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10 things your boss wished you knew

These things go unsaid but, your boss always wished you knew them. Often not spelled out,

this is what your boss wishes you knew.visit for best ppts

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Know this

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• There are some things your boss wished that you knew without her having to give you long explanations.

• You will be surprised but, there will be quite a few things on her list. Some that she might have learnt from her boss or learnt the hard way through observation.

• The most important communications are the ones that we don’t speak out. Thus, when it comes to your boss, you need to pick up these unsaid communications.

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There is always a trade-off

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• You work in a limited area, with a limited perspective of things. You are responsible for only a part of the whole process; a part of the entire cake.

• In such a case it is easy to think that solutions are obvious. But, when you are responsible for a whole department or office, then things are complicated. Lot of people/factors are involved.

• There is always a trade-off needed. Understand why sometimes your request for training is not granted; may be she has to trade-off request for a new software.

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Any solutions?

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• Your boss is interested in solutions, problems are obvious, everyone can see them. But, do you have solutions?

• When you bring problems, she has to spend time solving them.

• You would be so valuable to organizations if you bring solutions.

• It is easier to react to a solution, than to start thinking about a problem right from the scratch.

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Attitude matters

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• Handling a team is a challenge & it gets difficult when someone is acting tough.

• You are resisting feedback, you are difficult to work with, acting just unpleasant, you are constantly finding faults in the system & work environment.

• Then even if your work is good, it goes unnoticed. Managers don’t like poor attitude, it can affect the other team members too. Thus, causing further challenge for your manager.

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Saying yes to you

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• When you request for something & your boss says no, understand why is your boss not allowing certain things for you.

• If your boss says ‘yes’ to you & others come with the same request, she can’t refuse them.

• For example, your boss allows you to work from home twice a week. She will have to allow your other teammates too.

• Thus, your demand becomes unfeasible for her. Because, it causes morale problems, when someone is treated differently.

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Be better informed

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• Your opinion is valuable for your boss. She wants you to be well informed, so that she can count on you for decision making, opinion & analysis.

• When your information is well researched, your boss can rely on you.

• Keep track of trends, happenings, information with your perspective along with it, makes your opinion valuable & knowledgeable.

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Take feedback positively

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• A feedback is not personal, it is to get the best out of you. Your manager doesn’t give you a feedback & is not bothered about the quality of your work.

• Then, you will not progress in your career & you will be lost as to why you are not climbing up the ladder.

• Don’t get defensive about feedback. It is not meant to make you feel bad or pull you down. Feedback is for your own good & that of the company.

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Take ownership

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• When you are given an assignment, your boss wants you to drive it, command it & take ownership.

• It’s your job to execute the project but, that is what everyone does. Go a step further & own your work.

• Be the one driving it forward, be obsessed with it. Spot problems before they even emerge & address the challenges.

• This means you are taking responsibility just as a manager should take. Here you graduate from being a B-player to A- player. This will help you a lot in your career.

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Get your answers

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• Your boss expects you to find your own answers. Before you approach her for help try to get things done yourself.

• Don’t run to your boss for every small thing. Interpersonal conflicts with co-workers should be resolved by you.

• Even if you are not in office, the work shouldn’t suffer. Your boss expects you to behave like a professional adult, who doesn’t need to point out these things to you.

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Speak up

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• You have tried everything, but things are not working out for you.

• If you are struggling with an assignment, there is a problem in a project/ assignment, you are overloaded with work, etc.

• Speak up & take the matter to your boss. Your boss is waiting to hear from you, if things are a bit tough on you.

• Sometimes you won’t have solutions, but your boss will.

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Enjoy your job

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• Your boss doesn’t want you to lose the gleam in your eyes.

• You being happy at work gives your boss the confidence that you are enjoying your job & you are well in control of things.

• Your boss wants you to take this job as a challenge, that will take you ahead in your career.

• She wants you to remember her, even when you leave the organization.

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He wont spell out all of this

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• Since you work in a limited arena decisions seem simple to you. But, they are not for your boss. There is always a trade-off involved in a decision.

• Bring solutions to your boss, not problems.• Don’t complaint, or be unpleasant at work. Keep the right attitude.• Understand that a ‘yes’ to you means, your boss has to say ‘yes’ to

a lot of other people & this might be unfeasible.• When your information is well researched, your boss will rely on

you. • A feedback is not personal, it is to get the best out of you. • When you are given an assignment, your boss wants you to drive it,

command it & take ownership. • Find your own answers; before you approach her for help, try to get

things done yourself. • Speak up if you don’t get your answers. Share your challenges with

your boss.• You being happy at work gives your boss the confidence that you

are enjoying your job & you are well in control of things.

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