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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    1.1 Computer Graphics and Computer Aided Design (CG and CAD)

    Graphics are used in many different areas such as industry, education,

    physical field, economic for drawing histograms and engineering fields

    architecture, mechanical, electrical and mechanical.[1].

    A mechanical engineer converts ideas into initial drawing. With the

    implementation of computers into academic and industrial institutions,

    computer graphics introduced using the computer as a drawing tool.

    Generative graphic, image processing and (cognitive) graphics are the maintaonomy of the !G.

    Generative graphic involves generation, representation and

    manipulation of the graphic o"#ects in a suita"le manner, the related non$

    graphic information resides in computer file. %ince !G provide the user with

    computer interaction together, the !G is em"edded in to large system such

    as !A& system' hence !G has "ecome the primary tool of !A& system [].

    t was not until the 1*+ that the !A& system started to appear on the

    mar-et. arious types of !A& system currently eist, and they reflect

    different stages in its development [/].

    0he specification of the geometry of a part or product when held on a

    !A& system is -nown as model and the techniue that is used to represent

    the model is -nown as geometric modeling. 0here are three types of

    conventional geometric modeling techniues used widely in !A& system

    namely wire frame, surface modeling and solid modeling.


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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    1.2 Geometric modeling

    Geometric modeling deals with the mathematical representation of

    curves, surfaces, and solids necessary in the definition of comple physical

    or engineering o"#ects. 0he associated field of computational geometry is

    concerned with the development, analysis, and computer implementation of

    algorithms encountered in geometric modeling. 0he o"#ect are concerned

    within engineering range form the simple mechanical parts (machine

    elements) to comple sculptured o"#ect such as ships, automo"iles,

    airplanes, tur"ine and propeller "lades, etc.Geometric modeling attempts to provide a complete, flei"le, and

    unam"iguous representation of the o"#ect, so that the shape oh the o"#ect can


    $ easily visuali3ed (rendered)

    $ easily modified (manipulated)

    $ increased in compleity

    $ converted to a model that can "e analy3ed computationally

    $ manufactured and tested

    !omputer graphic is an important tool in this process as visuali3ation

    and visual inspection oh the o"#ect are fundamental parts of the design

    iteration. !omputer graphics and geometric modeling have evolved

    into closely lin-ed field within the last / years, especially after the

    introduction of high$resolution graphics wor-station, which are now

    pervasive in the engineering environment [4].

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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    1.3 Geometric Modeling Forms

    &ifferent forms of geometric modeling can "e distinguished "ased on

    eactly what is "eing represented, the amount and type of information

    directly availa"le without derivation, and what other information can and

    cannot "e derived[4].

    1.3.1 WireFrame Modelers

    n this modeler only the edges of a part geometry are represented

    through lines or wires. 0his model is stored in computer as a set of points inorder form the vertices of the part. %ome !A& systems handle only $& wire

    frame model where as the others may handle .5$& or over /& modeler.

    Wire frame modelers are adeuate for many drafting applications [5].

    6igure (1$1) 0he wireframe model of a computer mouse

    1.3.2 !ur"ace Modelers

    0he information and specification of the polygonal faces enclosed the

    edges are employed in this modeling techniue. %hading and hidden surface


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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    removal is also treated in this -ind of modeling which leads to increase in

    the visi"ility of the o"#ect. 0herefore surface modeling is more comple than

    wire$frame modeling [5,7], surface modeling using !A& system are widely

    used for parts "eing machined where new surfaces are "eing created there

    are different types of surfaces[+].

    6igure (1$) the parametric surface model of a computer mouse

    #$pe o" sur"aces

    A%lane !ur"ace

    0his is the simplest surface, reuires / non$coincidental points to

    define an infinite plane.

    0he plane surface can "e used to generate cross sectional views "y

    intersecting a surface or solid model with it.


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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    &'uled (lo"ted) !ur"ace

    0his is a linear surface. t interpolates linearly "etween two "oundary

    curves that define the surface. 8oundary curves can "e any wire frame

    entity. 0he surface is ideal to represent surface that do not have any twists or


    C!ur"ace o" 'eolution

    0his is aisymmetric surface that can model aisymmetric o"#ects. t

    is generated "y rotating a planer wire frame entity in space a"out the ais of

    symmetry of a given angle.


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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    D#aulated !ur"ace

    0his is surface generated "y translating a planar curve a given

    distance along a specified direction. 0he plane of the curve is perpendicular

    to the ais of the generated cylinder.

    *&ilinear !ur"ace

    0his /$& surface is generated "y interpolation of 4 endpoints. 8i$

    linear surfaces are very useful in finite element analysis. A mechanical

    structure is dispraised into elements, which are generated "y interpolation 4

    node points to form a $& solid element.


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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    FCoons %atch

    !ons patch or surfaces are generated "y the interpolation of 4 edge

    curve as shown.

    G&!pline !ur"ace

    0his is a synthetic surface and dose not passes through all data points.0he surface is capa"le of giving very smooth contour, and can "e reshaped

    with local controls.

    9athematical derivation of the 8$%pline surface is "eyond the scope of this

    course. :nly limited mathematical consideration will give here.

    !omputer generated surface play a very important part in manufacturing of

    engineering products. A surface generated "y a !A& program provides a

    very accurate and smooth surface, which can "e generated "y ;! machine

    without any room for misinterpretation. 0herefore, in manufacturing

    computer generated surface are preferred. %ince surfaces are mathematical


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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    models, we can uic-ly find the centroid, surface area, etc. another

    advantage of !A& surfaces is that they can "e easily modified.

    +&e,ier !ur"ace

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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    1.3.3 !olid Modelers

    0his is the most powerful tool for representing three > dimensional


    0he o"#ects represented "y the solid model techniue not only have

    edges and surface "ut they also include volumetric and mass information.

    %ome solid models are represented in computer data"ase of there edges and

    vertices of the part and this is called 8$rep. %olis models can also "e created

    from solid primitives such as "oes, "loc-s, cylinders, cones and spheres.

    0he final part geometric is then created "y performing 8oolean operations

    (#oin, intersection and su"traction) on the primitives. 0his form of geometry

    is -nown as !%G or !$rep [7, ?]Geometric modeling capa"ilities are an integral part of the !A&

    system. nterfacing !A& system with other systems such as !A9 is the

    driving force "ehind the development of much of geometric modeling.

    @erhaps one of the most fertile applications of geometric modeling is !A9.


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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    6or eample, geometric modeling ma-es possi"le process planning and

    machine tool path$verification systems completely automatic [*]. 0hese

    capa"ilities are very important in design and manufacturing of sculptured

    surfaces. 0hese surfaces have wide applications in the aircraft and

    automo"ile industries [1].

    @arametric free form curves and surfaces form as essential part of the

    !A& system. %chemes for defining these entities employ a wide range of

    mathematical sophistication [11]. epresentation of /$& free$form surfaces

    on a computer is one of the most difficult tas-s to "e handles "y the designengineers. nterpolation techniue is used to produce surfaces in $& and

    /$& from sampled points data [1].

    6igure (1$/) the solid model of a computer mouse


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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One Constructie !olid Geometr$C!G

    !onstructive %olid Geometry (!%G) is one of the most popular

    representation schemes for solid modeling "ecause it is well understood, and

    easy to interface with the user and to chec- for validity.

    A !%G model assumes that physical o"#ects can "e created "y

    com"ining "asic elementary shapes through specific rules. 0hese "asic

    shapes form what are commonly -nown as primitives, which are themselves

    valid "ounded !%G models represented "y r$sets. A wide variety of

    primitives are availa"le in solid modeling systems, "ut the most commonlyused are "loc-s cylinders cones and spheres as shown in 6igure 1.4, the solid

    primitives in the !%G representation are defined mathematically as the

    com"ination of un"ounded geometric entities separating the B5space into

    infinite portions. 0hese entities are called half>spaces. 0he most commonly

    used half$spaces are planar cylindrical spherical and conical and relate to the

    natural uadric surfaces.

    !%G primitives are represented "y the intersection of a set of half$

    spaces. 0he primitive "loc- is formed "y the regulari3ed intersection of si

    planar spaces. Bach half$space is epressed "y one limit of three ineualities

    forming the primitive. A solid modeler supporting these primitives must "e

    a"le to calculate the intersections of the given half$spaces. 9ore details on

    the creation of uadric primitives and calculation of uadric intersections.

    Cuadric surfaces are commonly used in !%G "ecause they represent

    the most commonly used surfaces in mechanical design produced "y the

    standard operations of milling turning rolling and so forth. 6or eample,

    planar surfaces are o"tained through rolling and milling cylindrical surfaces


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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    through turning and spherical surfaces through cutting done with a "all$end

    cutting tool.



    6rom the userDs point of view and regardless of how the primitive is created

    internally "y the system only its location geometric data and orientation data

    are needed. 0he location data for each primitive encompasses the

    esta"lishment of a local coordinate system and the position of the origin. 0he

    geometric and orientation data are usually input "y the user. All primitives

    have a default si3e guaranteed "y most modeling system.

    0he 8oolean operations union difference intersection descri"ed in this

    %ection are used to com"ine the r$sets formed "y the solid primitives 6igure

    (1$5) shows an eample of this process.


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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    2C-/ &OC0!olid1 3C- !OD2

    6igure (1$5) 8oolean operations &inar$ #ree

    0he !%G is also referred to as method to store a solid model in the

    data"ase . 0he resulting solid can "e easily represented "y what is called a

    "inary tree . n a "inary tree , the terminal "ranches (leaves) are the various

    primitives that are lin-ed together to ma-e the final solid o"#ect (the root).

    0he "inary tree is an effective way to represent the steps reuired to

    construct the solid model . !omplicated solid models can "e modeled "y

    considering the different com"inations of 8oolean operations reuired in the

    "inary tree . 0he provides a convenient and intuitive way of modeling that

    imitates the manufacturing process . A "inary tree is an effective way to plan

    your modeling strategy "efore you start creating anything .


    a " c d e

    6ig.(1$7) 0he technical illustration pipeline "ased on !%Gprimitives. (a) @rimitive types to "e selected' (") 0he

    o"#ect composed from primitives' (c) 0he o"#ect after

    hidden surface removal' (d) %patial layout of the o"#ectto "e rendered' (e) 0he resultant illustration

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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One C!G &oolean operations

    CSG shapes can be combined by one of Following Boolean

    operations to dene a more complex

    CSG shape:

    =nion. The resulting shape consists of all regions either

    in the rst in the second or in both input Shapes.

    ntersection. The resulting shape is the region Common to

    both input shapes.

    %u"traction. The resulting shape is the region of the rst

    shape reduced by the region of the second.

    6igure (1$+). 9odeling a dice using !%G. A cu"e and a sphere are

    intersected' from the result the dots of the dice are su"tracted.


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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    1. Fundamentals o" Computer Graphics 4sing MA#A&

    9A0EA8 [1/] is a powerful environment for linear alge"ra with graphical

    presentation [14], and is availa"le on a wide range of computer platforms.

    =nli-e a general$purpose language, 9A0EA8 development goes much

    faster and code is dramatically shorter. n some regards, it is a higher

    language than most common programming languages li-e ! or 6:0A;.

    9A0EA8 is therefore a great computation environment for learning the

    fundamentals of computer graphics. 9any 9A0EA8 files have "een

    developed in the pastfew years "y the author and his students to help effectively presenting -ey

    concepts and visuali3ing these mathematical epressions.

    9ost tet"oo-s [15] covering these graphics su"#ects are primarily written

    for computer science ma#ors. Algorithms to implement these concepts are

    efficient "ut difficult to "e programmed in the conventional programming

    languages that engineering students are familiar with. 9any engineering

    students feel the comple mathematical epressions and programs hinder the

    learning of these concepts.

    ntroduction of computer graphics addresses , among other topics,

    parametric curves and surfaces, including 8$spine and 8e3ier curves. 0hese

    su"#ects applied to the design of airfoils, auto "odies and ship hulls, as well

    as to commercial advertising and movie ma-ing. Without good

    understanding of these graphics fundamentals, !A& users can not

    effectively use associated tools.


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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    Graphics 4sing MA#A&

    1. 2D Graphic

    (1). plot

    $& line plot.





    plot(F) plots the columns of F versus their inde if F is a real num"er. f F

    is comple, plot(F) is euivalent to plot(real(F),image(F)). n all other uses

    of plot, the imaginary component is ignored. @lot(1, F1,...) plots all lines

    defined "y n versus Fn pairs. f only n or Fn is a matri, the vector is

    plotted versus the rows or columns of the matri, depending on whether the

    vectorHs row or column dimension matches the matri. f n is a scalar and

    Fn is a vector, disconnected line o"#ects are created and plotted as discrete

    points vertically at n.




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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    x!linspace"# $%pi #'(

    plot"x sin"x' )c) x cos"x' )g)'( *+c++g+ means the color of

    the line.

    xlabel"),nput -alue)'( * the name of axis

    ylabel")Function -alue)'( * the name of / axis

    title")Two Trigonometric Functions)'( * the title of the graphic

    legend")y ! sin"x'))y ! cos"x')'( * annotation

    grid on( * open the grid

    'esults6 Figure 1

    (2). !uplot

    !reate aes in tiled positions.





    %u"plot divides the current figure into rectangular panes that are num"ered

    rowwise. Bach pane contains an aes o"#ect. %u"seuent plots are output to

    the current pane.

    %u"plot(m,n,p) or su"plot(mnp) "rea-s the figure window into an m$"y$n

    matri of small aes, selects the pth aes o"#ect for the current plot, and

    returns the aes handle. 0he aes are counted along the top row of

    the figure window, then the second row, etc.



    subplot"$$&'( plot"x sin"x''(


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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One

    subplot"$$$'( plot"x cos"x''(

    subplot"$$0'( plot"x sinh"x''(

    subplot"$$1'( plot"x cosh"x''(

    6igure (1$?)2 result of graphic1.m 6igure(1$*)2 result of graphic.m

    2. 3D Graphic

    (1) plot3

    /$& line plot.




    0he plot/ function displays a three$dimensional plot of a set of data points.

    plot/(1,F1,I1,...), where 1, F1, I1 are vectors or matrices, plots one or

    more lines in three$dimensional space through the points whose coordinates

    are the elements of 1, F1, and I1.






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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One







    esult2 6igure (1$*)

    6igure(1$1)2 result of graphic/.m

    (2). mesh sur" sur"c sur"l

    9esh2 !reate mesh plot

    %urf2 !reate /$& shaded surface plot

    %urfl2 %urface plot with colormap$"ased lighting

    %urfc2 !reate /$& shaded surface plot with contour plot


    x! 2&.3:#.$:&.3(y!2&:#.$:&(



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    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter One





    'esults 6 Figure(117)

    6igure (1$11)2 result of graphic4.m