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Network Coding in Live Peer-to-Peer StreamingMea Wang and Baochun Li, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—In recent literature, network coding has emerged asa promising information theoretic approach to improve the per-formance of both peer-to-peer (P2P) and wireless networks. It hasbeen widely accepted and acknowledged that network coding cantheoretically improve network throughput of multicast sessions indirected acyclic graphs, achieving their cut-set capacity bounds.Recent studies have also supported the claim that network codingis beneficial for large-scale P2P content distribution, as it solvesthe problem of locating the last missing blocks to complete thedownload.

We seek to perform a reality check of using network coding forP2P live multimedia streaming. We start with the following criticalquestion: How helpful is network coding in P2P streaming? Toaddress this question, we first implement the decoding processusing Gauss-Jordan elimination, such that it can be performedwhile coded blocks are progressively received. We then implementa realistic testbed, called Lava, with actual network traffic tometiculously evaluate the benefits and tradeoffs involved in usingnetwork coding in P2P streaming. We present the architecturaldesign challenges in implementing network coding for the purposeof streaming, along with a pull-based P2P live streaming protocolin our comparison studies. Our experimental results show thatnetwork coding makes it possible to perform streaming with a finergranularity, which reduces the redundancy of bandwidth usage,improves resilience to network dynamics, and is most instrumentalwhen the bandwidth supply barely meets the streaming demand.

Index Terms—Multimedia streaming, network coding, peer-to-peer networks.


NETWORK coding has been originally proposed in infor-mation theory [2]–[4], and has since emerged as one of

the most promising information theoretic approaches to improveperformance in peer-to-peer (P2P) and wireless networks. Theupshot of network coding is to allow coding at intermediatenodes in a directed network, assuming that links are error-free.The assumption of error-free links is made to avoid the mostperplexing challenges of interference in the field of network in-formation theory. It has been shown that random linear codesusing a Galois field of a limited size are sufficient to implementnetwork coding in a practical network setting. In some cases,even exclusive-ORs—GF(2)—can improve throughput in wire-less mesh networks [5].

Avalanche [6], [7] has demonstrated—using both simulationstudies and realistic experiments—that network coding may im-

Manuscript received November 16, 2006; revised July 20, 2007. This workwas supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering ResearchCouncil of Canada and Bell Canada through its Bell University LaboratoriesR&D program. A preliminary version of this work is to appear in Proc. IEEEINFOCOM 2007 [1]. The associate editor coordinating the review of thismanuscript and approving it for publication was Dr. Hui Zhang.

The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-neering at the University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3G4 Canada (e-mail:[email protected]; [email protected]).

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMM.2007.907460

prove the overall performance of P2P content distribution, upto about a hundred peers. The intuition that supports such aclaim is that, with network coding, all blocks are treated equally,without the need to distribute the “rarest block” first, or to findthem in the “end game” of the downloading process. While theseare noteworthy observations, we note that content distributionapplications deal with elastic traffic: one wishes to minimizedownloading times, but there are no required lower bounds withrespect to the instantaneous rate of a live session.

The requirements of P2P live multimedia streaming applica-tions, however, have marked a significant departure from tra-ditional applications of elastic content distribution. The mostcritical requirement is that the streaming rate has to be main-tained for smooth playback. Each live streaming session mayinvolve a live media stream with a specific streaming rate, suchas 800 Kbps for a typical Standard-Definition stream, generatedwith a modern codec such as H.264. The challenge of streamingis that the demand for bandwidth at the streaming rate (which isvery similar to CBR traffic) must be satisfied at all peers, whileadditional bandwidth is, in general, not required.

Existing successes with P2P streaming, such as Cool-Streaming [8] and PPLive, have demonstrated that P2P livestreaming is not only feasible, but also practical at a largescale. Observing the recent success of using network codingin wireless mesh networks [5] and P2P content distribution[6], it is natural to ask the following interesting question: Doesnetwork coding help in P2P live streaming? In this paper,we endeavor to explore the benefits and tradeoffs of applyingnetwork coding in P2P live streaming, using an experimentaltestbed with real traffic and a highly optimized implementationof network coding. To implement the decoding process at eachpeer with the highest performance possible, we propose touse Gauss–Jordan elimination (rather than the usual Gaussianelimination), which can be performed while coded blocks areprogressively received. To further optimize our implementation,we have implemented network coding with full accelerationusing the x86 SSE2 instruction set.

In building our experimental testbed, henceforth referred toas Lava, in a cluster of 44 dual-CPU servers, we have to ad-dress a number of significant design and implementation chal-lenges. First, as live traffic is involved in all our experiments,large volumes of live TCP connections and UDP traffic need tobe efficiently managed. Second, all experiments need to be bothrealistic and controllable, with upload capacities on each peeraccurately emulated. Third, since we emulate a number of peersin each cluster node, we wish to minimize the processing andmemory footprints of our implementation. Finally, to qualify asa “reality check,” we wish to implement peer joins and depar-tures following specific probability distributions. This brings allthe challenges when dynamics are considered, including han-dling broken and orphaned network connections, exchangingavailability, and maintaining updated peer lists.

1520-9210/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE


Fig. 1. Network coding improves session throughput: well-known examples. (a) Butterfly example. (b) Wireless exchange example.

In order to compare network coding with a standard P2P livestreaming protocol without coding, we have implemented apull-based P2P live streaming protocol (henceforth codenamedVanilla), which is used in typical real-world streaming applica-tions. As an intentional design decision to guarantee fairnessin our comparison studies, network coding is implementedas a plugin component in Vanilla, such that both applicationsshare identical protocols, configuration parameters, and designchoices. With our testbed, we strive to faithfully report ourresults from an unbiased point of view, as well as our empir-ical observations and insights from hands-on experiences ofanalyzing logs from a large number of experiments. Our exper-imental results show that network coding makes it possible toperform streaming with a finer granularity, which reduces theredundancy of bandwidth usage, improves resilience to networkdynamics, and is most instrumental when the bandwidth supplybarely meets the streaming demand.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. InSection II, we discuss related work in practical network coding.Section III presents the architectural design challenges inbuilding our experimental testbed, as well as design choiceswe have made in our implementation. In Section IV, we showresults from our experiences in comparing network coding withVanilla in P2P live streaming sessions. We conclude the paperin Section V.


The benefit of network coding with respect to improvingthroughput in directed graphs can be best illustrated in the“Butterfly” example, as shown in Fig. 1(a). In this example,each link in the topology has unit capacity, and the sourceseeks to maximize its session throughput to both and in amulticast session. Without network coding, optimal throughputcan be achieved by solving the problem of steiner tree packing,which leads to a flow rate of 1.875. With network coding, asshown in Fig. 1(a), node is able to code its input messagesand into , with the operation defined in a finite field,

leading to an effective end-to-end throughput of 2. In wirelessnetworking scenarios requiring wireless information exchange,network coding is also shown to be helpful [5], [9]. In Fig. 1(b),if sends to , while sends to , it requires fourunits (e.g., time slots) of transmission without coding. Withnetwork coding and the wireless broadcast advantage, theintermediate node may simply broadcast to both and

, making it feasible to complete the exchange in three units.Since the landmark paper on randomized network coding by

Ho et al. [10], [11] there has been a gradual shift in researchfocus in the area of network coding, from theoretical studies onachievable flow rates and code assignment algorithms [12], tomore practical studies on applying network coding in a prac-tical setting. Such a shift of focus has been marked by the workof Chou et al. [13], which concludes that randomized networkcoding can be designed to be robust to random packet loss,delay, as well as any changes in network topology and capacity.Avalanche [6], [7] has further proposed that randomized net-work coding can be used in elastic content distribution. It hasbeen shown that the performance benefits provided by networkcoding in terms of throughput can be more than 2–3 times bettercompared to not using network coding at all. In this sense, oneconcludes that network coding can indeed be practically imple-mented, and does offer significant advantages in P2P bulk con-tent distribution.

Our recent work [14] has investigated the practicality of ran-domized network coding, from the perspective of coding com-plexity and real-world coding performance in P2P content distri-bution. We have shown that the performance of network codingis acceptable when one uses a small number of blocks, in theorder of less than a thousand. We seek to continue to explorethe practicality of network coding in this paper, but in the set-ting of P2P live streaming, rather than bulk content distribution.

To the best of our knowledge, there has been no existing workthat has systematically studied the practicality of using networkcoding in P2P live streaming applications, especially using arealistic testbed that involves actual network traffic and peerdynamics.


Fig. 2. Architecture of a bandwidth-emulated peer in Lava.



The complexity and challenges of practical network codinghave not been previously examined in the context of P2P livestreaming. There is no doubt that an experimental testbed needsto be implemented to form an unbiased and meticulous evalu-ation of network coding in live streaming sessions. The designand implementation of such a testbed, however, proved to beboth inspiring and demanding.

Ideally, the best route to evaluate a protocol may be to ac-tually implement and deploy it across the Internet, on realisticpeers with broadband connections. We note that such an imple-mentation, while realistic, may not be able to offer sufficientlyscientific evidence. First, due to the highly dynamic nature ofpeers in P2P applications, experimental results in such a realisticsystem may not be reproduced and analyzed after parameters ordesigns are tuned and optimized. Second, existing experimentaltestbeds PlanetLab [15], Netbed [16], and ModelNet [17] cannotemulate certain properties of the real P2P networks, includingpeer dynamics, various connection types, and link delays. Fi-nally, CPU and bandwidth on each peer—the most importantresources that lead to the advantage of the P2P architecture—isheterogeneous and highly dynamic, as the availability of CPUcycles and bandwidth in PlanetLab are subject to the fluctuatingload of concurrent tasks on the same host. For these reasons, wepreclude the real-world deployment.

We insist that our experiments should not only be control-lable, repeatable and configurable, but also involve a large per-centage of peers with DSL Internet connections. The most accu-rate results are achieved by using a dedicated cluster of high-per-formance servers, interconnected by Gigabit Ethernet, and bycorrectly emulating upload bandwidth capacities on each peerat the application layer. Fortunately, a cluster of 44 dedicateddual-CPU servers (Pentium 4 Xeon 3.6 GHz and AMD Opteron2.4 GHz) is at our disposal for our experiments.

To make more convincing and conclusive observations, ourtestbed must address the following design challenges.

• Actual network traffic needs to be involved to emulatepractical streaming sessions. Hence, a potentially large

number of TCP connections and UDP flows need to beefficiently managed by each peer.

• To avoid miscalculations and incorrect conclusions due toan inferior implementation of randomized network coding,a highly optimized implementation with maximum perfor-mance is a must, with attention to details.

• Network coding should be evaluated in the same contextas a conventional P2P streaming protocol, with identicalparameter settings and protocol design.

• Peer arrivals and departures in a particular session needto be emulated, which leads to the challenges of main-taining up-to-date peer lists and handling dynamic networkconnections.

• Since we wish to maximize the number of peers to be em-ulated on each cluster server, the processing and memoryfootprints of our implementation must be minimized.

In this section, we present the design choices that we havemade in our testbed, Lava, from both the architectural and al-gorithmic point of views.

A. Lava: Architecture

On each peer in a P2P live streaming session, the architec-tural design of our experimental testbed is best illustrated inFig. 2. The core of the Lava architecture is referred to as thealgorithm, which includes both the standard pull-based P2Pstreaming protocol, and the encoding/decoding processes ofrandomized network coding. To feed the algorithm, the archi-tecture allows multiple live TCP connections from multipleupstream peers. To transmit the outcomes of the algorithm (i.e.,results of the encoding process), multiple TCP connections totheir corresponding downstream peers are established. Duringthe lifetime of each neighboring peer, a persistent TCP connec-tion is established to minimize overhead. A live session in Lavacontains one multimedia stream with a specific streaming rate.Such a live stream is divided into segments, each of which hasa specific duration (1 s in our experiments). If network codingis used, each segment is further divided into blocks.

With scalability as one of the design goals, the entire Lava im-plementation on each peer consists of only two threads. The net-


work thread has the following responsibilities. 1) It maintains allthe incoming and outgoing TCP connections and UDP traffic, aswell as their corresponding FIFO queues. 2) It is capable of gen-erating data sources for a streaming session, and managing thesession during its lifetime. 3) It emulates the upload and down-load capacities on each peer, as well as capacities and delays onspecific overlay links. To manage all TCP and UDP traffic in asingle thread, they are monitored by a single call witha specific timeout value. The timeout value of the callis dynamically tuned according to the traffic volume and band-width settings. Such timeout-based calls are also crit-ical in the network thread to emulate overlay link delays andbandwidth limits.

The algorithm thread implements the actual algorithms andprotocols to support P2P live streaming, including the followingduties. 1) It processes the head-of-line messages from incomingconnections, and sends produced streaming segments fromthe algorithm to outgoing connections. 2) It maintains a localbuffer that stores data segments that have been received sofar, and emulates the playback of each segment. 3) It supportsmultiple event-driven asynchronous timeout mechanisms withdifferent timeout periods, so that asynchronous reoccurring orone-time events can be scheduled as their respective times. 4)It implements Vanilla, a standard pull-based P2P live streamingprotocol, as well as a plugin component that performs random-ized network coding within Vanilla. With respect to its playbackbuffers, the algorithm thread forms natural producer-consumerrelationships with the network thread. We note that the asyn-chronous timeout mechanisms are implemented without anyCPU usage, which is important to schedule a large number offuture events (such as peer departures) at each peer.

There are no limitations in the Lava implementation that pre-clude running more than one peer on each server. Unlike real-world applications, they do not need to periodically contact acentral server for logistics or authentication. All logs are writtento local file systems, then collected and analyzed by dedicatedPerl scripts after the experiments. To control all the events in anexperiment, we have implemented a log-driven facility in Lava.There are two logs: events and topologies. The events log spec-ifies one event per line, including the time that the event shouldoccur in the experiment, the event type, and optional parametersassociated with the event. Typical events include the beginningand end times of a session, as well as peer arrivals and depar-tures within a session. For example, to define a session deploy-ment event, the event in the log specifies the time, the streamingsource, and the streaming rate. The topologies log is used tobootstrap peers when they first join a network. For each peer,it includes a small number of existing peers. The use of such alog-driven facility further relaxes the necessity to contact cen-tralized servers, which may lead to a considerable amount ofTCP traffic that affects the precision of the experiments.

Finally, to guarantee the most optimized binary, Lava is im-plemented in approximately 11 000 lines of code in C++, andcompiled with full optimization . The implementation ofnetwork coding is further accelerated using the x86 SSE2 in-struction set. Though all our experiments are performed in ourserver cluster running Linux, it can be readily compiled on otherUNIX variants as well.

B. Lava: Streaming With Vanilla

In order to evaluate the benefits and tradeoffs of networkcoding in a typical streaming system, we implemented Vanilla,a standard P2P streaming protocol. Our objective with Vanillais to implement the best possible pull-based data-driven P2Plive streaming protocol, achieving performance that matchesreal-world protocols (e.g., CoolStreaming [8] and PPLive). Thisis necessary since we do not wish to make incorrect conclusionssimply due to inferior performance when network coding is notused. As in any typical pull-based P2P streaming protocol, peersin Vanilla periodically exchange information on segment avail-ability, which is sometimes referred to as buffer maps in pre-vious literatures. According to the buffer maps, those peers thathave a particular segment available for transmission are referredto as the seeds of this segment.

For each streaming session, a peer maintains a playbackbuffer in which segments are ordered according to their play-back deadlines. Segments in the buffer are grouped into batches,and each batch consists of a set of consecutive segments. A seg-ment is removed from the buffer after being played. Similar toreal-world streaming systems, a peer does not immediate startplayback as the first data segments are received. Instead, it waitsfor a period of initial buffering delay to ensure smooth play-back. During such an initial buffering process, the downloadcapacity of the new peer is usually saturated, and the playbackbuffer fills up rapidly. The playback buffer is initialized to startfrom the segment that is scheduled for playback immediatelyafter the initial buffering delay. To ensure that early segmentsreceive higher priority in transmission, the peer begins with thefirst batch in the buffer, and moves to the next batch only if allsegments in the previous batch have been scheduled. Segmentsfrom the same batch are requested in an arbitrary order, topromote bandwidth sharing among peers.

During smooth playback, all segments should be readilyavailable before their playback deadlines. For each segmentthat is due for playback, the peer schedule a new segment fortransmission by sending a request to an arbitrarily selected seed.In the case of network coding, since segments are further dividedinto blocks and then coded, the peer requests coded blocks frommultiple seeds. If a requested segment is not received withinthe expected time, either due to peer departures or insufficientbandwidth—the per-segment timeout period, Vanilla requeststhe segment again (possibly from a different seed).

In the unfortunate event that a segment is not successfullyreceived in time, it is skipped during playback. The numberof playback skips is a good indicating factor to quantitativelyevaluate the quality of the streaming playback. To minimizeplayback skips and to fully utilize download capacity, we intro-duce the low and standard buffering watermarks, which mark thealert mode and normal playback mode, respectively. After theinitial buffering delay, a peer enters the alert mode if there aremissing segments before the low buffering watermark. In thiscase, it retransmits the missing segments from other seeds, andrequests one additional segment for each missing segment whenscheduling the next segment for transmission. Naturally, the peerreturns to its normal mode after it reaches the low buffering wa-termark again. In the event of peer departures, Vanilla retransmitsthe affected segments from other seeds (see Fig. 3). The playbackbuffer is internally implementedasacircularqueueforefficiency.


Fig. 3. Playback buffer in Vanilla.

Assuming each segment represents 1 s of playback, i.e., a peerrequests a new segment every second. In the worst case, when allsegments in the alert zone are incomplete at time , two segmentsis scheduled for transmission every second. There will be at most

outstanding requests at time , where is the numbersegments in the alert zone. At this point, if none of the segmentsin the alert zone is completely received in the next s, the peerwill have segments in transmission. If such scenario con-tinues, the number of outstanding requests increases at the rate ofone per second. Vanilla limits the buffer size to impose an upperbound for this number and to avoid excessive number of connec-tions. Furthermore, to avoid overloading the seeds, Vanilla alsolimits the number of concurrent TCP connections on each peer.With appropriate settings of the buffer size and initial bufferingdelay, as verified in Section IV, the downloading rate of a peeris seldom slower than the streaming rate. Hence, the number ofconsecutively available segments in the buffer is always morethan that buffered during the initial buffering delay.

Perfect Collaboration:Network coding (both encoding and decoding processes) is

implemented as a plugin component, such that it shares identicalprotocol design and parameter settings with Vanilla. It is intuitiveto conceive at least one important benefit of using network codingin live P2P streaming: a peer may download coded blocks of asegment from multiple seeds at the same time, without requiringany protocol to coordinate the efforts of these seeds. Each seedsimply starts to serve coded blocks of the segment upon receivinga request. When a peer completely decode the segment, it informsall its seeds by sending a short message to each of them to ter-minate the transmission of this segment. Without using coding,a peer will have to explicitly requesting particular blocks from aparticular seed, and perform complex computations to estimatebandwidth availability from the seed, in order to determine thenumber of outstanding requests to the seed. In other words, wecan easily achieve perfect collaboration among the seeds whenserving a particular peer using network coding.

C. Lava: Progressive Network Coding

Aggressiveness and Density in Randomized Network Coding:We first briefly summarize the concept of randomized net-

work coding [6], [10], [11], [13]. With randomized networkcoding [6], [10], [11], [13], each segment in a live stream is fur-ther divided into blocks , where has a fixednumber of bytes (referred to as the block size). If the number ofplayback second represented by a segment and the streamingrate are predefined, the block size . When en-coding a new block for a downstream peer , the peer (includingthe streaming source) first independently and randomly choosesa set of coding coefficients in the Galois fieldGF(256), one for each received block (original blocks on the

source) in the segment. The ratio of non-zero entries in the setof coding coefficients is referred to as the den-sity. It then produces one coded block of bytes:


As the session proceeds, a peer accumulates coded blocksfrom its seeds into the local buffer, and encodes new codedblocks to serve its downstream peers. In order to reduce thedelay introduced by waiting for new coded blocks, the peerstarts producing and serving new coded blocks after

coded blocks has been received, where is referred to asthe aggressiveness. A smaller leads to a shorter waiting timeand, potentially, shorter delay at downstream peers. In otherwords, the peer is more “aggressive.”

Since each coded block is a linear combination of the originalblocks, it can be uniquely identified by the set of coefficientsthat appeared in the linear combination. The coefficients ofcan easily be computed using (1) by replacing incoming blocks

with the coefficients of . In our implementation, a codedblock is self-contained, i.e., the coefficients are embedded inthe header of the coded block, leading to a header overhead ofbytes per coded block. When both aggressiveness and density

are 1, the seed used to initialize a random number generatoris embedded to reduce the overhead. Upon receiving a block, apeer can reproduce the coefficients using the seed.

A peer decodes a segment as soon as it has received linearlyindependent coded blocks . It first forms a

matrix , using the embedded coefficients of each block. Each row in corresponds to the coefficients of one coded

block. It then recovers the original blocksas


In this equation, it first needs to compute the inverse of ,using Gaussian elimination. It then needs to multiply with

, which takes multiplications of two bytes in GF(256).The inversion of is only possible when its rows are linearlyindependent, i.e., is full rank. Since addition in GF(256) issimply an XOR operation, if we wish to optimize the perfor-mance of coding, it is important to optimize the implementationof multiplication in GF(256). If x86 SSE2 acceleration is notused, this operation requires three memory reads and one addi-tion for each coded byte, as shown in Table I.

Progressive Decoding Using Gauss-Jordan Elimination:We note that a peer does not have to wait for all linearly

independent coded blocks before decoding a segment. In fact, itcan start decoding as soon as the first coded block is received,and then progressively decode each of the new coded blocks, as



they are received over the network. In this process, the decodingtime overlaps with the time required to receive the coded blocks,and thus hidden from the tally of overhead caused by encodingand decoding times.

To realize such a progressive decoding process, we employGauss–Jordan elimination, rather than Gaussian elimination,in the decoding process. Gauss–Jordan elimination is a variantof Gaussian elimination, that transforms a matrix to its reducedrow-echelon form (RREF), in which each row contains onlyzeros until the first nonzero element, which must be 1. As eachnew coded block is received, its coefficients are added to thecoefficient matrix of the corresponding segment. A passof Gauss-Jordan elimination is performed on this matrix, withidentical operations performed on the data portion of the blocks.

In this progressive decoding process, once the matrix is re-duced to an identity matrix, the result vector on the right of theequation constitutes the solution, without any additional needs ofdecoding. Moreover, if a peer received a coded block that is lin-early dependent with existing blocks of the corresponding seg-ment, the Gauss–Jordan elimination process will lead to a row ofall zeros, in which case this coded block can be immediately dis-carded. No explicit linear dependence checks are required eitherduring or at the end of the transmission of a segment, and the ma-trix in (2) is always full rank at the end of the process. In thisprogressive decoding process, once the matrix is reduced to anidentity matrix, the data portio of each block becomes the orig-inal block, without the needs for additional decoding.

Architectural Design:The architecture of the network coding implementation in

Lava is summarized in Fig. 4. Every time a new coded block isreceived into a segment in the playback buffer, a peer performsprogressive decoding by applying Gauss–Jordan elimination toall received blocks of this segment. As the decoding process pro-gresses, intermediate outcomes of Gauss–Jordan elimination arestored in the playback buffer, until the entire segment is com-pletely decoded.

Finally, an important note we wish to make is that, dependingon the settings of aggressiveness, the encoding process uses ei-ther the intermediate or fully decoded blocks from the playbackbuffer, and progresses concurrently with the decoding process.This guarantees that the encoding progress may start before thedecoding process is complete, such that peers are more “aggres-sive.” We tune the number of blocks per segment so that the en-coding process is much faster than the upload link capacity, andwould not become the bottleneck of the streaming session.

SSE2 Acceleration:To further improve the performance of our network coding

implementation on each peer, we have implemented an acceler-ated framework in both the encoding and progressive decoding

process using x86 SSE2 instructions. To achieve this objective,we need to implement the basic GF(256) operations in Rijn-dael’s finite field, employing the reducing polynomial

for multiplication, leading to algorithm that per-forms a combination of bit rotations and exclusive-ORs in aloop (with 8 iterations) to produce the product of two bytes. Thereason for using this algorithm is that it is relatively easy to per-form “batch processing” in special 128-bit SSE registers in x86CPUs, making use of the SSE2 instructions to operate on theseregisters. We present details of our accelerated implementationin a separate paper.

When compared with a baseline implementation using C (butwithout SSE2 acceleration), the performance gain of employingSSE2-accelerated network coding is between 300% and 500%,depending on specific values of various parameters. We are sat-isfied with such results, since it paves the way towards a levelground for comparing Vanilla with the use of network coding.


With Lava, we are now ready to perform an empirical “realitycheck” of network coding in P2P live streaming. The focus ofour study is on the practicality, performance and overhead ofrandomized network coding, as compared to Vanilla, a standardP2P streaming protocol without using network coding. The ulti-mate objective of this study is to answer the question: Should weimplement network coding in P2P live streaming? We deploystreaming sessions in a server cluster of 44 dual-CPU clusternode. In all experiments, the uplink bandwidth on the dedi-cated streaming server of the session is constrained to 1 MB/s.In reality, a P2P network usually consists certain number ofpeers with upload capacity more than 1 MB/s. For a more chal-lenging scenario, we emulate all peer connections as DSL up-links, uniformly distributed between 80 and 100 KB/s. We use astreaming bit rate of 64 KB/s, which must be satisfied at all peersduring their streaming playback. In our experiments, unless oth-erwise specified, each segment represents 1 s of playback, and isdivided into 32 blocks, offering a satisfactory encoding and de-coding bandwidth with our implementation of randomized net-work coding (around 19 MB/s). We set the buffer size to 30 s,the initial buffering delay to 20 s, and the batch size to 10 s. Eachstreaming session lasts for 10 min.

To compare the performance, we evaluate several importantmetrics. 1) Playback skips: measured as the percentage of seg-ments skipped during playback. A segment is skipped duringplayback if it is still not completely received at the time of play-back. 2) Bandwidth redundancy: to evaluate the level of redun-dancy in bandwidth usage, we measured the percentage of dis-carded segments (or blocks in network coding), due to obso-lescence (or linear dependence), over all received segments (orblocks). 3) Buffering levels measured as the percentage of com-pletely received segments in the playback buffer on each peerduring a live session. For all measurements, we take the averagefrom all peers in the network.

A. Performance of Network Coding

The first important question we wish to ask is about thebaseline performance of network coding. What is the raw per-formance of network coding, with and without our progressivedecoding implementation using Gauss–Jordan elimination?


Fig. 4. Architectural design of network coding in Lava.

Fig. 5. The performance of network coding. (a) The encoding bandwidth and maximum sustained streaming rates with different numbers of blocks. We haveattempted streaming rates up to 8 MB/s. (b) The effects of progressive decoding: the time required to receive all blocks of a segment (including encoding andprogressive decoding times), and the time used to recover the original blocks after the last coded block is received.

With Lava, we establish a single streaming connection betweenone source and one receiving peer, each hosted by a dedicatedserver, interconnected by Gigabit Ethernet, without imposingbandwidth limits. We test network coding in live streams withan average duration of 125 s. In tuning network coding, we setboth density and aggressiveness to 1, since we wish to evaluatethe raw coding performance. We vary the block size from 128bytes to 256 KB, and show the average of measurements fromencoding all 125 segments in the stream. For each block size,we increase the streaming rate until the CPU is 100% saturatedto find the maximum sustainable streaming rate.

In Fig. 5(a), we show our results of evaluating the codingperformance, with respect to the encoding and decoding band-width, as well as the maximum sustainable streaming rate. Fromthese results, we have observed that, thanks to our SSE2 acceler-ated implementation, the absolute coding performance is quiteimpressive, especially when there are fewer blocks. When thereare only 32 blocks, the encoding bandwidth exceeds 15 MB/s onone CPU! On the flip side, we have also observed that both en-coding bandwidth and decoding bandwidth rapidly decrease asthe number of blocks per segment linearly increases. We havealso shown that network coding can support a wide range ofstreaming rates, from 100 KB/s to more than 8 MB/s, which aremore than sufficient to accommodate typical streaming rates inthe real-world P2P streaming.

With SSE2-accelerated network coding operations, we haveobserved that the decoding bandwidth decreases faster than the

encoding bandwidth as the number of blocks increases. Thisis mostly due to the fact that the computational overhead ofGauss–Jordan elimination may not be as easily accelerated withSSE2 as straightforward vector multiplications. This phenom-enon also makes the decoding process the bottleneck of networkcoding in the streaming process. As indicated in Fig. 5(a), themaximum sustainable streaming rate is limited by the decodingbandwidth.

To illustrate the advantage of progressive decoding usingGauss-Jordan elimination, we modified the algorithm to decodeblocks only after all blocks of a segment has been received, andthen run the same experiment again with progressive decoding.In this experiment, we measured the time required to com-pletely receive a segment (“transmission time”), and the timespent by the decoding process to recover the original blocksafter all blocks have been received (“recovery time”). Thetransmission time includes the encoding time on the source.

In Fig. 5(b), the bar on the left of each setting representsthe results from using conventional decoding, and the bar onthe right corresponds to progressive decoding. We note thatthe recovery time of conventional decoding is longer thanthe transmission time in most cases. In fact, the conventionaldecoding process consumes a remarkable amount of CPU suchthat most of the segments can not be played according to theirdeadlines. Progressive decoding significantly reduces the timerequired to completely receive and recover a segment, with oneexception. In the setting, progressive decoding has


Fig. 6. Coding performance for a session with a streaming rate of 64 KB/s. (a) Encoding and decoding bandwidth (b) Encoding and decoding overhead.

Fig. 7. Scalability in terms of network size. (a) Average playback skips when tuning network size. (b) Average buffering level during the sessions in a 64 KB/secstreaming session deployed to networks consist of 132, 264, and 572 peers.

a longer transmission time because the computational overheadof Gauss-Jordan elimination dominates the transmission timewith a large number of blocks. In general, the decoding timespent after the last coded block is received is negligible. Withprogressive decoding, decoding times are almost completelyconcealed within the time required to receive the segment.

While we have previously shown the performance of networkcoding when CPU is intentionally 100% saturated, we wouldlike to show the “flip side of the coin” as well. For this pur-pose, we deploy a streaming session with a typical streamingrate of 64 KB/s in between two peers (real-world P2P applica-tions, such as PPLive, usually use streaming bit rates of less than50 KB/s). Fig. 6(a) and (b) show that such a typical streamingrate is sustainable regardless of the number of blocks in eachsegment, with negligible decoding times after a segment is com-pletely received. Empirically, we have also observed (not explic-itly shown in the figure) that the CPU usage increases from 4%to 15% as the number of blocks increases. Beyond benefits of

negligible CPU usage, the other advantage of using a smallernumber of blocks, 32 in this case, is that the overhead for car-rying the coding coefficients in each coded block is smaller. Forinstance, the coding coefficient overhead is 100% when using256 blocks, where as it is only 1.5% when using 32 blocks.

B. Scalability

We now compare Vanilla and network coding when thenumber of peers in the network scales up. In this experiment,we add one peer on each server at a time, until all 44 serversare fully saturated. A 64 KB/s streaming session is deployedin the network for 10 mins. Fig. 7(a) shows that, in networksconsist of 572 peers or less, network coding is approximatelyas scalable as Vanilla in terms of playback quality. The CPUusage of both algorithms grows linearly with respect to the net-work size. Due to computational complexity, when the networksize reaches 616 (13 peers on each server), network codingconsumes more than 85% of on each CPU, and its performance


Fig. 8. Transmission and playback status in a 64 KB/sec streaming session on 264 peers. (a) The average transmission time of each segment in a 10-min session.(b) Percentage of peers successfully played each segment in a 10-min session.

degrades significantly. Nevertheless, we argue that such a limi-tation is not applicable in reality, since each peer runs only onecoding instance, which consumes less than 10% of the CPU.Fig. 7(a) shows that the bandwidth redundancy introduced byVanilla is approximately 20% of the total network traffic, innetworks with more than 264 peers. Hence, network coding ismore scalable in term of bandwidth redundancy.

As an important metric to gain insights on the playbackquality, we examined the fluctuations in average bufferinglevels over the course of a streaming session. Fig. 7(b) com-pares the average buffering levels of network coding and Vanillain three representative networks, from which we drew two keyobservations. First, the buffering level ramps up quickly andremains stable when using network coding, while Vanillamaintains a much lower level with a slight variation over time.Second, the buffering levels of both algorithms decrease asthe network size increases; however, the change in the case ofnetwork coding is not significant.

It is interesting to note that network coding does not offerbetter playback quality than Vanilla, while maintaining a re-markably high and stable buffering level, regardless the networksize. To trace the cause of such phenomenon, we timed the trans-mission time of each segment in a 10-min session, and took theaverage from 264 peers. During data streaming, when networkcoding is employed, peers are exchanging encoded blocks in-stead of segments as in Vanilla. On one extreme, if a peer dis-covered only one seed for a particular segment, encoded blocksare sequentially produced, leading to longer delay in transmis-sion. On the other extreme, if a peer has more than 32 seeds fora segment, the encoding process is evenly distributed across 32seeds, i.e., each seed encodes at most one block. The averagetransmission time depicted in Fig. 8(a) verified this conjecture.It takes network coding longer time to receive earlier segments,since fewer seeds are known by a newly joined peer. As the ses-sion progresses, more seeds are discovered; hence, the transmis-sion time is significantly reduced.

The conclusion drawn from Fig. 8(a) is further confirmedin Fig. 8(b), which illustrates the percentage of peers in the

network that successfully played each segment in the 10-minsession. We noted that network coding has more skips in thefirst 60 s of a session. However, all peers experience perfectlysmooth playback after 70 into the session. We refer to the skipsin the first 60 s as the initial skips.

C. Tuning Density and Aggressiveness

Theoretically, a lower coding density leads to a smallernumber of blocks being coded, which reduces the codingcomplexity. In addition, a lower aggressiveness setting leadsto more “supply” of coded blocks. That said, if peers becometoo aggressive and start producing new coded blocks too soon,it may not have a sufficient number of original blocks repre-sented in its playback buffer, leading to a potential of linearlydependent blocks being produced. Since the transmission ofsuch linearly dependent blocks consumes bandwidth, theylead to redundancy in terms of bandwidth usage. Bandwidthredundancy may also be caused by blocks that are received laterthan the per-segment timeout or after the playback deadline,due to busy seeds and lack of bandwidth.

We are interested in the effects of tuning density and aggres-siveness parameters in network coding, compared to Vanilla.For this purpose, we have established a streaming session on264 peers. We first vary the aggressiveness in network coding,and then vary the density. In Fig. 9(a), although the percentageof playback skips remains insignificant and almost unchangedwhen tuning the aggressiveness, the bandwidth redundancyis minimized when the aggressiveness is 0.25. Furthermore,Fig. 9(b) shows that the average buffering level grows fasterand remains at a higher level when aggressiveness is 0.25. Wecontinue the density experiment with the aggressiveness as0.25. As shown in Fig. 10, both the percentage of playbackskips and bandwidth redundancy remain insignificant andalmost unchanged as well when tuning the density.

Overall, variations in both aggressiveness and density do notmaterially affect the playback quality. The percentage of lin-early dependent blocks discarded at the peers is insignificant,


Fig. 9. Effects of the aggressiveness in a 64 KB/sec streaming session with 264 peers. (a) Average playback skips and bandwidth redundancy when tuning ag-gressiveness (density set to 100%). (b) Average playback skips and bandwidth redundancy when tuning aggressiveness (density set to 100%).

Fig. 10. Average playback skips and bandwidth redundancy when tuning den-sity (aggressiveness set to 25%).

less than 0.2% of the network traffic. Though these results mayseem counter-intuitive, we believe that it is primarily due to thenature of live streaming playback, in that there does not existsufficient room in each segment for these coding parameter set-tings to take effect. Since tuning these parameters does not sig-nificantly affect streaming quality, and the best playback andbuffering level is achieved when the aggressiveness and densityare 0.25 and 0.75, respectively, we use this setting in the re-mainder of our experiments.

D. Tuning Experimental Parameters

We conducted extensive experiments to find the best pos-sible performance of network coding in live P2P multimediastreaming. From these experiments, we discovered that net-work coding is very sensitive to parameter tuning. This sectionpresents a selective set of experimental results.

We first tuned the buffer size from 30 to 60 s. In the steadystate, the playback buffer is filled up to the standard bufferingwatermark, the first 20 s in our case; and the algorithm sched-ules transmissions at the rate of 1 segment/s. Hence, the buffershould be at least large enough to hold one segment in addi-tion to the standard buffering watermark. When using a largebuffer, a peer may have too many outstanding requests. Thus,the earlier segments receive less attention and are more likelyto miss their deadlines. Fig. 11(a) shows that a large buffer doesnot necessarily offer better playback quality and buffering level.Although the buffering levels ramps up faster in larger buffers,they still converge to the same level when the session enters thesteady state.

We then fixed the buffer size as 30 s, and adjusted the initialbuffering delay from 10 to 20 s. Intuitively, the longer initialbuffering delay should offer better playback quality and higherbuffering level, since it allows the buffer to accumulate moresegments before the playback starts. As expected, Fig. 11(b)shows that the longer delay does improve playback quality andbuffering level.

With respect to the segment size, we performed two exper-iments to vary the time represented by a segment from 1 to 6s. When the buffer size is fixed, as a segment becomes largerthe buffer holds fewer segments, leading to less randomness inscheduling segments for transmission. The result may be lowerbuffering levels during the initial buffering delay, and eventuallybroken playback [Fig. 12(a)] and high bandwidth redundancy[Fig. 12(b)].

In the first experiment, we set the block size at 2048 bytes,and increased the number of blocks within a segment from 32to 196 as the segment size increases. The transmission overhead,message header and coding coefficients, grow proportionallywith respect to the number of blocks in a segment. Fig. 12(a)shows that both algorithms cannot maintain a satisfactory play-back quality when the segment is longer than 2 s. In the secondexperiment, we fixed the number of blocks in a segment at 32,and increased the block size from 2 KB to 12 KB as the segment


Fig. 11. Effects of the playback buffer size and the initial buffering delay in a 64 KB/sec streaming session with 264 peers. (a) Average playback skips andbuffering level during the session, when tuning the buffer size. (b) Average playback skips and buffering level during the session, when tuning the initial bufferingdelay.

Fig. 12. Effects of the segment size in a 64 KB/sec streaming session with 264 peers. (a) Average playback skips during the session, when tuning the segmentsize. (b) Average bandwidth redundancy during the session, when tuning the segment size.

size increases. Fig. 12(a) shows that network coding offers muchbetter playback than the previous experiment; thus, it is less sen-sitive to the block size than it does to the number of blocks.

As indicated in Fig. 12(b), Vanilla cannot effectively utilizethe bandwidth as the segment size increases, resulting in dra-matic performance deterioration in playback quality. Since net-work coding makes it possible to perform data streaming in afiner granularity, the bandwidth redundancy is significantly lesssevere.

E. Balance Between Bandwidth Supply and Demand

In our previous experiment, bandwidth supply outstripsdemand since the peer upload bandwidth is higher than thestreaming rate. It may appear that network coding does notlead to improved performance when compared to Vanilla. The

question naturally becomes: is this the case when the supply-de-mand relationship of bandwidth changes? In a network consistsof 264 peers, with all DSL-connections except the source, theaverage bandwidth supply in the network is 93 KB/s for eachpeer. We run a set of experiments to compare network codingand Vanilla, with three different streaming rates: 64 KB/s torepresent the case where supply outstrips demand, 73 KB/s torepresent an approximate match between supply and demand,as well as 75 KB/s, when the demand exceeds the supply ofbandwidth. When the streaming rate is 75 KB/s, the averagebandwidth demand by Vanilla is more than 93 KB/s from eachpeer, including the protocol messages and the 20% redundanttraffic.

From Fig. 13(a), we observed that network coding performssignificantly better than Vanilla when there is a close match be-tween supply and demand. When supply outstrips demand or


Fig. 13. Effects of the bandwidth supply and demand in a 64 KB/sec streaming session with 264 peers. (a) Average playback skips and buffering level during thesessions with different streaming rates. (b) Average playback skips and buffering level during the sessions with different upload capacity on the source.

vice versa, there does not exist a significant difference betweenthe two. We also observed that, when bandwidth supply out-strips or meets the demand, network coding is able to consis-tently maintain a buffering level at the standard buffering wa-termark, while Vanilla is striving to maintain the buffering levelabove the low buffering watermark. To further show the bene-fits of network coding, we reduced the upload capacity on thestreaming source, from 1 MB/s to 250 KB/s. Fig. 13(b) illus-trates the same pattern as in Fig. 13(a) as the source bandwidthsupply drops. The moral of the story is that, in comparison toVanilla, the streaming quality of network coding excels in thechallenging situation when the supply of upload bandwidth onlybarely meets the streaming demand.

F. Peer Dynamics

To investigate the effects of network coding in the case of dy-namic peer arrivals and departures, we use Perl scripts to gen-erate peer join and departure events in the events log. Based onStutzbach et al. [18], both interarrival times of peer join eventsand peer lifetimes can be modeled as a Weibull distribution

, with a PDF ,under various settings of the shaping parameter and scalingparameter .

The first case we would like to examine is the performanceunder different peer join rates. According to [18], peer inter-arrival time in a file downloading session follows a Weibulldistribution with 0.79, 0.53,or 0.62. We set to the av-erage value of the three, 0.65. We varied the mean valuefrom 80 to 200 s so that the join rate reduces and network be-comes more dynamic over time. When , it is similar tothe flash-crowd scenario, in which more than 90% of the peersjoin the session in the first 60 s. However, [18] only studiedthe case of file downloading, where peers usually stay in thesession until the completion of the download. In a streamingsession, peers may join and leave at any time, and not neces-sary follow the same distribution. For this reason, we repeat

Fig. 14. PDFs of the peer join rate distributions.

the experiment with , in which the peer interarrival timeis approaching normal distribution with different means. Forclarity, the plot of each join distribution is shown in Fig. 14.The majority of the peers join the session in the first 60 swhen , whereas peers join the session at a muchmore slower rate when . Hence, the network is moredynamic in the later case.

As discussed in Section IV-B, the number of seeds has directimpact on the performance of network coding. In contrast tothe flash-crowd scenario, more seeds can be quickly discoveredwhen peers slowly join the network. For this reason, networkcoding outperforms Vanilla in terms of overall playback qualityin Fig. 15(a). Moreover, Fig. 15(a) also indicates that networkcoding achieves perfect playback after 60 s into the session.Fig. 15(b) shows that the buffering level of Vanilla decreases asmore peers joining the network, whereas that of network codingremains the same for all peer join rates.


Fig. 15. Effects of the peer join rate in a 64 KB/s streaming session with 264 peers. (a) Average playback skips with and without the initial skips during thesession, when tuning peer join rate. (b) Average buffering level during the session, when tuning peer join rate.

Fig. 16. PDFs of the peer lifetime distributions.

We then switched our attention to the peer lifetime duration.In this experiment, the join events follow the Weibull distri-bution (80, 0.65). According to [18], peer interarrival time ina file downloading session follows a Weibull distribution with

or 0.59. We set to the average value of thethree, 0.43. We varied the mean value from 500 to 300 s sothat average lifetime of a peer becomes shorter, leading to higherchurn rate. For the same reason, we repeat the experiment with

. For clarity, the plot of each join distribution is illustratedin Fig. 16.

Although network coding offers slight worse overall playbackquality than Vanilla, it still achieves perfect playback after 60 sinto the session, as shown in Fig. 17(a). Vanilla is not able tomaintain its performance in networks with higher churns, when

. In Fig. 15(b), the buffering level of Vanilla is stabilizedonly after majority of the peers joined the session. As peers de-parting from the session, the ratio between bandwidth supply

and demand increases. In this case, Vanilla managed to bringthe buffering level up to the standard watermark and networkcoding is able to maintain the same buffering level, regardlessthe network churns.

To conclude, we have made the following important obser-vations in our empirical studies. First, network coding offersthe same playback quality as Vanilla does, with up to 24% lessnetwork traffic. Second, the aggressiveness and density settingdo not materially change the performance of network coding.Third, the buffer size, initial buffering delay, and segment sizemay have a significant impact on the performance of networkcoding. Fourth, the network coding requires sufficient numberof seeds in order to achieve its optimal performance. Finally,despite the initial skips due to lack of seeds, network coding isable to maintain perfectly smooth playback and stable bufferinglevel, with the presence of peer dynamics.


The objective of this paper is to evaluate the potential andtradeoffs of applying network coding in P2P live streaming ses-sions, using an experimental testbed in a server cluster, with em-ulated peer upload capacities and peer dynamics. To achieve afair comparison between using and not using network coding,we have implemented a pull-based P2P live streaming protocolin our testbed. As a result of our empirical studies, we believethat network coding has demonstrated its advantages in P2P livestreaming when peers are volatile and dynamic with respectto their arrivals and departures, i.e., the churn rate of the net-work is high, and in the case that the supply of upload band-width barely exceeds the bandwidth demand streaming to allthe peers in the session. However, we have also observed thatnetwork coding requires precise parameter tuning to achieveits optimal performance, which could be specific to the scaleof P2P networks. We do wish to note, however, that the com-putational costs introduced by network coding are very low intypical media streaming rates, especially when progressive de-coding using Gauss-Jordan elimination is implemented. To the


Fig. 17. Effects of the peer lifetime length in a 64 KB/sec streaming session with 264 peers. (a) The average playback skips with and without the initial skipsduring the session, when tuning peer lifetime length. (b) The average buffering level during the session, when tuning peer lifetime length.

best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to study the ben-efits of network coding for P2P live streaming in dynamic net-works, with a highly-optimized implementation of randomizednetwork coding, and an experimental testbed in a server cluster.


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Mea Wang received the B.Sc. degree in computerscience (Honours) from the Department of ComputerScience, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB,Canada, in 2002 and the M.Sc. degree from the De-partment of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, in2004. She is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degreein the Department of Electrical and ComputerEngineering, University of Toronto. Her researchinterests include peer-to-peer systems, networkcoding, and wireless networks.

Baochun Li (SM’00) received the B.Eng. degreein 1995 from Department of Computer Science andTechnology, Tsinghua University, China, and hisM.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 1997 and 2000 from theDepartment of Computer Science, University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Since 2000, he has been with the Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering at the Univer-sity of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, where he iscurrently an Associate Professor. He holds the NortelNetworks Junior Chair in Network Architecture and

Services since October 2003, and the Bell University Laboratories Chair inComputer Engineering since July 2005. His research interests include applica-tion-level Quality of Service provisioning, wireless and overlay networks.