Download - 13 Life Skills Module

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Life Skills Approach to Teaching


"# Introduction

$# Training Session Plans

%# Quality Education – Definition and components

4. Life Skills- ommunication skills

!. Life Skills- Information "at#ering Skills

$. Life Skills- ritical T#inking

%. Life Skills- reati&ity

'. Life Skills- Empat#y

(. Teac#ing Tec#ni)ues- *ultiple Intelligences

+,. t#er Teac#ing Tec#ni)ues

++. Student ssessment- /looms Ta0onomy

+1. Learning Disa2ilities

+3. PrinciplesSteps for Lesson Planning

+4. Preparing Lesson Plans

"&# Social Studies lesson planning

+$. #ildren5s ssessment using 2looms Ta0onomy

+%. Learning Disa2ilities

"'# Preparation for ne0t p#ase of training


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Life Skills Approach to Teaching


E&ery6#ere7 education is seen as t#e main 6ay of ena2ling indi&iduals and

nations alike to meet t#e e&er increasing economic7 tec#nological7 social and personal

c#allenges. 8e e0pect education to prepare young people for t#e 6orld of 6ork and foreconomic independence9 to ena2le t#em to li&e constructi&ely in responsi2le

communities9 and to ena2le t#em to li&e in a tolerant7 culturally di&erse and rapidly

c#anging society. Per#aps a2o&e all7 6e e0pect education to #elp young people to 2uild li&es t#at #a&e meaning and purpose in a future 6e can scarcely predict.

T#is #as lead to re-organi:ing of t#e education systems all o&er t#e 6orld so t#att#ey pro&ide not only #ig# standards of academic )ualifications7 including literacy and

innumeracy 2ut also inculcate skills suc# as creati&ity7 communication7 empat#y7

adapta2ility7 and social skills7 all of 6#ic# are 2eing increasingly emp#asi:ed 2yemployers and ot#ers in t#e glo2al society. *ore so7 in t#is age of information e0plosioneducation systems face t#e e&er increasing c#allenge of pro&iding skills to ac)uire and

 process information as it is neit#er possi2le to pro&ide c#ildren 6it# all t#e information

a&aila2le7 nor is it possi2le to predict 6#at kno6ledge 6ould 2e re)uired 1, years fromno67 #ence t#e focus on skills.

T#e system of education in Pakistan is largely confined to t#e co&erage of t#e

 prescri2ed sylla2i t#e contents of 6#ic# are mostly kno6ledge 2ased7 and t#us pro&ide

only t#e 2asic le&el of education7 ad&ocating rote learning. T#is type of learning may at 2est result in ac)uiring kno6ledge of facts and concepts7 2ut is not directly related to t#e

immediate life of t#e learners or to t#eir future needs. T#erefore7 t#ere is a concern t#att#e precious years of sc#ooling s#ould 2e optimally used for de&eloping skills7 attitudesand &alues essential for effecti&e li&ing and 6orking.

It is en&isaged t#at in t#e c#anged educational process in terms of t#e concerns

mentioned a2o&e7 t#e learning7 6#ile continuing around t#e traditional sc#ool su2;ects7

namely7 language<s=7 mat#ematics7 science7 social sciences7 art and aest#etics7 6orke0perience7 #ealt# and p#ysical education7 s#ould mo&e 2eyond mere ac)uisition of

kno6ledge of concepts and facts of t#ese su2;ects. T#oug# t#e te0t2ooks may continue to

remain t#e principal source of teac#ing-learning7 t#e acti&ities t#e met#odologyincorporated in t#e c#apters s#ould 2e skill oriented as opposed to pro&ision of

kno6ledge only.

T#is paradigm s#ift in t#e sc#ool education 6ill mean t#at teac#er 6ill take care

t#at learning of c#ildren is not limited to mere memori:ation of information contained int#e te0t2ooks7 t#us re)uiring a c#anged approac# to t#e preparation of teac#ers.


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Life Skills Approach to Teaching

*ost of t#e Sc#ools are adopting t#is c#anged approac# to de&elop a program for

continuous professional de&elopment of teac#ers. In t#is regard tec#nical support is 2eing

 pro&ided 2y t#e >ational ommission for ?uman De&elopment7 t#e first organi:ation to

take up t#e initiati&e of designing and introducing Life Skills 2ased teac#er training program on a large scale in Pakistan. s a first step a training module #as 2een designed

for t#e initial orientation and preparation of t#e primary sc#ool teac#ers 6it# t#e

immediate aim of introducing life skills 2ased teac#ing met#odology and training in preparing teac#ing material in t#e form of lesson plans using t#is approac#.


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Life Skills Approach to Teaching

Day (ne

Session Plans

Training of AHC! Teacher Trainers

Session No) " Session Title) *ntroduction and o+,ectives

Timing) -'%-.-/)-- Duration) %- minutes

0esponsi+le) 0esource Person1Master Trainer



Session (+,ectives)

To introduce facilitators to participants and participants to one anot#er

To s#are t#e introduction to t#e training

To s#are o2;ecti&es of t#e training 6orks#op

To s#are training met#odology

utline of sc#edule

/y t#e end of t#e session t#e participants 6ill 2e familiar 6it# t#eA

  facilitators and eac# ot#er 

training introduction

t#e training sc#edule

t#e o2;ecti&es of training

t#e training met#odology

Materials re2uired)  -Introduction

-Training 2;ecti&es

-Training *et#odology

-utline of training sc#edule @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 




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Life Skills Approach to Teaching

+. /egin in t#e name of lla#1. Besource persons introduce t#emsel&es

3. >ame7 designation7 office

4. Introduction of participants

!. >ame7 designation7 sc#ool$. S#are t#e contents of t#e introduction <from training manual=

%. S#are 2;ecti&es of training

'. S#are t#e training met#odology(. S#are training sc#edule

+,. Questions and ans6ers

++. End of session @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 


Session No) $ Session Title) 3uality education. Definition 4


Timing) -/)--.-/%- Duration) %- minutes

0esponsi+le) 0esource Person1Master Trainer

 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @ 


To introduce t#e definition and components of )uality education <life skills7

social norms7 literacy skills= To introduce t#e definition of social norms

To introduce t#e definition of life skills

/y t#e end of t#e session t#e participants 6ill 2e a2le toA

Pro&ide definitions and components of )uality education <life skills7 social

norms7 literacy skills=

Materials re2uired)  Training manual section - Definition of Quality education

  - omponents of Quality Education





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Life Skills Approach to Teaching

+. Crom t#e training manual section definition of 2uality education asks t#e participants for t#eir definition of )uality education and t#en s#ares t#e different

definitions of )uality education as gi&en in t#is section.

1. Fsing t#e diagram and e0planatory notes gi&en on components of 2ualityeducation7 e0plain t#ese7 life skills <including su2 skills=7 social norms7 literacy

skills7 kno6ledge. 8#ile e0plaining include definition and e0amples.

3. sk participants if t#ey can summari:e t#e session gi&ing your o6n inputs in case

of gaps

4. ns6er any )uestions t#e participants may #a&e

!. lose t#e session @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 


Session No) % Session Title) Life skills . Communication

Timing) -/)) %-."-)-& Duration) %& minutes

0esponsi+le) 0esource Person1Master Trainer




To introduce 6ays t#roug# 6#ic# 6e communicate

To emp#asi:e t#e importance of effecti&e communication as a skill

To outline tec#ni)ues for en#ancing c#ildren5s &er2al and non &er2alommunication skills

/y t#e end of t#e session t#e participants 6ill 2e a2le toA

?ig#lig#t t#e 6ays t#roug# 6#ic# 6e communicate

?ig#lig#t t#e importance of effecti&e communication

utline and use tec#ni)ues for en#ancing c#ildren5s &er2al and non &er2al

ommunication skills

Materials re2uired)  Training manual section – Communication




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Life Skills Approach to Teaching


+. T#e participants indi&idually read t#e material on communication and t#en discuss it in

groups7 focusing t#eir discussion around t#e follo6ing )uestionsA

In 6#at 6ays do 6e communicateG

8#y is it important to 2e effecti&e communicatorsG

8#at tec#ni)ues can 6e use to en#ance t#e 6ay 6e communicate &er2ally7 and


1. ?o6 effecti&e are you at communicating7 #o6 do you say t#is7 gi&e e0amples fromyou e0perienceG <*ake notes of t#ese e0amples for s#aring during discussion=

3. *ake notes of points 6#ere furt#er clarification is re)uired during discussion.

4. nce t#e group discussion in&ite t#e participants for a 6#ole class discussion to

discuss t#e a2o&e )uestions.

!. sk t#e participants to look at t#is picture and tell 6#at does it tell us a2out t#isspeaker7 supporting it 6it# t#e clues from t#e picture7 e.g. if t#ey say t#e speaker is not

confident t#en #o6 did t#ey ;udge t#at

$. Listening Skills E0ercise – di&ide t#e participants into groups and ask t#em to do t#efollo6ing listening e0ercise

Person +. Start talking a2out any su2;ect for 4 or ! sentences

Person 1. 8#en t#e first person stops talking7 repeat 2ack to t#em 6#at you t#oug#t you

#eard7 starting 6it# p#rases likeA


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Life Skills Approach to Teaching

?ig#lig#t importance of information gat#ering skills

utline tec#ni)ues to en#ance information gat#ering skills in c#ildren

Pro&ide e0amples of o6n information gat#ering skills from e&eryday e0periences7

and during teac#ing

Materials re2uired)  Training manual section – *nformation !athering skills




 Explain to the participants that:

+. Jou #a&e 2een gi&en a topic to teac# 6#ic# is completely ne6 and you #a&e noinformation regarding t#is topic. Jour task is to prepare yourself to teac# t#is topic 2y

finding out as muc# information as possi2le. Some of t#e )uestions 6#ic# youconsider in t#e process are as follo6sA

8#at information do you re)uireG

?o6 6ill you go a2out finding t#is informationG

?o6 6ill you identify sourcesG

?o6 6ill you select t#e sources to useG

?o6 6ill you &erify t#e correctness of t#e information sources 6ill you useG

1. Instruct t#e participants to 6ork in groups on t#e a2o&e task7 using a c#art paper

to note do6n t#eir t#inking

3. nce t#e participants #a&e finis#ed ask t#em to make a presentation of t#eirt#oug#ts.

4. T#e participants return to t#eir groups and indi&idually read t#e material on

information gat#ering skills and t#en discuss it in groups7 focusing t#eir discussion

around t#e follo6ing )uestionsA

8#at do 6e mean 2y information gat#eringG

8#y is it important to #a&e information gat#ering skillsG

8#at tec#ni)ues can 6e use to en#ance information gat#ering skills in c#ildrenG an you pro&ide e0amples of your o6n information gat#ering skills from your

e&eryday e0periences7 and during teac#ingG <make notes of t#ese e0amples for

s#aring during discussion =

*ake notes of points 6#ere furt#er clarification is re)uired during discussion.


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Life Skills Approach to Teaching

!. nce t#e groups finis# t#eir discussion t#ey ;oin for 6#ole class discussion to discusst#e a2o&e )uestions. Summari:e t#e discussion.


 @"-)5- to "")"- Tea reak 

Session No) & Session Title) Life skills) Critical thinking

Timing) "")"-."")5& Duration) %& minutes

0esponsi+le) 0esource Person1Master Trainer

 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @ 


To introduce definition of critical t#inking skills

To emp#asi:e t#e importance of critical t#inking skill

To outline tec#ni)ues for en#ancing critical t#inking skills in c#ildren

/y t#e end of t#e session t#e participants 6ill 2e a2le toA

Pro&ide definition of critical t#inking skills

?ig#lig#t importance of critical t#inking skills

utline tec#ni)ues to en#ance critical t#inking skills in c#ildren

Pro&ide e0amples of o6n critical t#inking skills from e&eryday e0periences7 andduring teac#ing

Materials re2uired)  Training manual section – ritical T#inking

 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @ 



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Life Skills Approach to Teaching

+. Instruct t#e participants to study t#e a2o&e picture7 taking note of t#e situation it

may represent7 6#o are t#ese people7 6#ere could t#is 2e7 6#o t#e young mancould 2e7 6#y #e is #olding a placard7 6#o could t#e ot#er people 2e. T#e coulduse small cards to 6rite do6n t#eir ideas

1. nce t#e participants #a&e finis#ed ask t#em to display t#eir cards and narrate

t#eir interpretation of t#e story t#e picture is telling.

3. fter t#ey read out t#eir statements on t#e cards7 select a statement and c#oose

one of t#e follo6ing )uestions to ask and elicit t#e responseA

8#y do you t#ink t#isG

8#y do you say t#isG an you gi&e me an e0ample from t#e picture

8#at is it in t#e picture t#at makes you say t#isG

8#at do you mean 2y t#isG

4. onclude t#is e0ercise 2y telling t#e participants t#at all t#ese )uestions asked

a2out t#ere statements 6ere to c#allenge t#em and encourage t#em to gi&ee&idence in support of t#eir statement. T#is is 6#at is kno6n as t#e skill of

critical t#inking.

!. T#e participants return to t#eir groups and indi&idually read t#e material on critical

t#inking sand t#en discuss it in groups7 focusing t#eir discussion around t#e follo6ing)uestionsA

8#at do 6e mean 2y critical t#inkingG

8#y is it important to #a&e critical t#inking as a skillG

8#at tec#ni)ues can 6e use to en#ance critical t#inking in c#ildrenG


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Life Skills Approach to Teaching

an you pro&ide e0amples of your o6n critical t#inking from your e&erydaye0periences7 and during teac#ingG <make notes of t#ese e0amples for s#aring during

discussion =

*ake notes of points 6#ere furt#er clarification is re)uired during discussion.

$. nce t#e groups finis# t#eir discussion t#ey ;oin for 6#ole class discussion to discusst#e a2o&e )uestions.

%. Summari:e t#e discussion


 @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 


Session No) 6 Session Title) Life skills. Creativity

Timing) "")5& to "$)$- Duration) %& minutes

0esponsi+le) 0esource Person1Master Trainer




To introduce definition of creati&ity

To emp#asi:e t#e importance of creati&ity

To outline tec#ni)ues for en#ancing creati&ity in c#ildren

/y t#e end of t#e session t#e participants 6ill 2e a2le toA

Pro&ide definition of creati&ity

?ig#lig#t importance of creati&ity

utline tec#ni)ues to en#ance creati&ity in c#ildren

Pro&ide e0amples of o6n creati&ity from e&eryday e0periences7 and during teac#ing

Materials re2uired)  Training manual section - reati&ity

Pencil eraser Drinking "lass /ook S#eet of paper Buler7 $ s#eets of c#art paper <one per

group=7 and markers @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 




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Life Skills Approach to Teaching

+. Di&ide t#e participants into groups of ! <different from pre&ious groups=and distri2uteamongst t#em

Pencil7 eraser7 Drinking "lass7 /ook7 S#eet of 6#ite paper7 Buler 

1. Distri2ute eac# group a marker and a c#art paper and instruct t#em to di&ide t#e paper

 2y making t6o columns7 la2eling t#em + and 1

3. Instruct eac# group to 6rite do6n as many uses of t#eir o2;ect as t#ey can in column+encouraging t#em to come up 6it# as many unusual uses as possi2le 6it#out

6orrying a2out 2eing rig#t or 6rong.

4. nce t#e groups finis# in&ite t#em to present t#eir ideas and display t#eir c#arts in t#eclass.

!. T#e participants return to t#eir groups and indi&idually read t#e material first and

t#en discuss it in groups7 focusing t#eir discussion around t#e follo6ing )uestionsA

8#at do 6e mean 2y creati&ityG 8#y is it important to #a&e creati&ity as a skillG

8#at tec#ni)ues can 6e use to en#ance creati&ity in c#ildrenG

?o6 creati&e do you t#ink your ideas 6ere in e0ercise no +7 e0plain 6#yG

an you pro&ide e0amples of creati&e acti&ities during teac#ing or using creati&ity in

ot#er e&eryday situationsG <make notes of t#ese e0amples for s#aring during

discussion =

*ake notes of points 6#ere furt#er clarification is re)uired during discussion.

$. nce t#e discussion is finis#ed ask t#e groups to re&isit t#eir e0ercise at t#e 2eginning

of t#e session and see if t#ey can come up 6it# more creati&e ideas7 6riting t#em

do6n in column 1 on t#e c#art paper and s#aring any ne6 ideas 6it# t#e remaininggroups.

%. Summari:e t#e discussion

Session No) 7 Session Title) Life skills . 8mpathy

Timing) "$)$- to "$)&& Duration) %& minutes

0esponsi+le) 0esource Person1Master Trainer





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Life Skills Approach to Teaching

To introduce definition of empat#y

To emp#asi:e t#e importance of empat#y

To outline tec#ni)ues for en#ancing empat#y in c#ildren

/y t#e end of t#e session t#e participants 6ill 2e a2le toA

Pro&ide definition of empat#y

?ig#lig#t importance of empat#y

utline tec#ni)ues to en#ance empat#y in c#ildren

Pro&ide e0amples of o6n empat#y from e&eryday e0periences7 and during teac#ing

Materials re2uired)  Training manual section - Empat#y


 @  Process

+. Instruct t#e participants to read t#e material regarding definition of life skills and t#e

skill of empat#y.

1. Di&ide t#e participants into small groups <! participants per group=3. In groups t#e participants discuss t#e material concentrating on t#e follo6ing


8#at do 6e mean 2y empat#yG

8#y is it important to #a&e empat#y as a skillG

8#at tec#ni)ues can 6e use to en#ance empat#y in c#ildrenG

an you pro&ide e0amples of using empat#y during teac#ing or in ot#er e&eryday

situations. <make notes of t#ese e0amples for s#aring during discussion =

*ake notes of points 6#ere furt#er clarification is re)uired during discussion.

4. all t#e groups 2ack for class discussion and discuss t#e )uestions gi&en a2o&e as a


!. "roup acti&ityA Imagine t#at you are a c#ild and it is 2reak time7 c#ildren are playingin t#e play ground7 you also 6ant to play 6it# a group of c#ildren 2ut t#ey refuse to

let you ;oin t#em. 8rite an account of #o6 you feel7 illustrate your narration 6it#

 pictures.$. T#e groups ;oin toget#er for class discussion. T#ey read out t#eir 6riting and s#o6 pictures. Let t#e participants descri2e t#eir e0perience7 and #o6 t#e felt putting

t#emsel&es in anot#er persons s#oes.

%. Summari:e t#e discussion

 @@@@@  Day $nd


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Life Skills Approach to Teaching


Session No) " Session Title) Teaching Techni2ue. Multiple


Timing) ')5& to /)$& Duration) 5- minutes

0esponsi+le) 0esource Person1Master Trainer

 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @ 


To introduce definition7 importance and types of multiple

Intelligences- as a teac#ing tec#ni)ue

To pro&ide detail of t#e type of acti&ities for en#ancing eac# intelligence

/y t#e end of t#e session t#e participants 6ill 2e a2le toA

Pro&ide definitions7 importance and types of multiple intelligences

Pro&ide e0amples of acti&ities for en#ancing eac# intelligence

Materials re2uired)  Training manual section . multiple intelligences




+. sk participants to t#ink for a fe6 moments a2out lesson t#ey taug#t 6#ere t#ey felt

t#at ma;ority of t#e c#ildren understood and learned 6#at t#ey 6anted t#em to.

1. sk t#em to 6rite do6n 6#at 6as so special a2out t#e lesson.3. In&ite t#em to s#are t#eir notes and 6rite t#ese do6n on t#e flip c#art.

4. Tell t#e participants t#at as t#ey are a6are different c#ildren learn in different 6ays

and t#e 6ay t#ey teac# 6ill determine to 6#at e0tent different students learn. T#is is

 2ecause different c#ildren learn t#roug# different intelligences. ny teac#ingacti&ities 6#ic# stimulate as muc# intelligence 6ill appeal to most of t#e c#ildren in

t#e class #ence successfully #elping most to learn 6it#out muc# difficulty. Tell t#em

t#is is a teaching techni2ue kno6n as t#e t#eory of multiple intelligences.

!. Instruct t#e participants to read t#e information on multiple intelligences focusing ont#e follo6ing )uestionsA

8#at is t#e t#eory of multiple intelligencesG

8#y is it important to understand and use t#is t#eory in practiceG

8#at kind of acti&ities can 2e used to stimulate different intelligencesG


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Life Skills Approach to Teaching

Pro&ide e0amples of acti&ities 6#ic# #a&e resulted in most of t#e classlearning.

$. In&ite t#e participants to discuss t#e a2o&e )uestions clarifying 6#ere&er re)uired



Session No) $ Session Title) Teaching Techni2ue

Timing) /)$& to /)5& Duration) $- minutes

0esponsi+le) 0esource Person1Master Trainer

 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @ 


To introduce ot#er teac#ing tec#ni)ues for effecti&e teac#ing and en#ancing life


/y t#e end of t#e session t#e participants 6ill 2e a2le toA

E0plain and use teac#ing tec#ni)ues <story telling7 role play7 dra6ing7 poemsriddles7 discussion7 talking a2out pictures7 2rainstorming=for effecti&e teac#ing and

en#ancing life skills

Materials re2uired)  Training manual section . Teaching techni2ues




+. Di&ide t#e participants into groups and #and out c#art papers and markers togroups

1. Instruct t#e groups to discuss and outline t#e follo6ing on t#eir c#art papers

Teac#ing tec#ni)ues used 8#y t#ese tec#ni)ue are used

?o6 effecti&e are t#ey for student learning <gi&e e0amples from t#eir teac#ing= 

3. In&ite eac# group to present t#eir 6ork


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Life Skills Approach to Teaching

4. Tell t#e participants t#at successful teac#ers teac# t#eir students using &arioustec#ni)ues7 suc# as outlined during t#e last discussion7 6it# t#e aim of not only

ac#ie&ing t#eir immediate classroom goals 2ut also to teac# t#em to use t#ese

tec#ni)ues for t#emsel&es in t#e future to 2ecome po6erful learners.

!. llocate eac# group one teac#ing tec#ni)ue to read. <see 2elo6 K= 8#ile t#eyread indi&idually first and t#en discuss in groups instruct t#em to consider t#e

follo6ing )uestions

8#at is t#e teac#ing tec#ni)ue7 if possi2le define it

8#y is it important

Points to remem2er 6#en using it for teac#ing

$. nce t#ey #a&e finis#ed it ask t#em to return to t#eir c#art paper and using a different

colored marker7 outline 6#at impro&ements t#ey 6ould make 6#en planning to use t#istec#ni)ue again in t#e lig#t of reading t#e information and 6#y.

%. In&ite t#e groups to present t#eir 6ork and gi&e inputs as re)uired for furt#er clarity.'. llo6 eac# group to select a topic of t#eir c#oice from t#eir te0t2ooks and instructt#em to design an acti&ity using tec#ni)ue allocated to t#em.

(. Eac# group makes a presentation of t#eir acti&ity9 in&ite ot#er groups to gi&e t#eir

comments+,. Summari:e t#e session



Session No) % Session Title) Student Assessment 9loomsTa:onomy

Timing) /)5& to "-) $& Duration) 5- minutes

0esponsi+le) 0esource Person1Master Trainer

 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @ 


To introduce /looms Ta0onomy as a met#od of effecti&e student assessment 2eyond kno6ledge testing

/y t#e end of t#e session t#e participants 6ill 2e a2le toA

Fnderstand t#e le&els of educational o2;ecti&es as defined in t#e 2loomsTa0onomy


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Design and administer specific test )uestions to test c#ildren at t#e le&el ofkno6ledge7 compre#ension7 application7 analysis and synt#esis

Materials re2uired)  Training manual section . looms Ta:onomy of 8ducational


.!oldilocks and the three +ears

  .;lip charts< chart paper< markers

 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @ 


+. sk t#e participants #o6 t#ey conduct t#eir assessment7

1. sk t#em to gi&e e0amples of t#e form of )uestions t#ey use.

3. Fsing t#e information on /looms Ta0onomy s#are 6it# t#e participants t#e le&els ofeducational o2;ecti&es7 t#eir definitions7 types of )uestions 6#ic# can 2e used and t#e

&er2s 6#ic# if used can test t#e c#ildren at a specific le&el.

4. sk t#e participants to read t#e story "oldilocks and t#e t#ree 2ear and 6ork ingroups to prepare assessment )uestions at t#e le&el of kno6ledge7 compre#ension7

application7 analysis7 synt#esis and e&aluation.

!. In&ite groups to s#are t#eir assessment )uestions.$. S#are 6it# t#em t#e sample )uestions as comparison for t#e story7 and pro&ide furt#er

reinforcement as re)uired.


 @  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

Session No) 5 Session Title) Learning Disa+ilities

Timing) "-) $& to "-)5& Duration) $- minutes

0esponsi+le) 0esource Person1Master Trainer

 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @ 


To 2e a2le to understand t#e concept of learning disa2ilities


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To 2e a2le to identify learning disa2ilities amongst students

To 2e a2le to pro&ide remedial teac#ing to learning disa2led c#ildren

/y t#e end of t#e session t#e participants 6ill 2e a2le toA

Pro&ide a definition of learning disa2ilities

Pro&ide a c#ecklist of symptoms of learning disa2ilities amongst students

Pro&ide tec#ni)ues for dealing 6it# learning disa2ilities during teac#ing

*aterials re)uiredA Training module section - Learning disa2ilities

.Clip c#arts7 c#art paper7 markers




+. sk t#e participants 6#at kind of pro2lems t#ey #a&e 6it# c#ildren7 6rite t#ese ont#e flip c#art2oard

1. sk t#em #o6 t#ey tackle t#ese pro2lems and 6rite t#e responses on t#e flip

c#art2oard3. S#are 6it# participants t#e concept of learning disa2ilities7 6#at t#ey are7 #o6 can

t#ey 2e identified and some tips for remedial teac#ing.

4. Summari:e t#e session ans6ering any )uestions 6#ic# may arise.

 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @ 

"-)5& to "")"& T8A 08A=  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @ 

Session No) & Session Title) Principles and steps of lesson


Timing) "")"& to ")-- Duration) " hour 5&minutes

0esponsi+le) 0esource Person1Master Trainer




To understand t#e components and process of lesson planning

/y t#e end of t#e session t#e participants 6ill 2e a2le toA


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E0plain t#e process of lesson planning

Fse t#e lesson planning process to prepare a lesson plan

Materials re2uired)  Training manual section – Principles1steps of lesson planning 




+. sk t#e participations to reflect upon t#eir planning for teac#ing considering t#e

follo6ing )uestions 6#ic# can 2e 6ritten on a flip c#art or 2oard for discussionA

?o6 do t#ey plan lessonsG

8#at principles do t#ey follo6 6#en planning lessonsG

?o6 important is preparing lesson for effecti&e teac#ingG

1. Tell t#e participants7 keeping in &ie6 t#e a2o&e discussion t#at7 lesson planningfollo6s certain principles so t#at it is effecti&e and t#e o2;ecti&es are ac#ie&ed. Instruct

t#e participants to read t#e information on principles for lesson planning.

3. T#en discuss t#e principles of lesson planning using t#e information gi&en

Summari:e t#e session and ans6er )uestions.

4. Fsing t#e flo6 c#art on steps for preparing lesson plans7 follo6 and discuss eac# step

eac# step to ensure t#e participants understand so t#at t#ey can use t#is flo6c#art 6#en

t#ey design t#eir o6n lesson plans in t#e ne0t session.

!. T#e participants 6ill 2e gi&en a num2er of prepared lesson plans. T#ey 6ill read t#em

and t#en analy:e t#em to identifyA

Lesson plan format

o Title

o 2;ecti&es #apter o2;ecti&es

Life skill o2;ecti&es

Social norms

Teac#ing aids

o Tec#ni)ues used – including multiple intelligences


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Prepare a lesson plan to include life skills7 te0t2ook o2;ecti&es7 teac#ingtec#ni)ues including multiple intelligences

Materials re2uired)  Training manual section – Principlessteps of lesson planning

- Te0t2ooks- Clip c#arts7 c#art paper7 markers

 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @ 


+. Tell t#e participants t#at t#ey 6ill prepare lesson plans 2ased upon 6#at t#ey #a&e so

far learned a2out life skills7 teac#ing tec#ni)ues7 social norms7 and multiple

intelligences7 lesson planning principles.

1. Di&ide t#e participants into groups. E&ery group 6ill 6ork on preparing lesson plans

for t#eir c#osen su2;ects.

3. llo6 groups to select a topic of t#eir c#oice from t#e te0t2ook.

4. llo6 t#e participants to prepare lesson plans as per t#eir topics

!. Eac# group presents t#eir lesson

$. nce t#e groups #a&e made t#eir presentations e0c#ange t#e lesson plans 2et6een

groups for analysis7 comments and re&ision if re)uired.

%. In&ite groups to s#are t#eir analysis and comments'. Summari:e t#e session and ans6er any )uestions if t#ey arise





8nd of training @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 


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*a;or o2;ecti&e of t#is training is toA

E)uip t#e teac#ers 6it# skills to de&elop lesson plans focusing on de&elopment of life

skills7 and 6it# t#e aid of multiple intelligences.

Su2sidiary o2;ecti&es includeA

To ena2le primary sc#ool teac#ers to understand t#at education means more t#an

 ;ust gi&ing c#ildren t#e kno6ledge of te0t2ooks

To ena2le teac#ers to understand definition importance of life skills and

tec#ni)ues used to en#ance t#em- communication skills7 information gat#ering skills7

critical t#inking7 creati&ity7 and empat#y

To ena2le teac#ers to understand t#e concept of multiple intelligences

To ena2le t#e teac#ers to focus on instilling social norms in c#ildren


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To ena2le primary sc#ool teac#ers pro&ide remedial teac#ing to c#ildren 6it#

learning disa2ilities

To ena2le teac#ers to use /looms Ta0onomy of educational o2;ecti&es to prepare




T#e training 6ill 2e for duration of TH088 DA?S@ and during t#e training t#e

follo6ing acti&ity 2ased training met#odology 6ill 2e usedA

Indi&idual and group reading of material

"roup 6ork 

/rain storming






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T#e 6ord Education comes from t#e Latin 6ords Educere7 Edu meaning information

and cere to train7 to 2ring up and to nouris#. Some of t#e popular definitions of

education includeA

t#e process of li&ing t#roug# a continuous reconstruction of e0perience. It is t#e

de&elopment of all t#ose capacities in t#e indi&idual 6#ic# 6ill ena2le #im to control #isen&ironment and fulfill #is possi2ilities ohn De>ey

T#e complete de&elopment of indi&iduality so t#at #e s#e can make an original

contri2ution to #uman life according to #is 2est capacity Sir Percy Nunn

rgani:ed and sustained instruction designed to communicate a com2ination of

kno6ledge7 skills and understanding &alua2le for all t#e acti&ities in life BN8SC(

ll t#ese definitions com2ine to discuss t#e de&elopment of indi&idual capacities7 in

terms of kno6ledge7 skills and &alues for t#e purpose of contri2uting to t#e 2etterment oft#e indi&idual self and t#e society. In terms of skills education in general and primary

education in specific includes laying of t#e foundation of a society t#at is e)uipped 6it# a

#ig# le&el of creativity for pro+lem solving< #oned 6it# t#e critical thinking approac#

for rationality in decision making7 e)uipped 6it# information gathering skills forupdated information7 and moti&ated t#roug# t#e attitude of #elping ot#ers 6it# skills of

empathy< and a #ig# le&el of communication skills for ad;ustment in t#e society. T#ese

fi&e skills form t#e foundation of success7 t#e 2asis of 6#ic# is more effecti&ely laid at

t#e primary le&el and 6#ic# amongst t#e te0t2ook kno6ledge7 academic skills and social&alues 6ill 2e focused upon in t#is training manual.

Components of 3uality 8ducation


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T#e follo6ing Diagram gi&es an e0planation of t#e interpretation of t#e components of)uality educationA

Definition of 3uality 8ducation

Successful Person1Developed society


Components of 3uality 8ducation Diagram ) 8:planatory Notes


Life skills no6ledge Literacy skills Social >orms


ritical T#inking

Information "at#ering


Effecti&e speaking7 acti&e listening7

o2ser&ation7 understanding 2ody language7

gi&ing and recei&ing feed2ack7 assertion skills7

emotional control7 self a6areness7 analysis7synt#esis7 c#allenging facts7 assessing

information and conse)uences of actions7

a6areness a2out one5s strengt#s and6eaknesses7 de&eloping cause and effect

relations#ip7 anti-stereotyping7 imagination7

 positi&e t#inking skills7 conflict management

skills7 managing peer pressure7 tolerance7

identification of7 and acting on rig#ts7 ;usticeand responsi2ilities7 generating alternati&es7

asking )uestions7 reading7 memory



Su2;ectkno6ledge and


Saying t#ank you7Saying sorry

Saying please

Self sacrifice

Self reliance

MusticeBespect for elders

Speaking in a soft tone

/enefitting ot#ers


Listening to ot#ers carefully and taking care not to interruptBespecting ot#ers opinions

?elping ot#ers and getting #elp from ot#er


"reeting ot#er 

 >ot lyingNisiting ill persons

Bespect for parents and teac#ers


Taking permission to take ot#ers t#ings

ccepting a OnoO from ot#ersFnderstanding ot#ers and con&eying our o6n message so ot#ers understand

ppreciating ot#er 

Bespecting ot#ers


Standing in a )ueueSaying please

8aiting for #is#er turn

ontrolling anger 

Fnderstanding ot#ers feelings

Becogni:ing ful filling o6n responsi2ilitiesTaking t#e initiati&e to first talk to some one

cting upon teac#ers instructions

*aking friends

Listening to ot#ers point of &ie6

Speaking in a soft &oiceLetting ot#ers finis# talking 2efore responding

Corgi&ing ot#ers

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"# L*;8 S=*LLS


Life skills mean t#ose essential skills de&eloped t#roug# a #ig#er order t#inking7 t#atena2le a person to perform effecti&ely in #is or #er life7 and t#us 2ecome a socially

accepta2le and successful person.

Ma,or skills

ommunication skills7 information gat#ering skills7 critical t#inking7 creati&ity7 empat#y7

Su+ skills

Effecti&e speaking7 acti&e listening7 o2ser&ation7 understanding 2ody language7 gi&ing

and recei&ing feed2ack7 assertion skills7 emotional control7 self a6areness7 analysis7synt#esis7 c#allenging facts7 assessing information and conse)uences of actions7a6areness a2out one5s strengt#s and 6eaknesses7 de&eloping cause and effect

relations#ip7 anti-stereotyping7 imagination7 positi&e t#inking skills7 conflict management

skills7 managing peer pressure7 tolerance7 identification of7 and acting on rig#ts7 ;usticeand responsi2ilities7 generating alternati&es7 asking )uestions7 reading7 memory

$# S(C*AL N(0MS

E&ery society #as a set of rules 2y 6#ic# it e0pects its citi:ens to a2ide and li&e 2y. T#is

ena2les us to socially ad;ust oursel&es for 2etter li&ing and 6orking and ena2les a society

to function in a more #armonious manner. It is t#erefore important t#at t#ese socialnorms 2ecome part our teac#ing so t#at c#ild not only start to recogni:e 2ut 2egin to

 practice t#em at an early age. *ore so t#is is one of t#e o2;ecti&es of education 6#ic#

 parents regard as of utmost importance. 8#en asked a2out 6#at t#ey 6ould like to see int#e c#ildren7 reply in terms of social skills like good 2e#a&ior7 respect of elders7 2e a2le

to differentiate 2et6een t#e good and 2ad7 adopt social &alues like speaking trut#7 refrain

from lying.

Some of t#e important social norms 6#ic# all #ealt#y societies s#ould teac# t#eir

c#ildren are AA


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+. Saying t#ank you7

1. Saying sorry

3. Saying please4. Self sacrifice

!. Self reliance

$. Mustice

%. Bespect for elders

'. Speaking in a soft tone

(. /enefitting ot#ers

+,. S#aring

++. Listening to ot#ers carefully and

taking care not to interrupt

+1. Bespecting ot#ers opinions

+3. ?elping ot#ers and getting #elp

from ot#er

+4. Patience

+!. "reeting ot#er 

+$. >ot lying

+%. Nisiting ill persons

+'. Bespect for parents and


+(. Punctuality

1,. Taking permission to take

ot#ers t#ings

1+. ccepting a OnoO from ot#ers

11. Fnderstanding ot#ers and

con&eying our o6n messageso ot#ers understand

13. ppreciating ot#er 

14. Bespecting ot#ers

1!. Tolerating

1$. Standing in a )ueue

1%. Saying please

1'. 8aiting for #is#er turn

1(. ontrolling anger 

3,. Fnderstanding ot#ers feelings

3+. Becogni:ing ful filling o6n


31. Taking t#e initiati&e to first talk to some


33. cting upon teac#ers instructions

34. *aking friends

3!. Listening to ot#ers point of &ie6

3$. Speaking in a soft &oice

3%. Letting ot#ers finis# talking 2efore


3'. Corgi&ing ot#ers

%# Academic1literacy skills

Beading 6riting7 numeracy7

5# =no>ledge


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Life- Skills - Commui!"#io Skills

De&elopmentally speaking7 c#ildren learn t#e skill of communication &ery early on 2ylistening and o2ser&ing. Must in t#eir first year t#ey can decip#er all of t#e speec# sounds

in natural language. t t#ree mont#s7 t#ey5re con&ersing t#roug# sounds and facial

e0pressions. t one year7 many c#ildren #a&e learned to speak and can use simple

 p#rases. /y fours years old7 c#ildren can e0c#ange information and story-tell.

*mportance of effective communication

"ood communication is essential for success in all areas of life. Dance and Larson <+(%$=

suggested t#at successful leaders are effecti&e communicators. Effecti&e communicators

matc# t#eir communication 2e#a&iors to t#eir goals and monitor t#e effect of t#eircommunication to create t#e desired impressions in t#e minds of ot#ers.

E0perts say t#at communication is composed of different met#odsA 6ords7 &oice7 tone

and non-&er2al clues. ccording to researc#7 in a con&ersation or &er2al e0c#angeA

ords are 7 effective9 Tone of voice is %' effective7 Non.ver+al clues are &&


Non.ver+al communication

Cirst7 t#ere are se&eral c#annels or types of non&er2al communication. T#at is7 6ecommunicate 6it# ot#ers using9

 <a= Cacial e0pressions7 suc# as #appiness or anger7<2= Space7 suc# as standing close or 2eing stand-offis#7

<c= Touc# or lack of touc#7

<d= 2;ectors7 6#ic# includes t#e 6ay 6e dress and t#ings 6e use to define oursel&es7<e= Time7 suc# as rus#ing or al6ays making ot#ers 6ait for us7

<f= Paralanguage7 6#ic# includes t#e tone7 intensity7 or loudness of our &oices.

Techni2ues for enhancing non ver+al communication

 Turn down the sound of a television program such as Sesame Streetand ask children to describe what is going on. Every once in a while,turn the sound up to see how accurate your child’s descriptions are.

Sit and watch people; ask children to describe what various people yousee are thinking or feeling.

To help children understand non verbal messages


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 Tell or “hum a story without using words. !et changes in your voiceconvey e"citement, fear, happiness, and so forth. #sk children todescribe what the story was about and discuss differences betweenchildren’s’ interpretations and intended meanings.

$atch television together and ask children to observe the ways thatactors use their eyes to convey meaning. Talk with children aboutwhat differences in eye contact mean. %or e"ample, long andintense eye contact usually signals that something important isbeing said; prolonged looking away while talking may indicatedishonesty or disinterest.

&ut pictures of people wearing different types of clothing out ofmaga'ines. (iscuss with your children where each of these peopleis probably going, and what typeof activity they might do when they get there.

#nother fun activity helps to teach about postures, gestures, and

emotions. %ind some old maga'ines and ask children to cut outpictures of people. #fter selection of pictures, ask children toidentify what the people in each picture are feeling. )ou mayalso talk with children about how they made those choices. # similare"ercise may be done with pictures of faces.

To help your child improve his or her nonverbal sendingabilities*

 Try having children repeat a phrase +such as “ didn’t say you couldgo outside- so that the phrase has different meanings. %ore"ample, place the emphasis on “ so that the phrase means thatsomeone else said it or place the emphasis on “you so that thephrase means someone else was allowed to go outside.

#sk children to tell you a story without words, either by “hummingstory or by acting out the story.

#sk children to “make faces at you or each other. %or e"ample,have children e"press happiness, anger, sadness, disgust, fear, andsurprise by using facial e"pressions but not body movements.

 =no>ing Ho> To Listen

Listening is t#e most important part of a good con&ersation and7 per#aps7 t#e mostdifficult. ?ere are some simple 6ays to encourage c#ildren to speak and listenA

Look t#e c#ild in t#e eye and nod your #ead in agreement. If you are sitting do6n7

lean your 2ody for6ard and gi&e #im#er your complete attention. T#e c#ildren canrepeat t#is in a role play situation


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Pay attention to tone of &oice7 6ords7 gestures7 2ody language

Identify t#e feelings 2eing e0pressed

Don5t interrupt7 and concentrate on listening.

 Nerify 6#at 6as said7 repeat 6#at #as 2een understood.

Listening to songs7 stories7 riddles7 and r#ymes. Identifying sounds made 2y animals and o2;ects found around t#e #ome and


Collo6ing a se)uence of t#ree directions <?ang up your coat7 6as# your #ands7 andset t#e ta2le.=

Bepeating nonsense sentences < I sa6 a co6 eating popcorn in t#e 2a:aar=

Playing musical instruments 6#ile listening to music. sking for c#ildren opinion and paying attention to 6#at t#ey #a&e to say.

=no>ing Ho> To talk E0espondF

no6ing #o6 to respond is a critical element in communication. If 6e 6ant ot#ers tos#are t#eir feelings7 opinions7 fears7 or dou2ts 6it# us7 6e #a&e to 6elcome t#em 6armly.

Let t#e c#ildren go t#roug# a situation in 6#ic# t#ey speak in a 6arm and friendlytone of &oice and also in a situation 6#ere c#ildren sound rude7 gi&e order 7 s#out.

ompare t#e difference.

?ears " and $ . Developing our communication skills E"F

8it# anot#er adult7 role-play a situation 6#ere one person descri2es somet#ing to t#eot#er7 eg what they like to do during the lunch hour. T#e OlistenerO demonstrates poor

listening7 eg by moving around, interrupting, making a noise, looking away, talking to somebody else. sk t#e c#ildren to offer ideas a2out all t#e t#ings t#ey sa6 t#e OlistenerOdo 6rong. List t#eir ideas on a 2oard. sk t#em 6#at t#e listener s#ould #a&e done

instead to s#o6 good listening7 and make anot#er list.

In pairs7 c#ildren tell t#eir partner a story or talk a2out somet#ing t#ey did at t#e

6eekend. T#e listener t#en repeats t#is 2ack to t#e speaker or dra6s a picture of it.

?ears " and $ . orking together E"F

Place t#e c#ildren in mi0ed a2ility groups of around fi&e. Bemind t#em of t#e agreed

ground rules for discussion and listening. Select a c#airperson and a scri2e for eac#group7 according to a2ility. "i&e eac# group a p#oto of a piece of playground e)uipment7

e.g. a skipping rope, a large hoop. T#e c#ildren make a list of )uestions t#ey could askanot#er c#ild a2out #o6 to make 2est use of t#at e)uipment in t#e playground7 e.g. What

is this for? How many people can play with it at a time? What are the safety rules for

 playing with this? T#ey report 2ack to t#e class7 s#aring t#eir )uestions7 as 6ell as


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considering t#e group processes7 e.g. Did everybody listen to each other? How did youdecide and agree questions in your group? 

?ears % and 5 . Developing our communication skills E"F

In pairs7 t#e c#ildren construct a Otelep#oneO7 using empty food cans 6it# string knotted

t#roug# a #ole in t#e end. Sitting 2ack to 2ack and a little 6ay apart7 t#ey take turns to

talk do6n t#e line to eac# ot#er. sk t#em to e0periment 2y c#anging t#e loudness7 pitc#or tone of t#eir &oice. Discuss t#e 2est 6ay to speak and to gi&e and recei&e messages.

8#at #elps7 6#at #inders7 6#at is missingG Dra6 out t#e importance of 2ody language

and facial e0pressions in effecti&e communication.

?ears % and 5 . Developing our communication skills E$F

In pairs7 t#e c#ildren t#ink of a simple sad or #appy story and mime it to t#eir partner7

6#o #as to guess t#e story. Bepeat t#e e0ercise7 asking c#ildren to use anot#er story andto use facial e0pressions and 2ody language t#at contradict t#eir 6ords7 e.g. smiling whenmiming how sad they feel. Discuss #o6 t#e c#ildren felt7 and #o6 easy it 6as for t#em to

guess 6#at t#eir partner 6as miming. Emp#asi:e t#at 6#at 6e do in con&ersation matters

as muc# as 6#at 6e say.

?ears % and 5 . orking together

?elp t#e c#ildren select a play acti&ity t#at t#ey t#ink could 2e impro&ed or a pro2lemt#at needs to 2e resol&ed7 e.g. no one uses the climbing frame; there are not enough

hoops to play with; the year children do not like sharing the benches. In randomly

mi0ed groups of four or fi&e7 t#e c#ildren o2ser&e 6#at #appens during 2reak time. s agroup7 t#ey t#en discuss 6#at t#ey o2ser&ed and de&elop suggestions for impro&ing t#e

situation7 suc# as 2y de&ising ne6 instructions or rules or finding a ne6 game or acti&ity

and 6riting instructions for it7 e.g. a new game for the climbing frame, or the climbing frame is changed or removed; a rota is introduced for the hoops, or more hoops are

bought; a discussion with year children about sharing the benches, or a time limit is set

on how long children can sit on the bench. 

?ears & and 6 . Developing our communication skills

T#e c#ildren sit opposite a partner in a OcarouselO <inner circle facing out6ards7 outer

circle facing in6ards=. Eit#er pro&ide t#em 6it# a )uestion for discussion or a pro2lem tosol&e7 or allo6 t#e c#ildren to select t#e issue t#ey 6ould like to discuss7 e.g. 

•  !ots of you think that one person in the class took another person"s best pen at

lunchtime. How should you deal with it? • #here is not enough space on the playground in winter for football and other ball

 games to take place at the same time. What can we do about it? 


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• T#ey discuss t#e pro2lem in pairs7 and report 2ack t6o key points from t#eirdiscussion. s a class7 compile a list of suggestions from t#e outcomes of t#e

discussions. T#e c#ildren could t#en &ote on t#e suggestions7 or a de2ate could 2e

#eld a2out t#e most appropriate one.

lternati&ely7 t#e class could de2ate a 6ider issue7 e.g. all year $ and children should attend a modern foreign languages lesson each %aturday morning. T#e

c#ildren t#en &ote on t#e motion.


"F Definition

t#e a2ility to ac)uire7 critically e&aluate7 select7 use7 re-order7 create and communicate

&ast amounts of information from a &ariety of sources in 6ays 6#ic# lead to

kno6ledge and 6isdom.

$F *mportance of information gathering skills

a= T#e a2ility to gat#er information is t#e main effect of ad&ances in informationtec#nology. 8#ile t#is 6as once seen as an issue only for t#e most a2le students7

t#is set of a2ilities is no6 seen as essential across all sectors of society as 6e are

all learners and 6e all #a&e information needs.

 2= 8it# t#e e0plosion of information in recent years7 educators recogni:e t#atinformation gat#ering skills are as important to students as t#e t#ree Bs. To

e0cel at reading7 6riting7 and arit#metic7 t#e students need to kno6 #o6 to find7

organi:e7 and use information.

%F Techni2ues to enhance information gathering skills

Information is gat#ered for t#e purpose of t#irst for kno6ledge arising out of curiosity or

for t#e purpose of sol&ing a pro2lem. T#is pro2lem can 2e a real life pro2lem or an

academic pro2lem for 6#ic# students #a&e to find ans6ers t#roug# gat#eringinformation. Some of t#e tools 6#ic# can 2e used to en#ance information gat#ering tools


a) Observation

*ake c#ildren o2ser&e t#ings t#at are o2ser&ing t#ings using t#e ! senses. In order to

make acute o2ser&ation t#e principle is to increase t#e distance and t#e num2er of&aria2les. Some of t#e 6ays are gi&en 2elo6A

*ake t#em look at somet#ing and tell 6#at it is


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*ake t#em close t#eir eyes and listen <t#at is t#ey #a&e to put more effort since t#eycan not see=

*ake t#em close t#eir eyes and ;ust touc# to identify somet#ing t#roug# feeling t#e


Cor #earing start 6it# one sound and t#en increase t#e num2er of sounds 2eing #eardat one time7 asking c#ildren to identify t#e sounds

Increase t#e distance of a sound or num2er of sounds or reduce t#e &olume of sound<s=.

sk c#ildren to smell somet#ing7 t#en increase t#e distance or reduce t#e intensity of

t#e smell or increase t#e num2er of smells to more t#an one.

sk c#ildren to taste somet#ing7 reduce t#e intensity of t#e taste7 increase t#e num2erof t#ings com2ined toget#er and ask 6#at different t#ings #a&e 2een com2ined

toget#er to produce t#e taste.

b) Asking questions

T#ere are t6o types of )uestions t#at can 2e used to gat#er information7 6#ic# can 2easked &er2ally or t#roug# 6ritten formA

losed )uestions <yes no )uestions=

pen-ended )uestions

8#y )uestionsA sometimes open7 sometimes closed

&'%()* +'%#-*)%

T#is type of )uestion in&ol&es asking a )uestion t#at re)uires only a

JES or > response.

If t#is type of )uestion is used7 one can e0pect to get a &ery s#ort


It 6ill >T encourage t#e speaker to ela2orate.

losed )uestions start off 6it# t#e follo6ing) isG areG doG didG

*/')0')D'D +'%#-*)%

T#is type of )uestion DES >T seek a JES or > response.

Instead7 it elicits more information from t#e speaker. T#is type of

)uestion starts 6it#A ho>G >hatG couldG >ouldG hyG

cF  Reading 

T#roug# reading or 2eing read to 6e gat#er information. T#is could 2e factual

information or fictional.


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Encourage c#ildren to read stories

Fntil t#ey can read7 read stories to t#em

*ake t#em talk a2out 6#at is in a picture or 6#at is #appening in t#e picture7 6#at

are t#e c#aracters saying7 6#at can t#ey say a2out t#e person 6#o dre6 t#ese

 pictures. In order to encourage reading it is important to pro&ide for t#em material 6#ic# is

interesting to t#em and not ;ust force t#em to read repeatedly te0t pro&ided to t#emfor reading in particular su2;ects.

nce c#ildren 2ecome proficient readers t#en t#ey 6ill start noticing t#e meaning of

different types of punctuations7 analy:ing t#em for o2taining t#e real meanings andt#inking of t#e aut#or7 #ence gat#ering information indirectly from t#e material


dF  Active Listening 

#ildren also gat#er information t#roug# listening to t#e spoken 6ords as 6ell aso2ser&ing t#e 2ody language accompanied 6it# t#e spoken 6ord. 8#ilst listening 6e notonly gat#er information 2y listening to t#e spoken 6ord 2ut also interpret t#e aut#enticity

of t#e spoken 6ord t#roug# o2ser&ing t#e 2ody language7 t#e 6ords used7 t#e tone used7

t#e &olume of &oice7 t#e pauses during speec#7 t#e eye contact.

In t#is c#ildren can 2e made to do role-plays 6#ilst ot#ers o2ser&e and interpret t#eactions accompanying t#e spoken 6ord to gat#er all t#e information 2eing gi&en in

t#e role-play.

#ildren can ask eac# ot#er )uestions and s#are t#e responses 6it# rest of t#e class

#ildren can inter&ie6 eac# ot#er and s#are t#eir findings 6it# t#e class.

/ot# teac#ers and parents can encourage t#e c#ild to seek information 2efore making

decisions7 and to reflect on decisions made. T#ey can model informationgat#ering skills 2y s#aring 6it# t#em sources t#ey use to gat#er information for

&arious purposes suc# as decision making7 pro2lem sol&ing. T#ey can look for

opportunities to in&ol&e t#e c#ild in decisions 2eing made in t#e #ouse#old7 suc#

as 2uying somet#ing for e0ample a ne6 t&7 6#ic# re)uire gat#ering7 using andanaly:ing information.

eF Bsing logic1cause and effect relationship

*ore t#an often 6e may need to use logic to gat#er information. ne aspect of logic is

cause and effect relations#ip. ause and effect means analy:ing 6#y somet#ing#appened7 or is #appening and predict 6#at pro2a2ly 6ill #appen7 to determine

t#e reasons and conse)uences. In t#is sense it is like a narration7 linking

situations and e&ents toget#er in time7 6it# causes preceding effects. It also pro&ides students an opportunity to re&ie6 and organi:e information7 impro&ing

compre#ension and retention as 6ell as analysis skills.


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%F Techni2ues to enhance the skill of cause and effect relationships

Ask >hy 2uestions as it is said that

#ildren often ask 8#yG )uestions. 8#y is t#e sky 2lueG 8#y does a 2all 2ounceG 8#y do I #a&e to go to sleep no6G ll 6#y )uestions ask a2out t#e

cause of somet#ing.

8#y t#is #appened

8#y t#is mig#t #appen

8#at mig#t #appen if t#is #appens

b) Tell cause or effect

Tell c#ildren an effect and ask t#em 6#at t#e likely causes may 2e of t#e effect. s

c#ildren come up 6it# a cause ask t#em 6#y t#is may 2e t#e cause.

Tell t#e use and ask 6#at mig#t 2e t#e effects7 and 6#y mig#t t#ese 2e t#e effects

c) Read a story) Bead a story to t#e c#ildren7 c#ange some t#ing in t#e story and

t#em 6#at 6ould #appen7 t#en tell to act out t#e original story and t#e story 6it# ac#ange. T#ey see t#at if you c#ange or lea&e somet#ing out7 you c#ange t#e effect.

In t#e initial stages of teac#ing c#ildren to identify cause and effect relations#ips tell

t#em a story and t#en ask )uestions 6#ic# make t#em recall t#is relations#ip t#roug#

)uestions suc# as

oldy was bored, so she/

$hat made the cuckoo come out of the clock0

$hat did the dog’s bark cause to happen0

$hat made the cat 1ump into the air0

8#ic# 6ord in t#e second paragrap# signals a cause-effect relations#ipG

d ) Sho picturesA S#o6 c#ildren pictures suc# as a picture of a girl 6atering a plant7t#en ask t#e class a series of )uestions related to t#e picture7 suc# as

fter s#e 6aters t#e plant7 6#at #appensG

8#at 6ould #appen if s#e didnOt 6ater t#e plantG

T#ese types of )uestions #elp students understand conse)uences.

e) Read poe!s A T#e teac#er starts 2y saying7


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Today 6e are going to talk a2out 6#y t#ing mig#t #appen.Let5s read t#is nursery r#yme toget#er.

?ickory dickory dock •

T#e mouse ran up t#e clock 

T#e clock struck one

T#e mouse ran do6n

?ickory dickory dock.

 >o6 t#e teac#er asks t#e c#ildrenA 8#at do you suppose mig#t #a&e caused t#e

mouse to run up t#e clockG

 >o2ody really kno6s t#e ans6er and 6e canOt ask t#e mouse7 so letOs make

 predictions. 8#y did t#e mouse run FP t#e clockGLetOs try to t#ink of many7 &aried ideas7 I 6ill 6rite t#em on t#is c#art. Possi2le

responses mig#t includeA

T#ere 6as c#eese at t#e top

cat 6as c#asing t#e mouse.

T#e mouse #eard footsteps and 2ecame afraid.

T#e mouse 6as looking for a ne6 #ome.

It 6as cold on t#e floor and t#e mouse t#oug#t it 6ould 2e 6armer ontop.

  similar acti&ity can ask t#e students to predict 6#at mig#t #a&e caused t#e

mouse to run D8> t#e clock. Some possi2le responses mig#t includeA

T#e c#ime scared t#e mouse7

T#e clock #and #it #im.

It 6as too dusty and #e snee:ed and lost #is 2alance.

T#e door2ell rang and #e 6ent to ans6er it.


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?e got #ungry and 6ent to look for food.

cat clim2ed on a c#air and 6as ready to pounce on t#e mouse.

 ") #aking predictionsA Students can also 2e asked to make many7 &aried predictions a2out t#e effects of a situation. T#is is done t#roug# asking )uestionssuc# as 8#at mig#t #appen if....G

sk c#ildren a2out e0amples of cause and effects in t#eir o6n life

sk students to identify t#e cause of an e&ent and t#en ot#er possi2le effects of t#at

e&ent. #ildren must e0plain 6#y t#ey say c#ildren to in&estigate somet#ing to determine t#e cause and effect relations#ip of


*ake up if-then statements 6it# your c#ild. ne person uses if to descri2e a possi2le

e&ent7 and t#e ot#er person uses then to tell 6#at mig#t #appen as a result.

5F 8ffectively Storing and recalling information from memory

 2ust as it is important to learn the skills of gathering information, ofe3ual importance is the way we store the information in our memory. The way information is encoded for storage, will determine what weremember and how we recall it, which in turn will affect the speed andaccuracy of recall.

nce 6e attend to some information it is encoded meaning t#at incoming information is

translated into a mental representation. Information can 2e encoded according to itssound <acoustic code=7 6#at it looks like <&isual code=7 or 6#at it means <semantic code=.

Cor e0ample in learning some terms 6e mig#t say eac# of t#e terms aloud and encode t#e

sounds of t#e 6ords <acoustic=7 &isuali:e t#e 6ay t#e 6ords look <&isual=7 or t#ink a2outt#e meanings of eac# of t#e terms <semantic=.

nce information is encoded it is stored7 t#at is it is #eld in memory. T#ere are t6o types

of memory7 s#ort-term memory and long term memory. S#ort term memory is s#ort and

 2rief capa2le of #olding a small amount of information for a s#ort period of time. In orderto remem2er t#e information for a longer period of time it needs to 2e stored in t#e long-

term memory.

T#e transfer of information from s#ort- to long-term memory can 2e ac#ie&ed in many


Simply repeating t#e information can #elp if itOs repeated enoug# times. Cor e0ample7fre)uently called p#one num2ers are remem2ered 2ecause you #a&e used <repeated=

t#e num2er many times.


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Information can also 2e transferred to long term memory 2y associating and relatingit 6it# some t#ing t#at is already kno6n e.g. t#e telep#one num2er may include dates

of someone5s 2irt#day7

Discussing 6#at #as 2een learned 6it# friends or 6it#in groups

8#en learning some information using7 sounds7 &isuals and meaning simultaneously

Life Skills - C&i#i!"l T'iki(

"F Definition

ritical t#inking is focused on deciding 6#at to or not to 2elie&e or do 2y c#allenging t#e

e0isting kno6ledge7 2eliefs7 &alues7 arguments. It does not mean to re;ect 2ut to

consider on it5s merits 2y applying e&eryt#ing 6e already kno6 and feel7 t#is 6ay6e can e&aluate our o6n t#inking7 6#ic# can lead to a c#ange in our 2e#a&ior. It

re)uires t#at ade)uate e&idence is pro&ided in support of or against somet#ing

 2efore it is re;ected or accepted.

ne of t#e most common mistakes teac#ers make is to &ie6 critical t#inking as t#e

opposite of rote learning or memori:ation. In reality7 t#e learning of facts is t#e essential

first step to t#inking critically. ... If 6e 6ant our c#ildren to make 6ise decisions7 6emust also pro&ide in-dept# kno6ledge. T#e more a c#ild kno6s a2out #istory7 literature7

mat# and science7 t#e 2etter e)uipped #e 6ill 2e to construct #is o6n ;udgments7 identify

and cite good reasons for #is opinions.

$F *mportance of critical thinking

aF  In today5s age 6#ere 6e are inundated 6it# information7 faced 6it# increasing

c#allenges and comple0 pro2lems7 6e need to 2e &ery clear a2out 6#at to 2elie&e and

6#at not to 2elie&e 2ased upon t#e strong e&idence t#at 6e #a&e7 #ence 6e need t#e skills

to 2e a2le to t#ink critically.

+F *ost people are follo6ers of aut#ority and do not )uestion7 are not curious7 and do not

c#allenge aut#ority figures 6#o claim special kno6ledge or insig#t. Suc# conditioning isdone 2y parents and teac#ers7 and ot#er figures of aut#ority. *ost people7 t#erefore7 do

not t#ink for t#emsel&es7 2ut rely on ot#ers to t#ink for t#em indulging in 6is#ful7

#opeful7 and emotional t#inking7 2elie&ing t#at 6#at t#ey 2elie&e is true 2ecause t#ey6is# it7 #ope it7 or feel it to 2e true. T#e result of suc# t#inking is t#at indi&iduals lack


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 2ot# curiosity and t#e skills to perform independent in)uiry to disco&er relia2lekno6ledge.

cF. People 6#o t#ink critically are not particularly suscepti2le to peer pressure. >or are

t#ey prone to neit#er ras# ;udgments nor emotional reactions to situations and are a2le tomake correct decisions 2ased on t#e rig#t &alues.

dF ritical t#inking is a 6ay to control our minds to 2etter understand t#e t#inking of 2ot#

oursel&es and ot#ers ena2ling us to control our t#oug#ts.

eF *ost content area te0t2ooks emp#asi:e t#e need to merely recall data and information.T#roug# critical t#inking 6e are s#o6ing students #o6 to t#ink a2out t#e factst#at is7

to fully compre#end7 and 2e a2le to compare and e&aluate ideas and information and not

 ;ust learn facts7 #ence impro&ing t#eir t#inking skills and 2etter preparing t#em tosucceed in t#e 6orld

fF If 6e did more critical t#inking 6e 6ould 2e inclined to 2e more #onest 6it# oursel&es

and to admit 6#at 6e donOt kno6. 8e 6ould 2e less afraid to say I 6as 6rong and 2e

a2le to learn from our mistakes. ur 2eliefs 6ould really 2e our o6n7 not simply passedon to us 2y ot#ers.

gF ritical t#inking 6ould #elp us de&elop t#e a2ility to imaginati&ely put oursel&es int#e place of ot#ers and understand t#e &ie6points of ot#ers. 8e 6ould de&elop t#e a2ility

to listen 6it# an open mind7 e&en to a conflicting point of &ie6. 8e 6ould #a&e t#e

 patience to t#ink 2efore acting

%F Techni2ues to enhance critical thinking

aF s part of t#e instructions7 students must 2e encouraged to discuss 6#y

t#ey t#oug#t as t#ey did.

+F T#ey must 2e instructed to listen carefully to comments of eac# mem2erof t#e group and 2e 6illing to reconsider7 if re)uired7 t#eir o6n ;udgments and


cF  Ensure t#at c#ildren listen acti&ely rat#er t#an passi&ely. It is pro2a2ly 6ise

to 2egin asking t#e factual type of )uestion so t#at students 6ill reali:e t#at t#ey

#a&e to pay attention.

dF "i&e groups different topics and ask t#em to discus and come up 6it#

t#eir opinions7 let c#ildren #ear t#e groups7 get all t#e facts 2efore t#ey make up

t#eir o6n mind.


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cF  "et students to de2ate. Students7 6#o prepare for de2ates typically read7analy:e7 synt#esi:e7 and e&aluate source material. T#ey de&elop and support

claims7 considering and responding to counterarguments

dF  "i&e students e0ercises in 6#ic# t#ey must identify if critical t#inking ist#ere and #o6 do t#ey no67 6#ere t#ere is no critical t#inking and #o6 it can 2eadded. 

eF  "i&e students opportunities to identify and cite good reasons for t#eir


fF Do a role play 6it# c#ildren7 ask #o6 t#ey 6ould initially react to it and6#y7 6#at assumptions t#ey made7 6#at pre&ious e0periences contri2uted to t#is

response7 did t#ey o2ser&e carefully.

gF   Bead to students stories7 and t#en ask t#em to relate #is#er feelings ande0periences to t#ose of t#e c#aracters7 do a c#aracter analysis7 list and classify anye&idence to support t#eir sayings7 anticipate t#e actions of t#e c#aracters7 and e0press

t#ese findings 2ot# orally and in 6riting7 t#is 6ay compre#ension is ac#ie&ed and t#e

critical t#inking skills are fully engaged.

hF Do not immediately ans6ers for t#e students7 t#is 6ay t#ey 6ill not respond in t#efuture. Learn studentsO names as )uickly as possi2le and ask t#e )uestions of specific

students t#at you call upon 2y name. If an indi&idual cannot ans6er a )uestion7 #elp t#em

 2y simplifying t#e )uestion and leading t#em t#roug# t#e t#oug#t processA ask 6#at dataare needed to ans6er t#e )uestion7 suggest #o6 t#e data can 2e used to ans6er t#e

)uestion7 and t#en #a&e t#e student use t#is data in an appropriate 6ay to come up 6it#an ans6er.

iF sking )uestionsA good )uestion 6ill generate more )uestions. /elo6 are someforms t#at good )uestions takeA

• sking open-ended )uestions t#at do not assume t#e one rig#t ans6er or t#e ans6er

is yes and no - ritical t#inking is often e0emplified 2est 6#en t#e pro2lems are

in#erently ill-defined and do not #a&e a rig#t ans6er.

• 8#at if...

• 8#at 6ould you do...G

• 8#y do you t#ink...G• Let me #ear more9 ?o6 did you arri&e at t#at conclusionG

• ?o6 did you kno6 t#atG after asking 6#at do you kno6

• Did you ;ust t#ink a2out t#at or is t#at somet#ing you kne6G

• llo6ing sufficient time for students to reflect on t#e )uestions asked or pro2lems

 posed - immediate response is not al6ays t#e 2est response..


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• Questions t#at focus attention7 suc# as Do you noticeG or ?a&e you seenG

• Questions t#at seek clarification can #elp c#ildren focus on 6#at t#ey really mean.

Cor e0ampleA an you gi&e me an e0ampleG 8#at do you mean 2yG etc.

• Questions t#at in&ite in)uiry7 suc# as 8#at do 6e need to kno6G ?o6 can 6e find

outG 8#at 6ould #appen ifG• Questions t#at seek reasons7 suc# as ?o6 did you kno6G8#y do you say t#atG

 ,F 8#en c#ildren ask )uestions praise t#e )uestioner <for e0ample7 say "ood

)uestionR or I 2et a lot of you 6ant to kno6 t#at=. Questions from students mean t#eyare t#inking critically a2out 6#at you are saying9 t#is t#inking needs to 2e encouraged.

Life Skills - C&e"#i)i#*

$) Definition: reati&ity is t#e generation and e0pression of ne6 ideas in a non-

e&aluati&e frame6ork in 6#ic# t#e creator takes risks7 c#allenges assumptions and sees

t#ings in a ne6 6ay7 6it#out t#e 6orry of producing rig#t ans6ers.

$F *mportance of Creativity

%o identi"y proble!sA 8#en 6e look at t#ings in a different lig#t 6e find pro2lems7

6#ic# no one else may e&en reali:e7 e0ist.

%o Solve proble!s: reati&ity is used in pro2lem sol&ing for 6#ic# popular or

con&entional responses do not 6ork. It is a means of coming up 6it# ne6 ideas76#ic# are &alued and re6arded in all fields. *any employers 6ant people 6#o see

connections7 #a&e 2rig#t ideas7 are inno&ati&e7 communicate and 6ork 6ell 6it#

ot#ers and are a2le to sol&e pro2lems.

%o &evelop sensitivity to others proble!sA 8#en 6e look at solutions to pro2lems 2ycreati&ely looking at t#ings 6e de&elop sensiti&ity to pro2lems of ot#ers.

 Expression o" individual uniqueness: 8#en one is 2eing creati&e it s#o6s #is#er

uni)ueness  #eans o" sel"'expression: T#e most important function of creati&ity is self-

e0pression. T#roug# creati&ity indi&iduals can #a&e t#e most freedom for self-

e0pression. Self-e0pression is a 6ay to communicate ideas7 feelings7 2eliefs7 attitudes7and &alues. Self-e0pression allo6s c#ildren to e0press ideas and feelings a2out

t#emsel&es and t#e 6orld around t#em.


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Nurture emotional developmentA T#e a2ility to 2e creati&e7 to create somet#ingfrom personal feelings and e0periences7 can reflect and nurture c#ildrenOs emotional

#ealt#. T#is 6ay t#ey are a2le to cope 6it# and e0press t#eir feelings.

Ne> >ays of perceiving thingsA /y 2eing creati&e c#ildren e0perience ne6 6ays of

 percei&ing t#e 6orld7 #ence 2y creating situations in 6#ic# t#ey get t#is e0perience6e prepare t#em for dealing 6it# and adapting to c#ange in a more open7 fle0i2le and

critical manner.

8nhance intellectual gro>thA reati&ity pro&ides for intellectual gro6t#. #ildren

e0periment 6it# different colors to see 6#at #appens 6#en one color is mi0ed 6it#

anot#er7 for e0ample t#ey may ask t#emsel&es >hat happens if red is mi:ed >ith

yello>@< and t#en mi0 t#ese t6o colors to find t#at it makes orange. It is t#roug# t#is

 process t#at t#ey are gro6ing intellectually. T#e scientists 6#o trained astronauts to

deal 6it# 6eig#tlessness in space may #a&e 2een t#e same c#ildren 6#o asked7

8#at if t#ere 6ere no gra&ityG 6#en t#ey 6ere young. T#is 6ay c#ild tries out ne6ideas7 and ne6 6ays of t#inking and pro2lem sol&ing.

8:plore the >orldA reati&ity also allo6s c#ildren to e0plore t#e 6orld. In fantasy7t#ey can pretend to 2e police officers or s#opkeepers. T#roug# language7 t#ey can testt#eir ideas a2out t#e 6orld. In art7 t#ey can s#o6 t#e 6orld as t#ey see it. reati&ity

#elps t#em to increase t#eir kno6ledge of t#emsel&es and t#e 6orld around t#em.

Means of increasing self >orth) Encouraging creati&ity #elps pro&ide c#ildren feelgood a2out t#em7 t#ey feel a sense of mastery o&er t#ings and a sense of self 6ort#.

T#e 1-year-olds 6#o #op and croak feel pride in t#eir a2ilities to 2e frogs. Se&en-

year-olds 6#o t#ink a2out 6eig#tlessness and come up 6it# ideas gain respect fort#eir o6n a2ility to t#ink. T#ey learn7 I am good at t#inking. I kno6 #o6 to do it.

T#is pride and respect for t#emsel&es is important 2ecause it is a 2ase for all t#eir

later accomplis#ments.

Nurture physical developmentA reati&e play often pro&ides e0ercise for c#ildren76#ic# in turn stimulates p#ysical gro6t#. Cor e0ample7 playing super#eroes suc# as

S#aktiman7 Superman re)uires lots of running7 ;umping7 and clim2ing. E&en stringing

 2eads to make necklaces re)uires muscle coordination.

Nurture Social development: reati&e play also can #elp c#ildren gro6 socially. It

gi&es t#em a c#ance to see t#e 6orld from ot#er c#ildrenOs perspecti&es t#roug# t#eir

stories7 pictures7 fantasy plays7 or mo&ements. T#e more understanding c#ildren gainof ot#er points of &ie67 t#e more respect t#ey 6ill learn for ot#er peopleOs rig#ts7

opinions7 and feelings.

A means of learning a+out others thinking and feelingsA c#ildOs creati&e acti&ity

can #elp teac#ers to learn more a2out 6#at t#e c#ild may 2e t#inking or feeling.

Means of leading richer livesA /y promoting creati&ity7 teac#ers can gi&e all pupilst#e opportunity to disco&er and pursue t#eir particular interests and talents. reati&e

 pupils lead ric#er li&es and7 in t#e longer term7 make a &alua2le contri2ution tosociety.

Pupils >ho are encouraged to think creatively and independently +ecome) *ore

interested in disco&ering t#ings for t#emsel&es and more open to ne6 ideas 7 een to


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6ork 6it# ot#ers to e0plore ideas 7 6illing to 6ork 2eyond sc#ool 6#en pursuing anidea or &ision.

%F Techni2ues to 8nhance Creativity

a) Asking (hat i" questions**+ 

 '1amples of what if questions

8#at if cats #ad ears like elep#antsG

8#at if plants could 6alkG8#at 6ould #appen if all t#e cars 6ere goneG

8#at 6ould #appen if e&eryone 6ore t#e same clot#esG

8#at 6ould #appen if no one cleaned t#e #ouseG8#at 6ould #appen if all t#e trees in t#e 6orld 6ere 2lueG

8#at 6ould #appen if you could flyG8#at 6ould #appen7 if t#ere 6ere no ri&ersG

If c#ildren get stuck t#e teac#er may gi&e a response to ;ump start t#e c#ildren are

t#inking Cor e0ample t#ey could say If plants could 6alk7 t#ey 6ould pro2a2ly

go to sc#ool.

b) Asking (,hat changes ould you !ake to so!ething+ 

"i&e c#ild an o2;ect or a situation and ask t#em 6#at c#anges t#ey 6ould make... In t#e

end c#ildren must start asking t#em sel&es t#is )uestion.


8#at c#anges 6ould you make to t#is pencilG

8#at c#anges 6ould you make to t#is treeG

8#at c#anges 6ould you make to t#e 6ay you 6alkG

8#at c#anges 6ould you make to your classroomG

cF Asking Ho> can >e make something +etter1ho> can * improve thisIIG

"i&e c#ild an o2;ect or a situation and ask t#em to impro&e it t#e 6ay t#ey 6ould like it

to 2e. In t#e end c#ildren must start asking t#em sel&esA


?o6 can I make . 2etter

I kno6 a 6ay to make . 2etter


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T#is is an e0cellent solution7 2ut I 6onder if t#ere isnOt anot#er solution t#at 6orkse&en 2etter

c) Asking -in'ho'!any'di""erent'ays- questions. 


?o6 many different 6ays can a string are usedG

In #o6 many different 6ays could a spoon 2e usedG

In #o6 many different 6ays can you #old a 2allG

In #o6 many different 6ays could a string 2e usedG

In #o6 many different 6ays can you react toG

?o6 many different 6ays can a 2utton are usedG

d) Sho the child a picture/ and then ask questions such as)

8#at are t#e people in t#e picture doingG

8#at are t#e people sayingG

?o6 are t#ey feelingG

8#at are t#ey t#inkingG

8#at 6ould #appen if...G

e) Ask questions ith lots o" ansers

 ny time a c#ild is asked a )uestion 6#ic# re)uires a &ariety of ans6ers9 t#e creati&e

t#inking skills are 2eing en#anced. ?ere are some e0amples using t#e concept of 6aterA

• 8#at are some of t#e uses of 6aterG

• 8#at floats in 6aterG

• ?o6 does 6ater #elp usG

• 8#y is cold 6ater coldG

• 8#at al6ays stays under6aterG

8#at are t#e different colors t#at 6ater can 2eG

 ") 0enerating solutions through questioning 

If c#ildren need to find a solution to somet#ing instead of telling t#em 6#at to do #elpt#em in reac#ing t#eir o6n solutionsA


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Cor e0ample lets assume t#at a c#ild #as 2roken somet#ing7 instead of sayingA  &o you

think e should glue this.- 6e can say somet#ing like7  ,hat do you think can be

done about this.-

gF   Asking (1o ould you*+ 2uestions


?o6 6ould you #old t#e 2all 6it#out using your #andsG

?o6 6ould you #old t#e 2all 6it#out using your #ands in anot#er 6ayG

?o6 6ould you 2ounce t#e 2all 6it# your 2odyG

?o6 6ould you 2alance t#e 2all on t#ree different 2ody partsG

?o6 6ould you catc# t#e 2all 6it#out using your #andsG

h) 3!agine being so!ething  

S#o6 c#ildren somet#ing or ask t#em to #old or touc# somet#ing and ask t#em to

imagine t#emsel&es as t#at o2;ect.


Imagine t#at you are a stone #o6 do you feelG

Imagine t#at you are an astronaut and 6alking on t#e moonG

Imagine t#at you are a tree standing mo&ing to t#e string 2lo6ing 6indG

Imagine t#at you are a radio7 #o6 6ould you talkG

i) Place a child in a di""erent ti!e and place 

Cor instance7 ask a c#ild to descri2e #o6 #e or s#e 6ould cook a meal 6it#out sil&er6are7

dis#es7 etc.


• ?o6 6ould cook a meal if t#ere 6as no fireG

• ?o6 6ould you 2at# if t#ere 6as no 6aterG

• ?o6 6ould you tra&el if t#ere 6ere no 2usesG

 4) Ask a child to descri+e a pro+lem or an event +y using pictures instead of >ords# 


• Dra6 pictures to tell 6#at you did at sc#ool today

• Dra6 picture to tell #o6 you feel 6#en you play


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• Dra6 pictures to tell 6#at #appened on eid

k) %ell children stories

reati&ity can 2e fostered 2y using lots of storytelling. /ecause c#ildren #a&e greatimaginations7 t#ey lo&e ad&enture and fantasy t#roug# 2ooks and stories. #ildren en;oy

stories 2ased on t#emsel&es and people and places t#ey kno6 6ell. Fse sound at storytime7 for e0ample 2eating a drum 6#en t#e giant approac#es.

l) 5o!bining to or !ore ideas/ products/ "eelings etc to produce a ne one 

#ildren can eit#er dra6 to s#o6 t#eir responses or tell &er2ally7 dra6ing 6ould 2e 2etter

as it 6ill gi&e t#em time to &isuali:e t#e ne6 t#ing.


8#at ne6 t#ing could 6e make if 6e com2ined a spoon and a knifeG

8#at sort of a ne6 animal 6ould 2e if 6e com2ined a ra22it and a c#ickenG

!) Ask (1o can e+ do this in a totally ne ay

T#is is 6ay of generating a completely different idea to do somet#ing instead ofimpro&ing somet#ing e0isting.


?o6 can 6e cook an egg in a totally ne6 6ayG

?o6 can 6e clean t#e 2lack 2oard in ne6 6ayG

?o6 can 6e tra&el from one place to anot#er in a totally ne6 6ayG

n) 6ind a ne application "or so!ething old 

Look at somet#ing old in a ne6 6ay. Cor t#is ask c#ildren to forget 6#at t#ey already use

it for7 t#ink of #o6 it can 2e reappliedA

8#at could 6e use mountains forG

8#at could 2e a ne6 application for a penG

#ildren may come up 6it# t#e e0isting uses encourage t#em until t#ey come up 6it#

original responses7 e.g. unusual uses 6it#out t#e 6orry t#at it may 2e 6rong7 since

not#ing is 6rong t#e more t#ey freely t#ink t#e 2etter original ideas t#ey come up 6it#.


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o) ,riting stories

• ?elp c#ildren to 6rite do6n and illustrate t#e stories t#emsel&es

• #ildren 6#o can not 6rite can dictate a story and t#en t#ey can illustrate it.

•  Story 6riting can 2e done taking turns. Cor e0ample7 t#e teac#er mig#t 2egin nceupon a time7 a little 2oy 6anted to go to t#e moon. T#en let t#e c#ild tell you t#e

ne0t part7 and t#en t#e ne0t c#ild takes a turn and so on until t#e story is completed.

• lso in 6riting stories if you 6ant to #elp c#ildren de&elop c#aracters you could use

t#e follo6ing cuesA

• Is t#is person male female

• 8#at is #is name

• ?o6 old is #es#e

• 8#at does #es#e look like <eye colour7 #air colour7 style7 #eig#t7 6eig#t etc=

• 8#at is #is#er ;o2G

• 8#at sc#ool does #e go to

• 8#at friend s does #e #a&e

• 8#at #o22ies does #e #a&e

Cor encouraging creati&e 6riting stir up t#e studentsO imaginations 6it# t#e follo6ingA

8#at is imaginationG

re your imaginations like anyone elseOsG

8#o are some people 6#o use imaginationG

Tell t#em t#at t#ey 6ill 2e dreaming and imagining and creating 6ords7 pictures of

t#ings t#at mig#t ne&er #a&e e0isted or #appened.

Present t#e students 6it# 8#at 8ould ?appen If... scenarios. Cor e0ample7 8#at

6ould #appen if...

&egeta2les could talk9

your 2rot#er turned into your sister9

6ater in t#e oceans e&aporated9

all clocks stopped9

 people decided to no longer 6ork for minimum 6age9

e&eryone looked alike9 and

all trees 2egan gro6ing money.

 p) Play ith children (Let7s pretend+ 


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Play 6it# c#ildren lets pretend games in 6#ic# t#ey pretend to 2e t#ings7 people indifferent occupations7 situations.  Pretend t#at one o2;ect represent anot#er7 e.g. a stick as

an aero plane7 a c#air as an #ouse7

q) Ask children to tell a story

Eac# c#ild can tell a story

Fse a continuing story concept. Someone starts t#e story and t#en eac#

 person adds a part.

sk c#ildren to look up in t#e sky or lay on t#e ground and create a

story 2y using c#aracters t#at t#ey see in t#e clouds. #ildren can dra6 t#e

c#aracters t#ey see.

sk c#ildren to dra6 somet#ing and tell a story using t#ese pictures.

r) 8se role'playing  

Camily #appenings7 sc#ool situations7 e&eryday acti&ities suc# as &isit to doctors7

s#op7 farm etc7 to #elp c#ildren see t#e &ie6points of ot#ers and to e0plore t#eir

feelings and #andle t#eir emotions.

Bead a story and act it out. Fse puppets to act out a plot.

"i&e some t#ings and ask t#em to construct a play 6it# a story line 

Fse a&aila2le resources to create props to support role play

s)   Ask students to !ake predictions

Encourage if-t#en t#inking. Cor e0ample7 6#en a student predicts t#at dirt 6ill settle

to t#e 2ottom of a lake7 ask7 If t#at is true7 t#en 6#at 6ill #appen in a ri&er 6it# a

fast currentG

 t) 5reative Play

reati&e play is e0pressed 6#en c#ildren use familiar materials in a ne6 or unusual

6ay7 and 6#en c#ildren engage in role-playing and imaginati&e play.

• Stimulate creati&e ideas 2y encouraging c#ildren to come up 6it# ne6 and

unusual uses of e)uipment.

• Collo6 t#e Leader - T#e leader c#ild mo&es freely a2out. ?e or s#e may

imitate animals7 #op7 skip7 or 6#ate&er. T#e ot#ers must follo6 t#e

leader and act as t#e leader does.


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• "uess 8#at I mG - 8it#out saying a 6ord7 a c#ild tries to act out t#emo&ements of some o2;ect. Suggestions include an airplane making a

landing7 a rooster strutting around t#e yard7 a cement truck dumping

its load7 a clock telling t#e time of day. T#e c#ild may t#ink up

t#ings to do7 or t#e teac#er may 6#isper suggestions.• ?elp c#ildren to link sound and mo&ement7 for e0ample making 2ig mo&ements

to loud music and small mo&ements to )uiet music

u) 5ollect things and !ake so!ething "ro! it 

sk c#ildren to collect t#ings and make somet#ing from t#em. Cor e0ample on t#e 6ayfrom sc#ool c#ildren can collect like lea&es7 small sticks7 tiny stones7 2its of grass or

6ildflo6ers7 or a feat#er. sk c#ildren to e0plain 6#at t#ey #a&e made.

v) 5reating pictures

• s c#ildren to create pictures7 encourage feeling and talking 2y asking )uestionsa2out si:e7 s#ape7 and color7 or 2y saying Tell me a2out your picture.

sk c#ildren to dra6 a com2ination of t6o &aria2les e.g. a car 6it# t#e 6#eels s#aped

like a flo6er.Fse t#ese s#apes to make pictures

sk c#ildren to make pictures using a com2ination of different media to see 6#at effects

t#ey can createIf colors are a&aila2le ask c#ildren to c#oose 6#ic# colors t#ey 6ould use for particular

 purpose e.g. to s#o6 someone angry7 #appy

• E0periment to create different te0tures7 colors7 s#apes

• nce c#ildren create pictures ask t#em #o6 t#ey could c#ange it7 6#at t#ey like a2outt#eir picture7 6#at additions t#ey 6ould make to anot#er5s picture

>F 8ncourage creative movement 

• /y pretending you all are somet#ing

• ites 2lo6ing in t#e 6ind9

• a kitten 6it# a sore pa69

• a 2alloon 2lo6ing up and popping9

• a ;et airplane taking off9

eating an ice cream cone..• Pretending to 2e animals7 rain7 fairies7 giants7 6orms7 mice7 etc

• Bespond to sound 6it# 2ody mo&ement

• Fse t#eir 2odies to e0plore te0ture and space


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sk c#ildren #o6 t#ey 6ould mo&e if t#ey 6ereA #appy7 angry7 scared7 &ery #ea&y7cold7 sneaky7 &ery little7 etc.

 :F Talking a+out tv programs

#ildren 6atc# t& programs and #a&e t#eir fa&orite programs. 8#at t#ey #a&e 6atc#edcan 2e used to encourage t#em to t#ink and talk 6it# 2y asking )uestions and asking

t#em to comment on 6#at #appened. Play 6it# c#ildrenA

• 8#at if... and imagine different endings or #appenings in t#e program.

• sk c#ildren 6#at t#ey t#oug#t of t#e story7 t#e acting7 t#e people7 t#e clot#es7 t#e

 places etc. 

 y) 5reating Ob4ects using children as the !aterial to create?a&e t#e c#ildren create a mac#ine piece 2y piece. Some players 2ecome parts t#atmo&e and make noise7 6#ile ot#er players operate t#e mac#ine. t#ers can t#en guess

6#at it is. Try making a car 6it# people as 6#eels7 2ody7 and #andle7 and #a&e anot#er

 player pus# it. E&eryone can ;oin in t#e sound effects as it tackles t#e la6n. *ore goodo2;ects to role playA t.&7 record player7 pencil s#arpener7 and 6ater fountain.

 9) Ask children to co!e up ith solutions "or dealing ith everyday proble!s e.g.forgetting lunc# at #ome7 dealing 6it# someone teasing7 6#at t#ey 6ould do if t#ey lost a

 2ook t#ey needed for a test.

Life Skill+ Em,"#'*

"F Definition)  It is t#e a2ility to de&elop Insig#t into t#e moti&es7 feelings7 and

 2e#a&ior of ot#ers and t#e a2ility to communicate t#is understanding 6it#out &alue

 ;udgments and 6it#out putting conditions  or limits on 6#at t#e person e0periences7ignoring your o6n perception of t#e situation.

) *t includes) 

/eing open 6it# your feelings and s#o6ing and encouraging

ot#ers to 2e open 6it# t#eir7 particularly c#ildren

 >ot ;ust t#ink a2out yourself7 t#ink of ot#ers feelings to #a&e a

sense of t#eir point of &ie6. T#is is done 2y learning to 6alk in t#eir s#oes to no6

6#at it feels like and to see 6#at can 2e done a2out it


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Fnderstand t#e impact of your 2e#a&ior7 6ords7 2ody language7oral e0pression7 <t#e tone7 &olume7 c#oice of 6ords7 structure of sentence= on ot#ers

and #o6 it is making ot#ers feel

;) *mportance of 8mpathy

It is needed to pre&ent and stop &iolence and cruelty

Frges us to treat ot#ers 6it# kindness and &ice &ersa

#ildren need to #a&e empat#y in order to 2e a successful7 #appy mem2er of society.

Taking anot#er persons perspecti&e allo6s t#e c#ildren to respond in a manner t#ataddresses t#e needs of t#e ot#er person and not ;ust t#eir o6n.

T#e c#ildren5s a2ility to e0perience ot#ers emotions #elp t#em to take an action t#at

6ould relie&e t#e discomfort of t#e ot#er person and makes you feel good

T#e 2est predictor of social ad;ustment in later years is #o6 c#ildren get along 6it#

ot#ers7 and acceptance of ot#ers.

8it# empat#y t#ey consider t#e effect of t#eir o6n actions on t#e situation.

T#e c#ildren are a2le to con&ey to ot#ers t#e rig#t 6ay to 2e#a&e to6ards ot#ers.

T#e acceptance of a talkers t#oug#ts7 ideas7 and feelings increase t#e c#ance t#at t#e

talker 6ill talk to you a2out t#e pro2lems and issues t#at #e or s#e is facing.

5F Techni2ues for 8nhancing 8mpathy

a) 2uestioning

sk c#ildren )uestions suc# as t#e follo6ing 6#ic# ena2le t#em to put t#emsel&es in t#eot#er person5s position. T#ese )uestions can 2e asked regarding real life situations c#ild5s

 personal e0perience7 after role plays and stories.

?o6 did you feelG

?o6 did it make t#e ot#er person feelG

If you see some2ody #urt or feeling sad or needing #elp 6#at 6ould you do to make

t#em feel 2etterG

?o6 6ill your caring actions make t#at person feelG

Do you t#ink if t#at person is #elped 2y you7 #e 6ill also #elp someone 6#o #as 2een

#urt or is sad or needs #elpG

Is it rig#t not to #elp ot#ers7 or say and do t#ings t#at #urt ot#er people5s feelings or

#urt t#em p#ysicallyG 8#at 6ould you say to suc# people 6#o #urt ot#ers feelings or #urt t#em p#ysically

or do not #elp ot#ersG

If some2ody didsay somet#ing 2ad to you #o6 6ould you 6ant ot#ers to #elp youG

?o6 6ould t#eir caring action make you feelG


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b) Sitching Roles

T#e ne0t time t#ereOs a conflict 2et6een t6o c#ildren ask t#em to stop and t#ink #o6 t#eot#er person 6ould feel if t#e roles 6ere re&ersed. T#en ask t#em to talk a2out t#e

 pro2lem as if she(he were the other personA 8#at 6ould t#e ot#er person say and do. Itis also #elpful to use puppets so t#at eac# puppet can represent t#e person in t#e conflict.It 2uilds empat#y.

c) 5all attention to insensitive behavior 

ny time a c#ild acts unkindly7 use it as an opportunity to #elp #im#er 2ecome more

sensiti&e to t#e feelings of ot#er people. Must point out t#e impact of #er#is actionsATelling dil to lea&e 2ecause you 6anted to play 6it# #mar 6as inconsiderate. ?o6

6ould JF feelG >ot allo6ing Mameela to sit ne0t to you 6as unkind. ?o6 6ould you


d) <e an exa!ple o" generosity

Try to find natural 6ays to #elp t#e c#ild gi&e to ot#ers so t#ey understand t#e ;oygi&ing can 2ring. Start 2y doing it yourself and #a&ing t#e c#ild 6atc# and do it 6it# you.

?ere are a couple of ideasA Saleem is off sc#ool sick7 letOs make #im a get 6ell card.

 >adia doesn5t #a&e a pencil s#e can #a&e mine *ake gi&ing natural and fun 2ut #elp t#ec#ild learn to "INE.

e) Expect the child to share

T#is is one of t#e first moral 2e#a&iors 6e need to tune up in our kids. S#aring can 2e

taug#t starting 6it# ItOs #is turn7 t#en your turn7 t#en #is turn. Little kids sometimesneed a timer as a reminder t#at t#e ot#er person s#ould still 2e allo6ed to play 6it# t#e


/efore friends come o&er7 structure s#aring 2y asking #imA 8#at t#ings 6ill you s#are

6it# your friendG 8#at do you t#ink #e 6ould like to playG Put a6ay t#ings t#at are

&ery special t#at may cause pro2lems. 8#atOs important on t#is one is to #elp your c#ild

learn to t#ink of ot#ersO needs and feelings.

 ") All students ork together to develop class rules

?a&e a discussion 6it# t#e class to 6ork out some rules7 6#ic# 6ould teac# c#ildrenempat#y 6it#in t#e class. During t#e discussion t#e follo6ing )uestions can 2e asked to

6ork out t#e rules.

If you see some2ody 6#o needs #elp in t#e classroom #o6 6ill you #elpG

If you #ear someone saying #urtful 2ad t#ings 6#at 6ill you doG

If you see someone #urting e.g. #itting7 ot#ers 6#at 6ill you doG


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nce t#e rules #a&e 2een esta2lis#ed7 6ork out 6it# t#e c#ildren 6#at penalty t#ere 6ill 2e for c#ildren 6#o &iolate t#em. sk t#e c#ildren

8#at 6ill 6e do if anyone in t#e class &iolates t#ese rulesG

 g) Role'playing situations

sk c#ildren to imagine t#emsel&es as t#at person and t#en act out t#e 2e#a&ior and

feelings. nce t#e role-play is o&er discuss #o6 t#ey felt and 6#at t#e effect of 6#at t#eydid 6as. onstruct role plays using t#e follo6ing situations and t#en #a&e a discussionA

%ituations in the classroom


alling names

?itting ot#ers  >ot 6anting to sit ne0t to a c#ild

 >ot s#aring some t#ing

Taking t#ings 6it#out asking

Talking 6#ilst t#e teac#er is talking

 >ot letting a c#ild ;oin t#em in play

Befusing to #elp classmates in doing t#eir 6ork if t#ey need #elp

Let t#e c#ildren put t#emsel&es in ot#ers s#oes <through role plays= 2y putting t#em in

situations in&ol&ingA

?andicapped persons


Ill people

ld people

ruelty to animals




Nisiting sick friend

ele2rating 2irt#days

E0c#anging gifts

Discrimination on t#e 2asis of different 6ays of li&ing7 doing t#ings7 clot#es

foods7 occupations7 2eliefs7 religion7 festi&als

i) Shoing e!pathy during speaking


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Encourage and demonstrate during &er2al communicationA Fse of a concerning7 soft tone6#en talking to someone.

Encourage c#ildren to ask t#e follo6ing )uestions to gi&e immediate impression t#at t#ey

are concerned and 6ant to #elp <t#roug# role play and real classroom situations=A

re you okG

?a&e you #urt yourselfG

an I #elp youG

Jou are not looking #appy is somet#ing 6rong

re you #a&ing a pro2lemG Jou 6ant to tell me a2out it.

?as someone said somet#ing to you t#at you didn5t likeG Jou 6ant to tell me

Jou 6ant to tell me more a2out 6#at #appened7 #o6 it #appened7 #o6 it made youfeel7 6#at you t#ink 6e can do.


T#ank you

 4) Shoing e!pathy during listening 

In&ol&e c#ildren in a role play to 2egin 6it# in 6#ic# t#ey practice listening empat#ically

during 6#ic# t#ey are careful not to say7

Jou s#ouldnOt feel t#at 6ay.

Bat#er gi&e t#em an alternati&e to say

I understand you are <sad7 disgusted7 6#ate&er= .G

k) Others

Di&ide c#ildren into pairsgroups in 6#ic# one c#ild #elps anot#er in t#eir6ork.

#ildren of older class5s can 2e asked to #elp or super&ise groups or do tutoring of6eaker c#ildren.

Teac#ers model caring 2e#a&ior.

Talk a2out people 6#o are kno6n for s#o6ing empat#y to6ards ot#ers in t#e

community. Talk a2out some religious e0amples of empat#y to6ards ot#ers


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Te"!'i( Te!'iue- Mul#i,le i#elli(e!es

"F Multiple *ntelligences

ccording to researc# conducted 2y Dr. ?o6ard "ardener c#ildren #a&e certainintelligences t#roug# 6#ic# t#ey learn7 6it# one or t6o 2eing more dominant in eac#

c#ild. T#is implies t#at different c#ildren learn differently depending upon t#e tec#ni)ue


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used 6#ic# means t#at a teac#er must take into account all t#e se&en intelligences 2y6#ic# c#ildren learn 6#en designing and teac#ing acti&ities in order to stimulate t#em.

T#is ena2les t#e teac#er to tec# in a 6ay so t#at eac# c#ild5s indi&idual talents7 a2ilities7

e0periences7 ideas and interests7 6#ic# make eac# one a uni)ue indi&idual7 are nurtured.

a) Reasons behind understanding and introducing the seven intelligences

To #elp all reac# t#eir full potential

To #elp all 2ecome independent

To encourage creati&e use of material

To encourage cooperati&e 2e#a&ior 

?elp to learn t#e skills of pro2lem sol&ing

En#ance self confidence

Ensure learning is a pleasant e0perience

En#ancing intelligences can open opportunities for many adult occupations

b) Seven 3ntelligences

Jer+al Linguistic *ntelligence)  T#is intelligence is concerned 6it# language

reading 6riting and speaking. #ildren 6it# strong &er2al linguistic intelligence lo&e to6rite7 read spell7 listen to stories and communicate &er2ally.

Logical1Mathematical *ntelligence) T#is is learning t#roug# reasoning. T#eseare t#ose c#ildren 6#o ask a lot of )uestions7 sol&e pro2lems )uickly in t#eir #ead7 can

e0periment and put t#ings toget#er.

Jisual1Spatial intelligenceA T#is is learning of arts7 imagination and perception

of space. T#ese c#ildren are t#ose 6#o day dream7 en;oy art7 picture pu::les7 mo&ies7

doodling7 #a&e clear &isual images.

ody1=inesthetic *ntelligenceA T#is is learning t#roug# mo&ement of t#e

 2ody. Suc# c#ildren are dramatic7 lo&e acti&ities 6#ic# in&ol&e touc#ing and feeling to


Musical1rhythmic *ntelligenceA T#is is learning t#roug# 2eing sensiti&e to

sounds7 music and &oice tones. Suc# c#ildren are t#ose 6#o remem2er melodies and

song7 sing 6ell and are sensiti&e to en&ironment sounds.

*nterpersonal *ntelligenceA T#is is learning t#roug# cooperati&e and group

communication. Suc# c#ildren communicate7 lead7 coordinate7 persuade7 inspire7 andcounsel ot#ers.


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*nterpersonal intelligenceA T#is kno6s ones self7 feelings emotions andt#oug#ts. Suc# c#ildren #a&e t#eir o6n indi&idual ideas7 en;oy 2eing alone7 are

independent learners.

cF Activities for students +ased on the seven intelligences

Jer+al1linguistic intelligenceK Beading< Informing< 8riting< Discussing<

De2ating< opying< Poetry< Story telling< 8ord games

Logicalmat#ematical intelligenceA *easuring7 Estimating7 rdering7

naly:ing7 alculating7 lassifying7 Patterns7 "ames7 Pro2lem sol&ing

Jisual1spatial intelligence) Dra6ing7 Painting7 *ind mapping7 Sculpture7

Designing7 Clas# cards7 Diagrams7 Illustrating Decorating

ody1kinesthetic intelligence) reati&e dance Drama7 Bole play7 P#ysical

e0ercise7 Sports games7 making models7 raft 6ork7 leaning7 Bepairing7 Sorting7


Musical1rhythmic intelligence) Singing7 Nocal sounds7 Instrument sounds7

En&ironment sounds7 *usical play7 omposing7 Listening7 B#ymes

*nterpersonal intelligence) ooperati&e learning7 "roup 6ork7 Questionnaires7

Inter&ie6s7 /rainstorming7 ounseling7 *entoring7 Super&ising7 *ediating7 *oti&ating7

ssessing7 Leading

*nterpersonal intelligence) Diary 6riting7 Setting goals7 ttaining learning

outcomes7 E&aluating7 reati&e poetry7 reati&e 6riting7 Independent pro;ects


?o6 teac#ing is conducted #as a large impact on t#e student5s a2ilities to learn for t#em.Successful teac#ers teac# t#eir students using &arious tec#ni)ues 6it# t#e aim of not only

ac#ie&ing t#eir immediate classroom goals 2ut also to teac# t#em to use t#ese tec#ni)ues

for t#emsel&es in t#e future to 2ecome po6erful learners.

T#e tec#ni)ues 6#ic# are regarded most effecti&e in t#e primary grades areA


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Bole play

Pair and group 6ork 


8#ole class discussion

Questioning Dra6ing

Story telling



Fse of se&en intelligences

Eac# one of t#ese is discussed in detail7 #ig#lig#ting t#e definitions7 importance and 6aysto use t#em in teac#ing.

"F 0ole Play

a) ,hat is a role play.

role play is a little drama played 2y t#e students. It is mostly impro&ised. It aims to

 2ring to life circumstances or e&ents7 6#ic# are unfamiliar to students.

b) ,hy use role plays.

  Bole plays can impro&e understanding of a situation and encourage empat#y to6ards

t#ose 6#o are in it. Cor e0ample7 in a role play a2out a ro22ery7 students7 2y acting t#e

 part of t#e &ictim7 can gain insig#t into 6#at it is like to 2e t#e &ictim of crime7 or in rolea2out name calling students can get to no6 6#at it is like 2eing called names7 or role

 plays to practice social norms suc# as saying t#ank you7 taking t#ings 6it# permission.

5) %hings to re!e!ber hen conducting a role play

Identify t#e issue7 6#ic# t#e role-play 6ill illustrate.

Decide on t#e situation7 t#e pro2lem7 and 6#o t#e c#aracters are.

Decide #o6 many students 6ill do t#e role play7 #o6 many 6ill 2e o2ser&ers7

6#et#er to do t#e role play simultaneously in small groups7 or all toget#er as a class.Encourage s#y students to 2e in&ol&ed.

8ork 6it# t#e students to t#ink a2out t#e situation and t#eir roles. Students perform t#e role play.

During t#e role play7 it mig#t 2e useful to stop t#e action at a critical point to ask t#e participants and t#e o2ser&ers a2out 6#at is #appening. Cor e0ample7 in a role play

a2out &iolence7 ask t#e students if t#ey can t#ink of a 6ay t#at t#e situation could 2e

resol&ed peacefully7 and t#en ask t#e participants to play out t#ose possi2le endings.


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fter t#e role play7 it is important t#at students t#ink a2out 6#at ;ust took place7 sot#at it is not ;ust an acti&ity7 2ut is also a learning e0perience. 8#en planning t#e role

 play7 2e sure to lea&e time at t#e end to reinforce t#e purpose and learning points of

t#e acti&ity.

$F orking in Pairs and !roups

a) ,hy use pair and group ork during teaching.

Di&iding t#e class into pairs or groups gi&es students more opportunities for

 participating and cooperating. Pairs and groups can 2e useful to generate a lot of

ideas &ery )uickly7 or to #elp t#e class to t#ink a2out somet#ing in terms of t#eiro6n e0perience.

a= %hings to re!e!ber:

 hen organiing pair1group >ork 

8#en organi:ing t#e groups7 ask yourself )uestions likeA Do I 6ant to di&ide

students according to a2ilityG Do I 6ant friends to 6ork toget#erG

If a group 6ill 2e toget#er for more t#an a fe6 minutes7 it mig#t 2e necessary to #a&e

a c#ild as leader of t#e group. T#e group 6ould need to decide t#is.

E0plain t#e task clearly. Tell t#e students #o6 long t#ey #a&e for t#e task. Seatstudents 6#ere t#ey can see eac# ot#er.

hen the pairs or groups are >orking

Stand 2ack7 2ut 2e a&aila2le.

Do not interrupt7 unless a group #as misunderstood 6#at it is supposed to 2e doing.

Spread your attention 2et6een groups.

llo6 group and pair discussions to flo67 only inter&ene if asked to 2y t#e group.

"roups often need encouragement to get t#em going.

pair is more likely to stop 6ork 6#en you approac#.

hen groups are reporting +ack 

It mig#t 2e necessary for groups to report t#eir 6ork to t#e 6#ole class. T#is mig#t in&ol&e reporting a decision7 summari:ing a discussion7 or gi&ing

information a2out t#e group discussion.

If t#e groups need to report 2ack7 t#ey need to kno6 t#is at t#e start so t#at t#ey can

select someone for t#is task.

hen evaluating group >ork 


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sk students 6#at t#ey did and 6#at t#ey learned.

%# rainstorming

aF hat is +rainstormingG

/rainstorming is a 6ay to encourage creati&ity and to generate a lot of ideas &ery


+F hy use +rainstorming during teachingG

It can 2e used for sol&ing a specific pro2lem or ans6ering a )uestion To introduce a ne6 su2;ect. /rainstorm e&eryt#ing t#at t#e students already kno6

a2out t#e su2;ect. T#is is a good 6ay to arouse t#eir interest and find out 6#at t#eyalready kno6.

)uick creati&e e0ercise. Cor e0ample7 2rainstorm possi2le endings for an

unfinis#ed story.


 2= Things to remem+er >hen using +rainstorming

Decide on t#e issue you 6ant to 2rainstorm.

Corm it into a )uestion 6#ic# 6ill #a&e many possi2le ans6ers.

8rite t#e )uestion 6#ere e&eryone can see it or ask t#em t#e )uestion . Cor e0ampleA

In 6#at 6ays can 6e impro&e our classroomG

sk students to contri2ute t#eir ideas. 8rite t#e ideas 6#ere e&eryone can see t#em.

T#ese s#ould 2e single 6ords or s#ort p#rases. nd read t#em 2ack to t#e c#ildren.

Encourage e&eryone to contri2ute7 2ut do >T mo&e around t#e class in a circle7 or

force students to t#ink of an idea - t#is is likely to discourage creati&ity.

DonOt ;udge t#e ideas as you 6rite t#em do6n. nly gi&e your o6n ideas if it isnecessary to encourage students.

If a suggestion is unclear7 ask t#e person to clarify it7 or suggest a clarification and

check that they agree to it . 8rite do6n ENEBJ ne6 suggestion. ften7 t#e most creati&e or outrageous

suggestions are t#e most useful and interestingR

Stop t#e 2rainstorm 6#en ideas are running out.

5# hole Class Discussion


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aF hy use >hole class discussionsG

Discussions are also an opportunity to practice listening7 speaking in turn and ot#er

group skills 6#ic# are important for respecting ot#er peopleOs rig#ts.

In order to #a&e an open discussion7 it is important to #a&e an atmosp#ere of trustand mutual respect in t#e classroom. ne 6ay to #elp create a safe en&ironment isto #a&e students de&elop Bules for Discussion. T#is is 2est done at t#e 2eginning

of t#e sc#ool year7 6#en standards of 2e#a&ior are normally 2eing esta2lis#ed7 2ut

t#ese rules can 2e created at any time.

+F Things to remem+er >hen using >hole class discussions

sk t#e students if t#ey 6ant t#eir classroom to 2e a place 6#ere t#ey feel free to e0press

t#emsel&es and to learn t#roug# discussion 6it# eac# ot#er.

sk t#e class to t#ink of some principles for classroom discussion 6#ic# t#ey t#inke&eryone s#ould follo6. 8rite all of t#ese suggestions 6#ere e&eryone can see t#em. Joumig#t 6ant to suggest some of t#e follo6ing principles if not suggested alreadyA

Listen to t#e person 6#o is speaking

nly one person speaks at a time

Baise your #and to 2e recogni:ed if you 6ant to say somet#ing

Don5t interrupt 6#en someone is speaking

Don5t laug# 6#en some one is speaking <unless t#ey make a ;oke=

Encourage e&eryone to participate

Suggest t#at t#e class agree 2y consensus to o2ey t#e rules 6#ic# t#ey #a&e listed.

T#ey are t#en responsi2le for applying t#e rules to t#emsel&es and to ot#er mem2ers

of t#e class. If serious &iolations of t#e rules occur7 negotiate 6it# t#e students todecide 6#at s#ould 2e t#e conse)uences of rule-2reaking.

&# 3uestioning

aF hat is 2uestioningG

sking )uestions can 2e a means of gat#ering information a2out t#e students kno6ledgeand also a 6ay of stimulating #is#er t#inking. Question you ask are &ery important for

encouraging participation and analysis7 e&en 6it# &ery young c#ildren.

ll teac#ers already use )uestions e&eryday. ften7 t#ey are )uestions suc# as 6#at did I

 ;ust sayG7 6#ic# are used to control t#e class or to ridicule students. t#er )uestions6#ic# are used a lot are so-called closed )uestions. T#ey #a&e only one correct ans6er

and are used to test kno6ledge.


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+F Types of 2uestions to ask 

?ere are some e0amples of open )uestions 6#ic# you could use. T#e key point toremem2er isA 8#at do I 6ant from t#is discussionG Jes and no ans6ers7 or an open7

interesting de2ateG

Hypothetical 2uestions) 8#at 6ould you dot#ink if...G T#ese #elp students to

imagine situations and stimulate t#oug#t.

Speculating) ?o6 mig#t 6e #elp to sol&e t#is pro2lemG

8ncouraging1supportingA T#atOs interesting7 6#at #appened ne0tG T#ese dra6 out

studentsO o6n e0perience and &ie6s.

(pinion seekingA 8#at do you t#ink or feel a2out...G T#is tells students t#at t#eir

opinion is important and interesting for you.

Pro+ing) 8#y do you t#ink t#atG If asked in a non-aggressi&e 6ay7 t#is can #elp

students to t#ink deeply and ;ustifyanaly:e t#eir opinions.

Clarifying1summariingA m I rig#t to say t#at you t#ink...G Summari:ing 6#at a

student said and c#ecking if you understand. It 6ill #elp ot#er students to t#ink

6#et#er t#ey agree 6it# 6#at is 2eing said.

*dentifying agreementA Do most of us agree t#at...G T#is can pro&oke discussion

or can come at t#e end7 6#ere7 2y using a )uestion like ?a&e 6e finis#ed t#at part...G7 you can agree to mo&e on to t#e ne0t topic.

Cinally7 try to remem2er to a&oid a leading or trick )uestions suc# as is correct7

isnOt itG. T#ese discourage participation. sking too many )uestions at once or

asking am2iguous )uestions7 6#ic# are not clear cut and can cause confusion7

s#ould also 2e a&oided.

nd remem2er7 an occasional nod7 a smile or e&en ;ust sitting on t#e same le&el as

t#e class7 6ill impro&e t#e responses you getR

6# Dra>ing

aF hy use dra>ingG


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Dra6ing can 2e used in t#e classroom to de&elop o2ser&ation and cooperation skills7imagination7 creati&ity and feelings of empat#y for people in t#e pictures.

+F Things to remem+er >hen using dra>ing

#ildren if t#eir o2ser&ation is ;ust 2eing en#anced can 2e asked to ;ust dra6 an

o2;ect in front of t#em or copy a picture.

Cor encouraging creati&ity and imagination ask t#em to dra6 a com2ination of t6o

or more &aria2les.

sk t#em to descri2e somet#ing and t#e ot#er c#ild dra6s it.

If c#ildren are una2le to e0press some t#ing in 6ords <6ritten or spoken= ask t#em todra6 it

./ S#o&*#elli(

aF hy tell storiesG.

It addresses t#e needs of students 6it# different learning styles.

It pro&ides opportunity for cooperati&e learning and 2uilding social skills.

It 2uilds moti&ation for reading and 6riting and gi&e e0perience for speaking andlistening.

Effecti&ely de&elops listening skills

*oti&ates #ard to reac# students7 t#ey participate more and learn more 6#enstorytelling is in&ol&ed in t#e unit.

T#ey stretc# t#e audienceOs attention span and t#eir imagination7 teac#ing t#e

audience eti)uette and t#e important concept of kno6ing 6#en to listen )uietly and6#en to listen acti&ely 2y ;oining in.

Impro&es &oca2ulary7 6#ic# in turn impro&es site reading.

Impro&es t#eir compre#ension impro&es e&idenced 2y t#eir re-telling and

interpreting t#e story.

Becall 2asic facts7 names7 places7 and t#e order of e&ents9 summari:e t#e story7

e0plain t#e main idea 2e#ind t#e story7 or interpret t#e moral of t#e story9 predict t#eend of t#e story #a&ing #eard only t#e first #alf or 2rainstorm and pro2lem sol&e7

compare and contrast &arious c#aracters in t#e story7 apply t#e information learned in

a story to t#e creation of a ne6 story. ll t#is en#ances #ig#er t#inking skills.

"i&es c#ildren role models to follo6 6#o for e0ample may not use &iolence to sol&e

somet#ing rat#er find a non &iolent solution. De&elops empat#y7 understanding and tolerance 2y e0posing listeners to a &ariety of

situations7 in&ol&ing different e&ents7 people and places.

It gi&es c#ildren t#e material on 6#ic# to 2ases t#eir creati&ity 2y pro&iding ne6



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+F 0eading stories

8#en reading c#ildren stories use appropriate facial e0pressions #and2ody

mo&ements to accompany t#e 6ords 2eing read.

Pause and ask c#ildren )uestions of 6#at t#ey t#ink 6ill #appen ne0t7 6#y did t#ec#aracter do 6#at #es#e did.

Fse different &oices for c#aracters or t pro&ide sounds

In&ol&e t#e c#ildren to pro&ide sounds to t#e stories

sk c#ildren to repeat t#e stories

sk c#ildren to tell stories

De&elop a story 6it# t#e c#ildren t#ey7 someone 2egins a story t#en #ands it off to

t#e ne0t person 6#o adds to t#e story 2efore passing it to t#e ne0t person.... nd soon around t#e circle. T#is could 2e 6ritten do6n and re-read.

fter a story is #eard it could 2e acted out.

0/ Ri11les

aF hy tell riddlesG

It de&elops curiosity

De&elops skill of analy:ing information in t#e process of finding an ans6er 

De&elops critical t#inking

De&elops t#e a2ility to t#ink and sol&e pro2lems

+F Things to remem+er >hen telling riddlesG

/egin 6it# easy riddles tell Tell t#e riddle slo6ly and in simple 6ords so t#at c#ildren can t#ink 

Fse facial e0pressions7 #and mo&ements as you tell t#e riddle

sk t#e c#ildren to raise t#eir #ands to ans6er 

sk t#e c#ildren to decide if t#e ans6er is correct

"i&e all c#ildren a c#ance to participate

?old group competitions to decide 6#ic# group can guess most riddles

sk c#ildren to tell riddles

2/ 3oems

aF hy read poemsG

/y reciting poems c#ildren5s musical intelligence is en#anced and language is


#ildren learn to e0press t#emsel&es in a different 6ay


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#ildren5s &oca2ulary is de&eloped

#ildren5s imagination is de&eloped

Things to remem+er >hen reading poems

Bead poems 6it# a r#yt#m

Pause 2et6een &erses

Fse a clear &oice

Fse simple 6ords

*ake sure t#e c#ildren listen 6it# concentration

ttract indi&idual attention 2y in&iting c#ildren to ;oin in and looking and smiling at



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In +(!$7 /en;amin /loom #eaded a group of educational psyc#ologists 6#o de&eloped aclassification of le&els of intellectual 2e#a&ior important in learning. /loom found t#at

o&er (! U of t#e test )uestions students encounter re)uire t#em to t#ink only at t#e

lo6est possi2le le&el...t#e recall of information.

/loom identified si0 le&els 6it#in t#e cogniti&e domain7 from t#e simple recall or

recognition of facts7 as t#e lo6est le&el7 t#roug# increasingly more comple0 and a2stract

mental le&els7 to t#e #ig#est order 6#ic# is classified as e&aluation.

=no>ledge is defined as t#e remem2ering of pre&iously learned information. T#is mayin&ol&e t#e recall of a 6ide range of material7 kno6ledge of ma;or ideas7 or mastery of

su2;ect matter.

Comprehension is defined as t#e a2ility to understand information and grasp t#emeaning of material.

Application refers to t#e a2ility to use learned material in ne6 situations. T#is may

include sol&ing pro2lems t#at re)uire recogni:ing and applying appropriate ideas

Analysis refers to t#e a2ility to 2reak do6n material into components. T#is may include

identification of components7 analysis of t#e relations#ips 2et6een components.

8valuation is concerned 6it# t#e critical a2ility to ;udge t#e &alue of material7 as 6ell as

to compare and discriminate 2et6een ideas.

Create1Synthesis refers to t#e a2ility to put parts toget#er to form a uni)ue7 original

 product or to form a ne6 6#ole.

Ner2 e0amples t#at represent intellectual acti&ity on eac# le&el are listed #ere.

+.  =noledgeA arrange7 define7 duplicate7 la2el7 list7 memori:e7 name7 order7

recogni:e7 relate7 recall7 repeat7 and reproduce state.

1. 5o!prehensionA classify7 descri2e7 discuss7 e0plain7 e0press7 identify7 indicate7

locate7 recogni:e7 report7 restate7 re&ie67 select7 translate73.  ApplicationA apply7 c#oose7 demonstrate7 dramati:e7 employ7 illustrate7 interpret7

operate7 practice7 sc#edule7 sketc#7 sol&e7 use7 6rite.4.  AnalysisA analy:e7 appraise7 calculate7 categori:e7 compare7 contrast7 critici:e7

differentiate7 discriminate7 distinguis#7 e0amine7 e0periment7 )uestion7 test.


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!.  EvaluationA appraise7 argue7 assess7 attac#7 c#oose compare7 defend estimate7 ;udge7 predict7 rate7 core7 select7 support7 &alue7 e&aluate.

$.  SynthesisA arrange7 assem2le7 collect7 compose7 construct7 create7 design7 de&elop7

formulate7 manage7 organi:e7 plan7 prepare7 propose7 set up7 6rite.

Domain 8:amples of activities and 2uestions

no6ledge List all t#e c#aracters in

Bead a poem

2out*ake a c#art s#o6ing

List all t#e facts a2out

Descri2e a8#o 6as

Cind a meaning of 

Is t#is true or falseFse a dictionary to find outBead t#e follo6ing

8#at is

ompre#ension Dra6 a picture to s#o6Dra6 a cartoon to s#o6

8rite and perform a play a2out

Betell t#e story in your o6n 6ords8rite a summary report on

E0plain 6#at is meant 2y


*ake a story map of 8#y 6as

pplication )uestions onstruct a model to s#o6rgani:e a p#oto display a2out

an you apply t#is to your o6n e0perience

8rite a 2ook of information a2outut out pictures a2out

ct out #o6 to

S#o6 #o6 to

alculate #o6 muc#*ake a scrap2ook a2out


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nalysis If .#ad #appened

8#at difference 6ould it #a&e made.

?o6 areand. similar 8#at 6as t#e main t#eme in

Design a )uestionnaire to find out8rite a commercial to sell

onstruct a grap# a2out..8#at pro2lems occur 6it#

Inter&ie6 .to find out..

ompare 6it#

E&aluation 8#at criteria 6ould you use to assess

Take part in a de2ate on8#ic# is t#e most important and 6#y

8rite a letter recommending

?o6 effecti&e is

Do you 2elie&e t#at8#at are t#e ad&antages and disad&antages ofG

Synt#esis Design or in&ent a

ompose a ne6 song

reate a ne6Put an idea a2out

Design a 2etter 

In&ent a ne68rite a ne6 play7 poem or song

Imagine 6#at 6ould #appen if 


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8:ercise"oldilocks and t#e t#ree 2ears

nce upon a time t#ere 6as a little girl called "oldilocks 6#o li&ed at t#e edge of a greatforest. S#e 6as called "oldilocks 2ecause s#e #ad &ery 2eautiful curly 2lond #air 6#ic#

gleamed like gold in t#e sunlig#t.

/ut alt#oug# "oldilocks looked so pretty s#e could sometimes 2e &ery naug#ty. E&eryday as "oldilocks 6ent out to play #er mot#er 6ould remind #erA O>o6 "oldilocks7 you

may go and play in t#e meado6 2ut donOt go into t#e forest or you 6ill get lost.O

ne morning "oldilocks 2egan to get tired of playing in t#e meado6.OI kno67O said "oldilocks to #erself7 OIOll go e0ploring in t#e forest.O S#e looked 2ack at t#e

#ouse to make sure t#at #er mot#er 6asnOt 6atc#ing t#en ran off across t#e meado6 andinto t#e forest. S#e kne6 &ery 6ell t#at s#e s#ould #a&e asked 2efore going.

"oldilocks 6andered deeper and deeper into t#e forest until s#e 2ecame completely lost.

S#e felt &ery frig#tened and 6as a2out to cry 6#en s#e sa6 a strange little cottageamongst t#e trees. "oldilocks tapped on t#e door 2ut t#ere 6as no ans6er. T#en s#e

 peeped in t#roug# an open 6indo6. T#ere 6as no one at #ome so "oldilocks clim2ed

inside for a look around.

Inside t#e cottage a fire 6as 2urning 2rig#tly and a ta2le 6as laid for 2reakfast 6it# t#ree

 2o6ls of steaming porridge. It smelled delicious and "oldilocks reali:ed #o6 #ungry s#e

6as. OIOll ;ust try a little 2it to see #o6 it tastes7O s#e said. Cirst s#e tried t#e 2iggest 2o6l 2ut t#e porridge 6as too salty. T#en s#e tried t#e middle 2o6l 2ut t#e porridge 6as too

s6eet. T#en s#e tried t#e little 2o6l and t#e porridge 6as ;ust rig#t so s#e ate it all up.

 >ear t#e fire 6ere t#ree c#airs. "oldilocks 6as tired so s#e decided to sit do6n. Cirst s#etried t#e 2iggest c#air 2ut it 6as too #ig#. T#en s#e tried t#e middle c#air 2ut t#at 6as too

#ig# as 6ell. t last s#e tried t#e smallest c#air 2ut it 6as too small and 2roke to pieces.

In t#e corner of t#e room 6as a t6isty staircase so "oldilocks decided to clim2 to t#e top.S#e found a 2edroom 6it# t#ree 2eds and of course one 6as &ery 2ig7 one 6as middle

si:ed and one 6as small. S#e tried t#e 2iggest 2ed 2ut t#at 6as too #ard.

T#en s#e tried t#e middle si:ed 2ed 2ut t#at 6as too soft. T#en s#e tried t#e smallest 2ed

and t#at 6as ;ust rig#t.It 6as so comfy t#at "oldilocks fell fast asleep.

"oldilocks didnOt kno6 t#at t#e cottage 2elonged to t#ree /ears and t#ey 6ere on t#eir

6ay #ome. Cat#er /ear #ad 2een collecting 6ood for t#e fire. *ot#er /ear #ad collected

a 2asket of 2lack2erries. OI do #ope our porridge is cool enoug# to eat7O said /a2y /ear. OI6ant my 2reakfast.O


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8#en t#ey came in t#ey 6ent straig#t to t#e ta2le to eat t#eir porridge. OSome2ody #as

 2een eating my porridge7O said Cat#er /ear. OSome2ody #as 2een eating my porridge too7O

said *ot#er /ear. OSome2ody #as 2een eating my porridge and eaten it all up7O cried /a2y

/ear.T#en Cat#er /ear noticed #is c#air. O8#o #as 2een sitting in my c#airGO #e roared. O8#o

#as 2een sitting in my c#airGO said *ot#er /ear. Ond 6#o #as 2een sitting in my c#air

and 2roken it to piecesGO cried /a2y /ear.

T#e t#ree /ears 6ent upstairs. OSome2ody #as 2een lying on my 2ed7O said Cat#er /ear.

OSome2ody #as 2een lying on my 2ed7O said *ot#er /ear. OSome2ody #as 2een lying onmy 2ed7O cried /a2y /ear7 Oand t#eyOre still t#ere7 fast asleep.O


T#e t#ree /ears looked at t#e little girl. 8#at 6as s#e doing in t#eir cottageG "oldilocks6oke up 6it# a ;ump. S#e t#oug#t t#at t#e t#ree /ears 6ere part of #er dream and

 pinc#ed #erself &ery #ard7 2ut t#e /ears did not disappear. >o6 s#e 6as &ery frig#tened.S#e ;umped out of 2ed7 ran do6n t#e stairs and out t#roug# t#e door of t#e cottage. S#e

ran and ran7 not stopping for 2reat# until s#e reac#ed #er o6n #ouse 6it# #er mot#er6aiting at t#e doorstep. S#e ne&er 6ent e0ploring in t#e forest again.


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8#y #as t#e story of "oldilocks 2een told to c#ildren for

many7 many yearsG

nalysis – t#e

comparison and

contrast of t#econtent to personale0perience

ompare "oldilocks to any friend.

Do you kno6 any animals <pets= t#at act #umanG

8#en did "oldilocks lea&e #er real 6orld for fantasyG ?o6 do

you kno6G

Synt#esis – t#e

organi:ation of

t#oug#ts7 ideas andinformation from t#e


List t#e e&ents of t#e story in se)uence.

Point out t#e importance of time se)uence 6ords 2y askingA 8#at

#appened after "oldilocks ate t#e /a2y /earOs porridgeG 8#at

#appened 2efore "oldilocks 6ent into t#e forestG 8#at is t#e firstt#ing s#e did 6#en s#e 6ent into t#e #ouseG

Dra6 a cartoon or stories a2out 2ears. Do t#ey all act like#umansG

Do you kno6 any ot#er stories a2out little girls or 2oys 6#oescaped from dangerG

*ake a puppet out of one of t#e c#aracters. Fsing t#e puppet7 act

out #is#er part in t#e story.


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hat is a learning disa+ilityG

+. ?a&e difficulties 6it# academic ac#ie&ement and progress.

1. Discrepancies e0ist 2et6een a personOs potential for learning and 6#at #e actually

learns.3. T#e learning disa2led s#o6 an une&en pattern of de&elopment <language

de&elopment7 p#ysical de&elopment7 academic de&elopment andor perceptual

de&elopment=.4. Learning pro2lems are not due to en&ironmental disad&antage.

!. Learning pro2lems are not due to mental retardation or emotional distur2ance.

hat causes learning disa+ilitiesG

+. Some c#ildren de&elop and mature at a slo6er rate t#an ot#ers in t#e same age group.

s a result7 t#ey may not 2e a2le to do t#e e0pected sc#ool 6ork. T#is kind oflearning disa2ility is called maturational lag.

1. Some c#ildren 6it# normal &ision and #earing may misinterpret e&eryday sig#ts and

sounds 2ecause of some une0plained disorder of t#e ner&ous system.3. In;uries 2efore 2irt# or in early c#ild#ood pro2a2ly account for some later learning


4. #ildren 2orn prematurely and c#ildren 6#o #ad medical pro2lems soon after 2irt#sometimes #a&e learning disa2ilities.

!. Learning disa2ilities tend to run in families7 so some learning disa2ilities may 2e


$. Learning disa2ilities are more common in 2oys t#an girls7 possi2ly 2ecause 2oys tendto mature more slo6ly.

%. Some learning disa2ilities appear to 2e linked to t#e irregular spelling7 pronunciation7

and structure of t#e Englis# language.

Areas affected +y learning disa+ilities

Learning disa2ilities typically affect fi&e general areasA

+. Spoken languageA delays7 disorders7 and de&iations in listening and speaking.

1. 8ritten languageA difficulties 6it# reading7 6riting and spelling.

3. rit#meticA difficulty in performing arit#metic operations or in understanding 2asic concepts.

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4. BeasoningA difficulty in organi:ing and integrating t#oug#ts.!. *emoryA difficulty in remem2ering information and instructions.

Common Learning Disa+ilities

+. Dysle:iaA Difficulty 6it# reading

1. DystrophicA Difficulty 6it# #and6riting

3. Dyscalculia) Difficulty 6it# mat#4. ADD1ADHD - ttention Deficit ?yperacti&ity DisorderA Difficulty 6it# attention

!. Dysphasia) Difficulty 6it# motor skills

hat types of difficulties should * look for in my classroomG

Preschool 8lementary School Adolescence and Adulthood

Does the child have difficulty <delayed


Learning t#e alp#a2etG

B#yming 6ordsG

onnecting spoken sounds 6it# lettersG

ounting and learning num2ersG

/eing understood 6#en #e or s#e speaks to astrangerG

Fsing scissors7 crayons7 and paintsG

Beacting too muc# or too little to touc#G

Fsing 6ords or7 later7 stringing 6ords toget#er

into p#rasesG

Pronouncing 6ordsG

8alking for6ard or up and do6n stairsG

Bemem2ering t#e names of colorsG

Dressing #im- or #erself 6it#out assistance

Does the child have difficulty

Beading accuratelyG

Learning ne6 &oca2ularyG

Speaking in full sentencesG

Fnderstanding t#e rules of con&ersationG

Betelling storiesG

Bemem2ering ne6ly learned informationG

Playing 6it# peersG

*o&ing from one acti&ity to anot#erG

E0pressing t#oug#ts &er2ally or in 6ritingG

?olding a pencilG

8riting letters and numerals 2y #andG

omputing mat# pro2lems at #is or #er gradele&elG

Collo6ing directionsG

Bemem2ering routinesG

Learning ne6 skillsG

Does the individual have difficulty

Bemem2ering ne6ly learned informationG

Staying organi:edG

Fnderstanding 6#at #e or s#e readsG

"etting along 6it# peers or co6orkersG

Fnderstanding ;okes t#at are su2tle or sarcast

*aking appropriate remarksG

E0pressing t#oug#ts &er2ally or in 6ritingG

Collo6ing directionsG

Fsing 2asic skills <suc# as reading7 6riting7spelling7 and mat#=G

Fsing proper grammar in spoken or 6rittencommunicationG

Bemem2ering and sticking to deadlines


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Fnderstanding 6#at #e or s#e reads7

Succeeding in one or more su2;ect areasG

Dra6ing or copying s#apesG

Fnderstanding 6#at information presented inclass is important7

*odulating &oice <may speak to loudly or in amonotone=G

eeping materials neat and assignmentsorgani:edG

Bemem2ering and sticking to deadlinesG

Fnderstanding #o6 to play age-appropriategamesG

0emedial *nstructions

Letter 0eversals

+. Tracing 6it# finger in t#e air

1. Fsing 6ater 2rus#es <painting 6it# clear 6ater= to 6rite letters &ery large on t#ec#alk2oard.

3. Fsing side6alk c#alk to 6rite letters &ery large on t#e floor

4. 8#en t#e c#ild 6rites on t#e c#alk2oard7 #a&e #im erase #is letters 2y tracing

t#em in t#e same motor pattern as #e 6rote t#em. T#e erasing lea&es a negati&es#ape on t#e 2oard and t#en trace t#at 6it# 6riting finger.

!. 8rite t#e letter or num2er practiced on unlined paper 6it# #is eyes closed.

$. cti&ities 6#ic# in&ol&e t#e student7 using multi-sensory teac#ing met#ods7 usingmore of t#e c#ild5s senses7 especially t#e use of touc# and mo&ement <kinetic=.

T#is 6ill gi&e t#e c#ild5s 2rain tactile and kinetic memories to #ang on to7 as 6ell

as t#e &isual and auditory ones.

%. Letters causing confusion suc# as 2d m6 p) s#ould 2e introduced separatelyone at a time 2efore presenting t#em toget#er 

Confusion over left 1right

+. La2el t#e #and t#e c#ild 6rites 6it# a 6atc#7 2and1. olor side of paper7 desk or 6ord as a starting point


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Define t#e appropriate 2e#a&ior 6#ile gi&ing praise.

"i&e praise immediately follo6ing t#e appropriate 2e#a&ior.

/e sincere 6it# praise and &ary your p#rasing.

Ignore some inappropriate 2e#a&ior7 especially 6#en it is unintentional or is meant to

gain attention 2ut isn5t disrupting t#e classroom or ot#ers. Fse 2e#a&ioral prompts to remind students of e0pectationsA &isual cues7 #and

gestures7 mo&ing closer to t#e student.

Fse indi&idual 2e#a&ior contracts7 tangi2le re6ards to reinforce appropriate

 2e#a&ior7 or token economy systems for moti&ation.

Seating arrangements and instructional tools

Seat t#e c#ild near you or a student role model.

Fse egg timers to signal t#e start and end of a lesson and #o6 muc# time remains9use interim prompts.

Fse classroom lig#ts or music to #elp control t#e noise le&el in t#e room. Lig#ts canalso 2e used to signal t#e transition to t#e ne0t lesson.


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In order to ensure t#at teac#ers plan t#eir 6ork in suc# a 6ay so as to de&elop c#ildren5s

interest in t#eir studies and ac#ie&e t#eir teac#ing o2;ects7 t#ey need to &ery carefully plan t#eir 6ork. ne of t#e effecti&e 6ays to plan teac#ing is t#roug# preparing lesson


E0perience s#o6s t#at effecti&e lesson planning re)uires careful consideration of t#e

follo6ing )uestionsA

8#at are su2;ect o2;ecti&esG

8#at are t#e lesson o2;ecti&esG

8#ic# life skills and social norms are to 2e en#ancedG

8#ic# intelligences are to 2e used en#ancedG

8#at teac#ing materials are re)uiredG

8#ic# senses to use for en#anced learningG

8#ic# teac#ing tec#ni)ues are to 2e usedG

?o6 6ill +,,U participation of c#ildren 2e ensuredG

ppreciation of de&elopmental stages of c#ildren

?o6 6ill you assess t#e students learning

8#at #ome 6ork needs to 2e gi&enG

8#at kind of appreciation is to 2e used for c#ildren5s effortsG

aF Su+,ect (+,ectives 

teac#er must 2e clear a2out t#e lesson o2;ecti&es during teac#ing and in t#e process ofdesigning teac#ing acti&ities. Cor e0ample some of t#e su2;ect o2;ects to keep in mind


Teac#ing Englis# and Frdu for t#e purpose of teac#ing a language so t#at c#ildren

can master it and 2e a2le to effecti&ely use it for communication.

*at#ematics is used to teac# logic and precision in communication

In science c#ildren are taug#t #o6 to t#ink scientifically and identify and esta2lis#

cause and effect relations#ips7 and t#us generate ne6 kno6ledge


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Islamiat is taug#t for strengt#ening t#e understanding of t#e teac#ings of Islam andsocial norms.

+F Multiple intelligences

Besearc# #as s#o6n t#at eac# person is a uni)ue indi&idual and #as an indi&idual

learning style. Cor e0ample some c#ildren prefer to 6ork in groups7 ot#ers like to 6orkindependently. T#erefore teac#ers must design a com2ination of acti&ities to address

indi&idual learning styles using t#e t#eory of multiple intelligences.

cF Teaching Material

During teac#ing it is important to use t#e teac#ing material 6#ic# is easily a&aila2le and

of lo6 cost. Cor e0ample 6e can use some old card to prepare flas# cards rat#er t#an 2uyne6 ones7 6e can use 2ody parts to teac# for e0ample t#e alp#a2et7 use stones2uttons

and fingers to count .

dF "-- participation of children

n indication of good teac#ing is t#e participation of all c#ildren in classroom acti&ities.

Cor e0ample if group 6ork or role play is 2eing done t#en opportunity s#ould 2e gi&en

for all to participate7 all c#ildren s#ould 2e asked )uestions or encouraged to )uestion


eFBse of & senses

 ?umans learn t#roug# o2ser&ation and o2ser&ation is possi2le t#roug# t#e use of !

senses7 touc#7 see7 smell7 #ear7 taste. Teac#ers s#ould ensure t#at a ma0imum of t#ese

senses are used during teac#ing. Fsing senses is a &ery good 6ay of teac#ing somet#ingin a clear 6ay and )uick 6ay. Cor e0ample if you 6ant to tell someone a2out sc#ool and

#e gets t#e opportunity to use #is sense of seeing t#en #e 6ill get first #and information.

fF Childrens developmental stages 

It is important for a teac#er to nurture t#e c#ild5s de&elopment7 p#ysical7 social7 emotion

and mental. Cor t#is it is important to #a&e kno6ledge of t#e c#ildren5s de&elopmental

stages. Cor e0ample 6#en designing acti&ities for a ! year old c#ild it is important t#att#e acti&ity is not longer t#an +, minutes since t#e c#ild may not 2e a2le to concentrate

 2eyond t#is time. If )uestion are asked t#ey s#ould 2e &ery simple and related to #omeand sc#ool en&ironment. In case of a story it s#ould 2e understanda2le 2y t#e c#ildren.

gF Appreciation


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n important principle to remem2er is t#e c#ild5s appreciation for #is#er efforts so t#at#es#e can continue to impro&e and openly e0press #imself. ontinues appreciation can

sa&e teac#ers from gi&ing se&ere punis#ments and instills long lasting confidence.

Structure of Lesson Plans


Work out the objectives of the

lesson. The objectives must bein sequence

Lesson objective according to theauthor of the text books

Life skill objectives


etermine the duration of 

activities!ndividual activit" should not be more than 1# to 1$


Total activit" duration excluding intra%ersonal activities

should not be more than &$ to '$ minutes





)ritical thinking


Start the activities

*ith the objective

of the %age +cha%ter 

Take the child

through ,LL the $Life skills

-reak do*n the objective of 

the %age + cha%ter into tasksor out%uts

.bjectives to be insequence/ text book

objectives to %recede other objectives

esign activities0









esign activities to transfer 

the objective of the lesson 3contents

evelo% stories *ith

characters from the lessonor common in the children





ole Pla"s


5rou% *ork





evelo% stories from ke"

*ords + activities of the


evelo% role %la"s from

the stories

!nsert questions and

instructionsin stories to

enhance life skills



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ST(PS 6. L(SS.7 PL,77!75

1Write the title of lesson %lans

!n most of the cases0 the title of thelesson of the cha%ter0 *ill be the title

of the lesson %lans

2Write the objective of the lesson

ead the *hole cha%ter to get the

gist of the lesson0 and its central


Write all su%%lementar" skills 3 lifeskills


!ntroductor" activities

The %ur%ose of this activit" is to relax the students and%re%are them for %ositive learning

)ommon activit" could be asking the children ho*the" s%ent the last da" and then a%%reciate them for their contribution

(nsure that ever" da" different children are focused sothat the entire class gets a chance to %artici%ate in the


$ )heck the home *ork 0 and a%%rec iate ever" one of  

them for some good things in the home *ork

The home *ork should be checked b" the teacher0

ho* ever some students could also be asked to checkthe home *ork of their fello* students

8Pick out some %icture from the cha%ter and talk about


)ommon questions could be9 :*hat0 *here0 *h"0 ho*0

*hen; do "ou see in the %icture/ close "our e"es and

narrate *hat "ou sa*/ relate the %icture to the conce%tof the cha%ter 

< !dentif" teaching aids required for the lesson

!n most cases the material in the text books0 *ith thechildren0 around the school environment0 and asking

questions *ould be the best aids

= etermination of number of lessons for the cha%ter 

To determine the number of lesson %lans for a

cha%ter0 *e need to kee% in mind that one teachingactivit" must not be of more than &$ to '# minutes0

The duration of an activit" not be more than 1#


6ocus on attaining the objectives of the lesson %lans

evelo% life skills through series of guiding questionsbuilt in the activit" designed to transfer the conce%t of 

the lesson

> T o des ign the ac tiv it ies for the les son


Student assessment

Student assessment must be done9 Test kno*ledge0com%rehension0 a%%lication0 anal"sis0 evaluation0


11?ome *ork

?ome *ork must be designed to reinforce0 increase

re%etition0 and %rovide a %ractical link to the contents

taught in the book

 ,dd activities of dra*ing0 role %la"s0 in the activit ies for 

 jo"ful learning

Write do*n the kee% conce%ts in the

lesson to finali@e the lesson


2 a

Write do*n all the intelligences that

need to be %romoted2 b

Write do*n all a%%ro%riate teachingtechniques relevant to the cha%ter +

sub conce%ts&

Write do*n all a%%ro%riate teachingtechniques relevant to the cha%ter +

sub conce%ts'

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Su+,ect ) Mathematics Level) Primary !rades

Lesson No) + Topic) ;ractions

Duration) 3, minutes 

Teaching (+,ectives)

+. Fnderstand and recogni:e t#e concept of #alf 

1. 2le to 6rite t#e 6ord #alf 

3. 2le to use t#e concept of #alf in daily life

4. Becogni:e t#e concept of 6#ole

Joca+ulary) #alf7 t6o e)ual #al&es7 di&ide7 6#ole

Social norms) greetings7 s#aring7 asking for permission 2efore using ot#ers t#ings7


Life Skills) ritical t#inking7 acti&e listening7 analysis7 gi&ing and recei&ing feed2ack 

Multiple *ntelligences) logical mat#ematical

Teaching material) paper strips cut into circle

Teaching *nstructions)

Start t#e lesson slamu-alaikam 6elcoming t#e classActivity "

sk t#e c#ildrenA

+. 8#o likes to listen to storiesG

1. 8#o reads stories to you at #omeG

3. Tell t#e c#ildrenA today I 6ill read you a &ery interesting story a2out t6o 2oys 6#o

are &ery good friends7 and t#en 2egin t#e story.

2dulla#e and 2dull Be#man 6ere &ery good friends. T#ey 6ere 2ot# in class one.

T#ey 2ot# #elped eac# ot#er at sc#ool and at #ome. lt#oug# t#ey 6ere &ery good

friends t#ey ne&er took eac# ot#ers t#ings 6it#out asking

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Stop for a moment and ask t#e c#ildrenA

+. S#ould 6e ask for permission to take and use eac# ot#ers t#ingsG

1. 8#y s#ould 6e askG

3. Let t#e c#ildren gi&e t#eir opinions. T#en continue 6it# t#e story.

one day 2dulla#5s mot#er ga&e 2dulla# an apple to take to sc#ool for lunc#.

2dulla# t#anked #is mot#er and #appily put it in #is 2ag. ?e 6#ispered to #imself I

6ill s#are my apple 6it# my friend 2dul Be#man and t#en left for sc#ool saying

good2ye to #is mot#er. During lunc# time 2dulla# took t#e apple from #is 2ag and

re)uested 2dul Be#man to cut it. /ut 2dul Be#man reminded #im t#at t#ey must 6as#

it first.

Stop for a moment and ask t#e c#ildrenA

+. 8#y s#ould 6e 6as# fruits 2efore eating t#emG

1. llo6 t#e c#ildren to gi&e t#eir suggestions and t#en continue t#e story.

?a&ing failed to find some t#ing to cut t#e apple 6it# 2dulla# 6ent to #is teac#er for

#elp. *r. amran7 2dulla#5s mat#ematics teac#er 6as #appy to #elp #im. ?e cleaned a

small knife 2efore cutting t#e apple into t6o e)ual #al&es. 2dulla# t#anked *r.

amran and ;oined #is friend to gi&e #im #is #alf of t#e apple. /ot# sat on t#e 2enc# and

eac# en;oyed eating #alf of t#e apple

fter finis#ing t#e story ask t#e c#ildrenA

+. ?o6 many #al&es did t#e teac#er cut t#e apple into <e0pected ans6er- 1=

1. 8ere 2ot# parts e)ual or not e)ual <e0pected ans6er - e)ual=

3. 8#at part 6as one piece of t#e 6#ole apple <e0pected ans6er - #alf=

4. Let t#e c#ildren gi&e suggestions and t#en reinforce 2y saying t#at A

8#en some t#ing is di&ided into t6o e)ual parts t#en7 eac# part is #alf of t#e 6#ole



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Activity $

+. Dra6 a picture of a s)uare on t#e 2lack 2oard. T#is dra6ing must 2e 6it#in t#e

#and reac# of t#e c#ild.

1. Touc#ing t#e s)uare ask t#e c#ildren9

3. I 6ould like to take #alf of t#is s)uareG ?o6 can do t#isG 8#at s#all I doG

4. Let t#e c#ildren t#ink and gi&e t#eir opinionsans6ers

sk t#e c#ildrenA

+. 8#o 6ill cut t#is s)uare into #alf using a c#alkG

1. let a c#ild come to t#e 2lack 2oard and di&ide t#e s#ape into t6o e)ual #al&es 2ydra6ing a line in t#e middle of t#e s#ape

sk t#e c#ildrenA

+. 6#ic# part is #alf of t#is s)uare <t#e c#ild gi&es t#e ans6er 2y touc#ing t#e #alf


1. ask t#e c#ild to color t#e #alf part of t#e s)uare

3. appreciate t#e c#ild for #is#er efforts

4. >o6 put your finger on t#e ot#er #alf of t#e s)uare and ask t#e c#ildrenA

!. 6#at part is t#is of t#e 6#ole s)uare7 <e0pected ans6er – #alf=

 >o6 s#o6 c#ildren s#ape of a rectangle made from paper and asksA

+. 8#o 6ill fold t#is s#ape into #alf 

1. llo6 a c#ild to come for6ard and fold t#e s#ape into #alf

3. T#en unfold it 7 and use a pencil to #ig#lig#t t#e fold mark 6it# a pencil <t#e

teac#er may #elp if c#ildren #a&e any pro2lems=

4. sk t#e remaining c#ildren to pay attention and t#en askA

!. ?o6 many parts #a&e 6e di&ided t#is rectangle into <e0pected ans6er - 1=

$. re t#ese parts e)ual <e0pected ans6er- yes=

%. Put your finger onto one #alf of t#e s#ape and ask t#e c#ildrenA


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'. 8#at part is t#is of t#e 6#ole s#ape <e0pected ans6er - #alf=

(. Put you finger on t#e ot#er #alf and askA

+,. 8#at part is t#is of t#e 6#ole s#ape <e0pected ans6er - #alf=

Activity %

+. Di&ide t#e c#ildren into groups

1. Distri2ute different groups s#apes suc# as a s)uare7 rectangle and circle

3. Tell t#e c#ildren to

4. Cold t#ese s#apes into #alf and t#en color one #alf

!. llo6 t#e c#ildren to fold t#e paper into t6o e)ual #al&es and colour one #alf7guiding t#em t#roug# )uestions if t#ey #a&e pro2lem

$. nce c#ildren complete t#eir 6ork askA

%. 8#o 6ill come to t#e front of t#e class and s#o6 us 6#at t#ey #a&e done

'. all a mem2er from eac# group one at a time to s#o6 and e0plain 6#at t#ey #a&e

done -after eac# group mem2er finis#es ask t#e group t#e follo6ing )uestions

(. ?o6 many parts #a&e you di&ided t#e s#ape into <e0pected ans6er - 1 =

+,. re t#ese parts 2ot# e)ual

++. 8#ic# part is #alf7 <c#ildren point to t#e colored part=

+1. >o6 point to t#e uncolored #alf and ask

+3. 8#ic# part is t#is of t#e 6#ole s#ape < c#ildren 6ill ans6er – #alf =

+4. ?o6 do you say t#at t#is is #alf 

+!. ?o6 many #alf parts are t#ere of t#e 6#ole s#ape <e0pected ans6er- 1=

+$. ?o6 many #al&es do 6e need to make t#is 6#ole s#ape <e0pected ans6er – t6o=

+%. Tell c#ildren t#at 6e call one complete t#ing a 6#ole and in one 6#ole t#ing t#ere

are t6o #al&es7 ;ust like in t#is s#ape.

+'. Bepeat t#is 6it# t#e remaining groups

sk t#e c#ildren

+. 8#o 6ill come to t#e 2oard and 6rite t#e 6ord #alf 


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1. Select a c#ild to come to t#e 2oard and 6rite t#e 6ord #alf7 in case of mistakes

correct t#e c#ildren after t#ey #a&e made an attempt

3. 8rite t#e 6ord #alf on t#e 2lack 2oard and ask t#e c#ildren to copy t#is into t#eir

e0ercise copies. Ensure t#at all c#ildren complete t#is


sk t#e c#ildrenA

+. an 6e di&ide a c#apatiroti into #alfG ?o6G

1. Point to t#e 2lack2oard and askA

3. #o6 many #al&es can 6e di&ide t#is 6#ole 2lack 2oard into

 Home >ork

+. Identify and learn t#e names of any fi&e t#ings from #ome 6#ic# can 2e di&ided into


Lesson plans of Science


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T#e t6o lesson plans gi&en 2elo6 are designed from t#e PS En&ironmental Studies

ourse 2ook <Sa&e our eart#=7 Topic Li&ing and >on-li&ing t#ings

Class) "rade.1TopicA Li&ing and non-li&ing t#ings

Teaching (+,ectives)•  To ena2le c#ildren to differentiate 2et6een li&ing and non-li&ing t#ings on t#e

 2asis of t#eir gro6t# and mo&ement – teac#ing classification7 synt#esis7 and


. Life skills< social norms and)

• ommunication skills - o2ser&ation7 acti&e listening

• Information gat#ering skills

• ritical t#inking skills

• reati&ity

• Empat#y

. *ntelligences used 1 enhanced

• Linguistic intelligence7 interpersonal intelligence7 2odilykinest#etic intelligence

Teac#ing V learning material usedA• ll t#e li&ing and non-li&ing t#ings a&aila2le in classroom and sc#ool7 for

e0ample flo6er pot7 2utterfly7 nts7 c#ildren7 stones7 slates7 c#air7 ta2le7 c#alk

• Science 2ook "rade.1


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Lesson No#"

*nitial steps of the lesson) "- minutes

!reetings)"reet c#ildren and ask t#em #o6 are t#ey. Let c#ildren say fine sir and t#ank you. Let

c#ildren greet you as 6ell. Jou s#ould reply 6it# t#ankssk t#em7 Do you greet 6#en you go #ome7 or meet elders or your friendsG <Let

c#ildren tell you if t#ey do and #o6 t#ey do=.

Tell t#em t#at 6#ene&er t#ey come to sc#ool7 t#ey s#ould greet t#eir fello6s7 t#eir

teac#ers7 and like 6ise7 at #ome7 t#ey s#ould greet t#eir family mem2ers7 friends andelders.

sk c#ildren

•  Do you like village life or city life? Why? 2children give their opinions 2this is

linking with the previous topic3• an you tell me 6#ic# t#ings did you see today on t#e 6ay to sc#oolG

<Let c#ildren one 2y one tell a2out different t#ings t#ey sa6 in t#e morning=

 >o6 6rite t#e topic Li&ing and non-li&ing t#ings on t#e 2oard and ask c#ildren

• an you guess 6#at s#all 6e talk a2out today in t#is periodG <let c#ildren guess

and tell one 2y one. Try to in&ol&e most c#ildren in gi&ing t#eir opinions=

T#en tell t#em t#at today 6e s#all talk and discuss li&ing and non-li&ing t#ings.

Teaching activities)

Activity No#" Lets make groups of things "& minutes

sk c#ildren to go outside t#e classroom7 find out a small stone and an ant. sk t#em tokeep t#ese t#ings on a slate or on a note2ook and 2ring t#em to t#e classroom <ask t#em

to #andle t#e ant carefully. Jou may ask c#ildren7 6#y t#e >T s#ould 2e #andled

carefully. Let c#ildren gi&e ans6ers=fter t#ey come 2ack7 ask t#em to o2ser&e t#ese t6o t#ings carefully and note 6#at

#appens. <"i&e t#em time to o2ser&e t#e t6o t#ings kept on t#e slate or note2ook=

 >o6 ask t#em

• an you tell me 6#at is t#e >T and ST>E doingG <let t#em ans6er=

sk t#em to pick t#e >T carefully and place it on anot#er place>o6 ask t#em

• Is t#e >T still t#ere 6#ere you #ad placed itG <Let c#ildren ans6er t#at no7 t#e

>T is mo&ing from one place to anot#er=

 >o6 ask t#em to pick t#e stone and place it on anot#er placesk t#em


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• Is t#e stone still t#ere or mo&ingG 8#at do you t#ink 6#y it does not mo&eG <Letc#ildren ans6er one 2y one=

• re t#e >T and ST>E alike or differentG If you say t#ey are alike7 #o6 do you

say t#isG If you say t#ey are different7 #o6 do you say t#isG <let c#ildren raise

t#eir #ands and ans6er turn 2y turn=• an you tell me 6#ic# is a li&ing t#ing and 6#ic# one is non-li&ing t#ingG nd

6#yG <let c#ildren tell you a2out t#is and also gi&e reasons 6#y t#ey say so=

• 8#y a ST>E could 2e called a non-li&ing t#ingG <let c#ildren reply turn 2y

turn. "i&e c#ance to ma0imum c#ildren to say somet#ing=

• an you name some ot#er li&ing and non-li&ing t#ings you #a&e seenG <letc#ildren gi&e names of suc# t#ings as li&ing and non-li&ing=

ESummarie +y saying that things that move are living and things that do not

move are non.livingF

Activity No#$ !rouping living and things "- minutes

Preparation for the activity)

Di&ide c#ildren into suita2le num2er of groups – fi&e to si0 students in a group. skc#ildren to go out in groups and find t#ree li&ing and t#ree non-li&ing t#ings. "i&e t#em !


fter eac# group #as 2roug#t 2ack t#e material7 ask t#em to s#o6 t#eir material to t#e

6#ole class turn 2y turn and e0plain 6#ic# is li&ing and 6#ic# is non-li&ing and gi&e

reason 6#y t#ey say so.

 >oteA c#ildren may put t#e plant in a pot in t#e non-li&ing group. If so7 you may ask t#em

t#e follo6ing )uestions

• an you tell me 6#y you #a&e put t#e plant in non-li&ing groupG <after t#e grouptells you7 ask ot#er groups 6#at is t#eir opinion7 is t#e plant a li&ing t#ing or a

non-li&ing t#ing. sk t#em to gi&e reason 6#y do t#ey say so=

• an a plant gro6G

• an it 2ear flo6ers and fruitsG

• an ot#er non-li&ing t#ings gro6G 8#y t#ey don5tG <let c#ildren respond=

• 8ould it 2e correct if 6e put t#e plant in t#e non-li&ing t#ings groupsG <elicit

ans6ers from different c#ildren=

• an you tell me 6#ic# ot#er tasks li&ing t#ings can do 6#ic# non-li&ing t#ings

can5t doG <let c#ildren gi&e t#eir ans6ers7 for e0ample 2reat#ing7 feeding7reproduction7 or any ot#er c#aracteristics o2ser&ed in li&ing t#ings=

• re you and I a li&ing t#ing or non-li&ing t#ingG 8#yG <let c#ildren ans6er=


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sk t#e groups to discuss ot#er li&ing and non-li&ing t#ings t#ey #a&e seen in t#eclassroom7 in t#e sc#ool7 at #ome and in t#eir &illage. "roups 6ould discuss7 and t#en

raise t#eir #ands and tell t#e class turn 2y turn.

Activity No#% 0ole play "- minutes

*ake pairs of c#ildren. sk pairs to t#ink of one li&ing and one non-li&ing t#ing and

discuss t#eir )ualities 6it# eac# ot#er.

8#en c#ildren #a&e done so7 ask pairs to come in front of t#e class turn 2y turn7 act t#e

role play of one li&ing and one non-li&ing t#ing and let t#e class tell t#eir names.

Activity No#5 Lets play a game "- minutes

Tell c#ildren t#at no6 6e are going to play an interesting gameA


*ake t#e c#ildren sit in a circle. "i&e t#e follo6ing instructions to c#ildren. I5ll call out some names and say W a 2ird flies57 W a cat flies57 W a stone flies57 W a pencil

flies57 etc. you5ll #a&e to stand up if t#e names I #a&e called are t#at of a li&ing t#ing and

6ill keep sitting on #earing t#e name of a non-li&ing t#ing. T#e c#ild 6#o does not makea mistake 6ill 2e t#e 6inner and 6ill 2e placed out of t#e group. T#ose 6#o make

mistakes 6ill keep playing t#e game.

Play t#e game according to t#e a2o&e instructions. lap for t#e 6inning c#ildc#ildren.


sk c#ildren

•  >ame some li&ing t#ingsG t#er t#an 6#at #as 2een discussed in t#e class

•  >ame some non-li&ing t#ingsG t#er t#an 6#at #as 2een discussed in t#e class

• Is a pencil li&ing or non-li&ing t#ingG ?o6 do you say soG

• ?o6 are a 2utterfly and a cup different from eac# ot#erG

• re you a li&ing t#ingG ?o6 do you say t#at you are a li&ing t#ingG



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Lesson No#$

*nitial steps of the lesson) & minutes

"reet c#ildren and ask t#em #o6 are t#ey. Let c#ildren say fine sir and t#ank you. Letc#ildren greet you as 6ell. Jou s#ould reply 6it# t#anks.

Teaching activities)

Activity No#" talking a+out pictures EScience +ook page "$F "& minutes

Tell c#ildren t#at 6e s#all no6 talk a2out t#e pictures gi&en in Science 2ook. sk t#em

to open t#eir Science 2ooks to page num2er +1. *ake t#em read t#e title of t#e lessonLi&ing and non-li&ing t#ings.

*ake pairs of c#ildren. sk pairs to look at t#e picture gi&en on page no. +1 and discuss6it# t#eir fello6s7 6#at t#ey see in t#e picture and 6#at t#e t#ings in t#e picture are


fter 1-3 minutes 6#en c#ildren talked a2out t#e picture7 ask t#em t#e follo6ing


• an you tell me 6#at do you see in t#e picture and 6#at are t#ey doingG <letdifferent pairs discuss t#e t#ings in t#e picture and 6#at t#ey are doing=

• an you guess 6#y t#ese t#ings are collected #ereG Crom 6#ere t#ey 6ould #a&e

comeG <let c#ildren gi&e t#eir opinions a2out different t#ings and from 6#ere

t#ey 6ould #a&e come or 6#ere t#ey 6ould 2e going7 etc=

• an you name t#e li&ing t#ings in t#e pictureG <#ildren 6ill o2ser&e and gi&e

you t#e names of t#e li&ing t#ings. Take different names from different c#ildren=

• ?o6 do you say t#at t#ey are li&ing t#ingsG <#ildren gi&e reason 6#y do t#eysay so=

• an you name t#e non-li&ing t#ings gi&en in t#e pictureG <#ildren name t#e

non-li&ing t#ings=.

• ?o6 do you say t#at t#ese are non-li&ing t#ingsG

• Look at t#e 2oat mo&ing in t#e sea. Is t#e 2oat in t#e sea a li&ing t#ing or a non-

li&ing t#ingG ?o6 do you say soG <Let different c#ildren gi&e t#eir ans6ers.

Illicit ans6ers of t#is )uestions from many c#ildren=• 8#at is t#e difference 2et6een t#e palm tree and t#e trunk of t#e tree fallen on t#e

groundG <#ildren gi&e t#e difference= ask7 8#ic# one is li&ing and 6#ic# one

is non-li&ingG nd 6#yG

• If you 6ere t#e 2ird 6#ere 6ould you like to goG nd 6#yG

• 8#ic# of t#e t#ing in t#e picture do you like mostG


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