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to Follow in Creating Customer Satisfaction



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Customer satisfaction from one customer to another are usually different. This is why it’s essential to find a way to measure your customer satisfaction.

To gain insight about customer satisfaction, try to conduct a survey. A customer satisfaction survey is a great tool to gather feedback since it can tell you about what they like or dislike about your product, service, price, user experience, etc.

Before you conduct one, read these 18 steps you should follow in creating customer satisfaction survey:

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Set what feedback you need from your customers in the first place. Keep in mind to limit the survey objective to a one definitive goal. Really, you have to respect your customers’ time – they don’t want to waste 30 minutes to fill your endless survey. It also helps avoid respondent fatigue.

If there are many objectives you would like to dig deep, separate it into several surveys.

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Don’t afraid to be generic

Seems like you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Most of the time you can just learn from customer satisfaction index you find, and use it for your next survey. It has determined the precise questions, phrasing, and scales to accurately measure customer satisfaction.

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Createalogical flow

Help your customers by creating a logical flow in your survey questions. For example, you can group questions based on relevant sections You can also use text boxes to introduce each section of your survey.

Additionally for online survey you can also consider implementing page breaks. It could be used to break up longer surveys, preventing what seems like an endless scroll of questions.

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Set question order

A disorganized survey often confuses its respondents. Turns out, question order matters. The beginning of your survey is supposed to be easy and interesting at the same time, so the respondent will be engaged and get into the flow of your survey.

Furthermore, sometimes it’s best to put personal data questions at the end of the survey, since introducing it too early often turns people off.

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Designa measurable survey

Indeed, you want to truly understand what your customers have in mind, but it will add more homework if your survey isn’t measurable. Using too many open-ended questions in your survey especially will make it more confusing to analyze.

Thus, design a measurable survey by also asking close-ended questions that are not only easier to analyze, but also spot trends and set base lines with.

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Use the right scale

In measuring customer satisfaction, give your customers a chance to express their opinions without forcing them to choose only between two extreme binary choices such as ‘satisfied’ or ‘dissatisfied’. The survey could offer rating labels, as well as the likert scale.

To use the right scale points, scales need granularity. A ten-point scale provides the precision and resolution necessary to link customer satisfaction.

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Only ask one thing per question

Don’t ask something like, “Do you like our X product and Y product?”, while both products are actually different. Without realizing often we fall into this trap, remember that effectively constructed survey questions are clear, specific, and measurable.

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Avoid leading questions

Some questions are not neutral at all, such as “How did you like our new amazing feature?”. You want them to like your product, indeed, but your survey would be nothing if it’s not getting any real answers from your customers. Worse, these kind of questions most likely wouldn’t encourage your customers to complete the survey.

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Ban jargon

Don’t assume your customers have the same knowledge as yours. They might not be familiar with the terms you use in your line of work. Avoid any industry-specific lingo in your survey. Choose common and simple words, instead.

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Keep in mind that it’s more useful to measure survey length in terms of time, rather than the number of questions. Generally, a good one should take only 5 minutes or less to complete. That way, the response rate would be higher.

In order to keep it short, avoid questions with more than 10 answer options. Make your questions as concise as possible.

Keep it short, keep it simple

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Estimate how much time a respondent would need to complete the survey, and tell them about it early in the process. Better, also explain the reasons behind asking the survey questions, what you will be doing with the data collected.

Disclose time estimation and survey’s intent

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Gathering data from your customers is easier with the availability of many free tools out there, like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey. Those products let you attach or email questionnaires shortly after they do business with you. Not only that, they can provide the data you need in a simple, understandable way.

Use online survey and its tools

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Once you have completed creating the survey, ask your friends and colleagues to first test it out. Observe how long it takes for them to complete the survey and ask for feedback. Along with them, you can also check if the survey results end up providing useful data for your company.

Test the survey first

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One of basic online survey features that you can get for free, or pay at an affordable price. Is it really important? I thought so. People allegedly tend to choose the first or second option when presented with a list of possible answers. Thus, it’s the only way to avoid them doing this by randomizing multiple-choice answers.

Randomize the answers

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It’s a way to give your customers a chance to elaborate. Indeed, comment fields create more work for you in tabulating survey responses, but providing comment fields at the end of some questions enables customers to reply outside the confines of multiple-choice answers.

Provide comment fields

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Obviously, to get the most out of your survey efforts, you should send it to the right people depending on your survey’s objective. For a better response rate, try to send the survey based on the segment of your audience that will care most about the objective.

Send it to the right people

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Maybe you’ve created a perfect survey, but it wouldn’t matter if nobody fills it out. In order to encourage people to complete your survey, you can offer a coupon or discount on future products or services, Yes, it could be costly, but surely would make you get higher response rate.

Give a discount or promotion for respondents

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Some customers actually care about the report from the survey they completed. After the data is collected and analyzed, share it to these respondents right away. Don’t take it for granted, as it’s a great way to validate your relationship with them. It also sends the message that their opinions make a difference. More importantly, it’s a proof that they are part of your business.

Share the results

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