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1 Excellence Partnerships Opportunities

Thursday 24th May 2018 From the Principal

Construction around the school

Construction of our lift is well underway, please

be aware of alternate pathways when moving

around the school.


We have now completed NAPLAN on line and the transition from paper to

technology went smoothly. The school will use the results to map students’

progress and to identify strengths and weaknesses in the teaching programs

and to set future goals.

Upcoming Events 25th May 2018 Gala Day

28th May 2018 Stage 3 Art Excursion

30th May 2018 Adults learning English group 9:00am

to 11:00am 30th May and 5th June


Year 1 and 2 Excursion to Soldiers

Settlement Museum 31st May 2018 Leaders visit Parliament House


7th to 14th June 2018 Book Fair

11th June 2018 Queen’s Birthday

Contact Details: Address: Jacaranda Avenue, Bradbury. 2560 NSW Phone: 4625 2271 Fax: 4628 0007 Email: [email protected] Website: Payments Cash and EFTPOS are accepted Monday to Friday. POP through the school website.

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Aboriginal Bush Tucker Garden

The sandstone blocks are in!

A HUGE thank you to Via Nifo from All Up Scaffolding for donating his time and machinery to put

our blocks into the garden. The yarning circle is now complete!

We couldn’t have done it without the assistance of Via’s team, Mr Davies and Michael Fardon.

Adults Learning English

Would you like to learn more English with other women?

It's not too late to join us and you will be welcomed.

* Wednesday Mornings, 9.00 - 11.00 am

* In Room 4 (next to KP classroom)

Enjoy talking, learning together and sharing morning tea.

YES, Child care is provided. No charge.

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NRL Clinic

On Friday the 11th of May, our K-2 classes attended an NRL clinic organised by the sports committee.

Students participated in games and worked on their fundamental movement skills. It was a great day

had by all.

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Bradbury Movie Night

Incredibles 2

OSH Club

Hello parents,

As most of you are aware we have rolled out a new system this week in preparation for the new Child

care scheme. We thank you all for your patience and cooperation during this transition.

If you haven’t yet signed your child in or out from OSHClub using the new system, please make sure you

bring your phone with you on the day.

As we are reaching full capacity on most of our afternoons, we ask that you please make sure your child

is definitely booked in before sending them. If you find that there are no spaces online, give us a call

and we will try our best to get you in for the afternoon, if we have any cancellations.

We are also in the process of finding a new coordinator to cover Miss Madison for her maternity leave,

which will commence late June. We aim to make this a smooth transition for the children, staff and

service as a whole.

We look forward to the rest of the term and continuing to learn and have fun at OSHClub!

Date: Monday 18th June Term 2 Week 8

Time: 6pm (arrival 5:30pm)

Elastigirl springs into action to save the

day, while Mr. Incredible faces his greatest

challenge yet. -- taking care of the

problems of his three children.

Stay tuned for more information on this fabulous evening!!!

Year 6 Leadership Team

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Reconciliation Week @ Bradbury P.S

This year during National Reconciliation Week, Reconciliation Australia invites all Australians to learn

more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories, to share that knowledge and

help us grow as a nation.

“Don’t Keep History A Mystery: Learn. Share. Grow” explores history hidden just beneath the

surface, ready and waiting to be uncovered. This National Reconciliation Week learn more about the

Australian story.

Bradbury Public School will be acknowledging Reconciliation Week at an assembly on Tuesday 29th of

May 2018. The assembly will be commencing at 12:40pm, the hour before Recess.

Hope to see you all there!

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KT have been learning about the Importance of sharing by reading the rainbow fish. We also had fun

making teddies for our teddy bear’s picnic.

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Lost Property

If your child has lost property please come to the office and see if any of these items belong to your

child. Please remember to place your child’s name on all items.

Premiers Debating Challenge

Today our debating team hosted their first debate for the Premiers Debating Challenge. Our topic

was “Should we ban all tests in Primary schools”. We were the negative team versing Ambarvale Public


We had a great time and enjoyed the debate! We were victorious in this debate. We are looking

forward to the next round!

Larissa, Jessica, Karthik and Brix 5/6E