Download - 10 Secrets Of Web Native Publishing


10 Secrets of Web-Native Publishing

1. It’s easy

2. It’s high velocity

3. A blog is web-native CMS

4. People are publishing brands

5. It’s a conversation

6. It’s an open process

7. Your niche is your neighborhood

8. Readers want to be sent away

9. Links power distribution on the web

10. Domains are a distribution platform

Trade Publishing In My Spare Time

Video Is As “Easy” As Text

Increasing the Velocity of Publishing

Weekly Publisher Goes Daily

Every Publisher Can Be High Velocity

Every Organization Can Be a Web-Native Publisher

A Blog Is A Simple, Web-Native CMS

Why Blogging Software Is Web-Native

Blog CMS Features Why It’s Web-Native

Reverse chronological order Easily see what’s new

RSS feed Easily see what’s new

Comments It’s a conversation

Trackbacks It’s a neighborhood

Tags Everything is miscellaneous

Permalinks So links don’t die

Archives The best content has a long shelf life

The New York Time’s Blog Ghetto

Wall Street Journal’s Web-Native Innovation

Individuals As Publishing Brands

Look Who’s Talking

Your Readers Talk To You, And You Talk Back

Talk Like A Real Person

Speaker Pelosi is saying she wants a vote on energy legislation by the Thanksgiving break, with a House vote as early as next week. Given the wholesale rejection of market forces and domestic supply so far, we doubt any House-Senate "compromise" will address America's energy needs, but there are varying degrees of possible lousiness. Adoption of the Senate's CAFE standards would be lousy-cubed.

Now, we like to mock Lou Dobbs as much as the next blog. (Obviously. We have a blog category, "Dobbs Watch.") Dobbs IS a classic blowhard and populist bully, and on free trade he's wrong. And yes, he has a big megaphone. But we also worry about lending him too much influence. He's not why free trade is suffering as an issue.

Every Publisher Can Have Personality

Here’s What We’re Up To

Show The Sausage Getting Made

Take To Your Neighbors -- And Link To Them


Linking To Your Neighborhood - Links As Content

Why Should You Send Your Readers Away?

Sending People Away Is What Google Does

Give Links and Yeh Shall Receive Links

Go to

Why Links Matter

Domain Sharecropping

The Power Of Domains

10 Secrets of Web-Native Publishing

1. It’s easy

2. It’s high velocity

3. A blog is web-native CMS

4. People are publishing brands

5. It’s a conversation

6. It’s an open process

7. Your niche is your neighborhood

8. Readers want to be sent away

9. Links power distribution on the web

10. Domains are a distribution platform