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10 Reasons Why College

Should be Abolished

Page 2: 10 Reasons Why College Should be Abolished

Are You Paying Attention?

The sacred institution of college has ruined an entire

generation of Millennials. Many of whom are pushing

30, are still underemployed, loaded with student loan

debt and will never earn enough money to justify their

over-priced pieces of paper.

Do we really want to push this system on to the next


This system no longer works and it’s not fixable. I

repeat. It is not fixable and we must stop pretending

like it is.

Here’s 10 reasons why college should be abolished.

Michael Price

Author: What Next? The Millennial’s Guide to Surviving

and Thriving in the Real World

Page 3: 10 Reasons Why College Should be Abolished

1.) It Provides No Greater Access

to What You Don’t Already


Thanks to technology and the evolution of progress,

textbooks, libraries, computer labs and course

curriculums are now completely worthless. Did you

know that back in the day, the major draw to attending

college was access to the school’s resources? Since

the Internet and personal computers didn’t exist 30

years ago, many people had to attend college so they

could get access to emerging technology and books.

Here’s the problem we face in 2014. Now that

everyone has a personal computer, smartphone and

tablet, why do they need a college university to teach

them and expose them to things that they already have

access to?

Michael Price

Author: What Next? The Millennial’s Guide to Surviving

and Thriving in the Real World

Page 4: 10 Reasons Why College Should be Abolished

2.) It’s Out of Touch

The college system has become shamelessly arrogant.

For decades they’ve held an almost God-like power,

whereby people hung on every word and belief

universities stated. Most of all, people believed and

continue to believe that the college system can

somehow predict the future of employment. Since the

world moves at such a rapid pace and changes

direction so swiftly, the college system will never be

able to accurately predict emerging job markets as it

once did and they most certainly won’t be able to

predict how long industries will last. They used to be

able to, back when an industry lasted 20+ years, but

those days are over. Now that the Great and Powerful

Wizard of Oz has shown himself to be nothing more

than a mere mortal, what do you need him for? He can

no better predict your ability to get and maintain a job

as a Meteorologist can accurately predict the weather.

Michael Price

Author: What Next? The Millennial’s Guide to Surviving

and Thriving in the Real World

Page 5: 10 Reasons Why College Should be Abolished

3.) It Cost Too Much

College used to be affordable. In 1978, a student who

worked a minimum wage job all summer could pay for

one year of tuition and fees at a 4-year public

university, with enough money left over to cover 50% of

room and board. Today, a student would have to work

another 4 ½ months at minimum wage just to cover

tuition and fees (source: #raisethewage)

Are you really willing to spend the amount of money

equivalent to paying off two luxury cars or half the cost

of a home on a college degree that will likely not

prepare you for the real world, not prepare you for a job

and not get you a job?

Michael Price

Author: What Next? The Millennial’s Guide to Surviving

and Thriving in the Real World

Page 6: 10 Reasons Why College Should be Abolished

4.) It Won’t Get You The Job it

Claims it Will

Job placement for recent college graduates is at a

historic low, but how can that be when Millennial’s are

the most highly educated generation in human history?

College has been masquerading as an institution built

on its primary purpose being to educate people so that

they’re smarter and more intelligent. That notion is built

on a lie. It’s a marketing gimmick that’s worked for

decades because it sounds sexy to say you’re smart.

The real truth is that people go to college expecting to

get a job. College doesn’t teach skills necessary for

today’s rapidly evolving job market, so why on Earth

would you pay tens of thousands of dollars to learn

stuff? Have you heard of the Internet? Learn stuff there

if you want to be smarter. It’s free.

Michael Price

Author: What Next? The Millennial’s Guide to Surviving

and Thriving in the Real World

Page 7: 10 Reasons Why College Should be Abolished

5.) It’s a New Dawn and a New Day

Michael Price

Author: What Next? The Millennial’s Guide to Surviving

and Thriving in the Real World

We’re living through The Age of Experts. Employers

need people who are experts in their fields. This is very

different from the last generation of paper pushers and

project managers.

PP’s and PM’s are slowly but surely losing their jobs to

downsizing and computer programs that do their jobs

much faster, more efficiently and much cheaper.

The issue of college comes into play when realizing

that these institutions are still pushing people to pursue

worthless degrees in marketing and business that lead

to a job as a paper pusher or project manager, where

they’ll eventually be laid off annually hoping they find a

new job before the lights get turned off.

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6.) Being Smart No Longer Matters

Michael Price

Author: What Next? The Millennial’s Guide to Surviving

and Thriving in the Real World

Remember being a kid when everyone would tell you

how smart you were? As you got older, you heard it

less and less. Not because you got dumber as you got

older, but because everyone else eventually rose to the

same level. As the clone machine did it’s work, by the

time high school graduation came around, it eventually

stamped out enough carbon copies, making you no

smarter than the person to the right or left of you.

College fools people into believing that being smart

advances you in the job market. So what do people

do? They get degrees in Eastern Philosophy,

Psychology, Art History or some other intellectual

“smart guy/gal” degree that has zero value to an

employer. This is an outright scam, and it’s continuing

to be propelled by the notion that being smart still

matters. What a joke.

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7.) It’s a Waste of Time. Literally.

A Bachelor’s degree takes most people half a decade

or longer to complete. In this day and age, the world

changes too rapidly to waste time pursuing something

you sought out to accomplish half a decade prior. By

the time you graduate with your Bachelor’s degree,

there’s a high probability that

A.) The career/profession you sought 4 - 6 years prior

no longer exists or has been completely disrupted or

B.) The information you learned for the past 4 - 6 years

is now completely obsolete.

Michael Price

Author: What Next? The Millennial’s Guide to Surviving

and Thriving in the Real World

Page 10: 10 Reasons Why College Should be Abolished

8.) Too Much Supply.

Not Enough Demand

America loves to brag that Millennial’s are the most

highly educated generation in human history. What

they won’t tell you is that Millennial’s are also the most

underemployed generation in human history. This is a

result of the carbon-copy attributes they each posses.

Since an overwhelming majority of college pursuits

only teach you how to be smarter, which as I

referenced earlier is now worthless, there are millions

of kids with the same zero skills and zero experience

competing for the same very limited jobs. To make

matters worse, they’re not just competing with people

in their local areas. They’re competing with the entire

planet. Employers would prefer to farm-out work

overseas or higher off-site contractors than pay you a

salary with benefits and a pension.

Michael Price

Author: What Next? The Millennial’s Guide to Surviving

and Thriving in the Real World

Page 11: 10 Reasons Why College Should be Abolished

9.) It Kills Creativity

Your youth is the most formative years of your life. The

ages of 18 - 25 are particularly important as your brain

is beginning to fully form it’s ideals, beliefs and

thoughts about yourself, the world, and where you fit


When you waste these years spending them following

direction, being told how to sit in your seat, shut up and

do what you’re told, you become even more of a clone

than you were during your adolescence.

Creativity is all that matters now. Employers want

people who can think outside the box and create

things, because creating things of value makes money,

and businesses like money. So go to college. Stifle

your creativity and you’ll never live a life of prosperity

or security.

Michael Price

Author: What Next? The Millennial’s Guide to Surviving

and Thriving in the Real World

Page 12: 10 Reasons Why College Should be Abolished

10.) You Can Teach Yourself

Thanks to The Internet you can teach yourself just

about anything for free or maybe $20 bucks for a book

or online course.

Education has become open source. The institutions of

higher learning hate this, because those gatekeepers

who previously held a choke hold on knowledge no

longer own the keys to the kingdom.

Michael Price

Author: What Next? The Millennial’s Guide to Surviving

and Thriving in the Real World

Page 13: 10 Reasons Why College Should be Abolished

So Now What?

By now you’re probably thinking…

“If college is to be abolished how will I make a living or

get a job?”

I’m not going to pretend to provide a blanket one-sized

fits all answer to this question. Unlike college, I don’t

believe I’m a God and can predict your future. What I

will say is that you should not attend college by default.

This is what happened to The Millennials. Everyone

went to college and didn’t pay attention to any of the

pertinent details such as how much it would cost, job

placement percentages or the evolution of the job

market and the role technology would play. Think.

That’s what you need to do. Use your brain, find your

own path and blaze a trail.

Michael Price

Author: What Next? The Millennial’s Guide to Surviving

and Thriving in the Real World

Page 14: 10 Reasons Why College Should be Abolished

Interested in Learning More?

Checkout my book.

Topics covered:

- High school- Higher education- Career- Entrepreneurship- Financial literacy- Message for parents

“If you’re a Millennial wondering ‘what next’ in your life,this book is for you. Michael Price has been there and done that and offers his advice in a no-nonsense style readers will love.”

– Barbara Corcoran: Star of ABC’s Shark Tank

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