Download - 18 Point Media Checklist Mark Bowness

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18 point Coaches Media Mastery ChecklistYou are about to have the 18 mandatory steps needed to succeed in becoming a media authority, positioning yourself as a go to client and securing yourself endless opportunities to take you well on your way to building a high six figure business. Remember:

“The Power is in the implementation, NOT the information”. You MUST act on thesesteps, you must put them into place so that you can generate endless local, National an International media coverage.”

Now before we start. This is not another 'How to create a press release' document. This is not my focus. My focus is on creating a media attention grabbing story that will result in a whirlwind of media opportunity. I am in the midst of that whirlwind now having been featured in 30 media outlets in 20 days, including an appearance on the Today Show in Australia.

During this time I have generated 1,400 hot leads, have interest in turning my work into a TV show, have been approached by a significant publisher, have had numerous JV opportunities come my way and an increase in over 500+ friends on my Facebook page. Amazing, right?

I work with coaches who absolutely know, without a shadow of a doubt that their message has always intended to reach the millions. These are not people who are playing a small game but those who are really set for changing the world – the next Oprah's, the next Tony Robbins. If this is you, you need to read on and implement everything that I share with you. Sounds fair?

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Enough about me. It's your turn. I am going to teach you the exact steps that Ihave used to dominate the media. This is a system that I have created that can be replicated by anyone, even you!

Ready? Let's go!

Case Study: This Is Your Life ChangeNow I want to very quickly share with you a case study, this a live case study.Having leased an island in Fiji previously, inviting the world to become tribe members, seeing 200 media outlets cover the story and see this before a 5 part prime time TV show that aired in the UK, America and Australia I wanted to do it all again. I wanted to give six people the opportunity for total life change in the way that I never did. This is what I created.

This Is Your Life Change:

➔ I leased the same 200 acre-island as previously, in Fiji for two weeks.

➔ I invited anyone from around the world to apply for an all expenses paidtwo week life changing opportunity on the island. For two weeks they would be pushed to their limit by a personal trainer, a life coach and a business coach.

➔ Each individual would come with a Secret Dream – a business, product or charity that they want to launch.

➔ I set up a website with a powerful introduction video.

➔ I used the strategy that I will share with you below to reach out to the media.

➔ I have created a product funnel off the back of the concept that will be promoted after the 6 individuals have been to Fiji.

The results to date include:

✔ 1,400 applicants from 22 countries.

✔ 6 TV production companies interested in turning the concept into a TV show.

✔ 30 media outlets covering the story in 20 days – from around the world. Including an appearance on the Today Show Australia.

✔ Conversations with book publishers.

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✔ The story going 'viral' online.

✔ An increase of 500+ Facebook friend requests in two weeks.

✔ Countless JV, sponsorship and speaking opportunities.

Digging in to the 18 steps(1) Know your niche

You absolutely and fundamentally have to gain clarity on your niche, on your target market as this is the audience that you will create your media attention grabbing narrative for. At this stage of the game you should know who it is that you want to help. You also need to know who you can't help. For example if you are a 60 year old women you probably won't be giving dating advice to 20 somethings.

Your niche may be based on:

• Sex • Age

• Married

• Kids

• Interests

• Employed

• Industry

• Etc.

Answer the above questions and start drilling down into your niche. Once you have answered these questions you can move on to step two.

(2) Know their biggest problem

When you understand WHO your niche is from a demographic point of view, then you need to think about what their BIGGEST PROBLEM is.

As a coach you need to get really good at SOLVING PROBLEMS and providing solutions.

This is crucial. You MUST be able to give them EXACTLY what they want and this way you’ll be seen as the authority, as the person who leads them.

Think about the following questions:

• What are they working on at the moment?

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• What are they trying to achieve with that?

• What is the biggest problem that frustrates them?

• What do they need to implement to get results right now?

• What keeps them awake at night?

• If they could fix one area in regards to area of their life/business right now, what would

it be?

• What would they be willing to invest their savings in to get the answer to?

(3) Have a product funnel

Once you know your niche and you know their biggest problem then you need to get clear on your product funnel. Remember your time is so valuable so this must be the most expensive item that you sell. You product funnel may look like something like this:

Lead magnet: This should be free (eBook, webinar)

First paid product: Usually around $1000 - $2000 (a two day intensive, an online course)

Second paid product: Usually $3000 - $4000 (a 4 day course, or 6 month online programme)

Third paid product: Usually $8,000+ (one to one coaching packages)

The whole point of launching a free media attention grabbing narrative is so that you create a significant amount of leads that you then introduce to your product funnel.

(4) Build a hungry tribe – Now

It's absolutely vital that you start to build a hungry tribe. The biggest mistake that coaches make is on spending so much time creating amazing products, you spend many months pouring your time and money into building then. They are now ready. But you have no one to launch them too! You need to build a hungry tribe.

Most coaches create a Facebook page, it's the done thing, right? However you do all that work to get people to 'like' your page and when you post a status, Facebookthemselves tell you that your message will only reach 17% of the 'likers', maximum. Unless, of course, you pay Facebook to allow you to reach the rest.

I teach all my clients to create a Facebook group which has daily themes to ensure engagement and you offer free webinars and resources to position you as an an

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authority and add serious value. Want to know the best part? Facebook actually promote your Facebook group for you in the suggested groups column on the right hand side of your page.

I created the 'I work in personal development' Facebook group and in 12 months I had 7,000 active and engage coaches join the group, coaches from around the world. I decided that I was going to launch the group and in six months time releasemy first product to my hungry tribe. Within 48 hours of launching my product I had generated $40,000. In 12 months I generated $150,000 from the group without an advertising or marketing spend whatsoever. That's the power of a hungry tribe.

So, you need to go ahead now and create a Facebook group. Position yourself as an authority and add value. Join the I work in personal development group (search Facebook) for inspiration. I am not giving you the direct link because I want you to read the rest of this content!

(5) Create media attention grabbing story

Your media attention grabbing story should be:

(6) Unique and inspiring

Now is the time to create a media attention grabbing story that serves your target market. Your story must be engaging and meet the needs of your audience. Ideas could include:

a) What world record can you break? The world's biggest date if you were a dating coach, for example.

b) Target a time of the year. This Is Your Life Change was launched in the New Year as it related to 'new year, new you' and New Year's resolutions. Other times ofthe year include Valentines Day, Independence Day, Australia Day and the various days that we have.

c) Target a specific problem. London's Big Weight Loss – if you are a personal trainer you launch a challenge for as many people in London to loose as much weight as possible over the course of one month. Make Sydney Sexy – if you were a female dating coach you could launch a campaign to transform 6 women's body, mind and confidence and then take them out on a bunch of dates, follow them, film them and share their transformational story with the world.

(7) Should have some element of your backstory but not all of it

I am very honest with my backstory. At the age of 26 years old my marriage ended and I attempted to take my own life. This failed suicide attempt made me realise how precious life is and so I decided to live life big in the belief that we live life

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once. I have been successful and so This Is Your Life Change is my give back, to give six people the opportunity to totally transform their life with endless support, in a way that I had never had.

My backstory is a foundation of why I do what I do but it's not the focus. The focus of your media attention grabbing story should always be 'how can I use my backstory to powerfully transform the lives of others?'

(8) A lead magnet on steroids

Now this is important, your media attention grabbing concept should be free. If you go to a journalist with your latest product or event they will forward you to the advertising department. This concept is a lead magnet on steroids, you allow as many people to apply as possible through your website enabling you to build a database of seriously warm leads to which you can sell to later on.

Right now I have 1,400 seriously hot leads from people all over the world who have told me that they want to change their lives. If your media attention grabbing story isfree then it will be easier for the media to share your story. You build a powerful database off the backend. See how incredibly amazing that is?

(9) Should have an online HQ with an introduction video

Your website should be a one page website that largely comprises of a two minute video in which you share the concept and tell people why they should enter. Your site should convey both scarcity (only six people can enter) and urgency (a count down time stating how many days there are left to enter).

The website is only one page as you don't want people clicking all over the place. You want to give people one option only – to apply and in doing so give you their email address.

You then need to reach out to the media through:

(10) Starting grassroots

Start with your hungry tribe and launch the idea to them with a launch webinar. Build it up in your group before you launch the webinar and make it exciting. In the webinar tell your tribe that they are the first to hear about it and you really want them to share the link (and apply if it's relevant), right now.

The goal is to leverage as much attention for your project as possible, to kick-start itin a powerful way and get your tribe sharing it on Facebook and Twitter to ensure a fantastic start to your launch.

(11) Generating local media interest

Journalist's love local stories about local people which is why they got into journalist

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in the first place. My journalist contacts are telling me that they are sick and tired of press releases from local business owners who have just moved offices or have taken on a new member of staff! They are equally fed up with government press releases. They want stories and news that will benefit the lives of their readers in some way.

You have just created your media attention grabbing narrative so you, got that right?

It's so simple. Pull up the website for your local newspaper and find the contact details of the newsroom and give them a call. Yes, that easy. They are waiting for you to call them.

I encourage applicants of This Is Your Life Change to reach out to their local media in this way, to share their reason for applying, to share their secret dream (with the goal of getting people to help support them). In one 24 hour period applicants were in the news in the USA, UK, Australia, Ireland and Turkey – we were inundated.

It's really that simple, give them a call and tell them your story.

(12) Leveraging local media to generate National coverage

You have appeared in some local press. Awesome. My goal for you is not to simplygenerate local media attention, we want a media landslide. Armed with your local newspaper/TV or radio coverage make contact with the National Newspaper that your demographic is suited too.

Be creative and think about the newspapers within newspapers – health and well-being pull outs, business sections – whatever is relevant to your narrative.

Go out and get that 'paper and read it from cover to cover and get the name of a journalist who has written a story that is similar to yours in some way i.e beauty, personal training, stress, youth, unemployment and do the same again simply call them and tell the journalist you have been featured in local media and you would love to share your story at a national level.

The journalist will probably say that they are really busy but that's okay just make sure you ask for their email address because them you can follow it up. In your email thank them for their time on the 'phone – this way you can already stand out from other emails they receive.

The process is the same whether you are looking to get on TV, Radio or Newspaper.

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(13) Leveraging National coverage to gain International Coverage

Congratulations, you have gained National media coverage. Now it's time to go International. You guessed it, the process is the same. Pick a country (I would go UK, America or Australia depending on where you are) conduct research on the relevant media (TV, Newspaper, Radio) that is suited to your story and contact them in the same way as above.

(14) Contact journalists on Twitter

Twitter is a great place to contact journalists. More often than not journalists have their direct email address in their Twitter bio. Set up a Twitter account and whenever you email/call a journalist search for them on Twitter and if they are therefollow them on Twitter. If you email them just tweet them a reminder 'Great to chat to you today. Have emailed you. Speak soon!' It's a gentle but pleasant reminder!

(15) Reach out to the Associated Press (free)

In each and every country there is a National News agency who are the go to trusted news agency. If you can get a press release out through these guys it will go to every news outlet in your country, they are highly respected and so it WILL bepublished. This was the kicker for my first project, Tribewanted. When we were featured in the Associated Press in the USA this resulted in us being featured in well over 200+ media outlets globally.

If you are building traction research your local National News agency and give thema call – trust me it is well worthwhile.

(16) Seek the support of a celebrity

Celebrities love jumping on board with great, life changing causes and are happy tosupport them. When Tribewanted had gained a bit of media coverage we contacteda US celebrity, Corbin Bernsen, who was being featured in a number of TV shows at the time. Corbin happy jumped in on media and so we have a fresh wave of media appearances as an American actor had become a “tribe member”.

(17) Believe in yourself.

Absolutely believe in yourself. People will say your idea is rubbish and that you are living in a dream world. It is only dreamers who change the world. Some journalists will say no they are not interested and yet others will. For example a National TV show in Australia said yes to the story and put my work right in the media spotlight,

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but a local newspaper in Australia refused to tell the story – crazy right? There is nologic to it but individual human choice of each journalist and that's okay.

But your choice should be to never give up. This concept that you have created is one that will totally transform your business, will position you as a coach and will empower you to build a high six figure business.

(18) Get on with it.

Quite simply that's it. I have run this strategy time and time again for myself and for my clients. As mentioned I am in the middle of PR storm now (during the time of writing this I have been contacted by 6 radio stations and have set up interviews next week).

My point? It works. And if you apply yourself to the steps above it will work for your business too.

So, what are you waiting for?

Biography: Mark BownessMark Bowness has committed himself to changing 10million lives by helpingcoaches to build business that transform lives. Find out how Mark can help you

build your media profile on [email protected] for your free media strategy call. Finally, it's well worth

joining Mark's Facebook group of over 7,000+ coaches worldwide: