Download - 10 Great Oral Hygiene Tips for for healthier & whiter teeth


10 Great Oral Hygiene Tips10 Great Oral Hygiene Tipsfor healthier & whiter teeth

1 - Diet for healthy tips

E.g. Leafy greens, apples, carrots, celery, almonds, cheese and more.

Rich in: Calcium, protein, fibres, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals etc.

Benefits: Help to strengthen tooth enamels & protect our teeth from decays!

2 - Proper Brushing

• Brush twice a day OR at least after every meal.• Brush for 2-3 minutes.• Use soft-bristled toothbrush.• Practice right brushing technique.• Use fluoridated toothpastes.

3 - Clean your tongue too

• Daily tongue scrapping will help maintain an overall oral health.

4 - Try baking soda

At least a week!

It helps remove teeth stains and whiten the teeth.

Such use should be performed with dentist's advices!

5 - Use mouthwash

• It simply helps one stay fresh!

• Maintains enough moist within to keep away dry mouth.

6 - Floss with your eyes closed

• Teeth flossing is as important as teeth brushing.

• Helps to clean teeth from angles that are not easily reachable by brush. Highly advisable!

7 - Avoid tobacco, alchol & coffee

• To simply keep your teeth much safer from teeth staining & dental cavities.

8 - Limit sugary intake

• Avoid eating sugary, starchy or sticky food and beverages.

• Help yourself stay plaque-free, decay-free and away from many dental problems!

9 - Protect teeth from injury

• Wear mouthguard when playing sports.

10 - Regular dental checkups

• Dental visit twice a year is highly recommended!

• It helps us to see if we have everything well into our mouth or require to fix a dental problem if any.

• Controls diseases from further expansion.

Just be fit!

Benefits of maintaining orgal hygiene are wellunderstood now.

Then what would you like?

Is it spending rest of your life withoutany dental problem ORjust a little (with ageing only)?

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