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Readers of this column are

probably familiar with magic

squares. Take, say, the con-

secutive whole numbers from 1 to 16

and arrange them in a four-by-four ar-

ray so that every row, every column and

the two diagonals all add up to the same

total. If you succeed, you’ve made a

magic square of order 4, and the com-

mon total is called its magic constant. If

you do the same with the numbers 1 to

25 in a five-by-five array, you’ve created

a magic square of order 5, and so on.

Magic squares are a favorite topic of

recreational mathematics, and it always

seems possible to put a fresh spin on the

concept. What is much harder, though,

is to make a new contribution to the ba-

sic mathematics of the subject. Just such

a contribution was published in 1998 by

Kathleen Ollerenshaw and David S. Brée

in a wonderful book with the slightly

forbidding title Most-Perfect Pandiago-nal Magic Squares: Their Constructionand Enumeration. (The publisher is the

Institute of Mathematics and Its Appli-

cations, Southend-on-Sea, England.)

The book presents the first significant

partial solution of one of the biggest un-

solved problems in the subject: to count

how many magic squares there are of

any given order. The main result is a for-

mula for the number of so-called most-

perfect squares, a special subset of mag-

ic squares with particularly remarkable

properties. In case this sounds like an

easy problem, it is worth pointing out

that the number of such squares of order

12 is more than 22 billion. The number

for order 36 is roughly 2.7 × 1044. Obvi-

ously, you can’t count these squares by

writing them out individually.

Ollerenshaw and Brée tackled the

problem using an area of mathematics

known as combinatorics, which is the

art of counting things “by the back

door”—that is, without listing them. A

noteworthy feature of the research is

that neither author is a typical mathe-

matician. Ollerenshaw, who is 87, spent

much of her professional life as a high-

level administrator for several English

universities. Brée has held university po-

sitions in business studies, psychology

and, most recently, artificial intelligence.

For mathematical purposes, it is con-

venient to build a magic square of order

n from the integers 0, 1, 2, . . . , n2 – 1,

and both the book and this column em-

ploy that convention. Traditional magic

squares, however, do not include 0; in-

stead they use the integers 1, 2, 3, . . . ,

n2. There is no essential difference be-

tween the two conventions—if you add

1 to every entry in a mathematician’s

magic square, you get a traditional

square, and conversely if you subtract 1

from every entry in a traditional magic

square, you get a mathematician’s

square. The only thing that changes is

the square’s magic constant, which is

increased or diminished by n.

There is a single magic square of or-

der 1, namely, the number 0 standing

alone. There is no magic square of or-

der 2 (the only order that never occurs),

because the conditions force all four en-

tries to be equal. There are eight magic

squares of order 3, but they are all rota-

tions or reflections of just one square

with a magic constant of 12:

A rotation or a reflection of a magic

square remains magic, so all magic

squares of order 3 are essentially the

same. There are lots of different magic

squares of order 4, however, and the

number explodes as the order increases.

No exact formula is known.

One way to make progress is to im-

pose further conditions on the magic

squares. For our purposes, the most nat-

ural such condition is that the square

should be pandiagonal—all the square’s

Mathematical Recreations122 Scientific American November 1999

Most-Perfect Magic Squares

M AT H E M AT I C A L R E C R E AT I O N Sby Ian Stewart

MAGIC SQUARE of order 12 is most-perfect because the numbers in any

two-by-two block (black squares) add up to the same total: 286.

64 92 81 94 48 77 67 63 50 61 83 78

31 99 14 97 47 114 28 128 45 130 12 113

24 132 41 134 8 117 27 103 10 101 43 118

23 107 6 105 39 122 20 136 37 138 4 121

16 140 33 142 0 125 19 111 2 109 35 126

75 55 58 53 91 70 72 84 89 86 56 69

76 80 93 82 60 65 79 51 62 49 95 66

115 15 98 13 131 30 112 44 129 46 96 29

116 40 133 42 100 25 119 11 102 9 135 26

123 7 106 5 139 22 120 36 137 38 104 21

124 32 141 34 108 17 127 3 110 1 143 18

71 59 54 57 87 74 68 88 85 90 52 73

1 8 3

6 4 2

5 0 7












Copyright 1999 Scientific American, Inc.

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“broken diagonals” must also sum to

the magic constant. (Broken diagonals

wrap around from one edge of the

square to the opposite edge.) An exam-

ple of a pandiagonal magic square with

a magic constant of 30 is:

Examples of the broken diagonals

here are 11 + 8 + 4 + 7 and 11 + 14 + 4

+ 1, both of which do indeed add up to

30. The order 3 square is not pandiago-

nal: for example, 8 + 2 + 5 = 15, not 12.

In fact, a magic square cannot be pandi-

agonal unless its order is doubly even—

that is, a multiple of 4.

Most-perfect squares are even more re-

stricted. As well as being magic and pan-

diagonal, they also have the property

that any two-by-two block of adjacent

entries sum to the same total, namely,

2n2 – 2, where n is the order. (It can also

be shown that any magic square with

this two-by-two property is necessarily

pandiagonal.) The order 4 square shown

above is most-perfect—for example, the

entries in the two-by-two block consist-

ing of 0, 11, 14 and 5 add up to 30. Note

that we include two-by-two blocks that

wrap around from one edge of the square

to the opposite edge, such as the block

consisting of 3, 4, 14 and 9. More ambi-

tiously, the order 12 square shown on the

opposite page is also most-perfect.

The key to Ollerenshaw and Brée’s

counting method is a connection be-

tween most-perfect squares and “re-

versible squares.” To explain what these

are, we need some terminology. A se-

quence of integers has reverse similarity

if, when the sequence is reversed and the

corresponding numbers are added, the

totals are all the same. For example, the

sequence 1, 4, 2, 7, 5, 8 has reverse sim-

ilarity, because its reversal is 8, 5, 7, 2,

4, 1 and the sums of the corresponding

numbers—1 + 8, 4 + 5, 2 + 7, 7 + 2, 5 +

4 and 8 + 1—are all equal to 9.

A reversible square of order n is an n-

by-n array formed by the integers 0, 1,

2, . . . , n2 – 1 with the following proper-

ties: every row and column have reverse

similarity, and in any rectangular array

of integers from the square, the sums of

entries in opposite corners are equal.

For instance, the four-by-four array of

the integers 0 to 15 in ascending order is

reversible, as shown below. In the third

row, for example, 8 + 11 = 9 + 10 = 19.

The same pattern holds for all other

rows and all columns. Moreover, equa-

tions such as 5 + 11 = 7 + 9 and 1 + 15 =

3 + 13 verify the second condition:

Reversible squares are generally not

magic, but Ollerenshaw and Brée prove

that every reversible square of doubly

even order can be changed to a most-

perfect magic square by a specific proce-

dure and that every most-perfect magic

square can be produced in this manner.

We show the procedure on the order 4

reversible square above. First, reverse the

right-hand half of each row:

Reverse the bottom half of each column:

Now break up the square into two-by-

two blocks. Move the four entries in

each block as shown below:

That is, the top left entry stays fixed,

the top right moves diagonally two

squares, the bottom left moves two

spaces to the right, and the bottom right

moves two spaces down. If any number

falls off the edge of the four-by-four

square, wrap the edges around the

square to find where it should go. (This

particular method works only for order

4 squares. For the general case of order

n, there is a similar recipe expressed by a

mathematical formula.) The result here

is a most-perfect magic square:

The transformation process sets up a

one-to-one correspondence between

most-perfect magic squares and re-

versible squares of doubly even order.

Therefore, you can count the number of

most-perfect magic squares by counting

the number of reversible squares of the

same order. At first sight, this change in

the nature of the problem doesn’t seem

to get you very far, but it turns out that

reversible squares have several nice fea-

tures that make it possible to count them.

In particular, reversible squares fall

into classes. Within each class, all mem-

bers are related to one another by a vari-

ety of transformations, such as rotations,

reflections and a few more complicated

maneuvers. To construct all members

of such a class, it is enough to construct

one of them and then routinely apply

the transformations. Furthermore, each

class contains precisely one “principal”

square. Finally, the size of each class is

the same. The number of essentially dif-

ferent squares in each class is precisely

2n–2((n/2)!)2, where the exclamation

point indicates a factorial. (For exam-

ple, 6! = 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 720.)

It thus remains only to count how

many principal reversible squares there

are of a given order and to multiply that

number by the above formula. The re-

sult will be the number of essentially dif-

ferent most-perfect magic squares of that

order. It turns out that the number of

principal reversible squares can itself be

given as a formula, though a rather com-

plex one. The discovery of this formula,

and its proof, leads deeper into combina-

torics, so I’ll stop here, except to say that

for the doubly even orders n = 4, 8, 12

and 16, the numbers of different most-

perfect magic squares are 48, 368,640,

2.22953 × 1010 and 9.322433 × 1014.

Mathematical Recreations Scientific American November 1999 123


0 11 6 13

14 5 8 3

9 2 15 4

7 12 1 10

0 1 2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15

0 1 3 2

4 5 7 6

8 9 11 10

12 13 15 14

0 1 3 2

4 5 7 6

12 13 15 14

8 9 11 10

0 14 3 13

7 9 4 10

12 2 15 1

11 5 8 6

Copyright 1999 Scientific American, Inc.