Download - 11 FIRST STREET GILROY, CA 95020 … · 2016-08-15 · La Carta a los Hebreos hoy canta un himno de alabanza a ... veces nos




PASTORAL TEAM/EQUIPO PASTORAL Rev. Robert Brocato, Pastor ~ [email protected] Rev. Jose Rubio, Parochial Vicar ~ [email protected] Rev. Generoso Geronimo ~ [email protected] Rev. Mr. Pat Allen, Deacon ~ [email protected] Rose Barry, Pastoral Associate ~ [email protected] Hilda Porcella, Pastoral Associate ~ [email protected]

Pamela Greteman, School Principal ~ [email protected] David Cox, Social Concerns Debbie Pelliccione, Office Manager Rebeca Aldaz, Administrative Assistant ~ [email protected]


Tuesday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM Saturday, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

OFFICE ADDRESSES & TELEPHONES * Parish Office: 408.847.5151 Fax:408.847.4851 11 First St. * Parish School: 408.842.2827 Fax:408.847.7679 7900 Church St. * Catechetical Ministry Office: 408.847.2652 7950 Church St. * St. Joseph’s Family Center: 408.842.6662 7950 Church St.

A WARM WELCOME TO ALL WHO WORSHIP WITH US Thank you for joining us in prayer and sacrament.

Whether you are long-time residents or newly arrived in the Parish, if you are not registered, please complete the information below and place it in the offertory basket or mail it to the Parish Office.

Name: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: ( ) ________________________ Last Name Husband Wife

Address _____________________________ City _________________ Zip ________ Email: ______________________________ New Parishioner Moving (please remove from parish directory) No Sunday Offertory Envelopes at this time New Phone Number New Address Please send Sunday Offertory envelopes


WEEKEND MASSES/MISAS DE FIN DE SEMANA Saturday/Sábado: 8:30 AM (English) 5:00 PM (Vigil, English) 7:00 PM (Vigil, Español) Sunday/Domingo: 7:00 AM (English) 9:00 AM (Español) 11:00 AM (English) 1:00 PM (Español) 5:00 PM (English) 7:00 PM (Español)


MARRIAGE * MATRIMONIO Bride & Groom must begin preparation with the priest a minimum of six months prior to intended date of marriage. Los novios deben comunicarse con el padre por lo menos con seis meses de anticipación a la fecha de su celebración.

RECONCILIATION * CONFESIONES Saturday 4:00-4:45 PM or by appointment. Sábados de 4:00 a 4:45 PM ó entre semana con previa cita.

August 7, 2016

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ARISE.......It is coming.....Come and encounter Christ,

Deepen your faith, meet new friends!!! MORE TO COME

OUR FATHER IN FAITH The Letter to the Hebrews today sings a hymn of praise to Abraham and to his faith, upon which are founded the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Abraham is called "father" in faith by more people on earth than anybody else, numerous as the sands of the seashore or the stars of the heavens. Hebrews tells us it was this foundational faith that led Abraham to obey God's call when he heard it, though he was called to journey to a land he did not know and told he would father a mighty race through a marriage he thought was barren. But Abraham's faith, the author of Hebrews tells us, was his realization of what he hoped for, and the evidence of what he could not see. How often are we, in simple daily events of our own Christian vocation, called to an unfamiliar place or told we are to do something we do not believe we can? How fortunate we are to have Father Abraham as our guide and example! Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Last week's "Treasure" noted that the official headgear of the pope, the tiara, has been set aside in favor of the miter. Although Pope Paul VI had a coronation in 1963 to begin his ministry as pope, he later gave his tiara away to the Catholics of the United States as a stimulus to end poverty. He took care to say that he was not abolishing the tradition of coronation, but his successor, Pope John Paul I, decided to have an inauguration to begin his tragically short term. His successors have chosen inauguration as well. Pope John Paul II felt that a return to the coronation custom would be inappropriate since the Church was mourning the sudden death of a man already nicknamed "The Laughing Pope." So the end of coronations came about not because Paul VI gave the crown away. There are more than twenty tiaras on hand at the Vatican. One is used every year to crown the famous statue of St. Peter, whose sandaled foot has been eroded to a bright shine by the hands of millions of pilgrims. Today, it is left to the individual pope to decide whether he will begin his formal reign with a coronation or an inauguration. Pope Benedict chose an inauguration, as did Pope Francis. --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.

BAD MEMORY The recollection of an injury is . . . a rusty arrow and poison for the soul. --St. Francis of Paola

JULY 31, 2016 Goal $ 22,500 Actual $ 17,237

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Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2016

Hebrews 12:1-4 Luke 12:49-53

♦ Give at least the first hour of your weekly salary to God in the offertory.

♦ Ask for God’s guidance in deciding on whatever amount. Stick to it.

♦ Set up automatic checking directly from your bank to St. Mary (it’s free).

♦ Come to Mass with your offering already prepared in an envelope (or use a symbolic, empty envelope with automatic checking).


Open every Sunday from: 8:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m.

MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND Married Couples: Would you like to relive the excitement, romance and passion from your honeymoon? Rekindle that spark on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is November 11-13, 2016 at Vallambrosa Center, Menlo Park. For more information visit our website at: or contact Ken & Claranne at [email protected] or call 408.782.1413.

Decimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario ~ 7 de Agosto, 2016

NUESTRO PADRE EN LA FE La Carta a los Hebreos hoy canta un himno de alabanza a Abraham y a su fe, sobre la cual se fundan la religión judía, la cristiana y la mahometana. Abraham es llamado "padre" de la fe por más personas en el mundo que cualquier otro; numerosas como la arena de la playa o las estrellas del cielo. La Carta a los Hebreos nos dice que esta fe firme lo impulsó a obedecer el llamado de Dios cuando lo envió a buscar una tierra desconocida y le dijo que sería padre de una raza poderosa, aunque consideraba su matrimonio infecundo. Pero la fe de Abraham, nos dice el autor de la Carta a los Hebreos, le permitía poseer lo que esperaba y conocer lo que no podía ver. ¿Cuántas veces nos vemos en simples sucesos cotidianos de nuestra vocación cristiana llamados a un sitio desconocido o enviados a hacer algo que no creemos poder hacer? ¡Qué afortunados somos por tener a nuestro padre Abraham como nuestro guía y ejemplo! Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Hace casi 2000 años, Jesús declaró que "los zorros tienen guaridas, y las aves del cielo sus nidos; pero el Hijo del hombre no tiene donde reclinar la cabeza". Lamentablemente en las calles y callejones del mundo este dicho se realiza diariamente en tantos abandonados por la sociedad que viven sin techo ni hogar. Por los años de 1940 el santo jesuita, Alberto Hurtado de Chile quiso darle al Hijo del hombre un lugar donde reclinar su cabeza recogiendo a los niños y a los adultos indigentes. Su ejemplo llamó la atención de otros cristianos que se unieron a sus esfuerzos y así en 1944 fundaron la asociación benéfica "Hogar de Cristo". Este hogar se dedica aun todavía a acoger, educar y rehabilitar a los necesitados dándoles las herramientas necesarias para poder depender de si mismos. También vela por sus almas dándoles una formación total de cuerpo, alma y espíritu. En fin, el Hogar de Cristo se dedica a difundir la realidad de los pobres por medio de nuestro llamado bautismal a la responsabilidad que tenemos en darle al Hijo de hombre un lugar para reclinar su cabeza. --Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.

MALA MEMORIA Recordar una injuria es . . . una flecha oxidada y veneno para el alma. --San Francisco de Paola

NO SE DEJEN ENGAÑAR Que no los perturbe el clamor de este mundo, que pasa como una sombra. No dejen que los falsos los deleiten de un mundo mentiroso que lo engañe. --Santa Clara

Vigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Agosto 14, 2016 LA TIENDITA

Saint Ladies

LEVANTATE.......llegara a nuestra Parroquia.....Ven a encontrarte con Cristo, Profundiza Tu Fe!!! MAS INFORMACION POR VENIR

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 7, 2016

LITURGY 408.847.5151 OR [email protected]

I serve on our parish RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) team and I want to share the joy and excitement of this process with you. Our Catechism of the Catholic Church says: “In catechesis … “It is Christ alone who teaches — anyone else teaches to the extent that he is Christ’s spokesman, enabling Christ to teach with his lips.” (427) The Catechism goes on to say that whoever is called “to teach Christ” must first know Christ. Sometimes we Catholics are a little squeamish about this language: do you know Jesus Christ? Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Yet, that’s what fueled and fired the early church, even to a willingness to be killed for the faith. I challenge any modern-day Catholic to look in our hearts—would we die for what we profess and believe? It was this fire of faith that attracted people to the early church. The early church grew into a major religion because people were on fire with their faith and their love of Christ changed the way they lived. This is what we want to invite our inquirers into; this is what Christ is calling you to.

One way to help teach Christ is to become a Mass Buddy for an inquirer. This means being introduced to someone who is exploring our faith and sitting with them at Mass. You are there to answer questions and offer moral support. You may expand the relationship beyond that or just let sharing Mass be the whole deal. Mass is our greatest teacher, but if you don’t know your way around the Mass, it’s easy to be distracted by trying to figure out what’s going on and whether to sit or stand. A Mass Buddy helps ease the confusion and potential discomfort. Becoming a Mass Buddy is also a way to help us become a welcoming, friendly Catholic family.

Young Adults

(6940 Chestnut St.) Next Gathering:

Friday, September 2nd at 6:30pm

All Young Adults are Welcome!

JOURNEY Middle School

MinistryWe're switching it up this sum-mer! JOURNEY Middle School Ministry will not meet dur-ing their regular 2nd and 4th Wednesdays throughout the summer. Instead, students will meet on scheduled days for dif-ferent social and ministry activi-ties (who wants to go camping on a Wednesday, anyway?). Look for the calendar posted around the church!

Confirmation Year 1 and Year 2 Register your child for our Confirmation program! Applications for the 2016-2017 year are available now. Please pick up an application at the

Parish Office.

WOMEN IN BLACK If you ever drive by the parish on Friday, you may notice the women standing on the corner of Monterey and First. They hold signs about peace and opposing war. This is our local chapter of the international Women in Black movement. Founded by mothers in Palestine who have lost children to war, the movement has spread throughout the world. These women stand in silent vigil, praying for an end to war. You are welcome to join, any Friday at 5:00pm.

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 7, 2016 ST. MARY SCHOOL OFFICE: 408.842.2827 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION:


It is AUGUST!!!! Have you registered your children for Faith Formation Classes?? Even though they have celebrated their First Eucharist, they need

Soooooo much more time to grow in their relationship with Jesus!!! Our Catechetical Year will begin on Sunday, September 18th and Monday, September 19th! Registration forms are available in the Religious Education Office and also the Parish Office. Come in this week and register your child!!! We want to be sure we order enough books for this year. We look forward to having your children return!! Please call our office for further information. Our number is 408.847.2652.

PART 5 (Last one!) Peace Be With You..... How can we cultivate peace with our children at home?? "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." -Mt.5:9 It can be a challenge to raise our children with an attitude of peace. Here is the fifth of five simple ways to cultivate an attitude of peace in our families: Express gratitude for those moments when you felt peace and for those moments when you brought peace to others. By practicing these simple things, we can bring a sense of peace to our busy lives. We continue to pray for peace, not only in our homes, but also in our world… Blessed are the families who create peace at home.



1. In the midst of a busy life it may be possible to lose sight of our relationship with God. We are to live so that God’s presence in our family, parish and community does not go unnoticed.

2. If we focus on people, not things, is it easier to be aware of God’s presence in our day-to-day exchanges?

3. As adults one of our roles is to assist young people in naming the many ways they encounter God. Through prayer, teaching, and reflection we can assist them in deepening their relationship with God.

ST. MARY SCHOOL — GREAT THINGS HAPPEN HERE Giving your child a foundation that stands the test of time…A

Catholic School Education

St. Mary School does not unlawfully discriminate on the basic of race, color, national and ethnic origin, age, gender or disability in the admission of students, the

administration of educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

FINGERPRINTING & SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING REMINDERS All parents, grandparents, guardians or anyone who will have regular contact with children will be asked to complete the fingerprint process through the Diocese of San Jose. Come by the School Office to make an appointment for fingerprinting. It can be done at the local Sheriff’s Office in San Martin or a convenient location in the San Jose area. All parents, grandparents, guardians or anyone who will have regular contact with children will also be asked to complete the Diocesan mandated Safe Environment Training Course. This 1 ½ hour on-line course must be completed with a certificate turned into the School Office and is valid for three years. All parents and volunteers must renew/receive their safe environment training by logging onto Please call the School Office if you have any questions regarding these requirements.

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 7, 2016 PRAYERS FOR THE SICK

OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS We offer our prayers for the ill from our community.

Please keep them in your prayers.

Ofrecemos nuestras oraciones por los enfermos de nuestra comunidad. Por favor mantengan a estas personas en sus oraciones diarias.

MASSES FOR THE WEEK An offering to the work of the Parish has been made in memory of, or on behalf of, these persons who are hereby included in the special prayers of our community at our daily Masses this week.

Mon 08 7:15am Bert Berry † 12:10pm Manuel Perez (Health) Oscar Perez (Health)

Tues 09 7:15am Chris Bolton (B) † 12:10pm Cenobia F. Gutierrez

Wed 10 7:15am Rick Lemos † 12:10pm Ly Nguyen (A) † Lay Nguyen (A) †

Thu 11 7:15am John E. Green † 12:10pm Benancio Victrino †

Fri 12 7:15am Josephine DiMarino † 12:10pm Art Arellano (B) †

Sat 13 8:30am Carmen Carranza † Hijinia Carranza † Hugh McCarry † Mary McCarry †

(A) A



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† The Priests of the Parish celebrate Sunday Eucharist for the intentions of all the Parish. Please pray for the ill of the Parish and for the recently deceased.

What is RCIA all about??? The Catechumenate Process (the formal name) is a process of prayer, learning, and discovery. It is a

gathering of adults who are asking questions about God and faith. It is an opportunity to enrich one's spiritual life by becoming a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church. If you are in need of the three Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist), there will be an Information Night on Monday, August 22nd at 7:00pm in the Common Room of St. Francis Center on Church St. Please call Barbara in the Religious Education Office at 408.847.2652 for more information.