Download - 1961_02_12 Do You Want a Double Portion Ministry by W. V. Grant Sr

  • 8/2/2019 1961_02_12 Do You Want a Double Portion Ministry by W. V. Grant Sr




    Inspiring Articles of Spiritval Value

  • 8/2/2019 1961_02_12 Do You Want a Double Portion Ministry by W. V. Grant Sr


    I. -D. "IT*, "0 1 mr m*C" WYT .. 1 .Fl"lT ..IT* 7 C LOl lD

    P U B 1 ]SHED CONTINUOUSLY S I N C E 1 9 1 3BRUARY 12, 1961 NUMBER 2440

    . . .XECUTIVE DIRECTOR U C T ~l'cbb. . R O B E R T C. C U N N I N G I ~ I. . .A Y O U T E DI T OR Lcrlic IV. Sillilh. . .M A X A C E R C f l ~ lG. C0lll1crEDITORIAL POLICY BOARDG. I

  • 8/2/2019 1961_02_12 Do You Want a Double Portion Ministry by W. V. Grant Sr



    Let thc atheist trumpet his t l is l:e-n in hum an affa irs , of l ife. of miracles. Tlie facts ofience a ~ ~ distory \voultl swarm to

    natural law, physical pheno men a,-miracles happen within us and

    i l l a world so full of mir a~1es ou red s e ti ses \v a ry \v itl i t he r ep o r t i ~ ~ g .F o r centuries Inan fum l~le d \vitli his

    sible su l~s tan ce \vas a world ofheti man found the r ight key antlbegan to ha pp en . E ~ ~ e r g yva s

    'The tot iil~ s of the I-'haraohs held

    tlie trea sure s of antiquity:that hat1 h e n lef t for t lic I 'har -

    orld. They \\-eretl have tliscartlctl a s worthless. B ut

    hose seetls, \vaterctlto the su n: ant1es of n~i racle s , secds that hadA~st an ce wc call "life" was c aptive

    seeds-as within all seetlsing only for some one to set theT o the C hr i s t ian , thes e a r e exc i ting

    thin gs. H e is not paralyz ed 1)y u111:c-lief. nor crippled liy swcrs. I-le Ilas an; l l m i g l ~ t y C o d e t ~ t h r o ~ ~ e t lI I the circlcof t l ~ e un iver s e a nd k r~ o \vs tint a11po\vcr h v s lo\vn from H i ~ n o r w h a t\ve call "energy " in the ntom a nd "life"in the seed is t l ic same po\ver thato pc ra tc d t hr ou g h J e s ~ ~ shrist the I 'tcr-nal \Vortl , t l iat Incorruptil~leS eed . ' ' Iam comc tliat they ill ight have lifz,and that they might have i t morcal junt lant ly," H c said .13ut ou r proble m is not \vitli a lx -licf in t h e n ~ i r a c ~ ~ l o u s .\re merelystum lde al1011t looking for thc k ey. O u rp s h - b u t t o n a g e c o ~ ~ t l i t i o n s s t o d e -mand p~~sI i - l ,u t ton miracles . I f God\v:unts to perform tlic unusa~l,we \ \ i l lle t Him, but wc \\ ' ill hardly lift afinger to co-opcrate.But ncither science, commel-cc. in-du stry , nor governm ent \vork like this.r .I h e y I c a v c ~ ~ o t h i n go chance-no th i~ ~ gto coincitlcnce. M'hcther in the Iabora-tory or a t t l i t counci l chambers ofd ip lomacy, men sct the s tage for mir -acles 1,y painst akin g effort antl tl ~ e nbelieve \vith magnificent faith-faiththat puts our s to shame-that miraclesd o l i ~ p p e n .If men \vitliout Gotl can escrciscsuch faith \vhq not me11 n h o know t heirGo tl? "Tlicy that kno\v their God shalldo exploits ."T l i i ~s , n thc uor l t l of t l ie sp ir i t , thatdivinc realm callcd "Thc Kingdom ofGotl," miracles happe n I>ecaus= spir-itually perceptive peop lc pa ins tak i~ ~ g lyset the s tage for n~ ira cle s . Cotl is apartner \vith such pcople.

    Y ear s ago a l i t t l c Eng l i s h ~ I ioc~ i i akc rcml~ar l te t l or India on an h is tor ic jour-ney. H e was des tined to I~ecom e t lwfather of Protestant mis \ ions . Tl ie theo-logians and prelates mocked at such ashc conquering a pagan people for Gotl,I ~ u t \ ;i ll iam Carcy perscvcred and lcft

    Ixliintl him n formula for miracles tllis imn io r ta l . H e s a id . " i i t t f t~ l~ p t r eth ings ior Cot l . l l spect grcat th ingi1-0111Gotl."I t , i s in the " a t t c~ np t in g" tha t \v~ ~ r c l ~ a r chc ground for d iv ine in tevention s. La ten t in the \\;ortl of Gois a \vorltl of supernatural po\vcr \vaiing only to he released. Fc\v peopcan split an atom hut a child can plaa scct l. S o s i~ np le lso is the procc11y which th e h~ um l~ lc staint can planthe 1ncorrupt i l ) le Se al antl csp cr icncthc po\ver of Gotl.' I'here app ears to he a fou r-steformula \vhich can Ixcome tlie key udock these d iv ine resources la tent t li e univc rs c a round 11s a ~ ~ t lvithin tl\Yortl of Gotl. 1:iy this we set thc stagfor miraclcs .

    Mi racl es begin wit11 tlr ca n~ s. 'Thaivesome sk y-scraper , the mighty supension I~r id ge, the f laming missi letlic orhiting satellites, all I:egan \via dream. Someone lived \\it11 tht l r c a m , c o n ~ n ~ u n e t lit11 it, took councwith it, till tlcsirc \vas scven times hoFor dreams are the fucl of t lesirc.111 like ma llner , th e f irst stcp top.ara pcrsoonal miraclc must al\va!.s IIC thvision of the imaginat ion . Fo r dr c a ~rcach out into tlic world of the unreand h i n g in to s ha rp focus tha t \v l~at present does not exis t . Dreams aa part of faith. Hcbr c\vs , chapte r elevesays : "Ko\v fa i th is the substancet h i ~ g s oped for." " T h i ~ ~ g soped foare th ings dreamed about , th ings e\~isiotietl in the n1i11tl as alrcatly cx isitig.i \nd to prove that des i rc is impo

    tant to miraclc . Jcsus said , "Whatsoever yc desire, \vIicn ye pray believthat ye rcceive it , antl ye shall hav(Continued on page thirt y)

    12, 1961

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    A N D T H E WAYS O F G O D , .x s-ruli,y1xG ,rI.II: i:ilm l< n.1: n x u 1,rt11 Gotl to tak e tlieati1.e in H i s speci:tl dc:tli~ igs \vitliH c f ir s t of a ll ~~ i a ~ i i f c s t sli sculo us p w c r in tlie mitlst of 1-1 is

    : Having clone t l i is in sr~cli ;tH e then csp ec ts to sec

    lt of this spccialvisitation.. F or at1 csa '~n plc , i~ l icGod' s t lea l i l~gsit11 t11c cl~ iltl'ren of I s r a ~ l n 1Xgyl)t.No te , 11ow H e made kno\vn l - li s prcs-nce i l l their m itlst in ten 'niigh ty mani-f c s t a t i o ~ ~ sf H i s n i i r a c t ~ l o ~ ~ sower.Su ch a rev ekttion o f' tlie po\vcr of Gotls l~oul t lhavc ~) rot lu ced a it li i l l t h e ~ n c -ing the i r grea t Del ivere r. ' Ihey su rc -1y could see that H is pu rpos e \vas tor in g then1 out of thc land of Izgyl)t.nt1 lead thcm ill to t l ia t ' la ~i t l wli icl~

    H e had p r on~ i sc t l .Tlir nlanller in \vliicliH c clivit letl thc Red Sea ' lxfo rc t .l icni\vas m ore than enough to co~ivin cc l icskeptjcal am on g then1 of tlic pur -)ose of t l ic Al nli gl~ ty;

    A s s o o n a s t l l c c l ~ i l t l r c ~ ~f lsr:~c.l\\ere clcar of t11c Re d Se a, an d freefro ni tlie a ut ho rit y a11d Ixxver of I!'lrar-aoh , tl ic Lor d began t o tcst tl ieni . H etlcsircd to kr~ ow 11ow 1 iiuc11 c o ~ ~ f i t l e ~ ~ c ctl icse peoplc ~ i o w i:ttl i l l His fa i thful -ness antl power. Uut thcy faileclH in i . h f oscs , \ vho k~ ie w he o fGotl , knew they werc o111y tes ts; 11cknew they did not niakc void tlie proni-ises of God to br ing I-lis pcol)le snfelj,to their prom ised posse'ssio~i. 13ut tlle~ i n s s f thc pcople fa iled to l )e lie\ ,cGot l . As soon hs Hc stepped I)cl~intlt l i e c u r t a i ~ ~ ,s i t were ; thc c ry \vc~i tup: "\VIiere is Gotl now?" "\ , \ 'oult l toGod \ye had (lied by the hand of th eL o r d in tlic land of Egypt."

    J I I t l ie New Test :ume~~tYe read thatGod ag a in vis itct l H is ~)c op le n the

    1 x ~ s o 1 i.)f 1-lis So n. Je sus Clir ist . l

  • 8/2/2019 1961_02_12 Do You Want a Double Portion Ministry by W. V. Grant Sr


    curaldc tliscasc. Shc Iicartl that :I g r ea tI I I ~ I I \ v a s c o ~ l l i ~ l go co ~ i d u c t I revivala ~ ~ t l~ c a l i n g c : m q ) a i g ~ ~ . l i c I i : ~ t l I ~ c rf r i c ~ ~ t l sake her to tile ~ i i ~ t i ~ i gu asl)i11:11 ca rria ge. Sllc \vas prnyctl io t \V:IS 110 hcttc r. \~\'hilc slic \vns frcl-i ~ ~ gery tli sa l)p oi ~i tc tl. lic ILortl sj)crl;,:to t ie r a ~i t l o lt l l ic r t h t - i f she lint1g o ~ ~ co 11icct \vitli a gre at ( k t 1 in.twtlof goiug to liiect wit11 n grcnt 111:111.- -sl ic \voulct 11ot Inv c I) t.c11 t l is n lq ~ ~ i~ ~ te c l .S l ~ e sked t l lc l .o rt l to fo rg ive I~ e rfor having crretl. a11tl a fe\v (lays latcrp e r s u a d e d l i e r f r i c ~ d so t ak e 11-r n g : ~ i ~ ~t o t l ~ c 111ccti11g.She \\,as 1)raye:l forb y t h e c v a ~ ~ g e l i s tntl \vas I~calctl coni-plctcly. S he toltl nie that after\vartl.;she was able to \valk five 111ilcs.

    * * *

    A l) ou t f if ty y ea r s ag o G od ~ ) o u r do u t H i s Sp i r i t i l l I 'c~itccostal Ixxver .T h i s o u t l ~ o u r i ~ i g ,ike t l ic fo r~ iie r , vnsacco1i11nnietl Ijy su l)e r~ ~ at ti ra ligns , a~i t lt l ~ o u s a ~ ~ t l si people were I~ealct l ofa ll Ina lu ler of di seases . H a v i ~ ~ g)ccnpresell t dur ing t l lose ear ly days oi Pen-tecostal rev i\-a l, I 1)elicve it w as Illoren case of God tak ing tlie i~ iitia tive 11:inthe r esu l t o i nnrvelous f a i t l i 011 tilepar t of t l ~ os e who were used in t l iehea lin g of tlie sick. 'fllc t im e of th ela t ter rn i ~i e f er red to in Z c~I ia r i :~ l i 0 :1 l i n c l come, nntl Got1 caliie tlo\vn tof d f i l l H i s \ \ T o r d .Lo ok i~ig rack over t l ic \v:~ys n \v l~ ic I~Gotl has dealt with His pcol) lc f ronlt h e t i ~ i i eof R lose s to t lie 1)rescllt (la!.,let us ask: Is i t the ~ i i i ~ i t lf G ad thatH e s liou ld a l\ \.n\ .s t ake t l ic i ~~ i t i a t iv c?S u re ly Gotl \ v : ~ ~ ~ t so lead us; H e l ias al \vnys \\ -anted to lend Hi speo ple 011, fron i faitli to fni tl i. H e doest ak e t he i ni ti at iv e a t t l ~ c ) e g i ~ i l i i ~ ~ gfa c l i s l ) cn s a t i o ~~ . 'mt 1-Ie cs1)t.cts ~ ~ ~ o r cfrom us \vho Iiavc Iwen on thc \Yayfor years t l i a~ i H e does fro111 11c\v"ljahes i l l Christ" \vho Inust al \vays 1~cca r r i ed I j ecau s c t h ey ca~ i ~ i o t\.all

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    B Y N A T H A N A E L O L S O N

    T h e B ir t h d ay o f A b r a h a m L i n co l n, a t r u l yr ican, takes us back to one of theh ich he s t rove a hundred yea rs ago .

    l meti free-lx~t still the reIf you t1011't Ixlieve me , go ~ vi tli me

    O I I ~ l ie mistreateds over &om Ki ng Alcohbl rulesth a bott le for a scep ter! No te,

    pair . Th ey 're " irce" men-l~ut sla\ ,cs!House s o f i l l fame ar c full of "free"

    resound wi th th e r asp ing, voicesf "free" men w ho are slaves to greed.Ar e you a s l a ve ? If not, ho\v freeou ? A re you tlne master of yourou ? Do j'ou ca t to l ivc ,l ive to ea t ? Do you make money

    m on e y? I Ccm c m I ~e r t ha t Chr i s t: "Who soever com mit te th s in , i s the8:34).

    Hundr e ds o f ye a r s a go a n unha ppy: "For the good tha t I

    II do . . . . 0 \vretcInetl

    ! who sha l l de l iver me?"m a ns 7 :19 , 24 ) . If you a r c l ike

    1311t I have g ood nelvs for y o u! "lfthe Son therefore shall m akc ! .OII f sh all I)e fr cc intlc:tl" (Jo lnn S : 3 6 ) .A n aged colored man lived a seclutletlltfc in the hills of Ke nt uc ky . IZscapetlfrom a cruel master , he feared lest l ieII C caught antl forced to return. J-Iirlitigin liis lonely cahin in tlne hills, he ln~.tlno communic:~tiotns \\ 1t11 the out side\vorlt l f rom one j e a r t o a no the r .17inally he was so in t~ cc tl of pro -\.ision that lie set off for tlie villages tore to ge t hominy, syrup, corn, andthe other i tems \vhicI i mxde 1111 hismeager menu. Lest some s lave dea lerse e h im , l i e c a ~~ t ious lylipped alonga m d tlne s il e nt sha dows a t ~ t l o \ \ e r i ngtrees near the vil lage.

    "Hey, you!" a loud voice callccl.' h h y i s yo ' c reepin ' a long l ike af r ighten ' possum ? "The fugit i \ .e slave almost fel l t l irol~glnfright till he discovered it \vas onlyJeremiah Jones, t l ie colored preacher ,dr inking peppermint tea . -4 smile pullcdat the c orn ers of t lne preacher 's mou th." l l on ' you know 01' A lx Linco111 se tus colo 't l foll \ s f rc c? N o mo' s laveclays fo' us !""\Vhen did all tlis happen ?" askedthe wonde r ing m a n ."W hy , we been frcc fo' a yeah,"ans\verecl preacher Jones.

    .A tear tr ickled down the old man'check as l ie replied. "Jus' think! HcaAh Ijccn livin' like a slave fo' a \\hol~ ~ a l n ,un' all the time Ali've I)ecti frec !Unsaved reader , you're l ike our coored fr iend. Y ou'vc bee11 a slave to sif o r ye a r s ~v l i i l eall the t ime you coullnavc been free. \\Thy? 13ecause Christ lefeatetl Sa tan antl sin \vhen H e diefor your sins on C alvary. W he n 1-Tsaid. "I t is f inished, ': i t \vas l~eca uI-lc lint1 I ~ r o l x n lie boa dag c of sin foall \vho woultl trust their case to Him'I ' licrc is frcetloni for you througChrist-freedom from cvil habits, f rcet l om f r om a gu i l t y c o~~sc i e nc e ,r e e domfrom fear al lout t l ie present or th

    future, f rccclom from eternal death.Slavery s t i l l cs is t s . l3ut yorr donneed to Ile a slave to sin antl Sataany longer . Clir ist can set you free12epe1it now of y our sin. In oth ew o r d s : s top hugging your s in ant1 hegill 1nati11g t ! Come to Christ , recei\ , inHim in to your he a r t a s your o \vo pe rsonal S avio ur . You lnavc this unfaii ' l~gpromise :"As many as rece i \ ,e t l Him, to themgave I-Ic po w , - to Ixxome so ns of G od(Jolnn 1 :1 2) .(The foregoing i s avai lable il l t rac t formfrom the Gospel Publishing House, Springfield, Missouri . Ask for Tract No. 444"Slavery Still l?.xists.")

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    Cl ia r l es to~ l .South Caro l i~ ia , t :~ r tl c tl I~ i sc o ~ i g r e g a t i o ~ ilie otlicr quiet S:~bl~atlinio rni~ ig \\ it11 some quest ions aboutliquor that still have his listcucrs \vall.;-in g 011 t lie ir heels . \ \ , ' c pass t l ic~i i ~l o~ ig .1. "H ave you cver k~io \vn l iial i tolose his job bccausc Iic tlra~il.; oo lit-t le ?" T l ~ a t ~ ~ c s ti o i ivoultl tr~licall tlict ime for one sernioli . I~i i t i icdiately l ierccomes dr i f t ing before us t l~ e vea thcrcdfaces of fri e~ itls u.110 hav e lost o ut tol i f c a t t h c o t h e r e x t r r ~ n e .2. "Hav e you ever kn o\v ~i a11 eli i-ployer, sccki~ig Inan for a rcspo~is ibleposi t ion, to say-'Only a drink er needapply'?" One reason you f ind I i ien ofsuperior character working i ll l iquorstores is they ivon't take ally otherk ind . Th a t ' s o w l~us ine s s \ .he re a11 eni -ployee must not pa tro~ i ize is o\vn Imsi-11ess. 11: ONLY

    3. "I-Iave you e\.er hno\vn a t lefe~i t l -an t iu cour t to s ay , ' I f I had bcendru nk I I ie \,er \voult l I ia \e t lo ~ic t '? "In my ow n files of sad cas es I haved o z e ~ i sof yello\v, fadctl cards tliat tellthe other s ide of that s tory.4. "Have you ever k n o \ v ~ iall i11sur-a w e c o~ np au y to offer rccluc'c tl ra tcsA M E S S A G E F O R B O Y S A N D G I R L S

    B Y J. C H A R L E S P E L O N

    A be LincolnWas Right

    A bout Liquorto ' t l r i~ ikcrs ~ i ly '" Y ou call stake yourlife you'v e .Iie\rcr Iie ut l sue11 a sillyproposi t ion. 0 1 1 tlle otll8:r li a~ it l, hott-s a ~ i t l s i av e ~ i i a t l c h c ~ i i se l \ .e s u ~ ~ i ~ i s u r -able" bc caus c of tlieir devotio n to the11ottlc. 011eof the I-iclicst nisi T k ~ i c \ \i l l l i ly earl ier c lays \vas t~lr~lct l o \ v ~ if o r i ~ i s t ~ r ; ~ ~ i c c\.it11 tlie 11otatio11 a Intiuior:~l r isk." IJus i t icss~ i ie~iv i l l sonic-t inies drink , 1)ut they don ' t \va ~i t toget tictl LI P i l l I ~ u s i ~ i c s sit11 so11;concclsc wlio docs.5. " H a v e y o u e v e r k ~ i o \ v ~ ihe vnl~ ieof a 11on1e or a I~ us in es s o rise whena t a v e r ~ i s o p e ne d n e s t d o o r ?" 0111yrc cc ~i tly a Inan asl.;etl Inc i f I \voultla p p ea r a g ai n st t h e o p e ~ i i ~ i gf a lirluors torc i l l I i is comniu~ii ty.I r c f ~ ~ s c d .c

    i s n o t : ~ g a i ~ ~ s ; tiq uo r. 1311t Ilc ritlcs ou to i h is o \\ m c o ~ i i ~ i i u n i t yo gct i t , H::t l o c s~ i ' t \ \. an t i t t l i c l ~ o r t l ~ c c : ~ s o ~ i~i ic~i t io~ iet l - i t le i la tes \ -alucs il l reales tate .

    c.1 ~ I I : G ~ : \ c e6. "1-l:~vc you ever k ~ io \v ~ i doctorto say to a s ick pat iel i t . 'Your cl ia~iccsfor surv i \x l \voult l I )c ~ i iuch I~e t t e r i i\.ou 1i:ltl l~ccii I t l r i ~ i k i ~ i g1ia11'" 0 1 1

    t l i c co~ i t ra ry!R l a ~ ~ yInall has had Iiisretitlczvous wit11 tlcath-a~itl st ~t ~n l) lc tloff to tlic gravc for tliz very rcasollth:~ t I lc ztus a ( I r i ~ i k i ~ i giin11 an d Iiatltlcstroyctl tlie tle ic~ ise s liat niiglit Iinvemade the t l i ik re~ icc .7 . " H av e yo u cv er k ~ i o \ ~ nIviic tol if t l ~ c r e a r - st a i ~ ie t l f a ce t o s a y , ' ~ 1 ) .I ~ u s l > a ~ i dvould be tlie I ~e st iiali i l l th e\vorltl i f he 011ly t l r :~~ih: l i t t le '?" i \ ~ i dtliat finislies tlle clucstio~is n tlic silliesta~ i t l sntl tlest notc o f a ll . W ith Inoretha n half of th e adu lts in Anicricnlistctl 5s "niocleratc tlririkcrs" a ~i tl iorethan tlirec uiillion hopclcss alcol~olicsalllollg LIS, the re i s 110 x o n d c r t h a t t h eatio ion is l i t tered \vi th the t ragic r t~l) l~leof l~ rok e i i homes .i \bc Lin col ~i lincl i t r igl i t -"Liq ~~o rlias liialiy tlcfe~itlcr s. x~ t t has 110 clc-fe~ i sc . " -Pirrc.c, I-lnrrisi n I I I C .4tlu11/(1 10111 IU I-

    J / I O SE S. Yes, Moses is surely one

    Th e Greatest ofO I I ~hetoryrea t i en la~ ic ipa torslie struggle Iiistory'sI+'lroi~l d id h ; Io sc s e m a ~ ~ c i p a t e ?flic Is-Emancipator rael it e s. A ~ i d l ~ o l l lhn t di d he se t thc l l lf r c c ? Fro111 t lie ir I) o~ ~d ag c.ou rclneni-her how the cli ildr e~i of Isra el \vcrcJ SCS SAID, "11; TI IE SOX T1II:HI:-for e shal l make you free. ye shal l 1)f r ee i ~ ~ d e e t l " J o l iu S :36).Torla),, boys a~iclgir ls , 1 \voultl 11heto tell you a l ~ o ~ ~ the Greatest 1Giia1ici-pator . B ut befo re i\ .e can talk al louttlie G r e a te s t E ~ n a ~ i c i l n t o r ,ve nlust askours elves tlie qu estion , "\C 'l~at is all

    \ \ h t d o es it m eall t o c n ~ a n c ip n t e ?T,et me try to exp lain. Th is long wordhas been ~i iat lc up I)y I ~ u t t i ~ ~ gogethert h rc e s h o rt \v or tls ~ n e a ~ ~ i n gto takcout of so~ ne on e 's I ia~i t l ." Le t us s up-pose you have gonc iiito tlie \vooclsat i tl - havc caught a ~v i ld canary. Afr iend colnes al o~ ig nd sees you ho ld-ing the canary in your hand, and want st o s ee t h e b ir d f r ee a d f ly in g a g a in .But i t i s your b i rd ; you caught i t , and

    y w say to your f r i c~ id , 1 \ \ . i l l let youhave the enliar?. for fifty cents."S o let u s s ~ ~ p p o s cour f r i c~ i t loffersy ou f if ty c c n t s ; a d a s y o u o pe 11 o n ebaud t o l a k c tlic n lo n cy , yo11 o p c ~ ~heo t h e r l i a ~ ~ c le l c r s i ~ ~ ghe \viltl c a ~ i a r y .'The I~ ir d is happy to l ie free micem ore a ~ ~ t llics a\v:ly. Your good fric~itlIns bougl i t the bird out of your Iiat~tl,11ot for Iiiuisclf bu t f or itself. H e hasc l m i g c c l t h e o w ~ ~ e r s l i i pi the 11ird bysetting it frcc. Tliis is \vlint it nieallsto e ~ n a ~ ~ c i p a t ~ .No \\ that \ \.e bet tcr unt lers t :~ ~i t lhe~ n e a ~ i i ~ i gf tlic \vortl, I \vontlcr \vlictlieryo11 can lialiie so mc of Iiistor y's g re atc m a ~ i c i p a t o r s ?Tliere have 11ce1111ia11yand Ive n d l t a lk I r i c f ly :bout sotiicof thc~ i ibefore \vc comc to tlie Great-c s t l h n n c i p a t o r .

    licld i t 1 capt ivi ty by t lie I

  • 8/2/2019 1961_02_12 Do You Want a Double Portion Ministry by W. V. Grant Sr


    nd practice freedom of war-ABRAHArld L l h ; C O L ! Y . Sure l j cv -

    I need to ask re40rec ? Yes, i t

    llorw c l id L i~~co lno tl i is? Uyis great E~n ancipa t ion Proclamat ion ,ll to go to a a r

    i l l the Uni tedate s "forever free."\4'e are profounclly thankful for these

    i f you know Hisf this helps you to decide : "If the

    f o ur te x t? Yes , Jesus. And you know,

    i f H eill be really free.n other words , there is no o ther eman-Now, boys and gir ls , I want to ask

    us that we asked about the great enian-ipators of history. J,et 11s see ho\vwell you can answer tliem.F i r s t , x h o i i ~ l id Jesus emancipatc?

    People, that's right. If tlie great eman-ip ator s of h istory ga ve their livcs tojet people free, certainly you \vou!dexpect the same of t l ie Greatest Eman-cipator, since nothing in tliis worlcl ismore important than people. I n fact,Jesus even said on one occasion tliatH e came "to give Hi s l ife a ransomfor manyv-that is, for man y people.God cares a lot about human beings,and Jesus cared enough about them tocome into tlie worlcl and die upon across to emancipate them, to set thenifree.Our second question is , jro ir~ rclhatdoes Jesus ,ema ncipate ? I can think ofseveral things. Yes, srlPcrst i t io~t s one.Superstit ion is really ignorance and Je-sus sets the minds of men free by giv-ing theni knowledge of the Trutli-eternal Truth, because it is tlie trutliabout God. Jesus said, "If you con-t inue in My word , you are My d is -ciples, and you \\.ill know tlie trutli,and tlie trutli will make you free."Jesus is the Greatest Emancipator of

    (Continued on page twenty-nine)


    BY NELL F. H A L LS O L O h I O P i 1 1-11s P R O V E I < l 3 S GIVESsome very favorable comments concern-ing good \vowen, but lic must have hat1experience rvith a nagging \vom:ui, too.Fo r li e \ \ r o te in Prove r l~s 21 :9 ( andit is the favo rite passage of some m en ),"It is belter to dwell -in tlie co rner oftlie hou seto p th an with a 11raivli1;g \\.om-an in a \vide liouse."?.l l i en aga in , i n verse 1'3, lie indicatedtliat even tlie hausetop \vould not af-ford sufficient relief from tliis uncle-s irable companion, for hc said, "I t isbetter t o dwell in tlie \vilderness tl w iwith a contentious and angry \voman."Some render tlie word "contentious"as "fretful"-and wha t a frec ~ue nt auseof matrimonial misery is thi's fussi!icssabout l i t t le things!

    The Speaker 's Commentary clcscril~csthe "corner on tlic housetop" as a cor-ner of the flat roof on an Easternhouse , exposed to all tlie changes .ofwea ther. "All \vincls and st or ms a m anmight meet with in sucli a spot," says~11ewriter, "\vould be more enclural~lethan this kind of chin-music from awife inside tlic liouse."Ancl this is not tlie hst that Solornotihas to say on tlie subject. Can it bethat t l ie Holy Spirit saw that this woulclitdeed be a conlmon cause of troublcij l our homes, and tliat these vivid pic-tures would be'neecled by many of usto make us take s tock and change ourways? F,or t l ic next picture in P r o v -erbs 27 : l5 , 1 6 lias in i t further detailsof the unpl eas anti iess of life with t ha tnagging, fretful person. "A continualdropping in a very rainy clay and aconten tious woman a re alike," lie said."\\rliosoever hicleth her [R.V. , res t ra in-eth her'-tries to keep her temp er with-in limits] liidetli tlie wind." T o tryto control sucli a person would be asrational antl as possil~le as to try tocontro l the wind!

    M h t e v e r elsc t li is f igure of speecis intentled to portray, it clezrly sho\hat :i lien-pecking wife wears a mac1on.n like a dr ipping faucet , o r , watcontinuously clropping from the eavon a t in pan . Perhaps there are fehindrances to the cause of Chris t effe ctiv e as a hat1 clisposition on tlpa r t of GOC I 'S eop le . T ~ i e oman w ~\voulcl not ga~iil~le. r smoke, or a

    tend pl:ices of \vorldly amusements, mayet ~nanifest churlish temper aiicl keehcr fa~ ni l y in ter ror wi th her actongue.Ancl let us not forget tliat there asome husbancls wlio by their fussinedestroy the peace in the honie. A mawho will fight for the faith once dlivcrecl to tlie saints nlay be so harto live \vitli that liis familv breatha sigh of relief wliqnever lie leavthe liouse.Nor docs it stop here! Cliilclresensing a tense atmosphere, add to with their o\\m incliviclual and variecontril~ utions of fretfulness and cot e n t i o u s ~ ~ e s s ,o that the usual forbeaance -an d co lrr tc s~ l ( t h a t ' ' I O Z J E in / i t tt lr i frgs") arc forgot ten . How easy thefor l i t t le irr i tations and frayed tempe.t o built1 up, until a slanimecl doo r m aannounce that someone lias found tlhouse too small, antl is putting an eclamation point to Solomon's longinfor the wilclerness.

    One mother found licrself perilousnear tlie end of her patience durintlie morning race of getting the cliclren clressecl antl ready for school whithey engaged in more than the usuamo unt of a rgum ents and petty clasheQuietly she reminclecl tliem of tlie Uble admonition, "Be yc kind one another.""]jut t l iere aren' t any s tr ang ers hereremarked one of the children. "Thereonly tlie family."How exactly does tl i is unexpecteanswer put a f inger on the rodt ancause of so much of the home upleasantries! I t seems so much easi

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    to manifest the lovely Christian graces\vhen there is cotnpany, or \\lien \vcare away fr om home, atl tl to " let up"on them in the honle, the very placethey are most needed.There is a verse which speaks of

    the Christirin's 'witness to his housclioltl.H e ' i s . spoken of as a l i~h tc t l candlc ,~ r o l ~ e r l ylaced where "it giyetli lightto al l that ar e. in the Irorrsr" ( M a t -the\\. 5 :1 5 ) .A famou s ac t res s y a s . asked wl la tadvice she would give to Americanwomen in ten wortls. She said shc~ ~ e e d e d111y t\vo : " S t op c om pl a i ~ ~ i ng . "l'aul says , "Nei thcr inu rmu r y e. . ." ( 1Corinthians 10 : l o ) . \?:hether the faul tlic with wife o r liusl~an cl, t is cert ainthat th e perpetu al w ear a11d tear oft lo~nest icdiscord 1)rings clepression anclultimate brcaktlo\vn to the ~il os t heer-ful nature, and God warns severelyagainst i t . How much nicer wives 'ant lhuslnncls would be to live \\.ith i f they\vould count their blessings and try tosee the good in every situation !

    But thank God, tha t s tormy homecan be brought into perfect calm whenthe appea l for help i s ~ n ad e o JesusChris t , as Head of the I~ouseholcl .Onceit is.seen that these dispositional sinsare ful ly as injurious to the Chris t iancause as the more overt acts of \vickecl-ness, and are the cause of the break-dow n of hom es, victory an d help canbe found at t l ie Cross.Often the tendency to nag is the rc-sult of all inner feeling of frust rationan d anxie ty. The secret of victory isas s imple as the i~ivi tat ionof the com-pass ionate Saviour, "Come unto me,. . . and I will give you rest." \Yhocould need this proffered rest nlorcthan that scusitive, irritable, fault-finc!-ing, peevish one \vhose feel i~~gsin dvent in words that Solomon says arel ike the cont inual monotonous drip-drop, dr ip-drop on a very ra iny da y?G od ' s W or d , i f it !)ccomes your dailyresort, wi,l l givc strength for the con-flict that otherwise provcs too much for

    y011. That Word abiding in you richlywill give com fort in place of a nsi etythat would otherwise rul c your hear t .Come to Him, then, as a l i t t le chi ldseeking comfort and love from its par-cnt . Forge t tha t you a re a person ui thbig responsibili t ies antl pressing duties,and let the hurry and fever be t l raw~lfrom your soul by thc cooling, soothing.healing hand of the Lortl . Nagging \ \ i l lchange to s inging, and the house wi l lonce more be large enough for the\vhole family. 4 4

    BY E lNAR

    T H E P n s sm G m s I n o m coAc11clmnk, s~n okecl, nt1 playecl c ards . T heatmosphere was intlescribablc. As \vecrossecl Arizona, the condition improvedbut \vas far from sat is factory. Towardafternoon as I sat in a corner readingm y Biblc, I felt the urge to siug."No. Lort l , I can't," I nnswerecl.Then the \\iord of tlie Lortl came tome, "\\ ihosocver shall confess me hc-fore me n, him shall tlic So n of n lanalso confcss before the angels of God :but he that clenieth me before Incnshall he denied beforc the angels ofGod" (Lukc 12 :S, 9) ."But," I protcstctl, "singing is notpcrmittetl here."Thcre was nei ther escape nor escuse,so I took my songbook to the front cntlof th e car. It was hard to begin. AImby sat in a buggy antl I played withher for a w hi l e ; I askccl her name,ho\v old shc was, where she was going,and so for th , but I line\\. that \vas not\vhy I had come thcre. I took courageat las t , opened my songbook; ant l . turn-ing to the passengers, closccl my eyesa n d s a n g :" I h a v e a F r i e d , o h , a rc~orrdo-fir1Fr iend,H e i s all i l l all to U l C ,Patierlt arid szcmt, arld S O ter i (1~1- I I ~l : h d ,S o lonirrg arrd go od 1s H r .


    Witlrolr t a hope ir l tllc rclorld,T o Ca lzwr y's ~rrolrrltain rc~ertt lcsr rs for.l l l CT o brirzg rrrc s af e llorrie to 'tl lc fold."I sang all three verses, ancl scarcelydared look up. \ \ 'arm an d perspiring ,but light of heart, I closed nly bookand sa t d o w ~ ~ .ow glad I was tohave fulfilled m y mission of u' ~ t ~ m sing for the Lord Jesus!A lady seated across the aisle fromme lcane tl over a 1 ~ 1it11 tears espresseclher grat i tude for the song. Shc \vason her \Yay to her father's deathbed,a ~ l d admit ted that Chris t was not areality in her life.After a while the man \vho the previ-ous night had been drinking the mostsat doum hcside me. I had the privilegeof telling him of Christ \\+o is mightyto save.IVhen later I walked t lo w~ l he ais leof the coach I sa\v a man and womansi t t ing together weeping." \Ve a re ~ ck s l i c lde n, " hey confessed." \Von't you pray for us here that wemay be re stored to fellowship w ithGod ?"Of course I ~voulcl,and as the t ra inrushed across the prai r ie these twosouls were brought hack to the fold.They stepped off the train somewherei n M i s s o ~ ~ r i ,oy f d a nd ha ppy , a nd Iexpect to meet them both on Eterni ty'smorning. -Cl~ristinrt Lijc ni~dTirrlcs

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    A convicted seller of olxene ma-a three-!.ear prison tcrm

    ook antl magazine ~~u bli shc r . 1 ~ ~

    long campaign to rid our city ofIt probal~ly vas the stiffest sentencehanded tlo~v n in a poruograplny

    I n passing sentence, the jutlgc

    e denounced specifically the l itera-N O W SMO KING LESS

    Next time you are conironted kritlns about' the kind of c iga-out of lour doctors in

    U. S. who smokctl five years

    Dr. Horn was co-author with Dr.Cuyler Hammond of the American

    okers as among those u.110 never

    RICA N BAPTISTS SET EDU CAT IONA LSTANDARDS FOR FUTURE MINISTERSTo be ordained as a minister, a per-ave at least four years ofllege and three years of s t ~ ~ d yn anary. So said a comnlission of t he

    The connnnission on the ministry set

    nieet tlic educational sta~idarcl.Exemptfrom the ~ i c w tantlard ar e ministersortlainetl heforc 1965.(It ~vill e noted tlnat it is thc North-c;n Eapti sts, not tlic Southern Baptists,~vlioarc making thew tle~iiantls for amore lniglnly-etl~~catetl inistry; antl yetit is thc Southcrn Ihptists ~vhoarcregistering tlic grcnter mcml~crshipgains.)ReliefAMERICAN CITIZENS SEND $1 17 M I L L I O NABROAD THROUGH VOLUNTARYAGENCIES

    7 .1he Govcrnme~~tnnounced that re-lief shipments to foreign 1:unds dur ingthe first six months of 1960 were 16pcr cent larger than cluri~~glie firsthalf of 1959. Anierican religious andvoluntary g ro~ ~l> ~l i s t r i l~ u tc t l1 17,025,-l I5 worth of food, clo tln i~~g,ntl othersupplies to nectly persons overseas tlur-ing, this period. Alniost one billionpo~~nclsf food froni governlin, nt su r-

    plus supplics 11cre includetl.i\hout hall of tlie relicl was shippedI)y the Catholic lic l~ef Services. Th cAmerican Je1i.i4i Joint Distri1)utionCommittee sent $14,300,(330 ~vortln ofsupplies Other totals lor the six-monthperiod were : Church \\'orltl Service(l'rotestant) $7',697,343 ; Luthcran\\-orld Relief $S.922,244 ; CAlZIZ $22,-257.OCO: Nat ional Association of Ev an-gel~cals' \'orltl Rcl~efCommittee $353,-15s; >\~sembliesof God Foreign S c r ~ice Committee $73,950.MIL LIO NS G IVEN FOR REFUGEESUN Secretary General Dag Ha~ n masLjoltl announcctl that $83,000,000 11asgivcn or pledged by 97 go] ernmentsantl co~untlcss iutlik itlualz tou,artl thesucccss of tlne \\'orltl Refugee Jrcar

    11 l~icln ended last Ju l~ e. He said thatthe Sol iet Union a ~ ~ t lts satellites gavenothing to the \\'orltl Rcfugcc Ycarfund. H e praised religious organiza-tions u hich Iiave raised large sums tohclp the refugees


    T h e 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 t h p l a c a rd ia campa ign t o ca r r y t hWo rd o f G od d i r ec t l y . t othe pub l i c i s moun ted iWes t Be r l i n by H e in r i cBroshalm, founder o f theChrist ian Poster ServiceSince 1949 Evangel icaworkers have extendethe p ro jec t t o many o theWest G erman c it ies, do tt i ng no t on l y t he i r s t r ee tcars but s t reet -corner adver t is ing p i l la rs , wai t inrooms, hospitals, schoolsand pr isons as wel l w i tBible verses and gospeappeals.- P H OT O B Y R E L I G I O U S N E W

    S E R V I C

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    S111)criorCourt Judge ILL!-montl 1:.K c l l ~ ( S p ok a n e , \ \ ' a s li i ~ ~ g t o n ) rnlcclthat the "relcasctl time trailling pro-- .gram " of tlic Spok nnc Council ofCl i r ~r c h e s i s c o n s t i t r ~ t i o ~ n l ."I fear that some." tlic jr~tlgcs t ~ t c t l ."in their nplxrrent zeal to Iiccl) the\vall of separation I)et\vecn Cliurch : ~ ~ i t lStntc r i~~l, renchctl .nay 1-)e u~ i\v itt ing ly-raising n \vall sep arati ng tlic St:rtc a ~i tlour children f rom Gotl ."Foreign"COMMONWEALTH OF CHURCHES"URGED BY ARCHBISHOP

    T h e A r c l i l~ i s l~ o l )f Can terl)rtry, fol-lo\ving his rec cl~ t visjt to tlic V aticanand corlferences i v i t l l R o m n ~ i Catholicand ]?aster11 Ortho clos leaders, proposetlthat a "Co ni~iio~ i\vealtIi f Clirlrclies"he forniccl. I-Ie said tliis \voultl 1)riclgeth e gulf-\vitliout co11q)lcte ecclesias ti-ca l u~iio~i- t l ia t l ins separated easter~ia t id \ves te rn Chr is t in~~sor 1.000 years ,and C:~tholics ant1 Protestants for 1 00years.T li e ~ n o v e ~ i i e ~ i to\v:~rtlunion of apos-ta te Cl i r i s te~ ido~ i iall I)e esprctcc l toga th cr force alitl speed, as tllc e~icl ofthe age tlra\vs Iicar.FUNDAMENTALIST LEADER CONDEMNSCANTERBURY'S V ISIT W IT H POPE

    *.1h e ~ ) r c s i d e ~ i tf tile I n t e r ~ i n t i o ~ i a lCouncil of Cli risti a~i Cliurclics Iiaschargcd tllat the \. isit of Dr. Fisher,i l ~ i g l i c a ~ llrcld)isliop of C nntcrl)ury , toI:'opc Jolln S S I I I \v:~s "a t ragedyof the f i r st ~ i iagn i tu t lc , o r i t co nf ~~ se stlie true bvay of salvation."Said Dr. Carl A'IcIllt ' irc : " l ~ t c r ~ i a llife may be recci\:ecl rmly 1)y fai th.T li c P r ot cs ta nt n ~i tl R o I ~ ~ : L I ~yi ten lsprescn t irreco~ici lablc vays to Iicnveri."a lcall nlcct-e cha rgcd tha t the 1; t 'i ~ i g "\\as a cn rcfully ca lcl~lnte tl Illo\.ei l l t h e l o ~ i g - r a ~ ~ g erogranl of thc ccu-i i ic~ i ica l ~ i io vem c~i tl l P r o t c s tn ~ l t i s ~ l lo1)uiltl a one-\vorltl cllurcli.""Trrle I 'rotcsta~it forccs arori ~itl hc\vorlcl arc cliallcngctl to sta~itlagairistany acconmiotla t io~i to t lic CatholicCh r ~ r c h , " s a id h k ln t i r c . "T h c t on ib sof tlw re for ~il ers ,r~ried l l \ l r c s tmins tc rXlh ey s l~oul t l )e shak ing c~ iougl i odayt o c r u t ~ d ~ l elint Protestant c i tadel .Thesc martyrs died ' for t l ic pr imacy ofScr iptu re ovcr t l ~ e autho r i ty of t l iecliurch."

    Will those who are saved in big evangelistic ca mpaign s, but fail to receive the' baptism in the H oly Spirit go up in the Ra pture?

    "'J'lic 1.o1-d kn o\vc th thc.111 1i:it a r e his " (- 3 .l'ili~c:)tl~!;:19j . ' l . I le prcm-i ic of the l

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    B Y ' A L B E R T

    1s : slovlKC s,roRvof thc famous Gc rma n artis t , Al-n X I I I - e m -rg in 1471.\Yhile still quite yo1111g.Diircr nntlf his tlccitletl tl~ey

    Theyorket l ha rd du r ing the clay ca r n i ~ ~ g much money ,a s possiblc so tl iat i l levcnings tl icy could s tudy a ~ i d ) rac-This ar rangenlent , ho\vever , soonliey fou ~it l t l iatcould not dev ote c~ lo ug li i1112 too they decided to givc

    t ime and j t ~s t pai li t . So af tern

    After some time the fr iend said towe have quite a lotus to give !~p working. S o you qui tk i ng a ~ ? d pend a l l you r t i ~ n e a in t -

    ,Durer, the younger of t l ie two, therc-e pain ted p ic ture af tcr p ic ture ,

    J . G U N T E R

    O nc c lay, Iio\vevc.r , \ v l i c~ i ic r c t ~ ~ r ~ ~ e t lhom c from liis stutlio earlie r tIia11 usual,l ic found h i s f r i e d t a lk ing to G od . Th esight. lie saw when lie opcnetl tlic doorso fixed itself i ll his ~i ii ~ id ,liat lie cle-citletl thew and tlien that hc wouldpaint i t as soon as he got hack to hisstudio.Quic kly lie got ou t his sl;etch padautl ~ m ~ c i l .~ ~ t ltnl- tetl sketching tl~iss i g l ~ twl~icliwas tlcsti~ ietl o I,e his niostfamotls painting.H is c leares t. f l - i ed was k~le el ing l lprayer, praying for i\ l l)rccht. Diirer .13ut it was ~ i o t lic 111-aycr that mo\:etlI li i rer so ; it \vas the clasped h andsof his frie!ltl.T l i o s e h a ~ ~ t l so ul d [l ev er n g a i ~ ~ioltla p n i ~ ~ t,rush. l ' liose hands \voultl nev-those hands he \vould never beconlc ag r e a t p a i n t e r . I n ~ i i a k i ~ i g lber t Di i rera fam ous pa i~ i ter , l iose ha~ i t ls ad bcencoarsened to liartl manual \vork. 1 11mnkiug his friend All,reclit's tlrc:u~is-come t rue he had put h is I~n nd s l ltotl ie w t c r s o ~ i i u c h h a t t h c y w c rc n owstiff and out of joint: he \voultl ne\-errealize liis on n a~ nb i t ion .l 'l iere a~ i t l l ien . I l i i r er t le ter~ninet l omake h is nes t pain ting h i s u io st f a ~ i ~ o me \ w . A n d h i s t o r \ ~ b c ar s o u t h i s a m -bition, for tlierc is 110 u!ore famous

    p a i ~ ~ t i ~ i gi I X r c r ' ~ l in li t lios c I i an t lstlie hands of liis dearest fricntl claspetin t li c a t t i t ~ d e f p r ayer .i \ l t l i o ~ ~ g l ~l ia t s tory is very ~ i iovxntl I)e:tutiful, i t I?ril~ gs o m i ~ d omct l i i~ igar more \vonderful. \Vc liavc m a nI-efer ewe s in Holy \Vrit to tlic handsnot of a mcrc h um an, hut of tlic Divine M a n , tlie So11 of .G o d .\,\71cn the sick :uid suffering \\erI,rouglit to Jesu s, \vc read tliat "I - Iloid H i s l ra td s ora tlrclrr," o r , "Hsfr~ clcl rctl jortlr I-lis hnr~ds:" Y ou r e~ n e ~ n l ~ c rhe time \vlien Jcsus was iI3et.lisaitla and they brought a I~lintlm ato Hi111. i\lark tells us in chapter eighverse t\venty-t\vo, that thcy broughhim "arid Ocsorrglrt I-li111 [J cs rr sl tfo uc l~ hirrr ." The s to ry goes on thaaf tcr Chr is t l n t l spit 011 his cycs anlaid hands on h im, H e asked the mai f he could see anything. The man rcported that his vis ion was distorted'The IIil,lc continues tint Cllris t agailaid His linntls OI I the man 's cyes . Tl i it i ~ i i c h e "SCIPCI Z'CI -J ' irlnn clcnrly." Iis j n te rc st in g t o ~ i o t e lin t t h e is nm e ~ ~ t i o nf Chr is t praying for th is n ianH i s m e r c t ou ch h a d p o \ \ w .'l'lic p cople of H i s tim c had fa itin H is 'touch. Pare nt s 1)rought theic l li l tl r e~ i o J es l ~ s , l ia t H e n~ ig l i t ouctli en ~. , \; li ;l t a I~ea utiful p ic ture of t lin tcrcst Chr is t had in people . H e wa11c\-cr too busy to Ix I~o the ret l \\.itc l i i l t l r c~~ . is d iscip les d id not l ike thitlea? 1)ut ou r Lor d rebuked them, sayi ~ g ,Sirj jcr l i t t le ch ildr en t o corrrc rrnl o Aft.'' O ne can p ic ture the scenC h r i s t l a y i ~ ~ gi s h a ~ ~ t l se ~ ~ t l yI I thcsinfants . \ \ 'l int a lovi~ lg avio ur we have

    1 tliirik tlie most Ixautiful illustrati011 of ou r T..ortl's hu nii lity is th ascclle i l l the upper room at the lasupper. Jesus had \vrappctl a tou.earound Himscl i , an t l I~c gan to \vastlic dusty feet of I-Iis tlisciplcs, wit1IHis Iiantls.' I ' l iosc I la~~tlsvl~ichhad I~ rough t ~ e

    (Continued on poqe twenty-nine)

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    t roub le a s soon a s s l i e saw t l i e \ \ d l -t lressetl marl, \veasing a clcrgyt i ia~i ' sgarl,. \v al ki ~i g 1risl;ly up lier fro nt \\-all

  • 8/2/2019 1961_02_12 Do You Want a Double Portion Ministry by W. V. Grant Sr


    Evange l i s t and Mr s . Watson Ar gue Brother and Sister Argu e prayin g for the sick. Brother Busbyserving as interpreter

    R evival In Indonesia\V:\S O U R I'RIVILIXII T O l l i \ \ .l i T l i l l

    ma t ra an tl Java . W e were so g ladgive of their

    missionariesBrother and S is ter Argue spoke i l l

    BY R. A. BUSB Y.I~/is.riorror'y o lrldorrrsiir

    gor-about 35 miles from Djakarta.From there we covered most of lavaant l then went to Sumatra wherc theyministered in Karo-land.The impact of these mcetings haslxen tremendous, Many havc test ifiedof hcaling. In Rletlan. Sumatra, \ve Iiatlthe largest cro\vtl5 we ha\c ever kno\\.nin that area . During the meet ings inthe Ka ro t r ibe the nationals rented I~u ses

    B ookstore Opened in GhanaB Y W H E E L E R A N D E R S O N

    ?""Are there some Rilossi New Testa-?' '"Do you kno\v where I can get some

    ?".S o went the inqui ries day after daya t T a ~ i i a l c ,G l i a~ m , Vest

    "Yo11 kno\v, the Go \-er nnl e~it choolsclasses.""And did you know that English ist becoming the trade language inl i a~ ia ? ven in the remote bush v i l-

    W e l is tened &refully to such- com-as these a nd fe lt coml~el led tothis challenge. Ghana is a new

    on reading antl gain-

    ing lalowletlgc. Ghanians have learnedhow vital ly important l ino\vl~tlge s antlar e a vid . for an ything to reacl . Her ear e people \vlio, in f utur e y ear s? willhelp to shape world decisions antl 'plans.I-Ierc arc approximately five millionsouls being greatly influcucetl by Islaman d Catllolicism-two force s \vhicIi cn-

    Mrs. Wheeler Anderson ossis t ing Ghana no-t ionols in the Reod- the-Bib le Book Store

    antl came night after night from inland. The church was fillet1 antl local congregation was \\~ontlerfI~lessetlantl helpetl. W e hcart l so m apeople sa?., "\\%y can't the Ar gu es stlonger?" \Ye fclt the same way, kno

    >ing that i f the revivals coultl have cotinued longer \vc \voultl haye seen mamore saved. Thank Gotl for this Hercvivnl surge in Indonesia.

    t leavor to keep i~ eop le n spiri tual t lancss antl ignorance. Thus, we realiztlie need of an cxtcnsiv e lite ra ti~ re apaign in Taniale !A s one part of this l i teratu re prograthe Rea d-the-U ilde 13001; St or e ha s beopened in Ta nn lc . Ui l~ lcs and NTestaments are fcaturetl , but we ahave gospel l i tera ture from our Aseml~ lies f Gotl Pri nt S ho p i l l Tama\\re have bee11 able to obta in o the r itefrom various Sources in Englarid aNigeria. 13ible and gospel portions carried in t\vclve different languagInterest i s keen and peoplc are as kmore ant l more for Chris t ian l i tera tu111 this c qun try it is fa r b etter to sa picce of literature than to give away, for in that way the reader valuit and considers i t \ \rorthwliile. W e tto keep the price of most everythiwe sell low enough that nearly any t l ie nat io~ia lscan afford i t . Howe\.e \ cryone who enters the shop receiva piece of f ree litera ture in aclditto what he may purchase ." How do I know wha t t o believea young Inan asked nie with some bligercnce in t l ie Bible Store one d"Ho w can I tell what is righ t? I he

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    J e l ~o \ : a l ~ ' s\'itn ess rs a11tl tllell th e C 'atll-olic \\ ' llitc Fa the rs sav somc.tlling cl5c.How (lo ivc k11oiv \ 110 i c telling 11.rigllt ?""IYhy mus t yo11 taLc any m an's u o r d ?Ha1.c you cyes l Call you rent1 ? \\*!I!.not rcat l Gutl '5 \ \ 'or t l for yor~rwlf?"1 aslictl.

    say," Ile ansiveretl.I I I I t c l l i ~ o11 it 111catts ;illy-thing," 1 reasonctl. " I f yo11 ask (iod toguit le you 1)y H is Holy Sl) i ~- i t s yourex l H is \470r tl . 1-Ic \\.ill hclp yo11 to 111;-tlerstantl. liead C;otl's \Vortl pnycrf111Iya n d I l o ~ ~ e s t l yor yo ~~ rs c l i . od wil l hel l)you to kno\\: which way is right.""Yes." Ile agreed. "I like your cva11-gelism. I 'll comc again to hear sonwore."T h c p o ten ti :~ l s a r e a l ~ ~ l o s t~ d i n ~ i t c t l !M'e plan t o g o to larg er \:illages O I Inlarket c lays \\:it11 a q ~ p l y i guspcll i t e r a t u r e t o t l i s t r i l ~~ t c .l'llerc is mucllto be done. \Vc must \\.ol-I; \\:llilc tllis

    T h grcatcst need at present is for a hrgc stockof Biblcs and books to sell at J lo\\ pricc. I f \o nwould likc to 11clp in sprcxlinfi thc ~ ~r in tc dmpclin G h a n a , scnd > our o f f e r i ~~ ~o Foreign h l ~s s ~o i ~sIkpartment, 43 4 \\'cst I'ac~fic St., Spri~~g ficlt l,Alo. Designation: \\'l~cc lcr \ndcrro l~ or Bookstorc.

    Send Foreign Missionary offerrngs loASSEMBLIES OF GO D

    Foreign ~ i s s io n s epartment

    f f34 W. Pacific St., Springfield, Ma.

    COMING: Miss Norma Johanson 1 1 ~ s c-

    31 1 0. 3 0 ~ 04 , s t a l l t ~ ~ l l ,exas ..i: * *

    GOING: Mr. and Mrs. John Hurston Ilavcrctur nctl tt, I\nrc;i ior anutll cr I ~ t r ~ r fc r v i c c .

    Miss Esthcr Fri tz 11;i; l e f t ior a l lo t l~crtern1 of 111isbion:iry hcrvice i l l 111dia.Miss Florence Ste idel 11as snilctl iur I..i-

    I~cr ia to rcaut ll c I~ c r~\.url; at Xc\\. I-Iopc The John HurstonsI .c~" ' Colo11y.

    Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Kinzsriter Ilrlvv Icitfur Xyasa lat~t l. 7'11cy \vcre ior ~ll cri y 11lic-siollarics to 'Tallgallyilia.

    Xe\ \ , ly-aI ! l ,o i~l tc t l n l i s~i~t~ar ic .~,r . andMrs. Lyle Phill ips, I la vc k i t f o r J a l ~a l l .I,c avi ~lg for I..ilx~-ia or spccinlizetl nlill-

    i5try at Xc\v 1,el)cr Cololly arc M r.and Mrs. Ivan Haqar.T11e Le e Roy War ds I lnvc rc t ur~~c . l lo 1.i-I lc r ia for a no t l~ cr our c ~ f >crvicv.

    ; I : * *

    BIRTH: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard EmoryForlence Steidel

    Mr an d Mrs Lyle Ph ~l l~ psnd daughter

    Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hagar

    Miss L~llian Trasher, surrounded by her orpha nage fo m~ ly , conducting cornerstone-layingceremonies last Thanksgiving Day at Assiout Orpha nage f,,r the new "widows" building Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Ward and family

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    BY J A M E S W . PULVER. M I S S I O N A R Y I N S P O K A N E . W A S H I N G T O N

    mr ,*w. s E v m * L P n E w ~ u l s l . r l i s" l~orn-aga in" espcr ience on t lie par tf t h e Iw li ev er, a ~ d C h ri st ia n l ife

    i l l conformity \\:it11 thatOTl1)3R [ ? K I ~ R I ~ Q U I S I T E SThe second prerequisi te is a t l ior-

    A third prerequi-nowl-A four th pre-

    !A T T I T U D E F T I I E \ , \ ' JTNESSA lt h ou gl ~ he \Vorcl of God is plaint o thc Jczuit is sometinies difficult to ap -in an a t t i tude tha t br ings

    i f the Chr is-

    For ins tance , how Inany Chr is t iansealizc that evcry bit of their Christian

    exper ience i s due to the wr i t ings oitlie Jr;cisll proklrrts urrd opustlcs. O u rcsl)eriei;ce of the Nciv Birth :mcl our1.~1c~scclope for the futu re ' arc o ut-grontl is of the Jclre.is11 Sl'riptrrrrs!Once we have come to realize thcscfacts \vc h a w n m o s c h u m h l e n t t i t d c\\,liich will gain listeners. .l'Iiat attituckwas csprcssecl by the apostle F'aul i l ltlie worcls, "I am clel~tor!"My f i r s t cspcr iences wi tness ing t3th c Jews 1)rought l i t t le success; so Isought the Lord in pr:lycr. 'She abovca p p r o a c h t h e L o r d g a vc m c . I t h a sne\.er fai led to open the Jc\vish mindan (l I ieart to mc.Recentlj. ivc .were invited into a J e w -ish home to discuss the Scriptures.Pr io r to ou r visit n preacher of a fun da-mental group had approachccl thcscsa m e Je ws . H e pr ea che d to t hcm a l ~o u tneeding a Ne w Cove na n t a nd so f o r th( \vllicll is tr ue ) . A s .a rcsult , hc ivasI~ranclecl a .fan atic and they ivcrc clis-g~ st cc l wit11 him.\\'hen we arriv ed, I scnsetl they \vcr-.on thc defensive, so I made i t plainI did not expect to conver t them. (T ha tis God's par t ! M y pa r t wa s t o e s t a l~ -l ish f r iendly r c l a t io ~~ s i th thcm andto give the I V o r d o j C o d in such a

    streets of Chicogo

    16talks to Jews about the Messiah

    way .a s to get the111 to Ixlievc o n Jc -sus Chr is t . )\.\%en I cs lm ss etl myself in thism:ulticr tlie men relaxed immediately.\Yc opc11etl ou r 13il1les an d ha d fou rmost ivontlerful h ou rs of 13ible stu dy:uncl cliscussion. I took thc attitude ofa learner , more than a teacher . I~utw:~s ~r iv i leg e t l to br ing them thingsfrom 110th Old and New Testamentsall of that timc. And ive left with theirpersonal invitat ion to return.

    71 1 1 1 : 1 ~ 1 1 1 A l ~\ I ~ I ' R O L ~ C , I IT h c a pproa c h to t he Jc n i sh pcop lem us t om i t t he t e r m s " ~n i s s ion" a nd"mission ary" as those n.orcls, to theJeiv, indicate someth ing concerned withrescue nork. He resents the idea tha the ncetls rescuing.T h e n a n )e Jrsrrs is distasteful to some

    j cii s ( l ie has heard the nam e used sooften in cursing from Gentile l ips) so\ve are cnrcful to use the name I'rshrraIro ~ldrrshioclr, he Hebre \v tc rm for Jesus Christ . After \ve have establishecfr iendly relations with them, ivc arnblc to use thz name o f Jesu s m orcfreely.\ \' c 1)e lieve in g a i ~ ~ i n gheir conficlcnce bcfore preaching to them tostrongly. I t I lelps to be a good l istener\\re helieve in goin g to the m privately, according to thc method Paul clescr ibes i l l Galatians 2 :1-2 : " T he n f ourteen jears a f te r I went up aga in tJerusalem wit11 Barnabas, ancl took Titus nit11 mc also. And I went u p breve la t ion, and com~~iunica tedn to t l ~ ethat gospcl which I prcnch among thGentiles, but priv otcly to tlrerlc mhicl7ewr.r oj reprltation, lest by any mean1 shou ld r un , o r ha d r un , in ~ a i n\\:c belie ve in encouraging tlic Jewi b l i people to read the New Testamenfor t l~cmselves-wi th no s t r ings a tt a c he d! T ha t i s , no denominat iona l barr iers. \I re give a specially prepared NewTestament to each Jew who promiseto read i t . The se Testam ents a re 01

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    tai~ letl fro111 tlie hIillion Tes tam entsCa n l p n i g n . Ca r e f ~ ~ l l yelected tracts arcalso used.P O I S T S O F ;IST.\COXIS\I

    "Yeah, \vllnt's your mission ?" T h o s ewcrc tlic \vortls sp ol \e~ i o Ine I)? aJcwisli I ,usincssma~i nh cn I approachedhim one day. "I have n o mission,"w as rnj. q u i c k r e p l y . T l i c ~ l c o n t i ~ ~ u e t l ," Bu t I am a Cl i r i s t ia~ i and my fa d lis I)asetl on tlie Jewis h hlessia ll a ndtl ic Jewish Sc r i l ~tu res therefore , I a ll1i~itlebtetl to you."Before I Icft, this man acccptetl aNciv Testament antl se iera l t rac ts andpromised to r ead t l icm. He , too , l ~ a dbeen preached a t by others and re-sented it! \\ 'hen I left lie saitl, "youcome Inck any t ime, Rcvcrentl Pulvcr ."T H E T R I S IT I.

    The idea of a Tr iuity, to t l ie Je \v,bespeaks a polytheistic system of wor-ship. Since he reads i l l t h e O l d T e s -tament of the judgments which lia\,eI~efa llen srael I~ecauseof t u rn i~ i g romtlie wo rsh ip of olle God (m ono thei sm )to \vorsl i i l ) i~ lg iany gods (polyth eism),t l ie idea of a tr ini ty or thrr r Iic P I I ~ S i t . is ~mtli i~ ikal) le .t is n tthis point th r Jc-crl fcr ls thnt thr Gr n-f i lc Chris f iar~s w r d rrsc-11 rrg ! Tl ie re -fo re , i t is bes t to avo id !n en t i o~ ~fthe Tr inity on f irs t approaches.I remember offer ing some trac ts toan e lder ly Jewish couple one day. "Ye'ust be lie f in w n Got t . " was t l ~ e ady ' sopen ing r emark ."That 's f ine ," 1 replied. "I just be-lieve in one God too : the God ofAbralrar~r , the Co d of Isaac- , and theGod of Jacob.""Vo t did he s ay ?" quer icd her 1111s-harid from a back room."He said he 'ust belief in zwn Gott'ust like ve do," tlie lady answered.Sh e then accepted t l ~ e racts \vll ich Ioffered.

    C H R I S T K I IL E R STh is epithet is par t icda r ly distastc-

    f d to niany Je\vs, and it is not justi-f ied. In three out of the four Gospels ,Jes us H imself stated tha t H e wo111tlbe delivered to the Gc~rti lcsantl thry\vould crucify Him! No dotdrt thisr e f e r e~ ~c e a s to t li e l ion lans . If theJcws l lad carr ied out the execution ofJ e s u s , H e \\.auld have died I)y stoninginstead of on a Rantart cross!

    I had been passing out trac ts f romdoor to door in one Jewish neig1il)or-llood when I noticed a Jewish mall ofsmall stature watching me. \\ 'he11 Ireached the corner of his street he ap-

    proached me ant1 nsketl. "\-y tlo~i'tyo11go to t li e Ge~ i t i le s?-!. 1)otltlcr 11s Je w s? ""Sir," I ansivcretl, "I 'tl mtlicr talkivitli you than \vith tcn tliousancl Gen-tiles.""\'ah. yell t-11, mc s om et i~ ik . 'y (Icyall the .tiiilc .call u s Ch rist . Kil le r

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    TH E FEEDING O F TH E MULTITUDE.Trrrrdng Sclrn ol L rsso ir f o r I;c.l)i*rrary 19. 1961

    J o i r ~ :2, 5-1 4. 2 5- 27T H E G XT I- IE RI XG O F T H E M U L T I T U D E \iv. 1-5 .1. Motive s fo r corili~lg o Chris t . "A great m~ rlti tutle ol-lowed him, because they sa\v his m~r ac les \ \ 'ere they tobe contlemned f or Ixin g thus motivated in following Chr is t ?N ot necessarily! D o not comparativel! lo\\ niotives leadmany to accept Chris t a s S av iou r? .&\re not such motivesthen re place d 11y high cr on c s?2. Tlrc zvlrfc of miracles. \\:bile mir:~cles ~ v i l l not sa lepeople, yet it cannot I)e denied that rcal miraclcs \vrouglitin the power of the H oly Sp irit are of gre at atlvcrtis ingvalue. Tli ej, ar e the best-ant1 mos t s:riptural-n:~) to geta crowd.

    3. Chr ist's com idci~ atroir of lllatci in1 ur rds . "\\li cnc eshall we I~ u y read that t l icsc may ea t?" \ \ 'l int a hea~ rtifulan d to~rcliing icture here of C hris t 's concern for tl ie ld ~y si-cal neetls of men !THE P E R P L E X I T Y OF T H E D I S C I P L E S \-v . 6-9.1. T h e i)rsrtfficie)tcy of l lr~ iirn r~cso~rr+ccs.No :lmo~rnt ofh~ rm an ngenuity o r cleverness coultl p~-ovicle ood for thiscrow d. Neit hcr can tlie highest ant1 hest which hu ma n in-tellect antl abili ty procluce toclay ~ ~ i e e the spiritual neetlsof th e human hear t2. Tlrc ~irrs takcof Icnzfirlg Chi-is ! orrt of 011,- rrc1:or~irlg.Apparent ly Phi l ip was a l~~ i i s ne s s an , qu ick to calculateways and nleans. Yet his business acumen, which sccmst o h a v e b e e n a s t r o n g p o i ~ ~ t ,~ e c a ~ i ~ ewealmess whenPhilip failed to count on the powcr of C hris t .

    3. Li ttl c be co ii~ rs rirrrch Z C I ~ ~ C J I lrssrd of God. Antlrcwdid not do much Ixtte r than Philip in rcsl~ontlin g o Chris t 'squestion-"five loavcs . . . two small fizlies . . . n l ~ a t r c t hc yamong so many ? " There was indcetl a glarii ig t l ispropor-tion between av ailal~le esources a n d current nect l . Yet thelittle which tlie lad possessccl, ~untler l ~ c ~l ess in g f Ch rist,fed the multitude. Let us be quick to place every talcntat the disposal of Christ, remembering tliat n very littlcabili ty or a very little dccd \\lien quickcnctl by tlie Spiritmay have tremendous spir itual influence!T H E D I S T R IB U T IO N 01; H E I 3R E A U . \ iv . 10, 11.

    1. T h e time to sit donvl. "Make tlie men sit c1ow11,"said Jesus before distrilm ting tlie brcatl. I n a 11~1sy orldcharacterized by feverish haste, tlie Christian must taket im e t o " sit ~ O H I I , ' 'n ortlcr to feed upon Chris t and HisLiv ing Word . \ \ re cannot I x s p i r i t ~ ~ a l l yealthy and usefulif we t ry to get a long on " s l i r i t r~n l nacks" has ti ly gm l~ bc dwhile we are on the run!2. T h e i i i i p o r t a ~ ~ c cf ovdcr-. Lu ke tells us t l iat t l ~ e asttlzrong was arrang ed in gr ou ps of fifty, probably in or-derly rows. \VIzile i t may be true tl iat , to enjoy the spon-taneous and sovereign movings of the Spirit in our scrv-ices of \vorship, we must not I x bound to a r igid formor order, i t is equally true that God has given us prin-ciples of law and order in regard to services \vithout \vIiich

    conir rs~on,c:~rnnlity at~tl selfishness \\~orrltl prev ail! Sc cCorinthians 14 :6-20, 36-33.3. Tlrc pri;,ilrge of d~sc iplc ship . \.hy tlitl not Christ fecthc mul t i t~r t le n i th out t lie help of H is disciples? SimplI~ccausc t \vas contrar ! to Hi s program f rom thc I~ egir~nGod gave to mc l l t he g lo r io~~srivilege of I~ ei ng co-lal~ oretogether \vith him." \ \ 'c are to givc out the "Rreatl fro m-l icavcn, " \ \:h ich H e , in t ~ ~ r n ,ias givc11 to us.

    1 ' 1 - I E G ~ \ T H l 3 < l N GO F T H E F T< .4 GM EN 7T S. 1:. 11. Clri .ist 's ' gciw-ositj! a d coIloiirJr. 3'hougli Chris t 's I~le

    ings arc alway s Ix!.ontl man 's fond est hopes or neetls, yethe rc is a11 economy i l l tlie divine metliotl. 13lessings oughnot to be .clissipa ted. Ant1 all wa stc 1~0th in the natu raand spir itual realms is out of Iiarnlony \vith tlic \vagof the Lord . -- ..#2. Tlrc u!istloirr of ptlrci: i~ rg f l -a gl r~ c~ ~ ts .he words oJe s~ rs give a n insight illto thc soul of Jcsrrs, symho1izi;gH is t leep l o w and interest in fra gme nts of every kintl-of tim e, of man liootl, of h;oke~i thi ng s. W;hy s o ? In o r tl c"chat nothing be lost." ' .T H E -4 ' P L I C ~ \ T I O NO F T H E A I IR A C L F. \ iv . 26-35 , 5H c r c iz the heart of tlie story of the miracle of thloavcs an d fislics . In f k t , thc miracle is really an objccIcsson i l lus t ra t i~ig nd e mlha s iz ing t l ie great t ru ths wl~ifollo\vctl i t . T he cr ow 1 nc nt ~v ild ver t l ie h lan who couldo such a mir:icle. and tr ied to take Him Iy force m ak e H i m th eir k i ~ ~ g .ut they hat1 no interest in a kin\vliosc I

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    1 E I 'A K CI IB U 1 1 1 G R O U B D\\~oult l be if there were no rain forthree antl a half years. I n some placesit \voultl Ix l~artl ntl cracAet1 ; in otli-ers the santl \ \~oultl be hot enough tocook your feet. The trees \voultl hede ad , antl ther e \\~o ultl 11e no gr ass .Such was the situation in Isracl whenElijali toltl his servant to go to tlietop of tlie mountain to see i f therewere any sign ot' rain. Several timeshe went antl brought bacli a negati\ereport, yet each time the prophet El i -jah toltl him to go again. Ho\v dis-couraged he must have been.

    Elijah refused to look upon the ~11s-courag ing sight H e placetl his head be-tween his knees and considcretl Gotl'sp r o ~ n i s eof rain.Before he prayed for the rain, l ion -ever , El i jah sa id to K ing A ha l~ . Ge tthee L I ~ ,at and drink ; for there isa sound of abuntlance of rain.'' \.\iith

    his spir i tual ear he could hear the raincoming. This is faitli. \lie need suchInen totlay-men th at ar e holy, an dwho pray with persistin g faitll-for tlieprayer of tlie righteous man availetlimuch !\Ve live in tlie day of tlie latterra in outpour ing. The Lord sa js , "Askye of the Lo rd rain in tlie t i n ~ e ofthe latter rain; so t l ie Lord shall makebriglit sho we rs of rain, to everyone gra ssi n the f ie ld" (Zechar ia l~ 1 0 : l ) . Godwill pour out I-lis Spirit upon all fleshjust before the great antl notable clayof H i s w r at h ( A c t s 2 : l j - 2 0 ) .Are you asking for tha t ra in ? T h epeople \vho have a spiritual ear, tlieones \vho cover their natural eyes antllook to Gotl in faitli, are hearing tliesound. They do not look at t l ie naturalsituation that might discourage tl iem.

    Each t ime t lie se n an t became dis-couraged and wanted to stop, Elija litoltl him to go again antl see i f therain was in sight. Elijali knew it \\-ascoming. H e was pers is tent . H e w as t le -terminetl . God uses such men.Ha ve you loo kd for the ra in sev-e ra l t imes? Hav e you gone f rec l~~eut lyto the church to pray? Have you I ie I t lrevivals \vit l iout results? Have youprayed for healing with no victory?Have you suffered a long tlrouglit inyour l i f e? Are you seeking the g i f tsof the Sp ir i t? Are you longing for arevival tliit will bring your loved ollesto the Lo rd ? Don ' t g ive up. Pray aga in .Regard less of how parched the grou ndor hot t l ie santl , go again. Keep pray-ing. Tune your ea r to heaven. There

    Do You Want a

    Portion Min i s ry?B Y E V A N G E L I S T W. V . G R A N T

    is the sound of abuntlance of rnil~.r.I he an swer is coming.

    111this last-clay revival Gotl is doinga new thing. "The cyes of the 1)lintlsliall be olxnetl, a l~ tl he ea rs of thedeaf sl~ all be unstopped. Then shallthe lame man leap as an hart , antlthe tongue of the dumb s in g; for inthe \vil t ler l~essshall waters break out,and s t reams i l l thc desert . And theparched ground sliall become a pool.antl the thirsty lal~tlspr iilg s of \\later"(Isaiah 35 5 - 7 ) . Already rain is fallinghere and there. Soon it \\.ill be a gen-eral rain, a spir i tual c loutlburst . "The\\ild ernc ss 'and tlie solitary place sliallbe glad for tliem; antl tlie desert sliallrejoice, antl I~lossomas the rose" (Is a-iah 35 :I ) . T h e t l r o ~ ~ g l i ts about over !God has a supernatural experience foryou. I-Ie has a miracle-ministry for ev-ery I~elie ver n tliis last-clay ou tpo urin gof tlie Spirit.


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    Gotl ma y call you to fast. antl

    4 G I L & I ~ E S I T R I K X C E .Elisha was ili 'vitetl to stay at Gilgal.e probably was- tempted, just as yo11e kept near El i j ah.Gilgal ivas the first campsitc after~ e Is rae l it es c rossed Jordan. Th ey

    experience in th:. T l~ e y a lk about i t the rest ofGilgal. is a land of dro ugh ts,'Do you \ \ ant a douldc por t ion? Do

    ly afte r yo ur RIastcr . Yo11 havza ' har d thin g, ' but it is not im-ible if you bclicve Gotl. F o l l o i ~onr experiences: Fa st antl 'pi-ay.A BETIEL E S P E H ~ E K C E

    A t Bctliel Jacob saw a \.ision antla vow to .Go d. Bu t this didt le good as long as he did not m akei f yo11 d o nothin g

    , his.. to

    . -.Bethel was the hom e of ' the s on s. ofophe ts (2 Ki ngs 2 : 2, 3 ) . Th a t

    of a prophet does not gua ran teend ge t an

    . .The priest s . l ived a t . Be the l. T o as-wan t t l ie signs to fol low your mil l-must 'g o beyond the pro-ministry

    . .Th ere was a ' s tone of nien~o rial at

    ." I t may become an, obstacle

    vision, an angel , or madc a vow toe need to leave the memoria l.W e need a new up-to-date ex-ence wit il God. Se t your sightsGo on with .God to. the clot~hle-

    ;\ I ICRICI IO .SI~I : KI I< SCISThen Elislla ivas ' ten~ ptet l to set t leat Jericl io, not far from the experiencehe \vas seeking. I-[is goal was almostin sight, 1)ut not quite attained.Jericl lo is the ci ty that ivas c~~rsei l .You must not stop l ierc. It \vas notedfor outlaws; closc 1)y crumpeil rolhersa~lc l thieves. I-Tcrc :Achan ivas c on tentt o . s et tl e, ho a r t l i ~ ~g Lc a ~~ t i fu l a by-lol~ ish garm ent antl gold and si lver.

    H e covetct l th e~ ii ant l then he tookthem. Eut thesc spoils of \var ivcrecursed.'roo man y ar c te~ttpcetl o settle ~ O I V I Ijust in sight of the pronlised I~lessing.l 'hey hegill to covet t l ~ e old antl silver.The i r eyes a re o n nloney . T l ~ e y ee lthe neetl fo r. secu rity. G old is \vort11more to them than Gotl 's glory. Manyha?c stopped within sight of God's 11la1ifor thcm. Likc Elisha, keep going. n cdetermined to, fol low on to victory.J O R I I A N SITRIICXCE

    J'ortlan .has aliirays bccn an ob st,~c leto tlie prog ress of G otl 's people. Joshu a,I

  • 8/2/2019 1961_02_12 Do You Want a Double Portion Ministry by W. V. Grant Sr


    M O N D A Y . F E B R U A R Y 1 3READ: 2 Timothy 4 :9-22LE AR N: And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work,and wil l preserve me un to his heavenly kingdom" ( 2 Timothy4 : 1 8 ) .FOR H E PARENT:S the Apostle penned his last words, hewas conscious of som e past associations. Noti ce: (1 ) hi sdesire for a visit by Timothy, vv. 9, 21; (2) the backslidingof Demas and the reason for it , v. 10; (3) Paul ' s evaluat ionof Luke, v. 11; ( 4 ) his condemnation of Alexander, v. 1 4;( 5 ) Paul ' s love even for those who failed to stand by h im,v. 16; (6) his joy in knowing the Lord was always with him,vv. 17, 18.QUESTIONTIME:Why did Demas backsl ide? (v. 10) Whatwarning is here for us today?MISSIONARYI R T H D A Y S : i lt on P ie r ( D e a f ) , P a . ; M r s . R . J .Renfroe, Liberia; Virginia E . Watts , India .

    T U E S D A Y . F E B R U A R Y 1 4R E A D: T i t u s 1 : l - 9LE AR N: "Holding fas t the fai thful word as he h ath beentaught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhortand to convince" (Ti tus 1 9 ) .FOR H E PARENT:aul wrote this epis t le a t about the sametime he wrote 1 Timothy. From this passage point out : (1)Paul ' s greet ing, v. 1; (2) his hope, v. 2; (3) his commiss ion,v. 3; (4 ) h i s des ire for T i tus , v . 4 ; ( 5 ) the reasons behind thework given to Tit us, v. 5; ( 6 ) qualifications for elders, vv.5, 6; ( 7 ) qualifications for bishops, vv. 7-9. Apply thesequalifications to the lives of all Christians.QUESTIONTINE:Wh at was Paul ' s commission? (v. 3 ) Wh ydid Pau l leave Ti tus in Crete? ( v. 5) Wha t are the qual if ica-tions for a bishop? (vv. 7- 9)MISSIONARYIRTHDAYS: ivan I . Sm i th , Ghana ; Kenne th E.Weigel , India ; Mrs . R aymond A. Fox ( In dia n) , Ar izona .

    W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 1 5READ: Ti tus 1 : lO-16LE AR N: Unto the pure a ll th ings a re pure" (Ti tus 1 1 5 ) .FOR H E PARENT:eview yesterday's material, stressing againthe qualifications for elders and bishops, and relating theseto the l ives of a l l Chris t ians . Then point o ut : (1 ) the con-trast of those who try to deceive, v. 10; ( 2 ) their false doc-trines must be stopped, v. 11; (3) one of the reasons for theirfalse doctrines-money, v. 11; (4 ) the method of correctingsuch, v. 13 ; ( 5 ) the purpose of correction, vv. 13, 14; ( 6 ) thedifference that correct attitudes make, v. 15; (7) the awful -ness of profession without possession, v. 16.QUESTIONTIME: hat is one reason why some spread falsedoctr ine? (v. 11) How can such be corrected? (v. 13)MISSIONARY IRTHDA Y: ober t Oakes ( Ind ian) , Ar izona .

    T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 1 6READ: John 6:2, 5-14, 25-27LE AR N: "The bread of G od is he which com eth down fromheaven, and giveth l i fe unto the world" (Joh n 6: 33 ).FOR H E PARENT:Additional material on "The Feeding of

    the Multitude" will be found on Sunday's Lesson page.) Havethe group review this famil iar s tory. Then point out : (1)why the multitude was following Jesus, v. 2; (2) the problemof f inding food, v. 5; (3 ) the purpose of Jesus' que s t~o n, . 6;( 4 ) the efforts of the d~scip les , v. 7-9; (5) the miracle, vv.10-13; ( 6 ) the reaction of the multitude to the miracle, v. 14;( 7 ) Jesus' evaluation of their motives concernmg the m iracle,VV. 5-27.Q U E S T I O N I M E : W hy was the multitude following Jesus? (v.2 ) Wha t was His counsel t o them after the miracle? (v . 27 )MISSIONARYIRTHDAYS: r s . Paul A . Berg , J apan; Mrs . PaulDemetrus (Ru ss ia ) , Cal ifornia ; M r s . T . L . J oh ns on ( I n d i a n ) ,Arizona.

    F R I D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 1 7READ:Luke 9 :18-22, 28-36 (S und ay's Lesson for Juniors)LE AR N: "Thou ar t the Chris t , the Son of the l iving God"( M a t t h e w 1 6 : 1 6 ) .FORT H E PARENT:h e Bible firmly declares that Jesus wasthe Son of God. And this lesson emphasizes tha t tru th. Fro mit point out : (1 ) Jesus' question to his disciples, v. 18; ( 2 ) theideas of the people abou t Jesus, v. 19 ; (3 ) Jesus' second ques-tion, v. 20 ; ( 4 ) Peter's answer, v. 20. Stress that this is aquestion each person m ust answer himself; no one else cananswer for us. And the answer shows the condition of ou rhearts. Show also from the story of the Transfiguration howGod declared Jesus was His Son.QUESTIONT I ~ E : hat two questions did Jesus ask His dis-ciples? Wh at were the answers? (vv. 18-21)M I S S I O N A R Y .I R T H D A Y C h ar le s L . H u n t ( I n d i a n ) , N o r t hCarolina.

    S A T U R D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 1 8REA D: Judges 13 1-5; 15:4-20; 16:2, 3, 16-21 (Sun day' s ' Les-son for Primaries)LEA RN "Be s t rong in the Lord'' . (Ephesians 6: lO) .FOR H E PARENT:ave the group review the story of Samson,beginning with the stor y of h is miraculous birth and theNaza rite vow which even preceded his birth. Sam son is knownfor his physical strength-he was the strongest ma n who everlived. Yet this accent on the physical led him into gratifyingall the cravings of his physical nature. And this sin led to hisultimate downfall. Use the story to stress the importance ofdepending on God.QUESTIONTIME: hy was Samson's birth miraculous? ( 13: 1-5)What was the Nazari te vow? (vv. 4, 5 )MISSIONARYIRTHDAYSRalph Holder ( In dia n) , Cal i forn ia ;Henry C. Bal l , Spanish Li terature.MISSIONARYBIRTHDAYS OR SUNDAY:argaret Anderson,South Africa; Ruth Couchman, Argent ina; Morris 0. Williams,Nyasa land.

    $1,000 WILL EARN $500 IN TEN YEARSI f Invested at 5 % in Assemblies of God Bonds

    Write: General Treasurer M. B. Netzel4 3 4 W. PACI FIC STREET, SPRINGFIEL D. MISSOURI

    F e b r u a r y 12, 1961

  • 8/2/2019 1961_02_12 Do You Want a Double Portion Ministry by W. V. Grant Sr


    From a Wail of Despair to -A


    0 L o r d , r ev iv e T h y w o r k i n t h e m i d s t o f t h eyears , in the mids t of t h e y e a r s m a k e k n o w n ;in w r a th r e me mbe r me r c y . - H a ba kkuk 3 :2

    0 ie op n I E 1mo6s 0 1 ,rIII: B T I ~ I . I ~begins with a sigh antl ends with asong. I refer to the littlc propliccy ofHab akk uk, wr i t ten a t a t ime \v l ie~i n-iquity, str ife , antl l~ crver te t l jw lg~ iic '~ itruled in the na tio ~i of Jutlah.r .I he reason for the prol~ he t ' s s ighwas the fact that Gotl seemed to takcno 11oticc of the sins of H i s peop le,

    nor of the pro phe t's 11raycrs for tliem."How long." Halnkkuk \vailet l , "sh:~llI cry u nto Th ee of violence antl 'TIIOIIwilt not save? ' 'There i s no grea te r pa in to a chi ldof G od t ha ~ i o r -G od to - se eming ly t u r na deaf ear to his prayers antl remainiritlifferetit to his cries.Ilut God \vas not indifferent. I-Te toldthe p r op li et t ha t H e k~ ie w a ll a bou tt lie sins of H is people antl H is - jut lg-ni e~ its upo n t llel ll &ere to he full ofwoc, woe, woe. ( Icead the second chap-

    te r . ) I~ i t lee t l , - fe was to scnd the Chal -dean s t o utterly destro y tl1e111 (ch . 1 :5 - 1 1 > .This \vas not thc kind of allsiver theprophet had wanted or expected. I - Icwas' sur l) riset l to lea r~ i hat deliverancewas to be by the way of ju t lg me ~it .Hoiv of ten God ' s answers to ourprayers are not what we would havec hose n b t~ t us t t he oppos i t e !God's answer created another q11cs-tion i n tlie prophet's mind . I \ ' hy s l~ou l t lGod send the Chalt leans to punish themwhen the Chalt leans were even more

    co rru pt tl1:111 th ey ? Got1 t l i t l not ;ulswerhim. Ant1 1- l :~ ldiku l< egan to realizetliat Go d's ivays ar e 110t ma n's, neith era re His thoughts our thoughts . Tnt lee t l ,Cod Iiatl s;litl t l ~ t i s thoug l it s a nd\ \ a s a r e a s . m i ~ c l i I li gh er th at1 n ~ a n ' sa s t li e I i c a \ : e ~~ sre I i igher than th e ear th(1sai:h 55 :S. 9 ) .S o Malxtkl\- ilk decided that l ie w o ~ ~ l t la s k Go tl n o 1llo l-e q u e st io n s l ~ te ivoi~lt ls t a ~ ~ t l1p01i his "\vatc11" an tl sc t Iiim -self upon t l ~ e toiver" a11t1 "\vatch to\vliat the Lortl \voultl say to him.,I hat Gotl had a n ansiver he ivas sure.H e would \ \ni t for i t . I . \' lia t a u is edecision hc made !Gotl did hav c all aris\vcr-a vis io~ io f c o i l l i ng e ve ~~ t s ,ot o111y i l l tlic life-t i ~ n e f the p rophet Intt away tlo\v11 tothe e ~ d .f ti n ~ c. I-Ial>aliliuk was toivait for i t , . for i t \ \as for all ap p oi ~~ te tlt ime.I , \fc f i ~ d his prophecy repeated i l lI -Tel~reivs 1 0 3 7 ant1 we untlcrstantl thatit is yet to he fulfilled in the return ofour Lord and the se t t ing up of H ismillennia1 kingtlom. Notice t ikt herethc pronou n " He" is used instead , ofthe pro ~io un " i t, " r eading, "I-fc tha tsliall come will comc antl will not tarry.". A ~ i t l the same verse follows this thatfollowctl ill the prophecy of Hahak-kuk, "-l'he just s11:~ll live hy faith" ( v .3 8 ) .Let us look for a 111ome11t at thi swo~id er ful 17erse , q t~o te t l hree t imes int l i c N e w T e s t a ~ i i e ~ ~ tto t l ie Jew and

    Gent i le ~ ia t ions l l R u m a ~ ~ s :I7 :lG a l a t i a ~ i s3 :1 1 , antl to the Helrre\vs J-lehre\vs 1O:Btl).H er c is a \ .crsc that shook the ivorantl changctl the d es ti~ iy of ~ia t ioHere is a vcrse t l la t c l imgetl I - Idnk111i 's wail ing into rejoici~ ig. H er c life for the just \vho Iiave faith-reall i f e -ever las t ing, t r iu~npl ia~i t ,~ i d vtorious. '1-lere is a verse that seems be the exit f rom the f irst po rt io ~ith e 1,001i a~ l t l he cnt ra lice in to the sco ~ l t l .T~itleetl, verse seems to b c tI

  • 8/2/2019 1961_02_12 Do You Want a Double Portion Ministry by W. V. Grant Sr


    t h e k ~ i o \ \ ~ l e t l g cf thc glory of the Lo rdas t lne waters cover the sea. hIy hear tI~c gan leap ing fo r joy . I -Tal~akkdit r eml~lc t l ( ch . 3 :1 6 ) .Ho\v cver , there was s t i ll a pray er inthe prophet 's hear t . H e trem1)let l at tlncthou ght of Gotl 's glo ry but realized thiswas to be at a11 apl~ ointc t l ime antl l iemu st wait for it. \\.hat \\ as Got1 goin gto do fo r them today? H e p rayed tha tG o t l \ v o ~ ~ l t levivc Idis \vork irl tltrmids t o f thc y rar s ( ch . 3 2 ) . T h is i stlne 1x ay cr of a11 Go tl's p eop lc to da y.E:-ery~vlnerc \vc ar e pra ying for rc-vival. \ \ ' i l l i t c om c? J7cs , i t \ \ i l l come.In some placcs it already Inns come.T h e faith of tlie just \\.ill bring life tothis dying worlcl.Gotl had one more \vortl, ho\vever,fo r H is p rophet , and i t con ics so I~eat t -tifully at the \cry end of his vision.God saicl , "The Lord is in H is holytemple; let a11 thc earth hccp silwccl ~e f o r e H i m " ( ch . 2 : 2 0 ) .

    I n th e m i ds t of all th c c o ~ i f ~ ~ s i o ~ i .turmoil , a ~ it l l is trcss of na tions tot lay.God w ants H is clni lt lren to know th atH e i s ve ry m ~ ~ c l ilive. They Iiavc Imtto look "11 an d th ey will sec Hi111 th cr ei l l H i s h oly tc ~in ple , ~ ~ n r ~ ~ f f l c t l ,alm,and s t rong , ;vh i le H is e ternal pur -p o ses a r e b e i ~ i g v r o ~~g l n t ut hcrc be-low. H is hand is on t lie I ie l~n antlli on c n e ed f e a r. N o n e 11cct1 q ~ ~ c s t i o ~ ~His \v i s t lom, His jus t ice , o r H is love .Th e cart11 is to kccp si lence I~ efo rcHim. This does not mean t l iat \vc shallnever make a so u~ id as \vc p ray o rpra isc o r worsh ip Hin i . I t docs Incan ,ho\vever, tha t none ar e to tlo~111t orques tion Him . I t means , too , tha t n cs l i o ~ ~ l dearn to be submissive to Gotlantl let Him mold us. I t means t l iatw e s l i o ~~ l c lle s t i ll antl kno w that * H eis God.A n d in o u r s t i l l ~ ~ c s s ,lic faith I)ywhich tlie just always live \vill breakout \vitln Ha1)nkkuk's into tlie incom-parab ly bea~*t i fu lson g of thc last ofInis prophecy-"Although tlne fig tree sliall not l~lossom,Neither shall fruit I le in tlie vines;

    Tlie labour of thc olive shall fail,And the f ields shall yield no meat;T h e flock shall be cut off from thcfold,And there slnall be no herd in the stalls:

    Y et I \ v i l l rejoice in the Lord,I w ill joy in th e Co d of m y salv a ' 011.The Lord Got l i s my s t r eng th ,And I-Ie will make my feet like lnintls'

    f ee t ,And H e wil l make me to \valk uponnninc high places." 4 4

    REMEMBER',WHEN? ...35 Y E A R S A G O

    Henry Hoar, pastor i n li:\NS:\S C I T Y , Iro;itlcasti~~gSunday c ve~ i i~ igcrvice. . . . David M. Wellardhas rcs ignc t l a h pastor i n SYRACUSE. 3 . Y. . . E. B. Crump re1)orts a gootl. ni~.ctingi l l t h e Rose11 Ilei gli ts :\sseml)ly of Got1 i l l I;(.)RT \ \ :ORTH, TES . \ v i t h IZva~~gelist . F.Ne wby . . . . 0 . L. Davidson oi HUhl HOLDT, l a hCity.

    2 5 Y E A R S A G OOra De Von is holding ~nectings n .-\I):IRIS, \\'IS. \\-it11 Pahtor N . L. Shotwel l . . . .Mrs. J. C. Morrison x ~ i d atilily a r c r c t u r ~ ~ i n go th c Unitctl Stntcs irom China 1)ccnuse ofher il l I~ealth. H e r I ~ u s l m ~ ~ t l\ r i l l ca r ry o n al)roatl. . . . , D . C. Hut t o is tlic n c \v paqtor i n12l>ical hlc~sengcrs Alr arid Mrs. Pe r c y T. Ki ng)have conclutlrtl a t h r c e - \ v c e k ~ n r c t i ~ i gl l \\:OODSTOCK, ONI'. \\.it11 Pastor E . N . 0 . K ul-beck. . . .W . I . Evans rcports a great r e v i v a l a t Central I3il)le Institute wit11 s i s t c c~ istudcnts receiving tlle Imptism oi the I-Ioly Spirit in t\vo w e e k . . . . Frederick D. Eide

    is tlie n e w pa..,tcr i n \\'I\II(:;I-ITS\;II,LI

  • 8/2/2019 1961_02_12 Do You Want a Double Portion Ministry by W. V. Grant Sr


    V. Hsurst. (lef t) presents Honor of Origination Plaque to PastorL. Davidson while 'C . M . W ard and Harold Bullock look on

    R C H U R C H , VANGELEMPLE -rs t Assem bly of Go d, located in tlief the gre ate r metropolitan areaf Miami, F lor it la-enjoys a ~ u ~ i q u eas of the w orld, we liave a

    Nevertheless , as pastor of Eva ngelI have been keenly aware ofthe cliurcli-those who ar e not pro-

    Rcvi-uoltitirc served as one an-IT I I AS 'IEI.PEIIB R E A K PAST THE \\'ALLS O F O U R

    R c v i v a l t i n ~ coriginated from tlie plat-

    Helps Us BreakPast the Wallsof Our Church

    B Y M A R T I N L U T H E R D A V I D S O NP o s t o r , E i n ~ ~ g r loir plr , Alio~rri. I:loritio

    December 11 . C. M . W a r d , Rcv;vol t i l ,~cs peaker ; D. V . H urs t , N a t iona l Rad ioS ecre ta ry and na r r a to r : C . T. 13eem.producer; antl Cyril McLellali . choird irector , traveled to M iami to producethis live network 01 gination 1)roadcast.Th is special prog ram attracted peo-ple from all walks of life. Anlong these\\ere many refugees fronl Cuba-oneof \vliom \\as a metlical doc tor. I t wa stleliglitful to find many non-cliurcli-goers present to v iew and enjoy theSpirit-energized creation and release ofI\'evivolti11rc.I ptrposely located myself deep inthe audience to sce antl feel the re-action of those viewing tlie procced-ings . At f i r s t there was a degree ofthc spectator aspect to the serv ice , butthis was almost completely lost as thebroadcast took on the natu re of an o ld-

    fashioned revival service.T he conscientious antl cal~al)le liadling, before and during the broadcashad m uch to do with the spiritual cliaacter of the broadcas t . Brother W ar dmessage, as always, was something spcial. I t \vas a gospel challenge to maan d tlie \vorltl. Hi s is a voice ortlainefor such an hour as th is .Perso ns brought in to contact wi th thRcviclol/ilirc team were very favorabimpressed. I am es pec t i~ ig ven g rea tresults in the futu re as a result of thevent.Revivol t i l~rr , as a full-gospel voicin thes e pe rp lex ing and ~ mpred ic tadays, niust not cease from the lanIt breaks past the \valls of the churcantl denomination to reach souls .EI>TTOR'SO T I C : O help all pastobenefit from Revivol t i~rrc 'sminis t ry , th

    -- - -yril ~ c ~ e l k n ,evivaltime choir director, leads the Evangel Templecongregotion in a gospel song Part of the congregotion at Miami's Evangel Temple (First Assembof God1 listen to.'the Revivaltimo broadcast

  • 8/2/2019 1961_02_12 Do You Want a Double Portion Ministry by W. V. Grant Sr


    Radio-Depar tn len t has p repared a panl-p l e t S E V A I '.5 Y O liCAN-U S E RE l/I l f i I I2TI,1IE-nrid t icif irlfo y o u r chlrrch progralir. This pam-phlct is available to pastors upon rc-quest . For your copy wri te12EVI\'.ALTIhIE. UOS 70S I ' R I N G F I E L D , hIISSOUl(1

    R E V I V A L T I M E O R l C l N A T l O NTU C S O N , A R1Z. -Th c 1 3 c r~ i i ul t ir r c~)road-cast \v il l or iginate a t Ccntra l Ass en~h ly inl ' u c s o ~ ~ r1 Su l ~ t l a y , Fc b . 26 , b e g i l ~ r ~ i ~ ~ gt8 : 3 0 ( T u c s o ~ ~i n ~ e ) . C . M. \ \ ' a d , 1 ; ~ -i - i z ~ ~ l / i r r t cpeaker . wil l he a t Centra l ! \ssc~n-bly for six nights 11cgi11ni11gTucstlay, 1:eh.21 , fo r spec ia l an~~ ive r sa ryervices connllem-o r a t i ~ ~ ghc founding of Centra l Assembly( f o r m e r l y N o r t h S i d e Assembly) nine yearsago . Ho s t pas to r i s Spence r r\ \\retltllc (\V.G. McClure , associa te pastor) .

    ~ I H ~ O I H ) m M 1 9

    R A D I O . N E W S F L A S H !Thc fo l lo \v ing s t a t ions l~avehccn atltlctl tot l ~ cKr:iwoltirrrr rad io log :

    A l. i\ D IS O N , S O U T H D r \ K O T r \ ( K J . 41 1 )1390 kc.-500 w at tsSun days , 10 :30 a.m.R I C H L A N D C E N T E R . \ ;\ 'I SC O N SI N( V R C O )1510 kc.-1,000 w at tsSw ~ d a y s , :0 0 a. m .TU I .S : \, , O K L. A H O A I; \ ( K N M G )

    740 ltc.-25,000 watts(S cc local r lewspaper for t ime)T A C O M A , \ Y A S H I N G T O N ( K rr \\ 'R )(See local nc\vspaper)B I R M I N G H . 4 3 1 , i \L . AB A M A ( \ \ i S F l I )9 3. 7 I I I C L E R P20,000 watts(Se e loca l newspape r fo r t ime)H A R R l S O N B U R G , V IR G I NI .4 ( W I I C G )1360 kc.-5,000 w at tsSundays , 9 :30 a.m.X I A S SE N = \, N E \ Y Y O R K (\\'XIS!\)1310 kc.-259 w at tsSu l~d ays , 0 :30 p .m.A L B E R T L E.4, M I N N E S O T A ( K A T E )1100 kc.-250 w at tsSundays , 9 :30 p.m.I I O C H E S T E R , N E \ V Y O R I i (\\:Sr\\-)1370 kc.-5.000 \va ttsSun days , 10 :30 p.m.R O C K Y M O U N T A I N , N O R T H C.i\R OLIW:\ (\\;FIE11 j1390 kc.-1,000 \vat ts

    Sundays, 10:30 p .m.C . 4 N T O N . O H I O (\.\'EN\V)1060 kc.-1,000 \vatt sSun days , 1 :30 p.m.B E N D , O R E G O N ( K B N D )11 10 kc.-1,000 w at tsSundays, 9 :30 p .m.K I L GO R E , T E X A S ( K O C A )1210 kc.-250 wa tts(See loca t newspape r fo r t i~nc )' I ' l J f E CH.4hrGEE E L Z A N I , M I S S I S S I P P I ( \\ rE I. Z)Sundays , 8 :00 a.m." 1 - 4 ! m bw B


    Here i s cn accoun t o f the am az ing g rowth o f the Pen tecos ta l Movemen tin the U. S. Tracing the movement f rom i ts modest beginnings in 1900to its present position of prominence in the religious life of this country,THE PROMISE FULFILLED does much to c lar i fy current misunders tondingsconcerning Pentecos ta ls . I t is o well-documented his tory thot not onlydescr ibes the or igin of the m ovemen t ond i ts var ious branche s but a lsoexploins i ts noture and compores i ts doctr ines and prcct ices with thcse of

    2 EV 578 $3.50lder Protes tant church bodies . Cloth bcun d.ABOUT THE AUTHOR

    Dr. Kloude Kendrick hos devcited his life to religic-s educ otion , serving onfocul t ies of col leges in Oklohomo , Texos, ond Missouri . At the present t imehe is President of Southwestern Bible Inst i tu te , Woxoh ochie , Texos. Hisouthori to t ive an d inspir ing s t ~ d y s on outgrow th of Dr. Kendrick 's yeorsof experience in Chris t ion work os both pastor on d educotor .

    Feb ru a ry 12, 1961

  • 8/2/2019 1961_02_12 Do You Want a Double Portion Ministry by W. V. Grant Sr


    ATMORE, ALA .-l 'hc I-or;l 's hlcssin gsf E v a n g c li s t a d M r s . J i m m y S t v ag g a rt .l C h r is t a s S a v io u r, a ~ ~ t lhe cn-

    .- . I.?. Mnrrrcs. ' 1'os;or,IINE R:\l_ \\ 'EF2I4S. 'I 'ES.-God used th e

    g n a t F i r s t . \ s s e n ~ h l ~ e re . R c vi va l n ~ x t -took ~) rccedcncc abovc a l l the o theri v it ie s of t h e c h u r c h a ~ ~ t lr ov c tl w r y.\ rc tur l l mcct ing i s a~~t ic ipa te t l .- I< . 1; ~~1~1. 1x ~c 11 .'ostor

    PO RT ER \iI LI .E , CALIF.- 'I' I iz P:II!c-n no stvccks,20. Go dmight ily on y ou ~i g antl o lt l a l ike .h e evangelist wa s Da v i d G r a y o f . Tu l s a ,t y - th r e e \\.e re s av c tl a ~ ~ t l2 filled

    ' 1 ' 1 1 ~ m u s i c a l t a l c ~ ~ tfed you ng. evangel is t made ao t h e m e e t i ~ ~g s . r c v iv a lil l the regular scrviccs.-Chorlrs .4. 1"r~lloc.k. Ptrsto r

    S O U T H B E N D , 1N D .- In S e p te m l ~c r a ncnt reviva l was conducted i i ~Calvarye Su n s h i n e Pa r t y wi t h I n d ia nhu m a 's evangel i st . Many found

    Al l previous Sunday school a t t endance rcc-i t h a p ca k a t t c ~ ~ d a n c c6. Vis i tor s were at t ra cte d to the serv-s because of the n ~u s ic a l a lent an d i l --I\'oy EI. [email protected], Pastor

    M I D LO ' I 'HI A N, M D. -On t l ~ c v e n in g off Wi lm ington , Dcl. were s l a ted to

    011 the b th , Codn a I lew way. M any stoodGo d , a s we ll a s t h e c o n g r e -

    ervice,3 p. m. When the evangel i s t s

    T h e e v a ~ ~ g e l i s t sed the peoplc in an oltl-

    s te d ' f o r m a u y h o ur s. M e ~ ~ t i o n a s m a d eelch Reviva l of 1904 and the need

    of such an a\vakening today, unt i l the sp ir-i tual appet i tes of thc pcople caused thcm tolau t~c h out in th i s sccking of God. Grca