:10.1016/j.socec.2011.08.007

Abstract: A series of studies connect social trust to economic growth. In this paper, we explore the connection between trust and a broader measure of development, the UN Human Development Index.

Ozdogru, A. A. (2010). Children's weekend activities in four countries: Context for personal and social development. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: Out-of-school time constitutes a major context of social and emotional development for children across cultures. Because it is not constrained by school attendance, weekend time allows cultural and gender differences in time usage to emerge.

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Padgett, R. D., Goodman, K. M., Johnson, M. P., Saichaie, K., Umbach, P. D. & Pascarella, E. T. (2010). The impact of college student socialization, social class, and race on need for cognition. New Directions for Institutional Research, (145), 99-111.

Abstract: John C. Weidman (1989) was one of the first to argue that a socialization model is necessary to fully understand college impact. Weidman also contends that socioeconomic status (SES) is an important part of the socialization process for students. (Contains 3 tables and 1 note)

Padrós Cuxart, M., Aubert Simón, A. & Melgar, P. (2010). Modelos de atracción de los y las adolescentes: Contribuciones desde la socialización preventiva de la violencia de género. Pedagogía Social: Revista Interuniversitaria, (17), 73-82.

Abstract: La violencia de género está también presente en las relaciones adolescentes. En España, en el año 2007, más de 4000 chicas menores de 20 años denunciaron a su pareja o expareja por malos tratos. // Gender violence is also in relationships among adolescent people. In 2007, more than 4000 Spanish girls under 20 reported their partners or ex-partners for gender violence.

Paek, H., Reber, B. H. & Lariscy, R. W. (2011). Roles of interpersonal and media socialization agents in adolescent self-reported health literacy: A health socialization perspective. Health Education Research, 26(1), 131-149. doi:10.1093/her/cyq082

Abstract: This study proposes a health socialization model and applies it to examine direct, relative and mediating roles of interpersonal and media health socialization agents in predicting adolescent self-reported health literacy.

Parra, G. R., Olsen, J. P., Buckholdt, K. E., Jobe-Shields, L. & Davis, G. L. (2010). A pilot study of the development of a measure assessing adolescent reactions to parents in the context of emotion socialization. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 19(5), 596-606. doi:10.1007/s10826-009-9343-1

Abstract: We conducted a pilot study of the initial development of a self-report measure assessing how adolescents react when parents respond in a helpful manner to their sad emotional experiences.

Peltonen, K., Qouta, S., El Sarraj, E. & Punamaki, R. (2010). Military trauma and social development: The moderating and mediating roles of peer and sibling relations in mental health. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 34(6), 554-563.

Abstract: We first examined how war-related traumatic events impact on peer and sibling relations, and how the quality of these relations in turn are associated with children's mental health, indicating a mediation model. (Contains 4 tables and 4 figures)

Peña, J. V., Menéndez, C. R. & Torio, S. (2010). Family and socialization processes: Parental perception and evaluation of their children's household labour. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 41(1), 131-148.

Abstract: ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This paper presents the results of a research project developed to analyze and diagnose family co-responsibility in Spain. // ABSTRACT IN FRENCH: On présente les résultats d'une enquête menée pour analyser et diagnostiquer la coresponsabilité de la famille en Espagne. // ABSTRACT IN SPANISH: Se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada para analizar y diagnosticar la corresponsabilidad familiar en España.

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Perantoni, E. J. (2010). Course design based on the kolb learning style as it relates to student success in online classes. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: Educators are taught that differentiated instruction is important to ensuring that students are offered an opportunity to learn. As a result, student learning styles become important in the design of an online course.

Pfeifer Schaupp, U. (2011). Atención plena en pedagogía social: Bases, realización y resultados de un proyecto didáctico universitario. Fuentes: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias De La Educación, (11), 195-208.

Abstract: La Atención Plena gana cada vez más terreno en la medicina y la psicoterapia. Este texto se ocupa de su utilidad y de analizar si resulta posible implementar el concepto de la Atención Plena a la carrera universitaria en el ámbito de la Pedagogía Social.

Planella Rivera, J. & Martínez, Ó. (2010). Pedagogía y tecnología de la esperanza. La educación social y las nuevas formas tecnológicas de acompañamiento. Revista De Educación Social, (11).

Abstract: El artículo que presentamos, fruto de un trabajo teoricopráctico, revisa las nuevas formas de exclusión en la sociedad de la información y elabora algunas hipótesis de reacción/uso/apropiación de las tecnologías (…)

Popliger, M., Talwar, V. & Crossman, A. (2011). Predictors of children's prosocial lie-telling: Motivation, socialization variables, and moral understanding. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 110(3), 373-392. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2011.05.003

Abstract: Children tell prosocial lies for self- and other-oriented reasons. However, it is unclear how motivational and socialization factors affect their lying.

Porter, J. (2011). Plantation economics, violence, and social well-being: The lingering effects of racialized group oppression on contemporary human development in the American South. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 12(3), 339-366. doi:10.1080/19452829.2011.576659

Abstract: Historic patterns of racialized oppression, discrimination, and prejudice have been linked to contemporary levels of racialized inequality.

Porto Pedrosa, L. (2010). Socialización de la infancia en películas de Disney/pixar y dreamworks/pdi: Análisis de modelos sociales en la animación. Prisma Social: Revista De Ciencias Sociales, (4).

Abstract: Esta investigación analiza el contenido de ocho largometrajes de animación digital de Walt Disney Pictures/Pixar Animation Studios y DreamWorks Animation/Pacific Data Images estrenados durante la última década (1998-2008). //ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This investigation anlyzes the content of eight digital cartoons movies of Walt Disney Pictures/Pixar Animation Studios and DreamWorks Animation/Pacific Data Images to present for the first time in last ten years ago (1998-2008).

Poveda, D., Jociles, M. I. & Rivas, A. M. (2011). Single-parenthood by choice: Children's socialization processes into a non-conventional family model. Athenea Digital, 11(2), 133-156.

Abstract: En este artículo presentamos parte de los resultados de un proyecto de investigación centrado en familias monoparentales por elección. //ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: In this article we present part of our findings from a research project focused on single-parent families by choice.

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Poveda, D., Morgade Salgado, M. & Pulido, L. (2010). Multimodalidad y participación de la infancia sorda en contextos de socialización literaria informales = Multimodality and deaf children's participation in informal literature socialization contexts. AIBR: Revista De Antropología Iberoamericana, 5(1), 126-151.

Abstract: En este artículo realizamos un análisis del discurso y la interacción multimodal de una sesión de cuentacuentos realizada en una biblioteca (…)// ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: In this article we present an analysis of discourse and multimodal interaction in a storytelling session that took place in a library (…)

Prinstein, M. J., Brechwald, W. A. & Cohen, G. L. (2011). Susceptibility to peer influence: Using a performance-based measure to identify adolescent males at heightened risk for deviant peer socialization. Developmental Psychology, 47(4), 1167-1172. doi:10.1037/a0023274

Abstract: A substantial amount of research has suggested that adolescents' attitudes and behaviors are influenced by peers; however, little is known regarding adolescents' individual variability, or susceptibility, to peer influence.

Progar, M. (2011). Teaching parents how to facilitate social development during early childhood. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: Social competency gained in early childhood influences numerous domains of a child's life throughout the lifespan.

Puccioni, J. L. (2012). Academic socialization and the transition to elementary school: Parents' conceptions of school readiness, practices, and children's academic achievement trajectories. (Ph.D., Michigan State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1012288932)

Abstract: By the time children enter kindergarten, significant socioeconomic and racial gaps in academic achievement exist (Coley, 2002; Rouse, Brooks-Gunn, & Mclanahan, 2005).

Pugliese, J. (2011). Parent-child relationships and parental tactic use: The socialization of physical activity within the context of an expectancy-value model. (Ph.D., Arizona State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (858382962)

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to expand on existing parental socialization models of youth achievement motivation for engaging in physical activity. This study examined the extent to which youth affective reactions (…)

Qribi, A., Courtinat, A. & Prêteur, Y. (2010). Intercultural socialisation and identity dynamics among young adults of maghrebi immigrant descent in France. International Review of Education, 56(5), 683-703. doi:10.1007/s11159-010-9179-3

Abstract: ABSTRACT IN FRENCH: Cette étude analyse différentes orientations identitaires manifestées par des jeunes Issus de l'immigration maghrébine en France en rapport avec leurs conditions de socialisation // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This study analyses different identity orientations expressed by young people of North African immigrant descent in France in relation to their conditions of socialization. // ABSTRACT IN GERMAN: Diese Untersuchung analysiert die verschiedenen Identifikationstendenzen junger französischer Immigranten aus dem Maghreb unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Sozialisierungsbedingungen.// ABSTRACT IN SPANISH: En este estudio se analizan diferentes orientaciones de identidad expresadas por personas jóvenes descendientes de inmigrantes norafricanos en Francia, en relación con sus condiciones de socialización.

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Quintelier, E. & Hooghe, M. (2012). Political attitudes and political participation: A panel study on socialization and self-selection effects among late adolescents. International Political Science Review, 33(1), 63-81. doi:10.1177/0192512111412632

Abstract: The expectation that participation entails socialization effects on political attitudes is not routinely tested in a longitudinal manner. In this article, we report on a two-year panel study among 4325 late adolescents in Belgium.

Ragonesi, C. B., Chen, X., Agrawal, S. & Galloway, J. C. (2011). Power mobility and socialization in preschool: Follow-up case study of a child with cerebral palsy. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 23(4), 399-406. doi:10.1097/PEP.0b013e318235266a

Abstract: Purpose: Our previous study found it feasible for a preschooler with cerebral palsy (CP) to use a power mobility device in his classroom but noted a lack of typical socialization.

Raval, V. V. & Martini, T. S. (2011). "Making the child understands": socialization of emotion in urban India. Journal of Family Psychology, 25(6), 847-856. doi:10.1037/a0025240

Abstract: Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, this study examined mothers' socialization of child emotion in suburban middle-class families in Gujarat, India.

Reid, D. G., Mair, H. & Arai, S. M. (2010). Decentring work: Critical perspectives on leisure, social policy, and human development, vi-vi, 276.

Reinhard, C. M. (2010). Effects of peer & familial ethnic socialization on processes of ethnic identity development in mexican-descent adolescents (Ph.D., University of Denver) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (620248716)

Abstract: The current cross-sectional study had two goals: present the Peer Ethnic Socialization Measure, (PESM) to assess peer contributions to the process of ethnic socialization (the promotion of pride, cultural knowledge and cultural traditions) (…)

Richards, S. M. (2011). Mexican American youths' academic outcomes: The role of ethnic and academic socialization in buffering discrimination (M.S., Utah State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (914706436)

Abstract: The following study is a secondary data analysis of data collected in the first wave of the California Families Project investigating the impact that discrimination in academic settings may have on academic outcomes of Mexican American youths.

Richmond, A. (2010). Parenting practices and adolescent functioning in African American families: The role of racial socialization (Ph.D., Northern Illinois University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (851549875)

Abstract: There is a variety of research exploring the role of racial socialization messages in African American families. In the literature, data suggest African American parents' use of racial socialization messages is associated with other parenting practices and behaviors as well as associated with certain areas of adolescent functioning.

Ritterhouse, J. (2012). Raising racists: The socialization of white children in the Jim Crow South. Journal of American History, 99(1), 346-U173. doi:10.1093/jahist/jas145

Rolando, S., Beccaria, F., Tigerstedt, C. & Torronen, J. (2012). First drink: What does it mean? The alcohol socialization process in different drinking cultures. Drugs-Education Prevention and Policy, 19(3), 201-212. doi:10.3109/09687637.2012.658105

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Abstract: Aims: The aim of this qualitative research is to show how the alcohol socialization process - i.e. the ways children and young people get acquainted with alcohol - can generate very diverse experiences and meanings in different cultural contexts.

Roosa, M. W., Zeiders, K. H., Knight, G. P., Gonzales, N. A., Tein, J., Saenz, D., . . . Berkel, C. (2011). A test of the social development model during the transition to junior high with Mexican American adolescents. Developmental Psychology, 47(2), 527-537.

Abstract: Mexican American adolescents have higher rates of externalizing problems than their peers from other ethnic and racial groups. (Contains 3 figures and 2 tables)

Root, A. K. & Stifter, C. (2010). Temperament and maternal emotion socialization beliefs as predictors of early childhood social behavior in the laboratory and classroom. Parenting-Science and Practice, 10(4), 241-257. doi:10.1080/15295192.2010.492035

Abstract: Objective. The authors examined the roles of children's approach behavior and maternal emotion socialization practices in the development of social behavior in unfamiliar and familiar contexts from preschool to early childhood years.

Rubbo, A. (2010). Towards equality, social inclusion and human development in design education: The case of global studio 2005-2008. Architectural Theory Review, 15(1), 61.

Abstract: This paper explores the theory and practice of the evolving project Global Studio, and contributes to a relatively untheorized area of engaged design education for inclusive and sustainable urbanization.

Saget-Menager, S. (2010). Black female adolescents' self-esteem: Effects of socialization and resilience (Psy.D., Regent University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (757710153)

Abstract: Recent research indicates that among the different ethnic groups in the United States, African Americans report the highest level of self-esteem (Twenge & Crocker, 2002). However, the literature offers a monolithic categorization of African Americans.

Sala-Roca, J., Villalba Biarnes, A., Jariot Garcia, M. & Arnau Sabates, L. (2012). Socialization process and social support networks of out-of-care youngsters. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(5), 1015-1023. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2012.02.002

Abstract: The aim of this study is to explore the socialization process and social support networks of out-of-care youngsters in Catalonia (Spain).

Sánchez Pérez, M. C. & Roblizo Colmenero, M. J. (2010). Metodología docente en los títulos de grado: La experiencia de sociología de la educación en el campus de albacete. Evaluación de competencias en los nuevos grados. VI intercampus. Cuenca, 2010: Libro de actas (1st ed., pp. 162-166) Ciudad-Real: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica y Formación Permanente. Unidad de Innovación Educativa, 2010.

Abstract: En el curso 2009/2010 se implanta el Título de Grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil y en Educación Primaria en la E. U. de Magisterio de Albacete.

Savage, J. M. (2011). Gendered pathways from strain to delinquency during adolescence: An integration of general strain theory and differential gender socialization. (Ph.D., Northeastern University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (864734349)

Abstract: A challenge for criminological theorists has been to explain both why females are so much less likely to offend than males and why they differ from males in types of crimes they do commit.

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Scammell, J. (2011). Maternal personality, socialization factors and the relations with children's social skills. (M.A., University of Windsor (Canada). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (916768434)

Abstract: To examine relations between maternal factors and children's social skills, twenty-six mothers of children, ages 3 to 12, completed online questionnaires about their personality, emotion socialization (emotion coaching), coping socialization (…)

Schipper, L. M. & Schipper, L. M. (2011). The socialization process of newly graduated nurses into a clinical setting: Role of the clinical nurse educator. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development: JNSD: Official Journal of the National Nursing Staff Development Organization, 27(5), 216-9.

Abstract: This article is a review and synthesis of the literature related to the socialization of newly graduated nurses. Personal experience and standards frame the clinical nurse educator role in facilitating learner development and socialization.

Schmid, C. (2012). The value "social responsibility" as a motivating factor for adolescents' readiness to participate in different types of political actions, and its socialization in parent and peer contexts. Journal of Adolescence, 35(3), 533-47.

Abstract: Based on a sample of tetrads (N=839), including 16 year-old adolescents, their mothers, fathers, and same-sex friends, it was analyzed in which way the value social responsibility is related to adolescents' readiness for different types of political participation.

School of social work phd student lalit khandare attends human development conference at Lima, Peru. (2009, Dec 12, 2009). US Fed News Service, Including US State News, pp. n/a.

Schultz, A. S. H., Nowatzki, J., Dunn, D. A. & Griffith, E. J. (2010). Effects of socialization in the household on youth susceptibility to smoking: A secondary analysis of the 2004/05 Canadian youth smoking survey. Chronic Diseases in Canada, 30(3), 71-77.

Abstract: Objective: To determine associations between younger youths' susceptibility to smoking and four household variables related to tobacco socialization: parental and sibling smoking, restrictions on smoking in the home and exposure to smoking in vehicles.

Schweinitz, R. d. & DuRocher, K. (2011). Raising racists: The socialization of white children in the Jim Crow south. American Historical Review, 116(5), 1515.

Seaton, E. K., Yip, T., Morgan-Lopez, A. & Sellers, R. M. (2012). Racial discrimination and racial socialization as predictors of African American adolescents' racial identity development using latent transition analysis. Developmental Psychology, 48(2), 448-458. doi:10.1037/a0025328

Abstract: The present study examined perceptions of racial discrimination and racial socialization on racial identity development among 566 African American adolescents over 3 years.

Selimovic, A. (2010). Rethinking childhood subjectivity: The psycho-politics of socialization, private-language formation, and the case of Bosnian youth. International Education, 39(2), 21-41.

Abstract: Under the guise of socialization, the child-subject born into the modern society is subjugated by a familial childhood trauma that appropriates the infantile psychosis caused by the incommunicability of early childhood. (Contains 23 notes)

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Seol, K. O. (2010). Religious identity as a mediator between religious socialization from parents, peers and mentors and psychological well-being and adjustment among Korean american adolescents. (Ph.D., University of Minnesota) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (756010528)

Abstract: The dissertation explored the religious identity development process through religious socialization within family (i.e., parents) and community (i.e., religious mentors and friends) (…)

Seol, K. O. & Lee, R. M. (2012). The effects of religious socialization and religious identity on psychosocial functioning in Korean American adolescents from immigrant families. Journal of Family Psychology: JFP: Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43), 26(3), 371-80.

Abstract: This study examined religious identity as a mediator and moderator between religious socialization by parents, peers, and religious mentors and psychosocial functioning (i.e., social competence, internalizing and externalizing behavior problems) among 155 Korean American adolescents.

Serpell, Z. N. & Mashburn, A. J. (2012). Family-school connectedness and children's early social development. Social Development, 21(1), 21-46.

Abstract: This study examined the extent to which teacher ratings of the frequency of parent-teacher contacts and quality of parent-teacher relationships in prekindergarten (…) (Contains 5 tables and 3 figures)

Sharma, A. (2011). Role of family in consumer socialization of children: literature review. Researchers World, 2(3), 161-167.

Abstract: Children have been identified as an important consumer segment. Research on Consumer Socialization of children has led to impressive findings over the years. However majority of the research on the topic has been done in North America and Europe.

Shi, B. (2010). Peer group socialization of aggression in early adolescence: Social status, group characteristics, and individual differences. (Ph.D., Temple University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (608701298)

Abstract: In previous research on the importance of a peer group in shaping and supporting group members' antisocial behavior (e.g., aggression), researchers have focused on the influence of group norms on individuals' behavior.

Shi, B. & Xie, H. (2012). Socialization of physical and social aggression in early adolescents' peer groups: High-status peers, individual status, and gender. Social Development, 21(1), 170-194. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9507.2011.00621.x

Abstract: The influence of high-status peers on a target individual's physical and manipulative social aggression in peer groups was examined in a diverse sample of seventh-grade students.

Shim, S., Serido, J. & Barber, B. L. (2011). A consumer way of thinking: Linking consumer socialization and consumption motivation perspectives to adolescent development. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(1), 290-299. doi:10.1111/j.1532-7795.2010.00730.x

Abstract: With the advent of Internet technology and rapidly changing consumer environments, the societal role played by today's adolescents is significantly increasing.

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Shim, S., Barber, B. L., Card, N. A., Xiao, J. J. & Serido, J. (2010). Financial socialization of first-year college students: The roles of parents, work, and education. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39(12), 1457-1470.

Abstract: This cross-sectional study tests a conceptual financial socialization process model, specifying four-levels that connect anticipatory socialization during adolescence to young adults' current financial learning, to their financial attitudes (…) (Contains 2 tables and 1 figure)

Shin, W. (2010). The role of parental mediation in children's consumer socialization on the web (Ph.D., University of Minnesota) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (753937956)

Shockley, K. G. (2011). The complexity of developing properly trained education professionals for African American children: Exploring an African indigenous socialization process. Urban Review: Issues and Ideas in Public Education, 43(3), 379-395.

Abstract: African centered educationists view the problems that Black children are facing in schools as a part of the disenfranchisement and disorganization of the Black community at large.

Sibireva, M. (2010). The influence of megacity on the socialization of the child. International Sociological Association.

Abstract: The understanding of the native city is formed in childhood. On the one hand, the environment of the big city, especially such megacity as St. Petersburg, comprises the set of opportunities, but on the other hand, risks & negative influences.

Sibireva, M. Y. (2010). The influence of the megapolis on the socialization of children. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, (7), 147-150.

Abstract: In this article the author presents the basis of her study taken in 2008-2009, which reveals the problems re the socialization of children in the megalopolis.

Silbereisen, R. K. & Chen, X. (2010). Social change and human development: Concept and results, xi-xi, 292.

Abstract: Today's world is characterized by a set of overarching trends that often come under the rubric of social change.

Silk, J. S., Shaw, D. S., Prout, J. T., O'Rourke, F., Lane, T. J. & Kovacs, M. (2011). Socialization of emotion and offspring internalizing symptoms in mothers with childhood-onset depression. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 32(3), 127-136. doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2011.02.001

Abstract: This study examines how mothers with and without a history of childhood-onset depression respond to their 3-9 year-old children's emotions.

Silva Sant'Ana, B. L. d. & Barros Silva Freire Andrade, D. (2010). O que mudar na educaçao?: Representaóes sociais de alunos de pedagogia analidas ao longo da formaáo inicial. Série Estudos. Periódico do Mestrado Em Educaçao Da UCDB, (29), 165-184.

Sims, R. L., Gong, B. & Ruppel, C. P. (2012). A contingency theory of corruption: The effect of human development and national culture. Social Science Journal, 49(1), 90-97. doi:10.1016/j.soscij.2011.07.005

Abstract: Corruption is a world-wide problem that disproportionately affects those with the fewest personal and economic resources.

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Sipes, M., Matson, J. L. & Horovitz, M. (2011). Autism spectrum disorders and motor skills: The effect on socialization as measured by the baby and infant screen for children with aUtIsm traits (BISCUIT). Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 14(5), 290-296. doi:10.3109/17518423.2011.587838

Abstract: Purpose: To examine the effects of ASD diagnosis and motor skills on socialization in young children. Methods: Two samples were used: gross motor skills sample (n = 408) and fine motor skills sample (n = 402).

Smalls, C. (2010). Effects of mothers' racial socialization and relationship quality on African American youth's school engagement: A profile approach. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16(4), 476-484. doi:10.1037/a0020653

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between profiles of adolescents' reports of their mothers' racial socialization (e.g., racial pride and racial barrier messages) (…)

Smith, T. M. (2010). Colorism and perceived sexual risk taking among African American adolescent girls: Where does racial socialization fit in this relationship? (M.S., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (366335786)

Abstract: The primary purpose of this study was to examine the influences of colorism on perceived harm of sexual risk taking behaviors among 243 African American adolescent females.

Snell, P. (2011). "Just reproduce after what I taught you": Spatial segregation of religious youth socialization and the reproduction of social inequality. Youth & Society, 43(3), 931-956. doi:10.1177/0044118X10374636

Abstract: Researchers consistently find that educational and familial settings unintentionally reproduce socioeconomic status (SES) via distinct socialization patterns in their community contexts.

Stefan, C. A. & Miclea, M. (2010). Prevention programmes targeting emotional and social development in preschoolers: Current status and future directions. Early Child Development and Care, 180(8), 1103-1128.

Abstract: Early intervention has become a widely recognised practice because preschool years offer the best timing for preventing early onset conduct problems. (Contains 1 figure and 3 tables)

Stelter, R. L. (2010). Parental socialization of children's anger and sadness and children's affective social competence (Ph.D., North Carolina State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (761001642)

Abstract: Parents' emotion-related socialization behaviors are one component of the process through which children learn about the experience, expression and regulation of emotions (…)

Su, J. (2011). Peers, parents, school, and neighborhood influences on adolescent substance use across ethnic groups: An application of peer cluster and primary socialization theories. (M.S., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (916923605)

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Abstract: The purposes of the study were to evaluate the applicability of the peer cluster model and the primary socialization model, developed based upon peer cluster theory and primary socialization theory respectively (…)

Sullivan, C. J. & Hirschfield, P. (2011). Problem behavior in the middle school years: An assessment of the social development model. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 48(4), 566-593.

Abstract: The Social Development Model (SDM) is a life course theory that integrates several extant criminological theories to specify the interactive social processes that lead to prosocial and antisocial behavior. (Contains 2 figures, 3 tables, and 14 notes)

Summers Temple, W. I. (2011). Racial and ethnic socialization and racial identity in African American emerging adults raised in predominantly white communities (Ph.D., Indiana University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (914418863)

Abstract: Few studies have looked at the relationship between racial identity and both racial and ethnic socialization. This study examines these variables using subjects who are African American emerging adults raised in predominantly White communities.

Suzuki, K. (2011). The socialization of nontraditional family formation: Cohabitation and nonmarital childbirth among young adults. (Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (871230375)

Abstract: Many young adults today grew up in various family forms and experienced family status changes such as parental divorce, single-parenthood, and family reformation.

Takahashi, M. (2010). An immune system model in the research of moral socialization: Formation of reflective morality through adolescent relativism. International Sociological Association.

Abstract: For a long time, moral socialization has been considered as the internalization of external norms in a given society. However, internalization models have been overlooked the linguistic, interpretative & reflective nature of moral socialization.

Tarnutzer, B. A. (2011). Senior center without walls: An expansion of resources and socialization for homebound older adults a grant proposal. (M.S.W., California State University, Long Beach) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (889136837)

Abstract: The purpose of this proposed project is to provide funding for outreach and linkage to older adult community-based agencies for implementation of the Orange County Senior Center Without Walls Program.

Tate, N. H. (2011). Perceived familial socialization and ethnic identity: Factors associated with physical activity, eating behaviors, and social physique anxiety in African American adolescents. (Ph.D., Wayne State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (895934543)

Abstract: Purpose. African American adolescents experience higher rates of obesity and have an increased risk of obesity related diseases than Caucasian American adolescents.

Taylor, M., Houghton, S. & Bednall, J. (2010). Friendships, peer socialization and social identity among adolescent skateboarders and graffiti writers, x-x, 41.

Theurer, J. L. (2010). Retrospective miscue analysis and the socialization of one young adult reader. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 37(1), 63-70.

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Abstract: The purpose of this case study research was to investigate the use of Retrospective Miscue Analysis (RMA) with a community college student enrolled in a college remedial reading course (Contains 7 figures)

Thies, C. G. (2012). International socialization processes vs. Israeli national role conceptions: Can role theory integrate IR theory and foreign policy analysis? Foreign Policy Analysis, 8(1), 25-46. doi:10.1111/j.1743-8594.2011.00170.x

Abstract: This paper develops a theoretical approach to state socialization grounded in role theory. Role theory, in particular the role location process, offers a way to connect grand International Relations theory and inquiry to the analysis of specific foreign policy actions through the socialization concept.

Thomas, J. M. (2010). Parental emotion socialization of sadness in black adolescents. (Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (518581142).

Abstract: This project followed a two-study design. It intended to define parental emotion socialization (PES) within a sample of older Black adolescents and to examine the influence of PES on adolescents' attitudes toward the expression of sadness (…)

Thornhill, T. E. (2011). From racial socialization to racial ideologies: The role of family, high school U.S. history, and college coursework in the lives of black young adults. (Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (883079024)

Abstract: This dissertation investigates the role of familial racial socialization and formal education in black college students' racial ideologies.

Topdar, S. (2010). Knowledge and governance: Political socialization of the Indian child within colonial schooling and nationalist contestations in India (1870--1925). (Ph.D., University of Michigan) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (849568564)

Abstract: This dissertation examines two sites of knowledge production in colonial India between 1870 and 1925 that specifically targeted the Indian child. The first site was the colonial school and curriculum, specifically, textbooks and physical education.

Tran, A. G. T. T. & Lee, R. M. (2010). Perceived ethnic racial socialization, ethnic identity, and social competence among Asian American late adolescents. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16(2), 169-178. doi:10.1037/a0016400

Abstract: This study extends the research on parental ethnic-racial socialization to Asian American late adolescents (N = 166). The authors specifically examined the factor structure, frequency, and correlates of a perceived ethnic-racial socialization measure.

Turiel, E. (2010). Domain specificity in social interactions, social thought, and social development. Child Development, 81(3), 720-726.

Abstract: J. E. Grusec and M. Davidov (this issue) have taken good steps in formulating a domain-specific view of parent-child interactions. This commentary supports the introduction of domain specificity to analyses of parenting.

Ureksoy, H. (2011). The role of program climate and socialization in the retention of engineering undergraduates. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: Increasing women's participation in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) can promote a healthy economy by ensuring a diverse and well-

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qualified STEM workforce, not only in the quantity of females in the workforce, but diversity in thinking and creativity.

Uttal, L. & Han, C. Y. (2011). Taiwanese immigrant mothers' childcare preferences: Socialization for bicultural competency. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 17(4), 437-443. doi:10.1037/a0025435

Abstract: This paper explores how middle-class Taiwanese immigrant mothers in the United States defined the benefits of placing their children in predominantly White American childcare centers instead of using more culturally familiar forms of care.

Vaidyanathan, B. (2011). Religious resources or differential returns? Early religious socialization and declining attendance in emerging adulthood. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 50(2), 366-387. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5906.2011.01573.x

Abstract: The transition from adolescence into emerging adulthood is usually accompanied by a decline in religious participation. This article examines why such decline occurs at different rates across major Christian traditions and whether this variation can be explained by early socialization factors.

Van Deth, J. W., Abendschön, S. & Vollmar, M. (2011). Children and politics: An empirical reassessment of early political socialization. Political Psychology, 32(1), 147-174. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9221.2010.00798.x

Abstract: Demands for the inclusion of children, the youngest citizens, in democratic decision making are increasing. Although there is an abundance of empirical research on the political orientations of adolescents, there is a paucity of research on younger children's orientations.

Van Wagenen, T. B. Language socialization: The nature of mother-child interactions in a mexican-american family of low socio-economic status. Masters Abstracts International (60364156; 201010963)

Van Zalk, N., Van Zalk, M. H., Walter, & Kerr, M. (2011). Socialization of social anxiety in adolescent crowds. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39(8), 1239-49. doi:10.1007/s10802-011-9533-3

Abstract: In this study, we looked at whether social anxiety is socialized, or influenced by peers' social anxiety, more in some peer crowds than others.

Van Zalk, N., Van Zalk, M., Kerr, M. & Stattin, H. (2011). Social anxiety as a basis for friendship selection and socialization in adolescents' social networks. Journal of Personality, 79(3), 499-526. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6494.2011.00682.x

Abstract: ABSTRACT Socially anxious children and adolescents have previously been found to have friends with similarly socially anxious, withdrawn behavioral characteristics. How peers might socialize social anxiety over time has (…)

Vandenbosch, L. & Eggermont, S. (2012). Maternal attachment and television viewing in adolescents' sexual socialization: Differential associations across gender. Sex Roles, 66(1-2), 38-52. doi:10.1007/s11199-011-0075-5

Abstract: The present study explores whether gender and maternal attachment moderate the relationship between television viewing and adolescents' sexual and gender stereotypical attitudes.

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Velasco, J. G. (2011). Parented emotion: A study of adult-children's emotion socialization and family communication patterns (Ph.D., University of Denver) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (902733839)

Abstract: Using the General Theory of Family Communication Patterns (FCPT) and Emotion Regulation Theory (ERT) of Meta-emotion, Parenting, and Child Outcomes, this dissertation sought to investigate adults' emotion socialization in their family of origin (…)

Vereecken, C. A. (2010). [A longitudinal study on dietary habits and the primary socialization of these habits in young children]. [Een longitudinale studie rond voedingsgewoontes en de primaire socialisatie van voedingsgewoontes bij jonge kinderen.] Verhandelingen - Koninklijke Academie Voor Geneeskunde Van Belgie, 72(5-6), 295-308.

Abstract: The Family Influences on Food Intake study (FIFI), is a longitudinal study on dietary habits of young children and the primary socialization of these habits during childhood and during the transition into adolescence.

Vicente Pena, J., Rodriguez Menendez, C. & Torio, S. (2010). Family and socialization processes: Parental perception and evaluation of their children's household labor. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 41(1), 131-+.

Abstract: This paper presents the results of a research Project developed to analyze and diagnose family co-responsibility in Spain. The basic goal of the research was to broaden our knowledge about how families negotiate the division of household labour (…)

Vigante, R. & Zaiceva, I. (2011). Research on socialization problems among hearing-impaired children at special primary school establishment. International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology 2010, 12, 371-382. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.02.046

Abstract: The article researches the issue of family and the educational institution influence on socialization of children with special needs.

Viguer, P., Carlos Melendez, J., Valencia, S., Jose Cantero, M. & Navarro, E. (2010). Grandparent-grandchild relationships from the children's perspective: Shared activities and socialization styles. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 13(2), 708-717.

Abstract: The objective of this study is to describe the relationships between grandchildren and their favourite grandparents, by studying the socialization styles used by latter and the shared activities undertaken.

Villalba, J. A., Ivers, N. N. & Ohlms, A. B. (2010). "Cuento" group work in emerging rural latino communities: Promoting personal-social development of Latina/o middle school students of mexican heritage. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(1), 23-43.

Abstract: The experiences of Latina/o youth in rural emerging Latino communities are largely absent in the literature. This article proposes the benefits of a "Cuento" group work intervention designed to promote Latina/o student personal-social development. (Contains 1 table)

Voloskov, I. V. (2010). Characteristics of the socialization of young people going to school. Russian Education and Society, 52(7), 52-58.

Abstract: Owing to the absence of clear-cut moral and ethical guidelines and ideas about what type of individual is in demand in present-day Russian society, to a large extent the value orientations of young people are being developed in a haphazard way.

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Waerdahl, R., Kalmus, V. & Keller, M. (2011). Consumer socialisation and value orientations among Estonian and Chinese young people. Children & Society, 25(2), 127-138.

Abstract: This paper asks if Estonian and Chinese tweens' access to pocket money influences their brand valuation, as well as value orientations in the context of perceived peer popularity and personal well-being.

Wargo Aikins, J., Simon, V. A. & Prinstein, M. J. (2010). Romantic partner selection and socialization of young adolescents' substance use and behavior problems. Journal of Adolescence, 33(6), 813-26. doi:10.1016/j.adolescence.2010.07.007

Abstract: This study examined romantic partner selection and socialization of substance use (cigarettes, alcohol) and behavior problems among a sample of 78 young adolescents (6th-8th graders) over eleven months.

Watne, T., Lobo, A. & Brennan, L. (2011). Children as agents of secondary socialisation for their parents. Young Consumers, 12(4), 285-294. doi:10.1108/17473611111185841

Abstract: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the body of knowledge associated with consumer socialisation.

White-Johnson, R. L., Ford, K. R. & Sellers, R. M. (2010). Parental racial socialization profiles: Association with demographic factors, racial discrimination, childhood socialization, and racial identity. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16(2), 237-247. doi:10.1037/a0016111

Abstract: The authors examined patterns of racial socialization practices in a sample of 212 African American mothers.

Whittingham, K., Fahey, M., Rawicki, B. & Boyd, R. (2010). The relationship between motor abilities and early social development in a preschool cohort of children with cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 31(6), 1346-1351.

Abstract: Aim: To investigate the relationship between motor ability and early social development in a cohort of preschool children with cerebral palsy (CP). Design: Population-based cohort study. (Contains 3 tables and 1 figure)

Wiersma, J. D., Fischer, J. L., Cleveland, H. H., Reifman, A. & Harris, K. S. (2011). Selection and socialization of drinking among young adult dating, cohabiting, and married partners. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 28(2), 182-200. doi:10.1177/0265407510380083

Abstract: This study examines associations among adolescent drinking, young adult drinking, and romantic partner drinking through selection and socialization processes in young adult dating, cohabiting, and marital relationships.

Wray-Lake, L. (2010). The development of social responsibility in adolescence: Dynamic socialization, values, and action. (Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (817926188)

Abstract: Promoting adolescents' development as socially responsible citizens is a shared goal of researchers, practitioners, and parents. Recent revisions to value socialization theory argue that parental strategies for cultivating values are flexibly adapted (…)

Yagmurlu, B. & Altan, O. (2010). Maternal socialization and child temperament as predictors of emotion regulation in Turkish preschoolers. Infant and Child Development, 19(3), 275-296. doi:10.1002/icd.646

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Abstract: This study investigated the role of maternal socialization and temperament in Turkish preschool children's emotion regulation.

Yang, Y. (2012). Korean mothers' child rearing practices and socialization goals for their young children (Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (923638498)

Abstract: This study investigated immigrant Korean mothers' child rearing practices and socialization goals toward their young children. This study included four different types of immigrant Korean mothers' status (…)

Yoon, E., Langrehr, K. & Ong, L. Z. (2011). Content analysis of acculturation research in counseling and counseling psychology: A 22-year review. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(1), 83-96

Abstract: The authors conducted a 22-year (1988-2009) content analysis of quantitative empirical research that included acculturation and/or enculturation as a study variable(s). (Contains 1 figure and 5 tables)

Young, E. L., Nelson, D. A., Hottle, A. B., Warburton, B. & Young, B. K. (2011). Relational aggression among students. Education Digest: Essential Readings Condensed for Quick Review, 76(7), 24-29.

Abstract: "Relational aggression" refers to harm within relationships caused by covert bullying or manipulative behavior. (Contains 3 online resources)

Yun, S. & Chang, W. Y. (2011). New media and political socialization of teenagers: The case of the 2008 candlelight protests in Korea. Asian Perspective, 35(1), 135-162.

Abstract: In this study, we examine the Political socialization of teenagers by focusing on the 2008 Candlelight Protests in Korea, with particular emphasis on the implication of technological variables of modern society-in this case, new media.

Zalk, N. v., Zalk, M. v., Kerr, M. & Stattin, H. (2011). Social anxiety as a basis for friendship selection and socialization in adolescents' social networks. Journal of Personality, 79(3), 499-526. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6494.2011.00682.x

Abstract: Socially anxious children and adolescents have previously been found to have friends with similarly socially anxious, withdrawn behavioral characteristics. How peers might socialize social anxiety over time has, however, not been thoroughly investigated.

Zanoni, R. & Yalazoglu, S. (2011). [Socialisation, a fundamental process for student nurses]. [La socialisation, un processus fondamental pour les etudiants infirmiers.] Soins; La Revue De Reference Infirmiere, (759), 24-5.

Abstract: Socialisation is an essential part of learning the nursing profession. Through it, students develop, during the theoretical training and practical placements, various strategies and resources to help them acquire the skills required to be a professional nurse.

Zubkov, V. I. (2011). Juvenile delinquency as result of inadequate youth socialization. Sotsial'no-Gumanitarnye Znaniia, 4, 109-147.

Abstract: In the article influence of socialization quality on deviant behavior of the Russian youth is considered at the social and the social-psychological levels. Key parameters of the youth deviant behavior are represented.

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1.3 TEMA 3: La institución escolar, contexto de socialización (405)

Agarwala, R. & Teitelbaum, E. (2010). Trends in funding for dissertation field research: Why do political science and sociology students win so few awards? PS: Political Science and Politics, 43(2), 283-293.

Abstract: Despite the size and growth of political science and sociology relative to other disciplines, political science and sociology graduate students have received a declining share of funding for dissertation field research in recent years.

Ahopelto, I., Mikkila-Erdmann, M., Anto, E. & Penttinen, M. (2011). Future elementary school teachers' conceptual change concerning photosynthesis. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 55(5), 503-515.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine conceptual change among future elementary school teachers while studying a scientific text concerning photosynthesis. (Contains 4 figures and 1 footnote)

Airoldi, A. L. (2010). Forest-limit fluctuation in response to land use and climate variability: A history of the alpine forest regions around Roros, Sor-trondelag, Norway, and the social and ecological implications of past industrialization. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (849745493)

Abstract: Treeline ecosystems are found worldwide in conjunction with alpine forests. These ecosystems can be used as indicators of variability in climate and growing conditions because of the narrow margin deciding survival of a species.

Allodi, M. W. (2010). Goals and values in school: A model developed for describing, evaluating and changing the social climate of learning environments. Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal, 13(2), 207-235. doi:10.1007/s11218-009-9110-6

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Abstract: This paper defines a broad model of the psychosocial climate in educational settings. The model was developed from a general theory of learning environments, on a theory of human values and on empirical studies of children's evaluations of their schools.

Altés Caralt, T. & Sánchez Cano, M. (2011). El clima de l'aula en la gestió dels problemes de comportament. Universitat de Vic. Facultat d'Educació.

Atkinson, G., Dietz, S., Helgeson, J., Hepburn, C. J. & Saelen, H. (2010). Siblings, not triplets: Social preferences for risk, inequality and time in discounting climate change. Unpublished manuscript.

Abstract: Arguments about the appropriate discount rate often start by assuming a Utilitarian social welfare function with isoelastic utility, in which the consumption discount rate is a function of the (constant) elasticity of marginal utility along with the (much discussed) utility discount rate.

Baysinger, M. A. (2011). Workgroup climate, team KSAOs, and social perceptions: When do shared perceptions and group characteristics lead to dysfunctional outcomes? (Ph.D., Purdue University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (904552006)

Abstract: Using a longitudinal design, the present research examined the additive and multiplicative effects of group characteristics (i.e., group psychopathy and teamwork KSAs) and situational perceptions (…)

Benner, A. D. (2011). The transition to high school: Current knowledge, future directions. Educational Psychology Review, 23(3), 299-328.

Abstract: In the American educational system, school transitions are frequent and predictable, but they can disrupt student functioning across developmental domains. How students experience school transitions has been a focus of research for some time, but the high school transition has received less attention(…)

Berry, B. (2011). Teaching 2030: What we must do for our students and our public schools--now and in the future Teachers College Press.

Abstract: In the raging controversy over the purpose of public education and how to fix the nation's underperforming schools, the voices of America's best teachers are seldom heard.

Borrás, N., Jaime Manzana, B., Nieblas Baeza, M. J., Rovira Garriga, M., Milà Vidal, N., Ferrer, R. Ventosa, S. (2011). Construir el futuro de una escuela que aprende. Cuadernos De Pedagogía, (416), 85-89.

Bowen, G. L. & Richman, J. M. (2010). The school success profile: assessing the social environment and the individual adaptation of middle and high school students. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai 55(1), 11-29.

Abstract: This article provides an overview of the School Success Profile (SSP), which is a strengths-based assessment tool for informing, monitoring, and evaluating interventions to promote school success among middle and high school students.

Bowen, N. K. (2011). Child-report data and assessment of the social environment in schools. Research on Social Work Practice, 21(4), 476-486. doi:10.1177/1049731510391675

Abstract: Objectives: This study tested the quality of data collected with the online Elementary School Success Profile (ESSP) for Children from a diverse sample of 1,172 third through fifth graders.

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Bringman, N. M., Mueller, S. M. & Lee, S. M. (2010). Educating future school principals regarding the role of professional school counselors. Journal of School Counseling, 8(3).

Abstract: In this study, the effects of an intervention designed to educate future school principals regarding the role of professional school counselors was examined. (Contains 3 tables)

Brock, S. E., Nickerson, A. B., Reeves, M. A., Savage, T. A. & Woitaszewski, S. A. (2011). Development, evaluation, and future directions of the PREPaRE school crisis prevention and intervention training curriculum. Journal of School Violence, 10(1), 34-52.

Abstract: This article describes the development, program evaluation, and future directions of the PREPaRE School Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training Curriculum (PREPaRE). (Contains 5 tables)

Brody, J. L., Vissa, J. & Weathers, J. M. (2010). School leader professional socialization: The contribution of focused observations. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 5(14), 611-651.

Abstract: In this study, we examine how the Educational Leadership Program for Aspiring Principals (ELPAP) at the University of Pennsylvania uses a guided inquiry experience, the Focused Observation (…)(Contains 2 tables and 1 footnote)

Brown, S. C., Huang, S., Perrino, T., Surio, P., Borges-Garcia, R., Flavin, K. Szapocznik, J. (2011). The relationship of perceived neighborhood social climate to walking in hispanic older adults: A longitudinal, cross-lagged panel analysis. Journal of Aging and Health, 23(8), 1325-1351. doi:10.1177/0898264311418502

Abstract: Objective: This study examines possible bidirectional relationships between neighborhood climate (i.e., perceived neighborhood social environment) and walking behavior across a 12-month period in older Hispanics.

Bustamante, J. (2010). Investigating the effects of racioethnic diversity on organizational outcomes: The mediating role of social capital and the moderating role of diversity climate. (Ph.D., Columbia University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (749923849)

Abstract: This study examined the relationship between organizational-level racioethnic diversity and organizational outcomes by investigating the mediating role of social capital and the moderating role of diversity climate.

Cagigas Villalba, J. & Alonso González, M. (2010). Mi paso por la escuela y reflexiones sobre el futuro de la función de recursos humanos. 40 años de historia de la escuela universitaria de relaciones laborales de Torrelavega (1st ed., pp. 173-175) Exlibris.

Carrasco, C. & Trianes, M. V. (2010). Clima social, prosocialidad y violencia como predictores de inadaptación escolar en primaria. European Journal of Education and Psychology, 3(2), 229-242.

Abstract: The general aim of this work is to analyse how students' perception of social climate, pro-social behaviour and the observation and experience of school violence contribute to predict their social and emotional adaptation reported (…)

Casey, G. & Evans, T. (2011). Designing for learning: Online social networks as a classroom environment. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 12(7), 1-26.

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Abstract: This paper deploys notions of emergence, connections, and designs for learning to conceptualize high school students' interactions when using online social media as a learning environment. (Contains 10 figures)

Cassell, J. A. & Nelson, T. (2010). Visions lost and dreams forgotten: Environmental education, systems thinking, and possible futures in american public schools. Teacher Education Quarterly, 37(4), 179-197.

Abstract: This article discusses the contributions to this special issue of "Teacher Education Quarterly." At the core of all the contributions is the compellingly urgent realization that humanity is facing, and must deal with, enormous ecological and social problems and challenges.

Cerezo Ramírez, F. & Alto, M. (2010). Estatus social, género, clima del aula y "bullying" entre estudiantes adolescentes. Anales De Psicología, 26(1), 137-144.

Collie, R. J., Shapka, J. D. & Perry, N. E. (2011). Predicting teacher commitment: The impact of school climate and social–emotional learning. Psychology in the Schools, 48(10), 1034-1048. doi:10.1002/pits.20611

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate whether school climate and social–emotional learning impact teacher commitment. The sample included 664 public schoolteachers from British Columbia and Ontario in Canada.

Conchas, G. Q. & Vigil, J. D. (2010). Multiple marginality and urban education: Community and school socialization among low-income mexican-descent youth. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 15(1-2), 51-65.

Abstract: This article conceptualizes the crucial social and developmental features impacting Mexican-descent youth and adolescents in low-income communities in southern California.

Cook, J. (2011, Jan/Feb 2011). The future of school: the writing is on the wall. Countryside and Small Stock Journal, 95, 30.

Abstract: From Horace Mann, whose egalitarian visions moved the Massachusetts legislature to create the first Board of Education, to the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the American education system has been fraught with conflict and controversy.

Corner, A. & Pidgeon, N. (2010). Geoengineering the climate: the social and ethical implications. Environment, 52(1), 24-37, 4.

Abstract: [...] emissions are increasing more rapidly than even the worst case scenario modeled by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and predictions about the likely effects of anthropogenic influence on the climate have become increasingly severe.

Corner, A. & Randall, A. (2011). Selling climate change? The limitations of social marketing as a strategy for climate change public engagement. Global Environmental Change, 21(3), 1005-1014. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2011.05.002

Abstract: Social marketing is the systematic application of marketing concepts and techniques to achieve specific behavioural goals relevant to the social good.

Cuadrado Gordillo, I. & Fernández Antelo, I. (2011). La competencia social y el clima del aula como práctica inclusora en el contexto escolar. Organización y Gestión Educativa: Revista Del Forum Europeo De Administradores De La Educación; 2011, n.1; p.22-25.

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Abstract: Se incide en la necesidad de transcender el currículum escolar desde lo puramente cognitivo para sumir el interés por los sentimientos, las emociones y los valores como prácticas inclusoras.

Cutter-Mackenzie, A. (2010). Australian waste wise schools program: Its past, present, and future. Journal of Environmental Education, 41(3), 165-178.

Abstract: The Waste Wise Schools program has a longstanding history in Australia. It is an action-based program that encourages schools to move toward zero waste through their curriculum and operating practices. (Contains 2 notes and 6 tables)

Dalhaus, E. (2011). Education between institution and social environment: To the difference of life-worldly educational practise and achievement requirement at school. Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie Der Erziehung Und Socialisation/Journal for Sociology of Education and Socialization, 31(2), 117-135.

Abstract: In the present school research and educational research particularly institutional perceptions on education are reproduced, although it becomes increasingly the claim to consider the worlds of experience of the pupils (…)

De Rossi, B. (2010). Public attitudes towards climate change in Alberta: The effects of beliefs and social structures on citizens' willingness to pay taxes that address climate change mitigation. (M.S., University of Alberta (Canada) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (816499332)

Abstract: This thesis is about climate change attitudes in Alberta, Canada. It applies a bivariate logistic analysis to the data gathered from a random stratified sampling survey held in Alberta in 2008.

Dessoff, A. (2010). Making your schools future proof. District Administration, 46(9), 64-67.

Abstract: Under pressure to keep spending down but also keep pace with rapid technology changes, many districts are future-proofing their schools--trying to get the most out of their tech spending by providing solutions they will be able to use now (…)

Dinshaw, A. (2011). Addressing climate change in the developing world: The role of core competency-aligned corporate social responsibility in building adaptive capacity (M.A., Tufts University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (899691136)

Abstract: Given the urgent need for climate change adaptation, especially in developing countries, there is an increasingly acknowledged role for the private sector to be involved.

Drury, D., Baer, J. & Harvard University, Graduate School, of Education. (2011). The American public school teacher: Past, present, and future Harvard Education Press.

Abstract: At its heart are the National Education Association's "Status of the American Public School Teacher" surveys, which are conducted every five years and offer unprecedented insights into the professional lives and experiences of teachers nationwide.

Edwards, L. R. (2011). Changing the social environment in an elementary school to reduce dropout predictors for African American students (S.S.P. Western Carolina University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (896127243)

Abstract: Dropping out of school is a serious problem in the United States, especially for African American students.

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Edwin, S. (2011). Shaping futures and feminisms: Qur'anic schools in West African francophone fiction. Gender and Education, 23(7), 873-888.

Abstract: This article examines the representation of female education in Qur'anic schools in a selection of West African francophone novels. (Contains 10 notes)

Elias, M. J., DeFini, J. & Bergmann, J. (2010). Coordinating social-emotional and character development (SECD) initiatives improves school climate and student learning. Middle School Journal, 42(1), 30-37.

Abstract: Rutgers University initiated Developing Safe and Civil Schools (DSACS), a program designed to assist schools in promoting social-emotional and character development (SECD) in systematic (…)

Fan, W., Williams, C. M. & Corkin, D. M. (2011). A multilevel analysis of student perceptions of school climate: The effect of social and academic risk factors. Psychology in the Schools, 48(6), 632-647.

Abstract: This multilevel study examines the extent to which individual- and school-level variables are predictive of three aspects of students' perceived school climate (order, safety, and discipline (…)(Contains 1 figure and 5 tables)

Fataar, A. (2010). Student being and becoming at the university: A response from the perspective of a reflexive sociology of teacher education. South African Journal of Higher Education, 24(2), 318-330.

Abstract: This article is a discussion of the educational being and becoming of university students. It focuses on the reflexive adaptations of a group of teacher education students at a South African university. (Contains 4 notes)

Feito, R. (2010). Sociología en la educación secundaria. Barcelona: Graó.

Few, R. & Tran, P. G. (2010). Climatic hazards, health risk and response in Vietnam: Case studies on social dimensions of vulnerability. Global Environmental Change, 20(3), 529-538. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2010.02.004

Abstract: Vietnam is highly prone to climatic hazards, including extreme weather events and marked seasonal changes. Climatic hazards have wide-ranging implications for human health, but in most hazard-prone countries there has been little household level research on health risks.

Flanagan, C. A. & Stout, M. (2010). Developmental patterns of social trust between early and late adolescence: Age and school climate effects. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 20(3), 748-773. doi:10.1111/j.1532-7795.2010.00658.x

Abstract: Social trust (i.e., belief that people are generally fair and trustworthy) is important to the functioning of democracies, and trend studies show it has declined. We test hypotheses concerning the development of these beliefs in adolescence.

Frick, W. C. & Riley, A. T. (2010). A self-study on preparing future school leaders. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 5(9), 310-329.

Abstract: This paper presents a self-study project that goes beyond the surface of praxis to examine the internal academic teaching process of a PK-12 school leader educator.

Froehlich, H. C. (2011). Sociología para el profesorado de música perspectivas para la práctica (1st ed.). Barcelona: Grao.

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García Teske, E. (2011). La impronta de los aprendizajes en un mundo tecnológicamente globalizado: ¿podrá construir su futuro la escuela de hoy? Revista Iberoamericana De Educación, 54(5).

Gloeckler, L. & Niemeyer, J. (2010). Social-emotional environments: Teacher practices in two toddler classrooms. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 12(1)

Abstract: This descriptive qualitative report is taken from a larger U.S. study on the influences of teacher practices on the early development of emotion regulation in toddlers.

Guerra Vio, C., Castro Arancibia, L. & Vargas Castro, J. (2011). Examen psicométrico del cuestionario de clima social del centro escolar en estudiantes chilenos. Psicothema, 23(1). 140-5.

Abstract: Se adapta un cuestionario para evaluar el clima escolar (CECSCE) y luego se analizan sus propiedades psicométricas. Participaron 1.075 estudiantes chilenos, a quienes se les aplica el CECSCE y una medida de violencia escolar.

Guo, L. (2010). Cross-cultural socialization at Tibetan classes (schools) in the interior: An empirical analysis. Chinese Education and Society, 43(3), 73-96.

Abstract: Education by means of the Tibetan Classes (schools) in "neidi," or China's interior regions (or the Tibet Class), was a creative measure in the history of China's ethnic minority education (…) (Contains 12 tables and 2 note)

Halsey, R. J. (2011). Small schools, big future. Australian Journal of Education, 55(1), 5-13.

Abstract: Historically, small schools have played a very important role in the provision of schooling in Australia. Numerically, using an enrollment of 200 or less, small schools represent approximately 45% of the schools in Australia.

Hamilton, T. (2010). Understanding the black college student experience: The relationships between racial identity, social support, general campus, academic, and racial climate, and GPA (Ph.D., Seton Hall University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (734663336)

Abstract: According to the US Department of Education (2001), Black college students, when compared with other racial groups, have the highest drop out rate at both two-year and four-year colleges.

Hansen, W. B. (2010). Current and future directions in elementary school drug prevention. Journal of Drug Education, 40(1), 91-98.

Abstract: Drug prevention efforts in elementary schools are widespread. Nonetheless, there are clear challenges that both researchers and practitioners face. (Contains 1 figure)

Hatoss, A., O'Neill, S. & Eacersall, D. (2012). Career choices: Linguistic and educational socialization of Sudanese-background high-school students in Australia. Linguistics and Education: An International Research Journal, 23(1), 16-30.

Abstract: This research investigated the linguistic and educational socialization of Sudanese refugee-background youth in Australia. (Contains 2 figures and 5 tables)

Hickey, A. A. (2011). Reducing poverty, protecting livelihoods, and building assets in a changing climate: Social implications of climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean. Choice, 48(8), 1527-1528.

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Abstract: The connections between climate change and development in Latin American and Caribbean countries is thoroughly investigated in this volume of articles written by a team of researchers from the World Bank.

Hopson, L. & Lawson, H. (2011). Social workers' leadership for positive school climates via data-informed planning and decision making. Children & Schools, 33(2), 106-118.

Abstract: No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation is an important policy intervention aimed at changing school, district, and state department of education policies and practices to improve student outcomes.

Horibe, S. (2010). Towards scientific literacy: A teachers' guide to the history, philosophy and sociology of science. Science Education, 94(5), 932-934. doi:10.1002/sce.20410

Hough, M. (2011). Libraries as iCentres: Helping schools face the future. School Library Monthly, 27(7), 8-11.

Abstract: School librarians need to be proactive in identifying new ways to help students prepare for the world of the future. (Contains 2 online resources)

Hough, M., International Association of, S. L. & School Library Association of Queensland Inc. (2010). In schools that face the future: Libraries matter. International Association of School Librarianship.

Abstract: This address will provide an overview of the societal and economic pressures that are driving change in post industrial economies and their schools, review the characteristics of selected societies such as Australia, USA and Hong Kong (…) (Contains 1 table)

Hsiang, S. M. (2011). Essays on the social impacts of climate. (Ph.D., Columbia University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (866632236)

Abstract: It has been hypothesized that local or global climatic conditions can affect societies in a variety of ways.

Johnson, B. B. (2011). Assessing social-ecological resilience and adaptive capacity in the face of climate change: An examination of three communities in the crown of the continent ecosystem. (Ph.D., University of New Hampshire) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (928459899)

Abstract: This research examines the social-ecological resilience and adaptive capacity of the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem through a suite of three case study communities and the impacts of climate change on the ecosystem's hydrologic regime.

Keller, L. A., Keller, R. R. & Parker, P. A. (2011). The examination of the classification of students into performance categories by two different equating methods. Journal of Experimental Education, 79(1), 30-52.

Abstract: This study investigates the comparability of two item response theory based equating methods: true score equating (TSE), and estimated true equating (ETE). (Contains 1 footnote, 11 tables, and 2 figures)

Kober, N., Rentner, D. S. & Center on, E. P. (2011). Strained schools face bleak future: Districts foresee budget cuts, teacher layoffs, and a slowing of education reform efforts. Center on Education Policy.

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Abstract: Many school districts had to cope with shrinking budgets this past school year, but the effects of these cuts were cushioned to some extent by the availability of federal economic stimulus money. (Contains 8 tables, 5 figures and 3 footnote)

Koletsou, A. & Mancy, R. (2011). Which efficacy constructs for large-scale social dilemma problems? Individual and collective forms of efficacy and outcome expectancies in the context of climate change mitigation. Risk Management, 13(4), 184-208. doi:10.1057/rm.2011.12

Abstract: Effective management of climate change risk requires an understanding of how to encourage positive behaviour change at the collective level.

Kong López, F. (2010). La visión de futuro de niños y niñas de 6º de primaria: Un caso de estudio en una escuela de Barcelona. Investigar para avanzar en educación ambiental (1st ed., pp. 289-304) Parques Nacionales.

Konig, J., Blomeke, S., Paine, L., Schmidt, W. H. & Hsieh, F. (2011). General pedagogical knowledge of future middle school teachers: On the complex ecology of teacher education in the United States, Germany, and Taiwan. Journal of Teacher Education, 62(2), 188-201.

Abstract: For more than two decades, three components of teacher knowledge have been discussed, namely, content knowledge (CK), pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), and general pedagogical knowledge (GPK). (Contains 6 notes, 8 tables and 4 figures)

Kuuskorpi, M. & Gonzalez, N. C. (2011). The future of the physical learning environment: School facilities that support the user. CELE Exchange.

Abstract: This paper presents the conclusions of a study, carried out in collaboration with schools in six European countries, which focused on tomorrow's physical learning environments.

Kuvaas, B. & Dysvik, A. (2011). Permanent employee investment and social exchange, and psychological cooperative climate among temporary employees. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 32(2), 261-283. doi:10.1177/0143831X10371990

Abstract: This study investigated the mediating role of the psychological climate for cooperation in the client organization on the relationship between temporary employees' perceived investment in permanent employee development in the client organization (…)

Laidley, T. M. (2011). Climate, capital, and culture: How social class structures perceptions of global warming & sustainable consumption. (M.A., Boston College) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (874954271)

Abstract: Since the 1970's, social scientists have argued that general pro-environmental attitudes have diffused throughout American society, rendering socio-demographics largely irrelevant in predicting support for such issues.

Libório, A. C. O. & Justa Neves, Marisa Maria Brito da. (2010) Social interaction and the climate for creativity in the classroom. Aletheia, 31, 168-183.

Abstract: ABSTRACT IN PORTUGUESE: Este trabalho objetivou verificar as diferenças significativas no clima para a criatividade em turmas de 5a série do Ensino Fundamental (…) // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This study aim was to investigate whether there were significant differences in the climate for creativity among fifth grade classes (…)

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Lick, D. J., Tornello, S. L., Riskind, R. G., Schmidt, K. M. & Patterson, C. J. (2012). Social climate for sexual minorities predicts well-being among heterosexual offspring of lesbian and gay parents. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 9(2), 99-112. doi:10.1007/s13178-012-0081-6

Abstract: Social climate--specifically, the level of support for sexual minorities in a given locale--helps to explain well-being among lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals. No published reports have examined whether well-being also varies as a function of social climate for family members of LGB individuals.

Litton, E. F., Martin, S. P., Higareda, I. & Mendoza, J. A. (2010). The promise of catholic schools for educating the future of Los Ángeles. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 13(3), 350-367.

Abstract: This study examined the impact of Catholic education on elementary and secondary students in Los Angeles. (Contains 5 tables)

Liu, Y. & Lu, Z. (2011). Students' perceptions of school social climate during high school transition and academic motivation: A Chinese sample. Social Behavior and Personality, 39(2), 207-208. doi:10.2224/sbp.2011.39.2.207

Abstract: In the present study, we sought to reduce this research gap. We expected, and found, that the students' perceptions of school social climate would positively predict their academic motivation. Participants were 497 grade 10 students (273 females).

López González, E., Pérez Carbonell, A. & Ramos Santana, G. (2011). Modelos complementarios al análisis factorial en la construcción de escalas ordinales: Un ejemplo aplicado a la medida del clima social del aula. Revista De Educación, (354), 301-302.

Abstract: El Análisis Factorial (AF) de componentes principales es uno de los modelos estadísticos de mayor aplicación en investigaciones educativas para estudiar las propiedades de una escala (…)

MacBride, G., Hayward, E. L., Hayward, G., Spencer, E., Ekevall, E., Magill, J. Stimpson, B. (2010). Engineering the future: Embedding engineering permanently across the school-university interface. IEEE Transactions on Education, 53(1), 120-127.

Abstract: This paper describes the design, implementation, and evaluation of an educational program. (Contains 1 table)

Maddox, R. S. (2010). An examination of classroom social environment on motivation and engagement of college early entrant honors students (ProQuest LLC. 789)

Abstract: This study set out to examine the relationships between the classroom social environment, motivation, engagement and achievement of a group of early entrant Honors students at a large urban university.

Mahony, P., Hextall, I. & Richardson, M. (2011). "Building schools for the future": Reflections on a new social architecture. Journal of Education Policy, 26(3), 341-360.

Abstract: The Labour Government launched the "Building Schools for the Future" programme (BSF) in February 2003 with the aim of refurbishing or rebuilding all secondary schools in England over a 15-year period (…)(Contains 12 notes)

Mainhard, M. T., Brekelmans, M., den Brok, P. & Wubbels, T. (2011). The development of the classroom social climate during the first months of the school year. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 36(3), 190-200.

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Abstract: In this study the mean stability of classroom social climates during the first months of the school year and the deviation of individual classrooms (N = 48) and students (N = 1208) (…)(Contains 2 tables and 4 figures)

Martínez-Monteagudo, M., Ingles, C. J., Trianes, M. V. & García-Fernández, J. (2011). Profiles of school anxiety: Differences in social climate and peer violence. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 9(3), 1023-1042.

Abstract: Introduction: School anxiety is often defined as a set of symptoms grouped into cognitive, psychophysiological and motor responses emitted by an individual in school situations that can be perceived as threatening and/or dangerous. (Contains 1 figure and 1 table)

Mayor Hannemann travels to Washington to discuss travel, tourism, economy, criminal, social justice, climate protection. (2008, Jan 22, 2008). US Fed News Service, Including US State News, pp. n/a.

McKinney, K. & Day, M. D. (2012). A multi-institutional study of students' perceptions and experiences in the research-based capstone course in sociology. Teaching Sociology, 40(2), 142-157.

Abstract: In this article, we describe student perceptions of, and experiences in, a one-semester, required sociology research capstone course. The data come from 106 students in eight sections of the course taught at three institutions. (Contains 3 tables and 9 note)

Meiners, E. R. (2011). Ending the school-to-prison Pipeline/Building abolition futures. Urban Review: Issues and Ideas in Public Education, 43(4), 547-565.

Abstract: Placing prison abolition on the horizon for scholars committed to interrupting the flow of young people toward prisons and jails, this article offers movement analysis, frameworks and associated questions surrounding advocacy and engagement.

Meyer, D. Z. & Avery, L. M. (2010). A third use of sociology of scientific knowledge: A lens for studying teacher practice. Studies in Science Education, 46(2), 153-178. doi:10.1080/03057267.2010.504546

Abstract: Over the last two decades, science educators and science education researchers have grown increasingly interested in utilising insights from the sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) to inform their work and research.

Mezzacappa, D. (2010). High school 2.0: Can Philadephia's school of the future live up to its name? Education Next, 10(2), 34-40.

Abstract: In 2003, leaders at the School District of Philadelphia, district CEO Paul Vallas and chairman of the School Reform Commission James Nevels, enlisted the help of the Microsoft Corporation in a bold effort (…)

Moolenaar, N. M., Daly, A. J. & Sleegers, P. J. C. (2010). Occupying the principal position: Examining relationships between transformational leadership, social network position, and schools' innovative climate. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(5), 623-670.

Abstract: Throughout the world, educational policy makers, practitioners, and scholars have acknowledged the importance of principal leadership in the generation and implementation of innovations. (Contains 3 figures and 8 tables)

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Moolenaar, N. M., Sleegers, P. J. C. & Daly, A. J. (2011). Ties with potential: Social network structure and innovative climate in Dutch schools. Teachers College Record, 113(9), 1983-2017.

Abstract: Background/Context: Similar to the United States, government efforts to improve education in the Netherlands are focused on innovation and the development of collaborative structures to support the generation of new knowledge.

Moore, K. (2011). "Schools of the future" initiative in California. CELE Exchange.

Abstract: This article provides an overview of the "Schools of the Future" initiative introduced in California in January 2011 by the newly elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Torlakson. (Contains 1 footnote)

Morris, T. B. (2010). Social networks within policy networks: The case of Maine's climate change action plan. (Ph.D., University of Southern Maine) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (756726214)

Abstract: In a post-positivist or "network society" context, policy is made in an atmosphere where trust in government is not assumed.

Myung, J., Loeb, S. & Horng, E. (2011). Tapping the principal pipeline: Identifying talent for future school leadership in the absence of formal succession management programs. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47(5), 695-727.

Abstract: Purpose: In light of the difficulty many districts face finding quality principal candidates, this article explores an informal recruitment mechanism of teachers to become principals, which the authors call tapping. (Contains 5 notes, 6 tables and 2 figures)

Navarro Guzmán, J. I. (2010). La investigación educativa en la escuela de maestros: Mejorar el futuro aprendiendo del pasado. Tavira: Revista De Ciencias De La Educación, (26), 231-237.

Neville, P., Power, M. J., Barnes, C. & Haynes, A. (2012). Exploring the "learning careers" of Irish undergraduate sociology students through the establishment of an undergraduate sociology student journal. Teaching Sociology, 40(2), 107-122.

Abstract: In 2009, a faculty-reviewed student undergraduate journal titled "Socheolas: The Limerick Student Journal of Sociology" was officially launched. (Contains 1 figure, 2 tables, and 2 note)

Newell, M. L., Nastasi, B. K., Hatzichristou, C., Jones, J. M., Schanding, G. T. & Yetter, G. (2010). Evidence on multicultural training in school psychology: Recommendations for future directions. School Psychology Quarterly, 25(4), 249-278.

Abstract: School psychology training programs are required to provide multicultural training to preservice school psychologists; however, trainers have had difficulty adequately including multicultural content into the curriculum. (Contains 4 tables)

Nordine, J., Krajcik, J. & Fortus, D. (2011). Transforming energy instruction in middle school to support integrated understanding and future learning. Science Education, 95(4), 670-699.

Abstract: Energy is a fundamental unifying concept of science, yet common approaches to energy instruction in middle school have shown little success with helping students develop their naive ideas (…). (Contains 10 tables and 6 figures)

O'Connor, U. (2012). Schools together: Enhancing the citizenship curriculum through a non-formal education programme. Journal of Peace Education, 9(1), 31-48.

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Abstract: In divided societies education for diversity, often introduced via the combined approaches of civic education, citizenship education and community-relations activity, is advocated as a core element of the school curriculum.

Orpinas, P. & Horne, A. M. (2010). Creating a positive school climate and developing social competence. In S. R. Jimerson, S. M. Swearer & D. L. Espelage (Eds.), Handbook of bullying in schools: An international perspective. (pp. 49-59). New York, NY US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

Abstract: (from the chapter) School bullying is a multifaceted problem. Although all bullying acts have in common the intent to hurt others, behaviors vary widely in severity and type (…)

Parks, B. C. & Roberts, J. T. (2010). Climate change, social theory and justice. Theory, Culture & Society, 27(2-3), 134-166. doi:10.1177/0263276409359018

Abstract: This article seeks to answer why North--South climate negotiations have gone on for decades without producing any substantial results. To address this question, we revisit and seek to integrate insights from several disparate theories (…)

Patrick, H., Kaplan, A. & Ryan, A. M. (2011). Positive classroom motivational environments: Convergence between mastery goal structure and classroom social climate. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103(2), 367-382. doi:10.1037/a0023311

Abstract: In a series of 4 studies we investigated the relations of mastery goal structure and 4 dimensions of the classroom social climate (teacher academic support, teacher emotional support, classroom mutual respect, task-related interaction).

Pech, S. L. (2010). A case study of a kindergarten teacher: Examining practices and beliefs that support the social-emotional classroom climate. (Ph.D., Kent State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (516408787)

Abstract: This 5-month qualitative case study investigated the social-emotional climate of one half-day kindergarten classroom by examining the role of the teacher in establishing and sustaining a classroom climate that nurtured the social-emotional lives of students.

Pérez Pulido, G. (2011). Pasado, presente y futuro de la antigua escuela de artes y oficios: elaboración y puesta en marcha del proyecto de conservación-restauración. Aldaba, (31), 33-52.

Pérez, A., Ramos Santana, G. & López González, E. (2010). Clima social aula: Percepción diferenciada de los alumnos de educación secundaria obligatoria. Cultura y Educación: Revista De Teoría, Investigación y Práctica, 22(3), 259-281.

Abstract: El clima social aula esta siendo atendido como una de las variables contextuales que más intervienen en el crecimiento afectivo de los estudiantes.

Peters, S. J. (2010). The heterodoxy of student voice: Challenges to identity in the sociology of disability and education. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 31(5), 591-602.

Abstract: This article explores the contributions of students' voices in order to highlight some issues that have been central to disability studies--issues of identities, and their correlations(…) (Contains 5 notes)

Picard, E. (2010). The student condition. sociology of students and university. Mouvement Social, (233), 191-192.

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Piovani, C. (2011). Essays on china's political economy: Macroeconomic imbalances, social conflict, and climate change. (Ph.D., The University of Utah) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (884998160)

Abstract: This dissertation examines the economic, social, and environmental imbalances associated with the model of the development that China has adopted since 1978.

Preiser, S., Krone, A. & Kunz, T. (2011). Relations between the social climate at schools and injuries of students. Psychologie in Erziehung Und Unterricht, 58(1), 63-75. doi:10.2378/peu2010.art25d

Abstract: Accidents are determined by the interplay between the characteristics of the actual cause of the accident, the person involved, and the environment in which the accident happens.

Preiser, S., Krone, A. & Kunz, T. (2011). Zusammenhänge Zwischen Schülerunfällen und dem Sozialklima an Schulen. Psychologie in Erziehung Und Unterricht, 58(1), 63-75.

Abstract: Accidents are determined by the interplay between the characteristics of the actual cause of the accident, the person involved, and the environment in which the accident happens.

President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities. (2011). Re-investing in arts education: Winning America's future through creative schools. Summary and recommendations. President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities.

Abstract: The United States has a long proud history of innovation and creativity. This is one of its greatest assets and what will give its workforce an edge in an increasingly competitive global economy.

Ramos Santana, G. & Pérez Carbonell, A. (2010). Conocer el clima social aula supone el principio del trabajo en competencias emocionales. Aula De Innovación Educativa; 2010, n.188, Enero, p.47-51.

Abstract: Se pretende averiguar en qué medida se dan determinadas competencias emocionales sobre la vida interna y enseñanza diaria en función de la percepción de cada uno de los alumnos de enseñanza primaria.

Reed, T. R. (2010). An examination of the relation among attachment orientation, emotional-social intelligence, and organizational climate. (Ph.D., Alliant International University, San Francisco Bay) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (822408745)

Abstract: This study examined the extent of the relationships among a manager's attachment orientation, the manager's emotional-social intelligence, and the organizational climate of the manager's work group, as perceived by the group's members.

Rew, W. J. (2010). National differences, global similarities: World culture and the future of schooling. International Journal of Educational Development, 30(4), 447-447. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2009.11.005

Riddle, J. (2010). How sweet it is: One teen's take on classroom management software and the future of school-to-home communication. Internet@Schools, 17(5), 21-24.

Abstract: [...] they never felt connected or invested in school. "What an awesome idea," she said. [...] we teenagers check out our Facebook page before we take time to log on and check our grades and schedules.

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Rime, B., Paez, D., Basabe, N. & Martinez, F. (2010). Social sharing of emotion, post-traumatic growth, and emotional climate: Follow-up of Spanish citizen's response to the collective trauma of march 11th terrorist attacks in Madrid. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40(6), 1029-1045. doi:10.1002/ejsp.700

Abstract: A questionnaire measuring social sharing of emotion, coping, intensity of emotions and rumination related to March 11th (2004) terrorist attacks in Madrid, emotional climate, social integration (…)

Rodríguez Echevarría, A. (2010). El futuro de la escuela cristiana. Sinite: Revista De Pedagogía Religiosa, 51(154), 243-266.

Saavedra, C. (2011). Social dimensions of urban resilience to climate change. (Ph.D., Washington State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (877711031)

Abstract: Climate change is one of the most crucial challenges worldwide, and especially for local governments, since its potential impacts are felt and have to be dealt with at the local level.

Sami, N. (2010). Student perceptions of school and family socialization: Predictors of adjustment in the transition to an early-college secondary school (ProQuest LLC. 789)

Abstract: The transition to middle school places many adolescents at risk for negative adjustment, especially poor and underserved ethnic minority students. Web:

Saunders, A. N. (2010). Using socialization to increase academic skills in a pre-school classroom. Online Submission.

Abstract: Recent research has shown that students who enter kindergarten with prior academic knowledge are more successful later in their school careers. (Contains 2 figures)

Savelava, S., Savelau, D. & Cary, M. B. (2010). Practicing ESD at school: Integration of formal and nonformal education methods based on the earth charter (Belarusian experience). Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 4(2), 259-269.

Abstract: The Earth Charter represents the philosophy and ethics necessary to create a new period of human civilization. Understanding and adoption of this new vision is the most important mission of education for sustainable development (ESD).

Schorr, J. & McGriff, D. (2011). Future schools: Blending face-to-face and online learning. Education Next, 11(3), 10-17.

Abstract: This article describes school models that offer a vision for what deeply integrated technology can mean for children's education, for the way schools are structured, and for the promise of greater efficiency amid a lengthy economic downturn.

Serig, D. (2011). Research review: A review of the "president's committee on the arts and the humanities, reinvesting in arts education: Winning America's future through creative schools". Teaching Artist Journal, 10(1), 54-60.

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Abstract: This article presents the author's review of the "President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities, Reinvesting in Arts Education: Winning America's Future Through Creative Schools." (Contains 1 note)

Shaoul, J., Stafford, A. & Stapleton, P. (2010). Accountability for public expenditure under "building schools for the future". Journal of Education Policy, 25(6), 749-756.

Abstract: This paper examines the disclosure and reporting of expenditure under the UK government's "Building Schools for the Future" programme.

Shoffner, M. & Wachter Morris, C. (2010). Preparing preservice English teachers and school counselor interns for future collaboration. Teaching Education, 21(2), 185-197.

Abstract: The authors believe that by working together, teachers and school counselors can better support students and more effectively work for their success. (Contains 1 note)

Smith, J. W. (2011). Adapting to changing environmental conditions: Mixed-methods analyses of how social capital and place-based social-psychological dependencies influence climate change resilience in Southern Appalachia (Ph.D., North Carolina State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (921875684)

Abstract: The impacts of global climate change have captured the attention of citizens, policy makers, industry, and the scientific community. Adaptation measures informed by both physical and social sciences are needed.

Smith, A. (2011). Big society? better history? Or same old nonsense? Drawing the battle lines for the future of school history. FORUM: For Promoting 3-19 Comprehensive Education, 53(1), 129-143.

Abstract: School history looks set to return to the political agenda with the recent announcement of a curriculum review and ministerial speeches on the need for change. (Contains 18 note)

Spaulding, S. A., Irvin, L. K., Horner, R. H., May, S. L., Emeldi, M., Tobin, T. J. & Sugai, G. (2010). Schoolwide social-behavior climate, student problem behavior, and related administrative decisions. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 12(2), 60-85.

Abstract: Office discipline referral (ODR) data provide useful information about problem behavior and consequence patterns, social-behavioral climates, and effects of social-behavioral interventions in schools.

Studsrod, I. & Bru, E. (2011). Perceptions of peers as socialization agents and adjustment in upper secondary school. Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties, 16(2), 159-172.

Abstract: The purpose of present study was to explore the perceptions of peers as socialization agents in school adjustment among upper secondary school students. The associations were studied in a sample of 564 Norwegian students. (Contains 4 tables)

Sud, P. (2010). Can non-formal education keep working children in school? A case study from Punjab, India. Journal of Education and Work, 23(1), 1-26.

Abstract: This paper analyses the effectiveness of non-formal schools for working children in Jalandhar, Punjab, India, in mainstreaming child labourers into the formal education system through incentivised, informal schooling. (Contains 8 tables and 14 note)

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Sund, P. & Wickman, P. (2011). Socialization content in schools and education for sustainable development--II. A study of students' apprehension of teachers' companion meanings in ESD. Environmental Education Research, 17(5), 625-649.

Abstract: Subject content is always studied within an educational context. This context is constituted by the socialization content, which can be regarded as an educational content beyond the subject content. (Contains 5 tables)

Tajuddin, R. M. (2011). Social capital and rural community self-development: Understanding community satisfaction and its impact on entrepreneurial climate and community outcomes. (Ph.D., Iowa State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (894377082)

Abstract: Rural communities need to move beyond their market remoteness and limitations by engaging in innovation and entrepreneurship that will enhance rural economic growth and strength.

Tardif, M. (2011). The suffering of teachers, a pragmatic sociology of teachers' work. Sociologie Du Travail, 53(1), 136-138. doi:10.1016/j.soctra.2010.12.007

Temple, S. (2010). What is the future for primary school history in England? Education 3-13, 38(3), 233-241.

Abstract: This article examines teachers' attitudes to history and how they are currently organising history in their schools. In 2011 it is expected that a new Primary Curriculum will be introduced into English (…) (Contains 2 tables)

Tim Mainhard, M., Brekelmans, M., Brok, P. d. & Wubbels, T. (2011). The development of the classroom social climate during the first months of the school year. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 36(3), 190-200. doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2010.06.002

Abstract: In this study the mean stability of classroom social climates during the first months of the school year and the deviation of individual classrooms (N =48) and students (N =1208) (…)

Todd, R. J. (2010). "To be or not to be:" school libraries and the future of learning. School Library Monthly, 26(10), 16-19.

Abstract: School libraries face a challenging future. Substantive claims are being made that they are no longer viable because of the access to vast quantities of information on the Internet (…)

Trask-Tate, A. & Cunningham, M. (2010). Planning ahead: The relationship among school support, parental involvement, and future academic expectations in African American adolescents. Journal of Negro Education, 79(2), 137-150.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to identify the social supports in the lives of African American adolescents that influence resilient academic outcomes. (Contains 4 tables and 4 figures)

Tribbia, J. L. (2012). What's so local about global climate change? Testing social theories of environmental degradation to quantify the demographic, economic, and governmental factors associated with energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in U.S. metropolitan areas and counties. (Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1017548855)

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Abstract: This research investigates the consequence of a crucial and not yet fully explored problem: the reluctance of the United States to sign and ratify international agreements, like Kyoto (…)

Tsui, M. (2010). Interteaching: Students as teachers in lower-division sociology courses. Teaching Sociology, 38(1), 28-34.

Abstract: On the basis of the presumption that the best way to learn something is to teach it, the author describes the use of "interteaching" in introductory-level sociology courses.

Valentine, V. (2010). A narrative analysis of climate change coverage in "the new york times", 1988--2008: Social responsibility and weight-of-evidence reporting. (M.A., Marquette University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (205436271)

Abstract: Drawing on narrative analysis, this study uncovers the metanarrative that served to structure the coverage of global warming as it appeared in The New York Times over a 20-year period.

Vio, C. G., Arancibia, L. C. & Castro, J. V. (2011). Examen psicométrico del cuestionario de clima social del centro escolar en estudiantes chilenos. Psicothema, 23(1), 140-145.

Abstract: The School Social Climate Questionnaire (CECSCE) was adapted and applied. Subsequently, its psychometric proprieties were analyzed. The 1075 Chilean students who participated were assessed with the CECSCE and the School Violence Scale.

Voloskov, I. V. (2010). Characteristics of the socialization of young people going to school. Russian Education and Society, 52(7), 52-58.

Abstract: Owing to the absence of clear-cut moral and ethical guidelines and ideas about what type of individual is in demand in present-day Russian society, to a large extent the value orientations of young people are being developed in a haphazard way.

Walker, H. M. (2010). Relational aggression in schools: Implications for future research on screening intervention and prevention. School Psychology Review, 39(4), 594-600.

Abstract: Aggression, in its various forms, is a construct that underlies many of the social toxins that have plagued the society for so long.

West, B., Pudsey, J. & Dunk-West, P. (2011). Pedagogy beyond the cultural wars: De-differentiation and the use of technology and popular culture in undergraduate sociology teaching.47 (2), 198.

Abstract: In recent decades there have been various calls for a pedagogical revolution in universities to address a new technology-savvy generation of students.

Wheeler, D. L. (2012). Social scientists seek ways past clash over climate change. The Chronicle of Higher Education, n/a.

Abstract: Scientific controversy over the global warming phenomenon and Kari Marie Norgaard's efforts to get researchers engaged in the debate are examined.

Wilder, E. I. (2010). A qualitative assessment of efforts to integrate data analysis throughout the sociology curriculum: Feedback from students, faculty, and alumni. Teaching Sociology, 38(3), 226-246.

Abstract: Quantitative and computer literacy are increasingly recognized as core components of a liberal education in sociology. This study draws on student, faculty, and

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alumni questionnaires to identify the kinds of quantitative literacy skills (…) (Contains 3 tables and 7 note)

Winter, C. (2012). Geography and education II: Policy reform, humanities and the future of school geography in England. Progress in Human Geography, 36(2), 254-262. doi:10.1177/0309132510394782

Abstract: The subject of Geography maintains a relatively strong position in English universities today. In contrast, the subject is experiencing declining popularity in schools.

Yangyang, L. I. U. & Zuhong, L. U. (2011). Students' perceptions of school social climate during high school transition and academic motivation: A Chinese sample. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 39(2), 207-208. doi:10.2224/sbp.2011.39.2.207

Abstract: The article focuses on a study that examines students' perceptions of school social climate in relation to their academic motivation during their high school transition.

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1.4 TEMA 4: Otros agentes de socialización: los MCM (341)

Adams, R. (2011). Aprovechar los medios de comunicación social para la captación e involucración del actual panelista online. Investigación y Marketing, (110), 54-55.

Alcover, N. (2010). La imagen de la iglesia en los medios de comunicación social: De la saturación a la ausencia. Crítica, 60(965), 58-63.

Abstract: La verdad es que escribir una vez más sobre la Iglesia en relación con el universo mediático español, es tarea un tanto útil porque a muchos nos parece, desde hace algunos años, una cuestión inapelable tras el distanciamiento producido (…)

Alcover, N. (2011). Comunicación y poder: Los medios de comunicación social ante una nueva comunicación. Crítica, 61(971), 55-59.

Abstract: Desde la aparición de los MCS (medios de comunicación social) durante el siglo XIX pero sobre todo en el XX, se teorizó sobre la relación intrínseca existente entre el fenómeno comunicativo (…) y el poder, especialmente el poder sociopolítico.

Allred, D. A. (2010). "Proverbs speak louder than words": Folk wisdom in art, culture, folklore, history, literature, and mass media. Western Folklore, 69(1), 149-151.

Abstract: The article presents a review of the book "'Proverbs Speak Louder Than Words'": Folk Wisdom in Art, Culture, Folklore, History, Literature and Mass Media," by Wolfgang Mieder.

Amar Rodríguez, V. M. (2010). La educación en medios digitales de comunicación. Pixel-Bit: Revista De Medios y Educación; 2010, n.36, Enero; p.115-124.

Abstract: Se presenta una reflexión sobre la necesidad de la educación en medios digitales de comunicación en el siglo XXI. Se resalta la importancia de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (…)

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Ambròs Pallarès, A. & Breu Panyella, R.10 ideas clave: Educar en medios de comunicación: La educación mediática.

Abstract: Se presenta una panorámica ordenada de los principales aspectos que conforman la educación mediática enfocada a los escolares. Se trata de un conjunto de aprendizajes (media literacy) (…)

Asakitikpi, A. O. (2010). Transformation of leisure: An analysis of mass media presentations of pre-colonial and post colonial African societies. International Sociological Association.

Abstract: Leisure is an integral part of many African societies & a major aspect in its definition is food. In pre-colonial societies food did not only serve as a biological function but it was also a means of intense social interaction.

Astoyants, M. (2010). Social exclusion & inclusion of orphans in Russian society: Discourse-analysis of mass media publications. International Sociological Association.

Abstract: The aim of the of the paper is to analyze the changes in political discourse on orphanhood in Soviet & modern Russia & define the directions of its shifting towards orphans' 'social inclusion'/'social exclusion'.

Bidlo, O. & Englert, C. J. (2012). Inner security in media from the perspective of social science and media studies. Sociología y Tecnociencia: Revista Digital De Sociología Del Sistema Tecnocientífico, 2(2), 1-22.

Abstract: Security and entertainment are moving closer together. The term Securitainment expresses in this context, the mediation of security through entertainment formats.

Binder, A. R. (2010). Mass media, the negotiation of meaning, and social transformations of risk: Public opinion dynamics surrounding the establishment of the national bio- and agro-defense facility. (Ph.D., The University of Wisconsin - Madison) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (818764562)

Abstract: Research on public understanding of scientific and technological risk has focused primarily on differentiating expert versus lay definitions of risk and secondarily on the communication processes that contribute to those differences.

Bulik, B. S. (2012). 'Mass effect 3' struggles with social-media furor over ending. Advertising Age, 83(14), 4-4.

Abstract: The article considers a protest movement organized by video gamers through social media to demand that the video game industry firm BioWare, a division of Electronic Arts, revise the ending of the video game "Mass Effect 3."

Cabero Almenara, J. & Guerra Liaño, S. (2011). La alfabetización y formación en medios de comunicación en la formación inicial del profesorado. Educación XX1: Revista De La Facultad De Educación; 2011, Vol.14, n.1; p.89-115.

Abstract: Muestra los resultados obtenidos en un estudio centrado en averiguar el grado de alfabetización y formación didáctica en Alfabetización de Medios que mantienen los futuros educadores en formación inicial de las diferentes etapas educativas (…)

Calado, M., Lameiras, M., Sepúlveda, A. R., Rodríguez, Y. & Carrera, M. V. (2010). The mass media exposure and disordered eating behaviours in Spanish secondary students. European Eating Disorders Review, 18(5), 417-427. doi:10.1002/erv.1024

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Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the association between disordered eating behaviours/attitudes and mass media exposure in a cross-sectional national survey of 1165 Spanish secondary students (age between 14 and 16 years).

Carducci, A., Alfani, S., Sassi, M., Cinini, A. & Calamusa, A. (2011). Mass media health information: Quantitative and qualitative analysis of daily press coverage and its relation with public perceptions. Patient Education and Counseling, 82(3), 475-478. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2010.12.025

Abstract: Objective: This paper describes the methods followed by the Pisa University OCS for collecting, storing and analyzing all health-related articles and database contents.

Carrasco Montero, G. (2010). Obispos y medios de comunicación social en la diócesis de Coria-Cáceres. XXXVIII coloquios históricos de Extremadura: Dedicados a los moriscos en Extremadura en el IV centenario de su expulsión: Trujillo del 21 al 27 de septiembre de 2009 (1st ed., pp. 249-266) Asociación Cultural Coloquios Históricos de Extremadura.

Castillo Andrés, Ó. d. (2012). La equidad de género en Educación física: Influencia de los medios de comunicación. Aula Abierta; 2012, Vol.40, n.1; p.63-72.

Abstract: El objetivo de la presente investigación es valorar la información vinculada con la actividad físico-deportiva transmitida al alumnado por los medios de comunicación de masas y su influencia en la construcción equitativa del género (…)

Checa Olmos, J. C. & Arjona Garrido, Á. (2011). Españoles ante la inmigración: El papel de los medios de comunicación. Comunicar: Revista Científica Iberoamericana De Comunicación y Educación; 2011, v.XIX, n.37, Octubre; p.141-149

Abstract: En solo unas décadas España se ha convertido en un país de inmigración que no ha dejado indiferente a la población nacional. Ha pasado de considerarla de forma favorable y necesaria en 1996, a un rechazo hacia el inmigrante.

Chen, H. & Jackson, T. (2012). Gender and age group differences in mass media and interpersonal influences on body dissatisfaction among Chinese adolescents. Sex Roles, 66(1-2), 3-20. doi:10.1007/s11199-011-0056-8

Abstract: Despite evidence that middle adolescent girls (ages 14-17) experience more body dissatisfaction than early adolescent girls (ages 10-13) or boys at these ages, researchers have rarely considered whether such differences are observed regarding factors (…)

Cheng, K. (2011). The effect of contraceptive knowledge on fertility: The roles of mass media and social networks. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 32(2), 257-267. doi:10.1007/s10834-011-9248-1

Abstract: This study examines the effect of contraceptive knowledge on fertility during the period when Taiwan's family planning programs were in effect.

Chomsky, N., Herman, E. S. & Castells, C. (2010). Los guardianes de la libertad: Propaganda, desinformación y consenso en los medios de comunicación de masas. Barcelona: Crítica.

Abstract: El trabajo de investigación se llevó a cabo en la ciudad del Cusco (Perú) en la Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, donde se aplicó un cuestionario a 129 estudiantes de origen quechuas (…)

Cotino Hueso, L. (2010). Datos personales y libertades informativas: Medios de comunicación social como fuente accesibles al público: Título I. disposiciones generales. Artículo 3. In A.

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(). Troncoso Reigada (Ed.), Comentario a la ley orgánica de protección de datos de carácter personal (1st ed., pp. 295-321) Madrid: Cívitas, 2010.

Crokidakis, N. (2012). Effects of mass media on opinion spreading in the sznajd sociophysics model. Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 391(4), 1729-1734. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2011.11.038

Abstract: In this work we consider the influence of mass media in the dynamics of the two-dimensional Sznajd model. This influence acts as an external field, and it is introduced in the model by means of a probability p of the agents to follow the media opinion.

Culbert, D. (2010). Public diplomacy and the international history of mass media: The USIA, the Kennedy assassination, and the world. Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television, 30(3), 421-432. doi:10.1080/01439685.2010.505041

Abstract: The article discusses U.S. public diplomacy, or the government's efforts to communicate with foreign publics, through the United States Information Agency (USIA) and its response to the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy.

De Boer, C. (2010). Massenmedien als politische akteure. Konzepte und analysen [mass media as political actors: Concepts and analyses]. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 22(2), 285. Abstract: Massenmedien als politische Akteure. Konzepte und Analysen edited by Barbara Pfetsch and Silke Adam is reviewed.

Delany, C. (2011). Social media monitoring for the masses. Campaigns & Elections (2010), 32(307), 16-16.

Abstract: The article focuses on the critical role of social media monitoring in the U.S. when it comes to political campaigns.

Fakolade, R., Adebayo, S. B., Anyanti, J. & Ankomah, A. (2010). The impact of exposure to mass media campaigns and social support on levels and trends of HIV-related stigma and discrimination in Nigeria: Tools for enhancing effective HIV prevention programmes. Journal of Biosocial Science, 42(3), 395-407. doi:10.1017/S0021932009990538

Abstract: People living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHAs) often face stigma and discrimination, especially in developing countries. HIV-related stigma is expressed through social ostracism, personal rejection, direct and indirect discrimination (…)

Fernández Vázquez, A. (2010). Violencia en la familia y medios de comunicación social. Violencia en la familia: Estudio multidisciplinar (1st ed., pp. 93-136) Dykinson.

Fernández-Rúa, J. M. (2012). La importancia de los medios de comunicación en la percepción social de los avances de la ciencia. Debats (115), 62-67.

Ficarra, F. V. C. & Ficarra, M. C. (2011). Computer graphics and mass media: Communicability analysis. Advances in New Technologies, Interactive Interfaces, and Communicability: First International Conference, 6616, 182-192.

Abstract: In the current work are studied the existing relationships between graphic computing and mass media. The main purpose is to establish a methodology of qualitative and creative analysis of the different layers (…)

Flatt, M. (2010). ¿Necesitan los museos a los medios de comunicación social, o más bien el boca a boca? Mus-A: Revista De Los Museos De Andalucía, (12), 34-39.

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Fonseca Mora, M. d. C. & García Barroso, L. (2010). Aprender español en USA: Los medios de comunicación como motivación social. Comunicar: Revista Científica Iberoamericana De Comunicación y Educación, (34), 145-153.

Abstract: Los medios de comunicación desempeñan un papel fundamental como vehículos transmisores de la cultura; de hecho, se han convertido en herramientas de fácil acceso para el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera (…)

Fonseca, C. & García, L. (2010). Aprender español en USA: Los medios de comunicación como motivación social/Studying Spanish in the USA: Mass media as social motivation. Comunicar, 17(34), 145-153.

Fonseca, C. & Garcia, L. (2010). Studying Spanish in the USA: Mass media as social motivation. Comunicar, (34), 145-153. doi:10.3916/C34-2010-03-14

Abstract: Mass media have a central role in transmitting culture. In fact, they have become handy relevant tools for learning a foreign language due to their ability to transmit both direct and indirect information.

Fontanari, J. F. (2010). In Mondaini R. (Ed.). Effect of mass media on the cultural diversity of Axelrod model of social influence doi:10.1142/9789814304900_0015

Abstract: A surprising feature of Axelrod's model for culture dissemination or social influence is the existence of many multicultural absorbing states, despite the fact that the local rules that specify the agents interactions are explicitly designed to decrease the cultural difference's between agents.

Fumero Reverón, A. (2011). IRC 2.0: Medios para la información, la relación y la comunicación en la web 2.0. El Profesional De La Información, 20(6), 605-610.

Abstract: El ritmo acelerado al que llegan y desaparecen tendencias, novedades, herramientas, tecnologías, dispositivos, servicios, etc., en nuestra sociedad de la información exige a cualquier ciudadano cierta capacidad para interiorizar esa complejidad.

Gandica, Y., Charmell, A., Villegas-Febres, J. & Bonalde, I. (2011). Cluster-size entropy in the Axelrod model of social influence: Small-world networks and mass media. Physical Review E, 84(4), 046109. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.84.046109

Abstract: We study the Axelrod's cultural adaptation model using the concept of cluster-size entropy S(c), which gives information on the variability of the cultural cluster size present in the system.

García, R. (2010). Medios de comunicación social y sentimiento religioso. Medios de comunicación y pluralismo religioso (1st ed., pp. 47-60) Consejo del Audiovisual de Cataluña: Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona.

Gebel, K., Bauman, A. E., Reger-Nash, B. & Leyden, K. M. (2011). Does the environment moderate the impact of a mass media campaign to promote walking? American Journal of Health Promotion, 26(1), 45-48. doi:10.4278/ajhp.081104-ARB-269

Abstract: Purpose. To examine if a mass media campaign influenced walking differently in people in different physical environments. Design. Quasi-experimental study. Setting. Wheeling, West Virginia.

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González Gaitano, N. (2010). Familia y medios de comunicación social. La familia, formadora en los valores humanos y cristianos (1st ed., pp. 143-164) Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Goodlad, G. & Pearce, R. (2011). Mass media, popular culture and social change in Britain since 1945. History Review (69), 51-51. Abstract: A review of the book "Mass Media, Popular Culture and Social Change in Britain since 1945," by Stuart Clayton is presented.

Guo Xiaoxia (2011). In Lee G. (Ed.). Using the mass media Promote the university students' political socialization.

Abstract: The mass media to unified standard for college students' social political college students and society are political interaction with wide stage, but its openness and not controllable (…)

Halliwell, M. (2010). Picturing medical progress from Pasteur to polio: A history of mass media images and popular attitudes in América. Journal of American History, 97(1), 215-216.

Abstract: A review of the book "Picturing Medical Progress From Pasteur to Polio: A History of Mass Media Images & Popular Attitudes in America" by Bert Hansen is presented.

Henríquez Pérez, A. & Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Facultad de Humanidades, Comunicación y Documentación. (2010). Relación entre el estatus social de la mujer argelina y su papel en los medios de comunicación. Getafe: A. Henríquez Pérez.

Hromadzic, H. (2010). Media and spectacularization of social world mass media production of "celebrity culture". Filozofska Istrazivanja, 30(4), 617-627.

Abstract: The article presents the historical role of mass media in the production of spectacle society and its recent version - the so-called celebrity culture, which characterizes late post-modern society.

Jordanova, L. (2010). Picturing medical progress from Pasteur to polio: A history of mass media images and popular attitudes in America. ISIS: Journal of the History of Science in Society, 101(4), 896-897.

Abstract: A review of the book "Picturing Medical Progress From Pasteur to Polio: A History of Mass Media Images & Popular Attitudes in America," by Bert Hansen is presented.

Kemp, G. A., Eagle, L. & Verne, J. (2011). Mass media barriers to social marketing interventions: The example of sun protection in the UK. Health Promotion International, 26(1), 37-45. doi:10.1093/heapro/daq048

Abstract: The role of the mass media in communicating health-related information to the wider population is the focus of this paper.

Kirilenko, A. & Stepchenkova, S. (2012). Climate change discourse in mass media: Application of computer-assisted content analysis. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 2(2), 178-191.

Abstract: Content analysis of mass media publications has become a major scientific method used to analyze public discourse on climate change.

Korstanje, M. & e-libro, C. (2010). El apocalipsis en manos de los medios masivos de comunicación. Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

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Kriel, L., Louw, D. & van Vuuren, D. (2010). The role of leisure activities and social attitudes in the mass media consumption of a sample of South African adults: A psychographic approach. Communicatio, 36(1), 71.

Abstract: This study, the second in a two-article series, explores the interplay between attitudes, behaviour and media consumption in a sample of South African adults.

Krucsay, S. (2010). Los medios de comunicación en la educación artística: Algo más que aprender a través de estos medios. Aula De Innovación Educativa; 2010, n.193-194, Julio-Agosto, p.49-53.

Abstract: Se exponen los puntos clave del programa de alfabetización mediática llevado a cabo en la recién creada asignatura 'Configuración de medios', dirigida a futuros profesores de artes en Australia.

López Yepes, A., Romero, S. & Cetina Presuel, R. (2010). REDOCOM 2.0: Hacia una red social de documentación en medios de comunicación con proyección iberoamericana: Una propuesta de integración para Perú. Alexandria: Revista De Ciencias De La Información, 5(7)

Lopez-Guimera, G., Levine, M. P., Sanchez-Carracedo, D. & Fauquet, J. (2010). Influence of mass media on body image and eating disordered attitudes and behaviors in females: A review of effects and processes. Media Psychology, 13(4), 387-416. doi:10.1080/15213269.2010.525737

Abstract: This article reviews research on the effects of television and magazines on body image and on disordered eating attitudes and behaviors in females.

Lorenzo, O., Herrera, L. & Cremades, R. (2011). Mass media influence on the musical preferences of Spanish adolescents: A sociological analysis. International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, 42(1), 125-144.

Abstract: This paper analyzes the influence of the leading mass media (television, radio, youth magazines and Internet) on the tastes, cultural and musical consumption habits, and life styles of adolescents in Spain.

Masdemont Romero, J. P. (2011). In Labio Bernal A. (…). (Ed.), Economía financiera y pensamiento único: Un análisis crítico del papel de los medios de comunicación social en la actual crisis económica (1st ed.) Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Comunicación, 2011. Abstract: Trabajo Fin de Máster en Comunicación y Cultura de la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Sevilla.

Medina Pradas, C. (2010). Los medios de comunicación como herramienta de cohesión educativa y social. Nuevos paradigmas para un tiempo nuevo (1st ed.) Elche: Ajuntament d'Elx, Regidoria d'Educació i Festes, 2010.

Megías Valenzuela, E. (2010). Influencia de los medios de comunicación en la percepción social de la "juventud". Observatorio De Drogodependencias De Castilla-La Mancha, (6), 7-10.

Meléndez Rebeco, M. (2010). Los medios de comunicación de masas y su impacto en la concepción de educación superior como dispositivo de movilidad social en la sociedad chilena. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación, 51(2)

Abstract: Este ensayo pretende ser una reflexión parcial acerca de como un progresivo vaciamiento de significados afecta la forma en que se instala en el imaginario la concepción de educación superior dadas las actuales circunstancias históricas (…)

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Mendiguren Galdospin, T., Meso, K. & Pérez Dasilva, J. (2011). El papel de las redes sociales en el proceso hacia una nueva arquitectura de los medios de comunicación social. La investigación en periodismo digital: Algunos trabajos desde el ámbito universitario (1st ed., pp. 432-444) Asociación de la Prensa de Aragón.

Abstract: No son pocos los ejemplos que revelan la importancia de las redes sociales como medios ciudadanos capaces de informar sobre acontecimientos relevantes. Por su parte, los medios de comunicación han reconocido en estos sitios una excelente vía para obtener fuentes y un buen instrumento para pulsar la opinión pública.

Missikova, G. (2010). In Trusnik R. N., K. (Ed.), Politeness strategies in mass media communication: A comparative analysis of Slovak and American talk shows.

Abstract: The paper introduces preliminary findings achieved in the research on politeness strategies in mass media communication.

Mondejar Cuellar, J. (2011). La prevención social de la criminalidad a través de los medios masivos de comunicación. Anuario Da Facultade De Dereito Da Universidade Da Coruña, (15), 787-796.

Moreno Castro, C. & Fazio, M. E. (2011). Human-assisted reproduction techniques, social imaginary and mass media: The metaphors of 'the world's first pregnant man'. Sistema, 221, 99-110.

Abstract: ABSTRACT IN SPANISH: Este artículo analiza las imágenes y los relatos que se construyen en los medios de comunicación en torno a las aplicaciones de algunas técnicas de reproducción humana. // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This article analyzes the images and stories that are constructed on the mass media about the applications of some human assisted reproduction techniques.

Moreno Castro, C. (2010). La construcción periodística de la ciencia a través de los medios de comunicación social: Hacia una taxonomía de la difusión del conocimiento científico. Artefactos, (3), 109-130.

Abstract: Los hechos científicos que se difunden a través de los medios de comunicación forman parte del acervo cultural de una sociedad. En España, la presencia de contenidos científicos en los medios de comunicación audiovisuales es escasa (…)

Moreno Mozos, M. d. M. (2010). Medios de comunicación social y confesiones religiosas: La federación de comunidades judías de España. Los judíos en España: Cuestiones del acuerdo de cooperación con la FCJE de 1992 (1st ed., pp. 247-264) Delta Publicaciones Universitarias.

Motilla, R. (2010). El año de la socialización de los medios de comunicación. Interactiva: Revista De La Comunicación y El Marketing Digital, (110), 54.

Mullen, A. & Klaehn, J. (2010). The herman--chomsky propaganda model: A critical approach to analysing mass media behaviour. Sociology Compass, 4(4), 215-229. doi:10.1111/j.1751-9020.2010.00275.x

Abstract: The Propaganda Model (PM), developed by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky and published in Manufacturing Consent in 1988, sought to explain the behaviour of the mass media in the United States.

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Obied Allah, M. H. (2011). Viscous potential flow analysis of interfacial stability with mass transfer through porous media. Applied Mathematics & Computation, 217(20), 7920-7931. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2011.02.066

Abstract: The interfacial stability with mass transfer, surface tension, and porous media between two rigid planes will be investigated in the view of viscous potential flow analysis. A general dispersion relation is obtained.

Pantoja Chaves, A. (2011). Los nuevos medios de comunicación social: Las redes sociales. Tejuelo: Didáctica De La Lengua y La Literatura. Educación (12), 218-226.

Abstract: En el intercambio de testigo que están realizando los medios de comunicación tradicionales y las redes sociales no sólo se está produciendo una simple sustitución, ni tan siquiera una transmutación como comúnmente se está queriendo entender.

Paukova, A. (2011). In Lee G. (Ed.), Models of downshifting in Russian mass media.

Abstract: Different approaches to defining the term downshifting are considered. Conception of downshifting as an actual social tendency is presented.

Pearce, R. (2011). Mass media, popular culture and social change in Britain since 1945. History Review (69), 51.

Peres, L. R. & Fontanari, J. F. (2010). The mass media destabilizes the cultural homogenous regime in Axelrod's model. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43(5), 055003-055003.

Abstract: An important feature of Axelrod's model for culture dissemination or social influence is the emergence of many multicultural absorbing states, despite the fact that the local rules that specify the agents interactions are explicitly designed to decrease the cultural differences between agents.

Pindado, J. (2010). Socialización juvenil y medios de comunicación: Algunas cuestiones clave. Educación y Futuro: Revista De Investigación Aplicada y Experiencias Educativas, (22), 71-86.

Ramón Carrión, M. d. (2010). La imagen de las fuerzas armadas en los medios de comunicación social durante el franquismo. Los ejércitos del franquismo (1939-1975) (1st ed., pp. 517-544) Instituto Universitario General Gutiérrez Mellado.

Rodriguez, A. H. & Moreno, Y. (2010). Effects of mass media action on the Axelrod model with social influence. Physical Review E, 82(2), 016111. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.82.016111

Abstract: The use of dyadic interaction between agents, in combination with homophily (the principle that "likes attract") in the Axelrod model for the study of cultural dissemination, has two important problems (…)

Ros Diego, V. J. & Castelló Martínez, A. (2012). La comunicación de la responsabilidad en los medios sociales. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social (67)

Abstract: Plataformas sociales como Facebook o Twitter se han convertido en canales imprescindibles en las estrategias empresariales. La comunicación de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial se enfrenta a nuevos retos en estos espacios con una filosofía 2.0 (…)

Rossi, L. & Magnani, M. (2010). Mass media system 2.0: An empirical analysis of news propagation path in social network sites. International Sociological Association.

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Abstract: This paper will present the results of an ongoing investigation, based on a specific SNS: Friendfeed ( aimed at investigating how information propagates in Social Network Sites.

Salgado, M. (2010). El papel de los medios de comunicación ante el fenómeno social de las drogas en España desde la perspectiva de una ONG. Observatorio De Drogodependencias De Castilla-La Mancha, (6), 157-159.

Salvador-Benítez, A. & Gutiérrez-David, M. (2010). Redes sociales y medios de comunicación: Desafíos legales (Spanish). El Profesional De La Información, 19(6), 667-674. doi:10.3145/epi.2010.nov.14

Abstract: All trends seem to indicate that, to survive in a virtual environment, mass media need to incorporate some operational principles specific to the social media (English) //Todo parece indicar que para sobrevivir en un entorno virtual los mass media necesitarán incorporar algunos de los principios operativos específicos de los social media. (Spanish)

Sánchez Lobato, J. (2011). La comunicación verbal en los medios actuales de comunicación social: Principales rasgos lingüísticos. Un nuevo léxico en la red (1st ed., pp. 85-116) Dykinson.

Schmitt-Beck, R. & Mackenrodt, C. (2010). Social networks and mass media as mobilizers and demobilizers: A study of turnout at a German local election. Electoral Studies, 29(3), 392-404. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2010.03.011

Abstract: This paper explores the impact of informal communication in voters' social networks and the formal communication of the mass media on individuals' propensity to take part in elections.

Schrape, J. (2011). Social media, massenmedien und gesellschaftliche wirklichkeitskonstruktion = Social media, mass media and social reality construction. Berliner Journal Fur Soziologie, 21(3), 407-429. doi:10.1007/s11609-011-0160-1

Abstract: Since the 1990s, the Internet serves as a projection space for varied visions of a more transparent and integrative public sphere and a less dominant role of mass media in the social construction of a "common" reality.

Seale, C. (2010). How the mass media report social statistics: A case study concerning research on end-of-life decisions. Social Science & Medicine, 71(5), 861-868. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2010.05.048

Abstract: The issue of whether it is right to be concerned about the accuracy with which mass media report social scientific research is explored through a detailed case study of media reporting of two surveys of UK doctors’ end-of-life decision-making.

Sezgin, A. (2010). Impact analysis of the mass media tools on the adoption of the innovations in animal production: The case of Erzurum province. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi 16(1), 13-19.

Abstract: The aim of the study was to reveal the effect of the mass media tools on adoption of the innovations generated for animal production in Erzurum Province.

Soria Sánchez, V. & Soria Breña, A. L. (2010). El obispo placentino Cipriano Calderón Polo vicepresidente de la comisión pontificia de latinoamérica y miembro de la comisión pontificia de medios de comunicación social. XXXVIII coloquios históricos de Extremadura:

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Dedicados a los moriscos en Extremadura en el IV centenario de su expulsión: Trujillo del 21 al 27 de septiembre de 2009 (1st ed., pp. 803-816) Asociación Cultural Coloquios Históricos de Extremadura.

Spont, M. (2010). Analyzing mass media through video art education: Popular pedagogy and social critique in the work of Candice Breitz. Studies in Art Education, 51(4), 295-314.

Abstract: This article begins with the premise that art education should engage with forms of popular visual culture in the art classroom so that students can better understand, evaluate, and critique the world around them.

Stefanone, M. A., Lackaff, D. & Rosen, D. (2010). The relationship between traditional mass media and “social media”: Reality television as a model for social network site behavior. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 54(3), 508-525. doi:10.1080/08838151.2010.498851

Abstract: Social cognitive theory suggests a likely relationship between behavior modeled on increasingly popular reality television (RTV) and user behavior modeled on social networking sites (SNSs).

Suleski, J. & Ibaraki, M. (2010). Scientists are talking, but mostly to each other: A quantitative analysis of research represented in mass media. Public Understanding of Science, 19(1), 115-125.

Abstract: Journal publication has long been relied on as the only required communication of results, tasking journalists with bringing news of scientific discoveries to the public.

Swinnen, J. F. M., Squicciarini, P. & Vandemoortele, T. (2011). The food crisis, mass media and the political economy of policy analysis and communication. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 38(3), 409-426. doi:10.1093/erae/jbr020

Abstract: Few years ago, the widely shared view was that low food prices were a curse to developing countries. The dramatic increase in food prices in 2006-2008 appears to have fundamentally altered this view.

Tafawa, A. O., Viswanath, K., Kawachi, I. & Williams, D. R. (2012). Mass media exposure, social stratification, and tobacco consumption among Nigerian adults. Cancer Causes & Control, 23, 45-55. doi:10.1007/s10552-012-9898-9

Abstract: Mass media exposure is a strong determinant of tobacco use yet little is known about this relationship in African countries.

Turk, T., Murukutla, N., Gupta, S., Kaur, J., Mullin, S., Saradhi, R. & Chaturvedi, P. (2012). Using a smokeless tobacco control mass media campaign and other synergistic elements to address social inequalities in India. Cancer Causes & Control, 23, 81-90. doi:10.1007/s10552-012-9903-3

Abstract: The burden of tobacco-related morbidity and mortality in India is substantial, with smokeless tobacco being the predominant form of tobacco use.

Viñarás Abad, M. (2010). El discurso de la RSC en los medios de comunicación social. Vivat Academia, (110), 90-104.

Abstract: La responsabilidad social corporativa es, poco a poco, objeto de contenido en los medios de comunicación por su práctica en empresa e instituciones. Lo que comenzó hace veinte años, hoy en día se ha convertido en parte de la cultura empresarial y filosofía corporativa en muchas organizaciones.

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Warner, J. H. (2011). Picturing medical progress from Pasteur to polio: A history of mass media images and popular attitudes in America. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 85(1), 151-153.

Wills, T. A., Gibbons, F. X., Sargent, J. D., Gerrard, M., Lee, H. & Dal Cin, S. (2010). Good self-control moderates the effect of mass media on adolescent tobacco and alcohol use: Tests with studies of children and adolescents. Health Psychology, 29(5), 539-549. doi:10.1037/a0020818

Abstract: Objective: To investigate whether self-control moderates the effect of media influences on tobacco and alcohol use among youth and if so how this effect occurs.

Yamamoto, M. (2011). Mass media as a macrolevel source of social control: A new direction in the community structure model. Mass Communication & Society, 14(6), 820-837. doi:10.1080/15205436.2011.608178

Abstract: community structure model is grounded in the structural model of mass media originally formulated by the Minnesota team of Tichenor, Donohue, and Olien.

Yang, X., Chen, H., Gao, X. & Chen, R. (2010). Role of social comparison in effect of the mass media on female college students' body image. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 24(1), 51-54, 68.

Abstract: Objective: To research the effect of the media on women's body image. Methods: The subjects were all from 2 colleges.

Yao, H. (2010). The analysis of the role that the mass media plays in solving public crisis.

Abstract: "Nothing can be more serious than the public is kept in the dark about the truth". The occurrence of public crisis is inevitable with the rapid development of economy and science and with the deepening of social reforms.

Zapesotskii, A. S. (2011). The influence of the mass media on young people as a problem of Russian pedagogy. Russian Education and Society, 53(7), 3-24. doi:10.2753/RES1060-9393530701

Abstract: An analysis of the influence of the mass media on the moral state of Russian society discerns negative consequences of that influence, and sees the mass media (particularly television) as involved in the cultural degradation of the population.

Zhang, Q. & Ge, J. (2010). In Zhang J., Thomas L. and Xie T. (Eds.), A contrast on the influences of family and mass media on teens in Zhejiang province.

Abstract: The socialization of adolescents is impacted by multiple variables, among which families and mass media play a key role. Based on the survey of 2895 adolescents from 20 rural districts in Zhejiang Province, a conclusion is drawn as follows: both families and mass media impose a great impact on the socialization of rural adolescents.

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1.5 TEMA 5: La comunicación en el grupo social (818)

Abellán-García Barrio, Á. & Antuñano Alea, S. (2012). Crítica, fundamentos y corpus disciplinar para una teoría dialógica de la comunicación: Re-pensamiento de la disciplina para una acción humanista. S. l.: S. N.

Adiloglu, F. (2011). Visual communication: Design studio education through working the process. World Conference on Educational Technology Researches-2011, 28 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.11.182

Abstract: Visual communication designers must possess the intellectual tools to perform creatively and effectively in addressing the complex visual construct and new media.

Agarwal, A., Agarwal, A., Nag, K., Chakraborty, S. & Ali, K. (2011). Doctor patient communication-A vital yet neglected entity in Indian medical education system. Indian Journal of Surgery, 73(3), 184-186. doi:10.1007/s12262-010-0208-z

Abstract: Doctor patient communication is the most important and an integral part of any treatment regimen. Properly carried out it has been shown to have a therapeutic effect equivalent to drugs.

Aguilar González, L. E., Cantón Mayo, I., Valle Flores, R. E., Arias, A. R., Baelo Álvarez, R. & Cañón Rodríguez, R. (2010). La enseñanza de la lengua materna en méxico vista desde la comunicación/educación. Retos educativos en la sociedad del conocimiento (1st ed., pp. 9) [Barcelona]: [Davinci Continental]: D. L. 2010.

Aguirre Romero, J. M. (2011). La inmersión informativa: Educación y medios de comunicación. Educación y Futuro: Revista De Investigación Aplicada y Experiencias Educativas, (24), 13-26.

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Airenti, G. (2010). Is a naturalistic theory of communication possible? Cognitive Systems Research, 11(2), 165-180. doi:10.1016/j.cogsys.2009.03.002

Abstract: This article presents a theoretical discussion of the relationship between language and communication. I discuss Chomsky's position on this topic.

Akbiyik, C. (2010). ¿Puede la informática afectiva llevar a un uso más efectivo de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) en la educación? Revista De Educación, (352), 179-202.

Abstract: El impacto de la tecnología en el aprendizaje no ha sido claramente resuelto después de muchos años de la introducción de ICT en las aulas. Actualmente hay puntos de vista optimistas y pesimistas respecto al uso de ICT en la educación.

Akbulut, Y., Odabasi, H. F. & Kuzu, A. (2011). Perceptions of preservice teachers regarding the integration of information and communication technologies in Turkish Education Faculties. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(3), 175-184.

Abstract: This study explored the views of pre-service teachers regarding the indicators of information and communication technologies (ICT) at Turkish education faculties.

Al Bataineh, M. (2010). Analysis of genomic translation using a communications theory approach (Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (822457384)

Abstract: The increase in genetic data during the last years has prompted the efforts to use methods and techniques from the engineering fields for their interpretation.

Alberich Pascual, J., Becerra Muñoz, E., Berlanga Fernández, I., Díaz, d. V., García Guzmán, A., García Mendoza, S. Martínez Rodrigo, E.Interactividad digital: Nuevas estrategias en educación y comunicación.

Abstract: Se reúnen una serie de artículos que abordan las relaciones entre comunicación, educación y tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en torno al eje de la interactividad y en el marco de Internet.

Alipour, F. H. (2011). The relationship between organizational climate and communication skills of managers of the Iranian physical education organization. 2nd World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance-2011, 30 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.10.083

Abstract: This research aims to study the dimensions of organizational climate within the Iranian Physical Education Organization and compare three main communication skills of its staff managers versus executive managers.

Alsina, M. R. & Jiménez, L. G. (2010). Communication theory and research in Spain: A paradigmatic case of a socio-humanistic discipline. European Journal of Communication, 25(3), 273-286. doi:10.1177/0267323110373458

Abstract: This article analyses the situation of communication research in Spain. First, a history of the development of communication research is presented.

Alves de Carvalho, A. P. & Ramallo Verissimo, Maria De La O. (2011). Communication and education in health consultations to children with acute respiratory infections. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp, 45(4), 845-852.

Abstract: The objective of this study was to identify the recommendations for the care of children with acute respiratory infections (ARI) and to describe the process of communication between professionals and mothers during the consultation.

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Amar Rodríguez, V. M. (2010). La educación en medios digitales de comunicación. Pixel-Bit: Revista De Medios y Educación, (36), 115-124.

Abstract: El sentido de este artículo es presentar una reflexión sobre la necesidad de la educación en medios digitales de comunicación en el presente siglo XXI. Las Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) están modificando la práctica y la investigación de la educación en su conjunto.

Ambròs, A. & Breu, R. (2011). 10 ideas clave: Educar en medios de comunicación: La educación mediática (1{u00AA} ed.). Barcelona: Graó.

Abstract: Se presenta como una panorámica ordenada de los principales aspectos que conforman la educación mediática enfocada a todos los escolares.

Applying communication theory for professional life; a practical introduction, 2d ed. (2010). Reference and Research Book News, 25(3), n/a.

Arís Redó, N. (2010). La educación emocional y la comunicación escolar. Vivat Academia, (113), 1-9.

Abstract: Como seres sociales nos resulta vital el autoconocimiento y ser capaces de expresar nuestros sentimientos, nuestras emociones generando la mejor “versión” de uno mismo.

Ascencio, C. L. & Mariño, M. V. (2010). La enseñanza universitaria de las teorías de la comunicación en Europa y América Latina/Teaching communication theory at european and latin american universities. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (65), 255-265.

Abstract: Communication Theories are one of the main pillars of many higher education studies that, placing communication as its core topic, have raised public presence during the last two decades at universities worldwide.

Avendaño Ruz, C. & Murciano, M. (2011). Comunicación y educación. Conexiones: Revista Iberoamericana De Comunicación, 3(1), 3-4.

Ayala, M. & Lozano Rodríguez, A. (2010). Estilos de aprendizaje y comunicación en la educación a distancia. Revista De Estilos De Aprendizaje, 5(5), 101-116.

Badillo Mendoza, M. E. (2011). Estrategia de comunicación y educación mediada por TIC para el fomento del desarrollo sostenible en cinco colegios de palmira. Entramado, 7(1), 128-145.

Abstract: Se presentan los avances de la investigación Diseño de una estrategia de comunicación y educación a través del uso de las TIC que permita a jóvenes de cinco colegios de Palmira la construcción de discursos para el fomento del desarrollo sostenible.

Bakic-Miric, N. (2010). An integrated approach to communication theory and research. European Journal of Communication, 25(1), 94-96.

Abstract: The article reviews the book "An Integrated Approach to Communication Theory and Research," edited by Don W. Stacks and Michael B. Salwen.

Ballesta Pagán, J. (2010). Los medios de comunicación y su incidencia en la educación. Calidad, comunicación e interculturalidad (1st ed., pp. 203-213) Davinci Continental.

Ballesteros Regaña, C. (2010). Nuevos roles para la integración didáctica de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación con las nuevas estrategias metodológicas del espacio

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europeo de educación superior. Experiencias universitarias de innovación docente hispano-italianas en el espacio europeo de educación superior (1st ed., pp. 27-41) Sevilla: Mergablum.

Barclay, L. A. (2010). Crisis communication: theory and practice. Business Communication Quarterly, 73(4), 473. Abstract: by Alan Jay Zaremba, is reviewed.

Barnett, G. A., Danowski, J. A., Feeley, T. H. & Stalker, J. (2010). Measuring quality in communication doctoral education using network analysis of faculty-hiring patterns. Journal of Communication, 60(2), 388-411. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2010.01487.x

Abstract: This research examines the prestige of doctoral degree programs in communication based on a network analysis of program links among 102 doctoral programs and 2,194 tenure-track faculty members.

Baym, N., Campbell, S. W., Horst, H., Kalyanaraman, S., Oliver, M. B., Rothenbuhler, E. Miller, K. (2012). Communication theory and research in the age of new media: A conversation from the CM café. Communication Monographs, 79(2), 256-267. doi:10.1080/03637751.2012.673753

Abstract: The Communication Monographs Café has become a neighborhood fixture—a spot for conversation about ideas that are circulating in the discipline and that have the potential for shaping scholarship in the future.

Belandria Cerdeira, R. & Rojas Vera, L. R. (2010). About the triad of education, communication and peace culture: an overview from the onthology of the social science. Orbis: Revista De Ciencias Humanas, 6(16), 4.

Abstract: This paper shows a framework to explore the relationship in the triade Educaction, Communication and Peace Culture since ontology of social science. The experience is part of the doctoral process.

Bombeke, K., Symons, L., Vermeire, E., Debaene, L., Schol, S., De Winter, B. & Van Royen, P. (2012). Patient-centredness from education to practice: The 'lived' impact of communication skills training. Medical Teacher, 34(5), E338-E348. doi:10.3109/0142159X.2012.670320

Abstract: Background: Although communication skills training (CST) enhances patient-centred skills and attitudes, the literature indicates a problematic transfer of these from education into practice.

Bradley, R. T. (2010). Detecting the identity signature of secret social groups: Holographic processes and the communication of member affiliation. World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution, 66(2), 124-162. doi:10.1080/02604020903510265

Abstract: The principles of classical and quantum holography are used to develop the theoretical basis for a non-phonemic method of detecting membership in secret social groups, such as cults, criminal gangs, drug cartels, and terrorist cells.

Brioschi, E. T. (2010). Total business communication: theoreticas approach and principles of governance. Communicative Business, (1), 71-96.

Abstract: The increasing dynamism and complexity of the situations in which businesses find themselves operating, on the one hand, and the growing importance and complexity of communication and its governance (…) on the other, make it advisable, the author feels, to conduct periodical analyses of the situation.

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Brown, T. J., Ham, S. H. & Hughes, M. (2010). Picking up litter: An application of theory-based communication to influence tourist behaviour in protected areas. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18(7), 879-900. doi:10.1080/09669581003721281

Abstract: Tourism to protected areas worldwide has increased rapidly, prompting management agencies to seek enhanced visitor management including communication aimed at influencing tourists' behaviour to reduce impacts and strengthen conservation viability.

Burns, M. I., Baylor, C. R., Morris, M. A., McNalley, T. E. & Yorkston, K. M. (2012). Training healthcare providers in patient-provider communication: What speech-language pathology and medical education can learn from one another. Aphasiology, 26(5), 673-688. doi:10.1080/02687038.2012.676864

Abstract: Background: While the field of speech-language pathology and medical education both provide training to improve the abilities of their students to communicate with patients (…)

Bylund, C. L., Peterson, E. B. & Cameron, K. A. (2012). A practitioner's guide to interpersonal communication theory: An overview and exploration of selected theories. Patient Education & Counseling, 87(3), 261-267. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2011.10.006

Abstract: Abstract: Objective: To provide a brief overview of selected interpersonal theories and models, and to present examples of their use in healthcare communication research.

Cabero Almenara, J. (2010). Los medios de comunicación ante los desafíos de la convergencia: Visiones desde la educación, la cultura y la ideología. Educación: Ideología, cultura y contextos (1st ed., pp. 21-38) Universidad de Cádiz, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Caliskan, H., Colak, F. U., Ataizi, M. & Gokdag, R. (2010). Faculty perceptions of communication education. Innovation and Creativity in Education, 2(2), 2985-2991. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.452

Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions of faculty in the communication field on the communication education, competencies, the relationship between related areas and the future of communication education in order for evaluating the concept of communication education.

Caplloch Bujosa, M., González Arévalo, C. & Lleixà Arribas, T. (2010). Utilización de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la enseñanza de educación física. Didáctica de la educación física (1st ed., pp. 137-153) Graó.

Carneiro, R. F. & Brancaglion Passos, C. L. (2010). The conceptions of early-career mathematics teachers regarding contributions of their education for the use of information and communication technology. Bolema-Mathematics Education Bulletin-Boletim De Educacao Matematica, 23(36), 775-800.

Abstract: This discusses the possible contributions that the UFSCar undergraduate program in Mathematics provided for the teaching performance of teachers in the beginning of their careers in the use of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Casado-Mestre, F. (2011). Looking like we look: A proposal on communication and education to multiply looks. Comunicar (36), 198-198.

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Castillo Andrés, O. d. (2012). La equidad de género en educación física: Influencia de los medios de comunicación. Aula Abierta, 40(1), 63-72.

Abstract: El objetivo de la presente investigación es valorar la información vinculada con la actividad físico- deportiva transmitida al alumnado por los medios de comunicación de masas y su influencia en la construcción equitativa del género (…)

Caughlin, J. P. & Scott, A. M. (2010). Toward a communication theory of the demand/withdraw pattern of interaction in interpersonal relationships. New directions in interpersonal communication research (pp. 180-200). Thousand Oaks, CA US: Sage Publications, Inc.

Abstract: (from the chapter) Demand/withdraw is a pattern of communication in which one person complains or nags, while the relational partner avoids.

Cavas, B. (2011). The use of information and communication technologies in Science education. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 10(2), 72

Cetinkanat, A. C. & Sagnak, M. (2010). A comparision of the primary education and ministry supervisors' communication styles. Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-Hacettepe University Journal of Education, (38), 35-43.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the primary education and ministry supervisors' communication styles. The data of the research were collected with "supervisor interaction inventory" developed by Kremer-Hayon and Wubbels (1993).

Claeys, A., Cauberghe, V. & Vyncke, P. (2010). Restoring reputations in times of crisis: An experimental study of the situational crisis communication theory and the moderating effects of locus of control. Public Relations Review, 36(3), 256-262. doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2010.05.004

Abstract: This study attempts to provide empirical evidence for Coombs’ (2007) Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT), which provides guidelines for matching crisis response strategies to crisis types to best restore organizational reputations in times of crisis.

Cléries, X. (2010). La esencia de la comunicación en Educación médica. Educación Médica, 13(1), 25-31.

Concepcion Parra-Merono, M. & Mercedes Carmona-Martinez, M. (2011). Information and communication technologies in Spanish higher education, explaining factors of the use of virtual campus. Ese-Estudios Sobre Educacion, (20), 73-98.

Abstract: This paper presents an empirical study of factors affecting use of virtual campus by Business Administration undergraduate students at Universidad Catolica San Antonio. The study was based on Davis' (1989) technology acceptance model.

Contreras Jordán, O. R., García López, L. M., González Arévalo, C. & Lleixà Arribas, T. (2010). Comunicación y aprendizaje en educación física. Didáctica de la educación física (1st ed., pp. 47-64) Graó.

Cooren, F. (2012). Communication theory at the center: Ventriloquism and the communicative constitution of reality. Journal of Communication, 62(1), 1

Abstract: In this article, I first propose to reinterpret R. T. Craig's (1999) call for a dialogue between communication perspectives as a formulation of design specs to which any constitutive model of communication should respond.

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Cooren, F. (2012). Communication theory at the center: Ventriloquism and the communicative constitution of reality. Journal of Communication, 62(1), 1-20. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2011.01622.x

Abstract: In this article, I first propose to reinterpret R. T. Craig’s (1999) call for a dialogue between communication perspectives as a formulation of design specs to which any constitutive model of communication should respond.

Corder, M. C. (2011). Applying communication theory for professional life: A practical introduction. Technical Communication, 58(2), 172-173. Abstract: The article reviews the book "Applying Communication Theory for Professional Life: A Practical Introduction," by Marianne Dainton and Elaine D. Zelley.

Coromina, J., Romeu, J. & Ruiz, F. (2011). Portafolio digital de aprendizaje: Un nuevo medio de comunicación en la educación. Intangible Capital, 7(1), 116-142.

Abstract: Propósito: La Generalitat de Catalunya tiene previsto introducir antes del año 2017 el portafolio digital, una iniciativa vinculada con los nuevos métodos de aprendizaje.

Corredera, J. & González, M. (2011). Diccionario LID responsabilidad y sostenibilidad: Gestión y dirección, medio ambiente, economía y buen gobierno, acción social, gestión de personas, comunicación responsable, organizaciones, asociaciones y foros, grupos de interés. Madrid: Lid.

Costigan, F. A. & Light, J. (2010). A review of preservice training in augmentative and alternative communication for speech-language pathologists, special education teachers, and occupational therapists. Assistive Technology, 22(4), 200-212. doi:10.1080/10400435.2010.492774

Abstract: Speech-language pathologists, special education teachers, and occupational therapists are all likely to encounter individuals with complex communication needs who require augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) in clinical and educational practice.

Craig, J., Poe, M. & Gonzalez Rojas, M. (2010). Professional communication education in a global context: A collaboration between the Massachusetts Institute of technology, Instituto tecnologico y de estudios superiores de Monterrey, México, and Universidad de Quintana Roo, Mexico. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 24(3), 267-295. doi:10.1177/1050651910363269

Abstract: This article describes a beginning research partnership between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and two Mexican universities, the Universidad de Quintana Roo (UQROO) and Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (…)

Crovi Druetta, D. (2010). El entramado reticular de la educación: Una mirada desde la comunicación. Educación: Más allá del 2.0 (1st ed., pp. 105-128) Gedisa.

Cuadrado Gordillo, I. & Fernández Antelo, I. (2011). La comunicación eficaz con los alumnos: Factores personales, contextuales y herramientas TIC. Las Rozas Madrid: Wolters Kluwer España.

Cuéllar Moreno, M. J. & Francos Cal, M. del Carmen.Expresión y comunicación para la educación, recreación y calidad de vida.

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Abstract: Se sintetiza a través de diversos y prestigiosos autores los elementos y contenidos esenciales que configuran el Título de Experto Universitario en Expresión y Comunicación Corporal para la Educación, la Recreación y la Calidad de Vida de la Universidad de La Laguna, atendiendo a tres áreas claramente diferenciadas (…)

Da Silveira, D. S., Facchini, L. A., Siqueira, F. V., Piccini, R. X., Tomasi, E., Thume, E. dos Santos Maia, Maria de Fatima (2010). Management of work, education, information, and communication in primary healthcare in cities in southern and northeastern Brazil. Cadernos De Saude Publica, 26(9), 1714-1726.

Abstract: Decentralization in Brazil's Unified National Health System is challenging the management capability at the local level.

Daffern, M., Day, A. & Cookson, A. (2012). Implications for the prevention of aggressive behavior within psychiatric hospitals drawn from interpersonal communication theory. International Journal of Offender Therapy & Comparative Criminology, 56(4), 401-419. doi:10.1177/0306624X11404183

Abstract: Although interpersonal style is a defining feature of personality and personality disorder and is commonly identified as an important influence on aggressive behavior, treatment completion (…)

Dainton, M. & Zelley, E. D. (2011). Applying communication theory for professional life: A practical introduction (2nd ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA US: Sage Publications, Inc.

Abstract: (from the cover) Featuring 11 new case studies, updated examples, and the latest research, this book introduces communication theory in a way that helps students understand its importance to careers in communication and business.

Dance, S. (2010). The influence of using the information and communications technology in primary education. Innovation and Creativity in Education, 2(2), 4270-4273. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.677

Abstract: The effective use of the Information and Communication Technology can be one of the basic indicators of the educational progress, in general.

Dawson, J. A. & Southard, S. (2011). Using communication theory to analyze corporate reporting strategies.

Abstract: An abstract of the article "Using Communication Theory to Analyze Corporate Reporting Strategies," by S. L. Erickson, M. Weber and J. Segovia, published in the "Journal of Business Communication," is presented.

De Boer, C. (2010). Crisis communication: Theory and practice. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 22(4), 560. Abstract: De Boer reviews Crisis communication: Theory and practice by Alan Jay Zaremba.

De Witt, C. (2011). Communication in online learning communities: Digital teaching in higher education as reflected by pragmatism. Zeitschrift Fur Padagogik, 57(3), 312-325.

Abstract: The author discusses a media-didactic approach to digital teaching in higher education which has its origin in the pedagogical pragmatism of John Dewey.

Del Pozo Moreno, P. & Méndez Santisteban, I. (2011). Importancia de los puntos de encuentro y la comunicación oral dentro del aula de educación física. EmásF: Revista Digital De Educación Física, (13), 45-61.

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Abstract: El artículo describe el estudio realizado en un centro de enseñanza secundaria de la ciudad de Sevilla (…) ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This assignment is a study in a secondary school in the city of Sevilla (…)

Desnica, E., Letic, D. & Navalusic, S. (2010). Concept of distance learning model in graphic communication teaching at university level education. Technics Technologies Education Management-Ttem, 5(2), 378-388.

Abstract: Education is today considered a prerequisite for survival and development of modern societies.

Destree, P. (2011). The poetic of Plato. A theory of communication. Revue Philosophique De Louvain, 109(1), 221-221.

Díaz, L. R. (2011). La accesibilidad y uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en las escuelas de educación secundaria superior: El "territorio escolar" de la ciudad de Tandil. Geograficando, 7(7), 33-50.

Abstract: El presente trabajo se propone analizar la accesibilidad y uso de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en las Escuelas de Educación Secundaria Superior de la ciudad de Tandil (…) ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This paper aims at analyzing the accessibility and use of new communication and information technologies at Higher Secondary Schools in the city of Tandil (…)

Dielissen, P., Bottema, B., Verdonk, P. & Lagro-Janssen, T. (2011). Attention to gender in communication skills assessment instruments in medical education: A review. Medical Education, 45(3), 239-248. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2923.2010.03876.x

Abstract: Context Gender is increasingly regarded as an important factor in doctor-patient communication education. This review aims to assess if and how gender is addressed by current assessment instruments for communication skills in medical education.

Digón Regueiro, P. & Bueno Aguilar, J. J. (2010). Xornadas de "educación e medios de comunicación: A educación na sociedade multipantalla, novos medios e novas competencias comunicacionais". Revista Galega De Educación, (46), 82-85.

Djermanov, J., Kostovic, S., Kosanovic, M., Egic, B., Oljaca, M., Djukic, M. & Borovica, T. (2011). Pedagogical reception of information and communication technology in education. Technics Technologies Education Management-Ttem, 6(4), 1110-1120.

Abstract: The authors start with a generally accepted belief that education is one of the most important factors of society's development, then that its adjustment to changes that follow today's information age is indisputable and significant.

Donsbach, W. & Brade, A. (2011). Nothing is as practical as a good theory: What communication research can offer to the practice of political communication. International Journal of Press/Politics, 16(4), 508-522. doi:10.1177/1940161211416236

Abstract: The demands brought on public relations (PR) by management can only be met by more evidence-based procedures.

Doyle, L. R., McCowan, B., Johnston, S. & Hanser, S. F. (2011). Information theory, animal communication, and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Acta Astronautica, 68(3), 406-417. doi:10.1016/j.actaastro.2009.11.018

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Abstract: We present ongoing research in the application of information theory to animal communication systems with the goal of developing additional detectors and estimators for possible extraterrestrial intelligent signals.

Efraimsson, E. O., Klang, B., Larsson, K., Ehrenberg, A. & Fossum, B. (2010). Communication and self-management education at nurse-led COPD clinics in primary health care (vol 77, pg 209, 2009). Patient Education and Counseling, 79(2), 272-272. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2010.03.008

Ego psychology and communication; theory for the interview. (reprint, 1971). (2009, Dec 2009). Scitech Book News, 33, n/a.

E-libro, C. (2011). Teoría sociológica de la comunicación. Ciudad de La Habana: Editorial Universitaria.

Emdin, C. (2011). Dimensions of communication in urban science education: Interactions and transactions. Science Education, 95(1), 1-20. doi:10.1002/sce.20411

Abstract: This paper is birthed from my lifelong experiences as student, teacher, administrator, and researcher in urban science classrooms.

Engel, A., Coll, C. & Bustos Sánchez, A. (2010). Aprender y enseñar con tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la educación secundaria. Desarrollo, aprendizaje y enseñanza en la educación secundaria (1st ed., pp. 105-130) Graó: Ministerio de Educación, Secretaría General de Educación y Formación Profesional.

Erbay, F. & Dogru, S. S. Y. (2010). The effectiveness of creative drama education on the teaching of social communication skills in mainstreamed students. Innovation and Creativity in Education, 2(2), 4475-4479. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.714

Abstract: The present study was conducted in order to evaluate the effectiveness of creative drama education on teaching the social communication skills of greeting, joining the group and initiating a conversation in preschool level disabled students integrated into mainstream education.

Ernsteins, R. (2010). Municipal education for sustainability in Latvia: Self-experience and sustainability communication process prerequisites. Economic Science for Rural Development: Resources and Education, (22), 123-133.

Abstract: Situation in the field of education for sustainable development (ESD) in the municipal sector in Latvia could be described as still in the development and much wider and diverse application of municipal ESD need to be encouraged (…)

ESC Board. (2012). Relations between professional medical associations and the health-care industry, concerning scientific communication and continuing medical education: A policy statement from the European society of cardiology. European Heart Journal, 33(5), 666-674. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehr480

Abstract: Physicians have an ethical duty to keep up-to-date with current knowledge. Professional medical associations such as the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) support these obligations.

Escudero Gallegos, C. (2011). La utilización de las tecnologías de información y comunicación como recursos educativos en geografía y educación ambiental: El ciclo del agua en la ciudad. Aportaciones de la geografía en el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida [archivo de

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ordenador] (1st ed., pp. 309-325) Universidad de Málaga (UMA): Asociación de Geográfos Españoles.

Espigares Tribó, G., Cases Ratés, M., Diaz Hurtado, V. & Bondia Cayuela, A. (2010). La comunicación no verbal en la educación para la salud. Ágora De Enfermería, 14(3), 140.

Espinosa Moreno, E. G. (2010). Toward an epistemology of communicology: Communication theory in serres and in Martin-Barbero. Convergencia, 17(52), 289-318.

Abstract: Many works related to the epistemology of communicology, refer rather to the degree of scientificity of this discipline than to the study of the conceptual & methodological elaboration of the theories of communication.

Estupiñán Villanueva, A., Hernández Flores, H. G. & Valencia Ortega, H. J. R. (2011). La comunicación estratégica como apoyo de la educación para el desarrollo sustentable de entornos universitarios locales medio ambientales. Razón y Palabra, (76)

Abstract: La interconexión que hoy en día el ser humano establece con los entornos locales, va más allá de los quehaceres simples y de acciones que refuerzan los conocimientos sobre su hábitat.

Fajardo Bullón, F. (2010). Influencia de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación en la educación. Tejuelo: Didáctica De La Lengua y La Literatura.Educación, (4), 9-17.

Abstract: Actualmente las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación avanzan a un ritmo extraordinario. En este artículo se pretende hacer un análisis sobre las ventajas e inconvenientes del uso de las nuevas tecnologías en la educación (…)

Fang, R., Tsai, H., Lu, C., Lee, C. & Chang, Y. (2010). In Mastorakis, N Mladenov, V Bojkovic, Z. (Ed.) A study of communication technology education - take PHS phones as example in elementary school

Abstract: This study intends to investigate and interview process targeted on the projector who is an executor of the plan of PHS phones from an experimental elementary school located in Kaohsiung County, southern Taiwan.

Farahani, M. A., Sahragard, R., Carroll, J. K. & Mohammadi, E. (2011). Communication barriers to patient education in cardiac inpatient care: A qualitative study of multiple perspectives. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 17(3), 322-328. doi:10.1111/j.1440-172X.2011.01940.x

Abstract: Growing evidence in a variety of health-care settings supports the need to strengthen nurse-physician communication and interprofessional collaboration to optimize patient-health outcomes.

Ferreira, S. A., Castro, C. & Andrade, A. (2011). In Greener S. R., A. (Ed.), Cognitive communication 2.0 in the classroom - resonance of an experience in higher education.

Abstract: The communication in the classroom is often carried out on a one-to-many basis, with the teacher, before an audience of dozens of students, playing a traditional role.

Ferreira, S. A., Castro, C. & Andrade, A. (2011). In Rocha, A Goncalves, R Cota, MP Reis,LP (Ed.). Morphology of cognitive communication 2.0 in classrooms in the framework of higher education.

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Finset, A. & Visser, A. (2011). Asian perspectives on patient education and health care communication. Patient Education and Counseling, 85(3), 335-335. doi:10.1016/S0738-3991(11)00537-4

Fiorito, A. (2010). Comunicación y educación: La incorporación de competencias digitales en la formación docente. Crisis analógica, futuro digital: Actas del IV congreso online del observatorio para la cibersociedad, celebrado del 12 al 29 de noviembre de 2009 (1st ed.) Meddia, cultura i comunicació.

Fischer, K. (2010). Scholarly communication education initiatives. Library Resources & Technical Services, 54(1), 59-60.

Fuchs, C. (2010). Grounding critical communication studies: An inquiry into the communication theory of Karl Marx. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 34(1), 15-41.

Abstract: In this paper theoretical foundations of critical media and communication studies are discussed. The assumption of scholars such as Marshall McLuhan and Jean Baudrillard that Marx in his analysis of capitalism did not take into account media and communication is discussed.

Fueyo Gutiérrez, A. (2011). Comunicación y educación en los nuevos entornos: ¿nativos o cautivos digitales? Abaco: Revista De Cultura y Ciencias Sociales, (68), 22-28.

Funding available for tobacco regulation awareness, communication and education program. (2012, Mar 21, 2012). Targeted News Service, pp. n/a.

Fussell Sisco, H., Collins, E. L. & Zoch, L. M. (2010). Through the looking glass: A decade of red cross crisis response and situational crisis communication theory. Public Relations Review, 36(1), 21-27. doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2009.08.018

Abstract: Abstract: Crisis communication has emerged as a hot topic in public relations literature. However, little attention has been paid to nonprofit organizations (NPOs), one of the largest sectors of public relations practice.

Gallagher-Allred, C. (2012). Communication and education for families dealing with end-of-life decisions. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, 112(2), 309-310. doi:10.1016/j.jand.2011.12.019

Gallagher-Allred, Charlette R, PhD, RD, LD. (2012). Communication and education for families dealing with end-of-life decisions. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112(2), 309.

Abstract: Clinical and consultant dietetics practitioners are frequently faced with ethical issues surrounding end-of-life care. In 1978, as a volunteer clinical dietitian in a hospice (…)

García Echeto, E. M., Herradón Díez, R., Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Departamento de Ingeniería Audiovisual y Comunicaciones, & Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación. (2010). Laboratorios virtuales: Prácticas para teoría de la comunicación. Madrid: Eva M García Echeto.

García González, A. J., Troyano Rodríguez, Y., Curral, L. & Chambel, M. J. (2010). Aplicación de herramientas de comunicación de la plataforma webct en la tutorización de estudiantes universitarios dentro del espacio europeo de educación superior. Pixel-Bit: Revista De Medios y Educación, (37), 159-170.

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Abstract: A partir del curso 2006-2007 se plantea en la Universidad de Sevilla como línea de actuación la conversión y uso de materias a través de la plataforma WebCT. Blackboard Learning System-WebCT es una plataforma informática de teleformación (e-learning) que permite construir y administrar cursos en línea, e impartir formación.

George Gerbner. A critical introduction to media and communication theory. (2012). Reference and Research Book News, 27(1), n/a.

Gfeller, M. K. (2010). A teacher's conception of communication in geometry proofs. School Science and Mathematics, 110 (7), 341.

Abstract: Mathematical proof has many purposes, one of which is communication of the reasoning behind a mathematical insight. Research on teachers' views of the role that proof plays as mathematical communication has been limited.

Gharpure, K., Thawani, V., Sontakke, S., Chaudhari, K., Bankar, M. & Diwe, R. (2011). Effect of information, education and communication intervention on awareness about rational pharmacy practice in pharmacy students. Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 43(4), 381-384. doi:10.4103/0253-7613.83105

Abstract: Background: There is a growing indifference among the pharmacy practitioners towards their duty as information providers to the patients. The patients do not always get enough desired information about proper use of medicines from the prescribers also.

Gil Villafranca, A. (2010). Sistemas aumentativos de comunicación en educación especial. Educación y Futuro: Revista De Investigación Aplicada y Experiencias Educativas, (23), 101-128.

Gomes, A. D., Gutiérrez San Miguel, B., Herrero Gutiérrez, F. J., Sierra Sánchez, J. & Sotelo González, J. (2010). La película: Una herramienta en la educación del estudiante de comunicación en Brasil como factor bisagra con los nuevos planes docentes en Salamanca (España). Métodos de innovación docente aplicados a los estudios de ciencias de la comunicación (1st ed., pp. 57-66) Fragua.

González Fontao, M. d. P. & Martínez Suárez, E. M. (2011). Adaptación curricular por competencias como medida educativa inclusiva: Exposición de un caso con amplias dificultades de comunicación y lenguaje en educación infantil. Innovación Educativa, (21), 289-304.

Gray, J. B. (2011). Theory guiding communication campaign praxis: A qualitative elicitation study comparing exercise beliefs of overweight and healthy weight college students. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 12(1), 34-42. doi:10.1080/17459435.2011.601523

Abstract: College students are at great risk of obesity and overweight, and campaigns encouraging exercise may mitigate associated health risks.

Guo, X. (2011). In Lee G. (Ed.) The development of modern communications technology and moral education.

Abstract: The development of modern communications technology has brought new opportunities for moral education, but also poses a severe challenge.

Gutsa, I. (2011). Sexuality among the elderly in dzivaresekwa district of Harare: The challenge of information, education and communication campaigns in support of an HIV/AIDS

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response. Ajar-African Journal of Aids Research, 10(1), 95-100. doi:10.2989/16085906.2011.575552

Abstract: This ethnographic study in Dzivaresekwa district, Harare, Zimbabwe, examines the issue of sexuality among the elderly and their challenges in accessing information, education, and communication (IEC) campaigns in the face of HIV and AIDS.

Hack, J. R. (2010). Comunicação dialógica na educação superior a distância: A importância do papel do tutor. Signo y Pensamiento, 29(56), 114-123.

Abstract: O presente artigo evidencia a importância da comunicação dialógica entre as partes envolvidas no ensino e aprendizagem na educação superior a distancia (…) ABSTRACT EN ESPAÑOL: El presente artículo evidencia la importancia de la comunicación dialógica entre las partes involucradas en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en el contexto de la educación superior a distancia.

Hashim, F., Alam, G. M. & Siraj, S. (2010). Information and communication technology for participatory based decision-making-E-management for administrative efficiency in higher education. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 5(4), 383-392.

Abstract: Though many organizations have developed their own approaches in ensuring reliable decision making processes, not many have used technology to ensure effective participatory based decision making.

Hayes, V. (2011). From page to practice: Communication theory and its value for public relations educators and practitioners. (M.A., Royal Roads University (Canadá) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (920654837)

Abstract: A robust scholarly discussion had been conducted for more than 30 years on the professional impact of theory on communication practice, including Vocate's important observation in 1997 that a rigorous education in theory creates "learnable intelligence" in professional communicators.

Hayes, H. (2010). Washington university school of medicine: A distinctive program in deaf education studies at the program in audiology and communication sciences (PACS). Volta Review, 110(2), 271-278.

Heinderickxs, F. (2010). Sobre los esfuerzos introspectivos en investigación y educación den comunicación. Diálogos De La Comunicación, (80)

Abstract: La Asociación Europea de Investigación y Educación en Comunicación (ECREA) fue creada en 2005, al fusionarse la Asociación Europea de Comunicación (ECA) y el Consorcio Europeo para la Investigación en Comunicación (ECCR).

Henry, D. J. & Dutrow, B. L. (2010). Course-embedded projects in undergraduate geoscience education: Research experience, communication skills and programmatic assessment. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 74(12), A401-A401.

Hernández Díaz, G. (2010). Guerrilla comunicacional no es educación en medios de comunicación. Comunicación: Estudios Venezolanos De Comunicación, (150), 48-52.

Abstract: Se nos describe el surgimiento de esta experiencia. Se analiza lo incostitucional de la misma y los ámbitos jurídicos que se están violentando. Luego nos pasea sobre fundamentos generales de la educación en los medios de comunicación (…)

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Hernández Ortega, J. (2010). Miguel hernández y las TIC: Perspectiva del homenaje por la conmemoración del centenario de su nacimiento desde las tecnologías de la educación y la comunicación. Espéculo: Revista De Estudios Literarios, (46)

Abstract: La figura de Miguel Hernández ha recibido durante el curso académico 2009-2010 una serie de tributos en conmemoración del centenario de su nacimiento. Desde diversos ámbitos se han sucedido muestras para tal fin.

Hirsch, P. L. & Yarnoff, C. (2011). Integrating design and communication in engineering education: A collaboration between Northwestern University and the rehabilitation institute of Chicago. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 18(4), 361-366. doi:10.1310/tsr1804-361

Abstract: The required course for freshmen in Northwestern University's engineering school - a 2-quarter sequence called Engineering Design and Communication (EDC) - is noteworthy not only for its project-based focus on user-centered design (…)

Hoffmann, T. (2010). Rilke as a speaker. Public communications and art education in the lectures "modern poetry" (1898) and "from the works of auguste rodins" (1905/1907). Zeitschrift Fur Germanistik, 20(3), 543-562.

Horlick-Jones, T., Farré, J., Altheide, D., Murdock, G., Renn, O., Stauffacher, M. González García, M. I. (2010). The communicative turn in risk communication: theory and practice. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 2(2), 131-276.

Hrad, J. & Zeman, T. (2010). Increasing the attractiveness of engineering education in the area of electronic communications. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, (6), 79-82.

Abstract: Engineering education is not an isolated "ivory tower" that could remain unchanged for years it has to reflect changes in society and technology, to which it is linked tightly.

Hubalovsky, S. & Sedivy, J. (2011). Education of student's project team cooperation using virtual communication supported by LMS system

Abstract: The paper deals with possibilities of the training of cooperative method of teaching using virtual communication environment. Virtual communication can be not only objective but also a means of education.

Huergo, J. (2011). Comunicación/educación en américa latina: Entre la memoria y la promesa. Conexiones: Revista Iberoamericana De Comunicación, 3(1), 21-36.

Huergo, J. A. (2010). Una guía de comunicación/educación, por las diagonales de la cultura y la política. Educación: Más allá del 2.0 (1st ed., pp. 65-104) Gedisa.

Iglesias Linares, A. & Moreno Fernández, A. (2010). Aplicación de nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación (TICS) para la adquisición de competencias y evaluación en la asignatura de histología bucodental en el espacio europeo de educación superior. Evaluación y calidad en la universidad [recurso electrónico]: Simposio internacional: 27 y 28 de septiembre de 2010, Huelva (España) (1st ed., pp. 1010-1023) Universidad de Huelva, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Iglesias-Fernandez, C., Llorente-Heras, R. & Duenas-Fernandez, D. (2010). ICT employment, over-education and gender in Spain, do information and communication technologies

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improve the female labour situation? New Technology Work and Employment, 25(3), 238-252. doi:10.1111/j.1468-005X.2010.00251.x

Abstract: This paper investigates the extent to which ICT-related employment is improving the labour situation of women in Spain by reducing female over-education.

Ignacio Aguaded-Gomez, J. (2011). Media education: An international unstoppable phenomenon. The work of the UN, Europe and Spain in the field of edu-communication. Comunicar (37), 7-8. doi:10.3916/C37-2011-01-01

Iida, C., Saeki, H., Sudou, Y., Inoue, C., Yamada, M., Hara, N. Hashimoto, A. (2012). A trial study on web-based training (WBT) education system for communication training. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 18, 97-98.

Imbernón Muñoz, F. (2010). Los procesos de comunicación y de interacción en la institución educativa y en el aula de educación secundaria. Procesos y contextos educativos: Enseñar en las instituciones de educación secundaria (1st ed., pp. 85-110) Graó: Ministerio de Educación, Secretaría General de Educación y Formación Profesional.

Ivrlač, M. T. & Nossek, J. A. (2010). Toward a circuit theory of communication. IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems.Part I: Regular Papers, 57(7), 1663-1683. doi:10.1109/TCSI.2010.2043994

Abstract: Electromagnetic field theory provides the physics of radio communications, while information theory approaches the problem from a purely mathematical point of view.

Kalra, P. & O'Keeffe, J. K. (2011). Communication in mind, brain, and education: Making disciplinary differences explicit. Mind Brain and Education, 5(4), 163-171. doi:10.1111/j.1751-228X.2011.01124.x

Abstract: Difficulties in communication within Mind, Brain, and Education (MBE) can arise from several sources. One source is differences in orientation among the areas of research, policy, and practice.

Kamihira, T., Aoki, M. & Nakano, T. (2011). Building a shared cross-cultural learning community for visual communication design education. Human Centered Design (Hcd), 6776, 397-406.

Abstract: This paper discusses a case study of an educational online visual communication design project. The project is to develop an online platform, which facilitates cross-cultural communications and educational experiences for college-level students (…)

Kaplún, G. (2011). Educación y comunicación en tiempos de internet: Burócratas, aborrados, desesperados y creativos. Conexiones: Revista Iberoamericana De Comunicación, 3(1), 5-20.

Kasper, J., Légaré, F., Scheibler, F. & Geiger, F. (2012). Turning signals into meaning -'shared decision making' meets communication theory. Health Expectations, 15(1), 3-11. doi:10.1111/j.1369-7625.2011.00657.x

Abstract: Shared decision making (SDM) is being increasingly challenged for promoting an innovative role model while adhering to an archaic approach to patient-clinician communication, both in clinical practice and the research field.

Kasper, J., Légaré, F., Scheibler, F. & Geiger, F. (2012). Turning signals into meaning—'shared decision making' meets communication theory. Health Expectations: An International

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Journal of Public Participation in Health Care & Health Policy, 15(1), 3-11. doi:10.1111/j.1369-7625.2011.00657.x

Abstract: Shared decision making (SDM) is being increasingly challenged for promoting an innovative role model while adhering to an archaic approach to patient-clinician communication, both in clinical practice and the research field.

Keller, S. L. (2012). Computer-mediated communication and educational games (M.A., Gonzaga University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1018707649)

Abstract: The continuous development of technology has made Computer-mediated communication the normal means of communication in many organizations.

Kernberg, O. F., Cabaniss, D. L., Auchincloss, E. L., Glick, R. A. & Roose, S. P. (2012). Three problematic assumptions about psychoanalytic education: A brief communication. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 60(1), 97-102. doi:10.1177/0003065111435816

Khodamoradi, M., Bozorgmanesh, M. & Ghorbani, E. (2011). Utilization of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education. Life Science Journal-Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition, 8(4), 11-15.

Abstract: Policy makers and service providers have increasingly come to view information and communication technologies (ICT), and particularly the Internet, as an important tool in providing disadvantaged groups and areas with access to information (…)

Kiessling, C., Dieterich, A., Fabry, G., Holzer, H., Langewitz, W., Muehlinghaus, I. Basel Workshop Participants. (2010). Communication and social competencies in medical education in german-speaking countries: The Basel consensus statement. Results of a Delphi survey. Patient Education and Counseling, 81(2), 259-266. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2010.01.017

Abstract: Objective: To propose a comprehensive set of competencies and educational objectives for communication and social competencies in undergraduate medical education and to support the nationwide implementation of these issues in all medical schools.

Kirtley, A. (2012). Should industry fund continuing medical education and scientific communications? European Heart Journal, 33(8), 930-930.

Komar, A. (2011). Silver screen to green screen: Hollywood blockbusters as communication and education tools on environmental issues. (M.A.The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) ProQuest Dissertations and These (901125271)

Abstract: Using content analysis, this study will examine how the use of feature-length fictional films with environmental themes can be used as a communication and education tool for environmental issues currently present in the world today.

Koponen, J., Pyorala, E. & Isotalus, P. (2010). Finnish medical students' perceptions of theatre in education method in learning interpersonal communication competence. Medical Teacher, 32(4), 346-346.

Korol, A. D. (2011). Communication and problems of distance education. Voprosy Filosofii (6), 173-175.

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Krucsay, S. (2010). Los medios de comunicación en la educación artística. Aula De Innovación Educativa, (193), 49-53.

Kuhn, T. (2011). Matters of communication: Political, cultural, and technological challenges to communication theorizing, x-x, 236.

Kulkarni, D. (2010). Computer-mediated communication for linguistics and literacy: Technology and natural language education. European Journal of Communication, 25(3), 298-300. doi:10.1177/02673231100250030505

Laessoe, J. & Ohman, J. (2010). Learning as democratic action and communication: Framing Danish and Swedish environmental and sustainability education. Environmental Education Research, 16(1), 1-7. doi:10.1080/13504620903504008

Lasen, M. (2010). Education and career pathways in information communication technology: What are schoolgirls saying? Computers & Education, 54(4), 1117-1126. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2009.10.018

Abstract: This paper highlights key themes which emerged from schoolgirls' responses to focus group questions regarding perceptions of Information Communication Technology (ICT) subjects in the Queensland senior secondary curriculum, primarily, Information Processing Technology (IPT) and Information Technology Systems (ITS).

Lee, J. H., Kim, H. & Phaal, R. (2012). An analysis of factors improving technology roadmap credibility: A communications theory assessment of roadmapping processes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 79(2), 263-280. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2011.05.003

Abstract: In recent years, many industrial firms have been able to use roadmapping as an effective process methodology for projecting future technology and for coordinating technology planning and strategy.

Lee, B. (2010). Broadening the boundary of oTextbookso for intercultural communication in religious education. Religious Education, 105(3), 249-252. doi:10.1080/00344081003771966

Lieb, K. J. & Shah, D. V. (2010). Consumer culture theory, nonverbal communication, and contemporary politics: Considering context and embracing complexity. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 34(2), 127-136. doi:10.1007/s10919-010-0085-y

Abstract: This commentary addresses Olivola and Todorov’s “Elected in 100 ms: Appearance-Based Trait Inferences and Voting” (see record 2010-09445-002) and considers its valuable contribution to the field of nonverbal communication.

Lierow, L. (2011). Gaps, flows, and networks: Social space and the cultural work of communication theory in social science, sci-fi, and political movements, 1937-1980. ProQuest Information & Learning) Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 71(9). (2011-99050-558)

Abstract: This dissertation examines the disparate theories of mass communication produced and circulated by social scientists, through films and the popular press, and political activist movements between the late 1930s and the end of the 1970s.

Lindsay, G. (2011). The collection and analysis of data on children with speech, language and communication needs: The challenge to education and health services. Child Language Teaching & Therapy, 27(2), 135-150. doi:10.1177/0265659010396608

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Abstract: The Bercow Report (Bercow, 2008) commissioned by the UK government provided a high status impetus to improve services for children and young people with the full range of speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).

Linn, Y. (2012). An ultra low cost wireless communications laboratory for education and research. Ieee Transactions on Education, 55(2), 169-179. doi:10.1109/TE.2011.2158318

Abstract: This paper presents an ultra-low-cost wireless communications laboratory that is based on a commercial off-the-shelf field programmable gate array (FPGA) development board that is both inexpensive and available worldwide.

Liu, Y., Zhang, F. & Fu, Q. (2011). In Zhou Q. (Ed.) Fostering creativity in the process of information and communication technology education and learning.

Abstract: Schools of Information Science and Engineering all over world are repeatedly required to find new strategies for integrating ICT into the Process of ICT Education and Learning.

Locatis, C., Berner, E. S., Hammack, G., Smith, S., Maisiak, R. & Ackerman, M. (2011). Communication and proximity effects on outcomes attributable to sense of presence in distance bioinformatics education. Bmc Medical Education, 11, 10. doi:10.1186/1472-6920-11-10

Abstract: Background: Online learning is increasingly popular in medical education and sense of presence has been posited as a factor contributing to its success. Communication media influences on sense of presence and learning outcomes were explored in this study.

Lougen, C. (2010). Encyclopedia of communication theory. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 49(4), 392

Abstract: Edited by the co-authors of the classic textbook Theories of Human Communication (Thomson/Wadsworth, 2008), this two-volume set is a convenient reference source covering communication theories, including group and organizational, media and mass, and interpersonal communication.

Luchtenburg, A. E., Ismail, S. Y., van Busschbach, J. J., Boonstra, C., Zuidema, W. C., Roodnat, J. I., Massey, E. K. (2011). Home-based group education: The solution for breaking barriers in communication and knowledge among non-european kidney patients? Transplant International, 24, 73-73.

Luis-Pascual, J. C., Freile, I. & Angulo, I. (2010). Información y canales de comunicación activos en el departamento de educación física. Estudio de un caso. Kronos: Revista Universitaria De La Actividad Física y El Deporte, (17), 92-98.

Lyon, A. & Mirivel, J. C. (2011). Reconstructing merck's practical theory of communication: The ethics of pharmaceutical sales representative-physician encounters. Communication Monographs, 78(1), 53-72. doi:10.1080/03637751.2010.542578

Abstract: This essay considers the ways in which Merck, a major pharmaceutical company, trained salespeople to communicate with physicians about its controversial pain drug, Vioxx. Between 2000 and 2004, approximately 60,000 people died while taking the drug.

Machado, I. (2011). Lotman's scientific investigatory boldness: The semiosphere as a critical theory of communication in culture. Sign Systems Studies, 39(1), 81-104.

Abstract: The main focus of this article is the analysis of the concept of semiosphere as it has emerged from the conception of culture as information — instead of describing the

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transmission of messages from A to B, it is based on the general process of meaning generation.

Manfredi Sánchez, J. L. (2011). Towards a communicative theory on public diplomacy. Comunicación y Sociedad, 24(2), 199-226.

Abstract: Las relaciones internacionales han cambiado de forma sustancial en los últimos veinte años, ante la creación de un sistema internacional que ha puesto en cuestión las bases sobre las que se sostiene.// ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: International relations changed substantially over the past twenty years, giving way to an international system that has questioned the basis on which claims.

Marcos Ramos, M. (2010). Alfabetización mediática. La educación en los medios de comunicación: Cine formativo y televisión educativa. Teoría De La Educación: Educación y Cultura En La Sociedad De La Información, 11(2), 303-321.

Abstract: Se plantea en estos momentos un debate abierto sobre el uso de las denominadas TICs en el aula. No debemos olvidar el gran valor que en todas ellas tiene la imagen.

Marqués, B. P., Vilatte, J. E. & Carvalho, C. V. (2010). In Rocha, A Sexto, CF Reis, LP Cota,MP (Ed.), Information technologies and communication in supporting learning in higher education.

Martin, C. (2011). Perspective: To what end communication? Developing a conceptual framework for communication in medical education. Academic Medicine, 86(12), 1566-1570. doi:10.1097/ACM.0b013e31823591bb

Abstract: A growing discourse about broadening the educational experience of physicians in medical education focuses on professional formation and the wider social context within which health care is delivered.

Martín, N., Lazalde, O. M., Stokes, C. & Romano, D. (2012). An evaluation of remote communication versus face-to-face in clinical dental education. British Dental Journal, 212(6), 277-282. doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.2012.226

Abstract: Distance learning and internet-based delivery of educational content are becoming very popular as an alternative to real face-to-face delivery.

Martínez Agut, M. P. (2010). Relaciones entre la educación artística, patrimonio y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación: El caso de los museos valencianos y la inserción del pedagogo. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación, 52(2)

Abstract: Hemos realizado un estudio en los principales museos de la Comunidad Valenciana, comprobando la tipología y cantidad de museos de nuestra comunidad y, desde el punto de vista educativo, cómo se realiza la difusión y el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje a partir de los mismos (…)

Martínez de Morentín, J. I., Medrano Samaniego, C. & Universidad del Pais Vasco. Cátedra de Comunicación y Valores Educativos. (2010). Medios de comunicación, valores y educación (1a ed.). Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial = Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua.

Martínez Rodrigo, E. & Sánchez Martín, L. (2012). Las competencias europeas del profesional de la comunicación en el espacio europeo de educación superior. Viejo periodismo, nuevos periodistas (1st ed., pp. 125-136) Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social.

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Martins, J. B. & da Rocha Miranda, R. C. (2011). Improvement of strategists and novice decision makers: Strategic knowledge management applied to the technology development support center at the universidade de Brasilia, Brazil. Transinformacao, 23(2), 139-157.

Abstract: This paper aims to measure, from the perspective of Strategic Knowledge Management, the improvements in decision making in strategists and novices, through the transmission of knowledge by experienced strategists (…)

Mattelart, A. & Mattelart, M. (2010). Historia de las teorías de la comunicación (Reimp ed.). Barcelona: Paidós.

Abstract: ¿Dónde situar el comienzo de un pensamiento organizado sobre la comunicación? Cómo puede abarcar este campo de conocimiento teorías y doctrinas tan diversas como las de Marshall McLuhan y Jürgen Habermas?

McLeod, J., Shah, D., Hess, D. & Lee, N. (2010). Communication and education: Creating competence for socialization into public life. In L. R. Sherrod, J. Torney-Purta & C. A. Flanagan (Eds.), Handbook of research on civic engagement in youth. (pp. 363-391). Hoboken, NJ US: John Wiley & Sons Inc. doi:10.1002/9780470767603.ch14

Abstract: (from the chapter) Although opportunities for exposure to content and activities that promote civic socialization in the classroom and via traditional mass media have diminished, innovations in civic socialization focused on building citizenship (…)

McPhail, T. L. (2010). Global communication: Theories, stakeholders, and trends, xiv-xiv, 400.

McQuail, D. (2010). McQuail's mass communication theory, vii-viii, 621.

Abstract: McQuail's Mass Communication Theory has been the benchmark for studying mass communication theory for more than 25 years.

McQuail, D. (2010). Introducción a la teoría de la comunicación de masas (1ª, ªimp ed.). Barcelona: Paidós.

McQuail's mass communication theory, 6th ed. (2011) Reference and Research Book News, 26(2), n/a.

Medina Heredia, A. M. (2010). Digital interactivity: New strategies in education and communication. Comunicacion Y Sociedad, 23(1), 344-346.

Meléndez Rebeco, M. (2010). Los medios de comunicación de masas y su impacto en la concepción de educación superior como dispositivo de movilidad social en la sociedad chilena. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación, 51(2)

Abstract: Este ensayo pretende ser una reflexión parcial acerca de como un progresivo vaciamiento de significados afecta la forma en que se instala en el imaginario la concepción de educación superior dadas las actuales circunstancias históricas (…)

Mellado, C. (2011). Examining professional and academic culture in Chilean journalism and mass communication education. Journalism Studies, 12(3), 375-391. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2010.507373

Abstract: This article discusses key findings from a survey of the professional patterns, scholarly productivity, and educational characteristics of Chilean Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC) educators, as well as documentary information about the schools where they work.

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Miguel del Hoyo, S. B. (2011). Information and communication technologies in the European higher education área. Salud Colectiva, 7, 5-7.

Milotay, N. (2011). La comunicación de la CE sobre educación de la primera infancia: Un marco para la infancia desde el nacimiento. Infancia En Europa: Revista De Una Red De Revistas Europeas, (20), 28-29.

Molina Álvarez, A. T., González Rivero, B. M. & e-libro, C. (2012). Curso corto 20: La comunicación institucional en la educación superior. Ciudad de La Habana: Editorial Universitaria.

Morales Corral, E. (2010). El uso de los videojuegos como recurso de aprendizaje en educación primaria y teoría de la comunicación. Diálogos De La Comunicación (80)

Abstract: Los videojuegos representan en la actualidad una de las vías más directas de los niños a la cultura informática (…) // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: Nowadays, videogames represent one of the most direct methods of introducing children to the culture of technology (…)

Moreno Gibello, E., López, J. & Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Departamento de Geología y Geoquímica. (2010). Las actividades de educación, difusión y comunicación del año polar internacional E-2008 en España.

Morozan, C. & Enache, E. (2010). In Rusu C. (Ed.) Interactive technology-based communication in education.

Abstract: The enlargement process of interactive online communication systems, technology-driven, determined substantial changes within the social environment, the emergence of specialized applications used by people with some experience.

Nair, S. K. & Naik, N. S. (2010). The Johari window: A comparative study of public sector and private sector executives in India. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 4(1), 13-29. doi:10.1504/IJICBM.2011.037423

Abstract: This paper presents the results of a study undertaken to explore and understand the interpersonal communication patterns of managers working in the Indian public sector and private sector companies based on the Johari Window Model.

Nalewajski, R. F. (2010). Many-orbital probabilities and their entropy/information descriptors in orbital communication theory of the chemical Bond. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 47(2), 692-708. doi:10.1007/s10910-009-9595-4

Abstract: The joint/conditional “probability” measures of simultaneous many-orbital events in chemical bonds, which involve several basis functions, are derived within standard SCF LCAO MO description of molecular systems.

Nastasia, D. I. (2010). Spatiality and temporality in communication theories. (Ph.D. The University of North Dakota) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (816910153)

Abstract: This dissertation has been planned and written as an extended review of literature on space and time within and outside of communication studies, and as a thorough categorization of issues about spatiality and temporality (…)

Nor, N. A. M., Yusof, Z. Y. M. & Shahidan, M. N. F. M. (2011). University of Malaya dental students' attitudes towards communication skills learning: Implications for dental education. Journal of Dental Education, 75(12), 1611-1619.

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Abstract: The Ministry of Higher Education in Malaysia has called for the implementation of a soft skills module in all public universities in Malaysia.

Nos Aldás, E. (2011). Educación en medios hacia culturas de paz: Los futuros profesionales de la comunicación como ciudadanos mediadores. Enseñanza & Teaching: Revista Interuniversitaria De Didáctica (29), 87-102.

Odman, C. J. & Miley, G. K. (2010). Universe awareness: Innovations in astronomy education and communication. Highlights of Astronomy, Vol 15, 15, 646-647.

Oliveira, C., Mittal, V., Lee, B., Martin, B., Patel, R., Shetgiri, R., Flores, G. (2011). Do family-centered rounds (fcrs) improve parent satisfaction, communication, co-ordination of care, patient safety, outcomes, hand-offs, and trainees education? A qualitative study of parents of hospitalized children. Journal of Investigative Medicine, 59(2), 490-491.

Olmedo Salar, S., Alvarez Nobell, A. & Ruiz Mora, I. M. (2010). Estudios de comunicación en el espacio europeo de educación superior (EEES): Nuevos contenidos, nuevos perfiles profesionales. Los estudios de ciencias de la comunicación en el EEES (1st ed., pp. 66-81) Fragua.

Onrubia García, A., Gago Menor, A. & Paz con Dignidad. (2011). Comunicación, educación y desarrollo (2{487} ed.). Toledo: Paz con Dignidad: Revista "Pueblos".

Oprea, V. & Vaida, M. (2010). In Rusu C. (Ed.) Study concerning the quality of teaching sport through the point of view of the defining conducts of the communication act during the university education.

Abstract: This study is intended to be a complement to studies conducted so far in this area and we believe that, approaching the topic from a scientific point of view, we can make a breakthrough in terms of didactic communication relative to physical education (…)

Ostman, L. (2010). Education for sustainable development and normativity: A transactional analysis of moral meaning-making and companion meanings in classroom communication. Environmental Education Research, 16(1), 75-93. doi:10.1080/13504620903504057

Abstract: The purpose of the present article is to present and illustrate two different ways of analysing the normativity and discursivity of classroom communication during education for sustainable development (ESD).

Papastergiou, M. (2010). Enhancing physical education and sport science students' self-efficacy and attitudes regarding information and communication technologies through a computer literacy course. Computers & Education, 54(1), 298-308. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2009.08.015

Abstract: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have become an integral component of Physical Education (PE) and Sport Science (SS) curricula and professions.

Pastor Alfonso, M. J. & Almarcha Martínez, F. (2011). Interculturalidad: Comunicación y educación en la diversidad (1st ed.). Barcelona: Icaria.

Patrick, K. & Seidman, C. S. (2011). A forum for the communication of information, knowledge, and wisdom in prevention science, education, practice and policy. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 41(1), 118-119. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2011.04.002

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Patrut, M., Cmeciu, C. & Miron, L. (2011). NGO annual reports as a device to frame education in Romanian public communication campaigns. Public Relations Review, 37(4), 432-434. doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2011.06.006

Abstract: This report summarizes our effort to analyse the way education in poor communities is framed in the annual reports of OvidiuRom, one of the most active Romanian nongovernmental organizations.

Paul, N. A. & Sanders, G. F. (2010). Applying an ecological framework to education needs of communication partners of individuals with aphasia. Aphasiology, 24(9), 1095-1112. doi:10.1080/02687030903383720

Abstract: Background: Education provided to communication partners of individuals with aphasia can be crucial in coping with resulting changes in communication.

Peeraer, J. & Van Petegem, P. (2012). Measuring integration of information and communication technology in education: An item response modeling approach. Computers & Education, 58(4), 1247-1259. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2011.12.015

Abstract: This research describes the development and validation of an instrument to measure integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education.

Perazzo Puncel, M. I. (2010). Educación a distancia hoy: En busca de la comunicación real. RIED: Revista Iberoamericana De Educación a Distancia, 13(1), 73-93.

Abstract: El presente artículo se propone aportar algunas reflexiones a partir del análisis de la comunicación didáctica que se ha realizado en un universo de programas de educación a distancia (…) //ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This article aims to provide some considerations from the analysis of didactic communication made in a world of distance education programs (…)

Pérez, J. A. (2010). Educación social y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación: Impactos y retos: Reflexiones de un educador-TIC. Revista De Educación Social (11)

Abstract: El presente artículo pretende reflexionar sobre algunas cuestiones que relacionan la educación social con el uso de las nuevas tecnologías. Señalamos la emergencia de un nuevo modelo socioeconómico: de la Sociedad Industrial a la Sociedad de la Información con las repercusiones sociales que conlleva, local y globalmente.

Pignuoli Ocampo, S. & Zitello, M. A. (2011). Tensions and theoretical ruptures in luhmann's concept of communication. Estudios Sociológicos, 29(87), 925-947.

Abstract: This work offers the results of a theoretical study on the relationship between communicative urgency and anti-humanism established by Niklas Luhmann's general theory of autopoietic self-referential social systems (GTSS).

Pinto Arboleda, M. C. (2010). El trabajo cooperativo en la docencia de una maestría en comunicación social: La adaptación al espacio europeo de educación superior. Signo y Pensamiento, 29(56), 140-159.

Abstract: Dentro del programa de Innovación y mejora de la calidad docente, la Universidad Complutense de Madrid aprobó el Proyecto de innovación educativa (…) // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: Within the program of Innovation and Improvement of Teaching Quality, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) approves the Project of Educational Innovation (…)

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Pozo Juan, M. d., Manuel García, C. M., González Arangüena, E. & Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas. Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa I. (2010). Redes sociales y de comunicación.

Qing, L. & Jia, Z. (2011). In Kaminishi, K Duysters, G DeHoyos, A. (Ed.) On effective communication of cross-cultural enterprises.

Abstract: With the globalization of world economy and the spread of multinational operation, transnational corporations are playing an important role in the world.

Ramírez García, A. (2010). Los medios de comunicación y la operativización de las competencias básicas en educación primaria. ED.UCO: Revista De Investigación Educativa, (4), 111-128.

Rethans, J. & Donner-Banzhoff, N. (2011). Motivation in medical education and patient communication. The EGPRN meeting in Zurich, Switzerland, october 2010. European Journal of General Practice, 17(2), 129-132. doi:10.3109/13814788.2011.576243

Abstract: The European General Practice Research Network held an international research meeting on 'Motivation in medical education and patient communication' in Zurich, Switzerland, in October 2010.

Rezaei, M. R., Nazarpour, M. & Emami, A. (2011). Challenges of information and communication technology (ICT) in education. Life Science Journal-Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition, 8(2), 595-598.

Abstract: Technologies (ICT) during the past two decades have had many points of contact with education and training. The development of technology is placing new demands on expertise (…)

Ribes Antuña, M. D. (2011). Expresion y comunicación, educación infantil. Sevilla: Mad.

Rittmeyer, S. & Munro, I. (2010). Using avatars to enhance therapeutic communication: Is this the next generation of student education? International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 19, A41-A41.

Rivas Martínez, E. & Terroba Valdemoros, J. (2010). Desarrollo de la competencia básica "comunicación lingüística" a través del cuento motor y el cuaderno del alumno en la asignatura de educación física. Contextos Educativos: Revista De Educación, (13), 155-174.

RocÍo Cruz-Diaz, M. (2011). Communication methods. Values and education. Comunicar (36), 201-201.

Rodrigo Alsina, M. (2010). Las teorías de la comunicación en el espacio europeo de educación superior: El caso de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Diálogos De La Comunicación, (80)

Abstract: El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior implica un cambio importante tanto en los planes de estudio de los distintos grados como en la enseñanza de las distintas materias.// ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: The European Higher Education Area implies a major change in the curricula of the different degrees and in the teaching of different subjects.

Rodríguez Hoyos, C. (2010). Una mirada didáctica a las herramientas de comunicación de las plataformas de educación virtual. Revista DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, (18)

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Abstract: En esta comunicación presentamos un análisis sobre la utilización de las diferentes herramientas de comunicación de las plataformas por parte de los diferentes actores participantes en dos experiencias de formación desarrolladas a través de Internet.

Román Márquez, A. (2010). La nueva metodología docente prevista en el espacio europeo de educación superior: las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación como soporte de esta nueva docencia: Ventajas e inconvenientes. Actas de las I jornadas sobre innovación docente y adaptación al EEES en las titulaciones técnicas (1st ed., pp. 241-248) Godel Impresiones Digitales, S.L.

Rotthoff, T., Baehring, T., David, D. M., Bartnick, C., Linde, F., Willers, R. Scherbaum, W. A. (2011). The value of training in communication skills for continuing medical education. Patient Education and Counseling, 84(2), 170-175. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2010.07.034

Abstract: Objective: Question arises as to what extent communication skills are considered in continuing medical education (CME).

Sabau, D., Sabau, C. & Zacharias, D. (2010). In Rusu C. (Ed.), Theoretical and methodological aspects on organizational communication in higher education.

Abstract: Communication is a necessary request for any organization, in order to reach the imposed objectives, a sine qua non condition of its efficient functioning, in order to settle the most important inter-human relationships.

Sáez López, J. M. (2012). Valoración de la persistencia de los obstáculos relativos al uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en educación primaria. Educatio Siglo XXI: Revista De La Facultad De Educación (30), 253-274.

Abstract: Actualmente contamos con diversos estudios que muestran evidencias relativas a los beneficios que aportan las tecnologías cuando se aplican en contextos educativos, hasta el punto de que algunos autores aseguran que las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación favorecen el rendimiento académico del alumnado.

Salinas Aguilar, C., Flores Vivar, J. M., Perlado Lamo de Espinosa, M. & Jiménez Narros, C. (2010). Ética y educación en comunicación: La responsabilidad social del periodismo en internet. Escenario actual de la investigación en comunicación: Objetivos, métodos y desafíos (1st ed., pp. 643-652) [S.l.: s.n], [2010].

Sanchez-Lance, M., Caldwell, J. & Medrano, M. (2010). Enhancing communication skills for effective cultural competency training in medical education. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58, 156-157.

Sanchez-Reilly, S., Wittenberg-Lyles, E., Ross, J. & Varas, G. (2010). Communication, interdisciplinary care, and multicultural education: The core of palliative care teaching (P3). Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 39(2), 321-321.

Santana Martel, E., Díaz Jiménez, G. & Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica y Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. (2011). Técnicas de comunicación en los procesos educativos. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Vicerrectorado de Ordenación Académica y Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior.

Santibáñez Velilla, J. (2010). Virtual and real classroom in learning audiovisual communication and Education/Aula virtual y presencial en aprendizaje de comunicación audiovisual y

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educación. Comunicar: Revista Científica Iberoamericana De Comunicación y Educación, (35), 183-191.

Abstract: El modelo mixto de enseñanza-aprendizaje pretende utilizar las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) para garantizar una formación más ajustada al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: The mixed model of Teaching-Learning intends to use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to guarantee an education more adjusted to European Space for Higher Education (ESHE).

Saud, M. S., Shu'aibu, B., Yahaya, N. & Yasin, M. A. (2011). Effective integration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) toward knowledge management in the changing world of work. African Journal of Business Management, 5(16), 6668-6673.

Abstract: The relevance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the field of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) cannot be exhausted by studies available in the "knowledge-based" society.

Schaefer, H. M. & Ruxton, G. D. (2010). Communication theory and the form of receiver-mediated selection. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 25(7), 383-384. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2010.04.003

Schelly, C., Cross, J. E., Franzen, W., Hall, P. & Reeve, S. (2012). How to go green: Creating a conservation culture in a public high school through education, modeling, and communication. Journal of Environmental Education, 43(3), 143-161. doi:10.1080/00958964.2011.631611

Abstract: This case study examines how energy conservation efforts in one public high school contributed to both sustainability education and the adoption of sustainable behavior within educational and organizational practice.

Schlein, U. & Hager-van der Laan, J. (2010). Communication is the critical factor for success (not only) in education and further training. Zentralblatt Fur Chirurgie, 135(5), 472-474. doi:10.1055/s-0030-1262543

Seco, G., Filipe, L., Pereira, P. & Alves, S. (2010). In Zukauskiene R. (Ed.), Development of study and communication competences in the transition to higher education.

Abstract: Research has been stressing the importance and relevance of intra and interpersonal competences development in the promotion of the student academic success and general well-being.

Sethi, M. B. (2012). Information, education, and indoctrination: The federation of American scientists and public communication strategies in the atomic age. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 42(1), 1-29. doi:10.1525/hsns.2012.42.1.001

Abstract: Immediately following World War II, atomic scientists and their colleagues in other disciplines formed the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) and dedicated themselves to increasing public knowledge about atomic energy and the need for international control.

Sewell, G. (2010). Metaphor, myth, and theory building: Communication studies meets the linguistic turn in sociology, anthropology, and philosophy. Management Communication Quarterly, 24(1), 139-150. doi:10.1177/0893318909351584

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Abstract: Comments on an article Theory building: Comparisons of CCO orientations by Putnam and Nicotera (2009). For communication scholars who are interested in organizations, these are indeed rewarding times.

Shaha, S., Toelle, B. G., Sawyer, S. M., Roydhouse, J. K., Edwards, P., Usherwood, T. & Jenkins, C. R. (2010). Feasibility study of a communication and education asthma intervention for general practitioners in Australia. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 16(1), 75-80. doi:10.1071/PY09056

Abstract: The Physician Asthma Care Education (PACE) program significantly improved asthma prescribing and communication behaviours of primary care paediatricians in the USA.

Sharif, R. (2010). The right to education: From la frontera to Gaza A brief communication. American Quarterly, 62(4), 855-860.

Shaw, J. R., Barley, G. E., Hill, A. E., Larson, S. & Roter, D. L. (2010). Communication skills education onsite in a veterinary practice. Patient Education and Counseling, 80(3), 337-344. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2010.06.012

Abstract: Objective: To provide communication skills education to veterinary professionals in the practice setting and evaluate the training by measuring veterinarian communication pre- and post-intervention.

Sierra Sánchez, J. & Cabezuelo Lorenzo, F. (2010). Recursos de las facultades de comunicación para la formación en competencias en el marco del espacio europeo de educación superior. Doxa Comunicación: Revista Interdisciplinar De Estudios De Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales, (11), 31-54.

Silverman, J. (2011). Clinical communication training in continuing medical education: Possible, do-able and done? Patient Education and Counseling, 84(2), 141-142. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2011.05.026

Sisco, H. F. (2012). Nonprofit in crisis: An examination of the applicability of situational crisis communication theory. Journal of Public Relations Research, 24(1),1.

Abstract: Coombs' (2007) Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) provides the theoretical framework for a 3 x 2 experiment testing the effects of SCCT response strategies from a nonprofit organization.

Sisco, H. F., Collins, E. L. & Zoch, L. M. (2010). Through the looking glass: A decade of red cross crisis response and situational crisis communication theory. Public Relations Review, 36(1), 21.

Abstract: Crisis communication has emerged as a hot topic in public relations literature. However, little attention has been paid to nonprofit organizations (NPOs), one of the largest sectors of public relations practice.

Smyth, R. (2010). Equity and information communication technology in education - by Neil Anderson. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(3)

Smyth, R. (2011). Enhancing learner-learner interaction using video communications in higher education: Implications from theorising about a new model. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(1), 113-127. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2009.00990.x

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Abstract: As visual connectivity improves, an opportunity to enrich and rethink the place of learning design in online and distance education is presenting itself.

Stacks, D. W., Salwen, M. B. & Bakic-Miric, N. (2010). An integrated approach to communication theory and research. European Journal of Communication, 25(1), 94-96. doi:10.1177/02673231100250010705

Starcic, A. I. (2010). Information and communication technology teachers' initial education. Latest Trends on Engineering Education, 417-421.

Abstract: In the paper the course "Educational use of ICT" in initial education of information and communication technology teachers is presented.

Street, R. L., Jr., Slee, C., Kalauokalani, D. K., Dean, D. E., Tancredi, D. J. & Kravitz, R. L. (2010). Improving physician-patient communication about cancer pain with a tailored education-coaching intervention. Patient Education and Counseling, 80(1), 42-47. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2009.10.009

Abstract: Objective: This study examined the effect of a theoretically grounded, tailored education-coaching intervention to help patients more effectively discuss their pain-related questions, concerns, and preferences with physicians.

Suduc, A., Bizoi, M., Gorghiu, G. & Gorghiu, L. M. (2011). Information and communication technologies in science education, 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences (2011), 15 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.03.241

Abstract: The advancements in information and communication technologies (ICT) provide significant opportunities to improve teaching and learning.

Tafesse, M. (2011). Investigating the role of media advocacy in framing accessibility of antiretroviral treatment in Ethiopia: A social work perspective on communication theories. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 10(2), 174-193. doi:10.1080/15381501.2011.572742

Abstract: In Ethiopia a range of factors endanger accessibility of antiretroviral treatment (ART) by persons living with HIV/AIDS.

Teimoornia, M., Hamidi, F., Jomeh, S. M. R. I. & Foroozesh-nia, S. (2011). The implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) in extracurricular activities of education system in Iran. World Conference on Information Technology (Wcit-2010), 3 doi:10.1016/j.procs.2010.12.103

Abstract: Extracurricular activities are those activities designed for preservation of motivation and creation of challenges in the learner in order to obtain experience out of school settings and in relation to curriculum subjects.

Thatcher, B. & Amant, K. S. (2011). Teaching intercultural rhetoric and technical communication: Theories, curriculum, pedagogies and practices book review. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 54(3), 338-339. doi:10.1109/TPC.2011.2159643

Thoutenhoofd, E. D. (2011). Unfolding through communication: History of education for deaf and hearing-impaired people in the Netherlands. Paedagogica Historica, 47(3), 446-449. doi:10.1080/00309230.2010.531530

Todman, A. (2010). Encyclopedia of communication theory. Choice, 47(6), 1036.

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Abstract: Communication theory is multidisciplinary in scope. Psychology, sociology, and other social science disciplines have been instrumental in the development of this subject for many decades.

Topp, K. R. (2011). A content assessment tool for the exhibit design process, using graphic design and communication theory as a framework for generating meaningful messages. (M.F.A., Iowa State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (895977902)

Abstract: Current museum exhibit design models take designers through stages of defining goals, developing products or exhibits, and implementing the design.

Torres Romay, E. (2010). Enseñanza universitaria de la comunicación estratégica en españa: Análisis de la repercusión del espacio europeo de educación superior en la enseñanza de estrategias. Signo y Pensamiento, 29(56), 304-327.

Abstract: La importancia del proceso de adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior supone, al mismo tiempo, un reto y una oportunidad para los estudios de comunicación en general (…) // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: The process of adaptation of higher education to the European context is highly relevant since it implies both a challenge and an opportunity for communication studies (…)

Turnbull, T., van Wersch, A. & van Schaik, P. (2011). Parents as educators of sex and relationship education: The role for effective communication in British families. Health Education Journal, 70(3), 240-248. doi:10.1177/0017896911398817

Abstract: Objective: To identify how British families discuss sexual matters and to determine if the use of a multimedia computer program increases knowledge to promote communication about sexual topics.

Turner, J. (2010). Language in the academy: Cultural reflexivity and intercultural dynamics. Languages for intercultural communication and education Multilingual Matters.

Abstract: This book takes a critical look at why issues of language in higher education are routinely marginalised, despite the growing internationalisation of universities.

Turnipseed, T. R. I. (2010). Being an effective custodian of communication theory: An examination of theory construction, methodological streamlining, and special population use between constitutive rhetoric, attribution theory, & the third person effect (ProQuest Information & Learning) Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 71(2) (2010-99150-108).

Abstract: The area of media effects research is important to understanding how one interacts with and is affected by the different forms of media in society.

Tyler, D., Looze, J., Lepore, M., Shield, R. R. & Miller, S. C. (2011). The importance of communication and education to successful culture change initiatives. Gerontologist, 51, 118-119.

Urbina, S. & Ordinas, C. (2011). Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y espacio europeo de educación superior. Buenas prácticas con TIC para el EEES: Experiencias docentes en la UIB (1st ed., pp. 15-28) Universitat de les Illes Balears.

Van Helvoort, A. A. J. (2010). Impact of recent trends in information and communication technology on the validity of the construct information literacy in higher education. Technological Convergence and Social Networks in Information Management, 96, 61-73.

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Abstract: The objective of this paper is a reflective discussion on the validity of the construct Information Literacy in the perspective of changing information and communication technologies.

Van Rijssen, H. J., Schellart, A. J. M., Berkhof, M., Anema, J. R. & van der Beek, A. J. (2010). Stereotyping of medical disability claimants' communication behaviour by physicians: Towards more focused education for social insurance physicians. Bmc Public Health, 10, 666. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-10-666

Abstract: Background: Physicians who hold medical disability assessment interviews (social insurance physicians) are probably influenced by stereotypes of claimants, especially because they have limited time available and they have to make complicated decisions.

Vance, M. & Clegg, J. (2010). Editorial: Research and practice in the language and communication needs of adolescents in secondary education. Child Language Teaching & Therapy, 26(2), 103-105. doi:10.1177/0265659010366503

Vanderstraeten, R. (2011). Scholarly communication in education journals. Social Science History, 35(1), 109-130. doi:10.1215/01455532-2010-018

Abstract: The rise of disciplines is connected with the formation of groups or networks of specialists. It is connected with the emergence of "scientific communities," theorized about since Thomas Kuhn and Robert Merton.

Varma, T. M. (2011). Crisis communication in higher education: The use of "negotiation" as a strategy to manage crisis. Public Relations Review, 37(4), 373-375. doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2011.08.006

Abstract: This case study examined the crisis response strategies of Louisiana State University after its women's head basketball coach resigned amid charges of inappropriate conduct with former basketball players.

Velázquez Buendía, R. (2010). El proceso de comunicación docente-discente en educación física. La Educación Física a estudio: El profesorado, el alumnado y los procesos de enseñanza (1st ed., pp. 37-68) Graó.

Visser, A. & Wysmans, M. (2010). Improving patient education by an in-service communication training for health care providers at a cancer ward: Communication climate, patient satisfaction and the need of lasting implementation. Patient Education and Counseling, 78(3), 402-408. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2010.01.011

Abstract: Objective: To show the effects of an in-service communication training for health care providers at a cancer ward, to improve the quality and quantity of the patient education, and patient satisfaction with the care received.

Vivar Zurita, H., García García, A., Abuín Vences, N., Vinader Segura, R. & Nuñez Gómez, P. (2011). Los nuevos grados en el espacio europeo de educación superior: Nuevos perfiles profesionales en el área de comunicación. Investigaciones educomunicativas en la sociedad multipantalla (1st ed., pp. 529-546) Fragua.

Voegtle, E. M., Knill, C. & Dobbins, M. (2011). To what extent does transnational communication drive cross-national policy convergence? The impact of the bologna-process on domestic higher education policies. Higher Education, 61(1), 77-94. doi:10.1007/s10734-010-9326-6

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Abstract: This study investigates if transnational communication in the context of the Bologna Process (BP) has led to the convergence of higher education (HE) policies.

Wachs, A. M. (2012). The triptych tetrad: Marshall McLuhan's neo-medieval communication theory. (Ph.D., Duquesne University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1012103834)

Abstract: The work of Marshall McLuhan has often been reduced to the form of catchphrases and "McLuhanisms," such as the "global village" and "the medium is the message" in the field of communication.

Walton, J. D. (2010). Examining a transformative approach to communication education: A Teacherâ•’esearch study 44(1), 157.

Abstract: A critical task for communication educators is preparing students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes for active and responsible participation within a rapidly changing global community.

Wang, G. & Zhang, W. (2011). In Tan H. (Ed.), Spiritual civilization communication is one of the most important aim for marketing education

Abstract: Marketing has been established sine last century, US. China started marketing after Chinese reform and open. Marketing is the most far going, biggest, abundant and frequent social activity, which is the most interactive human communication activity.

Wang, G., Han, Y. & Shen, G. (2010). In Ma P. Q.,M. (Ed.), Multimedia mobile communication terminal applied research in distance education

Abstract: This paper presents the use of mobile communication terminal for remote education in multimedia technology, the future of mobile communication terminal multimedia distance education system architecture (…)

Wang, T. (2011). Designing for designing: Information and communication technologies (ICTs) and professional education. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 30(2), 188-199.

Abstract: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) appear to be well fitted to the education of design professionals, such as architectural and engineering students (…)

Washington, D., Yeatts, K., Sleath, B., Ayala, G. X., Gillette, C., Williams, D. Tudor, G. (2012). Communication and education about triggers and environmental control strategies during pediatric asthma visits. Patient Education and Counseling, 86(1), 63-69. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2011.04.015

Abstract: Objective: To determine the extent to which providers, caregivers, and pediatric asthma patients discussed environmental trigger control during primary care visits (…9

Waters, R. D. (2011). Increasing fundraising efficiency through evaluation: Applying communication theory to the nonprofit organization— donor relationship. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 40(3), 458-475. doi:10.1177/0899764009354322

Abstract: Light has documented a decline in the public confidence expressed in charitable organizations.

Waterston, T. (2010). New communication media for professional support, discussion and education. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 56(5), 289-290. doi:10.1093/tropej/fmq096

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Weber, M., Erickson, S. & Stone, M. (2011). Using communication theory to teach SOX reporting requirements. Issues in Accounting Education, 26(1), 241-256.

Abstract: This paper presents an instructional resource and provides suggestions for its implementation.

Webster, C. A., Gonzalez Villora, S. & Harvey, R. (2010). Physical education teachers' communication of content relevance. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81(1), 77.

Weil, E., Willms, L. M., Broschk, J., Hayer, L., Koletzko, L. & Koellner, V. (2010). Peer groups on history taking (anamnese-gruppen): Are they suitable for teaching doctor-patient-communication in the preclinical part of medical education? Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 68(6), 677-677

Weingart, L. R. & Todorova, G. (2010). Jury tensions: Applying communication theories and methods to study group dynamics. Small Group Research, 41(4), 495-502. doi:10.1177/1046496410369564

Willighagen, E. (2010). Teaching scientific communication in pharmaceutical bioinformatics education. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 240

Woelber, J. P., Deimling, D., Langenbach, D. & Ratka-Krueger, P. (2012). The importance of teaching communication in dental education. A survey amongst dentists, students and patients. European Journal of Dental Education, 16(1), E200-E204. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0579.2011.00698.x

Abstract: The aim of our study was to evaluate the subjective importance of teaching communication in the dental curriculum by conducting a survey amongst dentists, students and patients.

Yu, H. (2010). Developing technical communication education for Chinese industry professionals: Preliminary findings and suggestions. Ieee Transactions on Professional Communication, 53(2), 102-115. doi:10.1109/TPC.2010.2046087

Abstract: Existing literature argues, in general terms, that China has a growing need for technical communication and technical communication education.

Zabala, J. (2010). Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la educación ambiental: Una perspectiva societal. Telos: Revista De Estudios Interdisciplinarios En Ciencias Sociales, 12(2), 175-185.

Abstract: El propósito del investigador es realizar una revisión teórica del Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la educación ambiental (…)// ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: The purpose of this study is to conduct a theoretical review of information and communication technologies (…)

Zailskaite-Jakste, L. & Kuvykaite, R. (2012). Implementation of communication in social media by promoting studies at higher education institutions. Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 23(2), 174-188. doi:10.5755/

Abstract: New technologies penetrate into all spheres of our lives and shifts personal communication as well as traditional communication between customers and organizations; provide all the participants of communication with more possibilities.

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1.6 TEMA 6: El grupo como factor socializador (1.134)

Abbate, F. J. (2010). Education leadership in a culture of compliance. Phi Delta Kappan, 91(6), 35-37.

Ahmed, I., Qazi, T. F. & Jabeen, S. (2012). Followers' personality in the relationship between leadership style and performance: Evidence from higher education sector. Actual Problems of Economics, (128), 323-331.

Abstract: The present research has been carried out to discover the influence of leadership style of a teacher on the academic performance of students with self-efficacy as moderating variable.

Ainscow, M. & Sandill, A. (2010). Developing inclusive education systems: The role of organisational cultures and leadership. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(4), 401-416. doi:10.1080/13603110802504903

Abstract: Including all children in education is the major challenge facing educational systems around the world, in both developing and developed countries.

Allan, H. (2010). The perils facing nurse education: A call for leadership for learning. Nurse Education Today, 30(3), 209-211. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2010.01.002

Allen, N. (2012). Inventing the job of president: Leadership style from george washington to andrew jackson. Political Studies Review, 10(1), 123-124.

Almansour, Y. M. (2012). The relationship between leadership styles and motivation of managers conceptual framework. Researchers World, 3(1), 161-166.

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Abstract: Transformational leadership is implemented when leaders involve broaden and elevate their sub-ordinates' interests, when they generate awareness and acceptance of the group's tasks and mission.

Alston, J. (2012). Standing on the promises: A new generation of black women scholars in educational leadership and beyond.25(1), 127.

Abstract: African-American womens leadership experiences and herstories are absent from the leadership canon.

Álvarez Arregui, E., & Pérez Pérez, R. (2011). Liderazgo directivo en los centros educativos de asturias. Bordón; 2011, Vol.63, n.3 ; p.23-42

Abstract: Se presenta una investigación realizada en la Comunidad Autónoma de Asturias cuyo objeto central es el estudio del liderazgo directivo. Para su desarrollo se ha seguido un proceso de recogida sistemática y análisis de información que se articula en cuatro fases (…)

Alvarez, O., Castillo, I., & Falco, C. (2010). Leadership styles in the spanish national taekwondo team. Revista De Psicologia Del Deporte, 19(2), 219-230.

Abstract: Interest is growing in conducting research in the role of coaches as agents of influence.

Alvarez, O., Lila, M., & Castillo, I. (2012). Leadership styles of local police in the valencian community: An approach based on the transformational leadership theory. Anales De Psicologia, 28(2), 548-557. doi:10.6018/analesps.28.2.148951

Abstract: On the basis of the Transformational Leadership Theory (Bass, 1985), the patterns of behaviour found in leadership styles are examined, and also their relation to three outcome variables (…)

An, K., Akiyama, T., Kim, J., Hoshiko, T., & Furumai, H. (2011). The influence of field-oriented environmental education on leadership development. 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences (2011), 15 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.03.275

Abstract: This paper reviews the outcome of field exercise 'Oasis unit' under a new postgraduate educational initiative named "Asian Program for Incubation of Environmental Leaders" (APIEL).

Andablo Reyes, A. d. C., & Hernández Moreno, M. d. C. (2010). Oferta institucional y marginación social. Experiencias de un grupo de bordadoras en Tesopaco, Sonora. Estudios Sociales: Revista De Investigación Científica, 17(1), 127-148.

Abstract: La Ley de Desarrollo Rural Sustentable (LDRS), promulgada en diciembre de 2001, es considerada por autores como Carton de Grammont (2004) y Sepúlveda (2003) (…)

Andersen, F., & Ottesen, E. (2011). School leadership and ethnic diversity: Approaching the challenge.22(4), 285.

Abstract: In this article we explore school leadership responses to challenges of inclusion in two Norwegian upper secondary schools. The empirical data are interviews with principals, deputies and social advisers in the two schools.

Anderson, M. (2012). The struggle for collective leadership: Thinking and practice in a multi-campus school setting. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 40(3), 328.

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Abstract: This article argues that while notions of collective leadership, such as distributed or shared, are nominally more inclusive, barriers to inclusive ways of thinking about and relating to one another will be multi-faceted (past and present) and formidable to change.

Angelides, P. (2012). Forms of leadership that promote inclusive education in Cypriot schools. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 40(1), 21-36. doi:10.1177/1741143211420614

Abstract: A primary goal of many educational systems in different countries of the world is the offering of equal opportunities in education.

Anguiano Serrano, S. A., Vega Valero, C. Z., Nava Quiroz, C. N., & Soria Trujano, R. (2010). Las habilidades sociales en universitarios, adolescentes y alcohólicos en recuperación de un grupo de alcohólicos anónimos (AA). Liberabit, 16(1), 17-26.

Abstract: Entre los factores de riesgo de inicio al consumo de alcohol se encuentra el déficit en habilidades sociales (…) //Among the risk factors for alcohol use initiation is the deficit in social skills (…)

Angus-Leppan, T., Metcalf, L., & Benn, S. (2010). Leadership styles and CSR practice: An examination of sensemaking, institutional drivers and CSR leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 93(2), 189-213. doi:10.1007/s10551-009-0221-y

Abstract: This article examines the explicit and implicit corporate social responsibility (CSR) framework and its implications for leadership style, in a major banking institution.

Antonaros, M. E. (2010). Gender differences in leadership style: A study of leader effectiveness in higher education. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: This study examines gender differences in leadership style and the influence of these differences on perceived leader effectiveness in higher education.

Arias Gago, A. R., & Baelo Álvarez, R. (2010). Nuevas formas de liderazgo educativo: El liderazgo emocional. Organizar y dirigir en la complejidad: Instituciones educativas en evolución (1st ed., pp. 15) Wolters Kluwer España.

Arias, A. R. (2010). Dirección, liderazgo y calidad en educación. Calidad, comunicación e interculturalidad (1st ed., pp. 151-164) Davinci Continental.

Aspy, C. B., Vesely, S. K., Tolma, E. L., Oman, R. F., Rodine, S., Marshall, L., & Fluhr, J. (2010). Youth assets and delayed coitarche across developmental age groups. Journal of Early Adolescence, 30(2), 277-304.

Abstract: Cross-sectional studies suggest that assets are associated with youth abstinence, but whether these relationships are constant across developmental age groups has not been shown. (Contains 6 tables)

Astin, H. S. (2012). Enhancing campus capacity for leadership: An examination of grassroots leaders in higher education. Review of Higher Education, 35(2), 337-338.

Atalla, A. D. (2010). Self-assessment vs. employee perceptions of nonprofit leadership. (Ph.D., Capella University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (193671363).

Abstract: Organizational managers and those they supervise develop perceptions about the leadership abilities of these managers.

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Auerbach, S. (2011). School leadership for authentic family and community partnerships: Research perspectives for transforming practice Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Abstract: School leaders are increasingly called upon to pursue meaningful partnerships with families and community groups, yet many leaders are unprepared to meet the challenges of partnerships, to cross cultural boundaries, or to be accountable to the community.

Babaoglan, E., & Litchka, P. R. (2010). An examination of leadership competencies of school principals in Turkey and the united states. Egitim Ve Bilim, 35(158), 58.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine if perceptions of the leadership skills of principals in both Turkey and the United States were influenced by the gender of the principal and the gender of teachers for whom they lead.

Bailey, H. R. (2011). Leadership styles of principals: The impact on quality professional development in the middle school. (Ph.D., Capella University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (912852900)

Abstract: Quality professional development for middle school teachers is profoundly influenced by the leadership qualities of school administrators.

Baker, B. D., Punswick, E., & Belt, C. (2010). School leadership stability, principal moves, and departures: Evidence from missouri. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(4), 523-557. doi:10.1177/0013161X10383832

Abstract: Purpose: The objective of this study is to investigate and characterize principals' backgrounds, individual and school level factors associated with leadership stability, and principal career paths and exit behaviors in Missouri.

Banoglu, K. (2011). School principals' technology leadership competency and technology coordinatorship. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 11(1), 208-213.

Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine the primary and high school principals' competency in technology leadership and so to define implications for advanced competency.

Baran, B. E. & Scott, C. W. (2010). Organizing ambiguity: A grounded theory of leadership and sensemaking within dangerous contexts. Military Psychology, 22, S42.

Abstract: Leaders in high-reliability organizational contexts such as firefighting, emergency medicine, and law enforcement often face the challenge of making sense of environments that are dangerous, highly ambiguous, and rapidly changing.

Barberá Heredia, E., Ramos López, A., & Candela Agulló, C. (2011). Laberinto de cristal en el liderazgo de las mujeres. Psicothema; 2011, v.23, n.2 ; p.173-179

Abstract: Las teorías sobre la discriminación de género han ido evolucionando a lo largo de los treinta últimos años y se han hecho más complejas en un intento por comprender la realidad social.

Barnes, J. K. (2011). Leadership styles of principals in successful middle schools in Tennessee. (Ed.D., Lincoln Memorial University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (917941616)

Abstract: This study analyzed principals of successful middle schools in Tennessee and their transformational leadership styles.

Barreca, G. (2012). What's your leadership style? Principal Leadership, 12(5), 72.

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Abstract: Some were of the legitimate, albeit bizarre, academic kind - "What was the impact of the Boer War on the fleece industry?" -many were of the frivolous, equally bizarre, self-reflective sort - "What does your horoscope say about your eyebrow shape?"

Basaure, M. (2010). El grupo internacional de estudios sobre teoría crítica en el nuevo contexto del Instituto para la investigación social. Arxius De Sociologia, (22), 115-126.

Abstract: Con la llegada de Axel Honneth a la dirección del Instituto para la Investigación Social de Fráncfort en el año 2001 se abre un nuevo capítulo de la relación entre dicho instituto y la tradición de la Escuela de Fráncfort

Bass, L. (2012). When care trumps justice: The operationalization of black feminist caring in educational leadership.25(1), 73.

Abstract: In this study, I discuss the benefits of Black feminist caring (BFC) in educational leadership. I suggest that the ethic of care in educational leadership is a manifestation of strength when serving disadvantaged student populations.

Bayless, D. J., & Robe, T. R. (2010). Leadership education for engineering students. 2010 Ieee Frontiers in Education Conference (Fie)

Abstract: The interdependency of technical and socioeconomic problem solving has increased the need for engineers, inherent problem solvers, to improve the development of their "soft skills." Belle, D. K. (2012). The experiences of women in a U.S. Department of education school leadership preparation cohort program: A case study. (Ph.D., Old Dominion University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1015334990)

Abstract: This study allows the voices of nine educational practitioners participating in a school leadership preparation cohort to be heard. The main unit of analysis was a closed cohort within a university's educational leadership program conducted in partnership with a local school district.

Bellou, V. (2011). Do women followers prefer a different leadership style than men? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(13), 2818-2833. doi:10.1080/09585192.2011.599677

Abstract: In an era that leadership is a key to organizational success, several researchers have tried to identify the 'best style.' This study aims to make a contribution toward this direction by examining followers' perceptions of the preferred leader profile from a gendered perspective.

Benavides Amaris, C., Martín-Moreno Cerrillo, Q., & Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia . Facultad de Educación. (2010). Liderazgo pedagógico basado en el trabajo colaborativo del cuerpo docente.

Bernhard, F., & O'Driscoll, M. P. (2011). Psychological ownership in small family-owned businesses: Leadership style and nonfamily-employees' work attitudes and behaviors. Group & Organization Management, 36(3), 345-384. doi:10.1177/1059601111402684

Abstract: Using a sample of 229 nonfamily employees working in 52 small family-owned businesses, we examined the relationships between owner-managers' leadership style and employees' psychological ownership of the family business and their job.

Bessette, J. M. (2010). Inventing the job of president: Leadership style from george washington to andrew jackson. Political Science Quarterly, 125(3), 505-506.

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Bhattacharya, D. (2011). Leadership styles and information security in small businesses. Information Management & Computer Security, 19(5), 300-312. doi:10.1108/09685221111188593

Abstract: Purpose - The objective of this study is to examine information security issues within small businesses and determine whether and to what degree any relationship exists between leadership styles and the level of concern for information security problems.

Bhatti, N., Maitlo, G. M., Shaikh, N., Hashmi, M. A., & Shaikh, F. M. (2012). The impact of autocratic and democratic leadership style on job satisfaction. International Business Research, 5(2), 192-201.

Abstract: This current research investigates the impact of Autocratic and Democratic Leadership style on job satisfaction in private and public school. For this purpose a questionnaire was developed and validated. There were twenty three items in all.

Blankstein, A. M., Houston, P. D., American Association of, S. A., & Foundation, H. (2011). Leadership for social justice and democracy in our schools. the soul of educational leadership series. volume 9 Corwin.

Abstract: Research shows that students' sense of belonging in their school communities is critically linked to academic achievement

Bligh, J., & Brice, J. (2010). Leadership in medical education. British Medical Journal, 340, c2351. doi:10.1136/bmj.c2351

Bogotch, I. (2010). A school leadership faculty struggles for democracy: Leadership education priorities for a democratic society. Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly, 4(4), 378-381.

Abstract: For the past 3 years, the educational leadership faculty at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) has been engaged in program reform and curricular innovation.

Boin, A., Hart, P. , McConnell, A., & Preston, T. (2010). Leadership style, crisis response and blame management: The case of hurricane katrina. Public Administration, 88(3), 706-723. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9299.2010.01836.x

Abstract: Crisis management research has largely ignored one of the most pressing challenges political leaders are confronted with in the wake of a large-scale extreme event: how to cope with what is commonly called the blame game.

Bolívar Botía, A. (2010). Liderazgo para el aprendizaje. Organización y Gestión Educativa : Revista Del Fórum Europeo De Administradores De La Educación; 2010, n.1, Enero-Febrero; p.15-20

Abstract: Recoge distintos modelos de liderazgo en las organizaciones y su aplicación en las aulas, para el aumento de la calidad en el aprendizaje.

Bolívar Botia, A. (2012). Políticas actuales de mejora y liderazgo educativo. Archidona: Aljibe.

Abstract: Una nueva gobernanza de la educación requiere organizaciones escolares más flexibles, capaces de adaptarse a contextos sociales complejos

Bolívar, A. (2010). El liderazgo educativo y su papel en la mejora: Una revisión actual de sus posibilidades y limitaciones. Psicoperspectivas, 9(2), 9-33.

Abstract: La literatura sobre eficacia y mejora de la escuela ha destacado el papel desempeñado por la dirección en organizar buenas prácticas pedagógicas en los centros e incrementar los resultados del aprendizaje.

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Bonebright, D. (2010). 40 years of storming: A historical review of tuckman's model of small group development. Human Resource Development International, 13(1), 111-120. doi:10.1080/13678861003589099

Abstract: This paper presents a historical overview of the Tuckman model describing the stages of group development.

Bonnici, C. A. (2011). Creating a leadership style. Principal Leadership, 11(5), 54-57.

Abstract: Many articles about school improvement talk about data-driven instruction and statistics. In the barrage of evaluative numbers, school leaders can forget that teaching and leading are arts, not sciences.

Boocock, A. (2011). Quality self assessment: A process of course team development or contrived collegiality and impression management? Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 16(4), 413-433.

Abstract: Ethnographic research in an FE College (College X) between 2000 and 2005 was designed to uncover the extent to which quality self-assessment processes had effectively utilised productive motivational inputs (…)

Borum, V. (2012). Women of color on the rise: Leadership and administration in social work education and the academy. Administration in Social Work, 36(1), 101-103. doi:10.1080/03643107.2012.633465

Brangier, V. (2010). ¿Hacia una historia social y cultural de las ciencias? proyecto de conformación del grupo de estudios de historia social y cultural de las ciencias en América Latina. SudHistoria: Revista Digital En Estudios Desde El Sur, 1(1), 221-227.

Abstract: Los estudios sobre las vinculaciones que ha tenido el desarrollo científico en América Latina con sus respectivos contextos históricos, han llevado a los investigadores a abordar estas temáticas en distintas esferas del discurso y prácticas científicas (…)

Bransford, A. A. (2011). Generations: The dividing line between preferences for leadership styles. (M.S., The University of Texas at Arlington). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (871631642)

Abstract: This research examined what effects the characteristics of the Millennial generation had on the preferences for leadership style by investigating which qualities in leaders were more highly valued within this generational cohort.

Brauckmann, S., & Pashiardis, P. (2011). A validation study of the leadership styles of a holistic leadership theoretical framework. International Journal of Educational Management, 25(1), 11-32. doi:10.1108/09513541111100099

Abstract: Purpose - The overall purpose of the European Union-funded Leadership Improvement for Student Achievement (LISA) project was to explore how leadership styles (…)

Brauckmann, S., & Pashiardis, P. (2012). Contextual framing for school leadership training. empirical findings from the commonwealth project on leadership assessment and development (co-LEAD). Journal of Management Development, 31(1), 18-33. doi:10.1108/02621711211190970

Abstract: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of (Co-LEAD) (…) the overall purpose of which was to find out school leaders' training needs around the Commonwealth in order to provide some answers (…)

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Brewer, C. (2011). School leaders as political strategists: William boyd's contributions to our understanding of the politics of leadership. PJE. Peabody Journal of Education, 86(4), 450.

Abstract: William Boyd's contributions to the education field's understanding of the political nature of school leadership are formidable.

Bridbord, K., & DeLucia-Waack, J. (2011). Personality, leadership style, and theoretical orientation as predictors of group co-leadership satisfaction. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 36(3), 202-221.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to predict group co-leader satisfaction using personality, leadership style, and perceived compatibility of theoretical orientation. (Contains 4 tables)

Brooks, J. S., Maxcy, B. D., & Nguyen, T. S. T. (2010). International perspectives on the politics of education: Leadership & identity in multiple contexts: An introduction to the politics of education special issue. Educational Policy, 24(1), 3-8. doi:10.1177/0895904809354071

Abstract: This article is an introduction to a Special Issue of Educational Policy entitled, "International Perspectives on the Politics of Education: Leadership & Identity in Multiple Contexts."

Brumfield, J. B. (2011). An examination of specific school leadership characteristics related to implementation of a response to intervention model. (Ed.D., Southeastern Louisiana University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (909958702)

Abstract: Response to intervention (RTI) is described as the practice of providing high-quality instruction and intervention that is matched to student need, frequently monitoring student progress (…)

Brumley, C. (2011). Leadership standards in action: The school principal as servant-leader Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Abstract: "Leadership Standards In Action: The School Principal as Servant-Leader" is a powerful resource for aspiring principals, practicing principals, district leadership, and university faculty.

Burchell, J. M. (2011). The relationship between the use of software development methodology, leadership style, and job satisfaction. (Ph.D., Walden University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (909528961)

Abstract: Many information technology (IT) projects are managed with the use of software development methodologies (SDMs) as the project progresses through the systems development life cycle. However, some IT projects are managed without the use of SDMs.

Burke, W., Marx, G. E., & Berry, J. E. (2011). Maintaining, reframing, and disrupting traditional expectations and outcomes for professional development with critical friends groups. Teacher Educator, 46(1), 32-52.

Abstract: Districts across the country are currently adopting models of professional learning communities (PLCs) as a means for improving teachers' instructional practice and student achievement.

Burns, G., & Martin, B. N. (2010). Examination of the effectiveness of male and female educational leaders who made use of the invitational leadership style of leadership. Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice, 16, 30-56.

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Abstract: The purpose of this inquiry was to examine the effectiveness of male and female educational leaders who made use of the invitational leadership style of leadership in their k-12 school settings. (Contains 4 tables)

Bush, T. (2011). Succession planning and leadership development for school principals: Comparing english and south african approaches. Compare, 41(6), 785.

Abstract: Succession planning has become increasingly important because of the shortage of headship applicants in England, and in many other countries. Leadership development is a central part of any succession planning strategy

Bush, T., & Glover, D. (2012). Distributed leadership in action: Leading high-performing leadership teams in english schools. School Leadership & Management, 32(1), 21.

Abstract: Heroic models of leadership based on the role of the principal have been supplemented by an emerging recognition of the value of 'distributed leadership'.

Bush, T., Kiggundu, E., & Moorosi, P. (2011). Preparing new principals in South Africa: The ACE: School leadership programme. South African Journal of Education, 31(1), 31-43.

Abstract: There is increasing recognition that effective leadership and management are vital if schools are to be successful in providing good learning opportunities for students (…)

Bush, T. (2010). Getting to the heart of leadership: Emotion and education leadership. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 38(1), 136-137. doi:10.1177/17411432100380010201

Bush, T., & Glover, D. (2012). Distributed leadership in action: Leading high-performing leadership teams in english schools. School Leadership & Management, 32(1), 21-36.

Abstract: Heroic models of leadership based on the role of the principal have been supplemented by an emerging recognition of the value of "distributed leadership". (Contains 1 note)

By Lisa Rama. (2010). Command leadership school hosts peruvian master chief petty officer of the navy. Lanham, United States.

Byars, J. P. (2011). School leadership actions to support differentiated instruction. (Ed.D., University of Virginia) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (893135010)

Abstract: Schools are required to meet a range of students' learning needs and effective school leadership is needed for the implementation of pedagogical practices responsive to the challenges of increasing student diversity and academic accountability.

Campbell, G. (2012). The relationship among emotional intelligence and leadership styles of law enforcement executives. (Ph.D., Walden University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1014024047)

Abstract: Policing in the 21st century is becoming more complex and dynamic as law enforcement executives deal with operational, political, and economic challenges.

Campbell, S. L. (2010). An exploration of the leadership style preferences among African American women administrators of the 1890 cooperative extension system. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to identify and explore the leadership style preferences among current African American Administrators of the 1890 Land-Grant Cooperative Extension system.

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Campo Postigo, A. (2010). Política educativa y liderazgo. Organización y Gestión Educativa: Revista Del Fórum Europeo De Administradores De La Educación; 2010, , 9-15.

Abstract: La satisfacción de las demandas educativas relativas a la eficacia y efectividad del sistema, equidad y cohesión social, requiere de un liderazgo transformador en la escuela y en el sistema educativo.

Cantón Mayo, I., Arias Gago, A. R., & Cañón Rodríguez, R. (2010). Liderazgo educativo desde las metáforas de la dirección escolar. Organizar y dirigir en la complejidad: Instituciones educativas en evolución (1st ed., pp. 24) Wolters Kluwer España.

Carpenter, D. J., Fusfeld, A. R., & Gritzo, L. A. (2010). Leadership skills and styles. Research-Technology Management, 53(6), 58-60.

Carr, T. (2011). An examination of leadership styles in implementing instructional technology: A case study to examine the elementary school principal perspective. (Ed.D., Northcentral University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (894251697)

Abstract: Technology is a powerful tool with incredible potential for altering established forms of pedagogy. The school principal is the key factor affecting the successful integration of technology.

Carter, N. E. (2012). The impact of division managers' leadership styles on the willingness of employees to exert extra effort in the veterans benefits administration. (Ph.D., Capella University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (921826645)

Abstract: Research has shown a positive relationship between managerial leadership style and employee extra effort as measured by the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) 5X.

Carter, J. (2010). A correlational study of principals' leadership style and teacher absenteeism. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine whether McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y, gender, age, and years of experience of principals form a composite explaining the variation in teacher absences.

Caruso, M. P., S.J. (2012). When the sisters said farewell: The transition of leadership in catholic elementary schools Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Abstract: "When the Sisters Said Farewell" tells an important story of the contributions of Catholic elementary schools to the United States by chronicling the experiences and insights of religious women (nuns) who were the last members of their communities to serve in parish elementary schools (…)

Carvalho, S., & Silva Fraga, N. (2011). A inteligência moral num processo de (des)construção dos projectos de liderança(s): Entre o pensar e o agir como gestão estratégica. 'la inteligencia moral en un proceso de (des)construcción de los proyectos de liderazgo(s): Entre el pensar y el actuar como gestión estratégica'. ; 2011, n.55, Enero-Abril ; p.159-172

Abstract: Los estudios producidos a nivel nacional e internacional, en el ámbito de la investigación científica del liderazgo y de su relación con la ética -entendida como la fundamentación teórica de la moral- apuntan hacia la necesidad urgente de reforzar su participación (…)

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Casida, J., & Parker, J. (2011). Staff nurse perceptions of nurse manager leadership styles and outcomes. Journal of Nursing Management, 19(4), 478-486. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2011.01252.x

Abstract: Aim To explore the correlations of leadership styles of nurse managers (NMs) and outcomes. Background Little is known about the linkages among leadership styles [transformational (TFL), transactional (TRL)] of NMs and outcomes (…)

Casse, P., & Claudel, P. (2011). Leadership styles: A powerful model. Training Journal, , 46-51.

Abstract: This style of leadership is high on execution but low on imagination, meaning that the leader will be heavily involved in directing the team, fully in charge and telling people what to do.

Castle, N. G., & Decker, F. H. (2011). Top management leadership style and quality of care in nursing homes. Gerontologist, 51(5), 630-642. doi:10.1093/geront/gnr064

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the association of Nursing Home Administrator (NHA) leadership style and Director of Nursing (DON) leadership style with quality of care.

Cavanagh, P. A. (2011). Comparison of male saudi arabian business managers' self-rated leadership styles in one organization: Influence of education origin. (D.B.A., University of Phoenix) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (884718070)

Abstract: The Saudi government is reducing its dependency on foreign workers through a broad campaign of labor force indigenization commonly called Saudization (Shah, 2006).

Cemaloglu, N. (2011). Primary principals' leadership styles, school organizational health and workplace bullying. Journal of Educational Administration, 49(5), 495-512.

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to determine the relationships between leadership styles of primary school principals and organizational health and bullying. (Contains 2 figures and 3 tables)

Center for the Future of Teaching,and Learning, & International, S. (2011). School leadership: A key to teaching quality. A policy brief on the role of principals in strengthening instruction. Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning.

Abstract: In recognition of the critically important role that principals play in ensuring both student and teacher success in school, the Center began incorporating data on education leadership into these reports (…) (Contains 1 exhibit and 2 figures)

Certo, J. L. (2011). Social skills and leadership abilities among children in small-group literature discussions. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 25(1), 62-81.

Abstract: Many childhood educators are attempting to shift from the dominant "recitation" format of discussions found in today's classrooms. (Contains 2 tables)

Chambers, S. L. (2011). An examination of urban school leadership and the promotion of 21st century skills in secondary schools. (Ed.D., University of Hartford) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (867276380)

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to identify what urban principals reported as most important 21st Century Skills for secondary school teachers to implement in their classrooms.

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Champe, J., & Rubel, D. J. (2012). Application of focal conflict theory to psychoeducational groups: Implications for process, content, and leadership. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 37(1), 71-90.

Abstract: Group psychoeducation is a common group type used for a range of purposes. The literature presents balancing content and process as a challenge for psychoeducational group leaders. (Contains 1 table)

Chang, I. (2011). A study of the relationships between distributed leadership, teacher academic optimism and student achievement in taiwanese elementary schools. School Leadership & Management, 31(5), 491.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between distributed leadership, teachers' academic optimism and student achievement in learning.

Chao, C., & Tian, D. (2011). Culturally universal or culturally specific: A comparative study of anticipated female leadership styles in Taiwan and the United States. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 18(1), 64-79. doi:10.1177/1548051810384267

Abstract: Guided by Bass and Avolio's leadership frameworks and Hofstede's modified cultural dimensions, the present cross-cultural study aims to compare and explore the relationships between cultural values and anticipated female leadership styles (…)

Chipunza, C., Samuel, M. O., & Mariri, T. (2011). Leadership style, employee motivation and commitment: Empirical evidence from a consolidated retail bank operating in a depressed economy. African Journal of Business Management, 5(20), 8337-8346.

Abstract: The study investigated the relationship between different leadership styles and employee motivation and commitment after a merger in a retail bank operating in an economically volatile environment.

Choi, K. S., Kim, S. W., Jung, S. Y., Choi, B. D., Mun, S. J., & Lee, D. H. (2010). Clean plate movement and empowerment of civil leadership for developing sustainable life style. Organizational, Business, and Technological Aspects of the Knowledge Society Pt Ii, 112, 405-411.

Abstract: This paper describes the backgrounds, process, outcomes, and characteristics of "Clean plate" movement carried out in Korea.

Chou, S. Y., & Garcia, D. C. (2011). Group organizational citizenship behavior in the stages of group development. International Journal of Business and Management, 6(10), 3-15.

Abstract: It has been shown that group organizational citizenship behavior (GOCB) has a great impact on group outcomes. Because of its importance on group performance and effectiveness, previous research has explored GOCB from various perspectives.

Christensen, D. F. (2010). A comparison of the leadership styles of administrators in charge of scheduling in missouri's secondary schools. (Ed.D., University of Missouri - Columbia) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (911786774)

Abstract: The need for educational leaders who can effectively implement change in their schools has never been greater.

Christensen, B., Cormack, E., & Spice, B. (2011). Evaluating leadership development in an academic program, 50(1), 9.

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Abstract: An evaluation of the Royal Military College of Canada's Aboriginal Leadership Opportunity Year leadership practicum was conducted in 2009.

Christensen, R. (2011). Leadership a story about william george demmert, jr.50(1), 32.

Abstract: This article describes 40 years of interactive friendship and work between William Demmert, Jr. and Rosemary Christensen (…)

Christie, P. (2010). Landscapes of leadership in South African schools: Mapping the changes. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 38(6), 694.

Abstract: This article argues that the work of school principals in South Africa is shaped by two major sets of constructs or 'landscapes'

Chu, L., & Lai, C. (2011). A research on the influence of leadership style and job characteristics on job performance among accountants of county and city government in Taiwan. Public Personnel Management, 40(2), 101-118.

Abstract: The objectives of this paper are to explore the effect of leadership style and job characteristics on job performance and examine the mediating effect of organization commitment on the leadership style (…)

Church, D. M. (2012). Leadership style and organizational growth: A correlational study. (Ph.D., University of Colorado at Colorado Springs) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1015675560)

Abstract: This research project explored the dynamic relationship between leadership style and organizational achievement in an ecclesiastical setting.

Clifford, M., Behrstock-Sherratt, E., Fetters, J., & American Institutes, f. R. (2012). The ripple effect: A synthesis of research on principal influence to inform performance evaluation design. A quality school leadership issue brief. American Institutes for Research.

Abstract: Public education is a cornerstone of democracy, a prerequisite for economic recovery, and a key lever in achieving national commitment to equal opportunity for all. (Contains 2 figures and 1 footnote)

Clifford, M., Menon, R., Gangi, T., Condon, C., Hornung, K., & American Institutes, f. R. (2012). Measuring school climate for gauging principal performance: A review of the validity and reliability of publicly accessible measures. A quality school leadership issue brief. American Institutes for Research.

Abstract: This policy brief provides principal evaluation system designers information about the technical soundness and cost (i.e., time requirements) of publicly available school climate surveys. (Contains 1 table and 4 footnotes)

Clifton, W. R. (2010). The relationship between school principals' leadership styles and teacher retention. (Ph.D., Capella University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (734722494)

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine to what extent, if any, principal leadership styles affect teacher retention.

Coelli, M., & Green, D. A. (2012). Leadership effects: School principals and student outcomes. Economics of Education Review, 31(1), 92-109.

Abstract: We identify the effect of individual high school principals on graduation rates and English exam scores using an administrative data set of grade 12 students in BC Canada. (Contains 2 figures and 11 tables)

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Coleman, A. (2011). Towards a blended model of leadership for school-based collaborations. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 39(3), 296.

Abstract: Interest in collaborative working has grown enormously in the last 20 years, driven by the view that partnership working may improve efficiency and add value in outcomes.

Coleman, A. (2012). The significance of trust in school-based collaborative leadership. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 15(1), 79-106.

Abstract: The expectation that schools should work in partnership to promote the achievement of children has arguably been the defining feature of school policy over the last decade. (Contains 2 figures and 1 table)

Connelly, S., & Ruark, G. (2010). Leadership style and activating potential moderators of the relationships among leader emotional displays and outcomes. Leadership Quarterly, 21(5), 745-764. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2010.07.005

Abstract: The present study argues that leader emotional displays are important to consider both within and outside of transformational/charismatic paradigms and must look beyond positive and negative affect.

Cook, J. W. (2011). Examining leadership styles in ten high poverty elementary schools. (Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (871109792)

Abstract: This qualitative research study examines the construct of leadership styles as perceived by the principals and the teachers.

Coombe, D. D. (2010). Secure base leadership: A positive theory of leadership incorporating safety, exploration and positive action. (Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (746025864)

Abstract: This research proposes the notion of Secure Base Leadership through a multi-method approach incorporating two separate research studies.

Cooper, G. J. (2011). The influences of school variables on the principals' instructional leadership style in elementary schools in an urban setting. (Ed.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (883077073)

Abstract: Federal and state mandates to produce higher levels of student performance are challenging for school principals. Principals' overall responsibility is to facilitate teaching and learning designed to enhance student achievement.

Corbett, A. (2011). Ping pong: Competing leadership for reform in EU higher education 1998-2006. European Journal of Education, 46(1), 36-53. doi:10.1111/j.1465-3435.2010.01466.x

Abstract: How effective is EU cooperation in higher education? This article treats the issue as one of effectiveness in policy-making.

Coronel Llamas, J. M., Carrasco Macías, M. J., Moreno Sánchez, E., & Gómez Hurtado, I. (2010). Liderazgo educativo en contextos desfavorecidos: La experiencia de cuatro directoras en centros de infantil y primaria. Organizar y dirigir en la complejidad: Instituciones educativas en evolución (1st ed., pp. 18) Wolters Kluwer España.

Crain, F. S. (2010). The effect of leadership style on student achievement in title I elementary schools. ProQuest LLC.

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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the different types of leadership styles of public school administrators of Title I elementary schools in order to determine how these different types of leadership styles may affect student academic achievement.

Cummings, G. G., MacGregor, T., Davey, M., Lee, H., Wong, C. A., Lo, E., . . . Stafford, E. (2010). Leadership styles and outcome patterns for the nursing workforce and work environment: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47(3), 363-385. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2009.08.006

Abstract: Context: Numerous policy and research reports call for leadership to build quality work environments, implement new models of care, and bring health and wellbeing to an exhausted and stretched nursing workforce.

Cummings, G. G., Midodzi, W. K., Wong, C. A., & Estabrooks, C. A. (2010). The contribution of hospital nursing leadership styles to 30-day patient mortality. Nursing Research, 59(5), 331-339. doi:10.1097/NNR.0b013e3181ed74d5

Abstract: Background: Nursing work environment characteristics, in particular nurse and physician staffing, have been linked to patient outcomes (adverse events and patient mortality).

Danielson, M. A. (2010). Turnaround leadership for higher education. Review of Higher Education, 34(1), 180-182.

Davis, B. W., Jr. (2010). The relationship of principal leadership style as it affects school climate and student achievement. (Ed.D., Union University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (759831811)

Abstract: This study was set in 7 Title I elementary schools. The study attempted to determine the perceptions of principals and teachers regarding principal leadership style.

Davis, S. (2011, Mar 31, 2011). Budget battles test boehner's leadership style. National Journal, n/a.

Abstract: [...] he wants a funding resolution to pass the Democratic Senate and keep the government open.

De los Rios, I., & Sastre, S. (2012). In Hu J. (Ed.), Leadership and project management competencesin executive women: Different styles from the agents' perceptions.

Abstract: The exercise of management and leadership are key aspects to achieve objectives, goals and relationships in the current knowledge society marked by increasingly competitive environments in which cognitive factors (…)

De Vries, R. E., Bakker-Pieper, A., & Oostenveld, W. (2010). Leadership = communication? the relations of leaders' communication styles with leadership styles, knowledge sharing and leadership outcomes. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25(3), 367-380. doi:10.1007/s10869-009-9140-2

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations between leaders' communication styles and charismatic leadership, human-oriented leadership (…), task-oriented leadership (…), and leadership outcomes.

Deffayet, S., Livian, Y. F., & Petit, V. (2010). The art of command. Continuity and patterns in the styles of leadership. Revue Gestion 2000, 27(5), 85-100.

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Abstract: ABSTRACT IN FRENCH: Le manager contemporain possède sa propre représentation d'une généalogie des idées autour du leadership (…) // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: Today's manager has his own representation of a genealogy of ideas about leadership (…)

Deore, S. T., & Ratnalikar, D. N. (2010). In Panka E. K.,A. (Ed.), Academic management and leadership in Indian higher education.

Abstract: The Higher Education Institutions are expected to play a meaningful role in the socio-economic development of the nation.

DeVivo, M. S. (2011). A tale of two departments: Success and failure in higher education leadership in American geography at mid-century. Social Science and Humanity, Pt One, 5, 243-247.

Abstract: In 1948, Harvard's president, James Conant declared "geography is not a university subject," and the institution's geography program folded.

DeWitt, N., Lohrmann, D. K., O'Neill, J., & Clark, J. K. (2011). A qualitative analysis of success stories from Michiana coordinated school health leadership institute participants. Journal of School Health, 81(12), 727-732.

Abstract: Background: The purpose of this study was to detect and document common themes among success stories, along with challenges, as related by participants in the Michiana Coordinated School Health Leadership Institute.

Dhaliwal, B. K. (2010). A study of the relationship between leadership styles and cultural intelligence among school leaders. (Ed.D., University of Phoenix) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (856339852)

Abstract: The specific problem was leaders often lack leadership skills and styles compatible with cultural intelligence, resulting in less effective performance within culturally diverse education settings.

Dimmock, C. (2011). Formulating a research agenda in school leadership and organisational change for school improvement in singapore. School Leadership & Management, 31(4), 321.

Abstract: This paper argues that it is timely for educational researchers in Asia, and Singapore in particular, to generate cultural- and empirical-knowledge bases in school leadership (…)

Dimmock, C., & Goh, J. W. (2011). Transformative pedagogy, leadership and school organisation for the twenty-first-century knowledge-based economy: The case of Singapore. School Leadership & Management, 31(3), 215.

Abstract: Singapore has a high performing school system; its students top international tests in maths and science.

Dimmock, C. (2011). Leadership, capacity building and school improvement: Concepts, themes and impact. Leadership for learning series Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Abstract: "Leadership, Capacity Building and School Improvement" provides a fresh and original perspective on the most important issues confronting today's practitioners and academics in the field of educational leadership.

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Dinham, S., Anderson, M., Caldwell, B., & Weldon, P. (2011). Breakthroughs in school leadership development in australia. School Leadership & Management, 31(2), 139.

Abstract: The quality of leadership and the effectiveness of schools to deliver an appropriate education through quality teaching have been 'hot' topics within education and more widely for several decades.

Doboli, S., Tang, W., Ramnath, R., Impagliazzo, J., VanEpps, T., Agarwal, A., . . . Currie, E. H. (2010). Panel - models of entrepreneurship education and its role in increasing creativity, innovation and leadership in computer science and engineering students. 2010 Ieee Frontiers in Education Conference (Fie)

Abstract: Creativity, innovation and leadership are among the essential attributes of future engineers as identified in the Engineer 2020 report by the National Academy of Engineering.

Dooley, B. A. (2011). The effects of school counselor leadership style and school counselor perception of district level administrator support on the implementation of comprehensive school counseling program models. (Ph.D., University of South Carolina). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (871064460).

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the extent that school counselor leadership style and district/central office administrator (…) school counselor leadership support explain the variance in comprehensive school counseling program implementation.

Dow, M. J. (2010). School library leadership at the university level. School Library Monthly, 27(3), 36-38.

Abstract: Just as school librarians "must be present with other effective teachers to identify local learning targets, review data, and plan and deliver instruction that meets the unique needs of every student" (Dow 2OT 0, 80) (…)

Downey, L. H., Wheat, J. R., Leeper, J. D., Florence, J. A., Boulger, J. G., & Hunsaker, M. L. (2011). Undergraduate rural medical education program development: Focus group consultation with the NRHA rural medical educators group. Journal of Rural Health, 27(2), 230-238.

Abstract: Context: Over a decade ago, leaders in rural medical education established the Rural Medical Educators (RME) Group, an interest group within the National Rural Health Association, to support faculty in rural medical education programs.

Dretke, D., & Serio, J. (2011). The role of leadership style in emergency preparedness. Corrections Today, 73(4), 32-35,40.

Abstract: In corrections, emergency preparedness most often focuses on activities directly related to planning, training and responding to critical incidents, including the taking of hostages, escapes, riots and fires.

Drew, G. (2010). Issues and challenges in higher education leadership: Engaging for change. Australian Educational Researcher, 37(3), 57-76. doi:10.1007/BF03216930

Abstract: It is proposed from this study that engaging productively with others to achieve change has never been more critical in educational environments, such as universities.

Drysdale, L., & Gurr, D. (2011). Theory and practice of successful school leadership in australia. School Leadership & Management, 31(4), 355.

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Abstract: As part of the International Successful School Leadership Project, an updated model of successful school leadership based on Australian case studies is described.

Du Bois, P. (2011). From isolation to collaboration: A new perspective on school leadership. (Ed.D., Pepperdine University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (861746242)

Abstract: Challenging times demand a greater urgency than usual. Quite unexpectedly, No Child Left Behind has unleashed a powerful catalyst for change in the 21 st century.

Dunford, C. (2011). Goal-orientated group intervention for children with developmental coordination disorder. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 31(3), 288-300.

Abstract: This study measures the effectiveness of a goal-orientated group intervention using concentrated practice schedules for children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). The study design is repeated measures. (Contains 5 tables)

Duong, J. (2011). Leaders' conceptions and evaluations of followers as antecedents of leadership style, leader-member exchange and employee outcomes. (Ph.D., Alliant International University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (871103407).

Abstract: This study focuses on the importance of followers within the leadership context. In particular, leaders' implicit followership theories (LIFTs) may play a role in follower outcomes by subtly impacting leaders' behaviors due to their conceptions of followers.

Eacott, S. (2012). Introducing undergraduate students to school leadership concepts. Journal of Educational Administration, 50(2), 159-172.

Abstract: Purpose: This paper aims to investigate the role of an under-graduate educational leadership in introducing students to the complexity of school leadership practice. (Contains 3 notes and 1 table)

Edwards, S. R. (2011). Leadership style and institutional culture in rural title 1 schools with sustained AYP attainment. (Ph.D., Mercer University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (887978636)

Abstract: This study was designed to examine leadership style and culture in successful Title I schools in rural districts.

Eldred, J. A. (2010). A study to determine the relationship between the perceived leadership styles of school principals and teacher job satisfaction at selected elementary schools. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: This quantitative study examined the relationship between the perceived leadership styles of school principals and teacher job satisfaction at selected elementary schools.

Elementary and middle school educators in urban districts invited to 2011 urban science education leadership (USEL) academy for professional development (2011). Arlington, United States, Arlington.

Abstract: Participants at the USEL Academy will: * Establish a distributed leadership model to guide a district plan * Create/modify a district strategic plan to improve science education * (…)

English, F. W. (2012). Bourdieu's "misrecognition": Why educational leadership standards will not reform schools or leadership. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 44(2), 155-170.

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Abstract: This article examines the concept of misrecognition as advanced by Pierre Bourdieu in the development and implementation of educational leadership standards in the USA and in England. (Contains 76 footnotes)

Epstein, J. L., Galindo, C. L., & Sheldon, S. B. (2011). Levels of leadership: Effects of district and school leaders on the quality of school programs of family and community involvement. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47(3), 462-495.

Abstract: Purpose: This study tests key constructs of sociocultural and organizational learning theories with quantitative methods (…) (Contains 4 figures, 2 tables, and 5 notes)

Eren, E. S., & Kurt, A. A. (2011). Technological leadership behavior of elementary school principals in the process of supply and use of educational technologies*. Education, 131(3), 625-636.

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the technological leadership behaviors of Turkish elementary school regarding the supply and use of educational technologies (…)

Eres, F. (2011). Relationship between teacher motivation and transformational leadership characteristics of school principals. International Journal of Education, 3(2), 1-17.

Abstract: The aim of the study was to determine the motivation levels of teachers working in primary school and the level of transformational leadership qualities of school principals based on the perceptions of teachers (…)

Eriksson, A., Axelsson, R., & Axelsson, S. B. (2010). Development of health promoting leadership—experiences of a health programme.110(2), 109.

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyse the experiences of an intervention programme for development of health promoting leadership in Gothenburg in Sweden.

Ervin, C. N. (2011). A qualitative study: Effective leadership style(s) in a mortgage banking industry during a financial crisis. (D.B.A., University of Phoenix) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1012117452)

Abstract: During the financial crisis, a lack of effective leadership within the mortgage banking industry contributed to financial and human capital losses.

Esfahani, N., & Soflu, H. G. (2011). Relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership in physical education managers. 2nd World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance-2011, 30 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.10.465

Abstract: The purpose of present research is to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership of the managers of physical education managers of Golestan state.

España. Ministerio de Educación. (2011). El liderazgo educativo [archivo de ordenador]: Proyectos de éxito escolar. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación, Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones.

Evans, M. P., Zambrano, E., Cook, K., Moyer, M., & Duffey, T. (2011). Enhancing school counselor leadership in multicultural advocacy. Journal of Professional Counseling, Practice, Theory, & Research, 38(2), 52-67.

Abstract: As the nation becomes more demographically diverse, it is imperative that school counselors take a leadership role in promoting multicultural advocacy.

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Exantus, W. R. (2011). Pastoral burnout and leadership styles: A mixed-methods study of southern baptist pastors in central florida. (Ph.D., Capella University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (855823627)

Abstract: This study examined the factors that contribute to stress, burnout, and turnover among Southern Baptist pastors of Central Florida.

Fahey, K. M. (2011). Still learning about leading: A leadership critical friends group. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 6(1), 1-35.

Abstract: This case study examines how a group of early career school leaders used a particular model of professional learning, the Critical Friends Group (The School Reform Initiative, 2010), to continue to learn about leading. (Contains 2 tables)

Faigin, D. A. (2010). Community-based theater and persons with psychiatric disabilities: An investigation of individual and group development, social activism, and community integration. (Ph.D., Bowling Green State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (748843451)

Abstract: The present study is a qualitative inquiry focused on understanding community-based theater involving people living with psychiatric disabilities through the narratives of the troupe members and directors.

Fandos Igado, M. (2010). El software social y las empresas de formación. El caso del grupo Master-D. Quaderns Digitals: Revista De Nuevas Tecnologías y Sociedad, (61)

Abstract: Muchas son las estrategias de marketing que las empresas utilizan para dar a conocer sus productos y posicionar su imagen corporativa y de marca. En este sentido, hoy, la presencia en Internet es prácticamente obligatoria para cualquier empresa que se precie.

Fenoy Castilla, J., & Campoy Ramos, L. (2012). Sport performance, leadership styles and experimental avoidance in young footballers from almeria. Revista De Psicologia Del Deporte, 21(1), 137-142.

Abstract: Multiple studies have shown the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in enhancing sport performance (SP)-canoeing, tennis, handball, chess, etc.-since experimental avoidance (EA) plays an important role therein.

Fenton-Smith, B., & Stillwell, C. (2011). Reading discussion groups for teachers: Connecting theory to practice. ELT Journal, 65(3), 251-259.

Abstract: This article explores how teachers can engage with ideas (research findings, theory, and professional knowledge) through participation in a reading discussion group.

Fernández Álvarez, M. (2010). Liderazgo compartido: Buenas prácticas de dirección escolar. Madrid: Wolters Kluwer España.

Figueroa-Gonzalez, J. (2011). Manager's leadership styles and employee engagement: Quantifying manager's influence. (Ph.D., Capella University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (878538675)

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine to what extend does managers' leadership style impact employee engagement levels.

Finnigan, K. S. (2012). Principal leadership in low-performing schools: A closer look through the eyes of teachers. Education and Urban Society, 44(2), 183.

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Abstract: This qualitative study of teachers in three low-performing elementary schools in Chicago reveals that transformational leadership behaviors were important to teacher motivation (…)

Fitzgerald, D. (2011). The relationship between high school leadership organizations and moral growth. (Ed.D., California State University, Fullerton) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (887798209)

Abstract: This mixed-methods study examined the relationship between high school leadership organizations and moral growth.

Flanigan, R. L. (2012). An examination of the effects of transformational and transactional leadership styles on branch level success of industrial distribution companies. (Ph.D., Utah State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1015628731)

Abstract: Leadership--it is a difficult phenomenon to precisely define, and perhaps even more importantly, it is difficult to identify the effects thereof. In business, it is believed that leadership is important, that it really matters.

Forsyth, J. (2011, Oct 29, 2011). The rebellion wasn't just against europe - it was also against cameron's style of leadership. The Spectator, n/a. Abstract: If UK Prime Minister David Cameron is to improve his relationship with his parliamentary party, he will have to look at his political operation.

Freedman, K. (2011). LEADERSHIP in art education: Taking action in schools and communities. Art Education, 64(2), 40-45.

Abstract: Art education can lead students from personal expression to cultural engagement through the capacity of art to act as a social mediator (Freedman, 2003).

Freeman, M., & Preissle, J. (2010). Pedagogical ethical dilemmas in a responsive evaluation of a leadership program for youth.23(4), 463.

Abstract: How do responsive evaluators provide input to program planners when competing ethical principles point to different choices of effective feedback?

Frick, J., & Frick, W. (2010). An ethic of connectedness: Enacting moral school leadership through people and programs. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 5(2), 117-130. doi:10.1177/1746197910370729

Abstract: As educators, we grapple with a myriad of dilemmas and often have difficulty resolving issues that relate to curriculum and instruction, funding, facilities and supervision, to name a few.

Gaines, S. B. (2011). The relationship between leadership styles and elementary school climate (Ed.D., Lincoln Memorial University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (917941193)

Abstract: This study utilized the descriptive and quantitative approaches to examine elementary school principals' leadership style and school climate in an urban school district.

Gallardo, J. (2011). 15 M, ¿grupo de presión o germen de un cambio social? Cultura Para La Esperanza: Instrumento De Análisis De La Realidad, (84), 12-14.

García Carreño, I. d. V. (2010). Perspectiva teórica del liderazgo educativo hacia nuevas formas de liderazgo: Liderazgo distribuido. Organizar y dirigir en la complejidad: Instituciones educativas en evolución (1st ed., pp. 13) Wolters Kluwer España.

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García Echevarría, S., & Instituto de Dirección y Organización de Empresas. (2010). Innovación y liderazgo en nuevos estilos de dirección empresarial = innovation and leadership in new business management styles. Alcalá de Henares: Instituto de Dirección y Organización de Empresas.

García Peche, M., & Martínez Carrascosa, J. (2010). Luis crespo, director general de la fundación ONCE: Las herencias y legados en favor de las personas con discapacidad contribuyen a mejorar la calidad de vida de este grupo social. Escritura Pública, (62), 70-72.

García Torres, A., Torres Ángel, D. A., Barrios Arroyave, F., Palacio Guerrero, V., Rubio Valencia, A. S., & Ugarte Julio, L. A. (2010). Representación social del consumo de marihuana en un grupo de jóvenes universitarios consumidores de la universidad tecnológica de Pereira. Revista Médica De Risaralda, 16(2), 25-30.

Abstract: Esta investigación buscó comprender el proceso de construcción de las representaciones sociales sobre el consumo de marihuana de jóvenes universitarios en relación con las personas y con los escenarios donde los jóvenes llevan a cabo su consumo (…)

Garda Montenegro, V. R., Lorenzo Delgado, M., Peñafiel Martínez, F., Torres Martín, C., & Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. (2010). El liderazgo y supervisión del director en el trabajo docente y su influencia en el clima organizacional en una gestión escolar de calidad. Granada: Universidad de Granada.

Gatbonton, E., Trofimovich, P., & Segalowitz, N. (2011). Ethnic group affiliation and patterns of development of a phonological variable. Modern Language Journal, 95(2), 188-204.

Abstract: In today's increasingly multicultural and multilingual world, having the ability to use a variety of second (L2) or foreign languages is no longer just a luxury but a socioeconomic necessity.

George, B. (2011). True North Groups: Leadership developmente for the 21st Century. PM. Public Management, 93(11), 20-23.

Abstract: Twenty-first century leaders - whether in government, business, or nonprofits - must be committed to the long-term health of their institutions, live their values consistently (…)

Gersten, R., Dimino, J., Jayanthi, M., Kim, J. S., & Santoro, L. E. (2010). Teacher study group: Impact of the professional development model on reading instruction and student outcomes in first grade classrooms. American Educational Research Journal, 47(3), 694-739.

Abstract: Randomized field trials were used to examine the impact of the Teacher Study Group (TSG), a professional development model, on first grade teachers' reading comprehension and vocabulary instruction, their knowledge of these areas (…) (Contains 7 notes, 9 tables, and 1 figure)

Ghazal, L. N.Measuring, exploring and characterizing psychological attachments within work organizations and the relationship between attachment and perceived leadership style. Dissertation Abstracts International, B: Sciences and Engineering (1018365662; 201217617)

Abstract: This research consists of two studies that measure the attachment relationships that exist at various levels of a work organization.

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Gibney, J. (2011). Leadership in post-compulsory education. British Journal of Educational Studies, 59(4), 491-492. doi:10.1080/00071005.2011.626586

Gichuru, F. X. (2011). Creating a new society, new nation and new leadership quality in kenya through african traditional education principles. Cultura-International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology, 8(1), 111-126.

Abstract: The article is a bold extraction of the intangible cultural heritage (ICH) value of traditional African education, attempting to capture the essence of what education made a young person be when he/she qualified for marriage.

Gilson, J. (2012). Regional leadership-japanese style: Japan through the crisis. Asia Europe Journal, 9(2-4), 211-223. doi:10.1007/s10308-012-0308-4

Abstract: The Japanese government faces many competing challenges as it seeks to balance its multilateral and bilateral relationships within and beyond the region (…)

Glazer, G., Erickson, J. I., Mylott, L., Mulready-Shick, J., & Banister, G. (2011). Partnering and leadership core requirements for developing a dedicated education unit. Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(10), 401-406. doi:10.1097/NNA.0b013e31822edd79

Abstract: Preparing new nurses to practice independently and provide safe and effective care has always been a priority for nurse leaders in academe and service but is becoming more of a challenge as patient acuity intensifies and care systems become more complex.

Goldenberg, M., Russell, K. C., & Soule, K. (2011). Comparing outward bound and national outdoor leadership school participant experiences. The Journal of Experiential Education, 33(4), 360-364.

Abstract: OB's mission statement is "to inspire character development and self-discovery in people of all ages and walks of life through challenge and adventure, and to impel them to achieve more than they ever thought possible (…)

Goldkind, L. (2011). A leadership opportunity for school social workers: Bridging the gaps in school reentry for juvenile justice system youths. Children & Schools, 33(4), 229-239.

Abstract: Social work is frequently missing when policy and practice conversations turn to juvenile justice system youths. However, school social workers are well positioned to have a vital role in the readmission and reentry process for these young people.

Gorener, A. S., & Ucal, M. S. (2011). The personality and leadership style of recep tayyip erdogan: Implications for turkish foreign policy. Turkish Studies, 12(3), 357-381. doi:10.1080/14683849.2011.604216

Abstract: Recep Tayyip Erdog. an is clearly the most controversial figure in recent Turkish political history. His preponderance in political life is remarkable even by Turkish standards.

Gould, D. (2011). 20th annual raymond A. weiss lecture: Enhancing youth leadership through sport and physical education. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 82(1), A8-A8.

Grant, C. (2012). Advancing our legacy: A black feminist perspective on the significance of mentoring for African-American women in educational leadership.25(1), 101.

Abstract: There is a sparse literature base which currently informs our knowledge about the connection between mentoring African-American female doctoral students in educational leadership programs at predominantly white institutions (PWIs) (…)

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Green, P. (2011). African americans in urban catholic schools: Faith, leadership and persistence in pursuit of educational opportunity. The Urban Review, 43(3), 436-464. doi:10.1007/s11256-010-0171-9

Abstract: A review of research on US Catholic education reveals that race is not treated as an important area of analysis like class and gender. Black Catholics are rarely studied in education let alone mainstream writings.

Greenlee, B. J., & Karanxha, Z. (2010). A study of group dynamics in educational leadership cohort and non-cohort groups. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 5(11), 357-382.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine group dynamics of educational leadership students in cohorts and make comparisons with the group dynamics characteristics of non-cohort students (Contains 1 figure and 3 tables)

Gressick, J., & Derry, S. J. (2010). Distributed leadership in online groups. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 5(2), 211-236.

Abstract: We conducted research within a program serving future mathematics and science teachers.

Guajardo, M., Oliver, J. A., Rodriguez, G., Valadez, M. M., Cantu, Y., & Guajardo, F. (2011). Reframing the praxis of school leadership preparation through digital storytelling. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 6(5), 145-161.

Abstract: This article introduces a social innovation that contributes to the formation of educational leaders. Digital storytelling is employed as a process for data creation, analysis, and synthesis. (Contains 4 figures)

Guillet, B. D., Yaman, R., & Kucukusta, D. (2012). How is corporate social responsibility perceived by managers with different leadership styles? the case of hotel managers in hong kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 17(2), 193-209. doi:10.1080/10941665.2011.616905

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate how social responsibility is perceived by hotel managers in Hong Kong with different leadership orientations.

Guillory, S. M. (2011). A study to examine the relationships between the leadership style of nurse managers (NMs) and the leadership style of clinical nurse leaders (CNLs) and the leadership behaviors of their staff nurses (SNs). (Ph.D., Our Lady of the Lake University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (898366570)

Abstract: This study examined the relationships between the leadership styles of nurse managers and the leadership style and/or behaviors adopted by the Clinical Nurse Leaders (CNLs) and their staff nurses.

Gülcan, M. G. (2012). Resrarch on instructional leadership competencies of school pricipals. Education, 132(3), 625-635.

Abstract: The issue of leadership competencies has been the subject of scientific research since 1980s.

Hadfield, M., & Jopling, M. (2012). How might better network theories support school leadership research? School Leadership & Management, 32(2), 109-121.

Abstract: This article explores how recent research in education has applied different aspects of "network" theory to the study of school leadership. (Contains 1 figure)

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Hadjithoma-Garstka, C. (2011). The role of the principal's leadership style in the implementation of ICT policy. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(2), 311-326. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2009.01014.x

Abstract: This paper presents findings of a study in information communication technology (ICT) implementation, on the principal's leadership style in relation to other factors that influence implementation.

Hallinger, P., & Heck, R. H. (2010). Leadership for learning: Does collaborative leadership make a difference in school improvement? Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 38(6), 654.

Abstract: Although there has been a sizable growth spurt in empirical studies of shared leadership over the past decade, the bulk of this research has been descriptive.

Hammersley-Fletcher, L., & Strain, M. (2011). Power, agency and middle leadership in english primary schools. British Educational Research Journal, 37(5), 871.

Abstract: English primary schools are considered quasi-collegial institutions within which staff communicate regularly and openly.

Hamstra, M. R. W., Van Yperen, N. W., Wisse, B., & Sassenberg, K. (2011). Transformational-transactional leadership styles and followers' regulatory focus fit reduces followers' turnover intentions. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 10(4), 182-186. doi:10.1027/1866-5888/a000043

Abstract: Individuals' willingness to remain in their organizations contributes to workforce stability and organizational effectiveness.

Hansen, J. R., & Villadsen, A. R. (2010). Comparing public and private managers' leadership styles: Understanding the role of job context. International Public Management Journal, 13(3), 247-274. doi:10.1080/10967494.2010.503793

Abstract: Comparing public and private managers is a major subject in the public management literature, but there have been only a few empirical studies of the differences in their respective leadership styles.

Haraseb, V. (2011). Early childhood education for the san in Namibia: The working group of indigenous minorities early childhood development program. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 5(2), 135-141.

Abstract: The Working Group of Indigenous Minorities in Southern Africa (WIMSA) has been working to improve conditions for San communities since 1996. (Contains 2 footnotes)

Hardman, B. K. (2011). Teachers' perception of their principal's leadership style and the effects on student achievement in improving and non-improving schools. (Ed.D., University of South Florida) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (912872504)

Abstract: Teachers' perceptions of their school leaders influence student achievement in their schools. The extent of this influence is examined in this study.

Harrington, J. E. (2010). Leadership styles of Florida sheriffs: A self-assessment. (Ph.D., Capella University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (275957735).

Abstract: Seeking to expand the body of knowledge related to transformational leadership, this study examines the correlations between various demographic factors and the choice of leadership styles among the 67 sheriffs of the state of Florida.

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Harrison, A. J. (2011). Identifying leadership styles that influence the willingness of community college faculty to teach online courses. (Ph.D., Capella University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (876017409)

Abstract: The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify leadership styles that community college leaders have used to influence the willingness of community college faculty to teach online courses.

Hartley, D. (2010). Understanding systems leadership: Securing excellence and equity in education. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 38(5), 644-646. doi:10.1177/1741143210374865

Hartmann, F., Naranjo-Gil, D., & Perego, P. (2010). The effects of leadership styles and use of performance measures on managerial work-related attitudes. European Accounting Review, 19(2), 275-310. doi:10.1080/09638180903384601

Abstract: In this paper we investigate the effects of superiors' performance evaluation behaviors on subordinates' work-related attitudes.

Heck, R. H., & Hallinger, P. (2010). Collaborative leadership effects on school improvement: Integrating unidirectional- and reciprocal-effects models. The Elementary School Journal, 111(2), 226.

Abstract: Researchers have persisted in framing leadership as the driver for change and performance improvement in schools despite convincing theoretical commentary that proposes leadership as a process of reciprocal interaction.

Heckmann, S. (2011). Effective high school principal leadership behaviors: A descriptive study of principal leadership in schools that exited program improvement. (Ed.D., University of La Verne) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (884229343)

Abstract: Purpose. The purpose of this study was to describe the perceptions of the principals and teachers at three high schools that exited PI and three high schools (…)

Heidary, A., Emami, A., Eskandaripour, S., Saiah, A., YarMohamadi, S., & Shahbazi, M. (2011). The relationship between leadership style coaches and athletes' performance in soccer and basketball teams in Zanjan-Iran. 2nd World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance-2011, 30 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.10.469

Abstract: This study examines The relationship between leadership style coaches and athletes' performance in soccer and basketball teams in Zanjan.

Henderson, A. (2011). Leadership in clinical education - embedding learning in everyday practice. Nurse Education Today, 31(1), 4-5. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2010.01.003

Henkel, T. G. (2012). The relationship between transformational leadership styles and university adjunct faculty work engagement. (Ph.D., Northcentral University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (923076553)

Abstract: Financial considerations and the need to replace retiring full-time faculty have caused universities to employ an increasing number of adjunct (part-time) faculty members.

Hentschke, G., Wohlstetter, P., Hirman, J., & Zeehandelaar, D. (2011). Using state-wide multiple measures for school leadership and management: Costs incurred vs. benefits gained. School Leadership & Management, 31(1), 21.

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Abstract: In this article, we examine the utility and value of multiple measures of school performance for school leaders and managers.

Hepburn, H. (2012). School leadership programmes are an 'act of faith'. The Times Educational Supplement Scotland, (2250), 5.

Abstract: School leadership, along with teacher quality, was identified in the Donaldson and McCormac reviews last year as one of the most crucial areas for the Scottish education system to address in the coming years.

Higgins, J., & Bonne, L. (2011). Configurations of instructional leadership enactments that promote the teaching and learning of mathematics in a new zealand elementary school. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47(5), 794.

Abstract: This article examines how and why four leadership functions are enacted in an elementary school, with a focus on hierarchical and "heterarchical" configurations of leadership.

Hill, A. (2011). Buffett's exceptional style of leadership. FT.Com, , n/a.

Hitti, A., Mulvey, K. L., & Killen, M. (2011). Exclusión social y cultura: El papel de las normas de grupo, identidad de grupo y justicia. Anales De Psicología, 27(3), 587-599.

Abstract: Este artículo revisa la literatura sobre la exclusión social en la infancia y la adolescencia, con un enfoque sobre la exclusión basada en la cultura en la que las normas, la identidad y la justicia son factores importantes.

Hobbie, M., Convey, J. J., & Schuttloffel, M. J. (2010). The impact of catholic school identity and organizational leadership on the vitality of catholic elementary schools. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 14(1), 7-23.

Abstract: In order to fulfill their role of teaching children to receive Jesus and live out his call to create the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, Catholic schools need to possess and foster the distinctive characteristics of Catholic school identity. (Contains 3 tables)

Hoel, H., Glaso, L., Hetland, J., Cooper, C. L., & Einarsen, S. (2010). Leadership styles as predictors of self-reported and observed workplace bullying. British Journal of Management, 21(2), 453-468. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8551.2009.00664.x

Abstract: The connection between leadership or management style, on the one hand, and perceptions of bullying, on the other, has received little attention within bullying research.

Honari, H., Goudarzi, M., Heidari, A., & Emami, A. (2010). The relationship between transformation-oriented leadership and physical education managers' productivity in sport clubs. Innovation and Creativity in Education, 2(2), 5495-5497. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.895

Abstract: Today, organizations need to survive in the ever charging competeitive environments.

Hooker, D. (2011). Small peer-led collaborative learning groups in developmental math classes at a tribal community college. Multicultural Perspectives, 13(4), 220-226.

Abstract: In this study the author examines the use of small peer-led collaborative learning groups to change students' perceptions of mathematics and their success in developmental mathematics classes (...) (Contains 4 tables)

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Hooker, D. D. T. (2010). A study of the effects of the implementation of small peer led collaborative group learning on students in developmental mathematics courses at a tribal community college. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: College students needing remediation in mathematics are a problem at nearly all colleges and universities but are immense at community colleges where large numbers of students enroll in developmental mathematics courses.

Hoozee, S., & Bruggernan, W. (2010). Identifying operational improvements during the design process of a time-driven ABC system: The role of collective worker participation and leadership style. Management Accounting Research, 21(3), 185-198. doi:10.1016/j.mar.2010.01.003

Abstract: This paper shows how collective worker participation and leadership style influence the emergence of operational improvements during the design process of a time-driven activity-based costing (ABC) system in a case study setting.

Hopkins, K. M. (2012). Management and leadership in social work practice and education. Administration in Social Work, 36(1), 104-106. doi:10.1080/03643107.2012.633466

Horn, A., & Marfán, J. (2010). Relación entre liderazgo educativo y desempeño escolar: Revisión de la investigación en chile. Psicoperspectivas, 9(2), 82-104.

Abstract: El presente trabajo da cuenta de 14 estudios realizados en Chile con base empírica que rescatan la importancia del liderazgo educativo en el logro de buenos resultados escolares.

Horsford, S. (2012). This bridge called my leadership: An essay on black women as bridge leaders in education, 25(1), 11.

Abstract: The purpose of this essay is to contextualize the existing research literature on leadership for diversity, equity, and social justice in education with bridge leadership as historically practiced by Black women leaders in the USA.

Hsieh, Y. S. (2011). An exploration of the relationship between leadership style and organizational climate (Ph.D., Benedictine University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (902623517)

Abstract: Current literature reveals that the leader's role is critical to an organization and to its climate. Organizational climate describes the set of internal characteristics that distinguishes one organization from another.

Hsu, C., & Chen, W. (2011). Subordinates' perception of managers' transformational leadership style and satisfaction: A comparison of electronic manufacturing companies in mainland china and taiwan. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(15), 3097-3108. doi:10.1080/09585192.2011.560872

Abstract: Rapid economic growth has made leadership studies a significant subject in Asia. The present research compared subordinates' different perceptions of managers' transformational leadership style in Mainland China and Taiwan.

Huang, C., Hsu, P., & Chiau, W. (2011). Perceptions of the impact of chief executive leadership style on organizational performance through successful enterprise resource planning. Social Behavior and Personality, 39(7), 865-878. doi:10.2224/sbp.2011.39.7.865

Abstract: Leadership has been recognized as a major factor in project success and this has been empirically validated throughout many fields.

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Huang, L., Chiu, K. K., & Liu, J. (2011). A cross-cultural empirical analysis between the US and Taiwan: Perceived leadership styles and organizational commitment at certified public accountant (CPA) firms. African Journal of Business Management, 5(20), 8125-8140.

Abstract: This study investigates the effects of different leadership styles on organizational commitment in both the US and Taiwan along with CPA firms.

Huang, X. (2012). Helplessness of empowerment: The joint effect of participative leadership and controllability attributional style on empowerment and performance. Human Relations, 65(3), 313-334. doi:10.1177/0018726711429876

Abstract: This study investigated how the controllability attributional style of an employee influences the effect of participative leadership on psychological empowerment and work performance.

Huber, S. G., & Hiltmann, M. (2011). Competence profile school management (CPSM)--an inventory for the self-assessment of school leadership. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 23(1), 65-88.

Abstract: The professional demands on school leaders have changed drastically and have become highly complex in the last few years. The professionalization of school leaders is high on the agenda.

Huggins, K. S., Scheurich, J. J., & Morgan, J. R. (2011). Professional learning communities as a leadership strategy to drive math success in an urban high school serving diverse, low-income students: A case study. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 16(2), 67.

Abstract: Utilizing a qualitative case-study design, this study explored how a mid-sized urban high school professional learning community was used as a reform effort to increase student achievement in mathematics on standards-based assessments.

Hulpia, H., Devos, G., & Van Keer, H. (2011). The relation between school leadership from a distributed perspective and teachers' organizational commitment: Examining the source of the leadership function. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47(5), 728-771.

Abstract: Purpose: In this study the relationship between school leadership and teachers' organizational commitment is examined by taking into account a distributed leadership perspective. (Contains 3 tables and 1 figure)

Inman, M. (2011). The journey to leadership for academics in higher education. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 39(2), 228-241. doi:10.1177/1741143210390055

Abstract: The literature on leadership in the compulsory education sector shows that there are multiple pathways through different stages and phases to becoming a headteacher.

Intermont, M., & Murphy, A. (2011). An application of group theory to change ringing. College Mathematics Journal, 42(3), 223-228. Abstract: After providing some background on change ringing, this paper introduces a question that arises in the systematic ringing of church bells and uses group theory to solve it.

Isoye, S. T. (2011). School leadership capacity and student achievement. (Ed.D., Northern Illinois University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (920879566)

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between leadership capacity and student achievement. In this study, leadership capacity was defined as the collective effort by all constituents to work together to realize the school's goal.

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Jackson, J. Y. (2011). Women of color on the rise: Leadership and administration in social work education and the academy. Affilia-Journal of Women and Social Work, 26(3), 338-339. doi:10.1177/0886109911418191

Jahromi, S. A. S., Gholtash, A., & Saeedian, M. (2011). A study of the relationship between dominant brain hemispheres with leadership styles, task oriented and relation oriented (integrated) among active managers of shiraz university of medical sciences. 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences (2011), 15 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.03.154

Abstract: This study was concerned with the relationship between dominant brain hemisphere and leadership style. Statistical population included 72 active senior and junior managers of Shiraz University of medical sciences (…)

Jansen, E. P. (2011). The effect of leadership style on the information receivers' reaction to management accounting change. Management Accounting Research, 22(2), 105-124. doi:10.1016/j.mar.2010.10.001

Abstract: Although we know that the use of accounting information and the leadership styles of managers are related, only little is known about how the leadership styles of managers affect the information receivers' reaction to management accounting change.

Janson, C. (2010). High school counselors' views of their leadership behaviors: A Q methodology study.13(2), 86.

Abstract: There has been a growing body of professional literature regarding the importance of school counselors behaving as leaders in schools.

Janson, C., Stone, C., & Clark, M. (2010). Stretching leadership: A distributed perspective for school counselor leaders, 13(2), 98.

Abstract: Leadership is a central role of the school counselor. However, this role is often intimidating to school counselors and school counseling students when viewed as a solitary undertaking.

Jappinen, A., & Maunonen-Eskelinen, I. (2012). Organisational transition challenges in the finnish vocational education - perspective of distributed pedagogical leadership. Educational Studies, 38(1), 39-50. doi:10.1080/03055698.2011.567024

Abstract: The article examines organisational challenges in the Finnish vocational education and training (VET) to support students' lifelong learning pathways.

Jeffers, G. (2010). The role of school leadership in the implementation of the transition year programme in Ireland. School Leadership & Management, 30(5), 469.

Abstract: Introducing an educational innovation into any school context involves some challenge to existing practices.

Jobling, A. (2011). The program administrator's guide to early childhood special education: Leadership, development, and supervision. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 8(1), 62-62. doi:10.1111/j.1741-1130.2011.00290.x

Johansson, B., Fogelberg-Dahm, M., & Wadensten, B. (2010). Evidence-based practice: The importance of education and leadership. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(1), 70-77. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2009.01060.x

Abstract: Aim To describe evidence-based practice among head nurses and to explore whether number of years of duty is associated with such activities.

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Johns, S. K. (2011). School librarians taking the leadership challenge. School Library Monthly, 27(4), 37-39.

Abstract: [...] what does a person get back when he or she switches perspective, takes advantage of personal experiences and leadership style, acts as a spokesperson, and has the spotlight during the year as president?

Johnson, L., & Campbell-Stephens, R. (2010). Investing in diversity in london schools: Leadership preparation for black and global majority educators. Urban Education, 45(6), 840.

Abstract: This article traces the historical roots, describes the philosophy and curriculum, and analyzes the approach to leadership in Investing in Diversity, a 1-year Black-led leadership development course in the London schools.

Johnson, S. L. (2011). Analysis of the relationship between latino and african american male high schools graduation rates and principal leadership style. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: The purpose of the study was to determine if there was a correlation between principal leadership style and graduation rates of Latino and African American male students.

Just, R. A. (2011). The differences in leadership styles among generation cohorts of small business leaders and their relationship to organizational outcomes. (Ph.D., Capella University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (874355825)

Abstract: The Small Business Administration (2009) reported the small business sector employs approximately half of U.S. workers and creates 60-80% of all new jobs.

Kaae, S., Sondergaard, B., Haugbolle, L. S., & Traulsen, J. M. (2011). The relationship between leadership style and provision of the first danish publicly reimbursed cognitive pharmaceutical service-A qualitative multicase study. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy, 7(2), 113-121. doi:10.1016/j.sapharm.2010.03.001

Abstract: Background: Evidence suggests that leadership style is important to the sustainability of cognitive pharmaceutical services, yet only scarce literature on the relationship exists. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Kane, J. (2011). La experiencia de asociación para la misión en escuelas secundarias y en instituciones de educación superior Lasalianas vividas por maestros laicos que han terminado el instituto de liderazgo Lasaliano. Revista Digital De Investigación Lasaliana, (3), 83.

Keddie, A., & Niesche, R. (2012). "It's almost like a white school now": Racialised complexities, indigenous representation and school leadership. Critical Studies in Education, 53(2), 169-182.

Abstract: Drawing on a broader study that focused on examining principal leadership for equity and diversity, this paper presents the leadership experiences of "Jane", a White, middle-class principal of a rural Indigenous school. (Contains 2 notes)

Kensler, L. A. W., Reames, E., Murray, J., & Patrick, L. (2012). Systems thinking tools for improving evidence-based practice: A cross-case analysis of two high school leadership teams. High School Journal, 95(2), 32-53.

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Abstract: Teachers and administrators have access to large volumes of data but research suggests that they lack the skills to use data effectively for continuous school improvement. (Contains 3 tables and 3 figures)

Khalaj, G., Khabiri, M., & Sajjadi, N. (2011). The relationship between coaches leadership styles & player satisfaction in women skate championship. 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences (2011), 15 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.341

Abstract: The propose of study is to examine the Relationship Between Coaches Leadership Styles & Player Satisfaction in Women Skate Championship and for subordinate purpose is to organize the Coaches Leadership Styles & Player Satisfaction in Teams.

Kindel, D. (2011). Teacher commitment to the implementation of ninth grade academies and their perceptions of school leadership. (Ed.D., University of South Florida). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (863480237)

Abstract: This study examined the commitment of teachers to the implementation of ninth grade academies and their perceptions of school leadership during the reform process.

King, J. J. (2010). Adequate yearly progress in elementary, title I schools: A study on administrator leadership styles and their impact on student achievement. (Ph.D., Capella University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (746779755)

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between administrator leadership styles and their impact on student achievement.

Kiweewa, J. M. (2010). Endorsement of growth factors and its relation to stage of group development in experiential groups. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: This dissertation utilized critical incidents methodology to examine participants' endorsement of twelve primary growth factors during a Master's level group counseling class.

Koh, H. H., Gurr, D., Drysdale, L., & Ang, L. L. (2011). How school leaders perceive the leadership role of middle leaders in singapore primary schools? Asia Pacific Education Review, 12(4), 609-620.

Abstract: Middle leaders are "recognised as a significant source in ensuring that quality education reaches out to pupils" (Low and Lim "1997", p. 77) for they are "the human link between national education policy as manifested in school-level strategic planning (…)

Kohn, J. J. (2010). Leadership in english language education: Theoretical foundations and practical skills for changing times. Modern Language Journal, 94(3), 509-510.

Koksal, F., & Demir, H. (2012). The research of leadership styles and self-sufficiencies of the trainers who work in public institutions. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B-Social and Educational Studies, 4(3), 1303-1310.

Abstract: The objective of this study was to present the relationship between the leadership styles of the trainers who work in public institutions and their self-sufficiency.

Komives, S. R. (2010). Rethinking leadership practices in a complex, multicultural, and global environment: New concepts and models for higher education. Review of Higher Education, 34(1), 186-188.

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Korach, S., & Agans, L. J. (2011). From ground to distance: The impact of advanced technologies on an innovative school leadership program. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 6(5), 216-233.

Abstract: An educational leadership preparation program for the 21st Century not only makes use of innovations in teaching and learning, but pushes the educational experience forward through the effective use of advanced technologies. (Contains 2 figures)

Korat, O., & Blau, H. (2010). Repeated reading of CD-ROM storybook as a support for emergent literacy: A developmental perspective in two SES groups. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 43(4), 445-466.

Abstract: We investigated the effect of repeated readings of an electronic book (e-book) on pre-kindergarten and kindergarten children from low (n = 127) and middle (n = 120) SES groups. (Contains 2 figures and 2 tables)

Kottkamp, R. B. (2011). Introduction: Leadership preparation in education. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47(1), 3-17. doi:10.1177/0011000010378609

Kovac, J., & Jesenko, M. (2010). The connection between trust and leadership styles in slovene organizations. Journal for East European Management Studies, 15(1), 9-33.

Abstract: In leadership, trust between superiors and subordinates plays a very important role.

Krekorian, B. (2012). 100th CMC/COB course class starts at command leadership school. Lanham, United States.

Kwon, H. H., Pyun, D. Y., & Kim, M. (2010). Perceived leadership behavior of physical education teacher-coaches: When they teach vs. when they coach. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 29(2), 131-145.

Abstract: The objective of the study was to see whether a teacher-coach exhibits different types of leadership behavior when s/he teaches a PE class and coaches a group of athletes.

Lam, C. S., & O'Higgins, E. R. (2012). Enhancing employee outcomes. the interrelated influences of managers' emotional intelligence and leadership style. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 33(2), 149-174. doi:10.1108/01437731211203465

Abstract: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the interrelated influences of managers' emotional intelligence, leadership styles and employee outcomes.

Lawson, S. (2010). VCNO addresses future commanding officers at command leadership school. Lanham, United States.

Lee, L., Fu, C., Li, S., & Chen, S. (2011). The effects of a project's social capital, leadership style, modularity, and diversification on new product development performance. African Journal of Business Management, 5(1), 142.

Abstract: Due to the rapid advances in information technology and the dynamic business environment, firms are facing more and more competitive challenges.

Lee, L., Fu, C., Li, S., & Chen, S. (2011). The effects of a project's social capital, leadership style, modularity, and diversification on new product development performance. African Journal of Business Management, 5(1), 142-155.

Abstract: Due to the rapid advances in information technology and the dynamic business environment, firms are facing more and more competitive challenges.

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Lee, Y., Kim, Y. S., Son, M. H., & Lee, D. (2011). Do emotions play a mediating role in the relationship between owner leadership styles and manager customer orientation, and performance in service environment? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(4), 942-952. doi:10.1016/j.ijhm.2011.02.002

Abstract: This study examines the dynamic relationships among leadership style (transformational and transactional), emotion in service employees, customer orientation (dimensions of enjoyment and needs), and job performance.

Leithwood, K., Patten, S., & Jantzi, D. D. (2010). Testing a conception of how school leadership influences student learning. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(5), 671.

Abstract: This article describes and reports the results of testing a new conception of how leadership influences student learning ("The Four Paths").

Lekan, D. A., Corazzini, K. N., Gilliss, C. L., & Bailey, D. E., Jr. (2011). Clinical leadership development in accelerated baccalaureate nursing students: An education innovation. Journal of Professional Nursing, 27(4), 202-214. doi:10.1016/j.profnurs.2011.03.002

Abstract: Nursing faculty members are responsible for assuring competence and safety in the preparation of prelicensure students who are preparing to deliver care in diverse settings.

León Guerrero, M. J. (2012). El liderazgo para y en la escuela inclusiva. Educatio Siglo XXI : Revista De La Facultad De Educación; 2012, v.30, n.1 ; p.133-159

Abstract: Se presenta una revisión de la literatura que parte de la premisa de que el liderazgo contribuye a la creación de una 'cultura inclusiva' en la escuela, pero para ello, éste debe ser democrático y estar comprometido con los valores inclusivos.

LessoLewis, J. S. (2010). Investigation of group leadership in a fission-fusion species, the bottlenose dolphin. (Ph.D., Florida International University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (792987012)

Abstract: Consistent leadership of group travel by specific individuals has been documented in many animals. Most species exhibiting this type of leadership have relatively stable group membership.

Li, X. (2011). Chinese school leadership in educational reform: Case study of two secondary schools in Beijing. (Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (992875787)

Abstract: In the context of China, Quality Education, since 1990s, has attempted to improve the quality of teaching and learning. As a result, it has exerted substantial impact on elementary and secondary school management.

Li, Y., Chun, H., Ashkanasy, N. M., & Ahlstrom, D. (2012). A multi-level study of emergent group leadership: Effects of emotional stability and group conflict. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29(2), 351-366. doi:10.1007/s10490-012-9298-4

Abstract: Based on theories of self-organization and group evolution, we propose and test a multi-level model of emergent leadership in work groups.

Lian, L. K., & Salleh, A. L. (2011). Mediating effects of subordinates' competence on leadership styles and organisational citizenship behaviour. African Journal of Business Management, 5(19), 7790-7801.

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Abstract: This paper seeks to examine the relationship between leadership styles and organisational citizenship behaviour within Malaysian companies.

Livi, M. (2011). The national socialist female leadership. functions, education and profiles. Contemporanea, 14(4), 617

Abstract: Despite its disapproval of the modernization of the woman's role in the society, the NSDAP could not prevent the consolidation of a female leadership within the party.

Lo, M., Ramayah, T., & de Run, E. C. (2010). Does transformational leadership style foster commitment to change? the case of higher education in Malaysia. Innovation and Creativity in Education, 2(2), 5384-5388. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.877

Abstract: This study examines the influence of transformational leadership style on employees' organizational commitment to change in Malaysia higher education context.

Lo, M., Ramayah, T., Min, H. W., & Songan, P. (2010). The relationship between leadership styles and organizational commitment in Malaysia: Role of leader-member exchange. Asia Pacific Business Review, 16(1-2), 79-103. doi:10.1080/13602380903355676

Abstract: Building upon the 'social exchange theory' notion, this study hypothesized the moderating impact of leader-member exchange (LMX) on the relationship between two leadership styles and organizational commitment of employees.

López Yáñez, J., & Lavié Martínez, J. M. (2010). Liderazgo para sostener procesos de innovación en la escuela. Profesorado : Revista De Currículum y Formación Del Profesorado; 2010, v.14, n.1, Enero-Abril ; p.72-92

Abstract: Se presenta una investigación sobre las bases institucionales que permitieron desarrollar procesos sostenidos de cambio en centros escolares desde la perspectiva del liderazgo.

Lorenzo Delgado, M., Cáceres Reche, M. P., Aznar Díaz, I., Hinojo Lucena, F., & Trujillo Torres, J. M. (2011). Aportaciones actuales del liderazgo estudiantil en el contexto italiano : La Universidad de Bolonia. Educatio Siglo XXI : Revista De La Facultad De Educación; 2011, v.29, n.2 ; p.313-332

Abstract: Se sintetizan las aportaciones más relevantes de un estudio descriptivo aplicado en la Universidad de Bolonia, previamente desarrollado en universidades de otros paises europeos, centrado en conocer las peculiaridades organizativas y funcionales del liderazgo estudiantil en el contexto italiano.

Lowe, M. E. (2011). Breaking the stained glass ceiling: Women's collaborative leadership style as a model for theological education. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 20(3), 309-329.

Abstract: One of the prevailing notions within American culture is the idea that women are prevalent in leadership positions. The reality, however, is that while women are slightly more than 50% of the population, they are underrepresented in leadership.

Luft, K. A. (2012). A research study of transformational leadership comparing leadership styles of the principal. (Ed.D., Duquesne University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1011001975)

Abstract: This study investigated the relationship between two elementary building administrators and their teaching faculty with regard to leadership styles of the principal.

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Luis-Yagüe López, M. R., & Roda de Oro, F. (2012). Trabajo social: Grupo de relaciones sociales para personas con enfermedad mental crónica. Trabajo Social y Salud, (73), 83-86.

Lumby, J., & Heystek, J. (2012). Leadership identity in ethnically diverse schools in south africa and england. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 40(1), 4-20.

Abstract: This article adopts an international perspective to examine the perceptions and practice of leaders in a South African and an English primary school and the leadership implications. (Contains 1 table and 1 note)

Lyberg, A., & Severinsson, E. (2010). Midwives' supervisory styles and leadership role as experienced by norwegian mothers in the context of a fear of childbirth. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(4), 391-399. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2010.01083.x

Abstract: Aim The aim of the present study was to describe the midwives' supervisory style and leadership role as experienced by pregnant women and new mothers in the context of a fear of childbirth.

Lynch, M. A. M. (2011). Generating quasigroups: A group theory investigation. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 42(6), 806-812.

Abstract: A procedure for generating quasigroups from groups is described, and the properties of these derived quasigroups are investigated. Some practical examples of the procedure and related results are presented.

Maclachlan, P. L. (2012). Koizumi and japanese politics: Reform strategies and leadership style. Journal of Japanese Studies, 38(1), 204-208.

Madrigal Maldonado, R., & Álvarez Arregui, E. (2010). Caminos para la mejora : Estudio exploratorio del liderazgo directivo en los institutos tecnológicos del estado de Michoacán (México ; 2010, n.55, Enero-Abril ; p.137-157)

Abstract: La metodología del estudio exploratorio del liderazgo directivo que se aborda se sustenta en un proceso sistemático articulado en cuatro fases: exploración, fundamentación teórica, investigación empírica y presentación de resultados.

Malakolunthu, S. (2010). Culturally responsive leadership for multicultural education: The case of "vision school" in Malaysia. World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration Papers, 9 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.12.301

Abstract: The "Vision Schools" in Malaysia is a new concept that brought within its common premises the vernacular primary schools of Malays, Chinese, and Indians.

Malling, B., Mortensen, L. S., Scherpbier, A. J. J., & Ringsted, C. (2010). Educational climate seems unrelated to leadership skills of clinical consultants responsible of postgraduate medical education in clinical departments. Bmc Medical Education, 10, 62. doi:10.1186/1472-6920-10-62

Abstract: Background: The educational climate is crucial in postgraduate medical education. Although leaders are in the position to influence the educational climate, the relationship between leadership skills and educational climate is unknown.

Malloy, T., & Penprase, B. (2010). Nursing leadership style and psychosocial work environment. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(6), 715-725. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2010.01094.x

Abstract: Aim This study examines the relationship between leadership style and the psychosocial work environment of registered nurses.

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Malott, K. M., Paone, T. R., Humphreys, K., & Martinez, T. (2010). Use of group counseling to address ethnic identity development: Application with adolescents of Mexican descent. Professional School Counseling, 13(5), 257-267.

Abstract: This article provides qualitative outcomes from a group counseling intervention whose goal was to facilitate the ethnic identity development of Mexican-origin youth. Mancuso, S. V., Roberts, L., & White, G. P. (2011).

Mar, D. K. (2011). Group development of effective governance teams. (Ed.D., University of La Verne) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (917477100)

Abstract: Purpose. The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the behaviors of effective governance teams as they move through stages of group development during regular school board meetings (…)

Marcos, T., Witmer, M., Foland, R., Vouga, R., & Wise, D. (2011). The principal's academy: A collaborative california university initiative on congruence of principal training to urban school leadership practice. Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research, 7, 86-96.

Abstract: Purposively selected urban California superintendents and assistant superintendents participated in surveys and interviews which examined their views about the impact California university (…) (Contains 1 table)

Marks, A., & Rezgui, Y. (2011). IT leadership in higher education: The CIO candidate. It Professional, 13(3), 52-56.

Marmaya, N. H., Hitam, M., Torsiman, N. M., & Balakrishnan, B. K. (2011). Employees' perceptions of Malaysian managers' leadership styles and organizational commitment. African Journal of Business Management, 5(5), 1584-1588.

Abstract: Using Bass' (1990) framework of transactional and transformational leadership, this research investigated the employees' perceptions of the prevalent leadership style among Malaysian managers and its impact on organizational commitment.

Martín Bris, M., Zaitegui de Miguel, N., Caballero Martínez, C., & Lasa Etxezarreta, P. (2011). El liderazgo educativo. Madrid: Secretaría General Técnica, Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones.

Martin, N. (2010). Estrategias de animación sociocultural para la promoción del liderazgo comunitario y la participación ciudadana: Propuesta educativa para el protagonismo de las comunidades en la construcción de una sociedad participativa y protagónica. Ciudad de La Habana: Editorial Universitaria.

Martineau, P. (2012). Principles of good principals: Effective leadership brings a board's vision to the school level. The Education Digest, 77(8), 53-58.

Abstract: Wanted - A "visionary leader" who can oversee a staff of about 100, handle multimilliondollar budgets, design curriculum for numerous subject areas, effectively mete out discipline to employees and minors, develop professional learning communities (…)

Martinez, J., & Sandoval Figueroa, C. (2011). Process evaluation of leadership training and education center population and community trans MSM in lima and the north coast of lima. Culture Health & Sexuality, 13, S49-S49.

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Mason, E. (2010). Leadership practices of school counselors and counseling program implementation. National Association of Secondary School Principals. NASSP Bulletin, 94(4), 274-285.

Abstract: Leadership is recently touted as a necessary skill for school counselors and as a means of aligning their work more intentionally with school improvement goals.

Mason, E. C. M., & McMahon, H. G. (2010). Leadership practices of school counselors.13(2), 107.

Abstract: Leadership is a vital skill called for by the school counseling profession. However, limited research has been done to examine how leadership is characterized by practicing school counselors.

May, N. K. (2010). The relationship between principal leadership styles and student achievement in elementary schools. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: This study investigated the relationship between principal leadership style, school socioeconomic status (SES), and student achievement for 6 elementary schools.

McCann, J. T. (2011). Product or customer centered organizations and leadership styles. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(1), 65-80.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine whether organizations in the United States are product or customer centered, as perceived by their marketing managers.

McCarthy, D. J., Puffer, S. M., & Darda, S. V. (2010). Convergence in entrepreneurial leadership style: Evidence from Russia. California Management Review, 52(4), 48-72.

Abstract: Entrepreneurial leadership is crucial for economic growth in all countries, yet little is known about the leadership style of entrepreneurs in transition economies such as the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China).

McClure, M., Ralph, M., & Despland, E. (2011). Group leadership depends on energetic state in a nomadic collective foraging caterpillar. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65(8), 1573-1579. doi:10.1007/s00265-011-1167-5

Abstract: Group living is a common strategy among animals and has arisen independently in over 300 species of Lepidoptera. Yet, activity synchrony between individuals is necessary to derive the benefits that ensue from an aggregated lifestyle.

McNamara, G., & O'Hara, J. (2012). From looking at our schools (LAOS) to whole school evaluation--management, leadership and learning (WSE-MLL): The evolution of inspection in irish schools over the past decade. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 24(2), 79-97.

Abstract: This paper attempts to provide an overview of the key assumptions underpinning the "Whole School Evaluation" (WSE) inspection policy developed in Ireland since 2003.

Melo, É., Tenório, A., & Accioly, H. (2010). Representações sociais de ciência de um grupo de licenciandos em física. REEC: Revista Electrónica De Enseñanza De Las Ciencias, 9(2)

Abstract: Este estudo buscou identificar as representações sociais de ciência de um grupo de licenciandos em Física. Partimos do pressuposto da existência de duas abordagens de ciência.

Melvin, A. S. (2010, Sep/Oct 2010). School leadership goes beyond the administrative offices. Momentum, 41, 28-29.

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Abstract: Paul Cupit, a graduate and former Beta Club member, stated that the school's motto "fly high and shine bright" is exemplified in SCC's student leaders.

Mendoza Armas, D. (2011). El liderazgo educativo. Xihmai, 6(11), 7-20.

Abstract: El trabajo de investigación reseñado en este artículo, tiene como objetivo presentar el proceso de liderazgo que se vive en las escuelas, lo cual influye en el quehacer del docente y transforma el perfil de alumno.

Merrill, K. C. (2011). The relationship among nurse manager leadership style, span of control, staff nurse practice environment, safety climate, and nurse-sensitive patient outcomes. (Ph.D., The University of Utah) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (884793003)

Abstract: Despite the compelling need for strong nursing leaders who establish vision and create an evidence-based environment that fosters quality and safety (…)

Mertkan, S. (2011). Leadership support through public - private 'partnerships': Views of school leaders. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 39(2), 156.

Abstract: The English education system has been radically transformed over the last two decades.

Mhozya, C. M. (2010). The perceptions of senior management teams' (SMTs) dominant leadership styles in selected botswana primary schools. Educational Research and Reviews, 5(11), 646-650.

Abstract: This study, which was funded by the office of research and development (ORD) in the University of Botswana, surveyed 65 primary schools in South Central region in Botswana, which aimed at establishing the perceptions of senior management teams dominant leadership style.

Michaelides, P., & Kardasi, O. (2010). Schumpeter's theory of leadership: A brief sketch. The Journal of Philosophical Economics, 3(2), 122-133.

Abstract: So far, it has hardly been recognized that the great Austrian thinker Joseph Alois Schumpeter had developed a general theory of leadership.

Miller, A. A. (2011). Examining the effects of leadership style on the follower's self-concept. (M.A., East Carolina University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (871502169)

Abstract: The current study examines the impact of leadership style on the follower's self-concept. Research has shown that certain types of leadership have motivational effects on followers.

Milligan, J. A. (2010). The prophet and the engineer meet under the mango tree: Leadership, education, and conflict in the southern philippines. Educational Policy, 24(1), 28-51. doi:10.1177/0895904809354069

Abstract: This essay represents an attempt to contribute to the growing body of literature on education in conflict and emergency situations by analyzing shifts in sources of authority (…)

Milligan, M. L. (2010). Access granted: First female presidents, leadership style, and institutional culture. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: College and university presidents are the public face of not only their institution but also of higher education in general. Internal and external audiences alike turn to the president for leadership, inspiration, and action.

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Missios, M. H. (2011). An exploratory study of the leadership style and practice of greek orthodox priests in the United States. (Ph.D., Capella University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (851313130)

Abstract: The purpose of this exploratory phenomenological study was to understand the ways in which priests in thriving Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America parishes influence the development and quality of life of their parishes.

Missouri dems: Eric cantor says republicans can't return to congressman roy blunt's style of leadership - marked by corruption and overspending. (2010, Oct 4, 2010). Targeted News Service, pp. n/a.

Mitrovic, S., Milisavljevic, S., Cosic, I., Lekovic, B., Grubic-Nesic, L., & Ivanisevic, A. (2011). Changes in leadership styles in a transitional economy: A Serbian case study. African Journal of Business Management, 5(9), 3563-3569.

Abstract: The aim of this research was to analyze the existing leadership styles in organizations and develop an optimal leadership model in volatile economic conditions in Serbia.

Molero Alonso, F., Recio Saboya, P., & Cuadrado Guirado, I. (2010). Liderazgo transformacional y liderazgo transaccional : Un análisis de la estructura factorial del multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ) en una muestra española. Psicothema; 2010, v.22, n.3 ; p.495-501

Abstract: El Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) es, desde hace dos décadas, uno de los instrumentos más utilizados para medir el liderazgo en el ámbito organizacional.

Monahan, B. J. (2012). School leadership mentoring characteristics in an era of significant educational reform. (Ph.D., Indiana State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1015631746)

Abstract: The state of Indiana is undergoing substantial educational reform, as is the nation. Educational leaders are in great need of support as they address reform initiatives.

Moody, Edwin Ed C., IV. (2011). Leadership styles: A historical case study of site leadership styles at catalina foothills high school, 1993--2010. (Ed.D., Northern Arizona University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (918227233)

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine whether leadership attributes, as determined and defined by Kouzes and Posner's Leadership Practices Inventory, are perceived similarly by leaders (principals) and members of their faculty.

Moolenaar, N. M., Daly, A. J., & Sleegers, P. J. C. (2010). Occupying the principal position: Examining relationships between transformational leadership, social network position, and schools' innovative climate. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(5), 623.

Abstract: Throughout the world, educational policy makers, practitioners, and scholars have acknowledged the importance of principal leadership in the generation and implementation of innovations.

Moore, S. W. (2012). Gender differences in occupational leadership styles. (M.A., East Carolina University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1017544344)

Abstract: This study explored the nature of leadership styles in women and men. Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire was administered as a means of objective assessment of the leadership style of various professionals.

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Moore, C. E., & Durden, F. (2010). Head and neck cancer screening in homeless communities: HEAL (health education, assessment, and leadership). Journal of the National Medical Association, 102(9), 811-816.

Abstract: Homeless persons are at high risk for medical illness, particularly for head and neck cancers, but they face several barriers to receiving adequate health care.

Moors, G. (2012). The effect of response style bias on the measurement of transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21(2), 271-298. doi:10.1080/1359432X.2010.550680

Abstract: Transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership are considered to be three distinct leadership styles. In this research we argue that response style behaviour in the form of acquiescence (…)

Mora, C., & Ticlau, T. (2012). Transformational leadership in the public sector. A pilot study using MLQ to evaluate leadership style in cluj county local authorities. Revista De Cercetare Si Interventie Sociala, 36, 74-98.

Abstract: Leadership has been a major topic of research for social scientist, in the last century. The number of approaches in studying this phenomenon is truly outstanding.

Moreno Hernández, R. (2010). Liderazgo para el aprendizaje : Buenas prácticas en las cooperativas de enseñanza. Organización y Gestión Educativa : Revista Del Fórum Europeo De Administradores De La Educación; 2010, n.1, Enero-Febrero ; p.30-31

Abstract: Recoge las características de las prácticas realizadas en los centros de enseñanza cooperativos, relativas a su gestión, administración y funcionamiento interno.

Morley, C., Milon, M., & Mc Donnell, M. (2010). Developing team leadership capabilities in higher education: A gendered point of view. Nouvelles Questions Feministes, 29(2)

Abstract: The starting point of the research was the still controversial nature of female leadership.

Mota, R. (2010). A descriptive analysis of the impact of leadership styles on teacher job satisfaction. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: Teacher attrition is a threat to public education in the United States. However, little information exists regarding teacher attrition and its root causes in international schools.

Muhammad, N. M. N., Isa, F. M., & Othman, S. N. (2010). In Baharom, F Mahmuddin, M Yusof, Y Ishak, WHW Saip,MA (Ed.), Does decision making styles differ by leadership hierarchical level, knowledge and demographic profile in higher education institutions?

Abstract: This paper discussed the leadership styles of leaders in different hierarchy in higher education Institutions (HEIs). About 239 managers of different ranks involved in the survey.

Mulcahy, D., & Perillo, S. (2011). Thinking management and leadership within colleges and schools somewhat differently: A practice-based, actor-network theory perspective. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 39(1), 122.

Abstract: This article examines the significance of materiality for management and leadership in education using resources provided by actor-network theory (ANT).

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Mullen, J., Kelloway, E. K., & Teed, M. (2011). Inconsistent style of leadership as a predictor of safety behaviour. Work and Stress, 25(1), 41-54. doi:10.1080/02678373.2011.569200

Abstract: Research on the effects of passive rather than transformational styles of leadership is limited, especially regarding safety-related outcomes in the workplace.

Munteanu, M. S., & Munteanu, R. A. (2010). In Rusu C. (Ed.), Leadership in higher education by development of poles of excellence in research

Abstract: The paper presents the possibility to achieve leadership in higher education by development of poles of excellence in research.

Muresan, A., Gabor-Supuran, R., Borza, A., & Lungescu, D. C. (2010). In Panka E. K.,A. (Ed.), Leadership styles adopted in Romanian companies: The tension and transition toward a contemporary management.

Abstract: In this article, the authors studies and analyses the importance of leadership style for organizational performance in Romanian economy.

Murgel, J. C. (2011). Preparing transformational school leaders: An investigation into leadership style. (Ph.D., University of Denver) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (902518564)

Abstract: Since traditional principal preparation programs were scrutinized for inadequately training 21st century principals, alternative principal programs were designed to prepare principals to improve the US educational system and student achievement.

Muse, M. D., & Abrams, L. M. (2011). An investigation of school leadership priorities. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 77(4), 49-58.

Abstract: This article describes a qualitative research study that examined the leadership and management experiences of 25 elementary principals in the central Virginia region.

Myung, J., Loeb, S., & Horng, E. (2011). Tapping the principal pipeline: Identifying talent for future school leadership in the absence of formal succession management programs. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47(5), 695-727.

Abstract: Purpose: In light of the difficulty many districts face finding quality principal candidates, this article explores an informal recruitment mechanism of teachers to become principals, which the authors call tapping. (Contains 5 notes, 6 tables, and 2 figures)

Naicker, S. R., & Mestry, R. (2011). Distributive leadership in public schools: Experiences and perceptions of teachers in the soweto region. Perspectives in Education, 29(4), 99-108.

Abstract: In current times, the increasing demands of principalship and the complexities facing schools have led to the emergence of distributive forms of leadership in schools.

Nance, T. A. (2011). A longitudinal study of multidisciplinary engineering design teams using gersick's punctuated equilibrium model of group development. (Ph.D., The University of Alabama in Huntsville) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (917934360)

Abstract: The use of groups has increased in industry making the study of group development an important area of research.

Napp, C. F. (2011). Generational differences between perceived and preferred leadership styles and relationships to affective commitment among firefighters. (Ph.D., Dallas Baptist University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1015386134)

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Abstract: This study was designed to determine both the difference between the followers perceived and preferred transactional and transformational leadership styles from their leader (…)

Nauman, S., Khan, A. M., & Ehsan, N. (2010). Patterns of empowerment and leadership style in project environment. International Journal of Project Management, 28(7), 638-649. doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2009.11.013

Abstract: The current study explores the relationship of empowerment, leadership style and customer service as a measure of effective project management in projects with varying degree of virtuality.

Nehring, J. H., & Lohmeier, J. H. (2010). Leadership challenges converting a large high school to small schools: A follow-up study. National Association of Secondary School Principals. NASSP Bulletin, 94(3), 184-212.

Abstract: This follow-up study presents findings from 11 structured interviews that were conducted with principals engaged in a conversion from a large comprehensive high school to six small schools.

Nesdale, D. (2011). Los grupos sociales y el prejuicio intergrupal de los niños: ¿cómo influyen las normas sociales del grupo? Anales De Psicología, 27(3), 600-610.

Abstract: Teniendo como referencia la Teoría Evolutiva de la Identidad Social (SIDT, Nesdale, 2007), en este trabajo se presenta una serie de estudios en los que se examina la influencia de las normas grupales sobre el prejuicio intergrupal de los miembros del grupo.

Ng, E. S., & Sears, G. J. (2012). CEO leadership styles and the implementation of organizational diversity practices: Moderating effects of social values and age. Journal of Business Ethics, 105(1), 41-52. doi:10.1007/s10551-011-0933-7

Abstract: Drawing on strategic choice theory, we investigate the influence of CEO leadership styles and personal attributes on the implementation of organizational diversity management practices.

Ng, P. T. (2012). An examination of school leadership in singapore through the lens of the fourth way. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 11(1), 27-34.

Abstract: School leadership is an important factor in educational reform and school transformation. This article aims to examine the challenges of school leadership in Singapore through the lens of the Fourth Way.

Ngambi, H. C. (2011). The relationship between leadership and employee morale in higher education. African Journal of Business Management, 5(3), 762-776.

Abstract: The University of South Africa (UNISA), like many other institutions of higher education, is facing new challenges, including budget cuts, a new funding formula, changes in technology, mergers, new leadership (…)

Niland, Z. W. (2011). Intercollegiate basketball coaches' perceptions of their leadership style on recruiting. (Ph.D., University of Florida) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (930806237)

Abstract: This study is an exploration into intercollegiate Division I Men's basketball coaches' experiences in recruiting top student-athletes. Its contributions are manifold.

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Noonan, S. (2010). Ethical leadership in schools: Creating community in an environment of accountability. Journal of Moral Education, 39(4), 519-522. doi:10.1080/03057240.2010.521406

Normore, A. H. (2010). Michael fullan and geoff scott, turnaround leadership for higher education. Higher Education, 59(6), 801-803. doi:10.1007/s10734-009-9272-3

Norton, L. F. (2012). Teacher leadership style and student engagement in the middle school classroom. (Ed.D., Dallas Baptist University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1015675668)

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine if the teacher's leadership style in the middle school classroom is related to students' willingness to engage in challenging cognitive tasks.

Nosike, A. N., & Oguzor, N. S. (2011). Understanding school leadership and management in contemporary Nigeri... International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 1, 145-151C.

Abstract: The problems that plagues the school system are so numerous that those who are within the educational system are so overwhelmed not to talk of outsiders who are poised to ask such a pertinent question like "are the principals leading the schools well?".

Nunnery, J. A., Ross, S. M., Yen, C., & Old Dominion University, Center for,Educational Partnerships. (2010). The effect of the national institute for school leadership's executive development program on school performance trends in pennsylvania. Online Submission.

Abstract: This study examined the impact of NISL's [National Institute for School Leadership's] Executive Development Program for principals on student achievement in Pennsylvania schools between 2006-2009. (Contains 9 tables and 17 figures)

Nunnery, J. A., Yen, C., Ross, S. M., & Old Dominion University, Center for,Educational Partnerships. (2011). Effects of the national institute for school leadership's executive development program on school performance in Pennsylvania: 2006-2010 pilot cohort results. Online Submission.

Abstract: The National Institute of School Leadership's (NISL's) Executive Development Program (EDP) was established to provide professional development to school leaders to drive their schools to high performance. (Contains 1 footnote, 9 figures, and 4 tables)

O'Brien, J. (2011). Spoiled group identities and backstage work: A theory of stigma management rehearsals. Social Psychology Quarterly, 74(3), 291-309.

Abstract: How do persons with a stigmatized identity learn potential responses to discrimination and harassment?. (Contains 4 footnotes)

Odhiambo, G., & Hii, A. (2012). Key stakeholders' perceptions of effective school leadership. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 40(2), 232. Abstract: There has been limited research on how teachers, parents and students perceive effective school leadership in practice.

Oener, Z. H. (2012). Servant leadership and paternalistic leadership styles in the turkish business context. A comparative empirical study. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 33(3), 300-316. doi:10.1108/01437731211216489

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Abstract: Purpose - The purpose of this study is to test an adaptation of the servant leadership survey to Turkey for the first time and to explore the relationship between perceptions of servant leadership and paternalistic leadership styles (…)

Ogbeide, G. A. (2011). Leadership styles for foodservice managers. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 9(3), 177.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore foodservice managers' leadership styles and to investigate the effect of situational leadership styles (…) on subordinates' motivation for work effectiveness.

Oguz, E. (2010). The relationship between the leadership styles of the school administrators and the organizational citizenship behaviours of teachers. World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration Papers, 9 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.12.305

Abstract: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the leadership styles of the school administrators and the organizational citizenship behaviors of teachers.

Ohrt, J. H. (2010). The effects of two group approaches on counseling students' empathy development, group leader self-efficacy development, and experience of the therapeutic factors. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: Counselor education programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) require their students to participate in a group experience as a member for 10 clock hours over the course of an academic term (CACREP, 2009).

Oplatka, I. (2011). Passionate leadership in education. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 39(1), 148-149. doi:10.1177/1741143210389113

Oplatka, I. (2011). Travelling towards a mirage? gender, leadership and higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 36(4), 509-511. doi:10.1080/03075079.2011.586528

Oreg, S., & Berson, Y. (2011). Leadership and employees' reactions to change: The role of leaders' personal attributes and transformational leadership style. Personnel Psychology, 64(3), 627-659. doi:10.1111/j.1744-6570.2011.01221.x

Abstract: We examined the role of leaders' personal attributes and transformational leadership behaviors in explaining employees' intentions to resist a large-scale organizational change.

Ormrod, J. S. (2011). Practicing social movement theory in case study groups. Teaching Sociology, 39(2), 190-199.

Abstract: This article evaluates the use of a "case study group" method for teaching social movement theory. The aim was to give students the opportunity to practice theorizing actively rather than simply learning theory passively.

Orr, M. T., & Orphanos, S. (2011). How graduate-level preparation influences the effectiveness of school leaders: A comparison of the outcomes of exemplary and conventional leadership preparation programs for principals. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47(1), 18.

Abstract: This study attempted to determine the influence of exemplary leadership preparation on what principals learn about leadership, their use of effective leadership practices (…)

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Owens-Gish, D. (2010). Why it is the way it is: A case study of how NCLB impacts the leadership style of school principals. (Ph.D., Capella University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (743818163)

Abstract: Mandates of federal education laws dictate most aspects of public school life for principals as well as teachers. These mandates are the criteria for schools to receive federal funds.

Padilla Ruiz, M. J. (2010). Liderazgo y desarrollo de un centro escolar. Organización y Gestión Educativa: Revista Del Fórum Europeo De Administradores De La Educación; 2010, n.1, Enero-Febrero ; p.28-29.

Abstract: Aborda la necesidad de liderazgo en los procesos de origen y desarrollo de un centro escolar. Presenta las experiencias derivadas de la creación del Colegio Virgen del Rocío (Huelva), analizando las decisiones tomadas en el centro y los principios y actuaciones que las sustentan

Pan, H. W., & Chen, P. (2011). Challenges and research agenda of school leadership in taiwan. School Leadership & Management, 31(4), 339.

Abstract: Throughout the world, rapid political and economic change has applied enormous pressure on educators addressing leadership and accountability measures to improve instructional practices and student performance.

Pansiri, N. O. (2011). Performativity in school management and leadership in botswana. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 39(6), 751-766. Abstract: The thesis of this article is that the uncritical adoption of Western models of education management and leadership policies results in poor performance in schools in disadvantaged communities in developing countries. (Contains 5 tables and 2 notes)

Pape, P. B. (2011). Building momentum: Leadership style and team effectiveness for new leaders in transition. (Ph.D., Capella University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (906477065)

Abstract: Successfully managing leadership transitions is an important component of organizational strategy.

Pardo Linares, P. J. (2011). Job satisfaction, organization commitment, occupational commitment, turnover intent and leadership style of tissue bank employees. (Ph.D., Capella University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (847400465)

Abstract: This study provided a baseline measurement in turnover intent, job satisfaction, organizational, and occupational commitment in musculoskeletal processing tissue bank employees.

Parise, L. M. (2011). Examining teacher development: An analysis of policy, practice, and school leadership. (Ph.D., Northwestern University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (915748604)

Abstract: Improving the quality of public school teachers has long been viewed as an essential mechanism for raising student achievement and improving the overall effectiveness of American schools.

Parra, B., Alegre Beneira, R. M., & Prat Bau, N. (2010). El aprendizaje reflexivo-experiencial de las competencias del trabajador social de grupo. Una Europa social y plural [recurso

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electrónico]: Actas del VII congreso estatal de Escuelas Universitarias de trabajo social (1st ed., pp. 90) Universidad de Granada.

Pashiardis, P., Savvides, V., Lytra, E., & Angelidou, K. (2011). Successful school leadership in rural contexts: The case of cyprus. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 39(5), 536.

Abstract: The purpose of this article is twofold as it aims to compliment the effort of identifying the personal qualities and professional competencies generic to effective school leaders and to contribute to the comparison of effective leadership (…)

Pashiardis, P., & Savvides, V. (2011). The interplay between instructional and entrepreneurial leadership styles in cyprus rural primary schools. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 10(4), 412-427.

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how school principals combine instructional and entrepreneurial aspects of leadership in their effort to build capacity for student learning. (Contains 1 figure)

Patel, E., & Meyer, C. (2010). Religious education for interfaith leadership. Religious Education, 105(1), 16-19. doi:10.1080/00344080903472675

Paulson, E. (2011). Group communication and critical thinking competence development using a reality-based project. Business Communication Quarterly, 74(4), 399-411.

Abstract: The presented merger and acquisition classroom exercise is based on a real yet incomplete transaction transpiring during the period of the class.

Pavlovic, N., Oljaca, M., & Kostovic, S. (2011). Integration of leadership styles of school director. African Journal of Business Management, 5(23), 9871-9876. Abstract: Management style can be defined as a special behavior of directors in the work process that affects the performance in an organization, in this case – school.

Peck, C., & Reitzug, U. C. (2012). How existing business management concepts become school leadership fashions. Educational Administration Quarterly, 48(2), 347.

Abstract: This article examines the history of three management concepts that originated in the business sector and progressed to the K-12 education sector.

Peck, C., Mullen, C. A., Lashley, C., & Eldridge, J. A. (2011). School leadership and technology challenges: Lessons from a new american high school. AASA Journal of Scholarship & Practice, 7(4), 39-51.

Abstract: In this evidence-based practice article the authors investigate the challenges that leaders (administrators, staff, and teachers) face in high schools where personnel navigate technology reform.

Peek, J. M. (2011). Koizumi and japanese politics: Reform strategies and leadership style. Choice, 48(7), 1376.

Abstract: 48-4129 JQI 631 2009-36089 CIP Uchiyama, YCi. Koizumi and Japanese politics: reform strategies and leadership style, tr. by Carl Freiré. Routledge, 2010. 210p bibl index (University of Tokyo series, 1) ISBN 9780415556880, $130.00

Pepper, K. (2010). Effective principals skillfully balance leadership styles to facilitate student success: A focus for the reauthorization of ESEA. Planning and Changing, 41(1-2), 42-56.

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Abstract: The focus of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) on accountability created a high stakes educational environment. (Contains 1 figure)

Pichon, C., Sr. (2010). The effects of elementary school principals' leadership styles and the preferred managerial styles of teachers on student achievement. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: The objective of this study is to identify principal leadership styles and teacher preferred principal leadership styles (…)

Picou-Broadnax, A. (2010). African American college women in the san francisco bay area: Perceptions of cross's nigrescence model and potential leadership style. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: Although more African American women are pursuing a college education, how are they coping with their double minority status on predominantly White college campuses?

Pihie, Z. A. L., Sadeghi, A., & Elias, H. (2011). Analysis of head of departments leadership styles: Implication for improving research university management practices. 2nd International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology 2011, 29 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.11.341

Abstract: Being an international center of excellence in higher education is considered as a comprehensive goal of the Ministry of Higher Education in Malaysia.

Polat, S. (2011). The level of faculty members' spiritual leadership (SL) qualities display according to students in faculty of education. 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences (2011), 15, 2033-2041. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.049

Abstract: Leadership is a process directing to a target of which followers, the participators are shared. For this reason leadership has an important effect on succeeding organizational targets.

Polat, S., & Oztoprak-Kavak, Z. (2011). Aesthetic leadership (AL): Development and implementation of aesthetic leadership scale (ALS) of the school directors. Educational Research and Reviews, 6(1), 50-61.

Abstract: This study aims to develop a scale for measuring the aesthetic leadership (AL) characteristics of the school directors and to show that it can be applicable. (Contains 4 tables)

Pomazalova, N., & Korecki, Z. (2010). In Panka E. K.,A. (Ed.), Leadership success and logistic education: New understanding due to sustainable strategies.

Abstract: The logistic leader's education is oriented on a complex and interconnected global society and is based on meaning of sustainability success and continual development of society and future development.

Pont, B. (2010). Liderazgo y autonomía del centro escolar : Perspectivas internacionales. Participación Educativa; 2010, n.13, Marzo ; p.62-72.

Abstract: Se analizan las transformaciones que la dirección escolar está experimentando en veintidós países de la OCDE (…) hacia un nuevo concepto de 'liderazgo escolar' centrado en los resultados escolares.

Pope, T. M. (2011). Prospective principals for the 21st century: Factors that motivate and inhibit the pursuit of school leadership for educational administration students. (Ed.D., The College of William and Mary) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (855607849)

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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine both the motivators and the inhibitors that influence graduate education students' decisions to either pursue school building-level administration jobs or avoid applying for these positions.

Porter, A. C., Polikoff, M. S., Goldring, E. B., Murphy, J., Elliott, S. N., & May, H. (2010). Investigating the validity and reliability of the vanderbilt assessment of leadership in education. Elementary School Journal, 111(2), 282-313. doi:10.1086/656301

Abstract: The Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education (VAL-ED) is a multirater assessment of principals' learning-centered leadership.

Price, T., Martin, R., & Robertson, L. (2010). WANTED/NEEDED: Leadership preparation for leaders of correctional education and alternative schools. Journal of Correctional Education, 61(4), 299-313.

Abstract: There is a great deal of research detailing the WHAT of effective school leadership - what school leaders in traditional schools need to know and do to lead in those schools.

Procek, C. (2012). Leading for change: How leadership style impacts teachers' experience. (Ed.D., Northeastern University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1017707037)

Abstract: This research study explored how one middle school in a suburban New Hampshire town translates existing models of leadership into practice and how teachers experience these differences in practice.

Rajbhandari, M. M. S. (2011). Driving leadership style in leading to enhance participation and involvement in school. Online Submission.

Abstract: "Driving leadership style" enhances local participation and involvement in school in reducing a gap between the school and the local community. (Contains 5 figures)

Ramírez Jiménez, J. M. (2010). Análisis de la red social tuenti,como contexto de relación entre adolescentes,y sus posibilidades didácticas con un grupo en riesgo de exclusión socioeducativa en un programa de cualificación profesional inicial (PCPI). Revista DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia, (18)

Abstract: Nos encontramos en otro "nuevo" momento delicado y complejo en educación debido, entre otras razones, al desarrollo acelerado de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación y, en concreto, de las Redes Sociales.

Raus, A., Haita, M., & Lazar, L. (2012). Hierarchy of needs, perception and preference for leadership styles within a police educational institution. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, (35E), 238-255.

Abstract: The present research investigates Maslow's hierarchy of needs and the leadership style (perceived and ideal) in a sample of employees of a police school.

Reed, L. C. (2012). The intersection of race and gender in school leadership for three black female principals. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE), 25(1), 39-58.

Abstract: Using four assumptions of Black feminism, this qualitative study describes the practice of three African-American female principals in predominantly African-American, urban high schools.

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Renda-Francis, L. A. (2012). Veterinary technician program director leadership style and program success. (Ph.D., Capella University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1008915899)

Abstract: Program directors of American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) accredited veterinary technician programs may have little or no training in leadership.

Retna, K. S. (2011). The relevance of 'personal mastery' to leadership: The case of school principals in singapore. School Leadership & Management, 31(5), 451.

Abstract: School leadership literature suggests that school effectiveness and ongoing improvement rely on school leaders and principals.

Riba Cebrián, J., Ramentol Teys, A., & Porta Rey, I. (2010). Trabajo social y atención primaria orientada a la comunidad: Investigacion con técnica de grupo focal en el centro de atención primaria Can Vidalet. Trabajo Social y Salud, (66), 167-181.

Rice, R. E. (2011). Group leadership of experienced middle school counselors. (Ph.D., Georgia State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (887699598)

Abstract: Middle school students experience biological, cognitive, and social changes as they struggle with identity formation, self-concept, self-esteem, and academic success.

Richards, D. (2012). Leadership for learning in higher education: The student perspective. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 40(1), 84-108. doi:10.1177/1741143211420617

Abstract: While leadership has been considered in the higher education (HE) sector, including leadership in learning and teaching (L&T), there is an absence of studies that consider the viewpoint of perhaps the key stakeholder-the student.

Richter, M. M., Lewis, T. J., & Hagar, J. (2012). The relationship between principal leadership skills and school-wide positive behavior support: An exploratory study. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 14(2), 69-77.

Abstract: This study investigated key principal leadership skills associated with socially proactive school environments and examined the relationship between School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) implementation and increased evidence of those skills. (Contains 3 tables)

Rideout, G., & Windle, S. (2010). Beginning teachers' pupil control ideologies: An empirical examination of the impact of beliefs about education, mentorship, induction, and principal leadership style. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, (104)

Abstract: This empirical study examined changes in beginning teachers' pupil control ideologies (PCI). (Contains 4 tables)

Rieth, H., & Wienke, W. (2010). Strategies for recruiting and preparing culturally diverse leadership personnel in special education. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 23(5), 533-533.

Righettini, M. S. (2011). Institutionalization, leadership, and regulative policy style: A France/Italy comparison of data protection authorities. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 13(2), 143-164. doi:10.1080/13876988.2011.555995

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Abstract: The aim of this article is to investigate the extent of institutionalization of Data Protection Authorities and the evolution of the regulative policy style by comparing the implementation of the European Data Protection Directive 46/1995/CE (…)

Ritchie, A. (2011). Much has been written about leadership - generic management texts and books about different philosophies, styles and models of leadership; biographies of leaders from all walks of life; accounts and reflections about leadership strategies in crisis situations; transcripts and commentaries on great leaders' speeches, and more. Australian Library Journal, 60(1), 2-3.

Roach, V., Smith, L. W., & Boutin, J. (2011). School leadership policy trends and developments: Policy expediency or policy excellence? Educational Administration Quarterly, 47(1), 71.

Abstract: Institutional theorists suggest environmental stakeholders in the organizational field have a symbiotic relationship with governing agencies, leading to institutional isomorphism.

Robinson, S. (2011). Primary headteachers: New leadership roles inside and outside the school. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 39(1), 63. Abstract: This article considers some of the findings of research undertaken for a PhD into the changing educational agenda and its impact on the role of primary headteachers in England.

Robinson, T. (2010). Examining the impact of leadership style and school climate on student achievement. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: The purpose of this quantitative study was to investigate whether or not leadership style and school climate are significant predictors of student achievement.

Rodriguez, E. (2010). Leadership styles, organizational culture and effectiveness: An empirical study in small and medium firms. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 16(4), 629-641.

Abstract: This study aims to determine whether or not leadership styles influence organizational culture.

Rogers, A. C. (2011). Predictions, assigned grades, and outcomes: Implications for school leadership. (Ed.D., East Carolina University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (872226455)

Abstract: This study analyzed relationships between teachers' ability to predict proficiency levels on standardized end-of-grade tests for grades three through eight in reading and mathematics relative to students' actual proficiency levels.

Romero Rodríguez, J. J. (2010). XXII reunión del grupo Fomento Social (madrid, 27-29 noviembre 2009). Revista De Fomento Social, (257), 139-144.

Romero-Iribas, A. M., & Martinez-Priego, C. (2011). Developing leadership through education for friendship. 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences (2011), 15, 2248-2252. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.088

Abstract: Education for leadership and from leadership is a task that cannot be waived for professionals in education.

Rubio Ponce, R., García Fernández, D. A., & Cervantes Hernández, N. (2011). Intervención psicomotriz en el área personal/social de un grupo de educación preescolar. Revista Complutense De Educación, 22(2), 195-209.

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Abstract: En el presente estudio se realiza el análisis de un grupo de niños y niñas de tercer grado de educación preescolar(…)// In the present study there are realized the analysis of a group of children of the third degree of pre-school education (…)

Rumley, D. D. (2011). Perceptions of the senior pastors' transformational leadership style and its relationship to the eight markers of natural church development. (Ed.D., Indiana Wesleyan University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (901113011)

Abstract: What if research could demonstrate how a more collaborative approach to church leadership had a positive impact on the overall effectiveness of the church?

Rusu, C. (2010). In Rusu C. (Ed.), University leadership and quality in higher education

Abstract: Objectives. How the university leaders see the reality in their universities; to establish the university leadership capability to establish the solutions for university development (…)

Saccomano, S. J., & Pinto-Zipp, G. (2011). Registered nurse leadership style and confidence in delegation. Journal of Nursing Management, 19(4), 522-533. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2010.01189.x

Abstract: Background and aims Leadership and confidence in delegation are two important explanatory constructs of nursing practice. The relationship between these constructs, however, is not clearly understood.

Sahin, S. (2011). The relationship between instructional leadership style and school culture (izmir case). Kuram Ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri, 11(4), 1920-1927.

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine instructional leadership and school culture in CLS and to determine whether instructional leadership explains the culture of the school.

Salinas de Frías, A. (2010). Pertenencia a un grupo social y solicitud de asilo: El largo camino para la protección frente a la mutilación genital femenina. Inmigración y asilo: Problemas actuales y reflexiones al hilo de la nueva ley reguladora del derecho de asilo y de la protección subsidiaria y de la entrada en vigor del tratado de lisboa (1st ed., pp. 93-129) Sequitur.

Sammons, P., Gu, Q., Day, C., & Ko, J. (2011). Exploring the impact of school leadership on pupil outcomes. results from a study of academically improved and effective schools in england. International Journal of Educational Management, 25(1), 83-101. doi:10.1108/09513541111100134

Abstract: Purpose - This study aims to explore the impact of school leadership, particularly that of the principal (head teacher), on school improvement in England.

Samuels, C. A. (2011). Atlanta's public high schools placed on probation. Education Week, 30(18), 4. Abstract: An accrediting group placed Atlanta's high schools on probation last week, saying in a report that the decision was driven by fierce infighting among the district's board members and a breakdown in leadership.

Sánchez Vázquez, J. F., & Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. (2010). Liderazgo: Teorías y aplicaciones. Salamanca: Publicaciones Universidad Pontificia.

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Sanguineti Raymond, W. (2010). Los alcances de la responsabilidad social de las empresas multinacionales: Del grupo a la cadena de producción. Revista General De Derecho Del Trabajo y De La Seguridad Social, (22)

Abstract: Elaborado en el marco del Observatorio de la Negociación Colectiva, el presente estudio centra su atención la evolución de una figura jurídica todavía en fase de consolidación: los acuerdos marco internacionales suscritos por empresas multinacionales.

Santoro, G., & Greenstein, F. (2010). Fred greenstein, an expert on comparative styles of presidential leadership. American History, 44(6), 14-15.

Sauer, S. J. (2011). Taking the reins: The effects of new leader status and leadership style on team performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(3), 574-587. doi:10.1037/a0022741

Abstract: New leaders face a challenging task when they take charge of their teams. They have to determine how best to guide the work process, and they must understand how their behaviors will affect the members of their team.

Saulino, C. R. (2012). Personality characteristics and leadership styles in frontline supervisors of individuals with disabilities. (Psy.D., Capella University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (940880576)

Abstract: Healthcare organizations are being challenged as they attempt to build their workforces in response to growing demand for direct care workers and front line supervisors in the disabilities care market.

Saylor, M. R. (2011). The dynamics of informal and formal professional networks in the career advancement of women in school leadership. (Ed.D., Widener University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (864553466)

Abstract: There are nearly twice as many women in education as compared to men; however, at roughly eighteen percent, women remain underrepresented in the school superintendency.

Schmidt-Davis, J., & Southern Regional, E. B. (2010). School leadership change emerging in alabama: Results of the governor's congress on school leadership. high schools that work. Southern Regional Education Board (SREB).

Abstract: When Alabama Governor Bob Riley established the Governor's Congress on School Leadership in 2004, few people in the state fully anticipated the resulting transformation in the state's philosophical and conceptual framework for educational leadership. (Contains 11 tables, 5 figures, 53 resources and 19 footnotes)

Schreuder, J. A. H., Roelen, C. A. M., van Zweeden, N. F., Jongsma, D., van der Klink, J. J. L., & Groothoff, J. W. (2011). Leadership styles of nurse managers and registered sickness absence among their nursing staff. Health Care Management Review, 36(1), 58-66. doi:10.1097/HMR.0b013e3181edd96b

Abstract: Background: Sickness absence leads to understaffing and interferes with nursing efficiency and quality. It has been reported in literature that managerial leadership is associated with self-reported sickness absence in the working population.

Scott, O. L. (2012). Self-perceived leadership styles of federally employed black and white american women. (Ph.D., Walden University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1011329609)

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Abstract: Minority female managers are underrepresented in the Federal Government, and there is a lack of data demonstrating their views of their leadership styles, management positions and levels, and their history of low promotion and status.

Scribner, S. M. P., & Bradley-Levine, J. (2010). The meaning(s) of teacher leadership in an urban high school reform. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(4), 491.

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the meaning of teacher leadership from teachers' perspectives. The authors examine teachers' practice of and talk about legitimate sources of power and influence in the context of an urban high school reform.

Seddon, K., Postlethwaite, K., & Lee, G. (2011). Understanding the experience of non contributory online participants (readers) in national college for school leadership online communities. Education and Information Technologies, 16(4), 343-363. doi:10.1007/s10639-010-9133-9

Abstract: This study explored the range of participation taking place in the National College for School Leadership (NCSL) online communities and focussed on participants who defined themselves as not actively contributing to the online discussion.

Seymour, C. (2012). Similarity of leadership styles and level of motivation and satisfaction of basketball members of an amateur athletic union. (Ph.D., Walden University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (926194919)

Abstract: Researchers have been unable to define a preferred high school coaching leadership style.

Shafieipour, V., Ghasemi, M., & Aslani, M. (2011). The effects of leadership styles on the stress of school's directors. World Conference on Educational Technology Researches-2011, 28 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.11.017

Abstract: It appears that the kind of leadership style of school directors is an influential factor on their work stress. The main goal of present research paper is to show the relationship between leadership styles and work stress of school's directors.

Shahtalebi, S., Yarmohammadian, M. H., & Ajami, S. (2011). Women's success factors from leadership in higher education. 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences (2011), 15 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.349

Abstract: In recent decades, considerable developments were performed about the presence of women in managerial positions. The surreys show that the presence of women in management fields was increased.

Shakir, F. J., Issa, J. H., & Mustafa, P. O. (2011). Perceptions towards distributed leadership in school improvement. International Journal of Business and Management, 6(10), 256-264.

Abstract: In spite of the sizable growth in the number of empirical studies tackledthe distributed form of leadership over the past decade, the bulk of this research isa case study.

Shead, L. M. (2010). An investigation of the relationship between teachers' ratings of their principals' leadership style and teachers' job satisfaction in public education. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: This study examined the relationship between principals' leadership styles and teachers' job satisfaction.

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Sheppard, B., Hurley, N., & Dibbon, D. (2010). Distributed leadership, teacher morale, and teacher enthusiasm: Unravelling the leadership pathways to school success. Online Submission.

Abstract: The study reported in this paper advances the understanding of distributed leadership in schools (... ) (Contains 1 footnote, 3 tables, and 2 figures)

Shin, J., Heath, R. L., & Lee, J. (2011). A contingency explanation of public relations practitioner leadership styles: Situation and culture. Journal of Public Relations Research, 23(2), 167-190. doi:10.1080/1062726X.2010.505121

Abstract: Public relations practitioners from the U.S. and South Korea identified preferred leadership styles in routine and non-routine situations.

Simon, F. A. (2011). Efficacy development in new teacher study groups. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: This qualitative study explores the experiences and learning of five new teachers with less than three years in the classroom as they engaged in a study group

Simplicio, J. (2011). It all starts at the top: divergent leadership styles and their impact upon a University. Education, 132(1), 110-114.

Abstract: In this article the author discusses the various leadership styles that chief educational officers have adopted at today's universities.

Simpson, M. (2010). Effect of nursing unit manager's transformational leadership style on work engagement through core work environment resources. Gerontologist, 50, 131-131.

Singer, B. J. (2011). Teacher perceptions on collaborative school leadership practices and student impact in the inclusive setting. (Ed.D., Walden University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (860309230)

Abstract: The problem investigated in this study was the lack of effective implementation of inclusive instructional practices in all schools.

Singh, M., & Al-Fadhli, H. (2011). Does school leadership matter in the NCLB era? Journal of Black Studies, 42(5), 751.

Abstract: The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 has affected school functioning nationwide since it was enacted.

Smith, M. S. (2011). The impact a technology leader and their leadership style makes in K--12 classroom teacher's implementation of technology. (Ed.D., Duquesne University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (861933962)

Abstract: The purpose of the study was to examine how public school technology leaders' leadership styles in Pennsylvania schools impact K-12 classroom teachers' integration of technology.

Smith, L., & Riley, D. (2012). School leadership in times of crisis. School Leadership & Management, 32(1), 57-71.

Abstract: The leadership attributes and skills required of school leaders in times of crisis are fundamentally different from those generally required as part of the "normal" school environment. (Contains 3 figures)

Smith, M. H. (2010). A study of leadership styles that lead to academic achievement of hispanic students. ProQuest LLC.

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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between secondary principal leadership style and Hispanic student achievement. Student achievement was measured by the graduation rate for each school.

Smith, M. S. (2011). The impact a technology leader and their leadership style makes in K-12 classroom teacher's implementation of technology. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: The purpose of the study was to examine how public school technology leaders' leadership styles in Pennsylvania schools impact K-12 classroom teachers' integration of technology.

Soka, J. A. (2011). South dakota school principals' preferred leadership styles for leading change to face poverty and discrimination. (Ed.D., University of South Dakota) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (886769480)

Abstract: This quantitative research study identified perceptions regarding leadership styles of a sample of high school, middle school, and elementary school principals serving in South Dakota public and tribal/BIE (Bureau of Indian Education) schools in 2011.

Sotirofski, K. (2011). Comparing the educational leadership roles of albanian and turkish higher education institutions administrators. 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences (2011), 15, 3560-3565. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.335

Abstract: The aim of this research is to examine the differences between Turkish and Albanian universities` administrators in terms of their instructional leadership roles. The study is carried out in universities in Turkey and Albania.

Sperandio, J. (2011). Context and the gendered status of teachers: Women's empowerment through leadership of non-formal schooling in rural bangladesh. Gender and Education, 23(2), 121.

Abstract: Empowering women to control and change their lives continues to be an important goal for many nations.

Spillane, J. P., & Healey, K. (2010). Conceptualizing school leadership and management from a distributed perspective: An exploration of some study operations and measures. The Elementary School Journal, 111(2), 253.

Abstract: A distributed perspective on school leadership and management has garnered considerable attention from policy makers, practitioners, and researchers in many countries over the past decade.

Stanley, A. M. (2011). Professional development within collaborative teacher study groups: Pitfalls and promises. Arts Education Policy Review, 112(2), 71-78.

Abstract: Teacher study groups are often thought to be effective professional development structures. Such teacher communities may foster teacher learning through a collaborative culture and the codification of group members' collective knowledge.

Steen, S. (2011). Academic and personal development through group work: An exploratory study. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 36(2), 129-143.

Abstract: This exploratory study linked academic and personal development within a group counseling intervention. (Contains 2 tables)

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Su, S., Jenkins, M., & Liu, P. (2012). Nurses' perceptions of leadership style in hospitals: A grounded theory study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21(1-2), 272-280. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2011.03815.x

Abstract: Aim. This paper explores the leadership style of hospital managers. Background. Leadership has been widely studied in nursing from the perspective of nurses' psychological strain caused by nursing leadership.

Sullivan, P., Paquette, K. J., Holt, N. L., & Bloom, G. A. (2012). The relation of coaching context and coach education to coaching efficacy and perceived leadership behaviors in youth sport. Sport Psychologist, 26(1), 122-134.

Abstract: This research was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Summers, A. L. (2011). A theoretical analysis of leadership style preferences among millennial generation company-grade army officers. (D.Mgt., University of Maryland University College) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (920279286)

Abstract: This dissertation will analyze the preferred leadership styles of Millennial generation company-grade Army officers, the commonly practiced leadership style within the United States Army (…)

Summers, L. L. (2010). Culturally responsive leadership in school libraries. Library Media Connection, 28(5), 10.

Abstract: Summers stresses that students need culturally responsive teacher-librarians who focus on 21st century skills for all students.

Sun, P. Y. T., & Anderson, M. H. (2012). The combined influence of top and middle management leadership styles on absorptive capacity. Management Learning, 43(1), 25-51. doi:10.1177/1350507611405116

Abstract: Absorptive capacity is an important organizational capability constituted by exploratory, transformative, and exploitative learning processes.

Suspitsyna, T. (2011). American higher education, leadership, and policy: Critical issues and the public good. Journal of Higher Education, 82(5), 664-665.

Sypawka, W., Mallett, W., & McFadden, C. (2010). Leadership styles of community college academic deans. Community College Enterprise, 16(1), 63-73.

Abstract: The future of the community college system will depend on sound leadership, and its success will rely on how well academic deans effectively direct their units. (Contains 3 tables)

Tacoronte Picart, Y., & Gonzalez Morales, J. C. (2008). Communication, participation and group development. International Sociological Association.

Abstract: This work socializes the theoretical-methodological fundamentals & practical results of an experience of organizational development oriented toward the promotion of participative culture in a Cuban enterprise.

Tatlah, I. A., & Quraishi, U. (2010). Leadership style of school head-teachers and their colleague's work-family conflict. Educational Research and Reviews, 5(9), 492-498.

Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the relationship of people-oriented and task-oriented leadership styles with the work-family and family-work conflicts and the intensity of mutual relationship(…) (Contains 5 tables and 1 figure)

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Tatlah, I. A., Quraishi, U., & Hussain, I. (2010). A survey study to find out the relationship between leadership styles and demographic characteristics of elementary and secondary school teachers. Educational Research and Reviews, 5(11), 655-661.

Abstract: This article reports a study aiming to investigate the leadership styles of elementary and secondary school teachers' in Public Sector schools in Lahore, Pakistan.

Taylor, A. M. (2012). Cultivating an engaged workforce: The roles of leader personality, motivation, and leadership style. (Ph.D., University of South Florida) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (1012071915)

Abstract: This study explored the links between leadership style, leader personality, and motivation to lead, with employee engagement.

Temel, V., Ulukan, M., Sahan, H., Bay, M., & Sahin, A. (2011). "An investigation of relation between the school administrators' leadership style and communication skill". African Journal of Business Management, 5(27), 11231-11235. doi:10.5897/AJBM11.2122

Abstract: The aim of this study was to find out the relationships between leadership styles and communication skills of academic staff in the administrative function at the University of Karamanoglu Mehmetbey.

Theakston, K. (2011). Gordon brown as prime minister: Political skills and leadership style. British Politics, 6(1), 78-100. doi:10.1057/bp.2010.19

Abstract: Individual prime ministers' personalities, leadership styles and political skills matter and make a difference.

Thomas, G., Martin, D., & Pleasants, K. (2011). Using self- and peer-assessment to enhance students' future-learning in higher education. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 8(1)

Abstract: In higher education settings, assessment tasks get the attention of students, but once students submit their work they typically become disengaged with the assessment process. (Contains 2 footnotes)

Thomas, L. T. (2010). Facilitating professional development through teacher study groups. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: Differentiated instruction is a way of teaching, which gives students multiple choices to learn information. Fourth grade teachers at one elementary school were not implementing the differentiated instructional techniques that would help them address the learning needs of their students.

Thompson, C. J., & Nelson-Marten, P. (2011). Clinical nurse specialist education actualizing the systems leadership competency. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 25(3), 133-139. doi:10.1097/NUR.0b013e318217b5c5

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this article was to show how sequenced educational strategies aid in the acquisition of systems leadership and change agent skills (…)

Thomsen, D. C. (2010). Advocacy leadership: Toward a post-reform agenda in education. Journal of Education Policy, 25(4), 564-565. doi:10.1080/02680939.2010.493048

Tice, A. (2012). Nonverbal communication in small group leadership: Using nonverbal competence to increase group cohesiveness (M.A., Gonzaga University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (916598678)

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Abstract: Cohesiveness is an important component of small groups and contributes to the overall effectiveness of the group.

Tillman, L. (2012). Inventing ourselves: An informed essay for black female scholars in educational leadership.25(1), 119.

Abstract: Black women and men often work in academic spaces that were not made for them, where they are often viewed as outsiders and in many cases where they find little support for their efforts.

Tin, M., Gatchell, G., Tachibana, Y., Koijane, J., Zeri, K., Masaki, K., . . . Wen, A. (2011). Leadership collaborative education intervention to enhance the quality of end-of-life care in nursing homes: The IMPRESS project. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 59, S81-S81.

Tinsley, D. L. (2011). Middle school violence and the leadership styles of school resource officers. (Ph.D., Walden University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (875564399)

Abstract: Public schools have made an attempt to combat the problem of middle school violence by employing police officers, called school resource officers (SROs), to serve on campus.

Tojari, F., Heris, M. S., & Zarei, A. (2011). Structural equation modeling analysis of effects of leadership styles and organizational culture on effectiveness in sport organizations. African Journal of Business Management, 5(21), 8634-8641.

Abstract: This study examines the effects of leadership styles and organizational culture on organizational effectiveness in Iranian sport organizations.

Tong, S. Y. A. (2010). Lessons learned? school leadership and curriculum reform in hong kong.30(2), 231.

Abstract: This paper examines the processes of implementing curriculum reform in schools. Specifically, it investigates how schools learn lessons from previous experiences of reform and apply them when challenged by new reforms.

Topa Cantisano, G., Morales Díaz, J. A., Moriano León, J. A., & Beléndez Vázquez, M. (2010). Apoyo social online e identificación con el grupo: Su influencia sobre las quejas de salud y la satisfación vital. Acción Psicológica, 7(1), 53-64.

Abstract: El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las relaciones entre el apoyo social online y la identificación grupal, de una parte, y las quejas de salud y la satisfacción vital.

Tourish, D., Craig, R., & Amernic, J. (2010). Transformational leadership education and agency perspectives in business school pedagogy: A marriage of inconvenience? British Journal of Management, 21, s40-s59. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8551.2009.00682.x

Abstract: We critique transformational leadership education in university business schools based on a literature review, a study of the websites of 21 leading business schools (…)

Tremblay, M. A. (2010). Fairness perceptions and trust as mediators on the relationship between leadership style, unit commitment, and turnover intentions of canadian forces personnel. Military Psychology, 22(4), 510-523. doi:10.1080/08995605.2010.513271

Abstract: Whether fairness perceptions and leader trust mediate the relationship between leadership style and commitment and turnover was evaluated among Canadian Forces personnel (N = 1,443).

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Trevino, D. (2010). Acculturation and leadership styles of elected latino leaders. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: Given the increased demographic change of Latinos in our society, the need for understanding who they are, how they live, and more importantly how they lead has never been more urgent.

Tsai, M., Tsai, C., & Wang, Y. (2011). A study on the relationship between leadership style, emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and organizational commitment: A case study of the banking industry in taiwan. African Journal of Business Management, 5(13), 5319-5329.

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze by means of a quantitative research method the impacts among the emotional intelligence and leadership style, self-efficacy and organizational commitment of employees in the banking industry in Taiwan.

Tsayang, G. (2011). A comparative analysis of SMTs (school management teams) and teachers perceived preferred leadership style: A case of selected primary schools in botswana. Online Submission.

Abstract: The study compared the SMTs (School Management Teams) and teachers' perceptions of preferred leadership styles in some selected schools in Botswana. SMTs and teachers completed a questionnaire adopted from the leadership styles questionnaires.

Tuytens, M., & Devos, G. (2010). The influence of school leadership on teachers' perception of teacher evaluation policy. Educational Studies, 36(5), 521-536. doi:10.1080/03055691003729054

Abstract: The understanding of teachers' perception of new educational policy is crucial since this perception shapes the policy's implementation. However, quantitative research in this area is scarce.

Ugurlu, O., & Hovardaoglu, S. (2011). The relationship among leadership style, sex of leader, and sex of evaluator in the evaluation of leadership behavior. Turk Psikoloji Dergisi, 26(68), 14-30.

Abstract: The purpose of the article was to investigate the relationships among leadership style, sex of leader, and sex of evaluator in the evaluation of leadership behavior in a student sample from Turkey.

Ulukan, M., Sahan, H., Yildirim, Y., & Yildiz, M. (2012). Determination of the leadership styles of the trainers. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B-Social and Educational Studies, 4(2), 757-764.

Abstract: The aim of this study is to research by determining the leadership styles of the trainers who trained individual athletes in the amateur sports clubs.

Unger, A., Busch, R., Wang, Y., & May, C. (2011). Leadership styles in China-development of a questionnaire for measuring chinese leadership styles.

Abstract: On the basis of theoretical considerations about possible leadership styles in China, we developed a questionnaire for measuring the perception of leadership styles by Chinese employees.

Uribe Briceño, M. (2010). Profesionalizar la dirección escolar potenciando el liderazgo: Una clave ineludible en la mejora escolar. desarrollo de perfiles de competencias directivas en el sistema educativo chileno. Revista Iberoamericana De Evaluación Educativa, 3(1), 303-322.

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Abstract: Así como el rol de los profesores es clave en los procesos de aprendizajes, el de los directivos es igualmente clave en crear las condiciones institucionales que promuevan la eficacia de la organización escolar.

Valentine, J. W., & Prater, M. (2011). Instructional, transformational, and managerial leadership and student achievement: High school principals make a difference. National Association of Secondary School Principals. NASSP Bulletin, 95(1), 5-30.

Abstract: This statewide study examined the relationships between principal managerial, instructional, and transformational leadership and student achievement in public high schools.

Vanleit, B. (2010). Leadership in interprofessional health education and practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 24(3), 328-329. doi:10.3109/13561821003656772

Vernon-Dotson, L., & Floyd, L. O. (2012). Building leadership capacity via school partnerships and teacher teams. Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 85(1), 38-49.

Abstract: Universities and schools are struggling with the critical issues surrounding teacher quality, student learning, and the gap between research and practice. (Contains 1 table)

Vidal Regard, E. F. (2012). El compromiso social del grupo mémora. Ipmark: Información De Publicidad y Marketing, (779), 46-47.

Vidic, Z., & Burton, D. (2011). Developing effective leaders: Motivational correlates of leadership styles. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 23(3), 277-291. doi:10.1080/10413200.2010.546827

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the motivational correlates (i.e., ability beliefs and motivational and social orientations) of four leadership styles (…)

Vinkenburg, C. J., van Engen, M. L., Eagly, A. H., & Johannesen-Schmidt, M. C. (2011). An exploration of stereotypical beliefs about leadership styles: Is transformational leadership a route to women's promotion? Leadership Quarterly, 22(1), 10-21. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2010.12.003

Abstract: Two experimental studies examined whether gender stereotypes about the transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles constitute an advantage or an impediment for women's access to leadership positions in organizations.

Vo, L. T., & Nguyen, H. T. M. (2010). Critical friends group for EFL teacher professional development. ELT Journal, 64(2), 205-213.

Abstract: For the best student outcomes, teachers need to engage in continuous professional development. As a result, models of teacher professional development have been developed, among which is the Critical Friends Group (CFG) technique.

Wagner, D. N. (2010). Leadership education reconsidered: Examining self-perceived leadership styles and motivation sources among undergraduate leaders. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: This study examined the relationships between undergraduate leaders' self-perceptions of their transformational and transactional leadership behaviors and their sources of work motivation.

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Walker, J., & Slear, S. (2011). The impact of principal leadership behaviors on the efficacy of new and experienced middle school teachers. National Association of Secondary School Principals. NASSP Bulletin, 95(1), 46-64.

Abstract: There is a positive relationship between high levels of teacher efficacy and increased student achievement as well as a positive link between principal behavior and teacher efficacy.

Wallace, M., Deem, R., O'Reilly, D., & Tomlinson, M. (2011). Developing leadership capacity in english secondary schools and universities: Global positioning and local mediation. British Journal of Educational Studies, 59(1), 21.

Abstract: Government responses to globalisation include developing educational leaders as reformers for workforce competitiveness in the knowledge economy.

Wallace, M., Tomlinson, M., & O'Reilly, D. (2011). The mediation of acculturation: Orchestrating school leadership development in england. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 39(3), 261-282. doi:10.1177/1741143210393996

Abstract: Among western governments large-scale leadership development initiatives represent an increasingly deployed means of promoting the acculturation of school leaders to support educational reforms and ongoing improvement.

Wallace, L. (2011). Leadership and management of quality in higher education. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 37(3), 281-282. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2011.02.026

Wang, F., Chich-Jen, S., & Mei-Ling, T. (2010). Effect of leadership style on organizational performance as viewed from human resource management strategy. African Journal of Business Management, 4(18), 3924-3936.

Abstract: This study was to examine the relationships among the leadership style, the organizational performance and the human resource management strategy.

Wang, T. (2010). Changing education: Leadership, innovation and development in a globalizing Asia Pacific. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 30(3), 355-357. doi:10.1080/02188791.2010.503614

Ware, L. P. (2010). AERA leadership and the disability studies in education SIG collaborate to increase conference accessibility. Educational Researcher, 39(3), 264-265. doi:10.3102/0013189X10368383

Washburn, T. L. (2011). Leading into the future: An exploration of learning modality and leadership style. (Ph.D., Capella University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (916606516)

Abstract: The explosive growth in online learning brings forth questions about the significance of virtual classrooms upon higher education.

Way, L. J. (2010). The impact of disciplinarity on the organizational leadership styles of academic deans. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of disciplinary background on the leadership styles of academic deans. The researcher conducted a nation-wide survey of academic deans from a wide range of disciplines.

Weathers, J. M. (2011). Teacher community in urban elementary schools: The role of leadership and bureaucratic accountability. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 19(3)

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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of principal leadership and accountability policies on teachers' sense of community. (Contains 9 tables and 7 footnotes)

Weerts, D. J. (2012). American higher education, leadership, and policy: Critical issues and the public good. Review of Higher Education, 35(2), 348-350.

Weiss, E. S., Taber, S. K., Breslau, E. S., Lillie, S. E., & Li, Y. (2010). The role of leadership and management in six southern public health partnerships: A study of member involvement and satisfaction.37(5), 737.

Abstract: Research has led to greater understanding of what is needed to create and

sustain well�unctioning public health partnerships.

Welsh, R. J., Jr. (2010). Leadership styles of a multigenerational leader. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: The purpose of this concurrent, nested, mixed-methods case study was to trace the evolution of the multigenerational success of the winningest college football coach of all time, John Gagliardi

White, B. R., Agarwal, P. K., & Southern Illinois University, Illinois Education,Research Council. (2011). The principal report: The state of school leadership in illinois. Illinois Education Research Council.

Abstract: Although principals play a vital role as school leaders, exactly how principal leadership affects student learning is only beginning to be understood. (Contains 10 figures, 1 table and 6 footnotes)

Williams, P., & Tabernik, A. M. (2011). School district leadership stability: The relationship between the stability of a board of education and the superintendent. International Journal of Educational Reform, 20(1), 16-32.

Abstract: Board of education membership changes that are numerous or frequent appear to cause some level of disruption to the educational process in a school district.

Wilson, D. L. (2011). Successful educational leadership at high performing schools. Online Submission.

Abstract: Successful educational leadership is not a random phenomenon, but an executed success which leaves clues whereby one can discover them. These clues lead to a desired destination--higher student achievement.

Woehl, J. H. (2011). How leadership styles reflect on lean manufacturing practices and culture. (Ph.D., Capella University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (894429006).

Abstract: It is imperative for manufacturers to be profitable. Many researchers see lean as a general system to improve the profitability of manufacturing (…)

Wong, P. (2011). The village school context and principalship in hong kong: What do they contribute to leadership studies? School Leadership & Management, 31(5), 517.

Abstract: To enhance the cost effectiveness of primary schools, the government of Hong Kong imposed a regulation for operating primary one classes up to a minimum enrolment rate in 2003.

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Wong, J., & Lee, W. (2012). Leadership through service: An exploratory study of the leadership styles of tour leaders. Tourism Management, 33(5), 1112-1121. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2011.11.022

Abstract: The group package tour is one of the main modes of outbound travel in many parts of Asia. Tour leaders are part of the product and are therefore key front-line players in the tourism industry as they service guests during a journey

Wright, N. (2011). Between "bastard" and "wicked" leadership? school leadership and the emerging policies of the UK coalition government. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 43(4), 345-362.

Abstract: Barker argues that in England under New Labour, school leaders and teachers have been "bastardised" and suggests that the situation in 2010 (…) (Contains 2 tables and 47 footnotes)

Yahaya, N., Taib, M. A. B. M., Ismail, J., Shariff, Z., Yahaya, A., Boon, Y., & Hashim, S. (2011). Relationship between leadership personality types and source of power and leadership styles among managers. African Journal of Business Management, 5(22), 9635-9648.

Abstract: The aim of this study is to indentify the relationship between power style, personality dimension and Leadership style. The sample of this study consists of 300 respondents from six selected company and were chosen by using simple random sampling.

Yang, L., Huang, C., & Wu, K. (2011). The association among project manager's leadership style, teamwork and project success. International Journal of Project Management, 29(3), 258-267. doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2010.03.006

Abstract: This study aims to examine whether the impact of teamwork on project performance was moderated by the following data class variables (…)

Yang, L., Wu, K., Wang, F., & Chin, P. (2012). Relationships among project manager's leadership style, team interaction and project performance in the taiwanese server industry. Quality & Quantity, 46(1), 207-219. doi:10.1007/s11135-010-9354-4

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships of the project manager's leadership style with team interaction, and their impact on project performance.

Yankowy, B. J. (2011). The relationship between personality traits and leadership styles of selected community college workforce development executives and corporate executives. (Ed.D., University of Florida) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (883387037)

Abstract: Because community colleges contend with continuous high rate of retirements, endless turnover, and organizational challenges, these institutions of higher learning must proactively identify the leadership skills and personality traits of current leaders.

Ylimaki, R. M., Bennett, J. V., Fan, J., & Villasenor, E. (2012). Notions of "success" in southern arizona schools: Principal leadership in changing demographic and border contexts. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 11(2), 168-193.

Abstract: This article examines how Southern Arizona principals conceptualize and enact successful leadership in border schools with shifting demographics and high percentages of colonized populations. (Contains 2 notes and 1 figure)

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Yonezawa, S., Jones, M., & Singer, N. R. (2011). Teacher resilience in urban schools: The importance of technical knowledge, professional community, and leadership opportunities. Urban Education, 46(5), 913.

Abstract: Improving teacher retention and resiliency are key educational problems. In this article, we share findings from case studies of six educators who, for over 200 combined years, worked in urban, high-poverty schools and highlight what teachers need to remain in such contexts.

Yoon, S., Liu, L., & Goh, S. (2010). Convergent adaptation in small groups: Understanding professional development activities through a complex systems lens. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 18(2), 315-340.

Abstract: Understanding the dynamics of individual or group adaptation can provide valuable information for constructing professional development strategies to increase chances of instructional success. (Contains 3 tables)

Young, S. K. G. (2011). Moderating impact: Age versus values on the relationship between leadership styles and intent to resign. (D.M., University of Phoenix) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (872555834)

Abstract: The purpose of this quantitative correlational study is to determine if employees' intentions to resign vary depending on generational cohort classification of age or values (…)

Yukongdi, V. (2010). A study of thai employees' preferred leadership style. Asia Pacific Business Review, 16(1-2), 161-181. doi:10.1080/13602380903168962

Abstract: This study examined the perceived and preferred style of leadership among employees in Thai organizations. Data were collected from a sample of employees in manufacturing firms.

Zagarri, R. (2011). Inventing the job of president: Leadership style from george washington to andrew jackson. The Journal of Southern History, 77(4), 922-923.

Abstract: Fred I. Greenstein, a distinguished professor of political science, attempts in this book to bring the consistency and rigor of political science analysis to the historical study of the first seven presidents of the United States.

Zagarri, R. (2011). Inventing the job of president: Leadership style from george washington to andrew jackson. Journal of Southern History, 77(4), 922-923.

Zembat, R., Kocyigit, S., Tugluk, M. N., & Dogan, H. (2010). The relationship between the effectiveness of preschools and leadership styles of school managers. Innovation and Creativity in Education, 2(2), 2269-2276. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.321

Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the effectiveness of preschools and their managers' leadership styles (…)

Zembylas, M., & Iasonos, S. (2010). Leadership styles and multicultural education approaches: An exploration of their relationship. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 13(2), 163-183.

Abstract: This paper discusses the results of an exploratory study that sought to identify elementary school principals' perspectives of diversity and multiculturalism in relation to their leadership styles. (Contains 3 notes)

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Zineldin, M., & Hytter, A. (2012). Leaders' negative emotions and leadership styles influencing subordinates' well-being. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(4), 748-758. doi:10.1080/09585192.2011.606114

Abstract: Emotions are an important aspect of organizational life. However emotional issues, particularly negative emotions, have traditionally been largely neglected in organizational life.

Zopiatis, A., & Constanti, P. (2010). Leadership styles and burnout: Is there an association? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 22(2-3), 300-320. doi:10.1108/09596111011035927

Abstract: Purpose - The primary purpose of this paper is to investigate the association between leadership styles and burnout among hospitality managers currently working in the industry of Cyprus.

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1.7 TEMA 7: Técnicas grupales de socialización (316)

Acosta Vera, J. M. (2011). Trabajo en equipo. Pozuelo de Alarcón: Esic.

Adel, A. (2011). Rapport building in student group work. Journal of Pragmatics, 43(12), 2932-2947. doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2011.05.007

Abstract: How do students build rapport in online group work, especially if all they have to work with is asynchronous text? Taking this question as a point of departure, this paper presents research into the 'interactional' function in group work among university students (…)

Ajdukovic, M. (2010). Challenges group work with children, young people and adults at risk. Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada, 17(1), 163-165.

Allan, H. T. (2011). Using psychodynamic small group work in nurse education: Closing the theory-practice gap? Nurse Education Today, 31(5), 521-524. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2010.09.006

Abstract: This paper illustrates the role of psychodynamic small group work in integrating theory and practice for nursing students.

Batov, D., Mochalova, T. & Petrov, A. (2011). Additive group techniques for calculating the flash point of alcohols, ketones and esters. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 84(1), 54-59.

Abstract: The possibilities of application of the additive group techniques for calculating the flash point of organic liquids on the example of monohydric alcohols, ketones and esters was considered.

Bemak, F. & Chung, R. C. (2011). Post-disaster social justice group work and group supervision. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 36(1), 3-21.

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Abstract: This article discusses post-disaster group counseling and group supervision using a social justice orientation for working with post-disaster survivors from underserved populations. (Contains 1 figure)

Bhat, C. S. (2010). Assisting unemployed adults find suitable work: A group intervention embedded in community and grounded in social action. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(3), 246-254.

Abstract: Addressing unemployment, which is currently at the highest levels in recent times, is a social justice imperative.

Boddy, C. (2012). The nominal group technique: An aid to brainstorming ideas in research. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 15(1), 6-18. doi:10.1108/13522751211191964

Abstract: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss a technique called the Nominal Group Technique (NGT) for possible use in the types of market research or management research where it is desirable to generate as many ideas as possible.

Breton, M. (2011). Citizenship consciousness, nonbounded solidarity, and social justice. Social Work with Groups, 34(1), 35-50.

Abstract: This article analyzes the concepts of bounded and nonbounded solidarity. It first reviews some fundamental propositions from the sociological literature and then looks at Amnesty International's conception of solidarity.

Brown, C. A. & McIlroy, K. (2011). Group work in healthcare students' education: What do we think we are doing? Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 36(6), 687-699. doi:10.1080/02602938.2010.483275

Abstract: Group learning activities (GLAs) are integral components of graduate and undergraduate programs across disciplines.

Bullock, A. & Bannigan, K. (2011). Effectiveness of activity-based group work in community mental health: A systematic review. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65(3), 257-266. doi:10.5014/ajot.2011.001305

Abstract: Activity-based group work is widely used by occupational therapists in mental health settings (Lloyd, King, & Bassett, 2002), but the evidence to support this intervention is unclear.

Burnes, T. R. & Ross, K. L. (2010). Applying social justice to oppression and marginalization in group process: Interventions and strategies for group counselors. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(2), 169-176.

Abstract: A call from the group counseling literature (Brown, 2009) recognizes the need for theoretical and empirical writings that explore the intersection of social justice and counseling practice (…)

Burrowes, N. & Day, J. (2011). Offender experiences and opinions of mixed-gender group work in the community: A qualitative study. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 55(7), 1154-1165. doi:10.1177/0306624X10381063

Abstract: The National Probation Service in England and Wales currently delivers community-based accredited offending behavior programs in mixed-gender groups.

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Burrows, T., Findlay, N., Killen, C., Dempsey, S. E., Hunter, S., Chiarelli, P. & Snodgrass, S. (2011). Using nominal group technique to develop a consensus derived model for peer review of teaching across a multi-school faculty. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 8(2).

Abstract: This paper describes the development of a peer review of teaching model for the Faculty of Health at the University of Newcastle, Australia.

Camarena, J., Gregori, V., Morillas, S. & Sapena, A. (2010). Some improvements for image filtering using peer group techniques. Image and Vision Computing, 28(1), 188-201.

Abstract: An image pixel peer group is defined as the set of its neighbor pixels which are similar to it according to an appropriate distance or similarity measure.

Canfield, C. & Zastavker, Y. V. (2010). Achievement goal theory: A framework for implementing group work and open-ended problem solving. 2010 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (Fie).

Abstract: In educational psychology, achievement goal theory (AGT) has emerged as a useful framework for understanding student motivation and performance.

Casstevens, W. J. (2011). A family group work application of cognitive behavioral therapy of psychosis for community mental health settings. Families in Society-the Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 92(2), 199-202. doi:10.1606/1044-3894.4099

Abstract: Recent interest in a recovery model for severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) has opened doors for implementing psychosocial interventions with this population and their families.

Chen, E. C., Budianto, L. & Wong, K. (2010). Professional school counselors as social justice advocates for undocumented immigrant students in group work. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(3), 255-261.

Abstract: Due to cultural and linguistic barriers, as well as a fear of deportation, undocumented immigrant students have remained an invisible group face in the existing school system.

Chiriac, E. H. & Granstrom, K. (2012). Teachers' leadership and students' experience of group work. Teachers and Teaching, 18(3), 345-363. doi:10.1080/13540602.2012.629842

Abstract: Group work is used as a means of learning at all levels of most educational systems. However, teachers often use group work without considering its 'pros and cons.'

Choi, H. & Kang, M. (2010). Applying an activity system to online collaborative group work analysis. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(5), 776-795. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2009.00978.x

Abstract: This study determines whether an activity system provides a systematic framework to analyse collaborative group work.

Clark, J. D., Dotson, M. J. & Dave, D. S. (2010). Developing marketing strategies for a travel destination in the USA using the nominal group technique. International Journal of Management Practice, 4(2), 182-199.

Abstract: This paper demonstrates the application of nominal grouping as a cost-effective qualitative alternative for developing marketing strategies.

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Coker, A. D., Meyer, D., Smith, R. & Price, A. (2010). Using social justice group work with young mothers who experience homelessness. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(3), 220-229.

Abstract: Research indicates (e.g., Bassuk et al., 1997) that women and children make up a large percentage of the total number of individuals living without permanent shelter. This article represents a reflective analysis of our work as group facilitators (…)

Colectivo IOE. (2010). What is discussion group for? A critical review of group-technique use in migration studies. Empiria: Revista De Metodologia De Ciencias Sociales (19), 73-99.

Abstract: This article discusses how research group techniques are used in studies with people of foreign origin in Spain. The aim is to show how, under a common name, there are methodological & technical uses approaches that differ significantly among themselves.

Cordón Cañero, M. d. C., Corrales Inglés, R., Nicolás Acosta, I. & Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer. (2010). La igualdad, un trabajo en equipo: Material de corresponsabilidad. Sevilla: Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer.

Cumming, J. (2010). Student-initiated group management strategies for more effective and enjoyable group work experiences. Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism Education, 9(2), 31-45. doi:10.3794/johlste.92.284

Abstract: This study examined whether group processes and task cohesion mediated the relationship between student-initiated group management strategies and three specific outcomes of working in groups.

Damer, D. E., Latimer, K. M. & Porter, S. H. (2010). "Build your social confidence": A social anxiety group for college students. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(1), 7-22.

Abstract: Social anxiety, a common concern among college students, carries significant negative consequences. (Contains 1 table)

Davies, S., Romano, P. S., Schmidt, E. M., Schultz, E., Geppert, J. J. & McDonald, K. M. (2011). Assessment of a novel hybrid Delphi and nominal groups technique to evaluate quality indicators. Health Services Research, 46(6pt1), 2005-2018. doi:10.1111/j.1475-6773.2011.01297.x

Abstract: Objective. To test the implementation of a novel structured panel process in the evaluation of quality indicators.

De Oliveira, I. & Meireles, M. (2010). Talleres y dinámicas: Técnicas para el trabajo en grupo. Madrid: Ediciones Paulinas.

Delgado-Romero, E. & Wu, Y. (2010). Asian international students in counseling programs: A group intervention to promote social justice. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(3), 290-298.

Abstract: A group designed to address social justice issues for Asian international students within a counseling training program is described.

Duncan, A. W. & Klinger, L. G. (2010). Autism spectrum disorders: Building social skills in group, school, and community settings. Social Work with Groups, 33(2-3), 175-193.

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Abstract: Adolescents diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) face a variety of social difficulties as they interact with same-aged peers and adults in their schools and communities (…)

Edwards, H. R. & Hoefer, R. (2010). Are social work advocacy groups using web 2.0 effectively? Journal of Policy Practice, 9(3-4), 220-239.

Abstract: This article describes social work advocacy efforts, states what Web 2.0 technology has to offer social work advocacy, and presents original research on the current levels of Web 2.0 use on social work advocacy organization Web sites.

Fernando, D. M. & Herlihy, B. R. (2010). Supervision of group work: Infusing the spirit of social justice. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(3), 281-289.

Abstract: The authors explore how supervisors may support the development of social justice consciousness for group leader supervisees, the role of the supervisor in generating social justice awareness and discussing social justice topics (…)

Freeman, L. & Greenacre, L. (2011). An examination of socially destructive behaviors in group work. Journal of Marketing Education, 33(1), 5-17.

Abstract: With the increasing prevalence of group work in marketing courses there is a need to consider the impact of students' social dynamics on both learning and satisfaction outcomes. This article explores one such dynamic at both intra- and intergroup levels.

Fushino, K. (2010). Causal relationships between communication confidence, beliefs about group work, and willingness to communicate in foreign language group work. Tesol Quarterly, 44(4), 700-724. doi:10.5054/tq.2010.235993

Abstract: This article reports on the causal relationships between three factors in second language (L2) group work settings: communication confidence (i.e., confidence in one's ability to communicate), beliefs about group work, and willingness to communicate (WTC).

Gaudet, A. D., Ramer, L. M., Nakonechny, J., Cragg, J. J. & Ramer, M. S. (2010). Small-group learning in an upper-level university biology class enhances academic performance and student attitudes toward group work. Plos One, 5(12), e15821. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015821

Abstract: To improve science learning, science educators' teaching tools need to address two major criteria (…)

George, T. P. & Herman, Y. (2012). Principles and practice of group work in addictions. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry-Revue Canadienne De Psychiatrie, 57(1), 59-59.

Gillies, R. M. & Haynes, M. (2011). Increasing explanatory behavior, problem-solving, and reasoning within classes using cooperative group work. Instructional Science, 39(3), 349-366. doi:10.1007/s11251-010-9130-9

Abstract: The present study builds on research that indicates that teachers play a key role in promoting those interactional behaviors that challenge children's thinking and scaffold their learning (…)

González Trijueque, D. & Delgado Marina, S. (2010). Utilidad de la dinámica de grupo aplicada en trabajadores acosados: Un estudio piloto. Boletín De Psicología, (98), 7-22.

Abstract: En este artículo se lleva a cabo un estudio piloto sobre la utilidad de la dinámica de grupo aplicada en trabajadores acosados en su lugar de trabajo en relación a los niveles

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de autoestima y los distintos indicadores clínicos considerados // In this paper a pilot study is carried out on the usefulness of the group dynamics in workers harassed in their workplace in relation to the levels of self-esteem and the different clinical considered indicators.

Grodofsky, M. M. & Soffer, G. (2011). The group as a community social change agent: The case of the Bedouin. Social Work with Groups, 34(2), 190-202

Abstract: The Bedouin community in the southern Negev desert in Israel is a population in transition (Journal abstract)

Guerrero Alba, F. (2010). Las capacidades dinámicas de los grupos de investigación como generadoras de spin-offs universitarias. I congreso científico de investigadores en formación (1st ed., pp. 261-264) Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Haefner, S., Otten, H. & Petzold, E. R. (2011). Balint group work in Germany - results from a survey of Balint group leaders. Zeitschrift Fur Psychosomatische Medizin Und Psychotherapie, 57(3), 233-243.

Abstract: Objectives: Based on a postal survey of Balint group leaders from the year 2004, this study analyses the characteristics of Balint group work as described by Michael Balint (1896-1970) in modern Germany.

Harvey, N. & Holmes, C. A. (2012). Nominal group technique: An effective method for obtaining group consensus. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 18(2), 188-194. doi:10.1111/j.1440-172X.2012.02017.x

Abstract: This paper aims to demonstrate the versatility and application of nominal group technique as a method for generating priority information.

Hashemi, S. A. (2011). The use of critical thinking in social science textbooks of high school: A field study of fars province in Iran. Online Submission.

Abstract: This study aims at investigating the use of critical thinking in high school social science textbooks based on Fars Province teachers' attitudes in order to present a model for textbook development. (Contains 6 tables, 1 figure, and 1 footnote)

Hays, D. G., Arredondo, P., Gladding, S. T. & Toporek, R. L. (2010). Integrating social justice in group work: The next decade. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(2), 177-206.

Abstract: Group work can be an effective outlet for facilitating client empowerment at individual and systemic levels.

Herrador Sánchez, J. A. (2011). 101 juegos para la dinámica de grupos. Sevilla: Wanceulen.

Abstract: Se presentan 101 juegos con los que podemos trabajar prácticamente los cinco bloques de contenido del área de EF en Primaria así como los cuatro de Secundaria.

Hides, E. (2011). Group work practice: An integration of experience, theory and practice. Social Work Education, 30(1), 113-114. doi:10.1080/02615471003658800

Hunter, J. D., Vickery, J. & Smyth, R. (2010). Enhancing learning outcomes through group work in an internationalized undergraduate business education context. Journal of Management & Organization, 16(5), 700-714. doi:10.5172/jmo.2010.16.5.700

Abstract: Employers of business graduates require them to be effective communicators and team members in twenty-first century work environments.

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I.O.E., C. (2010). ¿Para qué sirve el grupo de discusión?: Una revisión crítica del uso de técnicas grupales en los estudios sobre migraciones. Empiria: Revista De Metodología De Ciencias Sociales (19), 73-99.

Ibrahim, F. A. (2010). Social justice and cultural responsiveness: Innovative teaching strategies for group work. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(3), 271-280.

Abstract: This article presents a teaching strategy for group work that enhances the social justice consciousness of course participants by increasing their knowledge of their own cultural identity, worldview, acculturation, privilege (…)

Islam, R. (2010). Group decision making through nominal group technique: An empirical study. Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 5(2), 134-153.

Abstract: As a decision making tool in a group setting, the nominal group technique (NGT) has been widely applied by policy makers in numerous organizations.

Jacinto, G. A. & Hong, Y. J. (2011). Online task groups and social work education: Lessons learned. Contemporary Rural Social Work, 3(1), 4-16.

Abstract: This study focuses on the use of an online task group for social work students to solve problems and produce recommendations. An online site provides students the opportunity to edit documents produced by the group's work.

Jakkaew, N., Gomutbutra, P., Khumsukol, J. & Pantilat, S. Z. (2010). How to discuss goal of care with a terminally ill patient's family? A nominal group technique study in a that medical school. Journal of Palliative Care, 26(3), 226-227.

Jefferson, W. K., Zunker, C., Feucht, J. C., Fitzpatrick, S. L., Greene, L. F., Shewchuk, R. M., . . . Ard, J. D. (2010). Use of the nominal group technique (NGT) to understand the perceptions of the healthiness of foods associated with African Americans. Evaluation and Program Planning, 33(4), 343-348. doi:10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2009.11.002

Abstract: Purpose: To determine the degree of overlap between foods considered part of African American (AA) culture and those considered to be healthy.

Jones, L. V. & Warner, L. A. (2011). Evaluating culturally responsive group work with black women. Research on Social Work Practice, 21(6), 737-746. doi:10.1177/1049731511411488

Abstract: Purpose: This study examined the efficacy of a culturally congruent group treatment model, entitled "Claiming Your Connections'' (CYC) aimed at reducing depressive symptoms and perceived stress, and enhancing psychosocial competence (i.e., locus of control and active coping) among Black women.

Jurkowski, S. & Haenze, M. (2010). Social competencies and cooperative group work: A correlational study of the relation between social competencies and learning in undergraduate teaching. Psychologie in Erziehung Und Unterricht, 57(3), 223-238. doi:10.2378/peu2010.art16d

Abstract: In cooperative learning settings the positive interdependence makes high demands on interaction of learners. Quality of interaction is decisive for an effective exchange of knowledge and collaborative knowledge construction.

Kaufmann, A. E. (2011). Equipos de trabajo: De la emoción a la transfor-acción. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá, Servicio de Publicaciones.

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Kimmel, K. & Volet, S. (2010). Significance of context in university students' (meta)cognitions related to group work: A multi-layered, multi-dimensional and cultural approach. Learning and Instruction, 20(6), 449-464. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2009.05.004

Abstract: This article examines the significance of context in university students' development of (meta)cognitions related to a specific group assignment.

Kimmel, K. & Volet, S. (2012). University students' perceptions of and attitudes towards culturally diverse group work: Does context matter? Journal of Studies in International Education, 16(2), 157-181. doi:10.1177/1028315310373833

Abstract: This article presents two consecutive studies aimed at disentangling the significance of study contexts on students' attitudes towards learning and interacting in culturally diverse groups.

Kooloos, J. G. M., Klaassen, T., Vereijken, M., Van Kuppeveld, S., Bolhuis, S. & Vorstenbosch, M. (2011). Collaborative group work: Effects of group size and assignment structure on learning gain, student satisfaction and perceived participation. Medical Teacher, 33(12), 983-988. doi:10.3109/0142159X.2011.588733

Abstract: Background: Collaborative group sessions in Nijmegen include 15 students who work all together on a group assignment. Sometimes, the group is split-up in three and every subgroup elaborates a part of the assignment.

Lindahl, B., Rosberg, M., Ekborg, M., Ideland, M., Malmberg, C., Rehn, A., Winberg, M. (2011). Socio-scientific issues--A way to improve students' interest and learning? Online Submission.

Abstract: According to many documents, there is a strong need to renew science education. One way could be to work with SSI (socio-scientific issues).

Liu, S. & Dall'Alba, G. (2012). Learning intercultural communication through group work oriented to the world beyond the classroom. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 37(1), 19-32. doi:10.1080/02602938.2010.494233

Abstract: Competence in intercultural communication has become a necessity for functioning effectively in our increasingly globalised and multicultural society.

Lloyd, S. (2011). Applying the nominal group technique to specify the domain of a construct. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 14(1), 105-121. doi:10.1108/13522751111099346

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to provide research insights into stakeholder specifications of the domain of the corporate reputation (CR) construct thereby obtaining greater content validity of scale items.

Lopes, L. & Bettencourt, T. (2011). Functional features of group work developed by 12 grade students within "inquiry teaching approach". 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences (2011), 15, 3143-3147. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.261

Abstract: "Inquiry teaching approach" (ITA) has been getting a growing interest within the educational research community, especially in science education.

Madrigal Muñóz, E. (2011). Los lazos sociales en la dinámica de un grupo subordinado en una sociedad colonial periférica: Los cacaoteros de Costa Rica, 1660-1740. Mesoamérica, 32(53), 106-132.

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Maiden, B. & Perry, B. (2011). Dealing with free-riders in assessed group work: Results from a study at a UK University. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 36(4), 451-464. doi:10.1080/02602930903429302

Abstract: Potential employers require graduates to be able to demonstrate competent teamwork skills in initiating ideas and solving problems cooperatively.

Martínez Miranda, J., Pavón Mestras, J. & Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Informática. Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial (2010) (Modeling human behavior at work).

Martinez, B. (2010). Linking transformative learning and social justice through the lens of racism. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this study was to reveal perceived sustainable behaviors, attitudes, and feelings related to racism and social justice of the graduates of the Social Justice Training Institute.

McKerlie, R. A., Cameron, D. A., Sherriff, A. & Bovill, C. (2012). Student perceptions of syndicate learning: Tutor-less group work within an undergraduate dental curriculum. European Journal of Dental Education, 16(1), E122-E127. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0579.2011.00686.x

Abstract: This paper describes the implementation of syndicate learning (tutor-less group working) to teach the basic principles and skills of removable partial denture design within an undergraduate dental curriculum at the University of Glasgow.

Mowat, J. G. (2011). The development of intrapersonal intelligence in pupils experiencing social, emotional and behavioral difficulties. Educational Psychology in Practice, 27(3), 227-253.

Abstract: This article draws from an evaluative case study of a group work approach--Support Groups--designed by the author to support pupils perceived as having Social (…)(Contains 3 tables, 4 figures, and 3 notes)

Norton, C. L. & Tucker, A. R. (2010). New heights: Adventure-based groupwork in social work education and practice. Groupwork, 20(2), 24-44.

Abstract: Training in groupwork in social work education is a critical aspect of promoting the continued use of groupwork in social work practice.

Oliveira, I., Tinoca, L. & Pereira, A. (2011). Online group work patterns: How to promote a successful collaboration. Computers & Education, 57(1), 1348-1357. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2011.01.017

Abstract: Participation is a complex process, engaging the whole person, implying cognitive, emotional and relational aspects.

OMplus. (2010). El poder de la motivación: Un elemento clave para los equipos de trabajo. Barcelona: Omplus.

Orr, S. (2010). Collaborating or fighting for the marks? Students' experiences of group work assessment in the creative arts. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35(3), 301-313. doi:10.1080/02602931003632357

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Abstract: The study explores students' and lecturers' experiences of group work assessment in a performing arts department that includes undergraduate studies in theatre, dance and film.

Paisley, P. O., Bailey, D. F., Hayes, R. L., McMahon, H. G. & Grimmett, M. A. (2010). Using a cohort model for school counselor preparation to enhance commitment to social justice. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(3), 262-270.

Abstract: This article describes a cohort model of school counselor preparation designed to enhance graduate student commitment to social justice.

Palomo Vadillo, M. T. (2010). Liderazgo y motivación de equipos de trabajo (6{487}, rev i actualitzada ed.). Pozuelo de Alarcón Madrid: Esic.

Pastrana, T., Radbruch, L., Nauck, F., Höver, G., Fegg, M., Pestinger, M., & Ostgathe, C. (2010). Outcome indicators in palliative care—how to assess quality and success. Focus group and nominal group technique in Germany. Supportive Care in Cancer, 18(7), 859-868.

Abstract: Purpose: The call for clinically relevant outcome criteria has been raised, as assessment of adequate quality of service providers is essential with increasing momentum in the development of palliative care in most European countries.

Pena, A., Estrada, C. A., Soniat, D., Taylor, B. & Burton, M. (2012). Nominal group technique: A brainstorming tool for identifying areas to improve pain management in hospitalized patients. Journal of Hospital Medicine, 7(5), 416-420. doi:10.1002/jhm.1900

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Pain management in hospitalized patients remains a priority area for improvement; effective strategies for consensus development are needed to prioritize interventions. OBJECTIVE: To identify challenges, barriers, and perspectives of healthcare providers in managing pain among hospitalized patients.

Pérez Francés, M. J. (2010). Recopilación de algunas de las principales técnicas grupales (parte II). Pedagogía Magna, (5), 136-141.

Perez-Mateo, M. & Guitert, M. (2012). Which social elements are visible in virtual groups? Addressing the categorization of social expressions. Computers & Education, 58(4), 1234-1246.

Abstract: Learning is a social process. That is why it is extremely important to understand how students interact socially in online courses and how it affects the learning process (Contains 1 figure, 1 picture, 7 graphs, and 5 tables)

Planas, N. (2011). Language identities in students' writings about group work in their mathematics classroom. Language and Education, 25(2), 129-146. doi:10.1080/09500782.2011.552725

Abstract: In this article, I explore language identities and processes of negotiation concerning parts of these identities as seen by a group of students from a bilingual mathematics classroom.

Popov, V., Brinkman, D., Biemans, H. J. A., Mulder, M., Kuznetsov, A. & Noroozi, O. (2012). Multicultural student group work in higher education an explorative case study on challenges as perceived by students. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 36(2), 302-317. doi:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2011.09.004

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Abstract: This paper aims to examine challenges that are inherent in multicultural student group work (MCSG) in higher education and the differences between students from different cultural backgrounds in how they perceive the importance of challenges in MCSG.

Ratts, M. J., Anthony, L. & Santos, K. N. T. (2010). The dimensions of social justice model: Transforming traditional group work into a socially just framework. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(2), 160-168.

Abstract: Social justice is a complex and abstract concept that can be difficult to discuss and integrate within group work. To address this concern, this article introduces readers to the Dimensions of Social Justice Model.

Reinig, B. A., Horowitz, I. & Whittenburg, G. E. (2011). A longitudinal analysis of satisfaction with group work. Group Decision and Negotiation, 20(2), 215-237. doi:10.1007/s10726-009-9173-y

Abstract: Satisfaction with group work is an important and frequently studied phenomenon that often determines whether a new tool, technology, or method is successfully implemented in an organization.

Retnowati, E., Ayres, P. & Sweller, J. (2010). Worked example effects in individual and group work settings. Educational Psychology, 30(3), 349-367. doi:10.1080/01443411003659960

Abstract: This study compared the effects of worked example and problem-solving approaches in individual or group work settings on learning to solve geometry problems.

Richards, N. (2010). Exploring the self through photography: Activities for use in group work. Ageing & Society, 30, 1458-1459. doi:10.1017/S0144686X10000632

Riggall, S. (2012). Group work practice in social work. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 26(3), 249-249.

Rodnes, K. A. (2012). 'It's insanely useful!' students' use of instructional concepts in group work and individual writing. Language and Education, 26(3), 183-199. doi:10.1080/09500782.2011.614050

Abstract: This study investigates students' work on analyzing a literary text, a cartoon strip, with focus on their use of instructional, analytical concepts.

Ruiz Moreno, M. d. C. (2010). El trabajo en equipo: La colaboración en la educación. Sevilla: Wanceulen.

Sánchez Gómez, M. C. (2010). Técnicas grupales para la recogida de información. Principios, métodos y técnicas para la investigación educativa (1st ed., pp. 223-245) Dykinson.

Santha, J. C. (2010). Group work for children with autism spectrum disorder, ages 3-5, an integrated approach. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy-Revue Canadienne D Ergotherapie, 77(2), 100-100.

Shin, R. Q., Rogers, J., Stanciu, A., Silas, M., Brown-Smythe, C. & Austin, B. (2010). Advancing social justice in urban schools through the implementation of transformative groups for youth of color. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(3), 230-235.

Abstract: The unique challenges faced by some youth of color living in high poverty contexts necessitate the creation of innovative, culturally relevant, group interventions.

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Shortt, S. E. D., Guillemette, J., Duncan, A. M. & Kirby, F. (2010). Defining quality criteria for online continuing medical education modules using modified nominal group technique. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 30(4), 246-250.

Abstract: Introduction: The rapid increase in the use of the Internet for continuing education by physicians suggests the need to define quality criteria for accredited online modules. (Contains 1 table)

Singh, A. A. & Salazar, C. F. (2010). The roots of social justice in group work. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(2), 97-104.

Abstract: This article revisits the history of group work, highlighting elements of empowerment and advocacy in the work of some key figures, and noting events and movements that nourished group work's social justice roots.

Singh, A. A. & Salazar, C. F. (2010). Six considerations for social justice group work. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(3), 308-319.

Abstract: This article describes "courageous conversations" in social justice group work and a continuum of action for social justice interventions.

Smith, G. G., Sorensen, C., Gump, A., Heindel, A. J., Caris, M. & Martinez, C. D. (2011). Overcoming student resistance to group work: Online versus face-to-face. Internet and Higher Education, 14(2), 121-128. doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2010.09.005

Abstract: This study compared student group work experiences in online (OL) versus face-to-face (f2f) sections of the same graduate course, over three years, to determine what factors influence student group work experiences and how do these factors play out in f2f versus OL environments.

Spencer, D. M. (2010). Facilitating public participation in tourism planning on American Indian reservations: A case study involving the nominal group technique. Tourism Management, 31(5), 684-690. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2009.07.002

Abstract: Tourism is frequently cited as a tool by which American Indians can strengthen the economies of their reservations.

Stapleton, T. & Connelly, D. (2010). Occupational therapy practice in predriving assessment post stroke in the Irish context: Findings from a nominal group technique meeting. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 17(1), 58-68. doi:10.1310/tsr1701-58

Abstract: Purpose: Practice in the area of predriving assessment for people with stroke varies, and research findings are not always easily transferred into the clinical setting, particularly when such assessment is not conducted within a dedicated driver assessment programme.

Steinberg, D. M. (2010). Mutual aid: A contribution to best-practice social work. Social Work with Groups, 33(1), 53-68.

Abstract: This keynote speech, delivered in French and translated to English with minor adjustments for publication, presents some of the author's ideas about mutual-aid practice as best-practice social work.

Stolper, E., Leeuwen, Y. v., Royen, P. v., Wiel, M. v. d., Bokhoven, M. v., Houben, P., . . . Dinant, G. J. (2010). Establishing a European research agenda on ‘gut feelings’ in general practice. A qualitative study using the nominal group technique. The European Journal of General Practice, 16(2), 75-79.

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Abstract: Objective: Although ‘gut feelings’ are perceived as playing a substantial role in the diagnostic reasoning of the general practitioner (GP), there is little evidence about their diagnostic and prognostic value.

Summers, M. & Volet, S. (2010). Group work does not necessarily equal collaborative learning: Evidence from observations and self-reports. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 25(4), 473-492. doi:10.1007/s10212-010-0026-5

Abstract: Situative and sociocognitive analyses were combined to examine engagement in high-level collaborative learning and its relationship with individuals' cognitions.

Tan, K., Baxter, G., Newell, S., Smye, S., Dear, P., Brownlee, K. & Darling, J. (2010). Knowledge elicitation for validation of a neonatal ventilation expert system utilizing modified Delphi and focus group techniques. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68(6), 344-354. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2009.08.003

Abstract: Objective, methods & materials, results: It is well known that ventilation strategies for newborn infants may vary significantly between individual doctors.

Tolmie, A. K., Topping, K. J., Christie, D., Donaldson, C., Howe, C., Jessiman, E., Thurston, A. (2010). Social effects of collaborative learning in primary schools. Learning and Instruction, 20(3), 177-191.

Abstract: There is conflicting evidence on whether collaborative group work leads to improved classroom relations, and if so how (Contains 6 tables)

Toseland, R. W. (2010). Group work: Theories and practices. Social Work with Groups, 33(1), 91-92.

Toze, S. & Toms, E. G. (2010). Examining group work: Implications for the digital library as sharium. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 6273, 282-293.

Abstract: Digital libraries have the potential to be rich interactive environments or "shariums" that support students who work in groups to complete course work.

Uscher-Pines, L., Babin, S. M., Farrell, C. L., Hsieh, Y., Moskal, M. D., Gaydos, C. A. & Rothman, R. E. (2010). Research priorities for syndromic surveillance systems response: Consensus development using nominal group technique. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 16(6), 529-534. doi:10.1097/PHH.0b013e3181c7c9bd

Abstract: Objective: To identify a set of fundable and practically feasible research priorities in the field of syndromic surveillance response on the basis of expert consensus.

Van de Pol, J., Volman, M. & Beishuizen, J. (2012). Promoting teacher scaffolding in small-group work: A contingency perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(2), 193-205. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2011.09.009

Abstract: Given the scarcity of scaffolding in classrooms, we developed a professional development program (PDP) focusing on scaffolding.

Vázquez de los Santos, Laura Cristina. (2011). Formación de equipos de trabajo equitativos para el aprendizaje. Ciudad de La Habana: Editorial Universitaria.

Villalba, J. A., Ivers, N. N. & Ohlms, A. B. (2010). "Cuento" group work in emerging rural Latino communities: Promoting personal-social development of Latina/o middle school students of Mexican heritage. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(1), 23-43.

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Abstract: The experiences of Latina/o youth in rural emerging Latino communities are largely absent in the literature. This article proposes the benefits of a "Cuento" group work intervention designed to promote Latina/o student personal-social development. (Contains 1 table)

Vivó Sánchez, F. J., Quevedo i Junyent, L., Porta Manceñido, J. & Vallejo Cuéllar, L. (2010). Influencia de la fatiga en la agudeza visual dinámica en un grupo de motoristas participantes en una prueba de resistencia de 24 horas. Gaceta Óptica: Órgano Oficial Del Colegio Nacional De Ópticos-Optometristas De España, (451), 34-39.

Walker, S. (2012). Exploring the self through photography- activities for use in group work. Journal of Social Work Practice, 26(1), 139-140.

Ware, J. N., Ohrt, J. H. & Swank, J. M. (2012). A phenomenological exploration of children's experiences in a social skills group. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 37(2), 133-151.

Abstract: This phenomenological study explored the perspectives of 6 children who participated in a social skills group. The children were identified as having significant social skills delays and 4 of the children had a disorder on the autism spectrum. (Contains 2 tables)

Watkins, A. (2010). The evolution of a comprehensive group program for young people with psychosis: Why group work works! International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 19, A51-A51.

Youmans, R. J. (2011). The effects of physical prototyping and group work on the reduction of design fixation. Design Studies, 32(2), 115-138. doi:10.1016/j.destud.2010.08.001

Abstract: Innovation is important for successful designs, but design fixation likely prevents designers from reaching their innovative potential. Participants in this study were 120 students, 80 of which had design backgrounds.

Zeira, A. & Schiff, M. (2010). Testing group supervision in fieldwork training for social work students. Research on Social Work Practice, 20(4), 427-434.

Abstract: This study monitors group supervision for students' field training in a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work (BSW) program and compares it with the experience of the students receiving the traditional individual supervision.

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1.8 TEMA 8: Medida de “Lo social” (166)

Baumann, B. (2011). Action sociometry as an arrangement in project workshops. Zeitschrift Für Psychodrama Und Soziometrie, 2, 209-220.

Abstract: ABSTRACT IN GERMAN: Ein Groβteil der Dienstleistungen für Kunden im Bereich der Informations-technologie wird in Form von Projekten erbracht. // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: The main part of information technology services for customers are provided in projects.

Ben-Yehuda, S., Leyser, Y. & Last, U. (2010). Teacher educational beliefs and sociometric status of special educational needs (SEN) students in inclusive classrooms. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(1), 17-34.

Abstract: The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify characteristics of teachers who were successful in social mainstreaming of students with special needs. (Contains 3 tables)

Biegler-Vitek, G. (2011). 'Who in our group might be the strongest, most beautiful, bravest...' Sociometry and group dynamics in psychodrama psychotherapy groups for children and adolescents. Zeitschrift Für Psychodrama Und Soziometrie, 2, 267-276.

Abstract: ABSTRACT IN GERMAN: Die Dynamik und Soziometrie in der Kinder und Jugendlichenpsychotherapiegruppe wird einerseits von den Störungsbildern der einzelnen Kinder bestimmt. // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: The dynamics and sociometry in psychotherapygroups for children and adolescents is determined firstly by the respective children's disorder.

Buckridan, R. (2011). Social acceptance enhancement of low sociometric status pupils in special classes. ProQuest Information & Learning. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 72(3) (2011-99170-219)

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Bulmer, M., Gibbs, J. & Hyman, L. (2010). Social measurement through social surveys: An applied approach. Farnham; Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Carroll, H. C. M. (2011). The peer relationships of primary school pupils with poor attendance records. Educational Studies, 37(2), 197-206.

Abstract: The research study presented in this article was conducted because of the surprising paucity of research findings on the effect of significant absence from primary school on peer relationships. (Contains 2 tables)

Cheng, C. (2010). Sociometric and perceived popularity in adolescence: Links to relational aggression and loneliness. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 42(1), 143-162.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore the extent to which the two types of popularity (i.e. sociometric and peer-perceived) respectively predict psychosocial adjustment outcomes (i.e. relational aggression and loneliness) of Taiwanese adolescents.

Chow, S., Ferrer i Espelt, E., & Hsieh, F. (2010). Statistical methods for modeling human dynamics: An interdisciplinary dialogue. New York: Routledge Academic.

Dollase, R. (2011). Foundation and theory of sociometry - historical and actual tendencies. Zeitschrift Für Psychodrama Und Soziometrie, 2, 175-190.

Abstract: ABSTRACT IN GERMAN: Die auf Moreno zurückgehende Soziometrie hat eine wechselhafte und variantenreiche Entwicklung hinter sich, in deren Verlauf sich die eigentlich kreativen Leistungen von Moreno deutlich herausschälten. // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: Sociometry as a method of social research is used to analyze interpersonal relations in small groups (cold sociometry) and as a base to rearrange group composition according the informal relationships (hot sociometry).

Dollase, R., Krüger, R. T., Baumann, B., Weiß, K., Staudinger, K., Wittinger, T. Braun, T. (2011). Sociometrics and group dynamics. Zeitschrift Für Psychodrama Und Soziometrie, 2, 175-323.

Escobar, M., Trianes, M. V., Fernández-Baena, F. J. & Páez, J. M. (2010). Relaciones entre aceptación sociométrica escolar e inadaptación socioemocional, estrés cotidiano y afrontamiento. Revista Latinoamericana De Psicología, 42(3), 469-479.

Abstract: This study examines the association of peer acceptance with different indexes of socio-emotional maladjustment, daily stress, and coping styles in school students, including gender and age differences. The sample consists of 392 schoolchildren aged from 9 to 12.

García Bacete, F. J. (2010). Sociomet, programa para la realización de estudios sociométricos. La convivencia escolar: Aspectos psicológicos y educativos (1st ed., pp. 229-236) [Granada]: GEU, D.L. 2010.

García Bacete, F. J. & González Álvarez, J. (2010). SOCIOMET: Evaluación de la competencia social entre iguales: La sociometría y otras medidas. Madrid: TEA Ediciones.

Grosser, T. J., Sterling, C. M., Scott, K. D. & Labianca, G. (2010). Social networks, groups, and social exclusion: Combining sociometric and psychometric approaches to understanding social exclusion in organizational settings. In L. L. Neider, & C. A. Schriesheim (Eds.). The 'dark' side of management. (pp. 143-191). Charlotte, NC US: IAP Information Age Publishing.

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Abstract: (from the chapter) We examine the phenomenon of interpersonal workplace exclusion (IWE) using both a sociometric and a psychometric approach. In our definition, IWE occurs when an employee is ignored, excluded by or intentionally kept apart from other individuals or groups of individuals in the workplace and/or at work-related events.

Inglés, C. J., Delgado, B., García-Fernández, J. M., Ruiz-Esteban, C. & Díaz-Herrero, Á. (2010). Sociometric types and social interaction styles in a sample of Spanish adolescents. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 13(2), 730-740.

Abstract: This study analyzed the relationship between social interaction styles and sociometric types in a sample of 1,349 (51.7% boys, and 48.3% girls) Spanish adolescents. The results revealed that the proportion of prosocial adolescents nominated as liked by peers was significantly higher than prosocial with social anxiety (…) // Este estudio analizó la relación entre estilos de interacción social y tipos sociométricos en una muestra de 1.349 ( 1.7% chicos y 48.3% chicas) adolescentes españoles (…)

Jurková, K. & Stránská, Z. (2010). Osobnostní a sociometrické charakteristiky účastníků šikany. Psychológia a Patopsychológia Dieťaťa, 45(2), 137-154.

Abstract: The aim of the research survey was to determine whether participants of bullying—bullies, victims, and helpers of victims—differ from pupils who are not involved with bullying. The data of 228 pupils attending 2nd degree of basic schools and secondary schools at the age of 13-18 years was analyzed.

Kawabata, Y. & Crick, N. R. (2011). The significance of cross-Racial/Ethnic friendships: Associations with peer victimization, peer support, sociometric status, and classroom diversity. Developmental Psychology, 47(6), 1763-1775.

Abstract: This short-term longitudinal study examined the associations between cross-racial/ethnic friendships and relative changes in forms of peer victimization or peer support and the roles of classroom diversity and sociometric status (i.e., social preference) in these associations. (Contains 4 tables, 4 footnotes and 2 figures)

Kim, T. J. (2011). Enhancing distributed collaboration using sociometric feedback. (Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (916761153)

Abstract: Distributed collaboration is often more challenging than co-located collaboration as many of the social signals become lost in computer-mediated communication. I propose a system that improves the performance of distributed groups using sociometric feedback. Sociometric feedback is a real-time visualization of the quantitative measurement of social interactions.

Kim, T., McFee, E., Olguin, D. O., Waber, B. & Pentland, A. (2012). Sociometric badges: Using sensor technology to capture new forms of collaboration. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(3), 412-427. doi:10.1002/job.1776

Abstract: This article introduces sociometric badges as a research tool that captures with great accuracy fine-scale speech patterns and body movements among a group of individuals at a scale that heretofore has been impossible in groups and teams studies.

Litwack, S. D., Aikins, J. W. & Cillessen, A. H. N. (2012). The distinct roles of sociometric and perceived popularity in friendship: Implications for adolescent depressive affect and self-esteem. Journal of Early Adolescence, 32(2), 226-251.

Abstract: The primary goal of this study was to examine the similarities and distinctions between two types of popularity, sociometric and perceived, in their associations with

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friendship characteristics and how they in turn are related to depressive affect and self-esteem. (Contains 1 note, 2 tables, and 2 figures)

Martín Babarro, J., Martínez Arias, M. d. R., Díaz-Aguado Jalón, M. J. & Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Psicología. (2011). Sociometría y exlusión en la enseñanza secundaria obligatoria.

Martín, E. (2011). The influence of diverse interaction contexts on students' sociometric status. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 14(1), 88-98.

Abstract: Despite there being numerous studies on sociometric status, research that analyzes this variable from a contextualized viewpoint taking into account the different school settings in which a pupil establishes relationships is rare. The aim of this study is to analyze the stability of sociometric status in different school settings. // ABSTRACT IN SPANISH: A pesar de que es numerosa la investigación sobre el estatus sociométrico, son escasos los trabajos que analizan dicha variable desde un enfoque contextualizado que tenga en cuenta los diferentes contextos escolares en los que los alumnos establecen relaciones.

Molina, B. L., Valero, R. P. & Canales, I. S. (2011). Violencia entre iguales en educación primaria: El papel de los compañeros y su relación con el estatus sociométrico. Psicothema, 23(2), 245-251.

Abstract: During the last decade, there has been a change in peer harassment research from a focus on the characteristics of the Aggressor-Victim dyad to the recognition of peer harassment as a whole group process, with most of children playing some kind of role.

Molitor, D., Hinz, O. & Wegmann, S. (2011). The interplay between psychometric and sociometric data and the willingness to adopt innovations. Zeitschrift Für Betriebswirtschaft, 81(1), 29-59.

Abstract: Due to high failure rates of new products, marketers are seeking ways to actively manage the diffusion of innovations. It is well accepted that individuals, who exert a remarkably strong influence on others and are usually called opinion leaders, play an important role in the diffusion process.

Orue, I. & Calvete, E. (2011). Reciprocal relationships between sociometric indices of social status and aggressive behavior in children: Gender differences. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 28(7), 963-982. doi:10.1177/0265407510397982

Abstract: The goal of this study was to assess the reciprocal longitudinal relationships between sociometric status and aggressive behavior in children. Overt and relational aggressive behaviors were differentiated in order to study the diverse associations within peer acceptance and rejection.

Peairs, K. F. (2011). The social world of gifted adolescents: Sociometric status, friendship and social network centrality. (Ph.D., Duke University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (889930312)

Abstract: The current project is the first study to investigate the competence of academically gifted youth across multiple dimensions of the peer system. To date, there is no comprehensive examination of the social functioning of gifted youth, severely limiting what is known about the overall social world of gifted youth (…)

Portuondo, J. A. (2010). El test sociométrico. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.

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Prell, C. (2012). Social network analysis: History, theory and methodology. Los Angeles, Calif.; London: Sage.

Abstract: This book fills an important void in the social network literature by bringing together theory, methodology and history. Its practical and readable style gives clear guidance on how to do social network research and will be invaluable to anyone undertaking a network study' - Martin Everett (…)

Prelow, H. M., Weaver, S. R., Bowman, M. A. & Swenson, R. R. (2010). Predictors of parenting among economically disadvantaged Latina mothers: Mediating and moderating factors. Journal of Community Psychology, 38(7), 858-873.

Abstract: Structural equation modeling was used to examine the role of ecological risk factors, maternal psychological distress, and social network support on the parenting behaviors of 535 economically disadvantaged Latina mothers, who were surveyed for the Welfare Children, & Families (…)

Pulido, R., Martin Seoane, G. & Diaz Aguado, M. J. (2010). School violence roles and sociometric status among Spanish students. Online Submission.

Abstract: This study examines the relation between the social adjustment in the classroom and the role of aggressor or victim, in school violence situations. Participants were 1,635 students (aged 14-18 years old), from a representative sample, with different levels (compulsory secondary education, specific/initial training courses and vocational programs). (Contains 3 tables and 5 figures)

Schoot, R. v. d., Velden, F. v. d., Boom, J. & Brugman, D. (2010). Can at-risk young adolescents be popular and anti-social? Sociometric status groups, anti-social behaviour, gender and ethnic background. Journal of Adolescence, 33(5), 583-592.

Abstract: This study aimed to extend the understanding of anti-social behaviour and its association with popularity and sociometric status in a sample of at-risk adolescents from diverse ethnic backgrounds (n= 1491, average age 14.7 years). Both overt and covert types of anti-social behaviour were used to distinguish subgroups.

Silva, A. (2010). Real worlds, virtual worlds -applying sociometry into online chatrooms. Observatorio (OBS*), 4(2).

Abstract: We often hear and read sentences like: the way people interact is not as before; the multimedia society where we live is changing the nature of the human being; the use of the Internet in the daily life of the individual makes him isolated of the rest of the community (…)

Simon Fraser University. Complex Systems Modelling Group, & American Mathematical Society. (2010). Modelling in healthcare. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society.

Sipka, P. (2010). Hot rhetorics and cool reality: A contribution to the testing of the general sociometric-scientometric hypothesis. Socioloski Pregled, 44(2), 283-308.

Abstract: The background of the extremely hostile rhetoric of a small group of local ethnologist in their alleged criticism of using scientometrics in research evaluation in Serbia was studied using publicly available data. Assuming absurdity of the 'criticism' is self-evident, the study was focused around their latent motivation, rather than manifest content of the accusations.

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Smith, A. M. (2011). Representations of attachment and sociometric status among preschoolers. (M.S., The University of Utah) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (853325972)

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the associations of a child's early relationship with his or her primary caregiver, his or her representation of that relationship, and his or her status within a peer group or, more specifically, between the quality of a preschooler's internal representations of attachment and the peer status he or she achieves in the context of the classroom.

Spörrle, M., Kruse, J., Gschwendtner, C. & Wieland, I. (2010). Wenn der partner nicht die erste wahl ist: Zum zusammenhang zwischen soziometrischer wahl im rahmen elterlicher betreuungsaufgaben und partnerschaftszufriedenheit. = Sociometric choice and relationship satisfaction. When the partner is not the first choice: On the association between sociometric choice in context of parental childcare tasks and relationship satisfaction. Zeitschrift Für Psychodrama Und Soziometrie, 9(1), 49-62. doi:10.1007/s11620-010-0066-5

Abstract: ABSTRACT IN GERMAN: Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Partnerschaftsqualität im Rahmen der ersten Elternschaft. // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This article deals with relationship quality in context of first parenthood.

Spörrle, M., Landes, M., Otrebski, D. A. & Schwehm, H. (2010). Zeig uns, wie wir zueinander stehen: Soziometrische verfahren und assoziierte visuellskalierende techniken im berufsbezogenen anwendungskontext = Show us, how we are connected: Sociometric procedures and associated visually-scaled techniques in the applied occupational context. Zeitschrift Für Psychodrama Und Soziometrie, 9(1), 175-189. doi:10.1007/s11620-010-0072-7

Abstract: ABSTRACT IN GERMAN: Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert einen Überblick über ausgewählte soziometrische Verfahren und weitere Techniken, durch die soziale Beziehungen und Konstellationen analysiert und visualisiert werden können: das soziale Atom, das innere Team, der soziometrische Test, das Gruppenfoto und die aktionssoziometrischen Skalierungsverfahren // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: This article provides an overview of selected sociometric procedures and additional techniques, which can be used for the analysis and visualization of social relations and constellations: the social atom, the inner team, the sociometric test, the group photo, and action sociometric scaling procedures.

Stam, K., Chao, M., Dong, S., Liu, Y., Cameron, G. & Stam, A. (2010). Sociometric attractiveness on facebook. 371-XIV.

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to develop a better understanding about impression management and social attractiveness on social network sites (SNS). In particular, we focus on Facebook, one of the most popular SNS providing opportunities for social interaction online.

Staudinger, K. (2011). Sociometry in school - still up to date in 2011? Zeitschrift Für Psychodrama Und Soziometrie, 2, 237-252.

Abstract: ABSTRACT IN GERMAN: Anhand dreier Beispiele von konflikthaften Situationen aus der pädagogischen Praxis werden unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten der Anwendung soziometrischer Techniken im Schulbereich illustriert. // ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: Three examples of conflict-like situations in various pedagogical environments illustrate different possibilities for the application of sociometrical methods at schools.

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Sui, L., Wang, M. & Yao, L. (2010). Interpersonal cognitive problem-solving skills training of preschoolers with different sociometric status. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 18(4), 535-538.

Abstract: Objective: To investigate the effect of interpersonal cognitive problem-solving skills training of preschoolers with different sociometric status. Methods: Participants included 253 preschoolers from kindergarten, and individual interview and peer nominations were used to measure preschoolers' interpersonal cognitive problem-solving skills, sociometric status and peer relationship.

Topping, K. J., Thurston, A., Tolmie, A., Christie, D., Murray, P. & Karagiannidou, E. (2011). Cooperative learning in science: Intervention in the secondary school. Research in Science & Technological Education, 29(1), 91-106.

Abstract: The use of cooperative learning in secondary school is reported--an area of considerable concern given attempts to make secondary schools more interactive and gain higher recruitment to university science courses. In this study the intervention group was 259 pupils aged 12-14 years in nine secondary schools, taught by 12 self-selected teachers. (Contains 4 tables)

Tripathi, P. (2011). Predicting creativity in the wild: Experience sampling method and sociometric modeling of movement and face-to-face interactions in teams. (Ph.D., Arizona State University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (867815174)

Abstract: With the rapid growth of mobile computing and sensor technology, it is now possible to access data from a variety of sources. A big challenge lies in linking sensor based data with social and cognitive variables in humans in real world context.

Van de Schoot, R., van der Velden, F., Boom, J. & Brugman, D. (2010). Can at-risk young adolescents be popular and anti-social? Sociometric status groups, anti-social behaviour, gender and ethnic background. Journal of Adolescence, 33(5), 583-592.

Abstract: This study aimed to extend the understanding of anti-social behaviour and its association with popularity and sociometric status in a sample of at-risk adolescents from diverse ethnic backgrounds (n = 1491, average age 14.7 years). Both overt and covert types of anti-social behaviour were used to distinguish subgroups.

Waber, B. N. (2011). Understanding the link between changes in social support and changes in outcomes with the sociometric badge. (Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (911749599)

Abstract: The goal of this thesis is to show that social support created through face-to-face interaction is a driving factor in a number of important outcomes. Through a series of studies we show that social support, operationalized using face-to-face network constraint (information clearing) (…)

Wallien, M. S. C., Veenstra, R., Kreukels, B. P. C. & Cohen-Kettenis, P. (2010). Peer group status of gender dysphoric children: A sociometric study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(2), 553-560. doi:10.1007/s10508-009-9517-3

Abstract: In this sociometric study, we aimed to investigate the social position of gender-referred children in a naturalistic environment. We used a peer nomination technique to examine their social position in the class and we specifically examined bullying and victimization of gender dysphoric children.

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Wang, T. S., Yin, J. H. & Hu, J. F. (2011). A study on group counseling effect estimated by sociometry and attributional style questionnaire. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 66(1), 489-493.

Abstract: This article focused on the effect of group counseling in classes building and students’ positive explanation style in Chinese colleges. The authors adopted group counseling activity into Psychological teaching and estimated its effect with Sociometry and Attributional Style Questionnaire.

Wittinger, T. (2011). Nevertheless, it does move?! Sociometry and group dynamics at school. Zeitschrift Für Psychodrama Und Soziometrie, 2, 253-266.

Abstract: ABSTRACT IN GERMAN: Unter Psychodramatikerinnen und Psychodramatiken ist die Forderung, Lehrerinnen und Lehrer müssten über Grundkenntnisse der Soziometrie und von Gruppenprozessen verfügen, nicht neu. Die Kenntnisse sollten zur Grundausstattung der pädagogischen Kompetenz von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern gehören (…)// ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH: Since many years psychodramatists demand that teachers should have basic knowledge about sociometry and group dynamics in order to design educational processes and achieve didactic issues (…)

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1.9 TEMA 9: La educación social para la convivencia y no violencia


Abe, K. & Henly, S. J. (2010). Bullying (ijime) among japanese hospital nurses: Modeling responses to the revised negative acts questionnaire. Nursing Research: An AJN Company Publication, (2), 110-118.

Abril, I. I. (2010). El acoso escolar. Padres y Maestros, (335), 21-25.

Albaladejo Blázquez, N., Castejón Costa, J. L., Ferrer Cascales, R., Caruana Vañó, A. & Fernández Pascual, M. D. (2010). Estudio del conocimiento, percepciones y actitudes que el profesorado en activo en el medio Vinalopó (provincia de Alicante) posee sobre el bullying escolar. Investigación en convivencia escolar: Variables relacionadas (1st ed., pp. 17-24) Grupo Editorial Universitario (GEU Editorial).

Albores Gallo, L., Sauceda García, J. M., Ruiz Velasco, S. & Roque Santiago, E. (2011). El acoso escolar (bullying) y su asociación con trastornos psiquiátricos en una muestra de escolares en México. Salud Pública De México, 53(3), 220-227.

Albrecht, H. (2011). Grooming, das internet und die Schließung von sicherheits- und strafbarkeitslücken. Monatsschrift Für Kriminologie Und Strafrecht, 94(2), 1-4.

Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones (1st ed.) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Alivernini, F. & Manganelli, S. (2011). Is there a relationship between openness in classroom discussion and students' knowledge in civic and citizenship education? 3rd World

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Conference on Educational Sciences (2011), 15, 3441-3445. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.315

Abstract: The International Civic and Citizenship Study investigates the role of schooling in preparing students for their roles as citizens. The present paper tests a model in which openness in classroom discussion is a school factor that can affect civic knowledge.

Alsaker, F. D. & Vilén, U. L. (2010). Bullying en la escuela infantil. Agresividad injustificada, bullying y violencia escolar (1st ed., pp. 129-164) Alianza Editorial.

Álvarez Álvarez, C. (2010). El diálogo en el aula para la educación de la ciudadanía. Investigación En La Escuela; 2010, n.71; p.51-62.

Abstract: Se recogen las ideas principales de un estudio realizado sobre el diálogo como estrategia de educación en valores en Primaria.

Amundsen, E. J. & Ravndal, E. (2010). Does successful school-based prevention of bullying influence substance use among 13-to 16-year-olds? Drugs-Education Prevention and Policy, 17(1), 42-54. doi:10.3109/09687630802095591

Abstract: Methods: The Olweus programme was introduced from grades 7 through 9 in four schools and monitored up to grade 10 in Oslo in 2001/02, with two schools serving as controls.

Anderson, T. J. (2010). The dynamic components of citizenship education and student engagement: Lessons for leaders and educators. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: The study utilized a traditional qualitative case study approach to investigate two curricula offered at a single middle school in a suburb of a major metropolitan area.

Andre, E. (2012). Virtual learning intervention to reduce bullying victimization in primary school: A controlled trial (vol 51, pg 104, 2010). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 53(3), 332-332. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2012.02529.x

Antal, C. K. (2011). Educating for democratic citizenship: An analysis of the role of teachers in implementing civic education policy in Madagascar. (Ph.D., The Florida State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (897104524)

Abstract: In democratizing states around the world, civic education programs have long formed a critical component of government and donor strategy to support the development of civil society and strengthen citizens (…)

Appleyard, N. & McLean, L. R. (2011). Expecting the exceptional: Pre-service professional development in global citizenship education. International Journal of Progressive Education, 7(2), 6-32.

Abstract: This case study analyses a professional development (PD) program in global citizenship education (GCE) that seeks to develop teacher education candidates' knowledge and capacities as global citizens during a one-year Bachelor of Education program. (Contains 4 tables)

Armas Castro, J. & López Facal, R. (2012). Ciencias sociales y educación para la ciudadanía: Un diálogo necesario. Íber: Didáctica De Las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia; 2012, n.71, Abril-Junio; p.84-91.

Abstract: Durante la última década del siglo pasado todos los países han introducido o ampliado contenidos de educación para la ciudadanía en sus sistemas escolares.

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Armero Pedreira, P., Bernardino Cuesta, B. & Bonet de Luna, C. (2011). Acoso escolar. Revista Pediatría De Atención Primaria, 13(52), 661-670.

Abstract: El bullying, acoso escolar o violencia entre iguales, produce mucho sufrimiento en quienes lo padecen. Aunque tradicionalmente se suele enfatizar la relación acosador-acosado, hay más actores (…)

Arnot, M. (2010). In Sporre K. M., J. (Ed.). Global citizenship education and equality: Gendered hegemonies, tensions and a global gender ethic. doi:10.1007/978-90-481-9628-9_6

Arnot, M. (2011). Conflict, religion and gender hegemonies -- the implications for global citizenship education: A response to islah jad's article. Ethnicities, 11(3), 373-377. doi:10.1177/1468796811407854

Abstract: Response to Islah Jad's account of the Palestinian women's movement in 'The post-Oslo Palestine and gendering Palestinian citizenship' .

Arroyo Pomeda, J. (2011). Educación para la ciudadanía y desarrollo de las competencias. Aula De Innovación Educativa (199), 34-37.

Aspectos de formación ética en la educación para la ciudadanía según el personalismo de Javier Zubiri (2010). Revista De Educación; 2010, n.353, Septiembre-Diciembre; p.693-704.

Abstract: Se estudia el personalismo ontológico de Xavier Zubiri llevado al mundo de educación para la ciudadanía. Para ello se comienza analizando el valor que tiene la auto-posesión en la formación de la persona, como modo constitutivo de la educación para la vida social.

Ávila Toscano, J. H., Osorio Jaramillo, L., Cuello Vega, K., Cogollo Fuentes, N. & Causado Martínez, K. (2010). Conducta bullying y su relación con la edad, género y nivel de formación en adolescentes. Psicogente, 13(23), 13-26.

Abstract: El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en identificar la prevalencia de la conducta bullying en un grupo de adolescentes (…)// The aim of this investigation was not only to identify the prevalence of bullying behavior whithin a group of teenagers (…)

Avilés Martínez, J. M. (2010). Evolución española del bullying como quiebra de la convivencia positiva. La convivencia escolar: Aspectos psicológicos y educativos (1st ed., pp. 17-22) [Granada]: GEU, D.L. 2010.

Avilés Martínez, J. M. (2010). Éxito escolar y ciberbullying. Boletín De Psicología, (98), 73-85.

Abstract: Introducción: maltrato entre iguales y éxito escolar se han relacionado en el bullying presencial en resultados de bajo logro tanto en agresores/as como en víctimas. // Introduction: bullying and academic achievement they have related in the tradi-tional bullying in results of low achievement in both aggressors and victims.

Avilés Martínez, J. M. & Alonso Elvira, N. (2011). El papel de los equipos de ayuda en la convivencia escolar y en la lucha contra el bullying. AMAzônica, 6(1), 133-141.

Abstract: El texto aborda la forma de poner en marcha un sistema de Equipos de Ayuda en un centro escolar (…) // O texto aborda a forma de por em prática um sistema de Equipes de Ajuda num centro escolar (…)

Avilés, J. M., Irurtia, M. J., García López, L. J. & Caballo, V. E. (2011). El maltrato entre iguales: " bullying". Psicología Conductual = Behavioral Psychology: Revista Internacional De Psicología Clínica y De La Salud (1), 57-90.

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Avilés, J. M., Ovejero Bernal, A., Irurtia, M. J., Arias Martínez, B. & Arias González, V. (2010). Triangular la información para evaluar el bullying. La convivencia escolar: Aspectos psicológicos y educativos (1st ed., pp. 205-208) [Granada]: GEU, D.L. 2010.

Azurmendi Inchausti, M. (2011). Educar en la ciudadanía al educador en educación para la ciudadanía. Bitarte: Revista Cuatrimestral De Humanidades, 18(53), 57-73.

Bachner, J. M. (2011). Learning to act: The effect of high school civic education on political participation. (Ph.D., Harvard University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (876959488)

Abstract: Although theorists have emphasized the necessity of educating for democracy since ancient times, few studies question whether efforts to teach civic virtue translate into increased political participation.

Baeza Henríquez, A. J., Guzmán Sánchez, M. A. & Mardones Carrasco, R. A. (2010). Los "buystanders": Consideraciones en torno al fenómeno del bullying en Chile. ICEV. Revista d'Estudis De La Violencia (11).

Abstract: Durante el último tiempo ha salido a la luz pública una serie de casos relacionados con el bullying o matonaje escolar en Chile (…)// During the last years old has come to light a number of cases related to bullying and school bullying in Chile (…)

Balkute, A. (2011). New tendencies in civics and citizenship education in lithuania: Phenomenological study of seven teachers educating Lithuanian citizens. (Ph.D., Purdue University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (900302558)

Abstract: The major goal of this research was to explore novice social studies teachers' lived experiences as citizenship teachers in Lithuania in order to find out what it means to be a novice social studies teacher in Lithuania.

Banks, E. J. (2011). Elementary and middle school bullying: A delphi analysis of successful prevention programming. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: If it is true that bullying begins in elementary school and peaks in middle school, schools are obvious laboratories of research, undeniable arenas of investigation.

Barba, J. (2011). SOS! bullying: [entender el acoso escolar]. Picanya: Abisal.

Baumgartner, A. (2010). Emotion understanding of victimized and bullying children in kindergarten - starting points for a prevention? Praxis Der Kinderpsychologie Und Kinderpsychiatrie, 59(7), 513-528.

Abstract: Being victimized by peers is one of the most negative social experiences of childhood and adolescence. Emotions play a central role in these kinds of interaction. Surprisingly however, socio-affective skills of victimized and bullying children have only rarely been the subject of investigation.

Beale, D. & Hoel, H. (2011). Workplace bullying and the employment relationship: Exploring questions of prevention, control and context. Work Employment and Society, 25(1), 5-18. doi:10.1177/0950017010389228

Abstract: Previous research strongly indicates that the perpetrators of workplace bullying in Britain are mainly managers.

Bell, C. D., Raczynski, K. A., & Horne, A. M. (2010). Bully busters abbreviated: Evaluation of a group-based bully intervention and prevention program. Group Dynamics-Theory Research and Practice, 14(3), 257-267. doi:10.1037/a0020596

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Abstract: The present study sought to examine the efficacy of an abbreviated version of the Bully Busters program (…)

Berrocal Lanzarot, A. I. (2010). La comunidad educativa ante el acoso escolar o bullying: La responsabilidad civil de los centros docentes. Diario La Ley, (7359).

Abstract: Una realidad constatable en la comunidad educativa española es el aumento de las situaciones de acoso escolar o como se conoce en el mundo anglosajón de bullying, esencialmente durante el desarrollo de la actividad educativa (…)

Bevan, R. (2011). Liberal educational responses to religious diversity: Defending the need for a supplemental dimension of citizenship education in liberal democratic societies. (Ph.D., McGill University (Canada) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (902521142)

Abstract: This dissertation explores the relationship between liberal/secular and religious educations.

Bezjak, S. (2011). (Post-)sovereign discourses of citizenship education: From national to global. Solsko Polje, 22(1-2), 131-152.

Abstract: ABSTRACT in Slovenian: Clanek predstavlja konceptualno in teoretsko ogrodje za analizo diskurzov, ki danes v globaliziranem svetu oblikujejo pomene drzavljanstva (…) // ABSTRACT in English: This article presents a conceptual and theoretical framework for analyzing the discourses that currently construct the meanings of citizenship (…)

Bird, C. (2010). Mutual respect and civic education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 42(1), 112-128. doi:10.1111/j.1469-5812.2008.00508.x

Abstract: Contemporary theories of civic education frequently appeal to an ideal of mutual respect in the context of ethical, ethical and religious disagreement. This paper critically examines two recently popular criticisms of this ideal.

Black, S., Washington, E., Trent, V., Harner, P. & Pollock, E. (2010). Translating the olweus bullying prevention program into real-world practice. Health Promotion Practice, 11(5), 733-740. doi:10.1177/1524839908321562

Abstract: This article describes the application of a community collaboration model implementing an evidence-based bullying-prevention program in elementary and middle schools. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved) (Journal abstract)

Blevins, D. M. (2011). New directions in citizenship education: Globalization, state standards and an Ethical/Critical social studies curriculum. (Ph.D., The Ohio State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (920004863)

Abstract: This dissertation is a result of the study of the citizenship standards in the K-12 social studies standards documents of ten U.S. states. As a qualitative textual study, it considers the content of the standards in light of recent thinking in the field of citizenship studies.

Block, D. (2011). Citizenship, education and global spaces. Language and Intercultural Communication, 11(2), 161-169.

Abstract: It is important to examine citizenship not only in terms of citizenship education and intercultural education, where both are situated inside educational institutions and are part of mainstream formal schooling, but also as a "communicative achievement".

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Blood, G. W., Boyle, M. P., Blood, I. M. & Nalesnik, G. R. (2010). Bullying in children who stutter: Speech-language pathologists' perceptions and intervention strategies. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 35(2), 92-109. doi:10.1016/j.jfludis.2010.03.003

Abstract: Bullying in school-age children is a global epidemic. School personnel play a critical role in eliminating this problem. The goals of this study were to examine speech-language pathologists' (SLPs) perceptions of bullying (…)

Bolivar Botía, A. (2011). Enseñar competencias en educación para la ciudadanía. Aula De Innovación Educativa; 2011, n.199, Febrero ; p.38-41.

Abstract: Hacer competente cívicamente al alumnado va vinculado, más que a nuevos contenidos, a cambios metodológicos en los modos de enseñar y aprender.

Bolton, T. (2010). Review of 'bullying prevention and intervention: Realistic strategies for schools'. Educational Psychology in Practice, 26(2), 213-214.

Abstract: Reviews the book, "Bullying prevention and intervention: realistic strategies for schools" by Susan M. Swearer, Dorothy L. Espelage, and Scott A. Napolitano (see record 2009-01976-000).

Boni Aristizábal, A. (2011). Educación para la ciudadanía global: Significados y prácticas para un cosmopolitismo transformador. Revista Española De Educación Comparada (17), 65-86.

Borja González, V. (2012). Bullying y acoso escolar durante el desarrollo de las clases de educación física: Revisión teórico-conceptual. EmásF: Revista Digital De Educación Física, (15), 73-78.

Abstract: En el presente artículo se expone la relación entre el fenómeno denominado bullying o acoso escolar presente en nuestras escuelas cada día más acusadamente y con graves consecuencias en las clases de educación física.

Bowllan, N. M. (2011). Implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive, school-wide bullying prevention program in an Urban/Suburban middle school. Journal of School Health, 81(4), 167-173. doi:10.1111/j.1746-1561.2010.00576.x

Abstract: METHODS: A quasi-experimental design consisting of a time-lagged contrast between age-equivalent groups was utilized. Baseline data collected for 158 students prior to implementation of the OBPP were compared to 112 students who received the OBPP intervention for 1 year.

Brighi, A. & Genta, M. L. (2010). Bullying: Un fenómeno inmoral. Agresividad injustificada, bullying y violencia escolar (1st ed., pp. 105-128) Alianza Editorial.

Brock-Utne, B. (2011). Democratic participation in rural Tanzania and Zambia: The impact of civic education. International Review of Education, 57(5), 751-753. doi:10.1007/s11159-011-9231-y

Bromley, P. (2011). Multiculturalism and human rights in civic education: The case of British Columbia, Canada. Educational Research, 53(2), 151-164. doi:10.1080/00131881.2011.572363

Abstract: Background: This paper considers how textbooks resolve the tension between contradictory goals of promoting a cohesive national identity while teaching respect and equality among diverse social groups in British Columbia (B.C.), Canada.

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Broncano Rodríguez, A. & Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2010). La educación para la ciudadanía es algo más que una asiganatura. Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones (1st ed., pp. 205-212) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Brown, E. C., Low, S., Smith, B. H. & Haggerty, K. P. (2011). Outcomes from a school-randomized controlled trial of steps to respect: A bullying prevention program. School Psychology Review, 40(3), 423-443.

Abstract: This study reports the outcomes of a randomized controlled trial of Steps to Respect: A Bullying Prevention Program conducted in 33 California elementary schools.

Brunold-Conesa, C. (2011). International education: The international baccalaureate, Montessori and global citizenship. Journal of Research in International Education. 9(3), 259-272.

Abstract: The International Baccalaureate (IB) programs and Montessori education both claim to promote values associated with global citizenship in order to help prepare students for new challenges presented by an increasingly globalized world.

Brusa, A. (2010). Italia: La educación cívica, entre la utilización política y el trabajo en las escuelas. Íber: Didáctica De Las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia; 2010, n.64, Abril-Junio; p.38-47.

Abstract: Se narra el controvertido proceso de reforma de la ley de educación en Italia para implantar la enseñanza de educación cívica en las aulas. Este proyecto legislativo se está dilatando en el tiempo debido a las continuas luchas políticas.

Bryn, S. (2011). Stop bullying now! A federal campaign for bullying prevention and intervention. Journal of School Violence, 10(2), 213-219.

Abstract: This commentary describes a national bullying prevention effort, called Stop Bullying Now!, which aims to increase awareness of the problem of bullying and related research findings, and disseminate evidence-based approaches to prevention. (Contains 1 table)

Burroughs, G. C. (2010). Civic education among historically marginalized youth in an urban setting: Promising practices. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: Many American citizens have remained outside of the political process and therefore have not been able to effectively advocate for the full rights (…)

Buxarrais Estrada, M. R. (2010). Papel de la familia en la educación en valores y para la ciudadanía. Entre todos: Compartir la educación para la ciudadanía (1st ed., pp. 123-136) Universitat de Barcelona, Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, ICE: Horsori.

Caballo, V. E., Arias Martínez, B., Calderero, M. & Irurtia, M. J. (2011). Acoso escolar y ansiedad social en niños (I): Análisis de su relación y desarrollo de nuevos instrumentos de evaluación. Psicología Conductual = Behavioral Psychology: Revista Internacional De Psicología Clínica y De La Salud, (3), 591-609.

Caballo, V. E., Calderero, M., Carrillo, G. B., Salazar, I. C. & Jesus Irurtia, M. (2011). Acoso escolar y ansiedad social en niños (II): Una propuesta de intervención en formato lúdico. Psicología Conductual Bullying and social anxiety in children (II): Proposal of a new recreational intervention program. Behavioral Psychology-Psicologia Conductual, 19(3), 611-626.

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Abstract: This paper presents the results of the application of a new recreational program focused on social skills for the intervention and prevention of social anxiety and school bullying.

Calatayud Pérez, E. & Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2010). Ciudadanía, justicia y educación. Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones (1st ed., pp. 73-94) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Calderero, M., Salazar, I. C. & Caballo, V. E. (2011). Una revisión de las relaciones entre el acoso escolar y la ansiedad social. Psicología Conductual = Behavioral Psychology: Revista Internacional De Psicología Clínica y De La Salud, (2), 393-419.

Callejo Sáez, M. D. (2010). Experiencia 3: Bullying. ¡No lo toleres! Escuela En Acción.Infantil (10635), 16-17.

Abstract: El Bullying se ha extendido también a la esfera de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC), generando un nuevo fenómeno conocido como cyberbullying.

Calvo Rodríguez, A. R. (2010). Evitar el inicio del acoso escolar a través del control de factores de protección y riesgo. La convivencia escolar: Aspectos psicológicos y educativos (1st ed., pp. 23-28) [Granada]: GEU, D.L. 2010.

Camicia, S. P. & Zhu, J. (2011). Citizenship education under discourses of nationalism, globalization, and cosmopolitanism: Illustrations from China and the United States. Frontiers of Education in China, 6(4), 602-619.

Abstract: The authors, one from China and one from the United States, present a theoretical framework for understanding the discursive fields of citizenship education as composed, in large part, of the discourses of nationalism, globalization, and cosmopolitanism.

Cantero, G., Celman, S. E., Ulla, Z., Andretich, G., Chapero, M. L., Correa, B., Stigaard, B. (2011). Educación y ciudadanía: Alternativas y resistencias a la exclusión social. Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnología, 20(43), 9-54.

Abstract: En este artículo se exponen resultados de una investigación participativa y etnográfica orientada a aportar a la construcción de una experiencia de educación ciudadana (…) // In this article, findings of a participative and ethnographic research directed at contributing to the construction of an experience of citizen education (…) // Neste artigo se expõem resultados de uma investigação participativa e etnográfica orientada a contribuir com a construção de uma experiência de educação cidadã (…)

Carbonel, L. & Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2010). La libertad de enseñanza y los contenidos de la educación para la ciudadanía. Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones (1st ed., pp. 109-118) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Carenzo de Gebhart, R. & Hoermann de Carlevaro, N. (2010). Bicentenario, educación y ciudadanía. Tiempo De Gestión, 6(10), 107-116.

Abstract: En respuesta a la invitación de la Revista "Tiempo de Gestión" de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Gestión de la UADER e, insertándonos en el Eje Temático 1: Miradas retrospectivas sobre la ciencia, la técnica y la educación, y su proyección social en el ámbito entrerriano (…)

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Caride Gómez, J. A. (2010). O programa Erasmus como iniciativa cívica e cultural: Unha lectura en chave da educación social. O programa erasmus na construción da cidadanía europea: Unha mirada dende compostela (1st ed., pp. 61-71) Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Cientifico.

Carmona, J. A., Espínola, M., Cangas, A. & Iribarne, L. (2011). MII-school: A 3d videogame for the early detection of abuse of substances, bullying, and mental disorders in adolescents. European Journal of Education and Psychology, 4(1), 75-84.

Abstract: The current research deals with the preparation and application of an assessment tool aimed at the early detection of drug use (…)// Un videojego 3D para la detección temprana de abuso de sustancias, acoso escolar y trastornos mentales en adolescentes.

Carratalá, A. (2010). El editorial como generador de campañas de agitación: Intervención social de ABC y la razón ante educación para la ciudadanía. Estudios Sobre El Mensaje Periodístico (16), 107-129.

Abstract: El presente trabajo analiza cuál ha sido el papel jugado por los diarios ABC y La Razón en el debate público que precedió a la puesta en marcha en España de la asignatura de Educación para la Ciudadanía en 2007.

Carretero Bermejo, R. (2011). Sexo, sexismo y acoso escolar entre iguales. Revista Complutense De Educación, 22(1), 27-43.

Abstract: El presente trabajo aborda el estudio de la relación, primero, entre sexo y sexismo, y después entre estas dos variables (…)// This research approaches the study of the relationship, first between sex and sexism, and then between these two variables (…)

Carrillo i Flores, I. (2011). La educación en valores democráticos en los manuales de la asignatura educación para la ciudadanía. Revista De Educación (1), 137-159.

Abstract: Este artículo aporta los resultados de un estudio sobre legislación educativa y manuales de Educación para la Ciudadanía (…)// This article reports the results of a study on education legislation and citizenship textbooks (…)

Casado González, M. (2010). La educación del consumidor como estrategia facilitadora de la convivencia escolar. La convivencia escolar: Aspectos psicológicos y educativos (1st ed., pp. 35-40) [Granada]: GEU, D.L. 2010.

Cascante Fernández, C. A. (2011). Ciudadanía, currículo, enseñanzas lingüísticas e investigación-acción en la educación. Textos De Didáctica De La Lengua y La Literatura; 2011, Año XVII, n.56, Enero-Marzo; p.15-22.

Abstract: Los diversos conceptos de ciudadanía se relacionan con determinadas concepciones del currículo que a su vez condicionan el papel de las enseñanzas lingüísticas y el lugar que la investigación acción puede ocupar en la educación obligatoria.

Casillas Martín, S., Cabezas González, M. & de Maruri Alvarez, A. (2011). Percepción de los alumnos sobre la materia "educación para la ciudadanía" en función del tipo de centro en el que cursan sus estudios. Revista Galego-Portuguesa De Psicoloxía e Educación: Revista De Estudios e Investigación En Psicología y Educación, (19), 61-72.

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Castillo Carbonell, M. &Vila, R. (2010). Una aproximación a las dificultades de convivencia en los centros públicos de educación secundaria en cataluña. La convivencia escolar: Aspectos psicológicos y educativos (1st ed., pp. 41-46) [Granada]: GEU, D.L. 2010.

Castillo Gualda, R., Ruiz Aranda, D., Salguero Noguera, J. M. & Fernández Berrocal, P. (2010). Efectividad de los programas de educación socio-emocional en la convivencia escolar. La convivencia escolar: Aspectos psicológicos y educativos (1st ed., pp. 215-220) [Granada]: GEU, D.L. 2010.

Castro Barco, M. d. & Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2010). Postura de escuelas católicas sobre educación para la ciudadanía y los derechos humanos. Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones (1st ed., pp. 123-132) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Cava, M. J. (2011). Familia, profesorado e iguales: Claves para el apoyo a las víctimas de acoso escolar. Psychosocial Intervention, 20(2), 183-192.

Cerezo Ramírez, F. & Alto, M. (2010). Estatus social, género, clima del aula y "bullying" entre estudiantes adolescentes. Anales De Psicología, 26(1), 137-144.

Cerezo Ramírez, F. & Bernal Luque, R. (2010). Percepción de los planes de convivencia escolar en los centros de educación primaria y secundaria de la región de Murcia: Diferencias entre padres, alumnos y educadores. Investigación en convivencia escolar: Variables relacionadas (1st ed., pp. 39-46) Grupo Editorial Universitario (GEU Editorial).

Cerezo Ramírez, F., Calvo Rodríguez, Á. R. & Sánchez Lacasa, C. (2011). Intervención psicoeducativa y tratamiento diferenciado del bullying: Concienciar, informar y prevenir: Programa CIP. Madrid: Pirámide.

Chamorro Martínez, M. (2010). Bullying o acoso escalar. Pedagogía Magna (9), 20-26.

Chareka, O., Nyemah, J. & Manguvo, A. (2010). Conceptions of volunteerism among recent african immigrants in Canada: Implications for democratic citizenship education. Canadian Social Studies, 43(1).

Abstract: In democratic societies the level of citizens' civic engagement and inclusion in all forms of democratic participation is crucial in maintaining social cohesion and a vibrant democracy. (Contains 3 tables)

Chávez, P. (2010). Educación y ciudadanía: Formar ' salesianamente ' al ciudadano. Educación y Futuro: Revista De Investigación Aplicada y Experiencias Educativas, (22), 15-40.

Cheeseman, N. (2010). Democratic participation in rural Tanzania and Zambia: The impact of civic education. African Studies Review, 53(1), 190-192.

Abstract: [...] Michael Bratton's early work on rural politics in Zambia reveals interesting ways in which the overly bureaucratic nature of the UNIP one-party state was similar to its Tanzanian counterpart [...]

Chia, Y. T. (2011). The elusive goal of nation building: Asian/Confucian values and citizenship education in Singapore during the 1980s. British Journal of Educational Studies, 59(4), 383.

Abstract: The term 'Asian values' became popular in the political discourse in the 1980s and 1990s. The most vocal proponents of Asian values are Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew and

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Malaysia's Mahathir and their deputies and government officials, as well as post-Tiananmen Chinese leaders.

Chin, K. & Barber, C. E. (2010). A multi-dimensional exploration of teachers' beliefs about civic education in Australia, England, and the United States. Theory and Research in Social Education, 38(3), 395-427.

Abstract: Teachers' beliefs influence their behaviors in classrooms and their organization of classes, each of which can greatly impact student learning. (Contains 7 tables and 3 notes)

Chubbuck, S. M. & Zembylas, M. (2011). Toward a critical pedagogy for nonviolence in urban school contexts. Journal of Peace Education, 8(3), 259-275.

Abstract: This paper explores the intersection of critical pedagogy and nonviolence in a case study of a white novice teacher at an urban school in the Midwestern United States.

Ciberbullying. Guía de recursos para centros educativos en casos de ciberacoso: La intervención en los centros educativos: Materiales para equipos directivos y acción tutorial (2011). ACLPPinforma, (22), 26-28.

Cohen, A. (2010). Presenting a theoretical model of four conceptions of civic education. Online Submission.

Abstract: This conceptual study will question the ways different epistemological conceptions of citizenship and education influence the characteristics of civic education. (Contains 2 figures and 1 footnote)

Cohen, A. (2010). A theoretical model of four conceptions of civic education. Canadian Social Studies, 44(1), 17-28.

Abstract: The field of civic education is one that encompasses an abundance of topics and issues. (Contains 1 table, 2 figures, and 1 footnote)

Cornell, D. G. & Bandyopadhyay, S. (2010). Prevention of school violence. In E. P. Benedek, P. Ash & C. L. Scott (Eds.). Principles and practice of child and adolescent forensic mental health. (pp. 307-319). Arlington, VA US: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.

Abstract: (from the chapter) Forensic clinicians conducting student risk assessments or consulting with schools should be familiar with relevant education law. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved) (chapter)

Cornett, J. W., Dziuban, C. D., Pitts, A. B., Setenyi, J., Rus, C. & Bush, M. (2012). Understanding leadership in civic education reform: An examination of change in CIVITAS international partnerships and the impact of leader theorizing on civic education innovation. Online Submission.

Abstract: The purpose of this report is to examine the history of an international partnership for civic education begun in 1994, and concluded in 2011 that links Center for Civic Education partners in the United States (…) (Contains 12 figures, 1 footnote, and 4 endnotes)

Corvo, K. & deLara, E. (2010). Towards an integrated theory of relational violence: Is bullying a risk factor for domestic violence? Agression and Violent Behavior, 15(3), 181-190. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2009.12.001

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Abstract: Etiological exploration using the constructs 'domestic violence' and 'intimate partner violence' as phenomena of adult enactment, remains relatively isolated from inquiry into bullying.

Corzo Toral, J. L. & Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2010). Balance de la cátedra Calasanz 2008: Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones. Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones (1st ed., pp. 13-20) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Cossart, P. (2010). Historicize deliberative experiences: Civic education through discussion in the United States (1820-1930). Revue Française De Science Politique, 60(1), 136-141.

Abstract: The only regrets retained by reading the three works by Keith, Ray, & Rieser reside in the fact that there is little description of the precise development of the reunions organized within the framework of experience.

Costa, Y. F. d. (2011). Bullying - prática diabólica - direito e educação. Revista De Estudos Jurídicos UNESP, 15(21).

Abstract: O artigo versa sobre uma análise do fenômeno do Bullying quanto à responsabilidade civil dos pais pelos atos praticados pelos seus filhos, dos educadores por seus alunos (…) // The article focuses on the analysis of the phenomenon of bullying and civil parental responsibility for acts committed by their children, educators of students (…)

Cowie, H. (2011). Peer support as an intervention to counteract school bullying: Listen to the children. Children & Society, 25(4), 287-292. doi:10.1111/j.1099-0860.2011.00375.x

Abstract: In this article, we discuss a range of ways in which children and young people themselves can give adults insights into bullying and how to resolve it.

Craig, W. M., Pepler, D. J., Murphy, A. & McCuaig-Edge, H. (2010). What works in bullying prevention? In E. M. Vernberg, & B. K. Biggs (Eds.). Preventing and treating bullying and victimization. (pp. 215-241). New York, NY US: Oxford University Press.

Abstract: (from the chapter) In this chapter we present a review of the current efforts to prevent and intervene in bullying at school.

Crawford, A. (2010). Developing civic education in the United States: A case study of olathe, kansas' youth congress program. (M.A., University of Kansas) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (577415558)

Abstract: An informed and active citizenry is essential for a well-functioning democracy, and how we teach children citizenship has the potential to invigorate citizen engagement and responsibility.

Crooks, C. V., Scott, K., Ellis, W. & Wolfe, D. A. (2011). Impact of a universal school-based violence prevention program on violent delinquency: Distinctive benefits for youth with maltreatment histories. Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal, 35(6), 393-400.

Abstract: Objective: Child maltreatment constitutes a strong risk factor for violent delinquency in adolescence, with cumulative experiences of maltreatment creating increasingly greater risk. (Contains 1 table and 1 figure)

Cross, D., Monks, H., Hall, M., Shaw, T., Pintabona, Y., Erceg, E., Lester, L. (2011). Three-year results of the friendly schools whole-of-school intervention on children's bullying behaviour. British Educational Research Journal, 37(1), 105-129. doi:10.1080/01411920903420024

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Abstract: A group randomized controlled trial tested the efficacy of the Friendly Schools program to reduce student bullying behaviour. This socio-ecological intervention targeted the whole school, classroom, family, and individual students to reduce bullying behaviour.

Cruz Rodríguez, M. A. & Díez Bedmar, M. d. C. (2012). Mujeres, educación y ciudadanía en el pensamiento liberal decimonónico. El caso de la constitución de 1812. In M. A. Chamocho Cantudo, & J. Lozano Miralles (Eds.). Sobre un hito jurídico, la constitución de 1812: Reflexiones actuales, estados de la cuestión, debates historiográficos (1st ed., pp. 689-710) Universidad de Jaén.

Cuadrado Gordillo, I. (2011). Divergence in aggressors' and victims' perceptions of bullying: A decisive factor for differential psychosocial intervention. Children and Youth Services Review, 33(9), 1608-1615. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2011.04.002

Abstract: The study of children' and adolescents' perceptions of bullying has become a topic of particular interest in the scientific community as it enables one to better understand the processes of aggression and victimization (…)

Cunningham, C. E., Cunningham, L. J., Ratcliffe, J. & Vaillancourt, T. (2010). A qualitative analysis of the bullying prevention and intervention recommendations of students in grades 5 to 8. Journal of School Violence, 9(4), 321-338.

Abstract: Focus groups explored the bullying prevention suggestions of 62 Grade 5 to 8 students. Discussions were transcribed and analyzed thematically. (Contains 1 table)

Curry, K. (2010). Exploring the relationships between civic education and small learning communities. ProQuest LLC

Abstract: This dissertation explores unexamined assumptions linking the context of small learning communities to the outcome of quality civic education.

Curry, K. (2010). Warcraft and civic education: MMORPGs as participatory cultures and how teachers can use them to improve civic education. Social Studies, 101(6), 250-253.

Abstract: Online role-playing games such as World Of Warcraft represent new participatory cultures in which today's students engage every day. They are appealing to players largely because of the social aspects of game play. (Contains 3 tables)

Daly, J. K., Devlin-Scherer, R., Burroughs, G. & McCartan, W. (2010). The status of civic education: A preservice program response. Educational Forum, 74(2), 117-128.

Abstract: Civic education is an issue of growing and serious concern. There is diminished time for civics, fewer course offerings, and gaps in students' civic knowledge, skills, and dispositions. The role of teacher education in addressing this problem is one area deserving additional focus.

Damm, A. (2011). Mahatma gandhi and character education in non-violence: Its relevance in religious studies today. Teaching Theology & Religion, 14(1), 3-12.

Abstract: This essay presents educational principles of Mahatma Gandhi, specifically principles of character education, as a model for strengthening non-violence in students. (Contains 22 footnotes)

Daunic, A. P. & Smith, S. W. (2010). Conflict resolution, peer mediation, and bullying prevention. Preventing problem behaviors: Schoolwide programs and classroom practices (2nd ed.). (pp. 113-132). Thousand Oaks, CA US: Corwin Press.

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Abstract: (from the chapter) An approach to prevention that combines schoolwide efforts to improve the learning environment with student-centered strategies designed to build constructive behavioral repertoires can be grouped under the general heading of conflict resolution education.

Davies, I. & Hearnden, M. (2010). Inmigración y educación para la ciudadanía democrática: Una oportunidad para el desarrollo profesional. Enseñanza De Las Ciencias Sociales: Revista De Investigación (9), 75-86.

De Acevedo, A. & González, M. (2010). Alguien me está molestando: El bullying. Barcelona etc.: Ediciones B.

De L. da Silva, J., de A. Romano, T. & do Nascimento Mascarenhas, S. A. (2011). O fenômeno bullying como desrespeito à diversidade étnica: Uma investigaçao no sul do Amazonas. AMAzônica, 6(1), 27-34.

Abstract: Este estudo parte de uma investigação mais ampla realizada ao abrigo do PIBIC - H006/UFAM/FAPEAM e PIBIC - H/0036/2010/UFAM/FAPEAM. // Este estudio parte de una investigación más amplia realizada bajo el PIBIC - H006/UFAM/FAPEAM y el PIBIC - H/0036/2010/UFAM/FAPEAM.

De Regt, A. (2010). Citizenship education in primary schools: On the changes in moral education of children. Sociologie, 6(4), 27-50.

Abstract: This article deals with the relation between social structure and social change on the one hand and the school curriculum on the other. The research focuses on the introduction of a new subject in primary schools as a response to public concern about moral decline.

De, O. A. (2011). (Towards) decoloniality and diversality in global citizenship education. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9(3-4), 381-397.

Abstract: This article focuses on the geo- and body-politics of knowledge production related to global citizenship education. (Contains 2 notes )

De, O. A. & de Souza, L., Mario T. (2011). Postcolonial perspectives on global citizenship education. Routledge research in education. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Abstract: This volume bridges the gap between contemporary theoretical debates and educational policies and practices.

Delgado Granados, P. (2010). Educación, democracia y ciudadanía en el siglo XXI desde el proyecto político educativo de Paulo Freire. Fuentes: Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias De La Educación, (10), 140-153.

Abstract: El presente artículo tiene dos propósitos fundamentales: primero, reflexionar sobre las posibilidades de la educación en el proceso de conformación de la ciudadanía (…)// This article has two main purposes: first, to reflect on the possibilities of education in the forming process of citizenship (…)

Díaz Cortés, L. M. (2012). El denominado child grooming del artículo 183 bis del código penal: Una aproximación a su estudio. Boletín De Información Del Ministerio De Justicia, 66(2138), 2-24.

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Díaz Herráiz, E. & Bartolomé Gutiérrez, R. (2010). Estudio retrospectivo sobre los efectos de la victimización por acoso escolar sobre el bienestar psicológico a medio plazo. Ansiedad y Estrés, 16(2), 127-137.

Díaz Salazar, R. & Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2010). Ciudadanía plural y convivencia nacional: Lógicas internas de los detractores y defensores de la asignatura educación para la ciudadanía. Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones (1st ed., pp. 61-72) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Díez del Río, I. (2010). Etica, juventud desconforme, y educación cívica. Altar Mayor, (132), 179-190.

Díez Prieto, A. & Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2010). La educación para la ciudadanía en las aulas: Polémica sobre los contenidos. Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones (1st ed., pp. 223-236) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Diorio, J. A. (2011). Citizenship education and the politics of public participation: The case of same-sex marriage. Curriculum Inquiry, 41(4), 502-529. doi:10.1111/j.1467-873X.2011.00560.x

Do Nascimento Mascarenhas, S. A. & Avilés Martínez, J. M. (2011). Ocorrência do bullying/cyberbullying na universidade: Uma pesquisa com estudantes da amazônia. AMAzônica, 6(1), 186-200.

Abstract: Este trabalho parte de investigação realizada ao abrigo dos processos 575.723/2008-4 e 502.723/2009-2/CNPq efetiva o diagnóstico da ocorrência dos fenômenos de violência interpessoal (…) // Este trabajo parte de una investigación realizada bajo los procesos 575.723/2008-4 y 502.723/2009-2/CNPq. Efectiva el diagnóstico de la ocurrencia de los fenómenos de violencia interpersonal (…)

Doganay, A. (2010). What does democracy mean to 14-year-old Turkish children? A comparison with results of the 1999 IEA civic education study. Research Papers in Education, 25(1), 51-71. doi:10.1080/02671520802315060

Abstract: The scores of Turkish students on the international tests such as TIMMS and PISA, which assess basic science concepts, reading and problem-solving abilities, are among the lowest.

Dolado i Guivernau, R., Quera, V. Salvador Beltrán, F. & Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Metodologia de les Ciències del Comportament. (2012; 2011). Agressió, grooming i kinship. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona.

Dolz Lago, M. J. (2011). Un acercamiento al nuevo delito child grooming: Entre los delitos de pederastia. Diario La Ley (7575).

Abstract: En el presente artículo el autor hace uno de los primeros análisis del nuevo delito del art. 183 bis CP sobre acercamiento tecnológico a menores de trece años con fines sexuales o también conocido como child grooming (…)

Domínguez Nafría, J. C. (2010). Una nueva perspectiva en el debate sobre la educación para la ciudadanía. Actualidad Jurídica Aranzadi, (808), 12-13.

Doppen, F. (2010). Citizenship education and the dutch national identity debate. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 5(2), 131-143. doi:10.1177/1746197910370723

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Abstract: As a result of dramatic demographic changes during the last half century as well as a series of recent events surrounding prominent personas, the Dutch have been engaged in an intense debate about their national identity and how citizenship education can contribute to the integration of Muslim immigrants in particular.

Doval, Á. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía a través del teatro. Íber: Didáctica De Las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia; 2010, n.65, Julio-Septiembre; p.108-118.

Abstract: Propuesta didáctica que vincula la enseñanza y el teatro desde la consideración de que a través del drama se abre una perspectiva en educación que permite transmitir determinados contenidos y ser un medio eficaz para formar al alumnado en valores.

Downes, P. E. (2010). Prevention of bullying at a systemic level in schools: Movement from cognitive and spatial narratives of diametric opposition to concentric relation. In S. R. Jimerson, S. M. Swearer & D. L. Espelage (Eds.), Handbook of bullying in schools: An international perspective. (pp. 517-533). New York, NY US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

Abstract: (from the chapter) Examining dimensions of a systems level focus for prevention of bullying in school takes curriculum as a key dimension in conjunction with other system level supports. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved) (chapter)

Downs, D. A. & Murtazashvili, I. (2012). Arms and the university: Military presence and the civic education of non-military students Cambridge University Press.

Abstract: Alienation between the U.S. military and society has grown in recent decades. Such alienation is unhealthy, as it threatens both sufficient civilian control of the military and the long-standing ideal of the "citizen soldier." (Contains 14 tables)

Dueñas Salmán, L. R. & García López, E. J. (2011). El papel de la educación escolar en la construcción de cultura de participación y de ciudadanía democrática. Razón y Palabra, (77).

Abstract: La sociedad no tiene suficiente cultura de participación, no se muestran niveles de corresponsabilidad en la construcción de una sociedad democrática// Society does not have enough participation culture, there are not shown any levels of coresponsibility in the democratic society building.

Dunn, A. & Burton, D. (2011). New labour, communitarianism and citizenship education in England and Wales. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 6(2), 169-179.

Abstract: This article posits a connection between the influence of comunitarianism on New Labour's ideology and the content of citizenship education in England and Wales. (Contains 1 note)

Durr, S. (2011). Homophobic bullying: Research and theoretical perspectives. Choice, 48(12), 2358.

Abstract: The voices of pain are powerful. In this latest volume, prolific researcher Ian Rivers (human development, Brunel Univ., UK) captures the suffering experienced by targets of homophobic bullying.

Eidoo, S., Ingram, L., MacDonald, A., Nabavi, M., Pashby, K. & Stille, S. (2011). "Through the kaleidoscope": Intersections between theoretical perspectives and classroom implications in critical global citizenship education. Canadian Journal of Education, 34(4), 59-84.

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Abstract: This paper presents a multi-voiced examination of educating for global citizenship from critical, interdisciplinary perspectives. (Contains 1 figure)

Elipe Muñoz, P., Ortega, R., Hunter, S. C. & Rey, R. d. (2012). Inteligencia emocional percibida e implicación en diversos tipos de acoso escolar. Psicología Conductual = Behavioral Psychology: Revista Internacional De Psicología Clínica y De La Salud, 20(1), 169-181.

Elizalde Castillo, A. (2010). Estudio descriptivo de las estrategias de afrontamiento del bullying, en profesorado mexicano. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(20), 353-372.

Elledge, L. C., Cavell, T. A., Ogle, N. T. & Newgent, R. A. (2010). School-based mentoring as selective prevention for bullied children: A preliminary test. Journal of Primary Prevention, 31(3), 171-187. doi:10.1007/s10935-010-0215-7

Abstract: This preliminary study tested the benefits of school-based lunchtime mentoring as a form of selective prevention for bullied children. Participants were 36 elementary school children in grades 4 and 5 who had been identified as bullied (based on child and teacher reports).

Emdin, C. (2011). Citizenship and social justice in urban science education, 24(3), 285.

Abstract: This article describes, and then applies a newly developed framework for classroom citizenship as an entry point into addressing social justice issues in urban science classrooms.

Escartín Solanelles, J., Rodríguez Carballeira, A., Gómez Benito, J. & Zapf, D. (2010). Development and validation of the workplace bullying scale EAPA-T. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 10(3), 519-539.

Espelage, D. L. & Swearer, S. M. (2010). A social-ecological model for bullying prevention and intervention: Understanding the impact of adults in the social ecology of youngsters. In S. R. Jimerson, S. M. Swearer & D. L. Espelage (Eds.), Handbook of bullying in schools: An international perspective. (pp. 61-72). New York, NY US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

Abstract: (from the chapter) The phenomena of bullying and victimization do not occur in isolation and do not typically occur between a "bully" and a "victim." (chapter)

Esteban Luis, R., Fernández Bustos, J. G. & Díaz-Súarez, A. (2010). Las conductas que alteran la convivencia en las clases de educación física según las percepciones de los profesores. Investigación en convivencia escolar: Variables relacionadas (1st ed., pp. 63-68) Grupo Editorial Universitario (GEU Editorial).

Faas, D. (2011). A civic rebalancing of british multiculturalism? An analysis of geography, history and citizenship education curricula. Educational Review, 63(2), 143-158. doi:10.1080/00131911.2010.527924

Abstract: This article draws on history, geography and citizenship education curricula and six semi-structured interviews with policy-makers - three with officials from the Department for Children, Schools and Families, two from the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority and one from the Office for Standards in Education.

Faas, D. (2011). The nation, Europe, and migration: A comparison of geography, history, and citizenship education curricula in Greece, Germany, and England. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 43(4), 471-492. doi:10.1080/00220272.2011.584560

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Abstract: National curricula are being challenged and transformed by the impact of migration and European integration. This paper examines how cultural diversity and Europe are intertwined in geography, history, and citizenship education curricula in Greece, Germany, and England.

Fairbrother, G. P. & Kennedy, K. J. (2011). Civic education curriculum reform in Hong Kong: What should be the direction under chinese sovereignty? Cambridge Journal of Education, 41(4), 425-443.

Abstract: This article uses results from a cross-national analysis of the impact of varying approaches to civic education curriculum delivery on three learning outcomes, to draw conclusions about the value of a government-mandated compulsory, independent subject of civic education in the school curriculum. (Contains 9 tables)

Fakhri, L. S. & Talebzadeh, F. (2011). A framework for professional citizenship education based on knowledge management principles. 2nd International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology 2011, 29 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.11.347

Abstract: Educational systems are responsible for sociability and prepare new generations for playing the role of citizenship in the local, national and global community. The basic question is how the new generation would be ready for the role of citizenship and which education approach can lead to it in knowledge age.

Farouk, A. F. A. & Husin, A. (2011). Civic education in an emerging democracy: Students' experiences in Malaysia's projek Warga. Asian Social Science, 7(3), 154-164.

Abstract: This article aims to look at the relevance of civic education in Malaysia-an illiberal democracy-by using data collected from students participating in Projek Warga throughout the year 2009.

Felip i Jacas, N. & Capell Castañer, D. (2010). Una visión panorámica de la mejora de la convivencia en educación primaria en Catalunya. La convivencia escolar: Aspectos psicológicos y educativos (1st ed., pp. 29-34) [Granada]: GEU, D.L. 2010.

Ferguson, S. (2011). Classroom contradictions: Popular media in ontario schools' literacy and citizenship education policies. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 6(2), 137-151.

Abstract: In 2003, the Ontario Ministry of Education in Canada began promoting popular media as a pedagogical tool, especially for "reluctant" readers. (Contains 13 notes)

Fernández Gálvez, J. d. D. (2011). La asignatura de educación para la ciudadanía en el marco de un plan global de educación en valores. Aula De Innovación Educativa, (199), 42-44.

Fernández García, E. (2010). Algunas aporías de la educación para la ciudadanía. Derechos y Libertades: Revista Del Instituto Bartolomé De Las Casas, 14(23), 139-144.

Abstract: Este artículo parte de la idea clásica, reflejada en los diálogos platónicos, de que la virtud, más que innata, debe ser aprendida. // This article focuses on the classic idea, reflected in the platonic dialogues, that virtue, more tan innate, must be learned.

Fernández Prados, J. S. (2011). Educación en valores, cultura de la participación y derechos humanos en las universidades españolas: Hacia una ciudadanía global. Retos del voluntariado en la universidad de hoy (1st ed., pp. 95-105) Universidad de Granada, Editorial Universidad de Granada.

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Fernandez, C. & Sundstrom, M. (2011). Citizenship education and liberalism: A state of the debate analysis 1990-2010. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 30(4), 363-384. doi:10.1007/s11217-011-9237-8

Abstract: What kind of citizenship education, if any, should schools in liberal societies promote? And what ends is such education supposed to serve? Over the last decades a respectable body of literature has emerged to address these and related issues.

Fernández, O. (2011). Construyendo una ciudadanía europea a través de la educación universitaria. Educación y literatura: Homenaje al profesor Justo Fernández Oblanca (1st ed., pp. 323-336) Universidad de León.

Finkel, S. E. & Smith, A. E. (2011). Civic education, political discussion, and the social transmission of democratic knowledge and values in a new democracy: Kenya 2002. American Journal of Political Science, 55(2), 417-435. doi:10.1111/j.1540-5907.2010.00493.x

Abstract: How does civic education affect the development of democratic political culture in new democracies? Using a unique three-wave panel data set from Kenya spanning the transitional democratic election of 2002, we posit a two-step process of the social transmission of democratic knowledge, norms, and values.

Finkel, S. E., Horowitz, J. & Rojo-Mendoza, R. T. (2012). Civic education and democratic backsliding in the wake of Kenya's post-2007 election violence. Journal of Politics, 74(1), 52-65. doi:10.1017/S0022381611001162

Fischinger, P. S. (2010). " Mobbing ": The german law of bullying. Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, 32(1), 153-184.

Fisher, J. (2011). "The walking wounded": Youth, public education, and the turn to precarious pedagogy. Review of Education, Pedagogy & Cultural Studies, 33(5), 379-432.

Abstract: Echoing Henry Giroux's concerns for the current state of youth and education, this article seeks to provide a cultural history that focuses on the cycles of violence and non-violence happening within public education systems in North American democracies like Canada, with Ontario being the author's primary focus. (Contains 20 notes)

Flores Fernández, J. (2010). Caracterización del ciberbullying y diferencias significativas con el acoso escolar tradicional. La convivencia escolar: Aspectos psicológicos y educativos (1st ed., pp. 69-72) [Granada]: GEU, D.L. 2010.

Fontaine, J., Debus-Sherrill, S., Downey, P. M., Lowry, S. S. & Urban Institute, J., Policy Center. (2010). Violence prevention in schools: A case study of the thurgood Marshall academy public charter high school. final report. Urban Institute.

Abstract: This report is based on research conducted by the Urban Institute's Justice Policy Center on the violence prevention activities taking place at the Thurgood Marshall Academy Public Charter High School during the 2008-2009 school year. (Contains 1 figure, 28 tables and 9 footnotes)

Fowler, T. (2011). The limits of civic education: The divergent implications of political and comprehensive liberalism. Theory and Research in Education, 9(1), 87-100.

Abstract: Education has become one of the foremost arenas in which political liberals attempt to differentiate their account from that of comprehensive liberals. (Contains 2 notes )

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Fox, S. & Stallworth, L. E. (2010). The battered apple: An application of stressor-emotion-control/support theory to teachers' experience of violence and bullying. Human Relations, 63(7), 927-954. doi:10.1177/0018726709349518

Abstract: This study looked at factors that moderate responses to violence, bullying, and other stressors among public school teachers in the US. Grounded in stressor-emotion-control/ support (SEC/S) theory, the study emphasized the relevance of specific forms of control and support to specific stressors in analyzing moderation effects

Frederike, S. & Toni, F. (2011). Effective strategies for prevention of school bullying: Teachers' and social workers' views. Psychology & Health, 26, 215-215.

Frisen, A. & Holmqvist, K. (2010). Adolescents' own suggestions for bullying interventions at age 13 and 16. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51(2), 123-131. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9450.2009.00733.x

Abstract: In this study we examined adolescents' perspectives on what interventions they consider to be effective in order to stop the bullying of a student. The adolescents' suggestions were reviewed at two time points, age 13 and 16.

Gainous, J. & Martens, A. M. (2012). The effectiveness of civic education: Are "good" teachers actually good for "all" students? American Politics Research, 40(2), 232-266. doi:10.1177/1532673X11419492

Abstract: Past research has explored the effectiveness of civic education in America's classrooms. We build on these efforts using a survey of American students to test whether civics instruction enhances students' political knowledge, political efficacy, and their voting intent.

Garaigordobil Landazabal, M. & Oñederra, J. A. (2010). Los centros educativos ante el acoso escolar: Actuaciones del profesorado, acciones sancionadoras y actividades de acciones sancionadoras y actividades de prevención. Informació Psicològica, (99), 4-18.

Abstract: El estudio tuvo 3 objetivos: 1) analizar las actuaciones del profesorado cuando identifican conductas de acoso escolar, 2) estudiar las acciones sancionadoras que los centros educativos realizaron el curso escolar previo; e 3) identificar las actividades de prevención de conflictos (…)// The purpose of this study is three-fold: 1) to analyze teachers' actions when they identify bullying behaviors at school; 2) to study the punishing actions carried out in the educational centers the previous course; and 3) to identify activities to prevent conflicts (…)

Garaigordobil Landazabal, M. & Oñederra, J. A. (2010). Un estudio comparativo de las conductas de acoso escolar percibidas por los directivos de los centros educativos y por los estudiantes de 10 a 16 años. Investigación en convivencia escolar: Variables relacionadas (1st ed., pp. 97-104) Grupo Editorial Universitario (GEU Editorial).

Garaigordobil Landazabal, M. & Oñederra, J. A. (2010). Inteligencia emocional en las víctimas de acoso escolar y en los agresores. European Journal of Education and Psychology, 3(2), 243-256.

Abstract: El estudio tuvo como principal objetivo analizar las relaciones existentes entre ser víctima de acoso escolar y ser agresor con parámetros asociados a la inteligencia emocional (emotividad, eficacia, pensamiento supersticioso, rigidez, pensamiento esotérico, ilusión).

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García Continente, X., Pérez Giménez, A. & Nebot Adell, M. (2010). Factores relacionados con el acoso escolar (bullying) en los adolescentes de Barcelona. Gaceta Sanitaria: Organo Oficial De La Sociedad Española De Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria, 24(2), 103-108.

Abstract: Objetivos La violencia y el acoso escolar constituyen un problema social y de salud que ha generado una gran alarma en los últimos años. En este estudio se describe el acoso escolar y los factores relacionados en estudiantes de Barcelona.

García Costa, F. M. & Benito Martínez, J. (2010). Educación constitucional y ciudadanía plural. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado, (69), 87-104.

Abstract: Las Constituciones representan un proyecto de convivencia que entraña el triunfo de la Libertad frente al Poder (…)// Constitutions represent a Project of coexistence that involves the triumph of Freedom over Power (…)

García Maestro, J. P. & Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2010). De la educación para la ciudadanía a la educación para la solidaridad. Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones (1st ed., pp. 21-38) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Garratt, D. (2011). Equality, difference and the absent presence of "race" in citizenship education in the UK. London Review of Education, 9(1), 27-39.

Abstract: This paper examines the political and historical antecedents of the absent presence of "race" in successive policies for citizenship education in contemporary Britain. (Contains 1 note)

Garratt, D. & Piper, H. (2010). Heterotopian cosmopolitan citizenship education? Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 5(1), 43-55.

Abstract: This article examines the on-going saga of citizenship education in the UK against a backdrop of conceptual confusions and contradictions around the question of what it means to share a civic identity. (Contains 2 notes)

Gholtash, A. & Yarmohammadian, M. H. (2011). A critical analysis of the progressive citizenship education approach in Iran's elementary school curriculum. 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences (2011), 15 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.03.054

Abstract: This study aimed at critiquing progressive citizenship education approach, highlighting its evidence, and examining its status in Iran's elementary school curriculum. A use was made of a descriptive approach and content analysis.

Givens, J. E. (2010). Does theory of mind mediate aggression and bullying in middle school males and females? (Ph.D., The University of Nebraska - Lincoln). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (305210380)

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between theory of mind, gender, physical aggression, relational aggression, and bullying.

Gómez Mariaca, A. (2011). La criminología y el fenómeno del bullying: Una solución preventiva que atienda a su complejidad. Archivos De Criminología, Criminalística y Seguridad Privada, 7(1)

Gomez, D. D. (2010). School violence prevention: Climate and moral perspectives of sixth through eighth grade students attending a Southern California catholic school. ProQuest Information & Learning. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 71(5) (2010-99211-012).

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Abstract: The need for U.S. teachers to better understand School Violence Prevention is growing. Evidence suggests however, that 10 years and 10 billion dollars after the Columbine High School massacre, our public schools are not safer (

González Castro, P., Alvarez García, D., Rodríguez Perez, C., Alvarez Pérez, L. & Núñez Pérez, J. C. (2010). Educación para la convivencia desde un enfoque trans-curricular. La convivencia escolar: Aspectos psicológicos y educativos (1st ed., pp. 95-98) [Granada]: GEU, D.L. 2010.

González de Rivera y Revuelta, José Luis. (2011). El maltrato psicológico: Cómo defenderse del mobbing y otras formas de acoso (Nueva, act y mej ed.). Tarragona: Altaria.

González García, E. (2012). ¿Qué fue de la polémica en torno a la educación para la ciudadanía? Revista De Ciencias De La Educación: Órgano Del Instituto Calasanz De Ciencias De La Educación (229), 87-108.

González González, E. J. (2011). El tribunal supremo no permite objetar en educación para la ciudadanía: Comentarios a las sentencias 6680/2010 y 6681/2010, ambas de 13 de diciembre de 2010. Fundamentos De Derecho: Revista Del Colegio De Abogados De Cáceres, (57), 47-57.

González Trijueque, D. & Graña Gómez, J. L. (2010). Workpla ce bullying: Prevalence and descriptive analysis in a multi-occupational sample. Psychology in Spain, (14), 15-21.

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the prevalence of mobbing in the workplace, as well as its main associated characteristics (…)// El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la prevalencia del acoso psicológico en el lugar de trabajo y las distintas características asociadas a dicho fenómeno (…)

González Valencia, G. (2010). El profesorado y la enseñanza de la educación para la ciudadanía. Íber: Didáctica De Las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia; 2010, n.64, Abril-Junio; p.29-37.

Abstract: La incorporación en el currículum educativo de la asignatura educación para la ciudadanía ha suscitado diversas discusiones. Una de ellas ha sido qué formación debían tener los profesores que la impartían. Se recoge un estudio sobre el concepto que tienen los docentes de la asignatura y la finalidad de la misma.

González-Pienda García, J. A., Álvarez García, D., Rodríguez Pérez, C., González Castro, P., Núñez Pérez, J. C. & Álvarez Pérez, L. (2010). Situación actual de la convivencia escolar en la educación secundaria. Investigación en convivencia escolar: Variables relacionadas (1st ed., pp. 119-124) Grupo Editorial Universitario (GEU Editorial).

Gonzalvez Pérez, V. (2011). Educación para la ciudadanía democrática en la cultura digital. Comunicar: Revista Científica Iberoamericana De Comunicación y Educación, (36), 131-138.

Abstract: Asumiendo la importancia de las nuevas tecnologías en las aulas, especialmente en las actuales sociedades de la información y la comunicación, y siguiendo las recomendaciones de la Unión Europea a favor de la alfabetización mediática, el presente trabajo reflexiona acerca de la necesidad de educar (…)

Good, C. P., McIntosh, K. & Gietz, C. (2011). Integrating bullying prevention into schoolwide positive behavior support. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 44(1), 48-56.

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Abstract: Bullying is often defined as unprovoked aggressive behavior repeatedly carried out against victims who are unable to defend themselves. (Contains 2 figures)

Gozálvez Pérez, V. E. (2011). Educación cívica en la cultura digital. Una aproximación crítica a la socialización-en-red. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación, 55(2).

Grammes, T. & Busch, M. (2010). Teaching democracy and civic education. Zeitschrift Fur Erziehungswissenschaft, 13(2), 317-327. doi:10.1007/s11618-010-0120-0

Gregory, A., Cornell, D., Fan, X., Sheras, P., Shih, T. & Huang, F. L. (2010). Authoritative school discipline: High school practices associated with lower bullying and victimization. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(2), 483-496.

Abstract: In this study we examined authoritative discipline theory, which posits that 2 complementary aspects of school climate -structure and support- are important for adolescents' safety in school.

Gudín Rodríguez-Magariños, F. (2012). Algunas consideraciones sobre el nuevo delito de grooming. Actualidad Jurídica Aranzadi, (842), 5.

Gudín Rodríguez-Magariños, F. (2012). Ciber-bullying o ciberacoso: El oscuro lado criminal de las redes sociales. Revista De Derecho Penal, (36), 67-93.

Güemes Careaga, I. (2011). Evaluación de la eficacia del programa “Conves” para la mejora de la convivencia en educación primaria. EA, Escuela Abierta: Revista De Investigación Educativa, (14), 33-46.

Abstract: En la actualidad existen en muchas instituciones sociales sistemas de convivencia que permiten, ignoran o potencian la agresividad entre iguales. // At present in many social institutions there are coexistence systems that allow, ignore or enhance aggressiveness between peers.

Guerra, N. G. & Williams, K. R. (2010). Implementing bullying prevention in diverse settings: Geographic, economic, and cultural influences. In E. M. Vernberg, & B. K. Biggs (Eds.), Preventing and treating bullying and victimization (pp. 319-336). New York, NY US: Oxford University Press.

Abstract: (from the chapter) In this chapter, we examine how bullying is related to demographic and cultural characteristics, including the ethnic composition of a school, percentage of poor students, geographic location (urban vs. rural), and normative support (approval) of bullying among students.

Guichot-Reina, V. (2012). Una mirada crítica sobre la educación para la ciudadanía: Repensando la competencia social y ciudadana desde una pedagogía emancipadora. Revista De Ciencias De La Educación: Organo Del Instituto Calasanz De Ciencias De La Educación, (229), 63-86.

Gustavo, A. G. V. (2010). Ideas about the citizenship and citizenship education in student teachers of social studies in a public university in Colombia. International Sociological Association.

Abstract: The ideas about citizenship & citizenship education are two aspects that reflect or can be an example of social representations. This matter is very important in citizenship, but it is more important in the teacher of Social Studies & citizenship education.

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Gutierrez, R. (2010). The prevailing construct in civic education and its problems. Action in Teacher Education, 32(2), 24-41.

Abstract: This article presents the natural rights construct as the perspective used in civic education, by outlining its moral, theoretical, and curricular elements. Morally, the construct holds a liberal view of individual rights and liberty from subjugation. (Contains 13 notes)

Haner, D., Pepler, D., Cummings, J. & Rubin-Vaughan, A. (2010). The role of arts-based curricula in bullying prevention: Elijah's kite-A children's opera. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 25(1), 55-69.

Abstract: This article describes a children's opera about bullying that was presented to five classrooms in three schools and evaluated with a pre-post design. Data were available for 104 Grade 4 and 5 students who completed a bullying prevalence survey and bullying knowledge quiz before and 6 weeks after the opera. (Contains 1 table)

Hanson, J. S. & Howe, K. (2011). The potential for deliberative democratic civic education. Democracy & Education, 19(2).

Abstract: The values of aggregative democracy have dominated much of civic education as its values reflect the realities of the American political system. We argue that deliberative democratic theory better addresses the moral and epistemological demands of democracy when compared to aggregative democracy. (Contains 6 notes)

Hay, C. & Meldrum, R. (2010). Bullying victimization and adolescent self-harm: Testing hypotheses from general strain theory. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39(5), 446-459. doi:10.1007/s10964-009-9502-0

Abstract: Self-harm is widely recognized as a significant adolescent social problem, and recent research has begun to explore its etiology.

Hay, C., Meldrum, R. & Mann, K. (2010). Traditional bullying, cyber bullying, and deviance: A general strain theory approach. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 26(2), 130-147. doi:10.1177/1043986209359557

Abstract: Agnew's general strain theory (GST) has received significant empirical attention, but important issues remain unresolved. This study addresses three such issues. First, the authors examine the effects of bullying--a source of strain that may be consequential, but that has been neglected in GST research to date (…)

Hayashi, M. (2010). In Meng Z. C., X. (Ed.), Citizen education programs at awaji landscape planning & horticulture academy for the improvement of the landscape and the environment.

Abstract: Hyogo prefecture in Japan has experienced The Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake in 1995. But this experience promoted the participation through such kind of volunteer activity.

Haynes Writer, J. (2010). Broadening the meaning of citizenship education: Native americans and tribal nationhood. Action in Teacher Education, 32(2), 70-81.

Abstract: The reality of tribal nationhood and the dual citizenship that Native Americans carry in their tribal nations and the United States significantly expands the definition and parameters of citizen education. (Contains 6 notes)

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Heimberg, C. (2010). ¿Cómo puede orientarse la educación para la ciudadanía hacia la libertad, la responsabilidad y la capacidad de discernimiento de las nuevas generaciones? Íber: Didáctica De Las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia; 2010, n.64, Abril-Junio; p.48-57.

Abstract: Abordar la formación de escolares para que sean ciudadanos democráticos no es tarea fácil. Se enumeran una serie de aspectos a tener en cuenta: polisemia del concepto de ciudadanía, los niveles en donde se puede focalizar su enseñanza, las diferentes perspectivas para organizar el contenido (…)

Henderson, M. H. (2012). Orientations of the heart: Exploring hope & diversity in undergraduate citizenship education. (Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (928069925)

Abstract: This dissertation addresses the questions: How do activists sustain hope while increasingly aware of social complexity? How is agentive hope related to experiences of systemic power relations, including class, race, and gender?.

Henry, D. B. (2012). Mediators of effects of a selective family-focused violence prevention approach for middle school students. Prevention Science, 13(1), 1-14. doi:10.1007/s11121-011-0245-2

Abstract: This study examined how parenting and family characteristics targeted in a selective prevention program mediated effects on key youth proximal outcomes related to violence perpetration. (Journal abstract)

Hernández de Frutos, T. & Casares García, E. (2010). The effects of discrete contextual variables on "bullying" in the schoolyard. Papers: Revista De Sociología, (95), 47-71.

Abstract: In spite of the abundance of scientific literature that exists on bullying in schools, few studies have focused on the effects, both separate and combined, caused by contextual structural variables (…) // A pesar de la abundante literatura científica que existe sobre el acoso escolar, pocos estudios han incidido sobre los efectos, tanto separados como combinados, causados por variables contextuales discretas (…)

Herrera Torres, L. & Bravo Antonio, I. (2011). Convivencia escolar en educación primaria. Las habilidades sociales del alumnado como variable moduladora. Dedica. Revista De Educação e Humanidades, (1), 173-212.

Abstract: Las instituciones escolares constituyen el lugar idóneo en el que enseñar a convivir a nuestros jóvenes y, por ende, dotarles de las habilidades sociales necesarias que contribuyan a su pleno proceso de desarrollo social y personal (Ramírez; Justicia, 2006). // Schools are a suitable place in which to teach living together to children and young people young and, therefore, to provide them with the social skills that are necessary to contribute to full social and personal development (Ramírez; Justicia, 2006).

Herrera Torres, L., Ortiz Gómez, M. d. M. & Sánchez Fernández, S. (2010). La convivencia escolar en educación primaria y secundaria. Conductas positivas y negativas. Claves para la investigación en innovación y calidad educativas, la integración de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y la interculturalidad en las aulas: Strumenti di ricerca per l'innovazione e la quialità in ambito educativo, le tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione e l'interculturalità nella scuola (1st ed., pp. 221-234) Editorial Marfil.

Hines, H. N. (2011). Traditional bullying and cyber-bullying: Are the impacts on self-concept the same? (S.S.P., Western Carolina University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (863229335)

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Abstract: Purpose: Cyber-bullying is a serious matter involving a substantial number of middle school students. The frequency of cyber-bullying is becoming more prevalent, increasing the need for minors, parents, and school personnel to become more aware and educated on the issue (Kowalski & Limber, 2007).

Hinton, H. (2010). No one rises to low expectations: Citizenship education in an "urban" charter school. (Ph.D., Purdue University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (741162120)

Abstract: This dissertation examines how middle level teachers at HOPE Academy, an urban charter school with a majority African American student population, understand citizenship education and what it means to teach African American students to be good citizens.

Hixson, S. W. (2010). The student bullying and violence prevention program. MultiMedia & Internet@Schools, 17(4), 47-48.

Ho, L., Sim, J. B., & Alviar-Martin, T. (2011). Interrogating differentiated citizenship education: Students' perceptions of democracy, rights and governance in two Singapore schools. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 6(3), 265-276. doi:10.1177/1746197911417417

Abstract: Across and within democratic societies, youth experiences of education for citizenship vary widely.

Hoffman, B. & Riutta, S. (2011). Democratic participation in rural Tanzania and Zambia: The impact of civic education. Perspectives on Politics, 9(3), 745-746. doi:10.1017/S1537592711002957

Hollander, E. L. (2011). Civic education in research universities: Leaders or followers? Education & Training, 53(2-3), 166-176.

Abstract: Purpose: Research-intensive universities have special challenges in providing their students with civic education, particularly education that is rooted in the curriculum. (Contains 11 notes)

Holt, A., Martin, D., Hayden, C. & Nee, C. (2011). Schooled in democracy? promoting democratic values as a whole-school approach to violence prevention. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 13(3), 205-217. doi:10.1057/cpcs.2011.6

Abstract: This article discusses a Europe-wide project that aimed to promote Safer Schools through utilising a Charter of 'democratic principles'. (Journal abstract)

Hooghe, M. & Dassonneville, R. (2011). The effects of civic education on political knowledge. A two year panel survey among belgian adolescents. Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability, 23(4), 321-339. doi:10.1007/s11092-011-9131-5

Abstract: Traditionally political knowledge was regarded as an important potential outcome for civic education efforts. Most of the currently available research, however, tends to focus on non-cognitive goals, despite the fact that studies repeatedly have shown that political knowledge is an important resource for enlightened and engaged citizenship.

Hoskins, B. L., Barber, C., Van Nijlen, D. & Villalba, E. (2011). Comparing civic competence among european youth: Composite and domain-specific indicators using IEA civic education study data. Comparative Education Review, 55(1), 82-110.

Abstract: Addressing the European Union monitoring of civic competence, this article presents a composite indicator of civic competence and four domain indicators. The data

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used are from the 1999 IEA Civic Education study of 14-year-olds in school. (Contains 6 tables and 9 footnotes)

Houbre, B. (2010). Expression of self-concept and adjustment against repeated aggressions: The case of a longitudinal study on school bullying. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 25(1), 105-123.

Abstract: Bullying between students in the school setting is an increasing problem. // Les agressions entre élèves en milieu scolaire constituent un problème grandissant.

Hoyos Vásquez, G. (2011). Educación y ética para una ciudadanía cosmopolita. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación, (55), 191-203.

Abstract: En el presente artículo se busca comprender el sentido de los códigos de ética que normalmente se elaboran en las instituciones educativas (…) // No presente artigo busca-se compreender o sentido dos códigos de ética que normalmente se elaboram nas instituições educativas (…)// This article is looking to understand the meaning of the ethic codes that normally are developed in educational institutions (…).

Hromatko, I. (2011). Networking european citizenship education workshop: Active citizens for europe - the role of culture and citizenship education in european migration societies. Revija Za Socijalnu Politiku, 18(1), 112-114. doi:10.3935/rsp.v18i1.985

Huerta Garicano, I. (2010). A vueltas con la asignatura de educación para la ciudadanía. Civitas.Revista Española De Derecho Administrativo (146), 389-415.

Hughes, A. S., Print, M. & Sears, A. (2010). Curriculum capacity and citizenship education: A comparative analysis of four democracies. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 40(3), 293-309.

Abstract: Governments, international organizations and academics have, in recent decades, expressed a sense of crisis in the practice of democracy based largely upon increasing levels of disengagement by citizens from even the most basic elements of civic life (Contains 1 table)

Hung, R. (2012). Being human or being a citizen? rethinking human rights and citizenship education in the light of agamben and merleau-ponty. Cambridge Journal of Education, 42(1), 37.

Abstract: This paper argues against a trend of human rights education, where human rights are taught in the form of citizenship education. In my view, citizenship education and human rights education cannot be taken as replaceable for each other.

Ibarra Rius, N. & Ballester, i. R. (2010). La educación literaria e intercultural en la construcción de la ciudadanía. Aula De Innovación Educativa; 2010, n.197, Diciembre; p.9-12.

Abstract: Se analiza la educación literaria e intercultural como herramienta privilegiada en la construcción de un currículo plural y las repercusiones de la formación crítica de lectores como elemento esencial para el diálogo entre culturas y el ejercicio activo de la ciudadanía.

Ichilov, O. (2012). Privatization and commercialization of public education: Consequences for citizenship and citizenship education. Urban Review: Issues and Ideas in Public Education, 44(2), 281-301.

Abstract: My purpose is to examine and evaluate the implementation of market ideology and practices in education through the prism of both modern democratic theory and the discourse of rights.

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Ince, B. (2012). Citizenship education in Turkey: Inclusive or exclusive. Oxford Review of Education, 38(2), 115-131.

Abstract: This paper scrutinises citizenship education in Turkey from the foundation of the Turkish Republic (1923) to the present and explores the extent to which it encourages inclusive or exclusive concepts of national identity and citizenship. (Contains 8 notes and 3 figures)

Innerarity Grau, C. & Acha Ugarte, B. (2010). Los discursos sobre ciudadanía e inmigración en Europa: Universalismo, extremismo y educación. Política y Sociedad, 47(2), 63-84.

Abstract: En este artículo analizamos los principales cambios producidos en los últimos quince años en los discursos sobre la ciudadanía (…)// In this article we analyse the fundamental changes in citizenship discourses which have taken place in the last 15 years due to the increasing cultural diversity in our societies (…)

Iriarte Redín, C., González-Torres, C., Sobrino, Á. & López de, D. R. (2010). Estudio de creencias, actitudes y actuaciones del profesorado en torno a la educación para la convivencia a través del cuestionario de 'competencia social para el profesorado'. Revista De Ciencias De La Educación; 2010, n.222, Abril-Junio; p.226-227.

Abstract: Se presenta un instrumento de evaluación destinado a recoger las creencias, actitudes y actuaciones de los docentes a la hora de fomentar la competencia social y la educación para la convivencia dentro de sus aulas.

Isaacs, L. K. A. (2010). Teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of the olweus bullying prevention program in hindering bullying behaviors. ProQuest Information & Learning. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 70(7) (2010-99010-437)

Abstract: Effects of bullying behaviors prove devastating as illustrated by the deadly massacres at Columbine High School in 1999 and Virginia Technical University in 2007. This research study sought teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness of the Olweus Bullying Prevention program in hindering bullying behaviors.

Isac, M. M., Maslowski, R. & Van, d. W. (2011). Effective civic education: An educational effectiveness model for explaining students' civic knowledge. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 22(3), 313-333.

Abstract: In this study, a comprehensive educational effectiveness model is tested in relation to student's civic knowledge. Multilevel analysis was applied on the dataset of the IEA Civic Education Study (CIVED; Torney-Purta, Lehmann, Oswald, & Schulz, 2001) (…) (Contains 1 note, 2 tables, and 1 figure)

Jerome, L. (2012). Service learning and active citizenship education in England. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 7(1), 59-70. doi:10.1177/1746197911432594

Abstract: This article compares the English tradition of active citizenship education with the US tradition of service learning. It starts by outlining service learning and noting some of the defining characteristics as well as some of the tensions. Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications.

Jimerson, S. R. & Huai, N. (2010). International perspectives on bullying prevention and intervention. In S. R. Jimerson, S. M. Swearer & D. L. Espelage (Eds.), Handbook of bullying in schools: An international perspective. (pp. 571-592). New York, NY US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

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Abstract: (from the chapter) The primary purpose of this chapter is to share a summary and synthesis of bullying prevention and intervention programs around the world, to glean further insights and identify implications for practice. Cultural and contextual considerations are also discussed. (Chapter)

Johnson, L. & Morris, P. (2010). Towards a framework for critical citizenship education. Curriculum Journal, 21(1), 77-96.

Abstract: Increasingly, countries around the world are promoting forms of "critical" citizenship in the planned curricula of schools. (Contains 2 figures, 2 tables and 2 notes)

Johnson, S. L., Burke, J. G. & Gielen, A. C. (2011). Prioritizing the school environment in school violence prevention efforts. Journal of School Health, 81(6), 331-340.

Abstract: Background: Numerous studies have demonstrated an association between characteristics of the school environment and the likelihood of school violence. (Contains 2 figures and 3 tables)

Jonas, M. E. (2012). Gratitude, ressentiment, and citizenship education. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 31(1), 29-46. doi:10.1007/s11217-011-9261-8

Abstract: Patricia White (Stud Philos Educ 18:43-52, 1999) argues that the virtue gratitude is essential to a flourishing democracy because it helps foster universal and reciprocal amity between citizens.

Juhnke, G. A., Granello, D. H. & Granello, P. F. (2011). Suicide, self-injury, and violence in the schools: Assessment, prevention, and intervention strategies. Hoboken, NJ US: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Abstract: (from the cover) The frequency of suicide, students' self-injury, and violence in school settings requires preventative and response policies and procedures for the safety and protection of faculty and students.

Keating, A., Benton, T. & Kerr, D. (2011). Tracing the trends and transitions in young people's citizenship practices: What are the implications for researching citizenship and citizenship education? Educational Research, 53(2), 223-235. doi:10.1080/00131881.2011.572371

Abstract: Background: Youth participation (or lack thereof) has been a subject of continued concern over the past 20 years. This decline has prompted huge interest in understanding how young people practice citizenship and in identifying measures that can help increase participation and interest.

Kelly, L. (2011). "I know it shouldn't but it still hurts" bullying and adults: Implications and interventions for practice. Nursing Clinics of North America, 46(4), 423-+. doi:10.1016/j.cnur.2011.08.003

Abstract: Bullying problems among children and adolescents are well documented but there is scant literature that examines this phenomenon among adults. This article contends that nurses must begin to assess adult patients for this type of violence.

Kennelly, J. & Llewellyn, K. R. (2011). Educating for active compliance: Discursive constructions in citizenship education. Citizenship Studies, 15(6-7), 897-914. doi:10.1080/13621025.2011.600103

Abstract: This article examines the discursive construction of 'active citizenship' within recent civics curriculum documents across three provinces in Canada.

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Keser, F., Akar, H. & Yildirim, A. (2011). The role of extracurricular activities in active citizenship education. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 43(6), 809-837. doi:10.1080/00220272.2011.591433

Abstract: There have been multiple trends of building democratic citizens through formal education, and in the European context the trials have been dramatically increased with the Europeanization process since the 1980s.

Kiwan, D. (2011). “National” citizenship in the UK? Education and naturalization policies in the context of internal division, 11(3), 269.

Abstract: Over the last 10 years in the UK, there have been various citizenship policy developments in the domains of education and naturalization.

Kjellin, M. S., Stier, J., Einarson, T., Davies, T. & Asunta, T. (2010). Pupils' voices about citizenship education: Comparative case studies in Finland, Sweden and England. European Journal of Teacher Education, 33(2), 201-218. doi:10.1080/02619761003631823

Abstract: The aim of the article is to present and discuss a study in which Finnish, English and Swedish pupils' understanding of citizenship education with regard to: (a) political literacy; and (b) attitudes and values was explored.

Knoll, J. (2010). Teacher sexual misconduct: Grooming patterns and female offenders. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 19(4), 371-386.

Abstract: Educator sexual misconduct has received increasing attention over the past decade. The attention has exposed a number of concerning issues, including a lack of formal research in the area and difficulties in recognizing and prosecuting cases. (Contains 3 tables)

Kogan, G. (2011). A systematic review of the literature on the effects of school bullying from the framework of jurgen habermas's theory of communicative action (Ph.D., City University of New York) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (894335122)

Abstract: This project is a systematic review of the US quantitative, empirical studies on the effects of school bullying for the purpose of determining the degree to which Jurgen Habermas's social theory, the theory of communicative action, can be used to understand the constellation of measured effects.

Kohler, M. & Kilgo, J. (2011). Teacher adherence and its relation to teacher attitudes and student outcomes in an elementary school-based violence prevention program. Childhood Education, 87(4), 304-305.

Abstract: The article reviews the article "Teacher Adherence and Its Relation to Teacher Attitudes and Student Outcomes in an Elementary School-Based Violence Prevention Program," by B. Biggs, E. Vernberg, S. Twemlow, P. Fonagy, and E. Dill, which appeared in the 2008 issue of the periodical "School Psychology Review."

Kwok, R. (2012, Summer 2012). CIVIL SOCIETY civic education through. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 10, 10.

Abstract: From 2001 to 2002, more than 70 local NGOs fanned out across Kenya to conduct one of the biggest adult civic education efforts ever launched in a developing country.

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Langmann, E. (2011). Representational and territorial economies in global citizenship education: Welcoming the other at the limit of cosmopolitan hospitality. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9(3-4), 399-409.

Abstract: In this article, I argue that any success a discourse on cosmopolitan hospitality might have in global citizenship education depends on how it deals with its own limits, and I propose a way of responding to these limits that takes the cosmopolitan commitment to openness to the other seriously.

Lavilla Cerdán, L. (2011). Bullying: Estrategias de prevención. Pedagogía Magna (11), 275-287.

Law, W. (2011). Citizenship and citizenship education in a global age: Politics, policies, and practices in China. Global studies in education. Volume 2 Peter Lang New York.

Abstract: This book examines issues of citizenship, citizenship education, and social change in China, exploring the complexity of interactions among global forces, the nation-state, local governments, schools, and individuals -including students—(…)

Leite, L. (2011). XIV encuentro nacional de educación en ciencias: Educación en ciencias para el trabajo, el ócio y la ciudadania. Revista Eureka Sobre Enseñanza y Divulgación De Las Ciencias, 8(1)

Leiva Olivencia, J. J. (2010). Educación intercultural y convivencia desde la perspectiva docente. Profesorado: Revista De Curriculum y Formación Del Profesorado, 14(3).

Abstract: En este trabajo hemos querido describir la concepción pedagógica que tienen los docentes acerca de la interculturalidad y la convivencia en sus centros educativos (…) // In this article, it exposes the pedagogic conception that have the teachers about the intercultural education and the coexistence in the schools (…)

Leuschner, V., Bondu, R., Schroer-Hippel, M., Panno, J., Neumetzler, K., Fisch, S., . . . Scheithauer, H. (2011). Prevention of homicidal violence in schools in Germany: The Berlin leaking project and the networks against school shootings project (NETWASS). New Directions for Youth Development, (129), 61-78.

Abstract: Since 1999, Germany has experienced at least twelve serious cases of targeted school violence. This article describes two projects designed to fill the gap between universal prevention and emergency response in preventing severe forms of school violence in Germany. (Contains 1 figure, 1 table, and 41 notes)

Levine, D. H., Bishai, L. S. & United States Institute, o. p. (2010). Civic education and peacebuilding: Examples from Iraq and Sudan. Special report 254. United States Institute of Peace.

Abstract: Between 2006 and 2010, the United States Institute of Peace developed several civic education programs for Iraq and Sudan as part of broader efforts to promote postconflict stability and development and help prevent a return to violence. (Contains 13 notes)

Lewis, J. P. (2011). The unavoidable struggle of canadian citizenship education: An analysis of historical and contemporary challenges of producing a cohesive policy narrative. (Ph.D., Carleton University (Canada) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (917251390)

Abstract: The purpose of my thesis is to examine the construction of a Canadian citizenship narrative through education. I argue that citizenship education policy in Canada has not

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effectively reconciled central components of Canadian citizenship with a cohesive narrative. (Civic education).

Lewis, C. J. (2011). Review of 'bullying prevention and intervention: Realistic strategies for schools'. School Social Work Journal, 36(1), 95-97.

Abstract: Reviews the book, "Bullying Prevention and Intervention: Realistic Strategies for Schools" by Susan M. Swearer, Dorothy L. Espelage, and Scott A. Napolitano (see record 2009-01976-000).

Lima Braga, L. d. & Lisboa, C. (2010). Estrategias de coping para lidar com o processo de bullying: Um estudo qualitativo. Revista Interamericana De Psicología = Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 44(2), 321-331.

Limber, S. P. (2011). Development, evaluation, and future directions of the olweus bullying prevention program. Journal of School Violence, 10(1), 71-87.

Abstract: The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) is a comprehensive, school-wide program that was designed in the mid-1980s to reduce bullying and achieve better peer relations among students in elementary, middle, and junior high school grades. (Contains 1 table)

Lippel, K. (2010). The law of workplace bullying: An international overview. Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, 32(1), 1-13.

Llusà Serra, J., Nomen Recio, J. & Pagès Blanch, J. (2011). El desarrollo de competencias en la educación para la ciudadanía: Ejemplos de unas prácticas variadas. Aula De Innovación Educativa, (199), 50-53.

London, S. & Foundation, K. (2010). Doing democracy: How a network of grassroots organizations is strengthening community, building capacity, and shaping a new kind of civic education. Kettering Foundation.

Abstract: This paper examines a burgeoning network of organizations that is inventing new forms of community renewal and citizenship education (…)

Long, L. & McPolin, P. (2010). Personal and civic education in the northern Ireland primary curriculum: Teachers' perspectives. Pastoral Care in Education, 28(2), 109-129.

Abstract: This paper presents the findings from a survey of Primary One and Primary Five teachers' experiences of delivering the new learning area personal development and mutual understanding (PDMU) in its first year of implementation in the Northern Ireland Curriculum, September 2007-June 2008. (Contains 2 tables and 12 figures)

López Atxurra, J. R. & Caba Collado, Mª de los Angeles de la. (2011). Evaluación de competencias de diálogo y debate desde la perspectiva de la educación para la ciudadanía: Análisis de una práctica de intervención en educación primaria. La evaluación en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las ciencias sociales (1st ed., pp. 315-324) Asociación Universitaria de Profesores de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales.

López de la Vela, L. (2010). Las celebraciones de 1825: Del patriotismo a la educación: Las becas educativas de la junta cívica. Historia Mexicana, 60(1), 641-662.

López Medel, J. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía: ¿Quién objeta a quién? Razón Española: Revista Bimestral De Pensamiento, (159), 76-78.

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Lorenzo Alquézar, R. & Benedicto Rodríguez, R. (2010). Educación cívica: Democracia y cuestiones de género (1 ed.). Barcelona: Icaria.

Louzao Suárez, M. & González Riaño, X. A. (2010). La educación intercultural como factor favorecedor de la convivencia escolar. Investigación en convivencia escolar: Variables relacionadas (1st ed., pp. 715-720) Grupo Editorial Universitario (GEU Editorial).

Lozano Serrano, Á. & Covelo López, J. M. (2010). Del conflicto cultural a la interculturalidad y el pluralismo a través de la educación para la ciudadanía. Comunidad Escolar: Periódico Digital De Información Educativa; 2010, Año XXVIII, v.245, n.872, Abril; 4 p.

Abstract: Se aborda el tema de los procesos migratorios y sus consecuencias, y se reflexiona sobre el papel de los centros educativos, concretamente de la asignatura Educación para la Ciudadanía, en el reto irrenunciable de pasar desde el conflicto cultural a la interculturalidad y el pluralismo.

Lozano, F., Salas Rosso, F. & Dovat, L. (2010). Malestar entre los adolescentes como consecuencia del acoso escolar (bullying). Biomedicina, 5(1), 23-35.

Luna, F. (2011). Maite Garaigordobil, catedrática de psicología: "jugar y cooperar contra el acoso escolar". Cuadernos De Pedagogía, (417), 44-49.

Abstract: Para esta profesora de Psicología de la Universidad vasca, el acoso escolar es algo evitable, igual que lo es la violencia social.

Luongo, J., Fernandes de Freitas, G. & Fernandes, M. d. F. P. (2011). Caracterizaçao do assédio moral nas relaçoes de trabalho: Uma revisao da literatura. Cultura De Los Cuidados: Revista De Enfermería y Humanidades, (30), 71-78.

Abstract: El objetivo de este trabajo es reflexionar sobre los conceptos y significados que son atribuidos al bullying en las relaciones laborales en el contexto de la literatura sobre el tema. El bullying es un fenómeno que se caracteriza por la vergüenza, la humillación, la violencia de forma constante y repetida.

Macías Muñoz, O. (2011). El proceso de evaluación en la educación para la ciudadanía ante los nuevos retos sociales. El caso del país vasco. La evaluación en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las ciencias sociales (1st ed., pp. 251-258) Asociación Universitaria de Profesores de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales.

MacMullen, I. (2011). On status quo bias in civic education. Journal of Politics, 73(3), 872-886. doi:10.1017/S0022381611000521

Abstract: Should civic education in a democracy cultivate children's beliefs in the substantive merits of existing laws and political institutions? Such status quo educational bias can be both a barrier to political progress and a threat to the state's legitimacy.

Magaz Muñoz, A. M., Chorot Raso, P., Sandín Ferrero, B., Santed Germán, M. A. & Valiente García, R. M. (2011). Estilos de apego y acoso entre iguales (bullying) en adolescentes. Revista De Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica: Revista Oficial De La Asociación Española De Psicología Clínica y Psicopatología AEPCP, 16(3), 207-221.

Magro Servet, V. (2010). El «grooming» o ciber acoso infantil, el nuevo artículo 183 bis del código penal. Diario La Ley, (7492).

Abstract: La proliferación de comunicaciones por Internet con menores de edad, por parte de personas sin escrúpulos con la finalidad de concertar encuentros para la comisión de

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delitos de carácter sexual prevaliéndose del engaño, ha determinado que el legislador haya incluido en la reciente reforma del Código Penal (…)

Málaga Guerrero, J. & Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía. Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones (1st ed., pp. 175-180) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Malin, H. (2011). American identity development and citizenship education: A summary of perspectives and call for new research Conclusion. Applied Developmental Science, 15(2), 111-116. doi:10.1080/10888691.2011.560817

Marchesi, A. (2010). Educación artística, cultura y ciudadanía. Eufonía: Didáctica De La Música, (50), 7-11.

Marín Gracia, M. A. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía. Entre todos: Compartir la educación para la ciudadanía (1st ed., pp. 15-32) Universitat de Barcelona, Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, ICE: Horsori.

Marsh, H. W., Nagengast, B., Morin, A. J. S., Parada, R. H., Craven, R. G. & Hamilton, L. R. (2011). Construct validity of the multidimensional structure of bullying and victimization: An application of exploratory structural equation modeling. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103(3), 701-732.

Abstract: Existing research posits multiple dimensions of bullying and victimization but has not identified well-differentiated facets of these constructs that meet standards of good measurement: goodness of fit, measurement invariance, lack of differential item functioning (…)

Marshall, D. (2010). Acoso homofóbico, derechos humanos y educación: Una perspectiva no deficitaria de las políticas y prácticas de bienestar para la juventud queer. Archivos De Ciencias De La Educación, (4), 51-66.

Marshall, H. (2011). Instrumentalism, ideals and imaginaries: Theorising the contested space of global citizenship education in schools. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9(3-4), 411-426. doi:10.1080/14767724.2011.605325

Abstract: This paper exposes the tensions between different agendas and calls for what is loosely called 'global citizenship education' by developing a set of sociological conceptual tools useful for engaging with associated educational forms and ideals.

Martín Sánchez, I. & Asiaín Pereira, C. (2010). Objeción de conciencia y educación para la ciudadanía. Religión en la educación pública: Análisis comparativo de su regulación jurídica en las Américas, Europa e Israel (1st ed., pp. 369-386) Fundación Universitaria Española.

Martin, L. A. (2010). A comparative analysis of teacher education students' views about citizenship education. Action in Teacher Education, 32(2), 56-69.

Abstract: Citizenship preparation is recognized as a main goal of education (Parker, 2009); however, some individuals believe that only social studies teachers are required to prepare students for citizenship.

Martin, M. M. (2011). Public school literature, civic education and the politics of male adolescence. Journal of British Studies, 50(1), 227. Abstract: Martin reviews Public School Literature, Civic Education and the Politics of Male Adolescence by Jenny Holt.

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Martín, X. (2010). La educación para la ciudadanía en la escuela. Entre todos: Compartir la educación para la ciudadanía (1st ed., pp. 93-106) Universitat de Barcelona, Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, ICE: Horsori.

Martínez Garrido, C. A. (2010). Actas del III seminario educación para una convivencia en libertad. Revista Española De Educación Comparada, (16), 415-419.

Martínez González, M. I. & Galán Muñoz, A. (2011). El acoso: Tratamiento penal y procesal. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.

Martínez Rodríguez, F. M. (2011). El súbdito y el ciudadano: Competencias sociales y educación para la ciudadanía. La educación nos hace libres: La lucha contra nuevas alienaciones (1st ed.)

Martínez Rodríguez, R. (2011). Historia y formación ciudadana: Un análisis a través de la transición democrática en los manuales de educación para la ciudadanía. Pensar históricamente en tiempos de globalización: Actas de I congreso internacional sobre enseñanza de la historia: [recurso electrónico] (1st ed., pp. 125-138) Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2011.

Martins, M. J. D. & Mogarro, M. J. (2010). A educação para a cidadania no século XXI. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación (53), 185-202.

Abstract: A educação para a cidadania tem sido uma preocupação dos pedagogos, das sociedades e dos sistemas educativos através dos tempos (…) // La educación para la ciudadanía ha sido a lo largo del tiempo una preocupación de los pedagogos, de la sociedad y de los sistemas educativos. // Education for the Citizenship has been, for a long time, an object of concern to teachers, the society and the educative systems.

Maruri Alvarez, A. d. & Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía y los derechos humanos. Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones (1st ed., pp. 181-188) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Mathisen, G. E., Einarsen, S. & Mykletun, R. (2011). The relationship between supervisor personality, supervisors' perceived stress and workplace bullying. Journal of Business Ethics, 99(4), 637-651.

Mayer, M. J. & Cornell, D. G. (2010). New perspectives on school safety and violence prevention: Guest editors' preface. Educational Researcher, 39(1), 5-6. doi:10.3102/0013189X09356778

Abstract: Although academic research has only recently focused squarely on school safety as an important educational goal, in this special issue we argue that there is sufficient knowledge to pursue an evidence-based approach to school safety (…)

Mayoral Cortés, V. (2012). Sobre adoctrinamientos y censuras: Otra vez a debate la "educación para la ciudadanía". Temas Para El Debate, (209), 14-16.

Mayorga Fernández, M. J. Madrid Vivar, D. (2010). La escuela inclusiva ante el acoso escolar. Estrategias de prevención para el profesorado. Revista De Educación Inclusiva, 3(3), 123-136.

Mburu, W. (2011). Kenyan civic education: A source of empowerment? (Ph.D., University of Toronto (Canada) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (920160811)

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Abstract: Guided primarily by critical constructivism as the theoretical framework, this dissertation examines the extent to which civic education in Kenya creates dialogic spaces where issues of social difference, peace and democracy are addressed.

McAdams, C., Shillingford, M. A. Trice-Black, S. (2011). Putting research into practice in school violence prevention and intervention: How is school counseling doing? Journal of School Counseling, 9(12).

Abstract: This article reports the findings of a national survey of practicing school counselors regarding their knowledge of current research in school violence prevention and intervention. (Contains 3 table)

McCowan, T. & Bezjak, S. (2010). Rethinking citizenship education: A curriculum for participatory democracy. Solsko Polje, 21(5-6), 215-217.

McGrath, L., Jones, R. S. P. & Hastings, R. P. (2010). Outcomes of anti-bullying intervention for adults with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 31(2), 376-380. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2009.10.006

Abstract: Although existing research is scarce, evidence suggests that children and adults with intellectual disabilities may be at increased risk of being bullied (as they are for maltreatment generally) and possibly more likely than those without disabilities to also engage in bullying behavior.

McWhirter, P. T. & McWhirter, J. J. (2010). Community and school violence and risk reduction: Empirically supported prevention. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 14(3), 242-256. doi:10.1037/a0020056

Abstract: The development, implementation, and research of two separate psychoeducational group programs are described. (Journal abstract)

M-DCPS educator named a winner of the 2010 american civic education teacher award (ACETA). (2010, Jun 17, 2010). Targeted News Service, pp. n/a.

Medina Revilla, A. & Cacheiro González, M. L. (2010). La prevención de la violencia: La implicación de la comunidad educativa para evitar situaciones de acoso escolar. Bordón. Revista De Pedagogía, 62(1), 93-107.

Méndez, I. & Cerezo, F. (2010). Bullying y factores de riesgo para la salud en estudiantes de secundaria. European Journal of Education and Psychology, 3(2), 209-218.

Abstract: La convivencia entre escolares se está convirtiendo en un grave problema en nuestras aulas. Los docentes tienen serios problemas para hacer frente a conductas perturbadoras entre los estudiantes (agresiones verbales y físicas, consumo de drogas, etc.).

Menesini, E., Camodeca, M. & Nocentini, A. (2010). Bullying entre hermanos. Agresividad injustificada, bullying y violencia escolar (1st ed., pp. 165-188) Alianza Editorial.

Meschiany, T. (2011). Relato de una investigación: Enseñanza de la historia y educación para la ciudadanía en el contexto de la crisis del año 2001. Clio & Asociados: La Historia Enseñada (15), 53-76.

Miedema, S. & ter Avest, I. (2011). In the flow to maximal interreligious citizenship education. Religious Education, 106(4), 410-424. doi:10.1080/00344087.2011.588116

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Abstract: In the secular age religious education and citizenship education could and should be fruitfully combined. That is the present authors' view on current developments in schools aiming at the strengthening and the flourishing of students' personal religious identity.

Milerski, B. (2010). Holocaust education in polish public schools: Between remembrance and civic education. Prospects: Quarterly Review of Comparative Education, 40(1), 115-132.

Abstract: This article analyzes the historical and political context of Holocaust education, and its implementation in Polish schools. Perceptions of the Holocaust continue to change, influenced by Poland's social and political situation.

Misco, T. (2010). The role of individual negation in enabling social capital, moral education, and citizenship education. Canadian Social Studies, 43(1).

Abstract: Social capital, moral education, and citizenship education are three big ideas fundamental to the health of any democratic state. Yet exactly what these terms mean is a source of much contention and divergent thinking.

Mitchell, R. C. (2010). Who's afraid now? reconstructing canadian citizenship education through transdisciplinarity. Review of Education, Pedagogy & Cultural Studies, 32(1), 37-65.

Abstract: Viewed through the lenses of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), this article critically evaluates the growing controversy surrounding the teaching of human rights in Canada.

Moizumi, E. M. (2010). Examining two elementary-intermediate teachers' understandings and pedagogical practices about global citizenship education. (M.A., University of Toronto (Canada) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (869527840)

Abstract: In this qualitative study, I examine two elementary-intermediate teachers' understandings and pedagogical practices of global citizenship education in the Ontario and British Columbia classroom contexts.

Molina, F. (2010). Educación inclusiva y convivencia intercultural: Presente y futuro. Revista De La Asociación De Sociología De La Educación (RASE), 3(1), 41-53.

Monjas Casares, M. I. (2010). El desarrollo de habilidades sociales como factor de protección ante el bullying. La convivencia escolar: Aspectos psicológicos y educativos (1st ed., pp. 261-268) [Granada]: GEU, D.L. 2010.

Monje López, M. (2010). Validación del programa ''construir la convivencia para prevenir la violencia escolar y el bullying'': Una investigación psicoeducativa. I congreso científico de investigadores en formación (1st ed., pp. 278-280) Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Monks, C. P. & Coyne, I. (2011). Bullying in different contexts. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.

Montero García, I., Bedmar Moreno, M. & García Mínguez, J. (2011). Ciudadanía activa y personas mayores. Contribuciones desde un modelo de educación expresiva. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación, 55(5).

Moon, B., a Byongook Moon, Hwang, H., a Hye-Won Hwang, McCluskey, J. D. & a John DMcCluskey. (2011). Causes of school bullying: Empirical test of a general theory of crime,

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differential association theory, and general strain theory. Crime and Delinquency, 57(6), 849-877. doi:10.1177/0011128708315740

Abstract: A growing number of studies indicate the ubiquity of school bullying: It is a global concern, regardless of cultural differences. Little previous research has examined whether leading criminological theories can explain bullying, despite the commonality between bullying and delinquency.

Moral Jiménez, M. (2010). Creencias y disposiciones ante la violencia bullying en adolescentes: Interpretación desde la psicología social de la educación. Investigación en convivencia escolar: Variables relacionadas (1st ed., pp. 161-166) Grupo Editorial Universitario (GEU Editorial).

Moreno Tallón, F. (2010). Mejorar la convivencia para avanzar en la inclusión: Una experiencia en el instituto de educación secundaria. Revista De Educación Inclusiva, 3(2), 113-123.

Moretón Sanz, M. F. & López Peláez, P. (2011). La objetivación de la responsabilidad patrimonial de las administraciones: Acoso escolar, causa adecuada y daño moral en centros docentes. Revista Crítica De Derecho Inmobiliario, 87(726), 2331-2347.

Motos, C. R. (2010). The controversy over civic education in Spain. European Political Science, 9(2), 269-279. doi:10.1057/eps.2010.9

Abstract: The introduction of Education for Citizenship into the Spanish school system has given rise to a strong controversy with the Catholic Church and other conservative actors in Spanish society, who claim that the students' moral education is an exclusive realm, reserved for families.

Moure González, E. (2011). De padres que no educan y educadores que no son padres. responsabilidad de padres y educadores ante las conductas de "ciberbullying". Revista De La Asociación Española De Abogados Especializados En Responsabilidad Civil y Seguro (38), 9-20.

Mukhongo, A. N. (2010). Citizenship education in Kenya: A content analysis of state-sponsored social studies instructional materials. (Ph.D., Clemson University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (305192045)

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the principal citizenship issues identified by scholars as significant with regard to the African experience were addressed in state-endorsed Kenyan social studies instructional materials.

Muñoz Ferriol, A. (2011). Educación para el desarrollo: Una apuesta para empoderar a la ciudadanía en clave de solidaridad. Diálogo Filosófico (79), 85-101.

Muñoz Prieto, M. d. M., Serrano Maillo, I. & Delgado, J. (2010). Consecuencias psicológicas del acoso escolar. Investigación en convivencia escolar: Variables relacionadas (1st ed., pp. 175-180) Grupo Editorial Universitario (GEU Editorial).

Murphy, M. (2010). Political and citizenship education: International perspectives. International Sociology, 25(2), 242. Abstract: Murphy reviews Political and Citizenship Education: International Perspectives edited by Stephanie Wilde.

Murthy, C. A. (2010). Molding citizens: A theory of citizenship education for the 21st century (M.A., University of Wyoming) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (577618652)

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Abstract: This research explores citizenship education in America. The author suggests there are two primary barriers to effective citizenship education today (…)

Neufeld, B. & Davis, G. (2010). Civic respect, civic education, and the family. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 42(1), 94-111.

Abstract: We formulate a distinctly "political liberal" conception of mutual respect, which we call "civic respect", appropriate for governing the public political relations of citizens in pluralist democratic societies.

Niens, U. & McIlrath, L. (2010). Understandings of citizenship education in northern Ireland and the republic of Ireland: Public discourses among stakeholders in the public and private sectors. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 5(1), 73-87.

Abstract: Internationally, citizenship education has come to the fore in the past decade. It may be particularly important within the context of societies with a legacy of political conflict, such as Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, where it is being implemented as part of the statutory curriculum. (Contains 1 table and 1 note)

Nogueira, F. & Moreira, A. (2011). Civic education - portuguese students' perceptions. 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences (2011), 15, 1771-1776. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.03.367

Abstract: Civic Education (CE) as a non-disciplinary curriculum area is the focus of this study. Its main purpose is to understand how schools are facing CE and propose ways to overcome difficulties in the teaching and learning process of this subject.

Noonan, J. M. (2010). Re-imagining teacher professional development and citizenship education: Lessons for import from Colombia. Online Submission.

Abstract: This paper examines the role of teachers in the implementation of citizenship education in Colombia. (Contains 1 figure and 10 footnotes)

Novick, R. M. & Isaacs, J. (2010). Telling is compelling: The impact of student reports of bullying on teacher intervention. Educational Psychology, 30(3), 283-296. doi:10.1080/01443410903573123

Abstract: Research increasingly recognises the importance of student bystander and adult educator shared responsibility for successful bully prevention (…)

Obama, B. (2011). Remarks at the white house conference on bullying prevention. Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents, 1-3.

Abstract: The article presents a speech by U.S. President Barack Obama delivered on March 10, 2011 during the White House Conference on Bullying Prevention. He discussed the issue of bullying and the negative consequences that it can bring to young people.

Ochoa Cervantes, A. & Peiró Moreno, S. (2011). Cambios curriculares en la educación básicas ¿Respuesta ante nuevos retos?: El caso de la educación para la ciudadanía en España y la formación cívica y etica en México. Revista Española De Educación Comparada, (17), 177-195.

O'Connor, L. & Faas, D. (2012). The impact of migration on national identity in a globalized world: A comparison of civic education curricula in England, France and Ireland. Irish Educational Studies, 31(1), 51-66.

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Abstract: This article examines the extent to which citizens of migrant origin are included within discourses of national identity in civic education curricula in England, France and Ireland. (Contains 8 notes)

O'Donnell, S., MacIntosh, J. & Wuest, J. (2010). A theoretical understanding of sickness absence among women who have experienced workplace bullying. Qualitative Health Research, 20(4), 439.

Abstract: Historically, we have assumed that workplaces, where employed individuals spend approximately one third of their days, provide safe and supportive environments and opportunities to enhance women's capacities.

Oglesby, M. A. (2010). Evaluating the effects of a school violence prevention program on student achievement. ProQuest Information & Learning. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 71(5) (2010-99210-181)

Abstract: The purpose of this research project was to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of the school system's Project Graduation Really Achieves Dreams (Project GRAD) program on high school student achievement.

Okafor, G. C. (2010). Re-democratization and democratic leadership development in Nigeria: The impact of civic education (Ed.D., Northern Arizona University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (858425469)

Abstract: Having experienced decades of military dictatorial regimes and now plunged into the re-democratization process, Nigeria requires intense citizenship education.

Oliveira Andreotti, V. d. (2011). (Towards) decoloniality and diversality in global citizenship education. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9(3-4), 381-397. doi:10.1080/14767724.2011.605323

Abstract: This article focuses on the geo- and body-politics of knowledge production related to global citizenship education. It introduces a set of concepts and questions, developed in the work of (mainly) Latin American scholars (…)

Oliveira Andreotti, V. d. (2011). The political economy of global citizenship education. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9(3-4), 307-310. doi:10.1080/14767724.2011.602292

Oller, M. & Santisteban Fernández, A. (2011). Valores democráticos y educación para la ciudadanía. Didáctica del conocimiento del medio social y cultural en la educación primaria: Ciencias sociales para aprender, pensar y actuar (1st ed., pp. 315-338). Síntesis.

Olmos, A., Carrillo, A., Martinez, R. M. & Gaytan, M. (2011). Teacher constructed sense in citizenship education: Empowerment in secondary schools. Cultura Y Educacion, 23(4), 559-574.

Abstract: The paper analysed through narratives, from a socio-cultural and dialogical view, the senses -including meanings-that three Civic and Ethic Education teachers have built around the empowerment process for citizenship education within the context of the new Educational Reform in Mexican secondary schools.

Olweus, D. (2010). Bullying in schools facts and intervention. Kriminalistik, 64(6), 351

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Olweus, D. & Limber, S. P. (2010). Bullying in school: Evaluation and dissemination of the olweus bullying prevention program. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80(1), 124-134. doi:10.1111/j.1939-0025.2010.01015.x

Abstract: The nature and extent of bullying among school children is discussed, and recent attention to the phenomenon by researchers, the media, and policy makers is noted.

Olweus, D. & Limber, S. P. (2010). The olweus bullying prevention program: Implementation and evaluation over two decades. In S. R. Jimerson, S. M. Swearer & D. L. Espelage (Eds.), Handbook of bullying in schools: An international perspective. (pp. 377-401). New York, NY US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

Abstract: (from the chapter) In 1983, after three adolescent boys in Norway committed suicide, most likely as a consequence of severe bullying by peers, the Norwegian Ministry of Education initiated a nationwide campaign against bullying in schools.

O'Moore, M. (2010). El modelo ABC para prevenir y afrontar el bullying. Agresividad injustificada, bullying y violencia escolar (1st ed., pp. 321-354) Alianza Editorial.

Orellana, M. d. C. & García-Martínez, J. (2010). Teoría fundamentada sobre el significado de los roles del acoso escolar para sus protagonistas. Investigación en convivencia escolar: Variables relacionadas (1st ed., pp. 183-190) Grupo Editorial Universitario (GEU Editorial).

Ortega, R. (2010). Agresividad injustificada, "bullying" y violencia escolar. Madrid: Alianza.

Ortega, R. (2010). Treinta años de investigación y prevención del "bullying" y la violencia escolar. Agresividad injustificada, bullying y violencia escolar (1st ed., pp. 15-32) Alianza Editorial.

Ortega, R., Rey, R. d. & Córdoba, F. (2010). Las aulas de educación secundaria como espacios de convivencia y aprendizaje: Relaciones interpersonales y gestión de grupo-clase. Desarrollo, aprendizaje y enseñanza en la educación secundaria (1st ed., pp. 193-206) Graó: Ministerio de Educación, Secretaría General de Educación y Formación Profesional.

Osler, A. (2011). Teacher interpretations of citizenship education: National identity, cosmopolitan ideals, and political realities. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 43(1), 1-24. doi:10.1080/00220272.2010.503245

Abstract: Citizenship education typically focuses on the nation and citizens' supposed natural affinity to the nation-state. In this global age, this is challenged by cosmopolitans who propose a form of education which encourages a primary commitment to fellow humanity and/or the planet Earth.

Otero, A., Rego, M. A. & Moledo, M. (2010). What matters most in education for citizenship? Assessment of a questionnaire for teachers, 21(2), 95.

Abstract: The Education for Citizenship and Human Rights was incorporated (2007) to the Spanish official curriculum as an autonomous subject, which any pupil in primary or secondary education has to do.

Pagés Blanch, J. & Santisteban Fernández, A. (2010). La educación para la ciudadanía y la enseñanza de las ciencias sociales, la geografía y la historia. Íber: Didáctica De Las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia; 2010, n.64, Abril-Junio; p.8-18.

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Abstract: El concepto de ciudadanía está íntimamente ligado a las ciencias sociales. Se establecen de manera resumida las relaciones existentes entre dichas disciplinas y la competencia social y ciudadana.

Pagès Blanch, J. & Santisteban Fernández, A. (2010). La educación para la ciudadanía y la enseñanza de las ciencias sociales, la geografía y la historia. Iber: Didáctica De Las Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia, (64), 8-18.

Palma Valenzuela, A. (2010). Ciencias sociales, educación cívica y música, fecunda encrucijada. Tendiendo puentes hacia la interculturalidad (1st ed., pp. 207-226) K & L.

Pan, S. (2011). Multileveled citizenship and citizenship education: Experiences of students in China's Beijing. Citizenship Studies, 15(2), 283-306. doi:10.1080/13621025.2011.549730

Abstract: With reference to three secondary schools in Beijing, this study investigates students' perceptions of multiple identities at four levels - self, local, national, and global - and the ways in which students form multiple identities.

Paredes, M. T., Lega, L. I., Cabezas, H., Ortega, M. E., Medina, Y. Vega, C. (2011). Diferencias transculturales en la manifestación del bullying en estudiantes de escuela secundaria. Revista Latinoamericana De Ciencias Sociales, Niñez y Juventud, 9(2), 761-768.

Abstract: Con un diseño de grupos apareados por edad y grado escolar, comparamos los resultados de dos investigaciones sobre bullying, realizadas en Colombia y Costa Rica. // Com um desenho de grupos juntados por idade e grau escolar, comparamos os resultados de duas investigações sobre “bullying”, realizadas em Colômbia e Costa Rica. // A matched group design by age and grade level compared the results of two previous single experiments done in two different countries, Colombia and Costa Rica, on the phenomenon of bullying.

Park, N. K. (2010). Understanding school bullying: A general theory of crime and empirical findings (M.S., The University of Texas at San Antonio) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (305258659)

Abstract: School Bullying is known as a serious globalized social phenomenon. Little research has been conducted to find out whether a criminological approach can explain school bullying, even though there are many similarities between school bullying and deviant behaviors.

Parker, W. (2011). Feel free to change your mind. A response to "the potential for deliberative democratic civic education". Democracy & Education, 19(2).

Abstract: Walter Parker responds to Hanson and Howe's article, extending their argument to everyday classroom practice. He focuses on a popular learning activity called Structured Academic Controversy (SAC). (Contains 3 notes)

Parmenter, L. (2011). Power and place in the discourse of global citizenship education. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9(3-4), 367-380.

Abstract: This article critically examines the creation of the dominant academic discourse of global citizenship education (…) (Contains 1 note)

Pashby, K. (2011). Cultivating global citizens: Planting new seeds or pruning the perennials? looking for the citizen-subject in global citizenship education theory. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9(3-4), 427-442.

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Abstract: This paper engages with a selection of scholarly writing in English that was published in the last decade and written from particular liberal democratic contexts (predominantly the UK, the USA, and Canada) (Contains 13 notes)

Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S. (2011). Traditional and nontraditional bullying among youth: A test of general strain theory. Youth and Society, 43(2), 727.

Abstract: Bullying at school is a common problem facing youth, school officials, and parents. A significant body of research has detailed the serious consequences associated with bullying victimization. Recently, however, a new permutation has arisen and arguably become even more problematic.

Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S. (2012). Cyberbullying prevention and response: Expert perspectives. New York; London: Routledge.

Paúl Garasa, M. P. (2011). El apoyo de las TIC en la prevención psicosocial de las tecnoadicciones y el acoso escolar. Psiconutrición del menor: Nutrición, psicopedagogía y pantallas sanas (1st ed., pp. 241-255) Mira Editores.

Paul, H. A. (2011). Bullying interventions in schools: Six basic approaches. Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 33(1), 77-83. doi:10.1080/07317107.2011.545019

Pearce, N., Cross, D., Monks, H., Waters, S. & Falconer, S. (2011). Current evidence of best practice in whole-school bullying intervention and its potential to inform cyberbullying interventions. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 21(1), 1-21. doi:10.1375/ajgc.21.1.1

Abstract: In 2004, a set of validated guidelines for school bullying prevention and management was released by the Child Health Promotion Research Centre in Australia to guide schools' action to prevent and manage bullying behaviours.

Peck, C. L. (2011). What you don't know can hurt me: Diversity, accommodation, and citizenship education in Canada. Education Canada, 51(3).

Abstract: Questions and issues related to ethnic diversity are part of the everyday experiences in Canadian classrooms. Most scholars and educators in the field assume a progression from knowledge of diversity, through to acceptance, respect, and justice. (Contains 14 endnotes)

Pemán Gavín, J. M. (2010). La política de civismo en los ayuntamientos españoles: Entre policía, acción social y educación cívica. Revista Aragonesa De Administración Pública, (36), 11-52.

Pepler, D., Craig, W. & O'Connell, P. (2010). Peer processes in bullying: Informing prevention and intervention strategies. In S. R. Jimerson, S. M. Swearer & D. L. Espelage (Eds.), Handbook of bullying in schools: An international perspective. (pp. 469-479). New York, NY US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

Abstract: (from the chapter) Through our research, we have come to understand bullying as a relationship problem that requires relationship solutions (…)

Pérez Ferrer, F. (2010). La respuesta penal al acoso escolar. Derecho y educación (1st ed., pp. 101-110) Universidad de Almería.

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Pérez Fuentes, M., del Carmen, Gázquez Linares, J. J., Fernández Baena, R. J. & Molero Jurado, M., del Mar. (2011). Análisis de las publicaciones sobre convivencia escolar en una muestra de revistas de educación en la última década. Aula Abierta; 2011, Vol.39, n.2; p.81-90.

Abstract: Este trabajo presenta un análisis de los artículos sobre Convivencia Escolar publicados en una selección de revistas de educación españolas: Aula Abierta, European Journal of Education and Psychology, Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado y Revista de Educación.

Pérez Martell, R. (2010). "Bullying": Soluciones desde la mediación y desde el ámbito judicial. Revista Jurídica De Canarias, (19), 43-52.

Pérez Miras, A. (2011). La educación como espacio para una ciudadanía multicultural: Una visión constitucional. Construyendo ciudadanía [recurso electrónico]: Teoría y praxis (1st ed., pp. 353-364) Comares.

Pérez Pérez, C. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía. Procesos y contextos educativos: Máster en profesor-a de educación secundaria (1st ed., pp. 343-394) Tirant lo Blanch.

Pérez, J. I., Garaigordobil Landazabal, M., Adrada, Z. & Miguel, L. d. (2011). Efectos de un programa de educación para la convivencia en factores del desarrollo socio-emocional y creativo en niños y niñas de 7 a 11 años. Summa Psicológica UST, 8(2), 5-17.

Abstract: El estudio se plantea tres objetivos: (1) analizar los efectos de un programa de educación para la convivencia implementado con niños y niñas de 7 a 9 años, durante 3 años, en factores del desarrollo socio-emocional y creativo (…)// The purpose of this study is three-fold: (1) to assess the effects of a three-year educational programme for coexistence with children aged 7 to 9 on socio-emotional and creative factors (…)

Perkins, H. W., Craig, D. W. & Perkins, J. M. (2011). Using social norms to reduce bullying: A research intervention among adolescents in five middle schools. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 14(5), 703-722. doi:10.1177/1368430210398004

Abstract: Bullying attitudes and behaviors and perceptions of peers were assessed in a case study experiment employing a social norms intervention in five diverse public middle schools in the State of New Jersey (…)

Petermann, F. (2010). Fair-player manual. Support of social competency and civil courage - prevention of bullying and school violence. Psychologie in Erziehung Und Unterricht, 57(2), 153-154.

Peterson, A. (2011). The common good and citizenship education in England: A moral enterprise? Journal of Moral Education, 40(1), 19.

Abstract: The notion of the common good has been cited as a key constituent of citizenship education in England, within which the development of a concern for the common good represents a key disposition.

Peterson, A. (2011). Civic republicanism and civic education: The education of citizens Palgrave Macmillan.

Abstract: This book critically explores civic republicanism in light of contemporary republican political theory and the influence of republican models of citizenship in recent developments in civic education across a number of Western nations.

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Peterson, A. (2011). Patriotism and citizenship education. British Journal of Educational Studies, 59(2), 213-215. doi:10.1080/00071005.2011.584677

Peterson, A. (2011). Republican cosmopolitanism: Democratising the global dimensions of citizenship education. Oxford Review of Education, 37(3), 421-435. doi:10.1080/03054985.2011.564849

Abstract: This paper considers the nature of citizenship found in recent republican cosmopolitan work within political theory.

Phillips, J. L. & McMillian, L. (2011). Liberal civic education, religious commitment, and the spillover thesis: What psychology can teach us. Politics and Religion, 4(1), 27-48. doi:10.1017/S1755048310000532

Abstract: This article addresses an idea central to liberal debates on civic education: the spillover thesis. Both egalitarian liberals and their religious opponents in these debates claim that liberal civic education creates spillover effects into the way individuals assess the meaning of their own lives.

Pichel Martín, J. (2010). Didáctica de educación para la ciudadanía y los derechos humanos: Planificación, estrategias y recursos didácticos, evaluación. Didáctica de la filosofía (1st ed., pp. 143-162) Graó.

Piñero, E. & Cerezo Ramírez, F. (2010). Las buenas relaciones entre hermanos como factor de protección de la dinámica bullying en estudiantes de educación secundaria. Investigación en convivencia escolar: Variables relacionadas (1st ed., pp. 415-420) Grupo Editorial Universitario (GEU Editorial).

Pitts, T. W. (2011). Common schools: Classical schools citizenship education in a pluralistic state. (Ph.D., University of Virginia) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (893128073)

Abstract: In the current political climate, where many politicians in both Europe and United States have proclaimed that multi-cultural education has failed as an educational paradigm, there is a growing fear that the very idea of a democratic, multicultural society is untenable over time.

Plog, A., Epstein, L., Jens, K. & Porter, W. (2010). Sustainability of bullying intervention and prevention programs. In S. R. Jimerson, S. M. Swearer & D. L. Espelage (Eds.), Handbook of bullying in schools: An international perspective. (pp. 559-569). New York, NY US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

Abstract: (from the chapter) Throughout this book, it is clear that considerable effort has gone into bullying prevention research and program development around the world.

Polanin, J. R., Espelage, D. L. & Pigott, T. D. (2012). A meta-analysis of school-based bullying prevention programs' effects on bystander intervention behavior. School Psychology Review, 41(1), 47-65.

Abstract: This meta-analysis synthesized bullying prevention programs' effectiveness at increasing bystander intervention in bullying situations (…)

Polo Sabau, J. R. (2012). La objeción de conciencia a la asignatura de educación para la ciudadanía ante el tribunal supremo. Educación y libertad (1st ed., pp. 159-178) Dykinson.

Pons-Estel Tugores, C. & Asiaín Pereira, C. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía. Concreciones en la comunidad autónoma balear. Religión en la educación pública: Análisis comparativo

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de su regulación jurídica en las Américas, Europa e Israel (1st ed., pp. 387-400) Fundación Universitaria Española.

Pontzer, D. (2010). A theoretical test of bullying behavior: Parenting, personality, and the Bully/Victim relationship. Journal of Family Violence, 25(3), 259-273. doi:10.1007/s10896-009-9289-5

Abstract: An index of bullying behavior was used to measure the extent that 527 university students (51% female and 49% male) were involved in bullying in the past couple of months. This index included measures of physical, verbal, indirect-relational, property, coercive, racial, and sexual bullying.

Prado, M. N. (2011). Bullying o matonaje escolar: ¿Estamos hablando todos de lo mismo? Revista De Educación, (347), 16-19.

Prieto Vidal, S. (2010). ¿Cómo actuar ente el acoso escolar? Diálogo: Familia Colegio (284), 37-46.

Puig Gutiérrez, M., Domene Martos, S. & Morales Lozano, J. A. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía: Referentes europeos. Teoría De La Educación, (22), 85-110.

Abstract: Presentamos en este artículo un recorrido en torno a las políticas educativas europeas que favorecen el desarrollo de una ciudadanía democrática. // Let's sense beforehand in this article a tour concerning the educational European policies that favour the development of a democratic citizenship. // Nous présentons dans cet article au sujet aux politiques éducatives européennes qui favorisent le développement d'une citoyenneté démocratique.

Puig Gutiérrez, M. & Morales Lozano, J. A. (2010). Los proyectos de innovación educativa y el desarrollo de la educación para la ciudadanía. Infancias Imágenes, 9(1), 29-39.

Abstract: El presente estudio muestra algunos de los resultados más relevantes del proyecto de investigación denominado «Experiencias de educación para la ciudadanía en los centros educativos de Andalucía».. // The present study shows some of key results of the research project entitled “Experiences of Citizenship Education in schools of Andalusia”.

Puig Rovira, J. M., Gijón Casares, M., Martín, X. & Rubio Serrano, L. (2011). Aprendizaje-servicio y educación para la ciudadanía. Revista De Educación, (1), 45-67.

Abstract: El objetivo de este artículo es presentar la metodología del aprendizaje-servicio como una aportación especialmente relevante para la Educación para la Ciudadanía.. // The aim of this article is to present the methodology of service learning as an especially significant contribution to citizenship education.

Pykett, J. (2010). Citizenship education and narratives of pedagogy. Citizenship Studies, 14(6), 621-635. doi:10.1080/13621025.2010.522345

Abstract: This paper argues that the concept of the 'pedagogical state' (Hunter 1994, Kaplan 2007) can be employed to better understand the cultural practices of governing through pedagogical means, and the evolving pedagogical relationship between state and citizen. Adapted from the source document.

Quaresma, Maria Luisa da Rocha Vasconcelos. (2010). Civic education in private schools. International Sociological Association.

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Abstract: This paper addresses the question of educational success in a holistic perspective (not restricted to academic success, but focusing, namely, civic dimension of success) in two private schools located in Lisbon & attended by upper classes' students.

Quaynor, L. J. (2012). Citizenship education in post-conflict contexts: A review of the literature. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 7(1), 33-57. doi:10.1177/1746197911432593

Abstract: In recent years, citizenship education has been the subject of much international attention, including two major cross-national studies. However, few reviews of civic education scholarship include research from post-conflict societies.

Raga Rosaleny, V. (2011). Ética cívica y educación política. algunas reflexiones del pasado europeo para el presente mundial. Construyendo ciudadanía [recurso electrónico]: Teoría y praxis (1st ed., pp. 339-352) Comares.

Rahal, M. L. & Educational, R. S. (2010). Bullying prevention. Focus on. Educational Research Service.

Abstract: In the decade following Columbine High School, educators, communities, and even state legislatures have acknowledged that we can no longer treat bullying as a natural rite of passage. (Contains 8 web resources and 11 resources)

Ramírez García, A. & Muñoz Fernández, M. d. C. (2012). Prácticas inclusivas de los docentes en la convivencia escolar y en la organización y funcionamiento de los centros de educación primaria de la zona norte de Córdoba. Revista De Investigación Educativa, RIE, 30(1), 197-222.

Ramírez Pineda, H. (2010). Identidad, ciudadanía y educación. Analogía Filosófica: Revista De Filosofía, Investigación y Difusión, (27), 35-65.

Ramos Galiana, S., Consejo Calvo, A., Serrano Romeo, M. N., Mur Huerva, A. & Palacio Lacambra, A. P. d. (2011). 6 encuentros deportivos comarcales de educación física: Una apuesta por la convivencia en el medio rural. Revista De Educación Física: Renovar La Teoría y Practica, (122), 25-34.

Rapoport, A. (2010). We cannot teach what we don't know: Indiana teachers talk about global citizenship education. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 5(3), 179-190. doi:10.1177/1746197910382256

Abstract: Globalization significantly influences the very notion of citizenship by challenging the key principle of citizenship as idiosyncratically nation or nation-state related concept.Therefore, the discourse of global citizenship is getting more attention in programmatic educational texts and curricula.

Rapoport, A. (2011). Nation-building, identity and citizenship education: Cross cultural perspectives. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 31(2), 225-227. doi:10.1080/02188791.2011.581865

Rascón Macías, P. & Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía y los derechos humanos. Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones (1st ed., pp. 119-122) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Rawana, J. S., Norwood, S. J. & Whitley, J. (2011). A mixed-method evaluation of a strength-based bullying prevention program. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 26(4), 283-300.

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Abstract: The goal of this study was to describe the strength-based bullying prevention program, "Strengths in Motion," and to evaluate the program utilizing a mixed-method design. (Contains 1 table and 2 figures)

Reed-Reynolds, S. (2011). The impact of violence prevention programs on school based violent behaviors. ProQuest LLC.

Abstract: This dissertation study focused on the potential effect that various violence prevention program strategies implemented within the k-12 school setting have on the frequency of school based violent behaviors.

Resende, J. & Dionisio, B. (2010). The purpose and the limits of citizenship education in portuguese schools. International Sociological Association.

Abstract: In the last few years citizenship education was officially introduced in the Portuguese educational system curricula. The Government justifications for the introduction of this new curricular area are based on plural arguments that are important for the sociological reflexion.

Rey, R. d., Mora Merchán, J. & Ortega, R. (2010). Programas e iniciativas para afrontar el ciberbullying. La convivencia escolar: Aspectos psicológicos y educativos (1st ed., pp. 275-280) [Granada]: GEU, D.L. 2010.

Ribotta, S. (2011). La construcción de una ciudadanía europea genuinamente democrática. Reflexiones sobre la educación para la paz en un mundo violento. Revista Europea De Derechos Fundamentales, (17), 269-298.

Rico Motos, C. (2010). The controversy over civic education in Spain. European Political Science, 9(2), 269-279. doi:10.1057/eps.2010.9

Abstract: The introduction of Education for Citizenship into the Spanish school system has given rise to a strong controversy with the Catholic Church and other conservative actors in Spanish society, who claim that the students' moral education is an exclusive realm, reserved for families.

Rico, C. (2012). Educación para la ciudadanía: Argumentos para una defensa liberal de la asignatura. Sistema: Revista De Ciencias Sociales, (224), 91-101.

Rincón Murcia, Á. P. (2010). Liberalismo político y educación para la ciudadanía. Magistro, 4(7), 71-80.

Abstract: Este artículo esboza la concepción filosófico-política de John Rawls en torno al liberalismo político como una teoría que perfila una estructura de justicia (…)// This article proposes that John Rawls' philosophical-political conception concerning political liberalism is a theory that outlines a structure of justice (…)// Dans cet article on propose la conception philosophique-politique de John Rawls autour du Libéralisme Politique, comme une théorie qui propose une structure de justice (…)

Rincón Verdera, J. C. (2010). Voluntariado y escuela: La educación cívica para la participación ciudadana a través del servicio a la comunidad. Bordón; 2010, n.4; p.113-129.

Abstract: La educación cívica debe posibilitar una sociedad educada en la civilidad, con capacidad de autoconvertirse en una sociedad moralizadora y educadora (…)

Risinger, C. F. (2011). Saving social Studies/Citizenship education and your job using the internet. Social Education, 75(4), 208.

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Abstract: Citizenship requires both knowledge about government and the ability to be involved in governance. It means knowing how to identify and inform yourself about issues, explore and evaluate possible solutions, and then act to resolve problems.

Rivelli, S. (2010). Citizenship education at high school A comparative study between Bolzano and Padova (Italy). Innovation and Creativity in Education, 2(2), 4200-4207. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.664

Abstract: The following research, carried out between 2004 and 2007, investigated on knowledge and civic-political interest level among young people attending the fifth year of the high schools in the two Italian province of Padova and Bolzano.

Roberts, N. (2010). Public school literature, civic education and the politics of male adolescence. History of Education, 39(3), 427-429.

Roca, D. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía: ¿Manipulación de las conciencias? Studium: Revista Cuatrimestral De Filosofía y Teología, 50(2), 179-202.

Rodríguez Carballeira, A., Escartín Solanelles, J., Visauta, B., Porrúa García, C. & Martín Peña, J. (2010). Categorization and hierarchy of workplace bullying strategies: A delphi survey. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 13(1), 297-308.

Abstract: This paper reports a study of the characteristics of psychological abuse strategies deployed in the workplace (mobbing or workplace bullying). // Este estudio psicosocial analiza las estrategias de abuso psicológico que se aplican en el lugar de trabajo (mobbing o bullying laboral).

Rodríguez García, P. L. (2011). Análisis de la convivencia escolar en aulas de educación primaria. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación, 55(3)

Rodríguez Muñoz, A., Notelaers, G. & Moreno Jiménez, B. (2011). Workplace bullying and sleep quality: The mediating role of worry and need for recovery. Psicología Conductual = Behavioral Psychology: Revista Internacional De Psicología Clínica y De La Salud (2), 453-468.

Rodríguez Parada, C. & Vall i Casas, A. (2010). Información para pacientes y educación en la salud de la ciudadanía: A la búsqueda de nuevos usuarios. El Profesional De La Información, 19(3), 296-299.

Abstract: La transmisión de información fraudulenta o engañosa sobre salud en internet es un problema de gran trascendencia // The transmission of fraudulent or misleading information on health through the internet is a major problema.

Rodríguez Rebollo, L. (2011). El acoso escolar y la implicación de los padres. Diálogo: Familia Colegio, (294), 24-32.

Roland, E. (2010). Orígenes y primeros estudios del "bullying" escolar. Agresividad injustificada, bullying y violencia escolar (1st ed., pp. 33-54) Alianza Editorial.

Roldán, E. (2011). Terror en las aulas: Cómo abordar el acoso escolar. Madrid: Altaria.

Romera Félix, E. M., Rey Alamillo, R. d. & Ortega Ruiz, R. (2011). Prevalencia y aspectos diferenciales relativos al género del fenómeno bullying en países pobres. Psicothema, 23(4), 624-629.

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Abstract: Existe un importante cuerpo de conocimiento científi co sobre violencia escolar y bullying en Europa y en otras regiones del llamado mundo desarrollado.

Romera, E. M., Rey, R. d. & Ortega, R. (2011). Factores asociados a la implicación en bullying: Un estudio en Nicaragua. Psychosocial Intervention, 20(2), 161-170.

Rosa Cortina, José Miguel de la. (2011). Los delitos de pornografía infantil: Aspectos penales, procesales y criminológicos. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.

Rosales López, C. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía: ¿Un reto a la innovación en la enseñanza? Qurriculum: Revista De Teoría, Investigación y Práctica Educativa, (23), 25-53.

Abstract: En este trabajo se analizan las características de la educación para la ciudadanía en el centro escolar. Tras referirse a las aportaciones sociales, psicológicas, educativas e institucionales para su desarrollo, se destaca la importante influencia contextual del clima social del centro.

Roth, G., Kanat-Maymon, Y. & Bibi, U. (2011). Prevention of school bullying: The important role of autonomy-supportive teaching and internalization of pro-social values. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 81(4), 654-666. doi:10.1348/2044-8279.002003

Abstract: Background. This study examined students' perceptions of autonomy-supportive teaching (AST) and its relations to internalization of pro-social values and bullying in class.

Roubailo epouse Koudolo, S. (2010). The dynamics of civic education on the coast of the bay of Benin: The case of Togo. International Sociological Association.

Abstract: La formation de l'enfant a la citoyennete se trouve actuellement au carrefour de la tradition et de la modernite. Elle revele les notions citoyennes authentiques et exprime egalement les changements contextuels produits au cours du XXe siecle, surtout sous l'influence des concepts de Droits de l'Homme et de Droits de l'Enfant.

Rovira del Canto, E. (2011). Nuevas formas de ciberdelincuencia intrusiva: El hacking y el grooming. Iuris: Actualidad y Práctica Del Derecho, (160), 36-44.

Ruano Espina, L. & Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2010). La objeción de conciencia a la educación para la ciudadanía: Su cobertura jurídica y su realidad social. Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones (1st ed., pp. 133-174) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Rubin-Vaughan, A., Pepler, D., Brown, S. & Craig, W. (2011). Quest for the golden rule: An effective social skills promotion and bullying prevention program. Computers & Education, 56(1), 166-175. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2010.08.009

Abstract: Everyday many students face bullying situations that they are ill equipped to manage. E-learning has recently emerged as a potentially effective tool in teaching children social skills, in addition to academic subject matter.

Ruiz Miguel, A. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía: Entre la neutralidad estatal y la objeción de conciencia. Anuario De Filosofía Del Derecho (26), 107-146.

Ruiz Resa, J. D. (2011). Un análisis en torno a la educación para la ciudadanía y la ideología de género. Revista Vasca De Administración Pública. Herri-Arduralaritzako Euskal Aldizkaria (91), 193-229.

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Rumayor Fernández, M. A. (2010). Aspectos de formación ética en la educación para la ciudadanía según el personalismo de Xavier Zubiri. Revista De Educación (353), 329-330.

Saam, N. J. (2010). Interventions in workplace bullying: A multilevel approach. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 19(1), 51-75. doi:10.1080/13594320802651403

Abstract: This article investigates intervention strategies in workplace bullying which have so far received little attention from researchers. Until now the focus has been on approaches to classifying intervention strategies, the appropriateness of mediation as an intervention strategy and ways different organizations respond to workplace bullying.

Sadio Ramos, F. J. (2011). Educación para la ciudadanía y los derechos humanos y formación continua del profesorado. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación, 55(1).

Sadio Ramos, F. J. (2011). Una experiencia de formación contínua del profesorado en "educación para la ciudadanía y los derechos humanos". Qurriculum: Revista De Teoría, Investigación y Práctica Educativa (24), 67-84.

Abstract: Se presenta una experiencia formativa llevada a cabo en tres aciones de formación continua de profesores sobre Educación para la Ciudadanía y para los Derechos Humanos.

Saito, N. (2011). Quiet desperation, secret melancholy: Polemos and passion in citizenship education. Ethics and Education, 6(1), 3-14.

Abstract: Contemporary scenes of democracy and education exemplify a real scepticism about the point of political participation, and by implication about one's place in society in relation to others. (Contains 5 notes)

Salmivalli, C. & Peets, K. (2010). Bullying en la escuela: Un fenómeno grupal. Agresividad injustificada, bullying y violencia escolar (1st ed., pp. 81-104) Alianza Editorial.

Salmivalli, C. & Poskiparta, E. (2012). Making bullying prevention a priority in finnish schools: The KiVa antibullying program. New Directions for Youth Development, 2012(133), 41-53. doi:10.1002/yd.20006

Abstract: The KiVa antibullying program has been widely implemented in Finnish comprehensive schools since 2009. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts)

Sánchez Lacasa, C. & Cerezo Ramírez, M. F. (2011). Estatus social de los sujetos implicados en bullying : Elementos para la mejora de la convivencia en el aula. Revista Española De Orientación y Psicopedagogía; 2011, v.22, n.2, Segundo Cuatrimestre; p.137-149.

Abstract: Se pone de relieve la diferencia en el estatus sociométrico entre los alumnos de un grupo escolar y su relación con los diferentes roles asumidos en el bullying. Se trabaja sobre una muestra de 423 alumnos de los últimos cursos de Educación Primaria.

Sánchez Lacasa, C. (2010). Incidencia del fenómeno bullying en los últimos cursos de educación primaria: Relación con el clima social familiar y los estilos de socialización parentales. Investigación en convivencia escolar: Variables relacionadas (1st ed., pp. 197-202) Grupo Editorial Universitario (GEU Editorial).

Sánchez Lacasa, C. & Cerezo Ramírez, F. (2010). Variables personales y sociales relacionadas con la dinámica bullying en escolares de educación primaria. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 8(22), 1015-1032.

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Sánchez Rojo, A. (2010). Educación intercultural. Hacia una convivencia pacífica en la escuela. Prisma Social: Revista De Ciencias Sociales, (5), 1-31.

Abstract: Este artículo pretende reflejar ciertas propuestas para mejorar un Instituto de Educación Secundaria cualquiera desde una perspectiva intercultural previamente fundamentada a través del análisis crítico de textos, tanto científicos como legislativos. // This article aims to reflect some suggestions to improve any Secondary School, starting from an intercultural perspective previously substantiated, what is focused on the analysis of scientific and legislative texts.

Sánchez Rubio, D. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía a partir de una noción compleja e intercultural de derechos humanos: Retos y propuestas. Crónica Jurídica Hispalense: Revista De La Facultad De Derecho (8), 483-502.

Sanchidrián Blanco, M. d. C., Sánchez Galán, M., Collelldemont, E., Padrós, N. & Carrillo i Flores, I. (2010). Los museos pedagógicos como escuelas de ciudadanía: Contenidos y programa en museos del Reino Unido. Memoria, ciudadanía y museos de educación (1st ed., pp. 142-154) Universitat de Vic, Universidad de Vic.

Sanfeliu Gimeno, L. (2010). Reformulando las imágenes del poder en torno a la domesticidad. la educación formal e informal como base de la ciudadanía femenina. Feminismo/s: Revista Del Centro De Estudios Sobre La Mujer De La Universidad De Alicante, (16), 83-105.

Abstract: Durante la revolución liberal española, la atribución de competencias femeninas en el ámbito de lo doméstico comportó la implementación de una educación diferencial (…)// During the Spanish liberal revolution, the attribution of female competences in the domestic area led to the implementation of a differential education (…)

Santinello, M., Vieno, A. & De Vogli, R. (2011). Bullying in italian schools: The role of perceived teacher unfairness. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 26(2), 235-246.

Abstract: The principal aim of the study is to examine the role of perceived teacher unfairness in predicting bullying behaviour (…)// Cette étude examine le rôle de l'injustice des enseignants dans la prédiction du comportement de bullying (…)

Sapouna, M., Wolke, D., Vannini, N., Watson, S., Woods, S., Schneider, W., Aylett, R. (2010). Virtual learning intervention to reduce bullying victimization in primary school: A controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51(1), 104-112. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2009.02137.x

Abstract: Background: Anti-bullying interventions to date have shown limited success in reducing victimization and have rarely been evaluated using a controlled trial design.

Sarrión Esteve, E. P. (2011). Educación y ciudadanía. Construyendo ciudadanía [recurso electrónico]: Teoría y praxis (1st ed., pp. 300-308) Comares.

Saura López, D. & Del Valle Antolín, J. (2011). Aprendizaje cooperativo: Mejora del rendimiento académico y el clima de convivencia en educación secundaria obligatoria. Colegio la Salle de Palencia. Metodologías de aprendizaje colaborativo a través de las tecnologías (1st ed., pp. 95-104) Universidad de Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.

Savater, F. (2010). Lo imprescindible de una educación para la ciudadanía. Revista APD: Asociación Para El Progreso De La Dirección (249), 28-30.

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Scheithauer, H. & Bull, H. D. (2010). Das fairplayer manual zur unterrichtsbegleitenden förderung sozialer kompetenzen und prävention von bullying im jugendalter: Ergebnisse der pilotevaluation Tuitional-based promotion of social competencies and prevention of bullying in adolescence - the fairplayer manual: Results of a pilot evaluation study. Praxis Der Kinderpsychologie Und Kinderpsychiatrie, 59(4), 266-281.

Abstract: The fairplayer.manual (Scheithauer u. Bull, 2008), a manualized, tuitional-based preventive intervention programme to facilitate social competence and prevent school bullying consists of at least 15 to 17 consecutive, ninety-minute-lessons using cognitive-behavioural methods (…)

Scheithauer, H., Hess, M., Schultze-Krumbholz, A. & Bull, H. D. (2012). School-based prevention of bullying and relational aggression in adolescence: The fairplayer manual. New Directions for Youth Development, 2012(133), 55-70. doi:10.1002/yd.20007

Abstract: The fairplayer manual is a school-based program to prevent bullying. The program consists of fifteen to seventeen consecutive ninety-minute lessons using cognitive-behavioral methods, methods targeting group norms and group dynamics, and discussions on moral dilemmas. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts)

Schneider, J. (2010). Memory test: A history of U.S. citizenship education and examination. Teachers College Record, 112(9), 2379-2404.

Abstract: Background/Context: While much has been written about the history of immigration and naturalization in the United States, few scholars have looked at the history of citizenship education and testing.

Schuitema, J., van Boxtel, C., Veugelers, W. & ten Dam, G. (2011). The quality of student dialogue in citizenship education. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 26(1), 85-107. doi:10.1007/s10212-010-0038-1

Abstract: This study investigates the relationship between the quality of student dialogue and students' ability to justify their viewpoints on a moral issue. A curriculum unit for dialogic citizenship education was developed and implemented in the 8th grade of secondary education.

Schulz, W. (2010). Estudio internacional sobre educación cívica y ciudadana: Marco de la evaluación. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación, Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones.

Schulz, W., Ainley, J., Fraillon, J., Kerr, D., Losito, B. & International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. (2010). Initial findings from the IEA international civic and citizenship education study. International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.

Abstract: The International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) studied the ways in which countries prepare their young people to undertake their roles as citizens. (Contains 30 tables, 6 figures and 10 footnotes)

Sears, A. (2012). Civic republicanism and civic education: The education of citizens. British Journal of Educational Studies, 60(1), 104-105. doi:10.1080/00071005.2012.660338

Segura Gutiérrez, J. M. (2011). Política educativa y homosexualidad. Una reflexión en torno al programa nacional de educación para la sexualidad y construcción de ciudadanía. Plumilla Educativa, (8).

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Abstract: Se presentan algunas líneas de reflexión, en torno al componente de orientación sexual del Programa Nacional de Educación para la Sexualidad y Construcción de Ciudadanía (PESCC) del Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia (2008).

Sequeiros, L. (2011). Alfabetización científica y teología (ciencias religiosas): Reflexiones desde la educación para la ciudadanía. Revista Aragonesa De Teología, 17(33), 51-70.

Serrano Biedma, M. d. C. & López Miguel, M. J. (2010). Acoso escolar en adolescentes de entre 12 y 16 años. Anuario De Justicia De Menores, (10), 239-256.

Abstract: En este trabajo se pretende delimitar las diferentes conductas de acoso que se dan con mayor frecuencia en los estudiantes de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria, así como las características de dichas conductas en relación con el lugar en que se producen, y el género y edad de sus protagonistas.

Serrano Pérez, M. M. (2010). La objeción de conciencia a educación para la ciudadanía en el marco constitucional de la libertad ideológica. Revista General De Derecho Canónico y Derecho Eclesiástico Del Estado, (23).

Abstract: La asignatura Educación para la Ciudadanía no es susceptible de ser objetada, según las sentencias de 11 de febrero del Tribunal Supremo.

Serrano Sobrino, M. & Pérez Carbonell, A. (2011). Formación del profesorado de educación secundaria obligatoria sobre el bullying. Revista Española De Orientación y Psicopedagogía; 2011, v.22, primer cuatrimestre; p 58-68.

Abstract: Se presenta un estudio realizado en el curso 2008-2009 sobre el nivel de formación que existe entre el profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) para afrontar situaciones de Bullying.

Shah, N. (2011). Federal lawmakers weigh bullying-prevention proposals. Education Week, 31(10), 14-17.

Abstract: The article discusses proposals for national anti-bullying legislation in the U.S. that would require all school districts to protect all students from school bullying, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students.

Shakoor, S., Jaffee, S. R., Bowes, L., Ouellet-Morin, I., Andreou, P., Happe, F., Arseneault, L. (2012). A prospective longitudinal study of children's theory of mind and adolescent involvement in bullying. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 53(3), 254-261.

Abstract: Background: Theory of mind (ToM) allows the understanding and prediction of other people's behaviours based on their mental states (e.g. beliefs). It is important for healthy social relationships and thus may contribute towards children's involvement in bullying.

Shorten, A. (2010). Cultural diversity and civic education: Two versions of the fragmentation objection. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 42(1), 57-72. doi:10.1111/j.1469-5812.2008.00504.x

Abstract: According to the 'fragmentation objection' to multiculturalism, practices of cultural recognition undermine political stability, and this counts as a reason to be sceptical about the public recognition of minority cultures, as well as about multiculturalism construed more broadly as a public policy.

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Sichone, O. (2011). Democratic participation in rural Tanzania and Zambia: The impact of civic education. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 29(1), 119-121. doi:10.1080/02589001.2011.533062

Sigauke, A. T. (2011). Citizenship and citizenship education: A critical discourse analysis of the Zimbabwe presidential commission report. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 6(1), 69-86.

Abstract: Educational discourse, like other fields, is not neutral. Through policy documents it has ideological functions of transmitting dominant cultures and serving certain sectional interest groups.

Sigauke, A. T. (2012). Young people, citizenship and citizenship education in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Educational Development, 32(2), 214-223. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2011.02.014

Abstract: Citizenship education in Zimbabwe is based on the claim that young people lack citizenship virtues. This study set out to investigate these assumptions by assessing high school students' knowledge of, attitudes towards and participation levels in citizenship issues.

Silman, F. & Caglar, M. (2010). A comparative overview of citizenship education in Cyprus. International Review of Education, 56(5-6), 671-682.

Abstract: Cyprus is a Mediterranean island divided into two political sections. For political agreement to be possible between the North (Turkish) and South (Greek), Cyprus should give full consideration to citizenship education at schools with the aim of transmitting shared values and helping students become EU citizens.

Silvia, S., Blitstein, J., Williams, J., Ringwalt, C., Dusenbury, L., Hansen, W. & National Center for Education Evaluation and, Regional Assistance. (2011). Impacts of a violence prevention program for middle schools: Findings after 3 years of implementation. Executive summary. NCEE 2011-4018. National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance.

Abstract: This is the second and final report summarizing findings from an impact evaluation of a violence prevention intervention for middle schools. This report provides findings from the second and third years of the 3-year intervention. (Contains 1 table, 3 figures and 4 footnotes)

Smith, P. K. (2011). Why interventions to reduce bullying and violence in schools may (or may not) succeed: Comments on this special section. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 35(5), 419-423. doi:10.1177/0165025411407459

Abstract: The research area around aggression and violence in schools, and especially that on school bullying, has grown enormously in the last 30 years.

Sobel, R. S. (2010). School safety and violence prevention programs as seen through the eyes of instructional staff and students. ProQuest Information & Learning. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 70(12) (2010-99111-113).

Abstract: Violence and security on high school campuses are paramount issues that many instructional staff and students face in today's society.

Souto Galván, B. (2012). Educación y ciudadanía en la constitución española de 1812. Educación y libertad (1st ed., pp. 43-68) Dykinson.

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Souto González, X. M. (2010). ¿Qué escuelas de geografía para educar en ciudadanía? Didáctica De Las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales, (24), 25-44.

Abstract: Los cambios sociales y tecnológicos que se han producido en el inicio del tercer milenio han obligado a replantearse las metas educativas. La geografía escolar, institucionalizada en el siglo XIX y XX, no es útil para responder a los nuevos retos ciudadanos.

Soylu, S. (2011). Creating a family or loyalty-based framework: The effects of paternalistic leadership on workplace bullying. Journal of Business Ethics, 99(2), 217-231.

Spiel, C., Salmivalli, C. & Smith, P. K. (2011). Translational research: National strategies for violence prevention in school. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 35(5), 381-382. doi:10.1177/0165025411407556

Abstract: This Special Section brings together researchers responsible for the development and implementation of national strategies against aggression and victimization among children and youth in their countries.

Spiel, C. & Strohmeier, D. (2011). National strategy for violence prevention in the austrian public school system: Development and implementation. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 35(5), 412-418.

Abstract: As a result of a quick succession of several spectacular events in schools, and the ensuing public discussion on the high rates of bullying in Austria, a national strategy for violence prevention in schools and preschools has been developed. (Contains 2 tables, 1 figure, and 4 notes)

Spiteri, D. (2012). Citizenship education as an educational outcome for young people in care: A phenomenological account. Theory and Research in Education, 10(1), 39-55.

Abstract: This qualitative study presents a retrospective analysis of how a cohort of young men, who as boys were assigned to residential care in Malta, perceive the citizenship education that they received while "in care" as having empowered them--as boys, adolescents, and eventually as young adults.

Sporre, K. (2010). In Sporre K. M., J. (Ed.), What name are we? Global citizenship education for whom? Response doi:10.1007/978-90-481-9628-9_7

Squelch, J. & Guthrie, R. (2010). The australian legal framework for workplace bullying. Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, 32(1), 15-54.

Srabstein, J. C. & Leventhal, B. L. (2010). Prevention of bullying-related morbidity and mortality: A call for public health policies World Health Organization.

Abstract: The authors opine on bullying, its associated morbidity and mortality, and the need for public health policies to address it. The authors note that more attention is being given to the problem of bullying, but it is not thought to be enough.

Staeheli, L. A. & Hammett, D. (2010). Educating the new national citizen: Education, political subjectivity and divided societies. Citizenship Studies, 14(6), 667-680. doi:10.1080/13621025.2010.522353

Abstract: This paper explores the ways in which citizenship education is used in an effort to create particular kinds of citizens as part of a larger effort at nation- and polity-building. This paper addresses the purpose of citizenship education and its role in creating political subjectivities for citizens.

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Stagg, S. J., & Sheridan, D. (2010). Effectiveness of bullying and violence prevention programs A systematic review. AAOHN Journal, 58(10), 419-424. doi:10.3928/08910162-20100916-02

Abstract: Workplace bullying is a significant occupational health problem worldwide. Nurses are vulnerable to workplace bullying (…)

Staneva, Z. & Molhova, M. (2011). The bullying phenomenon and the "I am not scared" project in Bulgaria or how and why we need to influence the national school-education system. Psychology, Society & Education, 3(2), 147-157.

Abstract: Violence in schools has been recognized as a growing and destructive problem both by educational and policy making authorities at a national level (…)// La violencia escolar ha sido reconocida como un problema creciente y destructivo tanto por las autoridades educativas en un nivel nacional (…)

Starkey, H. (2012). Human rights, cosmopolitanism and utopias: Implications for citizenship education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 42(1), 21.

Abstract: Citizenship education, defined as learning to live together, requires agreement on certain common principles. One central purpose of a state education system is the transmission of common normative standards such as the human rights and fundamental freedoms that underpin liberal democratic societies.

Starkey, H. (2011). Citizenship, education and global spaces Introduction. Language and Intercultural Communication, 11(2), 75-79. doi:10.1080/14708477.2011.556741

Stevenson, N. (2010). Cultural citizenship, education and democracy: Redefining the good society. Citizenship Studies, 14(3), 275-291. doi:10.1080/13621021003731823

Abstract: This article explores notions of the good society in relation to recent debates in cultural citizenship. Criticising Kantian approaches to citizenship, the article urges scholars to discuss competing notions of the good.

Stouten, J., Baillien, E., Broeck, A. v. d., Camps, J., Witte, H. d. & Euwema, M. (2010). Discouraging bullying: The role of ethical leadership and its effects on the work environment. Journal of Business Ethics, 95(1), 17-27.

Suicide, self-injury, and violence in the schools: Assessment, prevention, and intervention strategies. (2011). Education Digest, 77(2), 69-70.

Abstract: The article reviews the book "Suicide, Self-Injury, and Violence in the Schools: Assessment, Prevention, and Intervention Strategies," by Gerald A. Johnke, Darcy Haag Granello, and Paul F. Granello.

Sykes, H. (2011). Hetero- and homo-normativity: Critical literacy, citizenship education and queer theory. Curriculum Inquiry, 41(4), 419-432. doi:10.1111/j.1467-873X.2011.00561.x

Taylor, B. G., Stein, N. & Burden, F. F. (2010). Exploring gender differences in dating violence/harassment prevention programming in middle schools: Results from a randomized experiment. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 6(4), 419-445. doi:10.1007/s11292-010-9103-7

Abstract: In this study, we randomly assigned 123 sixth and seventh grade classrooms from seven middle schools in the greater Cleveland area to one of two five-session curricula addressing gender violence/sexual harassment (GV/SH) or to a no-treatment control group.

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Taylor, B., Stein, N. & Burden, F. (2010). The effects of gender violence/harassment prevention programming in middle schools: A randomized experimental evaluation. Violence and Victims, 25(2), 202-223. doi:10.1891/0886-6708.25.2.202

Abstract: In this experiment, 123 sixth and seventh grade classrooms from Cleveland area schools were randomly assigned to one of two five-session curricula addressing gender violence/sexual harassment (GV/SH) or to a no-treatment control. (Journal abstract)

Tedesco, J. C. (2010). Educar para la justicia social: Nuevos procesos de socialización, ciudadanía y educación en América Latina. Revista IIDH, (52), 231-2446.

Tobin, K. (2011). Civic education in emerging democracies: Lessons from post communist Poland and Romania, 9(3), 273.

Abstract: The 1999 International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) Civic Education Study revealed that most countries having recently undergone political and social transformations had lower civic knowledge scores than more stable nations.

Tomé Fernández, M., Berrocal de Luna, E. & Buendía Eisman, L. (2010). Contenidos fundamentales para la formación del ciudadano intercultural. propuestas del alumnado tras el primer curso de educación para la ciudadanía: Un estudio exploratorio. Revista De Investigación Educativa, RIE, 28(2), 425-444.

Torrego Seijo, J. C. (2010). La mejora de la convivencia en un instituto de educación secundaria de la comunidad de Madrid. Profesorado: Revista De Currículum y Formación Del Profesorado; 2010, v.14, n.1, Enero-Abril; p.251-274.

Abstract: Se presenta un estudio de caso de la innovación educativa llevada a cabo en un centro de Educación Secundaria de la Comunidad de Madrid (…)

Tresgallo Saiz, E. (2011). La "bofetada feliz": Una nueva táctica de acoso escolar. Aula De Innovación Educativa, (201), 51-53.

Trespaderne Arnáiz, G. (2010). Educación ético cívica y TIC en secundaria.

Abstract: El principal propósito de esta tesis consiste en proporcionar un conjunto de orientaciones didácticas sobre distintos recursos que sirven para desarrollar la educación ético-cívica haciendo uso de las TIC en secundaria. // The main purpose of this thesis is to provide a set of teaching guidelines on different resources used to develop ethical and civic education by making use of informational and communication technology in secondary schools.

Trilla Bernet, J. (2010). Propuestas conceptuales en torno al debate sobre la educación para la ciudadanía. Entre todos: Compartir la educación para la ciudadanía (1st ed., pp. 77-92) Universitat de Barcelona, Institut de Ciències de l'Educació, ICE: Horsori.

Trilla Bernet, J. & Novella Camara, A. M. (2011). Participation, democracy and citizenship education.Local children's councils. Revista De Educacion, 23-43.

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to support children's right to social participation and to present a concrete proposal to make the exercise of some dimensions of that right possible.

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Ttofi, M. M. & Farrington, D. P. (2012). Risk and protective factors, longitudinal research, and bullying prevention. New Directions for Youth Development, 2012(133), 85-98. doi:10.1002/yd.20009

Abstract: This chapter presents the results from two systematic/meta-analytic reviews of longitudinal studies on the association of school bullying (perpetration and victimization) with adverse health and criminal outcomes later in life.

Tushnet, M. (2010). Constitutional design as if civic education mattered. Journal of Social Philosophy, 41(2), 210-213. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9833.2010.01489.x

Urcelay, J. & Alfonso Sánchez, J. M. (2010). Educación para la ciudadanía en las plataformas sociales. Educación para la ciudadanía: Razones y reacciones (1st ed., pp. 189-204) Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Valdemoros San Emeterio, M. A., Goicoechea, M. Á., Sáez, S. & Frago, S. (2012). Educación para la convivencia y diversidad. Educación para la convivencia: Propuestas didácticas para la promoción de valores (1st ed., pp. 123-152) Biblioteca Nueva.

Valdemoros San Emeterio, M. A., Ponce de León Elizondo, A., Ramos Echazarreta, R. & Sanz, E. (2011). Pedagogía de la convivencia y educación no formal: Un estudio desde el ocio físico-deportivo, los valores y la familia. European Journal of Education and Psychology, 4(1), 33-49.

Abstract: El ser humano se concibe en una constante interrelación con variados agentes educativos de los que fluyen diversos valores y actitudes.

Valle, J. (2010). Actas del III seminario educación para una convivencia en libertad (1st ed.) Fundación para la Libertad.

Van Heugten, K. (2011). Theorizing active bystanders as change agents in workplace bullying of social workers. Families in Society, 92(2), 219.

Abstract: This article analyses data on bystanders that emerged from a qualitative research project undertaken with 17 social workers who had been targets of workplace bullying. During presentations of the findings, questions that arose from practitioners included: Why do bystanders remain silent?

Van Heugten, K. (2010). Bullying of social workers: Outcomes of a grounded study into impacts and interventions. British Journal of Social Work, 40(2), 638-655. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcp003

Abstract: Workplace bullying has become recognized as a costly workplace problem that may be relatively common in the human services. However, the topic remains underexplored with respect to social workers.

Van Koeven, E. & Leeman, Y. (2011). Citizenship education for a pluralistic world: The selection of children's literature in dutch protestant primary schools. Intercultural Education, 22(5), 395-410.

Abstract: The goals of citizenship education are often contested in Protestant schools with an ethnically heterogeneous population of pupils in multicultural European societies today. (Contains 2 tables)

Vandenabeele, J., Vanassche, E. & Wildemeersch, D. (2011). Stories of/on citizenship education: A case of participatory planning. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 30(2), 171-185.

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Abstract: In this article we elaborate a case where citizens were encouraged to discuss an environmental policy plan within seven focus groups. In line with this experience, we raise two questions about the deliberation process we tried to support. (Contains 2 tables)

Vannini, N., Enz, S., Sapouna, M., Wolke, D., Watson, S., Woods, S., . . . Schneider, W. (2011). "FearNot!": A computer-based anti-bullying-programme designed to foster peer intervention. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 26(1), 21-44. doi:10.1007/s10212-010-0035-4

Abstract: Bullying is widespread in European schools, despite multiple intervention strategies having been proposed over the years.

Vega Gea, E. M. (2010). Incidencia e impacto emocional en las víctimas del bullying tradicional. I congreso científico de investigadores en formación (1st ed., pp. 301-303) Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Velázquez, M. (2010). The spanich code of practice on work-related bullying: Reflections on European law and its impact on a national strategy for labor inspectors. Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, 32(1), 185-224.

Vera Vila, J. (2011). Educación intercultural y ciudadanía democrática desde la escuela. Dedica.Revista De Educação e Humanidades, (1), 159-172.

Abstract: Being a citizen in a democracy implies practising rights and duties, not only in his or her city but in a complex and linked world. // La condición de ciudadanos en una democracia implica ejercer derechos y obligaciones no sólo en la propia localidad, sino en un mundo complejo e interconectado.

Vernberg, E. M. & Biggs, B. K. (2010). Preventing and treating bullying and victimization. New York: Oxford University Press.

Veugelers, W. (2011). Theory and practice of citizenship education. The case of policy, science and education in the Netherlands. Revista De Educación (1), 209-224.

Abstract: Citizenship education is a concept encountered in many debates and publications. This concept though is often very differently addressed in politics, in conversations in schools, in public opinion and among scholars. // El concepto de educación en la ciudadanía es objeto de numerosos debates y publicaciones. Es un concepto que, no obstante, en política, en el seno de centros educativos, en la opinión pública, y entre estudiosos, suele abordarse de formas muy diversas (…)

Vicente Jiménez, M. A. (2011). La orientación educativa ante los problemas de ciberconvivencia: Desarrollo y aplicación de un programa de formación on-line en prevención, detección y abordaje del "ciberbullying" en el IES catadau. Edetania: Estudios y Propuestas Socio-Educativas (40), 83-111.

Viejo, I. (2011). Educación y ciudadanía. Organización y Gestión Educativa: Revista Del Fórum Europeo De Administradores De La Educación, 19(3), 7.

Abstract: Los resultados de las evaluaciones e informes externos sitúan a España con altos índices de fracaso escolar.

Vila i Barceló, R. (2010). Las unidades de convivencia. instituto para la convivencia y el éxito escolar de la consejería de educación y cultura de las Islas Baleares. La convivencia escolar: Aspectos psicológicos y educativos (1st ed., pp. 307-312) [Granada]: GEU, D.L. 2010.

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Vivolo, A. M., Holt, M. K. & Massetti, G. M. (2011). Individual and contextual factors for bullying and peer victimization: Implications for prevention. Journal of School Violence, 10(2), 201-212.

Abstract: The Division of Violence Prevention (DVP) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is committed to preventing youth violence. (Contains 1 figure)

Waasdorp, T. E. & Bradshaw, C. P. (2011). Examining student responses to frequent bullying: A latent class approach. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103(2), 336-352.

Abstract: Bullying is a major concern in schools, yet there has been limited research examining the ways in which students respond to frequent victimization by their peers. The current study explored whether there are discrete groups of children who display similar patterns of responses to frequent bullying.

Waasdorp, T. E., Bradshaw, C. P. & Duong, J. (2011). The link between parents' perceptions of the school and their responses to school bullying: Variation by child characteristics and the forms of victimization. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103(2), 324-335.

Abstract: A growing number of researchers encourage parents to notify the school when their children are bullied and work collaboratively with the school to resolve the situation. However, there is limited research on factors that are associated with parents' responses to their child's victimization.

Wainaina, P. K., Arnot, M. & Chege, F. (2011). Developing ethical and democratic citizens in a post-colonial context: Citizenship education in Kenya. Educational Research, 53(2), 179-192. doi:10.1080/00131881.2011.572366

Abstract: Background: Youth citizenship is now on the international agenda with African countries increasingly interrogating their national perspectives on citizenship andcitizenship education.

Waissbluth, M. & Waissbluth, M. (2011). Los alcaldes y el bullying escolar. La educasion en Chile esta vien (1st ed., pp. 156-158) Educación 2020.

Waterson, R. A. & Haas, M. E. (2011). Dare we not teach 9/11 yet advocate citizenship education? Social Studies, 102(4), 147-152.

Abstract: The authors advocate for systematic teaching of 9/11 within the social studies curriculum (K-16). The examination of the issues and impact of 9/11 illustrate the power of civic education in a democracy. (Contains 1 table)

Watson, S. E. J., Vannini, N., Woods, S., Dautenhahn, K., Sapouna, M., Enz, S., Aylett, R. (2010). Inter-cultural differences in response to a computer-based anti-bullying intervention. Educational Research, 52(1), 61-80. doi:10.1080/00131881003588261

Abstract: Background and purpose: Many holistic anti-bullying interventions have been attempted, with mixed success, while little work has been done to promote a 'self-help' approach to victimisation.

Weeks, D. (2010). Another Japan is possible: New social movements and global citizenship education. Asian Studies Review, 34(4), 532-533.

Abstract: There is no particular reading order. [...] the content should be readily accessible to those of us teaching students in broadly focused "Contemporary Japan" courses, courses that consider social movements (cither in Asia, or more internationally), or discipline-specific courses seeking a Japanese perspective.

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Wegel, M., Kerner, H. & Stroezel, H. (2011). Bullying and resilience in schools corrections of becoming victims and its possible prevention. Kriminalistik, 65(8-9), 526-532.

White, P. (2012). Making political anger possible: A task for civic education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 46(1), 1-13. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9752.2012.00837.x

Abstract: The article asks whether political anger has a legitimate place in a democracy, as this is a political system designed to resolve conflicts by peaceful negotiation. It distinguishes personal from social anger and political anger, to focus explicitly on the latter.

Wilkin, L. V. (2010). Workplace bullying in academe: A grounded theory study exploring how faculty cope with the experience of being bullied. (Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (857921670)

Abstract: This qualitative study used a grounded theory methodology to generate a theory about how targets of workplace bullying in academe may begin to heal from the aftermath of their ill-treatment.

Wilkins, C., Busher, H., Lawson, T., Acun, I. & Goz, N. L. (2010). European citizenship and European Union expansion: Perspectives on europeanness and citizenship education from Britain and Turkey. European Educational Research Journal, 9(4), 444-456.

Abstract: This article discusses some perspectives on citizenship education in Turkey and Britain in the context of current contested discourses on the nature of European identity and of the European Union (EU).

Willems, F., Denessen, E., Hermans, C. & Vermeer, P. (2010). Citizenship education in religious schools: An analysis of tolerance in catholic schools from a virtue ethical point of view. Journal of Beliefs & Values-Studies in Religion & Education, 31(2), 215-229. doi:10.1080/13617672.2010.503634

Abstract: The question explored in this article is whether religious schools can contribute to the formation of the civic virtues in pupils by means of citizenship education.

Williams, J. K. (2011). Interpreting civic education in american educational thought from progressivism through multiculturalism. (Ph.D., Texas A&M University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (908913245)

Abstract: This dissertation is a historical examination of citizenship education in the United States, beginning in the late nineteenth century with the Progressive era, and extending into the 1970s with multiculturalism.

Wong, J. K. F. (2010). Christian citizen: Liu zhan'en (1896--1938) and Y.M.C.A.'s civic education movement (1924--1927). (Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (912364498)

Abstract: There is a saying: "One more Christian, one fewer Chinese". It implies a conflict between an Ascribed Identity (Chinese) and an Achieved Identity (Christian).

Wong, Y. (2010). The civic education project in Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova: The impact of dependency. Development in Practice, 20(2), 240-250. doi:10.1080/09614520903564249

Abstract: The reliance of development NGOs on donor funding exposes them to the danger of formulating programmes geared to meeting the needs of the donors, rather than those of local beneficiaries. Adapted from the source document.

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Woodford, P. (2010). ¿Elitismo democrático o ciudadanía democrática?: La polítca de la música, su significado y la educación musical en los EEUU de la guerra fría. Eufonía: Didáctica De La Música (50), 23-33.

Xiao, P. & Tong, H. (2010). Aims and methods of civic education in today's Universities of China. Asian Social Science, 6(4), 44-48.

Abstract: Civic education, as a way to foster civic awareness and civic responsibilities and to shape good citizens, should permeate through the whole process of a person's socialization.

Yaakub, N. F., Haron, F. & Leong, G. C. (2010). Examining the efficacy of the olweus prevention programme in reducing bullying: The Malaysian experience. Wcpcg 2010, 5, 595-598. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.07.148

Abstract: Many countries have adapted or adopted the Olweus Bullying Prevention Programme after it was reported that there was a significant reduction in levels of bullying and being bullied. The positive changes were maintained 20 months after the intervention.

Yamada, D. C. (2010). Workplace bullying and american employment law: A ten-year progress report and assessment. Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, 32(1), 251-284.

Youniss, J. (2011). Civic education: What schools can do to encourage civic identity and action. Applied Developmental Science, 15(2), 98.

Abstract: The timeliness of civic education for American youth is discussed. Particular attention is given to the history of calls for civic education, the state of civic education in schools today, particularly those serving youth in disadvantaged contexts, and the specific ways in which schools can better address the civic education needs of contemporary youth.

Yu, J. & Feng, T. (2010). Civic education and transition governance in China. Peace Review, 22(3), 295.

Abstract: Yu and Feng discuss the development of civic education in the process of modernization in China.

Yu, L. (2010). The transformation of citizenship education at universities in the people's republic of China from 1998--2006. (Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (816911557)

Abstract: This dissertation examines and analyzes the changes of citizenship education at universities in China from 1998-2006 both in terms of theoretical foundations and pedagogical methods.

Yubero Jiménez, S., Larrañaga Rubio, E. & Navarro Olivas, R. (2010). Sexismo y acoso escolar en la adolescencia. Miradas a lo social [recurso electrónico]: Procesos y problemas sobre los que actúa el trabajo social (1st ed., pp. 173-180) Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Servicio de Publicaciones.

Zaitegi, N. (2010). La educación en y para la convivencia positiva en España. REICE: Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana Sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio En Educación, 8(2), 93-132.

Zaitegi, N. (2011). La educación en y para la convivencia: Un reto para la sociedad vasca. Los retos de las políticas públicas en una democracia avanzada [recurso electrónico] (1st ed., pp. 85-94) Ararteko.

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Zembylas, M. (2010). The ethic of care in globalized societies: Implications for citizenship education. Ethics and Education, 5(3), 233-245.

Abstract: Illustrating the tensions and possibilities that the notion of the ethic of care as a democratic and citizenship issue may have in discourses of citizenship education in western states is the focus of this article.

Zembylas, M. (2011). Ethnic division in cyprus and a policy initiative on promoting peaceful coexistence: Toward an agonistic democracy for citizenship education. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 6(1), 53-67.

Abstract: This article uses as a point of departure for its analysis a recent educational policy initiative to promote peaceful coexistence in the context of ongoing ethnic division in Cyprus.

Zhang, Y. (2011). Citizenship education in China: Comparing eighth grade students' civic attitudes and civic engagement in Shanghai and Hong Kong. (Ph.D., University of Minnesota). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (882917920)

Abstract: This is a comparative study of eighth grade students' citizenship education in Hong Kong and Shanghai, China. Paper-based surveys are administered in public schools in both cities and analyzed to examine students' citizenship perception, civic value, civic attitudes towards three special social issues (…)

Zhang, Z. (2011). The effects of depression and anger on bullying: An extension of general strain theory. (M.S., The University of Texas at San Antonio) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (868328433)

Abstract: The following thesis uses the data from the survey of Health Behavior in School-Aged Children conducted in the United States during 2001-2002.

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1.10 TEMA 10: La socialización en la educación no formal e informal


Agostinelli, S., Campillo, V., Magnoler, P. & Rossi, P. G. (2011). Didactics and non-formal/informal relations. Online communication and knowledge processes. World Conference on Educational Technology Researches-2011, 28 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.11.142

Abstract: The use of technologies in didactics raises several issues that deserve to be further examined both to support teachers. Reflections about the effects of daily use of the Internet on students of, and to rethink teaching methods.

Allmendinger, J., Kleinert, C., Antoni, M., Christoph, B., Drasch, K., Janik, F. & Ruland, M. (2011). Adult education and lifelong learning. Zeitschrift Fur Erziehungswissenschaft, 14, 283-299. doi:10.1007/s11618-011-0197-0

Abstract: Stage 8 of the German National Educational Panel Study focuses on the adult working age population in Germany and serves, in many respects, as a capstone for the National Educational Panel Study structure.

Antunes, F. (2011). Governance, state reforms and adult education policies in Portugal: Global pressures and national specificities, tensions and ambivalences. Revista Critica De Ciencias Sociais, (92), 3-29.

Abstract: This paper traces the development of the mechanism for the recognition, validation and certification of skills as a means of discussing state reforms in the provision of social welfare.

Aparicio Barberán, M., Aparicio Guadas, P. & Corella Llopis, I. (2011). La educación permanente y la crisis de época: Configurando proyectos educativos realmente humanos. Xàtiva: Edicions del Crec.

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Aranda, D. & Sánchez Navarro, J. (2010). ¡Bien jugado! videojuegos y educación no formal. Experiencia. Materiales y recursos didácticos en contextos comunitarios (1st ed., pp. 253-260) Graó.

Arghode, V. (2011). Management of adult education organisations in Africa. International Review of Education, 57(5), 771-772. doi:10.1007/s11159-011-9243-7

Askelson, D. K. (2011). A narrative analysis of middle-aged women's experiences with hatha yoga: Implications for wellness, learning and development, programming, and practice in adult education. (Ed.D., Northern Illinois University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (874246048)

Abstract: Examined in this qualitative, narrative study are the wellness learning and development stories of seven middle-aged women, ages 47 to 60, enrolled in a work site Hatha Yoga program, with the researcher as instructor.

Azevedo Pacheco Cardoso, B., De Azavedo Pacheco, C. & Fernandes de Souza, R. (2010). La construcción del sitio en internet para la mejor continua en enfermería: Una contribución a la educación permanente. Enfermería Global: Revista Electrónica Semestral De Enfermería (19).

Abstract: En la sociedad de la información, Internet actúa como un vehículo para la difusión de la información.// Na sociedade da informação, a Internet funciona como veículo para divulgação de informações.

Barrio de la Puente, José Luis, & Fernández Solís, J. D. (2010). Educación y humor: Una experiencia pedagógica en la educación de adultos. Revista Complutense De Educación, 21(2), 365-385.

Abstract: En el presente trabajo se estudia y pone en práctica la importancia del sentido del humor, dentro de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendiza en la educación de personas adultas, desde una perspectiva pedagógica. // The importance of the sense of humour in grown-ups teaching and learning processes is studied and practiced from a pedagogical perspective.

Barros Díez, M. E. (2010). Educación permanente y de personas adultas. Biblioteca Virtual redELE; 2010, n.11, Segundo Semestre; 41 p.

Abstract: Se ofrece un recorrido por la educación permanente así como por la educación de personas adultas, marcando sus diferencias y similitudes. Se destaca la necesidad de la educación permanente y se describen las etapas anteriores en el tiempo.

Batlle Moreso, M. (2011). Las TIC en educación de adultos. Nuevas tecnologías en el aula (1st ed., pp. 301-314) Altaria.

Baughman, S., Boyd, H. H. & Franz, N. K. (2012). Non-formal educator use of evaluation results. Evaluation and Program Planning, 35(3), 329-336. doi:10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2011.11.008

Abstract: Increasing demands for accountability in educational programming have resulted in increasing calls for program evaluation in educational organizations.

Bejakovic, P. (2010). International organization of adult education (book one). Revija Za Socijalnu Politiku, 17(1), 141-143.

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Bello, B. G. (2011). Empowerment of young migrants in Italy through nonformal education: Putting equality into practice. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 16(3), 348-359. doi:10.1080/1354571X.2011.565634

Abstract: The aim of this contribution is to describe how the engagement of so-defined second-generation migrants in nonformal education projects can play a key role in their upward mobility and in their participation in present-day Italian society.

Bildungsserver, D. (2010). Tips on links relating to the topic of "adult Education/Further education and time". Zeitschrift Fur Padagogik, 56(3), 378-383.

Boeren, E. (2011). Gender differences in formal, non-formal and informal adult learning. Studies in Continuing Education, 33(3), 333-346. doi:10.1080/0158037X.2011.610301

Abstract: At first sight, participation rates in adult learning do not differ strongly between men and women. Further exploration, however, makes clear that differences exist at the level of the type of learning.

Boshier, R. & Yan Huang. (2010). More important than guns: Chinese adult education after the long march. Adult Education Quarterly: A Journal of Research and Theory, 60(3), 284-302.

Abstract: Without adult education, there would have been no Communist government in China. Once the Long March arrived in Yan'an, Mao and Communist leaders used adult education in informal and nonformal settings to build momentum for revolution.

Braun, A. (2012). Women studying childcare: Integrating lives through adult education. Gender and Education, 24(2), 243-244. doi:10.1080/09540253.2011.649574

Brown, N. L. (2012). Radicalizing learning: Adult education for a just world. Adult Education Quarterly, 62(2), 202-203. doi:10.1177/0741713611414111

Bullon, K. M. (2011). Everything old is new again: Adult education and social justice in the digital age. (M. Ad. Ed., St. Francis Xavier University (Canada). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (872553359)

Abstract: This thesis is a search for effective programming models for online social justice education. It explores adult education's rich history of social justice activism as a framework for teaching social justice in the digital age.

Butte, S. (2010). Freire: Informal education as protest. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 8(1), 161-180.

Abstract: What might be learned during a political protest or in the evolution of a social movement? This paper begins with a demonstration of some historical facts about people with disabilities who were demanding their rights, long before Paulo Freire and critical pedagogy.

Butviliene, J. (2011). Social context of adult non-formal education. Filosofija-Sociologija, 22(4), 446-454.

Abstract: The current non-formal adult education and the content of legislative instruments, as well as organized training in terms of content are more focused on current expectations of employers as regards employees' qualifications (…)

Cabedo Mas, A. & Universitat Jaume I. Publicacions. (2010). La educación permanente: La universidad y las personas mayores. Castelló de la Plana: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I.

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Carbonneau, H., Caron, C. D. & Desrosiers, J. (2011). Effects of an adapted leisure education program as a means of support for caregivers of people with dementia. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 53(1), 31-39. doi:10.1016/j.archger.2010.06.009

Abstract: The loss of autonomy associated with dementia affects the people with dementia themselves as well as their caregivers who are often left feeling powerless and incompetent in their caregiving role.

Cavell, S. (2010). La filosofía como educación para adultos. Stanley cavell: Mundos vistos y ciudades de palabras (1st ed., pp. 17-26) Plaza & Janés.

Central Carolina Community College adult education programs celebrate graduation. (2012, Jan 27, 2012). US Fed News Service, Including US State News, pp. n/a.

Chandola, T., Plewis, I., Morris, J. M., Mishra, G. & Blane, D. (2011). Is adult education associated with reduced coronary heart disease risk? International Journal of Epidemiology, 40(6), 1499-1509. doi:10.1093/ije/dyr087

Abstract: Background Although there is consistent evidence that higher levels of education are associated with better health and reduced disease risk, there is little evidence on whether this is true throughout the life-course.

Chang, H. & Hung, J. (2011). In Zhou M. (Ed.). The planning of leisure education program in colleges physical education curriculum.

Abstract: The purpose of this study was aimed to analysis the program model, implication, and framework of leisure education in colleges physical education curriculum.

Chen, H. -Wang, Q. & Xu, X. (2011). In Tan H. (Ed.). Discussion on adult education method in science of engineering rock and soil.

Abstract: The science of engineering rock and soil is one of the basic special courses of civil engineering major, and plays an important role in the education system of correlation field. It is also included into the compulsory courses of adult education.

Chopra, P. (2011). (Un) veiling desire: Re-defining relationships between gendered adult education subjects and adult education programmes. International Journal of Educational Development, 31(6), 634-642. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2011.02.004

Abstract: This paper challenges constructions of the 'gendered illiterate Indian villager' as a homogenous group of people who are empowered through acquiring literacy.

Ciotti, J. E. (2010). Museums and planetariums: Bridging the gap between Hawaiian culture and astronomy through informal education--A case study. Forum on Public Policy Online, 2010(2).

Abstract: Behavioral research supports informal education as fundamental to lifelong learning and responsible for much of what we know. Such learning occurs outside of formal schooling through venues such as the Internet, libraries, museums and planetariums.

Clarke, R. (2010). Adult education between the wars: The curious case of the selborne lecture bureau. History of Education, 39(5), 613-629. doi:10.1080/00467601003687572

Abstract: 'Independent' lecture agencies are a neglected element in the history of education. Between 1918 and 1939, the Selborne Lecture Bureau was a significant national provider of adult education in Britain (…)

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Closson, R. B. (2010). Critical race theory and adult education. Adult Education Quarterly, 60(3), 261-283. doi:10.1177/0741713609358445

Abstract: Critical race theory (CRT) was developed to examine the persistence of racism. This literature review attempts to understand CRT as it has been applied in related fields such as higher education and possible reasons for its limited application in adult education theorizing about race and racism.

Clover, D. E. (2010). A contemporary review of feminist aesthetic practices in selective adult education journals and conference proceedings. Adult Education Quarterly, 60(3), 233-248. doi:10.1177/0741713609354119

Abstract: This feminist content analysis of selective adult education journals and conference proceedings draws on feminist aesthetic theory to develop a deeper understanding of women adult education scholars' work with/in the arts.

Cobb, I. A. (2011). An examination of the perceptions of older Americans on successful aging and adult education programs to meet their aging needs in southeast Alabama. (Ph.D., Auburn University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (926588055)

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the personal perceptions of older Americans in regards to the aging process and the characteristics of successful aging.

Conti, K. C. & de Carvalho, D. L. (2011). Literacy in the construction of tables by adult education students. Bolema-Mathematics Education Bulletin-Boletim De Educacao Matematica, 24(40), 637-658.

Abstract: The importance of adult education (AE) is growing worldwide. It is important that curricular proposals for statistics education in the context of AE work from a literacy perspective (…)

Costa, V. Z. d., Cezar Vaz, M. R. d., Cardoso, L. S. & Soares, J. F. d. S. (2010). Educação permanente no programa saúde da familia: Um estudo qualitativo. Investigación y Educación En Enfermería, 28(3), 336-344.

Abstract: Objetivo. Analizar la educación continua en el espectro del proceso de trabajo de la Programa Salud de la familia en Brasil, a través de sus realizadores, el lugar de realización, el modo de desarrollo y la finalidad.

CCremades Andreu, R. & Herrera Torres, L. (2010). Importancia de la educación formal e informal en la adquisición de conocimientos sobre estilos musicales en estudiantes de conservatorio. Arte y ciencia: Creación y responsabilidad (1st ed., pp. 363-382) Fernando Ramos.

Cremades Andreu, R., Herrera Torres, L. & Lorenzo Quiles, O. (2010). Adolescentes y música: Consumo musical y educación informal. Dúrcal, Granada: K&L.

Cremades Andreu, R. & Herrera, L. (2010). Estudio comparativo de la educación formal e informal en el conocimiento musical de los estudiantes de enseñanza profesional de música. Publicaciones De La Facultad De Educación y Humanidades Del Campus De Melilla (40), 73-87.

Cronin, D. P. (2011). Elevating the civic science literacy of American adults: Assessing a renewed citizen science paradigm integrating nonformal outdoor adult education and enhanced experiential learning. (Ph.D., Cleveland State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (863213701)

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Abstract: America's adult populace has failed to keep pace with the rapid inundation of science-centric advancements affecting nearly every facet of personal and public life. With deficiencies in areas of science knowledge, America's adult populace is characterized as civic science illiterate

Cuban, S. (2010). Examining the feminisation of migration concept for adult education. Gender and Education, 22(2), 177-191. doi:10.1080/09540250903560455

Abstract: The feminisation of migration is absent in policy and programmatic discourses on adult education in the USA and England.

Cuenca Cabeza, M. (2011). El ocio como ámbito de educación social. Educación Social: Revista De Intervención Socioeducativa; 2011, n.47, Enero-Abril; p.25-40.

Abstract: Se muestran planteamientos suscitados en torno al ocio como un ámbito de pensamiento, acción e intervención. Se formulan y responden dos cuestiones: en qué medida se relaciona el ocio con la educación social y si el ocio es un ámbito de actuación de la educación social.

Dahlstedt, M., Alund, A. & Alund, A. (2010). Conditional partnership: Democracy and social inclusion in relations between institutions of adult education and immigrant associations. Dansk Sociologi, 21(4), 75-98.

Abstract: The authors discuss the cooperation between immigrant associations & public institutions for adult education in Sweden.

De Lange, T. (2011). Formal and non-formal digital practices: Institutionalizing transactional learning spaces in a media classroom. Learning Media and Technology, 36(3), 251-275. doi:10.1080/17439884.2011.549827

Abstract: This article examines how a classroom procedure known as PGE (Plan/Go-through/Evaluate) group work aims at integrating formal and non-formal media experiences and practices into classroom-based media learning.

De Pascual, A. (2011). ¿Dónde empieza la educación de adultos? Perspectivas: Situación actual de la educación en los museos de artes visuales (1st ed., pp. 100-103) Ariel: Fundación Telefónica.

De Vita, A. (2010). Educación permanente, políticas de relación-mediación y ciudadanía. Xàtiva: Institut Paulo Freire de España, etc.

Diarra, M. C. (2011). Training the trainers: Its role in high quality adult education. International Review of Education, 57(1), 145-159. doi:10.1007/s11159-011-9204-1

Abstract: Le rôle critique de la formation des formateurs: les implications pour la formation de personnes ressources et la qualité de l'apprentissage et de l'éducation des adultes. // This article is about the crucial role of instructor training; it discusses the implications for the quality of adult learning and education. // In diesem Artikel geht es um die entscheidende Bedeutung der Schulung von Ausbildern und darum, wie sich diese auf die Qualität der Erwachsenenbildung auswirkt. // Este artículo trata del papel esencial que desempeña la capacitación de los instructores y se ocupa de lo que implica en cuanto a la calidad del aprendizaje y la educación de personas adultas.

Diestro Fernández, A. (2010). El papel de la conferencia permanente de ministros europeos de la educación en el establecimiento de una política educativa europea. Foro De Educación (12), 45-68.

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Domènech, J. (2010). Tendencias da la formación permanente del profesorado. Barcelona: I.C.E. Universidad de Barcelona: Horsori.

Domingo Moratalla, A. (2012). Valores y tiempo libre: Desafíos éticos de las redes sociales a la educación moral. Revista De Fomento Social (265), 31-54.

Domínguez Rodríguez, F. J. (2011). Didáctica de la geografía de acceso a la universidad en un centro de educación de adultos: Grupos interactivos y TIC. Aportaciones de la geografía en el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida [archivo de ordenador] (1st ed., pp. 279-291) Universidad de Málaga (UMA): Asociación de Geográfos Españoles.

Duke, C. & Hinzen, H. (2010). Youth and adult education within lifelong learning: Claims and challenges. Development, 53(4), 465-470. doi:10.1057/dev.2010.67

Abstract: The national and international development agenda looks at education as an important tool for transformation and change. Within education most attention is given to schooling and the wider formal sector of colleges and universities.

Edelhauser, E., Ionica, A., Irimie, S. & Baleanu, V. (2010). In Rusu C. (Ed.). Self-directed learning - challenge for and necessity of the adult education.

Abstract: We are forced to learn continually in order to adapt to the lifelong changes that occur in the universe of knowledge and in the entire contents of life. The paper focuses on the complex concept of Self-Directed Learning.

Eme, E. (2011). Cognitive and psycholinguistic skills of adults who are functionally illiterate: Current state of research and implications for adult education. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25(5), 753-762. doi:10.1002/acp.1746

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to review empirical studies that have investigated the cognitive and language skills of adults who are functionally illiterate (A-IL) (…)

Engstrom, M., Skytt, B. & Nilsson, A. (2011). Working life and stress symptoms among caregivers in elderly care with formal and no formal competence. Journal of Nursing Management, 19(6), 732-741. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2011.01270.x

Abstract: Aim The aim of the present study was to describe and compare caregivers with formal and no formal competence on job satisfaction, psychosomatic health, structural and psychological empowerment and perceptions of care quality.

ERITREA: Adult education program gaining momentum in Northern Red Sea region. (2011). MENA Report, n/a.

Abstract: Likewise, the director general of Adult Education Program and media in the Ministry, Mr. Gebrezgi Dimam, noted the significance of study paper in expanding the program in the remaining parts of the country, besides mapping out clear action plan.

Falcon, N. (2011). Non-formal education in astronomy: The experience of the university the Carabobo. Role of Astronomy in Society and Culture (260), 710-714. doi:10.1017/S1743921311003061

Abstract: Since 1995, the University the Carabobo, in Venezuela, has come developing a program of astronomical popularization and learning Astronomy using the Non formal education methods. A synopsis of the activities is presented.

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Fallon, D., Warne, T., McAndrew, S. & McLaughlin, H. (2012). An adult education: Learning and understanding what young service users and carers really, really want in terms of their mental well being. Nurse Education Today, 32(2), 128-132. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2011.06.002

Abstract: For the past decade nurse education has incorporated service user and carer perspectives into their programme and research agendas.

Faubus, D. L. (2011). Crawford county adult education center program evaluation. (Ed.D., University of Arkansas) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (894405868)

Abstract: The Crawford County Adult Education Program Evaluation was implemented to gather data that would assist in increasing the number of enrolled students at CCAEC.

Fernández, M. d. C. & García Mínguez, J. (2010). Educación y adultos mayores. Rosario Argentina: Laborde.

Ferreira Loureiro, A. P. & Arede Correia Cristovao, A. F. (2010). The official knowledge and adult education agents: An ethnographic study of the adult education team of a local development-oriented nongovernmental organization in the north of Portugal. Adult Education Quarterly, 60(5), 419-437. doi:10.1177/0741713610363016

Abstract: Nongovernmental organizations, particularly those related to development work (local development-oriented nongovernmental organizations; LDNGO), and their agents have been assuming, in Portugal, an important role in the field of adult education.

Feu Molina, S., Ibanez Godoy, S. J. & Gozalo Delgado, M. (2010). Influence of formal and non-formal training on coaching style. Revista De Educacion, (353), 321-322.

Abstract: Coaches have different profiles or orientations when it comes to their professional activity, depending on the contextual variables surrounding athletic training sessions, the personal characteristics of the coach and the educational process the coach has completed.

Field, J. (2011). Swarthmore's century: A Leeds experiment in adult education, 1909-2009. History of Education, 40(3), 415-417. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2011.560901

Fleming, T. (2012). Fromm and habermas: Allies for adult education and democracy. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 31(2), 123-136. doi:10.1007/s11217-011-9268-1

Abstract: The legacy of the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research has been a powerful force for critically understanding social reality. Erich Fromm was one of the early and best known members of the Institute.

Formosa, M. (2012). Lifelong education for older adults in Malta: Current trends and future visions. International Review of Education, 58(2), 271-292. doi:10.1007/s11159-012-9282-8

Abstract: With European demographic developments causing a decline of the available workforce in the foreseeable future and the unsustainability of dominant pay-as-you-go pension systems (…)//Face a l'evolution demographique en Europe qui entrainera une reduction de la main-d'oeuvre disponible dans un avenir previsible, et a l'insoutenabilite des systemes preponderants de retraite par repartition (…)

Freedman, A. M. (2011). Adult education as a vehicle for health communication. (Ph.D., Emory University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (881634792)

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Abstract: Health literacy is rapidly gaining attention in health education interventions, yet most still consider it to be an issue only for poor readers. Instead, health literacy should be seen as the dynamic intersection of the environment, the demands of the task (…)

Freedman, A. M., Miner, K. R., Echt, K. V., Parker, R. & Cooper, H. L. F. (2011). Amplifying diffusion of health information in low-literate populations through adult education health literacy classes. Journal of Health Communication, 16, 119-133. doi:10.1080/10810730.2011.604706

Abstract: Over the next decade, as literacy rates are predicted to decline, the health care sector faces increasing challenges to effective communication with low-literate groups.

Gadotti, M. (2011). Adult education as a human right: The Latin American context and the ecopedagogic perspective. International Review of Education, 57(1), 9-25. doi:10.1007/s11159-011-9205-0

Abstract: This article presents the concept and practice of adult education as a key issue for Brazil and other Latin American countries, both for formal and non-formal education in the public and private sectors. // Cet article présente le concept et la pratique de l'éducation des adultes, défi majeur pour le Brésil et d'autres pays latino-américains, tant pour l'enseignement formel que non formel dans les secteurs public et privé. // In diesem Artikel werden Konzept und Praxis der Erwachsenenbildung als Schlüsselfrage für Brasilien und andere lateinamerikanische Länder dargestellt, und zwar sowohl für die formale als auch für die non-formale Bildung im öffentlichen wie im privaten Sektor. // Este artículo presenta el concepto y la práctica de la educación de personas adultas como tema clave para Brasil y otros países latinoamericanos, tanto en la educación formal como en la educación no formal, en los sectores público y privado.

García Carrasco, J. (2010). Madurez cultural y educación permanente en la sociedad de la información. Bordón; 2010, Vol.62, n.3; p.69-95.

Abstract: En la antropología domina el estudio de la cultura como 'cosa', cultura objetiva: desde la pedagogía la cultura es un proceso intrasubjetivo de incorporación de cultura y de incorporación participativa a la cultura.

García de la Torre, María, del Pilar, & Ascón Belver, F. (2011). Dimensión internacional de la educación superior de alumnos senior: Experiencias dentro del programa de aprendizaje permanente de la Unión Europea. Revista De Ciencias De La Educación; 2011, n.225-226, Enero-Junio; p.77-88.

Abstract: Se presenta una experiencia dentro del Programa de Aprendizaje Permanente de Unión Europea. Debido a los cambios políticos en la reciente Historia de España, los ciudadanos españoles nacidos antes de 1960 crecieron sin un sentimiento común de ciudadanía europea.

García Ruiz, R. & Castro Zubizarreta, A. (2012). La formación permanente del profesorado basada en competencias. Estudio exploratorio de la percepción del profesorado de educación infantil y primaria. Educatio Siglo XXI: Revista De La Facultad De Educación (30), 297-322.

Abstract: La formación permanente del profesorado es uno de los criterios que definen la calidad de la educación. Uno de los elementos novedosos en el ámbito educativo es el desarrollo de las competencias en el alumnado, lo cual reclama por parte del profesorado un cambio en su función docente (…)

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García Villamisar, D. A. & Pozo Armentia, A. d. (2010). La educación de adultos para las personas con TEA: Análisis epistemológico y algunas propuestas para su desarrollo. Maremagnum: Publicación Galega Sobre Os Trastornos do Espectro Autista, (14), 133-148.

Gerber, P. J. (2012). The impact of learning disabilities on adulthood: A review of the evidenced-based literature for research and practice in adult education. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45(1), 31-46. doi:10.1177/0022219411426858

Abstract: It is now well established that learning disabilities (LD) persist into the adult years, yet despite a developing literature base in this area, there is a paucity of evidence-based research to guide research and practice.

Gillespie, D. & Melching, M. (2010). The transformative power of democracy and human rights in nonformal education: The case of Tostan. Adult Education Quarterly: A Journal of Research and Theory, 60(5), 477-498.

Abstract: This case study analyzes the introduction of democracy and human rights into the educational program of Tostan, a nongovernmental organization working in Africa.

González Arévalo, C. & Monguillot Hernando, M. (2011). La formación permanente del profesorado de educación física mediante un entorno virtual de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Tándem: Didáctica De La Educación Física, (36), 80-92.

Abstract: El estudio que se presenta muestra un ejemplo práctico de formación permanente dirigida al profesorado de educación física mediante el uso de un entorno virtual de enseñanza y aprendizaje (EVEA).

González López, I. & López Cobo, I. (2011). Análisis de la convivencia en un contexto educativo no formal: El comedor escolar como escenario de socialización. REIRE: Revista d'Innovació i Recerca En Educació; 2011, v.4, n.1; p.62-83.

Abstract: Convivir en el comedor escolar no se refiere únicamente a compartir un espacio físico o un mismo menú, sino que también implica compartir un sistema de normas, convenciones, sentimientos, emociones, roles.

Grimm, A., Mrosek, T., Martinsohn, A. & Schulte, A. (2011). Evaluation of the non-formal forest education sector in the state of north Rhine-Westphalia, Germany: Organisations, programmes and framework conditions. Environmental Education Research, 17(1), 19-33. doi:10.1080/13504621003602577

Abstract: Although a large number of different organisations offer various forest education programmes within Germany, specific information (i.e., sectoral and programme content and provision at a state level) is lacking.

Guimaraes, P. (2010). Desafíos contemporáneos para la educación de adultos del siglo XXI. Diálogos: Educación y Formación De Personas Adultas, 1(61), 5-12.

Halx, M. D. (2010). Re-conceptualizing college and university teaching through the lens of adult education: Regarding undergraduates as adults. Teaching in Higher Education, 15(5), 519-530. doi:10.1080/13562517.2010.491909

Abstract: In this paper, I advocate for enhancing critical thinking skill development in undergraduate education by taking advantage of the increased experiential maturity of today's students.

Hanoman, J. (2011). In from the margins: Adult education, work and civil society. Adult Education Quarterly, 61(2), 203-+. doi:10.1177/0741713610389787

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Harding, T. (2012). How to establish a study association: Isomorphic pressures on new CSOs entering a neo-corporative adult education field in Sweden. Voluntas, 23(1), 182-203. doi:10.1007/s11266-011-9186-4

Abstract: This article aims to increase understanding of how the institutional model of a (neo) corporative state meets new forms in a changing civil society. //ABSTRACT IN FRENCH: Le présent article vise à une compréhension accrue de la manière dont le modèle institutionnel d'un état néo-corporatif prend des formes nouvelles au sein d'une société civile en pleine transformation. //ABSTRACT IN GERMAN: Das Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, das Verständnis zu erhöhen, wie das institutionelle Modell eines (neo) korporativen Staates neue Formen in einer sich ändernden Zivilgesellschaft annimmt. //ABSTRACT IN SPANISH: Este artículo pretende dar a conocer cómo el modelo institucional de un estado (neo)corporativo cumple con nuevas formas en una sociedad civil cambiante.

Hargraves, N. K. (2010). An 'experiment in the wilderness': Newbattle Abbey College and the idea of residential adult education in Scotland 1931-1955. History of Education, 39(1), 95-114. doi:10.1080/00467600802635220

Abstract: Newbattle Abbey College, Scotland's only adult residential college, was founded in the 1930s by Philip Kerr, 11th Marquis of Lothian. This paper traces the debates concerning the college and the rationale for adult residential education until the 19 0s (…)

Hargraves, N. K. (2011). Residential adult education and the 'problem of uniqueness': Newbattle Abbey College 1960-1989. History of Education, 40(1), 59-82. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2010.514867

Abstract: In December 2007 Newbattle Abbey College, Scotland's only Adult Residential College, celebrated its seventieth anniversary. Its survival during this relatively short span has always been contingent.

Hava, H. T. & Erturgut, R. (2010). Function of planning in adult education. Innovation and Creativity in Education, 2(2), 3324-3328. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.509

Abstract: Increasing education need in today's bewilderingly fast changing organizations necessitates review of the recent educational policies.

Healy, M. A. (2011). Negotiating ethical practice in adult education. Journal of College Student Development, 52(1), 135-136.

Hedeen, T., Raines, S. S. & Barton, A. B. (2010). Foundations of mediation training: A literature review of adult education and training design. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 28(2), 157-182.

Abstract: High-quality mediation training is essential to producing skilled mediators, but what makes for good training? To answer this question, the authors examine the literature on adult education, mediation training, training design and methods, and quality assurance in mediation training.

Hernández H., A. R., Cantón Mayo, I., Valle Flores, R. E., Arias, A. R., Baelo Álvarez, R. & Cañón Rodríguez, R. (2010). Aportes teóricos de la educación permanente y sus implicaciones en la formación docente en venezuela. Retos educativos en la sociedad del conocimiento (1st ed., pp. 48) [Barcelona]:

Herrera, L. & Cremades Andreu, R. (2010). Preferencias musicales de los estudiantes de educación secundaria obligatoria: Influencia de la educación formal e informal. Cultura y Educación: Revista De Teoría, Investigación y Práctica, 22(1), 37-51.

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Abstract: Los adolescentes se encuentran inmersos en un entorno sociocultural repleto de manifestaciones musicales en los diferentes contextos en los que se desenvuelven: familia, escuela, amigos, medios de comunicación (…)// Teenagers are immersed in a sociocultural environment full of musical expressions in the different contexts in which they participate: family, school, friends, mass media.

Hidalgo Navarrete, J., Blanca de la Paz, Soledad de la, & Risueño Martínez, J. J. (2011). La innovación educativa en la educación de adultos como mejora del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. EA, Escuela Abierta: Revista De Investigación Educativa, (14), 83-110.

Abstract: Esta experiencia ha sido realizada en centros de educación de adultos de formación básica y neolectores. // This experience was carried out in adult education centres for basic training and illiterates.

Hoff, L. & Hickling-Hudson, A. (2011). The role of international non-governmental organisations in promoting adult education for social change: A research agenda. International Journal of Educational Development, 31(2), 187-195. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2010.03.005

Abstract: This paper explores the role of International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs) in adult education as one instrument of global civil society to effect social change.

Holst, J. D. (2010). Social justice and dispositions for adult education. Adult Education Quarterly, 60(3), 249-260. doi:10.1177/0741713609354118

Abstract: The article identifies dispositions from a thematic investigation of the pedagogical practice of Ernesto Che Guevara and various social movements in the United States.

Hopwood, N. (2010). Doctoral students as journal editors: Non-formal learning through academic work. Higher Education Research & Development, 29(3), 319-331. doi:10.1080/07294360903532032

Abstract: Much attention has been paid to formal pedagogic elements of the doctorate - supervision and other structured institutional provisions - but we know less about the role played by non-formal practices in doctoral students' learning.

Hu Lina, Wu Jian, & Zhang Suhui. (2010). In Zhang T. (Ed.), Study on approaches to teachers' professional development based on lifelong education.

Abstract: Since the notion of lifelong education was proposed in 1960s, it has drawn wide attention of people all over the world. Teachers' professional development is a dynamic process with its connotation constantly enriched (…)

Hutchinson, S. L. & Robertson, B. J. (2012). Educación para el ocio: Ha llegado la hora de un nuevo objetivo para una vieja idea. Pedagogía Social: Revista Interuniversitaria (19), 127-139.

Abstract: Leisure education is an old idea that is being examined with renewed vigour in Canada. // Ensino e lazer é uma antiga noção de que está sendo examinada com renovado vigor no Canadá // La Educación para el Ocio nos sitúa ante una vieja idea, que está siendo examinada con renovado vigor en Canadá.

Ilg, W. & Diehl, M. (2011). Youth camps and international encounters in the light of multi-level analysis A model of joint self-evaluation in non-formal education. Zeitschrift Fur Evaluation, 10(2), 225-248.

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Abstract: The present article is a report about a quantitative study based on 679 youth camps and international youth encounters in Europe which took place between 2005 and 2010.

Ismail, W. C. N. & Azman, N. (2010). Diverse learning styles of non formal adult learners in community colleges in Malaysia. International Conference on Learner Diversity 2010, 7, 139-144. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.10.020

Abstract: This paper reports on a study that identifies the learning styles of adult learners in non formal education programs at selected Malaysian community colleges.

James, E. (2010). Exemplary science in informal education settings. Science Teacher, 77(3), 84-85.

Jenkins, E. (2010). Swarthmore's century: A Leeds experiment in adult education 1909-2009. Northern History, 47(2), 368-370.

Johnson, J. M. (2010). Lifelong education and democratic citizenship. Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol 34, 34, 295-300. doi:10.1108/S0163-2396(2010)0000034020

Jones, D. G. D. (2012). Essential leadership competencies for California adult education administrators: A Delphi study. (Ed.D., University of La Verne) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (963967849)

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify and describe, using a Delphi technique, the essential competencies that will be needed by California adult education administrators (…)

Joung, E. S. (2011). Religious representations for christian adult education. Journal of Beliefs & Values-Studies in Religion & Education, 32(1), 47-56. doi:10.1080/13617672.2011.549309

Abstract: This article aims to explore the key concept of religious representations that reflect an individual's relational world and indicates the individual's religious maturity.

Kade, J. & Seitter, W. (2010). Topic: Adult Education/Further education and time an introduction. Zeitschrift Fur Padagogik, 56(3), 303-304.

Kang, D. J. (2010). Creating learning: A Korean drummer's lifelong quest to be the best. Qualitative Inquiry, 16(8), 663-673.

Abstract: In this article, the author interrogates how one famous Korean traditional drummer Mr. Myong-hwan Kim's lifelong learning is affected by the sociocultural and historical context as it contributes to the construction of his life.

Katane, I. (2010). Conceptions of continuing education and further education within the context of lifelong education.

Abstract: Changes are one of the key-concepts characterizing the processes, including education, ongoing in modern society. The offer of lifelong education facilitates the development of knowledge society.

Ketzenberg, L. (2010). Adult education teachers: Designing critical practices. Language and Education, 24(3), 269-270.

Knisely, A. J. (2011). An exploration of the spiritual development of burkinabe christian and missionary alliance pastors: A mixed methods study in adult education. (D.Ed., The Pennsylvania State University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (887709427)

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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore the spiritual development of Burkinabé Alliance pastors, who serve with the Burkina Alliance Church in Burkina Faso, West Africa, and to explore how this development relates to their religious practice as adult educators.

Ko, F., Chang, S. S., Bailey, C., Fauerbach, L., Bateman, L., Butteri, M. & Greenough, W. (2010). Promoting a collaborative work environment for geriatric nursing assistants: A non-formal educational intervention. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58, 214-214.

Koerber, R. C. (2011). Determining the value of communications: The development of a theory and three-dimensional scalar model for evaluating and assigning values to communications relating to adult education. (Ph.D., The University of Memphis). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (894118844)

Abstract: Strengthening the association between education and communication is difficult due to the scarcity of educationally initiated research into the mechanics of communication.

Kosova, B. (2010). Andragogical reflections on teachers' lifelong education and learning. New Educational Review, 20(1), 173-182.

Abstract: The study analyzes the possibilities of using the andragogical theory of adult education with respect to the teaching profession. It compares the characteristics of "learning organisation" with the relatively conservative surroundings of school and classroom.

K-state master's degree program in adult education expanding to olathe campus. (2012, Feb 25, 2012). US Fed News Service, Including US State News, pp. n/a.

Lancho Prudenciano, J., Sanz Bachiller, J. C., Gil Jaurena, I. & Jiménez Frías, R. A. (2011). Educación de adultos: Modalidad a distancia, sectores de intervención, organización y oferta. Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.

Laudo Castillo, X. (2011). Non-formal education: A major educational force in the postmodern era. Revista Espanola De Pedagogia, 69(249), 384-384.

Leal Cornejo, T., Bonnín Socias, C., Colom Palmer, M. J., Leal Cornejo, A., Reus Cerdó, M., Sánchez Cazorla, T. & Solana Tomás, M. (2010). Creació de material multimèdia a l'àrea de ciències socials per a l'educació d'adults a partir d'una investigació sobre els fonaments de l'aprenentatge en aquesta edat. 'Creación de material multimedia en el área de ciencias sociales para la educación de adultos a partir de una investigación sobre los fundamentos del aprendizaje en esta edad'. InnovIB. Recursos i Recerca Educativa De Les Illes Balears; 2010, n.1; p.211-219.

Abstract: Se expone un estudio sobre las características y necesidades formativas del alumnado de un centro de educación de adultos. Los objetivos son conocer cuáles son los medios y metodologías de aprendizaje preferidas por los alumnos (…)

Lee, J. (2011). 'He has inspired millions': Adult education honour for attenborough. The Times Educational Supplement, (4942), F.3.

Abstract: The broadcaster and naturalist, who adds the award to a long list of honours including the Order of Merit and the Royal Victorian Order, was chosen for more than 50 years' work explaining the natural world to generations of Britons.

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Lee, J. (2012). Adult education is for all, unless you have autism. The Times Educational Supplement (4975), 58.

Abstract: According to Ambitious about Autism, school education for autistic students has improved hugely since the 1996 Education Act introduced new rights for parents and children.

Leite, L. (2011). XIV encuentro nacional de educación en ciencias: Educación en ciencias para el trabajo, el ócio y la ciudadania. Revista Eureka Sobre Enseñanza y Divulgación De Las Ciencias, 8(1)

León León, M. A. (2010). De la compulsión a la educación: Para el trabajo, ocio, utilidad y productividad en el tránsito del Chile colonial al republicano (1750-1850). Historia Crítica, (41), 160-183.

Abstract: A través de una reconstrucción documental y bibliográfica se analiza la coexistencia de ideas, creencias y prácticas que conciben el trabajo corporal o premecánico, tanto como un castigo basado en la utilidad del trabajo forzado (…) // Through a revision of primary and secondary sources, this article analyzes the coexistence of ideas, beliefs, and practices that viewed physical or premechanical labor as a punishment (based on the necessity of forced labor) (…)

Leonardo, Z. (2010). Learning in places: The informal education reader. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 41(1), 115-116.

Leppanen, K. (2011). Education for internationalism at the Nordic school for adult education in Geneva 1931-1939. History of Education, 40(5), 635-649. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2011.565808

Abstract: Internationalism in the interwar era carried different meaning for different groups. A Nordic school for adult education, with the aim of raising the 'international citizenship proficiency' of the Nordic peoples, was established in Geneva in 1931 (…)

Leung, D. S. Y. & Liu, B. C. P. (2011). Lifelong education, quality of life and self-efficacy of Chinese older adults. Educational Gerontology, 37(11), 967-981. doi:10.1080/03601277.2010.492732

Abstract: This study aimed to identify the relationships between lifelong learning, quality of life, and self-efficacy of older adults. One thousand and three participants of a lifelong educational program participated; the mean age was 50.6 (SD = 7.8, range: 18-78).

Lima, A., Vasconcelos, C., Felix, N., Barros, J. & Mendonca, A. (2010). Field trip activity in an ancient gold mine: Scientific literacy in informal education. Public Understanding of Science, 19(3), 322-334. doi:10.1177/0963662509104725

Abstract: Considering informal education and field trips as important didactical elements that promote science and scientific literacy (to know, to understand, to apply science), this article presents the work carried out in the gold mines of Castromil (city of Paredes, Portugal) (…)

Lindner, C. L. (2011). Predictive modeling in adult education. (Ph.D., University of Idaho) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (888436939)

Abstract: The current economic crisis, a growing workforce, the increasing lifespan of workers, and demanding, complex jobs have made organizations highly selective in employee recruitment and retention.

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Lizy, P. J. (2011). Spectrum of lifelong education. Rajagiri Journal of Social Development, 3(1/2), 113-116.

Abstract: The specific issues of lifelong education discussed in this section are development of new knowledge, reconstruction of new values, transformation of behavioural patterns of human beings [...]

Llull Peñalba, J. (2010). Jugar en sitios históricos: Dos experiencias de educación en el tiempo libre e interpretación del patrimonio en Alcalá de Henares. Pulso; 2010, n.33; p.131-159.

Abstract: Se pretende mostrar que es una buena idea permitir a los niños jugar de forma controlada en los sitios históricos, con el fin de lograr dos objetivos: el primero es convertir el patrimonio cultural en un escenario de ocio atractivo e interesante (…)

López Palma, F., Petrus Rotger, A. & Universitat de Barcelona. Departament de Teoria i Història de l'Educació. (2010; 1992). Educación de base en adultos y mercado de trabajo. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona.

Luna, R. (2011). Otro mundo es posible: La educación para el desarrollo en el centro de tiempo libre. Monitor Educador (145), 38-43.

Mactague, N. (2011). Encyclopedia of information communication technologies and adult education integration. Choice, 48(10), 1886-1887.

Abstract: This encyclopedia features over 60 chapters on concepts, trends, and theories concerning communication, adult education, and adult learners of English as a second language.

Maldonado Jarquín, E., Sánchez Delgado, P. & Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Educación. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. (2011). Perspectivas de la formación permanente del profesorado de educación infantil en México.

Mandell, A. & Coulter, X. (2011). Challenging the professionalization of adult education: John ohliger and contradictions in modern practice. Adult Education Quarterly, 61(1), 95-97. doi:10.1177/0741713610389783

Marsden, S. B. (2010). Effectiveness of participation in a leisure education program on knowledge of aspects of community reintegration for individuals who have recently sustained spinal cord injuries. (M.S., Clemson University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (305186953)

Abstract: According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC), there are approximately 12,000 individuals who sustain a spinal cord injury (SCI) every year (NSCISC, 2009).

Marset Moreno, R. (2011). Modelos de educación especial aplicados al tiempo libre. Manual del monitor de tiempo libre especializado: Integración de personas con discapacidad intelectual en el tiempo libre (1st ed., pp. 199-206) Editorial CCS.

Martí Boigues, J. A. (2010). La musicoterápia preventiva en la educación no formal. Monitor Educador (142), 18.

Martinez, L. M. (2011). Emotional intelligence and collaborative learning in adult education (Ph.D., Capella University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (912855733)

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Abstract: The changing social and economic reality of our world continues to shape how learning is conducted and acquired in the adult classroom and beyond.

Maubant, P., Roger, L., Lejeune, M., Caselles-Desjardins, B. & Gravel, N. (2011). History and perspectives of adult education and professional teacher education: Between complicity, distance, and recognition. McGill Journal of Education, 46(1), 133-156.

Abstract: This text is divided into three broad sections. The first section will elaborate the figure of professionalization, which today appears to be the target of professional training policies. (Contains 6 notes)

Mazouch, P. & Fischer, J. (2011). In Kvasnicka R. (Ed.), Adult education survey as a useful additional data source for human capital analyses and prognoses.

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to introduce the Adult Education Survey provided by the Czech Statistical Office and to present possibilities of usage of results of the survey for strengthening the prognoses related to the human capital.

Medel-Añonuevo, C. & Bernhardt, A. (2011). Sustaining advocacy and action on women's participation and gender equality in adult education. International Review of Education, 57(1), 57-68. doi:10.1007/s11159-011-9212-1

Abstract: This article gives an overview of the development of gender equality and women's participation in adult learning and education in the history of the International Conferences on Adult Education (CONFINTEA). // Cet article fournit une vue d'ensemble de l'évolution de l'équité entre les sexes et de la participation féminine à l'éducation et l'apprentissage des adultes depuis l'existence des Conférences internationales sur l'éducation des adultes (CONFINTEA). //Dieser Artikel gibt einen Überblick über die Entwicklung von Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und Frauenpartizipation in der Erwachsenenbildung in der Geschichte der Internationalen Konferenzen für Erwachsenenbildung (CONFINTEA). //Este artículo ofrece una visión general del desarrollo de la igualdad de géneros y de la participación femenina en la educación durante la historia de las Conferencias Internacionales sobre Educación de Adultos (CONFINTEA).

Medrano Samaniego, C., Airbe Barandarian, A. & Palacios, S. (2010). El perfil de consumo televisivo en adolescentes, jóvenes y adultos: Implicaciones para la educación. Revista De Educación, (352), 545-566.

Abstract: El objetivo general de esta investigación fue comprobar si el perfil de consumo televisivo del adolescente es igual o diferente a la de otros grupos etarios. La muestra total estuvo compuesta por 1.223 sujetos pertenecientes a tres grupos de edad.

Meirose, W. J. (2010). Lifelong education needs for providing pastoral care for post-traumatic stress in South Dakota National Guard soldiers. (Ed.D., University of South Dakota) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (750172792)

Abstract: Throughout many communities in South Dakota the members of the South Dakota National Guard have been activated to serve in many different parts of the world since 2001.

Merriam, S. B. & Grace, A. P. (2011). The Jossey-Bass reader on contemporary issues in adult education. Jossey-Bass, An Imprint of Wiley.

Abstract: With contributions from leading experts in the field, The Jossey-Bass Reader on Contemporary Issues in Adult Education collects in one volume the best previously published literature on the issues and trends affecting adult education today.

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Metelsky, B. A. & Easley, T. R. (2012). The handbook of race and adult education. Adult Education Quarterly, 62(1), 96-98. doi:10.1177/0741713611404009

Mihaila-Lica, G. & Ion, C. (2010). The objectives of lifelong education. 16th International Conference the Knowledge-Based Organization: Economic, Social and Administrative Approaches to the Knowledge-Based Organization, Conference Proceedings 2, 410-413.

Abstract: Lifelong education is an integrative concept that encompasses all the dimensions of the educational act both from a temporal perspective as well as from a spatial one, articulating all the influences exercised in a formal, non - formal or informal education.

Moayedi, A. A. & Azizi, M. (2011). Non formal education and its relationship with bread wheat production. 3rd World Conference on Educational Sciences (2011), 15 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.03.360

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between participation of farmers in non formal education (NFE) and wheat production (BWP). The sample consisted of 170 male farmers randomly in Torbat Heydarieh, Iran.

Monika, Z., Miloslava, C. & Jindrich, H. (2011). Informal education and social climate.

Abstract: The paper is focused on the area of leisure time and options of measurement of social climate in an informal education and in afterschool activities of interest of teenage generation.

Moore, G. (2011). CTE and adult education. Techniques, 86(2), 6.

Abstract: There are several reasons for this enrollment growth: * Many adults have lost their jobs and are looking to gain new skills so they can enter new careers (…)

Mor i Edo, E. (2010). La educación de adultos en la comunitat valenciana en el marco de la LOE. Situación actual y perspectivas de futuro del aprendizaje permanente (1st ed., pp. 115-122) Diputación de Valencia, Centre de Recursos i Educación Contínua.

Morata, T. (2011). Perspectivas de la educación en el tiempo libre. Monitor Educador, (148), 53.

Moreno Doña, A. & Calvo Muñoz, C. (2010). Etnoeducación, educación física y escuela: Transitando desde la educación informal a la escuela autoorganizada. Agora Para La Educación Física y El Deporte, 12(2), 131-150.

Abstract: El hecho de haber escolarizado el movimiento nos ha llevado a alejarnos de la verdadera propensión de los niños y niñas a aprender motrizmente. // The ability to move has been placed in a school environment, and this has led us to forget the children's tendency to learn by using their motor skills.

Morton, M. H. & Montgomery, P. (2012). Empowerment-based non-formal education for Arab youth: A pilot randomized trial. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(2), 417-425. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2011.11.013

Abstract: Youth empowerment has grown globally as an intervention strategy in social services for improving adolescent outcomes. This pilot study assessed the short-term effects of youth empowerment programming on developmental assets (…)

Muñoz Rodríguez, J. M. & Olmos, S. (2010). Adolescencia, tiempo libre y educación: Un estudio con alumnos de la ESO-adolescence, free time and education. A study with students from

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E.S.O. compulsory Secondary Education. Educación XXI: Revista De La Facultad De Educación, 13(2), 139-162.

Nieto Bedoya, M. & Tejedor Mardomingo, M. (2011). Actividades para educación primaria: Contenidos, valores y habilidades sociales para educación formal y no formal. Madrid: Ccs.

Nieto, S. & Ramos Lobo, R. (2010). Sobreeducación, educación no formal y salarios: Evidencia para España. Documentos De Trabajo FUNCAS, (577).

Abstract: En el presente trabajo se utilizan microdatos de la Encuesta sobre la Participación de la Población Adulta en las Actividades de Aprendizaje (EADA) elaborada por el INE para el año 2007 con un triple objetivo.

Nolda, S. (2010). Power relations in the teaching and learning interaction of adults-different aspects of power in interaction analyses for teaching and learning situations in adult education depending on power concepts and data types. Zeitschrift Fur Erziehungswissenschaft, 13(3), 405-419. doi:10.1007/s11618-010-0137-4

Abstract: Interaction analyses of teaching and learning situations in adult education have discovered different aspects of power since they started in the 1970s.

Ollis, T. (2011). Learning in social action: The informal and social learning dimensions of circumstantial and lifelong activists. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 51(2), 248-268.

Abstract: This paper explores the informal and social learning dimensions of activists as they learn skills and knowledge through participating in social action. In doing this I draw on Lave and Wenger's epistemology of situated learning and Bourdieu's theory of "habitus". (Contains 4 endnotes)

Parra Lledó, M. I. (2011). La evaluación en contextos de educación no formal: Evaluación de la exposición "Darwin y de la espada. Dos vidas paralelas. Los caminos de la evolución". La evaluación en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las ciencias sociales (1st ed., pp. 205-216) Asociación Universitaria de Profesores de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales.

Parra Robledo, R. & Singer González, J. (2010). Volver al colegio: Re-enfoque a la educación chilena de adultos en Chile. Contextos: Revista De Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, (23), 85-90.

Peralbo Cano, R., Durán Suarez, J. A., Sorroche Cruz, A., Bellido Marquez, C., Moleon Viana, M. A. & Lozano Rodriguez, I. (2011). Artist to andragogic. Educational experiences in teaching non-formal courses run by contemporary artists. Arte Individuo Y Sociedad, 23(1), 29-43.

Abstract: This article focuses mainly on identifying innovative andragogical experiences and educational links established between contemporary artists and university students outside the formal teaching.

Perales Palacios, F. J. (2010). Retos y dificultades para una educación ambiental informal. Alambique: Didáctica De Las Ciencias Experimentales; 2010, n.64, Abril-Junio; p.23-35.

Abstract: Se pretende llamar la atención sobre las características de la información ambiental que transmiten los medios de comunicación, en general, y la prensa y la televisión en particular.

Pereira, J., Pereira, J., Costa, C., Silva, D., Varajao, J. & Morgado, L. (2010). In Escudeiro P. (Ed.). A survey of adult education campi in second life.

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Abstract: While much information is available on pedagogic uses of virtual worlds, with Second Life being the most common virtual world platform in current educational literature (…)

Petroniene, O. & Taljunaite, M. (2011). Access to non-formal children's education: Geographical aspect. Filosofija-Sociologija, 22(4), 455-465.

Abstract: The article deals with the network of different types of non-formal education institutions in Lithuania. Their distribution and possibilities to provide non-formal education to children differ very much, and this does not correspond to the aims of social cohesion.

Pitula, B. (2010). Adult education. New Educational Review, 20(1), 330-331.

Playne, M. (2011). Effectiveness of a leisure education program on volunteer attitudes, intentions, and knowledge by postsecondary students with intellectual disabilities (M.S., Clemson University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (893084922)

Abstract: Research supports numerous benefits of volunteering, yet individuals with intellectual disabilities do not participate in volunteering as frequently as people without intellectual disabilities.

Predescu, M. & Darjan, I. (2010). Promoting political participation through adult education. Innovation and Creativity in Education, 2(2), 3241-3245. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.495

Abstract: Civic competence is one of the key competencies agreed by European Commission and educational bodies (European Commission Framework, 2006, 2007).

Prera Raymundo, R. J., Francisco Amat, A. & Universitat Jaume I. Càtedra UNESCO de Filosofia per a la Pau. (2011). La educación no formal desde las ONGs y su aporte en la construcción de culturas para la paz: Estudio de caso de la ONG asociación de amigos del desarrollo y de la paz (ADP) del municipio de cobán, alta verapaz, guatemala. Castelló de la Plana: Universitat Jaume I, Departmento de Filosofia i Sociologia, Master Universitario Internacional en Estudios de paz, Conflictos y Desarrollo.

Prins, E. (2011). On becoming an educated person: Salvadoran adult learners' cultural model of Educacion/Education. Teachers College Record, 113(7), 1477-1505.

Abstract: Background/Context: In contrast to cultural constructs that equate education with cognitive development and formal schooling, the Latin American cultural model of educacion encompasses academic knowledge and social competence.

Quan-Baffour, K. P. (2011). Singing to farmers: Non-formal adult education through folksongs for food production in rural Ghana. Muziki, 8(1), 34.

Abstract: Agriculture is the main occupation of the people of Ghana. More than half of the country's population of about 20 million people depend on farming for their livelihoods. They are either engaged in commercial or in small-scale farming activities for socioeconomic purposes.

Queiroz, S. & Lins, M. (2011). The learning mathematics for students teen in mode young and adults education: Analyzing the difficulties in solving problems of additive structure. Bolema-Mathematics Education Bulletin-Boletim De Educacao Matematica, 24(38), 75-96.

Abstract: This paper relates a research about the knowledge of a group of teenagers in EJA classes (a special brasilian educational structure for adults), seeking to identify the difficulties that somehow prevented them from advancing in their studies (…)

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Quintana Rivero, P. M. (2010). Abriendo ventanas: un paso más allá en la educación de adultos. Madrid: Editorial Popular.

Abstract: A través de lecturas de varios artículos y de ejercicios se persigue, enfocado a la educación de adultos, ampliar conocimientos de cultura general, sensibilizar en la interculturalidad y valorar el papel de la mujer en la formación del patrimonio cultural de los pueblos del mundo.

Rajbhandari, M. M. S. (2011). My lifelong learning realm: An autoethnography experiential learning in Finland. Online Submission.

Abstract: My journey to write autoethnography report started with inclination to learn cultural and social phenomena in Finland. This was my realm of learning through experiential learning. (Contains 4 figures, 2 pictures, and lists 4 internet sources)

Ramón Ros, A. & Bautista Roca, V. (2011). Un proyecto lúdico de APS que da libertad: Intervención educativa en el tiempo libre mediante el juego en los centros penitenciarios. Aula De Innovación Educativa; 2011, n.199, Febrero; p.68-71.

Abstract: El proyecto Espacio de Juego en los Centros Penitenciarios, es una actividad de juego libre en las prisiones de Cataluña, donde se potencia la relación y la aceptación de unas normas y reglas.

Randler, C., Kummer, B. & Wilhelm, C. (2012). Adolescent learning in the zoo: Embedding a non-formal learning environment to teach formal aspects of vertebrate biology. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 21(3), 384-391. doi:10.1007/s10956-011-9331-2

Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the outcome of a zoo visit in terms of learning and retention of knowledge concerning the adaptations and behavior of vertebrate species.

Raposo Rivas, M., Martínez Figueira, M. E. & Añel Cabanelas, M. E. (2010). Uso do cinema na educación formal e non formal. Eduga: Revista Galega do Ensino, (59)

Reddy, P. A. & Devi, D. U. (2012). Adult Education Teachers: characteristics and training. Bulgarian Journal of Science and Education Policy, 6(1), 228-238.

Abstract: India has initiated different Adult Education Programmes viz., Literacy, Post Literacy and Continuing Education for promotion of literacy, functional skills and awareness to convert the vast masses as human capital (…)

REP. Sherman reaffirms support for adult education program (2012, May 12, 2012). US Fed News Service, Including US State News, pp. n/a.

Riaño, M. E. (2010). Educación musical formal y no formal en el G9. Eufonía: Didáctica De La Música (48), 87-98.

Riba, J. (2010). La educación permanente del ciudadano. Democracia sin ciudadanos: La construcción de la ciudadanía en las democracias liberales (1st ed., pp. 139-150) Trotta.

Rodríguez Guidin, P. (2010). El marco pedagógico de la educación no formal en el voluntariado. Manual para formadores de voluntariado (1st ed., pp. 27-28) Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social.

Roehrig, L. (2010). The abc's of adult education. Library Journal, 135(10), 48-51.

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Roglá, M. (2010). Cuéntame un cuento y verás como aprendo: El valor de los cuentos en la educación en el tiempo libre. Monitor Educador, (137), 44-45.

Roglá, M. (2011). Comer bien, también en el centro: Cómo fomentar los buenos hábitos alimenticios a través de la educación en el ocio. Monitor Educador, (143), 38-43.

Roglá, M. (2012). Francesc torralba, filósofo y escritor: "la educación en el tiempo libre es un campo inmenso para desarrollar las diversas modalidades de inteligencia de las personas". Monitor Educador, (149), 22-26.

Romero Pavía, E., Domínguez Castillo, J. G. & Guillermo y Guillermo, C. (2010). El uso de las Tic´s en la educación básica de jóvenes y adultos de comunidades rurales y urbanas del sureste de méxico. RED: Revista De Educación a Distancia (22).

Abstract: El uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (Tic´s) en los diferentes niveles y sistemas educativos tienen un impacto significativo en el desarrollo del aprendizaje de los estudiantes (…)// The use of the information technologies and the communication (Tic´s) in the different levels and educational systems have a significant impact in the development of the learning of the students (…)

Roos, N. (2011). Education, sex and leisure: Ideology, discipline and the construction of race among South African servicemen during the Second World War. Journal of Social History, 44(3), 811-835.

Abstract: The article presents an examination into the social history of white South African soldiers during World War II, focusing on the institutional effort of the South African military to teach and force conformity of its conception of an ideological and racial citizen.

Rotskoff, L. E. (2011, Jul/Aug 2011). Adult education. The Women's Review of Books, 28, 10.

Abstract: Rotskoff reviews A Strange Stirring: The Feminine Mystique and American Women at the Dawn of the 1960s by Stephanie Coontz and Reading Women: How the Great Books of Feminism Changed My Life by Stephanie Staal.

Roulston, K. (2010). 'There is no end to learning': Lifelong education and the joyful learner. International Journal of Music Education, 28(4), 341-352. doi:10.1177/0255761410381822

Abstract: Originally aimed at young learners, Robert Schumann's maxim that 'There is no end to learning' also applies to increasing numbers of people beginning and continuing to learn music as adults.

Rousseau, N., Dumont, M., Beaumier, F., Leclerc, D., Masse, L., McKinnon, S. & Tetreault, K. (2011). Cognitive styles of 16-18-year-old students with academic difficulties enrolled in adult education. Psychology & Health, 26, 178-178.

Rowe, S. & Nickels, A. (2011). Visitor motivations across three informal education institutions: An application of the identity-related visitor motivation model. Visitor Studies, 14(2), 162-175. doi:10.1080/10645578.2011.608006

Abstract: Recent studies suggest that visitors’ situated museum identities may be examined through the motivations expressed during visits to zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, and other museums. (Journal abstract)

Ruiz de Gauna, R. (2011). La educación en el tiempo libre: ¿Tiene algún sentido en el siglo XXI? Monitor Educador, (147), 6-7.

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Sabán Vera, C. (2010). "Educación permanente" y "aprendizaje permanente": Dos modelos teórico-aplicativos diferentes. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación, (52), 203-230.

Salerno, S., Livigni, L., Magrini, A. & Talamanca, I. F. (2012). Gender and ergonomics: A case study on the 'non-formal' work of women nurses. Ergonomics, 55(2), 140-146. doi:10.1080/00140139.2011.637134

Abstract: Women's work activities are often characterised by 'non-formal actions' (such as giving support). Gender differences in ergonomics may be due to this peculiarity.

Sanfeliu Gimeno, L. (2010). Reformulando las imágenes del poder en torno a la domesticidad. La educación formal e informal como base de la ciudadanía femenina. Feminismo /s: Revista Del Centro De Estudios Sobre La Mujer De La Universidad De Alicante (16), 83-105.

Abstract: Durante la revolución liberal española, la atribución de competencias femeninas en el ámbito de lo doméstico comportó la implementación de una educación diferencial en función del género (…)// During the Spanish liberal revolution, the attribution of female competences in the domestic area led to the implementation of a differential education in function of the gender (…)

Sarma, H. & Oliveras, E. (2011). Improving STI counselling services of non-formal providers in Bangladesh: Testing an alternative strategy. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 87(6), 476-478. doi:10.1136/sextrans-2011-050014

Abstract: Objective: The authors conducted this study to assess the effectiveness of using a public health detailing approach by medical representatives of a private pharmaceutical company to disseminate sexually transmitted infection (STI) (…)

Sava, S., Malita, L. & Nuissl, E. (2010). Quality of the online delivery in the European master in adult education. World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration Papers, 9 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.12.385

Abstract: The students from European Master in Adult Education were attending offers on Moodle platform, and also interacting with professors and peers from abroad.

Savelava, S., Savelau, D. & Cary, M. B. (2010). Practicing ESD at school: Integration of formal and nonformal education methods based on the earth charter (Belarusian experience). Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 4(2), 259-269.

Abstract: The Earth Charter represents the philosophy and ethics necessary to create a new period of human civilization. Understanding and adoption of this new vision is the most important mission of education for sustainable development (ESD).

Schecter, S. R. & Lynch, J. (2011). Health learning and adult education: In search of a theory of practice. Adult Education Quarterly, 61(3), 207-224. doi:10.1177/0741713610380438

Abstract: Fifty-five percent of Canadians aged 16 to 64 years lack the skills necessary to read and appropriately interpret health information in textual format.

Schmelkes, S. (2011). Adult education and indigenous peoples in Latin America. International Review of Education, 57(1), 89-105. doi:10.1007/s11159-011-9191-2

Abstract: This article describes the educational situation of indigenous peoples in Latin America, and in particular their scant participation in adult education activities. // Cet article décrit la situation éducative des peuples autochtones en Amérique latine, et notamment leur participation bien faible aux activités d'éducation des adultes. // In diesem Artikel wird die Bildungssituation der indigenen Völker in Lateinamerika

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beschrieben, insbesondere deren schwache Teilhabe an Maßnahmen im Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung. // En este artículo, la autora describe la situación educativa de poblaciones indígenas en América Latina y, en particular, su insuficiente participación en actividades de educación para personas adultas.

Schmidt, B. (2010). Adult education - results of research. Zeitschrift Fur Padagogik, 56(3), 451-453.

Schmidt, B. (2011). Drop-out from adult education. Zeitschrift Fur Padagogik, 57(2), 203-213.

Abstract: In the field of adult education, the term drop-out is used in a rather broad sense, encompassing course interruption, cancellation of initially planned activities in further education, as well as non-participation of so far educationally rather active adults.

Seitter, W. (2010). 'Arbeitsgemeinschaft' as participative form of regulation-alfred mann's lesson documentation in the context of teaching and learning research in adult education of the 1920s. Zeitschrift Fur Erziehungswissenschaft, 13(3), 393-404. doi:10.1007/s11618-010-0135-6

Abstract: This contribution focuses on Alfred Mann's program of qualitative teaching and learning research within the context of debates on adult education in the 1920s looking for the "ight" form of adult learning.

Seitter, W. (2010). Forms of time in adult education - A historical outline. Zeitschrift Fur Padagogik, 56(3), 305-316.

Abstract: The author discusses the relation between adult education and time. He starts out from the thesis that the increasing extensification of free time corresponded with an increasing intensification of didactical time formats (…)

Silvestra Leon, M., Miguel Correa, J., Maria Aramberri, J. & Jimenez de Aberasturi, E. (2011). An analysis of how the participatory culture through the internet is fostered in policies directed towards non-formal educational contexts. World Conference on Educational Technology Researches-2011, 28 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.11.050

Abstract: The work we present here is part of the analyses we carried out within the framework of the thesis project: Analysis of the didactic model of the Museos Vivos project: a case study in new media literacy.

Smala, S. (2012). The governmentality of reconciliation: Adult education as a community relations technique in Northern Ireland. Discourse-Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 33(2), 283-297. doi:10.1080/01596306.2012.666081

Abstract: Despite a successfully negotiated peace agreement in Belfast in 1998, tensions between different community groups continue to exist in Northern Ireland.

Sonstrom, W. J. (2011). The adult education doctorate in North America: The programs, curricula, websites, and the commission of professors of adult education standards. (Ph.D., The University of Southern Mississippi) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (868528849)

Abstract: A list of programs that offer a doctorate in adult education was created using the most recent edition of Peterson's Graduate Programs in Business, Education, Health, Information Studies, Law &amp (…)

Sousa de Almeida, F. C., da Silva, D. P., Amoroso, M. A., de Brito e Dias, R., Crivello Junior, O. & de Araujo, M. E. (2011). Popularization of oral self-examination: An example of non formal education - part II. Ciencia & Saude Coletiva, 16, 1589-1598.

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Abstract: One of the largest challenges of the universities, especially the public ones, is to transpose the scientific knowledge produced into their walls for the general population.

Speight, S. J. (2011). A gentlemanly pastime: Antiquarianism, adult education and the clergy in England, c.1750-1960. History of Education, 40(2), 143-155. doi:10.1080/0046760X.2010.518633

Abstract: In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Anglican clergymen in England contributed significantly to the development of archaeology and local history as, first, subjects for polite study (…)

Sperandio, J. (2011). Context and the gendered status of teachers: Women's empowerment through leadership of non-formal schooling in rural Bangladesh. Gender and Education, 23(2), 121-135. doi:10.1080/09540251003674097

Abstract: Empowering women to control and change their lives continues to be an important goal for many nations. This article examines the empowering effects of being selected and trained to lead rural schools in Bangladesh (…)

Stenberg, A., de Luna, X. & Westerlund, O. (2012). Can adult education delay retirement from the labour market? Journal of Population Economics, 25(2), 677-696. doi:10.1007/s00148-010-0350-8

Abstract: We examine whether adult education delays retirement to potentially increase labour force participation among the elderly, a mechanism suggested in the OECD strategy for "active ageing" and the "Lisbon strategy" of the EU.

Sterner, D. K. & James, W. B. (2011). Global perspectives on adult education. Adult Education Quarterly, 61(3), 301-302.

Su Deqiong, & Zhang Xiaohong. (2011). In Zhou Q. (Ed.). The study on China's adult education's current situation and trend.

Abstract: The world has seen the great achievements of Chinese adult education since 1949. It is important for decision-makers to make clear the trend of China's adult education development.

Su Deqiong, Zhang Xiaohong, & Shu Yongjiu. (2011). In Zhou Q. (Ed.). The study of the related problems and countermeasures on China's adult education.

Abstract: Great achievements have been made in China's adult education field since 1949; however, many related problems have also appeared. So it is important to make clear those issues and find out the corresponding countermeasures.

Su, B. (2010). China's leisure education: Problem, analysis, and solutions - a case study of college students in Hangzhou. Journal of Contemporary China, 19(66), 719-733. doi:10.1080/10670564.2010.485406

Abstract: Leisure education has already become an important concept of the modern education system in the Western world, but it is little established and practiced in China as it has been ignored or overlooked.

Sutton, S. W. (2011). Encyclopedia of information communication technologies and adult education integration. Library Journal, 136(6), 107-107.

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Swartz, A. L. (2010). Complexity science and adult education: The role of trauma in nurses' embodied learning. ProQuest Information & Learning. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 70(11) (2010-99090-417)

Abstract: Every day nurses work in environments that expose them to trauma and they move through their professional space as embodied creatures with their own histories of trauma.

Taber, N. (2011). Social care in adult education: Resisting a marketplace agenda. Adult Education Quarterly, 61(4), 376-393. doi:10.1177/0741713610392764

bstract: This article describes a research study about the experiences of adult educators in which the stories of three of the participants were central in exploring the issue of social care in adult education.

Tamura, E. H. (2010). Value messages collide with reality: Joseph Kurihara and the power of informal education. History of Education Quarterly, 50(1), 1-33. doi:10.1111/j.1748-5959.2009.00243.x

Abstract: The 2009 History of Education Society Presidential Address is presented as given by Eileen H. Tamura, discussing the Japanese-American education advocate Joseph Y. Kurihara (…)

Taymans, J. M. (2012). Legal and definitional issues affecting the identification and education of adults with specific learning disabilities in adult education programs. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45(1), 5-16. doi:10.1177/0022219411426857

Abstract: Although the exact prevalence is not determined, a noticeable subset of individuals who enroll in adult education and training programs have either diagnosed or undiagnosed specific learning disabilities (SLD).

Taymans, J. M. & Kosaraju, S. (2012). Introduction to the journal of learning disabilities special issue: Adults with learning disabilities in adult education. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45(1), 3-4. doi:10.1177/0022219411426860

Tian Lizhong, Zhang Aichen, & Sun Yongjie. (2011). The function of the university libraries in constructing lifelong education system. Education Management, Education Theory and Education Application, 109, 341-346.

Abstract: To build a socialized lifelong learning system is the requirement of implementing the strategy that a nation thrives from science and education and sustainable development.

Ullman, C. (2010). The connections among immigration, nation building, and adult education English as a second language instruction in the United States. Adult Learning, 21(1-2), 4-8.

Abstract: Since its inception at the turn of the last century, adult education English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction in the United States has been entwined with immigration processes and ideas of the nation.

Uzunboylu, H., Vuranok, T. T., Celik, B. & Bilgin, H. (2010). Using internet applications as a solution for vocational adult education. Innovation and Creativity in Education, 2(2), 5720-5725. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.934

Abstract: This research tries to find contribution of education over the internet as a solution on some problems that adult students live in open vocational high school and catch-up education.

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Valdemoros, Mª Ángeles, de León, A. P., Ramos, R. & Sanz, E. (2011). Pedagogía de la convivencia y educación no formal: Un estudio desde el ocio físico-deportivo, los valores y la familia. European Journal of Education and Psychology, 4(1), 33-49.

Abstract: El ser humano se concibe en una constante interrelación con variados agentes educativos de los que fluyen diversos valores y actitudes.// A human being conceives of him or herself as being in a constant interrelation with varied educative agents, through which diverse values and attitudes flow.

Van Metre, L., Chiappetta, L., Siedel, B., Fan, T. & Mitchell, A. M. (2011). Educating for wellness: A wellness education group intervention for adults with chronic severe mental illness living in the community. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 32(7), 408-415. doi:10.3109/01612840.2011.553771

Abstract: Chronic severe mental illness (CSMI) is a common disorder in the United States associated with numerous adverse health effects. Health promotion educational interventions can be beneficial. (Journal abstract)

Vázquez Barrio, T. (2011). Educación informal: Configuración y valores de los protagonistas infantiles. Edutec: Revista Electrónica De Tecnología Educativa, (35).

Abstract: Partiendo de una interpretación amplia del término educar, a las instancias formativas tradicionales hay que añadir los medios de comunicación por su papel como agentes de socialización. // Adopting a wide interpretation of the concept to educate, it is necessary to add mass media to the traditional educational instances for its role as agents of socialization.

VeVernia Carrasco, A. M. (2010). Formación musical para adultos. Una propuesta pedagógica. Educación no formal. Situación actual y perspectivas de futuro del aprendizaje permanente (1st ed., pp. 303-313) Diputación de Valencia, Centre de Recursos i Educación Contínua.

Virginia department of education's superintendent of public instruction issues memo regarding adult education English Literacy/Civics education program competitive sub-grant application 2012-2013. (2012, Apr 6, 2012). Targeted News Service, pp. n/a.

Weber, M. F. (2010). A leisure education program for postsecondary students with intellectual disabilities (M.S., Clemson University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (755047564)

Abstract: For individuals with intellectual disabilities finding and taking part in leisure experiences can be difficult without appropriate knowledge and skills.

Woodhouse, J. L. (2011). Adult education in local environmental initiatives for ecological and cultural sustainability (Ed.D., Northern Illinois University) ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (920879441)

Abstract: This dissertation examines the phenomenon of how communities can effect change in policy and practice to support greater ecological and cultural sustainability.

Xia Aiyue. (2011). In Zhou M. (Ed.), Research of the ubiquitous learning under the idea of lifelong education.

Abstract: It gives out the concept of the Ubiquitous Learning (U-Learning) and then discussed the characteristics and advantages of it. And on this basis, it gives out U-Learning environment at the technology implementation model.

Xu Dongfeng, & Liu Honglin. (2011). In Zhang Y. (Ed.). The development of adult education in market economy.

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Abstract: In a market economy, the adult continuing education should take the initiative to follow the trend of social and economic development.

Yager, J., Silverman, J. J. & Rapaport, M. H. (2011). Adapting to decreased industry support of CME: Lifelong education in an "industry-lite" world. Academic Psychiatry, 35(2), 101-105.

Yamat, H. (2010). Managing linguistic diversity through informal and non formal education. International Conference on Learner Diversity 2010, 7, 707-713. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.10.096

Abstract: This paper discusses managing linguistic diversity through an informal and non formal education. Findings of interviews and observations, analysed through grounded theory process were gathered from interviews and observations of three young Malaysian children (…)

Yildiz, M. C. (2010). Coffeehouses as an informal education institution and coffeehouses of Egypt. World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration Papers, 9 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.12.335

Abstract: Coffee has been known since 12(th) century but it has begun to serve as a drink in 14(th) century and it has created a unique space. This place is being known as coffeehouse.

Zamudio Villafuerte, R. (2011). Disciplina escolar: Desarrollo y aplicación de un programa actitudinal-cognitivo para la formación permanente del profesorado de educación primaria. Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Abstract: La disciplina refiere el conjunto de normas, reglas y procedimientos aplicables al aula con la finalidad de generar las condiciones óptimas para la consecución de las metas de aprendizaje. // The discipline refers the set of norms, rules and procedures applicable to the classroom in order to generate the optimal conditions for the achievement of the learning goals.

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