Download - 10.15 Good News Service - St Martin’s Church Reading: Luke ... · 1.45pm Funeral of the late Doris Pearce 5.00pm Slimming World - Lower Hall 9.00am Re-Entry -Lower Hall 9.30am Walking

Page 1: 10.15 Good News Service - St Martin’s Church Reading: Luke ... · 1.45pm Funeral of the late Doris Pearce 5.00pm Slimming World - Lower Hall 9.00am Re-Entry -Lower Hall 9.30am Walking

Rev Raphael Duckett Tel 650101 St Martin’s Church, Slater St , Bradley WV14 8PF

10.15am Good News Service - St Martin’s Church

Reading: Luke 17.20-36

Good News Service with Communion - Bradley Resource Centre

Readings: 1 Samuel 16.4-13: Luke 17.20-36

9.00am Re-Entry - Lower Hall

9.00am Slimming World - Lower Hall 10.00am The Net @St Martin’s - Computer Suite 11.30am Tuesday Club 1.45pm Funeral of the late Doris Pearce 5.00pm Slimming World - Lower Hall

9.00am Re-Entry - Lower Hall 9.30am Walking for Health - Kitchen

6.30pm Knit 2 Togs. - Knitting & Crocheting - Kitchen

9.00am Sunshine Corner - Lower Hall

10.00am Hotch Potch - Coffee Bar

10.00am The Net @ St Martin’s - Computer Suite

6.00pm Ignite 5:14 for Nursery to Year 2

7.15pm Ignite 5:14 for Years 3 upwards

10.00am Cleaning Team B

10.15am Good News Service - St Martin’s Church

Readings: Luke 17.20-36

Prayer Ministry followed by Fellowship Lunch

Memorial Service - St Martin’s Church

Reading: Romans 8: 31-39

7th May 2017

Are you new to St Martin’s this morning? Please see the welcome table in the Main Entrance

for details on groups & activities or check:

• Pray healing for those sick or ill at this current time. • Pray that we may follow Jesus in all we do. • Pray thanks for the community we have around us.

Today’s reading can be a little confusing: God’s Kingdom is coming but we don’t know when or how it will happen. On top of this there is the element that if we are not ready, we will be left behind. If this teaching is taken out of context the situation looks bleak and it looks like we have no hope. Let’s look at the situation in context with the rest of Jesus’ teachings.

Jesus tells us that the only way to the father is through Jesus himself: If we truly know Jesus in our hearts and minds then we will be saved. It doesn’t matter that we don’t know when or where the day of judgement will come but we know that if we are following Jesus we will be saved.

In Luke 17:20-37 Jesus is telling us all to follow him now and get ready for we never know how much time we have left.

Page 2: 10.15 Good News Service - St Martin’s Church Reading: Luke ... · 1.45pm Funeral of the late Doris Pearce 5.00pm Slimming World - Lower Hall 9.00am Re-Entry -Lower Hall 9.30am Walking

Thy Kingdom come prayer initiative from the Archbishop Justin, pray for 5 friends to know Jesus. More details from Terry and Raphael

A short course from the Archbishop Justin on how to share our faith with others,

starting Monday 7.30pm 15th May

Sun 14th May - Start of Christian Aid Week Mon 15th May - Sharing Jesus, short course Sat 20th May - PCC Awayday Sat 15th July - All the Fun of the Fair Sun 16th July - Church Fellowship Awayday

Unpacking the sermon without “really” trying, come along and find out more.

St Martin’s Church on Facebook.