Download - 12th newsletter - Cremation is growing

  • The Growth of Cremation

    It is interesting to read on a number of platforms about

    the growth of cremation in the United States and it

    leads us to wonder why this method of disposal is more

    popular in some areas than others. Here in the UK,

    cremation is pretty standard and numbers of

    cremations first exceeded those for burials back in

    1968. Nowadays the UK cremation rate is around 70%

    of all disposals, compared with below 45% in the US.

    There are obvious reasons in some cases for high or low

    cremation rates. In Sikh, Hindu and Buddhist countries,

    cremation rates will be very high. Orthodox Jews and

    Muslims are strictly prohibited from practicing

    cremation and it is discouraged in some Christian

    churches as well, so we see a geographical picture of

    high and low rates in some regions which are largely

    explained by religious expectations.

    However, in a more secular world or where religious

    views are less prescriptive, these differences are driven

    by other reasons. Culturally, we are most likely to be

    influenced by funerals we have seen (even just on TV)

    and the traditional scene of mourners gathered around

    a coffin and an open grave is a subconscious norm that

    we used to expect, but cremation is now infiltrating this

    expectation. There is also a relatively new interest in

    keeping ashes or scattering them somewhere significant

    rather than visiting a grave possibly located far from


    Practical considerations may be a factor as well.

    Cremations is generally cheaper than burial. Areas with

    plenty of space can have burials at a higher rate

    whereas city graveyards are often now full. Cremation

    is also becoming a greener option than it was, with

    increasingly strict rules on emissions and innovations

    such as energy and carbon capture.

    We have ever more choice but we also have ever more

    reasons for choosing and for increasing numbers of

    people, cremation is the choice they make.

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