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  • 8/19/2019 (1)Overlord Volume 4 Chapter 5, Epilogue, Afterwords.


    Overlord Volume 4 Chapter 5Chapter 5 The Freezing God

    Translator: SkythewoodEditors/Proofreaders: JcqC, Ferro, TaintedDream, Namora, Sene!ty, Sifa"#, $ae%ar 

    Part 1

    Ainz main base was the fortress that Aura was constructing— the place that Cocytus visitedyesterday. Faint construction noises could still be heard in the distance.

  • 8/19/2019 (1)Overlord Volume 4 Chapter 5, Epilogue, Afterwords.


    When they entered a room, Victim who had been following uietly behind said to Ainz.

    !emoh gniog m"# ,syug uoy werc$% &Well then, allow me to bid farewell here.'

    !(han) you for your hard wor). *lease defend the +rst level of azaric) until we return.-

    !amab s)nah(% &/y your will'.-


    Victim went into the door of dar)ness con0ured by Ainz— with the +rst level of the 1reat (omb of azaric) as his destination.

    After seeing o2 the 1uardian capable of activating a deadly powerful movement restrictions)ill, Ainz turned his attention towards the room. At the same time, he could sense Auralowering her face.

    $he must have done everything she could to give Ainz a grand welcome. (races that showedthe commendable e2ort put into this room could be seen everywhere, but it paled incomparison to azaric). Aura probably felt shame from this.

    &t is not that 'ad(

    For Ainz who was 0ust a salaryman, he didn3t mind it that much. 4is room in azaric) wasn3ttoo bad either, but it troubled him as it was too lu5urious. #n fact, he felt rela5ed andcomfortable here.

    & want an ei)ht tatami room( & sho*ld +nd a corner to reare one( -h, & ha.e to comliment *ra and con.ey my satisfaction for her work(

    #f people don3t tal) about their trust, gratitude and care, they wouldn3t become successful.

    Ainz remembered a uote he saw framed inside the display cabinet of a C6 during acorporate visit. 4e didn3t )now who coined it, but it was a great uote. #t felt li)e somethingan ideal boss will say.

    0o* ha.e to show yo*r )ratit*de( Peole won1t stri.e for the 'est if there is no reward2Somethin) like that3

  • 8/19/2019 (1)Overlord Volume 4 Chapter 5, Epilogue, Afterwords.


    !7y apologies Aura, for insisting on using this place. 8o not mind the details, # have highpraise for what you have accomplished. #f this is made by you, then it is as good asazaric).-

    !... 9es.-

    Aura3s eyes slightly widened. & sho*ld console her more( Although Ainz wanted to do that, nobetter words came to his mind, so he covered it up by observing the surroundings onceagain.

     (he smell of fresh timber still lingered here.

    ormally, instead of this place that had absolutely no defences, returning to azaric) was

    unuestionably safer. Without defensive magic, it was li)e a house made of paper in a way./ut on the :ip side, Ainz was using himself as bait to lure in the big +shes.

     (here was a large distance between here and the la)e, so the ones that could chase themhere — if they e5isted — would be players from 9118;A$#

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    !/ones from all sorts of beasts. (he best parts are from beasts li)e 1ri2on and Wyvern.-

    !... h% # see.-

     (hat was a throne made from countless bones. #t wasn3t in the logistics list of goods theybrought from azaric), so it was something 8emiurge made outside. o matter how heloo)ed at it, s)ulls from humans or demi>humans were de+nitely used too. #t might loo) purewhite without a shred of blood and meat on it, but it still gave the feeling of blood stain.

    #t was a bit disgusting, sitting on that thing was a)in to sitting on a cushion of needles,ma)ing Ainz hesitate. /ut his subordinate had put in e2ort to prepare it, it would be di?cultto re0ect it. #s there any reason he could use that won3t cause complaints...

    Ainz snapped his +ngers after thin)ing about it.

    !... $halltear. # will give you the punishment for what you had done right now. (hat3s right% #will punish you with shame.-


    $halltear who was suddenly named was a bit surprised.

    !neel with your head bowed over there, and put your hands on the :oor.-


    $halltear wal)ed to the place Ainz pointed at— which was the middle of the room and did asshe was told with a baBed face.

    Ainz wal)ed up to $halltear and sat on her bac).

    !... Ainz, Ainz>sama@-

     (he surprised $halltear could only made e5hale while whispering 4ans>sama3. $he wassha)en and sti2 from fear when Ainz sat on her bac).

    !9ou are now a chair, understand=-

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    Ainz shifted his gaze from $halltear whose voice was getting shrilled, onto 8emiurge.

    !— $orry 8emiurge, that3s how it is.-

    !# see@ 7arvellous@ (o use a 1uardian as a chair@ (his is a chair customized speci+cally forthe $upreme 7aster@ As e5pected of Ainz>sama. # would never have thought of that@-

    !#s, is that so%-

    #n the face of the glittering respect shown on 8emiurge was e5pressing, Ainz averted his

    face, not understanding why he was smiling so brilliantly. After this, a beautiful woman saidto Ainz with a wonderful smile.

    !7y apologies Ainz>sama. *lease allow me to e5cuse myself. # will return shortly.-

    !9ou need something Albedo= *ermission granted, carry on.-

    After than)ing him, Albedo left the room. #mmediately, a woman screaming4yaaahhhhhhh@3 and the sound of a wall being smashed violently could be heard, and thewhole fort seemed to be sha)ing.

    After a minute or so, Albedo returned to the room dominated by silence with her usual smile.

    !# have returned, Ainz>sama. h right, Aura. # accidentally ran into the wall when # left theroom. #t seemed to be damaged, could you repair it later= # am very sorry.-

    !Ah, ermm... )ay, # will get it done.-

    Ainz swallowed the words he wanted to say and sighed. 4e focused his wandering gaze and+5ated on the sta2 emitting an aura of terror.

     (he real sta2 of Ainz oal 1own was not brought here, this was a replica— a prototype inreplicating the guild weapon. 7ade from parts dug from the depths of the treasury, it was aprop that loo)ed almost perfect on the outside.

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     (he guild will fall if the guild weapon was destroyed, so it could not be brought out socarelessly. #t was entrusted to the 1uardian of the Cherry /lossom Done in the Eth :oor forprotection right now.

    4e did come * with co*ntermeas*res for if we )ot ro''ed of o*r rin)s, '*t it is not easy to

     5*st +nd a lace2 to test it o*t(((

    As he was thin)ing about that, $halltear suddenly +dgeted, ad0usting herself for Ainz to sitmore comfortably. (his made Ainz loo) down at the bac) of $halltear3s head with a strangesense of unease.

    4er breathing was ragged.

    &t m*st 'e hea.y for her( nder Ainz was the slim bac) of $halltear who loo)ed to befourteen. A grown man was sitting on the bac) of this young girl. ;ealizing how perverted,

    shameful and cruel that was, Ainz felt he might have gone too far.

    $halltear was a *C created by his companion in the past. 6ven *eroronchino wouldn3tabuse her li)e this. (his action was a)in to soiling the memories of his past comrades. #t wasfoolish to thin) of this as a self>punishment.

    To tort*re Shalltear like this2 *nfor)i.a'le(

    !$halltear, does it hurt=-

    Ainz was planning to say if that is so, let3s end this3. $halltear loo)ed up with a face blushingwith passion, her e5pression full of pleasure.

    !#t3s not painful at all@ (his is li)e a reward@-

    $he )ept e5haling the heat stored within her body, re:ecting Ainz3 face in her dazed eyes.4er wet tongue brushed against her lips, re:ecting light lecherously. $he suirmed her bodyli)e a sna)e.

    !... 4nngh@-

    Ainz felt the urge to get away immediately.

    4e almost gave in to this urge.

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    No, & can1t do that(

    4e was punishing $halltear, but $halltear3s mista)e was actually Ainz3 fault. (hat3s whyenduring the urge to get up was Ainz3 punishment.

    Ainz destroyed the complicated emotions welling up within him.

    4e tried his best to ignore the chair that was panting and suirming. /ut he couldn3t helpthin)ing Peroronchino, what a er.erted settin) this is.

    !... Well then, let3s move on to the serious topic. 8id we intimidate them=-

    !# thin) it was perfect, Ainz>sama.-

    !65actly, 0ust loo) at the lizardmen3s faces.-

    Ainz smiled in relief after hearing what the 1uardians said. Actually, it was impossible to tellthe changes in the e5pressions of the lizardmen. (hey might be closer to humans thanreptiles, but their facial e5pressions were totally di2erent from humans.

    !#s that so. (hen the +rst phase to awe them with might is a success.-

    Ainz e5haled in relief.

    4e used the $uper>tier magic (he Creation3 that could only be used four times a day afterall. #f that didn3t wor), nothing else would.

    !8emiurge, how long would it ta)e to +nd out e5actly how large the frozen area is=-

    !We have already started to do so, but progress is slow as the area is wider than e5pected.*lease grant us more time.-

    Ainz stopped 8emiurge who was about to )neel. Ainz covered his mouth with his bony +ngerand thought. (he area of e2ect being larger than e5pected could be considered a success interms of magical e5perimentations.

    (he Creation3 is a $uper>tier magic that could change the terrain itself. #n 9118;A$#

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    #t was possible to show their might without using $uper>tier magic.

    nrelated to this deployment, Ainz had always wanted to perform this e5periment indetermining the area of e2ect. (he Creation3 was a magic that had an amazingly large areaof e2ect, and could cover the entire Eth :oor in Ainz"s e5periment inside azaric). /ut it

    wasn3t clear what e2ect it would have in the world outside.

    #n 9118;A$#< the spell e2ect could cover an Area3, but how big would an Area3 be in thisworld= Ainz wanted to +nd out. #f it could cover an entire plain, that would be too big.

    $imilarly, freezing the entire la)e was going overboard. Care should be ta)en when using$uper>tier magic.

    !Aura, how is our security net=-

    !9es@ We have deployed the undead assigned by Ainz>sama to secure a two )ilometer radiusarea. /ut there has been no signs of anything special coming in so far. # have also sentmonsters specializing in scouting to patrol the area within G )m, but we have not spottedanything suspicious.-

    !# see% (he enemy might be hiding from detection as they draw close, what about thecountermeasures against that=-

    !(here are no problems. With $halltear3s cooperation, we have sent out undead pro+cient inreconnaissance.-


    Aura smiled happily after Ainz praised her. 4er depressed e5pression was gone without atrace.

    !We have e5posed ourselves to this e5tent, why haven3t the people who used the Worldclass item against $halltear made a move=-

    Ainz as)ed again under the gaze of everyone present, but did not direct his uestion toanyone in particular.

    !Why aren3t they performing surveillance on azaric) and this place=-

    !Could it be that they are surveilling us with World class items that could not be detected bynormal means=-

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    Ainz tilt his head in response to 8emiurge3s counter uestion.

    !... # did consider this possibility, that3s why # use 7omon% #f they are really using World

    class item to spy on us, they wouldn3t be able to spy on 7omon who also owns a World classitem. (hat3s why # have been assuming they will use physical means such as scouts to watchus% (hey might use magic surveillance too, but it should be orthodo5 means...-

    Ainz realized the 1uardians around him seemed confused, which meant his e5planationwasn3t clear enough.

    !Well% 4ow should # put this% #n the past, we owned a mine that could generate a type ofmetal that was rare. As we were monopolizing the supply, the mar)et price for it soared andpeople started scheming to rob it from us. (he item they used that time was uroboros. #twas a top World class item )nown as one of the (wenty3.-

    Ainz narrowed his eyes.

    4e was raging mad when he 0ust got robbed, but loo)ing bac), it was a nice piece ofmemory. 6ven though they were massacred and dropped plenty of rare items.

    !utrageous@ (hey dare usurp the territory ruled by the $upreme /eings=@ nforgivable@*lease give us the order to counter attac)@-

    4earing how angry Albedo was made Ainz turn his gaze.

    4e could see the hostility and )illing intent released by all the 1uardians, even the calm8emiurge was revealing a sinister smile. ot 0ust that, even 7are3s reserved e5pressioncouldn3t conceal his urge to attac). Ainz couldn3t see $halltear3s face as she was acting as achair, but from her sti2ened body, her determination was conveyed to Ainz through his rear.

    !Calm down@ (his is all in the past now.-

    Ainz raised his hand to calm the 1uardians. (hey loo)ed more settled, but they still felt

    unstable as if magma was :owing beneath the surface. (o change the topic, Ainz continuedwhat he was saying.

    !(he enemy used uroboros to stop us from entering the World3 the mine was situated in. (hey probably used this chance to search the vicinity and seize the mine. When the seal wasundone, we went in only to +nd that the mine had been conuered.-

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    8uring the rash attempt to ta)e bac) the mine, about half the guild members died at leastonce. Ainz held bac) on and didn3t say this out loud.

    !# will get to the main point. # mentioned that we were denied access to that World3 butpeople with World class items could still enter that World3. 4ence, it is impossible for them

    to spy on us even with the strongest World class item.-

    As Ainz listened to the enlightened ac)nowledgement from his subordinates, he still boredoubts on whether this was really true.

     (he possibility was high, but there was no evidence to prove that it was true.

    When using Con:ict of the Five 6lements3 which was also a (wenty3 li)e uroboros3, thegame company sent a message to the owners World class items. Aside from an apology,they also sent an item as compensation. (he content of the apology message wasH -/earers

    of World class items, by right, you should be e5empted from any changes to the world. /ut itis very challenging to maintain your data while we update the server. (herefore, we have noother choice but to treat this as an e5ceptional case as we update the server.-

    And so, it was impossible for them to defend against this. /ut that event should be thee5ception instead of the norm.

    6specially the World class item that could defend against reconnaissance magic. #t would bemeaningless if it couldn3t protect azaric) from other World class items.

    !And that is why # thought the enemy will approach 7omon% /ut those who do approach aremothers carrying new born babies and adventurers.-

     (hey as)ed 7omon to pat the babies3 head to bless them with health and strength. (headventurers reuested a handsha)e and wished to become stronger, but no one wanted toconverse with him in private.

     (hat3s why Ainz e5posed himself with wea) defences this time, waiting for the enemy toma)e their move.

    ot euipping Cocytus with a World class item was part of the plan. Ainz planned to use him

    as bait to lure the enemy out. #t seemed scary because the enemy was un)nown, and theycould come up with proper countermeasures after ascertaining who the enemy was.

    !;egarding this issue% 7ay # share my humble opinion=-

    !What is it, Albedo=-

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    !9es, as Ainz>sama e5plained, the plan was to smo)e the enemy out. Could the enemy bereluctant to approach us since they too are operating in the dar), 0ust li)e us=-


    !o% problem, Albedo, # already considered that possibility.-

    4e didn3t. Ainz was assuming the enemy was thin)ing the same thing li)e him, trying togather intelligence on him.

    2 4hat an error( Did & )et it wron) from the .ery 'e)innin)3

    !65cuse me, also%-

     l'edo6san, lease sto— Ainz cried in his heart. 4e felt li)e a candidate who was reviewingthe uestion script after the e5am and realized all his answers were wrong.

    !About releasing the information that $halltear was defeated with items%-

    !9es, that3s what # reported to the guild, that is to prevent the people from fearing 7omon ifhe gets too powerful. $ealed magic crystals seemed to be a rare item here, it must bedi?cult to destroy the crystal for e5periments. 8estabilizing the crystal and using it to

    defeat $halltear is a more convincing story, and people would be less guarded against7omon.-

    !9ou are absolutely right. For the people who thin) sealed crystals are rare, this isn3t a badmethod.-

    Albedo3s roundabout way of spea)ing made Ainz feel uneasy.

    !... /ut if the other party possess multiple crystals li)e Ainz>sama, wouldn3t the situation bedi2erent=-

    !... 4mm= Ah, that3s what you mean.-

    Ainz made an enlightened e5pression, but didn3t understand at all.

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    $o what if the other party possess several sealed crystals= #t was a fact that sealed magicwas valuable in this world. Was Albedo worried about the crystal being bro)en duringe5periments=

    /ut that didn3t seem to be all.

    An ominous feeling :ashed across Ainz3 mind. 4e wanted Albedo to e5plain further, whichmade Ainz hate himself for acting coc)y earlier.

    &s it really okay for me to 'e the r*ler and decide the olicies of Na%arick3 m & steerin) ashi * a mo*ntain witho*t knowin) it3

    Ainz felt li)e running away.

    4e couldn3t bear the burden of a ruler he had e5perienced several times — a burden thatgrew heavier in the face of failure — Ainz )ept complaining in his heart.

    /ut he couldn3t do that. $ince he too) the name of Ainz oal 1own, he couldn3t abandon thecreations of his comrades— the *C and the treasures in the 1reat (omb of azaric). 7oreimportantly, he didn3t want to be a parent that abandoned his children.

    & also worry whether yo* all will 'etray, a'andon or )i.e * on me( Nonetheless, & will actthe art of in% -oal 7own that meets yo*r eectations and is worthy of yo*r tr*st(

    And so, Ainz made a rela5ed e5pression he practised before the mirror and said in a pose+lled with the con+dence of an verlord.

    !o problem, # understand why you feel uneasy.-

    Ainz then loo)ed around him.

    !Albedo% 8o share your worries with the other 1uardians.-

    !Ah, yes@ #f the enemy possess multiple crystals li)e Ainz>sama% $omeone who )nows aboutcrystals, they would be able to tell this information is false. (hey will be sure that $halltearwas not defeated by the crystal— although they couldn3t )now if $halltear was at fullstrength, users of World class item will assume that 7omon is as strong as $halltear. (heywill then conclude the mysterious warrior 7omon who suddenly appeared in 6>;antel issomeone dangerous right= (hey might also suspect that $halltear might be related to7omon%-

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    !... Albedo, and 1uardians, what do you thin) the enemies3 ne5t step would be=-

    !*ardon me. # thin) that if our foes plan to oppose Ainz>sama, they will spread rumours of7omon wor)ing together with the vampire even if there is no proof. (hey would not want7omon to gain further fame.-

    8r)hhh— Ainz moaned in his heart.

    *art of the goal of going to 6>;antel was to gather intelligence, but the main target was toraise the fame of the 7omon persona— and a tiny part of wanting to run away. (he originalplan was to wait for the great hero to be born and then reveal 7omon3s true identity, turningall his fame to that of Ainz oal 1own, spreading this name throughout the world.

    4e also wanted to show his * guild will change in this world, so he did good deeds using thename of 7omon. /ut these plans were probably done for.

    !4mm= 8emiurge, let me as) you, would it be more e2ective if such rumours were spreadafter 7omon became famous=-

    !Aura, that would be a bad move. #f Ainz>sama has garnered enough fame, the masses will 0ust thin) of such news as malicious rumours. (hey should cut o2 the roots before his famegrows.-

    !A wonderful insight, 8emiurge.-

    Ainz nodded in response to 8emiurge who was bowing his head, acting as if he had thesame idea.

    !# will as) another uestion. #f that is so, why hasn3t the enemy started spreading rumoursyet=-

    After hearing Ainz3 uery, 8emiurge raised a +nger.

    !umber one, they have not completed their investigation on 7omon>sama yet. #f 7omon>

    sama did defeat $halltear in a straight +ght, they wouldn3t want to incur his wrath. (heymight want to pull him into their camp. umber two—-

    4e raised another +nger.

    !What if their encounter with $halltear was 0ust a coincidence= (hey might have beenpassing by with some other purpose in mind, 0ust some unrelated third party.-

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    !(hat is impossible, 8emiurge, the possibility is very low%-

    Ainz said that, he 0ust realized this scenario wasn3t impossible.

    4e was totally convinced that the attac) had been targeted at $halltear— or targeted at thedenizens of azaric). /ut $halltear was attac)ed shortly after teleporting. #f the attac) reallyhad been targeted at $halltear, they had been eerily precise.

    Was he blinded by the fear of the unseen enemy=

    Ainz narrowed his eyes— or rather, the red glow in his eye soc)ets.

    #n the end, the problem was insu?cient intelligence and being shorthanded. (hey neededmore power.

     nyway, the 'i))est ro'lem is that o*r intelli)ence network is too small(

    $ebas had been tas)ed with that too, but the intelligence gathered by a handful of agentswere limited. #n the beginning, he thought it would be enough to gain basic informationabout this world, but that wasn3t enough in the current situation.

     (he intelligence gathered by an adventurer and the butler of a merchant had less

    importance and uality than that of a high government o?cial.

    Ainz couldn3t thin) of anyone who could analyze the gathered intel from di2erent angles and 0udge whether the intel was important.

    !Ara ara, the main problem is the lac) of intel. We have to be wary of an enemy we couldn3tsee, which made it hard for us to ma)e our move...-

    After listening to Ainz3 complain, 8emiurge smiled as if he had a great idea.

    !#f that is the case, how about 0oining forces with a country=-

    After a short silence, Albedo said !h.- to e5press that she had understood. Ainz made thesame sound moments later.

    !# see 8emiurge, that3s what you mean.-

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    /ut the other three 1uardians were still tilting their head in confusion. Aura admitted herdoubts honestly.

    !Ainz>sama, what does this mean=-

    Facing Aura3s uestion, Ainz felt relieved that he couldn3t show any facial e5pression.

    !Ara ara% 7are, $halltear, do you understand what 8emiurge is tal)ing about=-

     (he two of them shoo) their heads.

    -# see, it couldn3t be helped. 8emiurge, please e5plain.-

    !9es, by your will. 6veryone, Ainz>sama is worried about this un)nown enemy. # thin) that ifwe encounter this strong enemy and both sides are openly hostile to each other, we willneed a brea)through point that could solve our issues during negotiations.-

    Sensei, & don1t *nderstand— (hree students and one adult seemed to have these wordscarved on their faces. (eacher 8emiurge seemed to realize his e5planation was too vague,and continued by accommodating the standards of his students.

    !What will you do if Ainz>sama is controlled by a World class item user=-

    !# will cut that person into pieces.-

    !... o, that3s not what # mean, Aura. 8on3t you thin) that being controlled is a brea)throughpoint= #n actual fact, there are people who could control their opponent with World classitems, so the possibility of Ainz>sama being controlled is not zero.-

     (he deputy home room teacher Albedo added to teacher 8emiurge3s e5planation.

    !4e means after pretending to 0oin under the :ag of a country, azaric) could use this as ane5cuse for any actions we ta)e in the future. We can 0ust say that we are acting under theorders of that country and didn3t have a choice. #f the powerful enemy really e5ists, we couldshift the responsibility to that country, correct= #f the enemy doesn3t want a directconfrontation, they will do their best to accommodate us.-

    !# see% if there are people who are unhappy with them, we can use this e5cuse to pull thisthird party to our side% (hat3s the idea. As e5pected of Ainz>sama%-

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     Iust li)e the boss of an evil organization stro)ing a cat on his lap, Ainz patted the head of$halltear who was acting as a chair as he said !#t3s not me-.

    !(he one who came up with this plan wasn3t me, but 8emiurge. 4e should be the one whodeserved this praise.-

    !o, you :atter me. Ainz>sama seems to have reached this conclusion before # did.-

    !Ah, well yeah. 7y apologies for seemingly snatching your credit. And on top of that, it willbe much easier for us to garner intelligence.-

    A country should already have an intelligence networ) in place. (hey would be able toprogress by leap and bounds 0ust by sending a minion of azaric) in.

    After learning his advice was of use for Ainz and Ainz3s manner of speech as if he wascon+rming the two brilliant 1uardians made 8emiurge smile.

    !#t is 0ust as you said.-

    Ainz )new that 8emiurge was implying that Ainz )new from the very beginning.

    !Ah, as e5pected of Ainz>sama, to have thought about this so thoroughly% 4mmm% $o

    lowly beings li)e humans could be of use too.-

    After Albedo comment, the other 1uardians — including $halltear who was relegated tobeing a chair — showered Ainz with spar)ling gaze of admiration.

    #t made Ainz feel uneasy, but he felt relief that he didn3t get it wrong when the two of themagreed with him.

    !Well then% let3s target a country.-

    !#f we consider the nations in the vicinity, it would be the ingdom, the 6mpire and the (heocracy.-

    !Wha, what about countries further away= $uch as the ;epublic and the 4oly ingdom.-

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    !# would advise against choosing nations that are far away, and # don3t want to come intocontact with the (heocracy before # have adeuate intelligence about them. (hat leaves theingdom and the 6mpire% And from the intelligence gathered by $ebas, the ingdom isn"tthat appealing to me, but% we will need to research this further.-

    Ainz e5tended his hand towards the mirror after saying !/y the way.-

    !We gave the lizardmen a bit of time, let3s see whether anything une5pected is happening.-

     (he bird3s eye view of the lizardmen3s village appeared on the mirror of remote viewing, withtiny spots moving around.

    Ainz reached out towards the mirror and gestured, changing the scenery on the mirror.

     (he +rst time of course, was to zoom in.

     (he sight of the lizardmen wor)ing hard to prepare for war was shown completely.

    !Futile e2orts.-

    8emiurge murmured at the lizardmen gently.

    9et me see, where are they( &t1s hard to tell the li%ardmen aart(

    Ainz searched for the si5 lizardmen he had seen in the recording with a frown on his face.

    mmm; fo*nd the armored one( That1s the one that threw rocks, ri)ht3 Net, the '*stersword is here( The di

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    Ainz recalled the lizardman who had come forth to negotiate at Aura3s prompt.

    !Could he be inside the houses=-


    /ut the mirror of remote viewing wasn3t able to see inside buildings. (hat was the case,normally.

    !8emiurge, #n+nity 4aversac) please.-

    !/y your will.-

    8emiurge bowed and moved to the table in the corner of the room and pic)ed up the #n+nity4aversac). 4e presented it to Ainz respectfully. Ainz too) out one scroll from within.

    4e then activated the magic within the scroll.

    An invisible ethereal sensory organ was con0ured. (he sensory organ can"t penetrate magicalbarriers, but it can pass through normal walls regardless of their thic)ness. #f it couldn3t getin, it meant that a powerful enemy they had to be wary of was there.

    After lin)ing the sensory organ with the mirror of remote viewing so the 1uardians could also

    see, Ainz started maneuvering the sensory organ that loo)ed li)e a :oating eyeball.


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    Feeling troubled, Ainz placed his palm on his face. (he 1uardians by his side didn3t )nowwhat to say and loo)ed at each other.

    8emiurgeH !; What an unpleasant bunch. Cocytus will be attac)ing soon and they still havethe nerve to do this=@-

    AuraH !(hat3s right, that3s right@-

    7areH !Ah, well, ermm%-

    $halltearH !8emiurge is right.

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    After all the 1uardians shut their mouth, Ainz sighed.

    !... # thin) # lost my drive, but never mind. (here shouldn3t be anyone we need to loo) out for

    in the village. /ut we can3t drop our guard, someone might be heading our way. Aura%-

    Ainz suddenly stopped moving and stared at the two children.

    -h no= & messed *= They are not old eno*)h for se ed yet2 No, it1s way too soon for that=

    Ainz felt he could empathize with how a father feels when an intense se5 scene comes upwhile watching (V with the whole family.

    4hat are arents s*osed to answer when their children ask them >where do 'a'ies comefrom13 Shit= & did let Simmerin) Teaot1s kids saw that kind of scene; Eh, it sho*ld 'e +ne(&)norin) l'edo, Demi*r)e2 will ro'a'ly elain it from a medical an)le2 That will 'e the'ack * lan( Shalltear2 she seemed to 'e +ne( nyway, & will remem'er this as an iss*e to'e resol.ed later(

    After pushing the problem to the bac) of his mind, Ainz coughed and saidH

    !#f the security net reveals anything, all the 1uardians and # will move out together.-

    #f a player from 9118;A$#< did e5ist, Ainz didn3t plan to honor the agreement he made to letthe lizardmen village go. #f the other party won3t 0oin them, they will be destroyed byazaric)3s full might to prevent intel from lea)ing. #f that was the case, Ainz will destroy thevillage even if he had to throw in all the forces from the eighth :oor.

    Ainz shoo) o2 the guilt of betraying the promise he made with Cocytus. #f it was for the sa)eof something of the utmost importance, a white lie could smooth things over.

    !... Alright then, now we wait for the show to start% and admire Cocytus3 combat prowess.-

    Part 2Four hours passed in a :ash.

     (he lizardmen warriors were already gathering in the front gate of the village— in thewetlands where the ice was melting. After the intense battle several days ago, there wasn3tmany lizardmen warriors left.

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     (hey numbered KLM.

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    !ur morale seems to be at its pea).-

    !9es it is, it will be great if it )eeps at this level in the face of the powerful enemy,Cocytus%-

    !9eah. h= #t3s time=-

    $hasuryu appeared at the main gate, and all eyes fell on him and the two wetland fairiesbeside him.

    Crusch was absent because she e5hausted all her mana to summon the wetland fairies.After having cast several long time defensive bu2s and summoned the fairies, the intensemana toll made her immobile. When the two of them left the room, Crusch already toldDaryusu she will lose consciousness from overusing mana, and that this will be the last timethey see each other.

    Daryusu who didn3t have his mate besides him cast a lonesome gaze in Crusch3s direction.4er face when she bid farewell bro)e Daryusu3s heart.

    !Warriors, advance@-

    $hasuryu3s uplifting command raised the morale of the lizardmen to new height.

    4e had to change his mindset to that of a warrior. Daryusu gathered his thoughts.

    nder the lead of $hasuryu and the two wetland fairies, the lizardmen marched forth slowly.

     (hey moved away from the village to avoid collateral damage to it.

    Daryusu and Denberu were the rear guard.

    Daryusu loo)ed bac) at the village suddenly. (he tattered mud walls, the worried group oflizardmen seeing them o2, and—

    Daryusu sighed and shoo) his worries away and too) large stride forward. 4e didn3t utter thename of the female lizardman that was right at his lips.

     (he lizardmen traversed the wetlands, forming up between the enemy s)eleton army andthe village.

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     (here was no particular formation, the lizardmen simply gathered randomly as they waitedfor the upcoming battle. (he only clear arrangement was that the various tribe chiefs,Daryusu and the two wetland fairies were standing in front.

     (he s)eleton army was probably waiting for Daryusu and the others to come. (he s)eletonsbanged on their shields and marched forward.

    #f the timing was even slightly o2, it would 0ust sound li)e random noise from a marchingarmy, but their movements were in sync and the sound was as one. #n a di2erent setting,this performance would be worthy of applause and praise.

    While the sound drew the attention of the lizardmen, to the rear of the s)eletons— severaltrees in the forest fell.

     (here was only one reason why the thic) large trees fell. $omeone cut them down.

     (his caused a commotion among the lizardmen.

    As they couldn3t see how it was done, it might be possible that this was a handiwor) ofseveral beings. 4owever, the timing between the felling of each tree was too tidy. Afterseeing the synchronized movement of the s)eletons, it might be possible for several beingswor)ing together to achieve that, but not a single lizardmen thought this was the case here.

    A strange premonition lingered in their hearts, the feeling that this was the wor) of 0ust one


     (his was because there was no sound of blade cutting into the trees before they fell. Whichmeant that it might be improbable, but it was done by a very strong being in one stro)e.

    What )ind of strength and weapon could cut a large tree in one stri)e=

     (he thuds of falling trees together with the banging of shields came closer to the lizardmen.

    An5ious feelings welled up. (his was e5pected, how could anyone )eep calm in such asituation. 6ven Denberu who had the resolve to die, or Daryusu and $hasuryu were sha)eneven though they hid it well.

    7oments later, the one opening a path in the forest revealed itself. At the same time, thebanging of the shields stopped.

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    #n the eerily silent space, a smooth blue circle appeared before them. #f not for the thic)clouds, there was no telling how bright his re:ection would be.

     (hat large body of NOPcm in height loo)ed li)e an insect standing on two legs. (heappearance was li)e that of an ant or mantis, a hybrid born of a twisted devil.

    #ts hard e5os)eleton had a frosty air about it, spar)ling li)e diamond dust.

    #t had a spi)ed tail that was twice its height and powerful 0aws that loo)ed powerful enoughto chew o2 a human arm in one bite.

    4e had four clawed arms with shiny gauntlets gracing each one. A round golden nec)lacewas worn around its nec) and silver bangles adorned its legs.

     (he powerful being on par with the verlord of 8eath— made its appearance.

    So this is Cocyt*s3

    Daryusu3s heart raced and his breathing became ragged.

    one of the lizardmen spo)e. (heir eyes were drawn to the monster that showed itself,unable to shift their gaze away. 6ven though they were afraid, they were too scared to loo)away.

     (he group bac)ed away unconsciously. /e it the lizardmen who came with rousing +ghtingspirits or Daryusu and the others who came here with the resolve to die, all of them werestunned in the face of dominating power.

    & know the -.erlord of Death is holdin) 'ack, '*t to think a owerf*l 'ein) that wants to+)ht co*ld 'e so terrifyin)(

    6ven with magic that could suppress fear, the urge to run away still sprung up from withinDaryusu. #t was a miracle that the other lizardmen who weren3t protected by such spell didnot run away.

    Cocytus drew near slowly.

    4e wal)ed into the wetlands, passing the s)eletons with swagger—

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    Cocytus stopped about thirty metres before the lizardmen, on top of a small )noll. Cocytusthen moved his insect li)e face on his long nec). 4e seemed to be searching for someone.

    Daryusu felt Cocytus3 gaze rested on him for a brief moment.

    !—Alright, Ainz>sama is watching, so show your might. /efore that, 「#ce *illar」.”

    With the activation of the spell, two pillars of ice sprouted between the lizardmen andCocytus, about twenty meters away.

    !(his might be rude for the warriors who came with the resolve to die, but )now this, onlydeath awaits all who cross beyond these ice pillars.-

    Cocytus crossed two of his arms, his body language seemed to a signal of him leaving the

    decision up to the lizardmen.

    !4ey hey, he is an une5pectedly a nice guy%-

    Daryusu nodded in agreement when he heard Denberu3s comment.

    4e then too) a step forth. Denberu, $hasuryu and the two other tribe chiefs followed.

    $hasuryu turned bac) and told the warriors following themH

    !9ou lot stay here% no, go bac) to the village. #f not% you will die because of us.-

    !What=@ We want to +ght too@ #t is scary% but even so, we want to +ght@-

    !(here is no cowardice in retreat, living on ta)es more courage.-


    !ot all the lizardmen can go bac), that3s how it is. As the tribe leaders, we can3t allowothers to conuer us without a +ght, right=-

    !/ut chief, we also want to +ght.-

    !4old it young ones@ $cram, get out of here, leave the rest to us old timers@-

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     (he lizardmen pushing their way to the front were old, but not elderly enough to be called anold man. (hey numbered OQ, and the other lizardmen couldn3t say anything after seeingtheir faces.

    #f they showed resolved or resignation, the others would had insisted in going with them. /uttheir e5pressions were pleading them, begging the younger ones to live on.

     (he speechless warriors reluctantly fell bac).

    $hasuryu turned to Cocytus once again.

    !... Apologies for the wait, Cocytus.-

    Cocytus e5tended one of his arm, bending a thin +nger, gesturing at them to come at him.Facing the taunt of the enemy, $hasuryu yelled at the top of his voiceH



     (he lizardmen who steeled themselves mentally roared from the bottom of their heart andrushed at Cocytus.

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    Cocytus loo)ed coldly at the warriors charging him.

    !... # am sorry to do this to you, warriors, but let me cut down your numbers.-

    Cocytus wouldn3t lose even if all the warriors reached him, but he still needed to pic) hisopponents.

    *ersonally, Cocytus wanted to show his respect as a warrior and +ght in a distance wherethe enemy could stri)e at him. /ut he owed a deep debt to his master, so it would be rude toshow Ainz a disgraceful +ght between a azaric)"s 1uardian and unruly mobs.

    Cocytus released his sealed spirit.

     (he ability of the class night of i:heim3— Frost Aura3. (his special ability used e5tremecold to deal damage and slightly lowered the speed of adversaries. At full power, it wouldeven a2ect the lizardmen watching from the sidelines. Cocytus didn3t wish for that.

    $uppress his power.

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    nly +ve lizardmen could still move, and they were the +ve strongest people among thelizardmen. (hey weren3t intimidated by their comrades3 deaths or Cocytus3 ability, movingas one.

    A roc) :ew through the air. A lizardman in full body armor led the charge with two lizardmen

    following behind. (he wetland fairies moved slowly behind the two lizardmen with theirbodies that had crac)ed in the cold. (he last lizardman at the bac) )ept chanting spells.

     (he +rst stri)e was the roc) aimed at Cocytus3 throat. 4owever, that attac) was meaninglessbecause—

    !—(he euipment on all 1uardians could defend against pro0ectiles.-

    —An invisible barrier seemed to de:ected the roc).

     (he leading lizardman followed ne5t, wearing one of the four treasures passed down fromgeneration to generation— White 8ragon /one. #t was tough enough to bloc) Frost *ainwhich was also one of the four treasures, the hardest armor )nown to lizardmen.

    Cocytus who was facing him drew a sword out of thin air— as if the blade was already there.

     (he taichi Cocytus drew— with the length e5ceeding LEPcm, was )nown as ;oyal /lade 1od$layer. #t was the sharpest of among the twenty one weapon Cocytus possessed.

    4e then slashed at the lizardman before him.

     (he blade that sliced through the air made the air howl— a calm sound. #n a di2erentsituation, one might want to listen carefully to this clean sound.

    After that sound, the body of the tribal chief split in half together with the armor, falling tothe left and right into the wetlands.

    ;oyal /lade 1od $layer was not damaged after cleaving the hardest armor of the lizardmen.

     (he two lizardmen behind weren3t fazed by the gruesome death of their comrade, attac)ingfrom either side with their weapons raised.


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    n the right side was Denberu3s chop, powered by #ron atural Weapon3 and #ron $)in3. #twas directed at full power towards Cocytus3 face.


    n the left side was Frost *ain, aimed at his abdomen.

     (his melee attac) too) advantage of the logic of long weapons being hard to use in closeuarters.

    And of course, that only applied to normal people.

    Cocytus slightly turned and used his blade to bloc) Denberu3s arm from the right. 4ismovement was smooth and elegant, as if the weapon in his hand was a part of his body.

    With the ability of #ron $)in3, Denberu was on par with steel in term of hardness. /ut theclash with the armor earlier showed how sharp ;oyal /lade 1od $layer was.

     (he blade slid into his arm smoothly as if it was slicing through water.


    As blood spurted from Denberu3s right stump, Cocytus3 other hand was already pinching

    Frost *ain that was aimed at his abdomen.

    !— h, # see. (his is a nice sword%-


    Daryusu gave up on the Frost *ain that couldn3t be moved and )ic)ed Cocytus in the )neecap. Cocytus did not dodge and too) the blow. #n the end, it was Daryusu who landed theblow that su2ered intense pain.

    #t was the same sensation of )ic)ing an iron wall with all your might.

    !「ver 7agicH 7ass Cure

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    After e5hausting a large amount of mana, it enabled the use of higher tier magic that wasnot usually accessible— $hasuryu cast a mass healing spell boosted by magicalenhancement.


    Cocytus seemed intrigued as he stared at $hasuryu who used a spell modi+er he did not)now, but the two wetland fairies bloc)ed his view. (he wetland fairies moved in front ofDenberu, whose arm was regenerating from magic, and attac)ed Cocytus with theirtentacles. /efore their attac)s even landed, Cocytus slashed at them impatiently.

    As the wetland fairies crumbled into dust, Daryusu3s +st landed on Cocytus3 solar ple5us,abdomen and chest. And of course, the one in0ured was Daryusu. (he s)in on his +st wastorn and bleeding.


    Cocytus swung his spi)ed tail hard at Daryusu3s chest.


    Daryusu :ew li)e a ball hit by a bat with a crac)ing sound, :ying high and far before rollingonto the wetlands. 4e +nally stopped after rolling on the wetlands, but the pain in his chestand the blood spilling from his throat made it hard to breathe.

     (he bro)en bones probably pierced his lungs, he couldn3t breathe in even if he wanted to,feeling li)e he was under water. (he warm liuid spilling from his throat made him want tothrow up. Daryusu loo)ed at his chest and saw blood bleeding from his wounds that wasgored by sharp spi)es.

    — Iust one hit turned Daryusu to this pitiful state.

    Daryusu tried to breath with all his might glared with spirited eyes at Cocytus who mightmove in for the +nishing blow.

    !$ince you still have the will to +ght, # will return this to you.-

    Cocytus tossed Frost *ain to Daryusu3s side and ignored him, turning to face the remaininglizardmen.

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    $hasuryu cast healing magic on Denberu who had regenerated his arm but lost a lot ofstamina.

    ;ight before Cocytus reached them, another roc) came :ying at him to divert his attention—/ut it was in vain as it was de:ected easily.

    !— #rritating.-

    Cocytus mumbled and e5tended his arm at the $mall Fang3 chief.

    !「*iercing #cicle」.”

    8ozens of icicles as thic) as a human arm rained down in a wide area attac).

     (he lizardman who was within range was pierced by the icicles instantly.

    ne hit his chest, two hit his abdomen, one in his right thigh, all the icicles penetrated thelizardman3s body easily.

     (he chief of $mall Fang3— the lizardman with the best guerilla abilities fell dead into thewetlands li)e a puppet without strings.


    !「ver 7agicH 7ass Cure

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     (he sword easily cut Denberu3s body—

    /lood gushed from the body of the decapitated Denberu and he collapsed onto the wetlands.7oments later, the head fell onto the ground.

    !... Well then, two left% # heard about your strength from Ainz>sama, so you two really arethe ones to ma)e it to the very end.-

    Cocytus, who had not moved a single step since the battle, loo)ed at the remaining duo andswung his blade. White smog seemed to come out from the blade and the blood and gore onit were gone without a trace. (he movement was so graceful it seemed capable of riddingthe world of everything.

    Daryusu who had recovered enough to stand up and $hasuryu who drew the large sword onhis bac). (he two of them faced Cocytus with a pincer formation. Daryusu too) some blood

    that was bleeding from his wound and paint it on his face.

    #t loo)ed li)e war paint that was used to summon the ancestors to descend upon them.


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    8efeat was inevitable, but he couldn3t 0ust give up.

    1iving up would mean conning countless lizardmen of their lives, lying to them that they

    would be victorious. $ince there were lizardmen who believed this liar, he will not acceptdefeat.

    1iving his all til the very last moment—

    !# can still swing my sword@-

    Daryusu3s roar echoed out loud.

     (he sound of Cocytus3 teeth protruding out of his mouth clan)ing shut could be heard.

    !A nice roar—-

    Cocytus was probably laughing. (hat wasn3t the sound of the powerful loo)ing down on thewea), but that of a warrior ac)nowledging his eual.

    !Very well, younger brother.

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    !Daryusu $hasha.-

    !... # will remember them, remember you two warriors. # also have to apologize, # would

    normally +ght with a weapon in each hand% # am not demeaning you, but you are notstrong enough for me to do so.-

    !$uch a pity.-

    !Absolutely right—

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    e seems .ery con+dent with his sword(

    Cocytus emphatised with him. Iust li)e him, Cocytus bore intense feelings for his weapons,especially the blade in his hand right now— 4e felt very strongly for this weapon that wasused by his creator in the past. (hat3s why Cocytus was using ;oyal /lade 1od $layer

    despite the disparity in +ghting prowess as a show of his greatest respect.

    4owever, they mis0udged one thing. (heir opponent right now was the 1uardian ofazaric)3s +fth :oor.

    !... (he spell cast by those with a level lower than mine won3t brea) through my defence.-

     (he mud chain bounced o2 before it could physically touch Cocytus, falling bac) into thewetlands li)e slabs of mud.

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    Cocytus did not feel any frost from his +ngers, Daryusu probably )new it was useless againstCocytus and didn3t activate this ability.

     (he une5pectedly uic) assault was bloc)ed so easily by Cocytus, which made Cocytusdoubtful. /ut the doubts only lingered for an instant, he could +nish o2 his foe with a swing

    of his blade, there was no need to thin) further.

    And then, there is only one more left.

    So it was 5*st a reckless assa*lt(((

    Cocytus who felt disappointed was about to swing his sword when he changed his mind.

    & see(


    With a roar a giant sword cleaved through the icy smog. $hasuryu slashed through the fogstrongly enough to disperse it.

    /e it the 6arth /ind3, Daryusu3s attac) or #cy /urst3, all these were 0ust baits.

    Cocytus needed to be wary of the stabbing attac) from Frost *ain, but the threat of

    $hasuryu3s cleaving sword was greater. (his must be the true intention of the enemy, but—

    !#f you want to perform a snea) attac)— you have to do it silently.-

    #f they couldn3t cover their footsteps while running in water, it was not really a snea) attac).Cocytus was puzzled, was all of this worth the damage they too) from the #cy /urst3= r arethey 0ust struggling in vain=

    /ut it was a fact that an enemy was in his attac) range.

    Daryusu"s only weapon was immobile, rendering him helpless. (his was 0ust changing theorder in which Cocytus would )ill them. After coming to this conclusion, Cocytus wielded theblade in his hand.

    ne slash.

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    $hasuryu3s sword bro)e in two. /efore $hasuryu3s body even hit the ground, Cocytuswithdrew his blade, planning to follow through the attac) into Daryusu—

    At this moment, Cocytus3 +ngers pinching Daryusu3s sword slipped.

     (he surprised Cocytus chec)ed his +ngers, wondering why the sword that he pinched wassliding forth.

    #n the misty fog, Cocytus could see that his +ngers and the sword were covered in a redliuid.

    #n an instant, Cocytus understood why his +ngers slipped.

    ; ?lood3


    Cocytus tried to thin) bac) where Daryusu"s sword could have been stained, and understoodafter seeing Daryusu3s face through the fog.

     (he blood Daryusu smeared on his face wasn3t war paint. #t was used to smear his sword.

    #cy /urst3 wasn3t meant to damage Cocytus or hide $hasuryu3s whereabouts, it was to hide

    the blood on the sword. (hat was the reason he had hidden the sword behind his bac) too.

    When Cocytus stopped Daryusu3s attac) the +rst time, he used his +ngers to pinch it.Daryusu remembered that and bet on the slim chance it will happen again, setting up thisscenario with all his wits. A surge of electricity seemed to 0ump through Cocytus3 brain.

    &t was 'ack then= No wonder the attack felt so weak= That was the reason= The scheme of*sin) 'lood to sli thro*)h won1t work e.ery time( So he was misleadin) me, makin) mefeel it was easy to inch it, so he held 'ack=

     (he sword slid in slowly, closing in on Cocytus3 pale blue body. 6ven Cocytus couldn3t stopthe sword with Daryusu3s body weight and might behind it with 0ust two wet +ngers.

    #f the place he pinched it was slightly further away, Cocytus might have been able to dosomething, but at this distance, there was nothing he could do.

    Cocytus was so moved that he shivered.

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    #t needed a bit of luc), but it was a bet that needed every single round to be won. 7ostimportantly— this was not possible without $hasuryu.

    $hasuryu probably didn3t )now what Daryusu3s plan was, but the older brother trusted hisyounger brother completely and sacri+ced himself. (he meaningless snea) attac) and roarwas all in the hope of diverting an instant of attention away from his younger brother.

    And it was really 0ust an instant.

    #n that brief moment in time— as Daryusu was sueezing Frost *ain forth with all his might—the lower 0aw of Cocytus moved.


     (he sword slashing at Cocytus— was de:ected easily. (he body with a faint blue glow did noteven have a scratch on it.

     (his was the result of the power di2erence between the highest level *C in azaric) andthe lizardmen.

    !— $orry to say, # possess special ability to temporarily nullify the attac) of low tierweapons. #f # activate this ability, your attac)s will be meaningless.-

    #t was a splendid stri)e, even Cocytus felt it was worthy of leaving a mar) on his body as asign of respect to this warrior. 4owever, he couldn3t do this as a 1uardian +ghting before the$upreme /eing.

    Cocytus intentionally too) half a step bac), splashing the mud which soiled his beautiful bluebody.

    #t was 0ust a tiny step bac).

    A step bac) didn3t mean anything, even moving bac) won3t a2ect anything. Daryusu wasdoomed and Cocytus would de+nitely prevail.

    /ut this step bac) was the show of praise from the dominatingly strong Cocytus towards thewea) Daryusu.

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    Daryusu resigned to his fate, and had a clear smile only those who had done their best couldshow. Cocytus slashed the ;oyal /lade 1od $layer towards him—

    Part 3

    !A splendid battle.-

    Ainz praised Cocytus who )nelt before him.

    !(han) you.-

    !(hat might be so, but # believe you understand clearly that we are showing them the whipnow, but you need to show them the candy from now on. 8o not start a reign of terror.-

    !# understand.-

    Ainz nodded and loo)ed at the other 1uardians in the room.

    !Very well. 1uardians, listen well. # already said in the throne room that the lizardmen villagewill be ruled by Cocytus. #f there is anything Cocytus needs, do lend him your support.Cocytus, # hope you can engrave loyalty towards azaric) deep into the hearts of thelizardmen% And to provide them with an elite education% # leave all these to you%

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    !9es, the two lizardmen named Daryusu and $hasuryu.-

    The two who fo*)ht til the .ery end( Their corses sho*ld still 'e in the wetlands( ?*t what

    of it3

    !# see. Collect their corpses, # will use their bodies as material when # create undead with myspecial ability.-

    !— (hat would be a pity.-

    !4mmm, what do you mean= 8o they have such value=-

    When Ainz watched the battle through the 7irror of ;emote Viewing, he saw that Cocytuswas absolutely dominating, there wasn3t anything else of note.

    !... (hey were wea), but # could see their warrior spirit and fearless resolve in the face of thestrong. #t is a pity to use them as materials. # thin) they could become even stronger, maybeunbelievably so. Ainz>sama shouldn3t have done e5periments related to resurrecting thedead yet, how about testing it out on them=-

    2 Does he like those li%ardmen3

     (o be fran), Ainz didn3t )now what to feel when he heard the term warrior spirit. 4e cameacross the term )illing intent in novels and mangas, but didn3t thin) much of it. #t was 0ustli)e the time when Ainz had warned arberal about these things, and she had said !Ah, yes, #see, ohJ-, that )ind of feeling. $imilarly, the resonance among warriors was something Ainzdidn3t understand.

     (his was because Ainz might loo) li)e this now, but he was originally 0ust a normalsalaryman. #f a normal citizen born in Iapan understood warrior spirit, that would bedangerous. #f it was the spirit of an e5cellent salaryman, he might comprehend a little.

    !# see% it is a waste indeed.-

    /ut what Ainz was actually thin)ing baBedly wasH E.en if yo* say it is a ity, & don1t*nderstand(

    /ut thin)ing it through calmly, Cocytus had a point.

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    4e was thin)ing about performing resurrection e5periments somewhere, and Ainz felt usingthem to e5periment had many bene+ts. And compared to the blattering Cocytus in thethrone room, he now could provide clear and concise proposals. #f this was a sign ofimprovement, Cocytus had passed with :ying colours.

    After thin)ing about it shortly, Ainz remembered he had e5cellent subordinates.

    4e recalled the subordinates standing around him silently in a manner be+tting a servant.

    !Albedo, tell me your opinions.-

    !7y thoughts are the same as Ainz>sama.-

    !...8emiurge, what do you thin)=-

    !# thin) Ainz>sama is the most correct.-

    !... ...$halltear, and you=-

    !# thin) the same as 8emiurge and await Ainz>sama3s 0udgement.-

    !... ... ...Aura-

    !9es, # thin) the same way as everyone too.-

    !... ... ... ...7are.-

    !6rm, erm erm, yes, # thin) the same too.-

     (heir answer was as good as not answering at all, giving Ainz a headache.

    After thin)ing it through, Ainz came to a conclusion— 7aybe from the standpoint of a1uardian, they didn3t thin) there was any ma0or issue. Which also meant there wouldn"t bema0or impact no matter what decision he made.

     (hat was also dependent on the circumstances of the 1uardian. (here might be problems iftheir situation changes.

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    $imply put, when a small group of people say a hundred million is a small amount of money,there will be the problem of how trustworthy that statement was. (his was the di2erence inthe perception of values.

      waste of 'reath2 well, & co*ld think of it as 'ein) +ne in res*rrectin) them ri)ht3 & was

     lannin) to deli'erate it more, & ha.e made too many mistakes recently(

    With no other choice, Ainz had to weigh the pros and cons from his own standpoint.

    !...We had decided to rule over the lizardmen, but do they have a suitable representative=r a group that could represent them=-

    !o, but they do have a suitable representative.-

    !h= Who is it=-

    !(he white lizardman that didn3t too) part in the battle earlier. $he seemed to possess thepower of druids.-

    !h, that one@ 4mm, that could wor)%-

    #f it was her, she could be of use— Ainz thought. 4e could use her to spy on things.

    4owever, implementing the idea Ainz had in mind might ma)e Cocytus who will be ruling thelizardmen feel troubled. $o what should he do= Ainz suddenly had a moment of brilliance.

    24o*ldn1t it 'e faster to 5*st ask3 ltho*)h & didn1t )et any *sef*l answers 5*st now(((

    Ainz shared his plans with Cocytus, and Cocytus e5pressed his ac)nowledgement.

    #t was hard to 0udge whether Cocytus said that to accommodate his master, but 8emiurgeand Albedo didn3t have strange reactions either when he glance at them. (his made Ainzrela5ed and assured him that it shouldn3t be a problem.

    !Very good. 4ow long will you need to bring her here=-

    !*ardon my impudence, # thought Ainz>sama will as) for her, so # ordered her to wait in aroom nearby.-

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    Ainz couldn3t help loo)ing at 8emiurge and saw him sha)ing his head.

     wesome, he handled it well, witho*t any instr*ctions and it didn1t seem to 'e someoneelse1s idea(

    This m*st 'e how a s*erior feels when he sees his s*'ordinate mat*re as he had hoed for ,Ainz thought with a face of satisfaction. /ut his head was a s)ull so it didn3t really moved.

    !o no, well done Cocytus. Wasting time is foolish, your 0udgement is on point. Alright then,bring her over.-

    !6rm, please wait@-

    !What is it, Aura=-

    !# don3t thin) a shabby place li)e this is good enough. 6ven though we are hosting peoplewho are submitting to us, it is too run down for Ainz>sama3s status. # feel that the meetingshould be done in the throne room of azaric).-

    All the other 1uardians e5cept 7are nodded gently in agreement.

    !...7y apologies. # miss out on this point, please forgive me@-


    Ainz never thought about that. 4e then thought about how to react. $uddenly, heremembered something. #n that case—

    !— Aura.-


    !# told you that this place you built— the place +lled with your feelings and emotions, is asgood as azaric) right= # really mean it. Cocytus, bring her in. # will hold the audience here.-

    !Ai>, Ainz>sama@-

    !Aura, bac) down.-

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    Aura protested with her face red, saying !Why are you stopping me=- 4owever, Albedo

    merely glance at Aura before ignoring her +5ing her sight at the door. (he one answering theemotional Aura was 8emiurge.

    !...Anything Ainz>sama says is the law. $ince Ainz>sama said this place is as good asazaric)— !

    !—#t must be true.-

    $halltear continued.

    & don1t think my words are ironclad laws( ltho*)h & don1t want to 'e tho*)ht of like that2'*t 5*st this one time, it is a 'i) hel(

    !Aura, # will say this again. As my most trusted subordinates— one of the 1uardians, thisplace you put in so much e2ort to build is on the same level as azaric). #t is true even nowwhen construction wor)s are ongoing% 8o you understand=-

    !...Ainz>sama, than) you very much.-

    Aura deeply lowered her head and the other 1uardians did the same.

    There is no need2 to 'e so emotional2 This is em'arrassin)(

    !Well then, usher her in, Cocytus.-


    #n a short moment, Cocytus brought a pure white lizardman into the room.

     (he lizardman )nelt before Ainz and lowered her face to the ground.

    !$tate your name.-

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    !9es, $upreme verlord of 8eath— Ainz oal 1own. # am the representative of thelizardmen, Crusch

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    Crusch said in a surprised voice while she remained bowing. tier magic Wish upon a$tar3, it probably could be done% Although it might be possible, it was better not to sound itout loud.

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    !... What do you wish of me, your humble slave=... 7y body=-

    Ainz was speechless.

    !o, that3s a bit%-

    A reptile was a bit too much. Ainz wanted to bac) away immediately, but he pushed himselfto play his role. As for the sound of teeth grinding that came from somewhere, he would 0ustignore it for now.

    !Cough cough@ o. #t3s simple, # want you to )eep a close watch on whether there arelizardmen thin)ing of rebelling3.-

    !(here are no such lizardmen.-

    Ainz laughed at Crusch3s con+dent reply.

    !# am not dumb enough to assume that. # am not familiar with how lizardmen thin), butusing the race of humans as e5ample, betrayal is common. (hat is why # want an agent onthe inside to watch over things.-

    Crusch turned e5pressionless again, ma)ing Ainz panic on the inside, wondering whether the

    deal was a failure. (here was a bac)up plan not involving the resurrection of Daryusu, butdoing so had the goal of binding Crusch with gratitude. What should he do if she re0ects himhere=

    & sho*ldn1t 'e too )reedy and )o for 'roke2 That m*st 'e what they mean 'y no *se cryin) silled milk(

    !... /efore you lies the chance for a miracle. /ut this chance won3t be here forever. #f youdon3t grab it immediately, it will be gone forever.-

    With a shiver, Crusch3s e5pression moved li)e a cramp.

    !# am not going to use irritating rituals. ;esurrection spells e5ist in this world right= (hat iswhat # am going to use.-

    !(hat is the legendary%-

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    Facing Crusch who swallowed her words bac), Ainz adopted an arrogant attitude and gentlysaid.

    !Crusch. What is the most important thing for you= # want you to consider.-

    As Ainz observe Crusch3s eyes starting to waver, he seemed to be seeing the illusion ofscoring a client in a business meeting.

    e5t, Ainz had to let Crusch understand this miracle was not a free service. *roviding freeservice will ma)e others suspicious, but they will be more receptive of it with a reuest foradeuate amount of money.

    !# 0ust need you to watch your fellow lizardmen in the dar). 8epending on the

    circumstances, you might need to ma)e hard choices. (o prevent a betrayal, # will cast aspecial magic on the resurrected Daryusu. #f # thin) you have betrayed me, # will end himimmediately. #t must be troubling for you, but the resurrection of Daryusu is not somethingyou can get in a fair deal, right=-

     ct*ally, there is no s*ch ma)ic(

    Ainz acted as if he had said everything and stood up slowly. 4e then opened his arms.

    Ainz loo)ed at the struggling Crusch.

    !h, right, tell the resurrected Daryusu this in my place. # revived him because he is of useto me. # promise not to mention your name. $o, Crusch

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    Overlord Volume 4 Epilogue

  • 8/19/2019 (1)Overlord Volume 4 Chapter 5, Epilogue, Afterwords.


    Translator: FerroEditors/Proofreaders: JcqC, Skythewood, Namora 

    Daryusu felt a gentle sensation covering his entire body. A hand which wanted to pull himout from the abyss, but Daryusu brushed it aside. 4e felt something disgusting from thetouch of that hand

    After a period of time between an instant and eternity, he felt the hand stretch out towardshim once again. Iust as he was about to brush it aside for a second time, he hesitated.

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    $till hesitation.

    #n this world where it was uncertain if time e5isted at all, Daryusu )ept on hesitating.

    6ventually, he seized the hand despite being very reluctant to do so.

    And he was then pulled into a world of clear.

    Fatigue permeated through his entire body.

    As if his insides had turned into paste.

     (hen he felt abnormally tired. 4e had never felt this tired even after overe5erting himselfphysically.

    Daryusu struggled to open his heavy eyelids.

    /linding light entered his eyes. Although lizardmen eyes would automatically ad0ust to lightintensity, it could not do so instantaneously. Daryusu blin)ed his eyes—


    $omeone was hugging him tight.


     (here should be no way he would ever hear this again, this female3s voice.

    Daryusu +nally ad0usted his eyes, and saw the female that was hugging him.

     (hat was indeed his beloved female, Crusch

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    !Well. (here is some confusion after resurrection. #t seems his level also dropped% thus itcan be determined that there is not much di2erence from 9118;A$#

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    4e was speechless and could only gasp.

    !What is it= 8o lizardmen have some particular aversion to resurrection= r have youforgotten how to spea)=-

    !1lug, glug% cough% y>you can resurrect the dead%=-

    !(hat is true. What, you thought something of this degree couldn3t be done=-

    !8id you hold% a big ceremony=-

    !/ig ceremony= What is that= # have no problems doing it easily by myself.-

    4earing this, Daryusu was completely lost for words. According to legends, resurrectionmagic was a power only lizardmen of dragon )ing lineage possessed.

    And he did so all by himself.

    7onster= o.

    An incredibly powerful magic caster= o.

    Daryusu understood this completely.

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    !*lease wait. What about Denberu and older brother=-

    !(heir corpses should be around the area.-

    Ainz, who was 0ust about planning to leave with Aura, stopped casually gestured with his 0aw

    in to the outside of the village.

    !Can you please revive them=-

    !... 4mm% # don3t see any bene+t in doing so.-

    !(hen why me= Denberu and older brother are very powerful. (hey will de+nitely be useful.-

    Ainz scrutinised Daryusu, then shrugged his shoulders.

    !# will consider it% preserve the two corpses well. # will consider it later.-

    After spea)ing, Ainz dusted his robe as he left. Aura could be heard saying as she wal)ed byhis side !(hat hydra is so cute neJ-, and her voice faded into the distance and eventuallydisappeared.

    Daryusu +nally stopped collapsing and rela5ed.

    !# made it through alive% or rather, # revived%-

    4e did not )now what )ind of rule would await them in the future. 4owever since lizardmen3susefulness left an impression, it shouldn3t be too bad.

    !Crusch, older brother—-

    !ever mind about that. Worry about it later. For now 0ust rest well and clear your fatigue. #twill be +ne, # can carry you.-

    !Ah% than) you.-

    Daryusu closed his eyes and lied down. Iust li)e in those days where he had overwor)ed hisbody, he was eager to rest, and fell asleep once his eyes were closed.

    nce again Daryusu felt the touch of gentle hands stro)ing his body bac) and forth as hisconsciousness slipped bac) into the dar)ness.

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    Overlord Volume 4 Afterword

     # don3t thin) there are readers who only started reading the afterwords in this volume. (herefore, # would li)e to say to everyone long time no see, # am 7aruyama ugane. Iust as # mentioned in the afterword of the previous volume, the entire volume was used to

    depict the lizardmen3s story, a totally di2erent novel. (his type of stories should be rare forlight novels right= 7aybe it3s 0ust me, but # thin) there are few stories about the maincharacter attac)ing a peaceful village.

    4ow did you +nd this wor)=

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     (he reception would probably trend towards two di2erent ends, however, such scenes of thestrong trampling over the wea) would probably surface several more times.

     (he protagonist of verlord isn3t the type who only deal with the danger right before them,but one who will ta)e the initiative to accomplish his goals and gain bene+ts for himself. (his

    means that he won3t save the main heroine because he heard that she is in distress, but thecarnivorous type that see) out main heroine in distress% (hat sounds a bit wrong though.

    4ence, readers who play strategy games should )now that in order for Ainz to build up hisforces, instead of challenging the strong, he is more li)ely to recruit the wea) to strengthenhis army.

     (hat3s why # am to write this wor) from the rarely seen angle of the invaders, instead of themore common angle of the invaded. (hat might be so, but their +ght on the open +eld isn3treally an invasion battle.

    e5t, allow me to e5press my gratitude.

    $o>bin>sama the Crusch you drew was so cute it ma)es me e5cited. Chord 8esign $tudiowhich is responsible for the design wor). sa)o>sama who go to the +nest detail forproofreading and editing. And F>tan>sama the editor, who render help to me in all sorts ofways.

     (han) you everybody.

     (here is also 4oney, than) you for your retorts. #t is a pain to tie up the loose ends.

    And the readers who purchased this boo), allow me to give my sincere than)s. # am reallyvery grateful.

    Well then, # hope to see you ne5t time.

    $ee you in the ne5t volume.

    $omething o2 topic, # actually put in the word death3 into one of the chapters for eachvolume, # am almost out of ideas now. 7aybe this won3t show up in the ne5t volume. (his is

     0ust me being playful, it won3t cause any trouble% 4owever, if # don3t have the taste forcoming up with names, it would be really di?cult@ 8epressed.

    NPLK Iuly 7aruyama ugane

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