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101 Makeup Mistakes

Page 2: 101 Makeup · Unless that is your style, study magazines and celebrities online for what is current or have a makeover at a cosmetics

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101 Makeup Mistakes

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Page 3: 101 Makeup · Unless that is your style, study magazines and celebrities online for what is current or have a makeover at a cosmetics

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IntroductionI love makeup! It gives everyone the means to look gorgeous even on those days when you wake up feeling like a swamp beast.

It does take a bit of know-how to apply it though and it's easy to make mistakes and look less beautiful than you could, simply by applying too much, wearing the wrong color or putting it on in the wrong way.

And we all make mistakes, especially when we first start wearing makeup.

But it's also easy to carry on making the same mistakes with makeup over and over for years, not realizing you are making them.

Never fear, 101 Makeup Mistakes is here to help you prevent all kinds of woes with cosmetics!

If you find you are making even one or two of these, then you could make a drastic difference in the beauty stakes.

Here's to looking more gorgeous than ever


Jan Small

Editor Page 3 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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1 Not Wearing Any Makeup

Don't save makeup for special occasions when you can look better every day without too much effort. Practice putting on makeup with a light natural look for day time so that you can do it in a few minutes every morning.

2 Wearing Too Much Makeup

Heavy makeup is too much for day time. You don't want to look as if you are hiding behind a thick layer of war paint. Natural is best for day and even in the evening don't put on more than you need to look good. You don't want to look like a completely different woman the first time someone sees you without makeup!

3 Being Stuck in a Time Warp

As we get older the tendency for many women is to stick with the makeup from the era when she looked her best - usually her twenties. But a retro look does not work for makeup unless the whole look is retro. Unless that is your style, study magazines and celebrities online for what is current or have a makeover at a cosmetics counter for help with updating your look.

4 Not Using the Right Tools

Use the right makeup brushes and sponges for applying each part of your makeup. Fingers are rarely the right tools except perhaps for foundation. If you use your fingers be careful not to introduce bacteria into products. Page 4 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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5 Not Keeping Tools Clean

Wash brushes and sponges regularly and don't share them with friends as this can spread infection. An eye infection and cold sores are not a good look.

6 Making up in Poor Light

Invariably when makeup looks wrong, you went out of the house thinking you looked good because you didn't apply your makeup using a well lighted mirror. If you can't make up in daylight, use a mirror surrounded by light bulbs (like a movie star dressing room) or purchase a purpose made makeup mirror. Page 5 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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7 Not Preparing Your "Canvas"

Clean and moisturize your face before applying makeup. If going out at night clean and moisturize your face again before reapplying. Keep your skin in good condition by a regular program of cleansing and exfoliation. If you have problem skin, makeup can help improve the look of your skin but do all you can to deal with the problem too so that you can use makeup to enhance rather than disguise.

8 Sticking with One Look

If you have only one makeup look then you are missing a trick (or six). Varying your look on different occasions, for night and day and with different colored outfits can give you the edge. Experiment, it's fun!

9 Not Removing Makeup Properly

If you leave makeup on your skin overnight it can cause breakouts. If you don't remove eye makeup properly you will end up with raccoon eyes in the morning, which is not a good starting point for your makeup the next day. Use one product for your skin and a specialist eye makeup remover for your eyes as this needs to be of an oilier nature to remove eye makeup properly.

10 Not Reapplying Your Makeup

If it is worth wearing makeup in the first place, then it is worth keeping it fresh. The most long lasting lipstick and eyeshadow may still need reapplying at various intervals during the day. Don't let it be an obsession reapplying makeup after every coffee break but freshening your look once during the day and once before Page 6 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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the evening would be a good strategy.

11 Keeping Makeup Too Long

If the texture or smell of makeup changes or what was liquid has thickened or dried out then it is time to buy yourself some new products and ditch the old. Cull your makeup bag every now and again to make way for fresh new products. Keep your makeup in a cool dark place to preserve it as long as possible.


12 Obvious Foundation Lines

Choose the right color foundation i.e. one that matches your skin and blend well at the jaw line. Trying to change your skin color with foundation is not going to work as you will always have a line somewhere where the foundation finishes and your true skin color starts. If you want a more bronzed look use a light touch with bronzer on your cheeks. If you want to add warmth a subtle touch of blush on your cheeks works well.

13 Gray Look Complexion

Matte foundations tend to give dark complexions a gray look. Look for sheer coverage in a rich shade which will even out your complexion without graying it out. Page 7 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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14 Forgetting That Skin Changes Color

Even if you think you have the perfect foundation, remember that skin changes color depending how much you have been in the sun. Choose a different foundation for different seasons if necessary.

15 Overdoing the Color Corrector

If you use a green color corrector base to reduce redness use sparingly or you can take on a ghoulish look. Page 8 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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16 Emphasizing Facial Hair (Even Fine Hairs)

Thick foundation or powder can emphasize areas where you have facial hair. Use a light touch in these areas. Also blend foundation downwards as even fine hair becomes more obvious if you apply foundation in an upwards motion.

17 Testing Foundation Colors on Your Hand

Hands are generally the most exposed to the sun and have a different tone to your face. Either test on your face or use the inside of your arm and hold your arm next to your face in good light.

18 Buying A New Foundation Sight Unseen

Chances are the color or texture will not suit your skin if you buy without testing the product so take care buying online or from a catalog unless you have used the color before or have tested it in a store. Otherwise, you are faced with abandoning an expensive purchase or wearing the wrong color. Not a good choice. If you know a foundation suits you, you can save money by buying online but always test first unless you have money to burn.

19 Not Letting Your Moisturizer Sink In

Wait 10 minutes after moisturizing your face before applying foundation if you want your foundation to stick around. Faces tend to "settle down" in those 10 minutes too and your skin tone will then look more even. Page 9 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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20 Using a Magnifying Mirror

You'll be horrified if you look at your skin in a magnifying mirror while applying foundation and will tend to slap on too much makeup to camouflage all kinds of irregularities that are not so obvious at normal size. Step away from a mirror a bit to apply foundation - and use a closer inspection (but still not magnified!) to blend.

21 Using Foundation All Over the Skin

Using foundation over your whole face can look a little mask like. Apply foundation only where you need it to disguise dark shadows or even out skin tones.

22 Using Foundation as Filler

Foundation will not fill out wrinkles, even fine ones. Too much foundation only emphasizes them. A light touch is best, wrinkles or no wrinkles.

23 Not Wearing Foundation

Just in case you thought you could skip this bit and couldn't possibly make any mistakes here because you don't wear foundation, bad news, almost everyone needs it to look her best. Unless you have perfect skin with even tones and no open pores then foundation can help you. Top models and celebrities who have great skin still wear it for a reason! You can choose a very sheer base if you have good skin. Page 10 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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24 Caking on Concealer

If you add a thick layer of concealer it can often draw attention to the very areas you want to conceal! A light application of concealer covered with a light layer of foundation works best.

25 Choosing The Wrong Color Concealer

Concealer needs to be slightly paler than your skin tone but if it is too light it will highlight whatever you are trying to conceal rather than blending in with your skin tone. Page 11 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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26 Not Touching Up Concealer

Concealer wears off during the day just like any other cosmetic. Don't touch up everything else and leave the flaws you wanted to conceal when you applied it.

27 Expecting Miracles

If you have scars, birthmarks or age spots that you want to conceal completely, choose specialist scar camouflage makeup rather than typical cosmetic counter concealers. You can't expect miracles from standard cosmetic concealers.

28 Drawing Attention to Spots with Concealer

Some concealers such as Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat are designed to disguise dark shadows with light. Bringing light to spots is not a good idea. Use a natural toned concealer without highlighter. Dab a little on each spot with a brush and blend outwards with brush or fingers.


29 Overdoing Face Powder

Even if you tend to end up with a shiny face, avoid adding too much powder as it will look like your face needs dusting plus it tends to emphasize lines! It is best to use a mattifying primer under your foundation and a light dusting of powder then use oil blotting sheets during the day to take away any excess shine without disturbing makeup too much. Page 12 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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30 Leaving Powder on Lashes and Eyebrows

Make sure no excess powder has settled on lashes and eyebrows after you have finished dusting on powder.

31 Using Two in One Powder and Foundation

It is best to use separate products so that you can apply each where it is needed. Two in one products tend to give you a very heavily made up look.


32 Not Wearing Lip Liner

A lip liner helps avoid lips stick bleeding into the area around the lips and therefore helps lipstick last longer.

33 Choosing a Lip Liner In the Wrong Shade

Don't buy a lip liner to match your lip stick. Buy a lip liner to match your lips. You should never need more than one lip liner! This is because the lip liner is the last to wear off and it gives an odd look if all you have is a line of unnatural color around your mouth. Page 13 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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34 Over-Correcting Your Lip Shape

You can make your lips look bigger with lip liner but the most you can do and look good is to draw just around the outer edge of your natural lip line. Going beyond that looks quite strange as the line will not follow the natural contours of your mouth.

35 Not Coloring Your Lips With Liner

After you outline your lips, use the liner to fill your lips with color. This gives a good base to either lipstick or lip gloss and gives a slight stain so that there is Page 14 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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something there when lip stick wears off.

36 Testing Lipstick on Your Lips

Lipstick testers in stores are not the most hygienic items on the planet and are an easy way to pick up infections. Test on the pads of your fingers which are the closest to natural lip color or ask for the tester to be sterilized before using. Alternatively draw a lip shape on your hand then hold the color to your face to see if the color lifts or drags down your face.

37 Applying Lipstick Straight from the Tube

Use a lip brush to get into every corner. You will also naturally use less lipstick in this way, can use up the lipstick to the very end and still get great coverage.

38 Rubbing Lips Together

We all saw our mothers or movie stars in old movies rubbing their lips together when applying lipstick but transferring lipstick from one lip to the other only works if your lips are exactly the same size and shape as each other. They won't be, so don't do it!

39 Getting Lipstick on Your Teeth

Always check your teeth after applying lipstick. The one time you don't is the time you will have a problem! One tip is to put your finger in your mouth and slowly draw it out after applying your lipstick so any excess comes off on your finger not your teeth. Page 15 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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40 Choosing the Wrong Red Lipstick

If you wear red lipstick you need to choose the right shade of red. If you have a sun-tanned or olive complexion, an orange-red (a red with warm yellow tones) will suit you, whereas one with bluer tones such as berry colors will not and is better for a fairer complexion. Do be careful however with anything too orange as this can highlight any yellow tones in teeth. Also avoid bright red unless you have a perfect application technique as any mistakes are going to be glaringly obvious. You may find bright red less flattering as you get older.

41 Matching Lipstick to Clothes

Your lipstick should be designed to flatter your skin tones not your clothes. Of course your clothes should be flattering your skin tones too so hopefully they will all be a good match!

42 Applying Lipstick to a Dry Flaky Mouth

Lipstick will emphasize any flakiness on your lips. You can condition lips with a soft toothbrush dipped in Vaseline so that they are soft and smooth before you apply your lipstick. (Blot off any excess Vaseline first).

43 Addiction to Lip Balm

The ingredients in many waxy lip balms including the sticks sold for keeping your lips soft have a temporary effect on your lips and it has even been shown that you end up needing more and more of the product to keep your lips in good condition. Use simple Vaseline for better results. It even comes with a pink tint option now for sheer lip color - great for keeping in your pocket or purse for Page 16 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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instant protection, color and shine.

44 Trying to Make Lips Smaller

Trying to disguise full lips by drawing a smaller mouth shape rarely works. Instead, be proud of your lips and show them off as an asset with a flattering lip color. Don't choose bright shades or too much gloss if you don't want to over-emphasize their size. But just remember all those with thin lips are envying you!

45 Choosing a Lipstick that is Too Dark

Dark matte colors can make thin lips look even thinner and will emphasize any wrinkles around your mouth.

46 Using a Matte Lipstick

Matte lipstick is aging, looks harsh next to skin and it makes lips look smaller. Always add a little sheen even if it is just touch of gloss or Vaseline to the center of the bottom lip. If you want something more sophisticated than a glossy look, choose a dewy satin finish for a great compromise.

47 Not Wearing Lipstick

If you are wearing any makeup you need lipstick to finish off your look, otherwise it's like wearing a beautiful outfit then going out in your slippers. Even if you're not wearing a lot of makeup, lipstick (or colored lip gloss) adds a pretty touch to your face. Page 17 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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48 Obvious Blush

You should not be able to see that you are wearing blush. It should just look like you have been for a walk in the fresh air - the suggestion of a healthy glow and nothing more.

49 Applying Blush To the Wrong Place

Blush should be applied to the apple of the cheeks (the plumpest part) and not used to "sculpt" shadows under the cheekbones (remember healthy glow only!) Page 18 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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except for photographic work. Smile before applying blush so that the cheek area is prominent especially if you do not have prominent cheekbones.

50 Forgetting the side view

Most of us put on makeup looking at our face straight on in the mirror but blush should be applied up towards the temples as others get a sideways view.

51 Choosing the Wrong Blush Color

In line with the healthy glow idea, choose a color that is as close to your natural blush color as possible. This will be a rosy color with a different tone and depth depending on your skin color - from sandy pale rose for fair skin through deep rose for dark skins. Using bronzing powder as blusher works only on olive or dark skins.

52 Using A Brush That's Too Small

The mean little brush that comes with the compact will not give the right effect - you need something soft and fairly chunky to give a gentle "blush" of color. Just don't choose a brush so big that you can't control where the color goes.

53 Applying Too Close to the Hairline

Blush should be blended towards the hairline but not applied there as you won't be able to blend it out. Page 19 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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54 Not Wearing Blush

Blush gives a lift to your whole look and makes you instantly prettier and healthy looking. It would be silly to miss out on that boost!


55 Too Much Shimmer on The Lids

Shimmery eye shadows can settle into the creases of the eyes and draw attention to fine lines and crow's feet. Fine for younger line free eyes though! And they are great for highlighting the inner corners and opening out eyes or just under the brow which are relatively crease free areas at any age. Page 20 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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56 Making Both Eyes and Lips Strong

In general, if you like strong makeup, you should emphasize one area only and emphasize your best feature whether that is your eyes or your lips. For example, paint a dramatic red mouth and make up your eyes in natural colors for a Hollywood look or do beautiful eyes justice with heavy smokey makeup and use a natural nude lipstick.

57 Bright Colors in the Daytime

Fun colored looks are great for evening dazzle but make your face look washed out during the day. Use neutral shades during the day and save bright colored eye makeup for parties.

58 Matching Your Eye Color

To bring out the color of your eyes use a contrast color eye shadow not a matching one. Nothing dulls green eyes more than green shadow and blue shadow will never bring out the blue in blue eyes. Experiment with different colors to see which one makes your eyes look their best.

59 Applying Eye Shadow on Top of Eye Cream

Always prime the surface first. You can use a special eye primer, a dusting of translucent powder, or both foundation and powder. Page 21 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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60 Using the Applicator From the Palette

Use an eyeshadow brush with short bristles. Cheap sponge applicators are hard to control and color often goes on too thickly.

61 Using Light/Dark Shadow Incorrectly

If you have close set eyes, use light colored eyeshadow on the inner part of the lid nearest the nose and dark shadow on the outer corner. If you want to "bring in" wide set eyes, use lighter shades towards the outer part of the eye and darker shades towards the center.


62 Applying Mascara on the Move

Mascara needs a steady hand so don't try and apply it when you're on the bus or train. In any case you don't want to treat fellow passengers to a makeup lesson - treat them to your finished look and apply your makeup before you leave in the morning.

63 Applying Too Thickly

Several thin coats of mascara are better than loading the lashes with too much in one go. Page 22 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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64 Using Old Mascara

As mascara dries out it will naturally go into clumps. Throw it away after 3 to 4 months. If you are desperate, you may be able to get away with it for longer by warming the tube in warm water to make it thinner. Don't add water though as this will dilute any preservatives and may allow dangerous bacteria to multiply.

65 Pumping Air into the Tube

Don't pump the mascara wand up and down in the tube as this introduces air and will dry out your mascara faster causing clumps on your lashes. Simply pull out the brush and apply.

66 Not Taking Mascara to the Lash Roots

It's the roots of the lashes that give the illusion of length and thickness so wiggle your brush slightly along the base of the lashes when applying from root to tip to ensure that the base of the lashes is covered.

67 Not Dealing With Clogs

Get rid of clogged lashes after applying mascara with a special mascara comb or old mascara brush that you have washed, dried and saved for this purpose. Clean the brush every time you use it. Page 23 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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68 The Wrong Color

In general, brown mascara looks better on those with fair hair than black. For those with darker coloring, if you want to wear colored mascara such as plum, try applying black first and then the more unusual shade to give a subtle wash of color rather than just weird colored lashes. In general, except for party or catwalk looks, natural is best.

69 Rubbing Your Eyes

Avoid rubbing your eyes when wearing mascara as you will end up wearing mascara under your eyes rather than on your lashes. If you forget, check the state of your eyes as soon as you can and repair any damage so you avoid having a raccoon look for the rest of the day. If you have a tendency to rub, train yourself out of the habit because it damages the skin around your eyes too.

70 Not Curling Your Lashes First

If you don't curl your lashes before applying mascara you are missing one of the best ways of opening up the eyes. Mascara sets the "curl".

71 Not Wearing Mascara

Mascara is so good at defining your eyes that it is a big beauty sin not to take advantage of it. Page 24 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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72 Lines That are Too Hard

Experiment with various eyeliner effects but a hard thick line is too much for most eyes. Soften it with smudging for a smokey effect and avoid liquid eyeliner on mature skin.

73 Uneven Eyeliner

It can be quite difficult to make eyes match but match they must or your face will lack the symmetry that is an important characteristic of how attractive we perceive someone to be.

74 Wobbly Lines

Practice makes perfect! Rest your elbow on a firm surface when applying and correct any mistakes as you go.

75 Lining the Waterline

Most people find that applying dark mascara on the lower rims inside the lash line makes their eyes look smaller. Make up one eye with eyeliner inside the lash line and one without to see the effect it has on your eyes before deciding whether this “mistake” applies to you. Page 25 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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76 Lining the Whole Eye

Black lines around the whole eye make the eyes smaller and look harsh rather than pretty.


77 Drawing Long Lines

Don't pencil in brows with long lines as if you were applying eyeliner. Use short feathery strokes to resemble the way brow hairs grow. Soften lines by brushing with a clean brush after penciling.

78 Dark Pencil

Using a color that is too dark is a common mistake. Brunettes should choose a color one shade lighter than their hair or color that actually matches their brows, dark brown rather than black. Those with fair or red hair should choose a light brown shade.

79 Drawing Above the Natural Line

This will give you an unnatural surprised look. If you think your brows need a "lift" apply highlighter underneath the brows instead. Page 26 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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80 Too Much Glitter

You don't want to look like a disco glitter ball. Unless you are in your teenage years and going for a fun party look, give the glitter a miss and choose a subtle powder shimmer.

81 A Sweaty Look

A glimmer in the wrong place can look like your face is perspiring which is not the look you want at all. Apply powder highlighter with a blush brush to the areas of your face that would be naturally hit by a beam of sunlight. Test this by standing in front of your mirror in strong sunlight.

82 The Wrong Color Highlighter

Brilliant white is too light for most skins. Gold based colors work on darker skins (and for most skins in summer) while pinky toned highlighters are great for adding warmth in winter.

83 Highlighting Untidy Brows

Highlighter looks great just below the brow bone but not if eyebrows need plucking as it will highlight your lack of attention to proper grooming. Page 27 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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84 Not Wearing Highlighter

You don't have to wear highlighter every day if you're in a hurry but giving your look a subtle sheen on cheekbones and brow bones and a thin line to emphasize the upper lip line can make such a difference that it is worth taking the time for.


85 Wearing Bronzer All Over Your Face

Bronzer should be used to give a subtle glow to the areas, which would normally catch the sun. Remember, it's not fake tan! It can look muddy if you apply too much. Page 28 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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86 Too Much Shimmer

A shimmery bronzer can give you a face that is too shiny and it ages older skins as it highlights small lines. Choose a matte or slightly pearlized finish not glitter!

87 Applying Bronzer to Moisturized Bare Skin

Bronzer will stick to your skin and not blend well, drawing attention to blemishes, unless you have a matte dry base

88 Choosing the Wrong Color

Avoid orange-red shades which can look like a fake tan gone wrong - a bronzey brown shade works best.

89 Using Bronzer on Pale Skins

Bronzer works best on medium to dark skins. It just makes fair complexions look muddy. Sorry!

90 Stopping at Your Jawline

A bronzed face with a pale neck and decolletage look odd - dust some bronzer over the center of the neck and collarbone. Page 29 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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91 Heavy Makeup in Summer

Heavy foundation, powder and concealer are too thick for sunny days. Use a lighter foundation, even a tinted moisturizer and just use concealer where you really need it, making sure that you blend it well.

92 Not Switching Colors

You may need a darker shade of foundation and blush when you have a tan.

93 Living with Shiny Skin

Check any excess shine during the day and blot away with a tissue or light dusting of powder. Even drier skins can have a problem when it's really hot and humid.

94 Using Makeup as Sunscreen

Although makeup may contain sunscreen, you won't be wearing enough of it to give your face proper protection so ensure you wear proper sunscreen under your foundation. Page 30 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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95 Trying to Create a Tan with Foundation

You will just get a line where the foundation ends and your skin begins. Always use foundation to match your skin tone and add a touch of pretty color with blush.


96 Judging Colors Under Poor Light

When testing colors apply the color and then look at it in natural light, you can't tell how it will look under store lighting conditions.

97 Thinking Expensive Means Right

It's more important to get the right color and texture for your skin than it is to buy a luxury brand name. Although you will get better packaging at the higher end of the market so you may prefer it for that reason.

98 Buying Everything from One Brand

While it is true that products from one brand are often designed to work together, you can do better by selecting the best of each item no matter what brand it is. Page 31 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

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99 Getting Carried Away by a Makeover

Just because you get a free makeover in the store does not mean you have to buy all the products. There may be better options for you out there if you look around that will not clean out your credit card.

100 Putting Up with Mistakes

If you bought something like an eyeshadow or blush that turns out to be not quite right for you, don't feel you have to use it just as it is because you paid so much for it. Try blending it with another color to see if you can get the perfect shade for you or return it to the store if that is a possibility.


101 Treating Makeup Too Seriously!

Have fun with your makeup and enjoy using it. Play around with it to get the best look for for you for different occasions and see how much you can enhance your eyes, lips and face just by applying it well, using colors that suit you and the look you're trying to achieve.

Gradually put together a collection of makeup you love to use but never lose the will to try new things and move with the times. Makeup can be a way of expressing your creativity too – you just have to look at some the great tutorials around the web to know that. Page 32 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited

Page 33: 101 Makeup · Unless that is your style, study magazines and celebrities online for what is current or have a makeover at a cosmetics

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Well, there you have it 101 Makeup Mistakes. How many are

you making?

I have to admit to making a few of them myself now and

again, especially those that involve that bit more time and

effort. After all, I might just be going to the store – I think,

no one will see me and that's just the time I run into

someone that I would rather show my best face to LOL !

Hope you enjoyed this guide and I'll look forward to seeing

you at Beauty Top To Toe soon

Take Care,


Jan Small

Editor Page 33 © 2011 Simply Cyan Limited