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R voice cannot carry fde tom/ue

and d e hPs t L t glue if wings.

&one musf it seek tjle e t k r .

Wag God; bClddngs L e p you always

Way yow wishes aPP come frue

Way p u a t w a p do /or ofhers

A n d LJ others do /or pa.

Wag gou bu i td a (adder to tXe

A n d c&6 on euerv ru.9

A n d may p u btay 3oreuer IJowng

Way you grow up to 6e righteous

Wag you grow up fo 6e t r w

Wag p aPwaP &now the frutl!

A n d see d e bgXt urrouading plou.

Wag p u atwmys be caurapoud

Stand upright a n d be strong

A d may you stay 3opeuev young.

. . . And ma, p u stag 3orever


Hike And







Cure 3 a i r

Grand Opening


Spring Fever


Shadow Boz

Prime of M i s s Jean Brodie

March 20, 1982

Yoshiaki Masu October 30, 1981

DAVID SANCIOUS December 10, 1981


James Taylor

February 13,1982



30, 1982

Third World -April 23,1982

Robert Gordon


Office of the President State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794 telephone: (5 1 6) 246-5940

To Candidates f o r Graduation,

Your l a s t two years a t Stony Brook have been my f i r s t two, but f o r us a l l they have been years of preparation. A s I contem- p l a t e t h e choices t h a t l i e ahead f o r our University, you consider t h e choices t h a t w i l l determine t h e courses of your l i v e s . For both of us t h e decisions a r e of immense importance, and y e t we do not h o w enough t o be c e r t a i n t h a t we w i l l make them r i g h t .

The problem of making decisions an i n s u f f i c i e e t information is t h e deepest one t h a t w e f a c e i n l i f e , and it i s t a t h i s problem t h a t t h e deepest p a r t of t h e educational process i s directed. I hope t h a t when you look back upon your experience at Stony Brocjk you w i l l f i n d sources of stra'ngth and confideace f o r dealing With the ambiguities of r e a l i t y . For my o m p a r t , I have t r i e d t o l e a r n from your reac t ions t o t h e Stony Brook environwfit: how * o change it t o enhance i t s benef i t s f o r f u t u r e generations of alumnb.

A s you t e s t your s k i l l s agains t t h e d i f f i cu l t i s i3 of the world beyond formal education, I hope t h a t you w i l l t e l l uls what i t was we did t h a t seemed t o have been he lp fu l& A s we w ~ r k e d to- gether t o improve Stony Brook while you were here a s sfudents, 1st us work together i n t h e f u t u r e t o bu i ld an ezce l l en t and humane i n s t i t u t i o n .

Congratulations and good luck!


'.John H. Marburger / - President

John H. Marburger 111 President

Frederick Preston Vice President for Student Affairs


Michael Elliott Vice President for Hospital Affairs

Robert Francis Vice President for Campus Operations

Carl E. Hanes Vice President for Administration

Homer Neal Provost

J. Howard Oaks Vice President for Health Sciences

Robert Sokal Acting Vice Provost for Research

and Graduate Studies Arnold Strassenburg

Acting Vice Provost for Curriculum and Instruction

James Black Vice President for University Affairs

I ' Chih.Han h h Joel H Spencer EJvira S t r a w Peter Szusz Mkhael E. Taylor "" ' le Teleman

A. Thorpe


Norman Goodman - Chairperson Said A. Arjomand Diane L. Barthel

Don lhde

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BACK ROW (left to r~gh t ) Shawn McDonald -Coach Nevelle Wllllams - Manager, Phil Lesko. Tim Cusack -Captain Bob Gr~efensteln Mark Ashman, Ellas Coutavas. Caesar Campbell. Jon Stern. Borys Harmaty - Asst Coach MIDDLE ROW J a m ~ e Czuy Rlch Hurley Angelo Hatzopoulos, Rich Campbell - Captaln Jabez Grant. Frank Matos John Nellsen FRONT ROW R ~ l a n ~ & & ~ J g ~ Mazze, K e ~ t h Cumm~ngs Joe McGee, Larry Scott, Jeanette Marchal - Tralner 1 U

i -




Women's Swimming

Record: 10-1

Metropolitan West Division Champions!

ucu=u. Jrsula Sn,EL,t. N ~ n a Kannette. Jeann~ne Baer. Jan Bender. Nancy Perr,, ,,aren ,,,,..,, j a i l Hackett. t nna Hynes. Jud~ Lkotta. Ton1 Swenson. Lynne Arnes. Ellen Gottlleb, Mary Ellen Gandley. Mary Ellen McGarry,

BACK ROW Dave &Jexal\$$r - Coach I)



Record: 4-2

SUNY Center



BACK ROW (left to r ~ g h t ) Neal Vohr. Fred Kelsey. Panay~ot~s Joann~des. James Solin, Don Gottfr~ed. Ron Kellerman, Charles Frazer FRONT ROW: Michael Chen, Lonn~e Kauf man, Asad Khan, John Se~del Bob Weissman. EdwarA "'-


FRONT ROW (left to right): Lucille Giannuzzi. Detra Sarris - Captain. Barbara Bischoff - Captain. Cordella Hill. Phyllis Mehalakes. BACK ROW: Judy Christ - Asst. Coach. Jill Spage. Maureen McDermott. Chris Bolson. Amota Sias. Juanita Murray. Agnes Ferro. Sandy Weeden - Coach. . . . and lying down. Jugs.


Kendall. Keith Martin. John Impallizerri, Dan Lowell, Craig Fluker, Tabre Barbon. Nat Woodcoach.


Men and Women's Indoor Track

Track and Field - Men and Women's


Women's Tennis

RQNT ROW (left to ri~ht). Cardine Beague. Janet Wallach, Candace Farwll, Teri McNwlty, Robin &enwick BACK ROW Coach Herb Frlelstc Renee Pendetgrass. Rant Epstein, D i m Merl~no. Nenct Conway, Leslie Wollam.

~ % f t ball

SUNY Center


Record: 7 FRONT Raw (left Pa ffqhthrls I ~ l l l dn Tr)lrl Pauka Ve=ftim C s r ~ l T o ~ n p k ~ n s - Cdptdln MI< h r l l r Sto l t L uc~ l le Glannuzz~ Lor1 Lrttott

pbkn, B%eK W W Juddp Chr~s t - C.adcti. Cheryl. Drrilnqtl Phyl l~s Mehalakes Maureen McDermott Tr lc~a Valle Ter~ McNulty JII e Q z Rskh &~i~nick

Outstandina Athletes

Janet Bume Neal Vohr Athlete of the Year Athtete of the Year

3 time All Stat - Volleyb~ll AEI American - Squash ..

Bjorn Hansen Jan Bender Airc All American - Swimming All American - Swimming All American - Swimming

Cordella Hill Holder of S.B. Womer,,

record for both season and career points in Basketball

Joe Ellingham National Champion Horseback Riding

Lilla Sexton Keith Martin Number 1 Women Shotputter Holder of Single Season

in Northeast Region Scoring Record Basketball

Mohammed Abdelhaa Moufid Aboulmouna Susan Acamuora Eniota Adedeii

Azizollah Aflaton Farid Alhajhelal Abdelkareem Ali Lonnette Allgood Mechanical Engineering B.E. Electrical Engineering B.E. Mechanical Engheering B.A. Psychology

Saul Altabet Carmen Alvarez Sayori Ami B.S. Engineering Chemistry B.A. Hispanic Languages B.S. Computer Science

& Literature

Corris E. Archer B.A. Africana

Studies Program

Pichai Arjarasumpun B.S. Chemistry

Amy Arkind B.A. Economics

Sitatikwah Atdlah Y iuming Au B.E. Electrical Engineering B.E. Electrical Engineering

Yvonne Austin B.A. Social Sciences


Cecilia Ayala B.A. Socialagy

Emine Aydin Behzad Azadi B.E. Electrical Engineering B.E. Electrical Engineering

David Bzvdanes B.S. Computer Science

Lyrm Barberio B.A. Italian

O Scott Bartlett

B.E. Engineering Lori Barenkopf

B.A. Psychology Lisa Barini

B.A. Political Science

Margaret Basile B.S. Biological Sciences

Stephen Bates David Bauer Marc Behar B.A. Psychology B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.S. Biological Sciences

Adrienne Bennet B.A. Psychology

Lisa Bennett B.A. Psychology

Ror y Bennett Ghebrehiwet Beraki B.A. Music B.A. General University Program

David Berenbaum Christopher Berg B.A. Political Science B.S. Biological Sciences

Peter Berlin B.A. Psychology

Deborah Berthel B.A. Psychology

Nancy Berwish Jeffrey Betman Douglas Bigelow Elizabeth Bindels B.S. Biological Sciences B.S. Biological Sciences B.S. Biological Sciences B.A. General University Program

Stephen Birbiglia B.E Engineering

Stephanie Bird B A. Theatre Arts

Barbara Bischoff B.S. Computer Science

Thamas Blair B.A. Psychology

Beverly Btake Frederick Blake B.S. Engineering Chemistry B,A. kychokogy

Glenn B4anco B.S. Computer Science

Cheryl Blandon B.A. Soridogy

Thomas Blornberg B.A. Political Science

George Bochicchio Steven Bodmer B.A. Political Science B.E. Mechanical Engineering

Luann Bonnet Richard Bono B.S.N. Basic Nursing B.A. Music

Cara Lee Borger B.A. English

Edna b y k B.A. EngIish

Jmes Brandow B.A. Uberai Arts

Eric Brarnd B.A. Libttral Arts

Mindy Brandman B.S.W. Social Welfare

David Brenw B.A. Psychology

Cecilia B-A, Theartre Arts

Harriett Brown B.A. Sociology

Lonnie Browne Carisa Brunetto B.A. Social Sciences B.A. History E Criticism


Jan Buchholz Debra Buckler B.A. General B.A. General University Program

University Program


Anita Bulin B.A. Psychology

Robin Budd B.A. Economics

Peter Butrite B.A. Social Sciences


Anthony Buonocore Monique Butcher B.S. Biological Sciences B.S. Computer Science

Anthony Calabro Constance Calandra Robert Caloras B.S. Biological Sciences B.S. Applied Mathematics B.A. Political Science

& Statistics

Maria Cammarosano B.A. Economics

Maryann Capassc B.S. Chemistry

Letty Carro B.A. Psychology

Carol Cashman B.A. Social Science


Richard Casper B.E. Engineering

Carolyn Cassino B.A. Psychology

Mar) Caulfield B.A. English

So Chang Carolyn Chieco Christopher Chin ~ Danny Chin B.S. Computer Science B.A. Sociology B.S. Computer Science 1 B.A. Economics


K o n g W. Chin k r y Choi Yongaeh Choi Andrew Choo B.E. Electrical Engineering B.S. A p p W Mathematics 6.S Bio-Chemistry B.S. Applied Mathematics

G Statfstirs and Statistics

Hung Lhh Chaw h i e l C i m a m e B.E. Electrical Engineering B.S. Wotogkal Sciences

Anthony Ciccone Rick Cincotta B.A. Theatre Arts B.E. Electrical Engineering

Frank Cioce Anrhony Cipolla 3.S. Applied Mathematics B.S. Biological Sciences


Naryanne Clark B.A. Liberal Arts

Denise Clarke BAS. Bidogical Sciences

Angela Cobb Woodley B.A. Social Sciences

Bonnie Cohen B.A. Philosophy

Carl Cohen B.A. Psychalogy

Sharon C0hen B.S. W. Social Welfare

Steven Cohen B.A. History

Donna Coletti B.S. Biological Sciences

Kathlyn Colimon B.A. Psychology

Mary -.,..-.- B.A. Political Science

Joseph Conit Matt Coons Maureen Coral Christopher Corbett B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.S. Biological Sciences B.A. Political Science B.S. Earth and Space Sciences

Eric Corley B.A. English

Debra Cornell Steven Cosares Di le Cote B.S. Computer Science B.S. Computer Science B.S. Biological sciences

Darlyn Covington B.A. Sociology

Clifford Cozolino B.A. Psychology

Kenneth Crespo - A Economics Charles Crirni

B.S. Computer Science

Christopher Cummings B.S. Computer Science

Linda Cummings Arnold Dglene Susan Dandrea B.A. English B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.A. General University Program

Robert Dantone David Dantus Elaine Davis Lisa Davis - B.A. Economics B.E. Electrical Engineering B.A. General University Program B.S.N. Basic Nursing

Robbin Davis Stuart Davis Angela Dawkins B.A. English B.S. Earth and Space Sciences B.A. Psychology

Joy Decordova B.A. Economics

James DeFrancisco Deborah Deierlein 6.S‘ Biological Sciences B.S.N. Basic Nursing

Lucy Delacruz B.A. French

Ka-thleefi Detany B.A. Psythobgy

Mark Deluca Nicholas kmaria Lisa Demizio B.S. Biologkal Sciences B.S. Biol@cal Sciences B.A. Political Science

Jayne Dennis B.A. Sociology

James Derenze B.A. English

Martin Devegvar B.S. Eio-Chemistry

Tara Devitt David Diaz B.A. Psychology B.S. Applied Mathematics

and Statistics

Shim D i e d d L Cletudm Dtfmnco Mark Dinowitz E.A. p.kyctrasIw E.E. Ektrkal Engineering B.A. Psychology

. 1 Steve Dipoala B.S. Computer Science


Floyd Dix B.A. English

Gregory Dolise Kenneth Donovam E.S. Physics B.E. Ektrical Endmering

Michael Dornbaum James Dowd Susan Draper Lawmnte R. Duhin B.A. Economics B.A. Liberal Arts B.E. Mechmical Engineering B.S. Biology


Janet Ducote B.S. Biological Sciences

Jay Duskin Jay Dworken - Barry Dy!ler . B.A. Philosophy B.E. Electrical Engineering B.A. Philosophy

147 p>V=vfi;'< .8&$$&&.+;j' Patricia Edwardo Barbara Ehmann Sora ya Elcock 0.S. Biology B.A. Psychology 0.14. English B.A. Political Science

Elias Karen Ernig Walter Engelharcit Lynne Engelke gineering B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.S. Earth and Space Sciences

Therese Erdo- B.A. Economics

John Erike B.E. Mechanical Engineering

Arny Engelson B.S. Computer Science

Luis Espinoza B.E. Electrical Engineering

Renate Evans B.A. Psychology

Christine Evelyn B.A. Political Science

Michael Faiella B.A. Economics

Dominick Falco B.A. Psychology

Timothy Farrell B.E. Electrical Engineering

L g ~ a Fazie Alan Federbush W3. Ph~sics B.E. Electrical Engineering

Laurence Feibel B.A. Economics

Barbara Fein B.A. English

Roy Eeinzlg B.E. Engineering

Lynne FeEdman B.A. Psychalogy

Richard Fellingham Kathleen Fennelly B.S. Mathematics B.S. Computer Science

b a e 1 k a Figam B.S. Phycrician's Asskitant

Andrea Florio B.A. General University P~ogram

Robert Florio Debra Fogel Robert Fogel Stephen Fogel

B.S. Engineering B.S.W. Social Welfare B.S. Earth and Space Sciences B.A. Political Science . ( ,


Christopher Fdey B.A. Economics

Regina F01ey Karen Fmdacaro Laura Forman B.A. Psycho~Wy B.A. General University Program B.A. Political Science

Rosemarie Francisque B.A. French

Rene Frankel B.S. Biology

Robert Frankel B.A. Psychology

Margherita Franzese B.A. English

- - Patrick Fratellone tq B.S. Biology

Jill Freedman B.A. Psychology

Donald Freidus B,#. Sociology

Bernard Friel B.E. Engineering

James Friscia Shawn Frost B.A. General University Program B.S. Biology

Anna Kam Fu B.E. Eiectrical Engineering

Donna Funaro .B.S. Biology

Phyllis Gallay B.A. Economics

M'tchael Gargano Ronald Garrett Robin Gasser B.A. Political Skiewe B.S. Earth and Space Sciences B.A. Psychology

Marion Gatz B.A. Psychology

Donna Gaudino B.A. Social Science


Wendy Geffin B.S. Mathematics

Clifford Geismar B.A. Political Science

Roland Gell B.A. Political Science

Andrea Georges Andy Gerardi B.A. Psychology B.E. Electrical Engineering

Maureen Gerrity B.A. Psychology

Brett Gewant Mtjan Ghane Julie Gherardi Meryl Gingold B.A. Psychologv B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.S. Applied Mathematics B.A. Psychology

and Statistics

Nancy Ginter B.A. SoeiolyJy

WIFm Oipp B.A. C i t Arta

Delores Girani B.A. English

Michael Gis B.A. Social S


er c e s Y

Craig Gitlitz 4.E. Mechanical Engineering

Sam Glass B.A. Theatre Arts

Cheryl Gbssberg B.A. Psychology

Jay Glasser B.S. Chemistrl I

Ed Gleason B.A. Political Science

Howard Gold B.S. Mathematics

Lisa Gold B.A. Psychology

Jill Goldberg B.A. History

Ronald Goldberg B.A. Economics

Shelly Goldberg B.A. Economics

Terri Goldenberg B.A. Psychology

-._ Goldrnan B.A. Sociology

Irwin Goldsmith B.A. Sociology

Karen Goldstein B.A. Social Sciences


Reina Goldwasser Cory Golloub B.A. Psychology B.E. Electrical Engineering

Steven Gomburg Elizabeth Gonzalez B.S. Computer Science B.A. Sociology

Lauren Gordils Robert Grabowski B.A. Social Scierces B.E. Electrical Engineering


Robert Grant Mark Grayson Sol Green B.S. Engineering Chemistry B.E. Electrical Engineering B.S. tics B.S. &logical Sciences

Mindy Greenberg B.A. Studio Art

Scott G m n e B.A. Psychology

Alexander Greenspan B.A. Music

William Gries B.S. Biology

Karen Griffin B.A. Social Sciences


Catherine Qrismer B.S. Computer Sciences

Steven Grogan B.A. Political Science

B.A. History

Veronica Groom B.A. Psychology

Shari Gross b b o r a h G m e r Jeffrey Grassman B.A. Sociology B.S. Earth and Space Sciences B.E. Electrical Engineering

llana Grunwald B.A. Psychology

Nadia Gural B.S. Bidogical Sciences

Theresa Gusman Carolyn Halpin B A E c o n o m ~ c s B.A. Art History and Criticism

Steven Hamburg Gerrnain Harnrnarth Suamn ~ a r n k l Carol Hernmond B.A. Political Science B.A. Psychology B.S.N. Basic Nursing

Ruth Han B.A. Psyrhology

Jane Hansen Dennis Harri on B S . Chemistry B.S. Earth and Spac Sciences i

Jill Harry B.A. Music

Kim Hardirnan B.A. Studio Art

Evangelos Hatzopowlos B.A. Economics

Loretta ~ a ~ r d e s B.A. ~ o c i o l & ~

Sean Healy B.S. Biological Sciences

Eileen Heaphy Louis Heckheimer Edwin Heidelberger B.S. Biological Sciences B.S. Biological Sciences B.S. Chemistry

Susan Heiden B.A. Psychology

David Hensen Wilson Hernandez Joanna Herrmann B.A. Political Science B.A. Hispanic Languages B.A. Art History and Criticism

and Literatures

Jodi Herweig B.A. Psychology

Seton A. Heslin B.A. Social Sciences


David Hillma B.S. Chemistry

Renee Himmel B.A. History

Nicola Hodge B.A. Music

Wayne Hodges B.S. Biology

Stehnk h i g Keety I on B.A. Social Sciences B-S. IFd'10~"hm-i trj

1n.terdiseiplimry I Roberta Hugus B.A. English

Tonya Hunter B.A. Psychology

Maureen Hutcheon B.A. Psychology

Larny ~ ~ p o i i t o B.S. ~iochemibtr~

Reza lranmanesh B.E. Engineering

Homayoun lravani Richard lsaza Bari lsquit a Laurie Lzi B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.E. Electrical Engineering B.A. Psychol y B.S. Applied Ma-Cis

and Statistics

11 1


I Clark Jablon I .E. Electrical Engineering

Adrienne Jacobs B.A. Psychology

S u ~ n Jacobdowit; B.A. Psychology

Daniel Jacobsen B.A. Economics

Dennis Jackson Vinayak Javaly 3.S. Earth and Space Science B.S. Computer Science

B.A. History

Magaly Jeanty B.A. Psychology

Michael Johnston Mitchell Jomsky Guenter Jonke Staceylee Jurick B.S. Chemistry B.A. Studio Art B.S. Biology B.A. Theater Arts

Elise Kabela Kamyar Kadivar Patricia Kaldany Stephen Kalinowski B.A. Psychology B.E. Electrical Engineering B.S. Engineering Chemistry B.S. Biology

Debm b & y B.A.

and c.ikram

A n d m Katims B.A. History

Robert Kelly Christopher Kent - Thomas Kerner .A. Political Science B.S. Biology B.S. Biology B.E. Electrical Engineering

Roger Kersten Farid Khalili Ellen Kikel Jung nrm B.S. Biology B.E. Electrical Engineering B.A. English B.S. Computer Science


Kyunghee Kim Wansoo Kim .E. Electrical Engineering B.S. Biology

Theresa Kincaid B.A. English

Michele King B.S. Cardiorespiratory


David A. Kirsct Eric Kirschbaum Rogers Kitzis B.A. Liberal Art l Science B.S. Biology

..~hy%~??:~~;~$~-,~~;;; iirr* ,$,,are. &*,j$5" zg,;r :.,,, ,+::.:a,:'f<::

$*k.$#L.~. : ,??,-! ..: ,.F:F:r~!:.*;fi:;>,rG;?

Susan Klein B.A. Psychology

Kathryn Klvana Corinne Kmitis &wBRB Knqap Hussiejn Kubelssi B.A. English B.S. ApplM MatPrgrnotics B.E. EketrkcaI Eng#miwitq &E. E k e t r h l Engineering

arxl Statistics

Meta Ahmet Kok Isirttby Knlkmeya Mary Kolor B.S. Computer Science %A. P ~ B t k d Sckme B.S. Chemistry

&A, HIstary


Carolyn Kumada ladla Kmwr B.S. Computer Science


Atan Kreit &.A. Ptvychology

Eddie Lai Karyn Lainis B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.S. Computer Science

Brenda Lam B.A. Economics

Waitung Lam B .E Engineering

Ellen Lander B.A. English

Neil Lander Karen Langone B.S. Biology B.S. Biology B.S. Applied Mathematics

and Statistics

Salvatore Larocca Mariana Lau B.A. Political Science B.A. Economics

&$:$ , . 1.

Wai Y. Lau B.A. Sociology

Lisa Laudadio B.A. Liberal Arts

Robert Lauto lnsong Lee Irene Lee Kwok K. Lee A. Political Science B.S. Biological Sciences B.A. Political Science B.S. Computer Science

B.A. History

I Melissa Lee ' B.A. Psychology

: r , !

J' -

Gary Leiffer B.S. Engineering Chemistry

Linda Lehecka B.A. History

Stephen Lee B.A. History

Lori Leftoff B.A. Economics

Rinisultana Lekai Steven Lepowsky Mitchel ~ermar- B.A. Social Sciences B.S. Biochemistry B.A. Psychology


Andrew Lerner Philip Lesko Robert Leuthner Rose Levandi B.A. Psychology B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.S. Engineering Chemistry B.A. Psychology

Linda Leveen B.A. Sociology

Susan ~evinson Kurt Levitan B.A. Psychology B.S. Earth and s p d e Sciences

Robert Lewicki B.S. Engineering Chemistry

. - 1

5 Eric Lieberman Joy Lieberman B.E. Electrical Engineering B.S. Engineering Chemistry B.A. Psychology

Ronald L i a n William Lim B.A. Q e m l University Program B.S. Computer Science

Kathryn Lionetti Biological Sciences

Jessica Lippman B.S. Biological Sciences

Mona Limm B.S. Chemistry

Rhonda Linkoff Tryster B.A. Linguistics

Dawn Locasci Neocles Loizou B.A. Liberal Art . Computer Science

Patricia Lipscomb B.A. Political Science

Barbara Livingston B.S.W. Social Welfare

Fmrn I ondan Peter Loud

Evelyn Louie Matteo Luccio Dexter Lurch Perrianne Lurie B.S. Computer Science B.A. Political Science B.S. Biological Sciences B.S. Biological Sciences

Lorrarne Lynch B.E. Engineering

Brian Macker B.S. Computer Science

Caml Madden B.A. Studio Art

Bryn Mader B.S. Biological Sciences

Glenn Madisor Electrical Engineering

Linda Mahoney B.S.N. Bask Nursing

Hing Mak B.S. Computer Science

Sin Yee Mak -l'imms W w B.E. Electrical Engineering B.A. F%yslrdh@

ChrWtrte Mrantey B.A. Psychoiqy

Dennis Mann B.A. Economics

Paul Flarr'otrigiano B.A Political 3cimve

Cheri Marcus 6.A Political Science

James Marino B.S. Chemistry

Nicholas Marino David Marks B.E. Electrical Engineering B.S. Computer Science

Alice McCarthy Gregory McFarland Thomas McHugh B.A. Psychology B.S. Computer Science B.E. Engineering

Karen McKeon B.A. Liberal Arts

Linda McLaughlin Kirk McLean Deidre McSweeney S.S. Biological Sciences B.S. Biochemistry B.S. Biological Science-

Marc Mehalakes B.A. Liberal Arts

Paul Meller B.A. Psychology

Mary Mennona B.A. Englhh

Craig Merola B.S. Biological Sciences

Carol Messina Tracy Meyers Zakareyya Mheid Richard Michaelis B.S. Biological Sciences B.S. Biological Sciences B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.S. Biological Sciences

Steve Michalski Brett Michel Catherine Michel John Mihalo B.E. Enginee~ing B.S. Biochemistry B.A. Economics B.S. Engineering Chemistry

Patricia Milkr %.A. Music

hR& Mi- Daniel Mirkin B.A. Ctmsat Ut~isw$tty Progmm B.S. Biological Sciences

Linda Montgomery B.A. General University Program

Mary Monusky B.A. English

Kathryn Moore B.A. General University Program

Michael Moran B.A. Political Science

Laura Morelli Lori Mormando Babak Movahedi Ellen Moynihan B.A. Psychology B.S. Computer Science B.A. Political Science B.S. Computer Science

Dorothy Nwlkr B.A. Psychology

Michael N u l d m B.R. English

m- B.S. Computer Science

Susan Mumlo B.A. English

Thomas Murphy Peter Musteric Karen Na Joan Murphy B.S. Biological Sciences B.S. Biological Sciences B.E. Electrical Engineering B.A. Economics

Nasser Najjar Lisa Napell David Nash Hugh Nachamie D A c t . . ~ ~ . A - + R F Flprtriral Fnoineerina B.A. Liberal Arts B.E. Electrical Engineering

Delia Naughton Monica Navarre* Peter Netburn Loraine Neuberger

B.A. Sociology B.A. Political Science B.A. Economics B.S. Biological Sciences

Diane Neuls B.S. Computer Science

Michelle Muman B.A. Sociobgy

Chtistine Ng B.S. Computer Science

Dixon Ng Charles Nkhotas Robaat Nct&sch Judith Norwich B.E. Electrical Engineering B.A. Gesreral Uniwrsity Program R E Elrtarkal l%@meertng B.S.N. Basic Nursing

Stephen O'Brien B.A. Psychology

Joanne O'ConneIl Peter Qdenthal B.S. Biological Sciences 6.5. B'ihemistry

Seaneen O'Hanlon B.A. Social Sciences


Joanne Oldi B.A. Political Science

Rabert Oiness B.A. Music

Moreen Olson B.A. Psychology

Rhodora Ongjoco B.A. French

Gary Orbach Dennis Orsinger Mark Osnowitz Linnea "tern" Osth a B.S. Biological Sciences &.A. History BA. Sociology B.A. Social Sciences


Susan Otto Olalekan Oyedokun Marianne Page

B.S. Computer Science B.S. Computer Science B.A. Sociology

1 32

Jorge Paiva Parada B.A. Social Sciences


Steve Palm Peter Pan Robert Pantanp B.A. Religious Studies B.E Mechanical Engineering B.E. Engineering

Joanne Pantoliano B.S. Biological Science8

Deborah Papandreas Won Park Frank Parrinello Joan Pascuzzi B.S. Earth and Space Sciences B.S. Engineering Chemistry B.S. Biochemistry B.S. Biological Sciences

Mitchell Pasenkoff Gail Peckenschneider Simin Peng Donna Penna B.S. Biological Sciences B.S. Engineering Chemistry B.E. Electrical Engineering B.A. Economics

Lynette Perez Jane Petix " Thomas Petralia Fred Pierrelouis B.A. English B. A. General University Program B.S. Biological Sciences B.E. Mechanical Engineering

Sanford Pirotin James Rmno B.A. Pofitical Science B.S. Applied Nathem~tfcs

and Statisitks

Jadi h n e l B.A, English

Thomas Pizzolo B.S. Biological Sciences

Shari Pochter Dennis Barman h t t Susan Pressley Greg Preziosi B.A. Socialogy B.3. Engineering Chemistry B.A. Psychology B.S. Earth and Space Sciences

Vincent PugMese B.A. Sociology

Neil Pyser B.S. Biological Sciences

Michele Raff B.S. Biological Sciences

Diane Rathbauer B.A. Liberal s

chi1 *wen F z e k h &.A.

k m - b n B.E EkWcd IErv@ B.A. Set&& % c i


Ina Rein 3.S. Computer Science

Marc Reiner Laurie Reinschreiber B.E. Electrical Engineering B.A. Liberal Arts

Jonathan Remington B.A. Economics

Maryellen Renna B.S. Biochemistry

Linda Renzi Kimon Retzos 9.3. Biological Sciences B.S. Biological Sciences

David Reznik B.A. Psychology

Joanne Richards B.A. Italian

David Richter Martha Ripp B.S. Computer Science B.A. Political Science

Wendv Ritter Judith Roberts B.A. Psychology . Political Science

f;J''''- ,..L L, .:'. . ,-.< .+. l> . . . .

Jess Robinson B.A. Psychology

Marjorie Rockitter B.A. Social Sciences


Frida Rodriguez B.A. Hispanic Languages

and Literatures

Moira Rogan B.A. Economics

Patricia Rogers I B.S. Nursing

Continuing Education

Diane Roggen B.A. Music

k r i R-in B.A. Liberal Arts

Martha Rojas B.A. Psychology

Peter Romano B.A. Liberal Arts

Anthony Romeo Daniela Romero John Rosati B.A. Liberal Arts B.A. Economics B.S. Engineering Chemistry

Kurt Ro~enhagm Andrew Resentha1 Avi Rosenthal B.E. Electrical Engineering B.A. Political Science B.A. Economics

Heidi Rosenthal B.A. Sociology

John Rossiello B.A. Psychology

Darryl Rotherforth Christine Rowe B.A. Economics B.S. Biological Sciences

Debra Ryan

Elizabeth Ryan Kenneth Ryan Gaeanne Saccente Steven Sacknoff B.A. Political ScjBnce ,',?$, B.S. Biological Sciences B.A. Psychology B.A. Psychology

L O. r",

Hal Sacks Hadi Sadrossadat Toni G. Salarne Patricia Saleski B.A. Psychology B.E. Electrical Engineering B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.S. Biological Sciences

Michael Salvarezza B.S. Computer Sciences

Mary Sarnioz B.A. Liberal Arts

Caroline Sanchez William Sanderson B.S. Bialogical Sciences B.A. Psychology

K h sang B.A. Esmsrnimi

Peter Sang B.A. Ecmmics

Michele Sanicota B.S. EmMiatry

James Svantangelo &.A. Economic-s

Paul Santilli Dimitrios Sarantopoulos Bruce Sauer B.S. Earth and Space Sciences B.E. Engineering B.A. Political Science

Susan Sayers B.A. Psychology

f i m h fkha&Eer Peter Schineller David Schleifer Gerald Schnal B,E. Eleetri~el Engimmirrg B.A. Political Science B.S. Biological Sciences B.S. Physics

Bh. History

Andrew S c h m Steven Schoetlfeld B.A. Political Science B.A. Political Science

Leonie Schuster B . k Music

Hally Schwewtz B.A. S a i d Sciences


Lorri Schwartz Rev. John Henry Scott I11 Yvonne Scott Steven Scotti

B.A. Psychology B.A. Political Science B.A. Social Sciences B.A. Political Science interdisciplinary

&att WE- Scott Sedgwick Mahmood Sedigh J e d e a Wdmm B.S. Computer Science B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.E. Electrical Engineering B.S. Chemi&y


Carole Seif Lgsana M. S&ac B.A. Social Sciences B.A. PoHtical Science


Dana Seltzer Raymond Selvaggi B.A. Political Science B.S. Engineering Chemistry -

Daniel Seto Debra Shakin B.A. Social Sciences


Roberta Shakun B.A. Liberal Arts

Susan Shapim B.A. General University Program

Shu Jen Shei Robert Sheinberg B.A. Studio Arts B.A. General University Program

% ;; M ~ h a e l Siege1 B.A. Music

Gloria Sierra Jeffrey Sigelbaum B.A. ~ ~ c m ~ m i c s 2 kgrfl.;.; Pw$ B.S. Applied Mathematics. .. g:&@ .' ..-. &4C& and Statistics

m a sleger B.A. Social Sciences

Thomm 9sIer Peter Sklar Nancy Slater

I B.A. Social Sciences B.E. Electrical Engineering B.S. &bltqftzal Sciences B.A. Economics Interdisciplinary

Susan Slevin Craig Stezicki Jay Sloane Barry Smith B.S. B.A. Political Sciences B.A. English B.S. Biological Sciences

q y 2 *-!* -~%$:t,y? , i,: .aj$y!cz.f;.,Pr+: "%"&?-?a :G*+..F,;;$ ,s:;J.;F; ;:?."?.%; ~!;$i~.,..~w; si,7, Qz: !F 't!lf*. ,$ r!,$ ):I$:!,, <: ,,,., , ,F$:rivl :.-% ' K.+ -*,?il< .- -:-.2++;;-& :,-,,-,-; <@;2;h:; b,> j!&1f~yz':f$:5,; $fi~$qg~=;~j,$j~~~

aura Smith James Solitaria B.S. Biological Sciences B.A. Social Winces


Joan Lrrentino B.A. Psychology


Martin Sosne B,A. Psydrdogy

Nicholas Spetko B.S. Biological Sciences

David Spierer B.A. Ecmornics

Mary Jane Spindler "#.A. Music

Gerard Squittiere B.A. Psychology

Steven Srebnik Susan Stafford

B.S. Biological Sciences B.S. Earth and Space Sciences

George Starnboulidis B.A. Political Sciences

John Staudenralrs B.A. Political Scleme

Wendy Stephenson B.S. Biological Sciences

Keith Stem B.A. Economics

Chrhtopher Stith B.A. Anthropology

Robert Stocco B.A. Economies

Terri Stoddard Richard Stoller Myron Stolpner Laura Stone B.A. Hispanic Lang. E Literatures B.S. Computer Science B.S.W. Social Welfare B.S. Applied

B.A. Sociology Mathematics and Statistics

Jack Strausman B.A. Political Science

Lynne Sv&m Li Mwa Sun Michsel Suriana B.A. hycbb#y B.E. ElecWea1 En@naming B.S, Ckmiiry

Brian Sweeney B.A. Philosophy

Tin Wah Tam B.E. Engineering

Carson Tang B.A. Psychology

Mark Tedesco B.S. Biological Sciences

Francis Tesoriero B.E. Electrical Engineering

I Jennifer Thin

B.S. Computer Science Lisa Thomas Jacqueline TRwnpson Rita Tierney

B.8. Computer Science B.A. S m h l Sciences B.S. Biological Sciences IntGrcftsciinary

Theresa Vaccaro B.A. Liberal Arts

Raymond Van Zwienin Barbara Vassino B.A. Psychology B.S. Biological Sciences

Stacy Vedder B.A. Psychology

Luz Vetazquez Alice Veloudios Peter Vendole B.A. Hispanic Languages B.S. Biochemistry B.S. Computer Sciences

and Liter-& - -

Joanne Ventre B.A. Psychology

T Julie Vepnk Smk v47mbm h - m ~ Albert V i c u s e C * B.S. Earth and Space S c i c e s B.S. Et01~ical ~~ B.S. B.S. !&pace and Mind Warpinas -$ R. B.A. Basketwwvbg

h i t o r Vita Laurie Vdk B.E. Electrical Engineering B.A. Studb Art

Nicholas C4xlamdd B.A. Political Science

Kathleen Wall I

B.A. Psychol~gy

Ma~k WIEner Errd Wander B.E. Engineering B.A. Psychalogy B.E. Electrical Engineering

Carol Watral Wendy Watts Kevin Week2 Sharon Weinstein

B.A. Economics B.A. Sociology B.A. English B.A. Economics

Dori Weinkaub B.A. English

Sherry twsbrod B.S. Computer Science

Mitchel Wiss B.A. Political Seience

Terri Weiss B.A. Social Sciences


Kelly Anne Wellfnger B.A. Sociology

Marci Wexler B.S. Biology

Ciinise Wheatt B.A. Ps chology


I . -. - . -<p. -2% Dale White .&:&,:: Erolina Whiteman

3.A. Psychology $$; B.A. Psychology >:i >:,

Davld Wilchern Mario Wilkowski B,A. Caeneral University Progrsm B.A. Psychology

Hali Wishengrad Peter Wishnie Adrienne Wolf ldayytrwnd Wlfe B.A. Social Sciences B.S. Biology B.A. Hispanic Languages B.A. Pditkal Slelences

1 I

Interdisciplinary and Literature

&A. Economics B.S. Computer Science B.A. Hispanic Languages and Literatun

Maren Wright Grace Yang B.E. Electrical Engineering B.A. Sociology B.S. Computer Wince

Anita Yu B.S. Computer Sc~ence

Chiuwah Yung Jennie Zaleski B.E. Electrical Engineering B.S.N. Basic Nursing

Theresa Zarb B.A. Psychology

Alexander Zekulin B.S. Earth & Space Sciences

Lisa Zelkowitz B.A. Psycholog:

,,, Zipnick B.E. Electrical Engineering

. -...-.- --- .... B.S.W. Social Welfare

out of sequence

:>;#;:y6.'~ . , @ . "'-:.: , , Steven Zuclrzr

I l / . L . F

B.S. B i i y Jane Zyek

B.S. Mathematics Stacie FeMman

B.A. Wil Scienees lnterdisciplhary

WUSB 90.1 FM stereo is Long Island's non-commercial alternative broadcasting from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. WUSB is voluntarily staffed by undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, alumni and community residents, As a 4 0 0 k a t t noncommercial, educational radio station, WUSB serves the Nassau- Suffolk and southern Connecticut regions, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. WUSB announcers programs a mixture of rock, folk, jazz, blues, classical, experimental and foreign music ,(along with good conversations). Specialty shows are scheduled throughout the week in music, public affairs, the arts, news and sports.

WUSB Members: Norman L. Prusslin - Oenetal Manager, Eric Corley - Program Dir., Ed Becker - Chief Operator, Frank Burgert - Chief Engineer, Robin Budd - Bus. Mgr., Blll Senikowich - Music Dir., Erika Goldstein - News Dir., Steve Kreitzer - Operations Dir., A m t a Sias - Sports Mr., Berbara Gore Suter - Development Coord., Rich Kach - Special Projects Dir., Buddy Angblillo, Robert Jack Babb, Chbrtii bckfish, Paul Michael Barkan, Tony Barkume, Nancy Mlucci, Mike BifUfc6, Jon Ming, Steve Bleibarg, hrbara Bloom, Gene Bagart, Sean Branigan, Jim Caligiuri, Jon Cmnelly, Ken Capel, Eric CwaM, Jerry lallal, Brian Dinger, Dave Durst, Bob Duffy, Leslie Eckstein, Doug Edelson, Joe Evangelirrta, Scotf

.:orrington, Mike Girardo, Jane Goldberg, Rochelle Goldman, Evan Gordon, Brian Hasbmudc, Louia Heckheimer, Philip Henriques, Peter Hew, Lister Hewan-Lowe, Todd Houslanger, Deirdre Jersey, Karen John, Craig Karlson, Abbie Kearse, James Lantier, Bill Lazaroff, Andy Lish, Amatul Harnid Mahmud (Tahira), Yverle Marc, Bill McKentie, MBry Mennone, Melinda Morals, Felix Palacios, Gary Pecorino, Dana Penny, Eric Price bnte Pritchett, Barry Ragin, Todd Regenbogen, Andrew Rivera, Jim Ross, Steve Sanfilippa, Lois Schoeck, Malt SkEetch, Madeline Suva, Philip Smart, Rich Smith, Steve Specht, Marc Stern, Lou Stevens, Joanne Summer, Joe Tsien, hasad Varanasi, Don Venes, John Vernile, Priscilla Virant, Nancy Watts, Anthony White,

Jim Wiener, Valerie Wilcox, Bob Winiarns, Mike Yuhas, Rob Zeiser, Geri Zuckerman.


After two and a half years of stealing &&I, s 6 m n g i n ~ fm supplies and W n g for Pdity funds, The Stony Brook Pqm is now recagnized by thousands as the best damn w&y journal this side af the N i m q u ~ e . Tfie Praobi' insfhlhtful and hardhitting coverage of the infant formula contr~vetsy1 racism at Stony Brook, the Civil Defense system, El Salvador, Stony Brook's medical suspension p m w , draft rnistration, chamical warfare and sex discrimination at Stony Brook haars earned the 1981 ColumM W a s t i c Pteas Astaodation 1st Place Award for writing/editing CQnt%nt. %id J h Black, V.P. for University Affairs and P m fan d u b spokesman, "Ah, the Press. It's a humdiwr of a newspaper."

Have a great summer, butkos and buckas, Thrbnk far the

Executive Editor

Stony Brook Press Bteeutire Editor ............... Scott Higham Assistant Editors ................ Debr~ Sflvet

News Director ............... .Paul DiLorenab Senior Photo Editor .......... .Eric A. Wesrsnan Photo Editor. ....... ........ Lois Ming2alone A r t s Editors .................... Jeff ZoMm

k i s b t Arts Editor. ............ Larrg Feibel Business Manager ................. .John Tom Editor Emeritus .................. E f i ~ B m d

Schrul, P.A. Scully. Arts: Sharon Alpert, Nicole Bokat, AIym Ch&w, Ron Dionne, Kathy Esseks, Larry Feibel, Laura

Photo: Valerie Bicker, Steve Ddy, Stu DaviS, Lee Erlelstein, Sam Glass, Bob Romero, Cindy Sbotto, Bruce Tmff , Shirley Zrebiiee. Graphics: Ken Cogel, Clm Dee, NIaria Wngalone. Advertising Dhetor: Robert J. Kurtz.

Phone: 246-6832

FmZ Raw (Wt k~ righl,. rdul M ~ z o , Kcn Copel, Ned Ci~ldmpr, Marie h, Scott Hlgham. Beck R w : Dawn D u ~ ~ i a , Jaseph Capeni, John Tom, Larry Feibel, Richard G i a m h e . Audrey Arbus, Torn Miry, Cimmry J. Scandagb.

kembers of the Stony Brook Volunteer Ambulance Corps - Hal Abrahamson, Ray Acosta, Brian Altonen, Rich Angelo, Rory Aylward, Arnault Baker, Lisa Baker, Celeste Barbieri, Gary Becker, Kerry Begley, Don Berglund, Jeff Blackman, Bea Brada, Lwrry Briggi, Douglas Brooks, Mark Burack, Rick Calabrese, Alan Cantor, Ed Castaneda, Donald Cavanaugh, Doren Clarkin, Robin Cohen, Steve Cohen, Marie Costanzo, Stacy Cottone, Eileen Coulton, Mike Cunningham, Rosemarie Desanto, Donna Dicrescento, Nancy Difranco, Lori Dolce, Susan Donelan, Patricia Eisenberg, Heidi Ettlinger, Peter Evola, Donna Fassman, Bruce Feldman, Ken Feldman, Stephen Fleming, Dianne Flescher, Tom Flory, Cliff Freling, Drew Fried, Thomas Gallo, Mike Gischner, Cory Galloub, Harold Grafstein, Joseph Grodin, Michele Harding, Jimmy Hauth, Roberta Hirsch, Alfred Ho, Jill Hughes, Robert Jackson, Donna Ellen Jacobs, Glenn Jakers, Gregory Jay, Eric Kahan, Vera Kahrakovsky, Stacy Katz, Marcella Kelly, Dale Kretschmann, Clifford Krinsky, Michael Lamberti, Danny Levitt, Rolando Lopez, Christine Loughlin, Meredith Madri, Amira Mantoura, Ronnie Mason, Mike Mayer, Celeste McAuley, Richard Meehan, Nicholas Megdanis, Jay Mermelstein, Stephen Mernoff, Susan Metzger, Sushima Modi, Loretta Mule, Steven Nachbar, Judith Northover, Gerald Oginski, Susan Palozzola, Anthony Penello, Lisa Petricone, Bill Pomerantz, Tany Powerman, Gary Raff, Cindy Resnick, Wendy ReuterLorenz, Jayne Rhee, Barbara Rhodes, Anthony Ruggieno, Rajinder Sahni, Mark Sandberg, Marvin Sauerhoff, James Scaffidi, Robert Schiff, Kerry Ann Schmidt, Christa Schmidt, Sue Shim, William Simons, Karen Sorkin, David Spierer, Sharon Stern, Matthew Teich, Marc Teitelbaum, Craig Tennenbaum, Debbie Thomas, Greg Thorne, Cecilia Vigil, Janine Vogelzon, Peter Volkman, Kenny Wald, Joan Weinflash, Scott Weiss, Erolina Whiteman, Kenny Wolpert, Scott Yanuck, Steven Yu.

Student Union

FROM ROW (left to right): Lisa Schneider, David S. Shear, Ted Bohn. BACK ROW. Chuck Long. Vera-Etlen Lanaro. Paul Kifoil, Rogelio Batib, Steven Haber.



F R O N T R O W (left to right): Carol Stewart, Donna Nixon, Mandy Mason. Jen Smollen, Lisa Schneider. MIDDLE ROW: Ji l l Schoenhaut. Lori Caputo. Kathy Esseks. BACK ROW: Paula Finn, Seaneen O'Hanlon, Seton Heslin, Delia Naughton, Karen Berg, Lynda Gorsky. M E M B E R S N O T P I C T U R E D : Monica Resillez, Heide Mason, Liz Watts, Pat Barr, Marianne Miller. Lisa Hirsch. Joni Levy. Marcia Roth, Margaret Synan, Denise Schnittman.

F R O N T R O W (left to right): Peter Lawson - Production Manager, Pat Hugh. Lasana Sekou - Editorin-Chief, Jefferson Miller - Bus. Mgr. BACK ROW: Olayemi Kuyoro, Norma P. Smith, Max Smith, Michael Grimes. Pamela Webster, Deyanira Bautista.


Roland Noel Assistant Editor

J ~ f f e r e o n Miller Business Manager

Peter Loweon Production Manager

Adb tan t Businees Manager Gladys Castillo Graphic Artist Cozbi Sanchez Photographer Kelvin Daly Staff and ReporterrrMichael Grimes, Pat Hugh, Olayemi Kuy- oro, Maxine Smith, Norma P. Smith BLACKWORLD is a bi-monthly student publication at the State University of New York a t Stony Brook. Address all correepon- dence to: BLACKWORLD, Rm. 060, Student Union Building, SUNY a t Stony Brook, Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794. Material can also be submitted in BLACKWORLD'S mailbox, 2D Floor, Union (Polity's Office).

FRONT ROW (L to R): Chris Corbett, Ron Garrett, Jeff Flazenbaum, Frank Smith. MIDDLE ROW: Stuart Davis - Pres., Donna Fischer, Tom Dorman, Bob Fogal, Tom Rubing, Phil Boccio, Jay Banner. BACK ROW: Doug Paquette, Kira

I Ludkewycz, Greg Preziosi.



Undergraduate Chemical Society



FRONT ROW (left to right): Diane Murray, Liz Bindels, Claudia DiFranco, Lin Ferrand. BACK ROW: Elaine Resch, Robin Strauss, Lorraine de Leon.

American Society

Mechanical Engineers

Anthropology Club

LEFT TO RIGHT Dean H. Stonebridge, Maria Messina, Donna Jacobson, Lori Golornbik, Marie Zeidler, Wendie Walstrorn, Matthew Knopf - President. MEMBERS NOT PICTURED: Monica Shurtrnan, Julie Chenel.

S.B. I Amateur

Radio Club

SITTUYQ (left to right): Mike Hatzcikis - WBZTBQ - President, Donald Marx - W Z A N T - Advisor, Adam Cutler - WAZTYR - Vice Pres. BACK ROW. Rich Giarnbrone, Guy Mallery - WAZMSU, Michael Kassel - KAZCLY, Mindy Stein, Iberkys Dalmasi, Ray Defrese - KAZCEZ, L i c o n W. Kliman - WAZSGU. lngemar Hulthage, Jeffrey Kaufman - WAZHBH. L

New Campus Newsreel

Pencing Club

F R O N T ROW (left to right): Benedict Kwong, Wayne Tsang, Todd E Houslanger, Alysa Chadow, Scott Sofranko. MIDDLE ROW: Gary Higgins, Emily Fillo, Jessica Hinds - Secretary, Arlene Eberle - President, Robert Eberle - Vice Pres., Bryn Mader, Arthur Surnner. BACK ROW; Donald Clarke, Ken Esser, M. Sodders, Neil Butterklee - Advisor, Laszlo Lipovics - Coach, Stuart Furrnan, John Lazarz.


President - James Fuccio Vice President - Van Keith Brown

Secretary - Adina Finkelstein Treasurer - Chris Fairhall

Tracy Edwards Junior Rep. - Ellen Brounstein

Sophomore Rep. - David Gamberg Freshman Rep. - Belinda Anderson

ADMINISTRATORS Executive Director - Lew Levy Secretary - Barbara Broderick Bookkeeper - Virginia Boone

SENATORS Matthew Aboulafia Hawkeye Aylward

Martin Blondell David Burnett

Loretta Capuano Mary Ann Clark Bob Colascione Daniel Creedon

Steve David Nancy DiFranco

Gerald Dorvil

The Bridge to Somewhere is a student run, profes- sionally supervised peer counseling center offering crisis intervention and refer- ral services for the entire stu- dent body. We're here to lis- ten.

Pat Drollinger Dawn Dubois

Laurie Friedberg Olivia Gallo

Susanne Garbacz Ross Goldenberg

Joe Grodin Tammy Jones

Thomas Kanyock Mike Kornfeld

Geoffrey Lennon Babak Movahedi Douglas Nuccio Felipe Paredes Jean Partridge

Keliope Poulianos Candice Prusiewicz

Lee Reynolds Gil Ripp

Rich Sack Robert Sauchelli

S. Dominic Seraphin David Smith

John Staudenraus Wendy Stephenson

Glenn Tobjy Meryl Wenig


Top ROW L to R: MichelleCoburn, Jeneane Gonzalez, Lisa Dybus. Lisa Zelkowitz. Diane Ziller. Terri Weiss, Dara Tyson. Joni Grieff. Erolina Whiteman, Jane Eisen. Bottom Row: Joanne Ventre, Errol Wander, Stephanie Honig, Zita Seigel. Martin Sosne, Stacey Liberty, Clinisse Wheatt. Not Pictured: Ray Fazzi, Randee Glass, Steven O'Brien. Susan Reichman, Karen Weiner, Janet Woo.



I TRAINERS: Robert Patino, James Lantier. INSTRUCTORS:


SERVICES Richard Angelo, Arnault Baker, Susan Caser, Daniel Ciccar one, Fred Coulter, Nancy DiFranco, Tom Dillon, Bruce Feld- man, Edward Fricker, Michael Gerbasi, Gary Green, June Kas- minoff, Richard Koster, Michael Larock, Bob Mwy, Mei Po Mg, Tom Rubing, Joan Surdowkowski, George Ternidis, Craig Ten- enbaum, Paul Viteritti. Don Weiss. AIDES: Celeste McAuley, Linda Ribaudo, James Scaffidi, Margamt Waiters.

Stony Brook Riding Club

FRONT ROW (left to right): Terry Siegenthal, Sue Burian, Joyce Gerardi. MIDDLE ROW: Colleen O'Brien, Emilio Sosa, Dawn Ablamsky - Secretary, Joe Fellingham - Pres., Wendy Stephenson - Treas., Randi Moore - Vice Pres., Terry Kincaid. BACK ROW: Ren Lang, Jenni Bidner. Beverly Brooks, Leonard Grenci, Ed Casper, Matt Gibbons, Tom Pizzolo, Barbara Goeller, Jeff Grossman.

Omega Sigma


FRONT ROW (left to right): Robin Stooksberry, Greer Miobum. MIDDLE ROW: Melisse Pinto, Jennifer Thien, Kathy Fogel, Lisa Miglio, Lynette Perez. BACK ROW: Karen Na. Krystyna Pisarska, Cathy Cook, Lonnie Browne. MEMBERS NOT PICTURED: Donna Penna, Ellen Tillen, Jean Molina.


Undergraduate Psychology


MEMBERS: Anita Yee - Chairperson, Richard Norrby - Co-chairperson. Elise Kabela - Sec., Laurie Carozzi - Treas., Susan Buo- momo, Jonathan Borkin, Christine Casey, Charlie Eppler, Jay Jerger, Christine Kilin, Gary Kulik, Gina Maraio, Eileen McDonald, Lisa Pes- secoco, Donna Rey, Danile Rubinstein, Lance Seibert, Jackie Smith.

EROS Eros offers numerous free services to

Stony Brook students. This includes in- formation and referral services. Eros is dedicated to the extended knowledge and improvement of health care. We at Eros feel that this service will aid men and women both physically and emo- tionally. We strongly urge people to make use of our services - We're here to help. Just call 6.LOVE.

FRONT ROW (left to right): Philip Cuff, Robert Kramer - Materials MIDDLE ROW: Melissa Apel, Dorothy Mueller - Material Information Officer, Sandra Katz, Cathy Wang - Information Officer, Delia Naughton, Kathy Sherlock, La Shawn Wilson - Trainee Representative, Jack ie Azua - Treasurer, Beth Sollender, Patricia Zubini - Director of Training and Counseling, Dori Weintraub - Coordinator, Christine Mclnerney - Liaison.


ENACT - Environmental Action, Stony Brook's organization for protecting and understanding the environment. Pro. jects include political lobbying, wildlife preservation, recycling, film series and an alternate energy library.

Student Activities

Board FRONT ROW (left to r~gh t ) Donna Kelly - Cha~rperson, Debbie Placentln~, Daniel L u p ~ - Chairperson, M I D D L E ROW Tom Cr~stello, Llnda Leveen - Cha~rperson, Sue Bongiovanni - Hospital i ty, Mike Rudich, Sue Greenzang. BACK ROW: Ralph Sevush, Ellen Moynihan. Leslie White. MEMBERS NOT PICTURED: Paul Santilli - Head of Stage Crew, Neal Vohr - Head of Security. Carson Tang.

Harkness East

Harkness East is Stony Brook's student run vegetarian alternative to dorm and Lackman food.

RING RING Magazine was conceived out of the techno-sociological environment which the 20th Century has become and will continue to strive to understand the 'human condition' through the medium of Science Fiction. The Human Adventure Is Just Beginning . . .

L to R: Dave "The Gorn" Fashena, Harcourt Fenton Chicken, Albert "Keeper" Viscuse. Clare "Troglyte" Viscuse. Peter "Zarabeth" Anderson, Errol "Atoz" Wander.

Science Fiction

The Stony Brook Science Fiction Forum is one of the oldest student organizations a t the University. The headquarters and library are located in the basement of Hendrix College in Roth Quad. The con- stantly growing collection of over 3000 volumes of hardback, paper- back and magazine Science Fic- tion is open to all.

FRONT ROW (left to right): David Hodges Pope, Alysa Chadow - Treas., Perrianne Lurie - Pres., Margaret J. Basile, Paul D. Fernhout, Todd Kerekes. BACK ROW: John 0. Kupper, John Cornetto, George Chin, Jack Devine, Thomas G. Wilson Jr. - Asst. Librarian, Clifford R. Hong - Librarian, Gary I? Halada, John 'Jam' Madonia, Roy Wilson.

Isn't it a lovely ride Sliding down, Gliding down Try not to try too hard It's just a lovely ride Now the thing about time is that time Isn't really real It's just your point of view How does it feel for you Einstein said he could never understand it all Planets spinning through space The smile upon your face Welcome to the human race Some kind of lovely ride The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time . . .

No man can reveal ta you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.


made their debuts as Vice Pre

The Department of Public Safety (above) officially changed their title to University Police.

1 North Gate (right) underwent a hce- lift as repairs and construction were undertaken to expand and beautify this entrance.

Commuter College (left) celebrates its grand opening in the Union - a move away from its former quarters in the basement of Gray College.

ter . (1 of

printout eft) that Chinese


1982 niarks the twenty-frfth anniversary of the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and the twentieth year of deveiopnrent of the Stony Brook campiis at its present site Each of those years has seen enormous change, and each new graduatfng ciass has had a distincttve expertence which continues lo enrtch the itves and careers o f each of its members

To celebrate this experience and affirm its importance in our Itves, we encourage your partrcipafion in our Twenty-Second Commencement Ceremony Tradltionaliy, for students who have fulfified the requirements for academrc degrees, Commt?ncement at Stony Brook aifows the entire university communtty to measure annuafiy ifs extraordinary progress 1n building a distingtl~shed univers~ty

At Stony Brook oiir rnood of optirrrtsm contrasts auspioousiy with grim forecests of future national circumstances We are inreoarina here a cenerafton of men and women who have the confidence, the knowledge and the skiiis to endure s~ ich d/fGcult ftmC?s and to build beyond them fowa their accomplfshments and Fo encourage their aspfrations

I Sincerely

John W . Marburger

How queer everything is today! And yesterday things went on as usual. I wonder i f I 've changed in the night? Let me think: Was I the same when I got u p this morning? I almost think I can remember feellng a l ~ t t l e different. But If I 'm not the same the next questlon "Who in the world am I?" - Ah, that's the great puzzle.

- L e w ~ s Carroll


Ready am I to go, and my eagerness with sails full set awaits the wind.

Only another breath will I breathe in this still air, only another loving look cast


. . . long have you searched the distance for your ship, And now your ship has and you must needs g

I And Now, A Few Words From The Folks Who Brought You Your

Hi, do you know us? Not many people do. We're the folks who do photography, lay-outs, and publish a yearbook. Despite all this people still I don't recognize us. And since we are often behind the scene, not many people know of our work.

with us where ever we go. S o look for u s folks with the yearbook - Specula. Don't leave


That's why we carry Specula I

s tony Brook without it! I



Photo Editor:

Photo and Concert Editor:

Sports Editor:

Photographers and Staff:

Contributing Photographers:

Yearbook Representative:

Mei Po Ng

Darryl Rotherforth

Errol Wander

Margaret Mayora

Cara Borger, Dominic Falco, David Jasse, Ellen Ki- kel, James Lantier, Bob Lauto, Mary Monusky, Donna Penna, Henry Satiaskas, Winston Worrell.

Stuart Davis, Nancy DiFranco, Carolina ano over, Alan Kriegsfeld, Louis Krell, Greg Preziosi, Donna Nixon, Carson Tang, Henry Tanzil, University News Service, Clare Viscuse, Chuck Webber - Univer- sity Photo Service, Eric Wessman - Fine Arts Center, Mary Zartman. Courtesy of Statesman-Mit- chel Buchalter, Will de Laforcade, Phil Sauer, How- ard Saltz.

Gail Lynch-Bailey The Delmar Company, Charlotte, N.C.

Senior Portrait Photographers: Art Haglich, Jerry Lamonica Greenberg-Biello Studio, Plainview, N.Y.

Photo Credits PHOTO CREDIT Stuart Davis - pgs. 69,120,121,167,174,178,179. Nancy Diiranco - pgs. 184, 189. Greenberg-Biello Studio - pgs. 54, 159, 170, 178, 179, 182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, all formal senior portraits. Caroline Hanover - pg 184. Ellen Kikel - pgs 2,8,9, 12, 13, 14, 15,38,39,40,41,81, 172, 175. Louis Krell - pg. 173 Allan Kriegsfeld - pg 29. James Lantier - pgs 1,2,4,5, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19,22,23, 88,89,161, 162,164, 171,177. David Jasse - pgs. 17,22,23,30,31,34,35 - The Shadow Box, 52,53, 56,64,89, 104, 105, 164, 166, 175, 178, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 192. Margaret Mayora - pgs. 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199,202,203. Mei Po Ng - front and back endsheets, pgs. 2,3, 11, 14, 28, 58,59,88, 89, 120, 121, 160, 161, 168, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 185, 188, 189, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200,201,202,203,208.Donna Nixon - pgs. 161, 165. Greg Preziosi - cover photo, pgs. 120, 121. Darryl Rotherforth-pgs.6,7,10,11, 14,16,31,88,89,136,137,158, 165,169,172,178,179,183,186,188,189, 204,205. Henry Satiaskas - pgs. 6,7,10, 13,20,49,52,53,60,61,64,158, 183. Courtesy of Statesman - pgs. 26,31,51,65,67,70, 191, 192. Steve Sullivan - pgs. 174, 176. Carson Tang - pgs. 179,189. Hen- ry Tandl - pgs. 65, 75, 76.Teri Tiso - pgs. 72, 73. University News Service - pgs 51, 80, 19O.Claire Viscuse - pgs. 32,33, 180, 181, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199,202,203. Errol Wander - pgs. 17,24, 25,27, 29,32,36,37,40,41,42,43,44,45, 4 6 , 4 4 5763, 152, 153, 166, 168, 169, 170, 173, 176, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 204, 205. Chuck Webber - University Photo Service - all team photos on pgs. 66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80. Eric Wessman - pgs. 34,35.Winston Worrell - pgs. 24, 25, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188. Mary Zartman - pgs. 185, 189. Mike Hatzakls - 190.

-1 Stony Brook Union Building State University of New York a t Stony Brook Stony Brook, N.Y. 1 1790

What is Specula? Is it . . . a fancy fleck of dust? an exhibition? a pair of eyeglasses? something wonderful and marvelous? (perhaps) or an onlooker? No, it is none of these. Neither is it an apparition nor is it to take a chance, although it may seem that way at times.

Specula is, in fact, Stony Brook's very own yearbook. That's right folks, there is a yearbook organization on campus, the one with the weird name. Much as we've tried, we achieve neither fame, fortune nor recognition for all our hard work. We're the ones, in case you're interested, buried next to the Stony Brook Press in the tiny windowless dungeon in the Old Biology building. You know, the structure that's blocking your way when you have to go from the Library to the Computer Center.

I would like to thank a great staff for their support and a job well done and to those outside our organization who lent a big hand in the production of this book.

To Darryl and Errol, my photo editors, in a photo essay yearbook such as this one you two did wonders in getting the photos we needed (I'm still wondering), and Margaret - the one who stayed with me to the very end and the rest of the staff - Mary, Ellen, Cara, Donna, Dominic, Bob, Henry, Winston and David. What can I say, gang, except thanks for everything.

Many thanks also to the Union Staff for their assistance; Bill, Carole, Dave, Marianne, Kayla and Dottie - you are some of the few people who know we exist and that's only because we keep bothering you for a room.

In Polity, a million thank-yous go to Barbara Broderick for putting up with all the B.S. for us. Also Ms. Virginia Boone, Lew Levy and all the student staff who answered the multitude of phone calls for us.

The University News Service, Chuck Webber of University Photo Service, Eric Wessman and States- man who contributed to the photo needs of this book for which I am most grateful.

To Gail Lynch-Bailey, our yearbook representative who provided advice, supplies, wine and a sympa- thetic ear, I hope all goes well for you. Thanks for everything.

I also appreciate the assistance provided to us by the Office of the Registrar, the Office of Personnel, and the Alumni Association.

Not to be forgotten is the Greenberg-Biello Studio with Art and Jerry, our senior portrait photogra- phers, who contributed an impressive part of this book.

And to James, my chauffeur, proof-reader etc. . . . especially the etc., and to anyone else who I did not mention, I thank you all.

Mei Po Ng, Editor, Specula - 1982


7 .. - State University of New York

at Stony Brook