Download - 10 reasons why you cannot get a job

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Reason 1: Your CV stinks

• Its too long & confusing • You hav a splling/formating eror• You have fancy graphics that take an age to download• It has terrible colours • All of the above

If the look and feel isn’t world class... employers the hassle and throw it in the bin yourself

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Reason 2: Your CV still stinks

It’s a first draft, not re-written and most importantly not thought through. For employers, your cv is not about ‘selection’, its about ‘de-selection’. Is your cv just a list of your duties?

Avoid the rejection pile and differentiate yourself by saying what you do WELL not what you do.

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Reason 3: You rely on applying to jobs online

This is only one method to find a job. Face to face meetings or referrals increase your chances of getting a job exponentially. Over 50% of jobs are not advertised. Make a two page cv come to life by networking.

Start meeting people!

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Reason 4: You’re getting frustrated by a lack of feedback

Never send an application that you cannot follow up.Take control of this part of the process. If after three attempts to talk to them have failed – guess what, they’ve filled the job or they just don’t want you.

Learn to take rejection. Focus your efforts on jobs you can get.

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Reason 5 : You don’t look like the person they want

You can lose the job in an interview after just 30 seconds. Know how others perceive your appearance, clothes (even your smell!) and focus on what the client wants.

The basics: Appropriate interview attire Firm handshake Eye Contact Smile

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Reason 6 : You don’t believe you’ll get the job

People focus ten times more on what they see than what they hear. Your body language will show an interviewer whether or not you have the confidence and self-belief needed for this role. Attitude and passion are critical.

If you don’t believe in yourself, it will be obvious to the interviewer.

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Reason 7 : You’re interviewing for “a” job not “the” job

If you don’t really know why you want the job, it will be obvious. Clients want people who are passionate and interested in the specific role that they are interviewing for.

Always know why you want the job. If you make up a reason, employers will see through it.

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Reason 8 : You blame recruitment agencies

Remember: a recruitment agency only makes money when they put the right candidate in front of their client. If this is not you – your cv is not good enough or you haven't convinced them. Its not personal.

What can you do to differentiate yourself to the recruitment agency?

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Reason 9: You are just o.k. at interviews – not good enough!

Most interview questions can be predicted but candidates don’t prepare their answers because its boring. If you don’t practice before the interview, don’t bother going to it.

Standing in front of a mirror practising your interview may seem embarrassing…

... But not as embarrassing as choking in a live interview.

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Reason 10 : Its not fair!

There was an internal applicant, the recruiter doesn’t “get” you, no one understands your unique skills and the market is really, really, really tough. Guess what – it’s the same for everyone else!Finding a job is hard work.

A positive attitude, resilience and persistence are the ingredients of the successful jobseeker. Don’t give up – others will.

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Name Peter CosgroveTitle: Director – CplPhone: +353 1614 6160 / +35387 6200836Email: [email protected]: @petercosgroveWebsite:

“Its your attitude, not your aptitude that will determine your altitude”