Download - 17112581 800FootLong Pattern in U K Oilseed Rape a Sigil Someone Wanted Destroyed

  • 8/8/2019 17112581 800FootLong Pattern in U K Oilseed Rape a Sigil Someone Wanted Destroyed


  • 8/8/2019 17112581 800FootLong Pattern in U K Oilseed Rape a Sigil Someone Wanted Destroyed


    Olivier Morel, WCCSG, U.K. Also see: Cropcircleconnector.

    Rainy morning of May 4, 2009, sigil-like pattern at Clatford near Manton,

    Wiltshire, England. Aerial image 2009 by Annemieke Witteveen.

    Also see: Cropcircleconnector.

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    May 9, 2009 Wiltshire, England - The person who introduced me to the history of sigils and what

    they are was Mario Pazzaglini, Ph.D., a psychologist in Wilmington, Delaware, who studied the

    ancient science of alchemy and secret codes of sigils. A decade before his death, he assembled a

    limited edition booklet entitled Symbolic Messages: An Introduction to a Study of Alien Writing

    1991. Dr. Pazzaglini gave me a copy and in this Earthfiles report, I am reprinting pages 21 - 23

    about sigils.

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    Page 21, Symbolic Messages 1991 by Mario Pazzaglini, Ph.D.

    Symbolic Messages: An Introduction to a Study of "Alien" Writing 1991 by Mario Pazzaglini, Ph.D.

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    Page 22, Symbolic Messages 1991 by Mario Pazzaglini, Ph.D.

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    Page 23, Symbolic Messages 1991 by Mario Pazzaglini, Ph.D.

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    Left: Close-up of far right triad in Dr. Pazzaglini's complex sigil, Figure 9.

    Right: Close-up of far right triad in aerial image of Clatford, Wiltshire, England, oilseed rape

    pattern of May 4, 2009, in aerial photograph 2009 by Annemieke Witteveen.

    Sigils are codes created for a specific magical purpose. The pattern is the code derived from a

    number and/or letter grid known only to those who produce sigils from the known grid. A sigil is

    usually made up of a complex combination of several specific symbols or geometric figures each

    with a specific meaning or intent. The term sigil derives from the Latin sigillum meaning seal,

    though it may also be related to the Hebrew segulah meaning word, action or item of spiritual


    There is sigil magic in which symbols and signs are used as tools of magicians and alchemists. In

    medieval ceremonial magic, sigils represented various angels and demons that the magician can

    summon. The magical training books called the Grimoires often listed pages of angel and demon

    sigils. A particularly well-known list is in the Lesser Key of Solomon, in which the sigils of the 72

    princes of the hierarchy of hell are given for the magician's use, including the demon Aim. Such

    sigils were considered to be the equivalent of the true name of the spirit, and thus granted the

    magician a measure of control over the entities being called.

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    Sigil for the demon, Aim (aka Aym or Haborym),

    who is a Great Duke of Hell ruling over twenty-six legions

    of demons and using fire to destroy. Aim is depicted as humanoid

    with three heads: one a serpent; the second a man with two

    stars on the forehead; and the third a cat.

    Sigil of the archangel Raziel, Angel of Mysteries

    and Keeper of Secrets. Source: Invisionfree.

    Sigils of seven other archangels. Source: Angelology.

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    Sigils in the Hebrew Sefer Raziel HaMalakh

    Excerpt from Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, featuring various magical sigils.

    Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, is a Hebrew revelation from the Archangel Raziel

    dating back to at least the 13th Century and entitled, Book of Raziel, the Angel.

    The tradition around the book says its angelic content was revealed to Adam by the

    archangel Raziel. The sigils are included in the Kabbalistic grimoire, primarily

    written in Hebrew and Aramaic, but surviving also in Latin translation, as Liber

    Razielis Archangeli, in a 13th century manuscript produced under Alfonso X.

    [ Editor's Note: Wikipedia - The book cannot be shown to predate the 13th Century, but may in

    parts date back much older to Late Antiquity, being heavily indebted to the Greek magical papyri.

    Like other obscure ancient texts such as the Bahir and Sefer Yetzirah, the work has existed in anumber of versions.

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    The tradition around the book says its angelic content was revealed to Adam by the archangel

    Raziel. The title itself is mentioned in another magical work of late antiquity, The Sword of Moses.

    Critical historians regard it as a medieval work, most probably originating among the Chassidei

    Ashkenaz, as citations from it begin to appear only in the 13th century. But sections of it are no

    doubt older. The likely compiler of the medieval version is Eleazer of Worms.

    It draws heavily on Sepher Yetzirah and Sepher Ha-Razim. There are multiple manuscript versions,containing up to seven tractates. The printed version of Sefer Raziel is divided into five books,

    some of it in the form of a mystical Midrash on Creation. It features an elaborate:

    - angelology,

    - magical uses of the zodiac,

    - gematria (Hebrew system of assigning numerical value to an alphabet and derived from Greek


    - names of God,

    - protective spells,

    - method of writing magical healing amulets.

    Raziel is an archangel within the teachings of Jewish Kabbalah mysticism, who is the Keeper ofSecrets and the Angel of Mysteries. He is associated with the Sephira Chokmah (the second of

    ten) in Olam Briah, one of the Four Worlds of Kabbalistic theory. Raziel, under the alternate name

    Galizur, Revealer of The Rock, is described as the ruling prince of the 2nd Heaven. Archangel

    Raziel protects the ministering angels from the Hayyoth, the holy angels of fire that uphold the


    The famous Sefer Raziel HaMalach and its Book of Raziel the Angel is said to contain all secret

    knowledge, and is considered to be a book of magic.

    Book six of the Liber Razielis is based on the Sefer ha-Razim Book of Secrets, with various

    additions including the Prayer of Adam of Sefer Adam.

    Adam in his prayer to God, apologized for listening to his wife Eve, who was deceived by the snake

    into eating from the Tree of Knowledge. According to the Book of Raziel, God sent the highest

    of the Angels, Raziel, to teach Adam the spiritual laws of nature and life on earth, including the

    knowledge of the planets, stars and the spiritual laws of creation.

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    Kabbalistic tree with flaming sword in yellow that protects

    the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life. Diagram by Morgan Leigh.

    The Angel Raziel also taught Adam the knowledge of the power of speech, the power of thoughts

    and the power of a person's soul within the confines of the physical body and this physical world,

    basically teaching the knowledge with which one can harmonize physical and spiritual existence in

    this physical world.

    The Angel Raziel teaches the power of speech, the energy contained within the 22 letters of theHebrew alphabet, their combinations and meanings of names.

    According to Jewish traditions, the angel Raziel returned to teach Abraham all the spiritual

    knowledge and spiritual laws. The Book of Raziel explains everything about astrology of the

    planets in our solar system, and explains how the creative life energy starts with a thought from the

    spiritual realms, transcending into speech and action in this physical world. The eternal divine

    creative life energy of this earth is love. The book explains the spiritual laws of birth, death,

    reincarnation of the soul, and many spiritual laws of Change. ]

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    Deliberate Overall Destruction of the Clatford Pattern

    Charles Mallett of the Silent Circle Information Center in Calne received an early morning call on

    May 4, 2009, from his friend, Annemieke Witteveen. It was before 10 AM and Annemieke was in

    an airplane, saw the huge pattern in the Clatford oilseed rape, photographed it and called Charles.

    He got to the formation with two others by around 11 AM and took a couple of hours to walk

    through the massive pattern going up and down the field on a hill, realizing that it was impossible tosee from one end of the pattern to the other on the ground.

    Upon first sight from a distant, Charles thought it was crisp and perfect like the preceding half

    dozen oilseed rape formations in Wiltshire reported since April 14, 2009. But then, as he began to

    walk into the precisely laid down plants, he was shocked to find broken stem after broken stem

    everywhere from one end to the other of the 800-foot-long by 300-foot-wide pattern.

    Charles told me, All of the plants were broken pretty viciously and there were obvious trampled

    paths up and down the long avenues of the huge formation. The damage is not consistent with

    standard hoaxing, in my opinion.

    He had never seen such destruction before, not even in formations known to have been hoaxed by a

    group known as Team Satan, some men in London and Wiltshire who have deliberately made

    crop patterns in southern England from the mid-1990s onward. But Team Satan's formations are

    always rough compared to the truly mysterious and perfectly flowing crop formations that go back

    to at least the 1970s in the Warminster to Avebury region.

    Continued in Part 2: Inside the Clatford formation; later on orbs appear.

    More Information:

    Wikipedia: Rapeseed (Brassica napus), also known as rape, oilseed rape, rapa, rapaseed and (in

    one group of cultivars) canola, is a bright yellow flowering member of the family Brassicaceae

    (mustard or cabbage family). The name derives from the Latin for turnip, rapum or rapa, and is first

    recorded in English at the end of the 14th century.

    For further information about worldwide crop formations, please see Earthfiles Archived reports

    (partial list below) and my books, Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. I: Facts & Eyewitnesses andMysterious Lights and Crop Circles, in the Earthfiles Shop.

    10/01/2008 Cross and Bar Code At Avebury Down Near Avebury, Wiltshire.

    09/29/2008 Half Cat and Other Animal Mutilations Around the World and East of Palm

    Springs, California

    09/24/2008 Part 5: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

    09/23/2008 AH-1W SuperCobra Helicopters and Glowing Sphere

    09/12/2008 Part 4: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

    09/07/2008 Part 3: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

    09/02/2008 Part 2: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases

    08/27/2008 Part 1: Army/CIA Unit Studied the Real UFO Blue Book Cases 07/18/2008 Part 3: Roswell Rock Lab Analysis

    07/16/2008 Astronomical Data in July 2008 U. K. Crop Formations?

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    07/12/2008 Updated - Part 2: Roswell Rock Matches August 2, 1996, U. K. Crop Pattern

    07/11/2008 Updated - Part 1: Roswell Rock Matches August 2, 1996, U. K. Crop Pattern

    06/27/2008 More Military Sightings of UFOs in U. K.

    06/12/2008 Barbury Castle Pi Formation: Perfectly Clean in Muddy, Rain-Soaked Field

    06/08/2008 2008 Barbury Castle Pattern is Pi to 3.14159265358

    06/06/2008 Updated: Mysterious Crash Near Needles, California

    05/06/2008 Viewer Comments on Decatur, Alabama, White Sphere Incident 05/06/2008 What Are the Strange Pearls in Google Map Images?

    05/02/2008 3-Foot-Diameter Sphere Retrieved By Ambulance in Decatur, Alabama

    04/07/2008 Part 1: Bizarre Objects Caught by Illinois and Missouri Game Trail Cameras

    04/07/2008 Part 2: Bizarre Objects Caught by Illinois and Missouri Game Trail Cameras

    04/06/2008 Final Part 10: Real X-File, Source Unknown

    04/02/2008 Part 9 - Real X-File, Source Unknown

    03/30/2008 Part 8 - Real X-File, Source Unknown

    03/20/2008 Part 7 - Real X-File, Source Unknown

    03/15/2008 Part 6 - Real X-File, Source Unknown

    03/08/2008 Part 5: Real X-File, Source Unknown

    03/04/2008 Part 4: Real X-File, Source Unknown 03/03/2008 Updated Part 1: Real X-File, Source Unknown

    03/02/2008 Part 2: Real X-File, Source Unknown

    03/02/2008 Part 3: Real X-File, Source Unknown

    11/02/2007 Mysterious Orbs - Emanations from A Divine Field?

    10/21/2007 Viewer Comments About Big Triangles and Lights - In Conflict?

    10/19/2007 Updated: Huge, Silent, Black Triangle Craft Over Youngstown, Florida

    10/04/2007 070707 East Field Wheat Formation: Lab Analysis

    08/25/2007 Woodborough Hill Wheat Pattern Made for Rock Band Video

    08/21/2007 More News About August 2007 Woodborough Hill Formation

    08/17/2007 Latest 6-Fold Wheat Geometry in Wiltshire, England

    08/13/2007 Another U. K. Wheat Formation in August 18th Countdown

    08/06/2007 Crop Circle Research and Photography by U. K.'s Lucy Pringle

    07/27/2007 Updated: Part 1: 1,033-Foot-Long East Field Wheat Formation "Happened Within

    90 Minutes."

    07/27/2007 Updated Part 2: Military Helicopters Over East Field Wheat Formation

    07/23/2007 070707 East Field Wheat Formation: Viewer Comments

    07/07/2007 Swiss Army Pilot Discovers "Perfect Geometric Figure" and U.K.'s East Field Gets

    At Least 90 Circles!

    06/29/2007 Another "Drone" This Week Near Maxwell AFB

    06/18/2007 Crop Circles On Rings and Three Mysterious Aerial Lights in Slovenia

    06/13/2007 Into the Unknown with George Noory 06/08/2007 Part 3: U. S. Crop Formations, Wheat Pictogram in Madisonville, Tennessee

    06/07/2007 Bird Eggs Undamaged in Slovenia Crop Formation

    06/06/2007 Part 2: Yatesbury, England and Madisonville, Tennessee - A Mayan Link?

    06/05/2007 Part 2: U. S. Crop Formations, Two Mysterious Grass Circles in Mission, Kansas

    06/04/2007 Part 1: Yatesbury Spiral - Viewer Comments on Spiral Math



    Sefer Raziel HaMalakh:

    Sigils of Raziel:
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    English Crop Circles, Current and Archived:

    Silent Circle Information Center, Calne, U.K.:

    Andreas Mueller Crop Circle Science:

    Mayan Calendar:

    Projection of December 21, 2012 Solar System:

    Lucy Pringle:

    Isaac and CARET Document:

    American Crop Circles, ICCRA:

    Canadian Crop Circles, CCCRN:

    Dutch Crop Circles, DCCA:


    Copyright 1999 - 2009 by Linda Moulton Howe.

    All Rights Reserved.

    [email protected]