Download - 06-03-12 PICC3 Feast Bulletin

Page 1: 06-03-12 PICC3 Feast Bulletin

Beloved PICC Feasters,

Have you been savoring life more?

Have you been loving yourself more?

Relaxing in God’s love? Healing your toxic shame? Practicing self-care? And giving yourself the gift of limits?

Have you been filling-up your LOVE TANK?

Yes, you have a LOVE TANK. You are a LOVE TANK! And you’ve got to fill it up – every day.

As we learned, you’ve got to fill it up with LOVE from GOD, Others, and Yourself.

But here’s the catch. Here’s the main point of it all.

You’re not filling-it up just for the sake of being filled-up. Nope!

You don’t fill up your brains with knowledge just to be an intelligent person.

You don’t fill up your body just to be a healthy person.

You don’t fill up your bank account just to be rich.

You don’t fill up your spirit just to be good.

No. You’re filling it up because you want to give it out… to share it to others.

Because that’s the ultimate key to savoring life!

But then again, you need to fill-up yourself more, so you can flow out more.

Today, on our BREAKFEAST, let’s all fill-up ourselves again.


Mayroong Magandang Mangyayari Sa’ Yo!

I remain Your Friend in Jesus

P.S. We start another powerful and life-changing talk series next Sunday. It’s the best time to bring in family and friends to The FEAST. I guarantee you, in this series, instead of saying, “IMPOSSIBLE”, you’ll be saying “I’M POSSIBLE!”

God bless you more!



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At Last Week’s Feast

LAST Sunday was Pentecost Sunday, celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. After Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection, and then His ascension unto Heaven, the apostles, afraid that they would also suffer persecution, stayed in the Upper Room. Ten days after the ascension, the Holy Spirit empowered the apostles so that they eventually bravely preached the teachings of Jesus. Thus Pentecost Sunday has been declared the birth of the Christian Church.

In his homily, Fr. Clod Bagabaldo said the key message of the suffering and victory of Jesus Christ is forgiveness: the Son of God extending to us God’s love and forgiveness which we should also extend to others.

Fr. Clod said it’s better if you’re at peace with your family, friends, and neighbors. He also reminded us that when someone hurts us, it’s okay to get angry with that person. But in time, we should let go of our anger and forgive the person.

The Gospel also says that working hard to earn a living should not be a burden to us. Those who will not work will not eat. People should live a prosperous and victorious life just as our Lord triumphed over adversities while He was on Earth. – Marthina Salome/ Photos by Dave Apalla

Sis. Rissa Singson-Kawpeng, editor-in-chief of Kerygma magazine and national best-selling author, talking on Give Yourself the Gift of Limits, Talk 4 of our LifeSavor series, said that it’s important to build boundaries so that you can build more your blessing ability.

Sis. Rissa shared the four common broken fences in our life: 1) Money fence. We need to take care of our own finances so that we can have a better future, and we can also help others who really need our help. 2) Body fence. We need our ‘me time’ because we can love others in a healthy way when our love tank is full. 3) Friendship fence. We have to limit our time to healthy relationships because we will be who we’re hanging out with most of our time. 4) Helping fence. We should only help those who cannot carry their own problems, and not those who don’t.

As her final note, Sis. Risa said, “When we’re able to say yes to God and to say yes to what God wants us to do, we’re able to serve more people.”

SETTING BOUNDARIES. JB Rodriguez and Carlo Lorenzo demonstrate how to set limits. Carlo and JB are on a bridge. Carlo depends on JB for his survival by tying a round him and to JB. Carlo jumps to the water and JB holds on to the rope. There are two endings to this skit:

Ending 1: JB lets go of Carlo. Carlo swims up to the shore. Both remain alive.Ending 2: JB tries in vain to pull up Carlo. Drained of his strength, JB falls into the water. With no more support,

Carlo swims for his life. He lives. JB drowns and dies. Lesson: True Christian love means loving yourself as much as loving others.

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From the Founder

Enjoy the Drive“ARE we there


If you’re a parent, you’ve heard this line a thousand times.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re going to the park, the mall,

the beach. Kids can’t wait to reach their destination.

Me? I’ve learned to like the drive to the destination.

It’s the drive that thrills me. The joy

of being t o g e t h e r.

Swapping s t o r i e s

and singing songs with the boys. And breathing in the charming scenery along the way.

Friend, if you want to savor life, you have to learn to enjoy the drive, not just the destination.

Let me tell you why.Because healing your performance-oriented

spirituality will take time.Healing your skewed image of God will take

time. Healing your shame-based personality will

take time.Healing your low self-worth will take time.But that’s okay! Don’t rush through this

process. (It can’t be rushed anyway, even if you tried.) Enjoy the drive.

Before you know it, the destination is before you.

Today, I pray that God continue the miracle of your inner healing through the Feast.

May your dreams come true,


Novena to God’s LoveToday, I receive all of God’s love

for me Today, I open myself to the unbounded,limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s universe.

Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, healing, and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s Word so I would become more

like Jesus every day Today, I proclaim that I am God’s beloved, I am God’s servant,

I am God’s powerful champion. And because I am blessed,

I am blessing the world in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Talk 1: Relax In God’s LoveTalk 2: Heal Your ShameTalk 3: Practice Self-CareTalk 4: Give Yourself The Gift of Limits

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needs writers for The Feast bulletin for the FEAST Afternoon Session.


Write about your reflections on the Feast talks, your Caring Group activities or Ministry service. Write

about your spiritual renewal and thank you message for the blessings

you’ve received. For details,

call 09399044065, or email [email protected]

BRO. PIO ESPANOL, longtime elder of the Light of Jesus and District Feast Builder of the Rizal province, lanches his long-awaited book, Jesus at Home.In this practical, easy to apply book, Bro. Pio shares sensible wisdom gleaned from years of marriage and parenting.Addressing true-to-life dilemmas, Bro. Pio dispenses realistic advice based on the Bible that anyone can apply in daily life. This book is a must-have

guide for every spouse and parent who want to live their faith right where it matters—in the heart of their home.For details, call Shepherd’s Voice Publications Inc. , 725-9999 or log on to www. shepherds