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  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions




    F1 ALT+F1

    Tally ODBC Tally IMP

    TRUE false

    F3 ALT+F3

    Invoice Bill

    In tally,all masters have main o!tions T"o Three

    #trl+# Alt+C



    * %

    Single M&lti!le

    T! Three

    Alt+' Alt+"

    Alter Information

    F( F)In Tally, "e !ress ************, to !rint re!ort Alt+# #trl+P

    Tally A&it Stati$ti%$

    Bin Data

    Tr&e False

    The ****** -ey can .e &se to select an e/istin0com!any from list of com!anies

    Im!ort an $/!ort of ata .et"een Tally an other

    !ro0rams is !ossi.le only thro&0h ********** Pro0ramThe re*orer !oint is the inventory &antity thattri00er a stoc- re!lishment activity

    A create com!any2s etail can .e moie thro&0h-eys

    A4An ************* is the o5cial notice that the rmsens to its c&stomers to avise then to the amo&ntof money that is o"e

    In tally,to create a ne" col&mn in .alance sheet!ress

    In tally,the &se of 0ro&! .ehaves li-e a s&.*le0er,o!tion is that "e can s&mmari6e many le0eracco&nts into one line statements

    In tally, "e can alter le0er etails &sin0 eithersin0le or m&lti!le moes .&t not al.le to elete ale0er from m&lti!le moes

    In tally,a 0ro&! com!any is mar-e "ith an

    The systems that "or- to0ether to orer,receive,an !ay for re!lenishment of stoc- are ***************

    P&chasin0 anAcco&nts !aya.le

    P&chasin0 an7eceivin0

    Tally allo"s to elete a le0er from *********alteration moe

    ********************* is4are &sef&l for mana0ement in theecision ma-in0

    #ash Flo"Statements

    F&n Flo"Statements

    In tally,the 0ro&! com!any m&st contain at least mem.ers

    To cancel a vo&rcher entry in Tally, short*c&t -ey is***********

    The acco&ntin0 masters an inventory mastersrelate to


    8e !ress ************* f&nction -ey to is!lay the a0e*"ise analysis of Bills 7eceiva.le or Bills Paya.le


    In Tally, Ty!es of Acco&nts an Ty!es of 9o&chers!asse &rin0 the !erio, can .e seen in *************re!ort

    In the Tally Soft"are, the ************ irectory storesall ata entere .y the &ser

    The Le0er Acco&nts are &ni&e in FinancialAcco&ntin0 Pac-a0es

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions



    The n& of ste!s in Acco&nts #om!ilation are : 3

    ata element 'ata re%!r'

    Tally is .ase on mercantile acco&ntin0 system FALS$ TRUE

    #trl + N is &se to ***********

    Le0ers (r!&)$

    7even&e Acco&nt also -no"n as ************** Acco&nt Personal N!inalMetho of 9o&cher N&m.erin0 is4are Man&al A&tomatic

    Acco&nts 7eceiva.le are is!laye in Balan%e Sheet Prot ; Loss

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    7e!ort O&t!&t

    F F(

    Tally can maintain .&0ets on **************** Net Transactions #losin0 Balance

    Tr&e False

    F- 4&n%ti!n ey

    Sales #&r%ha$e$

    Tr&e False

    Dori6ontal 9ertical

    'efa&lt le0er acco&nts in tally are

    'efa&lt 20oo"n2 name in tally is Primary 5ain l!%ati!n

    2Tally va&lt2 is a Le0er a4c

    F) FE

    a name an ientity

    Sale$ ret&rn P&rchase ret&rn

    Trial Balance Day!!

    FE Alt + F6

    In tally, ty!es of &sers are : 3

    F0 F1=

    Balance sheet Prot ; loss a4c

    It is necessary to mani!&late ata to transform itinto ****************

    In tally, to chan0e the ate of the vo&cher !ress

    The val&e of the inventory is incl&e as an asseton the .alance sheet

    In ratio analysis re!ort of Tally FA !ac-a0e"e "e!ress f&nction -ey to the is!lay of.ills receiva.le , .ills !aya.les re!ort

    Alt + f f&nction-ey

    The acco&nts !aya.le system is res!onsi.le for!ayin0 the s&!!liers for the *****************

    8hat is the efa&lt nancial year in Tally3

    1*(*1GG) to 31*3*1GG

    1787100- t!317371006

    Tally encry!ts an stores TALLH 'ATA at the atairectory

    The Prot ; Loss statement can .e is!laye in**************** formatsJ

    Balance sheet ;!rot ; loss!rot ; loss antrial .alance

    Prot ; loss antrial .alance


    To create a sales vo&cher in tally , yo& have to !ress

    A Cro&! #om!any is ************************* 0iven to themer0e acco&nts of com!anies of the0ro&!

    In tally,creit note vo&cher ty!e recors entry for

    In tally yo& 0et c&rrency sym.ol o!tion from men&


    Stoc- items&nits

    ****************** 0ives the .alance for each ay for thevo&cher ty!e has .een selecte

    For 2stoc- o&rnal2 entry "e !ress intally

    Tally !rovies the ca!a.ility to the

    aministrator4a&itor to trac- chan0es in the areasis4are

    #han0es in

    transactions orvo&chers

    #han0es inLe0er Masters

    By !ressin0 ******** -ey, a list of inventory re!ortscan .e is!laye strai0hta"ay from the .alacesheet re!ort

    Proecte a!!ro/imation of income or e/!enses iscalle

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions



    F3 #trl+F3


    'efa&lt stoc- cate0ory in tally is Main location #riary

    Tally9i) Tally9ini

    St!% $&ary Stoc- o&rnal


    'efa&lt n& of 0ro&!s in tally are 1:K ::K

    '&rin0 vo&cher entry ************* are &se Cro&!s

    ser esi0nate as *************** can vie" a&it list A'ini$trat!r O"ner

    Tally s&!!orts Im!ortin0 of ata from ****************

    The memory aress re0ister is &se to store


    NI# #ar :SAT

    Aministrator ty!e &ser is also calle 2A&itor2 of acom!any in Tally

    Ho& "ill 0et com!any information , if yo& !ress from 0ate"ay of tally

    A constit&entmem.erJ com!any can .e a mem.erof more than one 0ro&!

    T! %reate a l!g !4 the i)!rt a%ti;ity in a

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    7ecor #o&nt

    Dar co!y is a term &se to escri.e #rinte' !&t)&t

    8hat o the a..reviations 9AB stan for

    9aliity chec-

    #olo&re s!ots #i2el$

    File Name

    A aisy "heel is a ty!e of #rinter Stora0e evice

    System Lo0s

    An im!act !rinter creates characters .y &sin0 An in- !en

    8hat "o&l yo& NOT &se "ith a @at.e !lotter A !en Pa!er

    8hat o yo& nee for an in- et !rinter A %artri'ge A r&m

    A laser !rinter oes NOT &se A !rint hea A laser .eam

    9ol&me Si6e

    Ho& can !rotect a @o!!y is- 7ea >rite

    5agneti% ta)e PAN rive

    Ma0netic ta!e is a

    1((MB / (B

    A #'*7OM A @o!!y is-

    8hich stora0e evice cannot .e erase A CD7RO5 A @o!!y is-

    8here sho&l @o!!y is-s .e store

    A trailer la.el is &se on a ma0netic ta!e le, it isthe last recor an s&mmarises the le Thefollo"in0 is an information not fo&n in the trailerla.el


  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    7OM chi!s RA5 %hi)$

    7AM chi!s RO5 %hi)$

    ALU 7e0isters

    #Ps Regi$ter$

    = .its 1 it

    8hat ty!e of com!&ter chi!s are sai to .e volatile RA5 %hi)$ 7OM chi!s

    Soft"are can .e ivie into t"o areas


    9ac&&m t&.e .ase electronic com!&ters are

    First 0eneration

    Thir 0eneration

    Thir 0eneration

    Thir 0eneration


    is &se for #AAT as ata.ase Ora%le A#L

    1 =

    1 /

    1 =

    yes n!

    The contents of these chi!s are lost "hen thecom!&ter is s"itche o?

    8hat are res!onsi.le for storin0 !ermanent ataan instr&ctions

    8hich !arts of the com!&ter !erform arithmeticcalc&lations

    8hat are small hi0h s!ee memory &nits &se forstorin0 tem!orary res&lts

    Do" many .its of information can each memory cellin a com!&ter chi! hol

    Net"or- soft"arean sec&ritysoft"are

    Sy$te$$!4tare an'a))li%ati!n$!4tare

    Travel a0ents &se this com!&ter system "henreservin0 @i0hts


    8hich com!&ters are &se in the "eatherforecastin0 in&stry





    8hich 0eneration of com!&ter "as evelo!e frommicrochi!s


    8hich 0eneration of com!&ter &ses more than onemicro!rocessor


    8hich 0eneration of com!&ter evelo!e &sin0inte0rate circ&its


    8hich 0eneration of com!&ter evelo!e &sin0

    soli state com!onents



    Name three ste!s involve in evelo!in0 aninformation system


  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    tr&e false

    A system co&l .e o!en4close

    A system e/hi.its 2entro!y2 tr&e false

    tr&e false

    Assem.ler lan0&a0e &ses Mnemonic sym.ols tr&e false

    sche&le o.s

    tr&e 4al$e

    tr&e 4al$e

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    tr&e 4al$e

    'SS has the follo"in0 com!onents ata.ases

    tr&e 4al$e

    tr&e 4al$e

    #om!&ter o!eration controls are esi0ne to!rovie

    the of .y allconcerne

    !roviin0 accessto com!&ter toall or0ani6ation!ersonnel

    Systems evelo!ment control, a!art from others,incl&e a&thori6ation, a!!roval, testin0,im!lementation an oc&mentation of ne" systemssoft"are an system soft"are moication


    S&!er com!&ter are the lar0est an fastest an isvery s&ita.le for commercial a!!lication incl&in0a&it "or-

    O!eratin0 systems are evise to o!timi6e themachine ca!a.ilities, the f&nctionincl&e


    har"are ;soft"arereso&rces

    Ceneral !&r!ose soft"are !rovies a frame"or- forhi0hly com!le/ scientic o!eration

    In .atch !rocessin0, transactions are !rocesse oneafter another

    The &se of com!&ter assiste a&it techni&es isnot 0ainin0 !o!&larity not only

    ith a&'it'e)artent$

    "ith !ro&ctione!artments

    On*line !rocessin0 refers to 0ro&!in0 of transaction

    an !rocessin0 the same in one 0o from start tonish

    7eal time refers to the techni&e of &!atin0 les"ith transaction ata immeiately after theocc&rrence of the event to "hich it relates

    In OL7T the #P sho&l !rocess the ca!a.ility of!ro0ram interr&!tion

    Time sharin0 system allo" access to a #P fromremote terminals

    'SS is ene as a system that !rovies tools tomana0ers to assist them in solvin0 str&ct&re!ro.lems


    Master les contains c&rrent recors forientication an s&mmari6in0

    Transaction les contain relatively !ermanentrecors ta-e !ro&ct !role, c&stomer !role,em!loyee !role etc

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    Master le con0&ration incl&es reference les ta.le les

    le/ le*o*man

    tr&e false

    tr&e 4al$e

    .ac-*&!s retrie;al

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    SA'B stans for

    tr&e false

    tr&e 4al$e

    $rrors are correlate at the year en ie'iately

    Fiel chec- is e/cl&sive to a el tr&e false

    Bensh Ben4!r'

    tr&e 4al$e

    Dierarchical coe means

    1 false

    ;ali'? n&eri%

    Dash totals means meanin0less totals tr&e false

    is a le mana0ement soft"are !ac-a0e thatlets &sers an !ro0rammers or0ani6e ata into lesan then !rocess those les

    #AATS !rovie ae val&e to the clients .eca&se

    t! ha;e a

    %!)lete)i%t&re !4 a$y$te

    ecentrali6e!ict&re of asystem

    File volatility refers to the n& of aition aneletions to the le in a 0iven !erio of time

    File activity is the !ro!ortion of transaction lerecors that are act&ally &se an accesse in a0iven !rocessin0 r&n

    File interro0ation refers to the of informationfrom a le

    One *to*one relationshi! means a sin0le entity to asin0le entity in a mono0amo&s str&ct&re

    7'BMS is str&ct&re to a series of : imensionalta.les

    serio&sly a?ecteata.ase

    $&@e%t area'ataa$e

    #ontrols are !resent over many as!ects of thecom!&ter system an its s&rro&nin0 socialenvironment

    In frame chec-in0 the ata entry is chec-ea0ainst an e/!ecte !ict&re or format

    la" .asically states that there is a s!ecic!ro.a.ility of the rst i0it of a no .ein0 1,:,3 etc

    #hec- i0it is a 0ro&! of nos ae to a coe foreterminin0 the acc&racy of other i0its in the coe

    consec&tive nosor al!ha.ets toentities

    .loc-s of nos tothe !rimaryattri.&te of thethe entity

    The valiation chec-s a!!lie to a el e!en on

    the el2s lo0ical inter relationshi!s "ith other elsin the recor

    The contents of a el co&l etermine si0nfor a el


    Batch is the !rocess of to0ether that.ear some ty!e of relationshi! to one another



  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    tr&e 4al$e

    tr&e 4al$e

    I'$A stans for

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    tr&e 4al$e

    tr&e false

    e*.rain .o&ncin0 .all

    In systems testin0, test involves .ottom &! tests to!*o"n tests

    yes n!

    A&it soft"are is &se .y the a&itor to

    elete, har

    tr&e false

    8ith OL7T "here interactive ata entry is availa.le,the master le associate "ith a transaction may.e searche for conrmin0 ata

    #ontrols are re&ire for a&thori6ation to ens&reata inte0rity an etect !ossi.le .reaches in

    sec&rity'ata from client a!!lication are not store in theor0ani6ation2s ata.ase thro&0h a&ita.les eventsan f&nction

    All in!&t recors in a .atch are normally of i?erentty!es

    incrementalesi0n anenlar0e activity

    intera%ti;e'atae2tra%ti!n an'analy$i$

    A transaction le is sorte !rior to the &!ate ofmaster le

    A se&ence chec- on the transaction or master les.y an &!ate !ro0ram is not re&ire

    8henever monetary transactions are !rocessea0ainst master les, the &!ate !ro0ram sho&lmaintain a correlation acco&nt to recor s&chtransaction that oes not have a matchin0 masterle recor

    Internal ta.les are store ta.les from "hich certainval&es are e/tracte for f&rther !rocessin0 anstorin0

    For small to mei&m si6e systems, inivi&al

    mo&les are coe an inivi&ally teste an thenassem.le to .e teste as a "hole*the testin0strate0y is referre to as

    7ecorin0 transactions in a controlle manner mayamo&nt to loss of store ata

    rea ata onclient2s le

    !rovieinformation tothe a&it

    #ore ima0e com!arison is a soft"are &se .y thea&itor to com!are version of a !ro0ram"ith a sec&re co!y


    'ata.ase analy6er is a soft"are "hich !roviesetaile information concernin0 the o!eration of theata.ase

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    SAS stans for

    tr&e 4al$e

    $ coe !erforms "ie variety of a&it tas- ye$ no

    tr&e false

    tr&e 4al$e

    create, false

    tr&e false

    Ma!!in0 soft"are has very o.ectives ye$ no

    ye$ no

    Pro0ram coe analysis involves

    is a soft"are of #AAT I'$A ACL

    tr&e false

    Base case system eval&ation incl&es

    tr&e false

    tr&e false



    $ coe is a soft"are &se .y the a&itor toe/amine .ac-&! ata

    #ore ima0e com!arison is !artic&larly &sef&l "hereonly e/ec&ta.le versions are istri.&te

    Lo0 analysis is a soft"are &se .y a&itor to etectvir&s

    On line testin0 techni&es the a&itor ataeither or ctitio&s in orer to see that as!ecic !ro0ram or sever eit test is oin0 its "or-


    Ma!!in0 soft"are is &se .y the a&itor to list&n&se !ro0ram instr&ctions

    Moelin0 is a variety of soft"are "hich

    can .e very!o"erf&lanalytical tool

    can ena.le thea&itor toe/ec&te!rovisions on an& ofi?erent .ases

    On line testin0 can .e tar0ete for s!ecic f&nctionscarrie o&t .y !ro0rams

    !rovies etaileinformation ofmachine &ses

    ienties!ro0ram coe"hich may .ethere forfra&&lentreason

    Sna!shot is soft"are "hich ta-es a !ict&re of a leor ata or a transaction !assin0 tho&0h the system

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    tr&e false

    le, har"are

    So&rce coe revie" means

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    8hich of the follo"in0 is not the feat&re of CAPs

    8hich is the e/am!le of #AATs A#L I'$A

    In a&it !roce&res, test ata is

    8hich of the follo"in0 is not the &se of #AATs


    inte0er n&

    MS access o.ects can .e !&.lishe in the "e. tr&e false

    actions e;ent$

    re!ort form


    To .&il com!le/ e/!ressionsis &se calc&lator coe .&iler

    action list macro list

    %!n'iti!n$ action

    ta.&lar col&mnar

    layo&t of a form is!lays one recor at a time ta.&lar %!l&nar

    create re!ort lin- re!ort

    tr&e 4al$e

    In the le reor0ani6ation mer0in0 ca!a.ilities areneee in ata from se!arate le is to .e com.ineon a se!arate "or- le

    A&itors cannot &se 0eneralise a&it soft"are toe/tract the ata neee for a&it !&r!ose

    A&itors can com.ine f&nctional ca!a.ilities of

    0enerali6e a&it soft"are to accom!lish the tas- of

    e/aminin0 the

    &ality of system!rocess

    carryin0analytical revie"

    8ie access tovario&s ata .ase

    #an e/tract ananalyse ata

    A $a)le !4tran$a%ti!n$

    A &tility soft"are!ro0ramme

    Tests of etails of



    !roce&res8hich of the follo"in0 are calle e/!licitly .yanother !roce&re


    ata ty!e is 0enerally &se for elsassi0ne as !rimary -eys in a ta.le

    In coe*.&iler, 0otfoc&se, clic-,.lclic-,enter aree/am!les of

    can .e &se to a&tomate certain actions inres!onse to events

    In the macro sheet the macro is selecte in the




    The three list .o/es !resent at the .ottom of thee/!ression .&iler are calle

    o!tion is selecte from the vie" men& tocreate macros "ith conitions

    re!ort can .e create "ith minim&m &serin!&t

    The ta.le or &ery name on "hich "e are 0oin0 to.&il o&r re!ort is selecte from the ialo0&e.o/

    anare the t"o ty!es of a&to re!ortsavaila.le

    %!l&nar an'ta&lar

    sta.le an&nsta.le

    There are no "i6ars for creatin0 a ata.ase inaccess

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    create els a chart

    !rimary -ey alternate -ey

    is &se to create a mailin0 la.el lael iar' chart "i6ar

    start heaer 0ro&! heaer

    re!ort footer )age 4!!ter

    In SL, havin0 cla&se is &se for

    conition 0ro&!

    can .e &se to create tool.ars 9B Mo&les re!orts

    a a))en'

    re!ort macro sheet

    tr&e false

    9is&al Basic lan0&a0e is a tool RAD 7AP

    f&nction is &se to is!lay a messa0e .o/ Sys#m 5$gB!2

    OLE ''$

    OL$ stans for

    OL$ o.ect OLE %lient


    is the le format that "or-s on internet e/e 'LL

    form "i6ar re!ort "i6ar

    static le $tati% htl

    a!!en a

    #&rrency els e/!ress the amo&nt in '!llar$ r&!ees

    &n.o&n o.ect !&n' !@e%t

    o!tion from the insert men& o!tion is chosento a an chart

    In ms*access, "hile &sin0 SL, references constraintis &se for creatin0

    heaer is !resent at the .e0innin0 of the

    re!ortis !resent at the .ottom of each !a0e in are!ort

    for orerin0recors

    for &!atin0recors

    el is ae to the macro sheet "hen "eselect 0ro&!in0 o!tion from the vie" men&

    &ery is &se to a recors from one or

    more ta.les into an e/istin0 ta.le"ino" is &se to "rite 9B coe in accessa!!lication

    9al&es for other ta.les, &eries are maintaine inloo- &! els ata ty!e

    Other ms*o5ce a!!lications can .e accesse fromms*access &sin0 a conce!t calle

    !@e%t liningan' ee''ing

    on linee/ec&tion

    The a!!lication that s&!!lies ata in OL$ is callean

    If any chan0e mae on the o.ect from the clientsie is re@ecte on the server then the o.ect issai to .e

    is &se to convert any ms*access o.ect intohtml format

    o!tion in !&.lish to "e. "i6ar !ro&ces a!a0e that is static in nat&re

    &ery is &se to create or chan0e ata.aseo.ects in a c&rrent ata.ase

    is selecte from the to a an OL$o.ect

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions



    incl&e form $& 4!r

    col&mnar form ta&lar 4!r

    lterin0 orerin0

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    tr&e 4al$e

    tr&e false

    tr&e 4al$e

    ta.le &ery

    ta.le form

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    Insert 7ecors

    tr&e 4al$e

    tr&e false

    alternate -eys com!osite -eys

    OL$ o.ect is a ata ty!e in access tr&e false

    'ata is!laye in forms cannot .e eite tr&e 4al$e

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    In MS*Access lon0 inte0er is a ataty!e tr&e 4al$e

    n&ll n!t n&ll

    tr&e 4al$e

    tr&e 4al$e

    tr&e false

    tr&e 4al$e

    of the follo"in0 is4are a ty!e of chart !ie .ar

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    Te/t .o/es cannot .e .o&n controls tr&e 4al$e

    The efa&lt &ery invo-e .y ms*access is &!ate &ery $ele%t &ery

    In MS*Access, col&mnar layo&t can .e &se to vie"m&lti!le recors in a form

    In MS*Access, alter comman may .e &se inain0 a !rimary -ey to a ta.le

    !ate &ery is &se to a recors from one ormore ta.les to the en of an e/istin0 ta.le

    In ms*access, atasheet vie" is availa.le in

    are &se to &m! to any -in of informationfrom a atasheet or a form

    Dome !a0e "ill al"ays .e !resent as a rst !a0e ofan a!!lication

    Ma-e ta.le &eries create a ne" ta.le from therecors of another ta.le

    In ms*access, to !rotect a ata.ase le from ille0alaccess, "e may set ata.ase !ass"or The o!tionof settin0 ata.ase !ass"or is availa.le in men&

    Forei0n -ey is a el that &ni&ely ienties eachrecor an acce!t no n&ll val&es

    'ata enition &eries are &se to create or chan0eata.ase o.ects

    The attri.&tes of a com!osite -ey are -no"n as

    A s&. form is &se to is!lay one to manyrelationshi! .et"een ta.les

    8e can s"itch from atasheet vie" to form vie" .yselectin0 vie" *Q form vie" o!tion

    In MS*Access, "hile esi0nin0 a ta.le for a!artic&lar el, the 7e&ire !arameter is set toyes This valiates the el as

    Sortin0 is a!!lie to select only some !artic&larrecors

    Filter .y form can .e create from a forms shortc&tmen&

    Avance lter &ses a lter similar to the &eryesi0n "ino" to create a lter

    8ilcar character re!resents any n& ofcharacters

    A .o&n control is tie to a &nerlyin0 &ery orta.le

    A calc&late control &ses e/!ression as a so&rce ofata

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    tr&e 4al$e

    List .o/ is a control that o?ers a list of choices tr&e false

    inner oin o&ter oin

    tr&e 4al$eLine is a tool .o/ control tr&e false

    Te/t .o/es can .e !art of a o!tion 0ro&! tr&e false

    chart e/ists as a se!arate o.ect freestanin0

    tr&e false

    8il car characters are &se for sortin0 recors tr&e false

    tr&e false

    7e!orts are &se to re!resent &n*eita.le ata tr&e false

    7elationshi! is an association .et"een forms re!orts

    tr&e false

    elete insert

    tr&e false

    $ charts e/ist se!arately tr&e false

    &se hy!erlin- &se im!ort

    tr&e false

    'etail section has a heaer an footer tr&e false

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    ; R

    A control can .e .in to a recor &sin0 ro" so&rce!ro!erty

    If a ta.le is oine to itself it is calle a

    A !ict&re .o/ com.ines the activities of .oth a te/t

    .o/ or a list .o/

    Filterin0 ata is a "ay of arran0in0 ata in ameanin0 f&ll orer

    Pivot ta.les are &se to navi0ate to the other ta.lesin a ata.ase

    In MS *Access, the recors in a ta.le are sorte

    .ase on

    the rst el of

    the ta.le

    the last el of

    the ta.le

    S&mmary o!tions ialo0 .o/ is &se to s&mmari6eata

    &eries can .e &se to elete a 0ro&! ofrecors that meet some s!ecic recors

    #harts can convert n&merical ata in a easily&nerstana.le format

    From ms * access, if "e "ant to vie" the recorsstore in a ta.le in ms * e/cel "or-sheet, "e nee

    toPa0e heaer is !resent at the .e0innin0 of eachrecor

    A macro is !erforme only "hen the &ser initiatesan event

    The macro is selecte from the action el of amacro sheet

    A macro can .e mae to e/ec&te .efore the startin0of a ata.ase

    In MS*Access 8hile a!!enin0 recors, the so&rcean the tar0et ta.le m&st have similar str&ct&re an


    8e can a o&r o"n f&nctions to the e/!ressionelements list .o/ of the e/!ression .&iler

    is the "ilcar character "hich re!resentsthe !resence of any n& of characters

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    tr&e false

    heaer is a &ni&e feat&re of re!orts !a0e etail

    #hart can either .e a form or a re!ort tr&e false

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    #harts can .e !ro&ce "itho&t the "i6ar tr&e false

    tr&e false

    relational list

    The efa&lt ata ty!e of 9B is inte0er tr&e false

    9is&al Basic is .ase on action lan0&a0e

    re!ort form

    In access OL$ o.ects cannot .e lin-e tr&e false

    section is !resent for each recor in the re!ort 0ro&! recor

    ata !ro!erty

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    are forms that are incl&e in other forms s&. forms chil forms

    0ra!hs chart

    A el "ith a &ni&ely ienties each recor n& !rimary -ey

    !ivot create

    lters &eries

    control nee not have a ata so&rce form .o&n

    list .o/ com.o .o/MS access is a 'BMS tr&e false

    form name control

    forms is!lays el in sin0le ro" ta.&lar form chart form

    s&. forms ta.&lar form

    Macros can .e &se to a a men& to a ata.aseo.ect

    Cro&! heaer "ill .e !resent at the esi0n vie" of are!ort even if the re!ort is not 0ro&!e

    8e can chan0e from the esi0n vie" to the formvie" "itho&t .ein0 !rom!te for savin0 thechan0es mae

    Macros can .e &se to create &ser ene errormessa0es

    Bet"een an Not Bet"een is ty!e ofo!erators

    str&ct&re &ery

    lan0&a0eis the name of the ata.ase o.ect thatis!lays ata an can .e &se to eit ata

    A sheet lists all the !ro!erties that !ertainto the form or the controls

    Te/t.o/es can also .e an e/am!le of &n.o&ncontrol

    In MS*Access, "e may esi0n comman .&ttons fornavi0atin0 recors

    are &se to re!resent o&r ata in 0ra!hicalformat

    Lar0e amo&nt of ata can .e s&mmari6e &sin0 ta.les

    are em!loye to select only some !artic&larrecors from a ata.ase o.ect

    control com.ines the f&nctionality of .oth a

    te/t .o/ an a ro! o"n list

    A form can .e .in to a recor so&rce &sin0 !ro!erty of the form

    forms are &s&ally &se for ta.les "ith one tomany relationshi!

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    calc&late .o&n

    control is tie to el calc&late &n.o&n

    s&. form a&to form

    set relation connect

    lter .y form lter .y re!ort

    form re!ort

    cli!.oar le

    search sort

    8hat is a ata.ase

    8hat oes a recor contain

    An 7'BMS is a remote 'BMS relative 'BMS

    'ata 8areho&sin0 refers to

    ey verication

    8hat is a re!ort

    8hat is the .est "ay to analyse an chan0e ata

    control &ses an e/!ression as a so&rce ofcontrol

    is the form that can .e create "ithminim&m in!&t from the &ser

    o!tion from the tool men& is selecte for

    settin0 relationshi!s .et"een ta.les

    ,anare the .&ttons .elon0in0 tothe o!tions 0ro&!

    o!tion, to00lean comman.&ttons

    comman.&tton, chec-an list .o/es

    allo"s &s to create a lter from a elshort c&t men&

    is a ata.ase o.ect "hich is!lays ata .&tcannot .e &se to eit ata

    8hat term a!!lies to a collection of relate recorsin a ata.ase

    All of the follo"in0 terms are relate tocom!&teri6e ata.ases e/ce!t "hich one

    A "ay to analysean mani!&laten&mericalinformation

    A tool to!ro&ce hi0h&alityoc&ments

    Informationa.o&t certain!ro0rams

    It contains allthe ata a.o&tone s!ecicitem

    storin0 ata

    oine at ase!arate site

    .ac-in0 &! atare0&larly

    na&thorise alteration of on*line recors can .e!revente .y em!loyin0


    7e!orts allo"&sers to e/tractinformation ashar co!y!rinte o&t!&tJ

    7e!orts !roviea very @e/i.le"ay of creatin0an eitin0oc&ments

    $/tractin0 ananalysin0 ata

    S!reasheetsma-e ata easyto analyse

    8hat are some !o!&lar o5ce orientate soft"area!!lications


    Net"or-soft"are,.ac-&! systems

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions



    N& 'escri!tion

    &sin0 a !ass"or

    the !ro&ct coe the !rimary -ey

    A ata.ase Cra!hics

    .oo-mar-s o!erators

    A&to Primary A&to I'

    7eferential inte0rity ens&res that the

    Ta.les are relate to one another thro&0h a forei0n -ey

    A forei0n -ey is

    One*to*one One*to*many

    $m!loyeeI' #om!anyI'

    8hich of the follo"in0 constraints can .e &se toenforce the &ni&eness of ro"s in a ta.le

    '$FALT anNOT NLLconstraints

    FO7$ICN $Hconstraints

    8hich of the follo"in0 commans is &se to chan0ethe str&ct&re of ta.le

    Ho& are creatin0 a client a!!lication that callsActiveU 'LLs 8hich of the follo"in0 !ro!erties ofthe $rr o.ect !rovies the name of a com!onentthat sens an error .ac- to the client a!!lication

    This ata.ase hols !ersonal information The &sercan hel! to -ee! it conential .y

    -ee!in0! co!y

    If the ata.ase hols c&stomer names anaresses, !ersonalise letters can .e createa&tomatically &sin0

    A!!lication soft"are s&ite to storin0 the s&rveyinformation o.taine in the ta.le "o&l .e

    The characters an are sometimes &se insearch criteria as

    8hich of the follo"in0 el ty!es "ill 0enerate the!rimary -ey a&tomatically

    recors in aynaset areconsistent "iththe &nerlyin0ta.les

    relate ta.les ina ata.ase areconsistent "ithone another

    main form an a

    s&.formthe !rimary -eyof .oth relateta.les

    the !rimary -eyof the relateta.le

    Ho& are creatin0 a .an-in0 ata.ase to trac-c&stomer loans The .an- "ill, of co&rse, havemany c&stomers, each of "hom may ta-e o&t oneor more loans, "hile each loan may .e associate"ith only one c&stomer there are no ointacco&ntsJ 8hat is the re

    In a one*to*many relationshi! .et"een #om!anies

    an $m!loyees, "hich el is fo&n in .oth ta.les

    8hich of the follo"in0 ens&res that recors inrelate ta.les are consistent "ith one another Fore/am!le, it ens&res that yo& cannot a a recor"ith an invali forei0n -ey

    The Tools men&,7elationshi!"ino"


  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    8hat is re&ire of the els that oin t"o ta.les

    R M

    'im #reateList S&. #reateList

    Do" "o&l yo& elete a relationshi! .et"een ta.lesin the 7elationshi!s "ino"

    'o&.le clic- the7elationshi! line

    7i0ht*clic- the7elationshi!line, then select'elete from theshortc&t men&

    In a #&stomers ta.les, "hat oes a !l&s si0n ne/t tothe #&stomerI' el mean

    That there areseveralc&stomersassociate "iththat I'

    That some ofthe ata is notvie"a.le

    They m&st .oth.e n&m.ers

    They cannot .ete/t els

    Ass&me a one*to*many relationshi! .et"een the#&stomers ta.le an the Loans ta.le, "ithreferential inte0rity in e?ect 8hat ha!!ens "henyo& attem!t to elete a c&stomer I' from the#&stomer ta.le that still has entries in the Loansta.le

    Nothin0, Accessi0nores theattem!tecomman

    The c&stomer>sI' is eletefrom the#&stomersta.le

    8hich of the follo"in0 is tr&e "hen vie"in0 a mainform an its associate s&.form in the Form 'esi0nvie"

    The s&.form isnot visi.le

    The s&.form isis!laye in'atasheet vie"

    8hich of the follo"in0 relationshi!s oes not .elon0in a ata.ase .ase on a !rofessional s!orts lea0&es&ch as foot.all or .as-et.all

    A one*to*manyrelationshi!.et"een teamsan !layers

    A one*to*manyrelationshi!.et"een teamsan coaches

    8hich sym.ol is &se at the en of the oin line in arelate ta.le to si0nify the VmanyW sie of a one*to*many relationshi!

    Ho& have create a one*to*many relationshi! "ith

    referential inte0rity .et"een a #&stomers ta.le ana Loans ta.le From "hich ta.le can yo& elete arecor

    $ither ta.le atany time

    The #&stomersta.le only "henthere are Loan

    recorsassociate "iththat c&stomer

    The correct orer of the ar0&ments for the Ms0Bo/statement is

    !rom!t, title .arte/t, icon

    !rom!t, icon,title .ar te/t

    The rst statement in a !roce&re name #reateListis

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    A te/t el

    The !&r!ose of a ata.ase is to

    A ata.ase stores ata relationshi!s

    A ata.ase recors facts 0&res

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    ata marts normali6ation

    ata marts normali6ation

    ata marts normali6ation

    ata marts normali6ation

    le mana0ers

    In a relation

    ta.le relation

    recor el

    recor el

    recor el

    com!osite -ey !rimary -ey

    !ate anomaly

    A ata.ase esi0ne to im!lement re&irements fora re!ortin0 a!!lication neee .y the Salese!artment is a ata.ase .ein0 esi0ne

    from e/istin0non*ata.aseata

    as a ne"systemsevelo!ment!roect

    A ata.ase esi0ne to com.ine t"o ata.ases

    &se .y the Sales e!artment is a ata.ase .ein0esi0ne

    from e/istin0ata

    as a ne"systems


    'ata.ase !rofessionals &se ass!ecic ata so&rces for st&ies an analyses

    'ata.ase !rofessionals &se a set of !rinci!les calle to 0&ie an assess ata.aseesi0n

    A very !o!&lar evelo!ment techni&e &se .yata.ase !rofessionals for ata.ase esi0n is-no"n as

    A very !o!&lar evelo!ment techni&e &se .yata.ase !rofessionals to ao!t a ata.ase esi0nto ne" or chan0in0 re&irement is -no"n as

    The !reecessorsJ of ata.ase !rocessin0 "as"ereJ


    entities in acol&mn vary asto -in

    the orer of thecol&mns isim!ortant

    An attri.&te is also -no"n as anJ

    A com.ination of one or more col&mns &se to

    ientify !artic&lar ro"s in a is A com.ination of t"o or more col&mns &se toientify !artic&lar ro"s in a relation is

    A eterminant that etermines all the othercol&mns in a relation is

    8hen esi0nin0 a ata.ase, one of the caniate-eys in a relation is selecte as the

    Normali6ation is a !rocess &se to eal "ith "hichof the follo"in0 moication anomalies


    8hen yo& are 0iven a set of ta.les an as-e to

    create a ata.ase to store their ata, the rst ste!is to

    assess thee/istin0 ta.les2

    str&ct&re ancontent

    esi0n the


    Moern microcom!&ter !ersonal 'BMS!ro&cts

    are s&!!lie .yseveral "ell*esta.lisheman&fact&rers

    "ere essentially-ille o? .y MSAccess

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    irty ata

    irty ata

    Form Ta.le

    Im!ort Lin-

    8hich of the follo"in0 are tr&e a.o&t ata minin0


    They &seso!histicatemathematical


    Their re!ortelivery is morei5c&lt thanre!ort eliveryfor re!ortin0


    8e have o.taine access to the com!any2so!erational ata 8e e/amine )= recors forc&stomers "ith !hone n&m.ers that sho&l &se thec&rrent area coe of 3() Of these )= recors, "en 1= that still &se an oler area coe of )E Thisis an e/am!le


    8e have o.taine access to the com!any2so!erational ata 8e have .een as-e to !ro&ce are!ort "ith an item .y item analysis of sales, .&tthe only sales 0&re availa.le is the total sale val&e

    for each orer This is e/am!le of



    A ata "areho&se ata.ase i?ers from ano!erational ata.ase .eca&se

    ata "areho&seata are notstore in ta.les

    ata "areho&seata.ases onot havemetaata

    8hich of the follo"in0 o.ects is &se to is!lay amen&

    8hich of the follo"in0 o.ects are NOT fo&n in anAccess a!!lication

    Forms anre!orts

    &eries anta.les

    Ho& are evelo!in0 an Access a!!lication that yo&e/!ect to &!0rae !erioically 8hich of thefollo"in0 statements is T7$

    It "ill .e easierfor the &ser to&!0rae it if theo.ects anta.les are in oneata.ase

    It "ill .e easierfor the &ser to&!0rae it if theo.ects are inone ata.asean the ta.les inanother

    8hich of the follo"in0 statements re0arin0 Accessa!!lications is NOT tr&e

    The Lin- Ta.lescomman can .e&se to associatethe ta.les in oneata.ase "iththe o.ects inanotherata.ase

    An a!!licationmay consist ofm&lti!leata.ases, each"ith m&lti!leo.ects, lin-eto yet anotherata.asecontainin0 onlyta.les

    8hich of the follo"in0 .rin0s a co!y of the ta.leinto the c&rrent ata.ase an oes not maintain atie to the ori0inal ta.le

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    8hat ma-es a ata.ase an a!!lication

    Men& 8i6ar B&il Men&

    The !&r!ose of a ata "areho&se is to

    'i0ital Si0n

    Dash F&nction 'i0ital Si0nat&re

    Dash F&nction Dash 9al&e

    #A stans for

    Tr&e False

    Tr&e False

    Server #erticate

    Server #erticate


    It contains morethan one ta.le

    It containsta.les, re!orts,&eries, anforms

    8hat is the Access tool that is &se to create the&ser interface

    create .ac-&!sfor missioncritical cor!orateata

    centrali6e themana0ea.ility ofata collection

    means the res&lt of a!!lyin0 to s!ecicinformation certain s!ecic technical !rocesses


    is an al0orithm "hich creates a i0italre!resentation or n0er!rint in the form of ahash res&lt

    is of stanar len0th "hich is &s&allym&ch smaller than the messa0e .&t neverthelesss&.stantially &ni&e to it

    'i0ital Si0nat&re involves t"o !rocesses They are an

    'i0ital Si0nat&recreation

    'i0ital Si0nat&re9erication

    The #osts of 'i0ital Si0nat&re consists mainly of thefollo"in0

    Instit&tionalOverhea anS&.scri.er7elyin0 Party#ost

    S&.scri.er7elyin0 Party#ost





    A 'i0ital #erticate is iss&e .y a #erticationA&thority an is si0ne "ith the #A2s Private ey

    A 'i0ital #erticate oes contain O"ner2s P&.licey, O"ner2s name, $/!iration ate of the Privateey, Serial n& of the i0ital certicate

    ena.le "e. servers to o!erate in asec&re moe


    are &se .y inivi&als "hen they

    e/chan0e messa0es "ith other &sers or onlineservices


    are on*line ata.ases of certicatesan other information availa.le for retrieval an &sein verifyin0 i0ital si0nat&res


  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    Tr&e False

    Tr&e False

    #7L stans for

    ANSI N4$B#'I#

    .atch les interchan0e sets

    Smart #ar $ cars

    $*cash 'i0ital #ash

    The net"or- .ase technolo0y is4are $'I $*mail

    Tr&e False

    9al&e Ae Net"or- is an e/am!le of Net"or- Private Net"or-


  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    te/t lo0ical

    concatenate !mt

    co&ntif vloo-&!

    !ivot ta.le "i6ar chart "i6ar

    s&mif !mt

    avera0e s&m

    !a0e set&! !rint area

    a&toformat A&toFill

    .orerin0 formattin0

    !a0e set&! !rint area

    lterin0 searchin0

    all o!tion .lan-s

    The 7L for encyclo!eia Britannica is """encyin """

    7L 'NS

    Internet can .e ene as internal net"or-

    a!!lication layer trans!ort layer

    n0er service !in0 service

    FTP T$LN$T

    7L stans for

    IN an 7L the "or .efore the color refers to host com!&ter

    A al"ays .e0ins "ith a slash messa0e scheme

    Proi0y is r&n .y IBM an 'el!hi Microsoft

    net "e.

    8hich of the follo"in0 o not .elon0 to the form&lacate0ory in e/cel environment

    The f&nction that in &se to oin cell val&es to0etherin a sin0le cell

    The f&nction that is &se to co&nt all the val&es that

    meet s!ecic criteria The "i6ar that is &se to create an eit charts

    The f&nction that is &se to calc&late the !aymentfor s!ecic loan terms

    The f&nction that is &se to a to0ether all val&esthat meet s!ecic criteria is -no"n as

    The o!tion !resent in the le men&o!tions is &se to s!ecify maor facts of the !a0e to.e !rinte

    The comman that is &se to a!!ly a format

    a&tomatically The ma-es the information in a"or-sheet meanin0f&l an easy to &nerstan

    A !artic&lar !art of a "or- sheet can .e !rinte .ysettin0 the

    The !rocess of nin0 or selectin0 information is-no"n as

    The o!tion that is &se to cancel the lter !rocessfor a s!ecic col&mn an is!lay all the recors is

    ma!s IP aresses "ith the omain namesof the sites

    net"or- ofnet"or-

    The most im!ortant service of the is tomana0e tra5c control

    is a !ro0ram that is!lays informationa.o&t a host connecte to the net

    is a !ro0ram or a tool that hel!s in locatin0a le any"here on the net

    &niform research



    reso&rce locatorname of thereso&rce

    The 8orl 8ie 8e. is referre to shortly as the

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    Co!her an 8AIS ena.les the &ser to .ro"ser

    s!y mosaic

    0o!herin0 0o!hers!ace

    Alta vista o!en te/t

    n0er server ft! server

    The "e. ma!s are calle list irectories

    'irectories consists of levels no ma/im&m of ve

    mile lo"er

    hotlist irectory

    searches .y -ey"ors infosee- e/cite

    netshar- cello

    s&!!orts one .&tton !&.lish lyn/ mosaic

    SPH MOSAI# is istri.&te .y Microsoft internet

    senet n0er service

    DTTP is the acronym for

    icc! ft!

    yahoo ft!

    T#P4IP stans for

    one t"o

    ft! servers

    TIA stans for in internet

    .ro"ser !rotocol

    rea the senetne"s

    is the !ro0ram &se to r&n #om!&Serve2sre0&lar services

    #om!&Serveinternet ialer

    Navi0atin0 thro&0h the men& of 0o!her is callemovin0 aro&n

    The irectories that come "ith .&ilt*in en0ines areyahoo,lycos an

    To &se the n0er comman,SLIP &sers m&st r&n a!ro0ramme calle

    The level 0ives the .roacast overvie" of thenet

    The h&0e list of -ey"ors from im!ortant items iscalle

    The t"o ty!es of search in veronica are an





    Mosaic is!lays lin-s in color "hereas oesnot is!lay lin-s in color

    is a !ro0ram that hel!s &s to lo0 on to othernet"or-s

    Di0her te/ttransfer !rotocol

    Dy!er te/ttransmission!ort

    is &se to transfer an co!y les over theinternet

    is a !ro0ram that hel!s &s to lo0 on to othernet"or-s

    transfer control!rotocol4internet


    Archie servers can .e accesse in i?erent"ays in internet

    is the com!&ter on the internet thattranslates .et"een the internet omain names an

    the internet n&meric aress

    omain name

    serversthe internetaa!ter

    the internetaministration

    Service inicates the name of the &se toaccess ata, !resent on the other en of the lin-

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    is &se to lin- !a0es in the "orl "ie "e.

    FA stans for


    connection res!onse

    8SI7# stans for

    T"o of the im!ortant .ro"sers are an lyn/,min/ netsca!e,ie

    0lossary ine/

    9$7ONI#A is an acronym for

    !rotocols IP aress

    an are "e. searchin0 feat&res ft! an n0er

    8IN8AIS has t"o so&rce lists namely an allsrc,"insoc-s "ais,allsrc

    is also calle as 8AIS mana0er allsrc "aisman

    hot lin-s hy!er te/t

    ima0es a!!lets

    rst !a0e home !a0e

    CNN stans for

    is the most !o!&lar internet service yahoo service electronic mail

    &niversalreso&rce locator

    &niformreso&rce locator

    fre&ent as-e&ery

    fre&ently as-e&estion

    The internet aa!ter is a !ro0ramme that ma-eso&r connection act li-e a or a acco&nt

    The ste! involve in #omm&nicatin0 .et"een the"e. clients an servers is

    "ie search forinformation anresearch

    "ino"s soc-etsinternets relaychat

    Lyn/ is a !ro0ramme that "or-s "ith


    "orl "ie "e.


    "orl "ie "e.

    clientThe h&0e list of -ey"ors from im!ortant items iscalle an

    very easy anroent orientenet "ie ine/ tocom!&teri6earchives

    very or0anisenet"or-inte0ration ancomm&nicationa!!lication

    The rst freenet is create at the an iscalle

    &niversity,.er-eley freenet

    &niversity ofclevelan,clevelan freenet

    are ene as "ays of comm&nication

    amon0st net"or-ssearchen0ines,irectories

    The system of interlin-e oc&ments is -no"nas

    The small !ro0rammes that createanimation,m&ltimeia,real*time 0ames an m&lti&ser 0ames are calle

    The information is!laye on the "e. !a0eincl&es, an



    The "e. !a0es that re!resent online home of theira&thor are calle net"or-ne"s net"or-snavi0ator

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    ne"s0ro&! telnet

    Lycos catalo0 !oint revie"

    a!!le lin- .itnet

    BAB$L consists a 0lossary of

    Hahoo,lycos,e/cite an "e.cra"lers are search en0ines "e. irectories

    CIF is the acronym for

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    8e. is a collection of "e. sites ima0es

    I$TF stans for


    hy!erlin- hy!erte/t

    in ranom orer

    rst start

    .m! an 0if .m! an !e0

    The com!onents of a 7L are

    ZcenterQ Zfont si6eXnQ

    #CI stans for

    Server #lient

    The internet is also calle as ar!anet the net

    The internet is similar to LAN

    The net rivers from one !lace to another ata !arcel

    is the ancestors of the internet net ar!anet

    Internete&i!menttrainin0 fac&lty

    International$n0ineerin0trainers anfac&lty

    The t"o maor .ro"sers &se to s&rf the Internetare ,

    MS Internet$/!lorer anMosaic

    Netsca!eNavi0ator anMosaic

    S!ecial characters allo" .ro"sers to is!lay

    ata from aata.ase

    The -ey"or for !roviin0 lin-s "ithin or acrossoc&ments is

    Strin0in0 !a0es to0ether &sin0 hy!erte/ttechnolo0y hel!s vie" !a0es

    in se&entialorer

    The initial "e. !a0es !resent in a "e. site is the !a0e

    The ima0e format s&!!orte .y most .ro"sersis

    Service,hostname anirectory !ath


    The mail "e sen has a mailin0 aress an most ofthem corres!on to, an

    mail servers,mailclients analternateservices

    mailvenors,mailienticationan !ass"or

    8hich of the follo"in0 is not s&!!orte .y internete/!lorer



    Dost name inicates the omain name of the "e.


    The net !rovies interestin0 services

    li-e, an


    an com!ilin0


    an ne arts

    The "ino"s internet soft"are availa.leare,, an



  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    The &&encoe les start "ith a start .e0in

    'A7PA is .ro-en into an mailnet,inet


    server client

    client stan*alone

    net"or- car

    'T$ stans for

    a!!lication layer !hysical layer

    Accessin0 les &sin0 FTP servers is calle le access anonymo&s ft!


    is in .et"een LAN an 8AN 9AN MAN

    can .e o"e .y m&lti!le or0anisation LAN MAN

    'ata is transmitte in the form of si0nals analo0 i0ital

    'T' stans for

    Moem stans for

    Ma!!in0 Mo&lation

    SLIP stans for

    'A7PA stans for


    eicate anre0istere!roectsaministration


    NSFN$T is the &nite states !rovies service to an


    m&sic anance

    The rst international IP net"or- connections "ereesta.lishe in 1GE3 "ith an

    &nite states an

    A is a set of com!&ters interconnecte .ytransmission !aths to e/chan0e information ininternet

    A com!&ter that !rovies a service &sa.le .y othercom!&ters is calle

    A is the re!resentation of !hysicalconnectivity of the com!&ters in internet



    ata terminale&i!ment

    The .asic f&nction of the is transmittin0 the.its over a channel

    The !oint to !oint channel net"or- is also calle as an

    !oint to !ointnet"or- an.roacastchannel net"or-

    !ac-ets"itchin0,storean for"arnet"or-

    The three most commonly &se net"or-sare, an

    'ata ty!eenition

    'ene ty!e ofata



    is the !rocess of the i0ital si0nals .ein0

    converte into a form s&ita.le for analo0transmission

    an are t"o .asic "ays of 0ettin0connecte to the internet

    Satellite lin- ani0ital si0nals

    'eicateaccess an ial&! access

    Stanar lon0internet !rotocol

    Stream lineinternet !rotocol

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    PPP stans for

    Ban"ith S!ee

    Fin Save

    7eci!ient Party 7elyin0 Party

    P&.lic ey Private ey


    Not False Not Tr&e

    A5rmative Act $5ciency

    Not Tr&e Not False

    'i0ital si0nat&re

    #ry!to0ra!hy P&.lic ey

    Prime !rolon0e!rotocol

    Point to !oint!rotocol

    8hich of the follo"in0 .est &!loain0information

    storin0 ata on ais- rive

    senin0information to ahost com!&ter

    A characteristic of a comm&nication channel that isthe amo&nt of information that can .e !assethro&0h it in a 0iven amo&nt of time, e/!resse in.its !er secon

    The act of searchin0 thro&0h stora0e to locateinformation "itho&t necessarily -no"in0 of thee/istence of the information .ein0 so&0ht

    A reci!ient of the certicate esirin0 to rely &!ona 'i0ital Si0nat&re create .y the s& namein the certicate is calle the

    The 7elyin0 Party can &se the liste inthe certicate to verify that the i0ital si0nat&re"as create "ith the corres!onin0

    'i0ital Si0nat&res are &se for a variety of$lectronic Transactions li-e


    To associate "ith a -ey !air "ith a !ros!ectivesi0ner, a #ertication A&thority iss&es 'i0ital#erticate

    'i0ital Si0nat&res, if !ro!erly im!lemente an&tili6e o?er !romisin0 sol&tions to the !ro.lems ofIm!osters, Messa0e Inte0rity, an



    Formal Le0al


    In, 'i0ital Si0nat&re, !erform theceremonial f&nction of alertin0 the si0ner to thefact that the si0ner is cons&mmatin0 a transaction"ith le0al conse&ences

    A 'i0ital Si0nat&re m&st have the follo"in0attri.&tes an



    Dash F&nction is &se in .oth creatin0 anverifyin0 'i0ital Si0nat&re

    !rovies ass&rance of the ori0in orelivery of ata in orer to !rotect the senera0ainst false enial .y the reci!ient that the atahas .een receive, or to !rotect the reci!ienta0ainst false enial .y the sener that the ata "assent


    is a .ranch of a!!lie mathematicsconcerns itself "ith transformin0 messa0es intoseemin0ly &nintelli0i.le forms an .ac- a0ain

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    Private ey P&.lic ey

    Private ey P&.lic ey

    Private ey P&.lic ey

    'ecry!tion #i!her


    The acronym for B:B is

    Bill.oar On*line #atalo0


    Intermeiaries !ortals

    Orer Placement Service

    Online catalo0

    The com!lementary -eys of an asymmetriccry!tosystem for 'i0ital Si0nat&res are ar.itarilyterme as , an

    is -no"n only to the si0ner an is &se tocreate the i0ital si0nat&re

    is orinarily more "iely -no"n an is &se.y a relyin0 !arty to verify the i0ital si0nat&re

    is the art of !rotectin0 information .ytransformin0 it into an &nreaa.le format

    8hich of the follo"in0 activities "o&l most li-elyetect com!&ter*relate fra&

    sin0 ataencry!tion

    Performin0valiity chec-s

    A i0ital si0nat&re is &se !rimarily to eterminethat a messa0e is

    naltere intransmission

    Not interce!teen ro&te

    8hat is a maor isavanta0e to &sin0 a !rivate -eyto encry!t ata

    Both sener anreceiver m&sthave the !rivate-ey .efore thisencry!tionmetho "ill "or-

    The !rivate -eycannot intofra0ments anistri.&te tothe receiver

    8hich of the follo"in0 ris-s can .e minimi6e .yre&irin0 all em!loyees accessin0 the informationsystem to &se !ass"ors

    'ata entryerrors



    The moel is the least intr&sive moel.&t re&ires active search on the !art of thec&stomer

    is 4 are a form of avertisement "here!eo!le relate their e/!erience "ith !ro&cts anservices


    The are soft"are a0ents "hocomm&nicate "ith the .&siness merchants on.ehalf of the c&stomers

    The Pre*!&rchase !re!aration !hase incl&es

    for a set of !ro&cts

    The !hase incl&es c&stomer service ans&!!ort to aress c&stomer com!laints , !ro&ctret&rns an !ro&cts efects

    Post !&rchaseinteraction


    The allo" com!anies to .y!ass the neefor costly !rinte catalo0s

    Bill.oar moelof mar-etin0

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    Online #atalo0 Sho!!in0 cart

    $'IFA#T is an a..reviation of

    $'I T#P4IP

    #om!iler Inter!reter

    $*cash means $mer0ency #ash $lectronic #ash


    'ecry!tion SSL

    There are ty!es of ata ta.les 1 :

    ata ta.le ltere ta.le

    !ivot ta.le "i6ar chart "i6ar

    In a chart H*a/is is -no"n as series or ran- cate0ory

    In a chart U*a/is is -no"n as series or ran- cate0ory

    series or ran- cate0ory

    series or ran- cate0ory

    col&mn chart .ar chart

    The chart that hols the col&mn chart is col&mn chart .ar chart

    col&mn chart .ar chart

    The chart that is &se to is!lay iscrete ata col&mn chart .ar chart

    are not allo"e in a macro name s!aces

    A is a .as-et on the Net that is&se to !lace the items that are .ein0 !&rchase

    $'I ForAministration,#ommerce an


    $'I ForAministration,#ons&mer an

    Trans!ortThe allo"s for !rotocol conversion ancomm&nicates "ith the .an- &sin0 the .an-s!rivate net"or- or the Internet

    In $commerce, ata e/traction, transformin0 theata into transmitta.le form, transmittin0 the ataan o"nloain0 the ata are the o!erationsem!loye in

    The commerce assists in inte0ratin0 thec&stomers an s&!!liers of the com!any irectlyinto the or0anisation



    $*commerce is a tool that aresses the esire ofrms to c&t services cost an im!rovin0 the &alityof 0oos It is a enition of e*commerce from



    The small enomination i0ital to-ens are calle


    The is the !rocess of encoin0information to !revent it from .ein0 rea .y&na&thori6e !arties

    The ta.les that allo"s the &ser to chan0e or

    rearran0e the ata, s&mmari6e the ata aneval&ate the ata &sin0 chan0in0 !oints of vie" is-no"n as

    The "i6ar that is &se to s&00est hints for oin0 atas-

    is a set of ta.les that escri.e each of theata series

    is &se to i?erentiate one ata series fromanother

    The chart that contains only one ata series is

    The chart that is!lay t"o or more ata series on as&rface is

    "il carcharacters

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    e/celGE internet e/!lorer

    !ivot ta.le "i6ar chart "i6ar

    line chart .ar chart

    tr&e false

    an or

    3*imensions (*imensions

    tr&e false

    'ata ta.le Pivot ta.le

    Pivot ta.le

    Coal see-

    Coal see- Pivot ta.le

    8or-.oo- 8or-sheet

    S!reasheets are &sef&l for

    #ol&mn el 7o" el$/cel allo"s &!to levels of sortin0 t"o three

    tr&e false

    3*imensions (*imensions

    'ata ta.le Pivot ta.le

    8hich of the follo"in0 tool cannot .e &se to vie"the e/cel "e. !a0e

    The "i6ar that &se to .&il an interactive ta.lefrom ata e/istin0 on sheets

    The chart that is &se for is!layin0 stoc- mar-etinformation

    In e/cel, the s&.total comman also 0enerates0ran total after the last 0ro&! s&.total

    In avance lter , the criteria occ&!yin0 m&lti!lecol&mns .&t more than one ro", is consiere as an criteria

    The stac-e .ar 0ra!hs can .e re!resente in

    A !ie chart can re!resent only one ata series at atime

    The 0enerates a s&mmari6e re!ort inta.&lar form in an interactive manner

    8hich one of the follo"in0 statements relate tostoc- chart is NOT T7$

    It is also calle ashi0h*lo"*closechart

    It sho"s trensover time

    The state 0overnment nees to nali6e a ve years!lan to im!lement 1==[ literacy in the state 8hichone of the follo"in0 "ill .e the .est tool that sho&l.e &se to "or- o&t the !lan


    Forecast2GG is a 0ro&! "or-in0 on e/it !oll It "antsto -no" ho" many seat AB# !arty nees to "on intotality to o.tain maority to form the 0overnment

    8hich one of the follo"in0 "ill .e the tool that "illhel! the team


    8hich one of the follo"in0 "ill .e the tool that!rovies a "ay to vie" an com!are the res&lts ofall the i?erent variations to0ether on the"or-sheet

    A is an e/cel le "here the &ser storeshis ata



    8hich one of the follo"in0 is NOT the com!onent of

    the !ivot ta.le

    Filterin0 rearran0es a list to is!lay the re&irerecors

    The stac-e .ar 0ra!hs can .e re!resente in

    The 0enerates a s&mmarise re!ort inta.&lar form in an interactive manner

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions



    A "or-.oo- consists of many ata.ases recors

    Coal see-

    "or-sheet "or-.oo-

    On an $/cel sheet the active cell is inicate .y\ A otte .orer

    K,1,3: :,(,:

    "or !rocessin0 0ra!hical

    7an0e Aress

    8hich one of the follo"in0 statements relate tostac-e .ar chart is NOT T7$

    It is!lays theata series one

    on to! of theother

    It is &sef&l "henseveralcom!onents arechan0in0 anthe &ser isintereste in the

    s&m of thecom!onents

    8hich follo"in0 f&nction is &se in s&.total o!tion


    8hich t"o of the follo"in0 statements relate to!ivot ta.le are T7$

    It is a tool fors&mmari6in0 ananaly6in0 theata recors in

    an interactivemanner

    It is a tool that!rovies a "ayto vie" ancom!are theres&lts of all thei?erentvariations

    to0ether on the"or-sheet

    8hich one of the follo"in0 is NOT a 8hat*if analysistool


    The "i6ar se!arates contents in a cellinto i?erent cells

    te/t im!ort"i6ar

    convert te/t tocol&mns "i6ar

    A s!reasheet is a 0ri of ro"s an col&mns an iscalle as a

    Pic- o&t the "ino" that is not a form of e/cel



    A ar- "ie

    .orer#ell A( X: an A) X ( Ho& select .oth cells anra0 the ll hanle o"n to AK The contents ofcells A, AE, an AK are

    If a cell sho"s RRRRRRR , it means that yo&r form&la hasa synta/ error

    the ro" is tooshort to sho"the n& atthe c&rrent fontsi6e

    8hich is not an avanta0e of &sin0 com!&teri6es!reasheets

    a.ility to0enerate ta.les

    s!ee ofcalc&lation

    The 0ym teacher has a ne" !ro0ram to calc&late!hysical tness in terms of "ei0ht an e/ercise The&se in!&ts i?erent "ei0hts or amo&nts of e/erciseto etermine the relate !hysical tness This8hat if !ro0ram is most li-ely "hich of thefollo"in

    The i?erence .et"een the hi0hest an the lo"estval&es

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    S!reasheets can .e &se for Pro&cin0 0ra!hs 8ritin0 letters

    To select a col&mn the easiest metho is to \

    $NT$7 #T7L + $NT$7

    array f&nction

    1== :=1J)))*1:1:

    #ell references F&nctions

    ^ 4

    B)B #34'(


    It is .lin-in0

    Do" can yo& chan0e the active cell

    File $it

    Previe" 'etails

    Insert 'elete

    #lear 'elete

    o&.le*clic- any

    cell in the col&mn

    ra0 from theto! cell in thecol&mn to thelast cell in the

    col&mnIf yo& !ress , the cell acce!ts yo&r ty!in0 as itscontents

    The contents of cell #1) is XA9$7AC$#3#1(JA9$7AC$#3#1(J is -no"n as

    All of the follo"in0 are consiere constants$U#$PT

    8hich of the follo"in0 may NOT .e incl&e in aform&la

    8hich of the follo"in0 is NOT a vali mathematicalo!erator in $/cel

    Civen the form&la XB)B+#34'(^:, "hiche/!ression "o&l .e eval&ate rst

    8hich !art of the form&la +$1:4+CESMDGD11J is consiere a constant

    Do" can yo& tell "hich cell in a "or-sheet is theactive cell

    It is s&rro&ne.y a heavy.orer

    By clic-in0 in ai?erent cell

    By &sin0 the

    arro" -eys tomove to ai?erent cell

    8hich of the follo"in0 "o&l yo& &se to chan0e thefont si6e of a cell in $/cel



    The comman that "ill save the c&rrent "or-.oo-"ith a i?erent le ty!e is

    the Ne"comman on theFile men&

    the Savecomman onthe File men&

    The comman that "ill !rint an $/cel "or-.oo- isfo&n on the men&

    In the Save As an O!en ialo0 .o/es, the vie" sho"s the le si6e as "ell as theate an time a le "as last moie

    8hich of the follo"in0 commans "ill a&tomaticallya&st cell references in form&las

    8hich of the follo"in0 commans "ill remove cells,ro"s, or col&mns from a "or-sheet

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    O!tions Pa0e Set&!

    "or-sheet ran0e8hich of the follo"in0 is a vali cell ran0e '1:, C:)

    co!y ran0e

    !aste ran0e

    a.sol&te relative

    B( %B(

    R'I94=_ R'I94=_

    R'I94=_ R'I94=_

    The F( -ey is &se to eit cells

    the Fill Danle

    the cell aress

    8hich of the follo"in0 o!tions is NOT controllethro&0h the Pa0e Set&! comman

    Orientation!ortrait orlansca!eJ

    Deaers anfooters

    8hich comman ena.les yo& to chan0e themar0ins for a !rinte "or-sheet

    All commans are carrie o&t on a rectan0&lar

    0ro&!s of cells -no"n as a

    In a co!y o!eration, the cellsJ yo& are co!yin0 fromis calle the


    In a co!y o!eration, the cellsJ yo& are co!yin0 to iscalle the


    8hich of the follo"in0 commans is neee to&!licate the contents of a cell in another

    The '&!licatecomman

    The #o!ycomman

    A cell reference that oes not chan0e &rin0 a co!yo!eration is -no"n as

    8hich of the follo"in0 is consiere an a.sol&te cellreference

    #ell $3 contains the f&nction XA9$7AC$A3'3J Ifthe contents of cell $3 are co!ie to cell $(, "hat"ill .e the contents of cell $(

    #ell $3 contains the f&nctionXA9$7AC$%A%3%'%3J If the contents of cell $3are co!ie to cell $(, "hat "ill .e the contents ofcell $(

    8hich of the follo"in0 commans is neee totransfer the contents of one cell ran0e to another

    The Movecomman

    The #&tcomman

    co!y an !astecells

    8hich of the follo"in0 &ic-ly co!ies the formattin0of a selecte cell to other cells

    the FormatPainter

    8hich of the follo"in0 "ill insert a hy!erlin- into an$/cel "or-sheet

    Select the InsertDy!erlin-comman fromthe File men&

    #lic- the InsertDy!erlin- .&ttonon the

    #onitional formattin0 a!!lies formattin0 to a cell.ase on

    "hether the cellhas a form&la ora val&e in it

    If yo& enter a ate into a cell, $/cel stores the ateas

    te/t "ith a t"o*i0it year

    te/t "ith a fo&r*i0it year

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    '(+#:JB: '(+#:B:


    The efa&lt orientation for the !rinte !a0e is !ortrait lansca!e

    8hich is not a vali cell aress A':13 A1

    The 8orl 8ie 8e. "as evise .y #$7N $#7N

    The &sef&l 7L schemes are an mailto an les

    BBS stans for

    S$N$T is a BBS on scale small lar0e

    8INSO#S is e/!ane as "ino"s soc-s "ino"s soc-ets

    Mosaic Hahoo

    .&?er cache

    Photo0ra!hy 'i0ital Si0nat&re

    ey Loc-

    ser*i Pass"or

    Penetration 7etrieval

    Acts 7e0&lations

    To !rint &st !art of a sheet, yo& "o&l select "hatyo& "ant to !rint an

    clic- the Print.&tton

    !ress the P7INTS#7$$N -ey

    The form&la that "ill a the val&e of cell '( to the

    val&e of #: an then m&lti!ly .y the val&e in B: is

    8hich of the f&nctions is not vali for !erformin0aition


    yahoo aninfosee-

    The other "ays of 0ettin0 connecte to the netare

    ne"s0ro&!s,yahooan infosee-


    .oars,mails callan "irelesssystem

    .&lletin .oarsystem



    I$TF Level : DTML 'T' s&!!orts 0ra!hical .ro"sers

    li-e The s!ace &se .y Netsca!e to store the retrieve!a0e is calle

    The !rinci!les, means an methos for renerin0information &nintelli0i.le an for restorin0encry!te information to intelli0i.le form

    A lon0 strin0 of seemin0ly ranom .its &se "ithcry!to0ra!hic al0orithms to create or verify i0italsi0nat&res an encry!t an ecry!t messa0es anconversations

    Protecte4!rivate character strin0 &se to

    a&thenticate an ientity or to a&thori6e access toata

    The s&ccessf&l act of .y!assin0 sec&ritymechanisms of the system

    A set of r&les an formats, semantic an syntactic,that !ermits entities to e/chan0e information

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    S!oon0 Im!ostin0

    An action or event that mi0ht !re&ice sec&rity Loss Threat

    Malicio&s soft"are tility Pirate soft"are

    None the !erson "ho is -no"n as father of Internet Tim Berner Lee Do?man

    This " is the .i00est .oo-store on the earth $traecom Ama6on com

    Any Time Money

    Acts 7e0&lations

    The means of comm&nicatin0 .et"een net"or-s 7o&ter Cate"ay

    LAN 8AN

    The term DTTP stans for

    A NI# is consiere as

    A h&. is a evice that can connect Only #om!&ters

    8hat o ro&ters connect

    8hat oes a ro&ter ro&te .its frames

    re"all 0ate"ay

    One T"o

    8hich of the follo"in0 in an OSI layer Physical Layer 'ata*Lin- Layer

    An attem!t to 0et access to a system .y !osin0 to.e an a&thorise !erson

    Accorin0 to information Technolo0y Act, :===, Toinvesti0ate contraventions the controller ofcertifyin0 a&thority shall e/ercise the li-e !o"ers to

    that of

    Sales * ta/


    Income * ta/


    8hen "e tal- of 'ata Transmission moes, thenATM stans for

    A&tomate TailorMachine

    A se&ence of .its or characters that ienties the

    estination an the so&rce of a transmission

    A 0ro&! of com!&ters an other evices is!erseover a relatively limite area an connecte .ycomm&nication lin-s that ena.le a evice tointeract "ith any other on the net"or-

    hy!er terminaltracin0 !ro0ram

    hy!erte/ttracin0 !ro0ram



    Net"or-Interface car

    #an notcom!&ters

    8hich of the follo"in0 is tr&e concernin0 thef&nction of a s"itch


    #om.inesconnectivity of ah&. "ith thetra5c re0&lationof a .ri0e

    Bri0es an7e!eaters

    T"o or morenet"or-s

    Soft"are "hich !revents e/ternal access to asystem is terme

    If fo&r com!&ters are connecte to a h&. an thento the internet, ho" many IP aresses are re&irefor these ) evices

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    7CE #oa/ial ca.le

    An IP aress is a Physical aress Lo0ical aress

    A ca.le D&.

    Bl&etooth is

    8hich is not one of the reco0ni6e I$$$ s&. layers Physical Layer 'ata Lin- Layer

    Binary AS#II

    A MA# aress is of (K Bits (K Bytes

    Protocol is

    Novell P# #lient

    There isn2t one

    Physiolo0y To!olo0y

    The !rinci!al to!olo0ies &se "ith LANs are B&s Star

    8hat are the vario&s ty!es of .&s architect&re Linear Parallel

    8hat are the vario&s ty!es of rin0 architect&re Parallel #irc&lar

    7in0 B&s

    7in0 B&s

    Star B&s

    7in0 B&s

    Net"or- Layer Trans!ort Layer

    8hen creatin0 a net"or- from &st t"o P#s, "hat-in of ca.le "o&l .e &se to connect them

    To constr&ct a sim!le LAN of ( com!&ters, yo&

    "o&l connect them "ith connect them

    8hat ha!!ens to ata that is r&ine .efore reachin0to receiver

    'ata ret&rn tothe sener

    It 0ets .y .it



    The most !referre n& system to re!resent a IParess is

    soft"are thatfacilitatesconnection to theinternet

    a list of r&les fortransferrin0 ataover a net"or-

    A is a LAN*.ase com!&ter "ith soft"arethat acts as a controllin0 evice for controllin0access to at least !art, if not all, of a local areanet"or- an its availa.le reso&rces

    8hat is the .i00est isavanta0e of the 7in0


    If one noe 0oeso"n, it .rin0so"n the entire


    The of the net"or- concerns ho" net"or-evices are !hysically or o!ticallyJ interconnecte

    In a , each "or-station attaches to acommon .ac-!lane via its o"n !hysical ca.le thatterminates at the h&.

    In a , each "or- station is irectly

    connecte to a common comm&nications channel8hich one of the follo"in0 is NOT a net"or-to!olo0y

    In a , the ca.le system forms a loo! "ith"or-stations attache at vario&s intervals aro&nthe loo!

    The Meia Access #ontrol MA#J is a s&. layer ofthe

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    Moem s!ees are meas&re in .!s -.!s

    LAN s!ees are meas&re in .!s .!s

    8AN s!ees are

    #'*7OM rive a moem

    To &se the Internet, yo&

    An NI#

    #'*7OM rive a moem

    Lin&/ Novell Net"are

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    FTP is


    System intr&sion

    IP @oo

    hac- !ac-et

    re"all ro&ter

    A !ro/y server is a .ac-&! server an email server

    8hat can .e sai a.o&t the safety of the Internet

    se of ientiers

    Phone $*mail

    A Troan horse A"are

    &se to senemail

    &se to .ro"sethe 8e.

    &se to senemail

    &ses tele!honelines

    8hich of the follo"in0 is a tr&e statement a.o&t theOSI moel layers

    The layerscannotcomm&nicate"ith one another

    Any layer cancomm&nicateirectly "ith anyother layer

    8hich of the follo"in0 is NOT tr&e a.o&t theInternet

    It is one lar0enet"or-

    It is mae &! ofmany net"or-sconnecte intotransmissionlines

    The traitional intent an im!act of this commonty!e of attac- is to !revent or im!air the le0itimate&se of net"or- reso&rces


    8hich of the follo"in0 is NOT an e/am!le of a 'oSattac- that is !o!&lar amon0 hac-ers

    Floo a 8e.server "ithre&ests

    A attac- is "hen a hac-er sens acontin&o&s @o" of !ac-ets to a system

    One efense o!tion on a lar0e net"or- is tocon0&re a to isallo" any e/ternaltra5c

    8hich of the follo"in0 "o&l .e !erforme on anet"or- server an not normally on inivi&al"or-stations

    A!!ly sec&rity!atches

    !ate vir&senitions

    All sites are safean relia.le

    There are safean &nsafesites

    To sec&re comm&nication net"or- a0ainst "ire*ta!!in0 the most e?ective control is

    se of!ass"ors

    One "ay that a vir&s #ANNOT s!rea thro&0ho&t anet"or- is

    .y attachin0 toan e*mail

    thro&0h an FTP!ort

    8hich of the follo"in0 is NOT a means ofmonitorin0 em!loyee &se of com!any technolo0y

    "o&l .e &se .y !arents to monitortheir chilren on their home system

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    Moems Protocols

    Peo!le Search

    'ate of .irth

    9ir&s Fra&

    .&y stoc-s

    Shill .iin0 Phishin0

    Internet stal-in0 stal-in0

    !o!*&!s coo-ies

    The formal r&les an !arameters "hich areesta.lishe to !ermit a microcom!&ter tocomm&nicate "ith the mainframe com!&ter astho&0h it "as a terminal of the mainframe arecalle

    The t"o most common tools &se to hel! "ithe/tractin0 information are

    coo-ies anTroan horses

    Troan horsesan -ey lo00ers

    8hich of the follo"in0 "o&l NOT .e consiere ane/am!le of terrorism

    An attac- on asystem for!ersonal 0ain

    An attac- "iththe !&r!ose of0ainin0 !&.licity

    8hich of the follo"in0 "o&l .e a form of cy.erterrorism


    'isr&!tion incomm&nication

    8hich of the follo"in0 is a li-ely tar0et of a cy.erterrorist that "o&l ca&se consiera.le loss of life

    #rashin0 thestoc- mar-et, asin the 1G3=s

    Sh&to"n ofmilitary sec&ritysystems

    An or0anisation is &!0rain0 its telecomm&nicationlines 8hich is the least im!ortant o.ective "hile&!0raation

    To carry morenet"or- ca!acity

    To im!rovenet"or-services

    A com!any !osts a !rice list of its !ro&cts on its" The avanta0e to the c&stomer is that thecom!any can

    set its !rices veryhi0h

    limit access tocom!&tero"ners only

    8hich of the follo"in0 is an easy*to*&se service to0et information on someone

    Hahoo Peo!leSearch

    8hich of the follo"in0 !ieces of information "o&lNOT .e fo&n online

    Name of yo&

    8hich of the follo"in0 is the most common an0eron the Internet

    The famo&s Ni0erian Fra& scam o?ere victims theo!!ort&nity to

    invest "itho&tris-

    The fra& ty!e that sens e*mails that claim to .efrom le0itimate sites in orer to o.tain sensitiveinformation is calle

    sin0 the Internet to !&rs&e, harass, or contactanother in an &nsolicite fashion is calle

    Settin0 yo&r !rivacy settin0s in Internet $/!lorer tomei&m is one "ay to .loc-

    8hat is the .est means of !rotection from cy.erstal-in0

    se a fa-e e*mailaress

    Never &se yo&rreal ientity

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions



    I only II only

    irc ft!

    8hich of the follo"in0 is a 8e. .ro"ser DTML Internet $/!lorer

    A 8e. !a0e is another name for *********** 8e. &ery DTML oc&ment

    ro&n tri! DTML


    Dy!erlin- Screensaver


    8hich of the follo"in0 is not an a!!ro!riate controlover telecomm&nications soft"are

    Physical Sec&ritycontrols

    $ncry!tion techni&es can .e im!lemente inDar"are*Soft"are

    8hich !rotocol "o&l .e &se to o"nloa a freeanti*vir&s !ro0ram from the Internet

    The maor avanta0e of the chec-s&m !ro0ram is"hen it

    As more .ytesto !ro0rams

    9eries inte0rityof les

    'omain names m&st contain a escri!tion of the

    ty!e of or0anisation that the omain re!resents Avery common a..reviation &se incl&e

    com is &se forcom!any

    co in &se forcom!any

    A stanar lan0&a0e for creatin0 an formattin08e. oc&ments is

    the 8orl 8ie8e. #onsorti&m

    The 8e. !a0e format in "hich all elements of a8e. !a0e are save as one le is calle

    8hich of the follo"in0 re&ires an Internetconnection

    &sin0 Internet$/!lorer to vie"a 8e. !a0e thatis store on the

    har rive onyo&r com!&ter

    &!atin0 theval&es that areo.taine

    thro&0h a 8e.&ery

    Mr 7ao "ants to n a " that he [email protected]"se over yesteray After t&rnin0 on hiscom!&ter ho" "o&l he o this

    #lic- on the Bac-arro" &ntil theesire site isfo&n

    #lic- on YCo to>or YSearch> inthe .ro"ser

    8hich of the follo"in0 is &se to &!ate a 8e.&ery

    the 7efreshcomman

    the InsertDy!erlin-comman

    Ho& o"nloa from the internet, a screensaver, aten*secon so&n le an a ten*secon m&sic vieo

    cli! Ho& also a a hy!erlin- 8hich of the meiaelements has the 0reatest e?ect on the le si6e

    8hen savin0 a !hoto0ra!h for &se on a ","hich format sho&l yo& choose

    8hile researchin0 the 'irect ta/es assi0nment, yo&n a &sef&l " 8hat is the most e5cient "ayto access the site at a later time

    Save it to a@o!!y is-

    8rite it o"n ona !iece of !a!er

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    e/tranet intranet

    an attachment a si0nat&re

    9oIP IPT

    8hich o yo& NOT nee to connect to the Internet Moem #'*7OM

    8hat oes FTP stan for

    8hat is the !&r!ose of 'NS

    1G31:3 ()111

    The Internet is controlle .y "hom

    8hat oes I7# stan for

    If yo& o not !ic- &! yo&r email for a "ee- It "ill .e elete

    8hat is a isavanta0e of oinin0 a mailin0 list

    circles !oints

    s&are ima0e

    tool .ars short c&t men&s

    A system that &ses the Internet for .&siness*to*.&siness interaction is calle anJ

    A .loc- of te/t a&tomatically ae to the en of ano&t0oin0 email is calle

    refers to the &se of Internet technolo0iesfor !lacin0 tele!hone calls

    Most client4server a!!lications o!erate on a three*tiere architect&re consistin0 of "hich of thefollo"in0 layers

    'es-to! client,a!!lication, anata.ase

    'es-to! client,soft"are, anhar"are

    File TransferPro0ram

    File TransmissionProtocol

    So com!&terscan .ereference .y a


    So IP aresses

    can .e shorter8hich of the follo"in0 is NOT a !ro!erly formatteIP aress

    8hich of the follo"in0 is a !ro!erly formatte emailaress

    !a&l tri00 bomain or0 &-


    The S0overnment

    Scientists inS"it6erlan

    Internet 7elay#hat

    International7elay of#haracters

    It "ill .e "aitin0for yo& to collect


    7eceivin0messa0esa&tomaticallyfrom anyone inthe 0ro&!

    Peo!leisc&ssin0 ato!ic of

    In Po"er!oint:=== ,the .&ilt*in !rofessional esi0nelements are

    cli!art ; a&tosha!es

    a&tolayo&ts an!resentationtem!lates

    Selection hanles are the K small thata!!ear aro&n the o.ect, "hen an o.ect is

    selecteThe is an invisi.le matri/ of vertical anhori6ontal lines that covers the entire slie"or-s!ace

    are ro!*o"n men&s that a!!ear "hen theri0ht mo&se .&tton is clic-e on the screen element

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    is a motion !ict&re or any animation le "ave le meia cli!

    eof,false movelast,tr&e

    .of,false moverst,tr&e

    val&eJ intJ

    circle rectan0le

    tr&e false

    tr&e false

    fontcolor color


    te/tsi6e si6e

    co&nt recorco&nt

    title !rom!t

    ms0.o/J te/t.o/

    o!enynaset o!ensna!shot

    loa activate

    stanar o!a&e

    an have the a.ility to a a lot ofvis&al im!act into the Po"erPoint !resentation

    cli! 0allery ;"or art

    slie sho" ;vie" sho"

    In vis&al .asic, "hen a recor !ointer reaches to thelast recor, !ro!erty of a recorset o.ect is

    a&tomatically set to In vis&al .asic, the e/!lorer vie" of a !roect isis!laye in


    form layo&t"ino"

    In vis&al .asic, "hen a recor !ointer reaches to therst recor, !ro!erty of a recorset o.ect isa&tomatically set to

    In vis&al .asic, is a metho to convert astrin0 into inte0er

    In vis&al .asic, in a sha!e control, a v. statement0ives Sha!e1Sha!e X : 8hat ty!e of sha!e sho&l"e 0et

    In vis&al .asic, a timer event is only availa.le in

    timer control

    In vis&al .asic, or v.0reen or v..l&e are the!ro!erty val&es of a .ac-color of any o.ect

    In vis&al .asic, is a !ro!erty of a te/t.o/control to set a color of a te/t

    In vis&al .asic, !ro!erty of a te/t.o/ controlis set to to &nerline a te/t


    In vis&al .asic, !ro!erty of a te/t.o/ controlis &se to chan0e the si6e of te/t

    In vis&al .asic, the interval !ro!erty of a timercontrol is 0iven in

    one* millionth ofa secon

    one*h&nrethof a secon

    In vis&al .asic, !ro!erty of list.o/ controlco&nts the n& of items in the list

    In vis&al .asic, the !ro!erties of vario&s controlscan .e set &sin0

    form layo&t"ino"


    In vis&al .asic, v.information, v.critical,v.e/claimation are the val&es of in amessa0e.o/ f&nction

    In vis&al .asic, is a f&nction "hich is!laysa messa0e an it also allo"s the &ser to enterval&es in a form o.ect

    In vis&al .asic, &sin0 a ata control, is arecorset ty!e "hich allo"s to a a ne" recor

    an also to &!ate e/istin0 recor in a recorso&rseo.ect

    In vis&al .asic, "hile closin0 a form event ofa form o.ect is tri00ere earlier to terminate event

    In vis&al .asic, to 0ive a .ac-color or to .rin0 in a!ict&re to a comman .&tton can only .e one if "eset the style !ro!erty to

  • 8/9/2019 1500 ITT Training Questions


    .l&e re

    re 0reen

    chan0e lostfoc&s

    In vis&al .asic, a form is a o.ect chil !arent

    tr&e false

    loa &nloa

    te/t name

    o!enata.ase .en0ine

    ena.le visi.le

    ime im

    ct/ ctl

    9aliate 9aliation

    !ate#ontrols PaintPict&re

    Do" many root noes can a Tree9ie" control have 1 :

    A !roect 0ro&! is a Proect "hich

    In vis&al .asic, a metho 7CB:)),=,=J "ill0enerate color

    In vis&al .asic, a metho 7CB:)),:)),:))J "ill0enerate color

    In vis&al .asic, if a &ser &ses a shortc&t -ey ctrl+7 .ecomes visi.le


    form layo&t"ino"

    In vis&al .asic, if a &ser &ses a f&nction -ey F( .ecomes visi.le


    form layo&t"ino"

    In vis&al .asic, "hen a te/t.o/ control receives thefoc&s event is tri00ere

    Microsoft vis&al .asic is a 7a!i A!!lication'evelo!ment tool

    In vis&al .asic, "hen a form o.ect a!!ears on