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Page 2: 12 Tips for Movie Making on a Shoestring Budget

Viewers will excuse a low-budget look if the story is good enough. If yer story lacks character development or slacks off in the 2nd Act, rewrite, rewrite, rewrite.

You need a strong goal, an even-stronger dilemma and characters willing to pursue that goal to the ends of the SCREENPLAY earth.

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Choose your location wisely. You want to make sure the SETTING suits the STORY. (And provides a dramatic element.) Also, proximity to other locations is

important. If your locations are too spread out, you'll spend money and time on travel. (And remember: exteriors can get very time-consuming.)

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Good lighting can take you much further than a fancy camera can, so don't let the bulk of your cost be CAMERA rental. (Not to metion a fancy camera will get you nowhere without great actors and locations to film.) DSLR footage will be fine if

your DP knows what he/she is doing. (Or you could always buy a camera and sell it when you're done to recoup your expenses. )

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There are instances where it's best to steer away from friend-help, but MUSIC ain’tone of them. Music rights are expensive, so if you or your friends can record a

score, do it. Also, consider using unsigned bands—they’ll be CHEAPER. (They might even KNOW some distribution folks who can help get your film some much-

needed exposure.)

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Poor audio will lower your film's production VALUE faster than anything else. (Save a vampire baseball game.) If the audience can't HEAR what's going on, you

have nothing. Pay your sound recordist well and make sure your locations will lead to quality audio. (And that may mean a decent mic or two.)

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As tempting as it may be to cast your best friend, don't do it. (Unless yer best friend is James Franco. ) You need your TALENT to be talented, and nothing screams

"low budget" like a cast of rookie actors. Have a casting session, advertise at local theaters or acting schools, and make sure you find the BEST PEOPLE to play your beloved characters. Many will work for little pay to get experience under their belt.

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If you need to skimp a little on the crew make sure you at least have these ESSENTIALS: Cinematographer, location audio, grip, makeup, and a production

assistant. These are VITAL. And unless you absolutely cannot and they’re still willing to work, pay them!

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A happy crew is a fed crew, but be smart when it comes to your food choices. Order in bulk, plan ahead, and if you must, cook! Individual meals will be PRICEY and

you can only eat pizza and subs so many days in a row. Order in bulk and whip out an apron if you have to.

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Make sure you have enough resources to FINISH before you get started. There will be unforeseen COSTS. If you're organized, you won't waste time. Time is money!

And organization will make your set feel polished and professional. (Don’t forget to account for post-production costs like transportation to/from FESTIVALS and

festival fees too. )

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If you're not yet a master of social media, learn to be! There's no better way to GAIN a following for little money than through social media. Use it to fundraise,

advertise, and get eyes on your finished product. And don't forget your film's website and your production company's website!

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Take advantage of every connection you've made, or location you have access to, but don't be afraid to spend MONEY either. Your friends and family may want to

help, but make sure every OFFER you take is one that’ll benefit the finished product. But be prepared to say NO where it matters.

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Do whatever you can to make your set feel like the set of a big budget film. You need your cast and crew to believe in your PROJECT in order to get quality work out of them. Keep it professional, organized, and like the FILM you're working on

is destined for Festival-Gold, even in the hardest moments.

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