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Biblical Cosmology: Geocentric Enclosed System



Genesis 1:1 states: “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” This is a

foundational passage as it sets God above creation, above all other "gods" and above time.

There are a number of Bible passages that refer to cosmology, which is the understanding of the

universe, however we impose our understanding of cosmology into the Bible. Bible passages

related to cosmology teach of a “geocentric enclosed system” as opposed to the accepted and

taught “Copernican heliocentric cosmology”. This is determined by descriptive language and

figures of speech indicating the earth is "fixed" and "immovable" while descriptive language

consistently used for the heavens imply a solid "vault\dome" covering the earth.

There are many figures of speech in the Bible. Author and Scholar E.W. Bullinger notes

in his important work “Figures of Speech Used in the Bible – Explained and Illustrated”:

“We have catalogued over 200 distinct figures, several of them with from 30 to 40

varieties. Many figures have duplicate names which brings up the total number of names

to more than 500. “ (Bullinger, 5)

How we interpret the descriptive language in the Bible has to do with our hermeneutics

(methodology of interpretation). A Biblical doctrine isn’t built on one passage, it’s built on

consistency of all related passages, this is referred to as “Expositional Consistency”. The Biblical

text has to be the objective measure of truth in interpretation even if it conflicts with our

preconceptions. When one is uncomfortable with Christ’s atonement on the cross being the

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only method of salvation, adjustments are made to imply that Jesus is only a prophet or

“enlightened teacher”. When one is uncomfortable with eschatology being a time of judgment,

eschatological systems develop such as amillennialism (Christ rules in your heart), preterism

(events are fulfilled with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD) or dominionism (believers are

to take over the mountains of influence before Christ comes back). Since we go to great

lengths to find out what the Bible is saying in regard to prophecy and doctrine, let's apply that

same hermeneutic to the exegesis of passages related to cosmology regardless of where it


Currently any Biblical view that directly opposes our understanding of the universe leads

to a reaction of defense and anger since there are no notable creationists that suggest anything

other than Copernican cosmology. The current starting point acknowledges that the Earth is a

spinning globe orbiting the sun, so “how does the Bible say that?”. To draw a timeline, Genesis

was written by Moses around 1445 BC. Job predates Genesis while Greek Philosophers

proposed Earth as a Globe around 300 BC and Copernican Cosmology 1514 AD, 3000 years after


Instead of looking at Biblical cosmology through 21st century eisegesis, let's let the text

speak for itself.

To build a Scriptural model for the cosmology, we need to start with the foundation, the

Earth. Scripture describes a geocentric, stationary flat disk. That statement will elicit an

immediate response of “no it doesn’t” due to our strong belief in a globe. Also due to our

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understanding that Scripture has to state what we currently believe about the nature of the

Earth. We however need to let the text speak for itself. Isaiah 40:22 is used by many

creationists describing God above the “circle of the Earth” as a spinning globe. However, when

we look to the Hebrew, Isaiah is describing a flat disk. The ISV rendering of the Bible comes

from the Great Isaiah scroll and correctly renders the Hebrew word as “disk” instead of the KJV

rendering of “circle”

“ He's the one who sits above the disk of the earth, and its inhabitants are like

grasshoppers. He's the one who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads

them like a tent to live in,”

Disk comes from chuwg meaning “circle, circuit or compass. The understanding is to

“draw a circle” The word for ball is “dur” as used in Isaiah 22:18.

Chuwg can also refer to

horizion according Genesius

Hebrew Lexicon. (Genesius,

web) Thus we need to look again

to “Expositional Consistency”,

not only one verse. If Isaiah

meant ball\ globe, he could have

used the word dur (ball). The

word chuwg is used to describe the “compassing the waters” by Solomon in Proverbs 8:27

Fig. 1

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and Job 26:10. These passages reference creation with God “drawing a circle” on the waters.

(Reference Fig. 1). The same understanding doesn’t work on a globe.

Job states in chapter 26:7: “ He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and

hangeth the earth upon nothing. “

Job uses the descriptive word “stretcheth” natah) meaning to “spread out” where a

descriptive “Dur” could have been used if a ball is what’s being described. Scholars will use this

passage to suggest that Earth is a globe hanging in space, but that's not what this is saying if

you take the passage in context with the other references of creation. God stretched the earth

out, He didn't gather it together like a ball as you don't stretch a ball. The word (beliymah) is

only used in this passage and it means “nothing whatever”. You need 2 or 3 witnesses to

establish a matter (Matthew 18:16, 2 Corinthians 13:1, Deuteronomy 19:15.) This one verse is

not enough to build a case of a globe in empty space. To understand this, one can say that God

hangs the earth on “nothing whatever”, but instead sets it on a firm foundation\pillars. Job

references Earth being firm and not movable is established by many witnesses. A few verses

later Job references “pillars of heaven”. Job didn’t contradict himself in the same passage. In

his worldview, the heavens were connected to the Earth on “pillars”.

Looking to the Second Coming as told in Revelation 1:7, we see that a globe doesn’t fit

this description.

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“Look! He is coming in the clouds. Every eye will see him, ….” (Matthew 24:30, Luke


“Every” comes from the Greek pas, meaning “all, everybody”.

This passage is looking toward the Second Coming which happens in Revelation 19. It's

impossible for everybody to see Jesus Second Coming which happens over Jerusalem at the

final battle on a globe. There is no mention of a “world tour” with Jesus making appearances in

every time zone. Many scholars have used this as looking forward to technology such as TV and

Youtube where cameras will be viewing this

event, but that is beyond wishful thinking.

With the seal, trumpet and bowl judgments,

the Earth is completely decimated and

billions killed through war, famine and

disease in addition to earthquakes and

asteroid strikes and the stars falling. The

Earth will be a devastated wasteland at this

point. The only way for this to happen is to see the Son of God appear brighter

than the sun on a flat disk as described in Isaiah.

Fig. 2

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In chapter 38:4-6, God asks Job where he was when God laid the foundation of the earth.

This question can be posed to us as well.

"Where were you when I laid the foundation of my earth? Tell me, since you're so

informed! Who set its measurement? Am I to assume you know? Who stretched a

boundary line over it? On what were its bases set? Who laid its corner stone”

Job is the earliest mention of the foundation(s) of the earth, but this phrase appears in 20

verses. This language is consistent. Foundation is something solid such as that of a building

foundation. Micah 6:2 adds that the foundation is strong. Psalm 104:5 adds: “…that it should

not be removed forever. “ 1 Chronicles 16:30 also confirms this: “… the world also shall be

stable, that it be not moved. “

The problem regarding the shape of the earth isn’t based as much around chuwg, as

arguments are made regarding this interpretation to mean horizon. The problem with

“Expositional Consistency” is pillars and foundation under the earth being immovable and

strong. This describes no movement which fits with the understanding of a disk remaining fixed

on pillars\foundations, not a spinning dur. This directly opposes Copernican cosmology which

states that the earth is a globe spinning through empty space. From the consistent narrative,

the Earth is a flat disk set on firm foundations, fixed and immovable.

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This understanding is also confirmed by Joshua when he prays for the sun to stand still

and the appearance of Jesus at the Second Coming. Although these passages don’t describe

the Earth specifically, they’re consistent with the understanding of a “flat disc” in Hebrew

Cosmology. Greek heliocentrism is not in the Biblical narrative. The written Biblical account of

creation predates Greek thought by over a thousand years and New Testament references

Hebrew Cosmology, not Greek. The Bible is a Jewish book written by Jewish authors with the

exception of Luke’s inspired recording of history. Its Jewish language and thoughts, not Greek

or Roman language and thought.

As the narrative describes a disk under a strong foundation, this sets the stage for what

is over the Earth, the “firmament”. Genesis 1:6-8 states:

“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the

waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which

were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was


The word firmament is also translated as dome, arch, canopy and vault in various

English translations. When we let the text speak for itself, a different cosmology emerges. This

takes place on the second day of creation after God creates time “in the beginning” and

separates the light from the darkness and before God creates the dry land so there is no

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confusion in the text. God here creates a structure that separates the waters above from the

waters below.

The Hebrew word for “firmament” is raqiya meaning “expanse” or vault of the sky. It

comes from the root raqa‛ meaning “expand (by hammering); to overlay (with thin sheets of


In Hebrew, this is understood as a solid structure as you would beat and stretch metal.

God however spoke raqiya into existence.

Easton's Bible Dictionary states of raqiya: “It is plain that it was used to denote solidity

as well as expansion. It formed a division between the waters above and the waters below “.

(Easton, web)

Genesis 1:20 highlights this understanding by stating: “And God said, Let the waters

bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the

earth in the open firmament of heaven.”

“Above” and “in” are the same Hebrew word: ‛al which is a preposition used in a

number of ways including “in, above, upon, over and against”. The concept is the birds flying

above the earth and in the open vault of raqiya. Not in the structure of the thin, hammered

metal understanding of raqiya. This is the same understanding where one goes into the

tabernacle or temple, they are within the structure, not within the walls themselves.

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While Genesis is the first time we see the word raqiya appear, this is not the first

mention of the word. The writing of Genesis is attributed to Moses, however Job is regarded as

the oldest book in the Bible. While it's not certain when he lived, many scholars place him after

the events of Babel, but before Abraham. Considering this and going by the “law of first

mention”, some weight has to be added to the book of Job and not simply passing it off as

poetic. Job 37:18 states: “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a

molten looking glass?“

In describing the wondrous works of God, Elihu refers to the sky as being spread out

(rawkah) as one would spread out metal. We can try to pass this off as “poetic”, however it's in

the middle of a passage that describes occurrences of nature. Looking at this in the context of

the chapter, the description is literal.

Modern creationists address Biblical cosmology and attempt to fit it into Copernican

Cosmology, but don’t apply that understanding to biology or geology. Henry Morris, (ICR), in

the Henry Morris Study Bible comments:

““The “firmament” is not a great vaulted dome in the sky, as liberals have interpreted it,

but is simply the atmospheric expanse established between the waters above and

below. “ (Morris, web)

Morris, however is using a liberal interpretation himself with firmament while calling the

most conservative interpretation of firmament liberal. This is due to looking at Biblical

cosmology through the Copernican model, not letting the text speak for itself. An “atmospheric

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expanse” simply isn't a solid structure and doesn't fit the text.

The Biblical text presents not only one description of a solid enclosed “dome” over the

earth, but an “Expositional Consistency” with different writers. To take these passages

figuratively is the same error that some use to explain away a literal 6 day creation and other

supernatural events as either legend or myth.

Raqiya is the vault\dome, but sky is separate from the raqiya. We see this starting with

Genesis 1:1, the first verse in the Torah which sets God as the creator of all. “In the beginning

God created the heavens and the earth. “ Heaven here comes from the Hebrew shamayim

meaning sky where the clouds move as well as higher where the celestial bodies revolve. The

Shamayim, and the earth were created in verse 1; the raqyia, wasn’t created until verse 6

which emphasizes the difference between these words.

In Psalm 19:1, David uses both words showing further understanding that the shamayim

and raqiya are different. “To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The shamayim declare the

glory of God; and the raqiya sheweth his handywork.”

David is repeating what is understood from the Torah in regards to cosmology by

choosing to separate the shamayim from raqiya and noting that the shamiyim declares the

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glory of God while the raqiya shows His handiwork. A different descriptive is used for each


Isaiah describes stretching the heavens out in 42:5

“ Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he

that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto

the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell

in: “

Stretch comes from the Hebrew natah – Stretch. This is also described in the following

passages (Zec_12:1, 2Sa_22:10, Job_9:8, Psa_18:9, Isa_40:22, Isa_45:12, Jer_10:12).

Raqiya implies something solid like hammered metal, however numerous passages in

regards to the nature of Shamayim has properties that can be stretched “like a tent” over the

earth. This also shows that this language wouldn't work with the earth being a globe as the

heavens would encompass or wrap a globe, not stretch out over a globe.

The nature of the sky, (shamiyim) is different to the (raqiya) which is solid and Scripture

doesn’t use these words interchangeably. In addition to the sky being stretched out over the

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earth, we also learn that the sky will be ripped, torn and rolled up, but these terms don't apply

to raqiya.

In addition to raqiya being a dome\vault over the earth, we need to understand how the

stars fit into Biblical cosmology. Genesis 1:14 states: “And God said, Let there be lights in the

firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for

seasons, and for days, and years.

“Lights” is from the Hebrew ma'or which means “luminous body”. The sun is the

greater light for the day and the moon is the lesser light to rule the night. Since the moon is

described as a “luminous body”, this implies it brings forth light, not reflecting the sun’s light.

The purpose of the sun, moon and stars is to separate day from night and for signs, seasons,

days and years. The stars are created for those dwelling on the Earth. The stars, sun and moon

are within the raqiya and much smaller in Hebrew Cosmology than understood in Copernican

cosmology. (Reference fig. 3)

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If we’re to take the Bible seriously in

regard to stars, we have a big problem

reading the text through Copernican

Cosmology. In the Olivet Discourse Jesus

states that the stars will fall from heaven as

recorded in Matthew 24 and Mark 13.

Revelation 6:13 also addresses this as part

of the Sixth Seal Judgment. In Copernican

cosmology, stars can’t fall to the earth.

They’re too far away and millions of times

too large. This causes cognitive dissonance

and thus one will make the text fit Copernican Cosmology or view these passages as

poetic hyperbole.

One might say that these passages could be describing what we refer to as “falling

stars”. “Falling Stars” is figurative language we use do describe rocks\debris entering Earth’s

atmosphere. The book of Joshua describes stones falling from shamayim (10:11). The second

Trumpet judgment in Revelation 8:8 describes a “great mountain burning with fire” being cast

into the sea. This can describe a large rock (asteroid). We have to note in Revelation that the

stars fell from heaven in the 6th Seal judgment in Revelation 6:13. If “rock\stone” is intended by

the text, that’s what it will say.

Fig. 3

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So how can the stars fall from the heavens if the Earth is a spinning ball orbiting another

star (the sun)? Simply put it can’t but the Bible is not describing a spinning globe

Current creationists dismiss references to the Earth as a disk and the firmament as

poetic but still holding to a literal interpretation of the Bible elsewhere. This however is a

recent development in regards to the Biblical understanding of Cosmology. Theologian and

Researcher Philip Schaff in “History of the Christian Church Volume III” quotes Luther, Calvin

and the understanding of theologians in Church history.

“He (Calvin) believed that "the whole heaven moves around the earth," and

declared it preposterous to set the conjecture of a man against the authority of God,

who in the first chapter of Genesis had pointed out the relation of the sun and moon to

the earth. Luther speaks with contempt of that upstart astronomer who wishes to

reverse the entire science of astronomy and the sacred Scripture, which tells us that

Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, and not the earth. …

But we must remember that the Copernican theory was opposed by

philosophers as well as theologians of all creeds for nearly a hundred years, under the

notion that it contradicts the testimony of the senses and the geocentric teaching of the

Bible.” (Schaff, web)

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At the time of the reformation, the understanding is Biblical Cosmology is literal and

true. Arthur Pink who is a Bible scholar that lived until 1952 quotes John Gill, an 18th century


“Writing on Joshua 10:13, John Gill said, "How this is to be reconciled with the

Copernican system or that with this, I shall not inquire." Wise man not to pretend to

understand what has not been Divinely revealed. Wiser still in refusing to allow the

theorizings of a Prussian astronomer to cast doubt on what He has made known, or to

suggest an interpretation which "harmonizes"the same with the hypothesis of

"science falsely so called" (Pink, web)

As the Bible is a Jewish book, the Jewish Encyclopedia states of Hebrew Cosmology:

“The Hebrews regarded the earth as a plain or a hill figured like a hemisphere, swimming

on water. Over this is arched the solid vault of heaven. To this vault are fastened the

lights, the stars.” (Kohler, web)

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Dr. Michael Heiser, author,

scholar in residence for Logos Bible

Software with a PHD in Semitic

languages affirms that the Bible

describes “a universe structure that was

common among the ancient civilizations

of the Biblical world” (Heiser, web)

E.W. Bullinger, referenced earlier

for his work on “Figures of Speech” was

also a member of the Flat Earth Society,

a growing movement in the 19th century

much like modern YEC.

While creationists and those that quote them find a way to make the Biblical text

conform to Copernican Cosmology, we can see that this is a recent development. Jewish

understanding of Cosmology, influential Reformers and theologians that lived into the 20th

century all affirm Hebrew Cosmology as described in the Bible is not only written, but to be

taken as literally true. Scholars such as Heiser affirm Hebrew cosmology would represent the

academic (ANE) experts, but don’t affirm that this should be taken as literally true.

To conclude, the Bible does indeed describe an “immovable” geocentric flat disk

covered by dome or a “Geocentric Enclosed System”. This was the understanding from when

Fig. 4

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the text was written 3500 years ago and taken as literally true by theologians well into the 20th

century. Academics still hold this understanding to be true while ironically, Creationists oppose


We can understand this 3 different ways:

1. Dr. Heiser suggests an understanding that the Bible was written in a “pre-scientific”

worldview to proclaim YHVH as the greatest God over time and over all other “gods”.

This is the “easy out”, but problematic as it sets the text on a slippery slope. What then

should we understand about Evolution? This understanding would make it subjective

on what is literally true. Heiser himself affirms a supernatural reality.

2. We can quote Creationists that affirm Copernicus then “torture” text into affirming

this. If this is your position, another problem emerges; you would then need to affirm

that unbeknownst to Moses and Job, what they wrote actually refers cosmology

proposed 3500 years in the future. You would also affirm that the understanding of text

throughout the scriptures by Joshua, the Prophets, David, Solomon and Jesus are

incorrect. You would also affirm that the understanding of the text from theologians,

academic experts and the writers themselves are all incorrect except for a handful of

20th century Creationists by reading Copernicanism into the text. This is an appeal to

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the authority of the creationist, not to the authority of the text itself.

3. We can take the text literally and affirm that a “Geocentric Enclosed System” is literally

true. Consider what Believers already affirm to be true:

God created the universe in 6 days around 6000 years ago.

A talking snake convinced the first woman to eat a forbidden fruit which banished

them from a perfect garden.

Angels mated with humans to create an ancient race of giants which God destroyed

through a flood while preserving one family and the animals in a wooden ark.

God came to Earth as a man born to a poor virgin in a Roman occupied Middle

Eastern country only to die on a cross, but rose again.

Man is not inherently good, but a sinner deserving of hell.

One might ask “why this is relevant, hasn’t the door been closed on cosmology?” Today,

a “flat-earther” is a synonym for a fool. Nietzche declared “God is Dead” and built his reasoning

on “unchaining the earth from the sun”. (Nietzche, web). To declare Biblical Creation true,

while declaring Biblical Cosmology to be false is selective literal interpretation. Cognitive

dissonance will prevent many from declaring Biblical Cosmology to be literally true, not because

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of the text, but because of the implications. We need to remember that it doesn’t matter what

we believe to be true regarding cosmology, we’re looking at what the Bible says.

Biblical\Hebrew Cosmology stands in opposition to Copernican Cosmology which our

education and worldview has been based for 500 years. The question of cosmology is no longer

asked due to fear of appearing foolish. It however should not be foolish to consider the

possibility that a “Geocentric Enclosed System” may in fact be true. Is the reader willing to take

a step of faith and research further?

"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance" (Spencer, web)

Works Cited

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Bullinger, Ethelbert William. "Figures of Speech Used in the Bible Explained and Illustrated." Figures of Speech Used in the Bible Explained and Illustrated (1898): Biblical Research Journal. Web. 23 May 2016. <>.

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