Download - 14 Books That Will Change Your Life And Your Business


Tools and Training To Get Your Business Online

14 Books That Will Change Your Business and Your Life

by Don Campbell [picture]

Don Campbell President, Expand2Web

Tools and Training To Get Your Business Online

I love to read. Here are the books that have

made a difference for me personally and professionally.

Tools and Training To Get Your Business Online

How We Decide

The Big Idea:

How it helped me:

How does the human mind make decisions? How can we make these decisions better?

I’m making better decisions by understanding when to trust my intuition, and when to use a more analytical/reason-based approach.

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The Referral Engine

The Big Idea:

How it helped me:

Imagine constructing your business so your customers are so happy, that they refer you to their friends and colleagues. This is your marketing plan.

I redesigned all of my customer interactions around this concept, and dramatically improved our customer experience.

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Presentation Zen

The Big Idea:

How it helped me:

A mini presentation and design course, all rolled in one.

I refer to this every time I create a presentation. Practical examples and principles that help me make better presentations and products.

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Made to Stick

The Big Idea:

How it helped me:

Why some ideas stick, and others die. How to apply the SUCCES checklist to your ideas.

Helps me re-evaluate all of my marketing and ideas through a lens of what makes things interesting and compelling.

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The Big Idea:

How it helped me:

How to create and present visual stories.

I try to apply the “story arc” concept from this book to everything I do.

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The Big Idea:

How it helped me:

Creativity is a variety of distinct thought processes that we can all use.

It made me realize that constraints, and criticism are essential to the creative process.

Tools and Training To Get Your Business Online

The Big Idea:

How it helped me:

Having a clear, concise vision is key to innovation and success.

It helped me refine my vision for my career and personal life.

The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs

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Seth Godin

The Big Ideas:

All his books, including:

Permission Marketing - earning the right to speak to your audience. !Be uniquely yourself. !Changed the way I think about marketing.

The Purple Cow, Tribes, All Marketers Are Liars, Permission Marketing, We Are All Weird !Also: subscribe to his newsletter: brief, insightful tips every day.

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Built To Sell

The Big Idea:

How it helped me:

How to create a business that has intrinsic value and can run without you.

This book compelled me to re-evaluate my business and design it so I don’t need to be involved. !The positive cash flow cycle concept is life changing.

Tools and Training To Get Your Business Online

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

The Big Idea:

How it helped me:

What influences people, and how brands use it in advertising and selling.

Understanding how to recognize this and protect myself! I’m making my kids read this book.

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Predictably Irrational

The Big Idea:

How it helped me:

How we make our decisions is shaped by forces we don’t always understand. But they are predictable.

This book helped me understand many things about how people make decisions. Fascinating info based on real research.

Tools and Training To Get Your Business Online

The EMyth Revisited

The Big Idea:

How it helped me:

Why do most businesses fail? People go into them for the wrong reasons.

This book helped me focus on what I’d good at and surround myself with others who complement my skills with their own.

Tools and Training To Get Your Business Online


The Big Idea:

How it helped me:

Our decision making process is inherently flawed. Here’s how you can overcome this to make better decisions.

I use the WRAP strategy presented in the book whenever I make big decisions.

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How I read books and remember them:

Love is The Killer App

Tag, Cliff & Review

A technique I found in

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1. Underline and mark-up as you read

2. “Cliff” key concepts and notes in the front cover

3. Capture “Quotes” in the back cover

4. Capture the Big Idea for the book after reading it

5. Review any time to remember the book in 15 minutes!

How to “own” the big ideas of any book

“Tag” important concepts or ideas as you read

“Cliff ” note important pages and concepts in front cover

Save key “quotes” in the back cover

Review any time to remember the book in 15 minutes!

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What Is Your Favorite Book?

I’d love to hear about it!

Don Campbell [email protected] @doncampbell