Download - 1 SEN Governors SEN Governors Meeting George Thomas, Professional Leader, Autism Outreach Team Jackie Hibbert, School Development Adviser (SEN/Inclusion)

Page 1: 1 SEN Governors SEN Governors Meeting George Thomas, Professional Leader, Autism Outreach Team Jackie Hibbert, School Development Adviser (SEN/Inclusion)


SEN GovernorsSEN Governors Meeting

George Thomas, Professional Leader, Autism Outreach Team

Jackie Hibbert, School Development Adviser (SEN/Inclusion)

Charlie Palmer, Assistant Head of Pupil Support

May 2007

Page 2: 1 SEN Governors SEN Governors Meeting George Thomas, Professional Leader, Autism Outreach Team Jackie Hibbert, School Development Adviser (SEN/Inclusion)



1. What is Aspergers Syndome?  (George Thomas)

2. Finance for SEN         (Charlie Palmer)

3. Inclusion Standards and Monitoring(Jackie Hibbert)

There will also be time for SEN Governors to talk together

Page 3: 1 SEN Governors SEN Governors Meeting George Thomas, Professional Leader, Autism Outreach Team Jackie Hibbert, School Development Adviser (SEN/Inclusion)


What is Asperger syndrome?

Autism Outreach TeamTelephone: 01530 513 600

George ThomasLeicestershire Autism

Outreach Team

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• To give an overview of Asperger syndrome

• To introduce the ‘Triad of Impairments• To look at the effect the triad has on the

child• To understand that every person with

Asperger syndrome is a unique individual

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Hans Asperger


Vienna University Children’s Clinic

The Man!

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Triad of ImpairmentsLorna Wing 1981

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• 1 child in 250 (Gillberg 2002)

• Perhaps 50% receive diagnosis

• Average age at diagnosis is 11 (Howlin & Asgharion 1999)

Page 8: 1 SEN Governors SEN Governors Meeting George Thomas, Professional Leader, Autism Outreach Team Jackie Hibbert, School Development Adviser (SEN/Inclusion)


Social Interaction

• Less interest in other people• Interest but less ability: getting things

wrong• Poor understanding of social role/genre• Preference for adult company• Limits to social learning• Misinterpreting other people’s actions and


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Understanding other people

Noticing objects and facts rather than thoughts, feelings and intentions

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Understanding other people

Descriptions of pictures and events may not include thoughts, motivations and feelings

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• Expressive and receptive communication• Normally developing vocabulary and

grammar• Limited awareness of audience: poor turn

taking• Possibly less ability to understand long

periods of speech• Could be confused by other information

such as gesture, tone and facial expression• Literal understanding• Communication breakdown under pressure

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Flexibility of thinking

• Poor insight into the thoughts and feelings of others

• Less able to predict and generalise from experience

• Literal and concrete in understanding• Tendency to develop limited but

intense interests• Difficulty networking or patterning


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Sensory Difficulties

• People with Asperger syndrome may encounter many obstacles in everyday life

• Many people with Asperger syndrome experience over-sensitivity to normal daily practices that we take for granted

• One or more of the five senses could be affected.

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Summary (I)

• Asperger syndrome, like autism, has an organic origin. It is not the result of environment or nurture. There is, as yet, no cure.

• Autistic spectrum disorders involve a triad of impairments: social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication and flexibility of thinking style.

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Summary (II)

• Individuals can move along the spectrum during the course of their lives

• Prevalence estimates range from 75:10,000 to 115:10,000. This means from 7 to 10 in each high school.

• Boys are more likely to be affected by a ratio of 9:1.

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Finance for Special Educational Needs

Charlie Palmer

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Hypothecation and Virement

An hypothecated budget is one in which the elements making up the budget are precisely specified, and amounts cannot be vired among different budget headings. A shopping list given to a child is a good example. It has always been the practice in the UK Treasury to argue that both Taxes and Spending are not hypothecated and similarly, it has always been argued that education budgets are not hypothecated. For governors, the non-hypothecation of budgets means that it is up to each governing body to determine local spending priorities within the overall budget. Fair Funding continues this tradition. But...

“[Although budgets are not hypothecated] the Government considers it important that each school should be clear what levels and kinds of special needs it is expected to meet from its own delegated budget and how much of its delegated budget is notionally attributable to SEN."

(DfEE Fair Funding Consultation Paper, 1998, page 33).

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What is in the Budget for SEN?

• Notional Budget for SEN– 4% of Age weighted Pupil Unit (AWPU) funding*– £7.30 per pupils SENCO release time– Amount delegated for statements

• Additional Elements– Funding for Unit Provision– Learning Support Unit and Social Inclusion Funding

(secondary schools)

* An additional 1% is built into the delegation formula

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Section 52 Budget Statement

• Financial year runs April to March• LEA issues school budget statements in

March each year• LA publishes “Notional Budget for SEN”

information on EIS in May• Three year school budgets will be issued from

next year, but future years subject to pupil data changing each year

Page 20: 1 SEN Governors SEN Governors Meeting George Thomas, Professional Leader, Autism Outreach Team Jackie Hibbert, School Development Adviser (SEN/Inclusion)


How the Formula Works

PA points are scored by those pupils whose SAT results at Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 fall in the bottom 18% of all

Leicestershire schools. For Key Stage 1 the bottom 18% of baseline assessments/Foundation Stage Profiles are used. Those in the bottom 2% score points weighted by

4, next 5% weighted by 2% and next 8% by 1.

The funding per PA point figure is calculated, using the PA funding at each key stage and dividing by the total number

of PA points in each of those stages.

Prior-Attainment (PA) drives 70% of the funding available at Key Stage 2,3 & 4 and Social Deprivation (SD) drives 30%. With Key Stage 1 this is adjusted to 50% for both as it is recognised that baseline assessments/foundation stage profiles are not as objective as SAT results.

Total SEN Funding is split between Key Stages - pro rata using global pupil numbers on roll figures at each stage.

The funding per SD point figure is calculated, using the SD funding at each key stage and dividing by the total number of SD points in each

of those key stages.

SD points are weighted numbers on roll. The multiple index of deprivation is used to rank schools in order of most deprivation. The most deprived third receive a weighting of 4 for each pupil, the next

third a weighting of 2 and the bottom third a weighting of 1. The January PLASC NOR figures are used

Each schools Section 52 SEN Delegation formula funding share = (PA funding per point x schools PA points) + (SD funding per point x weighted NOR)

Prepared by Phil D’Mello

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An Example: SEN Calculation0151 SEN 0708 Start1 2007/08 SPECIAL NEEDS DELEGATION School Ab Kettleby Primary School Cost Code 0151 DfES Number 2000 2007-08 Formula Funding

A Social Deprivation (SD) Weighting – using the multiple index of deprivation


B KS1 NOR (using January Census figures) 14 C = A x B KS1 weighted NOR 14 D = C x £34.96 KS1 SD Funds 489 E KS1 Attainment Score 6 F = E x £409.72 KS1 Attainment Funds 2,458 G KS2 NOR (using January Census figures) 29 H = A x G KS2 weighted NOR 29 I = H x £21.01 KS2 SD Funds 609 J KS2 Attainment Score 0 K = J x £452.71 KS2 Attainment Funds 0 L KS3 NOR (using January Census figures) 0 M = A x L KS3 weighted NOR 0 N = M x £19.11 KS3 SD Funds 0 O KS3 Attainment Score 0 P = O x £431.66 KS3 Attainment Funds 0 Q KS4 NOR (using January Census figures) 0 R = A x Q KS4 weighted NOR 0 S = R x £21.15 KS4 SD Funds 0 T KS4 Attainment Score 0 U = T x £415.47 KS4 Attainment Funds 0 V = D + I + N + S Total SD Funds 1,099 W = F + K + P + U Total Attainment funds 2,458 X = V + W Total SD and Attainment Funds 3,557

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An Example: Section 52 Budget StatementStart1 ORIGINAL SECTION 52 BUDGET STATEMENT 2007/08 12 March 2007 School: Ab Kett leby Community Primary School Code:0151 A) PUPIL RELATED ALLOCATIONS January £ per £ Tota l Actual pup i l 3+ 0.0 2,033.17 0 4+(a) 0.0 2,029.03 0 4+(b1) 2.0 1,743.38 3,487 4+(b2) 0.0 1,977.89 0 4+(c) 0.0 1,407.00 0 5+ 5.0 2,114.58 10,573 6+ 7.0 2,189.53 15,327 7+ 9.0 2,000.52 18,005 8+ 7.0 2,000.74 14,005 9+ 9.0 2,037.33 18,336 10+ 4.0 2,129.12 8,516 Sub 43.0 88,249 Tota l B) SMALL SCHOOL PROTECTION Teaching 55,986 Consumables 720 Furn iture & Equipment 3,296 C) OTHER FUNDING Spl i t s i te a l lowance 0 Nursery/4+ Top up 0 Genera l Buf fer 19,380 Socia l depr ivat ion 146 Spec ia l Needs Uni t 0 New school a l lowance 0 Turnover Factor 0 Spec ia l Needs 3,557 Class Size 0 Cater ing 941 Ext ra Meals 0 Pool Al lowance 0 Personal ised Learn ing 2,610 D) PREMISES RELATED UNIT UNIT SCHOOL

FUNDING UNITS In terna l Premises Sq. Metres 15.97 563 8,987 External Premises Acres 655.68 1.27 833 Rates Actual Cos t 2,042 Rent Actual Cos t 0 E) TOT AL OF OTHER FUNDING ( B+C+D ) 98,498 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

F) TOTAL AGE WEIGHTED AND OTHER FUNDING ( A+E ) 186,746 G) STANDARDS GRANT 17,107 H) MIN. GUARANTEE PROTECTION AND OTHER ADJUSTMENTS 0 (Please see over for breakdown) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I ) 2007/08 FORMULA ALLOCATION ( F+G+H ) 203,853 J) 2006/07 ACTUAL RETROSPECTIVE ADJUSTMENT 0 K) 2006/07 CARRY FORWARD 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

L) 2007/08 ORIGINAL TOTAL SCHOOL ALLOCATION ( I+J+K) 203,853 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The pupil numbers above are based on the January actual numbers.


SENCO Release £7.30

per pupil

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Notional Budgets for SEN

Cost DfES School 4%of the Age SENSenco SEN Special LSU Social 2007-08

Code No. Weighted Pupils @£7.30 Notional Needs Unit Inclusion S52 Table 2 Total 07-08 Notional SEN

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £0151 2000 Ab Kettleby Community Primary School 3,530 3,557 323 7,410 0 0 0 7,410

0153 2006 Albert Village Community Primary School 13,283 24,859 1,218 39,359 0 0 0 39,359

0760 3331 All Saints Church of England Primary School 19,000 86,838 1,729 107,567 0 0 0 107,567

School details

4% of AWPU funding

Delegated funding

SENCO release time: £7.30 per


Total Notional SEN Budget

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Arrangements for 2007-08

• Transitional support budget• Budget of £85,000 agreed by schools forum for 06-07. This year

schools protected by minimum funding guarantee and contingency fund*

• Enhanced Packages budget• Propose to run shadow budgets and engage APSPs with decision

making in 06-07 and work on formal agreement to support delegation for 07-08 approved by forum. Consultation indicates panels not ready to take on this, shadow budgets not yet prepared.

• 16+ statements in mainstream• Delegation to schools agreed by schools forum in 06-07

• Balance between historic and formula funding• Gradual move to 100% formula funding over last four years

• Mid year transfer support• Small budget proposed to be held centrally to help small schools with

high cost pupils arriving at non-standard times.

*Contingency funding can only be accessed if the school is in deficit

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Rules for Additional Funding (07-08)

Enhanced PackagesAim: Support schools with high cost

statemented pupilsResource: £710,000Rules:1. Statement panel identify that a special

school placement is appropriate, but family prefer a mainstream placement

2. An out county placement has been agreed but a school has not yet been identified

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Rules for Additional Funding (07-08)

Mid Year Transfer Support (Move In)Aim: Reduce risk to schools from high cost new arrivals

Resource: £ 50KRules:

1. Applies to pupils who have statements specifying 25 hours support or more, and transfer at non-standard times (and years)

2. All costs met when statement costs exceed delegated budget

3. Schools need to contact SENA case work officer

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Budget Information – Financial Year April 2003-April 2004

Income £a) Notional school budget for SEN (This includes: delegated

amount for statements, SENCO release, and 4% AWPU (original figures distributed in April 2003))

b) Amount from centrally held budget for high cost statements£

c) Other sources of funding, e.g. Standards Fund, spent on SEN

i) £

ii) £


Expenditurea) Amount spent on staffing (internal)

i) SENCo’s or part of SENCo’s salary £

ii) SEN support teachers £

iii) Teachers who teach small lower sets (roughly half fewer usual set numbers). £

iv) SEN teaching assistants £

v) NNEBs supporting SEN pupils £

vi) Administration for SEN £

vii) Other – please specify: £



b) Amount spent on external services , e.g. STS, consultancy

i) £

ii) £

c) Amount spent on materials/resources £


Amount spent on INSET (include cost of supply cover, travel etc. as well as course feels) £

e) Other expenditure (please list)




Page 28: 1 SEN Governors SEN Governors Meeting George Thomas, Professional Leader, Autism Outreach Team Jackie Hibbert, School Development Adviser (SEN/Inclusion)


Impact of Delegation

Chart to Show Monthly Numbers of Mainstream Pupils with Statements, and Numbers under Statutory Assessment: 2001-07









of M
















ly A




Number of Mainstream Statements Number of Pupils being Assessed each Month

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Monitoring of Special Educational Needs in Schools

A new approach

Jackie HibbertSchool Development Adviser


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• Rolling programme of Local Authority review of schools (like a mini-inspection) and paper exercise.

• Local Authority had ownership and was the driving force.

• Resulting report identified issues in school (each 3 years) and used for Local Authority purposes.

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Change of emphasis

• With the revised framework for inspection, new emphasis on school self-evaluation, validated by School Improvement Partner.

• School has ownership of process and can carry out process annually.

• Result informs school development priorities but also provides information for Local Authority.

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Three Pronged Approach

3 year cycle of meetingsto moderate judgements,refine self-evaluation tools

and establish networks for CPD

LA provides Benchmarking data

School Self-Evaluation and discussion with School Improvement Partner.

School updates Self Evaluation Form and School Development/Improvement Plan.

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Inclusion Standards

• To give a framework for the discussion with the School Improvement Partner.

• Sets out the expectations of good practice in Inclusion

• Broader than just Special Educational Needs – good practice in Inclusion is good practice for all.

• Can be supported by various self-evaluation tools

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Inclusion Standards: Sub-sections

• Pupil Progress

• Attitudes, values and Personal Qualities

• Teaching and Learning

• Accommodation and Resources

• Partnerships with parents, other schools and the community

• Leadership and Management

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Inclusion Standards – sample page

Links with Self-Evaluation Tools

Inclusion Standards Possible Sources of Evidence Notes

SENSEF section 3

Self -Evaluation Grid from Leading on Inclusion Achievement & Attainment

Inclusion Quality MarkElement 1: Pupil Progress

Index for Inclusion Indicators and Question “Orchestrating Learning”

•Clear tracking systems are used to identify under-performing groups and individuals.•A range of assessments is used to identify appropriate targets and teaching approaches, identify provision required and plan accordingly.•Routine progress reviews using both quantitative/qualitative data enable teachers to plan for progression in learning. As far as possible, pupils involved in process.•Appropriate strategies are in place for groups and individuals.•Pupils are achieving at maximum potential (with the rate of progress appropriate to any Learning Difficulty).

Tracking system records

Assessment records

Provision mapping or group IEPs for majority of pupils with additional needs; individual IEPs or PSPs for some individuals that show SMART targets related to provision.

Pupils’ records of achievement

Evidence from pupil interviews and surveys

Every pupil has appropriate learning targets (quantity as well as quality).

PANDA analysis

See SEN SEF for HMI definition of good progress (2004)

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Information the SIP is collecting

• This year – looking at school generated data. Next year, data will be provided for the schools.

• Strengths and areas for development. Will enable examples of good practice to be disseminated and will enable targeted professional development.

• Judgement reached, will contribute to school’s own self-evaluation and will help Authority to prioritise intervention from SEN Advisory Team.