Download -€¦ · Web viewThese citations direct the reader to the entry in the bibliography or works cited page, so the reader can look up the original source you used. To direct

Page 1:€¦ · Web viewThese citations direct the reader to the entry in the bibliography or works cited page, so the reader can look up the original source you used. To direct

MLA Style Citations PracticeIn-text CitationsIn-text citations go in an essay or article to give credit for a particular fact or opinion. Cite whenever you use a fact, quote, or idea from an article or that you didn’t come up with yourself.

These citations direct the reader to the entry in the bibliography or works cited page, so the reader can look up the original source you used. To direct the reader to the right entry, these citations give the first unique word or words from the bibliographic citation, usually the author’s name for the sources we use. You don’t put your citation in bold, but I have so that they stand out.

Example 1: The article “School Bullying, Cyberbullying Continue to Drop” explains that, “Traditional bullying and cyberbullying also impact the behaviors of the affected students,” (Bidwell).

When there is no author given, the in-text citation uses the title because it comes next in the bibliographic citation.

Example 2: The organization Stomp Out Bullying encourages kids to “speak up” and says change has to start with students looking after one another (“Change Your School Community”).

Bibliographic CitationsBibliographic citations go on a bibliography or works cited page at the end of an article or essay. They give the reader information to help them find the original source.

Each type of source uses a different format with slightly different information. The examples we use here are for an online article, the most common source we use in class.

Online Article Format: Author last name, Author first name. “Article Title.” Website title. Website Publisher, date or

year published. Web. Date accessed.

Example 1: Bidwell, Allie. “School Bullying, Cyberbullying Continue to Drop.” U.S. News & World Report:

News. U.S. News & World Report LP, 15 May 2015. Web. 30 January 2016.

Bibliographic citations or entries are listed in alphabetical order by the first word, ignoring N.A., which means “no author.” You can also use “N.D.” for “no date” and “N.P.” for “no publisher,” if needed.

Example 2: N.A. “Change Your School Community.” STOMP Out Bullying. STOMP Out Bullying TM, 2016.

Web. 7 January 2016.

You can look up the parts of a bibliographic citation for any format online or use the citation generator at to help you.

Page 2:€¦ · Web viewThese citations direct the reader to the entry in the bibliography or works cited page, so the reader can look up the original source you used. To direct

Practice Bibliographic Citation: Go to Google and search for the article titled “Anti-bullying Laws Appear to be Working” on the website CNN.

Then try writing a bibliographic citation for that article below. You may use or the format for an online article, which I’ve copied below.

Online Article Format: Author last name, Author first name. “Article Title.” Website title. Website Publisher, date or year

published. Web. Date accessed.

BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATION for “Anti-bullying Laws Appear to be Working”:




BONUS: The other two sources are in the correct order. Where would this bibliographic citation, or bibliography entry, go in the list? Why would it go there?




Random Fact: A bibliography should include every single source you looked at in the course of your research while a works cited includes just those that ended up being cited in your paper. Ask your teacher which one they want—some teachers do not know the difference.

Practice In-text Citation: Now choose a portion from that article, and introduce it as a quotation below. Remember to cite your source with an in-text citation using the author’s name. Look at the examples to help you!

GREAT JOB!!! Remember to check your answers!

Page 3:€¦ · Web viewThese citations direct the reader to the entry in the bibliography or works cited page, so the reader can look up the original source you used. To direct

Answer:Practice Bibliographic Citation: (Yours should match exactly)Christensen, Jen. “Anti-bullying Laws Appear to be Working.” CNN. Cable News Network and Turner

Broadcasting System, Inc., 8 October 2015. Web. 8 January 2016.

Practice In-Text Citation: (Your citation should match, but your quote is your own)According to CNN, “Bullying behavior is meant to scare, isolate and humiliate the victim” and can have long term effects, including depression, anxiety and self-injury (Christensen).