Download - 1. 2 3 Curriculum Focal Points PK-8— A Quest for Coherence Released September 12, 2006.


1 2 3 Curriculum Focal Points PK-8 A Quest for Coherence Released September 12, 2006 4 The Problem: Two Major Issues to Address Long lists of mathematics learning expectations at the state level with little consistency across states Emphasis on breadth resulting in lack of depth, i.e. mile wide, inch deep curricula in mathematics 5 StateYearLevelObjectives AZ CA FL MD MI MO NC NY /133 NJ TX WA Data from the C enter for the S tudy of M ath C urriculum 6 The Rationale: How to Address the Issues Identify key mathematical ideas across preK-8 that prepare students for future mathematics, particularly algebra Identify the mathematics that should be the focus of instruction and student learning at each grade level, preK-8 7 Process Standards Problem Solving Reasoning Communication Connections Representation Principles Equity CurriculumCurriculum Teaching Learning Assessment Technology Content Standards Number/Operations Algebra Geometry Measurement Data/Probability 8 NCTM Curriculum Principle A curriculum is more than a collection of activities. It must be: coherent focused on important mathematics well articulated across the grades Principles and Standards for School Mathematics p. 14 9 The Process: Principles and Standards as the Foundation Use NCTMs Principles and Standards for School Mathematics as the guide for the process Apply the Curriculum Principle Look to the Process and Content Standards to identify the key mathematical ideas necessary to prepare students for future mathematics, particularly algebra 10 NCTM Curriculum Principle a well-articulated curriculum gives teachers guidance regarding important ideas or major themes, which receive special attention at different points in time. It also gives guidance about the depth of study warranted at particular times and when closure is expected for particular skills or concepts. Principles and Standards, p. 16 11 A Proposed Solution: Identify Curriculum Focal Points Highlight the most important mathematical ideas for each grade level, preK-8 Describe cohesive clusters of related ideas, concepts, skills, and procedures that form the foundation for higher-level mathematics 12 The Process: Participation Writing group Mathematicians Mathematics educators Teachers Outside reviewers Mathematicians and mathematics educators Teachers and supervisors Policymakers 13 The Process: Defining A Curriculum Focal Point Major mathematical idea for a grade level More than a single objective, standard, expectation, or indicator An important link in the chain of building mathematical understanding, preK-8 Not an element of a list of discrete topics to check off as mastered by students 14 The Product: Curriculum Focal Points Three per grade level, preK-8 Often represent multiple content strands Describe the majority of instruction for a specific grade level Taken together across grade levels, provide the major components of a mathematically sound, coherent and cohesive preK-8 curriculum 15 The Product: Connections to the Curriculum Focal Points Provide meaningful contexts for the focal points Identify connections between strands and across grade levels Round out a well-balanced curriculum 16 17 The Uses: Curriculum Focal Points and State and District Leaders As a framework for future development of mathematics curriculum To identify grade-level targets 18 The Uses: Curriculum Focal Points and Teachers To design instruction around the question, What are the most important ideas at my grade level? To provide information about how ideas at one grade level fit with the important ideas in previous and following grades To prioritize uses of activities, assessments and other published materials 19 The Uses: Curriculum Focal Points and Publishers As an example for guiding the next generation of instructional materials and related assessments 20 The Uses: Curriculum Focal Points and Teacher Educators To organize preservice and inservice education toward developing teachers knowledge of critical mathematics understandings across the grades 21 The Goal: Curriculum Focal Points and Improved Mathematics Education Guidance for schools and states in the design of curricula and assessment that target the most important topics Focus for teachers that gives sufficient time for students to understand concepts and develop and apply skills necessary for future mathematics Clear direction for students and parents on the importance of particular ideas at each grade level 22 Curriculum Focal Points Whats New Priorities Grade-by-grade descriptions Descriptive clusters of content More clarification Connections 23 Curriculum Focal Points Whats Continuing Alignment with Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, especially the Curriculum Principle Well-balanced curriculum Strong attention to numbers and operations Commitment to problem solving, processes and content Understanding math, doing math, using math 24 Questions? 25