Download - 143 Bailey St Grovedale 3216 Tel: · 2017-04-26 · Term 2 Week 2 26 April 2017 143 Bailey St Grovedale 3216 Tel: 5243

Page 1: 143 Bailey St Grovedale 3216 Tel: · 2017-04-26 · Term 2 Week 2 26 April 2017 143 Bailey St Grovedale 3216 Tel: 5243

Term 2 Week 2 26 April 2017

143 Bailey St Grovedale 3216 Tel: 5243 3902 Fax: 5243 0823

‘A Path to Success’

PRINCIPAL NEWS ANZAC DAY On Monday, our students participated in an ANZAC Day Cere-mony in the Multipurpose Room. Miss Penny coordinated the event and the House Captains led the presentation. Sim-ultaneously, our School Captains and Vice Captains, Kobi Da-vis, Asha Milnes, Simon Graham and Daisy Wilson presented a wreath at Rice Village on behalf of our school community. During the ceremony, the story of Private Frederick John Holmes of the 22nd Battalion was presented to the audience. Frederick was born in 1891 to John and Margaret Holmes who worked the land near the Marshalltown Tannery and he attended Grovedale Primary School. In 1915, at the age of 23, he joined the 1st AIF, completed his training and was later attached to the 6th lot of reinforcements for the 22nd Infantry Battalion. In 1916, Frederick Holmes and the 22nd Battalion were involved in fighting at Armatiers & Pozieres as part of the overall Somme offensive. In these battles, his platoon lost 3 Officers, 33 other ranks and 8 men were listed as missing, including Frederick. This was not officially communicated until March of the following year and finally on January 17, 1918 the family found out that Frederick had been killed in action during the attack on Mouquet Farm. Frederick’s body now lies in the British War Cemetery at Pozieres. If you would like to know more about our ex-student, Private Frederick John Holmes, please feel free to view the book, which has been donated to us, in the office. There are copies of letters, photos, reports, maps, family trees and timelines, which together give us a better understanding of his time serving our nation. ATHLETICS CARNIVAL It was disappointing for everyone involved to postpone the athletics carnival last Friday due to inclement weather. How-ever, we have rescheduled the Athletics Carnival and it will now be held on Friday 26th May at John Landy Athletics Field. 2017 REPORT SURVEY We are interested in gathering parent views in regard to our semester student reports. A short survey has been published online and we are seeking your immediate feed-back as the survey closes at the end of school this Friday. Please access the survey via the website below or QR code. CURRICULUM DAY Next Wednesday, 3rd May, is a student-free day. Grovedale Primary School will be holding its third Curriculum Day of the year to coordinate the Kidsmatter program which will be de-livered in every classroom throughout the year. If you would like to know more about the framework, information can be found on their website;


APRIL 2017

Thurs 27th April Parents and Friends meeting at 9am

MAY 2017

Wed 3rd May Curriculum Day—No students at school

Fri 5th May District Cross Country

Tues 9th—Thurs

11th May

NAPLAN (Gr 3 and 5)

Wed 10th May P-2 Gymnastics Session 1

Wed 10th May Wrapping mothers day gifts 9am

Fri 12th May Mothers Day gifts collected

Wed 17th May P-2 Gymnastics Session 2

Wed 24th May P-2 Gymnastics Session 3

Fri 26th May Athletics Carnival Gr 3-6

Wed 31st May P-2 Gymnastics Session 4

HOSTING STUDENTS We are STILL in urgent need of further host families for the stu-dents from our sister school in China who are visiting between the 23rd and 30th July, 2017. Currently we have offers to host 8 of the 12 students. Each visiting student must supply the specific details of their host family before an Australian visa can be grant-ed. If you are interested in hosting, please complete the attached form or contact the office immediately. Thank you in advance for your kind offer of support. FACEBOOK PAGE Grovedale Primary School is excited to announce the unveiling of our Facebook page. We will initially be using the page to distrib-ute information and publish links. However, in the future, after gaining permissions and publishing policies, we endeavour to grow the page to meet the needs of our learning community. We will keep you informed as we further develop the page over time. To view the page, please use this link; Brad Venn Assistant Principal

JUNE 2017

Mon 12th June Queen’s Birthday—no school

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Dear Parent/Guardian,

We are looking for host families to host one or two children or a staff member for 5 days in late July.

Please return this slip as soon as possible so that I can let our sister school know.

STUDENT NAME:__________________________________________GRADE:_____________________________


PARENT/GAURDIAN NAME:___________________________________________ PHONE: ________________________________

Our sister school in China have asked if they are able to bring 12 students and 2 teachers to us in July this year. Before I consent to this I need to be assured that there are families in our school community that would be willing to host one or two children or a staff member for a total of 5 days.

Eggs For Sale

The Environmental Team would love your support and invite the community to purchase fresh eggs right here at school.

A carton of 12 fresh eggs is only $3. All the funds raised will go directly back into the upkeep of the chickens, purchasing their food, straw and general maintenance. Eggs can be collected from the front office starting next week. Each egg will be dated when it was laid.

If you have any queries, please visit the team in the OLC and we will be happy to help.

Ms Crumpton

The Five Cent Fundraiser is back for 2017. Each class has a five-cent jar and students can bring their spare five-cent pieces. The money raised will go towards the school for much needed equipment. At the end of each term we will add up each of the classes’ mon-

ey jars and the results will be announced at assembly. At the end of the year, the class that raised the most money will be rewarded with a special treat. Thank you so much. The Junior School Coun-cil.


Thurs 27th April P-2 Gymnastics form due $15

Thurs 4th May Scholastic Book Club issue #3 due back

Mon 8th May Mothers Day form due back

The Tuesday Mix

Mix it up with after-school

activities including tech

challenges, art, craft,

games, LEGO and more.

No booking required.

Ages 8+

Every Tuesday

(during school term)

Waurn Ponds



The latest Scholastic Catalogue is now available and as usual

has all the latest popular books as well as classic picture story

books and everything in between. There are some bargains to

be found with several books priced at only $2. Remember

Grovedale Primary School receives back 20% of sales made

which we can use to buy books and resources for the class-

rooms and the library. Don’t forget to check out the LOOP

online ordering system which negates the need for money and

forms to be returned to school—there’s even an Apple and

Android App for your phone! Return by Thursday 4th May.

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Great news, the Child Dental Benefits Sched-ule continues in 2017! The Commonwealth Government dental scheme provides eligible children with a $1000 free kids dental bene-fit* on selected dental services within a 2 year calendar period. In previous years many families were surprised that they were eligible for the free $1000 benefit*. To gain access to benefits, children ,must be eligible for Medicare, must be between 2 and 17 years of age for at least 1 day of the calendar year with the child or parent, guardian or carer receiving Family Tax Benefit Part A or another relevant government payment. Not sure if your kids are eligible? Contact Medicare and they can easily check to see if your kids are eligible. *Free when services covered by the Commonwealth Government’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule are bulk billed by participating dentists for treat-ments provided to eligible patients.

Extend OSHC at Grovedale Primary School Hi Everyone, welcome back to Term 2! We have lots of fun and interesting things planned for this term. I look forward to seeing you at After School Care! Existing Families Have you secured your Term 2 Bookings? You can book for the entire term or year or even book specific dates. Option 1: Book for the entire year/period of time selected Use the ‘by the day of the week’ tab to book consistent days over a period of time you select. Option 2: Book by specific dates Irregular bookings can be made ‘by the specific dates’ tab. If you make these bookings with 14 days notice or more, you will attract the lowest rate. New Families Enrol online- allow 24 hours Enrolling is quick and easy! Simply set up your own account online via the Parent Portal. Please note that it is government regulation that all children must be enrolled BEFORE attending an Extend service. To check out what’s on and where your local program is, visit our website at and book via the Parent Portal.

Alishea, Team Leader

NEW UNIFORMS: Deal directly with Coastal Uniforms. Phone: 5255 4897 Maureen will visit Grovedale Primary School : this Thursday 27th April at 8.45am Order forms may be picked up from the school office. SECOND HAND UNIFORMS: in the Sick Bay on Tuesday afternoons only from 3:00pm-3:20pm. SCHOOL KILTS: Our kilt supplier is PSW located at 164 Malop St, Geelong just down from Officeworks. Please contact PSW on 9768 0383 to check availability. Alterna-tively, you can order online at


A big thank you goes out to the parents who participated in the Classroom Helpers course over the past few weeks. We have learnt about –

What it means to be a helper How children learn How we can support our children as they learn to listen, speak, read and write

Coming into the classroom sends a very powerful message to your child that you think what they do at school is important. We look forward to seeing you in the classroom supporting the learning that takes place throughout our school. With kind regards, Sonya Brough

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I would like to purchase _______ gifts at $6.00 each. Please find a total of $__________________ enclosed.

The following children are to collect gift/s

Name Grade Classroom Number of Gifts

__________________________ _______________ _______________ __________________

__________________________ _______________ _______________ __________________

__________________________ _______________ _______________ __________________

__________________________ _______________ _______________ __________________

__________________________ _______________ _______________ __________________

Please return this form by Monday 8th May. Gifts will be sent home with students on Friday 12th May

ATHLETICS CARNIVAL 2017 GRADES 3 - 6 Friday 26th of May


To allow all events to run smoothly on the day, parental assistance is essential and would be much appreciated. Please fill out the box below if you are willing to assist at the Sports Carnival. You will be contacted prior to the event advising you of your

task on the day. We hope to make this a very successful event. Thank you for your continued support.

Yes I am able to help at the School Athletics Carnival on Friday the 26th May.

Your name:__________________________________________________

Child’s name:_________________________________________________ Class:______________

Availability: (Please circle) ALL DAY / HOURS - _________________________________

Contact Number: ________________________________________________

Your help is greatly appreciated! Thank-you!


School Athletics Carnival ‘Parent Helper’ Return Slip