Download - 18 . 'H 1. - fileahem 11 \\ h,.n lh1 lll,rnry 1111d how u t I ti u.,r~, 1n "xr1lnlnl11g tt, llYS• ... "ho .ar c- drfrnd l n c thr ~orlhl'rn lud lana Ill .ch


rAa.u . vu: n11: P..\STHERS

SATI .RDAI . 8 P ," · ttl 900ft a~ l.a&IH•e mea ICBOOL NEWUAPD



\"f"'II X I. II ~ l \OU 111 ncND INl)IJ-\ A \f P'J I f\.lHI R 18. I 'H 1. 4Jill , l II Ill ha I

Fans Await Saturday's Bruin - Panther Tussle M r • ....;;,;;;: ___________________________________________________ tl

HERE .\~I) THERE .\ROl 'T ( E~TR .\L

llEFE~DI~(; THE ~ - I. H. S. C. TE:\~ IS CH.\Ml'IO:\' SHIP FOR CE~TR .\L.

u, Your Rm·ing Reporter

Soph i,. See Lihra ry

)'o 1 .,! ~- mo, n1ri1, ~· ~1111 1h1 in­trc dul'llon of th1 ,houJ lillrnr.)· to

oplwmor1c nnrl nh.o during hut1tl room perl•.xl , the BU' ,,nd !Ill's tm ahem 11 \\ h,.n lh1 lll,rnry 11 1111d how

to u t I ti u.,r~, 1n "xr1lnlnl11g tt, llYS•

tour or thl room c:ir -

w , \\ l&nl t1m1~

ot :11 !by llus mn., u I lh~ Uhrnr, .

Horne ltoorn Ofliccri. ... , t1 I I t 1.un 1 , 011an lo fl JK!f\ 1ht

•·h.:C1to11 ,,r 1111kt, "" 11,c.,m I oo l' r,. Ill • 111, Shu lq Younl( : Vi( -Pn~,­tlc-nt, l .01cllfl Zdu\\o k1: S c1Nnry­

T r1 n un :r, D ,, iii Zur -:i, l'I; Student

Coundl He1, rc e 11t.1llH', Jo,,n Z1·11ler

C l'n tr .11'<1 raH1ul'trrr .. "ho .ar c- drfrnd ln c thr ~orlhl'rn lud lana Ill .ch St"hou l Co nftrf' nf r rha mp loll'•hlp arl',

rrom ld t to r l,eht : S l4"H ( rl 1bt -h 1rndrd ) Kud a'ilr, . J im C'olr , Ulrk D,nlr, . D,n ld Gorrrll , Jim (ld l - hand td ) Ku ­

dul<' • and John Cot 1ulll a r(I .

Orama Cluh To Sta,cc ~E\\ COMF.Rs \\EU 'OM•:n ATl('o nslilut ion Oa,· Skit --·'Pride .\nd Prejudice" 'fl ' E~l>A \ run PROGR.\M Presentel \\ 'ednesday

Tn The Cnf cleria •:\' in though th«• Or~l dub OH. l•

Tt.1 frr':l ~rrk a! x·hcol wns ., in& will not be• lll'ld unul Sept 23

11:cMd•brt.":tlcln1 \\'t t•k Cor our rhool .'\!11 F'r1C'k nntl l!'.i<'ral mrmbcrs or

rnh·h~ ,1.'' \tr SUIJ)IC , m,in,,rcr, th1• Dr:unn Club hn\l h<'rn buiy

;,nnnulll'C-d F.,, ry noon n ru rn 1>let mnpp1111 out lht.• <'h1h'11 pro gram fot•

lund1t:on 11 •r n t.'d tor I~· 111 other llw ) c:u ,,n<I m11k1ng pl,ms !or· lJ\e

r« nturtid ut:h .a1 :roup· llill product,on, •·rddl! 011d

tn! mal • P, ~lldk " T l ..:h..un .. na p l >• chttJ e·n by th e 1>l,1y-rr,11t111a n1 mm1 t ­

ll 1• l.i~l 11111 illl, will be• p rt.·, t·n ll:d

~·ou1 tw ,hh" J u111 your fru·ntls antt No, . 17 and IH Th, • dub \lo ill u• t•

l~l 8\ thr. t,1 ft k 11it!

( ·ouncil Organizes Tht ,,rt nm llun inu nr the

Cc ntrlll Studrnl Council !nr th is < rn-

t.~WJ w1111 ha Id M onday ,,l 8::?5 m

toum 31 ~. P D. romtcr,

:\I r Kuhny, !uc-uhy 11d\1·01 ro, Ow

roun111 .. nd Mr Rlnnch.11d. pok1 .

Rotar y Repre entathe

I h:11•11 Jr.rom, nd:1»U1llo11 of llic no•

\( I h:v J .. ne Au~t,11. Ofllce·r,,. of lltt dulJ \hi·r

will be• B<:llY f<.l enhour , pn rdtrll,

arad llcuyk Moo1e·n, , 1·t, 1·~1r} CIIC­

fotd Parke ",1111 to hll\l' bt t:n , ic • l•tt: .f1cn1 but amt• ht.' h... le Ct to 11t­

tencl ll owt• \ lilt t,u} J\1.:.adC'm .)' i:om, •­

on, l be ,, 111 hu, L' to b,: elr< l l'l't to llw

po· lion Tta• dub intc·nrl u· Ill)( U1 ,m e pl,,H thll ye.1r thnl 1l did l,1· l

t awn. lhal ol hnv1n.ic lhrt t d1re-<:Wl

who will u, h bt• n 1>011MIJk for n

Clydt Hu,k, c,r huml.' roc.-'m 22:i, wrist r,r oernm d11r1nit Uw +.:Jlll'lt U:1

u,tnlly \Olrd by Utt• n c,r A's to On Tut-,d,,y, S<:pl , 23, t he Jr . R t·d

1t pr r.nt them rnd1 Wt:dn1 · da.)' du1 - C'ro· will (>oil u• J rnrl10 b10,1drnst

ing th • <·mt ll'r :it the Rot,1ry Club r,om t.1uon W~AT, ,\11 F nt:k will

Clyde i .ilw muldcn l of th, uuor bt • hl cho11w nnd J1um·a 1"'1111kow wall

dn ond 1,, 111.J1t1 or th<' rootll.111 t+.: m 1K the "P 11k1 r Tht'tl ' 1 ,1 chonc:

Th i ,,pl,)()lll\ml'Ol ithl!I him lhc lli,l\ a Sl't-Ontl<:,• l wtll he prc-

o ppc,rturuly 10 nssoc1alc: \I. Ith lh t• l nlt'd th e !ollow1ng F'ndJY, Slpt . :!6. bu,im • • men or South U nd nnd

m;1kc- rn,mY new ront,1<'l A l tht• <:nd

or llw tum ht' will bt> a~k<'d ta J!I\ c

a It•·• t t.ilk on llw 11np1 inn ht• , -n 1\ ("(J (rnm Ult' club. The olhtr Ch c !:>ulllh H<'nd ha,ih 11thool1 nn d ~J111ha-

,, 111<.1 nho ' t-lld 11,c: tu Rot.11) ,

t ' p~rcla ss Assembly C:ull1,1l '• uppt·rrl.& •men m:iy

PUI 10 the slr1dJy tortun,1tc d, W~n<~• y, '-lilt 2·~ tn be 11\ll

to h1•11r h lt-ctu, on W1n~lu11 Chuah-111 by Lou11 A lli<'r o f Chll·,1110 Mr . Albe•r I, :i h:c.:turrr nolt·d Uuouahout

the• c,1u11try for his U1lk1 011 1h11 pnr­

l lulo1 1uhJ('cl. th • htui m •1 ~Ir

Chun·hlll pc·r 011:illy rnuny t1m1:l' on I hla •\rml ll ips ,1b1 oac'I.

HI" hns kindly l'C'Hl!<'nll-<l lo nllf e I tri Ct ntnl thnl mornma be for• hi

<'hc~ulr d l~l·tu,c• 10 thC' nou uy Club

nl 110011

Collection ln crea !>ied .\Ir A l ::.mllh h., ..idtlul a bat to

ht c "'' 111u l.'fl 1ng hiuluio· rolltct on . Th, 111111n • .t \\ n 11\1·11 111 him by Isa­

bell H,mk C,...'lC"~ on ll1~ hl"'ll dlly of ! ool.

111- 1' ELI. ~ BOO ST ER PINS tloo~\CI Pm• \\l·rt• 11t1ld by lhl

C,-ntr,I f-11-Y dlilt.>lCr an the' m,1111

hall lo boo t chnol spml li<'1 n., r d

Vo,: I Iii gt nr t'l111hman T he mm­mlllt'C w1111 com1x,•c(l or f n-d 01-ch<:1,

F'rt·d Btclun 1, 1111'1 Cnrl Lt.11lll. trc,11-uru ol tht 1r H 1,u:u,·~ rh:1pt •, •

Th, m<1r1cy !com the• s:alt! or th1 (' 1,111s \\lll lw 11 ,·d to mnkr. roo1bull

pros.irnm,., 'f he. (' salt,, 111 I! tor lh<'

be rwnt of atuc1rnt.s :1nd ac-hool :ind :>Ii

an yrnrs p1t•\1ou, mone•y Crom 1h t'S

nlt'J will t, • u. rd for Wll()\JClS nnd

C'E:O.TR \ L f.lF.SIOR DIF.S Stt>, t' Mohu c.-4"k. 17, t10n or

\lr , and "" · Frank Moh llM'rk . 2 1 !? I \\' . \\a,hlnc ton strl'rt . dl t d

.at 3 P . \I . Tu u day . S lrvl' "a,. nf homf' room 225. a mt!m~r of thf Or a m:1 C'lub . "'4'ni or rl' ­

' If\\ , .. ,,1 . a nd "ou ld h11n •

H.adu.atC'cl In lh e J anu an °42

t l a<,S. ll r ".a 'I a n ~ ,tudl'nl

i1nd al". ,, lntuNtrd In a ll

"'4'hool ac:lh IU.-s. ll r "h In

, r hoo l t ·rtdo ,and " u lakrn to U,r S t . Jo, r ph hu,plt..&I Mon ­

d a1, "llh • <,lnpl otO<'Clb thro a t

1nfN'tlo n . "hrr 4" hr dlt d

lltpr e""ntath ·e~ Prom VariouK School s Rt1>1Po11d

T he nc" ophorno, e and 88 '" w1 II

100n undn':!land cnw more n•,11011

\\hy C'c nllnl i! U1 bclovc•d thQt.11.

ll 1• lhr ounh th n w C'lub:; llwy ,, 111

join. Tu r.-;s.dny mom 1.11,: nl 8 25 nn 11s14•m ­

b ly wni, II" t·n III tho nu d1to r111111 fur

th <• pn· c•11l.tlH.1n of rl ub~ to Uw 100 ·, nnd 8 13' •o th:1\ the·:. c-uuld lllJkt: n

d101ee c,f wh1< h dub U1l.'y " 1 <' mo t UHC'I t(f1 111,

Jn cph r, ,1. :.11 1h~ pr t' 1drn1 of

S t udrn l Coundl, g.H , a ,,c•lt-01tlllli

J P\'t'<:h (; !011.1 St<-11111 r !to rn M U<'i-

11el school. J o.,n ll ud"ull, U1c M ,,d1 -

!,()0 repr(' !W·OLltl\ l ', l' IC'l l C IA\ r(' (rum

C<" 11nd Mnr ) fll L'lb<>t h Wc·'-1, r r pn·, 111t;1tl\t:, 1,1,·c.> hor t li1lkll.

111 l'0 1n1ocmor11uon nf tlit • um• huu­

dH'tJ ,,nd llfty-th1rt1 .anni,·l't"&:10 ot

th u -1imn1 of th e• ConslllUlloo of th,

Um t~ I Su ,t, · • ;, .iw up oC pl.1ytnr.,

undt'r thl' d1rl-cllo11 of M1 C, ~.,cl,1)·,

pre 1·nl 1·d .m • 1>1>iu1111,11( plnylc 1 ,ll

nn UJ>I'· d. .i mhh· \\'L-dnetd.:ty ,

,I "''" f"-."l l~-d J!l

" ' '""' a l 11l.1ce-s throu1 h tht' tchool c1ly In the -~·mr l-••t ll ,1ppt•:1rcd

a l Nu11t•1, Mm·• ,f'I, und M11d11,on

chw la. T he "kll w as u u 1h a 1ou11tJ thl 1d<',1

l' f •• ~C'UI J) lUI t'l>IIUJll,~lo nc<I to de, a

1trou11 11 111 e , •ntmti the n &hb or tht•

J)luplt. of the Untl('(! St,,k'I ,all ,ct fo, U, by th~ CnniLlullon TIi t. 11Jht.a '"·mpllrlrrl .. rt 1'1 ,,n. t 'a.,U1, Knowl­l'dgt', .ru lit t . 1-·ru·duin, Slr<'n11h,

Equ,,h ly, ,md Uml,y,

l\11 Adda1de S toll, ('OUntWIO r , :0.11 J ohn Z11.'J?l(!1 \\.U lh M'U)plor,

Arthu, Smith, 11 d.1• .1,pon ao 1, and \\hill' t',uul Hld111rd,on cnrn1'fl lhl.'

Mr J ame Colt·, '<C)(t,111.:ha11rn .in , nl~ rolt- of hl t:rl'tary, T h,··.e· lwo t".a1-

:id<:1C'd thr11 we•lroint• lo new sludl' n ~. 1 l<'d UH' hnca 111 th ,· pn ".c ntullon .

C'E~TRAI ~ GLEt; <'1, l !ft PLAN ' FUl ,I. VF.AR

Tlw lov e ly hnr m unu· you·, e he, id th e pa,t lwu w t'('k.J f• om I 08 nr!'

u,c nrw MlOJ;S ll1c &IC club I work­

ing on so f'nllius1a.11u c11II.)' They :ire

,dr cady 11mt,1uo1..uly plnnn.ri.i a h :l\")'

srh t·tlul t• und Ju dg tng by lh ho l)p)' fn tl'S J t c;-irh m<·<·t1111,!, the club " \ e·1) gl,,d to ~ b, t·k :t l{ llln ond nu

lhl! JOb T h e Cll..- dub I now workrng on

.1 tonrcrl will\ lhe Nor thnn C.:t•ntrnl l ndmn Jll ~h School thu1 u.s 11,r.

vo1rt·s heard 111 th11 wall 1\3\C b<:c•n

lhrouaih C'oml)t'tl\1011 Thia program I und<:1 the rlrrt·<'lwn oC

01,,t Chri'l111 11 .. t•11, ,met will Ix Pl<;­

ntc<I on <kt ~" unrl1·r lht• du 110n

oC Mr C 1-t1rr. 0 h oC Ull' Chll't1iO Lilli e• S) mphony . Th,, l 1H1r ,horu,

Thr nah lll Wl'r· n 1n e · l ·n l<'d by Jone Po:-1 Oc·Uy E1,1.:11huu1, J ean McCrc­,i:or \t ,1ry M 11H!t:11. l3cll yk l\1oon:n,

C\:1>1 l(c D,,, tdtcn, l)<"lbc'rt Garr l'll ,

C:hJrlc H.ho:i de~. J nck S ll'ph e·n .1111,

.ind John PNhr M l~~ ll t·l t•n Wcl>...-1

and thl' Gke C lub fur 111!'ht d b, 1.:k-

around mU!uc.


In ., tnce\1111 or alJ p1111c1p.,1~

whOllc t:lloola ,11 10 lhc No, lht:rn

l ndJ..ina Jl lih School Confcr<:nr 1t

wa11 vot d lo t:ikl' up bawllra.i .J~ .,

,chool ,port D1•t,1il, haH11'1 bt+.:n

wo1kc<i ou t , ,i, y 1 l but wlll be an­

nnunrt.'<I som~umt •oon Al!IO tn th, ..

mt· <'lll\lt Cenlral wu ownrd«·rl the ConJ I en,e Sw 1mm1na men this y ,•.ir

:111d the l'onkr ncr Wn· ll111.c mu• l nc,l

When In~, )t.,ir'1 contt•n:nt·l· (h, m-t mad t• u1> c,t ,., t1111 hu1 ,d 1 t<I alu- Pl hi d d 1 dent \'Ok , ,om towo all u1.1·1 on ps were m:uial· t w cu1 te-

w·:il, d thnl Ct·ntral won murt' thrm N01U11.:i n lnd1nna , T he, c will be• t·,·- 1111 , tl ll 1 1 1 - .a

0 H O ll I IC 100 B t.·CJO) >llln•

t.•ral nundn~ \OICC J'8rl kl plllllll 10 -. D II , . h d R • nC' t• r u lUnlJ) e \(' llm1".J oul

thJ I of a pu '\Ible c1ghl , 'rhC', 1 lnumph ll The C.h t • dub ts nl o wurk111,i fo I I 1. I C It F lb II O

wc1 c n ton 5, o , oo " • ns-11nd furwu Iv on 10\1•1 ,11 other pro- kctl 11 d s 1 • >a , on • w mmm, arams a.clll'dUloo . The l :uc plnnmd I

for No, 1 mhc. r ~lh ,111d hlh nnd r1·-

f>l":Jl<!d Pl ,.n fo1 No\ 'tm l){'r I llh, al ~oo, • \10\ ' IE S HEG I.S \10"> \ \ '

whtth lmll Opell llou c• t;,kl'S r>l,&ll.' 'l'h,• n(l(,n mov11• •,d1t'tlult. to1 lht

On Dtc, n.1 u 3 e proarnm \\Ill bcl curre nt school Yl'lll' ,·:ill tor 1ho n,11 givc-n Cor the I' , T . A . Thc C:111111- p1c-h1rl' to bt• t.huwn nc)f\ Mc.ncln ~ 111

mn11 lloliduy ,ull be cdl'brall'J \\Ith U,1• :1ud1wnwn . 1'h I' hows \\Ill l>c

an llsHmbl.)' on D, c 1•1nbl11 171h , nd »n craH d on \lond,ty , Tut •sd 1), and

18th . WC'dn~ dny , from 12 ao w I oo 1,. m.

All 111 nil ll look& like ., busy IJul c.ach \\.~·k until , 1 ,t ~I. y "'1th 1hc

wurthwhil,• ~l~r tor thr Gitt dub I C:\l •pit on of 1 ,nrn11111t1011 \\. ·k ,

VICTOR IOl ,S ll E .\US ·ro R.\TTLE \\ ',\ , 'Hl~ G1'0 ~

0 ~ SCHOOL Fl l~LJ)

T • \" EAG ... R TO \ n :,G• . •'OR l \ '-T l ' t \R 'l'I 111-G mt •.A T

A ul11lll" a t th, d11 ,lute• 1 how&

th.II f,11(• tlelll\ lh \"lflllrlllUI Jlru111

,, m11hty p;,rk of P.111lht 1 · for oµpu­

nr nt an lha :,.;, I. 11. S . C. hatth• th

s.,1urd.:, 111,Kta, St•1,1t. 20, 011 Sc:hool f'wld nl 8 o't'llle.'k,

noth l,·am ,ul' u11ddl•fltrcl lo cf.111•,

Wn luugtem lu rni.-d ;away H1•11z o!

t::v1111s\ Ille 111·0 In thc•1r nnly h~l

Joie lhc 1:kt,rw hn, t' \\ •, lheu.'<I two

lu1 ms in rkfr:illn,: W;i h1111,1ton of ~ , t I 3•0 111 lltt ll' tl111l I~ I

lhc n fllllow111g 1111 w1lh \ 'le l(ll')" OH".1

Jo~ 11 Adium 11! South f-i1•nrl 11.,y th1•

s:un t• 111 u l'lll.

Sed,l nr Kr, ,

With 1t..\Ulf!• In thcr hP nr t.s the

Bt•:i,ri o1rc o\ l l to mak e• u11 fur ll11

ouud uouncmr lh(·.)' look from lh, W+.:•,\ 81drrs on Th,mksgl\ 11111 O.iy

lu• l V('.1 r. St11n D11bi,·kl l\,,, luktn

O\ er h· t )'rllr's al.'lr l::ddll' T 111 oom'

pos11h111 '1l le fl h111l 1111d tm to bt

h,,ndhnf,! 1l llUltc l,cp.ibly . Dub1rk1's

p:iuin,c 1111d runn1na w1111 ttw viu 11

C'O)/ Ill UH• p,,nthn 11' Vlt'lOI )' O\'l'r

l::,'alunll ln, t 1-'nd,,y. TJ;,, llaahy

hllll• hock rnn 11xl) • thr N.• yurd! tor

th nrst lourhdown 1111d hurled o 11;i~• to lt'f l , nd Pn k1ct tm th1• IJ(l< ....

nnrl A,<111111 hun II llle tmc·kl'lcld ~ 111

~ O\•rt11\ nt q11,1rl1.r u. ,ck. k.r~ma .. ,,.

sk i 11t r11eht half und K c l)('1• t\l hni,:

in nt fu llback Wllh II hNI\\ . ,111tl

c11p:1hh• lm t! 10 k ,,(1 1h1• \\:t,V U11

bn,·k11 ,~111 Cully l~ rlt'pc·ndcd upon to

,:1\ l' Uw B nrs II lol o f trouble , On

lll othrr sid~ ot tht• lull' C:afll , Rusk

,It fullb.wk will haH' ll\C \I uni h ••lp ;

Ro lhb,rll e·r 11l tiUIU ll.:rhl,l"k nnrl Bu1-

ni ll ,m d t'lt>\\CJ& ,lt the• h11l!b,1c:k


E,rpttl l .a Cro" d

W1U, both tc•,1m, full ur d t·l•·1 mm,1-

ll{)n lht• m(·c l rn,i prorn1 t thr.11

I.'\' 1y m1n111~ 1111d w1U\ tht• \\f,1lh 1 r Jl('nTIIU1ng al louk lil hkl! an S R . 0 .

~rowt l by kit k-o ll tame Pro babl 4' l.lnrul)'\ :

WaAhlncton { 't'n1ral

Pat.llltl LE Grabarrk Emnf('k LT Jordan ..... LG Swlnllf'

Blf'Uf'r C S., uth" orth

Carbon aG ( 'OPf'l&nd

\\ 'nn14'n RT HIJlt11

Golif hO"&kl RE llarvr y

Duda QB Rothb allrr

Dub ie-kl LJI Flo• ·f'n

llt4'ffl('tn u1II I RH Bf'nnlt&

Krbff FB Kaak


l h l lu I xpo,e·d ,111d ll\f' dlct11-

lo1 ·a mNhorli. an found to I

lo thn~c whith Nopolcon lt•arn ••tl fr C1m H1ch~htu S\J<'h 1, th,• subJtt·l

or n book rntltlt.-d .:\1<'1l at Pow(•1,

which u. ont oC the mnny ,ww booka

,dct, d lo Ctnlrtil'a hbrar y du, 1111 th

auminu month, tll(·1y month tht • Jumo, Llbrnry

Cu1ltJ l!l\'C' lhc hl>r, ry I\\O new

books, One !or llw ooy 1md lhl' olht r

lo tnll•rt l lht• 111 h, ' I h1 1• bo<lk 11Hn to thl.' lt\,i ury :in· hir1t1·ly nl·­Uon.

Ot:11ltn1t wllh nri htr 1•, lhl'll 1 1111

lxic,k N,uun I Slr,,ni.:t•r Than f'tt'•

Uon hy Juhn \' ll~H)' , This l>tlOk Is ('(lmJJC>• t'Ci o! 111 lll.)i t.,&c;·tnntlng 11r11-cl1 tl'lhn& 11f tile 11lrAn1•1· fo<'ts ot 11:1lu1t • hCt.. J\mong mn11y ulht!1 odd

lh1111i tl .. ,ya th,1t lh, lt11111 l ti, lnp

lllin,r onr \\l·h:hut only .000010~ pounds . Th1•r1• tu t• numt·tou ,llu lr n 1lnns thruuxhou1 the t.ook,


The Interlude I 1-·oundcd 111 1 :JOI

.t UY T m ; s·,·um.t-T'5 01-· Tilt <;OUTII 81':..'IJD lllCH SCHOOL

Published weekly h) the i;tu<lenl'c u C Ut1 C1 nll,11 Juntor •Sl 111ur I liJ:h Sd1ool. South H<'nd, lnrl1nn,1, dunna the c:hool-Yl!,11. Olllt:l'-1'hc I111i:llutll' Hoom, C:tmlral Junmr-S1•nior llti:h S1·ho<1I Yc.'tldv s uh &cr1pl10n prkr, l ~O; rwr copy, 10~·. CXl.:f.:l,)l C:Ulflllll'nt'l'ln(:111 IUU(''I, 7~t·: •

Entc1 l'tl :11 lh l' Po·1t OOII',' 111 South lknrl, lnrlmnn , m: s.:-oond cl 1 uudl!'1' .\d or Mnnh :I, 1879,

1 Il l; INTl-:R l. UDE

Tl'l'l~G Tt :A<:Hf.KS WINS FIGHT ,\G ,\1'1ST Si\ lLS

ll .i\ Le you 1:1.'atd the faun 1mlpl)u1g uC a sc1sso1 ac:compao1rd by several mo 111ful groan nnd wondtrf'd wh,ll w, S J;Otnll on? Thi· trlN 1' Lht . Wh1·11

11 girl t.1kcs typmv loni; flnu1•rnail . p n• Wlx><>--so olT till'.> have lo t·ornc

\\'ht't l' i,ll'ad1n11. C:UJXlll):I. Ul l~l y. 111d t•\ cu tl11 l'alS f1um i,a,cnt.s ha\ tt

Calll'\.I tu 1h01 11.!11 the lcnau, ot th, c:luws of the fa irer ex, Jwt one hra· f rn1cncc from th e l.,)'p1na tc., chr. r hn

brough t , hout rcsult21. T hr. ~<·ntc-nc-c. " F:1thei· c ut on thu.

r.========::::;i \TR.\ITORS to the TRl TH \'ERIE SAllE lt S.\ YH

F.,d1l01-an-<.:h1d Hu &1nr·. \ 1,1nn i<'r

l<,1tlwrlne H trd, ' I!! n11ib or no t\ ..

Tak111ic a l(andt-r Ill our n1•w inno­ectll ·.ul)h. U1C1 l' is lhat $Wbh}" W ,11-

11 raw ,\ndcrwn, ond also 8Mu,11,l Nc},on, IJ\e a1rl \\ho knuwa hc1· wu, ;irounrl. Vt1j'tn1:1 '\'01 lhcull JU•l ri••

tunwd from thr ':it.'lt1• ur \"11(1m,1 ":th ,1 10ulh1•m .,c-rent L11h:n to h ••t cxcrc1&1' 1l n~xl ttmr you SCf' her . Jl's ~11d lh:il <l!ll)(UII!~ ntt.rr.~• • , ny sud, iuh h,11 b1•1•n clC'nccl l.>y"....11-.. .....-1 d-hcudl!'d 1,11t~~· of d> 11:11ni Ii- f>C'i.iY

John C'oqu1ll.ard, 4:!

Advnrthtn!l M.1na1u ----·---- llf'nlon ll 1rvcy C1rt•ul•U•m Mt1n 1i1·r • M,1111011 HN •k Nl'\\ W EdllO B----- k\ , N•·lllll 1'11.lchvllr .s l->i,or1• 1.;,lllnr • f:rn ,ei.t J'<·n,·c'I J•e11l11n• editor .___ Man · Sma111r1t'<I t~tlll.-rhtl ----- J\1111 .. 1 '\1.utn T'1'11·t11 E,cehanr, P.dllur Car<>~n Punn1111 H.<"l)OrlN • And t ot11rf Wrhf' U \ \ 'llllatll Hll/>P, J.irqu<:lh11, ><•ulu", T'll11rt., '1110,ur,,.,,11 Shctlll Cohu, Ch.ulutl! Rut1tt C11rul)-n (;ur I ,,. Ul.'ll> Uore!en , Jim Cole, O,,n ruttlr , tt1th.1rd ll•m•'.l,1 • and \ tadclon Marcu na ,1nh • i. utr . Nr .. 1 Wl'IC'l1 (',imhn 1•0 n,1c:h1, Cordon Cr.1h111n, Cu110:), J ull111111,• \\·und1·rllth, Oorlne Kc1eh.l111, R1•tt , Ku11kl11, ',l•r y '.lu1d"<'k T ) pbU : Uctnl..-ci KAIi JAr11u1•lln1' Co ll('. Shhlcc 6hlck. I Jbf'lll· Rcnltll'\\I"' \rt " l" · John Vo11e1 and Oon C,u;>f'ntl!r . l'h oto 1r ; 1· 81'1.lcc :.1, cOnn11ld and l'r«lcrkk l\fe F'aul . \ ihl ,o r . \' C Cllpe

ltHf t lud ~ t10 111r n oo m. A st' n• r Mlrt..111 D1111kl11, lll11rl'!,1r,,1 llorn.i, Jo:in Turnt·t . Aile" I'.>, 1·p,. , Llltn Kine J•1111 R1m,11 , flrlh v, Ulurn. Shlrir')' Kuh1p.1 J,ack Col,•, l:lc:armr Blt-1.,.i.1 I\l'lly Mtlllon Mar) Junto Bru k , Ju.rn 11um ... e11. Farko . IA: u•r Myn 11, J t'anne SpltlN Alk , · f'ank . Ooh l:ill-\\U .. t. V4'h11a C<•lvdl . t.c,rr,llno: C.ondt·ck , C:l,trlet.' 111,:n,ly, K,1lhn-n Gt'ycr . Anna Ou, , .. rlhll SnHlt'r , KAUI" Knoot' '"'" 11.11hn, l)()r<>th)' Cr1< ulJII. Vit!jlntu C'rl~. lll'l<'n Snyd<'r . Bt·II)' If""" • S•II) Ll\o:n11ood. rr«s n. h·1 ht,t('l'lt J;ic:k!hll , C:<'tll u(h• Moronn . Jim ~tc( :a nnt'y , Jltdht· l\(.1<·hut11 t)o,. Olhy O.a\\ ufl, ()(•11 l", ... ,., r . 1-'al Jl'lh •JI\, F,11,,1. 1., .. ,~ n,111 .. :.111>, r l.lJC:1111.' 'tOdLt' "'" kl J11n1 ~><lcrb<'1ff, Rell) 1..,11 f'lrrnlnl! , Luclllc Rot', Ju <'t1U<'11111' Mo 1 . ..-,1 llubylc F'r•ok . F:11,, 1'1 111, 1•,11r1ct.1 w,'ll , Jo,111 :/'.c•1tl1·r. I ';ot v Hudman, l'oullnt' l'lnok , Jrn,n lfod,on, Joan M.111l1'1 t·.t1 ;11u'>r Ttt•onur , n o"t'11.1 ~holl.1 . A111w c:r,, ,11 ~l .ldt'lon l'll•11.·ua, lit lh l lollb. Dclphllu· Wrnhlc·"•kt, l,1111 6,1rnt'lt , 1-·nn~ Vt1111111, '"'•> srnallrnt'<l . John'l(l..r, I' , (11v Cook, Uc\'C'rlcy r ,,·>, r11,·m l:>uho

:--Tl1UENT ('O t ~('II.

IL lak e~ all pu t l.s of u 11mc h11w to m nkc iL " 01-k. th at is a lso tru<' of t hC' st uclcnL council.

T hC' olliccr ~ c,p cc l lhP coope rati on of th e rcp rcscnlali\' t>H, in tu rn t ht>y rel ., on the s ug-~l·~tion. of the :,;ltH.knl body.

It i-P,·m~ the s tudent 1:-1 ui.uull y hr .. il nnl in 1'llJrncsl 111)C im1,ron . nw nt,,. or new idea s. You will nevc t' >:ll<'"H how pnthu ~ia~lica lly \.'our int 1•1·cst is ,~ct•I\ ed hr th e council

T he t'Ollneil pr c:-1dt•nl and h, .. oflicen , hope lo muke lhi-. an A- 1 ,·cnr. 1:rmc 111ht•r tw o hcncfs nr c bette r· than 01w.

JOI~ A ('Ll ' H

ll .~t•,•1111- that C\l' l'.\ ) car ,q , s lud cnh ahH 1y ~ ha\'C the ~;amc Lrnuhlt• dccid i111 \\ hich cluh ' ' " i-houlcl ;nm Bl•f"iw1• \\t' dt•t·i1h• tu J0111 n club or a ,t ut!) hull. \\ c should th ink ahoul lhtH prohl t>m.

T ht> tro ubl \\ ith mos t uf us i-. th a t we fo rgt •t ahout tlw ad· \ltn l ag,·- 11 rl uh utl,•r, , ul,;o t lw t un \\ t> mivht ha\' c in l>f'lonp-inv. F or llhLtnc <•, if \\C urc inl crcs tt•d III d r :1111itll('" \\P would nnl11rnlly th mk twir t• alm ul t he Thl ·.;paan (' luh. If il 's n11, ,, ,• !.hould jo in lh r A1 t C'luh: we mi).!ht he co1L 1dt•rinv .tl't th .1 c:n·<•c1·. T hi11k w hat (hill cluh llliJ.Chl do lo furllw r t lrnL C:t l'(•<>r .

T hin I- il m ct· and ~ivn up no,\ . \ ou won't IX! ~orr y.

A l'l'U ECI.\ TIO~ l<'OH 11.\ LL CLO( I\

C'l, URSC'OrE Cook, who \\ enl tu tlw O,· \ fol.1y \\' t•korrw m wc\Jm1 r ~· Wh.i t clulJ ~ <-~ ~\\(· 1l<•1 With a I l'tl- lw,1d ll ,1vc

un• you 1(0111.c lo Jo111? I -=---~ you riuttct•d ttw pretty lYl~ uf Glonl.l For you t(1tci who h,1\ I.' t 1m to Slclhwr ~

11i,cud tn en 1cc wo, k, :'111, C<'e jn CLASSlf' I 1-:0 - I 111 lht rntah• onkr or up ,ml'I ('Om-11;-, pon~or, :i Junior RNi C-ro Founrl ., c:lt.,n 11· for th1• bc~tt 1 111 mg c:u,1110, .i- then• 15 <'lll<· Otck Cha pt rr ll crr'i n rh.,no• it> 1c-.ir11 BrllC'«' l\tC'Oon,1ld. ~1.iylw 11·, u new l\1 uc el ll mrn. wonder "hn h11 nnd h,• o f gn.1t h r.l(l, n u,h do,\n lov~ liCc!!!! li1rky alrl 1 ' Uut, Now1ck1 t get-' no i.111n up qu1!'k! x :x x 11111 ,,round, lu0 li e c:im,• lo C1•n•

ll o\\ 11uoul :u t'! 00 1•:. U\at stnkc Wan lc'Cl: T\\O ctlkiclll 1K'()plc to lf·i.ll front Mui', ,cl . ~rn 1• o f >·ou'! l\Ii , M at~hal lu 105 t11k1• t111• 1,tacc or Oon 'l'ultll' on<l !:-'or lh,. iiophi; th 1t look Ukt' lht 1


h:iu a rno:.l 111tl're11trn1! duu . 'flw M1t.t1 K uhn. Set' i\h . K1rh.11c1B :itons ,m.' l100 to moth1•r', apron oh111i.:, (us rnclllbl.'1 · dl·c1tle , ha t thi-y \lo.,tnt to .il>0ut 5th hour . tlwy du> , I II r.1\.·r ,rn JY ''ftl'C do--6kelt:h. {'l"(l (l or (ll)y thmg ti's UJll X X X to, 00U1U11f' that d()JW. to them. Thr dub 111· o 11llf'nd :ill Post lions 0<• trrd: Tn bt· omr.onc', The l 1l('Sl 111 h,111· 111 111J.:tml, You'\ ·c th<.' ur l 1•xh1b11.~ m th1· ,·ity M r br. l bt·:iu. Ciin woo Do~p.itrh style no rlouht IIOllltd! Thl ,>· can bf" -w, T,otlnow ,:pc,n!l()r 11 duu \\ h kh ,,,c- ;md do f.lnc) t·uurtrn' will\ yullcr b1 ,11dro w11h ll()"., un lht Ind, or t·rnhLl'S 11urnc,~h.11 111 .. kNc:h t:s. J211 ·,hoc~. Pei•\H't' Oec:itfll'ChC'l ', with nblxm nrn un(I lh crn Uan.:1 lhi•. youi pl J ce" x " ,.. l'&lh 1•1 st rni,tht or curly .llso 11,1 •

You \.O<..tlf,t :o will ~ ln tcn .. ,io'd m r ound 8Jc:inor \\ olthcra \\ho t.,,mr S\\ca tc " ,ur. 1llll boxy 111d lnna••t, thC' ('hor. ,I ('! uh M1a;21 Wl' bt•r 111 I 08 hi·, t' lrorn '\\' nkuru 11 _ pl e nty C'Ul<'' Q u..-1•1 but d1ltcn•11l u, tlw wc11kH dirr~t th1,; aro u1l . Son~, unc :ire x x x '11 c , the tui, u! wh1d1 is D crol!ll bc-ll·o ,r whirh .i;u1l a J.11~1· 1trnui,. This Noti<'t',;.u i·t MaJtll lu, t 32 lu~. twt•cn ., Jumpe1 ,111d 1u:ip1•nrl1•r-a. ,,. 01x-n to .ill -bon, md t(rr ls. rlurini: llw , u mmi i llt •r ,ertll'dY j, lrC\'l'd hh ts \\Ith 1111t1;1ls on

A ny al.imp:. 01 co111 t:ollecto1· m JU l lo i,i,•l good Jll d il·k. Anywuy the culT 11r1• &oorl tor tdl•11t1lk,1t11m,

the cro\\d" J\l r. S101th an 104 '" ttw it \l'IY bl..'COllllltj,(, ~l..111( .

OUl' Cut vuu tu ,Cl' Th,, club dl·\OII x :,; x " We \\t•1c sur,oumfod by n.1ll\C.S,"

m~l ol t ttmr. It> tmp ·m &nl( th,. ct>I- Wnnt<'<l: t>n1t to .Smilrrs . s c. In- 11·lnt(?ti the exi,lon•, . Tlwy uu r , ..::d IN•t1on11 nt 1lG m1•1r1twu. Jiludylnsc irrlunr ofl1<'c·!!!! l\ ·11gc er 1c1, d,111u•tl ly . ,mo b1•,ll.

(Con t 'd on 1>a1w -1, tol . 1, x ·" x Lh1· f' ir th whh tl\e11 duh~ "Sounc1s hkc golf , " aattJ the lx,n-<l

Found : Dy Johnn)' Cof)dll11d-P11- hlklll'&. tddu Wulic .


Att rnt1on: f ;x<'rllcnt , ,lul' 111 room 108 \l1 'Cl1u m t.:,11, c1:irk hoar, won­

d1•rful · milr. . N111nr. - ::\f:ngnr~t R<ll-toms.


Old Gent - " \\'hut du,:, .) "u1 f • 1ti,, do fut n 11,·u1~. £01111) ?"

Tomnn - " li e dlOl)ll <lo.,., n lu.'d ." Olrl C:cnt-",\nd whol doe .s he 110

wlwn hl· c-hop:. uwrn do.,., n'

89 Jlnt C'ol• Pr1 !IOnnl1; To J~ l·k Hun ter \ Tommy -" lfo cho p• lh~m up ••

/\rr · - H lr.h ~hoo\ P :,nnr1m :r.

S, nop' /\rt11· ( tlu• 11,•,·i:,1· 11atisfkd) Sh:aw II lbl 1111g lhc fil>Ulll~ht lljCUlll,

JI ,, 111 p1 t•p;11 111~ tu Jun k the d,1 lc,11 ,\\1111( 01l'lw ar, 1<11, .md t& go111~

to fm m nncat ltr1 Jt\f' oulHl .\II or h1 nlcl 111rlcm1•n w1 llt tht• t''fft•i,110118

)'OU ,U ( YOU 1\' 1 fl'll \"OU r1

111.11,:ihtuwd out now? Wt• w,1nt you 111 l}I! h:i111,1~. (s11,!ued I The Ct'nltul tc ,rhcrs .

,c lC X

W rnt1•d : A nnt '• \"1l)" 11rkct t.o n,•n­t·r by .Shc1l 1 C'ohn .

of Tony l',1~tur . t1·11ur a:ix 111.w·, Whu " x x is fronling h111 11\\'11 ua11d, and Huddy Notkc \ddlllonJl t·ut<• nt.:\\ oph R1d1, d1 u1111m•1 with Tummy l>o,,cy. - P<'Rf..Y t:ook, Glull.i Stellnl't. o,ck wtll re)u111 Sh,,w Cur thn n-hc;1r11nl1 T), 11111, Jon• smith, and 13cH•tlt·Y o r th11s nrw n1mhm:i110n . Shnw June•!! , cl<.1ims \h~•l hl li nt'W b:111d WIii 11\llll X X X

_J_ --- :::::: ~



1'0 1 ' E

C:oo<lmnn, Millu ar rx,, cy. 1 h ill fur S,,ll• 01 lknl Orw hr.nrl on \hr. Fur )' l'll l' ~ \ H ' ~l 11ne,4 h1l\ c bee n \Ht1 1l 111g II hat I clock. ~ ow our prob.ably ni,iht, Lou, bt•t·r1u\~ lw u t-<I

l1X1sc, See Ur ll.Y Ila rrmi:ton.

• l<c·c1> (·ool 111d ,uu l'01tt1ttm1d 1•,.

('I'.) lwnciy," ,id JU5llllt31l , Po& l' I ll ' l

wnn through lcttinR yout -~U i;u ;\10ST of th1• lun~ nnd \ Ot(hl llll you1 c-lC SO;\H: nr the llmr. . II l'.t1n't. bt• tu, m-d olr und on likr n tow ct , Pol• l' 111\.1 ,t l,c ,ll'\IUtrt-d by K<·ttlng hold on yuut cl! .111d Lon t,nlltng rou, rlr as yuu1 ow11 111,1111t•1 uud~ r 11 II r1rcum~t.1n('CS

th·l'~tm ha ,4 IH'C'OlllC' 11 rt.•nlil) . Tlw 11c\\ limcpit>ce hus r l'C<'h e<I u h,1~" a !lh,111> o,c:ht~ua . He, ··a x x ,. 1rn111r comphnwnh un<l npprccialh l' COlllllll'll b hy the sl ucltn t hocly w,~lunw him cood lut:k . Unusuul bur : \ l1l·kl'l lo th e

'f'u1 nln~ lo (.'1.:ntr11I w~ Oncl II htlh • uml 1l can h • ~l'l'n alway:; ubm c Lhc llluin maclitodu m door . ~l·11wr .A H'\'tl'\\' ! So dt>n'l Corllet! b1l ol ,, show b4•ina prrniur l'<i hy th1·

Th l• prohl t•m o f a clock has a lway~ bee n l he> cnui.t> fo r innu- ~rnior a. Jt ,, r i11t-c1 ·T lw EvC1lutum X X X

lllc rnhlc ar i'l mwnts i n lhc, lud cnl C'ou11cil hut now l h<' S Pl ' H ('lu b or 1-:v.ilinc· 'Off", 1111d 111 11 wall bi.· can he l han ktc'cl for i..ul\ i11g t h ii. pr oblclll fo r the l ami' twin~. hc,1rd ~111e old mu-;1c: \\hid1 ur.,-<l lo

1,el 'i- .sho\, Olli' a ppn •ciat1011 fo1· lh iii nddt>d con\ r nience h, Sfl'l- t,c pupul<.11 around 11100 lnddcnt..11-1 in" to all our clu~scs on li me. I). thJ t old mu,k t n' I t:01ny Kay

\l 11!.x.•1 ty : H,11 M,111, Frnnk ·rui,­pn .Johnny Cui us .• 111d lot , m:>rc i.o don t 11,·c op f!tllJI.

"- ' X ,., K> c.rr fcn t urcd one ot tho r .ona W,ut ll -d A al.1mourous " ll ui1··do".


.. ecniing-1) t he foolhn ll !-iCl\!-IUll hus sl urt ed ofl " il h pl<>nl y of noise due lt, tlw gran d :,;upp orl I ro111 th e C~11l m l st udent body. Wel l. mnyhc l h<' hoys don't hea r th e clH?l'l'ing-out on lh c fi<>l<I but th ey kno,\ ~ m1'rc lh l'rc pulli11K l'or th em. So l<>l'i; !.{cl inl o t he pc r m:menL ha bit of filli rw up the Central si d • of th ose blc,1cher1-1 lik(' you',c bee n dvin1.:- il shows real spi ri L nnd 1."nlhu :swsn1.

ll urr :v ;rnd ,u lh t rllw , there's -.1111 l ime ! will be 111 lhr 11how on one of You,· A u nt Vrrit• h11 n .'<'c nt progrnrn ll w.i~ "T oo x x x Much M u,lmd '. \\'11tch for 1t, ut•· IM PU H'l'I\.NT NOTIC'F. To ALL l'a u'<c ll maGht turn uut lo t,~ .1 hit. C1•ntrul atudcuLi' Nothina 11 <'VC1

Ri' COmm r nd~d ror Thb Wt!ck i,ut into ihL, l'Olumn lo inrurc ony-om•, frdine. l'lc.i ~ l.1k1• thc, r

Jimmy Ooi !t!y'i. rctoid1&\I( of 'Jun·• qulp~ tn the plril In \\h1c:h they ,trl' C:l<mn :.111ter'a 1et:01d or ··T,1kc the

tntt:ndt-d. If you h,n c ony t·om-,, 'T'rMn ".

" f 'l,1min"o .. by Ouk,• F.ll1111iton . •·Su)(a1· Foot '-ill ut" by J:111 Sanll.


Whal rlo you l111nk or th1; llC'W

d otk III lht• mnm hnllZ Aunt Kt •lty: " l'm Kllld tl t\111111)

l·.1rne.· ,Jo,, llo11 11 tte, 11: " l IUI\ l'll't IH'\'11 ll


:'\11Q 1\-kR,•~nnln&: " I ho))< WI! t,111 1~1y fol' it."

Oi t·k \1a lont•! "I', I' n1•\ t 'l' ••t n il

1,ut l'lll 11cH·I' l.,tt.• tur clnss ,my­\\&~(?!:!)"

l\l:iry Muttlot k: " I'm ~ 1.1~ ,1bout ti. ,\t lr,1111 you C':tr1 ll' \\ ht·n ~·uu'll

~"'"' tn be lt•lc."

plnlnta or au(l(1• .. t 1on put them in Uw lntc1 lul'll' uox AlM> nny rnntcr11I to, tlw rohunn iioc, 111 th1•n•.


Nottt·t• C,1rolyn 1:-'a 1111d1l rem& lu lJt.• U\1• cnrntn,r "awc:itt•r 1<1rl ' ol C:t'nU.11 and lot o( lhtrn he kn11..11 hrrscl!.


W.,nti"d : ,\ }uu11,i l,1dy (Z J tx-t,•,l't•n lhL a~1·s of 15 &· Ill . l::x1wr1l'nrc p1c­le11ed. ho\\t'\ 'cr . not "'r:t.• .:;,tn tu t l;c lll'at, be:iul1fut, rind durnt, , Apply In 1X'1so11, Hoom 313 HJn• HuoH ·1.

Wontrd : Mou .• Jt wl'h~ tor Mut)

Jnm• ,\lhca ls nnd r1 11·w1•h-y oox fo1 Gu, S:,rns to ku!p il m .

l'L•111t111nl: Jr ,10 R)'kl •r: 11cm '1 •11l0ut

noltl'll&I! th:it Ric ,rn 111 my 1·ycs9 Sl1tn\.·d, Uill h 1:s.

Not,u-s : J u l 111 Knznmn tk nnti lfol11h 1-·r1 1z nH· v111i: roc>d for dr.-h 1111 - thr·;v're ll\ •11·~ on IO\ •

Dad you ~\11' 'lhlll to lhtnk U1al you don't h fl\ 1• lo net the wny yuu tee!" If you vt \IP on th<' wrong 1de of llll' lx·d in lhc• morning-IC

&0rncl>o<.ly pokes you m your on• rib wuh ,ul umbn •llu-i f your 1•01T<·1• 1·.

rolrl nn(i the ca,i, ruuHy, you don't have· lo )jive wr,y lo your fot•ltnu. lost rnntrol of you.I'$ It .

t\l•ryum• ,, dmirt :i; tho c who .11 e IMlif.:rH tu th1• pn ,•nrr. of 1r111~1uon ,1nd mcau,wxs • . ,l lC-1x,ss,·~"'NI 111 lhc mad I or c:onfus1u11 • . . rool in

llw C,rrc• of dnna ,, T hl·Y n1 t i tho 1c who IHI\'(' wo11 pol;:,c • U1os1• who l't.• LU It little thing don't WOIIY

Uiem .•. tho •· who enn lake tlw bu: UlinlJl - 1,lood 01' b;1(i.

c11na llood wlwn you CC't'I b,ld­hc1n,r 1>1 a\ e ,vlwn >·ou for.I l!Ctll ed. builds pot ,, nnd attwtt.a tnrnrl &. ,\fu st of the time au 1rnl11lmn would br. hk,• th<• i,nssini ol u hchl bn• ·1.0

tr \H' didn't gr b II, hani: 011 ll •• • and d,IIIJ:l'l'tlUft 1!iih1:itt11ns lOUltl t,(•

fh, t~ l'tlSII) ' I( Wl' 111~ulroo the huh•l

Clf rontrolltr1,r our sclH'!f. Th11t'i; pol ,• It iRl\t"!ll h:tl t,n,·c- .ind t•!Orl J1Hlgin,·11t thfll m 1kr.11 •u1 ut·c, :u "111• \\ ho 1vl&11tS \\lthin him plf 1111 rulcJ1 p.aJ• 1110n • dl..'llll l'.S and fco.:i1s la 11101t• lh n II klnR ," s:i,d ;\tilton


C<·ntr,,1'11 ron frrcn rt• lt'nm 1­p1on5 Eotmdc'<i ., w,1rnm~ to .tll !u­tur< opJJQnc·nl s ;i•. lhc:y lJ·ouncL'd lli C

M a:,h;w.:i.lw C~vc111l·11 4- 0 011 Lccpc1 '1 t 'OUl LS J;ut 'l'llu, l>C.lay. ..

,\t1i.h.1waka'11 nu111~1· one mnn, \I. ix P.-a," 111 w 11 c!lspo ~ o f nrnlly 111 IW•) , l· G- 1, 0-2 hy ''Ace-" C'o 1uil l.,rcl 'l'hl' \1 i•hnw,1kn boy po,:(· t-d fine• 11trok1~ but w111 no malth for Coqudl:ird. Art,·,· 11 h 1rd•foul(hl Jln,t :t,.t•t, Currell c111ne l111ouMh to tf,•rcJl l\tru k ti\\ m H'• y hc101call.v, 8-6 and

::. Jim Hutlasws ,:alncd hnnor11 h1 df'f(' tang H. Strome m the th ird rnnlrh, tl-3, ll-4 ,

In th1• doublr.s Coq111ll.1rd C"r01-r1•1l d c•!, 1tu l Thuma n• 8 1xll1• 6 0. 6-1. no kt"r·D nc . foli o\\ NI \\ all\ ;1 dt.'f al o\t, Jolanwn-C:olltu, 6-3. 6-i .

J ll "OKS PKt'!PARI! FOR l'ITV RI\ AI. S rs TA f' KU ! HALL

'l'hc JUlllOI IU&h rou lbJII t(' 3ffi ac 1•m1, 10 ha\'r. done 1wny ,qth tlw old "1ovl'h ' ' i;y Mm or pby1ng to Jom 1111' L1g boy~ 1n pl:iy1ng n•.w11li1lto11 ltwklt• IJ;ill , Thr. only diflc ,,•m·<· IJt•· lnl( lhal tlwar (tu:11 l11-s n, 1· bul 1•i.ih l

mmull s lonw to lhe rc.iul ,ll1on IUtc~n 111111utc: 1>cuod . 1'h t',Y hu\ l' Ja 'ldcd lhl ' trnms Into two Jcaiu<: , Tilt)' f'.a&I l.r.ngur: • nd 1hc Wc,t I.A':isuc Wh<"n both lc.igi1(• c-h,'<lult·, h;1\ c b\•,•n , omi>lt•l<!fl, lht • lwu lf•,1m5 whkh h•,1d


Trnnl!i , ('rn lnl , . C.C)'ihf'n. hrrr Sr pl . Ill

,\ bouquet is due the coache !I und t eam \\ ho huve put Ct?nlral Foo1b:all. Washinc&on s. n. v-.. rn line fo r a 11ot hH confer ence <·hu111pionsh1p. Couch Dnl S H~!IO Ct'nlral . School •·tetd .

• J I I • 8 I' l\l 'tp l . zo w1l I l 1e 1clp or aR~islnnl Sammy \\ egnel' haR really madt> " Rom1>- · · IQltrludr ~ub~erlptloo ron lhl

th u n" oul ol th e prc -~E>aRon j urlgcd "n ot quite Rompthun ." 2 .. N1d<1, 4 I' . i\l . • St pl , ,. Don " ) llC \ '('I' smile arain" I .owcr's leg SCCIIUS lo he f\11 r ii:rht, t'i~l Cluh mrrllnc , 11:30 A . M ..

~o fret no longe r ~ ou many admirer ~ or our handsome ri ght end . Tur!ldia, Sr pt . 23

l!olhliallct · an tl HuMk both :str onymcn in C •tllral' s ofTcnsc wer e Trnni, . f'rn '" · F.lkh 1ar1,

C!lcol'ted from the ficl<l "it h injur ic:i: howe ver, the y've hcall.!d ve r y h"r" 8

"Pl , 23

Ttonni'I. Ctonlr:al \ !I. Napp:antt', nicch so \\ c can cx 1x:ct great thing s from th ese mu sclcmc n 'ulu r- h s e i"rt •.• c pl . z., lla~· nii,chL Tennlii , Ct nlral vs. LaPorte ,

o fo r 111 hoth j!tuncs wl.!'ve had ex h ibition/\ fr om Jusl a l>oul lhl'rc- - ·e pt.. 30

c, er ., ty pe of wild animul Ii re hut P :rnthc r11. .\ ny volun tee r~ fo r lhe W us h111gt.u11 gam e ur<> \\ Clconicd . See ('u uskin imm ediately.

Sri f'n('f' dl'p.artmrn& alJ.ffmbll~ . iaudlwrlum (xt , 1-l?

t'oolball , l\lf'mor h&I. Evanin rllll'


f u . C'enlr.aJ . School Fif'ld , Thank!f! 8 P . ~I .• . Oet . 3

To 111'.ad Football l\laniacf'r Dill ~nlor r r nat ------ - - ---- Oet. 9-10 C'.arro ll :and hi !> t loottf:li ror doh1Jr a

"' ell Job In the haodlln1 or tbc •·notball ('.:&plain tea~ · f'QUJpmf'nt.

l ·lall>S Pr " ldrnt

Kolar )

Also to thf' tennl <1 le-am tor a ,tart Come• ou l, c-omc out whc1 t'V<'t you

Ul'l' And w1• dt, mc:i n you. a•rls" toward .&oothrr C'onfrl"l'nl'e (;ham-

SlJlt!lllc:s ft-0111 H poll t..1kcn f\'CClll-plon .. hlp . To fif'nr Flo" c-rc tor hill I.) ,ho\\" th.i t Uw pupolallou of lhc l"C) lourhdo"1111 a,r.aln,i& John Adams . t.lircr C'X 0 1 C:cnu .. 11 Is 1,15-1 ;111d lhal To Crnf' KuJa" a "ho ha• ronM"nlcd ot th<• he-mrn. 1,22~. wl\ldl makt·i

T bt• c.:1u11c:hi11,r uC the 1:ind1:r p\\h, to Join lhf' ""lmmln,r lc :am 111:alu lhbl 72 1110,c boy,r. llout ins pround lhei.c hu .il<h the u1~11111a of anoth er cro ·• yu r . To Cl> de Ku,.k "h o d~n -~!i llall:; llll'rl.' arc garb. t.oun t ry ,c.ii;on l C1•nt r,1l Thu 1 a mllllon of 'c-rn ror his !iUIH'r cenrr -

IT PAV:-. TO l'LEA 'E YC",,r'• tc-,1m will he hai.hly in t•xrwn• ~l,hlp on lhe ,rrldlron .

th1• k,IICU<"$ will int•c•l Ill II pl uv " IT 1•nrrd an lh;it lht•1,• nr,• no n lurn111J{ oclll·duh•d f<,1 Ocl 31. '.IL ... '

Both till' l 11,(hlh a11d 11111th l{r:adl.'.S

\\ tit bt' fl'l,)t t' t:nled b.) the lcUIII,

UlM YL>:Jr lhN L' \lil'l l' 1 \\ o ll'aub, one 101 tadl aradc .

Th111 .) ~.11 ,<.·hcdulc t, as tollow1 : s .•pl 2G Ohvc•r nt Ccntr;il Od. J . 11.ani-aon 111 C'c•ntr,11 Od . 10- Mu<· .·1•l .al CL·ntr,il Oct. 15- .Muda ,on 111 Cl•nlr,11

\ 't:1.1, 1..- Pt ;p i\Si-t..\lHI, V

C:o nn o\ 1 w 1111 u bJnC ,, .as llll'

Jt lll ·r m1•11 I IOW\!\ er. IIH' ll'.llfl WIil

Ix• IJolsh·n'<l IJ} sud, 11 al·k. !IWh, .:u b ns Wc.•kh. An wn. C11.~11. (.;1 Ulll . .ind Wu m1:k l Wl•kll ,h ou ld h1.: Cit()CL·tal­ly \ uluablL• In that he hos 11lrt•,1cly \\Un hi lctkr tn pr1ng t rnrk whalc• th e n·momckr or thr. buys tunv ·d 111 ,.,, ,•llc•nl r,.·rfo, m,111n•-. .also.

Tl w lir11l 1111'\'l w,,s ~··ht'tlulL-d fut yt·1lcnfay ,, tlh u h•Kh-powcn-d \ el­' 1,11i tlllld 1<1uud hOHl Nll1.•.) o! ·o uU1 Benet C'ood, AnK•n Cccla that by the 11mc lh r c-onf"rcncc mr('t roll, 11rn1111d, lhc ooy11 ,,.,11 I)(• an t 1p-l0 Jl

Co.1t'h An,on 1, rm111d1ng oul Cub m,al,•11111 llU all l., lc com111g hopt'fuls ~1~11 UI) lltlllll' d lilld.)'

''I. '.'I{

An advisor, nok &o t;oaeh Dal Sauo to be- prMc-nl at the- 11nt& "£ '1-quirf' " lr;&m "o rko u& If hr nN'd ~ an y­morf' cood'rlal. Sf'f' any mf'm ­lwr for ll ckcts . You ou1ht to 11tt

(;urtl -. In a pair or ruuhallon alae 11houlder paclll. not Utt onf''a hto llajl put In hlli 1uJI roal.6. l'hy 1l<'al Cu l­lur r ll5l'lt .

X l( X

.\ hu b:ind found :r.umc holt . m hill .tick .ancl n1d ; "W11lc. clea,-. wh.)

h.l\ t•n ' l you mi·nd('(f thC',e?" ··uulJb y, ciilrhng, did you buy u1~

lhal 1:·oat Cua Chrs,tm.11 :i& you p,om -1,cd""

0 N-no .. W,•11 st you <luu' t 111\ t• a wrap,

do11'1 ~l\l' o dMn" The- Rolancc Shet!l.

Mr C 1 :idy-"llun• you ever had Ill)' ~l.1ge Cll.PCI 1c111:c1"

Dick O " W(II . l Ollt'C lwd my foot 111 ll C-tSl '' c·< ntlallon and mak1• ,1 r11•di~1blc

pep n tmhly gtv('n F'mtay Ill U1c ~how1111 for th1•m•1.•h l'!5, iu1d11nri um whc·n ,,II -.t\ldrnl. n · cm­bled lo ,yell tn pr l' p:a111l1on for the Jt•hn .Ad,111111 lU5~1t· on '-,,1turdny . N1•w d tu•r lc:itkr11, an uui!urins or whi te· with 01,11\(ll' 011d blue h ,m. lltt' rn• d · 11(:<I \ \ Ith n m,11 \ dow •k:t!on11ant l', lc ,1d111g ,·h, •c:· 111 1& th1•1r to. 1:h MJ lll 111drnr d . i\fr . Bl11nc hnrn <11splny,'<l the ,vruct ll'Chn1q11t• fut· yrlhnat,

C'o,H·h F.ll>t•l annount:l::S swun mmi,: will ,tu, l pat•ll> ll'>Ort md as c.-ndini: 1 ,,,·d,11 1uv1t:1l10n lo :ill hopeful ,

S1>ed 1lc d, le rna ill8t d1 Ill ,~ JI tie I :innr,uncc <l l.,t r


\h . Schultz . ll O\\ tlll'lny WOltll·I\

im• sh r In lhc CJblnN ? M:uy J\nn Hnuc-k-O!){n it up ml


T, l'E\\ IUTl-:lt IU :NT.\ LS

.\ I ,• l<c or l.Jlt• Mode ls :i.uo llt r mo ·• mo; , ro, ~i ..,o

nE:-;T ,\[~c; MAY ru : ,\PPl,IH) .ON PURC II ASF..S

SUPER SALES COMPANY l.!J 'i L.1Canne Bl vd

South Hcnd, lndl'lnu

Op1.:n tVt•u mgi,

c 111c 1.:i-;x 1~ THE nocc11

l:A~ ll CL'HCEH

HOWELL'S :.!13 N \h 111 St

lll:!3 " \tlrhlg,10 o.;1

(lt,!£, O'BRIEN



X X -,C

l.1111l Sa turd ay nlrht Ule Bf'ar • ,larlf'd oul , ul'C'Kd ully In a drlvt

lit X ,c

F'or all lnform.atlon ronccrul.n,­cro.,,.,- counl" Ir.ark khHJh rc ,ul Don Tuti1r· ,., :ull e lr . 'I r, \n _i;on ouol ~

Tl'lt-11la1111! 4•ti c.l -";l IMI

t~f,'1P.~'!~E& Pn.~11p1 01. ~--,...,1 ~11111111

::l<l \\' \\'41 hln · 1un /\ H'

lo" .ard :anothf'r ro nfnl'n l'r r hiam • vion hip In lurnln r "" ay JC)h11 A<bm, ur So uth Bt'nd 13- 0 on lht' Sr hool htld . lh :at hr l'Ould 11,r m4)rr m:ar:.thon

i\lth ou irh lh l' t;.acl;-,. fouaht ~PN•liali,l'! . h iard to lh f' 1.a,l minute- ('rn t rlll '~ Uru in.s prn, •l'd ri lilll l' loO mu f ll tor th e m lO handll' . U:ail l'y alone "ilh his broU1cr r a ul " r r r U1c ,i,urh~ad~ or lb e .s a ll.I r k . ofl • r n 11h o" Ing- lh c luu a he r Bt .aN lh ~y a rrn't a'! " " " a t lh c a;1m " .a-. "o\!i

thou r h . l>r!'lplt " lh c rae l lh a l tbe pla wa, n lli'-d b:&C'k, t ,d lb no " ""ki , ldt

I e nd for lh r fiia_,l :,,idC'r11, turnc-d In &hc­OIO~t s 11tel:ac run of the pmr. F.(I pi r kc-d up II rumblf' mad" by no" C'N In hh o" n e nd •o ne and un lhf' full ll'n,rlh of lh e fie ld for a

t\ 1m!dal (01 bt ,1\·t•t) gOl· tu n IJun<.:h o r lads Crum U1c J wuo, H i,:h ror U\eu· ut lelllptLn& lo kc•ep llme with lht> h1,i hoy 11, 1,t,,y1n~ 1 e11ulat1on tncklc (oo lball .



1-;. C lU.:l::HY

Otlt()m c tn ~ ~ !\H I( Opltt'IJJh

'!',11 S 1\IIC"IUC/\N ST

Orh ·f' ~.&ft'I, · and Savr .\ Llrr

Mr Woot11cn JOOOUOC(' U\Ol Ill: t l-1111( lh111 ~c t:k l'\ll1) !\1ondny, Wcdrwa- , tl .. ay ~Uld Fnd,,y nft cr "<'hoot ba~ket­h.ill wtll be prncllcc·d In lhi • gym . li e n•f""•ls thnt h~ ni•t•<h morc.• ooy.11 ao if yc,u hi1\c fail1-d 10 ,how up do w

tou c•hdo" n lhial dlctn'I count . S tru ck a t unce. dN' l.arNI lh r b:all df';&d llnd ,rave lhl' 01.,PICE SUPPLY &

EQUIPMEt\T ('0 ., Inc. Ear I e • an l()uchb ar k . f'lo" e,-.., ho" tVcr . m.adl' up for lhl s l)lundrr b pu.shJn,r th e pl.gskln over &hr lin e tor l>olh the Bruin !l('orl'S . llln z ('Onlrlbul('d a POlol alter loueb ­du " n. Thb l'ndtd th e i,corin1 and pul a klll lo t.hf' Eiacll'!I tl rs t a uempt a l a C'onff'rt'n Cf' ,•lr&ory .

T he l.J1H:·U1h aud summor1c,,; C' Ad.&llll! Cir;1b.1rck t .. t: Danowski Jurd 111 J.T Roy ~lt·111kit• r.c: V 1''1ai;tmomco1 '>outhwurth C Mu1phy t:upt•l 111d RC Bowden ll 1n1, HT Cc J i\rtto

I tr ,,rvcy It£ Grnnninii Rolhb:ilkr QU Alkn l-'luw,·1 ~ r.11 Pal Bailey l.kt1111 ll RH .I. Jo'rnaimomcnl Kllilk ( l ) Fil Paul B.11lcy

Sl-01 to by qu.11 lc1a: C:enual . . 0 6 7 0- 13

Ad11ms ······------ 0 0 0 0- 0 SC'Oranv Tou chdo,\ ns : f'lo\\ <'1'1i (2)

Poanl ,11lrr tnurhdnwn: ll1n1 (by pla1·1·nH nl)

Su1JstiluU1J11 C nlnil-t·nds. l\k1

OUR GOAL-E,•tr) one an lnl~rlud t rr:adtr ,

r,.:o:;.Ri\;11 K~(~;;-, ' -I 13Y AL.L Tllf : S IC NAME f I BANOS /\ NO A RT1STS I I Oc. 15c and 20c ·.a<:h

j l, arttl' Sl'ltctlon A ll Kind ~ or N~dles

I Sr cond F loo r i '---·--- ------ - -

Pop's Record Shop 232 • ; S. Ml c hlif:in SI .,

1311 Norlh Micl1111nn Str<.-et


lnntrt Your Sa.-inp .. rowu Hou


11' Il l

Orpnaed Jab I. 1111

D11llrtHt111 lt1111t•l11~ ! ! 81' ,:l nn ini- ian{I \ d, ·ianrl'd (' 111.,_.,N>

S1•1,ll' mbl'r 22 nd .

C ALL :J.:J:J'IU t 'OR l' A KT ICl,Li\ lt",

.llAlll E 111 "f"Zlift\\ -SKI Sl'IIOOL o• · TIit: H ~\:\'.t 'E

han : gu rd \1,inu znk, U, 1llr:111, t:11.:kh.•", King, u, sh; n•ut,•r&, Yal·k. Jnblun skl : qu :111t.:rh 11:k H.ol;wll, Ja-10111li:: hu,·k s. lfoytt' k, V n C:tmp , Rl\-, tll•lk l, 0,•1·11nPk, Little•. !.:::============================:=:


FURNAS Ice Cream

0 You Be the Judge"

The Abstract & Title Corporation

OF so, .rrn RF.ND

F. t.l bll heel rn 1856

Choi . P WnlUe s, P1e :s. W Il nlc ,Tock11on. Sccy.- Tr c:lB

T elephone s: 3-8258-3-8259 302 Blo t. & Lo:i n Tower



Big Boy



First to Class

Then to

SPI1l0'S Student

Pr••1• H••1••·


f' L IJB~C'OPE ((.'ont'd )

11t<1mp~. ilnd h· tu1l11.: to z.p<:cchc on 51:imp!; :and coiu!l , An cxh1b1t 11.

pl:mn c·d one«.-:i y c.u . The• bo.H 111 81:J 1hrough 1013 will

bi • 1ntnl •.led m Ml Wilmore ·'" •wun­ini11 1( du l, Th<' on ly rt·quuc.:mcJll Is U1at you know :1Umt•lJ\111Q jbout rw11nm1n.:. G111nt :!l :ancJ 1,coe:rnl aon<l ttm, .. r,rc: fraturt :tl.

Now 1! books ate y our hobby an d rnl <•rt l, .Mass l3yNJcy'r Rook Lovcr:1

(' hoost> a.n i nstit utio n th at ha~ hoth-1 Sov1nw; rn)urt·tl up to ~5.1100 1, Th,11 ha:c aJWUYli p.nd 3', 01

mort• 011 l!8\ Inga .


AS.~OCIATION 0 1.1\IEI\ 1101 U ,. Hl Tll ,OING

:!L> W. \\' a~hing ton A venue


Cluh •~ your Jllilr <·. It •~ op<'n to ,,ll , t' IIORAI. Mt~· Wt:bu •••• 1081 ~ r.1m p;1 ··Av iv, wh;it mrokc•s ,, gad \ 1ho • who Jake to r, .ad nnd d t:ui... CONOl'C' TING \h CIC'l,md •• 4 1 blut.h th t••r cl..yi '" nrw \x){lk1 and ma.i,1.c11t11 t>olh c;O MET :\11 l't·tlrn ••••••••• 210 ' n, ll\. • Ro111;1 i Uw only than~."I jun1on :ind 11, naor istud~nl ll al(' wd- l>F.RATING - M1 ll nmall on I 03 - Th~· Por c·cmt•. OOORl\1AN-'11ss PCnfTrn:111 • • 101

Tht! L1b1 .iry (;Jub I on (' for )"OU ORA~!,\ - M Fra ck 11'1 who wi h lo lc:irn the• workini · of FOO THAl.l ,- M1 S.i1ao thr hb1 ary . A . <'mcs l"r in lh t• L I· ,111d l\11 Wc• ... ,u.•r _ _ • 27 lar,,rv Club c nabl<•s you lo bt.'l'<imc .1 l:·IHJ1:c11 Ma·· Gacn11n<I ••• • 320 .-1nff mc·ml>t•1•. I l ''I gW<l C'<IX'I Jcncc C ,\ ,\ - ~II'. s L.ymon 2 17 I ,,nrl fun . Miss HJ1dy will 11\C you GY!\1NA">TIC \l r F.lb1•l -- - • Cym Cull 1.i.a1 llcul.u$ , 11/\l .I. C H EC K ERS

F or U10H• Int r~I('(! 1n drnma, till' l\lr . 'l'hoa nton ---· 123 J.Jlllcc to &ta rt is lht • 'T'h 1::ip1,m C lulJ . HA NOICH \ FT Mh s l\llllc.'r •••• 37 l·rom hc·r you may be• 1,romotcd lo IIANUY A~DY \11 . · Huaun •• 3 1! 1hr. T>rnm;i Club . IIIGH SC HOOL BUS I NESS CL\JD

Th<•i:t :m n porllon o!'s M1 C'rn · 220 ,many dubs . Look o\C1 th l cnur ,· IIOHlil F".S hsl . Join uµ - quirk!!! J l!~ IOR lll (;ll ,\'1 111.ETICS -

,1r \w , n • --- 35 <.'l.l H OIRHCTOR Y JUNIOH III Cl l nt\ S KETB ,\l ,T,-

\ \IIC OS \I f.lli · - 110 M, K111cly - - ·- ·· ·--···· Gym \H'I tis..'I .\Ir,nhnll -------- · - 105 JLll\/lO K 11[. Y \11. H:irn hrook . 217 OASKETDALL - M1•. \\' lZA \I< WAT TON J UNIOH U :AGUE

an d Mr . Skwa1 l ·- · -· YMC/\ \I '\ , Srn1ll\·limh,111Jh 315

t'AMtH \-Mt C:1ll c J)lf' . 0 .JlfNI OH T l.l. 1,1-;, \GUE

Film..'i De , ·e lop.-d a nd P rin ted

AULT 12:? ~ . :"11.iin St , Ph one 3-01 10

0 or ft 30~ .Hcpr ln l t; {)()SUI' "\" 3c

J-'1lm J.;n"h

Girl Reserves!

BOO K LO\'f HS \h Bynky 30 -1


J l !'IIIOR IU.D C:HOSS- Ma Gtl' I l f•

I C f:NTH ,\I. ,H HO \I r . P in,c ~1~ \1 1 , 010

1 111~ -· · -:-··-.---- 3 111 11 Mr . Honh.,m - ---·--· ••. 2161 l hi\RN 1 0 O.\N C'F. - J\11ss Sl·Oll

Girl Reserv e

Sweat ers

with Emblem

$2_2s Complimc11t ...

THE BOOK SHOP 1~30 N. :\liclus:r,rn St.

WF.LC'Ol\lE ,


S 1wc 1.1 l 'fl1111 week IJ,,mlm114t·1 & \1tlk Shake- I Sc

S,,ndwa:h t •




Mank urf'3 Shln H

DI.W,. ' 1 s.itary a.. SM, Earl £ , Slldlnc.- r . Own u

124 W. Was h. Av.-. P b. 3-MS I

For T hat New l n~tru me.nt

THE COPP MUSIC SHOP 1!%- IH E. Way nr St .


Ex~ rt5 In EHr f D4'part m.-nt



Pll ()NE 4 ·956 1

~ Girls!! ~ Fellas!!

Pul youi h<.•sl fool !or\\ ard ns you lroll down Ult' hull. wi th tht" 0. A 0. 111 .. 11~, from tl w

ll 4 S ffllCHl<.AO Sl

Shc>f''i fo r )'oun,r Wom,n $Z.08 lO 6.'15

h<M's for \'ounr " ' " 3.08 1-0 $7.00

C II F..\tl ST TIY- l\lr . Sll'lt1fvrtl .ind l\11 (.'nlc Rt ·crcaUon Room ,md Mr. "I tz. • _ • ·- - 20(1 1. lnRAHY 1\11• ll ardy tmd

C lll :.:ss & Cllt: C Kf'R \h .Aor bu- :ll 1\11 C'n·p,•nu · ··-· T.tbr ,uy C.:llt: C Kl-'.K & C ll l-S'i- 1\1 \CK ' fAN ,1r Wln th(·r X1 2

l\lh Ohrn<'h,11n 15 NATURAL SC IEN CE- Mr. C C

r===>tv:=::::x"'EAT ... -.-x:::'u l\lill <'r 403 Pt\Tlt OL.- M r ('ook ··-··- -· • X1 7

" LA E y s P ll OTOCR J\ P IIY " ~ Mr 1., 111t-rb,1rh --- ------- · 102 Candy Bars KADIO \1 r nt.111th,11d ---- - · 110

5 SC'n \ P nOOK \tf 11111 --- · - 13

l!=P>t1Caffltell==~==C==>4t1oM:::al= ... =>4MllllllC=:J SKl-:TCII l\11 •rrn nno w •••• • 312 SPAN IS II 1\11 l. :w: --- ·- - . 318

1-;:::::============:- 1 SPUR- Mi.,; M<'n<:ynolds •••••• 313 STAMP ANT) CO IN-

l\l r . • I R . Smi th ••• • " ••• 104 STUD Jo:NT F OR UM \J r l\1a pl<' 215

Tbc only port o bor-w1t .1 F loa t­mg Shift. Tbreo models ­SlJent - ~ terling - Sta n '1'll'C! Advanced de1dr-r1 - apecd i,., performance and man " ex · clu&ivo Coro na feat ures.


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