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Generation Refresh

huh?“What if the Internet is turning us into refresh-monkeys. Rewiring our brains using the same techniques that get us addicted to slot machines - intermittent rewards with just enough substance to keep us "playing". Rewards that aren't necessarily substantial enough to keep us happy for long, or make us genuinely productive and creative...”

The internet is neither inherently good, nor bad, but it has amplified a range of human tendencies we need to be mindful of so we can get the best out of it, and ourselves.

So I made a simple list of ways to help myself do just that.

- Thomas Scovell

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I will not consume anything not worth consuming with my complete attention. I will not engage in conversation where I am not fully present.Because multi-tasking is never more of an illusion as when it is allowing me to waste time consuming something I don’t really love.

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Taking part

I will not simply read about experiences I can have myself.Because there is precious little time to enjoy all the wonders of the world – but that is not made up for by my becoming even more aware of things I am not doing.

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I will seek timelessness not timeliness.

Because nothing is so important that I cannot give it time to prove itself before I pay attention to it.

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I will resort to irony as a means of appreciation, only where I am subverting it, not simply excusing it.

Because resorting to the back-story to enjoy an experience is a feeble replacement for achieving an unmitigated flow of enjoyment in the now.

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I will not preach to the converted nor will I play devil’s advocate – I will only argue where there is a chance either one of us might change our minds.

Because surrounding yourself with the like-minded or “yes”-men” will never grow your ideas and your ideas will never change the world. And because no idea is worth holding onto that you have not tested outside your comfort zone.

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I will shop locally for my art, and globally for my ideas. I will seek my friends out where they are, not where I amBecause context is what brings meaning to ideas – but the world is too small to restrict yourself to ideas that happen to happen near you. Because ambient awareness of my friends is worse than a tease of the wonderful experience of being with them.

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I will be an unashamed member of the audience unless I can make better or make right.

Because we can give too much value to instant public agreement or dismissal, liking or rating – and not enough to spending time understanding what we have just read.

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I will keep it as simple as it can be, but never so short that I am only making someone else’s point. I will use language as a plaything but never to obscure meaning or lack of thought.Because we too often share so much without adding any of our self to it. Because expressions can be beautiful – but never as beautiful as a great idea.

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Satisfying Self

I will always think first of what writing can do to help me understand what I am feeling or thinking, or to help me remember either – never for what it will say to others about me

Because my personal brand is not worth the powerpoint slide it is printed on compared with feeling honest and healthy about myself – for just myself.

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I will share my feelings through glances, grasped wrists and excited babbles not intermediated words.

Because words are poor substitutes for shared experiences and non-verbal cues. And hugs.

Shared Experiences

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From Scratch

I will cook my ideas from scratch, take joy in taking things back to basics and constructing them from first principles, and not rely on pre-packaged thoughts or goods simply for speed.

Because too often we rush into getting the result we think we want - not taking a step back and considering what we need. Because our brains are keyed to find joy in understanding how things work - which we can only do if we take apart, or start from scratch.

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Deep Dives

I will obsess over something I love and leave distractions alone.

Because there is so much we could know a little of and so little time to be proficient at something.

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I will take things only as seriously as I need to - and see the fun in every day events.

Because there is so much in the world to be concerned with - yet we are better at solving the problems when we make life more like a game.

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Image CreditsCreative Commons licensed images. In order of appearance. Thanks to the photographers and their subjects.