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  • 7/27/2019 1.Tauheed




    Definition Significance of Tauheed Concept of Unity of God in other religions Effects of Tauheed

    I) Individual EffectsII) Collective Effects

    Categories of TauheedI) Tau heed ar-RububiyyaII) Tauheed al-Uluhiyya

    III) TauheeduI-Asma-was-sifaat ConclusionDefinition:

    Tauheed means belief in the unity of God. The root word of Tauheed is Wahid which meansOne so, It means that there is only one Supreme God of the Universe. He is Omnipresent,

    Omnipotent and the Sustainer of the world and mankind. The starting point of Islam is this

    belief in the unity of God.

    Significance Of Tauheed:

    The Holy Quran has laid greatest stress on the doctrine of unity of God. The first andforemost principle of Islam is the belief in unity of Allah. Unless a man believes in unit ofGod, he cannot be a Muslim.

    There are a number of verses in the Quran which clearly explain the oneness of God. InSurah Baqara, book says;

    And your God is one; There is no other God. He is the most merciful and

    Benevolence.(Al-Baqara: 163)

    This is the basic tenet to which Muhammad (PBUH) asked to adhere. The Doctrine Of divine

    Unity is a standing protest against polytheism, dualism, atheism and idolatry. And itgenerally means that Allah is one and Eternal; there is no other God but Allah who is the

    Supreme Being, Creator and Lord of all. He alone is to be worshiped and From Him lonehelp and mercy are to be sought.

    The unity of Allah implies that Allah is one in His person, One in His attributes, and One in

    His work. His Oneness in His person means that there is neither plurality of God, norplurality of persons in the Godhood; His Oneness in His attributes implies that no other

    being possess one or more Divine attributes in perfection; His Oneness in His work impliesthat no one can do what God has done or can do. The Doctrine of Unity of Allah hasbeautifully been summed in the small verse of the Holy Quran in the following manner.

    Say thou, He: Allah is one: Allah is He on whom all depend, He begets not nor isHe begotten; and none is like Him.(Al-Ikhlas: 1-4)

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    Concept of Unity of God In Other Religions:

    This belief is as old as humanity and a religious truth. Islam claims that all the great

    prophets preached this fundamental truth and all the scriptures originally contained it in a

    pure form. But this belief was contaminated over and over again and prophets were raised

    among all nations to restore this very faith. As we know that Christ was a monotheist of the

    purest order but the doctrine of Trinity vitiated the monotheism of Christianity. Zoroaster

    too was essentially a monotheist though the purity of his monotheism has been vitiated by

    the belief in two relatively independent and hostile principles of Light and Darkness with

    Yazdan and Aharman pitched against each other. Hindus too were monotheist and believed

    in Akme Bad Ditian; but later on they became idolaters.

    Effects Of Tauheed:

    The belief in the Oneness of Allah brings about remarkable and revolutionary changes in

    human life, described as under:

    i) Individual Effects:

    a) Firm belief in the Unity of Allah inspires bravery in man. The believer knows that Allah

    alone is the possessor of all powers and besides Him there is none who can help or harm a

    person or who has any authority or influence.

    b) A believer never becomes proud, haughty or arrogant. The boisterous pride of power,

    wealth and worth can have no room in the heart, because he knows that whatever he

    possesses has been given by Allah and Allah can take away just as He can give.

    c) A believer of this Kalama (La illah ill Allah) can never be narrow-minded. He believes in

    Allah who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Master of the East and the West,

    the Sustainer of the entire universe. He knows that everything belongs to Allah whom hehimself belong. So, his vision is enlarged, his intellect horizon widens and, his outlook

    become liberal.

    d) A true believer is never disappointed and always waits for the blessings and help of Allah

    Almighty. He knows that Allah Almighty is always with him. Quran Says:

    Despair not of the mercy of Allah. (Al-Zumar: 53)

    Allah Almighty is the Most Merciful and Beneficent and His blessings are numberless. When

    a man seeks blessings and help of Allah Almighty, he is full of contentment.

    ii) Collective Effects:

    a) The Quran has repeatedly asserted that all humanity is one and all human beings have

    been created from one being (Adam). Belief in Oneness of Allah Almighty purges human

    mind of all the prejudices of colour and creed. Thus all the believers become a brotherhood.

    As declared by the Holy Qur'an:

    The faithful are surely brothers. (AlHujurat: 10)

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    b) This belief promotes to build a harmonious society, constructive interaction between

    individual and society and to realize the basic values of truth, justice, love, and beauty. The

    purpose of this society is to build up a Man's personality, his social positive environment,

    and to co-operate with others in pursuing healthy and constructive human activities.Therelationship between believers is like that of a building, which is strengthened by one brick

    upon another.

    Categories of Tauheed:

    1. Tauheed ar-Rububiyya:

    Oneness of the Lordship of Allah "Tauheed ar-Rububiyya". To believe that, there is only

    one Lord for the entire universe, its Creator, Organizer, Planner, Sustainer and Giver of

    Security etc., and that is Allah.

    2.Tauheed al-Uluhiyya:

    Oneness of the worship of Allah - "Tauheed al-Uluhiyya". To believe that none has the

    right to be worshipped {e.g. by praying, invoking, asking for help (from the unseen),

    swearing, slaughtering sacrifices, giving charity, Fasting, and Pilgrimage etc.,} but Allah.

    3. TauheeduI-Asma-was-sifaat:

    Oneness of the Names and the Qualities of Allah, "Tauheed uI-Asma-was-sifaat". To

    believe that:

    i. We must not name or qualify Allah except with what He or His Messenger (Peace be upon

    him) has named or qualified Him.

    ii. None deserve to be named or qualified with the definitive Names or Attributes of Allah;

    e.g. Al-Karim (Most Generous).

    iii. We must confirm all of Allah's Attributes which Allah has stated in His Book (the Quran)

    or mentioned through His Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him), without changing

    them or ignoring them completely or twisting the meanings or giving resemblance to any of

    the created things.


    In the teachings of Mohammad (PBUH) faith in one Allah is the most important and

    fundamental principle. It is the bedrock of Islam and the mainspring of its power. All other

    beliefs, commands and laws of Islam stand firm on this very foundation. All of them receivestrength from this source. No one can be a true Muslim until and unless this belief, with all

    its implications, is deeply enshrined in his heart.