Download - 1) Why does Dr Strauss want Charlie Gordon to write …€¦ · Web viewby Daniel Keyes. WORK PACKET. 8th GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON. Vocabulary Progress Reports 1 -






Vocabulary Progress Reports 1 - 7

1) Thematic Apperception Test


_____________________________________________________________________2) Hostile

_____________________________________________________________________3) Apathetic


Reading Comprehension Progress Reports 1 - 7

1) If you consider both before and after the operation, explain the two main reasons why Dr Strauss has asked Charlie Gordon to start writing these progress reports.


_____________________________________________________________________2) Charlie writes in his progress report that he has to take a “raw shok” test. What is this kind of test really called, and what is it used for?


_____________________________________________________________________3) Why do you think Burt’s pencil broke on March 4th?

_____________________________________________________________________4) What capacity is Charlie lacking to carry out the Rorschach test?


_____________________________________________________________________5) The first mention of Gimpy on March 5th. Already we can guess at the nature of their relationship from this quite subtle characterization. Explain.



6) There are two main reasons for which Charlie is incapable of taking the Thematic Apperception test. What are they?


_____________________________________________________________________7) What is the “amazed ” that Charlie has to do on March 6th?

_____________________________________________________________________8) Explain what Charlie Gordon and Algernon already have in common when they first meet on March 6th.


_____________________________________________________________________9) What does it tell us about Nemur and Strauss that they had the discussion detailed in the progress report for March 6th in Charlie’s presence?

_____________________________________________________________________10) In that discussion, there are several words that Charlie could not complete. Could you write out these words with the correct spelling?

a)__________________________ e)_______________________________

b)__________________________ f)_______________________________

c)__________________________ g)_______________________________

d)__________________________ h)_______________________________

11) What seem to be the reasons for Charlie`s motivation to increase his intellect?


_____________________________________________________________________12) What figurative expression, or figure of speech, is used by Nurse Hilda on March 12th and is not understood by Charlie?

_____________________________________________________________________13) Why does Nurse Hilda mention the biblical story of Adam and Eve to Charlie?



14) Why is a new nurse assigned to Charlie on March 13th?

_____________________________________________________________________15) From Miss Kinnian’s behavior towards Charlie in his progress reports for March 8th and 13th, what can we guess at as readers that Charlie himself is unable to perceive?


Literary Analysis Progress Reports 1 - 7

1) Although the opening of the story is different to that of a conventional novel, the first progress report does still fulfill in a way the usual purpose of a novel’s introduction. Explain how.


_____________________________________________________________________2) Stylistically speaking, what are the two most striking aspects of the novel’s first page?

_____________________________________________________________________3) Another famous novel with an immediately obvious stylistic parallel to Flowers for Algernon is “Dracula” by Bram Stoker. Read the novel, or research it online, and find out what the stylistic similarities and differences are.



_____________________________________________________________________4) Something else which will strike readers is the term “retarded”, which Daniel Keyes has Charlie use frequently in the narration of the story, as if it were a socially acceptable term. Explain what the reason is for its presence in the novel.




5) Daniel Keyes cleverly strikes a balance between staying true to Charlie’s rough writing style and giving us enough information to understand the situations in which Charlie finds himself, even in instances when Charlie himself does not understand these situations. Explain this statement in your own words, and use examples from the text.





_____________________________________________________________________6) In Progress Report 7, Daniel Keyes makes the first of several allusions to the story of Adam and Eve. Find out what the literary term “allusion” means.


7) Why is the novel split up into “progress reports” rather than chapters?




Creative Writing Progress Reports 1 - 7

1) Review the second Progress Report. Then rewrite the events described by Charlie using the point of view of Burt in a minimum of 150 words. Remember that Burt would express himself in a totally different manner, and would use more adult and professional terminology.



















2) In Progress Report 7, Charlie mentions conversations between his work colleagues in which he feels unable to participate. Write a dialogue in a minimum of 150 words (in the form of a screenplay) between Joe Carp, Frank and Gimpy on one of the three topics Charlie mentions.




















Vocabulary Progress Reports 8 - 9

1) Subconscious


_____________________________________________________________________2) Plateau

_____________________________________________________________________3) IQ


Reading Comprehension Progress Reports 8 - 9

1) Why is Charlie disappointed after the operation?

_____________________________________________________________________2) On March 15th, Charlie describes feelings of frustration towards Algernon and Nemur, and complains of headaches. How could both of these be understood as signs that the operation has been successful?


_____________________________________________________________________3) On March 16th, Charlie gives us our first hint as to how he was treated by his mother as a child. What is this information and what does it suggest to us?


_____________________________________________________________________4) As detailed on March 16th, what perception does Charlie have of Professor Nemur and Dr Strauss? Why do you think this is?


_____________________________________________________________________5) On March 20th, there is another point in common between Charlie and Algernon disclosed. Explain what this is.


6) Read about Charlie’s experiences at the bakery on March 21st. Charlie states “Their my friends and they really like me”. Explain what the reality of the situation is.


_____________________________________________________________________7) Explain the expression used by the bakery workers “to pull a Charlie Gordon”.

_____________________________________________________________________8) Explain the simile that Dr Strauss uses to describe Charlie’s learning process on March 24th.



9) What breakthrough does Charlie make on March 26th?

_____________________________________________________________________10) On March 28th, how does Dr Strauss explain the meaning of ‘conscious’ and ‘subconscious’ to Charlie?


_____________________________________________________________________11) What is the definition of ‘subconscious’ according to Charlie’s dictionary?


_____________________________________________________________________12) Look up the word ‘subconscious’ in a dictionary and copy out the definition. Is it similar to the one Charlie found?


_____________________________________________________________________13) On March 28th, Charlie continues to recall things from his past. What does he describe this time and what do you think triggered this memory?




14) By March 29th, we notice some clear improvements in Charlie’s writing and perception. Give at least two examples of each.




_____________________________________________________________________15) Charlie mentions that Miss Kinnian looks younger than he remembered her. Why do you think this is?


16) What backfires on Charlie`s workmates on April 1st?


_____________________________________________________________________17) On April 3rd, what does Charlie`s reaction to finishing the novel of Robinson Crusoe tell us about his progress?


_____________________________________________________________________18) On April 4th, what is the real reason for Miss Kinnian having to leave the room?

_____________________________________________________________________19) Describe in your own words the incident from Charlie`s childhood that he recalls on April 4th and that really upsets him.



_____________________________________________________________________20) Why does Charlie feel sick on April 10th?



21) Try to think of a time when you had that sick feeling in your stomach and describe what caused you to feel like that below.




_____________________________________________________________________22) There is an indication in Charlie`s progress report for April 10th that Charlie has entered puberty 20 years later than an average person. Explain what this indication is.

_____________________________________________________________________23) On April 13th, why do you think Charlie starts writing about himself as if he were a different person?


24) On April 14th, Strauss tells Charlie he is quickly developing intellectually, but not emotionally. How does Charlie himself word this?


_____________________________________________________________________25) On April 16th, Strauss claims that someone`s IQ is like a cup that needs to be filled up. Do you agree that someone could be a genius without actually knowing anything? Explain your answer.



_____________________________________________________________________26) Write a clear and concise summary of the Valentine`s card incident.





27) At the end of Progress Report 9, Charlie expresses a wish to keep his reports private. Explain why you think this might be.





Literary Analysis Progress Report 8 – 9

1) What generates the suspense felt by the reader in the pages following the operation?

_____________________________________________________________________2) How is this suspense relieved in Progress Report 9?

_____________________________________________________________________3) Daniel Keyes achieves a dreamlike quality to the passage in Charlie`s report for April 13th that begins “A little old man with a baby carriage made into a pushcart…” Explain what it is about the writing that has done this, and provide examples.



_____________________________________________________________________4) What literary term applies to the whole of this particular passage from the book?



Creative Writing Progress Report 8 – 9

1) On both March 28th and April 4th, Charlie describes the parties he went to the night before. Describe one of the two parties from Joe Carp’s point of view in no less than 200 words.




















Vocabulary Progress Reports 10 - 11

1) Unaccustomed (April 21st)

_____________________________________________________________________2) Regression (April 24th)

_____________________________________________________________________3) Opportunist (April 24th)

_____________________________________________________________________4) Cynic (April 21st)

_____________________________________________________________________5) Animatedly (May 1st)


Reading Comprehension Progress Reports 10 - 11

1) Why is Charlie disappointed after the operation?

_____________________________________________________________________2) On March 15th, Charlie describes feelings of frustration towards Algernon and Nemur, and complains of headaches. How could both of these be understood as signs that the operation has been successful?


_____________________________________________________________________3) The friction between the figures of Strauss and Nemur that until this point had only been hinted at becomes very clear in Charlie`s report on April 24th. Using your own words, explain the difference in point of view between the two characters.


_____________________________________________________________________4) Explain how Charlie`s report on April 27th relates to this year`s theme of change.



5) In the flashback that Charlie describes on April 28th, his mother seems to be constantly defending him. How then could we also accuse her of doing him great wrong?


_____________________________________________________________________6) Why do you think Charlie is interested in the storyline of the second movie he watches with Alice?


_____________________________________________________________________7) How does Charlie describe the process he is going through of recalling his past at the beginning of his progress report for May 3rd?

_____________________________________________________________________8) What object does Charlie see that turns his sexual dream into a nightmare?

_____________________________________________________________________9) What disturbing flashback does this nightmare lead into?

_____________________________________________________________________10) What object is mentioned several times throughout?

_____________________________________________________________________11) Having learnt how to solve mathematical problems, Charlie is presented with an entirely different kind of problem on May 8th. Describe the dilemma and explain how Charlie learns to solve it.




_____________________________________________________________________12) What other life-changing realisation does Charlie have on May 15th?



Vocabulary Progress Report 12

Preliminary (June 5th)

_____________________________________________________________________Platonic (June 5th)

_____________________________________________________________________Alma Mater (June 6th)

_____________________________________________________________________To elope (Elopement, June 8th)


Reading Comprehension Progress Report 12

1) Put into your own words the reasons for which you think Charlie revisits his old classroom on June 6th.

_____________________________________________________________________2) On June 6th, it becomes clear that Alice`s feelings for Charlie have changed. Why is this?


_____________________________________________________________________3) Despite feeling almost relieved after his big row with Alice, Charlie also feels emptiness. What is it that he yearns for?

_____________________________________________________________________4) How does the lady Charlie meet in the park embody many of the themes of the novel we have seen so far?





5) Why does it feel so strange to Charlie having escaped from the park without being beaten by the mob?


Literary Analysis Progress Report 12

1) The flashback Charlie describes on June 5th concludes with Norma wishing total ignorance upon herself. How is this extremely ironic?



2) How does Daniel Keyes reinforce with the passage mentioned in Question 1 the notion that superior intelligence does not necessarily lead to a superior capacity for happiness?



_____________________________________________________________________3)What is included in Charlie`s report on June 6th which in a conventional novel would have been in the first few pages?

_____________________________________________________________________4) We saw earlier in the book that Nemur seems to believe that intelligence is of utmost importance in a human being. Given Alice`s position in the argument she has with Charlie on June 6th, do you think she agrees with Nemur`s standpoint?




Vocabulary Progress Report 13

Stenographer (June 10th)

_____________________________________________________________________Meekly (June 10th)

_____________________________________________________________________To resent (June 10th)

_____________________________________________________________________Irreversible (June 10th)

_____________________________________________________________________Defiantly (June 10th)

_____________________________________________________________________Pompous (Pompousness - June 11th)

_____________________________________________________________________Erratic (June 13th)


Reading Comprehension Progress Report 13

1) What is it that triggers Charlie`s flashback on June 10th?

_____________________________________________________________________2) Why do you think Charlie`s father looks tired and haggard before their visit to the doctor?

_____________________________________________________________________3) How is the argument Charlie`s parents have similar to their disagreement described in Charlie`s progress report on April 28th?


_____________________________________________________________________4) Why do you think Dr Guarino tells Charlie`s father he is very busy?


5) Why do you think Guarino explains that the effects of his treatment may only become apparent months later? _____________________________________________________________________6) Why do you think Guarino uses the words psychosubstantiation and deleterious?

_____________________________________________________________________7) Give one reason why Charlie should resent Guarino and one reason why he should resent Nemur.

_____________________________________________________________________8) Explain why Charlie resents Nemur far more than he does Guarino.

_____________________________________________________________________9) When and why did Charlie`s mother stop trying to make him “normal”?


_____________________________________________________________________10) Why does Charlie brand Nemur a fraud on June 11th?


_____________________________________________________________________11) Do you think this is a fair accusation? Why or why not?


_____________________________________________________________________12) For the first time on June 11th, Charlie becomes fearful of the operation that was performed on him. Why only then?


_____________________________________________________________________13) Charlie imagines the chairman at the convention starting his speech with “Ladies and gentlemen, Step right this way and see the sideshow!” Explain why.




14) What new information regarding the operation does Charlie first hear at the convention?

_____________________________________________________________________15) Charlie ends the progress report by stating “I may not have had all the time I thought I had.” Why does he write this?



Literary Analysis Progress Report 13

1) Daniel Keyes ensures that Charlie`s flashbacks are triggered by something in Charlie`s present day life, thus working them into the story seamlessly. Give three examples you have seen so far.




_____________________________________________________________________2) Daniel Keyes draws further parallels between Charlie Gordon and Algernon the mouse in this progress report. Describe what these are.




_____________________________________________________________________3) Daniel Keyes writes about two different escapes to freedom in Progress Report 13. Describe both and explain why you think one of them is crucial to the character’s development.




4) How does the ending statement on June 13th set up great suspense for the second half of the novel, and how does it remind you of the suspense he created earlier in the story?





Vocabulary Progress Reports 14-15

Easel (June 19th)

_____________________________________________________________________Snub (June 19th)

_____________________________________________________________________Robust (June 19th)

_____________________________________________________________________Dilettantes (June 19th)

_____________________________________________________________________To sneer (June 19th)

_____________________________________________________________________Alimony (June 19th)

_____________________________________________________________________Self-perpetuating (June 19th)

_____________________________________________________________________To snicker (June 20th)

_____________________________________________________________________Stocky (June 20th)



Veneer (June 23rd)

_____________________________________________________________________Binge (June 24th)

_____________________________________________________________________Vacuous (June 24th)

_____________________________________________________________________Naïve (naivete) (June 24th)

_____________________________________________________________________Incoherent (June 25th)

_____________________________________________________________________Polygamy (July 5th)

_____________________________________________________________________Cordial (July 12th)

_____________________________________________________________________Skeptical (July 12th)

_____________________________________________________________________ Reading Comprehension Progress Report 14 – 15

1) In Progress Report 14, we are introduced to the first major character who does not know about Charlie’s operation and who did not know him prior to it. How do you think this is significant?_____________________________________________________________________


_____________________________________________________________________2) Compare Fay’s apartment to Charlie’s own, and also to how you imagine Charlie’s old classroom, the laboratories, and Strauss’s office to be. How do they differ? _____________________________________________________________________



3) Why do you think Charlie goes to see his father?


_____________________________________________________________________4) Do you think he is satisfied after the visit? Why or why not?



_____________________________________________________________________5) What triggers the flashback Charlie has in the barber’s chair?

_____________________________________________________________________6) What happens to Charlie when he gets drunk as described in Charlie’s report for June 23rd?

_____________________________________________________________________7) What makes Charlie resent himself at the incident in the diner on June 24th?


_____________________________________________________________________8) On June 25th, Charlie Gordon comes close to using Alice in what could be described as a scientific experiment, but realizes that doing so would be to treat her in the same way in which Nemur has treated him. What is this experiment and how is Fay involved?



_____________________________________________________________________9) On July 5th, we can clearly see why meeting Fay has been so beneficial to Charlie’s emotional development. Explain this using your own words.




Literary Analysis Progress Report 14 – 15

1) Imagine Charlie’s visit to his father’s barbershop were a short story, and apply the plot diagramme to it. What would constitute the rising action?


_____________________________________________________________________2) If we ignore the flashback and consider only the events that take place in the barbershop, can we talk about a climax?


_____________________________________________________________________3) In Charlie’s flashback, his mother’s treatment of him reaches a climax. Summarise here what Charlie recalls.


_____________________________________________________________________4) How is the symbol that we discussed in question number 10 for progress reports 10 to 11 explained in this flashback?


_____________________________________________________________________5) What do you think Daniel Keyes has made the knife a symbol for in the novel?


_____________________________________________________________________6) There is a mention of one of the other novel’s symbols immediately after the flashback has finished, involving the barbershop mirror. Explain the symbol here.


_____________________________________________________________________7) How could Charlie’s visit to his father’s barbershop be described as anticlimactic?



8) Charlie is no longer lonely after meeting Fay. Read Charlie’s report on June 21st and explain what Daniel Keyes does to remind us of the parallels between Charlie and Algernon.


_____________________________________________________________________11) Given the parallels between Algernon and Charlie Gordon which Daniel Keyes has made so clear to us earlier in the novel, why do the events Charlie describes on July 9th seem so terrible, and what do they foreshadow?


_____________________________________________________________________12) Explain the similarity between the laboratory incinerator and Warren State Home.



Vocabulary Progress Report 16

Menial (July 14th)

_____________________________________________________________________Resignation (July 14th)

_____________________________________________________________________To wither (withered) (July 14th)

_____________________________________________________________________Possessive (July 15th)

_____________________________________________________________________Imperceptible (Imperceptibly) (July 16th)

_____________________________________________________________________Lethargy (July 28th)



Cul-de-sac (July 28th)

_____________________________________________________________________Catatonia (Catatonic) (July 28th)

_____________________________________________________________________To elude (July 28th)

_____________________________________________________________________Zest (July 31st)

_____________________________________________________________________To coalesce (July 31st)

_____________________________________________________________________Tangible (August 11th)

_____________________________________________________________________Self-effacing (August 11th)

_____________________________________________________________________Wryly (August 11th)

_____________________________________________________________________Platitudes (September 27th)


Reading Comprehension Progress Report 16

1) What incident described in his previous progress report leads Charlie to visit Warren State Home?



2) Charlie describes the showdown between Nemur and himself on August 11th. Using your own words, explain both their points of view regarding Charlie both before and after the operation.





_____________________________________________________________________3) The idea that Charlie Gordon has become two separate entities reaches a climax at Nemur’s cocktail party. Describe how the scene unfolds using your own words..



_____________________________________________________________________4) Charlie tells the old Charlie that he “can’t go back down into that cave”. Explain what he means by this.


_____________________________________________________________________5) Since realizing he has limited time, Charlie has set himself two goals: one, to find out why the effects of the operation are not permanent, and two, to achieve some level of emotional maturity. There are two major steps to fulfill his emotional development, one of which he describes on September 27th. Summarise it here.



_____________________________________________________________________6) In your opinion, why did Charlie visit his mother and sister?



7) What disturbing memory from Charlie’s childhood is reenacted in the family kitchen during his visit?


_____________________________________________________________________8) What does Norma learn from this?



Literary Analysis Progress Report 16

1) Find where in the novel Keyes first chose to include the nursery rhyme Three Blind Mice, and explain its significance. _____________________________________________________________________







Vocabulary Progress Report 17

To begrudge (October 3rd)

_____________________________________________________________________Stolid ( October 4th)


Reading Comprehension Progress Report 17

1) Charlie states that “there’ll be time enough to sleep later, when it’s dark”. What does he mean by this?


_____________________________________________________________________2) Charlie smashes all his records of classical music, and confesses that he did not like them anymore. Why do you think this is?


_____________________________________________________________________3) What terrible realization does Charlie have on October 5th?


_____________________________________________________________________4) On October 11th, Charlie Gordon takes the second and final step in the process of achieving emotional maturity which we mentioned in Question 5, Progress Report 16. What is this important step?

_____________________________________________________________________5) On October 19th, Charlie asks himself: “Why am I always looking at life through a window?” Find other mentions of this in the book and explain what it might symbolize.





6) On October 21st, Charlie claims that “more and more these days, (Alice) didn’t come right out and say what she meant”. Do you think that this was really the case? Explain.


_____________________________________________________________________7) The progress reports for November 1st and 2nd are amongst the most upsetting passages in the book. Using your own words, give examples as to why.



_____________________________________________________________________8) Compare the progress report for November 2nd with the events described only three weeks earlier on October 11th.



_____________________________________________________________________9) For the most part, Charlie Gordon at the end of the novel seems to be almost the same person he was in Progress Report 1. Find at least three examples in his last entry that show us that he has changed.









10) Have another look at Charlie’s second post scriptum at the end of the book. What does it tell us about Charlie’s own self worth?







After reading the book:

1) Match up the symbols with what they represent by writing the correct letter in the blank column below. Then explain how the symbol works in the third column, as shown in the example. Have in mind that one symbol may stand for more than one thing.

Symbol What it represents Why1 M because they are both subjects of an experiment, treated as such by the scientists. Whatever happens to

Algernon foreshadows what happens to Charlie, as is the case with Algernon’s escape from his cage, or the regression of Algernon’s IQ.












1 Algernon A Fay2 Adam and Eve B The barrier in Charlie’s mind between his old self

and post-operation Charlie3 Windows C Charlie’s belief that sex is a bad thing4 The light D Ignorance and unawareness5 Mirrors E Charlie becoming independent 6 Minnie F Split personality7 The Tree of Knowledge G Charlie’s pre-operation innocence and naiveté8 The incinerator H The barrier between Charlie and the rest of society9 The knife I The scientists and Charlie’s inner motivation, both

of which lead him to undergo the operation10 The serpent in the Garden

of EdenJ Knowledge and awareness

11 The cave K The operation12 Charlie’s escape from the

conventionL Warren State Home

M Charlie Gordon32

2) Discuss Fay’s role as a foil for Alice Kinnian by providing examples from the story.









_____________________________________________________________________3) Structurally, Flowers for Algernon is a fairly complex novel, due to the use of flashbacks. Not only do these tell us a lot about the old Charlie, but they also enable the new Charlie to continue making progress. Support this statement with examples from the novel.











4) Once Charlie has reached the peak of his intelligence, he discovers that the effects of the operation are not permanent. Realizing he is bound to return to the dark cave of ignorance, he does his utmost to avert this impending doom through scientific research and intellectual stimulation. Consider the entire novel as an allegory for the human race’s existence on planet Earth, and write down your thoughts below.

















