Download - 1.Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

Page 1: 1.Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

Name:______________________ Review Quiz 1

(1) Ideas of Social Darwinism(2) Basis of British Mercantilism(3) Contributions to American Literature(4) Influences on United States Constitutional Government

1. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

I. __________________________A. Magna CartaB. House of BurgessesC. Town meetingsD. John Locke

(1) a bicameral legislature(2) a free and open election process(3) a written constitution(4) separate branches of government

2. The most essential feature of democraticgovernment is

(1) Most citizens have shared the same religiousbeliefs.

(2) Religious groups have remained politicallyunified.

(3) School prayer has been ruled constitutionalby the Supreme Court.

(4) Guarantees in the Constitution haveencouraged religious expression andtoleration.

3. Which factor has made the strongest contributionto the development of religious freedom in theUnited States?

(1) stopped participating in the slave trade(2) refused to sell products to Americans(3) deprived Americans of their natural rights(4) censored American representatives in


4. A major argument for American independencefound in the Declaration of Independence was thatthe British

(1) Revolutionary War(2) Civil War(3) Spanish-American War(4) Vietnam War

5. "We have an old mother that peevish is grown thatsnubs us like children that scarce walk alone. Sheforgets we're grown up and have sense of ourown."

This poem presents a justification for Americanparticipation in the

(1) imposed unfair taxes on the states(2) used a draft to raise a national army(3) provided a strong system of federal courts(4) placed too much power in the hands of the


6. Critics of the Articles of Confederation argued thatit

(1) judicial review(2) an elastic clause(3) States rights(4) separation of powers

7. ". . . it is the opinion of this committee that anational government ought to be establishedconsisting of a Supreme Legislature, Judiciary,and Executive. . . ."— Resolution submitted by Edmund Randolph,delegate to the Constitutional Convention, 1787

In adopting this resolution, the framers of theConstitution showed their belief in the idea of

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(1) Farewell Address of George Washington(2) Albany Plan of Union(3) Mayflower Compact(4) Federalist Paper

8. Building support for the ratification of the UnitedStates Constitution was the purpose of the

(1) establishment clause of the 1stAmendment

(2) double jeopardy provision of the 5thAmendment

(3) reserved powers of the 10th Amendment(4) equal protection clause of the 14th


9. The constitutional basis for the separation ofchurch and state is the

(1) Congress overrides a veto by thePresident.

(2) The House and Senate pass differentversions of a bill.

(3) The Supreme Court reverses an earlierdecision.

(4) The President fires a member of theCabinet.

10. Which action best illustrates the system of checksand balances in the United States Government?

(1) assemble peacefully(2) have a job(3) strike against an employer(4) vote in elections

11. The Bill of Rights of the United StatesConstitution includes a guarantee of the right to

12. Base your answer to the following question onthese statements and on your knowledge of socialstudies. Statement A: Each person must be able to voicehis or her concerns on all issues that involve thisnew nation and bear the responsibility for thedecisions made.

Statement B: The power of this new nation mustrest in a strong, stable group that makes importantdecisions with the approval, but not theparticipation, of all.

Statement C: There must be several governmentswithin one nation to ensure adequate voice andresponsibility to all.

Statement D: Individuals must not allow theirfreedoms to be swallowed by an all-powerfulgovernment.

(1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D

Which statement best represents the ideas offederalism?

(1) repeal amendments to the Constitution(2) determine the constitutionality of a law(3) break tie votes in the electoral college(4) impeach the president and other high-level


13. The power of judicial review allows the SupremeCourt to

(1) Congress may check the power of theexecutive branch

(2) the wording of the original Constitutionmay be altered

(3) state governments may limit the power ofthe Federal Government

(4) the Constitution may be adapted to meetchanging conditions

14. The elastic clause, the amending process, andjudicial review are all methods by which

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(1) weaken the nation's currency(2) increase the national debt(3) promote the interests of farmers(4) depend on a loose interpretation of the


15. Thomas Jefferson opposed Alexander Hamilton'splan to create a national bank primarily becausethe plan would

(1) the destiny of the United States was to ruleother countries

(2) the United States should seek alliances withother nations

(3) alliances could draw the United Statesinto wars

(4) the United States should break itsagreements with France

16. Base your answer to the question on the quotationbelow and on your knowledge of social studies

... It is our true policy to steer clear ofpermanent alliances with any portion of theforeign world; so far, I mean, as we are nowat liberty to do it; for let me not beunderstood as capable of patronizinginfidelity to existing engagements. I hold themaxim [principle] no less applicable to publicthan to private affairs, that honesty is alwaysthe best policy. I repeat it, therefore, let thoseengagements be observed in their genuinesense. But, in my opinion, it is unnecessaryand would be unwise to extend them....

— President George Washington,

Farewell Address, 1796

President Washington was offering this advicebecause he believed

(1) He used the opportunity to begin the war forAmerican independence.

(2) He declared the neutrality of the UnitedStates.

(3) He aided the French because they hadsupported the American Revolution.

(4) He negotiated a peace settlement betweenthe warring nations.

17. How did President George Washington react tothe conflict between France and England in1793?

(1) the unwritten constitution(2) separation of powers(3) the elastic clause(4) judicial review

18. The creation of the presidential cabinet andpolitical parties are examples of

(1) expansion of slavery into the territories(2) the wisdom of creating a two-house

legislature(3) division of power among different levels

of government(4) the issue of allowing women the right to


19. In 1788 and 1789, a major controversy betweenthe Federalists and the Antifederalists focused on

(1) a Federal law was declaredunconstitutional

(2) the principle of States rights was greatlystrengthened

(3) the separate but equal principle wasestablished

(4) the constitutionality of the National Bankwas upheld

20. The significance of the Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison is that

(1) The government which governs leastgoverns best.

(2) The government may exercise only thosepowers specifically given to it by thegoverned.

(3) The government should give up most of itsauthority to the states.

(4) The government may exercise all powersnecessary and proper to meet itsresponsibilities.

21. Which view of the power of the FederalGovernment is most consistent with thephilosophy of Alexander Hamilton and hissupporters?

Page 4: 1.Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

(1) Labor unions are illegal.(2) The right to privacy is absolute.(3) Free speech can be limited if it poses a

clear and present danger to society.(4) Assistance of legal counsel must be

provided to accused persons.

22. Which doctrine emerged from the United StatesSupreme Court decision in Schenck v. UnitedStates (1919)?

(1) custom adopted from English common law(2) law enacted by Congress(3) decision of the United States Supreme

Court(4) specific statement in the original

Constitution of the United States

23. The requirement that all persons placed underarrest must be informed of their legal rightsresulted from a

(1) separation of powers(2) popular sovereignty(3) equal protection of the law(4) separation of church and state

24. Which constitutional principle was tested in thecases of Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Boardof Education of Topeka? (1) The population in certain regions grew

more quickly than in other regions.(2) Supreme Court decisions expanded the

power of Congress.(3) The Democratic Party majority increased in

strength during the 20th century.(4) Constitutional amendments gave large

states more representation in the Senatethan small states.

25. Base your answer to question on the graph belowand on your knowledge of social studies.

What accounts for the changes that took place inthe distribution of seats in the House ofRepresentatives between 1900 and 2000?

(1) Right to Counsel(2) Student Rights(3) School Integration(4) Federal Funding of Education

26. Which category most accurately completes theheading for the partial outline below?

I. Supreme Court Cases that Deal With_________________________1 Engel v.

Vitale (1962)2 Tinker v. Des Moines School District(1969)3 New Jersey v. T.L.O. (1985)4 Vernonia School District v. Acton (1995)

Page 5: 1.Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

27. Base your answer on the cartoon below and onyour knowledge of social studies.

(1) The electoral college has more value now than itdid in the past.

(2) Only the Congress should have the power to electa President.

(3) The electoral college decreases the value of acitizen's vote.

(4) Free elections in the United States have almostdisappeared.

What is the main idea of the cartoon?

28. ". . . I desire you would Remember the Ladies,and be more generous and favorable to them thanyour ancestors. Do not put such unlimited powerinto the hands of the Husbands. . . If particularcare and attention is not paid to the Ladies, we . .. will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws inwhich we have no voice, or Representation." –Abigail Adams, 1776

(1) abolition (2) affirmative action(3) suffrage rights (4) divorce rights

This statement was an early expression of women'ssupport for

(1) expressed support for States rights(2) purchased the Louisiana Territory(3) started the Republican Party(4) founded the University of Virginia

29. President Thomas Jefferson used the impliedpowers of the Constitution when he

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30. Base your answer to the following question on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

(1) Great Compromise (2) Missouri Compromise(3) Dred Scott decision (4) Emancipation Proclamation

The map illustrates the impact on the United States of the

(1) ending slavery in all the states(2) reducing consumption of alcoholic

beverages(3) improving treatment of the mentally ill(4) expanding women’s rights

31. The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 was mainlyconcerned with

(1) The system of slavery was weakened.(2) The federal government was

strengthened.(3) The rights of workers were supported.(4) Antitrust laws were upheld.

32. What was the result of many of the SupremeCourt decisions made under Chief Justice JohnMarshall between 1801 and 1835?

(1) allowing states to secede from the Union(2) permitting voters to nullify federal laws(3) deciding the legalization of slavery in a

new state(4) overturning unpopular decisions of the

Supreme Court

33. Before the Civil War, the principle of popularsovereignty was proposed as a means of doingwhat?

(1) imperialism (2) sectionalism(3) national unity (4) industrialization

34. During the period from 1800 to 1865, the issuesof States rights, the tariff, and slavery led mostdirectly to the growth of

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(1) Most freed blacks became landowningfarmers.

(2) Southern investment capital was used tobring about early industrialization of theregion.

(3) States rights were reinforced byconstitutional amendments.

(4) The power of the Federal Governmentwas expanded.

35. What was a major result of the Civil War?

(1) Federal supremacy was strengthened.(2) Constitutional government was proven

ineffective.(3) Universal suffrage was generally accepted.(4) Sectional disputes ceased to exist.

36. Which statement about the results of the CivilWar is most accurate?

(1) prevent Japanese domination of the Pacificregion

(2) open United States trade relations withJapan

(3) encourage immigration from Japan(4) establish a naval base in Japan

37. A major reason for Commodore Matthew Perry's1854 visit to Japan was to

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Answer KeyReview Test Random Up to Reconstruction

1. 42. 23. 44. 35. 16. 47. 48. 49. 110. 111. 112. 313. 214. 415. 416. 317. 218. 119. 320. 121. 422. 323. 324. 325. 126. 227. 328. 329. 230. 231. 432. 233. 334. 235. 436. 1

37. 2