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Oaths Act 1867



I, Kylie Ah Wong, General Manager (Health, Safety and Training) at Glencore Coal Assets Australia of c/­Allens, Level 26, 480 Queen Street, Brisbane in the state of Queensland do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows.

Position and Relevant Experience

I have been employed by Glencore Coal Assets Australia Pty Limited (GCAA) since the establishment of that company at the time of the Xstrata/Glencore merger in 2013.

2 I currently hold the position of General Manager (Health, Safety & Training) for the GCAA business.

3 I have been involved in the coal mining industry since 1998, and for all but one year, I have fulfilled health, safety and training roles. I commenced by career in Queensland at Newlands Southern Underground, before moving to a role across the complex, which was known at that time as the NCA Project, which incorporated Newlands Opencut, Newlands Northern Underground, Collinsville Opencut and Abbot Point Bulk Coal Terminal.

4 In 2007, I accepted a role at Oaky Creek Coal as the Health, Safety and Training Manager at the Oaky Creek Complex, which included Oaky No. 1 Underground Operations, Oaky Surface Operations and Oaky North Underground. In 2009, I undertook the role of Operations Manager and Site Senior Executive at Oaky No. 1 Underground Operation.

5 In 2012, I moved to a state based group role in health, safety and training for Xstrata Coal NSW (XCN), which included approximately 14 operations, both opencut and underground, inclusive of Coal Handling Preparation Plants. When Glencore merged with Xstrata in 2013, I moved into the General Manager (Health, Safety and Training) role for Glencore's coal operations in Australia, which is my current position.

6 In this role, I lead a team that facilitates and implements the strategy, and provides support functions in the areas of risk, health, safety, training, systems, compliance and emergency capability.

7 I hold the following qualifications:

(a) Graduate Diploma in Workplace Health and Safety (Central Queensland University);

(b) Site Senior Executive (Issued by Board of Examiners);

(c) Diploma of Training and Assessment Systems (GW Training Plus);

(d) ICAM Lead Investigator (Safety Wise Solutions);

(e) Graduate Certificate in Minerals Resources - Minerals Industry Risk Management (University of Queensland);

(f) MNCG1003A Establish the Risk Management Process (University of Queensland);

(g) MNC.G2.A Facilitate the Risk Management Process (Current Training);

(h) QMS1 - Apply Risk Management Processes, QMS2 - Conduct Safety and Health Investigations, QMS3 - Communicate Information; and

(i) Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training (Current Training).

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9 I am a member of the following bodies:

{a) NSW Minerals Council OHS Committee {Chairperson);

{b) Queensland Resource Council Health and Safety Committee;

(c) Minerals Council of Australia, National Safety and Health Working Group;

(d) Mates in Mining Advisory Board;

(e) Coal Services Health and Safety Trust (Trustee);

(f) MISHC (Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre) Advisory Board;

{g) NSW Mines Rescue Working Group;

(h) Qld Coal Mining Safety and Health Advisory Committee (Substitute Member);

(i) Australian Institute of Health and Safety (Membership).

Corporate and Management Structure

Governance Relationship

10 Glencore PLC (Glencore) is organised into commodity divisions. Each commodity division has a marketing (or trading) section and an industrial section. The industrial section of the division houses the mining assets.

11 The industrial section of Glencore's coal commodity division is known as Glencore Coal (Glencore Coal). Glencore Coal has a management team with oversight of Glencore's coal assets located in the geographic regions of Australia, Colombia and South Africa.

12 Glencore's Australian coal business is known as Glencore Coal Assets Australia ( GCAA). GCAA has its own management team that is distinct from that of Glencore Coal and Glencore.

13 The Oaky Creek mine complex is itself divided into two parts: the Surface Operations (comprising the coal handling preparation plant, rail loading infrastructure and former open cut mining operations) and Oaky North Underground Mine (Oaky North).

14 Oaky Creek Holdings Pty Limited (OCH) is the coal mine operator for the purpose of the Coal Mining Safety and Health Act 1999 (Qld) (Act) . OCH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Glencore.

15 Oaky North is governed by the GCAA assurance program. That is discussed in more detail below.

Description of Management Structure

16 The GCAA management structure is decentralized. The Operations Manager ( SSE) for Oaky North reports to the Director of Underground Operations, who directly reports to the Chief Operating Officer. An extract of the current structure is depicted in Annexure A.

17 Referring to the structure depicted in Annexure A, the Functional Directors and the General Managers define, monitor and audit the systems mine sites operate to. The Directors of Operations are responsible for the implementation and delivery.

18 In my role as the General Manager (Health Safety and Training) I interact with the Functional Directors, Directors of Operations and other General Managers to effect the safety strategy and drive the safety outcomes of GCAA, including Oaky North.


19 The reporting relationships of the senior roles within the Oaky North management structure, as they existed in December 2019, are depicted on the section 55 organisational structure pursuant to the Act as shown in Annexure B.

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20 The SSE for Oaky North reports to the GCAA Director of Underground Operations. The statutory

positions report through to the Underground Mine Manager, as shown in the organisational structure in Annexure B.

Measures of Safety

Safety KP/ Systems

21 For the purposes of this document, the following GCAA definitions are relevant.

(a) TR/FR means the Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate for the site, comprising:

(i) Total Recordable Injuries includes Lost Time Injuries, Medical Treatment Injuries, Restricted Work Injuries and Fatalities, however excludes Occupational


(A) Lost Time Injury (LT/) means an injury that causes the injured worker to be unable to work for any full shift subsequent to that on which the injury


(B) Medical Treatment Injury (MT/) means an injury which is not classified as a L Tl or a RWI which required treatment beyond first aid.

(C) Restricted Work Injury (RW/) means an injury which causes a worker to be physically or mentally unable to perform all or part of their normal duties or role during any rostered shift subsequent to that on which the injury occurred.

(D) Occupational Disease means a disease or illness that is contracted or exacerbated as a result of the conditions or environment of employment.

(ii) Frequency Rate means each of the Total Recordable Injuries, divided by work hours and multiplied by 1,000,000.

(b) Health and Safety Index means the Health and Safety index which is calculated by reference to the HSEC Plan, Critical Controls and HPRI Mandatory Action completion.

(i) Critical Controls means a control that is crucial to preventing an event or mitigating the consequences of the event.

(ii) HPRl1 Mandatory Action means a specific corrective action prescribed by GCAA in response to the occurrence of a HPRI to be implemented by the Operations Managers of relevant sites within a specified timeframe, to prevent a repeat incident.

(iii) HSEC Strategy means Health Safety Environment and Community Strategy, which identifies material HSEC matters, risks and opportunities, and long term goals for GCAA.

(iv) HSEC Plan means Health Safety Environment and Community Plan, which is developed to align with the strategy requirements and provides targeted measurable goals and objectives designed to achieve the strategy.

The allocation of weighting, and measures for the HSEC Plan, Critical Control and HPRI Mandatory Action inputs to the Health and Safety Index KPI are explained further in the document bearing identifier OCH.504.001.0003. The GCAA Plan referred to therein is the document bearing identifier OCH.507.001.0298.

' A High Potential Risk Incident (HPRI) is an event, or near miss, which could have caused major or catastrophic incidents/accidents according to the Glencore Corporate Risk Management Guideline: multiple fatalities; multiple cases of permanent total disability/health effects; fatality or permanent incapacity/health effects. CXWB 511013865v4120943695 12.8.2020 page 3

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22 The GCAA Organisational WHS Culture Model ( Culture Model) is a bespoke model which expresses the safety behaviours and standards of safety expected of all persons within GCAA's operations. Equal expectation is placed on contractors and employees. The Culture Model places safety as the first and primary priority for every person. The Culture Model is described further in the document bearing identifier OCH.504.001.0005, particularly section 6 and Annexure C of that document. The GCAA Targeted Visible Leadership Protocol bearing document identifier OCH.504.001 .0044 applies the Culture Model in the context of leadership standards for all GCAA operations.


23 Oaky North ls subject to the health and safety assurance program (Assurance Program), which forms part of the GCAA Assurance Plan, which incorporates requirements imposed by Glencore.

24 Upon completion of the Assurance Program, a review of the Assurance Program is undertaken so as to implement any improvements that may have been identified. The GCAA Assurance Plan includes a multi-faceted examination of risk associated with catastrophic and fatal hazards at both the corporate and operational levels.

25 Fatal Hazard Protocols are the minimum requirements (mandatory requirements) for the management of specific hazards at Oaky North and other GCAA operations. There are currently 12 Fatal Hazard Protocols:

(a) Strata Failure;

(b) Fire and Explosion;

(c) Mobile Equipment;

(d) Inappropriate Emergency Response;

(e) Inrush and Outburst;

(f) Explosives and Shotfiring;

(g) Inadequate Energy Isolation;

(h) Working at Height;

(i) Lifting and Cranage;

(j) Confined Space and lrresplrable Noxious Atmosphere;

(k) Tyre and Rim Management;

(I) Electrical Safety.

26 Catastrophic hazards are hazards that have the potential to cause multiple fatalities and include certain principal hazards identified in the Act. They are reviewed as part of the assurance program. The catastrophic hazards are:

(a) Underground Strata;

(b) Underground Fire;

(c) Underground Explosion (Ignition of Gas);

(d) Underground Outburst;

(e) Surface Strata;

(f) Surface Vehicle Interaction;

(g) Inrush;

(h) Tailings Storage Facilities;

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(i) Noxious or lrrespirable Atmospheres; and

(j) Aviation.

27 The following documents describe the management of catastrophic hazards further:

(a) the GCAA Fatal Hazard Protocol {document bearing identifier OCH.507.001 .0107), in particular part 2 concerning Fire and Explosion (now superseded, see comment below);

(b) the Fire and Explosion Fatal Hazard Protocol is also described in the document bearing identifier OCH .507 .001 .0105;

(c) the Catastrophic Hazards Protocol (document bearing identifier OCH.507.001.0208); and

(d) the Risk Management Standard (document bearing identifier OCH.507.001 .0151 ).

By way of explanation, the GCAA Fatal Hazard Protocol has been superseded by the Fire and Explosion Fatal Hazard Protocol to the extent of part 2 concerning Fire and Explosion, and is referenced by way of background only in relation to the Fire and Explosion Fatal Hazard. The Risk Management Standard is current, and will soon be the subject of review within GCAA toward the end of this year.

These documents are developed for GCAA, to establish minimum requirements and to inform the development of site-specific hazard management plans, standards and procedures (including Principal Hazard Management Plans and Trigger Action Response Plans).

28 Contractors (either independent or labour hire) are subject to identical safety reporting criteria and requirements as Oaky North employees. Oaky North collects and analyses safety incident and hazard data.

29 Upon analysis, my team has verified that during the prior 3 years, approximately 30% of the safety reports received at Oaky North are made by contractors. This ratio approximately correlates with the workforce contractor to employee ratio of 35% to 65%.

Inductions, training and familiarisation

30 Every employee and contractor (worker) entering Oaky North is required to have undertaken the GCAA generic induction, a site-specific induction, and an area familiarisation. GCAA delivers the generic induction. Oaky North delivers the site-specific induction, and following that induction, the workers complete a work area familiarisation prior to commencing any work.

31 During the site-specific induction, Oaky North reviews and confirms the workers' competencies, and identifies any further training requirements. Training needs are identified on the basis of the tasks required of the role, not the basis of employment type. Oaky North facilitates any training that has been identified as necessary for every worker, in compliance with Safety and Health Management System requirements.

32 Upon a worker being allocated a position title:

(a) the prescribed requirements for the position are established within the system, in line with the Training Needs Analysis;

(b) the competencies of the worker are compared to the competency and training requirements of the position;

(c) any difference between the competencies identified in the Training Needs Analysis of the position and the individual workers' competencies are identified; and

(d) if necessary, the individual worker is prescribed training up to the required competency or competencies.

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33 In the case of the Incident Reporting and Investigation Procedure, the Training Needs Analysis will have identified the currency of the training of the individual workers who required training in that Procedure.

34 On a two-monthly basis, scheduled training days are held at Oaky North. Training days deliver specific content that reinforces the maintenance and improvement of workers' safety skills, awareness and knowledge. Training days include updating workers on changes to plans and procedures.

35 In addition to the training days, workers are required to undertake periodic refresher training in each of their competencies. Refresher training maintains proficiency in performing designated tasks, updating an individual's knowledge in key areas associated with carrying out designated tasks, and the application of fundamental components of the Safety and Health Management System.

36 Critical updates or changes to plans are communicated to workers on a more immediate basis via 'toolbox talks', 'pre-start meetings' or 'GCOM' (Glencore communication process) at Oaky North. Every worker participates in these communication processes as relevant to their positions. The communications may include, for example, notifications to oncoming crews of the existence of any safety issues encountered and how they are to be addressed.

37 Whole-of-department (longwall or development) meetings are conducted when the workforce is relocated from one area of the mine to a new area of the mine to commence production.

Incident Reporting and Investigation

38 The minimum Health Safety Environment and Community (HSEC) incident reporting, notification and investigation requirements for GCAA and all of its operations, including Oaky North, are set out in the 6.0 Incident Standard bearing document identifier OCH.507.001.0176. This document was current on 6 December 2019, and has since been updated.

39 In the first instance, the line supervisor is to begin the investigation and collate initial information and evidence. Once the potential consequence of the incident is determined by reference to the risk matrix contained at Appendix A of the Risk Management Standard (document bearing identifier OCH.507.001.0151) an appropriate investigation is facilitated.

40 The procedure for investigating and reporting on incidents at Oaky North is contained in the document entitled Incident Reporting & Investigation, bearing document identifier OCH.505.002.0001. That is informed by the GCAA Incident Reporting & Investigation procedure, (bearing document identifier OCH.507.001.0283), and the Risk Management Standard (document bearing identifier OCH.507 .001.0151 ).

41 The GCAA HS Definition Guideline bearing document identifier OCH.507.001.0252 contains definitions relevant to the document described above.

HPI Monitoring

42 Any High Potential Incident (HP/) reported to the Mines Inspectorate triggers an automatic email alert to a GCAA distribution list, of which my team and I are a part. My team conducts an auxiliary review of each HPI, by reference to the same risk matrix contained in the Risk Management Standard that is applied at the time of the first analysis at site level, and will form a view as to whether the HPI was appropriately categorised at site level. Each site undertakes an investigation into every HPI.

43 The HPI recorded at Oaky North on 6 December 2019 (the CH4 HP/) was notified to my team by automatic email alert. The recipients included myself, the Safety and Emergency Capability Manager (Queensland) and the Safety and Emergency Capability Manager (New South Wales). The Safety and Emergency Capability Manager (Queensland) is highly experienced in

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underground and in opencut mines, is a qualified deputy, and a fitter. The Safety and Emergency Capability Manager (NSW) is highly experienced and of an opencut background, and is a trade qualified electrician. As with all HP ls, the CH4 HPI was reviewed by my team.

44 No escalation was deemed necessary for the CH4 HPI incident because:

(a) gas levels being below the explosive range;

(b) the short duration during which the gas was elevated; and

(c) no withdrawal of personnel from the mine was required.

45 An SSE, upon his or her own review, may elect to escalate a HPI to a High Potential Risk Incident (HPR{) . My team reviews every HPI, and upon review may elect to nominate the HPI for escalation to a HPRI. The review considers what occurred at the operational level and determines whether the HPI should be escalated within the GCAA system for further investigation, if it has not already been escalated.

46 In addition to escalating a HPI to categorisation as a HPRI, an SSE may also elect to take immediate corrective measures at the site, in addition to those resulting from the initial and later investigations.

47 In circumstances when an escalation of a HPI is deemed warranted, it may be designated a HPRI. The primary purpose of escalating a HPI to a HPRI is to ensure that there is an appropriately formalised higher level of investigation of the potential safety risk to workers and so as to share the learnings and prevent a reoccurrence .

Integration of Contractors/Labour Hire

48 The workforce profile for Oaky North at the time of the CH4 HPI was approximately 65% full-time employees and 35% supplementary labour engaged via contracting companies.

49 Oaky North effects a policy of integrating contract workers with employees both at Oaky North and in the township of Tieri.

50 Oaky North implements a 'Career Pathway' which facilitates the development of both contractors and employees. Based on a merit system, the 'Career Pathway' enables contractors to progress on to become Oaky North employees.

51 Further, an 'Oaky North Deputy Program' is available for both contractors and employees. Contractors accepted onto the program are supported to become qualified deputies. In order to obtain the deputy qualification, experience in all parts of an underground mine is required. Oaky North facilitates candidates (either contractors or employees) obtaining exposure and experience in different parts of Oaky North so as to meet the criteria to fulfil the deputy qualification.

52 The point of the 'Oaky North Deputy Program' is that it promotes stable career opportunities for workers. This promotes personal familiarity with Oaky North, its management and supervisory personnel, and the safety expectations and safety standards of the mine.

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Performance-based remuneration for safety

Health and safety performance indicators

53 Health and safety performance is an important component of each employee's annual performance appraisal. The health and safety results achieved have a direct correlation to the

total incentive payments that may be earned as a performance bonus.

54 For the purposes of this section, the following definitions are relevant.

(a) XPAD means the GCM Performance and Development system.

(b) KRA means Key Result Area, which defines core elements of work performance central

to business success. It reflects organisational direction and values and consists of a

series of performance and/or service indicators. The Key Result Areas comprise of KPls

and CS!s.

(i) KP/ means Key Performance Indicator and is a quantitative measure of site

performance. A target level of achievement is assigned to each KPI so that

performance can then be measured against it. The KPls used by Oaky North

mine are:

(A) HSEC (Health, Safety, Environment and Community):


(2) Health and Safety Performance Index

(3) Rehabilitation Index

(4) Category 2 Environmental Incidents

(B) Business (cost and production output):

(1) FOR Cash Cost($)

(2) ROM Tonnes ('000t)

(3) Development Metres

(ii) CS/ means Customer Services Indicator and is a qualitative assessment requiring

personal assessment by a 'customer'. This customer is usually the individual's manager, however it may also be based on assessment provided by another.

55 Health and safety performance-based remuneration is measured by:

(a) the following KPls:

(i) TRIFR for the site;

(A) GCM has targets of 10 for Underground Operations and 3 for Opencut Operations and Projects;

(ii) Health and Safety Performance Index; and

(b) the following CSls:

(i) Managerial performance, specifically in the areas of Leadership and Teamwork and Visible Leadership, which are considered foundational from a safety

perspective. Their participation in the site Targeted Visible Leadership Program

is assessed as part of their performance appraisal.

(ii) Managers are expected to demonstrate personal safe work behaviour and

accountability for safety direction to their direct team members.

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(iii) Implementation of the GCAA Organisational WHS Culture Model as applied at Oaky North.

56 I have obtained a written explanation of the incorporation of health and safety factors into the greater short term incentive scheme, and that is contained at Schedule 1 of this statement.

KP/s for contract services

57 Oaky North Mine engages supplementary labour for a number of activities. The contract services engaged may include the provision of:

(a) expertise and services for works such as conveyer installations;

(b) labour for integration in production crews;

(c) expertise and services for the construction of ventilation control devices;

(d) expertise and services for installation of secondary support;

(e) labour and equipment for longwall moves and installations; and

(f) other services as necessary.

58 Oaky North Mine principally deals with four contract suppliers at its site . The purpose of this is:

(a) to create consistency and familiarity of contract managerial staff onsite;

(b) to maintain expertise in workers who are familiar with work methods and systems on the site; and

(c) to promote consistency of safety standards and expectations on the site.

59 Each commercial agreement with contract labour providers are arrived at by negotiation. Each commercial agreement with contract labour providers contains safety performance-based remuneration. The safety performance-based KPls in each contract are typically similar but not always identical.

And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Act of 1867.

Signed and declared by the abovenamed declarant al\.J,~<::-t.:,,..-, in the State of New South Wales this /Z fl.. day of August 2020

Before me

REDACTED Confidential

Justice of the Peace

--;;;NI Lou, SE

c/;° I C/~9c,(,O

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Schedule 1

1.1 Explanation of XPAD Program with Worked Example

All staff (management) sign an employment contract that sets out their base salary and

superannuation. This amount is fixed, and is known as Total Fixed Remuneration (TFR).


2 In addition, all levels of management participate in the Short Term Incentive Plan (STIP). This is a structured program that provides for a variable bonus to be paid annually, depending on business

performance and personal performance of the employee.

3 The maximum bonus that may be earned under the STIP is stated in each employee's employment contract, and is represented as a percentage of their TFR.

4 REDACTED Conf1dent1al

5 The calculated bonus that is payable annually to an employee has a direct correlation to their

XPAD score ( out of 100) for the year:

(TFR Salary) x (Max STIP %) x (XPAD Score %).

6 XPAD is Glencore's performance appraisal program . At the start of each year, each employee

and their manager discuss performance goals for the year, and set the XPAD Key Result Areas (KRAs) for that employee.

7 XPAD KRAs are broken into five categories:

(a) HSEC;

(b) Business Performance;

(c) Total Managerial CSls;

(d) Total Individual CSls; and

(e) Total Customer Feedback.

8 KRA weightings are tailored to an employee's role and their development objectives. The

weighting between the different categories is set by the manager for each employee, but must be

within the bands stipulated by Glencore in the table contained in the document entitled GCAA Staff Performance Review Feedback_How to Guide (document identifier OCH.504.001.0132, at

pinpoint OCH.504.001 .0141.

9 The scores achieved for the KRAs relating to HSEC and Business Performance are determined

by the performance of the site/business in those areas, and are not influenced directly by individual performance. The scores achieved for the other three categories of KRAs will be determined by an individual's performance throughout the year.

10 Each individual employee's manager has discretion as to which KPls are set in each of the KRAs,

and there will be variances between employees. Glencore has provided a representative

sample of XPAD appraisal documents for 2019 to show the KPls and weightings that were

applied in that year.

11 KPls that are typically used for the HSEC KRA which apply to health and safety are:

(a) TRIFR. At the end of each year the TRIFR result for each site is determined by Glencore.

The TRIFR result compared against target performance for the site provides a score out

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of 4 for this KPI, which is then converted to a weighted score depending on how much weighting has been attributed to the TRIFR KP! for the relevant employee.

(b) Health and Safety Performance Index. At the end of the year the H&S Performance Index result for each site is determined by Glencore (refer to separate document that describes the components of the index). This result is an assessment out of 100, which is compared against target performance for the site to provide a score out of 4 for this KPI. The score out of 4 is then converted to a weighted score depending on how much weighting has been attributed to the H&S Index for the relevant employee.

(c) KPls in the Business Performance KRA typically relate to production and cash costs achieved by the mine site for the year. The result achieved by the site for each business performance KPI is compared against target performance to provide a score out of 4, which is then converted to a weighted score depending on how much weighting has been attributed to that KPI for the relevant employee.

12 Health and safety metrics are also typically included as part of direct managerial assessment of the employee in the Managerial CSls and the Individual CS ls for an employee. These are qualitative KPls, and can include:

(a) Targeted Visible Leadership

(b) Personal Safe Work Behaviour

(c) Site Values (including safe production of coal)

(d) WHS Cultural Framework

13 The same process generally applies to executive directors of the operating entity for each GCAA mine, including Oaky North, however, the director's STIP payment is documented to a lesser extent when compared to the process that applies at a site level. The extent to which HSEC and Business Performance Factors contribute to the outcome for the executive directors of OCH, and the relevant weight that those factors bear to the total outcome, are documented in the document entitled EM XPAD KRA Summary - EOY _2019 bearing document identifier OCH.504.001.0001.

1.2 Worked example - hypothetical senior manager for an underground mine

14 If you were to assume:

(a) TFR = $100,000;

(b) maximum STIP for that individual = 30% of TFR; and

(c) the overall XPAD score (worked below) is 89.9/100,

the bonus payable is $26,970 (being 89.9% x 30% x $100,000).

15 The following is a hypothetical historical XPAD score of 89.9 comprised of the following KPI scores:

15.1 HSEC KRA. The total score for the HSEC KRA was 11.4 out of a maximum of 15. This was comprised of the following KPls .

(a) Health and Safety Performance Index. The relevant mine's result for 2019 was 70/100. This provided a score of 3 out of 4 for this KPI. When converted to a weighted score, this was 3.75 out of 5.

(b) TRIFR. The relevant mine's result for 2019 was 10.66. This provided a score of 3.06 out

of 4. When converted to a weighted score, this was 7.65 out of 10.

16 Business Performance KRA. The total score for the Business Performance KRA was 29.43 out of a maximum of 30. This was comprised of the following KPls.

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(a) Longwall Metres Retreat. The relevant mine's result for 2019 was greater than the

target, so provided a score of 4 out of 4. When converted to a weighted score, this was 5 out of 5.

(b) Development Metres. The relevant mine's result for 2019 provided a score of 3.54 out of 4. When converted to a weighted score, this was 4.43 out of 5.

(c) FOR Cash Cost. The relevant mine's result for 2019 was lower than the target, so provided a score of 4 out of 4. When converted to a weighted score, this was 10 out of 10.

(d) ROM Tonnes. The relevant mine's result for 2019 was greater than the target, so

provided a score of 4 out of 4. When converted to a weighted score, this was 10 out of 10.

17 Managerial CSls KRA. The total score for the Managerial CSls KRA was 22.19 out of a maximum of 25. This was comprised of the following KPls.

(a) Job Skills & Knowledge. The result awarded was 3.75 out of 4. When converted to a weighted score, this was 4.69 out of 5.

(b) Leadership & Teamwork. This KPI includes a number of safety considerations. The

result awarded was 3.5 out of 4. When converted to a weighted score, this was 8. 75 out of 10.

(c) Visible Leadership. This KPI comprises a number of safety considerations. The result

awarded was 3.5 out of 4. When converted to a weighted score, this was 8.75 out of 10.

18 Individual CSls KRA. The total score for the Individual CSls KRA was 18.13 out of a maximum of 20. This was comprised of the following KPls.

(a) Business Improvement Initiatives. The result awarded was 3.75 out of 4. When converted to a weighted score, this was 9.38 out of 10.

(b) Project specific to the individual. The result awarded was 3.5 out of 4. When converted to a weighted score, this was 8.75 out of 10.

19 Customer Feedback KRA. The total score for the Customer Feedback KRA was 8.75 out of a maximum of 10. This was comprised of the following KPI.

(a) Mine Values. The result awarded was 3.5 out of 4. When converted to a weighted score, this was 8.75 out of 10.

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lntegra UG Group Manager


Operations Manager CHPP's

Peter Ostermann Kevin Rowe I

Macquarie Coal I Regional General 7 Operations Manager i i Manager Mark Munro Steve Hubert

Oaky Surface ~ Mt Oweo & Gle"dell SSE & Operations Operations Manager

Manager Geoff Kelly

Oaky Surface \. ~ i

Glenn Sauer

Liddell OC Operations Manager

Oaky North UG SSE & Murray Gregson Operations Manager

Matthew Way

Ravensworth OC Operations Manager

General Manager Ulan Complex

Tony Israel

Charlie Allan 7 '- .i'

Regional General Manager

Ula" UG 7 l Ashley Mcleod Operations Manager

Elliott Bau me

' r

Bulga OC Operations Manager

Ulan West UG David Foster Operations Manager

Dave Ribaux

I I I ' Mangoola OC

Ulan Surface Operations Manager

Nick Slater Operations Manager

Sam Wiseman

United Wambo JV Operations Manager

Gary Wills

ClermontOC SSE & Operations

Manager Michael Charles

Collinsville OC SSE & Operations

Manager Phil Nobes

Newlands OC

~ SSE & Operations Manager (acting) Clayton Stansbie

Han Crnek oc 7 SSE & Operations

Manager David Waddell

Rolleston OC

SSE & Operations ~ Manager

l Paul Sear ,

Southern Leases & Projects, __J

Wandoan SSE Allan Purse

Chief Operating


Ian Cribb

OCH 507 002 0013

Safety & Emergency Capability Manager


I Dean Dunn

Safety & Emergency Capability Manager


l Craig Powell

Systems & Compliance Manager

Samantha Bell

Training & Development

Manager Doug Kennedy

Health & Injury Manager

I Fiona Holman

H&S Risk Manager Kellie Wallis

Page 14: 1867 STATUTORY DECLARATION - Queensland Coal Mining …



Oaky North Mine Senior Management & Statutory Structure

November 2019

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Statutory Appointments

Senior Site Executive: UG Mine Manager: EEM: MEM: Ventilation Officer: Mine Surveyor

Brad Watson Mike Downs Mario Thomas Clinton Cody Luca Pantano Bill Hodges

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BilHodgoo Mine&owyor



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