Download - ^.1 . - aKa»«caro MBFDRTUNE DOGS TEWS h Rcÿttnim … kand x » * aftar *»• « * * " O P " « * “ # « . k ... feeling ran high A delegation waa ... Hoard af Ram ata prwrtdal

Page 1: ^.1 . - aKa»«caro MBFDRTUNE DOGS TEWS h Rcÿttnim … kand x » * aftar *»• « * * " O P " « * “ # « . k ... feeling ran high A delegation waa ... Hoard af Ram ata prwrtdal

L e a d e r

^. 1 . - " aKa»«caro

L o c a l S c h o o ls T o

O p e n S e p t . 8 th

F o r N e w Y e a rClosing Of Six Rooms In Lincoln School

Problem To Be Met By Superin­tendent Homer P. Shepherd


H t t e r e r , Fbud M atches L o o m | h r This W eak- ; E n d and Excitem ent Is Expected Pram

P layers and Spe cintar»

R ë â c à N c w l t i f k

h R cÿttn imNEW CHARGEO p erate» a f Erato’s

G rill A re R earrested B y Police

Gm U Vlcher» o f S IS Montgomery ■ww »• n i « n . " n n « fa ta aai- r u— _________________ _____ .■ M u a ^ Simdnv 1- w m i n i i i r t a N laP rtw i tk . - ■ . r V 7 ~ u r n n m m * S a la r ia , . f e . ila irti! w k i> M ^ K v b . M M

BiH « p « « « i » b. tk . ; " r * ' T’ r- * * *■'aaa t lavnakip « U f i » , .u f f . rad . I E m «. p layBt tka t w l a t a . (

« a r f t la k i . toft kand x » * aftar *»• « * * " O P " « * “ # « . k«« «*>• « t a a l l * tka Nortk J m r T .n m . '* « « • I » ■* » ' " » T »« ■« ». a a i ( l m l l l l l f in P inato . H . » » nttockin« ^ k »v» ry tk ia ( ka k a i M W up by . doctor «fa.. rut tw.» >™»»d naatOM akl. to tk . r " « « « ■Iftlfcn la tk* wound. I l i «ad K i t ' l '1* » « Ka rt* « n w l h r » * « l In t. *B ka r l lm M b. aki» to play 1« a - W » » ia i rais»*. M « W w all. I . —Ir f Um « m r t w i i n M m tk» i «

Par*ukar'a n i U n ... r » for *•*» Barto tontita la ly poatpomd x> tU> » i l i ik4 1 moka. In tkaamd. fa. k a i U H . rat ■ M i to tw in* lato K U » bafar» tka <■■ a> « * **“ « • « Irp ta f toa n i a f tka x a k i« « M « i a f >ka,ptp l l | M .b au

Oa i M r i a r , M U t ly . a ~ d a i « W » t e » i a l Haary «a ll akpktk 4» l it i in v in e . raportod « ttk « ln k l» p ra to ^ y , A *. »-*, and «aaa W M r i M w a r aa kw r % * t farad U n i tka BBSH»r M ranni.M i « U h i!« » from tka t a ir a a m l titto r a n i p »«a ld a lia ia a to i tm

T v a « ra lla a#«. W arrrn W lla a t. Janknw akl a a i Bob Manca f i« « tka fa a a s a la r «k a h a i baan d ia m iank iaa b , a a r ~ « f « 1 . 4 « . B-l■ H a t of tka vaHy round» w n n rM R lttrr a a i t * » . ld tkan * 1 » «a i M a kark a n i w lth iraw frin ii tk» B u B« lak ln a a i Bob Ja rfa n , i-1, *1 M n v a a u . « S. la a « M » ftnnl m atrk

■a « a a Parqnkar’i donklaa fa r i Jankawakl afri la tkarin a . ’i u r » aar. Ta>larday. j .ka I.Ulay. br.itk»r a l i ia f»a to i »1 C uri» a a i K iH k a f E i . kookad IMI n4tk Farqukar and Sorarkka, 4-i. • 4. B-l la a aalaad tkap « W pnkakty laaat U m p Kit doobla . BMWfc. ^

Pick Up Bail Miss Dickinson In Locai Court Hnrt In Crash

R c e o r d e r B i v o n a T s k e a L a k e A v e i J u e G i r l W a a B a i l I n L i e u O f i ' a a s e a a e r I n T a y -

R n e s l « r * C a r

B a li of $10 waa forfoéud TuM day Miaa Ekteav lhckìno«i. SS, of M i B lf tu in polire court by Mra. tirar# U k e Avwiua, «aa a p M u n f W »a M artla of I H Warburtun Avanua. «*»• sutowebila wf Robatt R. Taylor. Yoakora, who araa im a ta d by 8#r *1. »®n « i A r^ U iI< l W . Taylor, doan«aaat Joaoph Wooby and fatro lm an « f »b* Waar T j»k l ’nlvondty O.radu W a lla r O 'Naill for diaordorly roa SrHool of Hualnoa» Adaimlatradaei. Ék» waa orraatod yeatrrday for . »*•«. wboa yaf»ff Taylor «p ò * thè bota* drank and diaonloHy »he j car aad va»

Ariiagten» pr>|wr4tto ia of E ra la ’a (¡rill, R*d*o R oad, who war« arraatod last wook after a youth had bean »erioualy baaton thera, war* rearrest vd M aiday on eharfoa o f aellin* ia- toxiraate to a aainor.

I lw brothara va ra taken to the County JaO «b a r* they «« re released in |l,0tO bail each for hoar in« Sep­tember S before Judge Lloyd L. Sohroeder in 8oe«nd District Criminal Court.

The arreata wore made by Police Chief Otto Bayer, of Lyndhurat, on t o m plainta made by A B C Inveatiga tor Leo K ia c Aled with W illiam E. Guthrie, d ark of Second Diatrict Criminal Court.

Last wash the Vickers brothers and throe others were arrested aa material witaesaoa in connection with the aeriotta beating of John Jen- kowafci, 19, of t S l Bloomhold Place, Lyndhurat, who waa allegedly beataa outside the tavern. They were re­leased in 91400 bail each on that charg«.

The chargoa made against them yeeterdajr allege that they soM in toxicatkv borer ages to Jenkowaki and John Domeraki, ale.. 19, of 566 Park Place, Lyndhurat.

Jen kawaki la atill confined to Hack- enaack Hospital. How he waa beaten has not boon determined. Others a r­rested in connection with the ease were G«orge Goodman and hie wife. Conatanee, of 716 Deena Avenue, Kearny, and Jo h a “ Dempeey" Querin, of 318 Bacoad Avenue. Lyridhurat.

Young Jenkowaki was found un- cunadoat on an apartment house lawn near Emle*a Garden, a Ridge Read uvern .

He Waa tak«n to hia home. When he cowiflptped o f paina in hia body to hia f i lg M o they called Dr. Geoflge Simma. B e aedered the boy token to

skvM st?*'. atX-ray platea fehow that he was •truck With terrific force near the baae of Jt fa skull and that he Buf­fered a severe concuaaion. Hia body waa paralysed and hia condition rapidly became woree.

Doctors did not expect him to laat through the night.

JankoWtki was popular in the townahip. He waa known as a sickly boy who had to undergo extended treatments becnuae of a heart con­dition.

Jenkowaki weighed' about 129 pounds and waa shorter than 5 foot 6 inches.

When new« of bis condition spread among his friends Tueaday night feeling ran high A delegation waa set upon visiting the Uvern and de »lading explanation». Cooler heads prevailed and it was decided to give poliee an opportunity to investigate.

Lieutenant of Detectives John R. «.uidetti said last night the inveetiga- tion was being nufeed with all pos­sible a peed. - The five under arreet refuse to admit knowing anything about the case, he said.

However, the testimony of s night «•tchatta who works across the "treet from the tavern waa con •idersd valuable. He saw a fight, a woman in a white uniform watching the fight. He aaid he eaw somebody go down aad aay ‘ W hy did you bit m e?"

The night watchman also declared that aoua after the tavern was doaed. It w ar opened a short time later by two me a. he said.

Chief Otte Baye r J r and Paterol man John Patterson have worked • ontinaoaaly oa the case since it rame to their atteation. They have questioned ever fifty youtha who might threw aeme light on the caee They are said to have found that thera ware ftghte la the tavern cen- •tantly sad tha t before Jeahowaki was injured there had been several «rgumeale among the patrons.


E x e c u t i v e C o a n a i i t t e e C o n c a O e t I n S a n a -

t o r V a n W l n k l e

sb o rtly tk r n o n «<U ka tm - froatad « ttk tka h t e )

W itkaa t kaaltaMaa an l a i n l W la- ant Van W in U a fa r ra-aM tiaa to tka s ta ti., h a i . n i Laatar H d n a for Govo>*nor.

Based upon polirle» leg a la riy «a te i by d«4a«at . . front oar locai aalta , «a ara aatkoH aai M i O raata i u • a ivo rt maa a a « b a tik « pakHr t i-

"k a by tk a lr ra ra ri to ia to kava foacht fo r tka ia to n at a i tka tax- impara.

In no o tk rr « a y ia R fa r aTaxpayarc Aaaaaiatiaa to ka 4 aay p rad ica i bm eflt to Ita « Im k m k i, W a ara partéaaa only ta tka t « . papa«.

M r. Vaa W iak la a a i M r. d a a bava (aa^bt fa r acanoaiy a a i k a a a « r laStata GavarniaaaK. Tkay W aa ~ap-


G c arre R itter, Marion

L y n d h u ra t Sch m ii» re ^ ifc n twi ^ 'n ln r a t t a y . S r p t tm h n S tK . S u p t r v w n g IV u v t|v> l H u m c t P Sh rp h c tv l a n o n n v r i j

T h e a :h u u i p n n c t fu U w i l l m « t F r n U y m v r a n f , S r p t r m l» J r J , in u n k f to r tx m j n u t J c t a iU h r f tm the n v n rra l t r a . h m m ir t in a tm T u ra t la y , S q x r m K r r 7 th

T n m a n im p o fta n t c K i r ^ t i m rttc d r n n u . t yk h t a i l p lana tu r tK l» y r a r K rn w in g .» it u t th r . U r » . i

, " I claaati—m . la tka l i ia a k i I l k ml m i

F I R E D A M A G E S i ' i ' t ^ T o T ^ n . “ TN A D L E R G A R A ( . K i » » < * tk . tB , » *

_ _ _ _ _ ( Tka Boaro -i «-.— i- .. H t a i -

Marion Kavior an i l i n r f U tta r, batk af U ndkarat a a i a lan n otkor Baraan I 'aant, ataiaato a n a n a « tka IW » ina rra af .«tala Hrkolar a ip a to Rat«M a I 'm . . . a n , and «ha N a« Javaay (V l l^ a far W uaaa ■kaaa aaaaa «a ra in a i, pa hl I. tkia «••k by D r Praaar M#1at*r. dann a l naan al Rat(a ra . and rkainaa» af Ika Brka larak l, Uaaunlttaa Tka N a« It fm t lariatla lura a n n o i a t a . M i. •BB far t»ia wk.darakipa at Ita laa<

•kip. o rlctn n lly annoanrad by tka N a« Jaraay H tat. Hoard af Ram ata prw rtdal for IM I . ik . rln a . ur IM I. » I a l Rntaara aad ,1 a t N I 0 .1 IS ta ka knawn m tka li.n r n a r t V k n l* r* il,a , to ka . « a r M t , tka • bay. . a i tka i , i r l . m akln ( tk . b l«kaal inarka la a ron^M m ra . bulaati. ap tltn d . ta.1 w klrk ana

I ti.a n an A u fu .t I« . I u , fa. . > u U ! ' ' I ill* Stata Ralla 1.1 lita lH ia I . lam i,

rtoa. I at R o tfa ra and I a l N J I and IH !.. fa. a a w iild to .ara lW a «adonta, I« at fta ta a n and I , at N. J . C.


POSTS HEREOne F l f k t Looms In

Each P arty In P rim ­a ry Election

man and the <>14 line pollttciaae- intent upon new tarn» »nd patronage for their cohorts.

A bee nee of theee taxed la tram^sr- ring new induatrle» and new jobe into New Jereey.

I f Senator d o e can be made Gov­ernor, and if Senator Van Winkle can 1« elected to hia aecend term a» Senator, the TeXpaytos Association will sUnd in a position èf real in- fiaence I f theee men are elected they will need the Txxpoyers Aaaodation in their continued battle fbr economy and oppoeition to now laie».

I f Meaara. Van W lakle aad CVoe rre defeated ia tk» primariea by I», »liticai macMnea and Hoff ama aup- portera, the inflaeace of the Taxpay­ers AsMiciatioa w ill bo redaead to a law ebb where Ka beet efforts can only result in pahMeatiea of pamph­lets and broadcasting of p latitude.

Economy in gov r n mant and «veld- ance of new taxes is a very practical matter The taxpayers must work for the mea who M ve worked for him. In no other wap eaa good men

cSMfe, tìeorge W. Mohher <»f Bearkv ide . N T . fo r fe its 96 hail each when they failed to answer speeding chargee.

George W . Brown ol f f l Jacoby Btreet, Maplewood, and Francia Ed ili a f S4 Van Winkle Avenue. Paaaaic, were finod IS each for motor vehicle viaiationa

John Napa tan nu of 144 Kingaland Avonne was given one week to find new fnnrtera for bia horse The reel denta who live near Napa tan no have complained that the odor from the Horae's atable diet urbe them

I bO V K K N O IT B D A T «¿t'KftTM

The following Lyndharst Be pubi) caaa atteade>i G o w m er's Day at ilea G irt, Thareday: Nay... and

Mra Horace B. Bogie. M r end Mrs • ieurge Smith. Mr. end M ra Kdger Krtnt. M ra h- le rt Vivora, Mra Anna C>*ie, Mra Rate Dir key, Mra. l i annali McRae. Mra Jacob G reens adyke, Mra. Thomas W e i ah, Mr aad Mra Chorloe Sommerò. M rs J . J . Me

gtfta Ref re «h m* n is « m aeevod al • late boor

Gaeota were Mleeee Loeetu Tom errate. Haael MrCofforiy. Roee Mr Cafferty. U r o « M<t;«a»aa Klalae Reuter Idooié end Marie Hmmm, Jeh a Gavin, Jo h n Ho vag« H*nry Rtehholta. Jam es Rlrhy. Raenath Gaeh. Praeria Sylvwat«« and Rea* netb Welse

Sum m erton BoyP sm r Saaar* « it i see bos Presdi Pte re te il« preeideal of the Dw ight Me« row Woa uhiie oa C lo» PiwoSeU« eoe ported Jaom « Rroaiia's tlahe« ta the lest < . —»oiiisb—s* b « loot len whBe Naaaea fcerked Bo*w * group

N K P t*B l K A N »

Pira t INoirtag- J«eeph Polito, Mve Iteeo gcoloa. Rdoerd < Proti, eoe

B reaks H is ArmMarry Sommertoti. 8, eon of

Ghanreman and Mra. Harry Bumaier 9aa of 99 Lefeyette Street. Tueaday broke hia left arm while playing. The youngeter fell and broke hia arm

Dp. V ito Lamberti set the arm for the bog. Then he waa takea tu Paa saie General Hoepital whom he i»

M r. Van W inkl» will have o great deal of mfluonce aad authority. and haviag boen co-bnttler with Mr. Cteo dunng the paat i alterte nt yeara, hewoold he very clae» Io Mr. Cteo If

jkniKondo, Back from Japan, Saw No War On WayP retty High S c k o o l »«» Britain Nut H«> Fa

G raduate S ays U . 8 . .to iy m « * u a a i tk . ja iu am »^..1 vored, M iss Kondo l a U k a d l a j a p a a J J a i C J K 2 T S T a l l . > W

^ t M S T S ' S Z « i » * - = ' - ‘ —V * " * ' " ~ k i r ^ I i ’ r t a " . ^ * . " g . * *• * T B A Y » » K H IB I N I.B H a T A N II

Avanua a ft.r .prndinf a yaa, la Aatonra B M aapanaS, Mm . Kunib . . a . . M l aai ■> ’.anw.Jap an , to raaort tka I .K . f..ond a . "••• T ,c* '»*> « * “ * ~ * - .fa ^ to « » I T a T L S T ^ *«n r t w » . ^ < « tll« l '•>— in a to . i I a a " 7 “

la raaa rao a . u It may a . . , Miaa «4 i tkal ’ * * " 'Rondo aapa tka .^ aatry . M to rrlh ly « a a p H « ! “ . . . . ^poan n , pan _ l | M . Ckinoa* tor «^ k H a- V - k - tk . H I ' * * ’ “ * ■ -rtto ry appaarad U kar to ka -kM M . “ ' * * “ r « ^ » k to , L w . a k T u T p .fa l and m m . to a ln ," « ! (« . a f « 11! •• — * ■ p p i ly la « *8 "ta n a « * a ra . . . a , m t poM fail.tta, .1 I » * • - «««• m i ........ M M ~ , , -a aaa r crtoto tltofa a .t « « . a a r. m M a ^ tt , . IS a a i i , ¿ L IT t far ut n a ^ t N t . O S I.V P R IK M .S Z T l L ' a L . . . . ^ W “

eo s t a net tan o4mg* '*> Tokyo Mne . Ja a ^ . T im - - pnrt a f the Jep aexw to rale C h i swao valedictorian of her Lyndhurat ^ ho« ess rely a wtah <he< th*» eowl

It ia largely aa a reealt of oar own work that the Tax pa ye ro are

James R. Laird, Auto Man, Dead

R u t h e r f o r d Business*' man Succumbs A fte r |

L o n * Illness

Gertrnde Letbold Tendered Shower

Two Residents i On Grand Jury

M ra Sto-imle and W il­liam G ill A re Picked

On Panel

Page 2: ^.1 . - aKa»«caro MBFDRTUNE DOGS TEWS h Rcÿttnim … kand x » * aftar *»• « * * " O P " « * “ # « . k ... feeling ran high A delegation waa ... Hoard af Ram ata prwrtdal

C a l l i n g a l l E

T E L E P H O N E U S E R S !

Th* next Telephone Directory goét to p re ti toon . , Cheek this « i l an d ta l l the B u tin e tt Office N O W !

M an ia fF IJkm M etm j


o u r A o c m tBBBra r sak


Jeany Unci . . . Modern . i . Metal and Foor foster


v lite C ommercisi LeaderRiblùliad Every Thursday by


3Í6 Valley Brook Avenue

T a lsp lu n i R u tW fo rd Í-4200— 4201fred S. B erner..................................... Editor

/ Ernest J. D abinatt $¿cty. and Trcos.Willum E. K aem pf Adv. Mgr.


Farewell To The Trolley CarThe Public Service has informed the Board ot Commission-

«rs that the last trolley car will leave Valley Brook Avenue and Ridge Road Sunday morning at 5:30 o'clock.

The first im pression peoplt will hove at this news is "Rood riddance", which may be a justifiable impression, traffic con­ditions being what they are on Ridge Road.

But let us not he too harsh wim our last thoughts of the old trolley cars. They played such an important part in the growth of Lyndhurit. Old timers will remember when Ridge Road was a dirt street with the trolley tracks running down either side at it. In those time« only horses and wagons travelled in the unpaved center and they were ordinarily used for the transportation of freight. Almost all local passenger service was handled hy the trolley car.

The line was known as the Hackensack line. The trolley ran from Newark to Hackensack Gradually as the years rolled on the line was shortened until the route ended at Rutherford where it remained for a food many years.

The tmlley then travelled down Valley Brook Avenue, turned Right f« Stuyvesant and into Park Avenue, Rutherford. Remember? Finally, with the steady progress of bus service, the line was cut still further until it ended ,it Valley Bn ink Avenue and Ridge Road.

During this period, Ridge Road was paved with asphalt, with that dangerous high crown which we all remember Later, the State made Ridge Road part of State Highway Number 2 and laid down concrete 26 indies thick in the center. The trolley tracks are now emfsedded in that center maw. The State has promised to fill in the valleys between the tracks

In pawing, it seems a pity the leaving of the last trrjley could not ne made at a more convenient time so that the local oflicials could commemorate the event with a little ceremony, which the occasion so justly deserves Transportation is con side m l the Lie line in the growth of any municipality, and certainly Lyndhurst owe* a great debt to those huge, bulking, yellow cars which have been so often condemned, but more often hailed, especially on cold, wintry nights, miles from home.’I ’ I I / * ______ ’ I * W im tfc— f a l l t l ' I W I proven soi r o u e y - i a r s I o popular » n * r i^ ™ t>>«t «irons**-

ban irun-aniil hu f.Untwilly on e\er> Jin« when* the vehicle» hay« been put

K m

Surprise Shower ForM.


BradleyMiss M srgsret Bradley, daughter

of Mr. and Mr*. Joseph F . Bradley of 684 Third Avenue, Lyndhurit, waa guest o f honor a t a surprise mis- cellaneoMS ahower given Thursday night at the American LegiAn Hall. Mias Brad lag wgl be married Sep­tember 18 th fto M g Dehlin of Ktm r ny at the Sacred H u r t Roman Cath­olic Church Rectory. The party was given by Miaeea Dorothy Spillane, Naomi (lutheil, Ruth Wilkinson, Dor­othy Holden, ElSanor Martin, Sarah Boles end Mrs. David Gibbons.

The hail wgs deeorpted wi^h white crepe paper. The gifts were present on s lsrge decorated table.

Guests were: Mrs. A rthur Gutheil, Mrs. Joseph Bradley, Misses Lillian, M ayd la and Mildred Bradley, M iss­es Rosemary Early , Lillums, Anna, aad Msrie Cwrcio, Eleanor Mayer. Mrs. Bessie Holden, Plorence Troune, Ruth Casey, Ruth Johnson, Amelia Rost, Mrs. Howard Liebenow, Mrs. L. J . Kuenen, Misses Jan e t Hyland, Dorothy Opits, Marie Halm, W in ­ifred Hering, Helen Miller, Ruth Ramsey and Margaret Cameron of Lyndhurst, Mias Anna Hsckett of New York, Mrs. Edward Hollander and Miss Ttegne Dehlin of Kearny.

"W S»Many local students will return to

the University of Newark _*ptember 21 when ch ases ope« for the Fa ll semester in the undergraduate schools, the College o f Arte god Science and th* School of Business Ad minstra­tion.

The school of tew will begin its classes on September 27. Convoca­tion day exerciees, an orientation program for new student», i* schedul­ed for September 80 with Dr. Frsnk Kingdon, president o f the Univereity, tfie princioal speaker.

three new coursr» have been

O i l ' m e u ■p t 7# B

H a . l h i t a Hm tirnn a tAvgnoe is ill a t the St. M a ry ’s^ pital ia Passaic where she under­went an operation.

Mrs. Peter Bongievaohi Mow York Avenue and her Mrs. Charles Fobs and son C h a lk s1 of Maywood were guests Monday s f i wttHmm W irt Ifrs . W illiam Layton of May» at her summer home at Point PI snt.

Milton Goldberg o f 610 VaMey Brook Avenue spent the. “ ijfJtogiat Atlantic C ity.

tcong.^ » >nd Mrs. Jm t Fo r ite /Avenue and 800 W illow A venaea t Foi'est H ill Park.


C a rt

168 PeraLyndhursi

***** Morin * *' •tetef ,nue retained from a stay 4«nape- Where he wos *8 a

A tenue,

fjohn T in e ofis, at Columkus. OMifc J * » h * l i *

T h ir ty- * re . m w eoure., have bou j M r. and U r , W illiam L u U h y t a r l . - . ¿ L - ¿-v added to the cun^ca lia i of the School ■ 0f ^ 7 Lyndhurst Avenue afcrom^ were guests fc. of Business Administration. The Col- j panied by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick of | f r and K n Arthur^Cotebelo*~sd lege offers a foar year program 1 T a<-ka>.t»*kir<. r>t kar p . m a e, , 0 . j ». * . “

Mr. Oud Mrs.

Pasquale C afaroDies On Sunday

Mr. and Mrs. J . W . Kambeck of 742 Sixth Street returned on the S. S. Bremen after sp< tiding three months in Germany.

Miss Charlotte Senem of «42 Mil„ , ,----- ' . . . . i Avenue has returned from a twoPun*rml se rv i«« with a h l,h mass ' WMll , u at New s ,

of high requiem was celebrated yes-terday morning at 10 o’clock a t Sac- ----- -red Heart Roman Catholic Church a ± ~for Pssqusls Cafero, fifty , who died J 9SuiHlar m tht . t th» H ^ t v - k *veune .[«.ntHospital .ft«- . . il l« « ., o f . weak I P“ 1 t,w <*•»" *« *>■»"*. N. » Interment waa held later a t Holy

fa y r y r .r progr.m j T»ch*iuehli« of M 5 P . * * A v.m i* r . ______________ie.<imir 10 in . u d i . lo r of >rU it- turned from a iU jt . t Stony Br<mk. horn.- .1 Nmm aiuUi t S S gr«-, • «ix year comfcirc 1 cour*. in : W .rrcn County. N. y.. whcr. th .yliberal arts and law lesding to two j viaited with Edwin Lustliador, son Mr* Martha Ren* af 78degrees and the two year course Qf Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Lustbador Avenge returned T h t t i J i i iWhich is the minimam requirement, and a teacher in the Lyndhurst High stay at South Riverfor entrance to law school. I School. _____L

Students of Lyndhprst who are ex- | Ml RniJ U n A rthur Jones of,Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Antenucci | 210 Korw t Avenue are at J | p « | r

of M Ja y Avenu«- an- ontertatninK - vv,v<*h».a t their home for a few weeks Mr. and Mrs. Themas Sheehan and K*y"Kenahan and dgughter . Marie of Providence, R. L - *' '**;

<9d d a k o f nsterharsh a i hold thei t m T h a

^ a t the church hsll. fca mmà» te r 20H activities.

M r. ood M f ¿ Garrstt Roberteon

‘TOBipected to return to thè College in elude: Andrew Harria of 204 Post Avenue, Joseph Lu to rnacs of 204 Riverside Avenue, and Joseph M ag­nino of 344 W illow Avenue.

M r. and Mrs. Lente Fuller «nd V s ó ly of T U New Jersey A trttífrné from Eatoatowti where they f P $ r * + * w a s h e d .

Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Halek of 561 Riversid«- Avenue accompanied by Miss Catherine Murphy and John Victor of Brooklyn are on a motor trip to (lucajro. They will return by way of Niagara Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter I*u r ie of 24»» Court Avenue entertained at their home for the past week Mrs:. Mamie Murphy of Brooklyn.

a f e i t a sf c f e l S A T U R D A Y N IG H T CHICK8N CH0W MCW

A B rand New 30-Foot 8 k irffle B oard . . , One O f The Best In Town.

Til« t u t tm ll.jr-c r will d inpprar from Um . t r i t ì i of Lrndhurst .ml Nortli Arlington M i t 8nn4«y, Rep- l.mhar ft, whyn H i r r im hrw .treetr*n *r. rf-plMT<i Wy . trH of moilrrn .11 »ervic. v .h ld .a , Public S . rv in ‘ h u m u u h m I. HohiUtodon ot .11 ^ rn e . V .hicl.a for H.rrlMn trolley, will occur on t* . M al. d .y that Public gw v ic . to rapiscine atrast cara o . tk . B r o ^ Street lin . In N .wark. Harriaon trolley cara hare b o a Ia operation .in c . IBM .

Hurtooa all atrvice reh ic lo will raaba Mm trip brtwaan l./mlhural and Nmmmrk In I t per cant faater time lh«n Jr. tiie )l.rriw>n tro lley, ilo causa a f a n a la r ta i lU U ty la a n la « Uirouah trulfic they will (Jao ^ aWe fto mainteia m or. refular ^heduie, tftaa Harriion street cars

Tho a ll-aareic rebide la Um lataal development ia Io n ) transportation I t to a roiatxaatlan (aa-^«-tru- hu« and trolley hu, which ran be run rttber with o m w i » t ™ „ u„d . r | Ha o va power. T h li type of vehicl, i to no* ia oporatMQ on ten line, w rv I

C ity dr N m H i and on lev ­erei other r w U a I . Public HerriM territory.

Tha all-aarvic. reh lcl. ha . M oalok • up as klm od aay private automM to. U ton , p „A r , luoperati— «a practically n o lw l^ n i * * " . * " «a gawdin. odor, or

»••I VI,S U N D A Y i D I N N E R

Cross Cemetery.Mr Csfaro, who lived in Lynd ­

hurst thirty ysors, wss a member of the Columbus Club and Sons of Italy.

He was connected with the Pas­saic Piece Dye Works. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. John Gismbino of Brooklyn. M

Traffic Jammed At Kingsland

Avenue BridgeClosing of ths Belleville turnpike . » —

bridge over the Passaic R iver this Sixth Street returned Sunday night i morning for repairs and the unex- from a two week stay s t Tucker* ported shift of traffic to the north J ton. caused s hslf hour jsm st the nsr-

Mr and Mr». Henry Eichholte of5 46V Pag« Avenue hew? as their guests for s few weeks Mrs. Anns Ebert of Weehawken.

Miss Mildred Grosso, dsughter o f! Mr. snd Mrs, John Grosso of 646, New York Avenue 'is ill at the! Newark C ity Hospital where she is suffering with injuries which she sustained in an automobile accident.

Mrs. Fred Bentxien and son Fred- ! srick, Jr- T llrs . Albert Bentsien, Mrs. [ Robert Hum meli, M re Mary Miglin, ! Mrs. Cart Adams, Mm. Martha Rent | and daughter Ruth spent yesterday on an outing to Asburv Psrk.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bayer of 709

By ANN PAGEH oliday wees-ens« wkitk m m

russtS rseuire specisl stanateg 1« •apease ia tisie. labor snd mon*y Is net to r>Ttrshs4ow yosr pleassra la ths enapsny of friend* and relative«.

gonewkst lower whf.Unale svtcee for aieaU snd poult r> kite bruusnt at­tractive special retail» ia Rioft food market«. TKeese, etf« and batter price« are «ttll remparaliv^p lew fer the

V a riab le ' «ni fruits is cenerai am availasle la vaHety at low e#«t. flraen aad IUna beass. «orti. pea«. «w«et pe­talo* ■ and tomato** «mone the ve*e- tabl«» and peaches, pear«, plum« andÍrape* among the fretta are saiataad- •(.Here are week-ead ami hnlidsy d«n-

nerr which seguire s minimum ef ef* fort t.. «arv*

Low Cost Dinner Vsel Lesi S* aJioueJ Potstoesm*w*.l Tom*trV«

Br*"d sad Kutter

row Avondale Bridge, between Nutley and Lyndhurst, s t 8:80 A. M. Tues­day.

Pointing out the traffic snarl was caused when the bridge was forced to open, bridge attendants predicted sesious jams during the ruah hour after 8 P. M. when opening the broge for passing river craft is frequent.

B»Opefourths of Heileviile turnpike traffic turned north this morning to avoid tmffic on the C lay and Bridge streeta’ t-ndges in Newark. Journsl Squsre and New York C ity buses sll turned Nertn to the Avondale Bridge.

Ths ic lisv ille bridgs will be closed eight osys.

Mr. snd Mr«- Js ines Robertson of 181 DelsKeld Avenue spent Wednes­day s t Asbury Psrk.

flak*rf Applet Tea or Cot—

Mediasi Cast DtaiCold Fried < birhea Candied 8we*t P-taloet fora oa th* « <»bBr*ad aad Putter

gaow Psddjag Soft ( uetar4a er I'olT#« Milk

Laher Daj Dinner id C l t u of Muohf 'tom goaj fold Hare e» Turkey

.spafhrtti a« c>*tin C.r*»a Oeane M»«*d S«l«d

poll, aad Butter Fruit ('up Small Cakss


Shepherd Announces SchoolsWill Open On September 8tfa

fro» page n ^

Bi doe attendants asked for police larvisi on. They said at least thrse-

School Supervisor and Mra. Homer P. Shepherd and family of 740 Fourth Street rrtumad Sundsy from a two week stay a t Ocean Grove.

Mra. Margaret l<eppard and daugh ters Cecile. Marie and Adelo of 137 Page Avenue returned Monday from Belmar where they spent two weeks.

Mr. and Mis. Jam es Rohetson of 181 Deleft eld Avenue had as their guest for several days Miss Helen Lockhart of Maasilloa, Ohio.



Ffever1.4)01», T « u n u Hai.vs. Noesnsoe« Headache, 88 am

Tr> "« « t-Sv- n m *World« Hot l ia Une nt


rooms a l I jacoln S e k » l. Rather than ah u *oa tka p k a UUr * a pup il, had hew taated and promoud it wa.

to ( a on through with Ik . o n e iW I *laa aT k n a a f Umm pupil. *» t k i Unsulp School, for tka rea •mm Jkal tk . niaaual sh .p . w . i . In

tk . spaadln« up of Ike w o rt to h. 1-ov.rad could U-*t be ac ■ nmplirfMd by oaa aat aT taacher. all w ortip , under th a direction of one pnac^al T k . n w i for tk . three .« te a claaaa. r J o , to Lincoln by 'rtatua <4 ckanga k a v . been arrwnfad ky ik iftln c Ike incornine SA front i oiumb«» te M i r a n , all Incoming 7A*S Of Waahm ftea la Roosevelt and the tm aefer « f the spetftel ungraded

class to Roosevelt School. W e rawrrt ths increase of pert time and cs- po^lally for those puptis wh«» are a t­tempting to do a year ami one ha lf’s work in one year. Perbap. a more ■Owwaetery plan in part caá be de- " lo |» d afte , tkc SU ’, „ f r .mio tk . senior sc ho.,I in feh rusry . " * * 7+ J * 110 K » primer claaa In the River R«>ad #%eo| this Fa llS T , » “ > »'rankll.

This change is nereaaary aa . .a Department ruled that Lyndhurst will lose tm n 00 r .^ n U ,

Ik . H U t. unto., rhlldren ia tkès a f» group are lau tk l by a teacher holding a kindergarten certi- «cate

T k * « M ie » ! e l C o a v o e a e * « P m c r ip t to m Is


LEVY’S PHARMACYStayvM aat aad Valley Brook A ve*.

r trn m B U t b w M 2-102«

Order a Trltyhose NOW.%ie listad la|U * U lto -I*---»---eenu m s OH^m svy.

Arrange ta advortlaa t* Ik* Claa.m e4 Directory (Yellow r * |* i| Is reaeb

ehiskic flT u i TODAYI

f t * I C S J I ^ I I U ' T I L i r H O M ' C O i r A N I







IH»P n n safai Stofioe

PASSAICPhoae Passaic |4S27

Page 3: ^.1 . - aKa»«caro MBFDRTUNE DOGS TEWS h Rcÿttnim … kand x » * aftar *»• « * * " O P " « * “ # « . k ... feeling ran high A delegation waa ... Hoard af Ram ata prwrtdal

Helen Quade Guest of Honor

At ShoweMixa Hi It ii yuMili', daughter »

Mr*. S (»hi* Qm.'.t • of 1 Fourththreat, North Arlington, w«> (u n i af honor at a surpriae misr*llane«>ua ihawrr Tuesday mghL Th«- |.arty 1 vim* if Veil at the home f Mn«s |4m> j of I I ? S innm rr Avenue, t.yndhurnt, by flie A. Y . A. Girls. Miea 4Jn»d* will be married Septeiu bar 4th to Randolf C. Hildebi ami' j f Irvington at the Firat lYeabyter- *U Church of North Arlington.

OaoorMKittfiN were in pink ami ;freen. A huge umbrella in the eeo ter of th« room appeared t»i U- *h -w Ting’ the irift» into'a hug*- contain«') >y moan* of streamer*.

Guests w rrt: Edna andH»n*thy K lilitr . Mrc* F . A. FUhet. Mr*. II. A. Schumann, Mrs. M. J Motor, Mr*. A. J . Brunner of N r» irk, M ih . K. A. llild eh imimH. Mr» ¡♦Hirge R iM rb i^ W t and Mr*. Thom

»• Hildebrendt of Irvington. Mr«H. A iHtuutivst of Kearny, Mm. I..I. toonm-tiM #( Jersey t'-lty, VIi«*«•*-> Dorothy Spillane. Anita laing«-. Mil lied Ht-allcr, Mr*. Wealey Rea tier Mr*. Loui* Luddecke, Mr*. I la m ■‘¿»singer, Mieaea (>rarr Atherton Helen t-'iawgstt of Lyadburat, Mr» W illiar» Quad» of Ke:.vny and Mi>" «phia Qua<lc Mod Mia* EliaobetV Quade of North Arlington

- ■ o------ - -M 'J l J-'+Uik Huuu’Hik* •*{ irtt» Ridge ■ I tin ■ I ru. d iv niirht fi

a stay at Pravinrettm, Max*.

Mia* Dufothy Fell, Lyndhurst lib rarian, jerompaaied by hai sistei Mia# Bernice Fell art* on ■ motorrip to Mama.

Mr. and Mra. Pasquale Sain no ami laughter* of S IS Chase Avetim* re turned from a month1* stay at South

S r., Mi«« M a ry E . R o dger* , Mr* M a r tin C a r r ig . Mi** J e a n e t te B urk- M rs. A n n a C o lie , M ra. M a n a n Ru» *•«. M ix. S u m h N p d lan e , Mr* R*.* K elly . M ra. M a r th a K**Hv. Mr*. A C B ilk d te . Mra. C. J . B it tn e r . Mr* M. A. L e fe h v re . MHw R«»*al>e I# - feb ev e, M ra. M ichae l E u fe m i» . Mr*' H o w a rd Perrin**. M ra L eo Mil«**ki M ra. ( fo o rg e W o lf. M iss L ily W olf Mr*. P e te r M eL » u g h lin . M rs. R •* F ly n n . M r*. F . J Hoff. M is L A S ta w ic k i. M r*. W illii.m Keh«*e. Mr* A u g u s t B e rg . M r*. W illism H tch rv M ra. Im o g en e P ic a rd . M r*. M ary O 0 n n o r , M ra. W a lte r H f V f i , M-*. A J . B illan d , M r*. ( ie o rg e S h e a r v Mr* M ay S u g a ls k i. M ra. L o u is F a v ie r M rs. A lice R .-ab le r, M rs. V e ra Lew sndow «ki Mnd Mis* Mari«* B t t ig .

l* c n t i« . j i h I t ifh i •n J *«rt.-rfy irval« "» m wtiK h rtem m k t !<» «DPlumhin* • lleatinK


A. Mitchell A Son242 L A R E AVE.


Poe P r o m p t » r i t k l* n t Sark*A |m c i Cor

fckclrntu> R«<rl|*r*lan

Mr» Pelt-r Bunirlovaitni » I «tu N 'W York Av.nur .}wnt Monday at Ottlver l.akrM ri. Florence Castica of S*2 Stuy-

v'enant Avenu«* entertained at her hum« Wfchlnoadgy aftern«N>n at lun<fi- «on and >»ri«lge. Oo«-*t* were Mra. Jaioe.x llamare t. Mm. A rthur Blehlei and Mra. K J % hark.

A aocial « a » h e ld a f t e r th * m ee t tng of !<yn Ihurat Circlo, C o n titan io n a

I \m erU -a a t th eCòlumbM Club la a t *-e*k. M ra. F re dertefcr Bentaien «-aa in rh m ig e

Forest an I fUtiyvaaaat A v in w a RKS F R A N K L IN « ; FAHF.R Reotof

Rectnry; S6I I. vingaton Avenaa Pf»«M Rutherford 2 0 157

Mr*. <l»ra Whela»1 and childrenJa«k and t'lara of ¿42 Trottine Ava- nue are at 6tean C.r o t f for the ra> matoder « • f the «eaa«. to rta i tan »et— ea Kaading Hmmm

FR F.K TO T H E P I 8 U C It N YLV A M RT. R t T N R R F tM III\ i i tb . i r n . f i « nd A p p ro v e d I i te ra to r ?


J J J M N W W « all theae facta I havk •le* ided eon junction with aiy own ' " t p u f l l for fre. hoIfiei to support

^nd idary of H arry L. Tyn . M r r o w * election wfff bring ..tir party r'ns*t together, will , ement and fra ^riute the wari «ng fa* tbm*. g ire us the mtarh neode.i und «te>ired party

■ rm o n y a n d w ltl m . u r . Ih , » la t t in a « * ‘HepaWiMin «n a li.r in th . N . l »mhar clortlim.**

mm. luiinis. M

T M 1 ■

SPOTLIG Natte Aw m o RMherfacd•e», H a t» r' a W rl«M

W t »rient W ay, Rm W r fard Moming Worahip II am Rondar Rrhaol 10

Htuticbaaer p lana «u o ta w iib o A rn o m in g fo» aa leap taa . d e a l­e r - «il M r U nitors »• • • •h mai a r» eapaete«! in H»mtb BemJ «jiirlng tb e tWo w e*ka o f tamil r i ­tira Th» pe«|eatrtea »• tfce ♦ tn s a fe ty a ta tia l* ca ha k»mp» g a i- t in g k n a rk a d a a f ia t a a ' . . . l 'e , l -« t r s o < aoswont lo aft% «■ tk e fatato! «aa in iHHa«»alpb.a »«*e f u e t h a lf a f »uS7 W a trb y o u r a te » un th» a tre a l a n d U à a*ap-t *ra w b ea you <trt»a I» # » a n 4

» su grea» •'* au<-raaai'UF ra a a 041 <*W aae th a t ttoa i« a s - d ^ a y ia *>arttax «*ta aatg » •e t-n r . . Ttoiak - f ^

>eet wfeea yoo*ta a«»»ng M an i wm .t to M a f ttoai a ito •*<•-t a c c e ywoU H“ o^u»e ttoa i» a a ia a to aU>p travata f a .a vour torain ut rouf (aut. an«l toeiora vm e»m b.o.h Uta fMMtat . MagpM*1road *we»|*»r Operata*! to» Maelb




1 * W sssArcariA.

Weds PaHan

Fritzi Rich and AlUGirl Orchestra To Play For Starlings October 2nd

The Lyndhurat .Htarling* are going* preaent on October 2nd |y:l7. at •he Rtioaevelt liance Palace. NewleræyVt Queen of Melody. Frit*«


G OP FIGHTSays Van Winkle Failed

To Make (.rade As Leader

M ayor A1« xandei A llan , in d ep en dent .Miididatc f o r . th e Re)H iblieainrMiuiiâtian tor the Hoard .¡f Free hoidata. today came out in faVor of the nominatif n of Harry Tone o: Lutharford for the Republican sena ttnial nomination.

Kis move mgrhad the end of nego t i . i t on* by th«- Van Wmkle faction *r the party to r*.nw out in favo of Senator W inant A Van W inkle' .udldacy. He i* èr nnected with th.

t rm of former Sheriff HaroM V \ Reilly anil early, showed indica t on* he woul<L nut aupp. i t the Vat W rakle group.

Mayor Allan declared “ new lea< 1er ship" ia required" in the Republicai 1*1*.

The Statg íenm ur, he »«id, ahould le the leader and Senator Van Win ».'»■ baa beon unable u> provide th. n> eriM direction to th« jrgfty ;

• By fa r," he aalcï. ihr- moat dif feuit poddeni jçonfcoHUn*Pt-bHcwi ro te ^ H n th ^ Sn m il« Ivim- ary eb*cti«4. Ik the aeU ction uf a ser-.iot ial t-andi.iate to rvpraaenl the

™ November election.T^e present on-eat i:.

•’•n ranks tx uta bacgftise the rank aiid file have lost confidence in its leaders. I t w m , ce iU iu that if th. party ia to continue to maintain ita poteacv me a political factor In Ber gen ( ounty It must take *tep* to «»rreet the Rreaent difficulty W e a*. f'"-cad a t thia time to a«-ek nea eadership to briitgg to our party new

with new ideas and new v ifo t *nd who can inspire new conRdoace >h the minda of th# party voter»' and who w ill aenra the people of th. caunty and ata te iu a manner that *»11 •mmand re*p»*<t and bring re P*»te to the party itaelf.

■/Hi* na turn I to Im.k for leader- •h’P ill the men holding the foremoat• le. Uve office, it 'ta i.the «tata *onat..r Haa the «ecvtp V f •i'» 'h.ationa o f a bader he should have no diffK-nlty in *<>mmauding the respect and anpp.nt of the party.

Recauae o f the preaent unreal ie ***** f*toha it ha* Itoyoipe my ««pinion that .Senator Van W iakle ha- failed

mapire oi command the reft poet and tonftdenr.- of a suffi, ient portion of the Republican .oarty and thoraetMy believe th a t jf he.j* nomi ^•ted J t this tinte, it will mean the

^ a Dem«H-iati* senator in

R ich a a d h e r A ll-C .irl D rc h e a trg .M iss R ich ir a n a tiv e o f N e w a r l

.»»Hi h a s U*en p la y in g in a n d aroun* N e w a rk f o r th e p a a t tw oShe i* n . « playuiK n ig h tly t

»on W N K W . and la gaining m p«»p ularny to a large aauat. The Star 'inga are mtwv tban proud I* linn Misa Rich to you ia person >m Sat irday mening. Oct«*ber. Unti at th

large Raoaeveit Dance Pal«u-e. W. tssuir a BMMt pleasant evening an. lanrtnf for aM. Thia i* the greotes a tn r tion ever t«i be pieeeoted I 1 yndhurst.

Mrs. John Flynn Gives Card Part)

Mra. J r h a Flynn of & l* Pag« .venue entertained at her b>>a»e oi

e faraday night at a card party I r i he la-nef it of th«- .* >uth En<

¡ I »ein • ratic Club. Refre*bment% wen !*erv d gfter the game*.

Gueat* were: M | i John J . Bre*lin

A pretty _____a f te rn o o n a t i:%>

mi th e S n c re d M en rt K««man t a th o ln C h u rc h o f L |« A iu > « t. w h e n M iaa A ld a A e ra r» , dtoMRbtcr o f M r. a n d

; M ra . J o h n A rv o r i o f 744 N ew Y ork t A v e n u e , l .y n d h u ra t . he* * * * th e biade

o f J u l in n P a l ia n , •*»> of M ra . A m elia 1 P a l ia n o f C li f t Ml. Rev T h m a* J

M rlH rrm o tt, p a f te i Í th e c h u rc h i p e r fo rm e d th e gggent. n \ T h e S rida

w aa g iv e n In m n r r i .»,■* Uy h e r f a th e r M ia* J oapp h ine 8 i \ l«-l\. o f L y n d

h u ra t w a a m a id o f h » n o r an d P a u B ru n o o f t 'R f to n f a * t>eat m an.

M iaa T i ld a Alt«’ . s i * i o f th e b rid e , a n d M h h N eH ie R isa* •« l .v n d h u rs t . w e r* hrtde*m a»da.

T h e b e id e h « h e .t a t t r a c t iv e ia a g o w n o f w h ite M ot re. m ade prince«» * ty le , s r i th U*ng al»>e'«*« a n d bu tton* d o w n th e b a rk . N e t U n g tu lle vet

m o d e w ith n cap < f a t lv e r sr «pain* S h e canr»e«1 .» a b i t e p i a y e tw ok w ith a w h ite « "vh id a n d s tre a m ef* o f Hllie« o f th . \ t l le y .

T h e m aid o f fcen.o w a s guwne«! in n.r3m l (due m o n - » ith g . ¡.I ali p e ra a n d a g o ld '«n|Uin h a t SN ■arried a lawKi'let o f vellow hllie*

T h e tn tdeanioM i- a .» re d u h o n n e n o ire drvaae» ma- p rin t1»** -«*yie t h e y w ta e g o k l «dipper» a n d I -««quin h a t« . J M ) c a r r ie d . a*«-a«lr >f pea«'h n lad i id i

A re c e p tio n a a « l>eld a f t e r th e e r e m o a y a t t h e C.-lnmbus Club f«u

fo u r h u n d re d l* p n th e i r r e tu r n rm m a w w k i in | M»p l a P it ta b u r g h P a .. M r a n d M r* Paliaa w ill re tide a t 4 4 R id g e Rt-a.i L yw dhurat

T h e b rid e i* I graduate s f L y n d S u ra t H ig h Schaw l and the hrkle r n s n a g r a d u a te d f i s n 4 'l if to n l l l r h •i. I -...I H e is . .. ! * ‘ <M a n h a tta n R ub b ag Company.

Y ES . . .We Advertise For Loansand welcome this op port unity o f making wiund

loans fo r legitim ate purpoae*.

We alw ays hav* money to lend to

Hound business and individual* o f

good character.

Meat bar F b W ra l thtpwoit Inaniance Cargi rnllaai

R U T H E R F O R D N A T I O N A L B A N KI S T A I I I S M I D I • • I


■ aoo Id *f4 Milton AvwaweMra M W .lham Khilnh and lr<# |Ä %

daughter R’ hel e f M Ridge Road ^ratarnod Tburada» from l asnea atar.Pa.. where they vkatted with Dr W W alter Ra» m and!I . a t . Rht'<.h a Ik* Laaraator ta»- *< ™ K iw m n «a ra . j•ral Ho^Mltl. i - M.»~ta* a iam la« I ™ « . tan I

* * •« • « « a tM m Hulk « . » . » a U 1 M llwa -----

At n w , M*m Joftaphtn. IK IM ao l» a ’ * "^ Mra, A n d lo . IWY.-tiaf•Ih M.ltoa A vana, a a M u N " ' 'a * . t . a . a t . mi • a.. t .„U K la A lb in, af ««• r .n a a n A r . *• * " '• * " t ‘* T k . t atti h,n»a m am ad Mandat f t M a rtajr at »*** a ra a m l .Midland Bea. * —— -- *

Mi. and Mra. Cbarlo« flnrda end A meeting *d tike Phalaas Clah * ^ r « e « f «ga ¡tilth A «»nue

we* held Timada) night at th* elnh : •* • '•M i Ufwve f«w tw . woekahouae Finns aere made tn hold a — —dance In ( iR i to r . Momhors praaaM M ^ware Bmlte SoranaMt, t «a». H m► S a l .a t t . i « . B a t a n N i» .» , .........* f h - * • « * ) •< ..........ftd*«rd W a lk .., H a rr , »rnartl. Ja . * * * " •*• *a a Um ,a»< a *t.a*(th LaW rarra aad tkanlat Marta añé F taak lialladkr* a i a

r-r ,„-,*■ Itidge R o a d

Mr a a d M i. H a u t H a a a * a a d M. a a d M n b,lk « r< l a x .4tau O U M U a r a ..t M l J .u a M y A w « n K ta^ land t m v « .

T w in a a a . . K ra n k a n d A llan , h a v . W .n K ara t a M r a n d M r. r ra a k

j P a l i to a i a r w y C IO . h n u r l f a I U yndfcura t. a t t h . M a r g a r . ) 11 « « a .

H a a |i4 ta l « r J a r a n »'My.


3 for $1

Permanent Wave* $3-5« up

Spretatili«« a Hat. I mhmf r o t ‘ Æ r “ ■

L E T U S H / I K X Î E O B Y O V R A O f K V i

*n d «hougjS in i m * . . . . TKta i. iKr iutk


MSwrtwd I d tW n M r W r t M t a nSOS NWOSLANO AVE Bram a IM rA U M lN : AVt.

Young_ Local Girl Reported Missing

■na. Ito - t,,., .4„ U k ,i T'5*- * *«“dran in l.yiulhur.1 It h waa rajn*f1 .H m iaa ln g tb»a

r * * *** perenti« . M r a n d M ra IL \ iV N ia o o .

The girl left 'Home at 7 P M<i» ’u rd a y , preaomaMy ««. r u to ar as* | J*«M P ic tu re Hka d id got h ' u K to , f ^gge. She wore a y ell >w *w -a 'e r ,• - k -tart and M ark ,h e . Shr w »y i

’ il a n d w eìg lpnl l e t png ads.

Mr.m Mr« J w eph SI., elt Avenua •»■eot •mg (.ahr

,-K. Ta

the Ideeewn s"A r• Re m tRg

. far i ht ItilM*4ei

r tot la anaaf >b* 1 -rt ir Tt— j.

%ra( (Ant ti* Hllaa ahoi¡F _Z || Íh » «ntneoa . 4 thy (Isa

I Leaasm-Rom**tn »ht 1

E G E R T ’ S *

M \Z 7 \

i f a

AR 1— NK k r 2


LAM B* 2 T


H A M S‘ 2 9 *

t H im it « i ra

SirMa Steaks»35«


ran*«Beef Lhrer*23«

f. j m , u . Strinf Renat . . . . 2 lbs IkCorned Reef Hash . con llg ■ « ? - . _ ■ i « . . i * .MR i* it 11 i i i*w w R W T w w l ^ W V V Q a • • W e n I f pINI I H I I I J I *

Oronna Joke . . . . cue IRgt | l t R f I t R

Flavia DUI Pickles . . . IScMl N R A T E !«

Tomato Juice . . 4 cog* 2Sgi n .M f M» « i

Tuna Fkh . . . I coo 17gRortlatt Pears . 2 cant 2Se Heinz Raked Reans 2 « 2Sc Charm Paper Nopkhis ^ 7c Wax Paper (40 ft roR) . 4c

New Potatoes . . 10 lbs 17c Jersey Tomatoes 2 H>* tc« • um int. ejfllJpBMlApples........... 4 lb * It«C gRRry Hearts . . . hue IRg

Rl 10c

288 Stuyvesont A vt., Lyndhu rst, Riith. 2-1648

Page 4: ^.1 . - aKa»«caro MBFDRTUNE DOGS TEWS h Rcÿttnim … kand x » * aftar *»• « * * " O P " « * “ # « . k ... feeling ran high A delegation waa ... Hoard af Ram ata prwrtdal


- . 1>3? • rto D i H u r a » « H M w h t W W f— t* th» “ I ta UXNTOJOCOCCV


Your Observer-recalls m<idesdy that he picked TimmyFarr, the slugging Welshman, to win over Joe Louis, thedark heavyweight champion of the world. As Farr as we areconcerned, the Welsh lad did win. Experts at the ringsidecalled the light in the blond's favor. The huge gallery booed the decision which was awarded to Louis after he had taken, by a considerable margin, the worst of the battle for fifteen rounds. For a toreigner, especially in Parr's position, he woulu have had to knivi Louis out and then set to work immediately and literally spike the Bomber to the floor in order to be awarded the victory.

Ninety-eight per cent o! the fight experts, including al.the nujoi sports columnists, John Kieran, Bill" Corum, HughBradley, Joey Eulo, etc., actually got out on ithe limb and pre dieted a walk away early knockout victory fokthe sullen negro

It should be an evident fact at this time that Louis is notthe super human fighter the press ballyhooed him to be. Himerely won «> decisively in previous bouts because his op ponents were fear-paralyied chunks of fighting beef. All Loui had to do was batter the beef, which was human after all, inh bewildered submission, which was what the unhappy victim- expected in the first place. .Recall hpw helpless Camera wa- against the brown scourte. A hog-tied bull would have been fa the same predicament. The bovine representative would have sunk info the same state of oblivion had the Bomber hit him as often and *s easily as ht; chopped Carnera.

Max Baer, one of the hardest hitters of them all, climbed into the ring with an agonized expression on his face. The huge. Apollo-like Calitornun, who had knocked out Schmeling

Iroquois Fall Before Guns Of

Acme SluggersTHs Lyndhurst Acme* easily de-

fea>Usd the Garfield Iroquois at the Lyndhurst Sport« (Center last Sun­day by the ncore of 9 to 2.

Hansconi pitched fine ball for the Acmes, strikm * out 10 of the ./j>- posing better**.

Next Sunday the Acmes will face the St. Leo's of Paterson, while on Monday they will play the Je rsey C ity Marions. Both games are st the Sports Center.

The box wore:A C M E S (9)


F ra a ’ M u n w r mad U m

Sheridan, ss . . . . Wbrte, 3b ............Whitehurst, c .. .Ohlaon, If ..........fx»wandowi<ki, ihCoughlin, cf ........Benesch. 2b . . . .Wenzel, r f iMsnscoro, p

Totals ........................... 32 9 11 5}

Kroner, c f . . . . . .Bihum, as, .1 b .. .Geddy, 2b ............Bourah. lb ..........Merbler, 3b, p .. B<»di. I f ................V'ami», p, as .... German, c . . . . % . Goody, r f . . J».«,.

IR O Q U O IS (2)* sb . 5 . 3 . 4 . ft . 4 . 6 . 3 . 4 . 2

so decisively, hardly lifted a glove against what he thought was positive annihilation. Only those wh<se bodv became at one time an unresponsive lump of bone and muscle because of some fear, can sympathize with the hapless Baer.

When someone without fear climbed intu the ring against the brown destroyer, the sépían menace was no longer that. Schmeling was the first to see through the bomber Result, » knockout victory for the Teuton. That, according to Trainer Blackburn, was an off day for Chappie, as the sullen faced champion is wont to be called around his camp. Many fight ex erts were inclined to share the opinion. But Louis can be hit. Farr pruved that. The Welshman took the fight away from Joe. They compare Louis with Dempsey. That hit a «ore spot in this Observer, who has always idolized the Manassa 1 Mauler. Dempsey, we think, could have put either Farr or I Louis away in his customary one or two rounds.

Two-ton Galento is our choice to score a knockout over the lormidable Joe Louis. Tony Galento is an unorthodox fight-j er. He doesn't know the sciehce of boxing and doesn't care to ' learn. Louis can be hit. He can be hit easily. And that’s all" Galento needs. Two or three 0Í his sledge hammer blows landed j un Louis' chin, accidently or otherwise, would have the Detroit boy in a helpless condition simitar to that wtucb a crack lift i insurance agent gets his client into.

h it h -k

The new football mentor. Coach Murberg, is in town.. Every morning he sets the boys through their paces down at the new high school field.

Exceptional pains were taken to impress on this Observer! that a mistake had been made in last week's column. Mr. Mur- berg and School Trustee Arthur Munday were not fraternity mates at Lafayette College. They were only school mates and it was merely a coincidence that both boys are located in the same town today.

Personally, we dun't care where Mr. Murberg originated. All Lyndhurst is looting for is a coach who can produce the business. And we áre stiff of the same opinion, that if Mr. Murberg does not win more than half his games this season, we fear there will not be another season fur the Lafayette football player.

I t seems to be a characteristic of this space to always be a barb in the side of the local f<«>tball mentor. But it's not one­sided. This spa«$ is used eyuaUy as many times to laud an athletic accomplishment Football js about the most popular sport in the country today. It has always been this Observer's pet Naturally, we want to he proud of the football team in Lyndhurst. Most all of the population feels the same way. And there is no reason why we shouldn't have a team to be proad of. Lyndhurst, it seems to us, has always produced a good per centage of dyed in-the-wool, red-fclooded athletes. Look back on some of the really stellar material that attended Lyndhurst High School. Remember athletes like Mike DeRensis, Chet Kleman. the Guidetti's, Anthony and Caesar.

We've seen athletes with less promise than them, get schol arships to leading universities and finally emerge trom their courses with positions making them independent and financially well fixed. Naturally, we felt that our athletic talent was be mg \v i-u-d

Murberg realizes that he has a tickksh situation on his hand The lootha|l-minded sportsmen in the town will keep an anxHKis vigilant eye un the goings on at the local field this

Thi- department vcill ever be alert to new dewJpmcnts. Produce, Coach Murberg, and good luck to you.

And while we are on the subject of Lyndhurst athletics and athletes, we have n w last minute news *< <n Pete Curcio, local four letter man and kingpin on anything that dealt with athletics while he attended the local ' ‘

T o u t , .......... 4 , ' . . . . . 35 i 1# 4Sum m ary: * ^Two bn*« hit« —* White, Ohlaon,

Couirhlin. ftodi; Home Runs— Bourah; Stolen Base ' — Wenzel, Oh l io n ; Sacrifice Hits — Wenzel. Coughlin; Double IMays — Benesch, Sheridan snd laewamkiwaki; Strikeout* — hy Hsnscom 11, Jsm is 0, Merbler 1; Base* on baits — off Hsnstam 4, Jsmi> 2, Merbler 3; Umpiret Plate. Gaffen, Banes, Taggart.

All-Star Team Readying For Game Sept. 8th

Hightatown, N. 1.—The squad of ssatem college football stars ha« juat completed the first wsek of prac­tice s t the Peddie School under the tutelage of Andy Kerr, famous Col- fa te mentor. The greatest galaxy of eastern grid talent ever gathered together on one field is praps ring to meet the Shrw York Oiant* ttf the Nstionat Mtothsll league In the second annual Fresh A ir Pund game to be contested In tite Polo Grounds Wednesday night, September m.

{IponaorM o£ tha game feel that this collection ia th* strongest »11- stsr tegm put together for each individual was Invited to compete on the baaia of how he Would fit into the team plans.

Such outstanding backs s t Monk

M eyer o f A m * .Pittaburgh, F raa E l versa« of Princeton, Ml ity , and many others w *rs famous for their runalag aad P0« in g hot the blockers aad defensive m ra war* not overlooked sKher, Jo s Dulkie of Furdham, Gaorft Furey of Cofanafcia, Vannie AlbanSSs of Syracuse, Stu Sm ith of Bucltasjl snd sevarsl others win be mors than able to haadlf tha wing hac% assignments meted out to them by Coach Farr and his assistant Frad Swan a f Tfmple.

La rry Kelly a f Yale heads ths end contingent which also includes Leo Paquin of Fordham. J im Hause of Penn and Bob M rkw ith o f Ta le ars holding down Am pivot berths snd all along ths forward wall the col- ■ egian* will bo Sble to match the Gianta in sise and »peed. Dave Kam- merer of D vtaw uth , S U n Guryayn- ski and B ill Docheny of Tempi*, Roy, I I lowit o f C ity College, A l Sharpe of N. Y. U . and many others eqaaily sa redoubtable are t-eing welded into a compact machine which will ghre the pros the ta«ghest gsms any all- j star combine has pot up.

Starting« Lose Two Caines;

11-1 and 13-10The Lyndhurst Starlings A. C.

loet two gamaa over ths week-end. On Sunday monimg they were de­feated by the Harrison Hudsons by I the score of 11 to 1 . Leuk*. pitched for Harrison and had m no.hit, no­run game until th< last inning when Bruce Herbert doubled and drag* in Marnone who had walked. T h i l^ S » the only hit the. Starlings obtained

In the afternoon they were de­feated by the NuUey Farmer«, i3 to 10. Guido pitched, for ths S te r­lings and was • the victim of poor

J hy h i» -mates who msde 9 errors. He pitched until the sixth Imniag, then Lieitrs pitched the last 2 inninga and struck out 4 men and allowed only one hit. /

The .Starlings hit very hard in I this game, getti- ir IS hit«, but Nutley with 14 WitH scored 13 runs mostly on costly «rrors. Mext week there win be s jhake-up in the S ta r ­ling» infield to plug up the weak- neaa that lost Ssn> games.I The box score:

S T A R L IN G S (10)■b r h e

Marrone, aa, ef ........ 6 IKupps. cf. J i b ............... 0 2Herbert. 3b. m . 6 1Perallo, If .......... ft »I.ic itra. 2b. p ............... ft 1Ruggiero, lh .................. ft 2Ferraro, r f ..................... 3 1Aaelta, e ............... ft 11 iuido, P. 2 b .....................5 0

9 ........................Vft %■ 1 0Jahnaton, sa .................... ft 0 2 2F in la y , 3b ........................ 4 0 i 1

Totals ........................ 40 IS 14 3

Ama Llflkft WÌMH. G. B > r r M a tb rn t l * . A m i c n

Legion won tm 0 a m t o f a threegame series M l C afe forthe cham pioaM ^ o f the Recreation " B ” Iaeague i f i 10 to 5 score on Tuesday evSNWf a t M arin P la y ­ground. The t# * team * flash sgatn tonight s t Msrfn ^fiyg round a t S:S0 o’clock.

The -box score:AMERICAS U»fON (1«)

ah. r. h. s.LaRusso, Mcf . . i 0 or 0PiraU ky, c .......... . 4 Í i 0Chriet, 8b ............. .. 3 0 i 1Muir, .lb .................. .. 4 2 2 0Demarest, c f ........ . . 1 2 0 0Carrig, 2b ............ .. 3 2 2 0Landellt, If ............ .. 3 0 0 1Whinn, aa . . 3 1 1 1Houghton, p ........ .. . . 3 1 0 0Richard», rf . . . . . . . . . 3 \ 1 0

Totals .................. . .31 10 8 3F A R R E L L 'S C A F E (5)

ab r. h. eHoppe, e .............. .. . . .4 •1 1 0P. Reilly, u .......... . . 2 1 0 2

- Lilley, 3h . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 1 0L . Reilly, c f .......... . . 3 0 1 3OhUon, r f ............ .. . . 3 0 2 1Osborn«, acf . . . . . . a. 2 0 0 0Ciccone, If .......... .. . . 2 1 0 0Mizeski, p . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 1 0Leler. 2b .............. . . 3 0 0 1McHugh, lh v. « . 2 0 2 0Bellermsn, lb . . . . . . i 0 1 2

Totals . .28 ft 9 9

rector o f Pa rk * ao4 P lm n M i * H b . fO M t ip a a k « i ld jg wftk t . A .

T riL ¡¿.inn

American legion . . . Fa rre ll’s Cafe ..

Úmplre— '‘Hsw k” Rows.

042 040 in 210 800— 6


> TUTLEY F A R M E R S ,13)0\ l l r a h r h s

McAloon, cf . I . # . . ! 4 2 2 0Shoudy. 2h . . . S 2 2 0Bratton. If .3 . ft 2 t 0

Bowling Prizes To Be Awarded

Friday NightThe 1930-37 Recreation Rowlipg

League which was organized by Jam es A. Breslin last year will meet this Friday evening at 8 o’clock at the Town Hall at which time prises will be awsrded to th« last year’s chsmpions, Valley Brook Court, Fo r­resters will be presented with a trophy donated by Jam es A . Breslin along with a cash prixe of $12.60 put up by league officials.

Rooaevelt All-Star» who won sec­ond ooaition will get a trophy do­nated by W alter A . Rowe and a ten dollar award from ths league. The third place club w ill get a caah prixe of $8.ftO.

Seven individual prizes will also be awsrded. Preceding the awarding of prises the league will re-organize for the coming season and applica­tions for memberahip must be made at the meeting along with club rep­resentation.

Commiaaioner Lyuia M. Favier, di

. w , jr irs s&ZLouis” , when H a rry RaHs<i slappedto the center o f tbs n ag aad a ttig s i these words, a t the coaclasistt e f it s fifteen round cham pionship ■ atrh bs- twsen Louie and P a rr, it ssMasd aainjustiee waa done to T o a a jr Fa rr, that stout hearted challeager from W ales. Th is aanouacem eat was an twith jeers from the 35,000 fans who witnessed this spsctacle. According to the consensus o f the newspaperboxing expert s wh© did net giee Fa rr a O iinajpan’s chancs, the cham­pionship should today be resting On the noble brow of the Welch invader Fa rr not only took the champion* <*est shots, but and handed the slinking sepian a licking, the like of which he did not experience even in the Schmeling fight, in ' which he

knocked out in twelve rounds.Fsrr may rfbt have won the heavy­

weight title but he won a world of prestige and favor with the boxing fans throughout the world by his gallant stand against a fighter who wa« suppoaed to have been aupreme.

Today I am out on the well known limb with all the rest of my col­leagues, who call themselves boxing experts. I t seems to me, that I would do well to listen to that well known town character and politician Petey (Ex-boxer) Kearns, whose main forte is to pick the winners of these cham­pionship fights. Fo r it is to be i*- membered that this same Petey was the only I.yndhurst man who really believed Braddock could beat Maxie Bear. He also piejted Tommy Farr to outbox Jo s I^iuis, and the challenger ccrtamr. -1 ¡-1 fasi that

M y hat is off to Ram ey Taggart and Ja y Pagnelli who besides Kearns were ths only ones I encountered before the fight, that gave Fa rr a chance. Now that the fight ia in the past there are ever so many fans who knew F a rr would give the cham­pion a go*d fight. Where were these fans before the contest? They should all be aick today for they could have gotten three dollara to every one they put up that the challenger wouldn’t last the fifteen rounds.

— » Is the **1 toltiI N sa* category !)

T W W « M W arrio r now stand« >. <M « I tk * outstanding boj ofTk-.sW ra i H n la tk * flatic world, w.M l « o a ra to U tc him on hi, ■y n * a lta r Uk M >t. He did noi é > O f «U M ., bat jM t H id that h. a t Wa kact, and he hopMl h,- n V r S a fcaa a food n n for th .ir m o » .

T n iic k t in Braddork Bow ! Je rw y cay tk*» often poatpoiMKt natura) in a d w ia M to ta b . plan- (B i l l ; Bi-U- fcaM T*. L o u Lom bardi). Th»„n C a u t i cap ítol U more het up about I l ls th a« they wars about the world s

ligh t. 1 will put niy- IS spot spais by making a (Bsuhold by a decision).

M E T I— M y opinion which is shared by m any other«. Jack Dempsey wa« D ie greatest Heavyweight champion e f a ll tim e.

GaHaghers Down Leader By 11 to 5

The W illiam F . Gallagher Aaso- -iation won both halves of the Rec­reation “ A ” Softball League on Satur­day afternoon when they eliminated the Commercial leader bv an U to 4 score. On Frk lay the winners were to meet the DePamphiHs Association but the latter team had only eight players on the field snd abiding by the rules 'of the league, the gam»* was given to the Gallaghers on forfeit.

ab r. h. e.B. Miseski, If ........ . .ft - 1 0Cameron, c ............ . .8 2 0 12. Guiretti, s* . . . . .4 3 2 1Parnkopf. scf . . . . . .3 1 2 0A. Candi», lb . .4 0 1 0Hum pie ton. p ........ . .3 2 1 0Meyer, 3b ............. . .4 1 2 1Gallagher, 2b ........ . .3 0 1 0J . Bello, r f ........ 4* 0 1 1. .. — mmm

Total« .................. .38 11 11 4L E A D E R (ft)

ut r . fc. e.Sheridan, s s .............. . .3 0 0 1Ciccone, p .............. 0 1 0l/ewandowski, If ..3 0 0 0Howe, 3b ............... . .3 0 0 1Sc h ree ken stein, scf . .3 i 0 0F\ Berner. 2; . .3 1 2 2r¡lenday, lb . . . . . . . 3 1 1 03. Berner ................ . .3 0 0 1Wentphal, e .......... . 2 0 0 0I’untulillo, cf ........ . 2 1 1 0

' w — -*• —Totals ............ 4 5 ft

i anvt nini h igh «eh

> left Forcmml. Oik- to that

hugabixi, difficulty. Petr haa lt7t Fordham University, whirc he wa* headed for fame im the football team. He hai puuhascd a truck and is going into the hauling busmens Who ciaild he a better man to do vour moving or anv other »null job whert a truck » neede<t? TVf .nawrr i« vmfle NK) ONE


HOME U RNACK . . ANU CHIM NKV I A ACLKANCU . . M X A LL CRACKS. ETC . f JA h o rrp ta c r % m tk t olpe aad g r a in ol ah k ind a at

r * « -^ ih |. nrlcea. Aah lo r rat ima tra2 14 SUM M IT A V E . L Y NI H U R S T

*________ WWTg. 0 1 m o m RUTH. 2-W I5J.

Quigley, lbMartin,Miller,

iV k o t in to , a

P m c U P a s it q ?

Good conrtponiont ond good food, of course, but whot helped to moke that good food* Cite tricity? Stop o«d ffcink! Tha coHta wos parcolotad giactricolty; tha sondwtchas wars too« tad before your vary eyes and the little cokes *o dall- oously iced—oh, no frotl hond beot up thot froatinf—tha electric mixer hod been sat ot work You moy pure Sosa orvy of those electric opplioncas ot Public Service stores Smoll incraote over tha cosh price chorged if you buy on terms.

p v b l i c ® S e k v i c e


T ak e A dvantage Of These Low Prices! One O f Lyndhurst’s Lead ing Stores716 Ridge Road Lyndhurst


Two Other Stores in North Arlington




Its flavor and laale v e lh* talk ol the town.Take One W ith You — SCH ICKHAUS IL , A

Cottage Hams . . . 3 9Loin of Porh Ib 2 9 ‘


SALT................... RLA RG E ^ —

RINSO ................. 1 9 *UHHY S I _ _ .

M ustard * « l » * «KELLOGG’S

Corn Hakes. .Grahams. . 2 ' pk,‘ 2 5A R EA L BU Y — ALIC IA BRAND M 0

PEAS.................... ea" 6I PT . 4 OZ. S IZ E PH ILL IP 'S m 1 / k

Tomato Ju ice............ Q\ ANCY W O LF R IV ER ^ I L . ^

Appte, 1 5 1 5 *


Potatoes .A Real Special lor Theac Hoi Day*!

Lemons..........1 0

f e s


Page 5: ^.1 . - aKa»«caro MBFDRTUNE DOGS TEWS h Rcÿttnim … kand x » * aftar *»• « * * " O P " « * “ # « . k ... feeling ran high A delegation waa ... Hoard af Ram ata prwrtdal

I think the coming primary election olftft to voere *p lfl,,rtuJUty to put into practice arguments they often voice, ^ j , , n o th in g a b o u t

Like the weather, government is alwsyt subject to con- ¿wits. Heaven knows, it ihould be caroplaayd abcut, out P avi nment being what it u. ftjt few ever get around to ¿ a s* jnvthing about it. The chance to do something offer» itadl

It can he done by voting for John A. W Jw p of E t^ lr ut,x) for the Republican nomination for State SanMor.

Primary dectjont a m farcical things at b a t. They «< rfrhtly for the paid or garni» two«, the heels of the boots, the ¡dl-pushers, the (ob-hunters.

But because th e is so, many who might not otherwise luu- the opportunity to vote Republican can now do 40. Oply , -m ill per centage of the voters cast their ballets on Primary Pay. Thus, a great number of voter« who are registered etthet Republican or Democratic, but who have not voted in a pri­mary election for the last two yean can now vote any w*> ¡hrv want—and that way should be Republican for this election

* • • •A vote for Wilson is the surest cure toward cleaning uj

the county.It will cure the judiciary, which needs curing.

Jt will give Bergen an articulate and energetic and trained man in the State Senate, where Bergen needs such a man

It Will give New Jersey a type of official it docs nothave enough of.

• • • •

Of those running for the senatorial nominations, Wilton |akne has the qualifications.

O'Connell, the Democrat, is the worst sort of party hack, [type that should be relegated to the party ash-heap, where-Ik

HteJly will go this election, no matter who is nominated[igiin't him. * g a

■Towe, the Republican, is tarred, with the kind of support thich has already thrown Bergfn County into durapute. Hi* nomination would merely serve to perpetuate a skull and hones type of government which is a mucking horror to anyone with Ljjiita of brains and a vestige of sensitivity.

Van Winkle, the Republican, is an honest, big businev man type. There is a place for his like. It is in some hag busi­ness. Not in government where energy and articulateness and a feel of the people is necessary. He won't da because he hasn’t been able to do in the four years he has served.

» • • •Wilson is the man. He is honest, brilliant, determined. He

is i xperienced, compassionate, sincere.■ They call him independent, without an o rg an iu tm . This is the biggest argument in his favor. He may have no orgamta- tmn, but he has plenty of support Sheer brilliance ha« won it for him. And he ha« the kind of good fortune that success­ful people must have He worked his way through for his edu- ¿aUm. but at the same time he won «dvjar*htps that helped, too. You don’t win scholarships without a bit of luck His luck held two years ago when he ran for assembly and wun the top place on the ballot. That helped a lot.

■ John Wilson is at the top of the ballot in the coming election, too.

I am glad the man has luck. You can't do much withou' It Avoid luckless people as you would the plague It is not their tault, hut why let it be your misfortune?

Wilson is destiny's child. He can win., • • • •

I think the time is aiming when the politicians will cumt to he raognited for the lack of acumen and the impoverishment that scar their whole beings. Education is the thing to i)o jt mJ more and more of our young men and young women arc "nnng to look with revulsion upon the type of penun wh«

«ts himself up as their leader.And the man and woman who puts hu hand into hi-

«:ket and pays and pays the bill is g<«ng more deeply about » vote in the future. Somehow, there is a tecling abroad

that the damned loolish spirit that has prevailed in this asmtry •w years is disappearing There are fewer country yokels.

The time is coming when people shall look with brighl? "’cem upon the people who set themselves up as candidate'for oifsc*, and ask:

" e l l , man, why7 What have you done and what cando. W hat will you do and buw will you do it? Where

1“ VM,r equipment and where did you get it?"1 Mr*. Ju lia u a Mrs. Celias

w w tQ n <f m r u t * *tu n rd Iro n a m w u i# tfcrwi«)-. Ih f New tjngimftd ' ~

Girl Scoot Notes

Tar ' Afojpa Beeby

j k & ix z x k xs i * * at a ■ienllaaedua

W a ifc a ia L T k . ( « r t f

f * * Aiwa*»- » la a »ask» ', a a * . w A b b i l i M n ttI

Ì T ¿ L r T X J T a S T ' * * .0,saaoaass i. a a i tke w d i' S S arili ta l» p leat la Uto aaar fa ta n .

Tka koas» " W attract*«»» iacor- a a s la piak a a i while. A l a w wstsr la » saa wksck was J i i i w *■ » n s r s »•••«. a * w a « i *• *• * s in t ia « . t k e « m s I « » I I t y M a Gaaaas w a n sajoya i. «•

• a M r . ' f l f a a Ava- T I W W

la r o aa a seal I t la a r a y

M m . a y t n k u n i a I n Iw f t a , f a i t ta t.

. a a i a n .. i- » s r W l a torto , s s< »■■Maa Aim s iv a a M a a iM M J nThaenAnw’¥} " AT,W inFfT*5üu*tr«i * ***

M iss l a s ills D a w * a* \m <M w W Is sp aaS^ » w

sfW r a


inHim. U rM f* tjope e t I.->tU<w. Em r-1 H r» WaHse Ki a i , ah« is t i . i t 1 «e w i * ker ' M i A n a

d»ae**ar Mrs. J a i n M rK a rken of la c t n » a s ta r a t T M n a i H I O w n I n n i , «a» « in a i a t — ——h a w ' at • .urpr,m- im vIm m sarty H r. a a i Mrs. A lla it Bafta a t I t s “ — ' - - - m-. A n tu a k a n a m i to HM

la a k to taka s * th t ir * ■ * » » .

, M m lG *SN * a s m ; M is. A la ia . M f

It la S to B ü tk . H * a r « iu . « I g l in

a .

bf Uff. M u« I I H T w I ìm A w m * .

G « m u w w * Mr. *a4 M n Vwv*r I M W I i a c « f H+i l » n t . u 4 Mr

M r» Jam es M rE iE » r i* rn of l y w l

t *'?T q«U«« io«rph Wrncbinii. Jam «» UpfMB

. *• * n 8 T W B S * b i K KiM-mpf. h f d M«h!tstz'tz+gz. J J wi W s a i M f H « « « 1 . Ot t- ja i j * A i« e , n P


M * a» « p r W U I» f* r IK#ftr»ch H»»rn i | ) M r« I W Sito •# M S Mttton Am-

M i a i far. a < «. toaatk“ ï * • * » > « a iü 1 tka r w i «t A m .o « . a ill h»M . ! ' » * < • ««a»»-

family of 111 W sart Avaaur ha«s l a a n k n ie . s . M . » K r t . 1 ihr I ------» tu n w i f ro * a s ta y a l U a * «» .cti C alassi«* O u h F u M . M cE arlw rs A lpS i s s i K a to . s f

L. L ■ u c h a r t . j s * * l t a aTsa t r i

« M a a i « s of Mb' ta fta r Basak

Mr. a s l M n . F n a k M asara a a i» i t 'w n¡¡atka H ackm ia ik

(IUH BWnjT* »I VIM im s m 4 M ia* J<s r Jin J

wsV ir r n U Lmirus. La . To ia «asssU. Vio ltt AI>Ma>

Uslskari <i U rn ik u n t Kahia a a i M i s » MU stoay Rhaai. a a i Mrs

U t t h a Kkkards ot Esat katkar fa ii, M n . E lla Danrajr of Carlstadt K m M ia a » S a iw r of W«ad K i i « Krs. Jm m k Carkarti an-i Missaa KI w a r and A n n . CarkurU ot Jaraay Ctty, M n . A . J . K ratk tkM ai. Mr« k. J Larasus. M n . Viola Sprsm kar(. M n . 4»na W la tonk l. a a i M rs .. Maay Caatallo at Null*». M n B*r that S v c ijrk of Clifton. Mr*. Violet

M ia* J * * » Coma* ol tto , Bur»» of Haakon lar*»."*t D* M^tto J

of OvUfwanna

SPCANOTES jT lO f G H T f l « t T M * t W

“Tka lower animal., so uN*fal sod a ltm so eMsttiaaals sad faithful, a n i .p a w ia l apon aa. a a i It is cta.1 and sinful wantoaly to tortur. tham "

— Anhbishon f . J . Ryaa9 0 0A PO O * O LD DOG

P ity tk* Morrvw* a# a p»mh *U1 dog Who waa» ki* tail a-k**rin ia kw

need; ,Decpttr not evaa tke Borrow* of a

fro*.(iod 'i c^ature. too, *n<i that*»

enough to plo»4;^par* pv*a who trust* uc (Vum i on

our koatth;Spar« bapny, one* *o frisky and •*>

fr**;Spar* all th* harmle*» riwafure* of |

tk* oanh;Spar*. *nd k* »pared—pr wko «kali

plead for th**?—fropn “ N*w poem»," by Cknatlaa

M rm r„ T 1 k ” * '• " i * " w , : i . a . B k . il

VaUsy I n a l 4ya«ji» k . . . n s i t P a r t Mao, . . ^ ,t i frtaa a ««a j a t A flaau . l l « l , lo r a tkw as»- Mr sml Mrs Tk

*po t^p PW*%WI**.

I M ary l a » . . ^ H I r a n » la at * a l a t a . ) Tarton t a t A .ha f t f a r t

. " V * * a r « s . I «4M.A “ Mtory M U IM S ta«t. | M ^ “ l i * > M saaaMi ,S t A a riah kw.M F lam ■ i| u • s f c tm tall a r t o u * .

U k s b ì M as U » J W t , . r r * "* * Aaaaas m* Sa^s,., s , , ,r r r , . • s»ai * v s , ,- .

k . i ly af r r*e*t

day* Mr and Mr» Th«ma; ga ily a t G lrn Hair

D a r t i S i i» * a l U l M s M r a l An- ' M r. a a i M n W ill. .* , ,v s .«a ia , a w sad Edward Paa to M of I U .ad d a««k i.r IW , „ lh , of » 1 VaBai T k ir i A n a a a n t v n s i * » a ia ' I n . Hr«>k A n n a . p h »™ m M a id .) fn m

: § «aa la ia . a two m l May . 1 poim llaa .an la i-atnpuif tr i» to f e r

. Mr. s a i M n Sam aai 1 1 » . * of M n Harry ka li.kar « I 171 ,1aa- Jt * Kuauait A .an u . s*aat tk . w n k and A .aaa r ia ill . 1 tk . S i Ua, •IKI >t 8a lU rsb«rt. ra . H t o Hospital af S .w a r t . k a n . 1»

-ni» 95*M H oi « a n v i l k - wk r u t ani* n t . iR m


l’ho*« Ruth. 2-1682 We Cafl and DrlivrrSoma Day Dry Ctoaninq S*rvke


I l f Shiyvasaat Ava. Lyadkarst

I I m w M | p j a w M m m IM Prieto• a a n S I«« prtna . « M 1 pStoa la k t o r h t a - a » n ias .

B M W a ■ t ^ a * * a « r i * k a*

w w h S m t À r ' w ì « t A 'l i l t s « '

0 iilUm e GJtimC O U JN t M O StlüA i. MC.

a L h l w M 1 - 1 0 0 0 n S t o r e s « A a * . IV N D H L M S *

af G iri Scout, w itk Lib wanl aa a wnfc-aad

'•«Via» lsu> b> C lv « » r , S } .. l u i ^ t s B i T k .y itopt la testa an i •B 1-uSiaar oanliine w a. eajoyed

Tfc-aa i i tke fraup arare Dar. tk y tlaaler, ( u lk M ilIaU and I^ r

H.nnacaa o f Trao» I . Catk ' louekly of Troop 3 and Darla Kalh Hannaean. .nd M .ry

aamr of Troup I- '

U n H .lm H yatl ' and daseaur*•'« M w .rd Itoyle a f 411 K l^ afc>sa re ta n a i from s aeek 'i iu j« Caya C a i.

Mr a a i M n r n i W e.lphal of I ndfiurat Avenoe kave n

» . su » a l Aabary Fark

Mr .od | n . Rokan V iv . r . s*d

"T « U lu tee K «d ,.turned tram ' st fca w ia lla ieku .

I Mia Pk yW . H o n a n af «a* V.He>I A .e a a . la . . n d in t tw . wM à .

*> 1 R.mkoakafaa, t/.ne IsUn.1

1 1 « a . V id a M i K lre n M h i>J 710 *iaw Yack A rena, aad M m ■*n 1-vaaaiu «r SU jtissk A « ,

tks s « K sssak a i Miìsm

M a d I n A lla r t M r k a n a » f r n ' i l a i i . n i M rt* e i a t i n

_ ! W . l n » to t m a ;

if lk a rt Louis 8t*e*n«on waa v«ry kiad té an ilM )» <>»« «i*y h* saw a aia* anraon »fully kentinir • do« 2>iav*n*ao rw ked out *nd udd him to «top. Th* owner m*^ to Steven •on "W % not your», is i t ? " “ No’*, •aid .Steven»»»n “ but it b ü*d'a do«, and I won’t have it b*at*n.M H»w liferen t from tk« Ju d fe who the*« a >aae we h*4 «>ut of cfturt. Th* man ted killed his doc by h*atia* U an i sad admitted it but (hi* JUDGE ( Heaven save the tnark) would not *v*a listen to us.• • a

We a f* having warm w**ifc*i now.* How about tke upf»rt|inate •tray* or th* animais brfuntfinff u» peopfc prho n*g)evt tV '* ' W llA Tt a r y o l* DdNo a b o u t i t ?D*«'t b* afraid. Daueg kind ia Uod'« •*rk and wfceo you nr* m the rifh t NU O N E ran karm **u HPKA K .art fo* thuae wko fook to you for h*lp Ju»« saying that you arc kind ia of no ua*- I t i* tru# that lieing hjnd ia a practical way tato* Urne and effort. *n*rg>. patience and aoOVStlipe« m»ney and we have no real reward. *ave la the knowledge of ‘‘D*«d* w*U done and time nell ap***r', and In th* gratitude <»f the for lam and frtght*a*d creature wv hav* helped W s ha«*, t«*. tkeihofght that we have obeyod the geniW Jaous wko said. “ Mea*od a rt the mareiful*

We h*e* the following dogs *t tke

A L l- S E R V IC I V E H IC L E S



Mr and Mr» W *rg e Ostb*ia^r oi 142 H**t Avenue nnd daughter Hulk have raiuraa.) from • a a U r ti^p

tka New Kngisad giada* a#d

Jam*« f'srrtg af U t Page Avena» • apent tke week-end at la ia w r

The Lyndhurat Poet 0 # k * w«U b* c k M Monday. Labor Day. Sm - f

The lobby of tk* office will ka *»fn fn,ia % 3t> s m to l» JO a m fft the con »en ienee of ko» holdsr». There will be no window or t am er ae rv i^

Pc< phobias gad special delivery mail will be datWernd »» uauai

The holiday ioil*«ùen fr*ai atrsfl letter boisa w ill be made-at 2 00 p m and the regular holiday ¿{«patches will be »ad s during th* day.

Mr and Mr*. J A. hiefer andch04ren af TSI S u tb Street spent Wpdneiday * t A »bury Park

Misa Hetty Mch'amara ef M l ( «art Avene* ré tam ai Monday freaa a 1 •u> in Washiagten

A n E v e n t o f I m p o r t a n c e t o R e t i i l e n l * o f



b m Vaia a<f - *

jggjtr«ssiianiM U M » P É W m it

p i c t ¡¿¿ S i

♦2æ e »m «m m « n - * m m»^ « . I k M ^ S i a w k —

S j n w W r

' T S m S Ü w **

ggk-xiasurryur:| |M » i « R |» n W » i l U* lM I

s r * —

O a September 5. a fleel of n m — »i|rnl. «wift, r le rtr ir— all> •ervlee «ehirlen w ill replare trolley» on H srrbon «Ireet csr Une !So. 39.

l e are i u n t i u i c d llieae vehicle» art s ne* »tendsrti in quick. comfortaNe, ecouom iral transports!ion. H'* b clic ie thaï after a Iria l you h ill prefrr an **all-*en ire” to your onn auto for l’tim iiiuling and ahupping.

A F a w F a c t* A b o u t th ^ A l l - S t r v k « V a it ic i«

— Il h a s H ir q u u i |i l r k - u |i a f • p r i t a i r t l l l n f l l f l a .

— Il « a ra r l r r l r i r jro » r r a n d u |s r r a l r e p r^ r i l r s l l* «sMImmiI an l> s,

Il ia sinw oltl. r u u s f ir r ta l i l r , a r t t - l i g h l n l a isd a r l I - tm l i la tm L

— Il h a a n e l i s a n e ! fu tu ra a t r f i k r r r a r r Mo g r a t a Iss a fc j f l .

— a u i k r I s a lr a l Itsrtd tra ise li t r W I r ass ills- at r re ta lu d s f !

c u n n o r s • m s i i i k h i o u i u « n o i f m toutm u m a

T r y a n “ m I I - s m t » i t e ” — U ' g b e t t e r , e h c a j i e r a n d I e * «

t r o a h l e t h e n » o u r o w n e a r !

A l U f r i M * r k i - h i i lt-a w i l l m a k e 19 p r r t - e a l . I w l r r l i u t e

I h a a t h e I r o l b ’k a .

M n Marry I ■■■!« mi 4 lt La to

W rT 'y w T * * * * * **** <M* ** M

M n Haary M e n w S ia M mrytan ad trass s Mar a l

*a»i taka.

*•»P V B L I C ( m ) S E H V I C E

Page 6: ^.1 . - aKa»«caro MBFDRTUNE DOGS TEWS h Rcÿttnim … kand x » * aftar *»• « * * " O P " « * “ # « . k ... feeling ran high A delegation waa ... Hoard af Ram ata prwrtdal

Fould's Spaghetti or Macaroni

Free Running Salt

T H C R S D A Y . F R ID A Y A S A T U R D A Y

C R E A M K R ï F R E S H C O I’N T R Y

llave Y«hi Tned TH«- B E S T C O R N ED R E E F IN T O W N ? — ,W E H E L L IT !P L A T E O R N A V E L ............ lb I MrR O N K I.E 8 S ........................... lb s irB®«ele>.. R I M P or K O l'N D lb 80c


IH»,dr«»,1 No. IZ| mm C m .non Stork

D 'tnlrm ! Na. 76 on B%Cumulatile Preferred Stork Dntdead No. 5» on 7%i emulative Preferred Staràl>t«»dend N». 1? on U.OOCttMHlalhr Preferred Stadi

Th» âkmixt I Htm to r . ,.f I'uMlc IWr vtoa t\..*ocatl.o» -f Neo J r ,~ , Hmm lejg W .y* Ä g B w t*ref*rr*dmacfc. M h i I t N aof «k«n ; at th* r»t* M o I ' u m a l a M v eT 1? 1** a * * "* « .*•*"« » I • per ahora .• I th. no* of aor inniuii m i m,aja par *• !« Oo.»uiaii%. i^fortou

1115 *~r •* -. V*.** ,h“ '•**• *•' *•»•»r * * " " m«*rh f«»t u» owarier ondinai " 1 **•*• -7*«ajraM» H.».«.«.».., >« IMT. to -i.-s




W a cannot guarantee the lnaartion of any ad­vertisement in these columns unlcaa same is paid for in advance. Ratos for classified advertising are as follows: one insertion $.50, two consecu­tive inaertiona $.76, three conaecutive insertions t JO ; four conaecutive insertions $1.00. Lim it five lfnea. average six words to a line.

PA IN T IN G . D EC O RA T IN G and P A ^ E R H A N U IlfC

Pleure scraped and reAaiahed. Ern- rat Henderaon. 112 Fareat A vanna,L ) ndharat. Pbanc Rath. 2-4*20.


P A IN T E R A N D D EC O R A T O R — also R E F IN IS H IN G O F F U R N I­

T U R E . Old Furniture brought back to its original color. J . P.Groenendyke. Ruth. 2-1006-R.

P A IN T IN G , P A P E R H A N G IN G and P L A S T E R IN G done reasonably Estimates cheerfully given. RUtli. 2-8788 R. C. June , «1« Fourth St., Lyndhurst, N. J . 8-6-4 ti.



EN A L L W O R K G U A R A N T EED . W O R K D O N E B Y S K IL L E D P L U M B E R S . 30 Y E A R S E X P E R ­IE N C E . H A R R Y K R IY K R . 2M R ID G E ROAD. LY N D H LR S T .

PH O N E R U T H . 2 5021.

P L U M B IN G * 1. EATING-—Jobbing a specialty, ti. E . Terry. 148 Fern Ave., Lyndhursi. Phone Ruth. 2- 611 OR.

W A N T E D R E A I. E S T A T E 6 room Bungalow, with all improve­

ments; garage; convenient to Kiugs- land or Lyndhurst Depot«. Price muat be reasonable. Box 25, Com­mercial Leader Co., 366 Valley Brook Ave., Lyndhurst.

FO R R EN T — 3 large room* and bath, all improvementa. Adulta only. Oc­cupancy Oct. 1st. 144 Tontine Ave nue, Lyndhurst.

9 2 4 tip

FO R K E N T — 1 furnished roomRutherford 2 7048-M.


FO R R E N T — Neatly furnished room ip Rutherford. Convenient to D. L. and W . R. R. Station. Call evening*. RU th . 2 3306W.

4 tl. pd.

F O R R E N T Furnished room >11 pi vat* home. Gentleman only. Ref- erencea. Rutherford 2-12 10 -J .


B l I L D E R S- A LL O L S E N for any alterations,

building or repairs. Be t reputation. Old established builder in Lynd­hurst. A. Olsen, 134 Iaivingston A ve„ Lyndhurst. Phone Ruth. 2- 0186 J.

____________ 0 8 4ti pR EA L T O R S

F O R R E N T — 2 furnishad rooms, 1 I single room and one double room.

For ladies only. Private family, 631 Milton Ave., Lyhdhurst.

' ~ T ■ * 0-2-fti-p

, FO R REN T- 8 room apartments Rent $12. and $16, Gns and elec­tric, no bath. Apply Samuel Glick, 807 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst. N. J .

, R E A L E S T A T E W A N T E D Have buyers for a bungalow and

houae north of D. L . & W. tracks, $2(00., »11 cash to owner. Liat your rentals and a»les with,

A. H T EN BE R G S O R E N S E NRaal Estate and lanorartrr

282 Stuyveaant Avenua Lyndhurst Ruth. 2-2017

R E A L EH TA TR~FO R s a l e H O U S E S

6 rooms, bath, 2 car garage $4200 6 rooms, bath, I ear garage $4600

R u y t .A L o w s6, bath, big lot .......... $.3700» room«, butt) ................... J36U0

Excellent Locution*d e f i n i t e B A R G A IN S

FO R R E N T4 rooms, bath, heat ...................... |364 rooms, tile liath, heat ......... $r>u

OtheraA. H T EN BER G S O R E N S E N

Reel Rotate and laauraarri n » m s sant Avenue

Lyndhnrst Ruth. 2-2017or Call Ruth. 2-7688 J

FOR R E N T8 rooma and hath, heat supplied,

I year leaae .........................4 rooms and bath, heat aupplied

1 y n r leaae ........................ I l l ,Apply at Apt 1— 108 Page Ave.

or A M P E T E R S . Agent 4 rooma and bath, heat aupplied

1 year leaae ......... $40Lower floor, 6 rooma and bnth,

beat supplied .................. $42 504 rooms and bath ........ |so


21ft S T l'Y V R S A N T A V E N U EPbuae K I t her ford 2-SftOft

S A Y IN Ofor

Reel Rotate aad InanranreH O U SE , 0 rooms ...................... *M>H O UR»:. • rooma, tile bath, tile

kitd ian , oil burner ........... ft66A P T . 4 rooms, heat .......... $36A PT . I», heat .............. $60H O U S E for sale, ft ruoma. ancri-

Arm . . . . |tft0tiC. H A V IN G

265 R ID G E ROAD Ruth. 2 1001 I > ndjiurst. N. J

■ t. and M rs W illiam B R a lly•f H I Park Place have aa their guaets for a few day» their aiare Miaa Ratty W iieen e f Hobohen and Edward W il.««« uf Hoboken.

M t. and Mrs Jack Rolow enddaughter Edith f ¿.U) pool Avenue and tW - gneot Miae Norma Rutlor of ^OttmvlUe. »pout the paat fewday* Ol l.akr SohafO.

Mra. Samuel Feldm an and eon Marvin. h»ve returned from a two weak vacation a t Bernards viiie , N. J

Mx and Mra- W illiam W irt o l


JO STO N S, C O C K ER S , S P IT Z . FO X .Slid Crass Bree-l %2 upTropical and Gold Fiah. Fu ll lint of cages, bird, fiah and dog aup

-,■< ial b gal L«h »»/our. $1 Let ns lake care of your pets whili you enjoy your vacation. Kree dr livery. G E A R Y ’S P E T SH O P, 4£> Broad St., Newark. Near D. L. b W. Stalidn.


M O D ERN B U N G A L O W - F iv e rooms, sun parlor,' bath with built-in tub and shower, part oak floors, hard wood trim, new roof. One car all metal garage. Coat over $7000. Sell for only $4300. before Sept. let. W rite box 20 Commercial Leader, Lyndhurst.

I* O R S A L E -Upright Piano in good condition. $12.00 Phone Ruth. 2- W W J 6-3-tf

FO R S A L E Refrigerator, like new. Price $36. Phone Ruth. 2-6*17.

1 - lM U eF O R S A L E — 416 Srrond Ave., Lynd

buret. Lot BOzi00. House 6-room» and bath; all improvementa; 2 cai garage; all newly painted and da curated; excellent condition. Small down payment. A ny agency or owner. Lawrence, Orange 8-84*7.

0-2-4 ti-p


A T T EN T IO N L A D IE S A complete line of l id ia s ' Accea sories can be had at Mrs. l«o A Walsh’s Shop locatad at 36M Velley Brook Avenue, opposite the Lynd hurst Town Hall. 0-2-tfw ANTEI» i y I drive light d«-li\

ery truck. Phone Ruth. 2-4118.

P I\ N O M N IN G P IA N O S R E B U IL T No job too big

(Summer pricea lower) 20 year* at 404 Union Ave.. Belleville 28068 or 2-1821. I tune for Bellev ille schools.

1O8T -Mukey M.uee W riat Watch on North Newark Bus, Frida» Ju ly 80th Pleaaa return to 2** Travers Place, Lyndhurst, N J.

• 6 t i

W A N T E D 1 or 2 women or marrie: couple that go to businaaa, to shar* a 6 room apartment. Reference» required Meala i f daetre.1. Cnl aftar ft p m. except Saturday ot Sunday, or write Mrs Jan iak. **• Travers Place. Second floor, l^«d hurat. N. J . 0 2 4ti y

W A N TED --G irl, white for houaework. Sleep in ar out. S in family Rutherford 2 0*07.

>— ---- '— -— - "■■■ 1 ‘- f i y "" u,x- -*60 Valley Brook Avenue returned Monday from Lake I «nape.

Mr. and Mra. John Meyer and aonLawrence end Mrs. ( barlea Arkeaon <»f T10 Valiev k o o k Avenue are o Lnbe Oeovgo.

Mr and Mra. Henry b u g end aw Thomas e f 280 Park Avenue a nhoi»* tram . M at •« U k .™*« 1 1 I S

H '.ngiu'.hni ml «1« N .a Y « r . Av.niM m in w 4 I n a t i » y u U a n u c * .

A. Peters Reporto Sales and Rentals

The real estate office of Andrew M. Peters, o f 218 Stuyvesant Ave­nue reporta the recent sales and rentals:

The sale of 40 Kearny Street, Lyndhurst, for the Union Building and Loan to M. Wundling of Lynd­hurst. The sale of 166 Park Ave­nue, for the Garret Rock Bldg. A Loan to P . T itin i of Lyndhurst.

The sale of 220 Court Avenue for H. Bo me man, of Union City. The sale of a factory at 66 Park Avenue for H. Behaman of Long Island.

Along with the following rentals: Bessie Montgomery, apt. Oriental Place, Robert Keefer, apt. Third Ave­nue; J . Smithe, apt. Page Avenue; W illiam K riyer, apt. Valley Brook Avenue; E . Tooney, home, Lafayette Avenue; E . David, ape. Orient»! Place; E . Holland, home, Page A ve­nue; C . Winters, apt. Ridge Road; M. Polito, store, Valley Brook A ve ­nue; F . Hermann, home, Delafield Avenue. «

M ra. Anna Russell o f 843 Page]Avenue ia at Cobblealrill, N . Y . 1

M r. and Mrs. Philip McAioon of 780 R idge Ro»d entertained a t hor home fo r a few days Mra. Jam es M cHugh, Mr. and Mrs. Jam es La- M onte and non Jack of Scranton and M rs. E . V- Roach of Buffalo.

A rth u r filohm of 722 Sixth Street, G e il M orel 1 of 425 Wilson Avenue. A rth u r Wiseman of 626 Page Ave­nua aad Lawrence DeMassi of 628 Milton Avenue are at the Y. M. C. A . Camp at Baar Mountain for two. weeks

M r. aad Mrs. Jerem iah Neill of 332 Lynd I urst AvenOe entertained at th flr home at dinner Sunday night in h"t>or of the birthday an- nversnry of their son W illiam . Guests w**re W illiam and hia family Mr. And M rs. W illiam Neill and children Robert aad William of Lyndhurst.

Miaa Rayon Litton of 327 Stuy- ; vesant Afrnue has returned from a

month’s stay a i F ire Place Lodge Camp at Eas t Hampton.

Misa Edna, Hanson of 747 Sixth Street is spending tha remainder of the summer in Je rsey City.

Miss Marguerite Carluxxi of 600 Kingsland Avenue returned Sunday from New Britain , Conn. wheie «he

• spent the summer.

Mra. Grace O 'Brien and fam ily of 511 Prospect Place are a t Belmar fdr two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. V s m tu Prinxivalli and daughter Misa M ary Prinxivalli and Misa Lena Prinxivalli of 711 Seventh Street and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ferrari and children Joeeph ine, Thomas and Angelo of 482 Thomas Avenue returned Monday from a stay a t la k e wood.

Mr. and Mrs. John Graxiano andchildren John, J r . and Arthur of 238 Tontine Avenue returned Sun­day from a stay at Edge me re, L. 1.

A aon w a*and M ra. W ilfre d 1 ve lt Avenue.

Mrm. J m ,Court Avenue a r t « «•t . Im d w n a t Um New York C ity fo r *“O eorte Cope m l _U te r they it t a o M O e t a l i , d ty

n # T v .M r. aad K a . Lawrene* m i l a t

TO B id ce H o m i a n m tertaW ac a t th e ir horn , fo r a (M r O y . Mra. M m Lord and rh ild rea Ja ck aad h n of Haw thorne, J* . T .

Mips Catherine Sharp o f I f f Chaae Avenue aw l H i« Helen I m i l O fa c e A reau e are a t Manaaqoaa lo rthe rem ainder o f the BUMmer.

Joaeph Kearn y of H i h l i f lPlace is a t Belm ar for a few daya.

M r». M arian K um . !! * f M iAvenue w ill entertain a t Ib r U E r Thunday niffht a t a card party far

” * " * " « U r u i „ HM Ifc^ r k m reeently at dui.,.,

to r D r. and Mra. A nth ,,,, O aprto o f H atley.

__M r. aad M m PhiU a MrAluo,, 7 0 K id « . Road h a n aa

a f .w d a y , M r m rt U n Au. o f N ew T o rt C ity.

J . M arcan Head Council, Damh to n o f A aw rica Met Tanday

.etob hoaae. A aoeial waa held . f „ r ■the n aa tO «. Mra. Mabel

Rft i

Lyndhurst NotesMr. and Mra. Fred B ittner and

•■hud -i U nrren him! Ruth liL’f,Second Avenua are at East Durham, N. Y. for two weeks.

Sylvester Goldberg of 510 Valley Brook Avenue returned from a motot trip to Maine.


Mr. and Mrs. Ja lo LehtI of 46 Riverside Avenue spent tha week-endon their boat the "Sea Dog’* at Rumaon.

Mr. and Mra. Jemed Conner andson of - 541 Va lley Brook Avenue spent the petit few days at Spring Lake. * %

Mrs. Clara Alsleben of 556 Pag« Avenue has as her guest for several weeks her d»ughtei Mrs. Marian Millelot of Northport, Delaware.

M r. and Mrs. Anthony Episcopie and fam ily of 216 Furman Plact ipent the past few days at L»k« Mooeepac.

Mr. and Mr». Joseph Pitha of 012 Chase Avenue returned Monday from x stay at Washington, N. J .

Mias Lucy Luddecke of 687 Sum­mer Aveque left Saturday for B u f­falo where aha will viait for .several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Whitman,ornisrly of Lyndhurst.

George R itter of 234 Post Avenuo ♦era a guest for the past weak of tie aunt and uncle Mr. and Mra. Irving J . Sosnowits of Stamfoni.«mn. While there George took part

in the invitation tennis tournament.

lad ies Aid Society af the West minator Presbyterian Church will hold their Aral meeting of the fall seaaon September » at the church I hall. Plans will be made for fall activities.

Thomas Hickey of 641 Avenue ia at Scullville, N. J .

Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Harold ) G. Barringer Poet, American legion, | will hold their flrst nieetigg of the | fall aeason at the club houae Sep­tember *. Plans will be made for future activities.

Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock *»nd * family of 202 Livingrtan Avenue are i at Ocean Grove for two weeks.

Mr. and Mra. W illiam Terry of ! 148 Fern Avenue entertained at tbeii heme for dinner recently Mra. M ary ! Flockett of Newark.

Mfs. Blanche Outwater Pierson of 821 Travers Place is at Ocean Grove for two weeks.

Misa Irene Johnson of 2*0 Park I Avenue is at Hicksville, L. L for a I few weeks. -

SpecioU Thursday, September 2nd to Wednesday. September «th Inclusive


Americans insist upon fair wages and fair profits . . . but they wont be overcharged when they deal with the Lyndhurst Supply Market.


Washing. Snde . phg IcPuncake Flour . pkg 5* New Pkg. Crux . . 10gW H IT E C R O SS

Dog. Cat Food 3 _ 14cN M T L E H OK M E K T IK L D

Evap. MHk . . . 3 £ 20«1» O f, M O T T LES A SSO R T ED

Pickle Goads . . .104C A M P B E L L *

Tomato Juice 4 _ 25<L A R C E C A N

•orllett Pears . . ItfI LR . F * C . S U N S H IN E

Surprise Cookies . 29cA Raa l T rea t F a t Tha H a llday.

Coffees and Teàs 'Tfctoo Coffee* ore ground lo your order. You Me not mvinc lor lancy tins.

Royal Guest................ b 27cMaster Blend............. . fl> 23cRich Flavor..................I» 19c< EY LO N O R U R A N U E P E K O E

Too....................V ib pkg 25cT « « * q l 1 » ................................................................................. I f


Closed All Day Labor Day Monday, September 6th

Wines and LiquorsWe Carry A Full Une o f . . . Popular Wines, Liquors and

O LD r V a D IN U B R EW E R Y O f P E N N A .Beers

O L I) R > A D IN (i R R R W IR T O F rtflNA.Pilsner Beer...........24 bots $1AfSeagram's Gin . . . . . . 1.5th $1.2?u : H o f T L E S OF G IN C ER A LE . (P ina Dapaaio

Sodo or Ck* Soda 3 for 84Silver DoNar................. pt Me

*0 P R d O F

pt 69cBourbon WhiskeyN O W TO t) C A N R A T I W O B T H E R R U R E T T PROM


— --------------

Joot the prepared

n r4 al II

». te n*• •% rrmfmr

r J l ' r i j r . - '*• —VWm b i

DeBcatessenA fa ll line af t ooted M eala A Cold to t . A loo Howe MadeCOIJ> SLAW 2 Iba Z5c POTATO SALAD 2 Iba 2V LO. HSH CAKtM I lor Ilk:


Cod. Haddock fc 15c


Chopped MfitO n a s Y as pea M r IL



i li I 0 G I R 0 A 0 S ^ I L E I H U S r i E F R E E D E L I V E R V

W ears wai berio f Retail Oracen AiTn of N. J. Ako Nstisaal GraCcrs AW a.