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    Boiler Efficiency Analysis Using Direct Method

    Sunit Shah and D.M.Adhyaru,Member, IEEE

    Abstract- Real-time data of boiler thermal efficiency can reallyreflect the boiler operation condition, heat generation and heatloss. Performance of the boiler, like efficiency and evaporationratio reduces with time, due to poor combustion, heat transferfouling and poor operation and maintenance. Boiler efficiencycan be also useful in analysis of boiler and can also be used inpredictive maintenance of the boiler. How to reduce problems of

    the boiler efficiency real-time computations and be successful incalculating the boiler thermal efficiency on line are the mainconcern of operation departments of power systems. Using HeatInput-Output method plant people can evaluate quickly theefficiency of boilers using few parameters

    Index TermsReal-Time, Boiler Efficiency, Input-Output

    Method .


    A boiler is an enclosed vessel that provides a means for

    combustion heat to be transferred into water until it becomes

    heated water or steam. The hot water or steam under pressure

    is then usable for transferring the heat to a process. Water is auseful and cheap medium for transferring heat to a process.

    When water is boiled into steam its volume increases about

    1,600 times, producing a force that is almost as explosive as

    gunpowder. This causes the boiler to be extremely dangerousequipment that must be treated with utmost care.

    Fig. 1. Boiler and its various components

    The process of heating a liquid until it reaches its gaseous state

    is called evaporation. Heat is transferred from one body toanother by means of (1) radiation, which is the transfer of heat

    from a hot body to a cold body without a conveying medium,

    (2) convection, the transfer of heat by a conveying medium,such as air or water and (3) conduction, transfer of heat by

    actual physical contact, molecule to molecule. Boiler

    Specification: The heating surface is any part of the boiler

    metal that has hot gases of combustion on one side and water

    on the other. Any part of the boiler metal that actually

    contributes to making steam is heating surface. The amount of

    heating surface of a boiler is expressed in square meters. The

    larger the heating surface a boiler has, the more efficient itbecomes. The quantity of the steam produced is indicated in

    tons of water evaporated to steam per hour. Maximum

    continuous rating is the hourly evaporation that can bemaintained for 24 hours. F & A means the amount of steam

    generated from water at 100 0C to saturated steam at 100 0C.[5]

    A. Boiler OperationThe basic purpose of a boiler is to turn water into steam, in

    this case saturated steam. This operation sounds relativelysimple but is actually more complicated. Other components

    and processes such as the deaerator and economizer are

    necessary to help the overall operation run more efficiently.

    The boilers utilized on campus are of the stack drum type,

    which means there are drums within the boilers stacked one

    above the other. In these particular boilers there are two

    drums. The upper drum is called a steam drum and is wheresaturated steam leaves the boiler. While the lower drum is

    called the mud drum and is where liquid feed water enters. It

    is also where sediment carried into the boiler settles. Tubescalled risers and down comers are used to connect the two

    drums. All of the energy required within the boiler is produced

    by the combustion of a fuel. The burner acts very similar tothe gas stove at home, just more complicated. It is comprised

    of a wind box, igniter, fuel manifold and/or atomizing gun,observation port and flame safety scanner. Currently the

    boilers can burn either No. 2 fuel oil or natural gas.

    Fluctuating prices of fuel can raise or lower the cost to

    produce steam. Having the choice between two different fuels

    gives the option of burning the lower cost fuel.

    Operation of the boiler begins with feed water entering the

    mud drum where it is heated. The combustion of fuel within

    978-1-4577-2168-7/11/$26.00 2011 IEEE

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    Fig. 2. Combustion in Boiler

    the furnace provides the required energy which is imparted by

    a combination of convection and radiation. A two-phase water

    mixture forms within the riser and begins to ascend to the

    steam drum due to its decreasing density. Boiling to 100%

    quality in the tubes is undesirable because water vapour has

    different heat transfer characteristics than liquid water. This

    can lead to high wall temperatures and eventual tube burnout.

    Once it reaches the steam drum the majority of saturated

    vapour will be removed from the two-phase mixture; thereby

    increasing the remaining mixtures density. The increase indensity will initiate its descent in the down comers back to themud drum. This natural circulation continuously allows for a

    constant flow of saturated steam exiting the boiler.[3]

    B. Combustion in BoilerCombustion occurs when fossil fuels, such as natural gas, fuel

    oil, coal or gasoline, react with oxygen in the air to produce

    heat. The heat from burning fossil

    fuels is used for industrial processes, environmental heating or

    to expand gases in a cylinder and push a piston. Boilers,

    furnaces and engines are important users of fossil fuels. Fossil

    fuels are hydrocarbons, meaning they are composed primarilyof carbon and hydrogen. When fossil fuels are burned, carbon

    dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) are the principal chemical

    products, formed from the reactants carbon and hydrogen in

    the fuel and oxygen (O2) in the air. The simplest example of

    hydrocarbon fuel combustion is the reaction of methane

    (CH4), the largest component of natural gas, with O2 in the air.When this reaction is balanced, or stoichiometric, each

    molecule of methane reacts with two molecules of O2

    producing one molecule of CO2 and two molecules of H2O.

    When this occurs, energy is released as heat. The combining

    of oxygen (in the air) and carbon in the fuel to form carbon

    dioxide and generate heat is a complex process, requiring theright mixing turbulence, sufficient activation temperature and

    enough time for the reactants to come into contact and

    combine. Unless combustion is properly controlled, high

    concentrations of undesirable products can form. Carbonmonoxide (CO) and soot, for example, result from poor fuel

    and air mixing or too little air. Other undesirable products,

    such as nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2), form in excessive amountswhen the burner flame temperature is too high. If a fuel

    contains sulphur, sulphur dioxide (SO2) gas is formed. For

    solid fuels such as coal and wood, ash forms from

    incombustible materials in the fuel.[3]


    Efficiency in general describes the extent to which time or

    effort is well used for the intended task or purpose. It is often

    used with the specific purpose of relaying the capability of aspecific application of effort to produce a specific outcome

    effectively with a minimum amount or quantity of waste,

    expense, or unnecessary effort.

    A. What is boiler efficiency?

    A typical heat balance for a boiler is shown in Fig.3 . Asshown in the figure, only part of the heat content of the fuel isconverted into useful heat, while the rest is lost through

    exhaust gases, blowdown, and radiation losses. The efficiency

    of boilers is usually rated based on combustion efficiency,

    thermal efficiency, and overall efficiency.

    Combustion efficiencyThe typical combustion process in boilers involve burning of

    fuels that contain carbon (oil,gas, and coal) with oxygen to

    generate heat. Oxygen required for combustion is normally

    taken from air supplied to the burner of the boiler. The amount

    of air needed for combustion depends on the type of fuel used.

    To ensure complete combustion of fuel, more air than required(excess air) for combustion is provided to ensure that the fuel

    is completely burnt. Since excess air leads to lower boiler

    efficiency (due to removal of heat by the excess air as it passesthrough the boiler), the objective is to ensure that the optimumamount of excess air is provided .Combustion efficiency is anindication of the burners ability to burn fuel and the ability of

    the boiler to absorb the heat generated. The amount of unburnt

    fuel and excess air in the exhaust are used to assess a burners

    combustion efficiency. Burners performing with extremely

    low levels of unburned fuel while operating at low excess air

    levels are considered efficient. Burners firing gaseous and

    liquid fuels operate at excess air levels of 15% or less and

    negligible amounts of unburned fuel. By operating at only

    15% excess air, less heat from the combustion process is beingused to heat excess air which increases the available heat forthe boiler load. Combustion efficiency is not the same for all

    fuels; generally, gaseous and liquid fuels burn more efficiently

    than solid fuels do. As combustion efficiency does not account

    for several other factors needed to determine a boilers fuel

    usage, it should not be the sole factor used in economic

    evaluations. Combustion Efficiency is also referred to as

    Flue Loss or Stack Loss Efficiency.[6]

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    Thermal efficiencyThermal efficiency is a measure of the efficiency of the heat

    exchange in the boiler. It provides an indication of how wellthe heat exchanger can transfer heat from the combustion

    process to water or steam in the boiler. It does not take into

    consideration the conduction and convection losses from the


    Overall efficiencyAnother measure of boiler efficiency is the overall boiler

    efficiency, which is a measure of how well the boiler can

    convert the heat input from the combustion process to the

    steam or hot water. It is also called fuel-to-steam efficiency.[8]


    OutputHeatEfficiencyBoiler (1)

    Heat output is define as the heat absorbed by the working fluid

    Heat Input is defined as the chemical heat in fuel plus heat

    credits. [1]

    The heat input depends on the amount of fuel burnt and its

    calorific value (heating value). The calorific value, normally

    expressed in kJ/kg,multiplied by the amount of fuel burnt in

    kg/s gives the heat input in kJ/s (kW). The heat output is the

    difference in the heat content of the feedwater and steam (or

    hot water) produced multiplied by the flow rate of water or

    steam. The heat content of water and steam is expressed in

    kJ/kg and the flow rate of water or steam is expressed in kg/s,

    which yields the heat output in kW.

    The overall efficiency of a boiler is lower than the combustionefficiency as it takes into account radiative and convective

    losses from the boiler and other losses, such as cycle losses,due to passing of air through the boilerduring the off cycle.

    The efficiency of a boiler can also be estimated by subtracting

    stack losses, radiative losses, and convective losses from the

    combustion efficiency. While combustion efficiency can be

    measured directly by using a combustion analyzer, the stack,

    radiative, and convective losses can be estimated using boiler

    manufacturers data.

    B. Significance of boiler efficiency

    Electricity, would be needed in ample amount in coming years

    in India. Primarily coal, oil and gas generate about 80 % of

    electricity of nation. Boiler is heart in generating electricityusing coal, oil and gas. Efficient boiler operation has always

    been critical in power plants. Online efficiency monitoring ofboiler can help to know the operating condition of boiler

    .Knowing performance characteristics of boiler would be

    optimizing boiler operation , and improving overall efficiency

    of boiler and power plant Beside this it can also encourage use

    of coal technology and reduce emission.

    Performance of the boiler, like efficiency and evaporationratio reduces with time, due to poor combustion, heat transfer

    fouling and poor operation and maintenance. Deterioration of

    fuel quality and water quality also leads to poor performanceof boiler. Efficiency testing helps us to find out how far the

    boiler efficiency drifts away from the best efficiency. Any

    detected errors could therefore be investigated to pinpoint the

    problem area for necessary corrective action. Hence it is

    necessary to find out the current level of efficiency for

    performance evaluation, which is a pre requisite for energy

    conservation action in industry. This limitation concerning

    monitoring of the boilers, which has a significant effect on

    their optimization, is caused by the fact that the majority of

    these power plants were designed at a time when the plants

    production (and not its emissions or efficiency) was the

    critical operating parameter. The inadequate monitoringdescribed means that, in general, the operation of the boilers is

    based on the use of certain combinations of global or indirectvariables, derived either from the recommendations of the

    boiler supplier or from the accumulated experience of the

    operators of each particular facility. These combinations

    frequently have more to do with operational stability andhistorical inertia, i.e. following customary practices, than with

    true optimum operating conditions.[4]


    This is also known as input-output method due to the fact

    that it needs only the useful output (steam) and the heat input

    (i.e. fuel) for evaluating the efficiency. Efficiency calculated

    by the InputOutput method is based upon measuring the fuel

    flow and steam generator fluid side conditions necessary tocalculate output. The uncertainty of efficiency calculated by

    the InputOutput method is directly proportional to the

    uncertainty of determining the fuel flow, a representative fuelanalysis, and steam generator output. Therefore, to obtain

    reliable results, extreme care must be taken to determine these

    items accurately. [2]

    Efficiency determination by the InputOutput method requires

    direct and accurate measurement of all output as well as all

    input. The primary measurements required are the following:

    (a) feedwater flow rate entering the steam generator

    (b) flow rates of all secondary output streams such as boiler

    blowdown, auxiliary steam, etc.

    (c) pressure and temperature of all working fluid

    streams such as entering feedwater, superheater outlet,

    reheater inlet and outlets, auxiliary steam, etc.(d) additional measurements in the turbine cycle as required to

    determine reheater flows by energy balance methods

    (e) fuel flow rate

    (f) higher heating value of the fuel

    This efficiency can be evaluated using the formula:

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    hHQEfficiencyBoiler (2)


    Q is Quantity of steam (dry) generated in T/hrq is Quantity of coal consumed in T/hr

    H is Enthalpy of steam kJ/kgh is Enthalpy of feed water in kJ/kg

    GCV is Gross Calorific Value of coal in kJ/kg

    Heat inputBoth heat input and heat output must be measured. The

    measurement of heat input requires knowledge of the

    calorific value of the fuel and its flow rate in terms of

    mass or volume, according to the nature of the fuel.

    For gaseous fuel: A gas meter of the approved type canbe used and the measured volume should be corrected for

    temperature and pressure. A sample of gas can be

    collected for calorific value determination, but it is

    usually acceptable to use the calorific value declared bythe gas suppliers.

    For liquid fuelHeavy fuel oil is very viscous, and this property varies

    sharply with temperature. The meter, which is usually

    installed on the combustion appliance, should be regarded

    as a rough indicator only.For test purposes, a meter

    calibrated for the particular oil is to be used and over arealistic range of temperature should be installed. Even

    better is the use of an accurately calibrated day tank.

    For solid fuel

    The accurate measurement of the flow of coal or othersolid fuel is very difficult. The measurement must be

    based on mass, which means that bulky apparatus must be

    set up on the boiler-house floor. Samples must be taken

    and bagged throughout the test, the bags sealed and sentto a laboratory for analysis and calorific value

    determination. In some more recent boiler houses, theproblem has been alleviated by mounting the hoppers

    over the boilers on calibrated load cells, but these are yet


    Heat output

    There are several methods, which can be used formeasuring heat output. With steam boilers, an installed

    steam meter can be used to measure flow rate, but this

    must be corrected for temperature and pressure. In earlier

    years, this approach was not favoured due to the change

    in accuracy of orifice or venturi meters with flow rate. It

    is now more feasible with recent flow meters of the

    variable-orifice or vortex-shedding types. The alternative

    with small boilers is to measure feed water, and this can

    be done by previously calibrating the feed tank and noting

    down the levels of water during the beginning and end of

    the trial. Care should be taken not to pump water during

    this period. Heat addition for conversion of feed water atinlet temperature to steam, is considered for heat output.

    In case of boilers with intermittent blowdown, blowdownshould be avoided during the trial period. In case of

    boilers with continuous blowdown, the heat loss due to

    blowdown should be calculated and added to the heat in

    steam. The greatest advantage of the direct method is thatit is easy. In addition, it can cover any period of time. It

    takes into account any losses occurring during the period

    under consideration and reflects the actual steam

    generation and fuel consumption for that period. The

    mass of steam is usually taken at the crown valve whichmeans that auxiliary steam such as deaerator steam, steam

    used for boiler fans and feed water pumps or any other

    steam related to the boiler operation is included. The

    boiler feed water may or may not include boiler blow


    A. Case Study-Ukai Thermal Power Station

    Technical Data Of Power Plant [11]

    Design Data of 200 MW Boiler

    Boiler Type: - Direct tangentially coal fired, balanced

    draught, natural circulation,

    Design Fuel: - Bituminous coal

    Mass of coal burnt = 85 T/hr (q)

    Mass of steam generated = 600 T/hr (Q)


    1) Fixed carbon = 39%

    2) Volatile matter = 25%

    3) Moisture = 8%

    4) Ash = 28%

    Gross Calorific Value = 4900 kcal/kg = 20501.6 kJ/kg

    Mean feed water temperature =35 0C

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    Pressure of steam = 131.9 kg/cm2= 129.5 bar

    At 129.35 bar - 130 bar enthalpy of steam is as follow

    hf = 1531.5 kJ/kg ; hf g = 1130.7 kJ/kg

    H = hf + hf g

    = 1531.5+ (0.85) (1130.7)

    = 2492.595 kJ/kg

    Heat of feed water

    = 1x4.18x(35-0)

    =146.3 kJ/kg

    Total net heat given to produce 1 Kg of steam

    = H- h


    =2346.295 kJ/kg


    H is enthalpy of steam

    h is enthalpy of water



    hHQEfficiencyBoiler (3)


    )3.146595.2492(600)( xEf ficiencyBoiler (4)

    %77.80)(EfficiencyBoiler (5)

    IV. CONCLUSIONIn this paper direct method (i.e. input -output method) is

    explored for boiler calculation of boiler efficiency. The directmethod (i.e., the input-output method) is the simplest method

    to determine boiler efficiency. In this method, the heat

    supplied to the boiler and the heat absorbed by the water in the

    boiler in a given time period are directly measured. Realizing

    the direct boiler efficiency method online would help to to

    know the operating condition of boiler .Knowing performance

    characteristics of boiler would be optimizing boiler operation ,

    and improving overall efficiency of boiler and power plant


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    Engineers,December 1964.

    [2] M.P.McHale,J.R.Friedmen, J. H. Karian , Steam Generating Units,Power

    Test Codes The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, January 2009.[3] Wayne C. Turner, Steve Doty Energy Management Handbook The

    Fairmont Press Inc.,6 Editon,2007[4] Dr. Lal Jayamaha , Energy - Efficient Builiding System:green strategiesfor operation and maintenance, The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.,2006,pg

    77-103[5] Boilers,Bureau of Energy Efficiency

    [6] Combustion Analysis Basics:An Overview of Measurements, Methodsand Calculations Used in Combustion Analysis,TSI Incorporated

    [7] Waste Heat Reduction and Recovery for Improving Furnace Efficiency,

    Productivity and Emissions Performance,U.S. Department of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy[8] Determining & Testing Boiler Efficiency for Commercial/Institutional

    Packaged Boilers ,American Boiler Manufacturing Association[9] Energy Management Series-Boiler Plant Systems

    [10]British Power Plant Journal,,Plant Performance and Performance

    Monitoring, Vol G,pg 480-488

    [11] Analysis Of Boiler Efficiency Case Study Of Thermal Power Stations[12] A. Copado, F. Rodriguez Boiler Efficiency and NOx Optimisation

    through Advanced Monitoring and Control of Local Combustion Conditions