Download - 115/10/2015 Geoffrey Crisp, University of Adelaide Kristine Elliott, University of Melbourne Garry Hoban, University of Wollongong Michael Nott, RMIT Will.



Geoffrey Crisp, University of Adelaide Kristine Elliott, University of MelbourneGarry Hoban, University of Wollongong

Michael Nott, RMITWill Rifkin (Louise Lutz-Mann), UNSW, Sydney

Do online activities inspire students in the science disciplines?

Engaging students in learning science with online activities:

Affordances and limitations

19/04/23 2

Your opinions?

Interactive Physics

Interactive Chemistry

Second Life Biology

04/19/23 6

Will Rifkin

The bottom line is – what is the future for Web 2.0 / new media assignments in content-heavy areas like science?

What is possible pedagogically? What is possible organisationally? What is possible in terms of publishing student work?

Geoff Crisp

There is so many resources we could be using – why aren’t we using them?

Why are Science educators so conservative in their teaching?

Why aren’t we using the inverted curriculum approach, or the 10 Big Questions, or setting meaningful tasks for our students to undertake?