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Page 1: 10K Social Media Recruiting FormulaSocial...People talk too much about their religious or political beliefs. Unless that’s your target market – and we’ll talk about that –

Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

10K Social Media

Recruiting Formula

Module 1 Profile Positioning and Branding

By Jessica Higdon

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Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

10K Social Media Recruiting Formula Module 1 – Profile Positioning and Branding

Hello everybody and welcome to Module 1 of the 10K Social Medial Recruiting Formula. This is Jessica Higdon, and I am very excited about this module and this topic because I think it is often very overlooked, and it is so much more important than people give it credit for. And that is, your positioning and your branding on social media, and really just in your life and everything that you do, the way that you prospect people – this is so, so important. It’s one of my favorite topics to talk about because I thought that branding, profile positioning, that was just some fancy schmancy word for a logo. I didn’t ever think it was really that important until I started to realize how credible people actually thought I was on social media, but in my own life I really didn’t feel that way. Does that make sense? So, if you don’t know anything about me –which I assume after watching some videos and purchasing this course you do – but if you don’t, the way that I built my business was from taking my credibility and putting it onto social media. And so I created a six-figure model there, and I’ve helped many, many people on my team do that, as well. And in my own life I felt like I was extremely young, I was 21 years old, nobody gave me any credit for anything, nobody cared about my business experience or anything because I didn’t have any, and so nobody was really super-duper excited about joining my business in my warm market. I know none of you can relate to that, right? You all have thousands upon thousands of people in your warm market, I’m sure. That was a joke. But I personally didn’t. So I had to go to social media to kind of figure out how I was going to start going through the numbers and building this business, and what I realized is it’s just such a cool medium that you can use, and there is absolutely no excuse – absolutely none – to not build a business today with all of the technology and things that are available. You know, 30 years ago they didn’t have Facebook. They didn’t have LinkedIn. They didn’t have Twitter. They didn’t have Google+. Now we have all these things that you can use to leverage your credibility and build a huge brand and huge business. So again, super excited about this. I just wanted to give you guys some background on me and why I feel this is one of the most important topics that you can possibly learn with this formula. And it’s very important because when you start reaching out to people, the very first thing that they’re going to do before you even attempt to have a conversation with them and recruit them into your business – the first thing they’re going to do is look at your profile, so make sure you’re ready. So today’s module is all about being ready and making this happen. So let’s get started.

Page 3: 10K Social Media Recruiting FormulaSocial...People talk too much about their religious or political beliefs. Unless that’s your target market – and we’ll talk about that –

Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Does Branding REALLY Matter? I know that’s a question on some people’s mind, like, “Oh, God, Jess, is this really important?” Well, let’s talk about that. Again, I was a broke college student with zero credibility offline, but I was like superwoman online, and I’m going to teach you guys how to be the same, as well. And at the end of this module I’m going to give you some homework so you can prepare for the next one and really just dive into a 30-day challenge with me and start seeing some massive results with your business. So let me ask you this question. Who would you rather talk to? This person? This person? This person? Just look at their profiles for a minute – and I’m going to explain this later on – but who would you rather talk to? These people or these people? Who do you think has more credibility? I’ll go back. Them or them? Now, they could literally have the same amount of experience, the same amount of courses under their belt, the same amount of training - they can literally have the exact same. But who looks more credible? Well, it’s obviously these four people right here, and of course I had to include myself and Ray, because if I didn’t that would be weird, right? So, this is very important again. I’ll stress it again. We’re going to talk about how you can create something where people look at you and say, “Hey, you know what? I think I’d like to work her.” It’s all about creating curiosity. Work with her or him, right? It’s all about creating curiosity, and I’m going to teach you some strategies to make that happen, and then at the end of this we’re going to do some reviews of people’s timelines and people’s profiles, and I’m going to show you what I like. So, what we’re going to cover today is:

The biggest mistakes most people make on their social media profiles.

How to brand yourself as a credible professional. Because remember, the first thing people are going to do is go look at your profile and see, “Hmm, is this someone I want to talk to? Is this someone I want to work with? Can this person help me get where I want to go?”

We’re going to talk about posting for profit. We’re going to talk about posts and different things you can do to earn yourself a profit and create that curiosity I was talking about so people ask you about your business.

I’m going to get into some profile reviews that I like.

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Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Biggest Mistakes People Make Let’s talk about mistakes. I know none of you have ever done these things, but for me these were things that I was doing constantly, but nobody ever told me that they were wrong. So let’s go over those.


First of all, your banner. Is it company branded instead of YOU branded? Huge thing there. Most people think that if they brand a company, that’s actually better than branding themselves. And I’ll show you an example of how this can work, but for the most part – especially if you’re brand new to social medial or prospecting on social media, and especially if you don’t have a downline yet – you want to brand YOU, not a company. And we’re going to talk about how to do that. But that’s very important. And I know that we all believe that we’re going to be with our company for 30, 40, 50 years from now and forever, right? But let’s be honest. Things happen. Companies go out of business. Other things pop into our lives that we never expected, and so you never know. But if you have a brand that’s YOU, people know YOU – that’s very important and that lasts forever. Because no matter where you go, there you are, right? So, make sure that’s a big distinction. I know that’s a big question people had. I would be writing these down.

People talk too much about their religious or political beliefs. Unless that’s your target market – and we’ll talk about that – stay away from this category for the most part. It’s okay to spew it out a couple times, but I see people doing this way, way too much. And guess what? You could be turning off somebody. Even if you disagree with their beliefs, you could be turning off somebody that will turn around and put 100 people into somebody else’s business because of what you said. So stay away from that.

They don’t have a banner. It’s just something that you don’t want to do. It’s not super-duper important, but it is at the same time because if you don’t have a banner, your page looks weak, your profile looks weak, and people really don’t know who you are. And with this religious and political stuff, this is for your banner - posting major photos of religious things or political things – and it’s also for your posts. And we’re going to talk about that because it’s super important. You should definitely have some type of banner if you want people to be attracted to you. It’s the biggest thing they see. It’s the biggest opportunity to market yourself. And again, we’ll talk about that.

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Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Profile Picture Now here’s some big mistakes people make with their profile picture:

It’s unclear. You can’t see yourself. It’s dark. You want your profile picture to be flashing that “This is me. Hey, I’m here and this is what I’m all about.”

What I see a lot of people do – and this is a lot – I’m sure there are some people on here on this webinar – I won’t call you out – but it’s not a picture of you. It’s a picture of your pets, of your kids, of scenery, etc. While that seems like it would be a good idea, it’s actually not because people will be looking – when your sending messages, people are going to be looking at your profile picture. That’s the first thing they see, so they want to know what you look like.

Are you happy? Are you a sad person? Are you depressed? I see a lot of people not smile in their pictures. That’s a big deal too. You need to be smiling. I don’t care if you’re an unhappy person all the time. If you want to recruit people, guess what? You better smile in those pictures. Smile however you can because people want to work with people that are happy and up to something. So make sure you’re smiling in your picture.

By the way, if you have a picture of you and your kids and you can tell that it’s you or you holding your dog or whatever and you can clearly see who you are, that’s great. What I mean by this is when you just have people – your kids or something like that – and you’re not even in the picture. That’s not a good idea and you want to change that right away. So that’s a huge mistake I see people make.

About Section How about your About section? A lot of people think that this is not that important. Your About section is extremely important because that’s the second thing that people are going to look at. I know – and we’ll get into this in Module 2 – but I know that when I’m looking to work with someone or see if they’re the right fit for my business, the number one thing I do is I look at their profile. I see what’s going on there. Number two thing that I do is I look at their About section. I see what they’ve got going on. What are their websites? What’s their e-mail? Do they have that in there? And we’ll talk about that. Why would I want to engage with you? That’s what you should have in here, and we'll provide some examples.

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Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

No contact information? – Huge mistake. How are people going to get a hold you? Through your messages on Facebook? Well, yeah, but half the time it goes into the other folder. And in these modules we’re going to talk about how you can actually combat that so that more people are seeing your messages. Huge, huge thing there because I know it’s a big issue for people when they’re trying to talk to people and it keeps going in their Other folder. If you don’t know what the Other folder is, we’re going to talk about that in Module 2, but make sure in your About section you’re providing contact information.

Pitch, pitch, pitch. All they do is pitch. Big, big mistake. I’ve harped on this over and over again. I’ve harped on this so many times, but I still see people doing this constantly. I don’t understand why people think it’s okay to constantly be pitching your business, but I want you to ask yourself a question. Would you sign up with you? Would that annoy you what you’re doing on your profile? Now maybe it’s not you; maybe it’s somebody in your downline or whatever, but you need to tell them to stop because it’s ruining our industry. This right here is making people have a terrible outlook on our industry of network marketing. And it’s sad because we have the best thing in the world. But if you don’t provide value first, people are going to think that you’re a scam. They’re going to think you’re a spammer, a scammer – all the “s” words, right? I won’t get into all the “s” words, but that’s a big no-no I see people do.

Their personal profile isn’t connected to their Fan Page. If you don’t have a Fan

Page, don’t worry. We’re going to talk about that, but if you do and it’s not connected to your personal profile under your Work At section, that’s not good. We’re going to talk about that, as well.


Another thing people overlook. Are you constantly partying? Do you constantly have alcohol in your hand? Now, if you’re trying to attract college students, maybe you like the photos of partying and that’s fine. I know that Ray and I have a lot of photos of us having fun, but if you’re constantly partying with alcohol and there’s nothing where you’re showing that you’re a serious business person, that’s an issue.

If you don’t have any photos of you attending events – another big issue. You want to attend as many events as you can so you can take pictures with the people there. And we’re going to talk about this later, but this is huge for your branding. Big, big one right here.

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Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

You need to attend events. Number one, events are good to attend anyway; they’ll skyrocket your business. If you don’t and you’re somebody who thinks, “Oh, I don’t need to attend events,” then you’re seriously mistaken. Seriously mistaken. So, you want to make sure that you’re attending events. But the best part about the events is you get to post that all over your page. You get to post all over your profile and your Facebook about how much fun you had, the amazing people you met, different things they had going on, and you can take that value and put it on your page as your own. You know, things that you learn – you can take that and post about that. Big, big deal; write that down.

No photos with the team – huge mistake.

No pictures of you, just photos of Google images. I see this a lot too. I don’t know what's up there – if you’re self-conscious or whatever – but people want to know you. So, if you’re constantly posting Google images of inspirational quotes, that’s great, but if you have hardly any photos of you, people are going to wonder if your profile is even real. That’s the first thing they’re thinking when they see you reach out to them is, “Are you real?”

No professional photos. Now, if you’re brand, brand new - and I’m not saying

that you need to go out and spend $5,000 on professional photos, but you should have something that looks decent. And we'll talk about that.


You’re spammy. And I think that’s pretty self-explanatory. You’re not sticking to a simple rule that I follow, and we’re going to talk about that later, so I’m not going to get into now, but just don’t be spammy. Don’t constantly post about, “Join my business at here.”

You’re tagging people that aren’t even in photos. So, if you have somebody that

you think would be fantastic for your business and you go to an event and you take all these photos and you tag this person constantly in photos they’re not in so that they see what’s going on with you, guess what? They’re going to be annoyed, they’re going to never, ever join your business because of that, and that is just a big no-no. And Facebook doesn’t like it either. When you start tagging a bunch of people, they mark you as a spammer, and they just hate that. So make sure you are being aware of that.

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Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

“Join my team at ___.” Not going to work. If you want to build a huge income, you’re going to have to get a little uncomfortable and prospect. You’re just going to have actively prospect. And nobody is going to join your team when you don’t even tell them why or provide them value so that they should joint your team. This is a terrible thing I see people do. The other thing that I really don’t like – and this might offend some people, one thing I really don’t like that’s super overused now is when you post on your page, “Hey, I’m looking for three people to take to the next level. Message me for details,” or, “I’m looking to work with five new people this year that want to make an extra six figures.” It’s overused and if you’re providing a ton of value then, hey, that’ll probably work. And we’re going to talk about what I mean by value and how you can make it so that people actually want to know what you’re doing. But if you’re constantly pitching or, you know, you haven’t really even spent the time to build a relationship with these people in the first place, that is like the worst thing you can do because people know what you’re about already. And so you’re giving it away. You’re giving away the end of the movie before you even talk to them. So, just don’t do that.

No images. When you don’t post images, it kind of starts to get boring on your page. You want to make sure you’re posting more.

No lifestyle posts. Do you live by a beach? Do you live by mountains? Do you

have ski lifts near you? Do you have cool restaurants? Do you have parties going on near you? Whatever. People want to know that you’re having fun and that you get to experience things that others don’t. So, take pictures by those things guys.

Negative posts. Again, political and religious is a big one I see. You know, I’m very politically opinionated sometimes, but I’m not going to express that to the degree that I’m going to turn people off. Now there’s a science to this because you want to make your profile edgy. You’re probably going to make some people mad and that’s okay. Because if you’re just staying in the middle, that’s not good either because then people start to get bored with you and they want nothing to do with you. But with this – with those two topics, it can get really, really nasty. So I just say stay away from them at all costs. If you must express your opinion, make sure that you say positive things about the other side and then go into what you want to say and that’s that. It can cause some interaction, but for the most part just stay away from those topics.

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Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Games. I hate seeing people playing games on their profile. If you have any indication that you’re playing games on your profile and it’s a lot, people are automatically never going to talk to you again. Just saying. I apologize, but they’re not.

Never, ever, ever bash other companies. If you bash other companies, you’re going to turn off the wrong people. You will get some people to join in on the bandwagon. You absolutely will. And even if it’s just subtle, you’ll get people that are like, “Yeah, you know, I joined that company too, and it was a scam,” or, “Yeah, I had that upline, as well, and they were terrible.” And that’s great, but guess what? Those are the wrong people.

If you bash in any way, shape, or form – if you tag people in photos in any way, shape, or form that they’re not in – if you’re constantly pitching – if you don’t have images – if you don’t have lifestyle – if you’re negative – if you have games – if you’re spammy – you are going to attract the wrong people. And this module is about branding for the right people. The leaders. The people that you are looking for.

I would guess – and ask yourself this question – and this is pretty much 99% of the people that come into network marketing – I would guess that you want to bring in a leader. That’s just the luck-of-the-draw network marketing. You know, you have the opportunity to bring in someone that can completely leverage your money and time. Pretty exciting. But if you’re not attracting a leader – and that’s why branding is so important – you’ll never, ever find one. So that’s why we need to clean up your profile, get everything straightened up, and put you on the path for success, and that’s what this is all about.

They don’t have any value whatsoever. You’re not posting any articles, any videos, any blogs, any things like that. Now I’m not saying that you have to create these yourself. But think about, these can all be third party; these can be company videos and stuff like that as long as they’re not pitchy. What I’m talking about is value based on what your target market is looking for.

So, if you think about who you want to attract, what are the questions that they have? And I’m getting a little ahead of myself, but when you think about who you want to attract, if you can provide articles that people have written or videos or things like that that will help them, that’s huge. And you post those on your page of some cool new facts that you found out, people are going to love you for that.

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Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Become a Credible Professional Brand Now let’s talk about how you can take all those no-no’s and turn them into a credible, professional brand.

Pull Out Your Social Media Attractor Factor Checklist When you purchased this course, you all got your Social Media Attractor Factor Checklist. So make sure that you pull that out. I would print this out and literally your homework from this point forward is to literally go through each of those points and make sure that you cover 100% of them because each one is equally as important as the last. So, that’s a big deal there guys. That checklist is exactly what I did so people knew that I was credible and that I meant business.

Do You Need a Fan Page or “Business Profile”? The other question I get a lot of is, “Do you need a Fan Page or a “business profile” to start recruiting?” And the answer is, “No, you don’t.” When I first started, I completely built my business in the very beginning from my personal profile. Because social media is like reality TV. People want to know what you’re up to. They want to know personally what you’re up to, business what you’re up to. So do you need some fancy schmancy Fan Page or a business profile? You do not. It might help. It might help with your branding – actually, it will help with your branding, but it’s definitely not mandatory for you to start making money. So stop overcomplicating it. Stop thinking that you need to have all these things in place before you can even talk to another human being. That’s not the case. I’m just trying to make it so that you have the most effective prospecting routine in your company and you are like a laser. You know exactly who you’re going after, people are attracted to you, they’re asking you about your business, and you become a social media recruiting machine. Is that fair? Cool. So you don’t need that. You can totally do it from your personal – in fact, I think it’s a mistake to have a business profile and a personal profile. Your Fan Page and your Personal Page should also be personal to you. And I’m going to get into what you should have on there, but you shouldn’t just post business on one and just post personal on the other. People want to know what you’re up to. So that’s very important.

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Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

What Is Your Social Media Brand? Let’s talk about what your brand is. I want you to write these down because this is also part of your homework for the next module. I want you to find out exactly what your brand is so you know exactly who you’re going to talk to. Our next module is about finding the perfect person for you to start recruiting, and that is a huge step, and if you don’t know who you want to work with then you’re just shooting blind. What makes you angry? And I mean what makes you angry about the industry or just people in general. And you’re like, “Jess, why are you asking me this?” Well, remember how I said that you don’t want to stay in the middle? That it’s very, very dangerous for you on your profiles to stay in the middle and not have anything that’s appealing? People like it when you get a little edgy. So this is what this is for. For example, this is what makes me angry. I hate it when people play the blame game. Ray and I both are all about self-responsibility, and it comes out through our branding. So that’s the people that we attract. It’s very, very rare that we attract someone or bring someone into our business that is constantly blaming us for their nonsuccess or blaming something outside of themselves. And the reason is because we give them the right expectations coming into the business - very important. And in all of our posts and my branding and everything like that, I talk about why I don’t like this. So every once in a while you’ll see me talk about that - very important stuff. So think about what makes you angry, and don’t be afraid to say so on social media. You are not right for everyone, and everyone isn’t right for you. But you’re looking for the people that are. So don’t be afraid to make some people mad. It’s okay, within reason. Don’t go cussing. Don’t go on a political rant or religious rant, but within reason this is okay to say.

What Do You Help People Do? What Type of People Are You Looking For? I want you to think about that, and I’m going to give you some examples of myself, Ray, some other people that I look up to on social media that I think would really help you define this question. But basically, this is asking why should somebody look at your stuff. Why? What’s in it for them? And what type of people are you looking for? Think about these characteristics. What do they do? What is their pain? So if I’m looking for college students, their pain may be that they can’t get a job. So I’m going to look at articles and things that I can find and maybe post that on my page. Here’s another article from the Wall Street Journal about how many kids aren’t getting jobs today and what you can do to combat that. And maybe the solution is my business, right? That’s an example of providing value.

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Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

If I want to attract retired people, well, that’s going to be completely different. It’s going to be completely different than attracting college students with my pictures, with my posts, with the value that I put out there. So what is their pain for a retired person? Well, it’s that they won’t have money to retire, that they’re going to run out of money before they die. That’s super scary. And also that they’re going to have to keep working until they die – even more scary. So you want to think about that in everything that you post. Are they young? Old? We talked about that. I want to make sure you write this down. It is very important because this is part of your homework for the next module. I want you to think about that. This is your brand, and this is what you’re going to be portraying on your posts and everything you do.

Photos So with your photos, we talked about how when you know who you’re trying to attract, that will kind of influence what kind of photos you have. If you’re attracting retirees, you don’t want to have a bunch of photos of you in your bikini drinking on the beach. But if you’re trying to attract a different type of person, then maybe you do. You want to make sure that you get some type of professional photo on your personal and your Fan Page. This should cost you a couple hundred bucks if you just go to someone local, or just get a friend or family member to take some pictures of you on the beach having fun. Just something you can post that really says, “Hey, I mean serious business. I’m out here to create an awesome lifestyle.” And you want to make sure that you’re smiling in all those photos. You’re happy. It’s fun. That should be part of your brand. What color represents you most? You want to keep this consistent. Eric Worre does a fantastic job of this. If you notice on his Twitter, on his Facebook, his Networking Pro, he keeps his branding very consistent. And that’s what a lot of the big guys do – Maria Andros. We started keeping all of our branding very consistent, and when we did people noticed and we actually stepped up our game. Our business grew, everything grew, just because people put us at higher value. As crazy as that sounds. So keep it constant. Again, get some action shots taken of you in some cool places, even if it’s a friend or family member taking these photos. But it might be worth it if you’re serious about your business to get some professional photos and post them on your page. And this is for your profile picture and your banner, as well.

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Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Now here, huge tip. Take pictures with high caliber people. Now the reason for this is credibility. And that’s why you want to attend events. When you attend events, you get around some really high caliber, successful people that people know that already have a brand. You want to associate yourself with them, and you want to take pictures with them. For example, I think I show it. Did I show it here? Let me see if I can find it real quick. Okay, here. This was on the other slide that we talked about. Notice this is very on purpose here. This banner – this is from my personal profile, but this is very on purpose. I am in a picture with Adam Chandler, my husband, Todd Falcone, Tanya and Cesar – awesome recruiters – Chris Hussy. These are all high caliber people with great brands, and we just happened to be branding our event that we have, right? But high, high caliber people that I want to be around. And people see that and they look at my profile and they go, “Oh, wow! She knows all these people? She must be doing something right.” So very, very important. I just wanted to show that to you guys because you want to make sure that you’re doing that.

Banner – Personal Now again guys, if you don’t have a Fan Page, don’t worry, but I’m talking to people that do have both, as well. But again, I built a significant business just from my Personal Profile. So don’t even worry if you don’t have a Fan Page yet. You want to have a photo of a landscape or something on your personal if you don’t have pictures of you yet with high caliber people. And that means you want to have a lifestyle photo, you on a beach or on a fun trip. Something that people look at that and they say, “Wow, that’s awesome.” You and some leaders would probably be best. You and some leaders in a cool place would be really good if you can do that. Don’t company brand here for the most part. I see some people that are doing this pretty well, and I’ll show you an example of this, but for the most part, no company branding – especially if you’re brand new and you don’t have a downline. You haven’t proven yourself yet. You know, that might hurt, but you haven’t. You haven’t proven yourself, so you want to make sure that when you’re reaching out to somebody they don’t think that you have any ulterior motive at that point. And you don’t! You’re just going to create a friend, and then if it turns into that, it turns into that.

Banner – Fan Page On your Fan Page, have your website. So if it’s your company website, that’s totally okay, but have your website and a tagline of some sort. So think about that. That goes back to, “How are you going to help people?” Think about that.

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Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Get a logo. It’s probably worth it to invest in that. At you can get a logo there. Very, very easy. They actually do a design contest for you, so you can pick the best one that you like. Not mandatory at all, but if you want to take your business to the next level guys, it’s probably worth it. And professional photos with your color scheme. Again, I can’t stress that enough. Get something that looks nice, that shows you having fun, and I’ll show examples of that.

About Section Especially for your Fan Page – very important, because remember what I said. The first thing that people are going to do is look at your profile, and then they are going to go to your About section and look at what you have. So I would have your website first – again, your network marketing website, is totally fine if you don’t have your own. Tell people who you help and what you do for them. Again, why should someone like my page or follow me on my Personal Profile? Why? What do you do for them? This is mine. This is an example of what I have. You can tell a story here. And on your Social Media Attractor Factor Checklist, I talk about this, it’s all written down for you. So don’t worry if you don’t have this written down. But this is an example of mine. I talk about how I help people – very blatantly – through social media. And you can check out the link above. The reason that I put the website first and why this is so important is because when you’re doing a Fan Page, if you’re going to start doing any types of ads, this is what’s going to pop up as the default description when you’re doing ads. If you don’t do ads, don’t worry about it, but this is what’s going to pop up. Also, when somebody goes to my Fan Page or my Personal Page, this is the first thing that’s going to pop up, as well. So that’s super-duper important. Here’s another thing you can do. “I teach ___,” and then name the profession. For me, it’s network marketers. Maybe for you it’s realtors if you’re in the real estate profession. Maybe it’s, you know, personal trainers. Whatever. “I teach network marketers how to ___,” and then come up with three things you want to teach them how to do. Mine is: get more leads, recruit more reps, and close more sales. And then, how do you teach them to do that? Is it through social media? Is it through offline marketing? Is it through warm market? I teach people how to expand their warm market by thousands. That’s another one I could use, right? So very, very simple, but also very important.

Page 15: 10K Social Media Recruiting FormulaSocial...People talk too much about their religious or political beliefs. Unless that’s your target market – and we’ll talk about that –

Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Here is what I talked about for your Work At section. So if you have a Fan Page, you want to make sure you’re connecting it in your “I Work At” under your About. So when you go to settings and you go to your About section and you edit it, I say that I do social media marketing at my Fan Page so that when people are searching for me in the toolbar, this is the first thing they’re going to see pop up. And I’ll show an example of that. There’s a really good example of that, actually. But when people search for my profile in the toolbar, that’s what’s going to pop up right here. So a lot of people say, “I work at (your company).” That’s fine if you want to say that. Or you work at (your job). That’s fine, but I would put – if you’re going to use your company and your job, I would put both of them together. So I would say I work at, “Herbalife and MAC Cosmetics,” whatever – your job and your network marketing company. And for this one, this is pretty cool, too. If you do have a Fan Page, you can say, “Check out my business page at ___” and then connect it to your Fan Page here. And all you do is start typing it in, and Facebook will pop up all the different pages that match that description you’re typing in and you can just click it. But, “Check out my business page at___” and then your Fan Page. Again, when people search in the toolbar for your personal profile, this is what’s going to pop up, so it’s very important that they know you have a Personal Profile, but you also have a Fan Page, if you have one. And again, when they search it, if you don’t have a Fan Page, they’re going to know where you work and what your network marketing company is. Pretty cool. Another thing you can say is that you’re self-employed. Okay? That’s another thing that people use. Also pops up, makes you look credible, makes you look like an entrepreneur; people like that. By the way, if anything I said confused you, just go in there and play. It’s fine. You’re going to do great at it, and I’m going to show you some examples. It’s pretty basic stuff, but as far as changing your About section or anything like that, I’ll show you how to do that. But this is where if you haven’t listened to a word I’ve said so far – which hopefully you’ve been listening this whole time because it’s good stuff. But this is where you start to really get people attracted to you. This is where your money is made.

Page 16: 10K Social Media Recruiting FormulaSocial...People talk too much about their religious or political beliefs. Unless that’s your target market – and we’ll talk about that –

Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Posting For Profit Let’s talk about posting for profit – very important.

Simple Things to Remember I want you to write these down because I see a lot of people doing this wrong:

1. What is your prospect looking for? What are their questions? We talked about this earlier. Just know what they want. When you know what they want or what their pain is, you know what value you can provide to them – what you can post. You can relate to them through your post. Like for college kids, if you’re targeting them and they can’t get a job, well, one of your posts could be, “Back when I was in college, it was completely different. And now there’s so many kids out there with no jobs. If you’re one of those kids with no job, I know where you’re coming from and I can help you. Click here.” Or something like that so you can relate to them. Or you can just simply say, “Hey, I feel bad for all the kids with no jobs out there.” Would that relate to some people? Yeah, you’d get some interaction there. So very important to know who you’re looking for.

2. Stick to the 80/20 rule please. Please, stick to this rule. Too many of you aren’t.

80% value and 20% pitch. Or even better, 90% value when you’re first starting out and 10% pitch. That means you don’t bring up your business 90% of the time. Make sure you stick to that.

3. This is huge! Huge, huge, huge! Don’t be afraid to be yourself. I saw an

interview with Marie Forleo. If you don’t know who she is, she’s awesome. And she was interviewing with Richard Branson, and one thing that really stuck out to me is she said her business took off when she wasn’t afraid to be herself anymore. Stop staying in the middle. Stop trying to be super-duper professional guy or girl. You want to be yourself. You want to be funny. You want to post pictures about your life. People want to see this.

4. Get personal.

5. And when you’re pitching, think about what it does for them not what it is. So

when you do have that 10% pitch, you want to think about what it does. So if it’s a conference call, let’s say, that you’re pushing people to, you want to talk about.

Page 17: 10K Social Media Recruiting FormulaSocial...People talk too much about their religious or political beliefs. Unless that’s your target market – and we’ll talk about that –

Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

And I’ll just keep using college kids as an example – “Hey, guys. I understand where you’re coming from if you can’t get a job, well, there’s a better way. How would it feel to be your own boss, not have to ask to go on vacation, and be able to make money while you sleep? Well, we’re having a conference call tonight at 10:00 to share with you how these things are possible.” So make sure that you’re intriguing them with your post when you are pitching and not just saying, “Join my team at ___” or “Conference call tonight at ___.” Okay? Not going to work.

What to Post Stay with me guys; this is very important stuff:

Images. Images, images, images.

Photos of you with the team and rank advancements. If you aren’t doing a lot of images then people are going to get bored with you. You want to make sure you’re doing photos of you with the team. If you have somebody rank advanced, even if they’re not in your downline but they’re part of your team, share it! Say, “Congratulations!” People will start to wonder what you’re up to. They’ll love you for it. Trust me. And they’ll start to think, “Well, hey! Maybe her team is having success. I wonder who she’s working with and what I can be a part of with her, or him?”

Family photos – always get some big interaction there.

Value. Again– blogs, articles, videos. Even if they’re third party, that’s fine. It’s better when they’re your own – just to be frank – but I don’t want you guys to start getting into this world. Because you don’t need to go there. That’s not what this is about. This is about just providing other people’s content, and people will respect you just as much if you do. That’s exactly what I did when I first started. I told people about articles, I posted different things that would help them with their business, and I didn’t even write them. But it just helps to provide that value.

Conference calls.

Inspirational quotes with images. Very, very cool stuff. Funny stuff. You want to make sure you’re posting funny images. People love those.

Page 18: 10K Social Media Recruiting FormulaSocial...People talk too much about their religious or political beliefs. Unless that’s your target market – and we’ll talk about that –

Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Post about your life. Get personal! Stop staying in the middle. Stop telling people how wonderful life is. I don’t want you to start getting negative, but I want you to start posting about your experiences.

Stories about your experiences with images attached. Things like that. Start

getting a little creative here. This is reality TV. What do people want to know about your life? What happened to you that was interesting today? Write five things that happened to you that was interesting today, and post those throughout the day. As easy as that.

Never, ever just post a link without telling people why. Why should they click on it? And we talked about that with what it does versus what it is. You’ll hear Ray talk about that a lot, as well.

Get creative. Here are two posts that I did that are very, very creative stuff that got me a ton of leads. So these are things you want to think about. Even though we’re in a travel business, even if you’re in health and wellness or legal services – whatever – bottom line is the appeal of network marketing is part of it is going on vacation all the time, is it not? And winning trips. So this exact status right here – you can take a screen shot, I don’t mind – would probably work for you, too. But let me explain why I got leads from this and why I got leads from this. I asked people, “What would you love to do every day, whether you’re getting paid or not, for the rest of your life?” Twenty out of twenty-one comments were travel. Travel to different parts of the world. Travel here. Travel there. So guess how many leads I just got from this one post? I got 20 leads. Now I’m in a travel business, so those are sweet leads. But even if you’re not, you could do this exact same post and say, “Hey, if I could share with you a way to travel, would you be open to it?” You know, some people said, “Oh, I would travel to Greece” or “I would go to Italy.” And you can say, “Hey, I noticed your comment on my wall. If I could share with you a way that you could travel to these places for free, would you be open to it? Or you would have more time to travel to these places?” Do you think they’re going to say no to that? These are all leads. So you can work this around, but just get creative with it.

Page 19: 10K Social Media Recruiting FormulaSocial...People talk too much about their religious or political beliefs. Unless that’s your target market – and we’ll talk about that –

Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

If you’re in health and wellness, you might post something like, “Who’s sick and tired of being where they’re at and wants to go on a challenge with me? Well, I’m going on a 30-day no carb challenge. Who’s with me?” And you’ll have people post, “Hey, I want to do that with you,” and then you can reach out to them and say, “By the way, this might make your life a little easier if you do this challenge with me. This is as shake that we have,” or, “This is a pill that we take that lowers your appetite.” Those are ways to get leads. This is so simple. You don’t even think about this because you just want instant gratification. But social media is a place where people want to know where you are. So thinking outside the box is very key.

I talked about on the last slide – rank advancements. So I just want to show you an image of that of something that I posted that got a lot of buzz – a lot of people asking me what we do. I just created this little image. I just went into PowerPoint and copied and pasted some cool images that I found of this amazing couple – Cesar and Tanya. They are recruiting rock stars and they’re on our team. So I created this post and I put it in there and I said, “Congratulations!” and people were asking me, “Hey Jess, what business are you in? What are you doing now? Who are these people? Why are you congratulating them?” So just different things that you can test out and see how it works for you. But that is your branding for Module 1.

Page 20: 10K Social Media Recruiting FormulaSocial...People talk too much about their religious or political beliefs. Unless that’s your target market – and we’ll talk about that –

Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Profile Reviews Now I want to get into some different profiles and do some profile reviews so you guys can see firsthand what I think will work really well. Now this is a Fan Page. You could do the same thing for a Personal Page, whatever. You don’t have to go this far out, okay? But just as an example of someone that’s extremely doing this very well. Mike Hobbs – a client of ours, awesome marketer. Look, as soon as you go here you know what he does. “Mobile money lifestyle. Stop wishing. Start doing.” So he’s talking about how you can work anywhere in the world, and he has a cool picture of somewhere I’d like to work. Actually, that kind of looks like where we honeymooned; so it might be. But he’s done that very well with the image. Even if he just had this as the image on his personal profile and take out all the awesome branding here and on his About he put “Mobile money lifestyle” or something like that, that would work. But look at his About section. I go here and I know exactly who he is. “I help anyone in any business at any level of experience create profits through online video marketing.” I know exactly who he is. And look, he’s posting value. He posts videos all the time. Look, he posted about how he is playing Cash Flow. Behind the scenes stuff – people love that. If you’re about to walk into an event, take a picture and say, “Hey, about to walk into this event.” There’s a video. But again, you could just share our videos or his videos, and people would perceive that as value. See? Just a lot of images. Him on vacation – this was actually our mastermind we did with him. So great client. Love him. There’s dessert that looks really good right now; I could eat that through the computer. People love pictures of food, by the way. So just some really good stuff here. Let me show you Ray’s. His is awesome. Obviously you know that I’m partial, but still, his is absolutely awesome. Nice professional picture of him. Again, this is a Fan Page, but even on our Personal Pages we do exactly what I just taught. Here’s my Personal Page. High caliber people and just a nice photo of myself. On my Personal Page, I’m posting pretty much the same exact things except I might get a little more personal. I’m going to share a little more business stuff on my business page, but you know what? You’re pretty much sharing the same exact stuff. Don’t overcomplicate this. You want to make it so people just want to follow you. Just be interesting. If you get nothing more out of this webinar, just be interesting. Be someone that people want to follow.

Page 21: 10K Social Media Recruiting FormulaSocial...People talk too much about their religious or political beliefs. Unless that’s your target market – and we’ll talk about that –

Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Look at his About section. Website first. “I help network marketers get more leads, recruit more reps, and become top earners in their MLM. Visit my site.” Obviously, if you’re not in MLM, you’re not going to really resonate. And that’s okay, because he’s going after MLM-ers. Same thing. Now let me show you – I’ll just go through some of his posts. See? Picture – headed to Miami. Sweet! Picture of a meeting he went to. Content. That’s value. And again, I stress value does not have to be you creating videos. Just find some cool articles and post them or inspirational quotes – extreme value. This is extreme value right here. You’ll make somebody’s day. I have had so many people reach out to me and say, “Hey Jess, I love it that you post inspirational quotes every day. It really helps me get through my day.” I’m serious. So this is extreme value. People love that. So you don’t have to go overboard with this. Let me show you on my Personal where I was talking about with the About section. It’s right here. I just click this little edit button. Go to update info. And see how it says “Work and Education?” I’m just going to edit this to be my Fan Page, or I’m going to edit this to be my network marketing company. If I put in – everything pops up and I can just click on whatever I want to be a part of. So there it is as well. But I’m not going to do that because I have a Fan Page and I want to keep it as generic as possible. But if you don’t, just make sure you put self-employed or you put that you work for your network marketing company and your profession or whatever you do. Then I have my little, “I teach network marketers how to recruit more reps, close more sales, and get more leads through social media.” Perfect. Now let’s look at Dani Johnson. Look – tagline, website, profile picture. Now she also tells a story in her About. She’s helped “hundreds of thousands make more money and annihilate debt and live the life you want.” She’s got some really good stuff on here. Always posting inspirational things. One thing that she does very well is get people fired up. She does not post a lot of images, although she does do some images, like right there, but she posts a lot of stories and experiences. Now I talked about this. She talks about how she talked to somebody and this is what happened. Or look – “I learned a long time ago if you want to be successful you’ve got to find someone who has what you want and do what they do.” So just from experience, I would always find someone that you resonate with and look at what they’re posting. And it’s okay to be a copycat. Share their status, whatever, that’s fine. But you just want to get it so that people know that you’re positive, that you have a good, solid brand, and that you mean business.

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Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

Here’s another one I like. Now see how I’m typing up here? I’m searching for people that I want to find? And you see how underneath – I don’t know if you can see that but, it says a little blurb underneath their name? Well, this is where you put your About – where you put “I work at ___” under your About section. So see how Sarah Robbins – another great brander, has “Check out my business page at Sarah Robbins. Rocking Robbins,” whatever, this is in her About section and that’s why it comes up when I’m searching for her. So I can now go right here and click on her Fan Page and it will take me right to it. This is her Personal Page. Look, she obviously cares about charity. She went to a third world country and is helping these children. That’s amazing. She’s got great photos. Upbeat. She’s a big image person like me. I’m a big image person? Her branding and my branding are very similar. She’s got value; she talks about what’s going on throughout her day; she just received a gift, her dog. I talk about my dog all the time. Funny, my dog’s name is also Bella. So you can relate to people, and people can relate to you when you start talking about your life. Very cool stuff. Now I just want to go back and show you one last thing. At the very beginning, I talked about who would you rather talk to. Can you now see what’s wrong with these profiles? What’s wrong with them? Well, this picture – and I’m sorry if you’re on this webinar – I apologize. But maybe you’ll learn, and it’s constructive criticism, I promise. Because I know that you don’t know any better. This profile picture? Extremely dark. If somebody’s messaging me I can’t even tell who you are. You’re not really smiling, and this is a picture of your child, I assume, but I can’t even see your face. Now it’s okay to have a picture of your kid with you, but I can’t even see your face in this. Not good. This one. Don’t even know who you are in the profile picture. It looks kind of strange to me. I’m probably not going to message you back or reach back out to you, and it’s just a moon, kind of blurry picture for the banner. Not good. And this is a Fan Page. So double not good. An eagle. Are you a patriot? I get the symbolism here, but are you a sports fan? I get it. Not something you should just have up here. And the profile picture looks like coral or something or some kind of leaf. I’m not even sure what that is. So that’s why I talked about would you rather have that or have this? You want to really pay attention to your branding.

Page 23: 10K Social Media Recruiting FormulaSocial...People talk too much about their religious or political beliefs. Unless that’s your target market – and we’ll talk about that –

Jessica Higdon | Copyright © 2013 – All Rights Reserved

So as your homework for the next module, I want you guys to go through that Social Media Attractor Factor Checklist, make sure that you have everything on there completed – you put up some nice photos, whatever we talked about, you fix your profile, you change your About section, so that when you start prospecting people know that you’re serious about what you do, and I hope you realize now that branding is way more than just a – actually I forgot to show you one thing. Branding is way more than a logo. That’s what I wanted to say, but let me show you one last thing. I promised you that I would show you somebody that brands their company very well – as well as themselves – but they already have a team in place. But I just want you to see how it works. This is another client of ours. Awesome Beach Body rep. But see how he has his own picture in the branding of his company? And you can kind of tell what he’s about. He’s obviously about weight loss. So this is pretty good branding here. He has his Symbiotic Fitness profile in his About section. His Fan Page right here. Good stuff. So just be careful with branding your company. For the sake of newbies, I would stick to personal branding. That’s worked for me, it’s worked for Ray, and I think that you’ll really get a way better response rate. So that being said, stick to your homework for the next module, and we'll do a Q&A webinar, as well. So after you guys complete some of this stuff I want to know what’s happening. Are you getting more interaction? More people asking about what you do? I really appreciate your time. I can’t wait until the next module where we are going to talk about how to take what you learned this time and apply it to finding the perfect person for you and getting a 90% response rate. You’re going to increase your responding ratio with these people. I’m going to talk to you about how to find them, what to say, so that you’re not wasting your time prospecting the wrong people and you’re prospecting the right ones, and this is where you start to really see the money come in. So super excited for you guys. Hope you had a great day or night depending on when you’re watching this, and I will talk to you soon.