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Slow quench dynamics of Mott-insulating regions in a trapped Bose-gas

Jean-Sebastien Bernier,1, 2 Dario Poletti,3 Peter Barmettler,3 Guillaume Roux,4 and Corinna Kollath31Centre de Physique Theorique, CNRS,Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France.

2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of BritishColumbia, Canada V6T 1Z1.3Departement de Physique Theorique, Universite de Geneve, CH-1211 Geneve, Switzerland.

4Laboratoire de Physique Theorique et Modeles Statistiques,Universite Paris-Sud, CNRS, UMR8626, 91405 Orsay, France.

(Dated: November 6, 2018)

We investigate the dynamics of Mott-insulating regions of atrapped bosonic gas as the interaction strengthis changed linearly with time. The bosonic gas considered isloaded into an optical lattice and confined to aparabolic trapping potential. Two situations are addressed: the formation of Mott domains in a superfluid gasas the interaction is increased, and their melting as the interaction strength is lowered. In the first case, de-pending on the local filling, Mott-insulating barriers can develop and hinder the density and energy transportthroughout the system. In the second case, the density and local energy adjust rapidly whereas long rangecorrelations require longer time to settle. For both cases,we consider the time evolution of various observ-ables: the local density and energy, and their respective currents, the local compressibility, the local excessenergy, the heat and single particle correlators. The evolution of these observables is obtained using the time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group technique and comparisons with time-evolutions done withinthe Gutzwiller approximation are provided.

PACS numbers: 05.70.Ln, 02.70.-c, 05.30.Rt, 67.85.Hj


Due to their good isolation from the environment and totheir tunability, ultra-cold quantum gases are ideal candidatesto explore systems away from equilibrium [1]. Cold atoms arewell suited to explore situations where the Hamiltonian de-scribing a system is slowly varied with time. Understandingthe physical implications of such slow quenches is of greattheoretical and practical importance to shed light on the co-herent evolution of quantum systems and to devise methodsto prepare complex quantum phases. Seminal works on thedynamics of classical systems near a second order phase tran-sition conducted by Kibble [2] and Zurek [3] identified thatthe defect production rate as a function of the ramp velocityisdescribed by a scaling law when the system crosses a criticalpoint. However, despite many recent theoretical advances [4–31], the response of strongly-correlated quantum gases to theslow quench of a Hamiltonian parameter is still far from be-ing fully understood. Meanwhile, on the experimental side,considerable efforts have been devoted to understand the dy-namics of interacting bosonic atoms when the depth of theoptical lattice is varied [32–36] or when the slow quench ofan effective parameter is performed [37, 38].

In relation to these experimental protocols, in Ref. 17, 33,39, and 40, the presence of a parabolic trapping potentialwas found to significantly influence the dynamics. Two dy-namical regimes have been shown to exist when interactingatoms loaded into an optical lattice and confined to a trap aresubjected to a slow change of the interaction strength. Forshort ramp times, the evolution is dominated by intrinsic lo-cal dynamics, which is also present in a homogeneous system,whereas, for longer ramp times the density redistribution canplay an important role.

In this work, we study the response of bosonic atoms toa linear change of the interaction strength. As these atoms

are confined to one-dimensional tubes and loaded into an op-tical lattice running along the tubes main axis, the physicsfor a wide range of parameters is well described by the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model. Here our main objective isto understand the evolution, as a function of the ramp time, ofthe local and non-local observables of the quantum gas. Wefocus on the crucial issues of the formation and melting ofMott domains and on how the adiabatic limit is approached.

The article is structured as follows: In Sec. II A, we in-troduce the model and the time-dependent protocol. Sec-tions II B and II C detail the methods and the theoretical def-initions. These two sections can be skipped by readers moreinterested in the main phenomena. In Sec. III, we turn to thedescription of the evolution resulting from the increase oftheinteraction strength. In Sec. III A 1, we focus on the occur-rence of two dynamical regimes, the intrinsic dynamics andthe dynamics induced by the trapping potential, and explaintheir origin (Sec. III A 2). Afterwards, we direct our atten-tion to the formation of “Mott barriers” which strongly blockthe equilibration process (Sec. III A 3), the energy transport(Sec. II C 4) and the evolution of longer range correlations(Sec. III B). Then, in Sec. IV, we consider the opposite caseof melting the Mott domains occurring when the interactionstrength is lowered and, in particular, we point out the longequilibration times for long range correlation functions.Forboth situations, we characterize the time evolution consider-ing various observables such as the density, the compressibil-ity, the energy, various particle correlators, and the momen-tum distribution which is related to the interference patterns intime-of-flight measurements. These results are supplementedby a detailed analysis of the physical mechanisms responsiblefor the presence of the intrinsic and global dynamical regimes.We further show that the different time-scales can be identi-fied experimentally from interference patterns. Our numericalresults are obtained from the time-dependent density-matrix

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renormalization group method (t-DMRG). We also comparethese quasi-exact results to time-evolutions done within themean-field Gutzwiller method (Sec. III A 5) to identify thelimitations of the latter approach and pinpoint the qualitativephysical insights it provides. The present work extends sub-stantially our previous results on the same setup [17].


A. Hamiltonian and time-dependent protocol

Ultracold bosons in optical lattices are, in a wide parameterregime, well described by the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian [41,42]:

H = −J∑



b†l+1bl + h.c.)






µlnl ,

with b†l the operator creating a boson at sitel andnl = b†l blthe local density operator. The total number of atoms is fixedto N . The first term of the Hamiltonian corresponds to thekinetic energy of the atoms with the hopping amplitudeJand the second to the onsite interaction of strengthU . Thesite-dependent chemical potentialµl accounts for an externalconfinement. We consider here a one-dimensional geometry(tube) and use either a homogeneous (µl = 0) or a harmonictrapping potential of the formµl = −V0(l − (L + 1)/2)2,with L the number of sites in the tube (open-boundary condi-tions) used in our simulations. We assume an experimentallyrealistic strength for the trapping potential ofV0 = 0.006Jand particle numberN = 24, 48. For these parametersthe choiceL = 64 assures that edge effects are not impor-tant. One non-trivial aspect of the model is that it is non-integrable [43, 44] for non-zeroJ andU . Further, at commen-surate fillings, a quantum phase transition from a superfluidto a Mott-insulating state occurs (at(U/J)c ≈ 3.4 for unityfilling in one-dimension [45, 46]). This phase transition isac-companied by the opening of a gap in the low-energy excita-tion spectrum, which strongly modifies the ground-state, ther-modynamic and transport properties. At incommensurate fill-ings a crossover between a superfluid and a Tonks-Girardeau,or hard-core boson, gas occurs in equilibrium. This distinctbehavior at commensurate and incommensurate fillings im-plies that in a trapped system, different states can coexistinspatially separated regions [47–49]. For instance, for strongenough interaction, a Mott-insulating plateau with commen-surate filling, surrounded by a superfluid region, emerges.

Regarding the time-dependent protocol, we consider a slowquench of the interaction strengthU(t) which can be achievedexperimentally using a suitable Feshbach resonance [50]. Dif-ferent time-dependent protocols have been considered in pre-vious works in homogeneous systems using several analyti-cal or numerical approximation schemes [5, 9, 10, 18, 20–22, 25]. For sake of simplicity and generality, the variationin time is chosen to be linear, starting fromUi up to a fi-nal valueUf : U(t) = Ui +

tτ δU with τ the ramp timeand

δU = Uf −Ui thequench amplitude. The real-time evolution

starts from the ground state corresponding toUi. The labelsi/f are used for the initial and final ground state values, re-spectively. The limitτ → 0, i.e. the sudden quench limit, hasbeen studied intensively in the Bose-Hubbard model using an-alytical [23, 51, 52] and numerical methods [53–59].

B. Methods

1. t-DMRG

Accurate ab-initio numerical simulations of the time evo-lution of the quantum gas are carried out using the t-DMRGtechnique [60–64]. The time-evolution is implemented usingthe second order Trotter-Suzuki decomposition. The dimen-sion of the effective space is a few hundred states and the time-step is adjusted with the ramp velocity. We introduce a cutoffvalue ofM = 5 or 6 in the number of onsite bosons as higherboson occupancies are negligible in the situations consideredhere.

2. Gutzwiller variational method

In this section, we present how to determine the evolu-tion of the system within the Gutzwiller mean-field method[65, 66]. This approximation has been used before to describethe evolution during a slow change of the lattice depth in ahigher dimensional trapped Bose-Hubbard system [40, 67].The Gutzwiller method is based on a variational ansatz ofthe many-body wave-function|Ψ〉 =





where |nl〉 is the Fock state on sitel with nl particles andcl,nl

are the variational parameters. The ground state for agiven Hamiltonian is obtained by minimizing the total energyEGW :

EGW = −J∑



〈bl〉∗〈bl+1〉+ c.c.)




nl(nl − 1)|cl,nl|2 −



where〈bl〉 =∑


√nl + 1 c∗l,nl

cl,nl+1 and∗ denotes com-plex conjugation. The validity of the Gutzwiller methodin evaluating static observables of one-dimensional systemshas been studied, for example, in Ref. 68. The Gutzwillerapproach predicts, in one-dimension, a phase transition at(U/J)c = 2 (1 +

√2)2 ≃ 11.7 [65]. The superfluid phase

is signaled by a non-vanishing order parameter〈bl〉 and, fora small interaction strength, the properties of local quanti-ties are reasonably well approximated. In contrast, the Mott-insulating phase is characterized by a vanishing order param-eter and vanishing local compressibility, thus neglectingcom-pletely particle fluctuations which are present in the real Mott-insulating phase.

The time evolution for the coefficientscl,nl(t) can be read-

ily derived [66] from the Schrodinger equation. The equations

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i~∂tcl,nl(t) =



2nl(nl − 1)− µlnl



−J√nl + 1[〈bl−1〉∗ + 〈bl+1〉∗] cl,nl+1(t)

−J√nl[〈bl−1〉+ 〈bl+1〉] cl,nl−1(t) .

They are solved numerically by implementing a split-stepmethod.

C. Observables and definitions from continuity equations

1. Correlations and interference pattern

We define the one-body correlation function between sitesl andm as

gl,m =1

2〈b†l bm + h.c.〉 . (1)

While g is not easily accessible, time-of-flight techniquesmeasure an interference pattern related to the momentumdistribution of the correlated gas. Neglecting the Wannier-function envelope, the interference pattern is given by

N(k) =1



ei(l−m)ka〈b†l bm〉 (2)

wherea is the lattice spacing. For a superfluid state,N(k)is expected to be strongly peaked around zero momentum,whereas for a Mott-insulating state the interference patternshould be rather flat.

2. General expression for the continuity equation

In this section, we want to determine, in the Schrodingerpicture, the current operators corresponding to a given observ-ableO(t) = 〈ψ(t)|O(t)|ψ(t)〉, whereO(t) can explicitly de-pend on time, using the associated continuity equation. In thefollowing, the shorthand notation〈· · ·〉 stands for the expec-tation value〈ψ(t)|· · ·|ψ(t)〉 at a given time. The continuityequation takes, on general grounds, the following form:

~∂tO(t) = −div〈JO〉+ 〈SO〉 . (3)

JO is the current operator for which we have

−div〈JO〉 = i〈[H(t), O(t)]〉 (4a)

= −(〈JOl,l+1〉 − 〈JO

l−1,l〉) . (4b)

The second equality is the specialization to a one-dimensionallattice for an observable located around sitel, with incom-ing and outgoing currents. As we are interested in studying aone-dimensional system, (4b) is used throughout. The sourceoperatorSO(t) = ~∂tO(t) is non-zero only for an explicitlytime-dependent operator.

Interestingly, integrating (3) between times0 andτ , takingthe adiabatic limitτ → ∞ and doing the change of variablet → U (in the source term integral) enables one to expressthe integrated contribution of currents only as a function ofground state expectation values




~div〈JO〉(t) = Oi −Of +



dU 〈ψ0(U)|∂U O|ψ0(U)〉 ,

(5)where|ψ0(U)〉 is the ground state corresponding toU . Theintegral on the right-hand side is taken along the adiabaticpath. This remark is important from a numerical perspec-tive because the right-hand side can be efficiently computedvia ground state techniques while the left-hand side would re-quire time-dependent simulations over very long times, whichis not feasible.

As explained in the introduction, the main objective of thiswork is to characterize how particles and energy redistributewhen the interaction strength,U(t), is ramped up or down.Therefore, we introduce below the relevant quantities andthe physically significant terms of their associated continu-ity equations. A few commutators, useful in the derivation ofthese continuity equations, are provided in Appendix A.

3. Local observables on sites and bonds

As a first example, (3) can be used to derive the particlecurrent associated with the local densitynl:

jl,k ≡ Jnl

l,k = iJ(b†kbl − b†l bk). (6)

This current is defined between sitesl andk and there is nosource term associated withnl as it is not explicitly time-dependent. As the particle current appears quite often in therest of this article, from now on, it will be denoted asjl,k.Finally, it is instructive to note that for a homogeneous andtranslationally invariant system, the local density is constantat all time due to the conservation of the total number of par-ticles.

In order to better understand the different time-scales in-volved during the evolution, it is also useful to consider sep-arately the evolution equation for the density fluctuationsn2

l .This quantity is essential to our comprehension of the Bose-Hubbard model and is related to the the local compressibilityκl = 〈n2

l 〉 − 〈nl〉2. Using (3) and after some algebra, we findthat the evolution ofn2

l is controlled by a “density-assisted”or “correlated” current


l,l+1 = nljl,l+1 + jl,l+1nl (7)

(note thatJn2l

l−1,l = nljl−1,l + jl−1,lnl). The origin of this

density-assisted current, mixingj and np operators, comesfrom the evolution equation for the onsite occupancy proba-bilities discussed in Appendix B. In equilibrium, in our sys-tem, the average of (7) computed in the ground state vanishes,as for the particle current operator.

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The same strategy is used to get the current operators asso-ciated with observables living on bonds, such as the local ki-netic energy operatorKl,l+1 (or nearest-neighbor one-particlecorrelation) defined by

Kl,k = −J(b†k bl + b†l bk) (8)

between sitel andk. We find that the incoming current asso-ciated withKl,l+1 reads


l−1,l =− µljl,l+1 (9a)

+ Jjl−1,l+1 (9b)


2(nljl,l+1 + jl,l+1nl) , (9c)

showing the interplay of the correlated and usual particle cur-rents. It is worth noticing that for a homogeneous system, theevolution of local kinetic fluctuations is directly relatedto thatof the density fluctuations since in this case

∂t〈b†l bl+1 + b†l+1bl〉 =U(t)


l 〉 . (10)

Thus, even in the homogeneous limit, the time dependence ofU(t) affects the evolution of the local kinetic term or nearest-neighbor correlations. Eq. (10) is also straightforwardlyob-tained from the evolution of the total energy discussed be-low. Note, this equation is not valid for inhomogeneous gaseswhere the balance of particle currents can be non-zero.

Similarly, the current operator associated with the parti-cle current itself contains density-assisted hoppings, follow-ing the expression


l−1,l =µlKl,l+1 (11a)

+ 2J2nl (11b)

+ JKl−1,l+1 (11c)

− U(t)

2(nlKl,l+1 + Kl,l+1nl) . (11d)

We also give for clarity the outgoing current opera-tor: J


l+1,l+2 = µl+1Kl,l+1 + 2J2nl+1 + JKl,l+2

−U(t)2 (nl+1Kl,l+1 +Kl,l+1nl+1). It is worth mentioning that

the correlated current and hopping terms in (9) and (11) allcome with the interaction strength as a prefactor and disap-pear for a non-interacting gas. Their behavior is thus stronglyaffected by the presence of interactions. Finally, as in thenextsection the time-derivative of the particle current will beofgreat use to understand the mechanisms responsible for theevolution of the density profile, we provide here its full ex-pression:

~∂t〈jl,l+1〉 =(µl − µl+1)〈Kl,l+1〉 (12a)

+ 2J2(〈nl〉 − 〈nl+1〉) (12b)

+ J(〈Kl−1,l+1〉 − 〈Kl,l+2〉) (12c)

− U(t)

2〈(nl − nl+1)Kl,l+1 + h.c.〉 . (12d)

4. Energy and heat

We now turn to the transport of energy by first defining thebond-symmetric local energy operator as

hl =1

2[Kl−1,l + Kl,l+1] + U(t)Il − µlnl , (13)

whereIl = nl(nl − 1)/2 is the operator related to the interac-tion energy. In this case, we find that the energy currentJhl

l−1,lis given by


l−1,l =− (µl−1 + µl)

2jl−1,l (14a)

− U(t)

2jl−1,l (14b)

− J

2(jl−2,l + jl−1,l+1) (14c)




(nl−1 + nl)jl−1,l + jl−1,l(nl−1 + nl)]



in which we naturally recover the particle and correlated cur-rents appearing in (6), (7) and (9). In addition, since the en-ergy operator is explicitly time-dependent and therefore not aconserved quantity during the protocol, we have the followingsource term


l = ~∂tU(t)Il (15)

which shows the importance of the density fluctuations in theenergy production. In particular, the total energyE(t) =〈H(t)〉 satisfies the relation

∂tE(t) = 〈ψ(t)|∂tH|ψ(t)〉 = [∂tU(t)]∑


〈Il〉(t) , (16)

i.e., the energy put in the system is directly related to the evo-lution of the density fluctuations. For an inhomogeneous sys-tem, there are two contributions to the local energy productionas seen from (14) and (15): one from currents and correlatedcurrents and one from the external driving of the system. Sum-ming up the total energy, the contribution from currents mustvanish to fulfill (16), but locally, one may have energy redis-tribution. We can define the heat produced in the system asthe energy of the atoms at the final time compared to that ofthe ground state for the final interaction strength

Q(τ) = E(τ) − E0,f

= E0,i − E0,f +δU


∫ τ




〈Il〉(t) , (17)

with E0,i/f the ground state energies. Note that〈Il〉 is ac-cessible experimentally, which makes it possible to measurethe interestingQ(τ) dependence. We can quickly checkthat this formula gives back the correct results in the suddenquench and adiabatic quench limits. In the sudden quenchlimit, |ψ(t)〉 = |ψ0(Ui)〉 which yieldsQ(0) = E0,i −

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E0,f + δU∑

l〈Il〉0,i. This means that the heat only de-pends on ground state properties of the corresponding ini-tial and final parameters. In the adiabatic case, we have|ψ(t)〉 = |ψ0(U(t))〉 along the adiabatic path so the integral

can be reexpressed as∫ Uf


l〈Il〉0(U), with 〈Il〉0(U) =

〈ψ0(U)|Il|ψ0(U)〉. Using Feynman-Hellmann theorem overU , it is clear that this integral cancelsE0,i − E0,f to makeQ(∞) = 0.

One can define a local excess energyql as the difference inlocal energies between the final energies and the ground stateexpectation for the final parameters:

ql(τ) = 〈hl〉(τ) − 〈hl〉0,f . (18)

The local excess energy produced splits up into three differentcontributions

ql(τ) =〈hl〉0,i − 〈hl〉0,f (19a)

− 1


∫ τ


dt div〈Jh〉(t) (19b)



∫ τ


dt 〈Il〉(t) , (19c)

where the first term is simply the local ground state energiesdifference (independent ofτ ), the second term is the inte-grated contribution of energy currents, and the last term istheintegrated contribution due to the external operator. WhileQ(τ) is necessarily non-negative,ql(τ) can be negative orpositive depending on the relative contributions of each term.

Finally, using (5) withO = hl allows one to calculate thesequantities in the adiabatic limit:




~div〈Jhl〉(t) = 〈hl〉0,i − 〈hl〉0,f +



dU 〈Il〉0(U) ,

(20)where the right-hand side can be computed accurately usingnumerical techniques.

With this set of equations in mind, we are now ready toidentify the different driving forces responsible for the systemevolution when the interaction strength is ramped up or down.


A. Evolution of local quantities from t-DMRG

In this section, we consider a linear quench fromUi = 4Jto Uf = 6J . Ui is close to the homogeneous superfluid-Mott transition point andUf lies deeper in the Mott-insulatingregime. We compare two typical situations: (i) the number ofparticles is chosen low enough in order for the maximal fillingto remain below unity at all times (N = 24); (ii) N is suffi-ciently large so that, atUf , the corresponding ground statedensity profile has a Mott-insulating “shell” and a superfluidcenter (N = 48). We focus on different aspects of the dynam-ics: time-scales, role of insulating domains on particle trans-port, energy production and transport, and their experimentalsignature.

0.1 1 10τ [h

_ /J]








N = 24at site l = 32

0.1 1 10τ [h

_ /J]








N = 48at site l = 32

0.1 1 10τ [h

_ /J]







at site l = 18

0.1 1 10τ [h

_ /J]







at site l = 18

(a) (b)


FIG. 1. (color online). Slow quench fromUi = 4J to Uf = 6J .Evolution of local observables in the presence of a trap as a func-tion of the ramp timeτ , and compared with that of a homogeneoussystem (open symbols) having the same initial local density. Observ-ables are the densitynl, compressibilityκl, occupancy probabilitiesP0 andP1, neighboring correlationgl,l+1 and the particle currentjl,l+1 = 〈jl,l+1〉. Subplots correspond to two different total numberof particlesN = 24 and48, and two different sites:l = 18 and thecentral sitel = 32 (cf. Fig. 2 for the location of these sites).

1. Existence of two dynamical regimes

In Fig. 1, the final values (t = τ ) of most of the local ob-servables introduced before (density, local compressibility, lo-cal particle current, local correlationgl,l+1) and also the firsttwo occupancy probabilitiesP0 andP1, are presented as afunction of the ramp timeτ . This figure clearly uncovers theexistence of two dynamical behaviors. First, we observe thatfor short ramp times, the densities atl = 32 which lies in thecenter of the trap andl = 18 which lies close to the formingMott-insulating barrier are both approximately constant,fol-lowing the evolution of the homogeneous system [69]. In fact,variations (and oscillations) of both central and outer densitiesbecome significant only for longer ramp times, beyond~/J .In contrast, the evolution of both the occupancy probabilitiesand the compressibility occurs on a much faster time-scale:these observables vary rapidly at shortτ and display less pro-nounced variations at largerτ . These two distinct behaviorsreveal the presence of two dynamical regimes [17, 39, 40]:(i) the intrinsic dynamics, here occurring at short-times be-fore the particle transport sets in (present in both the homoge-

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neous and trapped systems); (ii) a long-time behavior associ-ated with particle transport and clearly due to the inhomoge-neous structure of the density profiles.

Qualitatively, one can understand the origin of differenttime-scales from the continuity equations of Sec. II C. Forinstance, the incoming and outgoing particle currents balanceeach other in a translational invariant configuration so that thedensity remains constant. However, for the density fluctua-tions whose current operator (7) has correlated terms, no suchbalance is achieved and consequently these quantities evolvewith time. In the case of an inhomogeneous gas, gradients oflocal quantities and chemical potentials inevitably give rise toparticle currents, themselves sustaining the evolution ofall lo-cal quantities. Contrary to the intrinsic dynamics, we expectthese effects to vanish with reducing the trap amplitudeV0.Thus, their time-scale is distinct from the intrinsic one and isrelated to the external potential strength. In order to quantifybetter these ideas, we now present arguments based on pertur-bative calculations.

2. Insights from perturbative expansions

In Ref. 17, we observed that, for the quench parameters typ-ically considered, the homogeneous dynamics of most localobservables was well reproduced by time-dependent pertur-bation theory, particularly in the small-τ regime. Working inthe initial Hamiltonian eigenstates basis|α〉, of energyEα,the first-order expansion inδU/τ for a real, symmetric anddimensionless observableO reads:

O(τ, δU) = O00 − 2δU


ωατ − sin(ωατ)


O0αIα0 .

(21)The frequenciesωα = (Eα − E0)/~ are excitation ener-gies of level|α〉 with respect to the ground-state|0〉. Iαβ =∑

l〈α|Il|β〉 are the matrix elements of the interaction opera-tor andOαβ = 〈α|O|β〉 those of the observable. Such seriescan be well-behaved in the thermodynamic limit even in theabsence of a spectral gap, and this is what we observe for oursetup by looking at different system sizes. Taking theτ → 0limit [70], the response of the observable is typically quadratic

O(τ, δU) ≃ O00


1± 1




, (22)

where the± sign depends on the observable. We have hereintroduce the “curvature”

fO =2






containing an intrinsic characteristic ramp timeτO associatedwith the observableO (J is there for dimensionality normal-ization):

τ−2O =





∣. (24)

The curvature helps understand the departure from the initialvalueO00, as one can see, for example, in Fig. 1. In partic-ular, fO is linear with the quench amplitudeδU (within thisapproximation). For example, in the homogeneous gas limit,one can obtain an explicit expression for the driving of the par-ticle fluctuationsfn2 by, in addition, resorting to perturbationtheory inJ/Ui (strong interaction limit). We find that

fn2 ≈ 32



~2Ui, (25)

which is consistent with the change of the compressibility atshort time plotted in Fig. 1. The breakdown of the quadraticbehavior, which coincides with the onset of the relaxation,isexpected to happen on a time scaleτ = |fn2 |−1/2. We notethat the parameterJ/Ui in Fig. 1 is not in the regime whereperturbation theory is expected to give a quantitative descrip-tion. Nevertheless, putting numerical values in (25), one findsshort relaxation times (below~/J) compatible with Fig. 1.

It is also worth mentioning that in the definition of thecurvature (23), we were careful to separate what dependson the quench protocol, the parameterδU and the prefactor2/3, from what is intrinsic to the initial ground-state:O00

and τO. Indeed, when theU(t) function is of the generaltypeδUf(t/τ), the prefactor2/3 is replaced by4

∫ 1

0 dx(1 −x)f(x). Hence,τO is an intrinsic characteristic time of theinitial state. We stress that the quantities in (23) and (24)areaccessible by ground state numerical techniques. Within thisperturbative framework, one can easily understand the two-regimes discussed above and also derive, in the homogeneouscase, relations between the characteristic time-scales ofvari-ous observables.

We first consider the characteristic time associated with thelocal density operator. In the homogeneous case, the groundstate is characterized by a spatially uniform local density. Tak-ing advantage of this symmetry, we find thatτn = ∞. Thisresult agrees with the fact that the density remains constantfor all times. In contrast, for the local density fluctuations (orcompressibility) and local kinetic energy,τn2/g are finite evenin a homogeneous system since the matrix elements in (24) donot vanish. Furthermore, the two time-scales are actually re-lated to each other. Since the Hamiltonian has only two terms,we find that

l〈0|gl,l+1|α〉 = (Ui/J)∑

l〈0|n2l |α〉 leading to

τg =√

JUiτn2 . This relation agrees with a dimensional anal-

ysis of (10) and is also in qualitative agreement with Fig. 1,where we find a slightly slower relaxation for the kinetic termas compared to the compressibility. In addition, these time-scales are themselves related to the characteristic ramp timefor the heat,τc, defined asτ−2

c = J12~L

α ωα |Iα0|2 [17].Then, we find thatτn2 = τc/

√24 (although the prefactor de-

pends on the chosen definition forτc).We now turn to the situation where a trapping confinement

is present. In this case, the translational symmetry is lostleading to a finiteτn. Naturally, τn2/g should also be af-fected by the presence of the trap, but provided the latter issmall enough, the corrections can be negligible as illustratedby Fig. 1. We expect thatτn(V0) diverges when the trap mag-nitudeV0 reaches zero. Consequently, by tuningV0 to a low

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8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64site l







l com



lity κ


8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64site l






8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64site l





ity n l

N = 24

8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64site l




1.5τ=0.1h_ /J

τ=1h_ /J

τ=5h_ /J

τ=15h_ /J

τ=20h_ /J


N = 48

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIG. 2. (color online). Final local density and compressibility pro-files after a slow quench fromUi = 4J to Uf = 6J for differentramp times,τ , and for the ground state (τ = ∞) atU = 6J in thetrapped system. Left panelsN = 24, right panelsN = 48.

enough value, one should in general be able to observe theintrinsic dynamics of the system occurring belowτn. The be-havior of theτn(V0) function is an open issue, particularlybecauseV0 is not a perturbation in experiments and realisticnumerical calculations. If we were to trust a naive first orderperturbation argument for the relatively unphysical situationof a gas in a box and perturbed by a smallV0, one wouldexpect a linear scaling of the matrix elements, yielding thescalingτn ∝ 1/

√V0. However, this scaling only serves as

an illustration of the above statements. Of course,τn also de-pends onUi/J . Finally, we may argue that whenV0 is toolarge, transport phenomena could eventually hide the intrinsicdynamics.

These results put on firmer grounds the existence of two dif-ferent dynamical regimes: one deeply connected to inhomo-geneities and controlled byV0, and the intrinsic one present inthe homogeneous gas and much less sensitive toV0.

3. Profiles and “Mott barriers”

We detail here the spatial evolution of local quantities.In Fig. 2, we present the final profiles for the density andcompressibility as a function of ramp time. At low filling(N = 24), the shape of these final profiles is well understoodif one resorts to the arguments presented above: we see thatfor short ramp times the density profiles barely evolve whilethe compressibility changes considerably. For longerτ , theprofiles approach smoothly the final ground state configura-tion. For the larger fillingN = 48, the evolution is moreinvolved. A strong reduction of the compressibility occurslo-cally in regions of filling close to unity already for short ramp



8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64site l





l com



lity κ


t=1h_ /J

t=3h_ /J

t=5h_ /J

t=7h_ /J









j l,l+


8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64site l





FIG. 3. (color online). Time-evolution of the local compressibility κl

and currentjl,l+1 = 〈jl,l+1〉 during a slow quench fromUi = 4J toUf = 6J in a timeτ = 7~/J for N = 48 in the trapped system. Asthe “Mott barriers” are formed, the current in their vicinity weakens.

times τ ≈ ~/J while the formation of pronounced Mott-insulating “shells” in the density profile only takes place atmuch longer ramp times, after5~/J .

To understand better the complex dynamics at play in thepresence of regions close to filling one, we show in Fig. 3real-time snapshots of the compressibility and particle currentfor the ramp timeτ = 7~/J . The connection between thesetwo quantities becomes evident at close inspection. One firstnotices that, once again, the compressibility in regions awayfrom unit filling evolves quickly while the flow of atoms to-wards the system boundaries takes a much longer time to setin. In addition, once the compressibility is sufficiently sup-pressed in the regions of filling one, the current in these re-gions weakens, which slows down the density redistributionacross the gas. Even though the regions close to unit fillingare small and are not real Mott-insulating plateaus, they stillreduce significantly the transport from the inner to the outersuperfluid domains. Consequently, the onset of low compress-ibility regions explains why systems above unity filling evolveslowly whenU is increased. From here on, we will refer tothese regions as “Mott barriers”.

To shed even more light on the build up and suppression ofthe particle current, we analyze the contribution of the differ-ent terms appearing in (12) which make up the time-derivativeof the particle current. For each term, we plot in Fig. 4 thedifferent contributions to−div〈Jj〉 for various times in order

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site l



1 30 60





site l

1 30 60

site l



1 30 60





site l

1 30 60

−0.2 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

−0.05 0 0.05 −0.1 0 0.1

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

FIG. 4. (a − d) Time-evolution of the different contributions to thetime-derivative of the particle current: Eq. (12a)(a), Eq. (12b)(b),Eq. (12c)(c) and Eq. (12d)(d). (e) time-evolution of the time-derivative of the particle current.(f) time evolution of the particlecurrent. For(a) to (e), the value att = 0 is subtracted. The evolutionparameters are the same as in Fig. 3.

to understand what drives the evolution of the particle cur-rent. The first remarkable feature is Fig. 4(e) where the time-derivative of the current changes sign near unity filling aroundt ≃ 5~/J . This inversion is a clear indication that the currentis being suppressed by the formation of Mott barriers. By con-sidering each contribution separately using Fig. 4(a-d), we ob-serve that the main driving terms boosting the particle currentsare the ones related to the local kinetic energy (12a) and (12c),and the density assisted hoppings term (12d) while the densitygradients (12b) become significant only at the edges wherethe density varies rapidly. The most striking phenomenon isdue to the density assisted hoppings term (12d). We see onFig. 4(d) that this term, which is non-zero only in the pres-ence of interactions, changes sign in the regions where Mottbarriers are forming thus drastically slowing down the equili-brating out-flow of atoms.

We finally stress again that the time-scales associated withthe contributions (12) are essentially controlled by the steep-ness of profiles induced by the trapping potentialV0. Withinour choice of parameters they take longer times than the in-trinsic evolution. Experimentally, changing the confinementstrengthV0/J would affect both in time and magnitude thecreation of Mott barriers [71].








l exc




q l

local gsenergydifference

8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64

site l









ent t


8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64

site l







ce te


8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64

site l










l exc




q l







l ene

rgy h


τ=0.1h_ /J

τ= 1h_ /J

τ= 5h_ /J

τ=10h_ /J

τ=15h_ /J

τ=20h_ /J

τ= ∞

8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64

site l










l ene

rgy h


N = 24

N = 48

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

FIG. 5. (color online). Final local energy(a, e) and local excess en-ergy (b, f) profiles after a slow quench fromUi = 4J to Uf = 6Jfor different ramp times,τ , and for the ground state (τ = ∞) atU = 6J for a trapped system.(c) is the contribution toql due tothe external operator (see (19c)) while(d) is the contribution fromthe energy currents (see (19b)). The dashed line in(b) and(f) cor-responds to〈hl〉0,i − 〈hl〉0,f .

4. Energy transport and heat production

We now turn our attention to the energy transport and heatproduction during a quench. We present in Fig. 5(a, e) the fi-nal local energy profiles forN = 24 and48 [72]. This figureconfirms our findings obtained from the analysis of the localdensity and compressibility profiles: forN = 24 the systemapproaches the adiabatic limit much faster than forN = 48.For N = 48, the final profile remains highly excited evenfor the longest ramp time considered (τ ≈ 25~/J). The localexcess energy production highlights a series of differences be-tween the evolution of systems with filling below and aboveone (see Fig. 5(b) and Fig. 5(f)). We first notice that the lo-cal excess energy is smaller by nearly an order of magnitudefor N = 24 compared toN = 48. Furthermore, while forτ = 25~/J andN = 24 the local excess energy is ratheruniformly distributed and close to zero, theN = 48 result ex-hibits strong spatial fluctuations withql large and negative atthe edges and large and positive at the center of the cloud. Infact, the local excess energy pattern resulting from the quenchis highly non-trivial even for the seemingly simplest situation

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site l



1 30 60











site l

1 30 60







−0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

(a) (b)




FIG. 6. Time-evolution of the different contributions to the energycurrent:(a) Eq. (14a),(b) Eq. (14b),(c) Eq. (14c) and(d) Eq. (14d).Time evolution of the full energy current(e). The evolution parame-ters are the same as in Fig. 3.

whereN = 24, as illustrated in Fig. 5(b, c, d). At short ramptimes (sudden quench limit), particles and energy currentsarenegligible so that the term (19b) does not contribute, all thefinal excess energy being a balance between the ground stateenergy difference (19a) and the density fluctuations average(19c). The latter is always positive and distributed ratheruni-formly in a Gaussian-like function whose maximum decreaseswith τ (see Fig. 5(c)). Hence, for short ramp times, the bulkretains most of the local excess energy while the edges havenegativeql due to the term (19a). For longer ramp times, en-ergy currents set in with the effect of redistributing energyfrom the bulk to the edges (see Fig. 5(b)). Thus, these cur-rents tend to strongly reduce both the spatial fluctuations andthe total excess energy (heat) produced by the quench. Forintermediate times, either negative or positiveql at the edgesand in the bulk (see for instance the opposite distribution forτ = 10~/J andτ = 15~/J for N = 24) can be found. Thiseffect arises as, for these parameters, the density profilesover-shoot their final ground state configurations. ForN = 48, the“Mott barriers effect” tends to freeze the excess local energypattern to the sudden quench typical distribution with negativeql at the edges and positive in the bulk. Let us note that thefreezing of the local excess energy pattern is strongly relatedto the frozen density pattern.

Looking at the contributions to the evolution of the energycurrent in Fig. 6, we can identify the leading contribution driv-ing the energy redistribution. Comparing Fig. 4(f) and 6(e),we see that the overall evolution of the particle and energy




1/τ [J/h_]






N=24, Ui=4J,U


N=24, Ui=6J,U


N=48, Ui=4J,U


N=48, Ui=6J,U


FIG. 7. (color online). Total heatQ(τ ) vs. inverse ramp timeτ forboth directions of the quenches forN = 24 andN = 48.

current is very similar: both currents set in at about the sametime, and are suppressed in regions where Mott barriers form.We also observe that the main contribution, determining thesign, to the energy current is from the density-assisted parti-cle current (see Fig. 6(d)). However, this flow of energy to-wards the system edges is partially counterbalanced by twoterms (Fig. 6(b) and (c)) where the energy transport occurs inthe opposite direction to the particle current.

Finally, one may wonder how the total heat producedQ as afunction of1/τ differs from the homogeneous situation stud-ied in Ref. 17. We show how the heat behaves as a functionof the ramp time in Fig. 7 forN = 24 and48 for both thequench fromUi = 4J to Uf = 6J and its reverse. We firstnotice that these curves are more complex than the one pre-sented in Ref. 17 for a homogeneous system. We also observethat the heat per atom produced in the caseN = 24 is alwaysmuch lower than the one forN = 48. Our understanding ofthis phenomenon is that for lower filling the populated excitedstates are less energetic as they are less likely to have doublyoccupied sites. We finally observe that, for fast ramps, the heatproduced in the protocol withUi = 4J andUf = 6J is largerthan for the reverse protocol (while the opposite happens forslower ramps). We relate this to the fact that in theUi/J = 4initial state a lot of particle fluctuations are present leading toa large interaction energy in the final state. However, in or-der to fully understand the crossover to the inverse behaviorat slow ramp times, the number of excitations that are createdand their final energies would need to be identified, a task thatwe leave to future studies.

5. Comparison with mean-field Gutzwiller method

Our aim here is to understand to what extent the mean-fieldGutzwiller method can describe the time-evolution of a Bosegas loaded into a one-dimensional optical lattice and confinedto a parabolic trap. With this objective in mind, we studyhere a system made of54 atoms confined to a parabolic trapwith V0 = 0.006J and loaded in an optical lattice of84 sites,

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τ = 16h/J

site l




1 20 40 60 800





site l




1 20 40 60 800





site l

1 20 40 60 80

site l

1 20 40 60 80

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

−0.2 0 0.20.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

0.1 0.2 0.3κl



τ = 60h/J

site l




1 20 40 60 800




site l




1 20 40 60 800




site l

1 20 40 60 80

site l

1 20 40 60 80

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 −0.2 −0.1 0 0.1jl,l+1〈nl〉


FIG. 8. Time-evolution, within the Gutzwiller method, of a trappedone-dimensional Bose gas loaded into an optical lattice during aquench fromUi = 6J to Uf = 15J for two different ramp times.Plotted quantities are the local density〈nl〉, the local compressibil-ity κl, the currentjl,l+1 and the superfluid order parameter〈bl〉.N = 54, L = 84, Vt = 0.006J . Upper panels:τ = 16~/J .Lower panels:τ = 60~/J .

and consider slow quenches fromUi = 6J to Uf = 15Jfor two different ramp times:τ = 60~/J andτ = 16~/J .These quenches begin on the superfluid side and the inter-action strength is linearly increased up to a value above then = 1 homogeneous superfluid-Mott-insulating transition,occurring atUc ≈ 11.7J (using the Gutzwiller method). Atmean-field level, the ground state atU = 6J is a superfluidwith a central density above one while the ground state atU = 15J presents a broad Mott plateau.

Considering Fig. 8, we first notice that the Gutzwillermethod captures well the presence of two dynamical regimes.For both ramps, we see that the evolution of the local com-pressibility and superfluid order parameter begins att = 0whereas the local density and the particle current remain fixedto their initial values for a few~/J . For a sufficiently fastquench, as shown in the upper panels of Fig. 8, we see that thesuperfluid order parameter, the compressibility and the cur-rent are strongly suppressed in a narrow region around fillingone. The local suppression of these three quantities aroundt = 6~/J signals the formation of Mott barriers hindering theflow of atoms. Forτ = 16J/~, these barriers are unstable andwe notice the presence of oscillations reminiscent of the onesarising when a strongly interacting phase is abruptly quenchedto strong interactions [73].

By comparison, for sufficiently slow ramps, a stable Mott-insulating plateau forms at long times. On this plateau, thecondensate order parameter and the compressibility drop tozero. This total suppression of the density fluctuations is an ar-tifact of the mean-field method and also results in the absenceof particle current on the plateau as, within the Gutzwillerpic-ture, the current factorizes intojl−1,l = 2J ℑ(〈bl−1〉∗〈bl〉).Finally, we also observe in the lower panels of Fig. 8 thatthe quench triggers collective breathing modes signaled bydensity oscillations (along the time axis) in boundary re-gions [74].

From this discussion of slow superfluid-Mott-insulatingquenches within the Gutzwiller method, we conclude that thisapproach captures some of the important out-of-equilibriumphysical phenomena uncovered by t-DMRG, however as ex-pected it cannot provide an accurate quantitative picture.

B. Evolution of non-local quantities

1. Real-space correlations

Local and non-local correlations can propagate very dif-ferently during a quench. To understand how correlationsevolve during the slow quench of a global parameter, we in-vestigate here the evolution of single particle correlations.Past studies on other systems have found that, after a slowparameter change, long-range correlations take a long timeto adjust [5, 25]. For example, for spin systems describedby locally acting Hamiltonians, the propagation of correla-tions during the slow change of a global parameter was foundto be bound by a “light-cone”. Outside of this light-cone,the so-called Lieb-Robinson bound, only exponentially smallchanges to the correlations can be detected [75, 76].

We show in Fig. 9 the value of the correlatorgL/2+1,L/2+1+d at t = τ for different ramp times and twofillings. The first striking result emerging from our study isthat the evolution of this correlator is not monotonic with theramp time. We also find that in all cases the short distancecorrelator responds quickly to the increase of the interactionstrength, and that even for the fastest quenches the final cor-relation function differs considerably from the initial groundstate correlator. Focusing on the left panel of Fig. 9, we see

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0 5 10 15 20 25distance d











ion g



τ = 0.1h_ /J

τ = 1h_ /J

τ = 5h_ /J

τ = 15h_ /J

τ = 20h_ /J

τ = ∞

N = 24

0 5 10 15 20 25distance d








N = 48

FIG. 9. (color online). Value of the correlatorgl,l+d with l = L/2+1after a slow quench fromUi = 4J to Uf = 6J in a trap for variousramp timesτ and the final ground state (τ = ∞). Left panel:N =24. Right panel:N = 48.

that at low filling (N = 24) the short distance correlationsreach their final ground state values for almost all consideredramp times. In contrast, the longer range correlations takemuch longer to reach their corresponding ground state values.For example, forτ = 5~/J , the long distance correlationshave clearly not yet relaxed to their final ground state values.

In the situation where regions with filling above one arepresent (right panel of Fig. 9), the evolution is even moreinvolved. In this case, the correlator att = τ varies non-monotonically with distance and takes negative values for in-termediate ramp velocities. Even for the slowest ramps con-sidered, the correlator deviates considerably from its finalground state value at all distances. Finally, let us note thatthe final ground state correlations present a dip at a distancecorresponding to the location of regions of filling one.

2. Interference pattern for experiments

Part of the complex dynamical behavior presented abovecan be observed experimentally in the time-of-flight interfer-ence patternN(k) defined in (2). As shown on the left panelof Fig. 10, at low filling, the interference pattern present apeak atk = 0 which changes in amplitude non-monotonicallywith the ramp time. This behavior reflects the non-monotonicvariation of long range correlations discussed in the previoussection. The final interference pattern is very different inthepresence of regions close to filling one. In this case, a peak atk 6= 0 develops at intermediate ramp times (see the right panelof Fig. 10). This peak signals the strong out-of-equilibriumcharacter of the state formed during the slow quench. How-ever, the absence of such a peak cannot be used to concludethat the system evolves adiabatically. Unfortunately, theinter-ference pattern is not as sensitive to out-of-equilibrium fea-tures as correlation functions are:N(k) can be dominatedby large “in-equilibrium” contributions coming from the short

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

k [1/a]









m d



ion N


τ =0.1h_ /J

τ = 1h_ /J

τ = 5h_ /J

τ =15h_ /J

τ =20h_ /J

τ = ∞

N = 24

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

k [1/a]







1200N = 48

FIG. 10. (color online). Final value of the interference patternN(k)after a slow quench fromUi = 4J toUf = 6J in a trap for differentramp timesτ and for the final ground state (τ = ∞). Left panel:N = 24. Right panel:N = 48.

range correlators.


In this section, we consider a linear quench fromUi = 6Jto Uf = 4J . At Ui, the system presents a sizable Mott-insulating “shell” and a superfluid center, whileUf is close tothe homogeneous superfluid-Mott-insulating transition point.The ground state density and compressibility profiles atUf

show none of the features associated with the presence of Mottregions. Here again we focus on the different aspects of thedynamics: time-scales, particle transport, energy production,and experimental signatures.

A. Existence of two dynamical regimes

When the interaction strength is lowered, the dynamicsat play are also characterized by “two dynamical regimes”.However, as seen on Fig. 11, in this case, the atoms are mov-ing towards the center of the system not towards the edges.

B. Density, compressibility and energy profiles

Considering the density and compressibility profiles for dif-ferent ramp times shown in Fig. 12, we notice that for ramptimes of the order of5~/J the Mott-insulating regions are al-most fully melted and that the system is more compressible.For example, local dips, initially present, have completely dis-appeared and only plateaus remain. For even longer ramptimes, the final density and compressibility profiles resembleclosely theUf ground state. Density redistribution occurs ata much faster pace when Mott-insulating regions are meltedaway than when they are formed since in the former case Mott

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0.1 1 10τ [h

_ /J]







at site l = 17

0.1 1 10τ [h

_ /J]











N = 48at site l = 32


FIG. 11. (color online). Slow quench fromUi = 6J to Uf = 4J ,N = 48. Evolution of local observables in the presence of a trap asa function of the ramp timeτ , and compared with that of a homo-geneous system (open symbols) having the same initial localdensity.Observables are the densitynl, compressibilityκl, occupancy proba-bilitiesP0 andP1, neighboring correlationgl,l+1 and particle currentjl,l+1 = 〈jl,l+1〉.

barriers are no longer effective. To conclude this comparisonbetween the two protocols, it is interesting to note that, whenthe interaction strength is lowered, energy is transferredfromthe edges to the center of the system as atoms pile up in thecentral region. The opposite occurs when the interaction isincreased.

C. Real space correlations and interference patterns

Even though for long ramp times the density and compress-ibility profiles seem to evolve almost adiabatically, the singleparticle correlatorgL/2+1,L/2+1+d indicates that the systemis still far from equilibrium. As we can see on Fig. 13(a), thiscorrelator is negative at large distances and remains far fromits ground stateUf value even at long ramp times, except forshort distances. Therefore, to judge if the system has reachedequilibrium by solely considering the density and compress-ibility profiles is inadequate. Our results show unequivocallythat the system is far from having fully relaxed even at longramp times. The non-equilibrium nature of the final state canbe partially probed by measuring experimentally the interfer-ence pattern (see (2)). On Fig. 13 (right), we see that for in-termediate ramp times, the peak atk = 0 is shifted to highermomentum signaling the non-equilibrium nature of the finalstate. However, as the interference pattern is a sum over all-distance correlators and is dominated by short-distance val-ues, it is difficult to distinguish the shifted peak at long ramptimes.


In this article we investigated the dynamics of the Mott-insulating regions of a bosonic gas trapped and loaded intoan optical lattice as the interaction strength is changed lin-early with time. We considered two situations: we first stud-







l com



lity κ










l exc




q l local gsenergydifference




l ene

rgy h

l8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64

site l









ent t










l den


n l

τ=0.1h_ /J

τ= 1h_ /J

τ= 5h_ /J

τ=10h_ /J

τ=15h_ /J

τ=20h_ /J

τ= ∞

8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64

site l








ce te


N = 48

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

FIG. 12. (color online). Final profiles for the local density(a), localcompressibility(b), local energy(c) and local excess energy(d) aftera slow quench fromUi = 6J to Uf = 4J for different ramp times,τ , and for the ground state (τ = ∞) atU = 4J for a trapped system.(e) is the contribution toql due to the external operator (see (19c))while (f) is the contribution from the energy currents (see (19b)).The dashed line in(d) corresponds to〈hl〉0,i − 〈hl〉0,f .

ied how Mott domains are formed by ramping up the interac-tion strength fromUi = 4J to Uf = 6J and, in a separateset of simulations, investigated how the domains melt whenU is ramped down. We conducted this study by examininghow the atomic density and compressibility profiles evolve,how particles and energy flow through the system, how heatis produced and how single particle correlations propagateas a function of the ramp time. For both situations we con-firmed the existence of two dynamical regimes: an intrinsicregime occurring at short times before particle transport setsin, and a long time behavior connected to the system inho-mogeneities and controlled by the strength of the underlyingtrapping potential. We were able to establish the existenceof these regimes on firmer grounds using various argumentsbased on time-dependent perturbation theory. In a system withregions above unity filling, we found that a linear increase ofthe interaction strength is accompanied by the formation ofMott insulating barriers which hinder the flow of atoms fromthe center towards the edges. The emergence of these barriersis evidenced by dips in the local compressibility and by thesuppression of the particle current in regions where the localdensity nears unity. We also established that, in these regions,the change in sign of the particle current time-derivative is dueto density assisted hopping, a mechanism which only exists

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0 5 10 15 20 25distance d










ion g



τ = 0.1 h_ /J

τ = 1 h_ /J

τ = 5 h_ /J

τ = 15 h_ /J

τ = 25 h_ /J

τ = ∞

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8k [1/a]









m d



ion N


N = 48

(a) (b)

FIG. 13. (color online). Ramp fromUi = 6J to Uf = 4J , N =48. Left panel: final value for correlatorgl,l+d with l = L/2 + 1for different ramp times,τ , and the final ground state (τ = ∞).Right panel: final value for the interference patternN(k) (see (2))for different ramp times and the final ground state (τ = ∞).

whenU is finite. The presence of theses barriers has mul-tiple consequences, among others, the system “freezes” intoa highly excited configuration and long range single particlecorrelations deviate strongly from their final ground stateval-ues, even for the slowest ramp considered. This last feature

could possibly be detected experimentally from the gas inter-ference pattern. By comparison, when the interaction strengthis ramped down the evolution is much less involved. For suf-ficiently long ramps, the density, compressibility and localenergy profiles approach the correspondingUf ground stateconfiguration. However, even for the slowest ramp consid-ered, the final system is still far from being equilibrated astheassociated one-body correlator departs strongly from its finalground state value for all distances. To conclude, we believethat this thorough investigation of the dynamics of a stronglyinteracting bosonic gas will help experimentalists devisepro-tocols to prepare complex quantum phases and provides a newperspective to the understanding of the coherent evolutionofquantum systems in the presence of inhomogeneities.


We are grateful to R. Citro, S. Natu, E. Orignac andA. Rosch for fruitful discussions. We acknowledge financialsupport from the Triangle de la Physique, the Agence Na-tionale de la Recherche (under contract FAMOUS), the SNSF(under division II), the DARPA-OLE program, and the Cana-dian Institute for Advanced Research. Financial support forthe computer cluster on which some of the calculations wereperformed has been provided by the Fondation Ernst et LucieSchmidheiny.

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Appendix A: Useful commutators

We list below some helpful commutators which gener-ate the terms appearing in the various current operators ofSec. II C:

[bl, nl] = bl

[b†k bl, nl] = b†kbl

[b†k bl, n2l ] = (1 + 2nl)b

†k bl

[b†l bk, b†mbl] = −b†mbk (m 6= k)

[b†l bk, b†k bl] = nl − nk

Permutations betweenl andk are obtained by taking the her-mitian conjugate.

Appendix B: Equation of evolution for the occupancyprobability

A single-sitel of the Bose-Hubbard model is fully char-acterized by the occupancy probabilitiesPnl

of having nl

bosons onsite. The reduced density-matrix of the site is diago-nal because of the conservation of the total number of bosonsand reads

ρl(t) =



Pnl(t)|nl〉〈nl| . (B1)

The mean-value and standard deviation of thePnl(t) distri-

bution are simply〈nl〉(t) and√

〈κl〉(t). In order to get thecontinuity equation forPnl

(t), we introduce the characteristicfunction

f(θ; t) = 〈eiθnl〉(t) =+∞∑




l 〉(t) =∑




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such that〈npl 〉(t) = (−i)p dpf


θ=0. Using (B2), the proba-

bilities are recovered using

Pnl(t) =


∫ 2π


dθ e−iθnlf(θ; t). (B3)

Using the relationsbleznl = ez(nl+1)bl and b†l eznl =

ez(nl−1)b†l , we get

~∂t〈eiθnl〉 = iJ(eiθ − 1){

〈b†l bl−1eiθnl〉 − 〈eiθnl b†l−1bl〉 − [〈eiθnl b†l+1bl〉 − 〈b†l bl+1e



= iJ{

(eiθ − 1)[〈b†l bl−1eiθnl〉+ 〈b†l bl+1e

iθnl〉]− (1 − e−iθ)[〈b†l−1bleiθnl〉+ 〈b†l+1ble



By taking thepth derivatives of this equation with respect toθ, we get the time-evolution of〈np

l 〉. In particular, we recoverthe time-evolution of the local density with the first derivative.We also see that this equation yields correlated currents oftheform 〈b†l bl+1n

p−1l 〉 for the evolution of〈np

l 〉. If we want thetime-evolution of the probabilitiesPnl

(t), we have to integrate(B5) overθ. Formally, we have:



∫ 2π


dθ e−iθnl∂t〈eiθnl〉 . (B6)

While these formulas are of little help for the numerics, theyhighlight the connection between the evolution of thePnl

dis-tribution and the correlated currents.

Furthermore, knowing the evolution equation ofPnl(t) al-

lows one to obtain the evolution equation for the associated

onsite entropy of particle fluctuations

sl(t) = −kB∑


Pnl(t) lnPnl

(t) (B7)

This entropy is rigorously defined also in the non-equilibriumregime. Indeed, in a superfluid regime, or even for free bosonswherePnl

is Poissonian, manyn have significant weightsleading to largesl, while then = 1 Mott regime is such thatthere is a strong peak atn = 1 with shoulders atn = 0, 2,associated with a much smaller entropy. Thus,sl is sensitiveto the nature of the local phase/domain. Formally, we imme-diately get the equation of evolution from

∂tsl = −kB∑


(∂tPnl) lnPnl

. (B8)