Download - 1 University of Kansas ITTC Rapidly Deployable Radio Network - Phase II Joseph Evans, Gary Minden, Glenn Prescott, K. Sam Shanmugan, Victor Frost, David.



University of Kansas ITTC

Rapidly Deployable Radio Network - Phase II

Joseph Evans, Gary Minden, Glenn Prescott, K. Sam Shanmugan,

Victor Frost, David Petr, James Roberts

Dan DePardo, Artur Leung, Craig Sparks

Ricardo Sanchez, Syed Fazal, Tim Gallagher, Ken Filardo, Richard Killoy,Saravanan Radhakrishnan, Fadi Wahhab, Rupul Safaya, Shane Haas,

John Paden, Chris Bartels, Benjamin Schulte

Information & Telecommunication Technology CenterUniversity of Kansas

Global Mobile Information Systems (GloMo) ProgramPrincipal Investigators Meeting - July 28-30, 1998

Arlington, Virginia


University of Kansas ITTCObjective

To create and implement technologies for

flexible, high performance, rapidly self-

configuring radio networks, and to

demonstrate these innovative technologies


University of Kansas ITTCSpecific Objectives

Develop rapidly, self-organizing IP/ATM wireless networks

Develop modular and configurable radios with 5-10 km range

Deploy scalable prototypes for experiments and evaluation

Extend location-based network control algorithms


University of Kansas ITTCImpact on DoD

Create new networking and communication technologies to support rapid deployment of US military forces or aid in civilian disaster relief operations

Provide high speed wireless communication to the smaller units of the military on the move (battalion TOC and below)

Bring interoperable technology into the military communication network at all levels


University of Kansas ITTCChallenges

Rapid deployment of large, multi-hop wireless and mobile networks, and integration with other DoD infrastructure

How to exploit knowledge of location and radio capabilities for rapid initial configuration, mobility support, routing, and reconfiguration

Assuring quality of service in a mobile, wireless environment with rapidly changing channel conditions and topology


University of Kansas ITTCTechnical Approach


University of Kansas ITTCRDRN Mobile Access Point Deployment


University of Kansas ITTCRDRN Mobile Access Point Deployment


University of Kansas ITTCRDRN Mobile Access Point Deployment


University of Kansas ITTCRDRN Mobile Access Point Deployment


University of Kansas ITTCRDRN Mobile Access Point Deployment


University of Kansas ITTCRDRN Mobile Access Point Deployment


University of Kansas ITTC

Nodes determine location based on GPS

RDRN Mobile Access Point Deployment


University of Kansas ITTC

Orderwire signaling

RDRN Mobile Access Point Deployment


University of Kansas ITTC

Automatically build a topology based on location and radio environment

RDRN Mobile Access Point Deployment


University of Kansas ITTC

Establish high bandwidth wireless ATM bidirectional links

RDRN Mobile Access Point Deployment


University of Kansas ITTC

Build user access aroundeach Mobile Access Point

RDRN Mobile Access Point Deployment


University of Kansas ITTC

Capability to interoperate withsatcom services

RDRN Mobile Access Point Deployment


University of Kansas ITTC

Capability to interoperate with “wired” services

ATM switch services

RDRN Mobile Access Point Deployment


University of Kansas ITTCTechnical Approach

Use of GPS or other sensor for location information

Exchange of location information between nodes with Orderwire system

Automatic topology configuration using digital antenna beamforming

Adapts to switch and user nodes moving

Interoperable with commercial satellite, Internet, and Asynchronous Transfer Mode networks


University of Kansas ITTCTechnical Approach

Design and implement digital beamforming wireless systems algorithms for rapid network configuration algorithms for QoS sensitive traffic multiple adaptation algorithms

Deploy systems modular research prototypes measure and tune behavior


University of Kansas ITTCAccomplishments

Implemented 5.3 GHz, 5.8 GHz radios with real-time Radio Controller and integrated with Network Control Host

RDRN testbed integrated with Rapid Deployment Force Demonstration Network

Orderwire system redesigned and re-implemented

Released software based ATM switch with signaling to Bellcore for evaluation in WIT


University of Kansas ITTCAccomplishments

5.3 GHz, 5.8 GHz radios & cylindrical antenna arrays


University of Kansas ITTCAccomplishments

Prototype systems tested in field at various distances


University of Kansas ITTCAccomplishments

Prototype systems tested in field at various distances


University of Kansas ITTCStatus

Preliminary radio designs tested full duplex omnidirectional systems at 5.3 GHz, 5.8 GHz equivalent to a slice of the beamforming system better than 10-9 BER at 7 km LOS

Cylindrical antenna arrays implemented

Orderwire and network control system revisions for higher performance complete

Beamforming radio implementation proceeding

Adaptive QoS-based MAC and network control research and implementation proceeding


University of Kansas ITTCPlans for Future Development

Fabricatesoftware radio


Flowspecfor mobile



FY99 FY00FY98FY97



End ofPhase II

Channel & linkadaptation algorithms

Design digital beamformingreceiver architecture

Systemintegrationand testingEfficient MAC protocols

Advanced antennas

Design modular TX & RX

Scaleable computing resources

IP/ATM performance evaluation




University of Kansas ITTCTechnology Transition

Applications to military and commercial sectors beamforming radio technology reconfiguration and mobility methodology & algorithms

Actual transitions interoperability testing at WIT facility discussions with US Army CECOM on RAP program

network control software provided possible demonstrations

telecom carrier interoperability testing with Sprint investigating UAV applications


University of Kansas ITTCKey Resources

Contacts Joseph B. Evans, 785-864-4830, [email protected] Gary J. Minden, 785-864-4834, [email protected]

Web sites

Technical papers 4 journal and 3 conference papers on RDRN efforts

RDRN demonstrations Rapid Deployment Force demonstration area


University of Kansas ITTCRDRN GloMo Demonstration

See the RDRN demonstration in the Rapid Deployment Force demo room

Multimedia data and conferencing wireless ATM link to the Washington DC Tidal Basin area from the roof of the Sheraton National in Arlington using 5.3/5.8 GHz radios and arrays

Roaming mobile end point in Washington DC area, with tracking via Orderwire and GPS


University of Kansas ITTCRDRN GloMo Demonstration

RDRN MAP Node near Jefferson & FDR Memorials


University of Kansas ITTCRDRN GloMo Demonstration

RDRN MAP Node on roof of conference hotel


University of Kansas ITTCRDRN GloMo Demonstration

RDRN Teleconference from conference floor to the banks of the Potomac