Download - 19 january 2015

Page 1: 19 january 2015

WASHINGTON, JAN 18US President Barack

Obama's unprecedentedsecond visit to India offersan "incredibly importantopportunity" for theworld's two largest democ-racies to tap the "realpotential" of their strategicties, a top American diplo-mat has said.

The "real potential" ofIndo-US strategic and eco-nomic relationship, whichleaders of the two coun-tries have been striving forthe past two decades, iscoming to "fruition" afterNarendra Modi became thePrime Minister of Indiawith an impressive man-date, Assistant Secretary ofState for South and Central


MUMBAITemperature: 290CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity: 49%Wind: 16 Km/hr

COLOMBO, JAN 18Sri Lanka expelled

the Colombo stationchief of India's spyagency in the run-up tothis month's presidentialelection, political andintelligence sourcessaid, accusing him ofhelping the Oppositionoust President MahindaRajapaksa.

A Foreign Ministryspokesman denied anyexpulsion and saidtransfers were routine


HAQSAADDAFIGHT FOR RIGHTMonday, January 19, 2015

Arvinder Singh Lovely will not contestDelhi Assembly polls: Congress

Google in Talks to Buy Mobile-PaymentsCompany Softcard: Report

Deepika’s special moments at the21st Life OK Screen Awards

NEW DELHI, JAN 18Days after joining BJP,

Kiran Bedi on Sunday saidthat in Prime MinisterNarendra Modi the party haswith it the "world's mostbeautiful face" as she rebuttedAAP's claim that she wasbrought in by the saffron out-fit because it does not have aface of its own in Delhi.

"BJP has got the world'smost beautiful face with it,i.e. Narendra Modi and hisleadership. After that we arejust stars who are revolvingaround him," the former TeamAnna member said as she shotdown AAP's charge that shewas inducted into BJP forbeing its face here for Delhipolls.

"Delhi will get all itsresources from the centralgovernment and it is theCentre which will give us

energy," Bedi told reportershere.

AAP has attacked BJP overthe induction of former IPSofficer Bedi, saying that it hasbeen done to shield PrimeMinister Modi in the event of

the party's defeat in theupcoming Assembly elec-tions.

Bedi, who will contest theFebruary 7 polls, had yester-day rejected Congress's


BJP has 'world's most beautifulface', Bedi's reply to AAP over Modi


NEW DELHI, JAN 18The Delhi Police has recov-

ered 1020 live cartridges fromthree men outside theWelcome metro station inShahdara, North-East Delhi.


Ahead of Republic Day,Three Caught CarryingOver 1000 LiveCartridges in Delhi

NEW YORK, JAN 18An influential American

lawmaker has appealed toPresident Barack Obama tosupport issuance of a DiwaliUS postal stamp, saying it willsignify that the US honours itsreligious diversity and


US Lawmaker AsksBarack Obama to SupportDiwali Postal Stamp

SRINAGAR, JAN 18 Two Jaish-e-Mohammed

terrorists were killed in anencounter with security forcesin Sopore town of northKashmir.

Security forces cordoned offSaidpora village in Soporefollowing information aboutpresence of militants in the


Two Terrorists Killed inSopore Encounter in J&K

Vol. 1 Issue: 123 Price: Rs.3:00 Reg. No: DELENG/2014/58212 Delhi Edition Pages: 8 Website: Email: [email protected]

NEW DELHI, JAN 18Censorship by government is

"impossible" and there is a need forthe media to report news "sensitive-ly and responsibly", Informationand Broadcasting minister ArunJaitley has said.

Speaking at the Justice Vermalecture in Delhi today, Mr Jaitleysaid, "The days of threats and bansare over... The challenges are from


Press Freedom: Days of Threatsand Bans Over, says Arun Jaitley

NEW DELHI, JAN 18Keen on promoting water trans-

port to propel economic growth,the government has set an ambi-tious target to convert 101 riversacross the nation into waterways,union minister Nitin Gadkari said.

"Promoting waterways is thetop-most priority of my Ministry.We have identified 101 riversacross the nation to be converted


Govt Plans to Convert 101 Riversinto Waterways: Nitin Gadkari

NEW DELHI, JAN 18BJP has not taken any decision

on its chief ministerial candidatefor Delhi, Home Minister RajnathSingh on Sunday said, amid specu-lation that former IPS officer KiranBedi would be projected for the toppost. Ms Bedi, who joined the partyon Thursday had also given a broad


BJP Parliamentary Board to Decide onDelhi Chief Ministerial Candidate: Rajnath

RAIPUR, JAN 18Chhattisgarh government

has hiked the compensationfor its officers and employeeswho die or are injured whileon duty during the electionperiod. "The compensationfor state officers or employees


Chhattisgarh:Compensation hiked fordeath, injury on poll duty

ROHTAK, JAN 18In a significant move, the

'Sarv Jatiya KhapMahapanchayat' (all castes'council) in Haryana here onSunday took a pledge tooppose honour killing andprevent dowry system in thestate. A decision to this effect


Khap mahapanchayatpledges to stop honour killing, dowry

NEW DELHI, JAN 18BJP, which was reportedly

in talks with PDP over gov-ernment-formation in Jammuand Kashmir, said "authorisedpersons" are dealing with thecontroversial issues likeArticle 370 and Armed Forces


'Authorised persons'dealing with Article 370,AFSPA: Jitendra Singh


'Barack Obama's India Visit a Chanceto Tap Potential in Ties': US

NEW DELHI, JAN 18After I&B minister Arun

Jaitley said that the govern-ment maintains an "arm'slength distance" from func-tioning of the CensorBoard, Cabinet MinisterVenkaiah Naidu on Sundaysaid that the body has to beblamed and not the govern-ment.

Naidu said: “If there issomething wrong in CensorBoard, they have to blamethemselves. How can newgovernment be responsi-ble?”

He further went on to saythat Censor Board waspoliticised during UPA rule


LONDON, JAN 18A group of 30 British

women who travelled toSyria to join the Islamic State(IS) have been encouragingother women in the UK tocarry out terror attacks backhome, overturning the beliefthat female jihadists are quiteand passive, researchers inLondon have found.

The International Centrefor the Study ofRadicalisation (ICSR) atKing's College London hasuncovered the group ofBritish women in NorthernSyria by monitoring theirsocial media accounts, the'Observer' newspaper


NEW DELHI, JAN 18The Indian stock mar-

ket has the potential tohelp companies raise awhopping $150 billion(nearly Rs 10 lakhcrore) annually to helpmeet the country'sinvestment targets overthe next 5-7 years,Bombay StockExchange (BSE) chiefAshish Chauhan said.

This would mark anover ten-fold jump froman estimated $10-12 bil-lion of funds raisedannually from the Indianmarkets over the last 2-3years from equity IPOs,bonds and offer for saleof shares among othersroutes, he said.

"But, India requires toraise probably $150 bil-lion a year from the mar-kets so that it can garner$700-800 billion overthe next 5-6 years tomeet the investment tar-get of $2-3 trillion overthis period of time to

meet the targets under'Make In India' andother initiatives for vari-ous sectors," MrChauhan said in aninterview. The com-ments assume signifi-cance as the equity IPO


Indian Markets Can Help Raise$150 Billion a Year: BSE

British Women BeingUsed by Islamic Stateto Incite Terror in UK:Report

If there's something wrong in CensorBoard, they are to be blamed: Naidu

Indian Spy's Role Alleged in Sri LankanPresident's Election Defeat: Report

Weather ReportDELHITemperature: 170CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity:39%Wind: 10 Km/hr

KOLKATATemperature: 230CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity: 33% Wind: 11 Km/hr

CHENNAITemperature: 280CPrecipitation: 0%Humidity:57%Wind: 16 Km/hr

NEW DELHI, JAN 18Aam Aadmi Party

chief ArvindKejriwal raised thehackles of both theBJP and theCongress today byhinting that both par-ties have been luringvoters with bribes.

At a rally in Delhi'sUttam Nagar today,Mr Kejriwal told thepeople that theyshould take bribesfrom both theCongress and theBJP, but vote only forhis party.

"People from bothBJP and theCongress will cometo offer money... Ifsomeone does notbribe you, go and ask

Take Money From BJP,Congress, But Vote for AamAadmi Party: Arvind Kejriwal

RAMPUR, JAN 18Breaking stereotypes, 11

Hindu children haveenrolled in a madrassa herewhile as many as 140Muslim boys have joinedan RSS-run school.

According to the princi-pal of Madrassa JameeatulAnsar, it is the parents'love for the Urdu languageand literature which moti-vated them to put theirchildren in the madrassa.

The Hindu students andtheir parents "love Urdu"and poets like MirzaGhalib, Firaq Gorakhpuri,Jigar Moradabadi and oth-ers have a following, cut-

ting across distinctions ofcommunity religion. Also,the families are keen thatthe children learn the tradi-tional etiquette," saidKhalid Ansari, principal ofthe madrassa.

Madrasses have for longbeen associated with tradi-tional Islamic religiousteachings, but now most ofthem have joined the main-stream education systemand are teaching main-stream subjects.

Ansari says 11 Hinduboys have been enrolled inthe madrassa, who besideslearning other subjects,


NEW DELHI, JAN 18Drastic changes in

regional security has cre-ated a need for closerbilateral strategic part-nership with India, a topVietnamese official saidas the country beefs upits defence capabilitiesamid territorial disputewith China in the SouthChina Sea.

"Because of very dras-tic change in regionalsecurity, it has set theneed for a closer cooper-ation between our twocountries. Mostly interms of strategic part-

nership," Vietnam's ViceMinister of DefenceSenior LieutenantGeneral Nguyen ChiVinh said. He did not

explain what the drasticchanges were butVietnam is engaged in aconfrontation with China


'Need Closer StrategicPartnership With India': Vietnam

NEW DELHI, JAN 18It seems that the 'Modi

magic' has created a magneticfield in the national capitalahead of the upcomingAssembly polls due to whichvarious leaders and socialworkers are making a beelineto join the Bharatiya JanataParty (BJP). Making a freshentry in the party, expelledAam Aadmi Party (AAP)MLA Vinod Kumar Binnyjoined the BJP on Sunday.

Binny's induction wasannounced by the BJP Delhi


Expelled AAP MLAVinod Kumar Binnyofficially joins BJP,slams Kejriwal

Hindu boys enrol in madrassa,Muslim boys in RSS-run school

COLOMBO, JAN 18Sri Lanka's Foreign

Minister MangalaSamaraweera is inIndia to hold bilateraltalks with ExternalAffairs MinisterSushma Swaraj. Withthis visit, India hopes torenew strategic tieswith the island nationwhere a new govern-ment was installed ear-lier this month.

One of the mostimportant concerns forIndia has been theincreased Chineseinvolvement in SriLanka over the last 10years. They haveinvested heavily ininfrastructure and sup-plied huge amount ofarsenal to Sri Lanka'smilitary; a Chinesesubmarine had even


India Wary of China-Lanka bhai-bhai

WASHINGTON, JAN 18Literally running from

pillar to post in both Indiaand the US for the pastseveral years, Indian andIndian-American relativesof victims of the 1986 ter-

ror attack on Pan AmFlight 73 are now pinningtheir last hope onPresident Barack Obamaand Prime MinisterNarendra Modi to resolve


Pan Am 73 Victims Now Pin Their Hope on Obama & Modi


The Congressparty on Sundaydemanded an apolo-gy from Aam AadmiParty (AAP) chiefArvind Kejriwalover his recentremark, where he

told the people of thenational capital toaccept bribes fromother political par-ties but to vote forhim.

"Kejriwal has stat-ed that the Delhi


Congress criticises Kejriwal's'bribe' remarks, demands apology

Page 2: 19 january 2015


NEW DELHI, JAN 18In a major embarrassment for

Congress, ahead of the upcomingAssembly polls, party high com-mand on Sunday announced thatDelhi Pradesh CongressCommittee chief (DPCC)Arvinder Singh Lovely will notcontest the elections.

" Arvinder Singh Lovely haswithdrawn from the elections andwill look after the organisation ofthe elections in Delhi. In hisplace, we are finalising a contest-ant and we will be finalising aname by tomorrow," Congressleader PC Chacko told the media.

"The dearth of leadership at thePradesh Congress Committee toorganise these polls has resultedin our requesting him to not con-test this election. It was a partydecision and was taken in orderto organise the party at the grass-root level," he added.

Notably, the decision comesdays after senior Congress leaderAjay Maken, a former UnionMinister and All India CongressCommittee (AICC) GeneralSecretary was projected as theface in the Delhi polls. He was

scheduled fight the polls fromGandhinagar constituency.According to reports Lovely'sreplacement is likely to beannounced tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Congress leaderArvinder Singh Lovely said thathe is no conflict with Congressafter Ajay Maken was made theface of Congress's Delhi cam-paign.

Lovely added that he had him-

self proposed Maken's name forheading the party campaign inDelhi. He further stated that heand Maken have a very goodunderstanding of each other."Ajay Maken is the chairman ofthe campaign committee. He wasgiven that post on my suggestion.The three of us - Maken ji,Haroon Yusuf and I will cam-paign in Delhi together," he stat-ed.

"I am not bigger than the party,ready to take on any responsibil-ity. It is a great honour for methat the party has put me incharge of the organisation of theentire poll campaign in Delhi.There is no question of my beingupset with the party. TheCongress will contest these elec-tions united and will form thenext government," Lovely added.

Congress leader Ajay Makenalso denied that Lovely hadresigned because the latter feltupset at the former being madethe face of the Congress cam-paign in the capital.

"The people who feel thatLovely ji has resigned because ofthat reason perhaps do notremember that Lovely ji, HaroonYusuf and I are a team that datesback to more than 10 years," hestated.

Lovely was to contest theupcoming polls from the GandhiNagar constituency.

The elections for the 70-mem-ber Delhi Assembly will be heldin a single phase on February 7,with the counting of votes set totake place on February 10.

Arvinder Singh Lovely will not contestDelhi Assembly polls: Congress

NEW DELHI, JAN 18Ahead of India's 65th

Republic Day celebrations,24 children between the ageof 8 and 17 have been select-ed on Satuday from all acrossthe country for the presti-gious National BraveryAwards. Four of these awardswill be conferred posthu-mously.

Feburary 1, 2014, is a dayetched in 16-year-oldResham Fatma's memory.One her way to tuitions,Resham was kidnapped byher 38-year-old uncle, whopoured acid over her headwhen Resham turned downhis marriage proposal.

However, Resham did notcow down, and displayedexemplary courage by push-ing her uncle away, managedto jump out of the car andreport this incident to thepolice.

Two surgeries and count-

less injections later, Reshamhas lofty aspirations. "I wantto be an IAS officer. I want toensure the perpetrators ofacid-attacks are punished,"she says. Resham will beconferred with the BharatAward - the highest of theNational Bravery Awards -

for 2014, and will participatein the Republic Day parade.

Initiated by the IndianCouncil for Child Welfare in1957, the Award, whichincludes a cash prize and acitation, has been awarded to895 children since it's incep-tion.

National Bravery Awards for 24of India's Young Bravehearts

NEW DELHI, JAN 18Gandhian Anna Hazare

has refused to talk to KiranBedi - formerly his closeaide - after she joined theBJP, sources close to theactivists said. Sources saidhe had felt hurt by MsBedi's decision to plungeinto active politics withoutconsulting him.

Since she joined the BJPon Thursday, Ms Bedi hasbeen repeatedly calling MrHazare, but he had notbeen taking her calls. MsBedi called him last nightand again this morning,they said.

On Friday, Mr Hazaretold reporters that Ms Bedihad not contacted himbefore joining the BJP. Ms

Bedi, he said, had not beento Ralegan Siddhi - MrHazare's village near Pune- since the last agitationover a year ago and she hadnot been in touch with him.

Mr Hazare, whose IndiaAgainst Corruption cam-paign had won extensivesupport of the middle class

in 2011, had not been infavour of going into main-stream politics. Both heand Ms Bedi - one of thekey members of TeamAnna -- had opposed MrArvind Kejriwal's move tolaunch the Aam AadmiParty.

After his initial opposi-

tion, Mr Hazare, however,was reconciled to it. Hegave Mr Kejriwal hisblessing and had evenpromised to campaign forhim.

The sources said theywere hopeful of a similarreconciliation between MsBedi and Mr Hazare. Anna,one of them said, holds MsBedi in high esteem andconsiders her a "sincereand straightforward per-son". Ms Bedi, who iswidely expected to be theBJP's chief ministerial can-didate, joined the party onThursday. She has alreadyexpressed a wish to take onMr Kejriwal on his hometurf, the New Delhi con-stituency.

Anna Hazare Hurt, Refuses to Take CallsFrom Kiran Bedi: Sources

NEW DELHI, JAN 18The new entrant to the BJP,

Kiran Bedi, will be occupy-ing the room vacated by theparty's former chief ministe-rial candidate Dr HarshVardhan, party sources said.The sources also said MsBedi is likely to be made thechief of the party's electioncampaign committee.

The office at the BJP head-quarters in the heart of Delhi-- larger than the one occu-pied by the party's Delhi unitchief Satish Upadhyay -- isbeing redecorated accordingto her wishes. Banners carry-ing photographs of her andparty chief Amit Shah havealready been put up at there.

Senior leaders are miffedabout the attention beinggiven to Ms Bedi by theparty leadership.

Though the party brass haskept quiet about its chiefministerial candidate in thecoming assembly elections,Ms Bedi's entry has fuelledspeculations about her takingover the top job in case of a

BJP win.On Thursday, the

announcement about herjoining the party was made ata media conference by BJPpresident Amit Shah and sen-ior leader and Union ministerArun Jaitley. Ahead of theconference, Ms Bedi had metPrime Minister NarendraModi.

Speculations are rife thatshe would be taking on AamAadmi Party chief ArvindKejriwal from the New Delhiconstituency. Ms Bedi hasalso indicated her willing-ness to contest against Mr

Kejriwal.The BJP senior leadership

has kept people guessing.Even on Sunday, 19 daysbefore the elections, homeminister Rajnath Singh saidthe decision on the chiefministerial candidate will betaken by the party'sParliamentary Board, whichincludes the Prime Ministerand the party presidentamong others.

The party's CentralElection Committee isexpected to announce its listof candidates after a meetingon Monday.

Kiran Bedi to Take Over Harsh Vardhan'sRoom at BJP Office: Sources

Delhi Police Constablein Hospital After AllegedSuicide AttemptNEW DELHI

A 26-year-old DelhiPolice constable appar-ently tried to commit sui-cide by shooting himselfwith his service revolveron Sunday, police said.The constable Vipin, whowas posted atBarakhamba police sta-tion in the heart of thecapital, fired at himselfaround 8.00 am, a fewhours after issuing hisservice pistol from thepolice station.

"He was rushed to theRam Manohar LohiaHospital, where his con-dition is stated to be criti-cal," a police official said.Vipin belongs toMuzaffarnagar in UttarPradesh. His marriagewas fixed for February10.

NEW DELHI, JAN 18A seven-layer security ring

will be thrown around the VVIPenclosure on Rajpath for theRepublic Day parade to be wit-nessed by US President BarackObama and the airspace over thearea would be monitored by aradar to be specially set up.

This will form part of theplanned unprecedented ground-to-air security drill that will turnthe national capital into animpregnable fortress during thevisit of Obama as Chief Guestfor the main Republic Day cele-brations on January 26--the firstby any American President.

A multi-agency control roomwill monitor the surveillanceoperations in every area of thenational capital which has beenput on the highest alert becauseof the visit of the US President.Obama is arriving in New Yearon January 25 on a three-dayvisit to the country.

Threat perception is the high-est for the event but there is nospecific intelligence input abouta possible terror strike, officialsengaged with the preparationssaid today while giving a broadoverview of the security drill.

American Secret Service per-sonnel, who have landed in thecapital and Agra, have alreadyconducted a preliminary surveyof the routes to be taken by theUS President and Rajpath whereObama will be seated along withPresident Pranab Mukherjee,Prime Minister Narendra Modiand hosts of other VVIPs towatch the annual parade.

There is a possibility that thechief guest, for the first time,will arrive at the venue separate-ly rather than with the Presidentin his bullet proof limousine. If

he does come with the President,he will be possibly the first USPresident not to travel in his ownhighly-secured 'Beast'.

A seven-layer security ringwill be thrown around the VVIPenclosure with elite SpecialProtection Group and SecretServices personnel forming apart of the Close Proximity ring,official sources said, adding aradar has been exclusively keptfor monitoring air space over theVVIP enclosure.

Central Security agencies havebrought in their Concealed Anti-Terrorists (CAT) squads to thenational capital who form part ofteams that carryout surprisechecks at hotels, guest housesand vulnerable localities.

The ITC Maurya hotel, wherethe US President will be staying,has been taken over by theSecret Services personnel andmulti-frequency control roommanned by the US officials havebeen set up.

American security personnelwill also be part of the teamsmanning the control rooms setup to watch footage of nearly15,000 CCTVs installed in thecapital.

A power-point presentation ofthe Republic Day was given tothe US officials about the eventsof the day including the culturalprogramme that will be per-formed by various artists beforethe VVIPs at Rajpath.

Besides the 80,000-memberstrong Delhi Police, additional20,000 paramilitary personneland armed police forces fromneighbouring states includingHaryana, Rajasthan and IndiaReserve Battalions have beenpressed into service to ensurefool-proof security in the capital

especially around Rajpath wherethe main Republic day functionwill be held.

Anti-aircraft guns have beenplaced at strategic locations tothwart attempts to violate the airspace over the venue, which hasbeen traditionally a no-fly zone.

Metro underground and officesaround the Rajpath area will betaken over 72 hours in advanceat the request of the US securitypersonnel. Snipers will take uppositions at vantage points whileIndian Air Force (IAF) will pro-vide air cover to the parade areaand the VVIPs on theground.

Guest list for the 'At-Home'function hosted by the Presidentis being pruned this time because

of security considerations, thesources said.

The American security offi-cials will be part of everyrehearsal drill.

US and Indian security agen-cies are taking extra care forObama as he will be on an openair platform at Rajpath for morethan two hours witnessing theRepublic day parade. There is apossibility of putting up a bullet-proof shield in and around theVVIP enclosure.

Unlike in previous years,access to Rajpath has alreadybeen closed while roads criss-crossing Rajpath like Rafi Marg,Janpath and Man Singh Roadwill be shut for general public aday or two before January 26.

Unprecedented Security Arrangementsfor Barack Obama's Visit on R-Day

NEW DELHI, JAN 18Forty seven flights were

delayed and 21 cancelled atthe Delhi airport as the citywitnessed yet another foggymorning on Sunday. Thegeneral visibility at the air-port was below 50 metresthis morning.

There was dense fog inFaridabad, Noida andGhaziabad, part of the NCRregion around Delhi. Theweather department saidthat temperature at 5:30 amwas eight degrees Celsius.

The city witnessed foggymorning on Saturday toowhich led to 68 flightsbeing delayed and six can-celled. The fog also affectedthe movement of trains withmore than 50 delayed andeight rescheduled.

The Meteorological

department has forecastdense fog in Punjab,Haryana, Delhi, West UttarPradesh and Rajasthan inthe winter season.

The maximum tempera-ture on Saturday settled at21.1 degrees Celsius, anotch above the season'saverage while the minimumwas recorded 8.4 degrees

Celsius, a notch above thenormal. Delhi witnessed achilly and foggy morningon Friday too which latergave way to a sunny day.The early morning fog onFriday affected the move-ments of 30 flights and 87trains, including premiertrains like Rajdhani andDuronto, being delayed.

47 Flights Delayed, 21 Cancelledas Dense Fog Engulfs Delhi

NEW DELHI, JAN 18Ten new cases of swine flu

were reported in the nationalcapital, taking the total

figure to 108 this year.The Union Health Ministry

said that government hasplaced an order for procuring30,000 doses of antiviral drugoseltamivir to treat a potentialoutbreak in the country.

Officials from HealthDepartment of Delhi govern-ment also maintained thatthey have enough stocks ofthe medicine.

Health Ministry officialssaid there was no cause forpanic and infection woulddiminish once the mercuryrises.

"There are ten positivecases out of 108 tests con-ducted today," said N Das,member of the Committeeconstituted by Health depart-ment of Delhi government toreview swine flu cases.

Three persons have so fardied due to swine flu in thecity.

Health department has

nominated 11 DistrictSurveillance Officers (DSOs)who have taken stocks of themedicine and also checkingwhether standard operatingprocedures for treatment ofHINI cases are being fol-lowed by hospitals.

The government is also inthe process of adding fourmore laboratories, two eachin private and governmentsectors to the existing eightlaboratories (five private andthree where one can get them-selves tested for H1N1).

More Than 100 Swine Flu CasesReported in Delhi This Year

Page 3: 19 january 2015

Continuation 3

BJP has ...charge that she had used Anna Hazare to

fulfil her political ambitions, saying that join-ing the anti- corruption crusader was the"right thing to do" during the Lokpal agita-tion.

Congress leader Ajay Maken has allegedthat Bedi and AAP convener Arvind Kejriwalwere "opportunists of the first order".

Maken, who is the Congress's campaignchief for Delhi polls, had alleged that bothKejriwal and Bedi had furthered their politi-cal ambitions behind Hazare's back.

Bedi, 65, entered the BJP fold in the pres-ence of its chief Amit Shah and Union minis-ters Arun Jaitley and Harsh Vardhan at theparty's headquarters here on January 15.

Kejriwal and Bedi were part of Hazare'score team as he led a massive agitation topress for the passage of the Jan Lokpal Bill inParliament. The two had parted ways in 2012after Kejriwal's decision to float the AamAadmi Party.

Expelled AAP ...chief Satish Upadhyay today during a par-

liamentary board meeting here. Earlier, for-mer top cop and Kejriwal's ex-colleaguefrom social activist Anna Hazare's IndiaAgainst Corruption Campaign Kiran Bediand ex-AAP leader Shazia Ilmi had joinedthe party.

Welcoming him to the BJP, SatishUpadhyay lauded the fact that Binny was the"first one to raise his voice against undemoc-ratic processes in the AAP".

Take Money...them in their office... Accept the money

from both, but vote only for the broom," MrKejriwal said at a political rally in UttamNagar constituency of west Delhi.

"What is he trying to say? Is he saying peo-ple only voted for him because of induce-ment? People gave him a decent mandate lasttime," said Mr Kejriwal's former colleagueShazia Ilmi, who quit AAP and recentlyjoined the BJP. "It's an insult to the peoplewho voted," she added.

The Congress too, said Mr Kejriwal'swords were an insult to Delhiites. "He is por-traying the people of Delhi in such a man-ner... We demand that Kejriwal apologise,"said senior Congress leader Ajay Maken.

Promising to take up the matter with theElection Commission, Mr Maken said, "It isillegal to make such a statement. It is a grossviolation of the code of conduct."

Elaborating on the matter of bribes, MrKejriwal, said, "If we can stop bribery in just49 days, couldn't the BJP have done it inseven months?"

The AAP chief has already charged the rul-ing BJP with corruption. Last week, he creat-ed a controversy, saying in a clear conflict ofinterest, BJP leaders have ties with powerdiscoms and due to that the price of electric-ity was increasing in the city.

Claiming Delhi BJP chief Satish Upadhyayowned a company that supplies electricitymeters to discom BSES, he said, "Servicescontract (of Mr Upadhyay) has been proven.Is there a supply contract too?" Mr Upadhyayhas said he would take legal action againstMr Kejriwal.

Congress criticises ...people can accept money from the

Congress or the Bharatiya Janata Party butvote for the AAP. He has insulted the peopleof Delhi. He should apologize to the people,"said Maken.

"I would also like to remind him that hisparty was one of the first parties to splurgemoney on campaigns. The hoardings of AAPall over Delhi have been put up [by using ]money and they are accusing the Congressand the BJP instead," he added.

Earlier in the day, Kejriwal had told votersin the city to accept bribes from the Congressand the BJP but to vote for the AAP in theupcoming Delhi assembly elections.

The Election Commission of India hasalready sent a notice to the AAP chief for vio-lating the Model Code of Conduct during apress conference where he launched an attackon the BJP and its Delhi unit chief, SatishUpadhyay.

The former Delhi chief minister had lev-elled graft allegations against Upadhyay, andhad also accused the BJP of attempting toincite communal violence in Delhi.

The elections for the 70-member DelhiAssembly will be held in a single phase onFebruary 7, with the counting of votes set totake place on February 10.

British Women...reported. Researchers believe the British

female jihadists have been actively recruitingnew members of IS and encouraging thebeheading of Westerners and applauding thebloodshed in Paris.

It overturns the general view that womentravelling to IS strongholds to become loyaland supportive jihadi brides are generallyquiet and passive members of the terroristgroup, the newspaper reported.

According to ICSR, which has a databaseof around 70 women it is tracking in total,there was a spike of activity online followingthe 'Charlie Hebdo' shootings in France,which the British women were seen applaud-ing.

Melanie Smith, a research fellow at ICSRand the woman in charge of ICSR's FemaleForeign Fighters database, said the British

women have been telling people at home,who cannot leave their family or afford to getto Syria to join IS, to carry out attacks in theUK instead.

"While they might not have the same mili-tary training, you can see women onlinebeing frustrated about the fact they can't fightand they suggest to each other that they coulddo something else," she said.

Indian has not been good for the last few

years, except for the SME (small and medi-um-sized enterprises) platforms, in terms ofraising funds.

However, other primary market segmentssuch as corporate debts, have seen a reason-ably good collection of funds through publicoffers, while the offer for sale (OFS) routehas also been very successful in equity mar-ket, he said.

When asked whether Indian markets arecapable of such huge amounts of moneybeing raised, he replied in affirmative andsaid what needs to be done is focussing onpeople moving away from non-productiveassets like gold, silver and real estate andshift the savings towards financial instru-ments.

These instruments can be bank deposits,mutual funds or directly into the stock mar-kets, he said.

"In some sense, Indian markets are amongthe most sophisticated markets and alsoamong the most spread-out markets in theworld. For example, today BSE is availablein 200 cities and towns, or even more whereits members are doing investment activity onbehalf of their customers."

"Also, everything is automated in our mar-kets. So, if we have to scale up the fund rais-ing capabilities from $10-12 billion a year to$150 billion, it is doable," he said.

The 140-years-old BSE is the world'slargest exchange in terms of number of listedcompanies, while it figures among top tenbourses globally on various other parametersas well.

"If you see the numbers, India is now a $2trillion economy and it saves 30 per cent. So,India is effectively saving $600 billion a yearand over the next 7 years, it would save closeto $4.2 trillion at current level even if theeconomy does not grow at all."

"But, if it grows, which is very much like-ly, the savings would be $5 trillion. So, out ofthat $5 trillion savings, getting $750 billion isnot difficult," Mr Chauhan said.

"Today also, around 10 per cent of savingsgo into financial instruments, so on a $5 tril-lion base we would be able to bring in at least$500 billion and the remaining $250 billioncan come from the foreign investors."

"Over the last 20 years, foreign investorshave invested $220-250 billion and if Indiagrows at its pace and gains further momen-tum, that kind of funding can come easilygoing further," he said.

'Barack Obama's...Asia Nisha Desai Biswal said."We are starting to see that strategic impor-

tance actually manifested in the quality ofour engagements. In the nature of the conver-sations we are having on the whole, they arenot just bilateral, but also regional and glob-al issues.

That has always been and that is what bothcountries have aspired to, but I think, we arenow achieving it in real and tangible ways.

"The pace and the level of engagement isthe most intense and at the most senior level,that I have ever seen," Ms Biswal told PressTrust of India in an interview ahead ofPresident Obama's visit to New Delhi.

At the invitation of Prime Minister Modi,President Obama will be in New Delhi as thechief guest of the Republic Day parade onJanuary 26, making him the first USPresident to visit India twice while in office.

The Obama Administration's top diplomatfor South and Central Asia was in Indiarecently along with Secretary of State JohnKerry.

After the September 30 White House meet-ing between President Obama and PrimeMinister Modi, there has been an unprece-dented level of engagement between the twocountries.

In the last three months, at least threedozen high-level meetings have taken placeboth in India and the US, with several ofthem as late as this week and a few of themscheduled for the next week as well.

Pan Am 73...the issue of compensation.The Indian and Indian-American victims of

the terrorist attack, in which 20 passengersincluding two American and 13 Indians died,and over 120 injured, have sought anappointment with Mr Obama when he travelsto New Delhi later this month to attend theRepublic Day Parade as its Chief Guest.

The US, by which the Indian and Indian-American victims allege they are being dis-criminated when it comes to paying themcompensation, has pleaded its inability to doso arguing that it is bound by rule of the landand international strictures in matter of com-pensation for victims who were notAmerican national at the time of the attack.

But in a fresh move, it says it is willing towork with the Indian government to addresstheir grievances on the matter of compensa-tion.

"There is a history on this that can belooked at and then we (India and the US) canhave discussions and consultations on whatthe options are for moving forward and whatthe legal requirements are on both sides. This

is something that we would be prepared to sitdown and discuss," Assistant Secretary ofState for South and Central Asia Nisha DesaiBiswal said.

In the past several weeks, the Indian andIndian-American victims of the Pan Am 73flight have renewed their efforts in bothWashington and New Delhi, pushing the twogovernments to get them the compensationdue to them and thus bring to an end whatthey allege as the discrimination of the USGovernment.

"We are a group of victims of Pan Am 73,an American flagship carrier, which washijacked at Karachi airport. We have beendiscriminated against and abandoned byUSA pursuant to the US-Libya Agreement of2008. We would like to meet PresidentObama when he visits India in January topresent our case," Aneesh Bhanot, represent-ing Indian victims of the flight, said in arecent email to the US Embassy in NewDelhi.

Mr Bhanot is brother of Neerja Bhanotwho died in the Pan Am 73 hijack. The jet,with 360 passengers on board, was hijackedby four Palestinian militants on September 5,1986, while on the ground at Karachi,Pakistan.

'Need South China Sea over territorial sover-

eignty.Vietnam has a long wish list from India

which includes buying of at least four patrolboats, training of Vietnamese Air Force pilotsto fly Sukhoi fighter jets and even BrahMosmissiles, among others.

The country wants to soon operationalisethe USD 100 million Line of Credit (LoC)for defence procurement extended by Indiarecently and is in the process of identifying ashipyard in the country to buy the patrol ves-sels.

The minister, who was in New Delhi forstrategic defence dialogue, underlined thatVietnam has "very high trust" with India onissues of national defence.

Talking about the Line of Credit, he saidVietnam is yet to decide on the number ofvessels to be bought but said it was not justfour.

He said the vessels would be used to patrolits water and Exclusive Economic Zone.

Vietnam wants the vessel for surveillanceoff its coast and around its military bases inthe Spratly island chain in the South ChinaSea where it is building a credible navaldeterrent to China with Kilo-class sub-marines from Russia.

The country has also sought India's help intraining its Air Force pilots in flying Sukhoifighters.

The minister admitted that talks are still onand no agreement has been reached.

India is already training the Vietnam Navypersonnel in operating the Russian-originKilo-class submarine and in other areas.

Replying to a query on Vietnam's demandfor BrahMos missiles, built in India in col-laboration with Russia, Senior LieutenantGeneral Vinh said, "So far we have not men-tioned".

Asked if that means Vietnam is not seekingthe missiles, he quickly added, "It does notmean that. We don't talk (publicly) aboutthat."

Talking about the South China Sea, he saidall Indian oil exploration projects there are inVietnam's Exclusive Economic Zone.

"India need not worry about that andVietnam has the right and responsibility toprotect our legitimate (waters)," he said.

China had objected to Indian presencethere by claiming ownership of the waters,however, India went ahead with the projects.

Asked about how his country sees India'srole in the region, he said sovereignty wasVietnam's responsibility and it is their legiti-mate right to protect it.

"As far as Indian role in the region, we sup-port India's Look East policy and Indianpresence in the region is peaceful and coop-erative," he said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had inOctober last year said that India's defencecooperation with Vietnam is among the mostimportant ones.

"India remains committed to the moderni-sation of Vietnam's defence and securityforces," he had said.

Asked how he sees the new government'spolicy on Vietnam changing, SeniorLieutenant General Vinh said, "We both havehad ties since 1947 and despite manychanges of government in India, the policyhas been the same in New Delhi as well asback in our country."

He denied that there was any reservation inthe previous UPA government to deepen thebilateral military ties.

Hindu Urdu language with keen interest.The students from both the communities

also offer morning prayers together.Meanwhile, about 140 children have been

enrolled in a school run by the right-wingorganisation RSS, known for its Hindutvaideology.

"As many as 140 Muslim boys have beenenrolled in various classes of SaraswatiVidya Mandir Inter College," college princi-pal Jitendra Singh said.

"The day starts for the students with suryanamaskar and singing of Vande Matarambesides vedic hymns," he said.

Singh later said all the students take theirlunch together.

Speaking about the Muslim students, Singhsaid that a pass-out of the institute, Danish

Mustafa, has succeeded in getting an engi-neering job in Saudi Arabia, and claimedhundreds of Muslims students have availedvery good jobs in various parts of the coun-try.

Press Freedom...within. It is a challenge of quality. Media

today has a responsibilty to be credible, fairand be an educator on sensitive issues."

In this context, he also mentioned the mas-sacre at the Charlie Hebdo offices in France,saying what happened had to be "condemnedby one and all".

"A humour magazine is supposed to makefun of people. If they are going to be slaugh-tered, then free speech is going to be adverse-ly affected," he said.

Talking about the instances where restraintshould be exercised, Mr Jaitley said the pri-vacy of individuals, even in high profilecases, should be one. "The media must intro-spect on how much they want to report onsuch cases," he said.

The power of audio-visual medium is farstronger, since it is capable of generatingpublic opinion, Mr Jaitley said. The right ofspeech today extends not merely the right toreport, but horizons have been widened, hesaid.

"Traditionally we were upset if the mediasaid something wrong. Today we don't both-er. Our counter points are posted on socialmedia," he said. "Unlike television, whichhas a momentary impact, digital medialeaves a permanent impact."

BJP Parliamentary...hint that she would be BJP's chief ministe-

rial candidate."So far there is no decision. The parliamen-

tary board will take a final call," Mr Singhsaid.

He was replying to a question about whothe BJP is deciding to project as Delhi's chiefministerial candidate.

The two-time BJP President said the partysometimes projects its chief ministerial can-didate and sometimes decides not to.

"In the case of Delhi, the parliamentaryparty will take the final decision," he said.

Elections for the 70-member Delhi assem-bly will be held on February 7.

The 12-member BJP parliamentary boardinclude Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJPPresident Amit Shah, Singh and FinanceMinister Arun Jaitely besides others.

Govt Plans ...into waterways, which are much cheaper

mode of transport," the Minister for RoadTransport, Highways and Shipping said.

The Parliament nod would be sought on abill in this regard for converting any riverinto a waterway, Mr Gadkari said.

The government has so far declared onlyfive river stretches as waterways.

He said a slew of steps were underway topromote the sector as the country was yet totap the potential of waterways despite beingcost effective than road and rail transportadding that waterways could contribute sig-nificantly in propelling economic growth.

He said his Ministry was committed toreducing traffic burden from roads and pro-mote water transportation where transporta-tion cost is barely 50 paise a km in compari-son to Re 1 by railways and Rs. 1.5 a kmthrough roads.

Inland waterways comprising rivers, lakes,canals, creeks, backwaters etc. extend toabout 14,500 km in the country. However,potential of this mode of transport has notbeen fully exploited so far.

The government has already decided tolaunch PM Jal Marg Yojna and projects forsetting up dry and satellite ports, besides con-verting riverways into waterways.

Last month Mr Gadkari has said, "Ninetyper cent of the Exim cargo in India is trans-ported through ships but the contribution ofdomestic cargo in it is only 10 per cent...In abid to boost water transport, we have request-ed the Prime Minister to launch PM Jal MargYojna, which will change the face of India."

Recently Inland Waterways Authority ofIndia (IWAI) signed a pact with Odisha gov-ernment, Paradip Port and Dhamra Port todevelop commercially viable stretches ofNational Waterway 5.

In the National Waterway-5, East CoastCanal has been integrated with Brahminiriver and Mahanadi delta rivers (588 km).

Also a project to develop NationalWaterways -4, Sholinganallur-Kallapakkamstretch of South Buckingham Canal has beensanctioned.

The National Waterways-1, 2 & 3 havebeen made operational Five of the river-stretches, which have been declared asNational Waterways, include Ganga-Bhagirathi-Hooghly river system(Allahabad-Haldia-1620 km); riverBrahmaputra (Dhubri-Sadiya-891 km); WestCoast Canal (Kottapuram-Kollam) alongwith Udyogmandal and Champakara Canals-(205 km); Kakinada-Puducherry canalsalong with Godavari and Krishna rivers(1078 km) and East Coast Canal integratedwith Brahmani river and Mahanadi deltarivers (588 km).

If there's..and new government didn't interfere at all.Following Leela Samson's resignation as

the CBFC chief, nine more people followedsuit citing interference and corruption fromthe government as the sole reason for resig-nation. Reportedly, the whole controversyerupted after self-styled godman GurmeetRam Rahim Singh's film 'MSG—Messenger

Of God' was given a green signal by the FilmCertification Apellate Tribunal (FCAT) onFriday for release. The Censor Board hadearlier decided to refer the decision related toclearance to the film in question to the FCAT.

After I&B minister Arun Jaitley said thatthe government maintains an "arm's lengthdistance" from functioning of the CensorBoard, Cabinet Minister Venkaiah Naidu onSunday said that the body has to be blamedand not the government.

Naidu said: “If there is something wrong inCensor Board, they have to blame them-selves. How can new government be respon-sible?”

He further went on to say that CensorBoard was politicised during UPA rule andnew government didn't interfere at all.

Following Leela Samson's resignation asthe CBFC chief, nine more people followedsuit citing interference and corruption fromthe government as the sole reason for resig-nation.

Reportedly, the whole controversy eruptedafter self-styled godman Gurmeet RamRahim Singh's film 'MSG—Messenger OfGod' was given a green signal by the FilmCertification Apellate Tribunal (FCAT) onFriday for release. The Censor Board hadearlier decided to refer the decision related toclearance to the film in question to the FCAT.

Indian Spy's ...decisions.Rajapaksa, voted out of office in the

January 8 election, told Reuters he did notknow all the facts while the new governmentin Colombo has said it was aware of thereports but could not confirm them.

But sources in both Colombo and NewDelhi said India was asked to recall the agentin December for helping gather support forjoint Opposition candidate MaithripalaSirisena after persuading him to ditchRajapaksa's cabinet.

A sketchy report in Sri Lanka's SundayTimes newspaper on December 28 said that"links with the common Opposition" had costIndia's Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)station chief his job in Colombo.

Rajapaksa's unexpected defeat after twoterms in office coincided with growing con-cern in India that it was losing influence inSri Lanka because of the former president'stilt toward regional rival China.

The concern turned to alarm late last yearwhen Rajapaksa allowed two Chinese sub-marines to dock in Sri Lanka without warn-ing New Delhi as he should have under astanding agreement, the sources said.

Sirisena, the new president, has said he willvisit New Delhi on his first foreign trip nextmonth and has said India is the "first, mainconcern" of his foreign policy.

An Indian official said the RAW agent wasrecalled after complaints that he had workedwith Sri Lanka's usually fractious Oppositionparties to agree on a joint contender for theelection. Then, he was accused of facilitatingmeetings to encourage several lawmakers,among them Sirisena, to defect fromRajapaksa's party, the official said.

India Wary ...docked in Colombo recently. India is hop-

ing that will change now.A drive around the island nation's capital

Colombo can give you the feeling of overar-ching presence of China.

Facing the city's landmark Galle FaceGreen, along the coast, a new offshore portcity is being built by a Chinese company thatwill change the skyline of Colombo. Thecompany is investing $1.5 billion, the largestsingle foreign direct investment in Sri Lanka.

China has invested six billion dollarsincluding in the Colombo port city project, toreclaim 233 hectares of sea and convert itinto land. What's interesting is that a hugeproportion of that is in the form of loan andnot a grant.

Ahead of Republic...The men have been arrested, said sources

in the police. The cartridges are mainly of9mm and 7.65 mm bore and can be used forrevolvers and AK 47 guns.

The police, which had a tip-off about themen, arrested them as they were about toenter the metro station.

The three -- Md Sharik, Fahim Mian andMohammed Imran - are being questioned.

The initial interrogation has not revealedany terror link, but all angles are beingprobed, said sources in the police.

The Capital is under heavy security blanketahead of the Republic Day function and thevisit of US President Barack Obama on theoccasion.

US Lawmaker ...inclusiveness and help strengthen Indo-US

cultural ties.Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney from

New York wrote to President Obama in a let-ter dated January 15 that since there current-ly are stamps commemorating a number ofholidays including Christmas, Kwanzaa,Hanukkah and Eid, it is now "time for aDiwali stamp" and hoped that the Presidentwould consider announcing his support for aDiwali commemorative US postage stampwhen he visits India next week.

"As the first President to light a traditionallamp, the 'diya', as part of the White HouseDiwali celebration and the President who hasdone so much to promote the Diwali valuesof compassion and tolerance, I hope you willuse the occasion of your visit to India to sup-port a Diwali commemorative stamp," MsMaloney said in the letter.


Page 4: 19 january 2015

Editorial4 NEW DELHI | MONDAY | JAN 19, 2015SAADDA HAQ


“In the spring of 1945,” saysthe narrator, over bucolicspringtime shots of the

German countryside, “the alliesadvancing into the heart ofGermany came to Bergen-Belsen. Neat and tidy orchards,well-stocked farms lined thewayside, and the British soldierdid not fail to admire the placeand its inhabitants. At least, untilhe began to feel a smell…”

So begins a British film aboutthe Holocaust that was aban-doned and shelved for 70 yearsbecause it was deemed too polit-ically sensitive. The smell camefrom the dead, their bodiesburned or rotting; or from mal-nourished, often disease-riddenprisoners in the concentrationcamp of Bergen-Belsen, near allthose thriving German farms. Asallied troops liberated suchcamps across what had beenGerman-occupied Europe, theBritish Ministry ofInformation’s Sidney Bernsteinwas commissioned to make adocumentary that would provideincontrovertible evidence of theNazis’ crimes.

Helped in prosecutionBernstein’s team, including

the future Labour CabinetMinister Richard Crossman,who wrote the film’s lyricalscript, and Alfred Hitchcock,who flew in from Hollywood toadvise Bernstein on its structure,set to work on a documentaryentitled ‘German ConcentrationCamps Factual Survey.’ As theyworked, reels of film kept arriv-ing, sent by British, Americanand Soviet combat and newsreelcameramen from 11 camps,including Auschwitz,Buchenwald, Dachau andBergen-Belsen.

As well as the dead, thefootage showed starved sur-vivors and human remains inovens.

In one piece of film, from

Majdanek concentration camp,we see huge bags containinghuman hair. Collected from themurdered, it would have beencarefully sorted and weighed.“Nothing was wasted,” says thenarrator. “Even teeth were takenout of their mouth.” Bernstein’sfilm then cuts to a large pile ofspectacles. “If one man in 10wears spectacles,” we are asked,“how many does this heap repre-sent?” Now, 70 years on, direc-tor and anthropologist AndreSinger has made a documentarycalled “Night Will Fall,” to bescreened on Channel 4 later thismonth, telling the extraordinarystory of filming the camps andthe fate of Bernstein’s project.Mr. Singer tracked down andinterviewed survivors whoappeared in the original footage.Among them was Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, now 89, who recalledthe day British troops arrived atBelsen-Bergen. “It was an unbe-lievable moment. Suddenly, youhear English spoken. ‘Youshould remain calm. Don’t leavethe camp. Help is one the way.’That sort of thing.” Ms Lasker-Wallfisch and her sister, Renate,had been moved fromAuschwitz as the Nazis retreatedfrom the advancing Red armythe previous year. At Auschwitz,Ms Lasker-Wallfisch had been amember of the camp orchestra,playing cello as the slave labour-ers left camp for work each dayand again when they returned.She also performed at concertsfor the SS.

“It is difficult to describe,” MsLasker-Wallfisch says of her lib-eration. “You spend yearspreparing yourself to die andsuddenly you’re still here. I was19. Every British soldier lookedlike a god to us. It was not whatwe expected, to be still alive —but there we were.” The sisterssettled in Britain after the war.Anita played in the EnglishChamber Orchestra and becamerenowned as a solo cellist.

The sisters were exceptional.

“I should have known this butdidn’t,” says Mr. Singer. “Someof those who were liberatedremained in those camps for fiveyears after liberation. Often theyhad nowhere else to go — cer-tainly not to Britain or the U.S.We didn’t want them.” Singeralso interviews another illustri-ous Holocaust survivor, aCroatian named Branko Lustig.He was a child in Belsen, so sickat the time of liberation thatwhen he heard a strange noise hethought he’d arrived in heavento a chorus of angels’ trumpets.In reality, they were the bag-pipes played by Scottish sol-diers. Many years later, StevenSpielberg chose Branko Lustig,by then a filmmaker, to be a pro-ducer for “Schindler’s List.” Mr.Lustig has a theory about whyBritish authorities suppressedBernstein’s film. “At this time,the Brits had enough problemswith the Jews.” By that, nodoubt, he means that Britain wasdealing with Zionists agitatingfor a Jewish homeland in theBritish mandate of Palestine —and seeing the full extent ofJewish suffering would onlyinflame them.

Mr. Singer says he’s alreadyhad flak for including Mr.Lustig’s theory. But why thefilm was scuppered “is not verywell documented,” Mr. Singersays. There are many theoriesthat have been cited, but withoutproof. “But Branko may wellhave a point.” Mr. Singer pointsout that in 1945, the incomingLabour government’s foreignsecretary, Ernest Bevin, wasanti-Zionist and unsympatheticto the foundation of a Jewishstate. But he concedes there isno strong proof. “The only doc-umentary evidence we have is amemo from the Foreign Officesaying that screening such an‘atrocity film’ would not be agood idea.” Part of the reasoningfor that memo, he argues, is thatthe British thought the Germansneeded to be nurtured as alliesagainst the growing power of the

Soviet Union. But were suchcompunctions realistic? Wouldshowing the film to post-warGermany have been a propagan-da reverse for the British, serv-ing to alienate the Germans andtip the emerging cold war in theSoviets’ favour? Mr. Singerdoubts it.

No matter. The film, whichsome have called a forgottenmasterpiece of British documen-tary, was shelved. Bernstein diedin 1993 and, according to Mr.Singer, one of his regrets wasnot completing his documentary.Footage from his unfinishedfilm, however, proved key to theprosecution of camp comman-dants at the Nuremberg and Lrgtrials in 1945. Anita Lasker-Wallfisch, 89, recalls testifyingat Lrg against, among others,Bergen-Belsen commandantJosef Kramer, known as “theBeast of Belsen.” Her evidencewas supported by film that con-tradicted the accused’s defence.“Kramer had said he didn’t havethe food to feed his prisonersand that was why they were insuch a state. The footagedestroyed that,” says Mr. Singer.Kramer and other officers fromBergen-Belsen were hanged thatyear. Bernstein’s film never gotthe chance to be as revered aslater Holocaust documentaries,including Claude Lanzmann’s“Shoah,” Alain Resnais’s “Nightand Fog,” and Marcel Ophüls’“The Sorrow and the Pity.” AsMr. Singer explains, an incom-plete version was shown at theBerlin film festival in 1984 andon PBS in the U.S. in 1985under the title ‘Memory of theCamps.’ only recently did a teamfrom the Imperial War Museumcomplete and digitise it.

Into the gap left in 1945 by thesuppression of Bernstein’s filmcame another documentary,made by the great Hollywooddirector and exiled Austrian JewBilly Wilder. But Wilder’s DeathMills was a hectoring piece ofpropaganda, keen to indict

Germans, while Bernstein andCrossman had attempted tomake their film a warning to allof humanity. “Bernstein’s was awork of art by comparison,”says Singer, “mainly because ofCrossman’s lyrical script.”Certainly, German audiencesdidn’t enjoy Death Mills. Wilderrecalls that when it was screenedin Wrg, there were 500 in theaudience at the start and only 75at the end. Whether GermanConcentration Camps FactualSurvey would have had a similarreception is debatable. It wouldhave been anything but easyviewing, not least whenCrossman’s script indicted thosewho lived near Dachau concen-tration camp but affected igno-rance of the barbarism that tookplace there: “Germans knewabout Dachau but did not care.”Crossman’s script ends withthese words: “Unless the worldlearns the lessons these picturesteach, night will fall. But, byGod’s grace, we who live willlearn.” Does Singer go alongwith that? “I wish they hadproven to be correct, but since1945 there have been a numberof genocides that have not beenstopped by lessons from thepast.”

That said, Singer still thinkssuch deeply upsetting and hor-rific images should be seen. “Iwas born on 4 May 1945, so I’mof a generation who knew aboutthese things, but I have sons ofadult age who knew little. Weneed images like this for the newgeneration.” So does he thinkNight Will Fall should be shownin schools? “I do,” he says, “butthere’s a strong body of opinionagainst. It’s seen as too upset-ting. But “...We’re in an agewhere such imagery [deeplyupsetting and horrific] is so pro-lific. I think the imagery inBernstein’s film and mine, ifused in the right context, canonly help understanding,” Mr.Singer says. “We can only trulyunderstand the horror of war ifwe use images like this.”

As the world heads towards a new climate treaty bythe end of the year, with Lima providing a bare-bones launching pad, many of the issues that have

dogged negotiations will reach a flashpoint. Countriesneed to do more as was evident during the UN climatetalks but there is not much ambition reflected either interms of finance or technology transfer. The Green ClimateFund (GCF) has reached just over $10 billion, far short ofwhat developing countries need to carry out urgent actions.The Synthesis Report of the Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change (IPCC) has clearly laid a strong scientificbasis, and adaptation alone will not save the earth fromwarming to levels which will have irreversible effects. Theway the developed world is positioning itself, it is doubtfulwhether the issue of its historical responsibility will be themainstay of the new treaty, post 2020. India maintains thatdeveloped countries have to pay for their pollution, andtechnology transfer cannot be entangled in intellectualproperty rights. Funding for mitigation and adaptation inthe developing world becomes crucial but the principle ofcommon but differentiated responsibility (CBDR) hastaken a hard hit in recent times. Countries like the UnitedKingdom have already ruled out a separate allocation offunds in addition to development aid for climate actions.The developed world contends that emerging economieslike China and India cannot be treated on a par with otherdeveloping nations and that they have an equal responsibil-ity to curb emissions. The polluter pays principle is alreadywilting under pressure from the first world, and will betested as erstwhile polluters develop cleaner technologyand pass it on to their poorer cousins. A case in point is theinvestment Europe has made in solar energy with feed-intariffs which has brought down the costs of photovoltaics.Renewable energy becomes the focus in countries likeIndia and China, which has already reached a bilateralagreement with the U.S. on climate. During PresidentObama’s visit to India, India and the U.S. are expected tofirm up agreements on renewable energy and new tech-nologies. India has volunteered to reduce the energy inten-sity of its GDP by 20-25 per cent by 2020 as compared tothe base year of 2005. The government has tightenednorms for the cement industry and will introduce newnorms for fuel emissions but its National Action Plan onClimate Change lacks a unified approach. The world willknow by November if the aggregate national contributionsare adequate to keep global average warming less than 2°Cabove pre-industrial levels. Alternatives to an unsustain-able path are in plenty; only the commitment needs to bescaled up, and that’s why the year to Paris will be decisive.

The year of ParisMonday | January 19, 2015



Democracy is an exercise inpublic reason.Democratically elected gov-

ernments cannot simply throwaround the weight of their majority.They have a responsibility to offergood reasons for their decisions.And they must do so publicly. Thatis why we follow the ritual of debat-ing every law in the Parliament,though the outcome of the debatemay be a foregone conclusion.

The debate on the Ordinance toamend the land acquisition Act of2013 is so far an exercise in statepower sans public reason. With theexception of a blog written byFinance Minister Arun Jaitley, we donot know what prompted the gov-ernment to take the extraordinarystep of amending a landmark lawwithin a year of parliamentary con-sensus on a subject concerning thelives and livelihoods of crores ofIndians — and that too from thebackdoor, through an ordinance.Some supporters of the governmentand the Ordinance have been moreforthright and can help us under-stand the government’s case at itsbest.

The government’s case

The most reasonable case infavour of this Ordinance seems to bethe following: one, that it merelytweaks the existing law by introduc-ing limited exemptions; two, that itis not against the farmer, for it doesnot affect the compensation, reliefand rehabilitation; three, that theseexemptions were necessary to savedevelopmental projects from thecumbersome procedure for landacquisition set by the Act of 2013.These arguments deserve closerscrutiny.

First of all, is this mere tweaking?The Right to Fair Compensation andTransparency in Land Acquisition,Rehabilitation and Resettlement Actof 2013 (LARR 2013) replaced thecolonial Land Acquisitions Act of

1894. The new law made acquisitionconditional upon the consent oflandowners, social impact assess-ment, and impact on environmentand food security, besides providingfor higher compensation and morehumane rehabilitation and resettle-ment provisions.

The Ordinance does away withconsent, social assessment and foodsecurity assessment in one swoop bycreating five big exemptions. Thefirst exemption, “Defence”, hasbeen defined to include “projectvital to national security” and“defence production”, which caninclude all kinds of infrastructuralprojects and privately owned proj-ects. The second, “IndustrialCorridors” is left undefined, andcould include hundreds of acres ofland. Third, “Affordable housingand housing for the poor people”means that any housing scheme‘affordable’ for any section of socie-ty other than the poor is also coveredhere. The fourth and the fifthexemptions cover “Rural infrastruc-ture” and “Infrastructure and social

infrastructure” in PPP mode wherethe land is owned by the govern-ment. Together, the last two exemp-tions cover roads, railways, ports,airports, mines, electricity, oil andgas pipelines, telecom towers, dams,canals, sewage, hospitals, schools,colleges, markets, cold stores, agri-cultural facilities, tourism, hotels

above three star hotels…

The issue is not what has beenexempted but what is not covered bythese exemptions. What would agreedy builder, politician or bureau-crat not be able to include underthese five categories? In case theywish to do acquisition for privatepurposes, they have also beenhelped by extending acquisition toany ‘Private Entity’ that includesproprietorship, partnership, NGOetc., besides a private company. Theban on acquisition for private educa-tional institutions and private hospi-tals has also been lifted.

The Act of 1894 at least providedthe affected landowners the right toobject and be heard. Since the

Ordinance bypasses the entire pro-cedural requirements, now thelandowners would not enjoy eventhis minimal safeguard.

It is quite clear that the expresspurpose of the Ordinance is to dilutesome of the pro-farmer provisions ofLARR 2013. Mr. Jaitley’s reasoning

— that the principal objective of thisOrdinance was to extend the benefitof the new law to various types ofland acquisitions that were leftuncovered so far — is disingenuous.This objective could be achievedthrough a simple notification underSection 105 about two months ago.

What about compensation? TheLARR had provided for compensa-tion higher than the earlier colonial-era law, but much lower than the realvalue of the land post its land use.The Ordinance has not expresslyreduced this package. But it has hurtthe farmers indirectly.

The removal of consent clausedrastically reduces the bargainingpower of landowners. TheOrdinance has also dashed the hopes

of those farmers whose acquisitionwas not completed by 2013 and whostood to receive compensation underthe new Act. Besides, the exact com-pensation package will be deter-mined by state rules that may takeclue from the spirit of this ordi-nance. Haryana, for example, hasalready notified rules to reduce thequantum of compensation.

Need for due process

Finally, what about releasingdevelopmental projects from cum-bersome procedures? Many of theseinfrastructural and other develop-mental projects are much needed.The country needs more urban hous-ing, more industries, schools, col-leges and hospitals. The real issue iswhether the land for these much-needed projects should be forciblyacquired from farmers, without fol-lowing any due process. Strangely,we want due diligence to beobserved for radio cab licenses,Know Your Customer (KYC) normsfor banks and emission norms forauto manufacturers, but find it cum-bersome when it comes to landacquisition. We oppose retrospectivecancellation of contract but are will-ing to close our eyes to expropria-tion of the only asset farmers pos-sess.

There can be two opinions aboutwhat is due process in this instance.It is possible that LARR may havegone overboard in some respects.We do not as yet know if the safe-guards proposed in LARR will leadto unacceptable delays, for thesehave not been fully tested anywhere.Past experience shows that postacquisition delays in utilising theland are longer than the time takento complete the acquisition process.These need to be debated. The view-point of the industry, PSUs and stategovernments opposed to LARRdeserves a hearing.

If necessary, some of these proce-dures can be modified in the light ofexperience. But there cannot possi-bly be a reasonable argument for

doing away with a due process alto-gether. Besides, if the BharatiyaJanata Party (BJP) finds the processcumbersome, why did it not say sowhen this legislation was beingdrafted? At that time, BJP MPs likeRajnath Singh and Sushma Swarajhad argued for even more stringentprocedures. The parliamentary com-mittee headed by Sumitra Mahajanopposed the then government’smove to dilute the bill.

How come the BJP has discoverednew reasons now? How come theCongress-led state governments areopposing the legislation their ownparty had enacted? How comeeveryone is keen to listen to indus-try, but not to farmers? How comestrict adherents of due process oflaw are happy to junk it for landacquisition?

How come diehard advocates ofthe right to property and enemies ofnationalisation are the champions ofstate forcibly taking over the proper-ty of farmers? How come no one inthe debate is talking about the ele-phant in the room — land as realestate?

When you ask these questions yourealise that this debate is reallyabout power. It involves a contestbetween the interest of builders-industry-corporates on the one handand farmers on the other. No wonderpublic reason has been bent andtwisted in this unequal contest ofpower.

Public reason cannot be restoredunless this obscenely unequal powerequation is challenged. This is thedharma of politics in our times.

(Yogendra Yadav is ChiefSpokesperson of the Aam Aadmi

Party, on leave from the Centre forthe Study of Developing Societies,


State power sans public reason

Our team will publish yourthoughts send us your articles at

[email protected]

The Holocaust film too shocking to show

The debate on the Ordinance to amend the land acqui-sition Act of 2013 is so far an exercise in state powersans public reason. With the exception of a blog writ-

ten by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, we do notknow what prompted the government to take the

extraordinary step of amending a landmark law with-in a year of parliamentary consensus on a subject con-cerning the lives and livelihoods of crores of Indians— and that too from the backdoor, through an ordi-nance. Some supporters of the government and the

Ordinance have been more forthright and can help usunderstand the government’s case at its best.

Page 5: 19 january 2015

State Watch 5NEW DELHI | MONDAY | JAN 19, 2015 SAADDA HAQ

BARAUNI, JAN 18Slamming the bon-

homie between seniorJD(U) leader NitishKumar and RJD supre-mo Lalu Prasad, UnionMinister DharmendraPradhan on Sunday saidthat the two leaders willnot succeed in keepingBJP out of power inBihar after Assemblypolls later this year.

Claiming that theprocess of mergerbetween RJD andJD(U) amounted to'cheating' of the man-date given by the peo-ple of Bihar in 2010Assembly polls, he saidKumar and Lalu willnot succeed in theircommon agenda to

keep BJP out of powerin Bihar after theAssembly polls laterthis year.

"Those making state-ments (Kumar) andtalking about oilinglathis to take on(Prasad) should knowthat their tactics willnever work or succeedbefore sincere worksbeing done by ourPrime MinisterNarendra Modi to upliftthe condition of thepoor," Pradhan, here totake part in the goldenjubilee celebrations ofthe Barauni Refinery,told reporters.

Taking on formerchief minister NitishKumar for cosying up

to his previous 'neme-sis' RJD supremo LaluPrasad to gang upagainst BJP, the UnionMOS for Petroleum andNatural Gas remindedthe former that he hadallied with BJP to ridBihar of 'jungle raj' tenyears ago.

"Our party haddemonstrated large-heartedness by givingthe chief minister's postto the JD(U) leaderdespite having moreMLAs than him, butnow he has changedcolours and joinedhands with the same foeto take on his oncetrusted ally," Pradhan,who is a senior BJPleader, said.

Pradhan trashes bonhomiebetween Lalu Prasad, Nitish Kumar

PUNE, JAN 18McDonald's India

is "internally" prob-ing an incident of adestitute child whowas reportedlythrown out of itsPune outlet, even asthe restaurant man-agement suspendedthe security personnelinvolved in the inci-dent. "The concernedsecurity personnelinvolved in the inci-dent have been sus-pended pending com-pletion of anenquiry," the compa-ny said in a state-ment. Accoring tomedia reports, thechild was thrown out

of the restaurant byan employee onJanuary 10, whoallegedly said,"These kind of peopleare not allowed here."

The child wasaccompanying awoman ShaheenaAttarwala, who took

him inside the fast-food restaurant to buyhim a drink. The inci-dent came to lightwhen Ms Attarwalawrote about the inci-dent on a social net-working website."We will furtherexamine if in any

manner there hasbeen a breach in basiccourtesy and respectand take appropriateaction, including re-training whererequired." "We wishto affirm that wetreasure and respecteveryone in equalmeasure and do notsupport any form ofdiscrimination," thestatement said.

M e a n w h i l e ,Maharashtra ChiefMinister DevendraFadnavis, who is inDelhi said," As ofnow I have notobtained any infor-mation about the inci-dent."

McDonald's Probes Eviction ofDestitute Child From Outlet in Pune

JAMMU, JAN 18It has been 25 years since the

Kashmiri Pandits fled from theValley following outbreak ofmilitancy, but the memories ofthe terror they faced and thepain of leaving everything theyowned is still afresh.

With the onset of armed insur-gency, more than four lakhKashmiri Pandits migrated dur-ing the exodus, taking shelter inother parts of the country.

"The people, who were ourfriends suddenly turned foes,loudspeakers were being usedto threaten us and warn us toleave the Valley," said Bansi LalKoul, a resident of JawaharNagar in Srinagar who alongwith his family migrated toJammu.

He said that the people "whohad promised to protect us

turned their back when the needarose".

"On the assurance of ourneighbour that they would pro-tect us, we stayed back forsometime, but when a fewarmed militants knocked ourdoors, nobody came for ourhelp," he claimed.

The displaced KashmiriPandits, who are till now stay-ing in various migrant settle-ments across Jammu, said theyhad to undergo unimaginablehardships when they became"migrants" in their own country.

Fearing attacks by militants, alarge number of KashmiriPandits had to leave their hous-es in the night.

"As the militancy started inKashmir, there were large scalepro-freedom processions on theroads. The demonstrators were

openly demanding death forIndia and Indians and the policewatched like a mute spectator,"alleged Alok Kumar, a residentof Habba Kadal in Srinagar,now putting up in the Jagtimigrant township in Nagrota.

He said that he along with hisfamily had to migrate to Jammuin the dead of the night leavingeverything behind.

"When gun-toting militantsbecame a regular sight andnews about prominent membersof our community being target-ed and killed became a dailyaffair, we decided to migrate inthe night leaving everythingbehind," he said.

The migrants had taken shel-ter in makeshift camps inJammu and had no inkling thatthey will not be able to return totheir homeland anytime soon.

"We had never seen suchscorching heat, several of ourcommunity members diedbecause of the inclement weath-er," said Veerji Bhat, a migrantKashmiri Pandit.

Many of the elderly havesince died while longing to visittheir birthplace one last time.

"Their last wish could neverbe fulfilled," said AvtarKrishan, another KashmiriPandit. Alleging that the succes-sive state and central govern-ments have failed to heal the"wounds" of the displaced com-munity, Vinod Pandit, chairmanof the All party migrants coordi-nation committee, said,"Nothing much has been donefor the displaced community.We have become a victim ofneglect by both the state and thecentral governments."

25 years on, Kashmir Pandits long for homeland

TEZPUR, JAN 18A huge cache of arms

and ammunition wererecovered from forest areaalong the Assam-Arunachal Pradesh borderby a joint team of Army,Assam Police and NIA.

"In a joint operation,troops of Red HornsDivision along withAssam Police and NIAteam recovered a hugecache of arms and ammu-nition from forests on theborder of Assam-Arunachal Pradesh inSonitpur District onJanuary 17," a Defencespokesperson said in astatement today.

Based on inputs fromintelligence agencies, thearms and ammunitionwere recovered from ahideout, he added.

"The recoveries includetwo AK-56, one HK 5.56rifle, one pistol and twogrenades along with largequantity of different typesof ammunition," the state-ment said.

Meanwhile, BiswanathChariali police district SPManobendra Devroy saidit was big success to secu-rity forces.

"The apprehended mili-tant Buhume, who wasarrested three days ago,guided the forces to findout the place where thearms and ammunitionwere stored," he added.

He said the arms andammunition were suspect-ed to be stored by the ter-rorists of NDFB(S) for theserial attacks by the groupin Lower Assam lastmonth.

DEHRADUN, JAN 18An alert has been sound-

ed in the high-altitude dis-tricts of Uttarakhand inview of a communicationfrom the Centre predictingsnow avalanches in areaslocated above 2,500 metresin the hill state.

Avalanche activity maytake place in Chamoli,Pauri Garhwal,Pithoragarh, Tehri Garhwaland Uttarkashi districtsfrom January 21 to 23, anofficial release quoting acommunication from theUnion Home Ministry saidhere today.

Chief Secretary NRavishankar has givendirections to the DMs ofthese districts to take nec-essary precautions in theirareas following the com- munication, it said. The DMs have been asked to keep a watch on

identified sensitive zonesand disaster-prone areas, itsaid.

Areas above 2,500 metresin the state are prone tosnow avalanches in thementioned time-frame.

People living in andaround these areas havebeen advised not to ventureout during the specifiedperiod, it said.

They have also beenadvised to clean snowdeposits on their rooftopson a regular basis to avoiddamages. The Union HomeMinistry has predicted pos-sibilities of avalanches inareas above 2,500 meters inUttarakhand and HimachalPradesh and areas above2,700 metres in Jammu andKashmir, the releaseadded.

Snow Avalanches Likely to Hit Uttarakhand, Alert Sounded

HYDERABAD, JAN 18Andhra Pradesh Chief

Minister N Chandrababu Naiduwill be the "lead partner" indeveloping the tribal villageAraku in Visakhapatnam districtinto a "Smart Village" under anew scheme being launched bythe state government.

The chief minister will formal-ly launch the "Smart Village-Smart Ward Towards SmartAndhra Pradesh" scheme inWest Godavari district today

Araku is a picturesque valleyin the agency area and is one ofthe top tourist spots in the state.

With Chandrababu choosingto become the lead partner in thescheme, Araku will become aSmart Village in 20 "non-nego-tiable indicators" like education,health, sanitation, skill develop-ment, etc.

The chief minister's wifeBhuvaneswari will become leadpartner in the development ofKomaravolu, her mother's nativevillage in Krishna district, whiletheir son and industrialist NaraLokesh has chosen his grandfa-

ther NTR's native Nimmakuruvillage.

Lokesh's wife Brahmani willbe the lead partner forNaravaripalle in Chittoor dis-trict, the native village ofChandrababu, Naidu announcedhere tonight.

"To make every village andevery civic ward smart, we firstneed to make citizens smart.Ultimately the state will betransformed into a Smart AP andbecome the number one in India

by 2029," he said.The 'Saansad Adarsh Gram

Yojana' would be integrated withthe AP Smart Village scheme, headded.

In all, the scheme would beimplemented in 12918 villagesand 3463 civic wards in urbanareas. Celebrities, industrialists,people's representatives andbureaucrats would be involvedas lead partners in the scheme,besides Non-Resident Indiansand Non-Resident Villagers.

AP CM to be lead partner in makingAraku a 'smart village'

GUWAHATI, JAN 18Assam government on

Sunday challenged theCentre to show "commit-ment" in nabbing NDFB(S)militants responsible for themassacre of Adivasis in thestate last year, from theneighbouring nations.

"The Assam PradeshCongress Committee hasdared the BJP regime toshow its deep rooted com-mitment to the people of thestate by getting back themain culprits of the mas-sacre of innocent Adivasipeople last year sheltered inneighbouring Bhutan andMyanmar," Congress stateunit President Anjan Duttasaid in a statement.

He said the Centre shouldtake the necessary steps inthis regard "as part of itsvibrant 'Act East Policy' andrestore the confidence of theviolence-hit people". Duttaalleged that BJP has "skill-fully" re-packaged the 'LookEast Policy' initiated by theUPA government as 'Act

East Policy'.At least 81 persons,

including Adivasis werekilled in serial attacks byNDFB(S) terrorists, retalia-tory violence and police fir-ing across many districts ofAssam in December lastyear.

Taking a dig at BJP'sclaim of giving specialimportance to North Eastand Assam, Dutta urged theopposition to publish a"white paper on the devel-opment programmes initiat-ed for Assam and North Eastduring the previous NDAregime led by Atal BehariVajpayee and the present 8-month old tenure of BJPregime led by PrimeMinister Modi".

Ridiculing the decision tosuspend registration of newschemes under North EastIndustrial and InvestmentPromotion Policy (NEIIPP)by the Centre, he said,"Abolishing of NEIIPPwhich was due to expire in2017 is another illustrious

highlight of the 'Act EastPolicy' of the present BJPregime."

The statement also criti-cised the Centre's decisionto provide additional fundsfor 2G telecom services toNorth East at a time whenthe region along with therest of the country is on thethreshold of enjoying 4Gconnectivity.

"The present BJP regimecannot be-fool the youths ofour region for a long dura-tion by delivering 'rhetoric'and 'nil performance' andthe people of the region willdemand an answer as theregime is enjoying seats ofpower at the Centre by a 31per cent mandate in the2014 general elections,"Dutta said. The statementalso warned the BJP not toadopt diversionary and com-munal politics in the daysahead as the urban and ruralvoters of the state are "wellversed with the prevailingsocio-economic-culturaldynamics".

Nab NDFB(S) militants from foreign soil: Congress

Large arms haul along Assam-Arunachal border by forces

Glowing tributespaid to NTR on 19thdeath anniversaryHYDERABAD, JAN 18

Rich tributes were paid to TeluguDesam Party (TDP) founder and for-mer Chief Minister of erstwhileAndhra Pradesh NT Rama Rao on his19th death anniversary on Sunday.

TDP President and chief minister NChandrababu Naidu, who is alsoRao's son-in-law, the leader's widowLakshmi Parvathi, family membersand several party leaders visited NTRGhat here this morning and offeredfloral tributes.

Describing NT Rama Rao as a"yugpurush", Naidu said the leg-endary actor and politician would beremembered forever.

NT Rama Rao's son Harikrishnaalso paid respects to the leader. Hewas accompanied by his sons, actorsjunior NTR and Kalyan Ram.

Born in 1923 in Krishna district ofthe coastal Andhra Pradesh, Rao wasa legendary Telugu actor.

He created history by storming topower in 1983 in just nine monthsafter forming TDP. Rao is also hailedfor his role in the non-Congress poli-tics in the country till 1990s.

PATNA, JAN 18Hinting at an internal squab-

ble within the JD(U), seniorBJP leader Sushil KumarModi on Sunday alleged thatChief Minister Jitan RamManjhi was insulted by theruling party workers at thebehest of his predecessorNitish Kumar.

"Chief Minister Manjhi wasbeing insulted by some JD(U)leaders at the behest of hispredecessor Nitish Kumar forvisiting the RJD supremo LaluPrasad's estranged brother- in-law Anirudh Prasad aliasSadhu Yadav's house forfeast," he said in a statement.

Manjhi's visit to the houseof Sadhu Yadav, controversialbrother-in-law of RJDPresident Lalu Prasad, duringMakar Sankranti festivitieshad raked up a controversywith the JD(U) saying that

Manjhi should shun suchactivities which gives a badname to the party and the gov-ernment.

Taking the JD(U) to task forquestioning Sadhu Yadav'scontroversial background,Modi flayed the ruling partyleaders for making snideremarks against the ChiefMinister for being seen withthe RJD supremo's relativedespite the fact that there wereother such leaders and legisla-tors in the JD(U) ranks itself."I want to know from NitishKumar whether or not he willcampaign for those MLAswhose name evoke fear intheir constituencies during thenext assembly polls," Modisaid.

Criticising Kumar for join-ing forces with Lalu Prasadand imploring him for merger,the former deputy CM said

that in such a scenario the newoutfit will be swelled withleaders with muscle powerlike the ex-RJD MP MdShahabuddin, Pappu Yadav,Surendra Yadav, Ranvir Yadavand Ritlal Yadav.

"Let Kumar say it publiclythat he will not be campaign-ing for these strongmen dur-ing assembly polls," he said.In another swipe at Kumar,Modi said that the former hadchosen Manjhi as his succes-sor with an eye on the votes ofsizeable Mahadalit voters dur-ing the assembly polls and nottowards any respect for thedownstrodden section.

Modi said that when Manjhistarted exercising his constitu-tional powers, his predecessorcould not digest the same andin the process developmentworks had got derailed inBihar.

Manjhi insulted at NitishKumar's behest: Sushil Modi

CHANDIGARH, JAN 18Haryana Chief

Minister Manohar LalKhattar on Sunday saidthat the status of health-care of any countrycould be assessed by itsstatistics of InfantMortality Rate (IMR)and Maternal MortalityRate (MMR).

Apart from this,implementation of pro-grammes like pulsepolio immunization forpolio eradication alsoplay a significant rolein reflecting the healthstatus of the country,the Chief Minister saidwhile addressing agathering after adminis-tering pulse polio dropsto children.

He inaugurated thefirst NationalImmunization Round ofPulse Polio 2015 at his

residence here today.Khattar administered

polio drops to 12 chil-dren in the age group of0 to 5 years, a statementsaid.

"Though our countryis polio free yet thehealth departmentneeds to remain alwaysalert towards polioeradication with thehelp of agencies likeWorld HealthOrganization (WHO),UNICEF, NationalRural Health Missionetc," he said.

Additional ChiefSecretary Health RamNiwas apprised theChief Minister of a tar-get that has been set toadminister polio dropsto about 40 lakh chil-dren under this three-day campaign.

As many as 16,000

polio booths have beenset up and 66,000 vac-cinators have beendeployed there.

The activity will besupervised by 3,300officers and 1,500mobile teams will visitbrick kilns, construc-tion sites, nomadic sitesand far-fledged areas tovaccinate all high riskpopulation.

Ram Niwas informedthat one case of poliowas found in Nuh townof Mewat in 2010.

After that no case ofpolio has come to light,he said.

He said that direc-tions have been issuedto DeputyCommissioners andmedical officers in alldistricts by preparingmicro scheme to eradi-cate polio.

Health status of a nation can beassessed by IMR, MMR: Haryana CM

Page 6: 19 january 2015

China's AlibabaGroup Holding Ltd,the world's biggest

e-commerce company, ispiloting a mobile messag-ing app aimed at marryingsocial networking withbusiness, an Alibabaspokeswoman said onFriday, as the companyexpands its enterprise serv-ices.

The app, calledDingTalk, was quietlymade available inDecember and is still inbeta testing, according toits website.

Capable of carrying con-ference calls and groupmessaging, DingTalk tar-gets small- and medium-sized enterprises, many ofwhich are alreadyAlibaba's customers. Thecompany has 8.5 millionactive sellers on its variouse-commerce platforms,according to Alibaba's ini-tial public offeringprospectus.

It is not Alibaba's firststab at a mobile messagingapp and others havebecome hot property in thetech sector. The company'sarch-rival, TencentHoldings Ltd, operatesWeChat, known as Weixinin China, which has 468million monthly activeusers and was estimated tobe worth as much as $64billion (roughly Rs.3,94,304 crores) by bro-kerage CLSA.

Underscoring the appealof such apps, Facebook Incin October completed its

$22 billion (roughly Rs.1,35,542 crores) acquisi-tion of WhatsApp.

But Alibaba's previousattempt at a mobile mes-saging app, Laiwang, isseen by many analysts andindustry observers as adud, with the Chinese mar-ket dominated by Tencent'sWeChat.

By going for smallercompanies, DingTalk ischasing a target audiencethat already includes manyAlibaba clients. This fitswith its broader enterprisestrategy, including theAlibaba Cloud Computingbusiness, which also servesAlibaba's merchants aswell as other companies.

"DingTalk is a versatilemobile communicationsapp that fills a gap in themarket for corporatemobile messaging," theAlibaba spokeswomansaid.

Since 2009 Alibaba'scloud unit, also known asAliyun, has accumulatedmore than 1.4 million cus-tomers, according toAlibaba's IPO prospectus.

Alibaba declined com-ment on when DingTalkwill be fully launched orhow it will generate rev-enue.

NEW DELHI | MONDAY | JAN 19, 2015 SAADDA HAQScience & Tech6

1. Guru Gopi Krishna was a maestro of which of thefollowing dance forma?A. Kuchipudi B. KathakC. Manipuri D. Bahratanatyam

2. Ms. Bachendri Pal had undertaken a unique expedi-tion for focusing attention on which of these?A. One Nation one Family B. The Girl ChildC. National Integration D. Sprit of Adventure

3. Which of the following fields A. Nageshwara Rao isassociated with?A. Sports B. LiteratureC. Motion Pictures D. Politics

4. Jamini Roy was a famous?A. Producer B. PainterC. Dancer D. Actor

5. In which field 'Aachan Maharaj' has distinguishedhimself?A. Painting B. DramaC. Dance D. Vocal Music


Answer: 1(B), 2 (D), 3(C), 4(B), 5(C)

12.00 am Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 12.30 am Diya aur Baati Hum 01.00 am Ye Hai Mohabbatein 01.30 am Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir 02.00 am Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 02.30 am Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas 03.00 am Tu Mera Hero 03.30 am Suhani Si Ek Ladki 04.00 am Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 04.30 am Everest 05.00 am Diya aur Baati Hum 05.30 am Nisha Aur Uske Cousins 06.00 am Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir 06.30 am Ye Hai Mohabbatein 07.00 am Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 07.30 am Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas 08.00 am Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 08.30 am Suhani Si Ek Ladki 09.00 am Diya aur Baati Hum 09.30 am Ye Hai Mohabbatein 10.00 am Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 10.30 am Tu Mera Hero 11.00 am Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas 11.30 am Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir 12.00 pm Diya aur Baati Hum 12.30 pm Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 01.00 pm Ye Hai Mohabbatein 01.30 pm Tu Mera Hero 02.00 pm Everest 02.30 pm Diya aur Baati Hum 03.00 pm Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 03.30 pm Suhani Si Ek Ladki 04.00 pm Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 04.30 pm Nisha Aur Uske Cousins 05.00 pm Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas 05.30 pm Ye Hai Mohabbatein 06.00 pm Iss Pyaar Ko Kya NaamDoon...Ek Baar Phir 06.30 pm Suhani Si Ek Ladki 07.00 pm Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 07.30 pm Ye Hai Mohabbatein 08.00 pm Tu Mera Hero 08.30 pm Nisha Aur Uske Cousins 09.00 pm Diya aur Baati Hum 09.30 pm Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 10.00 pm Everest 10.30 pm Veera: Ek Veer Ki Ardaas 11.00 pm Ye Hai Mohabbatein 11.30 pm Tu Mera Hero ___________________________

12.00 am Teleshopping 02.00 am Jodha Akbar

02.30 am Kumkum Bhagya 03.00 am Aur…Pyaar Ho Gaya 03.30 am Doli Armaano Ki 04.00 am Baba Ramdev Ka Yog 05.00 am Narayan Seva 05.30 am Teleshopping 06.00 am Sant Nirankari Mandal

06.30 am The Faith Show 07.00 am Enjoying Every Day Life 07.30 am Creflo Dollar and Taffi

Dollar 08.00 am Teleshopping 09.00 am Kumkum Bhagya

09.30 am Bandhan....Sari UmarHume Sang Rehna Hai 10.00 am Qubool Hai 10.30 am Jodha Akbar 11.00 am Doli Armaano Ki 11.30 am Satrangi Sasural 12.00 pm Jamai Raja 12.30 pm Kumkum Bhagya 01.00 pm Jodha Akbar 01.30 pm Bandhan....Sari UmarHume Sang Rehna Hai 02.00 pm Satrangi Sasural 02.30 pm Doli Armaano Ki 03.00 pm Kumkum Bhagya 03.30 pm Qubool Hai 04.00 pm SaReGaMaPa L'il Champs 04.30 pm Bandhan....Sari UmarHume Sang Rehna Hai 05.00 pm Doli Armaano Ki 05.30 pm Jamai Raja 06.00 pm Kumkum Bhagya 06.30 pm Satrangi Sasural 07.00 pm Bandhan....Sari UmarHume Sang Rehna Hai 07.30 pm Sapne Suhane LadakpanKe 08.00 pm Jodha Akbar 08.30 pm Jamai Raja 09.00 pm Kumkum Bhagya 09.30 pm Qubool Hai 10.00 pm Satrangi Sasural 10.30 pm Doli Armaano Ki 11.00 pm Jodha Akbar 11.30 pm Jamai Raja ___________________________

01.00 am Telebrands 02.00 am Home Shop 18 05.00 am Iskcon Aarti 05.30 am Jesus Calls Ministry 06.00 am Telebrands

07.00 am Narayan Sewa SansthanTrust 07.30 am Home Shop 18 08.00 am Udann 08.30 am Shastri Sisters 09.00 am Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 09.30 am Balika Vadhu - Kacchi

Umar Ke Pakke Rishte 10.00 am Bigg Boss : Halla Bol

11.00 am Sasural Simar Ka 11.30 am Udann 12.00 pm Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 12.30 pm Shastri Sisters 01.00 pm Balika Vadhu - Kacchi

Umar Ke Pakke Rishte 01.30 pm Sasural Simar Ka 02.00 pm Udann 02.30 pm Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 03.00 pm Comedy Nights with Kapil 06.00 pm Udann 06.30 pm Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 07.00 pm Shastri Sisters 07.30 pm Sasural Simar Ka

08.00 pm Balika Vadhu - KacchiUmar Ke Pakke Rishte 08.30 pm Udann 09.00 pm Bigg Boss : Halla Bol 10.00 pm Meri Aashiqui Tum Se Hi 10.30 pm Code Red 11.30 pm Udann


12.00 am Comedy Classes 12.30 am Comedy Classes 01.00 am Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath : TimeMachine Special 02.00 am Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : Up Fights Back 03.00 am Pukaar 04.00 am Supercops vsSupervillains... Shapath : TimeMachine Special 05.00 am Best Of Savdhaan India :Mumbai Fights Back 06.00 am Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : Up Fights Back 07.00 am Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : @11 - Crime Alert 07.30 am Mere Rang Mein RangneWali 08.00 am Mahakumbh - EkRahasaya Ek Kahani ! : KahaniRudra Ki 08.30 am Comedy Classes 09.00 am Mere Rang Mein RangneWali 09.30 am Ajeeb Daastaan Hai Ye 10.00 am Mahakumbh - EkRahasaya Ek Kahani ! : KahaniRudra Ki 10.30 am Mere Rang Mein RangneWali 11.00 am Ajeeb Daastaan Hai Ye 11.30 am Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani ! : Kahani Rudra Ki 12.00 pm Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back (2) : Up Fights Back 01.00 pm Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back (2) : Up Fights Back 02.00 pm Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back (2) : Up Fights Back 03.00 pm Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back (2) : Up Fights Back 04.00 pm Best Of Savdhaan India:Delhi Fights Back 05.00 pm Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back (2) : Up Fights Back 06.00 pm Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back : @11 - Crime Alert 06.30 pm Best of Savdhaan India:India Fights Back 07.30 pm Mere Rang Mein RangneWali 08.00 pm Mahakumbh - EkRahasaya Ek Kahani ! 08.30 pm Pukaar 09.30 pm Ajeeb Daastaan Hai Ye 10.00 pm Comedy Classes 10.30 pm Savdhaan India: IndiaFights Back (2) 11.30 pm Mahakumbh - Ek RahasayaEk Kahani !

12.00 am Crime Patrol - Satark 01.00 am Teleshopping 02.00 am C.I.D

05.00 am Bhakti 06.00 am Teleshopping 06.30 am Bhakti 07.00 am Teleshopping 08.30 am Box Cricket League 09.30 am C.I.D

07.00 pm Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 07.30 pm Box Cricket League 08.30 pm Humsafars

09.00 pm Tum Aise Hi Rehna 09.30 pm Hum Hain Na 10.00 pm Bharat Ka Veer Putra:Maharana Pratap 10.30 pm Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar 11.00 pm x Cricket League ___________________________

12.00 am You Have Been Warned :Greatest Hits II 01.00 am Tutankhamen 02.00 am Dual Survival (3) 03.00 am Speed of Life : CentralAmerican Killers 04.00 am A Haunting 05.00 am You Have Been Warned :Greatest Hits II 06.00 am Man vs. Wild (2) : Zambia 07.00 am How Do They Do it? 07.30 am How Do They Do it? 08.00 am Factory Made (2) 08.30 am Factory Made (2) 09.00 am What Happened Next? 09.30 am Destroyed in Seconds 10.00 am Dual Survival (2) : BuriedAlive 12.00 pm You Have Been Warned :Freaks of Nature 01.00 pm Man vs. Wild (2) : Namibia 02.00 pm Factory Made (2) 02.30 pm Factory Made : CottonSwabs / Pinball Machines / Tiles /Bread Dough 03.00 pm Man Woman Wild (2) 04.00 pm How Do They Do it? 04.30 pm How Do They Do it? 05.00 pm Man vs. Wild (2) : Zambia 06.00 pm Nature's Greatest Events 07.00 pm What Happened Next? 07.30 pm American Digger :Moonshine Money 08.00 pm How Do They Do it?

08.30 pm How Do They Do it? 09.00 pm Revealed : RashtrapatiBhavan 10.00 pm Tethered : Pacific Islands,Panama 11.00 pm Destroyed in Seconds 11.30 pm Destroyed in Seconds

TV Channels Schedule TODAY’S STARARIES Memories of past events that caused traumas that you're still deal-

ing with could come to light today. This is a positive development, asthe release of these old emotions could make it possible for you toprogress more quickly on material and spiritual planes. You may feellighter, and you could experience a rush of joy. In the evening, godancing and work off some of this energy.

TAURUS Today you might see old and new friendships and romantic involve-ments reach a new understanding, Taurus. This creates a strongercommitment between you and those who care for you. This is a greatday to execute paperwork, particularly legal contracts. Your businesssense is operating at a very high level. You're more apt to spot claus-es that need work, so go for it today.

GEMINI An important project could require intense concentration today,Gemini, and you're in the right frame of mind. You could be pleasedwith the results and so could others whose opinions matter. Expectpublic acknowledgment of some kind. A boost to your self-confi-dence is in the works, perhaps even a raise in income. Work hard,enjoy the spotlight, and treat yourself to an evening out.

CANCER Your practical skills should be operating efficiently, Cancer.A creative or intellectual discipline that fascinates you mightrequire some intense concentration today. You could spendmuch of the day in the library. You will want to take meticu-lous notes, but don't worry about it if you don't quite catcheverything. Your memory should be sharp right now.

LEO Practical matters involving home and family might needsome attention today. This isn't anything alarming, Leo, justa few tasks that you may have put off, such as house clean-ing or yard work. Get other members of your household tohelp. You have other responsibilities to see to. It isn't fair tohave to do it all by yourself.

VIRGO Matters involving your community might require your attention.This is likely to involve communication in some way. Perhaps youwant to make some phone calls, write letters, or place an ad orarticle in a local newspaper. Communication of all sorts should gowell, Virgo, and you might find that it opens new doors to under-standing between you and those closest to you.

LIBRA Financial matters might need attention today. Bills may needto be paid, checks deposited, and budgeting worked out. Yourpowers of concentration are high, Libra, so this is a great dayto do this, even though you'd rather be doing something moreinteresting. Don't despair. Your practical skills are good, soyou're apt to finish quickly. Then you can go play.

SCORPIO Some projects might require practical attention today,getting irritating little details cleared up and out of theway. Your natural efficiency is at a peak, Scorpio, so youwill probably be able to get these matters done beforeyou get too bored. The important thing is that you will beable to achieve the results you want. Go to it.

SAGITTARIUSRelatives or old friends, particularly seniors, who visit you today arelikely to awaken childhood memories that you'd long since forgotten.Some of them might come as a shock, but they will all release hang-ups that you've been trying to expunge for a while. You might feel likeyou've just dropped a ton of weight - and you have. Psychologicalweight can be as heavy as anything physical.

CAPRICORN Today you might spend a lot of time on the phone with friends, someof them seniors. Your conversations will be loving, informative, andrevealing, Capricorn. As a result, you might decide to attend somegroup events in your community. A letter, check, or delivery that hadbeen delayed might finally arrive. This is going to release a lot of ten-sion, as you may have feared it had been lost.

AQUARIUS Today you could resolve to work harder than ever on whatever itis that brings the results you hope for, Aquarius. This is likely toinvolve nothing more glamorous than practical tasks, such asgetting paperwork out of the way. Nonetheless, by the end of theday you should feel satisfied with your accomplishments. If noth-ing else, it should free you for more interesting chores.

PISCES Pursuing intellectual interests may be on hold today becauseof career matters. Your ambitions, whatever they are, couldget a shot in the arm through some new information, possiblyfrom far away. This could be uncovered in a newspaper, book,conversation with a friend, or online. Whichever it is, Pisces,it's likely to work for you, so make use of it.

Google Inc is in talksto buy mobile-pay-ments company

Softcard, technology newswebsite TechCrunchreported on Friday, cit-ing people familiarwith the matter.

The deal could helppair Google with thelargest U.S. wirelesscarriers to battle AppleInc and its new ApplePay service,TechCrunch wrote.

The deal may be valuedbelow $100 million(roughly Rs. 616 crores),the report said citingsources.

"People at Softcard havea limited view on what'sgoing on," one source toldTechCrunch. "The wholeplace has been in a com-plete depression for at least

six to eight months, to thepoint where people weren'tcoming to work, and werebeing told in December totake it easy through the end

of theyear. Ing e n e r a l ,

it's nota culture

with a lot oftransparency,so a loto f

peo-ple are thinking the worst."

Softcard is jointly ownedby AT&T Inc, VerizonCommunication Inc'sVerizon Wireless Inc andT-Mobile US Inc.

Google was not immedi-

ately available for com-ment outside regular hours.

"Softcard is taking stepsto reduce costs andstrengthen its business.This includes simplifying

the com-

pany's organi-sational struc-ture and con-solidating alloperations intoits Dallas and New Yorkoffices, which involveslayoffs across the compa-ny," a spokesperson told

T e c h C r u n c h ."We believe these efficien-cies will best positionSoftcard in the market-place while maintaining

focus on servingour market."

Googlea l s o

decl inedt ocom-

ment." W e

don't have a comment,background, deep back-

ground, off the recordsteer, nod, wink or anyother verbal or non-verbalresponse to these sorts ofrumours," the companysaid in an emailed state-ment to TechCrunch.

Google in Talks to Buy Mobile-Payments Company Softcard: Report

While the Sony PlayStation 4(PS4) and Microsoft XboxOne share the limelight in

terms of news and public perception,it appears that game developers pre-fer making their games on PC andmobile. This is according to a recentstate of the industry survey that's aprecursor to the Game DeveloperConference 2015 (GDC 2015) sched-uled for March. More than 2,000North American game developersmade up the sample size for this sur-vey.

An astounding 56 percent ofrespondents said their current gamewill be released on PC. While 50 per-cent said their current project willrelease on smartphones or tablets. Ayear ago, this was 53 and 52 percentrespectively.

Unsurprisingly, interest in mobilephone development has dropped.While 53 percent of those polledthough their next game will bereleased on PC, 48 percent expectedtheir next game to release on smart-phones or tablets.

More of them are embracing thePS4 and Xbox One compared to lastyear, however. While games are oftendeveloped across multiple platforms,22 percent of the developers sur-veyed said they are making games onthe Xbox One. This is up from the 12percent from last year. Meanwhile upfrom the 14 percent of last year, 26percent of the developers surveyedare working on a PS4 game.

In terms of the outlook for thefuture, 24 percent of developersexpected their next game to bereleased for the Xbox One, and 29percent on the PS4. This is up fromthe 17 percent and 20 percent respec-tively from last year.

The GDC 2015 takes place fromMarch 2 to March 6 in San Francisco.

Developers Prefer Making Games forPC and Mobile Over Console: Survey

British police said they hadarrested a man in north-west England following

the 2014 cyber-attacks on SonyPlayStation and Microsoft Xboxsystems.

Both systems suffered long out-ages over Christmas after a majordistributed denial of service(DDOS) attack. A hacking groupcalling itself Lizard Squad, whichhad attacked the two networksearlier last year, claimed respon-sibility.

"Officers ... have arrested a manin Southport, Merseyside thismorning as part of an investiga-tion into 'swatting' and computer

hacking offences," Merseysidepolice said in a statement.

The officers had worked close-ly with the U.S. Federal Bureauof Investigation (FBI) in the oper-ation, it added.

No further details of the arrestwere immediately available.

Swatting is a term used todescribe criminal activity by anindividual or group who providefalse information to law enforce-ment agencies in the UnitedStates, suggesting that a threatexists at a particular location sothat police respond with tacticalunits.

British Police Arrest Man OverChristmas Xbox, Playstation Hacks

Alibaba's Latest Mobile Messaging Effort:DingTalk Social Network for Businesses

Page 7: 19 january 2015


M E L B O U R N E ,JAN 18

Rohit Sharma'srollicking centurywent in vain asAustralia surviveda few anxiousm o m e n t sbefore pullingoff a tensefour-wicketwin overIndia in acricket Tri-series ODImatch, hereon Sunday.


After openerAaron Finch'sconfident 96-run knock,Australia were placedcomfortably at 216 fortwo in a chase of 268 but Indiastaged a late comeback by takingthree quick wickets.

India dismissed Steve Smith (47),Finch and George Bailey (5) in a gapof 23 balls to raise hopes of a turn-around but Brad Haddin (13) andJames Faulkner (9) batted sensibly todeny India a dramatic finish.

The hosts ended at 269 for six inexactly 49 overs with Faulknar dis-patching a Buvneshwar Kumar full-toss to boundary ropes for winningruns.

Electing to bat India had posted267 for eight, built around Sharma's138-run knock, his sixth One-dayhundred. He blasted nine boundaries

and four sixes in 139 balls to scorehis third century against Australia.

The Mumbaikar put on 126 runs forthe fourth wicket with SureshRaina (51) even as Australian

paceman Mitchell Starc pro-duced a fine bowling dis-

play to pick 6-43 in his10 overs.

Australia began theirchase in a confidentmanner with Finchand David Warner(24) putting on 51 forthe first wicket.Umesh Yadav broke thestand by dismissing

Warner but seasonedShane Watson lent

solidity to theA u s t r a l i a ninnings with his41.

Y a d a vd e n i e d


h i ssixthODI hun-dred by hav-ing the bats-man caughtbehind but atthat timeAustralia wereonly 49 runs awayfrom the victory tar-get.

Finch controlled his 127-ballinnings well, hitting

five shots to thefence and two

over theropes.

Smith (47),Watson andG l e n nM a x w e l l(20) did notscore big buttheir contri-b u t i o n s

proved crucial for Australia, who hadalso beaten England in the tri-seriesopener on Friday.

India will take on England in theirsecond match on Tuesday and againsquare off against Australia onJanuary 26.

Australia's chase looked on coursebut things went awry in the 40th overwith the loss of Smith, who swatted aslower short-delivery fromMohammed Shami straight to RAshwin at mid-wicket.

It sparked a mini-collapse as Finchwas dismissed by Yadav in the verynext over and Ashwin had Baileystumped.

Shami hobbled off with a possibleknee-injury in the 47th over andBhuvneshwar Kumar (1-44) gleefullyaccepted a lobbed up return catch todismiss Glenn Maxwell (20).

It looked like a closer finish thanexpected but Faulkner and Haddinheld their nerves to romphome.

Earlier, India had a horrendousstart as they were reduced to 59 forthree in 12.5 overs. OpenerShikhar Dhawan (2) was removedin the first over of the innings itself,caught at second slip off Starc.

Ajinkya Rahane (12) had beenlisted to bat at number four in theteam-sheets but he came out at thefall of the first wicket. He put on 30runs for the 2nd wicket withRohit.

Just as they were beginning to lookcomfortable at the crease, debutantGurinder Sandhu (1-58) got Rahaneto attempt a high cut and instead wascaught behind by keeper Brad

Haddin. That brought Virat Kohli (9)to the crease but the star batsman wasoff-colour today.

He miscued a pull-shot offFaulkner (1/63) and was caught byskipper George Bailey at mid-on,shortly after India had crossed the 50-mark in the 11th over.

Raina then joined Rohit at thecrease and two played sensibly to digtheir side out of the rot. The left-han-der was dismissed in the 35th over.The opener along with captainMahendra Singh Dhoni brought upthe 200-mark in the 40th over.

But Starc returned to the attack andremoved three Indian batsmen -- cap-tain Dhoni (19), Axar Patel (0) andBhuvneshwar Kumar (0).

The fourth wicket stand betweenRohit and Raina formed the bedrockof the Indian innings as the duo sta-bilised the visitors after being pushedon the back foot.

Rohit rotated strike as much as hecould, early on in their partnership,while the left-hander took his time tofind comfort at the crease.

By the time their 50-run partner-ship came up in the 23rd over, runshad started to flow with ease. Therewas a small confrontation betweenDavid Warner and Rohit with anoverthrow the topic of discussion.But the batsman took it in his strideto reach his fifty off 68 balls.

Thanks to the big ground, the twobatsmen were made to run hard andthey did so well enough, chancingtheir luck against the Australianfielders on many occasions. Theybrought up their 100-partnership inthe 31st over and this prompted them

to take the batting power-play in the34th over itself.

In the next over, Raina reached his33rd ODI half-century off 61 ballsbut was also dismissed, hitting Starcstraight to Glenn Maxwell at mid-on.

The fall of a wicket early in thepowerplay meant only 19 runs cameoff it, even as Dhoni (19) and Rohitlooked to up the scoringrate.

Rohit got to his hundred off 109balls in the 37th over, his eventualscore the highest in an ODI at thisground by an Indian batsman againstAustralia. The previous best was 100runs by Sourav Ganguly way back inJanuary 2000.

Dhoni and Rohit brought up the200-mark in the 40th over, but thenStarc returned to the attack to removethe Indian captain and Patel with adouble-blow in the 44th over.

The latter was unlucky to be givenout LBW by umpire John Ward asthe ball was clearly missing leg-stump.

R Ashwin (14*) who had been sur-prisingly held back then arrived inthe middle to help add 25 runs for the7th wicket as the 250-mark came upin the 47th over.

Ashwin was dropped by PatCummins (0-52) in the next over butStarc still managed to get his 5thwicket as Rohit was out caught atmid-wicket. He then bowled Kumarwho missed a simple full-toss firstball.

The hat-trick was avoided byMohammad Shami (2*) as the lastten overs yielded just 61 runs for theloss of four wickets.

ODI Tri-series: Rohit Sharma's ton goes in vainas Australia beat India in second match

NEW DELHI, JAN 18South African batsman AB De Villiers on

Sunday scored the fastest hundred in the histo-ry of ODI cricket.

De Villiers' century came up in just 31 ballsagainst the West Indies in the 2nd ODI atJohannesburg.

The 30-year-old arrived at the crease after a247-run opening wicket partnership betweenRilee Rossouw and Hashim Amla, who bothwent on to make hundreds.

De Villiers' hundred included 8 boundariesand 10 sixes.

The South African broke the record of New

Zealand batsman Corey Anderson who scored ahundred off 36 balls against West Indies lastyear.

De Villiers finally departed for 149 off 44balls with 16 sixes and 9 boundaries.

AB got to his fifty in just 16 balls, breakingSanath Jayasuriya's 19-year record for thefastest ODI fifty. Cricketing fraternity werequick to congratulate De Villiers as they sharedtheir sentiments on micro blogging site Twitter.

AB deVilliersscoresfastesthundredin ODIcrickethistory

MELBOURNE, JAN 18Tempers flared once

again during the secondone-dayer of the ongoingcricket tri-series whenIndian opener RohitSharma and Australianbatsman David Warner gotinvolved in a verbalexchange at the MCG,here.

The incident happenedin the 23rd over of India'sinnings, when Sharmapushed a James Faulknerdelivery to mid-off andWarner threw the balltowards the striker's endbut the ball went throughSharma's legs and wicket-keeper Brad Haddinmissed it as India stole asingle.

Warner and Sharmawere then engaged in averbal spat for a brief timeafter the opener ran for anoverthrow. In the end, ittook the umpires a fair fewminutes to separate thetwo of them.

The four-match Test

series, which preceded thetri-series, was also marredby incidents of altercationbetween Indian and

Australian players, includ-ing Virat Kohli, Warnerand MitchellJohnson.

Brief verbal spat between Rohit Sharmaand David Warner in 2nd ODI

MELBOURNE, JAN 18A late double strike rescued

Uzbekistan`s Asian Cup cam-paign and ousted three-timechampions Saudi ArabiaSunday as Sun Ke`s braceenhanced China`s growingreputation.

The Uzbeks were headedout at 1-1 in Melbourne beforeVokhid Shodiev`s header andSardor Rashidov`s second ofthe night steered them into thequarter-finals with a thrillingwin.

The 2011 semi-finalists arenow into a quarter-finalagainst South Korea but theresult condemns the Saudis,winners in 1984, 1988 and1996, to a second straightgroup stage exit.

"I can`t say this is a bigtragedy," said Saudi caretakercoach Cosmin Olaroiu,pressed to explain the Gulfside`s recent fall from grace."It is a big disappointment, butit`s too much to call it atragedy."

Away from the fireworks in

Melbourne, Sun scored in just45 seconds and then grabbedhis third of the tournament asChina beat North Korea 2-1 inCanberra to seal their bestever start.

Uzbekistan also made alightning start and Saudi goal-keeper Waleed Abdullah wasleft red-faced when Rashidovraced clear and slotted throughhis legs in only the secondminute.

The White Wolves needed a

win to qualify behind China inGroup B but there was dismaywhen referee Ben Williamspointed to the spot for a softpenalty on the hour-mark.

The Saudis had alreadymissed twice from the spot butMohammed Al Sahlawi madeno mistake as he fired theequaliser which would havetaken his team through.

But Shodiev rose for a bril-liant headed goal to restoreUzbekistan`s lead, before

Rashidov converted a terrificcross 11 minutes from time tosecure the 3-1 win.

North Korean defender JangSong-Hyok let an incominghigh ball glance off his headand it fell perfectly for Sun,who jabbed it home with hisright boot.

The North Korean rearguardwere again at fault for Sun`ssecond, when a cornerbounced in the six-yard boxgiving the unmarked midfield-er an easy header at the backpost.

But the Chollima("Thousand-Mile Horse")grabbed one back when JongIl-Gwan`s shot ricocheted offGuangzhou Evergrande strikerGao Lin and into the net for anown goal.

The victory means Chinahave won all three groupgames for the first time, earn-ing a perfect nine points and aboost ahead of Thursday`squarter-final with hostsAustralia.

Asian Cup: Uzbeks oust Saudis, China make best start everNEW DELHI, JAN 18

Sania Mirza took a step for-ward in her quest to becomeworld number one as the Indianequalled her career-best doublesrank of five today, following herstupendous title win at the WTAApia International with BethanieMattek-Sands in Sydney.

Sania earned 470 points, whichpushed the Indian to fifth, replac-ing her doubles partner Su-WeiHsieh. Sania had achieved thetop-5 rank last year too in July.

Sania had a great 2014 seasonand she has made a decent start tothe new season, reaching thesemifinals at Brisbane event andwinning the title inSydney.

"Being in top-five of the worldin nay field feels amazing and it'swonderful to have achieved mycareer-best rank this week. But ifI stay away from injuries, I feel Icould go further in the comingmonths," Sania said fromMelbourne.

From Monday onwards, Saniawill be seen in action at theAustralian Open where she andSu-Wei are seeded second. Theyopen their campaign againstArgentina's Maria Irigoyen andSwiss girl Romina Oprandi.

Sania may meet her last sea-

son's partner Cara Black in thesecond round, provided both ofthem clear the first round.

Zimbabwe's Black and herChinese partner Saisai Zheng areup against Gabriela Dabrowskiof Canada and Alicja Rosolska ofPoland.

Sania Mirza equals career-bestfifth WTA doubles rank in world

Page 8: 19 january 2015

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Dry unmanageable hair, itchyscalp, dandruff, flaky skin,cracked heels - all these cold-

weather issues can make you lookworse throughout the season if neg-lected. We list some beauty woes andtheir solutions to make you lookfresh-faced 247.

PREP YOUR SKIN: Winter is thebest time to pamper your skin with arelaxing aroma oil body massage(once in two weeks) and nourishingand hydrating French facials (once amonth).

Hot water can help you relax butdoes more damage to your skin thanyou know. Avoid taking longer baths.Use liquid soap as opposed to a soapbar. Slather on a moisturiser on dampskin immediately after taking a bathor use oil before you step in for ashower. Don't use scrub in coldweather. "Switch to creamy mois-turisers and face creams with antiox-idants, vitamins and rich butters tokeep your skin soft and supple forhours. Use body butters that tend tostay for long and are enriched withproducts like squalene, hyaluronicacid, essential fatty acids etc," sayscosmetic dermatologist Dr ApratimGoel.

Since your skin works at nightwhen you sleep, make sure you havea nigh time skin routine to let it reju-

venate. Avoid direct sun expo-sure for more than 20-30 min-

utes a day, and don't forget toapply sunscreen (SPF 25 or more)with an inbuilt moisturiser on sunexposed areas.

TAME YOUR MANE: Lowtemperatures and humidity leaveyour hair static. Condition your hairevery time you wash it by using a

good quality conditioner dependingon your hair type. To keep it lustrous,apply a serum on towel-dried hair.

"You may be of the belief that oil-ing hair is a must. But the truth is thatpeople with oily and acne-prone skinmust totally avoid oiling the scalpduring colder months. If you're reallycraving for a relaxing oil massage,

wash off the oil within twohours," says Goel.

Try not to blow dry

and straighten your hair frequently.If you still need to do it, apply a hairprotectant serum or spray beforeusing any heating products.

Healthy hair starts with yourfavourite food. The natural oils inavocado promote hair health. Consume this fruit and turn any left-overs into a hy drating hair mask.

If your scalp is prone to dandruff,use an anti-dan druff shampoo con-taining ZPTO or ketoconazole atleast once a week.

MODIFY YOUR MAKE-UP:Winter is a very challenging timefor skin care and make-up and thebest bet is to moisturise prior toapplying make-up. Else, use aprimer before applying a base foun-dation.

Opt for creme-based foundations;they are rich in texture and remainon your skin for longer in winter.

Use powder or compact sparinglyto avoid dry, patchy skin. However,for oily or combination skin, usepowder only on oily areas.

Chapped lips tops the list of win-ter woes. If your lips are super dry,skip the lipstick and use a tinted lipbalm, which is now available inmany different colours. Make sure

the balm has SPF and UVAUVBprotection.

Exfoliate your lips regularlythroughout winter by rubbing themwith a wet towel. Avoid using atoothbrush for this purpose as it canbe harsh on the lips. This will helpyour lips get rid of dry flakes. Also,avoid licking dry lips.

Inputs by dermatologist Dr KiranLohia and consultant dermatologistDr Snehal Sriram

MIRACLE SERUM: Got dryskin on your feet s and hands?Apply argan oil all r over thembefore bedtime and put on a pair ofsocks and mittens. When you wakeup, n even your roughest spots twillbe soft and moisturised

MASK YOUR HANDS: In abowl, mix two tsps olive oil andtwo egg yolks.Now, soak yourhands in warm milk and then applythis mask all over your hands, espe-cially the dried areas. To exfoliatethe skin, try a natural scrub madeout of olive oil and salt.

TRY SLEEPING WITH AHUMIDIFIER: Nighttime is thebody's chance to restore and renewitself. A humidifier will add justenough moisture to the environ-ment and prevent it from furtherdehydration.

Beauty woes and their fixes

The 21st annual Life OK Screen awards 2015took place on the 14th of January. Almostall the stars of Bollywood were present at

this event. Deepika Padukone, Shahrukh Khan,Shahid Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, SharibHashmi, Parth Bhalerao, Tiger Shroff andPatralekha were awarded for their superb actingskills. Arijit Singh, Jyoti, Sultana Nooran,Mithoon and Ankit Tiwari won titles for theirmelodious music and magical voices. Veteranactress Hema Malini won theLifetime AchievementAward. Huma Qureshi andTahir Raj Bhasin receivedawards for their negative roles.

The king of BollywoodShahrukh hosted the event.Jacqueline Fernandez performedto ‘Jumme Ki Raat’ from themovie ‘Kick’. Some of the otherperformers who set fire to the stagewith their rocking performances wereMalaika Arora Khan and Sonam Kapoor.Varun Dhawan, Tiger Shroff, GurmeetChoudhary and Rajkumar Rao were theheart throbs who captivated the audi-ences with their dancing skills.

Deepika Padukone, one of the moststunning and charming actresses ofBollywood won the award for BestActor (Popular Choice Female) atthis award ceremony. She was giventhis title for her character Mohini inthe movie ‘Happy New Year’. Thisaward was given away by the evergraceful Rekha. Later, Rekhahugged Deepika congratulatingher for winning this esteemed title.

At this event Deepika was seated beside Shahid Kapoor, who bagged a total of threeawards this year. Shahid won the title of Best Actor Male for his role in the movie‘Haider’. Deepika and Shahid had a very friendly chat. The gorgeous starlet praisedShahid for his performance in ‘Haider’. Following which, Shahid expressed his wish toshare the silver screen with her. A close source informs, “Shahid has a lot of respect forDeepika as she is a wonderful artist. He sincerely desires that some writer would soonpresent a wonderful script so that they could become co-stars.”

Deepika carried off the ideal desi look as she donned a black lehenga sari with whiteembroidery. She danced on stage along with Varun Dhawan. Deepika was also seen pos-ing cutely for the camera along with Priyanka Chopra and Anurag Kashyap. Priyankareceived the award for Best Actor (Female) for ‘Mary Kom’.

Deepika, the star has reached the peak of success in the past two years but has beenbattling depression simultaneously. She described her struggle, to fight off depressionand anxiety, to a newspaper. She has been admired by fellow actors for admitting herproblems.

Deepika’s special moments atthe 21st Life OK Screen Awards

Actor turned politicianShartughan Sinha’s sonKush Sinha and brother of

actress Sonakshi Sinha got marriedin a private ceremony to a NRITaruna Agarwal, who hails from aLondon-based NRI family.Sonakshi Sinha posted few pic-tures from the wedding. Shelooked utterly gorgeous in mauvelehenga-choli and a kundanmaang-tika.

A close friend of the Sinha fami-ly reveals, "Kush is marryingTaruna Agrawal, a girl from hisand Luv's close circle of friendsand who the Sinhas are very fond

of. The three of them hang outtogether, along with their otherfriends. It was Luv, who suggestedthat Kush propose to Taruna sincehe was too shy to do so. Tarunasaid yes immediately."

Says the friend, "Sonakshi willnow take time off to be part of allthe celebrations. She won't missthis moment in Kush's life for theworld."

Prime Minister Narendra Modialso graced the occasion. HemaMalini, Jaya Bachchan, NitaAmbani and Poonam Dhillon alsoattended the wedding and posed

for the shutterbugs.

Sonakshi and her fatherShatrughan Sinha also clicked atthe wedding. The groom’s fatherwas dressed in sherwani and pagdi.

Sonakshi, who wore a white andgold lehenga-choli for the mehen-di, also shared pictures from theceremony on Instagram captioned:Mehendi hai rachne waali, bhaik-ishaadi, weddingtimes, fun, hap-pines.

Sonakshi Sinha, who had metModi along with her parentsShatrughan and Poonam earlier

this month, tweeted a photographand captioned it: "Thank you@narendramodi sir for keepingyour promise to me! You made ourday truly even morespecial."

PM Modi was dressed in histrademark bandhgala jacket withethnic wear, Modi is seen standingwith the groom's mother, Sonakshiand Shatrughan along with thenewlyweds.

Prior to the wedding, Sonakshi'sother brother Luv Sinha had tweet-ed on Jan 17: "A big weekend forthe family. A live dance perform-ance day after by 'someone'.

PM Modi, Jaya, Tina Ambani attendSonakshi's brother wedding

Ranveer,Anushkasharepassionatelip-lock in ‘DilDhadakne Do’

In Zoya Akhtar’s upcoming film, ‘Dil Dhadakne Do’, RanveerSingh and Anushka Sharma will get intimate. According to thelatest report, the ex-couple will share an intimate lip-locking

scene. They will get cozy in an item number.Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma starred together in movies

like 'Band Baajaa Baarat' and 'Ladies vs Ricky Behl’ dated at onepoint of time. After dating for some period, both parted ways. 'DilDhadakne Do' brings the couple again together after a gap of fouryears.

Starring Priyanka Chopra, Farhan Akhtar, Anil Kapoor in the piv-otal role, Anushka will be seen in the role of a bar dancer in the film.

Anushka had once stated that she has no problem in doing inmatescenes with her ex-boyfriend Ranveer Singh.The movie helmed byZoya Akhtar will be produced by Ritesh Sidhwani and FarhanAkhtar. The music of the film was composed by the trio Shankar-Ehsaan- Loy. It is slated to hit the screens on June 5, 2015.

'Tevar' earns Rs. 35 crore in over a weekTevar’ was released on the 9th of January and in the 9 days since its

release it has earned approximately Rs. 36 crore in the domesticmarket. The domestic earnings are average while the worldwide

business of this movie is poor. On an international scale ‘Tevar’ earnedapproximately Rs. 3 crore. So, the total amount this movie has earned sofar is Rs. 39 crore. These estimated earnings showcase how this highlyanticipated movie failed miserably at the box office.

In the first weekend this movie performed averagely and after the weekwas over an all time low in its collections, was observed. he ratings givenby critics and audience responses are not very great either. ‘Tevar’ is saidto be a movie that is outdated and belongs in the past.