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1915.Price Oiic 1~’ennii.

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(B 11491) Wt. 24743—204 IOM 5/15 II & S P. 15/535

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reiiluinary instructiou in the equipmentshould be given toeachrecruit beforeanyattempt is madeto teachhim Gun Drill.

As soonas heis conversantwith all partsof theequipment,andcan handlein the beetand quickestmanjier eachof the working

~ partsof thegull, instructionin Gun Drill should be commenced.U

> This instruction should take the form of pritetical demonstra-tionsdealingwith thework of eachman of the detachment,andall meii underinstruction should, in turn, carry out the work of

~ Oncethe work of eachnumber hasbeenthoroughlymastered,~ it should not takelong for the recruit to learn theactualdrill.

~ It is most importantthat adistinction should be drawii betweenin~structionanddrill.

During the former the languageused should be as simple aspossible,aiid thenieanu~of all technicalterniswhicharenecessaryshould be carefully exp~ined.A conversationaltone should beadopted,andunderno circumstanceswhatevershouldanythinginthenatureof long quotationsfrom drill books be allowed. Themen should be permitted to assumean easyattitude and theirinterestshouldnot beallowed to flag. Theyshould be encouragedin thefullest possibledegreeto askquestions.

At drill on the contrary the most rigid discipline must bemaintained,orders must ho clear,decisive and emphatic,and thedetachmentsmadeto work steadily,smartly, and rapidly. At thesametime th~utmostaccuracyis essential,andatxy deviationfromthemethodslaid downmustbe at oncestrictly checked.

Thefollowing instructionsare arrangedso that all work carriedout by eachindividualmemberof adetachmentis grollpedtogether.Thoseparagraphsmarkedwith an asteriskshouldriot howeverbetaughtuntil the drill hasbeenlearnt.

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The detachmentconsistsof 10 mcii, 6 of whom work in the firingbattery, theremainderform a reserve.

The duties of eachparticularnumberis as follows

No. 1.

1. Before leaving thegun park lie nnlst satisfy lnmself that theequipmentof Ins sub-sectionis completein everyrespect,reportingthe fact to his sectioncommander.

2. He must examinethebufferand see that it is properly filled.To do so heshould depressthe gun to its full extent and removethe plug of the filling hole ; glycerine should then ho showing intheplug hole. If hot,he must pourin moreglycerineuntil it doesshow.

To fill the buffer cylinder after the controller has been removedplace thepiston rod andcontroller in the cylinder, care beimig takenthat the controller is tightened up so that the marks on it andthoseon the cylinder correspond.

Placethe buffer on theground with the glaud end upiserinostand thestuffing lion removed. Measureoff ~Apints of glycerineand pour it ioto the cylinder by meansof a funnel.

Move tIme piston rod up and down during the filling, so its toadnut of the glycerine getting to the lower side of thin piston.When the last pint of glycerineis being poured in, withdraw thepiston rod about 3 feet and retain it iii that position while thestuffing box is screwedin, tightened up, and the gland packed.

Placethe buffer so that the controller is slightly raisedabovethioglandend,mid push the piston rod into the cylinder. Releasetheair plug into the controller so as to admit of the etcapeof air(adnnttedwith theglycerine,and which will offer greatresistanceto thepiston while being pushedin), thegreatestcare beingtakento loseas little of the glycerineaspossible. Pushin the pistonrod,umtil theouterend projectsabout6 or 7 inchesfrom thegland,antitightly screwup the air plug. The glycerinewhich is ejectedwithtIm air from the cylinder should lie caught ill a clean can, and asmuch aspossiblereturnedto thecylinçlem’ throughthe air hole plug.

The huller will contain after the aboreoperationsnbeut1~pintswhich will generallybe found sufficient.

Greatrare must be taken in replacingany partsof the buffer toseethat theyare perfectly clean,free froi,i grit, and slightly oiledalsowhenreplacingtIme stnflummg box or controller, that themetalrings.formingthe joint are not dentedor bruised,nnd that theyareperfectly cleanandfree from grit.

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Ho mustbecareful to ascertainthatglycerineis not leakingfromthe buffer through the packing. A leakagemay be detectedbyglycerine escapingat the bottom of the front or rear cap. Aleakage of glycerine is liable to causea seriousaccident to theequipmentduring firing.

When thegun fails to run up to the uiiing position he must,assistedby 2, pushit up at once.

3. He oniy gives the words of command shown for him inSection (inn Drill. His executiveordersshouldbe no louder thanis necessaryfor his sub-sectionto hear,but when assistingto passordersdownthe battery, theyshould be givenout sufficiently loudto ensurethem getting through.

4. He must acknowledgeall orders affecting his sub-sectionbysaluting,alsoany ordersthat hemaybe required to passdownthebattery. The salutemust be given accuratelyand unmistakeablyso that it may beplainly seell.

5. Whenhis gun is in action in the open he must ascertainatthe first opportunity the target or referencepoint, and alsobothiii the openand under covertheaiming point, or auxiliary aimingpoint, if eitherare usedby the layer.

8.* Whena gun is in action on a forward slopeor a high angleof elevationis likely to be requiredit is always advisableto dig inthetrail.

No. 1 mustsee this donewithout waiting for orders.7. In orderto find thehighest elevationat which the gun canbe

fired without (ligging in thetrail thegun must be elevatedas faraspossible,and the angleof sight placed on the longitudinal level(or if ub angleof sight hasbeenorderedit mustbesetto zero). Thebubble of the longitudinal level should tlieii be brought to thecentre of its run by revolving the handwheelof the sight. Theyard scaleclrnni will now showthehi~htestelevationat which thegun can be fired. When the spade°beconieaburied about 600yards extrarangemay beobtained.

8. lIe lays for direction by looking along the top of the gunand moving the trail asrequiredby meansof the traversinglever.He shouldlay the gun within half a degree of zero traversebythe traversing lever for the first round (except when specialtraversehasbeenordered),so that when the spadeengagesin theground the layer will have as large an amount of traverse aspossibleavailablefor subsequentcorrectionsfor line. To enablethis to be carried out the layer must signal ~o 1 with the palmof his handthe direction in which he wishesthe trail moved.

When the traverse (which he must closely watch) beconiesexhaustedho should immediately look over thegun and note thedirection in which it is pointing. ‘l’he layerwill then adjust thetraversinggear as required, and when adjusted, 1 must movethetrail so that thegunis pointing in thesamedirection asbefore.

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9~If when laying direct a new target is orderedby meansof theclock~code,he should,in orderto save time, without looking forthe target,at once throw his gun over in the directionindicated;The layer should thenhave no difficulty in picking up the target~in thefield of the telescope.

10. Whenfiring ata targetcrossingthefrontthe traversinggearshould besetfor the first roundso asto give the greatesttraversein the direction which the target is moving, Lc., targetmovingfrom right to left, extremeright traverseandvice versd.

11. On coming into action lie must see that the wagon iscorrectly placed alongside his gun immediately the latter ispointing in the requireddirection. Any subsequentmoving of thewagonmust be carriedout asopportunityoffers in sucha manneras to ensurethat the service of the gun is not delayed in anyway.

12. To assistin steadyingtime carriage thehigherwheel may bedug jim, if time and ground admit. The hole should be dug infront or in rearof the higherwheeland the wheelruninto it.

13. He will seethat theprotrusionof the striker is testedasfollows

Swing the breech block and carrier into the loading positionandremovethe breechblock andstriker from thecarrier. Insertthestriker into thebreech block, care being taken that therecessin theblock is clear fromngrit, and that thestriker is kept pressedhome as far as it will go whenapplying the gauge. Apply thegaugeto the front face of the breech block. in the eventof theprotrusionnot beingwithin the correct limit, the firing pin mustbeadjustedor exchanged.


1. He kneelsfacing the breech,and must be careful that lie isclear of therecoil before the gun is fired.

2. He is responsibletlmat the brake is always put on in action.When putting o,i the brake, either for travelling or firing, greatcare should be taken that it is not put on too hard. When aswitchis ordered or the spaderequiresmoving, heshould takeoff~the brakeandassistto movethe carriageas requiredby maImingtime right gun wheel.

Whenmanning the wheel to move the gun forward he shouldgrasp the spoke which is nearest to the horizontal with hisleft hand,and the fourth one from it to the front with his righthand. The spokesshould begraspedas nearthefelloes aspossible.

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3. He opensand closesthebreechasfollows

To open time breech.—He takes hold of the lever with his left Imand (pressing the

spring with his fingers)and draws it towardshim asfar as it willgo.

To etosetime breech.—Ho takeshold of the lever with his left hand and swings the

breechblock roundinto position in thegun.A dentedcartridgecase or burred driving band may on some

occasionscause difficulty in closing time breech. When such difli-culty occurs he should grasp time lever breech mechanis,nwithboth handsand exertthewhole weight of his body on thebreechscrewto pressthe shell home,but the breech screw must on noaccountbe useda~a hammerto drive tho cartridgehome.

4. He sh3uld only move the catch retaining striker to “safe”whenit is desiredto travel with guns loaded.

5. As soonas the breech is closed he placestime firing wedgeinposition, and on the order “fire” fires time gnu by jerkimig thelanyard smartly with his right hamid, usingIns left handasa guidefor the lanyardamid a shield for his face.

No. 3.

1. On coining into action, ho must be careful not to delay theplacingof thewagonby standingoutside the left gun wheel.

2. When in action,the normal position of his handswill beasfollows :—The riglmt hanil on the elevating handwhmeel,the leftImand on the traversingwheel. Ho should beconversantwith timedirection in which the elevatingwheel amid traversingwheelmustbe turnedimi orderto give eithef elevatiomsor depression,amid rightor left traverserespectively,to thegun.

3. To facilitate rapidity in setting thesightandlaying, he shouldrememberthefollowing

(~)The seatmustbe~idjustedto suit theheiglmt of time layer’seye with referemuceto time sight.

(b) In setting the sight turn the handwheelto the rear toraise theelevatiomm. lilliAn—RAIsE.

1,000yardsrangerequires4 turns of thewheel.2,000 ,, ,, ,, 3~3,000 ,, ,, ,, (3 ,, ,m4,000 mm mm ~, ,,

5,000 ,, ,, ,, 13~ ,, ,,

(11,000 ,, ,, ,, 184 ,, ,,

(B 11481) A 3

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(c) When the bubbleci the longitudinal level appearsat thebottom of the mirror, depresstIme gun to bring it central.Time mirror shouldalwaysbe used.

(d) To raise angleof sight turn micrometerheadto theright.RiunT—RAmsa.

(e) In putting un deflection,time milled head is turnedto thefront for right deflectionandto therearfor left deflection.

(f) The cross-levelbubblemustalways bewholly visible in therun when laying fur direction. Minute adjustment inorder to get the bubble exactly central is, however,umineeessary.

(y) When fixing time telescope,he niust see timat thewingednut is drawnthrough the trunnion bearings and turneda~vayfrom the recessesbefore claummping.

4. Time straight edgedeflection scaletenablesthelayer to hay offauxiliary aiming pointsabout10 degreeson either sidle of the lineof fire, andrenders it unnecessaryto depressthe gnn after eachreund in order to relay for line. Any part of the straiglmt edgemay be usedaslumig as time edge of time blade, tip of the feresight,anti theauxiliary aiming point are in line ; thegunis thencorrectlylaid for direction.

Aiming Point


5. It must be rememberedthat for the first round the gunelevatesabout 2 degreesowing to time spadeengagingin theground,and fur subsequentrounds an amount differing from 3 to 10minutes. The layer must try and rectify this movementas soon

m*— Blade


Nut aGovernmentStore.

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as possibleafter the gun is fired, rememberingthat it is his dutyto rehay his gun both for elevation and direction immediately therecoil hastaken place.

6. Although his gun may not necessarilyfor the moment beutilized for ranging purposes,he must neverthelessinvariablyfollow up on his range drum the rangesordered by the batterycommander.

No. 4.

1. He should always have one round readyfor loading and beready to set thefuze, if necessary.

2. For a percussion shell the percussion pin only should bewithdrawn. For a time shell the fuzemust be set to the gradua-tion required,and both pins withdrawn before loading. In eachcasethering mustbe tightly clamped. Particular attention mustbepaid to this point.

If thepercussionpin only is removed,thefact of the time ringbeingsetat anyparticular graduationis immaterial asregardstheshell acting on percussion. This only refers to Iuzes fitted withsafetypins.

3. To load.—IIe should place the shell in the chamberwiththe cartridgepressedagainst its base and push them both homewith his right hand.

4. He is responsiblefor attendingto the wagon brake. To puton the brakethehandlemust he turned to the right, and to takeit off it must be turned to the left. RIOnT—TIGIIT. LEFT—Loosu.

5. Wl~enexaminingammunition boxeslie must see that theyare properly filled, that the lids openeasily, and that the locks arein goodorder,that thie fuzesare set at safety and the fuze keysreadyfor use.

This appliesto all numberswho examineammunitionboxes.6. Heshould alwaysfollow up with thefuzesetting, so that the

least possible delay occurs betweenthe calling out by 6 of thelength of fuze required and the loading of the round. Should atime ring stick after thenut hasbeenunclamped it may be givena tepwith theIuze key; this generallyloosens it. A rough ruleby which a fuze settermay know the approximatefuzelikely to berequiredfor a particularrangeisNo. 56 fuzefour timesthenumberof thousandsof yai’dsin therange.~ 60 ,, six ,, ,, ,, “

7. When firing from behindcover,if no auxiliary aiming pointis available over the deflection scaleof the sight,he

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nmay beorderedto plant one ninung post. This must be done asquickly as possibleand without direction from 3. The postshouldbe plantedroughly in line witim the foresight and hindsight andabout20 yardsin front of the gnn.

8. When aswitch is orderedhe must be prepared to assist by

manningtheleft gunwheel.

No. 5.1. When in action he must have at least two basketsper gun

always available for immediateuse, with becketsremovedfromover the nuts of foxes, cartridges withdrawn and placed con-veniently for 4.

2. He shouldalwaysfollow up fuzes,and must never supplyashell to 4 with the fuzenot tighmthy clamped. Badly-clampedfuzescausesprernaturesandalsoslipping of the çi~nering.

3. Therapidsupplyof ammunitionto thegunis mostinmportant.This can only be maintainedif there is a good mutual under-standingbetween5 and 6.

4. Ta mm unhook” thewagonteamson coming into action,5 and6mmmst go to thewimeel traces,5 on the off and 6 on time near side.They releasethe attacimmemmtsand 6 steadiestime polewhilesguidesthe mm bar supportingpole” off time pole if necessary.

5. To mm hook in” the team,.6 holds up the pole near the foot-boardon tIme nearsidemand5 guidestime ring of thebar supportingpole on to tIme pole. As soonas time ring is on thepoletheyfaflentheattachmentsof thewheel traces.

C. When unhooking,time inside tracesshould he releasedfirst,andwhenhookingin, time outsidetracessimould beIirstattaeImed.

No. 6.

.1. He mustfollow up all orders for corrector and rangeon hisfuze indicator, sothattheshortestpossibletime nmayelapsebetweentheorder~toload andtime calling out of thelengthof fuze.

2. The length of fuze must lie called out loud enoughfor thesection~omrnahderto hear,sOthat the settmngsmaybe checked.

3. Time readerof thefuze indicatormust invariablybe used,andnot thethumb nail.

4. When the reader coniesbetweentivo readings on theindi-cator, time shorterreadingshould becalled out.

5. Whenhe is not following up on the fuzeindicator, or settingit, he should be pre~arimugammunition, or assisting~ in settingfuzes. -

. Empty basketsshould always be replacedin thewagonatthe first opportunity.

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Casualtiesto Equipment.

*1. Gunnot running up.—Tbeprincipal causesof failure of thegun to run up are :—

i. Wantof lubricationof guides.ii. Weakor brokensprings.iii. Packingglandtoo tight.

Shouldthegun fail to run up completelyafter firing, I and 2should,during therun up, assistto push it homeinthe cradle.

It is most Important that the guidesare kept cleanandwelllubricatedwith oil. Onecauseof failure to run up is dueto therearrnportion of theguidesbeingcloggedwith thick oil andgrit.

*2. To lay the gun if the longitudinal level is broken.—Obtainthe quadrantangle required from one of t.he other guns in thebattery which is already laid for elevation,by placing the fieldclinometeron the clinometer planeandbring the bubblecentralby adjusting the chinometer. Then lay the gun for elevation by

~ meansof this clinometerplaced on the planeof thegun whosesightis damaged.

*3 Dial siyht.—If thedial sightcannotbe used andno other is~ availablethe line of fire can be obtainedasfollows

For angles up to 45 degrees from the aiming point—Set the° field clinometer to the angle ordered and place it horizontally~ againsttheouterside of the top fehloe of theleft gun wheel.

For right deflectionthe pivot pin must beto therear.For left deflectionthepivot pin mustbe to thofront.

.4 Look alongthe edgeof theslider anddirect the gun so thatthe9 edge of the slider and aiming point are in line. Aiming posts~ be planted in line with the rocking bar sightsetat~ zero,or anauxiliary aiming point picked up. Deflectionfor level

of wheelsmustbe placedon therocking bar sight if necessary.If theangle is from 45 degreesto 135 degreestho clinometer

should beplacedon the faceof the breechsetas follows —

For anglesbetween45 degreesand 90 degrees.---Subtracttheanglefrom 90 degreesandsettheclinometerto theresultobtained,the pivot pointing to theside of theaiming point,

For angles between90 degrees and 135 de~rees.--—Subtract90 degreesfrom the angheorderedand set the chnonieterto theresultobtained,thepivot pointing awayfrom theaiming point.

GUN DRILL.The generalprinciples of battery tactics which vary but little

with the different equipmentsare laid down iii Field ArtilleryTraining.

Thefollowing paragraphsgive thedutiesof thedetachmentson- the sectioncommander’sorders.

Single detachmentsshould beaccustomedto drill as if formingpart of a section,and the instructorshould thereforealwaysusetheordersgivenfor the sectioncommander.

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The Detachment.

Thie detachmemitcomisists of 0 mcml, together witim two horse-holders10 ammd 11.

lim each sectionan extra horse-holder,numbered1~,is requiredfor time sectioncommander.

Time seniornon-commissionedofficer is 1, and is in cimar~eof thegun. He rideson theleft of time lead driver of th~ ‘,mlm exceptat“DetachmmmemtFront” whieim ime is on thie right of the ~eLach,nemmt.

Thenext senioris 7, wimo is in charge of time wagomm.The active miunibems ate 1 to 6 ammd are xnommmmtcd nme,m. The

reservenumnbersare8 and 9. Tlmoy are disrmmountedmcmi and arecarriedon time limber of the first line wagons.

To Tell Off.

A the order front the section conenmander Section— Tell of.—1 numbers himself 1 ; the left hand man of the rear rank 2his froimt rank mnami 3 ; the secondmoan from the left of time rearrank4 ; hmis front rank man5; andso on.

Positions when Mounted.For drill ammd manmuvre“DetachmmmemmtRight Rear” will be the

normal positioim, ammd time positions of the nmemm of time detachmentareas whendismmmoummtedwith time followimmg exceptions:—

1 will beon the left of time leaddriver of the gun.6 antI 7 on theleft of the cemmtreammd lead driversrespectivelyof

thefiring battery wagon.8 and 9 on thelimber of time first line wagons,8 on time nearside,

9 on time off.The horse-holders10 and 11 between2 and 4, amid 3 and 5

respectively.The following diagram shows a section formed for mounted


I SectionCommander

1~0o 110000 00010 010

3 Li 5 12 3 ii 57000 I OG 0 7000 I OS6S00 ~01 6•0O GO’

r 104 2104

1mm ca~esof reduced detachmmmeimts6, 6, and 10 are omitted insuccessiomm.

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Positions when Dismounted.

On dismounted paradesthe (letachmuentfalls in two deep, one

race between,‘ammks, 1 on the right of the front rank. When at‘DetachmnentRight Roar” they ire formed up ono horse’s lengthon the right of, aimd in line witlm the gun muzzle.

To Move the Gun with Dragropes whenLimbered Up.

At the order front the section commander. m Section—Wit/iDragropes,Prepare to Advance“—2 and 3 hook thedragropestothegun-wheelwashers;the two highestnumbersgo to thepoleandtheremaindermTian theropes. Even numberson thenearside,oddnumberson the off.

At the order “ Walk March” the carriagesare moved to thefront.

At the order “halt the carriagesarehaltedandthedetachmentsremainat their posts.

At time order “Detachnients Rear” 2 and 3 replacethe dragropeson the shield,andthedetachmentsdoubleto their placesby timeshortestwayandhalt.

To Move the Gun without Dragropes when• Limbered Up.

At time order from the section comnmander. “ Section— WithoutDragropes, Prepare to Advance “—2 and 3 push in rear of theshield; 4 andSman thegun wheels; the twohighestnumbersgoto the poleandthe remainderassist. Even numberson time nearsideodd numberson time off.

At time order “ JVcmllc March” time carriagesare moved to timefront.

At the order “ilalt” time carriagesare haltedand time detach-mentsremainat their posts.

At the order “Dctac/mnments Rear” the detachmentsdouble totheir placesby the shortestwayandhalt.

Preparation for Action.

At the order worn the section commander “ Section—Preparefor Action “—1 and time detachment,if mounted,dismount,and—

1 seesthat the bore is clear, superIntendsthe other mmien, andsatisfieshimself timat time gun and carriageare in all respectsreadyfor action.

2 removesbreechandmuzzle covers ; strapsthem on time frontof the shields,examinestime breech,shield,brake, firing andsafetyarrangements,andseesthat time liming wedgeis in its pocket.

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3 removesthe covers from time elevating gear and himmd sightandstraps them on the shield, examines time sights, elevatingandtraversinggears,andseestimat the traversinggearis

4 examinestime gun limber box. He provideshimself with afuzekeyfrom time carriage,plaeimmgthe lanyardroummdhis neckandthekey in his pocket.

5examinesthe wagonlimber box.

6 exanmiuestime wagon box and fuzeindicator.

S and 6 providetimemnselveswitim fuze keys from thewagon.8 examines.thehinmberbox of time first line wagon.9 examinesthe wagonbox.Breechandmuzzlecoversnmay be replacedif necessary.Eachman resumesIns place as soon as he has completedhis


Action Front.

At the order or signal,frorn time battery leader orlsection conmmaander,“halt, ActionFront “—I orders i~iVo Halt, Action Front.”

At theorderfrom 1—

Thedetachmentdisnmeunts,2 unkeysandwith 3 lifts the trail,whenthetrail is clearof time imook, 2 orders“Limber Drive On.”

On dismoummtedparades6, 7, 8 and9 will attend to the liniber,6 and 7 pushingin rear, 8 and 9 at thepole.

TheLiniber advances1 yard, wheels sharply to time right about,at a trot, andproceedsdirect to the wagonhue.

2 and 3 carrythe trail roundhalfa circle to the right (3 shiftingroundthe trmmil eye to avoid walking backwards),ammd lower it totheground.

1 mansthenearguum whmeel,4 assistsif necessary.When conming into “Action Front” on a side slope the ‘trail

shouldbecarriedrounddown hill.As soomias thetrail of each gun is on the ground the wagonwill

drive up on its left and halt withm theaxietreeof time wagon body1 yard in rearof timemtxietreeofthegunandnot morethan0 inchesto time flank.

When the batteryis coming into actionummder cover,and the lineof fire hastebeobtained,thewagonsshould not drive up to timeirgunsuntil theyare in thecorrect line, when 1 will at oncegive thesignmd “Advance.”

~6and 6 inmmediatelyunhook,meanwhile4 puts on the wagonbrake,opensthe wagonbox andcommencesto prepareammummition.~Uhewagonmay be placedon the right of time guim if the sectioncommanderconsidersit advisable.

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Theposition of the detachmentis asfollowB1 kneelsin rearof 2.2 kneelsclose to thebrakeon theright side.3 sits on theseaton the left side.4 kneelsbehind3.5 kneelsin rearof thewagonon the sidenearestthegun.6 kneelsin rear of the wagon on the side farthest from the

gun.1 and4 will changeplacesif thewagonis on theright of thegun

andat limber supply.,8 and 9, remain with the first line wagons, they assist in

keeping up the supply of ammuniton to the firing battery and~replacocasualtiesthereinas ordered.

At standinggun drill, when no first line wagons are present,they take postsix yardsin rearof thegun.

As soon as the detachmentis in position orderswill be givenregardingthe referencepoint andtarget,or aiming point,sightto

~ be used or angle of sight required, nature of projectile and~ correctorsetting, if necessary,deflectionandrange.

1 fixes the traversinglever, lays approximately for directiofl,~ andpoints out thetarget to 3.

~ raises andsecurestop portion and lower bottom of theshield,~ puts on the brake, takes the firing wedge froni his pocket ap4

holdsit with the toggle in his right hand, opensthe breech, and~ seesthat thesafetyarrangementis i~etto “F”(fire).

3 assists2 to raiseandsecurethe top portion of the shield,fixesthe telescopeanddudsight, and lays.

4 obtainsa roundof ammunitionfrom thewagon.S preparesammunition.

~ 6 fixes andadjustsfuzeindicator.Action Right—Thetrail is carriedroundaquarterof acircleto

the left, 2 shifting roundthetrail eye.Action Loft—The trail is carriedround aquarterof acircle to

the right, 3 shifting round thetrail eye.In both casesthe limbers advanceone yard andlwheelin the

direction of t~iowagonline.Action Rear—Thetrail is not carried round.In eachcasethe wagonsareplacedasfor “Action Front.”

To 1~’ormDetachmentRearin Action.

At the order from thesection commander“ Section—Dctac1m~n~entsRear“—1 doublesto his place (three yardsin rearof andcoveringthe right wheel),andgives the order “No Double,A/arch.”

At theorderfrom 1—Theremainderdoubleto their placesby theshortestway andhalt.

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To take Post from Detachment Rear in Action.At the order from the section commander “ Sectiom—Tahe

Post” 1 orders No Double, March.”At time order from 1—The detachmentdouble to their placesby

theshortestway and halt.

General Duties in Action.1 is responsiblefor the entire service of the gun. He com-

maumdsand attends to time traversing lever, but will not touchit once the gun is layed. He assists in passing ordersdown the batterywhen necessary. lie will occasionallyexaminethesettings on time range drum and fuze indicator,and will ~eethat the angleof sight is put on correctly.

2 attendsto shield, breech,brake, firing and safetymechanisms,makesreadyand fires. He will also report excessiverecoil.

3 lays. When laying direct he levelsthe longitudinal level assoon aspossible.

4 loads, assistsin setting fuzes when required,and attendstoaiming postsif in use.

5 setsfuzesand suppliesammunition.C attendsto time fuze indicator, assistsin supplying ammunition,

and replacesempty baskets.

To Load.At drill, only drill cartridges without shell will be ~1aced iii.

the bore.At the order from 1—” tlTo. ... Percussion Load”—5 suppliesaroundto 4.4 removes the percussionpin, placesthe simell and then the

cartridgein time bore.2 closestime breech and placesthe firing wedgein position.3 checksthe iay, andreports “Ready.”At the order from 1—”No. ... Corrector (Range) Lo~d6 sets the fuze indicatoras ordered,and calls out the length

of fuze.5 setsthe fuzeandsuppliestheroundto 4.When thereis no alterationof correctoror rangefor subsequent

rounds,1 will order “Time, Load.”Thedutiesof 2, 3, and 4 are as for loading with percussion.

To Fire.A gun is not to be fired without time order from 1, who must

nevergive this orderuntil he seestimat the gun is in all respectsready.

As Boon asthe gun is readyand its turn comesto fire, 1 orders“No Fire.”

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On this order2 fires the gun by jerking the lanyardsmartly.As soon asthegun is fired—2 opensthe breech.3 re-lays.

Re-loading.As the gun cannotbe unloaded, the following points must be

attendedto asregardsre-loading:—

(a) When ranging with percussion,guns will ordinarily bere-loaded as soon as fired. Time battery commander,Imowever, shmommld give the order for the cormector insufficient tinme to emmsure that once Ime hasverified the100 yards brackettime gunsdo not re-loadwith percussion.This point is important in order to avoid emnneccssemry ‘wasteof anmimunitiorm and delay.

(b) When a change of fuze Imas becomenecessaryeither bychange in range or corrector, the battery commanderelmouldbe informed by the section commanderconcernedwhen the first gun fires with the new fuze.

(c) Whenan orderis given for a specified numberof roundsto be fired, guns should not bere-loadedwithout furtherorders,but time whole detachmentmustbe preparedfor arepetition.

Empty Gims.

On theorder“Empty Guns” anygunloadedwill be fired at onceby order of No. 1.


If thereis a niissfire, time wedgeshould beagaininsertedat onceammdtime gu~mfired. If it again fails to fire afteran interval of fiveminutes, time breecim slmould be opened slowly and time c~utridgecarefullyextracted.

Time cartridge,wheimremovedfrom the gumm, will beexaminedtosee if time cap hasbeenstruckand, if so, taken to time mear.

Mark I cartridge (fitted witim cap). The chargewill be m’enioved,and, if time cap has failed ta ignite, the emmmpty case setaside forspecialexamimmatiomi of cap.

if time caphasignited bet failed to fire time cartridge, thechargewill be destroyed(by laying it out in atrain andlighting omme end).The cartridgecasewill bereturimedin the usualmanner.

Mark II cartridge (fitted with primer). The prinmer will beremoved. If the prinmer Imas failed to ignite it will he setasidefor specialexamnination,substitutinga fresimprimer jim thecartridge.

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If the primer has ignited but failed to fire the cartridge, pro-vided thereis an opportummityof firing thesameroummd inmumediatelyby time substitution of a fresh pm’imer, timis will be done; failingthis, thechargewill hewitlmdrawmm anddestroyed(by laying it outin a train andliglmtiimg one end).

Time cartridge caseand prinmer will be returned jim the usualmanner.

If time cap, with any mark of cartridge,hasnot beenstruck, timestriker will be examinedand, if necessary,changed.

Missfire (Blank Ammunition).

1. No officer, non-commissionedofficer, or gunner,is to commandor form part of asection or guim detachmentfiring blankammuni-tion at salutesor at training who hasnot been trained and passedin gun drill.

2. When barechargesare usedno gun is to be reloadedwithin30 secondsafter firitmg. Even after these intervalsno gun is to bereloadedunless 1 Imas examined the chmamber and time bore andremovedanydebris remainingfrom the previousround.

3; In firing salutesnot less thanfour gunsareto beused. Whenfiring signal romnmds dana’ training, however,anynumberof gunsmay be used provided t~matthe conditions of paragraph2 arefulfilled.

4. In the event of a nmissfire,at leastonemore attemptshouldbemadeto fire time guim, whmeim it is again its turn, but in any casethebreech must not be opened for at least 1 minute with “blackpowder“ charges and 10 nminutes with “ smokelesspowdercimargesafter the last failure to fire the gun. Noneof time detach-ment shouldbe directly in rear of time breechwhen it is opened.

In firing salutes, an officer or senior noim-conmrnissionedofficershould be detailed for the special duty of timing the interval aftera missfire, and informing the No. 1 of timat gun when time breechmay beopened.

5 As a further safeguard,witim guns using caseammunition,the Nos; 1 of guim detachmentsshould beheldresponsiblethat timecharge is properly home in the case before time round,is loaded.This can ho done by pressingdown the leatherboard cup on thepoint of thetraversinglever, a small mark beingmade underlocalarrangementson eacim traversinglever to indicate when time chargeis in its correct position.

Battery, Seôtion or Gun Fire.

At time order from the sectiomm commanderthe gun is loadedbyorder of 1, fired in its turn at time interval ordered, and re1oadeda~’soon asnecessary.

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To Stop Firing.At time order “Stop” time detachmmmentwill continuetheir duties

but thegun mustnot befired until time order “go on”is giveim.

To Stand Fast.

At the order from the sectiQn commander “ Section, StandFast “—All stand fast whatever thmey are doing, except that 2removestime firing wedge if it imas beeninserted. At the order“go on” time work is continued.

Case.3 setsthesight to 1,000 yards and lays overtime siglmt.

To CeaseFiring.

Before Giving the Order “Gease Firing” time Guns must beemptied.

At the order fronm the section commander “ Section—Geesetiring.”

1 folds thetraversinglever on trail.2 closesthe breech,replacesthefiring wedgein his pocket, takes

off time brake, raises and securestime lowerportion of time shield,andlowers thetop portion.

3 setsthetraversing gearat zero,lowers time sight, runs downtheelevationgearto thetravellingposition, replacesthetelescopeand dial sight, and assist2 to securethe top portion of the shield.

4 bringsin aiming postsif in use.5 and C resetfuzes at safety,replaceammunition and carriers,

close all lids ; 6 replacestime fuze indicatorin its case.On no accountmust a fuzefrom whicha pin imas beenwithdrawn

bereplacedin alimber or wagon.

Casualtiesto Detachments.

Men Sent U~to replacecasualtieswill reporttimemselvesto theirsectionconinmanderswho will ordersuchcimangesof dutiesin theirsectionsanddetachmentsastimey considernecessary.

If the full detachmentscannotbe nmaintaimmed,the duties aredivided as foliows

With 5 men—5

performs the duties of 5 and 6.With 4 men—i performs the duties of 1 and4.

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To Limber Up.

At the order from time section conmmnander. “ Section—FrontLimber Up”—

2 and 3 carry the trail roundhalf a circle to the right (2 shiftingroundthe trail eye to avoid walking backivards),and lower it totheground.

4 and5 man thewheels if mmecessary.As seomm as the trail is loweredtime detachmentgetsundercover

—1 in front of 2.2 and 3 betweenbreech and wheels.4 and5 ijetweexmmuzzle andwheels.Time whole with their backsto time shield.The limber coi~mesup 0mm time right of thegunandoneyard clear.

Wimen clear of the guim wheel it iimchines to thb left untmi the nearwheel of time limber hasjust passedthe trail eye. 1 then orders“Halt.” Thelimber is Imalted,squared,andwhen squared1 orders“Limber Up.” 2 and 3 lift the trail and placeit on the hook.2 keys up. 4 and5 nmamm time wheelsif necessary. The detachmentnmeu nts without further orders.

When time wagon teamceimmes up it will be immediately hookedin by 5 and 6.

Rmght, left, and rear limber up are the same exceptthat at—Rigimt limber up—Thetrail is carried round a quarter of a circle

to theright, 2 shifting roundthe trail eye.Left hinmber up—Time trail is carried ronimd a quarter of a circle

to time heft, 3 shiftimmground the trail eye.Rearlimber up—Thetrail is not carriedroummd.Except Ia the caseof “rear himnber up “jsome man-imandling of

guns or wagonswill benecessary.

To Change a Damaged Wheel.

Should a gun wimeel be disabled in action, it should be imme-diately turned, so as to bring the soundportion on to the ground,and notice seimt to theCaptain. The latter will immediately sendup anotherwheel, wlmieh will be brought alongsidethe damagedone and thewheelschanged. To take the weight of the carriagewhile thewheel is being changeda hiftimmg jack maybe used,or, thecarriagenmaybe raisedby four men lifting at time damagedwheel(backs to time wheel), and, as soon as the carriage is raised hmighenough,the loop of the bar supporting pole can be put ummder theshield near the hinge, with time end which is on the ground placedon a shovel to prevent it sinking in when the weight is taken bytime bar. The bar acts as a vertical support while time wheei isbeing changed.

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Shouldthewheel ho damagedin suchamannerthat theaxietreearm hasfallen to theground,the axletreecan be raisedabovethehorizontalby meansof alimber asfollows

I’lace a limber so that its hook comesover the point of theaxietreewith the pole at right anglesto t}ie gun. Secureonedragropeon thedouble,round the po1c nearthe tug.Thenhook aseconddragroperoundthe 1)010 as iiear thefootboardas possible,passingtheendof thisropeoverthelimber box round the axietree,and backover the box.(Thehackpin canbe left in to preventtheropeslipping.)Raisethe limber pole through an angle of about60~,taking care that the wheels do not run forward, takeintheslackon thedragrope,andtakethreeturnsroundthepole with the runningend. The axietree can then beraisedby five men pulling down on thedragropeon thefront end of the pole; as soon asit is high enoughthebar supportingpole is placed in position supportingthecarriage. The new wheel can then be put on withoutdifficulty.

Instructions for use of No. 1 Dial Sight.* TheNo. 1 dial sight is providedfor the purposeof obtaining

~ the line of fire when laying indirect. As this sight is onlye~ graduated in degrees and smaller divisions are often required,~ layers roust be practised in setting the dial sight to ~ degrees.~ Before laying for initial direction with the sight thedial plate

shouldbe levelledand thekeeppin inserted. In order to quickenup the service of the gun subsequentlaying for line should be overthestraight edgedeflectionscale.

On the receiptof theorderto lay...degreesofFanaiming point (orthe director), the dial sight is set as ordered and the sight plateclamped,care being taken that the pointer does not shift. Thelayer must then direct 1 to move the trail till the dial sight islayedon thepoint required.

Thelayer should now selectaim auxiliaryaiming point over thestraight edgedeflectionscaleand,without moving the trail, adjustthe deflection on the sight to suit it, moving the blade to thenearestdegreeandthaking the final adjustmentwith the milleddeflectionscrew. Any suhsequcntdeflectionthat maybe orderedwill be fromthereadingthen on tIme sight.

If no auxiliary aiming point is availablean aiming postmust beplantedby 4 roughly in line with the rocking-bar sightand about20 yards distant. Thelayerwill then useit asan auxiliaryaimingpoint.

Switching.* Thegull having beenrelayed on the old target the dial sight

or straight edge is ininiediately layed on an aiming point orauxiliaryaiming point andtheanglenoted. The switch angle is

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addedto or subtracted from this angle and the dial sight (orstraightedge)re-setto the angle thus obtained. The dial sight(or straight edge) is relayedon the aiming point by moving thetrail, and an ammilmg post planted (if required) in line with; thestraight edgeat zero. The traversinggearshould beset at zero.

Parallel Lines to a Named Gun.* The named gun being in time requiredline should not be

moved. The section conmmander will pick up a suitable ainmiugpoint and,usingtime dial sight of time named gun as a director, willmeasuretime angle between time aiming point and time axisof thegun, giving it out to the other guns together with any necessaryconcentration or distributioim due to the position of the aimingpoint.

Laying by Means of Aiming Posts.* On time order “Lines of Fire,” 4 doubles out about 50 yards in

froimt of the gun with two aiming posts,and plantsthem as directedby ~ in line with thestraight edgeset at zero,thenearer post beingplanted first. If newlines of fire areordered, 4 doublesout and ona signal fronm 3

1)icks up the aiming posts, the far one first,

replanting thmeimi as above.

* To ascertain the Lowest Elevation at which theTrajectory will clear the Crest (or InterveningObstacle).

Lay on the crest om~ obstacle, through time telescopewith therangedrumseta liberal estirmiateof time rangeto the crest. Thensettime sight clinormieterto time angleof sigimt (zero if no angle ofsighmt hasbeenordered)andlevel time bmmbble by theimand-wheeloftherangedrunm. The drum then s1mo~vstime lowest elevation~atwhich time trajectorywill clear time crest. Tlmis should always bedone by I when conming into action under cover,erich the rammgereported to time section comimnmander.

Instructions for Layers.* When pointing omit targets,sectioncommandersslmould give the

layer some indicatiomm as to whetherw~curatelaying for line isrequired, so as to avoid wasteof tinme mmd delayin over.layingfordirection at targetscoveringa broad front.

Layersshould usetheir sightsin time following oider

DirecC laying—i. Set the sigimts as ordered.ii. Lay approxinmatelyfor elevation.iii. Level the crosslevel.iv. Lay for direction.v. Lay for elevation.

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Indirect laying—

i. Setthe sights asordered.ii. Obtaintime line of fire with dial sight.iii. Selectauxiliary aiming point.iv. Lay approximatelyfor elevation.v. Level Lay for direction.vii. Lay for elevation.

To Test and Adjust the Sights In the Field.* Before commencingtime tests a well defined object must be

selectedto lay on at about 1,000 yards away, and the carriageplacedon alevel platform.

To Test and Adjust the Longitudinal Level.* Placeafield clinonmeterset at zero on time clinomueterplaneof

thegun andelevateor depressthe gun until the bubble is in thecentreof its run. With the range drum set at zero and themicrometerhead andscale of the longitudinal level at zero thebubbleof thelongitudinal level simould be in time centreof its runIf it is not, turn themicrometerimeaduntil thebubble is central,thenunscrewthetwo clampingscrewson time top oftile micrometerheadand turn time graduate~1ring (keeping time bubble in thecentre),until time zero line coincides with its arrow,then tiglmtenUp theclampingscrews.

To Test and Adjust the Cross Level.* Run the sight arcup, place a field chinometerset at 10 3o9~

againsttherigimt handedgeof the sight arc,amid bring the clino.meter bubble central by turning the cross.levellingscrew. Thebubbleof the crosslevel should be in the centreof its run, if not,turn the capstanheaded nuts holding the cross level until timebubbleis central.

To Test and Adjust the Sights for Line and Elevation.* Lay time gun for limme andehevatiomm on time object selectedby

meansof the hole in the vent and threadsstretchedacross thevertical andhorizontallines of themuzzle.

~ Owingto thesightbeingsetatthis anglei~oraerto counteractdrift.

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Sot theyardscaledrum,deflectionscaleat zero—(a) The opensight should now be correctly pointing on time

objectboth for line and elevation. If it is not correct forlimmo move the deflectionscrewuntil theopensight is iayedcorrectly for line, Slacken the screws fixing the indexplate, and move the pointer until it coincideswith thezeroon thedeflectionscale,and clampupthefixing screws.If it is not correct for elevation, unscrewthe clampingscrewbelowtheforesightand screw the foresight up ordownasrequired. Tighten up theclampingscrew.

(b) The pointerof the telescopeshould also be eu the objectboth for line andelevation. If it is not, the Mark II orIII telescope can be adjusted by manipulating thecollimating screwsuntil thepointer is layedon theobjectfor line andelevation.

(c) The dial sight when setat zero should point correctly forline on the object, if it doesnot, lay it on the object andadjust thepointerto readzeroby meansof the adjustingscrew.