Download - 100K Genomes Project Aug 2017 | NHS Networks


100k Genomes Project

What clinicians need to know

100K Genome Project Diagnosis, personalised treatment and research

Cancer soon to affect 1 in 2 of UK population

Rare Diseases 1 in 17 of the UK population (>3 million)

Infectious diseases

Indications for genetic / genomic testing

Diagnosis (avoidance of unnecessary investigations and shorten

diagnostic odyssey)

Management (most appropriate follow up and treatment)

Genetic follow up (identification of gene carriers and

exclusion of population risk follow up)

Ensure you get the maximum clinical utility from you test

Examples of Personalised medicine

Non responders or adverse reactors Inhaled steroids or carbemazepine

CML with BCR-ABL translocation Imatinib

Non small cell lung cancer – EGFR mt TK inhibitors

Carcinoma of the colon – KRAS wt TKI - Cetuximab

Epilepsy, Delay and Autism due to creatinine deficiency

Creatinine supplementation

Achondroplasia – FRGFR3 activation TK inhibition or blockade downstream Naturetic peptide

Fibrillin disorders (Marfans and skeletal dysplasias)

Anti TGF beta agents

Lethal childhood TB due to Interferon gamma defect

Interferon gamma replacement

Generalised pustular psoriasis Interleukin blockade

Freidreichs ataxia Fe chelator across blood brain barrier

MODY and neonatal diabetes (DEND) Sulphonylurea

Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria Eculizumab

Genomics: What is it

• Sequence of entire human genome

– 1st Genome 13years and £2billion

– Now £1K and 48 hours

– Approximately 20,000 genes

– Intronic/ non-coding DNA

– 3 billion letters

– Detects genetic alterations causing disease in 25-40% more cases

Moore’s law vs Cost of DNA sequencing

Moore’s law: “over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles ~2years”

Methodology underlying Genomic Analysis

Technology Process Advantages Disadvantages

Sanger Sequential gene analysis

Simple Few VOUS No incidental findings “Cheap” “Quick”

Multiple genes :- Slow Expensive Only analyse candidates

NGS - Panel Selected “panel of candidates”

Relatively simple Some VOUS No incidental findings Getting cheaper Getting quicker

Only analyse candidates

NGS - exomes “All” coding sequences Detects unexpected causes Getting cheaper and quicker

Needs lots of bio-informatic support Lots of VOUS Cost > panel

NGS - genomes All genetic code Highest detection rate Greatest research value

Most expensive Most Complex Most VOUS

C R C 55C a U terus C a U terus 41 + C LL

Mut -ve U terus 41 C R C 44 C R C TC C 43 C R C 47x2 C R C 43 K A x2 C R C 50 C R C 45 + 54 U terus 45 TC C x2 U terus 46 C R C 46 Mut -ve

Mut -ve Mut -ve


Mut -ve

Joint MTC at QEH

19 apparently sporadic MTC presenting to QEH over 2 years

A mutation was identified in 3/19 (15.8%) V804M heterozygous 43y male V804M homozygous 54y female C618S heterozygous 30y female

Subsequent cascade testing in at risk family members

• → 18 predictive genetic tests → 13 positive → 11 prophylactic thyroidectomies (5/11 MTC and 5/11 CCH)

Confirmed SDHB c423 + 1G..A

Malignant paraganglioma

Initial analysis sequential SDHB,D,VHL and Ret oncogene Analysis now NGS panel SDHB,D,VHL and Ret oncogene, plus SDHA,C, SDHAF2, MAX, TMEM127

Birmingham Joint Endocrine Genetic Clinic 2007-2009

• 26 Patients seen with Phaeochromocytoma or paragnglioma

• 15/26 – no mutation

• 9/26 mutation positive – “diagnosis and change management”

• 21 Predictive tests (10/21+ve) – cascade testing

• 10 Relatives mutation +ve - in surveillance

• 11 Relatives mutation –ve - reassured

Some other genetic causes of bone fragility (LDD list 140 disorders)

• Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS)

• Osteoporosis

• Osteopetrosis

• Hypophospatasia

• Pyknodysostosis

• Pyles Disease

• Many many others – but most very rare


Molecular studies MZ Twins Therefore could be compatible with de-novo IFITM5 mutation c.-14C>T – new splice site and insertion of Met-Ala-Leu-Glu-Pro at the 5’ end of the gene. Separate AR Develop Delay and microcephaly - 8% genome homozygous -



One disease more than one gene

OI phenotypes and genotypes

OI Type Inheritance Phenotype Gene Defect

Classical –Silence Type



Mild Lethal Progressive Moderate

Nul Col1A1 Col7A1/Col1A2 Col1A1/Col 1A2 Col1A1/Col1A2

Other V VI


Distinctive histology/callus Mineralisation defect


3 hydroxylation defects



Hypomorphic (S) null (L) Severe to lethal Moderate – severe


Chaperone Defects



Severe to lethal BRUCK progressive


Unclassified types

Bruck Type II AR Contractures PLOD2

Caffey Disease AD Cortical hyperostosis


Osteoblast maturation defect

AD Moderate SP7

Who can be recruited?

• 13.5K samples over 3 years








Rare diseases (undiagnosed/unconfirmed)

Cardiovascular disorders

Dermatological disorders

Dysmorphic /Congenital abnormalities

Endocrine disorders

Growth disorders

Haematological disorders

Hearing/ear disorders

Metabolic disorders

Neurology/neurodevelopmental disorders

Opthalmological disorders

Renal and urinary tract disorders

Skeletal /rheumatological /connective tissue disorders

Cancer predisposition syndromes

Geleophysic – Acromicric Dysplasia

• Geleophysic – AR due to mutations in ADAMTLS2 gene

• Geleophysic/Acromicric – AD due to mutations in the fibrillin gene

• Prognosis differs across spectrum

• Fibrillin mutation disorders show evidence of response to anti TGF therapy

• Recurrence risk 1 in 2, 1 in 4 or very low

Pleiotropy or

Spectrum of the disorder?

One Gene – more than one phenotype

DTDST Mutations


MED Achondrogenesis type 1B



Atelosteogenesis type 2

homozygous heterozygous homozygous

p.V340del p.R178X


p.R279W +

IVS1+2T>C or p.V340del

p.R279W +

p.R178X or p.C418X

Chondrodysplasias – Type 2 Collagen

Who can be recruited?

• Eligibility – Rare disease

• Clinical diagnosis or suspected rare genetic condition

• Routine genetic tests normal

• No molecular diagnosis

• Trio available where possible

– Cancer • Any patient with breast, lung, ovarian, prostate, colon,

sarcoma cancer

• Current diagnosis

Who Can be Recruited ?– part 2

• Not appropriate for Sanger sequencing –not just 1 known gene

• Sanger sequencing / NGS panel testing negative.

• Very heterogenous and difficult to discriminate clinically

• No known genetic cause but likely genetic

• Newly recognised genetic disorder

Why recruiting “Trios”?

Miller Syndrome – Acrofacial dysostosis - caused by DHODH gene

Nature Genetics Jan 2010 Vol 42; 30-33

Filter Fam 1 A

Fam 1


Fam 1


Fam 1


Fam 1

A + B

Fam 1

A + B

Fam 1 + 2

Fam 1 + 2

FAM 1 + 2 +3

Fam 1 + 2 +3


NS/SS or InDel

4,670 2,863 4,687 2,859 3,940 2,362 3,099 1,810 2,654 1,525

Not in dbSNP 129

641 102 647 114 369 53 105 25 63 21

Not in HapMap 8

898 123 923 128 506 46 117 7 38 4

Not in either

456 31 464 33 228 9 26 1 8 1

Predicted damaging

204 6 204 12 83 1 5 0 2 0

De novo mutations in “Trio” Analysis

child mother father

DenovoGear 150-200 candidates

~2-3 potential

de novo per trio

~1 validated

de novo per trio


High sensitivity Low specificity

Something Special About the West Midlands

• Very young population

• Very fast population growth in the <25 year olds

• High levels of consanguinity in some communities

What sort of results may there be?

• May identify

– Mutations associated with known clinical diagnosis

– Mutations of likely significance

– Mutations associated with other diagnoses

– Cancers with molecular changes suggesting particular chemotherapies

Additional looked for findings

• Cancer predisposition – BRCA1, BRCA2, (Breast, ovarian and prostate cancer) – Lynch syndrome: MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, (Colorectal,

endometrial and ovarian cancer) – Polyposis: MYH, FAP, (Bowel polyps and colorectal cancer)

– Increase risk of cancer in adulthood

• With FAP, polyps often begin in teenage years

– Usually inherited from a parent – Identifying family members at risk can be helpful

• Screening (aids early diagnosis and improves survival) • Reducing risk (medication, risk reducing surgery, lifestyle choices)

The 100k Genome Project: Aims

• Rare disease: – To increase discovery of pathogenic variants for rare disease. – To add value with additional biological insights that build confidence in putative pathogenic

variants. – To enhance the clinical interpretation of whole genome sequencing in rare disease – To develop a programme of functional multi-omics pathways, specifically transcriptomics,

epigenetics, micro RNAs and biomarkers. – To return these findings to the NHS for feedback to patients. – To create a unique dataset for rare disease that may enable therapeutic innovation.

• Cancer

– To use whole genome sequencing to identify novel driver mutations for cancer and to understand the evolutionary genetic architecture of cancer through primary and secondary malignant disease (by multiple biopsy and whole genome sequencing).

– To partner stratified healthcare programmes and outcome studies with patients from the NHS in England to enable understanding of the benefit of whole genome sequencing in defining predictors of therapeutic response to cancer therapies.

– To use multi-omic approaches including transcriptomics, proteomics and epigenetics to offer additional biological insights into cancer.

– To utilise the whole genome sequencing to identify new pathways for cancer therapies.

WM GMC Vision Statement

In the next 3 years: We will implement a genomics programme, - investigating 7,000 patients, - treated at 18 hospitals across the region.

This will have a transformational effect on clinical services: - embedding genomics medicine and stratified treatment

in both cancers and rare diseases. - creating a regional platform for world leading research.

HEE, GEL, NHSE and PHE supported Masters Programme in Genomic Medicine

MRC EPSRC Molecular Pathology Nodes West Midlands

WMGMC Region - wide


Finance •Business model development •Ratification of business case •Monitoring & draw down of funding:

Chris Newton



Jean-Baptiste Cazier

Education and

Training •MSc: Peter Searle •Patient Recruitment & Counselling:

Laura Boyes/ Louise Banks & Trevor Cole •HEWM Rep - tba

Laboratory Services and Sample Logistics •Sample Pathways, Storage & Delivery: Jane Steele •Rare Disease & Blood Cancer Samples: Mike Griffiths •Solid Tumour (& germline blood) Samples: Phillipe Taniere • Operations: Jacqui Roper / Paula Hitch

Delivery Workstreams & Leads

Research Transformatio

n •MRC: Path Node •Scientific Discovery: Jean-Baptitse Cazier Research Portfolio:

Gideon Hirschfield

Service Innovation Adoption •WM CLAHRC - Richard Lilford •Svc Improvement: Lorraine Simmonds

Development Workstreams & Leads

Wealth Creation • WMAHSN: Tony


NHS England

Integration, Interoperability , Business Process Automation & Software Development

• Information Support Platforms: Stephen Chilton • Data Quality: Daniel Ray

• EST Sample Tracking: Daniel Ray • Clinical IT Syst Dev: Simon Ball

Project Management Team • Debbie Porter (PM)

WM GMC Management Group (MG) Co - Chairs: Dion Morton &

Trevor Cole

WM GMC Consortium Executive Group (CEG)

Chair: Tim Jones (UHB) Senior Responsible Officer

University Hospitals Birmingham Foundation Trust Board of Directors

Cancer • Adult : Mark Cook • Paed iatrics : Prof Pam

Kearns • Genetics: Kai-Ren Ong

Rare Diseases •Genetics : Trevor Cole

•Paed iatrics : Tim Barrett • Adult : Graham Lipkin •HEFT Rep : tba • SWBH Rep: tba

CEG Members UoB Dean of Medicine - David Adams BCH Chief Exec – Sarah-Jane Marsh BWH Chief Exec – Ros Keeton WM AHSN Director – Chris Parker (GMC PG Chair) WM GMC Director - Dion Morton

WM GMC Partners Group

(PG) Chair: Chris Parker


PG Members Toby Lewis - SWBT TBC - HEFT Andy Hardy - UHCW David Loughton - RWT Mark Hackett – UHNM Jo Chambers - ROH


Fiona Alexander

GMC MG Members WM GMC Director – Dion Morton Theme Chairs – (see below) PM - Debbie Porter Div Director Div A – Ian Sharp BHP Comms – Fiona Alexander Head of R&D Ops – Jo Plumb Regional Genetics Svc – Mike Griffiths

What is involved?

Patient clinics:

Rare Diseases

Patient clinics:


Patient clinics: Solid


Sample and Validation Pathways in Birmingham GMC sample hub - OUT


WMRGL & MPDS (& LDPs) NHS laboratory with retained DNA receives results via HBRC .

NHS laboratory with retained DNA is responsible for validation, via: Own existing tests

Existing tests elsewhere in Bham GMC Existing tests elsewhere in GMC network, UKGTN network, or elsewhere.

Bespoke assays.

HBRC Single report receipt point within GMC Distributes results to NHS laboratories

Links results to patient records .


Midlands Regional Genetics


MPDS Molecular Pathology Diagnostic


HBRC Human

Biomaterials Resource


GEL Biorepository

GEL Sequencing

Samples & DNA

all bloods




all bloods, marrow

results results




supp bloods

tumour, all bloods supp bloods


Sample Hub


Patient clinics

Expert Triumvirate

Site Specific


Clinician/ Notes

‘Normal’ Results

Report/ Liaison

Membership consists of • (Pathologist) • Consultant from The Expert

Advisory Group • Clinical Geneticist


Validation of GEL Results

Sample Hub


Feedback and Validation Pathways for Results V1.2

Rare Diseases A rare disease with residual unmet diagnostic need identified by a proband

within the NHS in England – Clinical diagnosis or suspected rare genetic condition – Routine genetic tests normal – No molecular diagnosis – Trio available where possible

Up to 9000 samples over 3 years – Cardiovascular disorders – Dermatological disorders – Dysmorphic /Congenital abnormalities – Endocrine disorders – Growth disorders – Haematological disorders – Hearing/ear disorders – Metabolic disorders – Neurology/neurodevelopmental disorders – Opthalmological disorders – Renal and urinary tract disorders – Skeletal /rheumatological /connective tissue disorders – Cancer predisposition syndromes

Eligibility- rare disease Inclusion criteria Exclusion Criteria

A rare disease with residual unmet diagnostic need

Prior identification of a known causative gene variant an affected family member.

Particular conditions that have undergone a defined gene panel test or other tests to exclude known genetic mutations.

The absence of valid consent.

Access to appropriate family structures (ideally parent-offspring trio,) with suspected Mendelian dominant, recessive or X-Linked conditions

Probands not under the care of the NHS in England.

Families with suspected Mendelian conditions with one or more affected individuals in a single generation (likely to be due de novo mutations)

Inadequate phenotyping or failure to provide data and samples to the Genomics England central biorepository within 14 days.

Individuals with extreme forms of common disorders (e.g. particularly early onset or unusually severe forms) will also be considered

DNA of insufficient quality for whole genome sequencing (we may request further samples).

Multiple unrelated families with evidence of linkage to the same chromosomal region/s

What are they consenting to? Whole genome sequencing and storage of samples for other ‘omic’ analysis

Feedback of pertinent, clinically relevant findings: – Verified locally

• Known pathogenic, causative results • Possible causative results (via GeCIPs)

– Looked-for additional clinically important, actionable findings (opt-in)

Linked access to participants health records in perpetuity Anonymised data and samples shared with approved partners in genomic embassy Agreement to re-contact to invite to participate in further studies (up to 4 times pa)

Rare diseases

Germline DNA Proband

Parents (or 2 relatives)

Additional looked-for findings

Additional looked for findings – Adult Onset

• BRCA1, BRCA2, • MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, • MYH, APC, • Familial Hypercholesterolaemia

– Childhood Onset • MEN1, MEN2, RB, VHL, FMTC

– Carrier Testing • Sickle Cell Anaemia, Alpha Thalassemia, Bet Thalassemia • CF, CAH, SMA • DMD, Adrenoleukodystrophy, Haemophilia A

HEE, GEL, NHSE and PHE supported Masters Programme in Genomic Medicine

MRC EPSRC Molecular Pathology Nodes West Midlands

WMGMC Region - wide


Genomics Education Programme

100k Genomes:

workshops/ seminars

Overview Recruitment Education/Training

All staff groups

4th December and 28th January

GeL/HEE E-modules

Genomics, Bioinformatics,

Consent and Ethics

All staff groups (clinical staff)

Open access

100k Genomes

recruitment course

Genomics, Recruitment and

consent, Communicating

results and counselling issues

All staff groups (Clinical nurse

specialists, genomics nurses, Genomic


2 day programme: 21st/22nd January & 4th/5th March & 2-


Genomics access course

Introduction to concepts required for

MSc Genomic Medicine

Nurses & AHPs considering MSc who

need to refresh knowledge

1 week programme: aim to begin in April


MSc Genomic Medicine

Comprehensive range of core and optional


All staff groups

Plan to begin March 2015

MSc in Genomic Medicine

Health Education England (HEE) will support 550 NHS staff to study this MSc between 2015 & summer 2018 –

Can be taken Full-time (1 year) or Part-time (2 years) – Modules also available for PGDip, PGCert or CPPD

Start— from 19th March 2015!

Apply through the University; HEE will pay tuition fees – UoB accepting EOIs

• Email [email protected]

MSc Genomic Medicine

Programme Stucture & Delivery Model

Blended learning. – At UoB, most modules involve 5 days of campus-based teaching; combined

with distance-learning – ~45 days on campus.

Core modules covering: – 1) Introduction; 2) Omics Technologies; 3) Inherited Diseases; 4) Cancer; 5)

Pharmacogenomics & Stratified Healthcare; 6) Infectious Diseases; 7) Bioinformatics

Projects: — At University, place of work or online (bioinformatics)

Optional modules: – i) Ethical, Legal & Social Issues; ii) Counselling Skills; iii) Economic Models;

iv) Workplace-Based Learning; v) Professional & Research Skills; vi) Advanced Bioinformatics

For more information:

– –

Contacts Staffordshire and Shropshire

Christopher Clowes

Genomics Ambassador – West Midlands North (including UHNM, SaTH, RJAH and BurtonFT)

Tel: 01782 671939

Email: [email protected] & [email protected]

Address: Research and Development Department, Courtyard Annexe – C Block, Royal Stoke University Hospital, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, Newcastle Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 6QG.

Black Country and Worcestershire

Charlotte Hitchcock

Genomics Ambassador – West Midlands Black Country and Worcestershire

Tel 01902 447146

E mail [email protected]