Download - 10 Home Remedies to Prevent Swine Flu




  • We are experiencing a new disease called swine flu virus which started in Mexico spreading to the US and the rest of the world reaching pandemic proportion. At this moment the best approach to the swine flu virus is to preventing it from infecting us in the first place, for that there are many steps that the population has to learn and practice diligently.

    If we get infected by the swine flu virus there are a number of conventional treatments available and they must be used in all cases, however there are also many home remedies for swine flu virus that can help mitigate the symptoms.


  • Basil leaves (Tulsi, medicinal name: Ocimum sanctum)) are very fruitful in cough and cold. It cures lung and throat infection. It cures all kind of issues related to throat infection. Fresh basil leaves should be taken every day.


  • Ginger (medicinal name: Zingiber officinale) contain antifungal, antibiotic and anti-bacterial properties. It plays a great role in fighting swine flu as it enhances the immunity power.


  • Vitamin C is the best resource for growing immunity power as white blood cells increases in number. Hence, regular intake of citrus fruits are very much important for health and to prevent swine flu.


  • Aloe Vera is enriched with many powerful characteristics which are related to better health. It gives immense immunity power to resist any infectious disease. Thus it helps in preventing swine flu.


  • Camphor is a good option to have once or twice in a month while suffering from swine flu. An adult can take it as a tablet but for children its quite difficult to swallow it. Hence it should be taken with any other food or fruit.


  • Turmeric (medicinal name: Curcuma longa) is an herb with many antibacterial properties. Hence its very fruitful in treating swine flu. Every day it should be taken. The best way to incorporate turmeric in your life is to add it while cooking.

  • Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A are good to increase resistant power. Carrots, sweet potatoes, papaya, squash, lettuce are rich source of vitamin A which should be included in daily diet while treating swine flu.


  • A very good homemade mixture can relieve swine flu. In a cup of Luke warm water you need to mix two tablespoon of vinegar and one table spoon of honey, which should be taken every morning to fight swine flu.

  • One more tea mixture is very fruitful in the treatment of swine flu.

    The ingredients are:One tablespoon of Bayberry barkOne tablespoon grated gingerrootHalf tablespoon cayenne powder

  • Finally, Daily Pranayam is worthwhile for curing many diseases including swine flu. It really helps in keeping lung and throat in good condition. Apart from this, daily morning walk is also healthy to maintain a proper lifestyle.
