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The An chor

Thank You J ,· c

The Lokker-Rutgers Co., wish to t ank

the Students i_f Hope for their liberal patron­

age during the past year, and hope to receive

a continuance of the samA in the coming

S'Chool year. Again thanking you, we remain as ever,

tEl tEl .. t

Student's Headquarters · For CLOTHING and SHOES

39-41 E. Eighth St. Holland, Mieb .

. .

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\ 2 Th e Anchor r





T H E S C H 0 0 L 0 F l\1 U S I C


COURSES <- Classical Classical Piano

-- - ?"

Scientific Scientific

English-Modern Language Latin









The Western Theological Seminary 4

of the Refonned Church of America is located in HollanJ ad-

joining the College Campus. Corps of Experienced Instructors



On the Pere Marquette Railway, 160 miles lrom Chicago, 26 mi~s from Grand

Rapids. ·EXPENSES MODERATE. For further infonnation or year book apply to ~




e . • ..


-- •

Th e Anchor •

G . J . OJBKEMA. Prcaid~:ot G . W . MOKMA. Cuhier

FIRST STATE BANK With Savings Department

CAPITAL. $50,000.00

Corner Eighth Street and Central Ave. IIOLLANO, MICHJGAN

lVleet all the Fellovvs In th e fall, an d ta lk ov r til l! goou olu tim es , .s nd pr o:;pects fo r

:. a b~g yt:a r a t the


I>hone 1041 HOLLAND, ~11 'H.


CENTRAL MARKET Molenaar & De Coed, Props.


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Before you have, that st4tak roast down the river, drop in and see our

juicy cuts

Excellent Cuisine • First-Class Ser vice

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Rates $2.25 to $2.SO per day Wm- Wentworth, Prop.

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• . The An c hor



Students of Hope

fJI ~'There's no place Jike home," and

there's no place like P. S. Soter &

Co., to buy your suits, overcoats,

hats and shoes.

fJI Our fall line of Collegian or So­

<:_iety suits and overcoats will be more

complete than ever. A call when

you return will convint:e you.


~- S. BOTER. & CO. Lea din@ Clothiers and F umishers


··&prru in Dro ·· ..

--~--- - --- -. NUMB~A 8 VOLUM~ X XIII . .JU L Y, 1910

-: The Campus in Vacation

As stands a, lordly house fin·lorn, wlwn. all its life

has passed to o11wt· places, L ies old 1/e~pe 's campus, lonesome. d1·cnr!}, now.

Where skipped the chatt'ring 'o-ed hop the

chatt'1~ng blackJ>irds, Wh ere .sl rofled the bluck-rJoWncd Scnior:1 stHlk~

the College Cow.

Beneath the cla ·sic elms, where co-eds strcw<'d

upon the graiis their ycwd!J pillute~, Is strewn the joui tor's first crc>JJ of ha!J.

BcllcClth the 'hapel eeti'('S, ~t•h ·re !W•elled the sucn•cl ftntltum;.

Profanely quf.L1T'Iing SJJCU'I'mcs f!O:ssi}J ctll the day.

But in the ~itcnt ccpting, wlwu the stwwu•r dusk i~ Jitfliu!l •

The ln·eezc siyhs fundy tllru the octk cuul 1Jin '.

And to the coiees oj the woo<l-clot'c's calling ~ly heart go('S out to tlti~ clear place no longer mine .

• ..


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6 The Anchor


\VISli to draw a k~~'1 11 from r~ne <tf the ''lnyths of Plato. [n hi~ "l'haedrus" he pictures a pr cessi,)Jt of tire g-nds and uf

the sotils o f men 0 11 their '' ay t1..l a ban­quet. The guds in their charit~ts rise eas ily upo n the vault f lJca\'CII. art: hurul' along in it s re,·nltttintt , and pass in rc,·icw

before the ~cenes o f ahsnlute Truth and 1'-nc \\·kdg-e. Of tltis panorama no poet has C\'er w n·thily sung. JH>Il the com-. plctio n o f-t-he rc\' u the s teeds arc fed upon the ambrusia and nectar of the immo rtal s. Sudt is the life uf the gt•ds. The souls of men fare otherwise. Their chariots arc drawn by steeds, the one good and the o ther bad, nd they arc constant!y drawn dow n to ward earth. lienee the sou l is exposed to the extremity o f t lil nnd effort. It ne\'cr nttains a full visio n of the truth , and upo n it return must fct:d upun the food of fancy. I3ut it endures the incessant paiu because hy careful guidance of the steed it i able to t·cach the region o f the True. There will it feed upo n the mcadn w. ln thi ~ las t tho ug ht lies my theme. The sou l o f n1an runs iutu the realm o f the Truth and feed s upon its verdant plain ~.

The myth is only a beautiful s to ry. l'ut ,,~ e flin g a\\'ay the imag-ery, and retain its messag-e. The fi g-ure is of va lue to us only in that it uggest · a thoug ht anti aids u~ in \\'rest­ling with a fact. The soul lives in the truth and by gro \\'th seeks to attain it grandeur.

In this search for the truth man first learns the inicriority of knowledge ·to love and feeling. By the method o f sc ience and reason he studies the facts o f world realities. Hut man never really knows; at bes t he can only trust and believe. In

' the laboratory of the scientist men accept the hypo thesis that God, or, as they say, an energizing principle. exist ~ . to give validity to the things which they handle. Next, ohsctTa­tion and classification are employed. But facts and bit. o f :-.

The Anchor

evi dence re\·eal a purpose. They speak of a destiny. But we cannol unders tand tho c under-currents of divine wisdo tn. \V c ha\·e not seen the truth except in glimpses. This partial knowledg-e f pcrce]')tion ''brings sorrow."

\\'hen lh.c world o f realities docs not satis fy. we love to run in tcJ l he \\'nrld of i cl<.'a Is. ancl there spend wi l h o ur imag­ination. a~ it were. a ,·acation holiday. The star in the Ea~t a nd the l ' nkntH\'ll Pl:lnet draw us away into imaginatio n's Paradi~c. l\Tan dnes "nt gn ,·c); 11 <) mere <.1-itic nf the creature and the created is f1c. lle aspires to the stars; he Ji\·es in the realm of mind a nd beco mes a creator. Though we find it imJHlssihlc tn understand t: ~ e old. we haYc no difficulty in crea ting- the new. T!tere in imaginati0n's realm \Ve live o ur her-;t moment~. There mnn·~ intellect clitnhs hig hest. There we· build ou r r-;ta tcly cath'edra J ~ in the Jines o f an architecture that is rH t of materi;i 1 thing-~. There eYery man is a poet. There every man copes succe~sfully with the world's artists. There c,·cry man found!' a king-do m. and feels that he iudi­Yidttally is httmnnity 's best. nut Can alJ truth he fottnd throug-h i magi nat inn? There is a ha rricr between man and CcHI where nttr feet may· not cro~ s. 1\1an reasc ns nf thing~ heynncl th · ,·ci l. I Jc ... Jooks upon the curtain .and sees only the lt aclll\\'S nr the ;ealitic~ beyond . \ Vhat he has seen IS

' . 1 n I y a t .Y p c n f t h e t r u t h .

· nut what the unaided imag-ination cannot penetrate bc­rnmcr-; an open book to the soul thro ug-h re,·elatio n. The in­-; pirecl ~nu l knnws no hounda1·ies. It leaps the confines < f the ima~inatinn. forgets the curtained r-;hado\L, disown the type. and !'CCS t h , truth . A man after all is m easu red by hi s snu't. Per~ onality i ~~ the truest of realities. The oul and it es tabli s h an identity. The soul is the orig inal without copy. whnse master-desig ner is \'cry God. To it alone i the truth rcvcalccl. Guided by a nati\'C prillciplc. it tend ~ t o ttnder­~tn nd the mysteries among whirh it wa~ horn. Tn <lo so is

''' seck and attain the truth .

Thi-; is nH·n.·ly a rh torica l s ta1 ement of t he ~()u l's <level -


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8 The Anchor

••pnH: nt hy mean~ o f perfectio n, imaginatio n, and rcYclation.

The pro cess seem~ simple. But th.c c o nstant discipline o f the

~o u1 makes it complex. The learning o f love. the acquaint­

ance < f the p o wer of s lf-s acriftcc. in Yo h ·c a lo n g- a!ld paiu­

f ul disci pi inc.

The f:lct nf di~l·ipline i ~ t ht• fact o f soul -gTt)Wf h . Cut

~: r •·:. th tll't'l'S"aril.' · in ,. ,)\·, . .- .- t qtg ~ le rind dis :tppttininH: nt. Dy· ·. ' rtlH ' "f an illh··l '' '" di ..... l·••ntcnt \\e arc llt ll s atisliecl \\'ith

J..nnwi n ;: tht · i.t\· : ·, ••i tl1<· pre l' lll . hnt try tn uncle r~tand tht•

l"'" ll;d,ilit y "i the l11tttll'. Hn t thl' secret " f tnmnrro\\' requires

1 I H • r en: 1 a l i ll ll (I f a n :1 d d i ri' 111 rt I . day. For h um a n m i n d to

ht" " . th e 111)' !-- t<·ry 11f <:i tlt cr past n r fntllte \\'<Htld he the fact

, ,f (; , ,cJ g i,· in g :t'.\ :t~ hi s Sl't'r<:l 11f lift-. i\Jan wnultl he the

i. tltl t it'r t t l k.n"''' < ;11d· .._ sec ret. '' hilc he holds the thread oi liil·. fn r he \\'n1dd h • a l):t ti t:nt ''it ness c)f th e n\·crwhclmin <" :-.

r'-rtlity n f the di Yi n ' . stand in g- transfigun~d in rapture. ahsu -

lll t c ly lu~ing the ,,i)l tn :'\\'ay his fello ws. \\'hy is there

a l'll irt ion? \\'hy is there ·n o surcease fro m ,orro w? This is

the :tn~n· er: " \\ ' hen p:tin c..' tid:', g ain cncls, too."

l~t!l the fa c t of disappnintmcPt a lone w o uld mean stag-na­

ti"n and dc:rth; "l1il · tltc \'(.'ry e:':o;cnce of the ~oul i:-; life.

\Tan ha:-; :t l ~o h ' t n gi \' l' n a l'rt.'rtti,·e p o wer tllrt )llg·h \\'hich the

thing~ t h at :tr ' nnt lc rtp intn h ·i ng-. The e:-;~en tial charac­

ll'ri s til' ,,f man is tit~ IH I\\'C r nf Jlll>ral dc,cfo pmcnt.

"1\fan kncl\\:; partly hnt t'()ncci,·c:-; bes ide.

Creeps e\·t•r o n ·fro m fancies tn the fact.

/\nd in this st ri,· in t!", lhis con\·crtinn air .~ h

lnt a solid he may g-rasp and u sc.

Finds prog-n.·ss. man's <.li s t incti ve mark alo ne,

!\' o t G od's, and not the hc:asts' : God is, t h y arc, partly i ~ and who lly hopes t o be."

Hut " ·hy is so ttl -g-r<~ \\'lh s u c h an ince:;sant conflict? Doc"

man re1nain in the hnttlc fo rc \·c r for mere lo ve of the strife?

I hclicvc not. I l c \\'Ould rather hear the din · o f the conflict

frnm th e di ~ tali <'C. \V fi g ht hecau~e we mus t and becaus e

\\ <.' d o n o t kno w h n\\' to m:-tk c the m ost of the s itnati( n . \V e



e -..



The Anchor

try to draw· an analos-y from w o rld battles and political revo­

lutio n s . whi le thct·c i little in comn1011 between them and

snul co nfli ct. The J>attle of war is the battle of united action. . , T'hc hattie of the soul is the battle of the individual. But

th ~ pccnliarity of nur nat11rcs is that we nC\'er remain upon

t h<.' 111 m e g-rn uncl w h e re we oug-ht to he. \ Ve know m o re

· tll('ltl the .;trtrs tha n we cln aho11t n ur nature~. \\'e pro be

i11t" the chara{·tcr (If the cli,· inc and fo rget the int r~esting

Ill ••l,lcm nf the <'s~ence nf nr own hcin~. The five sen PS

are the windn w s thrn11g-l_t which we Jonk beyo nd·e~

int n th e \\'nrld ah Hit llS. Prospection is m ore fa~ cinating­

than intrn.;pc<!'tion. Apparently n ur ~nub arc de~crt and

we pic k Ollr n n wcrs c l ~cwherc.

~nul-g-rowth \\ Ottld h e a m o re rapid process if man woul~

o nly light n 11t hi~ battles with himself and his soul alone.

The m o m ~t , in which a sou l i · alone with itself arc rare.

hut c \·en when they do come the -e m o ments are avo ided.

Thi ~ i why the C<~!lfli ct o f the SC1ttl kno w s n o end. \\ e dare ., no t cxpo~c the a 'ction n f a s ing-le m o ment to the piercing

scrutiny that mccls in tl.1at inner . anctuary qf o urs elves

wh se thres h o ld ll t lt <.•,·en n friend can crns:'. \\' c can easi ly

ti nd a v11lga r a nafogy in cnm mnn experience. r..icn beh Jd t hcms:_l vcs in a g-la ss. h11t rarely catch 1hcmsel ves tooking

i nt n their P wn eye. Tf th ey d o . there is som e thing peculiar

a nd ltncnmf<., rtahl ~ abou t th e e:xpcncncc. \\ c cannot endure

to stand in the pre. cncc o f ursel\' es. l\fan d oc. n o t dare

t o l•e a l nc.

Being- fearful in ~olitnde. n o thing remain s fo r the soul but

the eternal cnnlli ' l. 'P.hcrcfo rc. because o f the nature of the

c;p;e. le t to il and .strife he he b usiness o f C\'Cry soul. ays


"The s tn I irnpute to each fru s trate g host.

T ~ the unlit lamp attd the ung irt lo in."

The S<ll ll t-hat is hraYe fee ls a power riding at its s ide

int'' tlH' hattie- .' Cnn s c iotts o f a p n tcncy. of a pro mise unful­

li ll ecl. it ~rnw:' 11pnn it ' pa. t self. alway. finding new world .

Page 7: 07-01-1910

lc> ct•nquer. T l l'e ::-ou l f1nd " 111 ~ucccs!" Jl l)l res t.

pni.ut. a nd refuses tn st·~ in the fhs l fruits t fa

the fn l.ness o f it s. rig-Itt fttl , ·i:-. in n . Th e; \·ic t n ry

The Anchor

hut a s tarting­

pa rt ial victo ry

o f today f.,rives e njoym ent. The n cnunl e r t) f to m n rrow

II th;tl feeds tt p1m knnwlcd~c s t:ltT('S. . . engend er~ s treng th.

That w hi c h · beget .; lif(' i" '"admiratinn . http t'. a nd ].,,·c ...

-;- . j( J I I ~ \ \ . \ \ It . I I I ·: I\ ~. \ . :t k d i c t uri a n {I f ( ·1 :t ~" n f · 1 0 .


~· ·~ S .\ Y, I 'l'l e. \\"ltll ld )"Ci ll nvi n d turning- 111

m St l lll l' time l tl ll ig- ltt ?"

" \\ "l'll. 11 ' l. l'h i I. n u t ~" It e n I 'm ready .

m ~. .rt# .

l~u t J' n· gut t,, se ttl e thi s hu sin~"~ l() nig ht.

Can 't :tfft~td ltl \\tirry ahr>lll it an)· ltntgcr."

··uh. marry her a n <.J let m e g~·t snm c

s leep; mi~ht Cl!' well d o :1. g"t ii HI juh uf it

wltill: yuu rc m aking a ionl llf )'(•llrs J·f.''

'"Jt is n't thai lh;tt's hnthering me. l ' ,·e g-ut to g-el o ut of

it. :1nd d n it qniek . l~t ='' i" rn111ing htllllC nex t \\' l'ek and th n 1"11 - anyway. I' m g-et t i11~ int1 ! t hi~ t hing tnn cleep. ancl it':-. time to quit. "

··~ern~~ )"11\1 ri~h t. Dnn ' t come arnu nd m e fnr sy mpathy

n nw. Ynu ,,·ut Jl ,ln" t takl my ad' ice l\\'( l ,,. ·ck:-; a .~·n . a nd yott

\ "lltt 't ~c t .it tlll\\. :\ fdl t\\" w ith the ·· ~ ta nd in" vou\·<.! c-rn t "", .. M

with s u 'Ujl· a g ir l as l~ es:. t hat can ' t rc~train his kinderg arten

impul se~ :t ny hett~r t han you . doc:-;u't de~en·e th e ~ympathy

n f a snhcr-m i nd ed . s d f - r es pee t i ng i nd i , ·id ua 1 I i k m ysl'l f. l( I

d id m y duty . I n u g-ht to th ra:-m- y n tt . .\nyway. yo u aren't

'' t>rth the :-:;1'-"'ep you're m ak ing- m e los . and T wi ..; h you·u g-e t to bed.''

" \\'ell , really . n o w. yo u ' re a c redit tn m e. didn ' t think

you capable o f ~nch ,· irtun tt !' ~cn timent s. nut, the w o rs t

nf it is, PhiL th at Seninr-J n n ior afiair is on ly three \\•e e k !' fT " c> . tnn. •

.. O h . do n t \\'n rry a lwtt t that. I ' ll h e g la·d to gn there I ' ll -.. hnw her :-:.nnH' <H te witt) ~.·:ut apprl·cia tc :L


. . _. •·

~ - .

. ..

' The Anchor I I .. ____________________ _..:,_ -- - -

good thing- when h :o-;L·cs it."

··say. now. J 'hil !' '- and the ~.·hair ~.·a,n~.· d11 '. tt 1111 it :' i11111

leg-s \\ith a thump, and the :-; h:c t·Y l'lt i l f••lltHI him dl \i:-~'' r

ously torn frum t1te downy cum ft•r l ,,j his pill''" "-· ·~a.'. ~ dd man. mn,· y o u're talking-. L uuk ht: rL·. and ":tkc ~~~ i :· =• minute. Y o u can have my g irl. and take ltcr ll• til~ .'l'ni.,r-, Junio r pa rty . hut n n l th e n n e )'I.Ht m ean . J)p \tt\1 ~d tit • idea?''

··Say. k id . ha,· ynu h~en drinking? Jl,,,~., ,, q, ·."' . nig"htmarc. o r :tre y n u jn :-;t n a t urally cta /y? \\"ha t (: • , : •.

want m elt> do? (;,, artllltHI m a king :--cn·nll'C!I kit 11!· : .1 .t f· · •' 11f myself ru nn ing after Flnrcn t~e . \ppl~..·l>.\. t ltl.' .:1,. '" :.:1.1.

re!"pon :-; il>lt: f,,r ''ha t you think tunight."

":\ot resp,,n:-;il>le. h ey? \\"hy. mall. t it~ i1k.l j ..... t "" l t•d·l

11 f gcntu:-'. The o nly w a v I can g-1. . .' l 11t1l Pi Llti:-- q utd· "' t·

han.: :-.111\ll'llllC cut me out, a n d nw'r~ lltl· candida! ~..: f~ll t i n.·

j uh. Com~ t n . o ld man; you th.1u 't n eed l1 1 he a i t ai d ,.j

lIt c g i r 1." ..

1 ow. truth t n td1. Phil · .. tgn ,.e wa:-:. ju~t a l ittl ~..· hit i u

awe f the dark-eyed Flurcnl"~ . \ ppkl1~. and the a ..... t uh' 1\ iv

S wift. percei,·in g:. it. had pbycd "Jl'' n it tn g•'•Hl :uha11 tct~·"

Fur his companio n sat up with an angr~ j'-·rk . "F,•r lie;~, ell· ·

:'akL·. I' l c. sh u~ ~'1' a nd gn t• ; J,ctl. ~;u 1.1 11 , if \'llll.\' c tn.tdt..: ••P

\·u u r m i n d tha t I · Ill t., fa 11 i 11 h n.: '\ ll lt I· ! ' • r ~·t •~.. '- , 1 1 i • ·l. Y I s u p p n s c I 'II h a , L' t" d, , i l. i f I' 111 t ' • h. n · l · a 11 ~ l' '-'. 11.: ~..: • • f tilt : H l

'' 11 IJt.: tl. (;, , l•!l. -· ·· ,,, • • I H \11). \\""l\" :tttvthin •• t n ~~et , .,lll l t .. ( • ' ... l'""-1 ;..., -

matT\' i1c r. o r ~d,> a n,·t ltit : ;~·. if ,.1 1\ t'll .. . . I I l• t l , ._• • i ! : ... . ' . 1\

me s leep.' 1- 1 I I" tl I t "l •• 1 '.:. · I t.· • •• was tal."t u . a 111 1 J:-- -rtc .\ l " .. • • ·, • P e ter

fuu nd 1\[r. 'o l"t'o' c in a far tllJl l"l' amia t,k f r~un t..· , .!' lltilld . I :: ~

iact, thoug h hL .. " nu lthl 't . ha,·e adn t ill~ I it. :-. t arn I} ,. , .. '' t• •

him elf. it mu~L he ~aid h e \\·a:-; c \T n J,),,kin·-!· i• ll"'\a r.\ t,, th ,

co ming campaign with eagcrnc:-;~ ··xuw, th e n . Pt:l e.' ' ,,·a :· lti " !'tr:-. L n·m~u k. '" l t~• ·· \' a ..: ~,,·.·

n · ) illg t n work it [ \ ·e llC \ "Cl" fprm.\lf _\ llld th'- ~ ttl. ~ 11 '1 k tt" " ~tld · ,, c·,·c g-< t to managt.• tlt:d tptid, . t hi:-:. ver~ ·lay Jn'1

\ ...


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Tla l.· t\nchur

g (.: l that \\oJHh:rin l imagim.tti(ln 11f ,:,,ur~ at "''rk . Tlti .... 1:-­

'''ur affair. n• •L 111i JH.' : at le~hr-1 d,,n ' t ~'-'l' it \', :ty." .

It ''a , l'l.'t· :-<t l , . ,, , I ... .. ;It • 'i'L'r:tll••tt .... at tt llt'l. ':t1 11 ; Ill • li t tlt .Jt t an ltll lll -

tlul· ti,~n \ '.:t-... 1\."lj 1 l i1 l'd. \ill'l" ltt:a ll.:d <k ·Ji iJ L·I :tl ittJI. 1l \ \ .1 •

• II I . tl L •. ! l' d t It : II I J • h . I . i ,, I ll I d ~I< 'l' I llll p ;: 11 ~· :, I i . \ pI' k I I ·' ... t i lt

1 d a) tit a t 1 1 i g It 1. _I 1 ~-... t I,_, c k llll.'t' . t I. t' ' · '' 1 ll .I d 111 LT 1 ~ I r . ( ·' d

. · r, 1 \ L' 1 1 1 tit ~..· ' .... ~ t1 I 11 lit· ( >t c 11 t ! r ........ . LIJ <...' ' · w <~ 1 tl cl g l'l ~ t ' a t ....

tttgcthl'r. Tlh:ll tilL· l''' " nillg ~t n d-:~..·.· :rn u rgl'llt t·a ll it ,r \lr.

S\\'iit. \J r . ··dgTII\' L t11 tiH· rl':--t'ttL . " l ~ nlru:--l the fair ntaidt•Jt

tc1 lllL' , l'lc . . · ·- J"I'it t :--l' ap,, J I•g"il.'~-L·~it ~l r . S"iit. \\ltik- .\J r.

· ~ , J gru\ l' pru~...·eed:-- lt 1 makl' tht: llHl:-; t nf hi!" npp•>rlt tllitil'.., a11 d

cut~ 11t1l hi s fril'Jl<l an··•rding (11 tlTL' appn •,·ed !:' lyh: . . It wurkt:d J,L•au tifulh·. F or a \\'l!ek IIi :-- 1'\Hllll-matt' ~a\\"

I itt!<: C)r 11h ill ip c .. l!,! rll \ l ' , ~\\· hi l l' h i-- 11\\' 11 in,·ita titlll!"-> \\ l'l L'

t 11 r 11 c: d d ' >." 11 \\' i l 11 a 1 H •I i t c:. .. So.1 r y. but l IJ a'· ~...· an .e 11 ga g.c lll l! 111

lnr t hat ni ~ht.' ' It 11111 ~ 1 he .tdm i• t vd that I 1l1i l' ' ama7in ~~ -...u~...· . ce:-;~ piqued Swift llfll a littk. l' \' l ' ll thn11g lt ltv \'· a-... 111i .~ hti l : r ·lie,·e I. Hut. th e tillH.·Iy arri,·a l ni l!t·s~ l{id11n•' tl! ) p11t an

l.'lld t D a ll thought of anything cbe. and ii hl.' thtn~glll (,f

FICirc: nce 1\ pph.:by it was to l:ungratulate Jlim:-:t· l f un the \\·ay

he had C!"Gtpt:u fnnn his clilt.·mm a . . \n atrot·i"u :-- lnt:-:illt'.S".

thi~ traffl~_· kin.~· in ytHtn .~· JH .. ·up k ·':-- aff ~..-ct ion :-- . but th t: ll . t!tcy

\\'ere bPtlt aJ,:-:urd ly happy . ;tnd 11 11 ulll.' \ \:t :-. tl1 c \\~, r~t f(\J' it.

~C\Trthek:-:s. ~fi !":-: . \pplehy \\~1 .... a n attr;tdi\'L' girl and

t·.,treml!ly int erest ing C(t lll pa ny . ~he: lt;td lll't'll , .i!"iting L'•>lkgL

iril.'lld:-. duriog- the \\· intt:r a) td had crl·:tted qttik :111 ll)'ruar

anhmg- th e fn.:c-land~· .... i n1111 th e fir~t. t:ut. tit~..· detl·rm ittL'd

and imag-inati,·c .,,.o<1 ing nf S w iit had di:--t:(•ttra~L'd hi :-: com

pditors . Th : who knc\\' of his rda tum:; ,,·ith Bessie Rich· m o nel dcri n.~d c o n s idcrahlc a lll tt.til'llll'll t f r11111 !"pccu la t i ng- hu\\ h e \\'mdd soh ·c the prnldcm whcn !:'he returned. l ~ut. o f all

this. :\liss .~pp l ehy was f•lrttmately ig-nt•ra nt. •H at l ea~lehnsc t o app<:ar SO. ()f her l) \\' 11 L'<llllll:l"titJllS, ll tl nne trttllhkd him­

se lf. Il \\'as :-;u fficicnl that :-; Ill: \\·as interes tin g- and \\i ll in~ to he int rc~tccl lll tnrn I lad 11t · a .... tutc J>ctl'r tak~n th · lluu·



, The Ant:hu.- JJ

---L- ---------~-- ------- ---+---

; > '· •: l Jl . l -... : I

' 1:: i 1 I ! I 1 !ti l


.. \\ ·I I

, : , I I 1 I I I ..

.. It • I i •J • I I 4. .. '·\'" I j :l i ~ .' '

'1 t , ... ; ! I I I f: II' I '. .

' l l ' I ! . l ' '. I I ~ :t; I • I l l 'l. I

:! I . 1.1 I I I •• •

.. ; I • . I . ' ·:. lt . I! I It . • I·. ' II

: . ( "'· : ll: l ' rt.' a ~ , .) d

,,,~· at. ;tlly\' -~~ ?"

1 I • 1 !•l l • I . •

. 1.·1· ~ ' I I ,,

I h . : • ._I • • l

• •ll d \

" . \II tlt ( -..tnt· · I , } , • 111 : l ! 1 • , , , • , L' \ 11 d t _' , 11 1 a r I ; !1 11 l ,., t • :-

1 l i " i .... d I \ I I..' ; .. • • • 11 ' I !t l: ( I' 1 \.' ' l i Itt I.

"\' t ill l tt' 1 ' \ l :lt't' ··1 1 •. ._'II ' '

" \ 11 d \ I ' lJ :1 1'\ l\ t h


Page 9: 07-01-1910


' 1·1 ,

The Anchor

• lay." :-;aid I'IJil, af(ectionatdy ntrtling 1\: ter ':-. ~hag-g_v locks.

"lhtt. I'm afraid. 1 hil. we\·e gut a whole Jut tu . lcarn yet. ' · V"- . :• ir. ~:nu are ~ mighty clc,·cr sort of a fclluw , and I'm a

\ , !a• de lul d e\ crer. Dut, there is <m e that has U'lt t· gam e beat,

a t1d g-nnc u~ 1111t: hetter . If y o ur h art is s trong. read that." l •Jtil took ttp the paper ·and read:

.. Friends and acq uai nta nee o f l\I iss Flo rence

. \ I' I' h.•J, y . '· h u h a" 1 > e c n , . i ~ it in g- wit h f ric n d s h c n ! t h c

pa~t ,, i~~tca. \,-ill be , ·cry muc h ~ urpriscu t u learn o f

her unexpec ted marriage to Lieut. Geo. Axto n o f l 11liladdphia. tHt l:t s t • at.urday afternoon . Though

t· n~:ag ~:d fnr lllL' timt·. and waiting only for Lic.ut.

. \ ~ t on's term o f ~cn· ice t l expire, the fact \\'as sca rce­

ly knu\\·n . and tit' :-~ nnuuncement of their marriage

ttp1111 Li eut. .\xtun'~ re turn las t ~aturday cam<: a -; a

cum plett' ~ tt rpr i ~c t u lt.H:a I society. Fu} lo wing fhe

quiet ccrcmnny at the res idence of the bride, the

happy couple left fn r the ho m e o f the bride's parents

at Knox\·illc. P a .. where thev wi ll r l' r:nain fo r a few week ."

"\\ rc ll . ,,.l1.·tt-- .'" l' n1 ·1 . f t10 r ~ 11 wa~ g-a~p1 ng ur w ord 111 l''\jlrcs~ the many different cmut io ns that s lrtigg.lcd fut ' ll prl'macy. Pl.'t cr preser\'cd a sym pat he tic s i lc nce.

"Think s h e i · m ore cl~,·cr thau we. do yuu ? T do n't.

Ca u't you sec s he was in the ~am~ pickle y o u were iu, P ete,

but s he la c ked your ,·c rsati le imag inatio n tn ge t nu t <,f it?''

'' lluh! :\o t s he . kid . Y"ur wits arc disturbed . \ V hy. ~111 . s he has been latl'···ltit l'r at u s in her l etter~ to the Li cut ,..., ~

r11 r· week~. and .\\'OllJd ha\·e made a date with )'Oll fn r ,·alur­, Jay nig ht if you It ad been h~rc.'

' 'Guess you ' re r ig-ht. n m e n n . ' l ' 11 match ynu for t hl:

,·ig-ars.'' - -JOl i N TI. \\ .:\R~S JI)'l U lS . '1 0.

· ' ,


. ..



THE ANCIIOR. Published by THE ANCHOR ASSOCIATION, Hope College, llolland, Mich .

Aaslstnnt Ertlto r . F.mlel 0. Schwltte rs. ' II JI ('S!H~l E. Ynlt>tn :l. ' 1:!

Suclt'Ly l':d 11 nr Mary • Lokke•a·. 12

11 hRt•riJ•tlon :\fann:•Pr W . Wnll:tC(' Vissch e·t·. '1:!


F::dltor-lo-Chl r IHENE C. flRUSSE. 'II

,\ lumni IO:tlltor A l.!lli'S (i. S t :lpt•lk:ltn J). ' II

IO:xt•laan;!l' 1-:dllrlr llt·n ry \' . E. Stt•f!t•m:tn. ' 12

Hu in•·"' :\l:tn:I :!P r M:u ·inns .J. Ot•n lf t•rdt•r . ' J:!

[.-fll':\1 l':tll to r~ flpssh• H. \Vit•n.m:t . 'l:l

ll l' lli'Y ,J. 1')·1. ' 1:1

Al hl•·rk l :olilnr .l nhn \'ru wink . 'l!l

,, ._._, Jtu-.lnt•'-:- !\t;tn:n•t 1

AniiHIIl\' J.n ic lt•ns. 'J :!

Adtl r css alll'llllllll llllktll f,m .. 111 '1'111: ANe ' lf t •I c. II opt• C 'nllt •;!e•, I loll:tnt l . ;\1 it·h h:an. L"t, r Ach •t•rrlsina! l:ar• · apJII .\ In• · ....... i\l:an:w •·r. J•:nL •red ILL Lh • l'll,lllfllt•t• at ll ttlland, M h.-lai ;.!:tl\. :1-{ ~t 'l'l\lltl - d:a.._ 1111111 tn:II L~r


The s mall s1ze o f the crowd at l ncl ing the R3\·cn ontcst

held in \\ ' inants 'hape l n n the en~ning of Jnnc J. '1 0 . did

ll tl t dt> jus tice tn the importa nce of the C\'<.' nt. whic h is now

the cnntest d ccicl ing whn is t n n ·prc.:;ent ll n p e in th e Inter­

( 'ollcgiatc CPnte~t h(')cl annually. In the. numJH.'r n f oraturs.

hu), tlw Clllll<':-;l thi ~ year cnmpa r ccl pn• lr ly with thn:'e ),lng ­

rctlWI!lhered <."•ltllcst :' n f hy~·o n cia'·"· Thn:c n rn t• •r'. Cerri t

I >c ~f (l tt s . (I f tlh Fn•,hman: II.\·. I·: ~tl't!l'lll:t ll . 11f LiH· ~~~phel­

mnn.·. ;rnd < >lin: r Dn •ppcr:'. n f the Juninr e ta~'. Wl'I'C llw cnn -

1<':-' lan t '. Th e jud}~·t'' · C. \ ' ;tn ckr :\T~· ukn. :\I nrti mcr .\ . ~nny .

a nd Rc,·. \\' hitman. awanh·d lirst plac'-' t11 :\Tr. ~tt'!..!<' lllan a nd l'l'11t1d (t) i\Tr. I n p pcrs. i\lr. ~t('geman';; nratinn i " · nti tlcd . ..

··. \m eriea in the \ ' an n f the ).." atinn:'. .. Th•1ttg h rkplnr:th ly

few {n number. th e o ratnrs were nf cred it tc• the rla~:-.cs they

n•prc~cntcd. a ll the productions b e in g- nf a hi ~h dt•t!' rcc nf excellence.



~ C' I dnm dtH' ' ';trn C'l!·ic I fall c • ntain ~r<':\l l'r ancli c n·t• .;

Page 10: 07-01-1910

The Anchut

--- -· - - --------tlt;··t ,:11111<.. t~ll the ,,, ca l l~_•, ! ":\fl·l1phnnc ni:..,:ln ..:. " fc1r em tlt:u

l'\l'll llig th e litl't.t n .... , 1ciL'ly l)f the " l'n:p." d epartment i!->

pt el':tr l'd l1) r l·;,cJl r p11l lid_\ it:-. dl ct il'e:-,t product ion ~. Thi :-,

) l':tr. we dt'lthl llt>l. ''\'1 ry andit11r \\'l' lll hom in ... pirC'cl . in-

lrt ll.'ll'c l. ( r: l ti .t i •tv' l. Thv c' I. IJillvl =~nd Ct ll'JH' I dud hy Cl:n-• nc . r .t .1 ... 1. t ·.

I.. 't \ • • \ t

t I'

• I • ! j • • l

I ... .. . ... I ' ' . . . . 'l' '* •.• '

I .· '

. I ' .1 I

J I • ~ ~: , · t t t\11' IJ, •j

, .j :t ,, .. ,;.;~1, 1. : . •• • tll· 1' . I !' I i t .



. .

1,' ·t . • I . . .·r-.. lll l JI:t''h' c :til tlntqll · ;\lr Itt

. , ·· •.:, ·,; · :l ' tl ttr:•:h· \l l tllll lnl \\ :t \ .. , \ 1 :·•

:' { I ' I' • 1 I l' t 1 ;q t ~-1 . l . \ II • I )J·, 'P

., it. !I ti. ·! "i .• q!l · j-~ .... -- .qlt." :l'\t':lk I

. '. ' ·, . .. I ) ' I ' •' I

., ,, l'~) . l'l' .

· t '.••I . • ltl1 r•i•t:• ·1. 11•r l11..; J ·:~pl'r aJ'(,,rt)

.. ,., !11.: , .i·~i I,_,,. ~~i ili.:...:·lll' l:t --. ... \\ it an I •\', "11: ·' , i••.ll' L'•i a lilt in~ (.'} .,..,l .. lnultlin t.:

I !~..nt :IJ•I W' t•rl . : . • •• :.. l r~.. f. Tlw h .. i ~ :ll , ,f till' tidinlltt\1"

• . • v • I i P " • . 1 : • • • • ,. 1' 1 • 1 : • ... . • • 1 h · ' _ .' ".'· . a ... a h ·. ·1 ' ·--. . t II \' \ I ·l.. ·I I :, L .. I!,

, ,f n·,·i !i lcll "' ·· \\ \\ \ ' ..

• l' ;Jn T- "\TE '"' 1:4R MON .:"\ " .;:::'\ ·-· ' . 'l'lt·· I •.' lt ' \', t l · '· t ,· ···l I,, , I t I ... . I , ~· ''1' t • I<' . ·l't ll •ll c a:-.:-. \ \·a :-:

1 • l'-tl..'ilc..'.! • tl ~ ~ ' 1 ::r\ loi :..>'ll . Jtllll' 1. 1• h•; l' v\. J) r . J• '"'l'plt R.

! l 111 ' 1.' '-' "i l ' \' \' .. d.: t ·: t -. ·. ·1 lh p r d 1111 i 11 a r y ... ~,, n ic e~ " ·. l' r ~_· '~ ttiil! l d II\ It 1 , I ·•ltl.'ll alid l{~'. . II. J. \ ' ddman "i ll ,tfl :t• ld .\n alltlt \' 111 j;~lt ~tl d . ~;nd the Lt )rd ... \\a :-: \t·ry

:(,, ,,j ,~,. h· l' l..' tlt i· tt .! I• \ till· ~ll · · it.artd :\li -::-; 1·:-.:tl' llt• :\l . l,rdkn.

::u:g .. Fear :\t •l \' l' () l :-.1 ac1." ln I ) udil•\' nllck. Tile ~l:l' lll• Ill .. ~

:·. a:- till L·d \\'i t h J ,~,. tt l'li t·i al. p1aclical «u h·i c e . and \\'as dcli\'l' r ed

in an ~::trliL'~ l :~i td th:.Lrt - kl t m:u111~r. I )r. I )urvcc chusl' fnr

Ji :-. ll' ~. t. L u !;c _I :1 11 ... , , , \'tll!l" p:tfil.' ll<..'~' . y ·~hall \\in y n 11r

"'"d:-.." Tn tal,i11 •. t•.tt i l' PL" t· J.,, t l. tt' ccnira.l i•k:t ,,f IIi ~ di:-; ­

··· ·u l ..:v. ltl' :-.:ttd ii.. 1 tlt i:-· qtt;tlity ts nt·erkd i11 r thl' " t ria l and

, ,,v ........ .. r l itl'. · : :1.1t t lw:\· ; ... · ' '" \lc l••n· w ithr•ul \\fltlnd-.." that


. - -

The A nchor 17

cnntinuan.:c 111 •nduring-. Hy 1t \\"C' arc lo attain to fuller.

laq...:·cr li\· l·~. .\nd .. in fulfilling tll.c.. pro mi::-c for o ursch ·cs. we

arc Jltll t u fnrgct the Jlrmni~er. JC's tts 'hrist. Thro u(Th llim ~ ~

\ '.T ~hall he ahle t o attain lnfly. ~trnng characters. Dr. Dur-

_\'l' l' l.'lllplla..:izl'•l thrl'l.' k..:snn -.:---.c lf-di ~cip lin e . suhj cct in n t n

tht· L!' ll idaJ tt't' :tnd "ill ttf C n d. a nd mnr:d f'•llra ,!.,!c. ln cnn-,-!,: .... , Ill It 1 1 I I I I . , ,. l''· •>I' <..•. h .' t.: ra• tl:l l t ' :-. t c• ll' :-.ll J ' CIIt•r

· · •ll 1!l'!' . I• 1.,. l ··.t·'t•·~ =n ..:(·nin· . i · • nli ti\ ,tll.' t lw art

• q,!•. :t" ' ' I "l';t·l ~···II: h . .. ,k ..:. l'"' J'l'Ci:tlly till' l~ihk.


llll'll a n rl ,, f frit•nd -

. \ \ (.'!'\' l'ka--in~ it •;tlnn.· ni the t''ll1l!ll(' ll(' (' llH'll t \\'l'l'k

t' . t'J ci --. ,·..: ,,a :-; t he ]trt•~· Jalll rcnd~.·n·d hy th e m •mhcr:-; ,,f thl'

" .\ .. das..; . :\l a ny , ,f ll npl' · ~ :t l11mni nnd :-;con.•..: c1f friend :'

••l lh e grnd11 :tting- cia..:"' g ltll l·rc. l at ( ·anH.·g·il· llnll at 2 o'ch>ck

••n :\l d n :la~, ~.n • •tH' \\'a-: dPt mt::d t11 di ... appnintm enl. a~ the

•·:·· ·~:-ra m l•n ·pat1-·d \\a..: indCl.' d c •IH' pf m erit a nd intcrc~t.

\iter tltl.· prncc~"'inn:ll hy tiH' ~li''l'!-> llattit• l~ik..:C'n and F \ · · h- 1 ; c > It m a n--. 1 h l' i n\ · n r a t i 1 •n \\'a .... (I I ( <..' n · d ll\' J) r . . \ . () 1t --rfl:tll' l'lll· cJ a...,, pttt·m . (' lltitkd "\ . l'"'lt:t lu\l'll t lll L' Fruimini,"

•: ;1-.: :...:·in•n hy \lr . l~r • lwrt K1-.11Jcl~ma. TIH' clas--. 1Ht1p hecy .

!• r•·••• ! l ty lilt' :\Jj .... l'" Ft•rtuin l' ~~~HI .kannell C' ()Jtma.n..:. \\' :1"'

n·:td J,,· . I i..:" l''l•rtuine. Thi -- prnpltcl·,- '' n ~ \' CrY rl·c,·crh · , . - . •. e~ ;· l.c·cl t.p in . 1ht•,. it •r n• l'• i ~ 1 hy llin c .\ n ..:\\' l 't''· ·1 he cia~"

••i:tti 1 •1L cnti t l( d '' \\' illi a m , ,j <> r; tng"l' ... \\':l" \ ' CrY t·apa.hly

, : ~ · l i \ t't\' • : 1., .. I t ~·~ ·nl t' l i 1~ ::\l tt ... t t·. Tile mu"'i,·al lllttnhl.'r~

· 'n· a C1 •1' 1lt' t ~tt l ll 1)\· Cb rl.' llCl' L•·kkl'r and a ,., ,c~d --.nlt1 ll\·

\\ ill i..: . \ . j)ickl·ma. ·, hL cl :t..: .... pla.x ...... a, Lnn'..!'il-11•1\\' · ... "J~,·an~·l· linc . " Th e rn l<'

(lj t:,a. n ;.,!·l·l inl.' \\'a~ \'Cr\' nl d,· t.:a.rriccl •nll j,y :\li:'s Fannv . - ... - . 1'1:1-.:ntan . and th:a uf t ;ahri~ l by :\lr. J o hn Til lema. The play

' a~ g·i,·l'n in li ,·e act!---Thc Uctrnthal. The :\l andate. The

! ~ 1111 ar l:ing. Th"c ~car ·h. and ·1 he . c:arch Ended. The :'t a~c •

·~ l) tt int..:·..., \\:l' re \ ' l ' ry li tH'ly arrnn!-!~d . :\n <..:-.pecia ll y int rc~ting

:: n·' in.l p it' ... ·i \t ~c r · t H' \\'a .... 1:1a t at t iH· church :till';- the an­

n·•' IIH.t'llll.lll 11i " the m:1nd :t tl' ." T he part , f the " pril'-..1 .. \\· a ~

) '

Page 11: 07-01-1910

I •


ld The An chor ----- -------

1• . t~ ,.,, hy :\J r . Ed\\:trd ~app . :\~ he ~tood in silt~nce, with,

IH1\ • ...:d head a11d w ith his ltan <~ s rai!"cd in b ncdic.:tinn oYer hi s . Jll"l"'-- ·· .\,c.: .laria" wa=-- :' ling by P.fiss Jennie Ven ek las. e n.

J .\l tlltllt·l ,·c.:ry l"t' ll_, :'C I..' ll t' \\' :1:' thai at the sea-sho r · as th e ,.,l• l:tin r~~~ ~.. · J,, ·iur(' the cmJ,arking.

i h, · til• l'1lw;- ,.i llw d ·1 ... ~ ,,f '10 :trc tn h "' cnng-ralulat ed

•t: i. :1,·i 1 . ~'' ··tt , , , tltt·lr iril·Jtd-. ...,,, t· harming a n t•nt ertainm enl.


'i 111 1..· nt' lltn~ •• i l ttlll..! 13 a , ·cry entertai ning progra m ·~ .... ' t'i. tl 1 ··• 1 11 , 1 11·· l' lltl :h ( ' l11h . Til · fact that all th e

''-'' l·· ' .. ,,cr,· 11 1 titl' f l,,if:tnd t11ngttl' makes U ll i la :-. night :, .. , ,,,. k· :.~ fH;Jott .:r• . ·t 11.f ';11·nl..'gic llall was fill ed .

.\!l1' r :1 ic \·., lltn:irJ.: .... hy l ' re=--ic knt Jas. A . Vt:rhcq.~. (Jar­· I ,· Plllll' rc:ttl :. n c --:--::1\ <'lltitll'cl . " \\ 'aaroom T oc h ~ ecn ,

i •· t~ i ; JI, ,; .... clt :'" l11. :1 clc~r :t lld f• J ~·t·c ill l mann er h e argued the

d ,·ttl~II 1 ,J .._ •tl the lll •·'hcr- t, ,nqth: llJl(lll aJJ those o f D utc h de­,. ni. " ll v '-' 11· •. •' '' '"'· h111 t ll H .' la ng-ttag-e cannot appreciate the

-·,It l• · llll l;l ll h t hi-. bn;..:li :t:.~ t' arfllrd~ liS." TfJe humo ro u s rcci ­

.,,,. · •1. ··t ·l'll \ til , .,J,· nd ic ll'l.'' " a ·: ~ in g-ularly apprnpriate fu r

·l•t· p:"·..: ; :ull. ::n.J ~1 1. \ :, n dt·t Laau rendered it \\'ell. Th l..!

.i · ·!· '~ I t • · . 1·~ ~~ \ l il 1111·~ ~ ~~~ .} \ ran ltr"nkltnrs l. although •tn t•·,.,;t;l1 l t·r t ~· ti l\'. ,, ;, .... \\"<..' 11 n ·n ·i,cd. Edw. llllihrq.~·..;te next

. :c.l., .. , •. d t i lt · •.: : t lt ••ll '" tl11.· l'\·vn in,· I t J)rt•scntcd tltc e ffect s :-...

,j 111.._·:; ~ c·;ll' . '' :11 l•t :l\\t't' Jt ll" lla tHkr and Spaniard in a ::1 l;.'ll!tl .1\ .. . · a cku ~trijd .. ,,.a.._ we ll written and well

~·: ~okr~ ·d I"IH· l . ~:l~ l· t J,,. <; 1: . Sdt,•lten, as u sua l. was th ··

It · t• ' · t 1 I r. · 1..!' l 'll 11 •!..! . • \ 1 : t t I H • r p J' l..' k nl i "ll ~ I> u t w ·II-g i v c n pI a y. ·· J.',·n : lllllllll· ;:, 1 . .. f·•r mcd t l11..' c it •=--e and dimax uf the prn-

1 " 111 -E. 0. S.


.\n l'ntirc llt:\\' plan \\':l. S attempted fo r the A lumni Day at f,,l lll' ( ',,Jlc~c tl 1i:-: \'<: ar. Tilt• pb n proved tn be a very s uc­

c ,·~~ fll l nnl' :\l :1ny ••f tiH· t·c dleg~ a nd P repara tr>t·y alumni :n\·t :n \ an T~ . 1 : rl11..' I I a ll T11e:' t av aft rno n at a rc ·cptiori






·rbe Anchor 19

g 1ven by the local al mni of Holland from 2:30 to 5 o'clock.

More than two hundred guests were present. A va ried pro­

g ram, co n sisting o f numerous speeches and a number of solos,

was rendered during the afternoo n . Rcfre hments were also

se rved . O n acco unt o f t he warm weather the punch bow l

wa a very attractive feature o f th e afternoon. l\Iany frie n d­s hi p were rekindled a nd many a face beamed with the m em­uries of student days at I lo pe.

The committee in charge was llenry Pclgrim. Jr., ;:tnd r lenry Geerlings.


The rendition of I landcl's "l\tlcssiah " o n Tuesday evening, ) unc 14, proved a welcome innovation in the Commencement

week festivities. The C horal U nio n was as istcu by a quartet

of artists com posed o f 1\'Ir. and M r . \ V. J. Fen ton, 1\Irs. Eliza­

beth Bruce-\rVickstrom, and Mr. Francis Campbell. An audi­

ence o f mus ic- lovers showed by their g ood attentio n that an

unusual treat wa being given them. U nder the directio n o f

M r·. Cam pbell •the uni n had been perfectly trained a nd w a s

s uccessful in rendering the difficult c horu c. in the o rat rio.

T h e Uni n is to be c n gratu lated o n it s faithful work during­th e year, a s how n in their public pcrfo nnan c.


On Wedn c day evening, June 15, the fo rty-fifth annual Comme ncement of [I ope liege wa held in arnegie Gym­

nasium. Duly at 7:30 o'clock, the graduating cla:s , together

with members o f the o uncil, the faculty, and the ·• A., cia ~ · marched into the hall to the strains o f the co llege song. After

the 'invocation 'by Dr. Venncma, o ratio n s by the graduate

were delivered. .. The first , " Guido Frido linc Verbeck," by

Henry Vruwink, told the life story o f the pio neer mi s ionary

to Japan . r n a ma tcl'ly o ration , "The en taph o f Dcm0c­

ritus," Henry Pasma depicted the dang ers ~o r matcriali. tn. ~1iss Pikaart s hn\'\'ed the need of idea ls in her oration. " F o l-

Page 12: 07-01-1910

20 Th<.· Anchor ----- - - - - --- -- ------.-

lowing- the ,)cam."

. \ftt•r thc~c thrL'c ,,ratl tl ll:'. :t ' ·"cal ~nltl, "( > \\ ~nndruu:--. YJ~ut h." wa!" ,·cr~ an:·cptahly r •ndercd l>y ~I i=--~ :\I ina C"g"g"l' -

~ha ll. Jac"b lie · m~tra. in a'n nr:1ti""n c ntitl c cl "Titat < )tJtll'L'

11i Jlrl'\"l'tttir•n." plead tl!~'~ lllJI"rl:ln·.e ,,j the ynuth 111 ~nc il'1_\' .

. \fter him . . \nthn n,· \ "crl11d-...1 ,h-Ji\:t'rcd :1 -...t,·aigitlitll"\\:l r . l <'I I •·.~·.' ,.f the l, :·. !·n:t··,· p:·•n <lit I' ll' '-'ll llj('ct. ···r lh' .,..,\11-1:t!,. ,, 1

:\la11 .. :\Ji:--~ ~CIJIH'I! . c 1;, , 11 Jd.l'.t._l :t plt-:t -...i .t~ j•i:t•ll• ' " I" it "~'• l~:tcltmallill t dL

Tht•n f,. Jf,,,,. t .• ! 1h

, ltirly nin~ !_!r:t•lttrlt"~ , , j tiH· l'r• : ·: t~·:~111ry J)'-·p:trlll l\.'111 cr••" c '

lit~• ld :Jti• ot lll I•· tn·vi \ t' llh·ir· clij I,,IH:t" Th<' clv~n· · · ~~~ \ . 1:

\\:h l"fl'tit •.t , ··l i'J•••n ''' 'P l.\ ;!l.!d tl:\lt•..; from tltl' (',,.Jk ~ c. :Jt\d

~c,·cntcetl ,.j the-...,· \'.t..'l"l' :t \',: ttdl'd t· ·ftt·!a•r' :-: n· rtiti catc~ in :tddi-

1 t n n . T It c 1 i t lc 11 f I. I . . I ) . :. :1 ..: n 11 • fe r red 11 p < 111 \ I r . I ~ . I t 11 k 11 i 1'!tiladt lphia: tltt• 'k~rc~· t•i .\ . \1. \\:t'-' g· tantt..•d I•• tlw ,·Ia-..-. ,,f ! •'()/ t) :\fr I) lh-l ·s t t .. l tlll ~"Jt•ll:tn· t•• .\r:thia. :t nd 111 l'r.,f. I , I . . . '1. . • , ,

< ·. l~aap .

I 'rizl'!" \\"Cl'l' a wa rdt•d a"' inll••\\·'-':

TJJs (;, l:irkhniY. ft ... . Fn~ li -.11 l'ti l' <'. " .J •• ..._,,pJt \cldi s• •n ... t • • t·:. \ · a n I) c r I. a a n .

Tltc (· ~ . l!irkh•IIL Jr .. l) n t<"h l'ri ;·t.;. ".hn .f:tct~l, I .•Hk\\ 'k T<.•n I' ate.' ' t', ) ca.n . \ . \ · i"".

Tltl· 7\lr~. ~:tmtH•I ~1••:111 Fr•n·i·..! ll 7\li -...-.. il•ll:ll"\' l' ri~t· . "\\.il­liam ( ·arcy.'' t•l .Jean .\ . \ "i:-- .

Tltc 11<' 111'\" ltc•"ch J·: n g li ... lt l.'ri~<''-' · l· ir ..... t. Tltl't•d····,. 1

/.wenwr: :-:ct'nnd . Chri-...tinc \ "an l~:taltt' .

The .\ .. \. " .:t\·t·n l'ri l't' in < >r:ttflrY - Fir:--t. I I. \ ·. T·: ~l<.:gt·ma n: !"'t..'l'clllcl. ( ). I >n•ppt· r'-'.

The Dr . . \ckenn:tn ('nil'' lkh;ttin ~ Jlri ~t· \\:t~ di,ldcd

among- the mcmlwr~ nf the two team=-- I hal dehatL-d '' it !1 . \lma ancl Oli\·c t.

1\n apprnpriatc nwa l !-'nl••. "Thine < )nh·." wa~ rl'ndcrcd

In· Jamc!"' \ 'cnckla!"cn . :tncl afl<'r tlti=-- th • ,·atcdictnn· \\:t .....

~Jlc'kl'n hy J1 •hn \\"idH·r~. ln Jtj .._ 11rati1111 .. :. \ L<.'""""nll frt~m

\Tytlln l11~·y." ht' picttlrl·d the dcn·l• lJilll ent 11f cltarat.:IPr and

til ' pl:t n• nf ~trng·~ It: in lh:tl tk\·t·l••pnwnt .. \ft er :Hidrc· ... ..: in !_!

I ~ •

.. . .

Th~ · r\n t·hor 21

the ctll~t·n=-- uf lltdland. and the faculty. 111 h artfcll words.

11 L' k1< lc hi~ L·Ja=--..,- llla t c:-- f arc wei I. . \iter the ~i ngint.!· ,,j the dnx..,Jt,gy. He\". ~r.,crdyk nf Zcc­

la 11 d Jlt , 11 t. •1111 n · d t h v I , L' n c d i ct i nn.

Fraternal Society Banquet.

' ! lt ur""cl;ly l '\ l'llito~~ . . l nlll' 1J. '' :t..: tIl l' nigh t • ,j night:-: iPr

''"· ::rllt•tn; t) ~·l·il'l,· . inr it wa"" tht'n th:11 til l· Ft:til'rnal!".

.: !t:ll t tli . . 111 I h h it i\ nd .. -..;It dr•\\ 11 {11 tltl· ·r :t!llllla l hat 't Jill' l at

ii •ll l ll•tlland \II :trt• agn·cd thai thl' affair ''a"" a m:tgnili ­,.,.,1, .... , .c,·, ... .... . \il\:•• 111) :tny ,j htl ly ·igltty cnj••yccl tltc dcl1ciPtt'

lllt'lltt. a nd tlil'n \\l'lc..' <.'lll~·rtaincd \\itlt a Jdt'a-...i ng- prn;._!T:tm nf

: . . 1-...t-.:. :tnd mn ... ic . :\It·. \ . 1. . \ 'l'r llttl ..... t. pn·""icknt ,,f the

~~~··ivt\. l"dlt· I ti11..· dtl'licttit P" ..... ili11n e~f l11:t-..tma"h.·r , ·pry prn­

li•· hflt h "lltl· llH'Iltlwr-.. """'' n '"l·••tttlt-d ,,, tna " t" wen· I I. 1·: Ytrl~ m:t. < 4• 1: ~clt" lh· n and Janw~ l)ykt>ma. while ( ·nr ­

ndn1 ... \:111 d··t :\lt·t tl, •tt . '(10 ; P. II . l'l·unt·. '()<): and l'ruf.

J. · J·:. Krlil'l'll~:t. ·qq. " Jl"kl· f11r thl' alumni . .J~~hn II. \\'arn­

--lllti~ :tlld f :tllJl'-. T . \"t' IH'Kla:'l' ll. '(1/. ll' lltkll'd dt.!li~htflll ~~~~~~~­

· ' " ~~ ,·••!ll' j,,...,. j,.n I•• tltl· ~ 'cnh pf tit· C\ l'nin~ ail jt~illl'd in tlw :,, 11 _~: ... ,,. _ ~ \\ l ' lll \J :uT hi ng ()n.'' and trnly. aft ·r tit · l'llthn-

\ .. 1'1 ... 111 and itt~pit:lli••n .. f tlti:-: la-.t h a nqul'l. \\l' may ;o;a y that

I. · · • · I \·ill rcm lilltl\.' tn march 1111 in t!te · . ~- J" lll:trctllll~ till, ~tH

p;tl Jt ,,j jC 1_\" :111cl :--l'l"\· ict: .

K ickerhockers Prove Roya l Entertainers.

~:ttnrda \·. ).!;, ,· 2 '.t ill' Kni,·kerlHit'kl·r ~nciety cnl rtainccl . - ' ... i:lt ;~ ii h III'IWr a 1d lu•;ll ri,h- . Tit~·\· kit I ltdlan71 in the

1··t.l · :tft•·tn•u•n : 11 · l :1f11·r a nl•' t tho li ~lt tiul ridt' 1111 I~Jack lak(·

. ,, 1,1 1 1 '1 . 1 · I 1 1 \(I :1 1 "Tiw l'ine"".' ' J('ni""' 11 , ;f , ,, , \ !\' \J~:Jll, l ll' \" ..._ II 11 I

Page 13: 07-01-1910


22 The Anchor

Park. and enj,1yed a n, h supper. :\ftet· interc~ting tna~t~. the g-ue ~ t · aJjuurneu to the parlor.~ and li~tened to music. \\'hil e

o n the water. the Knickerbocker quartet rendet·cd SC\'Cral selections. The party returned at ah< ttl 10 :30 <ltl<l t 1

'{~ lC_\'

neared hc.lllH' the flnm ~ frnm the i hen hurning- na~k<'t Fac.·tury

pn•st·n t cd a \·cry ~pee tan tla r a ppcn ranee. :\II had a ,·cry

pkasa nt time. :tnd tluntg·h thi.., i~ tltc lir~t year nf tlw Sllt:ic.'ty· .....

existence. tlw l-(nickc.·t1ulcker~ lt:t\·c.· prn\·cd thcm ~•eh (' ~ In he

not nn ly line.· c.•ntcrtainers. hut ;d~n m 11 nf literary ;tJ,ilily.

... . Meliphone .Picnic.

f. e:t\'IO"g"ltere C':t.rly in lite.• lll•~t·nin .. · nn tht• steamer "\Jan·" . . ....... . thL· :\lt·liplt,illt' ~~•ciet,y ettjll_,c.·d its annual picnic ~:ttttrda\". Jnnc -1-,- at (;r:ttfd lla,·c..·n :md lli t.~ ltbnd ·Park. Tile..· tllt•ntit; .L.:

\\as spent ttl game.·" nn the hc.·ad1. . Clat·ence ll tJlklllan ''"" first h onurs. and a.;; :t pri %L' rect•i,·cd the rcmi~~inn nf all lti :-::

litH'S during the year. Tltc :\Icliphonc~ rdttrncd lt n mc bte

111 tht' e\·cni ng- and cc,llcg-c song~ enli,·c ncd thl' ht l llll'\\':trd trip . l.

Cosmopolitans Entertain.

On Satnnby. June 11. the Cn~mnpnlitans , ·cry plc:t~antly C'lllert:-lin<'d with a trip In Saug"atuck .. \ launl'i1 rick c•n thl'

h<::-1utiful 1-(al:llnn %'11' ri,·cr and Lake' ~liehiga n \\a~ litH' .. r tit mo~t delightful f•:tlllrc.'~ .. \n c labt,rate sttppct· \\a ~ SL'rn"d

:t t picnic t a I> I es 1111 t It c 1:t ""11. • \ fL c r t h c s 11 p p c r an i 11 t c r l' ~ t i 11 .L.:

prog-r<1m w ;ts rcndered nnd the nttllliH·r~ ;>y the ( 'n~mnp"lil:tll

nrchc. tr:t \\·ere partintlnrly npprceiatecl. < >n tiwir r<'tllrll

hcdnc lig-ht rcfrcshnH.'lll ~ were ~en· ed nt lite htlllh.' ,,f :\Ji ...;"

\\ ' •urding-. The l'\·cnt w~t ~ •Ill<.' nf the pil':t...;antc..- " l ,,f tltc ·

cnmmcncc·nwnt seasc n.

Entertain "Prep." Graduates.

On 1\[n nda) e\·cning. JutH' 0. •the .. rr· cia. s cntertainc.'d

the "A-'' cla!-'s at a beach party at Chtawa Heach. The ·· .\"s

were at~o entertained hy their class-mate•. i\Ji~!" Fanni' Plas­ma n. ;-t t her lakeside ho)ilc.

Reunion of 1909 "A,. Class.

The ·' .-\" da. !-' nf J()0f) held a rctmtnn \\.ednes clay. )ntw

.. I


J ...

, . .

If The Anchor 23

15. They :--JH.:IIt the entire day at lastlc Parle :\hc. lltl thirty \\ c.·t c pre~ en t "' a nc.l a II ~o enjnyed t hem~ch· es that they arc.:

planni11g· t11 ha \"L' a . rcunitlll e\·cry year. ~lr. Dame was rc­L' I'-·ded as pre~ide11t.

Ulfilas Supper.

( >n \\ ' cdnc:--da) e\ cning. l\Jay .?.:;. the L-lrila~ society

cntcrtaillcd at "The Pines." Jeni~o ll Park . . \ftcr a dainty . ~upper c.xtemporane<Ht~ resp nses tu Dutch tuas ts \\'ere given.

The Seniors.

Tlutr~da:,. l'\~ ning- . ~fa,· 2 CJ. Dr. Ktdlcn g-a,·e a dinner tu

the Scninrs .. \11 were pre~cnt and thoruugldy ,enjoyed tltcm­

..... t·hc.·~. fnr l)r. K u llen. as u~ual. J> l"ll\C.:d hilll:-.l'lf an ideal hu~t.

Tltc f11Jluw i 11g. ~en iurs rc~pnn<il'd t u loa · ts:

J a mc..·s Dy l~lla-··Thc I deal 'o llcg·c ; i rl. .. (~c..'tTit De Jong- "Reminiscencc.:s uf a l'rcp. Student .'' . \ric Tc Pa~kc-"The I mpres · ion~ of a Fre~hman ."

. \ ug ust \ · cenk·cr- ··The Rctru~pcct o i a · cniur."

.\nthony Yer lluls l-"l}rophccy.'

( )n Friday -mnrning·. ~[ay 27. after working hard nt1 the

Ill'\\' Lenni~ cuurt. the Senior:;; enjoyed a hearty lunch 'nl'ath the elm trees nn Rev . Schuelke'.· lawn.

Tul'sday mt•rning. June 14. l\[rs. I udec. the dean uf

\ .tH•rhL·c..·s llall. gayc a hrcalda!"t it> the Seniors. Tr~. Durfee

lllade fitting- faJ:cwell remark:;, tu \\'hic.:h ~Ir. J hn \\' ichers responded. ...

The :\nc hor fc<.:l~ ,·cry much encourage 1 O\'er the inter­,: :-.l s h< wn by lll>p c 's .\lumni during o mmcncement week.

.:\Ian\· r.durned' tu ,·is it theit· Alma l\Iatcr and to renew old


Page 14: 07-01-1910

Z4 The Anl· ltur ·

-irit:nci -.. !Ji p"' a t tltl.· . \ ltt 111 11 i tee ·p t j, tJl.

:\ !.·. J;! IIJ I . .' ' ' ."···:r· k l. l V I ' (I:. ,1 ·ii\"'1 \.'d t! rl' i ·:i~·, · :ll t t Jit'.l l l '

• • ' , : r fl f, t: I _J

I \ . \ :•. . \ . J ' I ' '-. ..., . I· .. '·' \. : \. I • '

' I . ! . ... . 1.. !It• I.: I • ! i .. . . . i i 11" t ·, . 'Ill ; 1· . . , h. \.'1111 ' 'It \', l , ·1..

I\ vi• •llll l d d 1111 " It :t t \I L·t til t,, r. ~- ' •II \\ 'I r• v · 'h _, . _I q 1 h · I ;; ~

Thl· :\l l't ttc.: h ,·tt n'l t " r ~o.·· · : 1 t i " ' ' 1 .. ~..- ~~..· r- t it t " :1 11111..· l' ·" .... ' ' " :t·· e r". . . .... ......

th~.. · ir tH.' \\' pa :; t, ,l'.

. \ J•tt l d i '-' ..... ~,.. n · i ( '-' 111 11 1 v 11 11 11 ' " f 1 I h • I 1 ·I, , u · I 111 i ... ~ i 1 •n : 1 n

l>r. _1 •. \ ._ C>tt c. ·~3 . ,, ;, ... h '-· lrl 111 t in: l: ir:-- t 1\ d : llllh'd clttlll'h n •

<.rand l~ api d:-; . /rll l t' 1(, _

~ l r. C ~nr-;..' 1..' ! '"'"t. ' ( II) . l1 : 1' r c l llrJll..'d ' ' ' I J, .J bn cl :tf t1..·r a

\ ' t T \ ' 'lllT<.' :-- ' fnl , · c a r a :-; ll'ac la .· r in t l11.· l'rt t\ n lli :.'lt ' q· !J", .J .

Rl'\' . II . \ ~e l dman . . ' t )] . Ita -.. r 1..T 1..' i \ cd :r ~..·a l f fn •n t l lt l·

c ht t tTh at .1

inttx Cent e r. 1••\\·a.

1\ [ r . .f . P . D "-· _I n n !_!·. ·, •() ha-.. tn r r;f th e Fir t P c f~ •rmed .. churd1 a t Zeeland . wa..; c lt n' (.' ll ~1 :-- til "· \ ~in· 1'•-"·-... id '-·"t n f th <'

P art icu la r Synn d (tf th'-· l~cfttrml'rl ,·h11 rc h . h<:td at \ ~hun·


1'vf r . ._.\ . Vi~s('h cr . ' 7~ . Cltlr \\ell k nt)\\' 11 :tltPrtl ·v . ~ ~ ' '' J,uild a h a ncl :;•lllH .... rc~idc 11 rc ,, n . · ta.t c ~ l r.<.' t..' L

Twn n f TTnpe'!-' . \lt 1111 11 ha\·c n·t·c i,· ~..·d rk · ~-rev~ n f 1\ f a .., ll' r

o f . rt s . John S Ja r..'·h . '07. rnm Jlt l' l ' n i , cr ..; i t , · 11f ':\I i~.· hi~ ·-a n

:t nd1

.\rnn ld 1\f n Jd C'; .. '07. frn m th ' l ni,·c· r" il \' n f Chicano~ 1\ft!'!' .'\n na Schu e lk e . ' 10 . nt e rt :1 in cd a hP IIl thirt\' n f l tl' t

fri ends O il _Tn n c 10 Durinrr the e\·cnin !_!· a t.r:t l h' w a ..; play <: d

cnns i ~ ti n !! n f n m n7.e in _\\'hid t c·u.· h n tlt' f,, )l r l \\' (•d -, ~ t t· in t." run

nin ~ frnm rn~m to rnnm . up t:-t i r ~ and ckn · n ~ t a ir" . n t th e enc! n f w hic h each g·ues t fnu ncl a " m :t ll "'c:tlcd e n\·d n pt•. \ \'hen

t h ese w ere npcncd thcv re\·calcd :1 <.·a n! a ntH• ll tH' tll t." thl' c n­

~a~emcn t n f !\f i. S c h11clke a n d Ta m e" \ 7 '-·nckla..:; c n .

1\fi :;s ~ fae H n ts . c. '07. :tnd .\ . R c n kc r s. '0 . . hn \' c :tt: l'<' p l ' tl pns iti n n!' a . · in ,truct nr~ in t h C' n,·a n~c Cit_\' .\ c a d l'm v in Tn\\'a .

~fr. _Tac(th T-Teem s t ra . ' 10 . i " tn !-' ttcn·cd T•'l111 JJ ,,cki c a "'

p r inc ipa l n f th e S inu x C n t L'r Tl il!h . c hon I.

, .

. l


e •

The An cho r

I I u p'-· I ta:' :til ti It: tt a · k

a g :tt n tll.t < k a I i Il l: ~ h 1 , '·; i 11 g i 11 t r a c k w u r k . l n

\' t: llf~ l , wltidt ll u p '-· :cut ln:r track t eam . w l~idr 1 •Illy c" n:-- is tcd (I f l llH · n r t " u men. :-; h e Jta:; a l\\ ays w o n , •r

J' l:tn :d . Tlti ~ t i1 1H.: at th e Y . 1\f. · .. \ . c o nf<.:r e n cc at Lakt:

( ;v n.l'•>a. \\ ' i ~ <.' < • n~in ll npe'!-' c•nly t:ntry i n \hL• tra c k m eet

~, t: c •rtd :-; ~.: , · en )•Cl int '-' . In til<.: track m eet w e rt.: c nfl'rt:d the sta1·

111t. ' l l fr~1 111 th e_ c:uJiq.~<.'S in ln wa, \\" i :--C< Ill ~ i ll . )Jiill (l l:', Jnd iana. ' .

. 'url It Dakn ta. :\J i;.;sn uri and :\Tic hig-a n .

.l"lltt \ · ruwin k. :-; tar at h le te cluri11 g· th e l'a~ t year. ag ain

· It'''' ~..· d lti -; ~o.·a l i h re lt :O: a 1tra · k m:~n . \ 'ruwi~tk en tered tht: 100-

~- :t n ! da~ lt . 220,,·a r d da ;.; h . nt 1111111;..! h rnad Jump and the ~ hn t

!• Il l I n th e prelfmina rie:-; fn r the 100-yanl da..:;h , V~ruwin k IP :'L li rs t p lace to \ \'jJ ...,on n f Tn \\'a, ''Ito has a record c1f 9 +-: :-;c cll n tb in the <!i!lltun· The re~ u l l s u f the c\·ents \\'<.:rc a !--• . f(l ) } p\\· ~:

k 220-ya r d da ..... Jr - \\ ' ibnt t. l o \\'<.t. 1:-. l. 2-t l -S; Ste,·e n \ Vis -

\.',t I ll :-- i 11 • 2 n d ; \' rt 1 \\' i 11 k. \ r i"" 1 i !_!"a 11. 3 n I.

, 111 . :

T\ti nn i ng l ~rnad lump - \ · ru\\'i nk. :\l ic higa n . 1:-- t. 19 ft :'1

I :la ir . fnwa. 2nd: 1\ r ic k :;ttn. \ \ ' iscon:-. in. 3rd. S ho t f'u t-. ~il e r. lll in n i'. l ~ t . ..f(, ft. 0 111 . ; Butl e r. ~ l i s-

:-" ur i. 2 n d ; \ 'rtt\\..;nk. :\1 idtig n n . ~rei

. D on't Y" ll tltink it is ahn nt ti m e fo r u ~ to wake up and

~ e t I H I t a 11 d ..:; \."e \\' h a { \\' C C a 11 d Cl ? D () _y () tl f e a J j 7. e \\' h at j l

m~..·a 11 ~ t11 ha \' l' •• tt r m a n wi 1t a t a n1cct in '' h ic h the c o l1 eges

, .r eig ht stat eo.; ar~ repr<.' :--<.' n t cd? \\' he n the j u dges anntHlllce<l

\ 'ru wiuk '' inrl \..' 1' iu ftlt l· brP~H l j n mp. a 11 tl third in tl:c o t h e r

t ' \ e nt~. th e l'J't )\\ d :--:t iel. "\\'he re i~ he frmn ?" \ \'hen the an- , ..

t • tt' ll l' l't' ..;aid " ':\ l ic h i:..;an .' ' d ••n 't ynu think that TTo pc' ..; . tan d ­

ing- we11t up ~t H1ll! in th e es tima tio n o f the crowd ? lf ,-o u ;tlrt·c.uh· ha'· '-' th e s p i rit. k e e p it u p; if y o u ha , ·cn ' t . g-et bus y

Page 15: 07-01-1910



. .


26 The A n chor ,

and t·c•nH: hack 111 til\.: fall with \'nur fnuthall permits ant! let's

wlhu•p it up . ' June 11. our tr,ld..: captain. IIerman ~tyg-cman : represented

II< 'JlL' "llrc p ... sc he 11 ,J i 11 the hig in ter-se hn last ic meet at hi­

eagn. Thi~ meet is lll'ld L'\Try sp ring and is manag-ed hy ·oach

. \ ln n %t, Stag-g of l'h kag-n C 11 i ,·ersi ty . ~teg-cman un l y en tcred

the twt]- mil c run. in which the r e were 22 of the be ~ t two­

milcrs in the country. · lie fini s hed in second place ancl rc­

cei\·ed a handsome si h ·cr I<H·i ng cup. The same spirit prc­,·ailcd 111 tlte crnwcl at Chica~·n a~ at Lake (.eneva.

~tniur Jlrnpqttt! . \t tf1e ri s k 11f yt~ur hys tcrirs . L'\'c emhalmcd in s tate ly ly ric s

Names n f cla~s- matcs and their fn rtuocs when ano t her decade's gone.

In my study lat ~ I pnndcr a s L \ ' tcw the fac t·s yonder

llang-ing- m a dark- framed pic ture that t day 1 saved from pawn.

By the s tately wiclt w .Ever. fnr pnnr Kacs ic had to leave her,

\ \ ' hen upo a a brig ht J\Tay Ill rnin g- Evers No. 6 wa · b rn .

. \ s l gaze upo n these faces. lo! on some I sec the traces

( H de p thought whnse nnly Jrig- in i ~ Zecla ndn~nphy. "Ccg" de Jong- and "j o hn the Deacon,' eac h i · now a shin­

ing- beaco n

In t he g-entle art o f teachin g- ' hat no man can e\·ca- be; Fot· at ho me ,they're s adl_v harried hy the women that they

' married.

.'\nd their li\' CS wiJJ h e unhappy till judge Ilccms tra set ~ then1 free.

Twu of thes e , my cl ~ss-matcs' faces, I ha vc .·ct tn neighbor­ing place ~ ,

f<'or these two hclic,·cd the adage , '' 'Ti · not O'Ood to live ' h

alo ne."

Th to ·light I vc nn inte ntio n, I forbear the name to n1entio n

' . •




. 4

' •



The Anchor ' s 27~

O f thrJ e two who se college ~ pirit int fuller lo\·e has gro\·vn.

And o ur Gcrn1an lady, also, wilom fr m kindnes~ I ·hall ca 11 ),

Tca<:hcs German kindergart e n in a schnnl that ·s all her own.

• J\h! There arc ~~hc cl:t!--'-'ic fea tures nf nt1r d:t S'-'<'. ·hu nc h nf Leac h rs ; ,

\ ' t·t·llker. \ ' i" . Ten Pas and Il.o .·per .... arc a" pecl;tgng uC''-' cn ­nlllcd.

"( ;lnPtn)' (;tis," nnw 1.1.. Dnctnr. ts far- famed a" the Cl) ll­

coc t cr

( H (H .. ·dag-ng-ic sciH't~H' for ~en· ing- Pnl Ecnn c ut c'old .

\'i s, l>cw. l~a,· ink's ynt1 n g- s tk<:t.•ssnr. nnw an .\ms t t.•rdatn pro -fcssnr .


f .cc t lli'<'S dai ly o' th n nly way 'the < rtlmdnx m ay ho ld .

S hades n f I alenhcq.,!" and .\nkcr! I fow m,· sou l heg-in s t e• hanker , ..

Fo r ano ther s ig-ht o f these two hn clies fearfully arrayed.

t\nker is ntt r grea test \\'alk · r . Dolly is ou r champion talker.

1\:ow tit y lead th c s treet prncc'-'sinn in the lnj11n shnw parade. \\ ' hich, with e\·,e n · knnwn hcclizcmt·nt. j .._ a n·lll\\·inrr a d\·cr-. ~ ~

t iscment •

I lui h reg-s t c · s s t n 111 a c h f)npe That's 1\ laclc.' '


Sid e hy s id e two Jims arc s milin g-. and the ir .;mil<'s \\' (lll ld

he ben·uilin ("T ~ ~

~~f. as man.y ~i·c. unacqna.intC'd with th sc rasca ls ' his tory. Sit nny J 1111 s g-rand han tnny. ~ung hy e\·ery ~raphnphnny.

\\'ould h e gr:t ndcr if we knew not of hi s fnrmer hig-amy .

Let o ld Jim \ ·. n~ cf)mplacent. h e's a ) . 1 >. in the nascent,

TIe's the o wn er of a ~1.000.000 Bird Seed factory .

Brn th<;r \\ arns huis s till is . miling. and no doubt is . till beg uiling- ' ..

Little nics wi~hin the parlnr~ nf hi s all -embracing l<H c,

F n r hi s fncc is :-til a -b ea ming. a nd hi s c lothes arc s till a ­screamlnfY,

Page 16: 07-01-1910


28 The Anchor

. And I fancy that h e'~ j u~t a~ ~ lnw a~ c\·cr l) ll th e llH);_-c.

\ Yith his Chc. t crlic ldan m an n c1·;-; and his clo thes th hue n 1

banners ,

"Chesterfi del.. s l ill p~..ty ~ the eag-le in ''T l_1e Eagle and t 1 H '

D o ve." , But nne fac e remain~ tn p n ncl cr. nnd T o ften . tnp tn wnnder

I r ":t :lr I lank K. I( \\i ll t'IIIJ((':l ( l•l mnck J nt• t ·nnnnn' -.. f:lnH' .

Think of it I almP:-! 1 d :trl' n•d. think nf itT almost darl' 11•11.

r () r ' . I I () p (' . 1 0. . r ;u c I \ t' r ... h : I d II \\. "' :1 11 ·'' h a 11 d Jc t (.) () 11 (.• • "' 11 :I ll H.

Tl ig-h o r lo w t n lYcry ''t h er. I ll I h class \\' (''rc ~imply ''hrntltct·."

1\ nd gnnd edd l)flctn t· l(nlh·n i:-; fl'll" 1111 \lc ju ~ t the ~a mc. •

--=---=-=--- --=- -=-- - -- J

Headquarters for Fancy Box Caqdies: Huyler's, Gunther's

. and JohnS/jn' s

The Gerber Drirg Company · Successors to R. M. nc Pre • & Co.


Holland City News Established 1R72



' ~

• I




.. The Anchor ..




That w ill fi t a ny shape nose and make a good appear­ance on your ~ace, fitted with the b st gla scs rnade, a re sure to give you con1fort.

~" Eyes Tested Free


Geo .. H. Huizenga & Co . Optometrist

38 East 8th Stt Holland, Mich.


We Thank the Students for their patronage this past year and .I? promise you as satisfactory work in the future

Garvelink Printing Company I Prin t ing "AS YOU LIKE IT"

Above P, ~~t office .., Citz. Phone 20::\()

Rensselaer ~~ · ~s. PolytechniC~~~ f.tq~~o(a Institute,

"tr4{ Troy,N.Y. S end for a Catafo~ue


Get the signal for the fi rst down. Get your foot ball togs at

Page 17: 07-01-1910


30 The Anchor

You Are missing much if you're not eating Holland Rusk.

The Rusk of g,olden brown, crisp from the ovens of the largest bakery of its kind in the world. No other food has the quality of Holland Rusk, some­thing better or just as good is impossible. Get ~omc l odn!J. / ,ook j;n· lhr u•inrlmill on lh l' Jlftf'krtgr·

Holland Rusk Co1npany 1 [olland, Michigan




/ C. BLOM, Jr. The Candy Maker


Wykhuysen & Karreman

Watch Rcpairin~ and J c ,vclcrs


Coster Photo Supply Co. .. 21 E. 8t.J. Street. Citz. Phone 1582"

P h o to Accessories of a ll kin 1". LJ •• • c i ,Jpin~ ·nHI J>rin t in~.

Canll!ras fo r sale o r r e nt. An l' l c~ant lin r· o l -;o) llV · ntr

pos t;tls ; tt o rH! C'<'·nr c •ch

e ,.


. . .

'( a


. . -..

The Anchor 31

The only student four chair shop ,

F. Charter'S 6 West Eig~~t ~~:;~rezer's Hestaurant

H.ILIOHAN The College Shoeman E 8th St Graduate in the Boot and Sho~ Art I I

For nice Home Made Candies, Chocolates, and Bon Bons go to the

Holland Candy Kitchen 26 E. Eighth St.

Try our Hot aud wid Drinks. They arc delicious. Combination lunches served at all times.


Pen:pants, Pillovv Tops Wo hu\'C rt..:(:'->i \'eel a ll<.'W line that will please every Hope stu

Jeut. \Vu OlfO showiug 110\\1 kinds anu sizes. Inspect our line.


• Call on H: R. BRINK

. For your new or' second-hand text books, tablets, pen-

cils or fouptain pens. Post Cards and Souvenirs.

209 RiverS~ Phone 1715


Central Drug Store Ice Cream Soda, Drugs, Stationery, etc.

Our Soda Fountain is one of the fi nest in the city. We are the only store in the city handling the Rexall Remedies

HAAN BROS. , 6 B. 8th St. , Citz. Phone 1531

. ..

Page 18: 07-01-1910

t '

32 Tht.• Ancho r

- -- - -B e sure autl ,-i it our uew soda fu uutain on ,·o ur re turn . .

CHAS. D. SMIT~, 5 Hotel Bloek 'i ti ?. t'll S PIH'llll' 1 ~05 . Ilo1Jand, 7\Ji ·11 .

• DR. JAMES 0 . SCOTT, Dentist

Offict: ewer D o cs bur~· Druf! Sture.

Cuff Li11ks, Scarf Pins, Fobs and Other things to tone up your new togs. Quality the best.

Prices the lowest.

HARDIE, The Je,veler •


Repairing a Specialty 237 River Street

. Dainties for ·You and the Lady



If you wish to keep posted on the doings in this "neck o' the woods" during your a~sen~, subscribe for the


·Holland City News $1.00 per ·year

Also: producers of up-to-date job printing

( ' ,

• ...

• .. .


,.. 'J

Th e Anchor 33

• I

The Seniors of 1910 Bad their Class pictures fran1ed at Vander Ploeg's

~ They W'=' n j u l" l tit·kl t•cl \\"ilh tilt· j o b . , 'c> will yo u be whe u •

you o r your frit-ud ::; bring u::; picture::; ;ur framiug

H .. Va.nder Ploeg The Book and rt Store

"Where you do the best." I

DB Grondwet·

. llAH Tlll·~ L .\lt lE~'T Cllt('t ·L~\'flON F AN Y PAP­

ER Pl ULl lJI ·~ J> 1:\ TUE 11 >LLANO LANG AGE

1~ TIJ E C~ IT EJ "l'AT1· .. ' . .'\D \, 1·J?TJ, 'IN G RATE~


$1.50 PER YEAR

.. .


Page 19: 07-01-1910


34 , Th t- A n c h o r

Bric k a nJ Bul l< I cc Clt' att J fo r ·1Jit: 11 ic!-' a nJ Parties. 'fh ey all gd tl wi r l ee CH· Cl m from

R. ·w. CALKIN Citizens Phunc 1470 "There's A Reason"

. Narrow Seated Rigs for College Couples at

BOONE'S LIVERY 209 Central Avenue • · PHONES: Citizens 34: Bell 20

H. BOS, Tailor 213 River ~t.

HIS is going to be

our big year. You all like to have the

Anchor Association

with a nice little wad

in the treasury. So be sure a nd get

the habit, and start right in next Fall

and patronize all the · Anchor adver­




' ,




t ~

~ i


- r­. I .

The Anchor

Model Laundry •

P~OMPT SERVICE, FINE WORK Citz. Phone 1442 . 97 99 E. 8tb Street • •

We heartily thank you for your patronage in the past and are

pleased to st~e that in future we wi!l be more than ever ~

able to supply your wants in Gent's Furnishings

Vander Linde & Visser · 4 West 8th Street HoUand, Mich. ..

lVe can save you money. Buy your wearing apparel at

Nick Dyke111a Talor and Furnisher

Opposite- H nt•· l H nl land Age nt for Am ~!ncan L ·tU nd ry

I TAKE pleasure ,in informin~ the readers of the Aochor that

despite the stfiOog competion from outside parties I am

again doing th e cla~s work for the student~ of Hope College

and the Westero Theological Seminary.

If you have any faith in the judgment of the s•udeots con­

cerniog photographs, p lease give us a call.


G~ ·.A. · LACEY Kanter's Block Holland, Mich.


Page 20: 07-01-1910

' f-


36 Th e An chq r

Graham & Morton Line \

7he Gateway to all Michigan

St. Joseph and Benton Harbor Division

l .t>un~ HE' lllun Harlu1J' K:OO p . m . dnily t-xc·ept SarctrdHy .

L~a' e . ~ ~ . ,} Ol--t>pl.J lll::h J p. m , daily .tJxc:ept Saturday. ) .,(•a\'t" ('J.i< · e:t~H> D :m a. Ill. dai ly ext·el,t ~aturdn.' <dud Sn11d.ty. Lea"~ CL it'ago I J ::~u p. 111.. Satnrcl~y .

J Far -' ,) fIt·, 1 ' t.att•room !$ 1.'/fj

Holland Division l..t'H \'e fl c.Jiand H:.'·HJ p . 111, daily. Lt~a ~e C'lti <·ago ~ : 011 p m. daily e~cept ~uuday Lf"'a ·e 'IJi, ·ago 9:00 p . m. :-;llttdo.~y.

Fare $ 1.50; 1 tateronm $1.15


ThP rigltt is n ·.·e n ·pt) to <·hange rhi c·llf•d ult• " itho11t n n ti,·l'.

(' ost- c:oune<:tiu ns are made with lu1er'urLaus and Stea111 H.ailwa.\8.

~ S. ~torton . President; Benton Harbor, Mich.

W. H. :\lorton, Asst. to President, Chicago, 111.

A. Reichle. Asst . Sec'y and Auditor, Be nton Harhor, )1ich .

H. Meyering, G. P. & F. A., Chicago, Il l.

Henry Baby, A. A. & P. A., Chicago, Ill.

Chas. A. F loyd, General Agent, Gran d Ra)lids, l\fil·h .

CHI~AGO DOCK: Foot of Wabash Avenue

Chicago Telephone, Central 2162

• I •


,. .J

• •

J' • l



\ ·· ·: , ...


