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The 1998~99Comnlitteeof the

W y ~ <River SLSC Inc

President Don Wilson

Proudly presents the 41st Annual Report

and theFinancial Statments

for the Season 1998~99

Vice President Rob Anthony

Secretary Graeme Agnew

Treasurer Noel Lyons

Club Captain Steve Thompson

Vice Club Captain Neil Andrewartha

Chief Instructor Anna Wilson

Junior Delegate NeH Andrewartha

Registrar Gavin Ewin

Social Committee Mick RussellCordinator

liRE Captain Ben Griffin

Property Officer Dennis {YBden

Gear Steward Jason Cleary

Radio Officer Sam GledhiH

Competition Manager ~ Sally Agnew

General Committee John Barbante

General Committe Peter Gardner

Our Honorary Auditor '" Paul Shannon m KPMG

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President's Report Season 1998/99

I would like to present the following report to the members of the WyeRiver Surf

Lifesaving Club for our 41 ,lyear of service to the community.

It is my intention to report to you on the highlights of the season and give the

opportunity to the members of your committee to report more fully on their areas of


The highlights of 1998/99 have been as follows.

@ The competent and effective patrolling of the Wye River beaches. In excess of

fifty rescues have taken place highlighted by 22 on one day in early January. At

the present time the Club is leading the district Patrol Competition and is well

positioned to place in the State wide competition. However, responsibility for this

achievement cannot be attributed to all active members as there arc still many who

have not accepted responsibility for their attendance on patrol.

® The outstanding success of the Nipper Program. 104 nippers joined the program

this year making it one of the largest in the state. Our experience has shown that

contrary to the experience of other Clubs we do successfully introduce older

nippers into the active membership of the Club.

{\) The Clubs participation in the Victorian Youth Development Program. This

program enabled students from Co lac College to have the opportunity to become

involved in Surf Lifesaving as an adjunct to their latter years in Secondary


€I The growing support of the local community and the Shire of Otway for the Club.The Club has had the opportunity on a number of occasions to present to the local

community groups the Clubs goals.

@ Our expectation that Vie will be successful in our application for a grant from the

Victorian Government's Lifesaving into the 21 st Century Grants Scheme. In

addition it is our expectation that additional funding will be provided by the

Club's Bank. These will form the basis of the funding for the new clubhouse

which we anticipate can be commenced in the year 2000.

@ Our very successful fundraising particularly by way of ranks over the summer

period and the enjoyable inaugural President's Cup golf day.

e The careful custodianship of the Club's assets has enabled us to meet our budget

for the replacement of equipment whilst still strengthening our position for our

major clubhouse project.

The quiet and unsung support I have received from the committee an d those members

who have made a very special effort this year has been greatly appreciated. 1 trust that

J 999/2000 will be an equally successful season.

Don Wilson


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Update on the New Clubhouse

M em bers w ill be pleased to know that the C lubs application for a $100,000 grant

from The L ifesaving into the 21 ';[ Century G rants Scheme has been subm itted and that

the com mittee is confident that we will be successful. In addition arrangements havebeen m ade w ith the Bank of M elbourne in Lom e to further support the C lub w ith a

loan 01'$40,000 repayable over 10 years. A s a resu lt of the m agnificent fundraising

efforts over the summ er holidays and SOD le generous donations your club now has

approximately $30,000 in the bank

W e have been very lucky w ith the support we have received from John M acDonald of

Eggleston M acDonald one of M elbourne? s prem ier architectural firm s. The follow ing

com ments have been m ade by John regarding the architecture of our proposed new


"The proposed building form sym bolises the curves ofv ..aves and coastal dunes. It isdesigned to integrate with the landscape and w ill be in m uted colours of charcoal and

green so as to be unobtrusive from the beach and surrounding areas. P rovision is to be

made to landscape land on the camping ground side of the building. This w ill be done

in conjunction w ith the Foreshore Com mittee's landscaping consultant, Tract






The building 'S materials w ill be low maintenance and selected to suit the harsh

marine environment. From the balcony a panoram ic view w ill enable good

surveillance of the bay and beach. The building w ill include a m ultipurpose training

room , which w ill be availab le for com munity use. An unusual feature of the building

maybe the incorporation of a rooftop electricity generation system , which, would be

designed to feed power back into the electric ity grid, this matter is currently under

investigati on by Powercor."

Don Wilson


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III th e p ast I have been 011 the Wye River SLSC Comm ittee but never held any specific role. As Secretary m y naivety w as shaken

when I found that running a Surf Life Saving C lub was more complicated and more demanding than running my own company

it was more than just sitting on the President's knee and taking dictation. The volume and div ersity o f co rresp ond en ce

arriving, som etim es daily, from State Centre is (0 be amazed at.

The duty of Secretary is to ensure that the processes as determ ined by the Constitu tion of the C lub are followed. W ith the

form idable assistance of Peter Gardner and his detailed knowledge of Constitutional Law , I am satisfied that this has been clone

ov er th is season., Im positive big Peter G ardner could do a way better job than little Johnnie Howard i r it came to writing a

Preamble to a n ew C on stitu tio n

Fortunately the adm inistration of our club has a momentum of its own and is not dependent upon anyone person. To maintain

this momentum it has been suggested that we devise a system whereby positions - especially those that constitu te the Executive

Comm ittee - be 2 year appointm ents and half of these positions come up for election one year, the other half come up the

follow ing year. Unfortunately, in a voluntary organization, this becom es 100 unw ieldy to form alise but, where possible, people

should consider (he benefits of standing for, at least, a second year.

B ut everyone should appreciate the fragility of the m om entum of a well functioning club. Those of us old enough have seen it

retarded m any tim es, It ca n be im peded very easily and very quickly and a club can be left fighting for survival. Im pedim entscan be anything from non-constructive critic ism , placing self above the club, not turning up for patrol w ithout really trying to

make proper arrangem ents or by sim ply not caring, lacking in enthusiasm or selling a had exam ple.

V /ye R iver SLSC 's strength I b elie ve lies in the ge og rap hic al sm alln ess of th e hamlets of S epa ration C reek and W ye River. This

'smallness' h as f os te re d a cohesiveness and an intim acy w hich has prom oted people returning season after s ea so n, g en er at io n af ter

generation, It is (his longevity of association in an intimate atmosphere that has produced people who care for W ye in a way I

don't believe possible in larger comm unities that envelop som e clubs.

M any notable members have been and still arc houscowncrs butthe main support base for the Surf C lub bas tra dition ally c om e

from the \'lye R iver Foreshore Camping Ground. Don W ilson has b ee n i ns tr ument al , with (he invaluable support of Steve

R um ble's database and Gavin Ewins tending or it . in successfully expanding the support base much further i I1tO th e

houscowners w ho have been exceedingly generous w hen approached. Don has also been in the vanguard Iiglui ng the very real

possibility ' of the privatization of the Foreshore Camping Ground. The inevitable deleterious effects of this 'econom ic

rationalism ' would be to disrupt the social grouping w ithin the camping ground and this could bode ill for the C lub.

If our strength lies in 'our sense of community ' then we must nurture this by supporting each other, welcoming new

members, teaching our children that they only get out what they put in and by not standing back when we see jobs that need


This 'sense of community ' is highlighted to me when Itake the 'journey ' from th e d inin g room to the car park through Paul

Brown's Pub. It may take 40 m inutes to cover the 50 metres. And it can take that long by the tim e Julie and I have chatted

w ith the Russells, the. K iags, the Roley's, ctc., ctc., ctc., got a kiss from Shirley Crane and Lois V autin, said g'day to Slug &

Grccnic, been engaged by Paul and Tess, been given check by young members o r the C lub, thanked Beth, Dan, Joe and Kylic Ior

their part in the pleasant atm osphere, lase1vif}w liy-egl:ed· adm ired B ridgette D uclos, discounted the idea of asking M ike B rady fo r a

song, been embraced by 'Weed' who I had not seen for 15 years and tripped over the V<l1'10US dogs waiti ng outside for theirmasters its just wonderful .. , , endeavour [0 become a part of it,

Next season is going to he a real challenge and we w ill need your participation in bringing (0 fruition our new clubhouse. Our

President has, above anY011e else, brought (he idea from p eo ple s ay in g: "Wouldn' lit be nice i f ' . . . . ; " to its being it very real

possibility - almost certainty .. that we will, this year, be granted Sloo.oon in a $1 for Sl system to facilitate its construction.

W e have budgeted $20,000 (as is allowed in the system ) for value of labour contributed by members. Therein lies our need for

your participation in jobs that require skill and/or muscle. Please be prepared when tapped 01 1 the s ho ul de r . ... . better still, don't

wait for (h e lap.

Being Secretary has been an intercsti ng experience. Because of my p aro ch ia l a pp ro ac h To the job, I have tested the patience of the

adm inistrative staff at S late Centre and if re ..elected I prom ise to try 10 be m ore tolerant of their incessant circulars, bulletins,

notices and updates. I also prom ise[0


he. more tolerant of their acting as an advertising agency for everything from morelsto gym nasium s to sw im wcar (0 new bodysurfing aids and I also prom ise to try and (ell them in a nicer manner that its none of

their #«\;*((«:)-1*# business if Dot Boyd chooses not (0 put her dale of birth on her membership form .

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Another season has come and gone and thankfully no major incidents have

occurred. I would like to thank al l the active members for their support and

attendance during the season.

This season several experienced members did not requalify which initially put a

strain on patrol numbers. This was later compensated for by the new membersfrom Colao which boosted patrol numbers to well over 15 per patrol. Regardless

of this the Club struggled to have members attend later in the season. This has

consistently been a problem and a strict penalty system will be put in place as a

consequence. It is vital for the safety of beachgoers as well as fellow patrolling

members that all members turn up for patrol or arrange a sub. Overall the beach

was well patrolled and thankyou to all members who gave up their time.

There were several rescues this season but on the majority of occasions most of

our actions were preventative which is a credit to patrols and their vigilance.

Maintaining your fitness and knowledge is the most important fact in surf lifesaving

as it can be called upon at any time. 1 would like to encourage members tocontinue to maintain and improve their surf skills during patrol time for the

remainder of this season and into the future. It has been great to see people

developing their skills and knowledge of the surf by using the 3 recently purchased

surf skis.

Patrol Captains are the most important part of each patrol and I would like to thank

al l patrol captains for their dedication an d commitment throughout the season.

With so many new and young faces at the Club and the imminent development of a

new clubhouse, Wyc River S.L.S.c. is set for a strong future.

Your service is greatly appreciated by the Club, The Association and the community

so keep developing your surf skills and I hope to sec you all next season


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Chieflnstructors Renort.

W hat a successful year i t has been for the W ye River Surf L ifesaving C lub!

W ith 20 new patrolling members, 16 Bronze and 4 Surf Rescue Certificate holders the

Club is moving ahead with great momentum . Undoubtabley the tragic events on the

beaches last summer have spurred on some ofthe enthusiasm for lifesaving an d the

Club has been in a fantastic position to take advantage of this.

Through the Colac College V ictorian Youth Development Squad we have gain 9 new

members this season A fter almost two years of training at both school and at W yc

River, 20 students gained an award after finishing a training camp held at V ./ye from

the 3rd

of December till the exam on the 6th

P..ick keh08 and M ichael Barrand deserve

a very special thank-you for all the work they put in, to get the candidates up to this

point It was a great four days which could never have taken place if it wasn't for ourdedicated training officers Andrea Barbante, Jon W ilson, Joe Lynas and Cain Ewin

Another Cam p was held at Wyc River from the 2ih of December till the 3 'd of

January. This resulted in 1 1 people gaining well deserved awards. The amount of

interest in our bronze camps has been fantastic w ith m any of those interested being

simply too young to gain an award. W e hoped to see all these people back next season

along w ith some of our older nippers. Again Andrea Barbante put in a tireless effort

with g re at e nt hu sia sm to ge t the trainees thro ug h Without her help and that boom

those already previously mentioned above, Cathie Jane and countless others (you

know who you are) none of these camps would have been nearly as successful.

Congratulations to all those who obtained their Bronze, Surf Rescue Certif cate or

Training officers award, well done. Throughout the season m any hours ofIP ..B

training has taken place w ith the help of the lRB team W hile no one has ye t gained

any other aw ards. training has been progressing well, so these awards can be

com pleted at the start of next season.

Thankyou to the Committee for their support and that of all who helped. The job of a

training officer while hard work is the most rewarding of all positions in the club. It is

not a thankless task unlike many ofthe others, thanks to the fact that :\,OU get to see

the achievements of members after the real effort they put in. So I encourage you all

to get involved next season

W hile this season has seen many new members join the Club the real work begins

now . \Ve must all continue to welcome and retain new members and keep up the

interest of all if we wish to go from strength to strength.

A.11m W i ISOil

C 1 1 ief I nsrructor

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We have had another great year on the IRE side of things with the standard of the Club's

equipment being better than ever before. With a higher standard of maintenance and all

problems being reported, we have been able to keep 95% of the equipment running and

ready for usc.

The Club now owns 3 IREs one of which is a solid hull version. We have 4 outboard

motors (3 Johnson and 1Tohatsu). Some may think that this amount of equipment is

excessive but the past season has proved that it has all been needed.

Our weakest area has been the lack of members gaining their IRB Drivers Award. My

aim by the start of next season is to put through at least 10 new drivers giving each patrol a

minimum of 4 qualified drivers.

In the IRE Competition area, we have had another good season. With a team consisting

of 9 members we contested all local state carnivals including the 1998 Vic. Titles with

Lome putting on 6 ft . waves to test us and that it did. However, we came out of it withone Bronze Medal in the Teams Event and a Gold Medal in the Rescue Race Event in which

we have been the Victorian Champions for the past 3 years.

Our team also competed in the 1998 Australia Titles at Avalon Beach NSW. \Ve achieved

mixed results with our best result ending in the semi-finals. We all had a good time and

now we are fully focused on doing better at the 1999 Aussies.

A very special thanks to all who helped make my job easier and this included Chris

Trembath, Jason Cleary, Brian Happ and Ben Storey.

Ben Griffin

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Itwas a huge year for Wye River Nipper Competitors! To compete they had to prove they

were safe in the water, 55 of our nippers this season recieved the'S' Badge. Training for

carnivals began for all events after the nipper program with impressive attendance. Twenty

of these nippers attended carnivals at Lome, Apollo Bay and Williamstown, several

gaining first placings. Liz Dobson, Maeve and Finton Hocking competed in the J 999

Birds Eye Victorian Nipper Championships at Lome. Maeve and Liz managed to both be

placed 5th in sprint finals in their respective age groups. Watch out Anglesea, the WY'e

River Nipper Competition Team will be back in full force next season!

I lament my failure to draw many members to the senior carnivals this year and am trying

to figure out what to do. I firmly believe that club members need more than just patrols

and the few social events to bond into a really cohesive group. I firmly believe 'Surf

Carnivals' can do this.

I was dispirited when my father told me of the 1960's when Wye would have over 30

competitors in Carnivals week after week, and how they would religiously travel as far

away as Lakes Entrance one weekend and Warnambool the next. Of course, the

competitors then were all male so there were an equal numbers of doting girlfriends,parents, some committee people and at least half the patrol that should have been at Wye.

They had 3 boat crews, a board team, swimmers and runners.

We looked for possible differences between the 60's and the 90's. Several things came to


1. The proliferation of other summer sports and activities. In the 60' s there was cricket

or surf lifesaving: In the 90's there is much much more and subsequently reducing surf

Iifesaving' s share.

2. Since the 60' s there has been increasing focus on 'the individual' to the detriment of

'the community'

3. 24 hours a day; 7 days a week opening of shops and stores requires people to be

available for work at weekends.

For those that made it, despite our 90's hurdles, we bad a ball. Watch out for Joel Gnicl

and Andrew Cox, next season's seriously speedy sprinters!'

What a day! The 1999 Wye River Club Champs were held on Saturday the 20th of February. For

those that didn't make it, you missed out on some magnificent weather, challenging seas and free

pies afterwards.

Under 16 Males:

1 s t Niall Mcl'addcn (48 Prs)

2ndRyan Dclandre (46)

3nl. Blake Henderson (41)

tinder 18 Females:

Ist Corinne Turner (40)

Under 18 Males:

lsi Jon Wilson & C ain Ewin (57)

Open Females;

Ls t Sally Agnew (48)

2nd Skye Sinclair (44)

3ed Anna W ilson (43)

Open Males:

Ist James Agnew (S 1 )2nd Shane O'Brien (48)

3rd David O'Brien ( 4S )


Ist David Burke (60 Pts)

2nd Neil Andrcwatha &

Michael Barrand (51)

Members who added to the tough competition on the day included Jane Moriaty, Steve Thompson,

Adam Bordignon, Clarence Yip, Slaven Marusic, Joel Gniel, Bell Griffin and Tim Womersley.

Thanks to the Beach Officials Brendan O'Brien and Chris Carstens, the Water Officials Ben

Griffin and Chris, the many point scorers, and John Barbantc for organising the pie feast.

Sally Agnew

C om pe titio n M an ag er

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To prepare for the Little Nipper Programme this year I attended the 'Little Nipper' Forum

conducted by State Centre in October last year and to highlight the importance they pu t on

the programme, they produced a comprehensive manual ;A Guide to Nipper Administration

and Activities'. All beach and water activities were enthusiastically supervised by Wye River

SLSC Active Members in accordance with the Aust. Surf Life Saving Accredited Training


A grand total of 105 nippers registered for this years programme. This is over double the

number of 2 years ago. It is a fantastic result and highlights the responsibility of parents in

wishing to have their children taught surf awareness.

Our Programme commenced with the traditional New Years Day events. Approximately

130 kids took part ill races, fun runs and a treasure hunt. Parents got into the spirit of things.

We used this day to inform parents of the programme and encouraged them, albeit

unsuccessfully, to register their children right there and then. This could have allowed us to

slip straight into the programme the following day. We may need to be more emphatic that

New Years Day ti 'Registration Day' next year.

Level I [7··8 years old] was run by Andrea Barbante

Level 2 [9-10 years old] was run by James AgnewLevel 3 1 1 J + years of age] was run by Sally Agnew and Mark Leopold.

Apart from these Level Coordinators who formed the backbone of the activities supervision

there was Bones, Jason, the Griffons, Chris Trembath, Simon Paterson, Damon Barbante, Joe

Lynas, Jon and Anna Wilson, Scott Martin, Glyn Williams, Skye Sinclair, Erin Shannon, Cathie

Jane, Peter Gardner, Greg Kelly, Simon Isaac and Kate Shannon who all contributed


Our nippers competed at several Carnivals but we will leave Sally Agne\v ~ as Competition

Manager - convey this information.

The Level I Nipper Award went to Brittonae Cunningham; the Level 2 Nipper Award went to

Elizabeth Dobson and the Level 3 Nipper Award went to Freya Core

Nipper ofth« Year Alvards went to Lacey Ewin and Daniel McCrone.

Congratulations to al l nippers and their parents for participating in such a posinvc way - with

the numbers threatening to rise again next year - we sincerely hope you will display the same

willing participation and the same desire to assist. We would like to especially thank Bev &

Peter Kelly, Graeme Ravenhall and Mrs. Whiteman Cor their efforts and to Gavin Ewin,

Jeanette Lyons and Elizabeth Barbante for their invaluable administrative help. Thanks to

Alan Stoneham for his talk to the Nippers on 'warming up' , to Robert Stanley and Steve

Doer-Tolhurst for funning the BBQ and to Pauline Wilson for providing tea and coffee.

Special thanks to Robert Tunnock and 'Handy Ultra' for the Nipper T<Shirts and to the

Trickey Family for their donation of the Award Trophies.

In line with om aim for the Nippers Programme to cost the Club nothing we raised monies illthe Talent Quest that covered the lolly bag prizes for the New Years Day Event. The Talent

Quest was a huge success but we're resolved that next year we. will get Active Members to d ()

some items. Thanks to Judges Melt Noel and Noise.

We have had a more than favourable response from the Committee rc a 'Wish List' for

equipment for next years programme including more surf boards, nipper swim caps, rash

vests instead of Tvshirts and large containers for cordial for Nippers on hot clays.

Finally the magnificent photo in The Echo with 105 Little Nippers throwing their caps In

the air has to symbolizes the success of this year programme

Neil 'Noise' Andrewarrha and John Barbante

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The Committee and Members of the Wye River SL,SC would like to

acknowledge the assistance of the following sponsors:-

The Wye River Rookery Nook Hotel= Paul & Tess Brown

John Macfronaldm

Eggleston MaclronaldArchitects.

Mike Brady

Robert Tunnock '"Handy Ultra

The Trickey Family

VVeex tend our warmest appreciation to these individuals

and organizations whose invaluable contributions enableus to provide a quality service to the residents and visitors

to 'Vye River.